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Responds to 830323 Request for Info Re 830113-18 Westinghouse Servicing of Breakers.Uv Trip Attachment Cleaned & Lubricated W/Calforex 78-A
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/1983
From: Rahe E
To: Vollmer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NS-EPR-2740, NUDOCS 8304050644
Download: ML18087A804 (2)


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Wesiinghcusa Water Reactor S0x 355 r:!'.:;..."'.lig'.l!"e.rmf.~i;: 1m1 Elecnlc Cciporation Divlslons

.Tu~ \/, ~ oo!l fi 1-1 NS~EPR-2740

/oF L Ha rch 24:t 1983

. R'ichard H. Vo11mer, Di ~ctor Di Yi si on of Engi neeri r:g Office cf Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. fj~ciear Reguiator.1 Commission Phi11ips Building 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bet~sda, MD 20014

Dear Hr. Vo11mer:

This letter is intended to provide you ~1th the information you

~quest~d on March 23, 1983 cor.-cerning work perfom~d by the Westi~ghouse Field Service Engineer (FSE) at the Salem Unit 1 site fh Jar.wary 1983. PSE&G contacted the Hillside, N**J. office of the Westir,gh~use Apparatus Service Division to provide technica1 assistance

_to Sa!e::i ;:;ersonr,el on the disassembly, inspection, maintenancet and r-e as ss-;-~ 1.Y of the type DS-50 bri: akers.

TTie #estinghouse. engin-eer t,*as at the Sa1em site from January 13, l983t until Jer1t:ary 18, 1983. During this pericdi he worked with Sah;:n persorire1 on t!~_ 13, i4~ 17, end 18th. ~o work fl'~S -perforr.-ed by the

\./estir,gtouse engineer overt~ weekend (January 15 and 16th). During this period the West~nghouse FSE assisted in work.on on1y tri'O breakers; one reactcr trip breaker and one rr.otor generator set breaker.*

  • In perfoming the reactor trip breaker mai*nter.ance, the Westinghouse FSE c1eaned tr.e moving core of the UV trip attacrmen~ end lubricated the core ar.d 1i nkage with Calf or.ex 78-A. No other adjustn-:ents or *.

mod1fic~tions 1<rere perforr.ied or recomrn-ended to the Sa1em personne1 for

  • the UV ::t tac rnent. ihi s b r'aker was then rei nsta 1i ed. The can of Ca1forex i8-A was left with the PSE&G personnel.

If you b **e any questi ens, p1ease contact me.

Ver::/ truly yours, .

      • ~--A~*~'

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E. P*. P.are! Mq'nager 1

  • A copy of the FSE's

~ ~~uc1ear Sarety~partrnent Apparatus Service Report

~ is attacried.

g3 '-f'"I.d>*'q!75(1§ rlcl-l/


. Apparatus Service Report

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CC VER FCU. O'n1N"G POI Ni$ CN EACH Jv""S A.~ NU~~ ?Af!AfiRA ?HS .c:;x..\CTL'f AS SHOWN 1)" ~e DB-.SO A~.,.. Clli;uit B=~:-* :!t:r&-it

  • 1600, 600 VAJ;~ S-0 #24Y7269B, ?1.u:chssed en :G~o. *#!~5~74- SO #7iS906

.3) ~'?ose ~f ~it ';,R.S ta. ;rr:.."7ida tecfurical assista~e.e ori tha diS.t.asscily, inspection> ::..'3int~ce a::'.'t-i l'.~s-cilj 0£ ths type DB-50 b~~r

  • 4} .B:ree-<.ar ;.-as -:~ad f~ its ~ell. Tn.are ~s a. great ~t of dus~ crv~'t" all co~cp.e::it:s 0£ t:hS breabr aM c.ell. eus~~-: claitl::.d braaker did iJ.Ot trip *.."hen Y-olt:;;:;.ge ;.;-as :;:e::;roved fX'cr.:l;. u! Suhs.equ.t-nt test on th~ bre.ake::t " b~erk"":: w-as en the W"Tk heztc.h shc-w<!::d th.g U:!ldervoltage u:rit; W"Ould l~ng-u?"

at t:kes~ i~ th>i bre,,.!.*,..r \/.-as mam:ally closed," and should ha";'e tripped.

i~~d.ia.t~ly,s:L!:ce the 1t"! u*1"'it ~+a5 ~ot enargiz~~ h9w~e~. the b=~r r~s.ined clcs~~. A ligh~ ~p on the fr~ of t.ha bte.ake= was* ~i.l.ffi~ient to unl:d.i:d tbe ,_'"':'ldervoltaga =it, Sci t1"ip tha bre~r. T::ie plate of the t..m:far..-oltag~ unit ~s ::~oved, ~ the ~ng e.o-re was cleaned**.. C9re s--;d l~g;.e

.;era lub
:ic.a:::!!d irlth Call'~~ 78.A. :O::atlat' ;..-as. e.~t op~-::ated* ::;.ani.iallj!'**An.d ** * * *
  • ' * .,;: .... *
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  • a;tecttically ::a:iy t~ t:her~t:.n* witllout a failure.. . *: * * * . ***;
  • 7 .... : . ' .,

The br~e~ ;..*as co::pletely cleaned ~s *-:as tb.~ :res~cti:ve cell. *we ir.specfod the "contacts for heating o:: cu...-fr.g. They w~:-e cleaned" aci dressed where' necessa-:Y:

~e also checked a.lighm-:e~t~ tra~el, and f ollc-~ through of the ~o~tac~s ~-hile closing the b~e.aker.

  • The -...-as che~d for loose or worn parts or hard';.,.-are. A !:rl.cror.:;:i.

~es! of eacli ~cle.~rnie ~stake~ and the pr:ina-ry and secondary contacts ware oegge=ed. *

  • 3~e.akar was then returned to its*rcspective cell and ~-ithout ~tensicn rails~

took t.;-~ an4 perse.rvere.-=.ce.

  • l