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Proposed Corrections to Transcript of Evidentiary Hearings Held to Date
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 05/29/1981
From: Conner T, Wetterhahn M, Wetterhahn M
NUDOCS 8106050336
Download: ML19346A181 (14)


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7' In the Matter of ) \'/ N '


The Cincinnati Gas & Electric ) Docket No. 5 -

,fs Company, et al. ) -19 \ '

(Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power

. )

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-'I;\b. ' d Station) ) 2J h..' o.s.*gffaYoYn b,n0 4 1c31 a ~


The Applicants hereby move that ..the following correctiops/  :(?

, 'e l

to the transcript of the evidentiary hearings held to date in the captioned proceeding be made:

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 606 19 Delete the "t" before."you" 614 23 Change " gale" to " GALE" ~

24 Change "those" to " dose" 615 10 Change "Section . 3 " to "Section 2. 3 "

617 7 Change " affluents" to " effluents" 620 3 Add " dose" before " conversion" 625 21 Change "episolon" to " epsilon" 631 18 Change "youcame" to "you came" 19 Delete the "k" from "kother" 647 19 Change " reg" to "rev" 665 18 Change " fight." to " flight."

666 21 Change "souces" to " sources" l 25 Change "significantly" to "specifically" 671 6 Change "gasesfrom" to " gases from" 9 Change "crypton" to " krypton" 9503

.r Oll 8106050S N G

1 2-PAGE LINE CORRECTION 673 2 Change " addition" to " edition" 675 6 Change "1109?" to "1.109?"

678 3 Change "episilon" to " epsilon" 679 6 Change "delt t" to " delta" 19 Delete "b" from "bmy" 683 22 Add " deposition" after " relative" l

684 4 Change " pasture" to " pastured" 984 25 Change "Gorgmann" to "Borgmann" I

1106 25 Change " ionization," to " galvanize,"

1107 1 Change "forrosity;" to_' porosity;"

1805 2 Change "10,000" to "1,50D" 1373 17 Change " applied" to " applies" 2256 2$ Change "Borgmann" to "Schwiers" 2280 7 Change "Borgmann" to "Schwiers" 2659 16 Change " problem" to " problems" 2660 10 Add " brought to their attention" following "those" 2661 7 Change " affect" to "effect" 2671 11 Replace "- " with " document."

2680 25 Change "by wearing" to "on hard" 25 Change "and" to "when"

2681 1 Change "their" to "a short" 2 Change "that all" to "through an" l

13 Change "this" to "the"

, 14 Insert posted" before "in" 2,0 Chance "and" to "as" 2,0 Insert also" before "there" J E

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. . l PAGE LINE CORRECTION 2681 21 Delete "those" 21 Change "is a" to "are other" 2694 25 Delete "as high" 2697 17 Change "want" to "wants" 4

2698 1 Insert " office" before "for" 2 Insert "and" before "several" 4 Changa " building entering" to

" building. Entering" 2699 5 Change "Bormann" to "Borgmann" 2701 23 Change "-- for" to " attention. For" 2705 4 Insert "on" after " indicated" 5 Change "that" to "from" 7 Change " staff" to " safe" 2706 - 15 Insert " policy" af ter "old" 16 Delete "polic,y" ~

l 2936 5 Change " outputs in" to " outputs. In" 2939


25 Change "variationof" to " variation of" 2940 5- Insert "Q." before "Well,"

l 22 Change "if a" to "is a" l

24 Change "in" to "In" l

2942- -- 5 Change " nature the" to " nature. The" i 2943 9 Change " variation instability" to i " variation. Instability" 10 Change " clash" to " class" 12 Change " clash" to " class" l

16 Change "thatwould" to "that would" 2949 22 Change " alleged" to "a'large" l - . . ..

l l

. . ~ . _ .

PAGE LINE CORRICTION 2951 23 Change "norequirement" to "no requirement" 2954 16 Change "manrems" to "manrem's" 2955 13 The figure should be "$170,000" 14 Change " cost--the" to " cost. The" 2963 2 Insert "a" before " factor" 3421 5 Change "hypolon" to "hypalon" 3422 3 Change "hypolon" to "hypalon" 3455 5 Change "other than" to "other. That's" 3436 6 Change "the spurs" to " dispersed,"

3454 18 Change "19" to "17" 3577 8 Change "Abrams" to "Borgmann" Fig. 15 Change "30%" to "40%"

3604- 13 Change " trays" to " cable" Change " cable," to " tray,"

3610 8 Delete Michael Karowitz 10 Add "Jr." following " Conner" 14 Change "Venneman" to "Vennemann" 20 Delete "Mr. Thomas Carpenter" 16 Add "3652" under "In Evidence" 17 Add "3652" under "In Evidence" 3612- -

9 Chang'e "Karowitz" to "Karlowicz" 3613 20 Change " Jack Zimmer" to "ZAC-ZACK" 3614 4 Change " natural" to " financial" 5 Change "a" to "and

5 Add "the" before "Zi:nmer"

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- 5-PAGE LINE CORRECTION 3617 18 Change " supercedes" to " supersedes" 3618 16 Change " divide" to " bind" 3624 9 Change " Planning Commission" to " Plant and decommissioning" 3627 7 Change "Hyman" to "Heiman" 16 Change "Hyman" to "Heiman" 3628 19 Change "ow" to "how" 3653 20 Change " extending" to " extended"

! 3658 12 Change "minth" to " month" l

j 3660 4 Change "answerd" to " answered" 9 Change "Becchoffer" to "Bechhoefer" _

l 3661- 20 Change " plan" to " plant" 24 Change " plan" to " plant" 3669 22 Change "Richman" to "enzichment" l

24 Change " dealer" to " DOE" 3670 7 Change "We" to "May we" 18 Change " industry" to "index" 3676 2 Delete "of" 3 Change "that" to " lacks"

3 Change "- " to "be stricken" 15 Add "how" after "of" 15 Add " set rates is published in" before "the" 3679 8 Change "unlike" to "if you like" 3680 2 Change " principles" to " principal" 10 Change " indication" to " addition" 18 Change "is" to "as" r

. , , , ,. , .--.+---r---,-, e . , , , .--,w..,, , ,.-.--a . - - . ,.v-,,,,m.e ,- ,-,,,,-,--,-+e%- ,-e,- , . . , , , . . --c.,,. , -.c#,-.-, - .

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 3683 9 Add "million" after "3190" Folicwing page 3663, the next two pages are misnumbered.

Chanc e che p age s marked 3 682 and ' 368 3 to " 368 3 A" and " 3683B" ,

respectively. ,_

3690 25 Change " plan" to "the plant" 3694 10 Change "- " to "the issue" 4003 4 Change " Henry" to "Hendrie" 4007 25 Change " Resident" to "Dresden" 25 Change "Bucain" to "Duquesne" 4008 17 Change " mold" to " mode" 4009 8 Change " molds" to "models" 12 Change " molds" to "models" ,

13 Change " molds" to " modes" 4018 5 Change " decommission" to " decommissioning" 4019 2 Change ". moving" to " prompt dismantling and removal" 4 Change " light" to " life" 4 Change "in- " to " initial temporary entombment" 7 Change " fuel" to " entombment" l

8 Change " base" to " waste" l 10 Change " surveyance" to " surveillance" 16 Change " surveil" to " surveillance" 4021 5 Change "1982" to "1983" l 4026 17 Change "18 0" to " (a) "

Change the second of the two pages numbered 4029 to "4029A" 4034 14 Change "20,16" to "2016" '

4038 17 Change " appreciate" to " depreciate" l-


. l 4040 17 Change "make" to "I am not" l 19 Add "what" after "know" l 19 Change " assumable" to " assuming" 4046 18 Change " percentage" to " percent of the" 4047 11 Change "if you know" to " denied that in" 12 Change " procedure"'to " proceeding" 4048 9 Change "Randolph's man told me" to "Randolph could tell" 4049 6 Delete "or 8.2 percent" Add "the" before " earnings" Change ".2" to "9.2" -

19 Change "new rate" to "NUREG" Delete "New rate" 4056 25 Change " natural" to " financial" 4061 15 Change " electricity" to " electric utility" 4081 24 Insert " Illuminating" in open space 4091 24 Change "$135" to "$535" 4100 13 Insert "Chio" before " Edison" 4102 17 Insert "Since" before "It's" i Insert "," after base and delete "since" j l

I - - - -- 18 Insert "not" before " earning" i

Replace "of" with "from"  ;

1 Replace " Commission" with " customers" l

4104 Change "to Ledo" to " Toledo" Change " Division" to " decision" l

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l l

- g-PAGE LINE CORREC" ION 4118 4 Change "10-D" to "10-K" 4119 20 Change "this" to "their" 4122 25 Change " cancellations" to " calculations" 4136 22 Change "10-page" to "10-K" 24 Change "10-page" to "10-K" l

4137 7 Change " copies" to " companies" 18 Change " facility" to " utility" 21 Add " accelerated" after "On a" 21 Change "and" to "as" 21 Delete "normally" 4149 6 Change "AFUC" to "AFUDC"'

4150 19 Change " transit" to " trend of" 4154 12 Insert that by" before "another*

4174 21 Change "anyone" to "any one" 21 Insert "is" before "necessarily" 4181 8 Change " Gas and" to " Edison" 4199 4 Change "and" to "on" 4205 19 Change " leading" to "a need for" 4208 22 Change "in definitely" to " indefinitely" 4228 1 Change " jury-still" to " jury-style" 4229 8 Change " finance" to " financing" 19 Change " assurance" with " insurance" 22 Change "be coming" to "become" 4231 22 Change " great" to " rate" 4234~ 18 Change " incur" with " concur" 4236 1 Change "but" to "and"

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. . PAGE LINE CORRECTION 4236 2 Insert "not" before "already" .

'l1 2 Insert "in" before "a" '

20 Ch'ange " improved" to " approved" 4294 Change " combustible" to " combustion" 4250 19 Change "S3,000,551" to "S3.551 million" 4252 5 Change "$3,000,551" to "$3.551 million" l 4256 5 Change "$3" to "$13" 4327 1 Delete "per" l

There are two pages numbered 4348 4397 24 Change " fares" to "pages" 4398 19 Change " prove" to " approve" J

l l 4403 23 Change " climb" to " climate" 4405, 14 Change "Elstrem'" to " Millstone" J

21 Change " peace club two clan" to " Peach I

Bottom 2 Plc.nt" 4415 20 Change " psyche" to " cycles" -

21 Change " commission" to " decommissioning" 4416 23 Change "197" to "1978" 4418 22 Change "endorcement" to " endorsement" 24 Change "endorcing" to " endorsing" l - - - --

25 Change "accuracey" to " accuracy" 4420 12 Change " unit" to " utilities" I 4421 22 Change "2150" to "$21.50" 4423 23 Change "Ellery" to " Emery" 4424 25 Delete " Law" i

i 4447 11 Insert "need for" before " power" 1

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 4457 8 Change " Central" to "& Southern"  !

l 21 Chynge " seminar" to "Zimmer" l

4454 12 Change "and"-to "in" 4475 1 Change " session" to "section"

4480 24 Change "KLEMP" to "WETTERHAHN" i 4481 2 Change " contention" to " intention" 4 Change " Commission NRC-3" to " Commission."

4492 3 Change " inducement" to " entombment" 4500 2 Change "recisions" to " decisions" 4501 5 Change " material" to " internal" 4506 3 Change " flooded" to " floated" 4509 25 Change " posed" to " cost" 4520 8 Change " produced" to " reduced" 4522 25 Change " plan" to " plant" 4526 25 Change " competence" to " companies" l 4532 21 Change "516" to "5.6" 4536 17 Change "the" to "another" 4567 9 Change "proformous" to " pro forma" I 18 Change " perform," to "rro ferma,"

- 4568.. - 8 Change " Western" to " Boston" 9 Capitalize " pilgrim" 4570 9 Change "Chitkara" to " CONNER" 18  : Change "A" to "11A" 4572 8 Change "KARMAN" to "C01.WER"

_ _ _ _ . _ . . . - . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . ~ . . _ _ _ . . - - , _ . . _ _ . . . _ . . , _ . . _ . . - _ ~ . . ~ . _ . _ , _ . _ _ . . . . . _

_ 11 P _ AGE LINE CORRECTION 4573 2 Change " problems" to " columns" 4577 8 Change "CBGE" to "CG&E" 8 C5ange"yeilding"to" yielding" ,

l 13 Change "11.11" to ".11.77"  !

16 Change " singing" to " sinking" 4580 3 Change " Congress" to " Commerce" 4585 18 Change " conditions" to " companies"


4587 14 Change " flu::uate" to " fluctuate" 15 Change "fluxuated" to " fluctuated" l

16 Change "i'ts" to "it's" r

4588 24 Change "IEF' to "AIE" l

4592 1 Change "fo" to "of" 1 Change "rebu'ttel" to " rebuttal" 4597 10 Change "mainly" to " dismantling" 10 Change "non-radio" to "non-radio "

11 Change " activity" to " active" 4599 10 Change " weight" to " wage" 18 Chsnge " cutting" to " counting" 21 Change " lighting" to " leaving" l

4601 _

12 Change "non-radio active" to "non -radioactive" l 4603 16 Change "in tune" to " entombed" 4608 18 Change "B" to "C" 4613 20 Change " Authorities" to " Utilities" 4614 7 Change "found" to "the fund" 4617 10 Change " morgues" to " mode" 9

oo -o 5

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l PAGE LINE CORRECTION 4618 5 Change "the left-hand" to "are left in" 10 Change " shifted" to " shipped" 12 Change " engineering" to " energy" 15 Change "AIF" to "Battelle" i l

15 Change " contaminant" to " contamination" 16 Insert "similar" after " program"


4619 8 Change " sign" to " side" 4627 15 Change " stud" to " study" 4630 22 Change " program" to " rems" 4634 16 Change " certify" to " clarify" Respectfully submitted, CONNER & liOORE Tr . . onner, Jr.

Mark J. Wetterhahn Counsel for the Applicants l May 29, 1981

    • s e .+,e *e l

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t The Cincianati Gas & Electric ) Docket No. 50-358 Company, et al. )


l -(Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power -).

Station) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifv that copies of " Applicants' Proposed Transcript Correctiois," dated May 29, 1981 in the captioned matter, have been served upon the following by deposit in the United States mail this 29th day of May, 1981:

Charles Bechhoefer, Esq. Chairman, Atomic Safety and Chairman, Atomic Safety Licensing Appeal Board Panel and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear' Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Dr. Frank F. Hooper, Member Licensing Board Papel Atomic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Commission School of Natural Resources Washington, D.C. 20555 '

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Charles A. Barth, Esq.

Counsel for the NRC Staff Dr. M. Stanley Livingston Office of the Executive Legal Atomic Safety and Licensing Director Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 1005 Calle Largo commission Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Washington, D.C. 20555 I Richard S. Salzman, Esq., William J. Moran, Esq.


Chairmin, Atomic Safety and General Counsel Licensing Appeal Board Cincinnati Gas & Electric U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Company l Commission Post Office Box 960 l Washington, D.C. 20555 Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 i Dr. Lawrence R. Quarles Mr. Chase R. Stephens Atomic Safety and Licensing Docketing and Service Branch

! Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission . . Washington, D.C. 20555 i Washington, D.C. 20555

.__. . . ~ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ . _ . , . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ . . - _=

William PGtcr HOilo, Ecq. John D. Woliv0r, Ecq.

Assistant City Solicitor Clermont County Community City of Cincinnati Council Box 214 Box 181 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Batavia, Ohio 45103 Mrs. Mary Reder David K. Martin, Esq.

Box 270 .

Assistant Attorney General Route 2 Acting Director California, Kentucky 41007 Division of Environmental Law O' " e of Attorney General Andrew B. Dennison, Esq. 2w St. Clair Street Attorney at Law Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 200 Main Street Batavia,. Ohio 45103 George E. Pattison, Esq.

Prosecuting Attorney of James R. Feldman, Jr., Esq. Clermont CC,aty, Ohio 216 East Ninth Street 462 Main Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Batavia, Ohio 45103 -

l l

/ &' f rR J. Wetterhahn e

G l

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