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Testimony Concerning Contentions 15 & 16 Re Procedures Involving Control Rods & Control Blades
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 06/08/1979
From: Martin T
Shared Package
ML19225A402 List:
NUDOCS 7907190152
Download: ML19225A418 (4)



1. Q State your name and address for the record.

A L'f name is 'Ibanas Dean Martin and I live at 8 Montgmery Way, Apt. #6,

/clelia, Ohio.

2. Q Bow old are you?

A I am 28 years of age.

3. Q What is present occuation?

A Millwright.

4. Q Ecw long have you been exployed as a millwright?

A I have bwn a journeyman millwright since 15772.

5. Q In what mnnner wre you connected with the construction of the Zm vr nuclear plant?

A I was e:: ployed by Reactor Control, Inc. at the Zinmer construction site fran May,1978 to septenber,1978.

6. Q For what pur;ose were you a::;1oyed by Reactor Control, Inc?

A 'Ib perfom the various functdon of a millwright in regard to the control rods and control blades.

7. Q Describe the general proceduru involved with the inspection of the centrol rods.

A Four control rods were exnmim d at a time. An inspection consisced of the following- measurenent of the blades, inspection of the seals at the end of the rods for degree of roc, huess, and wiping and vnemei"g the hindes.

After this sus cc pleted, tl; four rods were placed into the centrol rod tubes.

8. Q Were you instructed to inspect the thickness of the control rod blades?

A Yes.

9. Q Did ycu, in fact, inspect the bind m?

A Yes.

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10. Q Bow were you able to accanplish the inspection?

A With a gauge supplied by Reactor Control, Inc.

11. Q What did you measurenent reveal?

A I found that approximately 75% of the reactc control rod blades exceeded the .280 tbc e ndths of an inch gauge specification.

12. Q What did you do, if anything, with regard to reporting this infonnation?

A I reported it to my supervisor.

13. Q Who is your supervisoc?

A Mr. William Fowee.

14. Q What, if any+M rg, did your supervisor instruct you to do?

A Mr. William Fame instructed us to recrate the rods for the purpose of sending then baak to the manufacturer.

15. Q Did you at any time place these rods in crates?

A Yes, we rtH: rated these defective rods.

16. Q What occurred after they are re-crated?

A Mr. Willinm Fowee, instructed us to take then out of the crates ard to place a clamp on then.

17. Q What occurred once you placed the cla=p cn the centrol rods?

A I mmsured then once again, and the blades appeared 'o be within specifications.

18. Q Were the rods tLen accepted as bedrg the prcper size?

A Yes. Ecerer after t*'T the cim p off, the rods retunred to the criginal size, which did not meet the .280" specification.

19. Q Were the rods ready to be installed as they wre?

A No, they were not.

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20. Q Why not?

A Beennne there wre foreign materials on the rods.

21. Q Were you instmeted to do any thing with regard to these foreign objects?

A I was instructed to renove then.

22. Q How wre you instmeted to re:nve then?

A First, by wiping them with s. cloth and acetone.

23. Q Did that result in the foreign objects being re:rved'?

A Not cc::pletely.

24. Q What else wre you requested to do?

A We then wre requested to mn a magnet along the length of the control mds; then we followed this by using a machine sbog wu:uura cleaner to absorb the foreign materhin; and then w wiped then down with an acetone solution.

25. Q Did this procedure successfully result in the remm1 of the metal shavirgs?

A No.

26. Q Bow did you becane aware of the continued presence ci the metal shavings in the centrol rods?

A During the insertion of the control rods into the n m.. rul rod tubes, friction between the centrol rods and the control rod tubes M these metal shavings to fall out of the control rod boles.

27. Q Eow did you know that these par: teles were foreign mzrteria'.

A Because of the color of the particles.

28. Q Did you repcrt the signting of G.: , to rey supervisor?

A Yes, I reported it to Bill Mays and Bud Crane. 77e o ci Js0 L: J

29. Q Were you or anyone else given ary special instmetions with regard to the rancnial of these metal particles frcm the rods at this point?

A No, I am not aware of any further cleaning.

30. Q Did you ccme across any other problers with the control rods?

A Yes.

31. Q Ubat were these?

A 'Ibe roughn'ess of the control rod seals did not meet the specifications.

32. Q What aus the problen with the roughness of the control rod seals?

A I bac. inspected apprcximatei, half of the reactor control rods for Reacter Control, Inc. Before they provided us with a rough surface gauge for inspe,t N the seals on the ends of the control rods. Consequently, half of the control rod seals were not inspected at all for ru:ghness. I canpared the roughness of the gauge with the roughness of the seal surfaces. Of the seals m inspected, I did not find any as snooth as the specifications called for.

33. Q Did you bring this matter to the attention of a supervisor?

A Yes, I did.

34. Q What w re you told?

A The next day, my general foremn, Mr. William Fowe, got our crer together and told us, "Be quiet about the proble::s at the plant." Within a week, my entire crew, with the exception of the general fare::an, was inM off, altbough our wrk was not ccr:plete, and there had been no ecn: plaints as to the quality of the crew's mrk. Afte m rds, a new crew was hired to canplete our job.

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