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Direct Testimony of G Nelson Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (2),(7),(8),(10),36 (B)(C) & (D).Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 01/07/1982
From: Nelson G
NUDOCS 8201150396
Download: ML20039G221 (3)



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In the &tter of . . .

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DOCKET NO. 50-358 NI[

OP.P ta.  :


J (William H. Zimmer Nuclear  : APPLICATION FOR AN OPERATING LICENSE Power Station) .




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ZIMMER (8), (10): 36, AREA CITIZENS (B), (C) (D). OF KENTUCKY AND CITY 0f/ '

RECSVED State of Kentucky SS,

[f p 7 , M.1 '31982,.


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4 8814ar saue f County of Campbell ,.


s loc- Or / estimony states as d' sworn, as Carland Nelson, being duly cautioned Q-follows.

resident of Campbell County, Kentucky ,

I, Garland Nelson, have been a life time -

I have worked for the and my address is Route 1, Box 7, California, Kentucky.

Campbell County Road Department for the past 20 years as a heavy equipmen Meatcf the roads within the 10 mile emergency planning zone in Campbell County 3* .

are maintained by the County.

Based on my years of experience with the Campbell County Road Department I have read the Campbell County Radiological .

. I have the fo11owin6 observations.

Emergency Plan in part. Campbell County evacuation Iputes 1121, California-Cross Road and Persimmon Grove Pike are narrow, winding and hilly with steep inclines.

Lickert Road has four 90 degree turns and a narrow bridge impeding evacuation; where it intersects U . S. 2 7 > there is no access point of control 'to direct traffic' flow. A de,signated major evacuation route, Kentucky Route 8, is danger 80$ ~ in places for ordinary use and obviously unfit for emergency evacuation purposes 30"-

gg In particular, south of Twelve Mile Creek the road is built into the side of a -


,o O steep hill and is frequently subject to slippages, some of them so' severe tha 0 :c Piles no the north bound lane has been practically unusable for weeks at a time.



Ea, have been driven recently in an effort to suppol-t the roadway, but the road sur-WQ hazardous (D QJ- f' ace is dangerously irre6ular and convoluted and would be particularly $

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during em;rg:ncy e,vacuation conditions. Wesley Chapel Road and 1121 cree narrow,

' /[ ' road with six one way

/ hilly ridge roads. Kentucky 10 is a narrow and winding brid6es. Kentucky 10 parallels 'kelve Mile Creek and during flooding this portion of Kentucky 10 is impassable. This road floods approximtely two times a year. There are some gravel roadways, including Gubser Mill, Eeises, D ead Timber and.

Baynum Hill, which lead to evacuation routes and are not capable of affording prompt and timely evacuation of the population. California Cross Road, two blocks from its intersection with Route 8, is sHpping, Rout,a 8, one mile east of Tvelve Mile Creek, is slipping into the river; traffic must reduce its speed by one half.,

daring cleat weather cars may proceed at 15 mile per hourand during snowy conditions at '10 miles per hour. Oneonta floods approximately 9 days a year. Four and Twelve Mile floods approximately once a year but may remain flooded for days at a time.

California Cross Road at Cubser Mill floods twice a year . and blocks Wesley Chapel and Persimmon Grove. The intersection at Nelson and Four and Twelve Mile floods approximately once a year. Smith Road near Route 10 floods at least once a year.

There are at least two times a year when traffic is brought to a virtual standstill due to weather conditions. There have been times when it has taken me one hour to travel 11 miles, with no other traffic on the road. On an average of 8 days a year traffic is reduced in excess of 50% capacity. Usuany there is at least one accident per snowfall. Route 10 in particular has many winter time accidents. In addition, since this portion of the county is extremely hilly, it would seem impossible to effectuate an evacuation under snowy conditions. A driver needs a running start at many of these hills in order to negotiate them.

Schababerle Road is a particularly hazardous roaf for the above reason. One flat tire, one accident, or one vehicle turned sideways could effectively brirg an evacuation effort to a halt under snowy winter time driving conditions.

The evacuation time estimates appearently do not take into consideration tha fact that there are a number of residents who live some distance from public roadways. Nor do the plans have these residences located on a map for use by ,

evacuation personnel.- The plan also fails to consider other factors. The plan alle

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=l'~^ 3 0 - 60 minutes for cvacuation prcparation. P ople ara cxp;cted to chalt;r all e

animals with sufficient feed and water, pack their' personal belongirp , tie a green towel around their docrknob, and listen to radio or television for evacuation instructions. It is quite likely that people would attempt to contact police by determine if the emergency is a test or an actual emergency. The plan does not take into consideration that people from outside the 10 mile EPZ, as well as those inside, would probably rush home to evacuate their families. I personally would check on my wife, my 84 year old father, and other family members before leaving the area. Re5ardless of what the plan calls for, I believe that most people would take the fastest way out of the area and go to the nearest relative's house outside the 10 mile zone. This is certainly what I would do.

GARLAND NEISON L Sworn to and subscribed in my presence this 7th day of January, 1982

. TL 1 W\ 9 G NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: 10/28/85 l

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