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Procedure for ASME Section XI Repairs & Revisions.Repair/ Revision Repts 5-8 & 23-30 Encl
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1979
Shared Package
ML19305D694 List:
L.S.Q.P.3.1, NUDOCS 8004150419
Download: ML19305D696 (17)


. _ _ . . . _ _ _ .

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L.S.Q.P. Ns. 3-1 Rev. 0

' J '

I Datas h/11/79 TITLE: Section XI Repairs and Revisions For LaSalle Cor sty Station Performed m$ by Morrison Const. Co. at the Direction of Com=onwealth Edison Co.

Station Construction Department 1.0 PURPOSE .

This procedure details requirements for Morrison Const. Co. to perform ASME Section XI repairs and revisions at the LaSalle site as directed by Comaonwealth Edison Co.

2.0 SCOPE The repairs or revisions covered by this Procedure are necessitated by damage to or indications found in piping systems and components or design revisions and interference proble=s identified after completion of Section III Construction requirements.

' ,3 0 DEFINITIONS The ter= " revision", as used in this procedure, refers to any operation allowed by paragraph IWA-h2h0. See specification J-2530, Piping Erection, and ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, for other appli_ cable definitions.

h.0 RESFO:ISIBILITIES h.1 Station Euclear Engineering Depart =ent h.1.1 Datarnino Section XI Ccde Addenda, if different than listed in precedure.

h.1.2 Initiate repairs and revisions by:

h.1.2.1 Letter from SUED.

h.1.2.2 Approval of Sargent & Lundy directives to take revisions.

h.1 3 Inform the applicable enforcement or jurisdictional authorities.

h.1.h Perform a safety evaluation, as applicable.

h.1.5 Insure that the stresa analysis is revised, as needed.

h.2 Station Construction Field Engineer h.2.1 Direct i=ple=entation of this LSQP.

h.2.2 Initiate repairs and revisiens by:

h.2.2.1 Initiatin; an !OR.

h.2.2.2 Initiating an FCR.

h.2 3 Fill out a repair /revicien report.

8004150 [:I '

o 4.2.4 N*,tify site q,A. that repair er revicita wort ic

. to be perfcrmed.

h.2 5 Provide repair or revision detail information to A.N.I.I.

h.2.6 CoorrHmte re-examination by NDE, reflushing, and I.S.I. reinspection.

h.2.7 Close out ICR's, NCR's repair / revision, and pro-vide as-built information required to revise design drawings.

h.3 Morrison Construction Co.

Perform repairs and revisions as directed by Commonwealth Edison S.C.D. personnel in accor-dance with procedures and quality assurance program approved by C.E.Co. and properly quali-fled personnel.

h.h Authorized Inspection '

Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspection services per IWA-2120 will be furnished by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. ~under an agreement with Coc=onwealth Edison.

k.5 Commonwealth Edison Quality Assurance Dept.

h.5 1 Review S.C.D. Eenerated ER's and NCR's.

h.5 2 Maintain final docueentation package.

h.5.3 Assure the implementation of this procedure and the requirements of Section XI.

5.0 PRCCEDURE 5.1 Codes and Specifications 5.1.1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, 197h Edition including Su==er 1975 Addenda and for reference IWB-700r., Su==er 1976 Addenda.

5 1.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, 197h Edition with no Addenda or other Addenda used for ini-tial construction, as approved by an ECN or E R.

5.1 3 Sargent & Lundy Specification J-2530, Piping Erection.

5 1.4 Morrison Construction Co. Quality Assurance Program as approved for use at LaSalle County Station 5.2 Code nequirements 5.2.1 ASME Section XI Article IWB-hC00 Repair Procedure 1 thru 5 will be utill:cd should they apply to a par-ticular repair. Repairs and revisions not covered in Article IWB-hC00 will be perfonned in accordance with e

5 2.1

.' C:ntinutd the requir;menta of th2 Coda gpplicable to tha initial Crnstruction to c11 owed by paragraph IVA-h100 C. The repair procedure number used or reference to the initial construction Code will be recorded on the Repair / Revision h ,

Report (See paragraph 5 5) 5 2.2 The' Code Addenda for Section XI will be established by SNED.

53 Initiation and Approval of Repairs or Modification 5.3 1 Repairs or revisions will be initiated by Station Nuclear Engineering Dept. or Station Construction Dept. by one of the following methods:

5.3 1.1 .SNED Initiated Repairs or Revisions A letter from Station Nuclear Engineering Department or a drawing revision and letter from Sargent & Lundy as approved by SNED, will be authorization to perform a repair ,

or revision. -

cc -

531.2 SCD Initiated Repairs or Revisions Station Construction Dept. requests for re-pairs or revisions will be processed by means of an ICR or NCR, as applicable.

5.3 2 All repairs or revisions are therefore approved by Station C.: Nuclear Engineering Dept. SNED is also responsible for in-forming the applicable enforcement or jurisdictional author-ities as required by IWA-h230, performing a safety evaluation, as applicable, and insuring that the stress analysis is revised, as needed.

5.h Quality Assurance Program The work will be performed in accordance with the Morrison Construction Co. Quality Assurance Program as approved for use at LaSalle County Station by Commonwealth Edison.

5 5 Repair / Revision Report A Repair /devision Report (see attached) will be filled out to record SNED approvals, code requirements, NDE re-quirements, etc. for each repair or revision. If the Station maintenance dept. is required to perform work as part of a repair or revision, the work request number will be recorded (see item 8 of the report) and a copy of the request attached.

5.6 Nondestructive and Hydrostatic Testing ,

5.6.1 Nondestructive testing will be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section XI or Section III, as applicable.

5.6.2 A hydrostatic or system pressure test as required by paragraph IWA-h210 will be perfomed following completion of weldol re-pairs or revisions.

, . i

. . 57 Documentation 5.7 1 Docu=entation as required in paragraph 112 of specification J-2530 and ASME Fection XI will be submitted for each repair or revision. - -

572 The completed documentation package will be forwarded to the


site Q.A. Department.

5.8 Code Data Report ,

5 8.1 Data Report for Inservice Inspection will be completed for repairs and revisions and submitted for approval by the appropriate Con =1onwealth Edison and Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. personnel.

~l Approved ,


- -3

.,/' '/ r. -

/N h llVYl,L- S ,. ,, . / y ,

f!: ,bj L. J. Burke T. E. Quaka ^ '

Site Project Superintendent .. Q.A. Supervisor

,, Approved

- 7 [. ed'bNb~ 4[/// /9 ,

T. E. Watts TM SNED Project Engineer b

---..~.-- . - - . . .

_ F;rm LSQP 3-1.1 '

.. , , LaSallo C unty Stati n Revision 0 Date h.11.79 g,. REPAIR / REVISION REPORT -

h LaSalle County Station Report #

Specification J-2530 Piping Erection Date:

1) Reference Drawings / Documents:
2) Equipment / Piping Line No.:
3) Initial Construction ASFE Component / Pipe Class:

N-5 Form Completion Date:

1) DescriptionofRepair/ Modification 4
5) Initiated By: SIED Letter Dated S&L -

Letter Dated S&L Drawing Revision SCD KR#


6) Vork to be perfor=ed to:

Section XI Procedure #

C,. Initial Construction Requirements of Section III Code Addenda Code Cases Used

~ ~

~7) NDE RequirementsSection XI Requirements Initial Installation Requirements of Section III

. Additional NDE Requirements

8) Station Work Request #
9) Reflushing Required: Yes No If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes No Reinspection acceptable: Date
11) Final Disposition Repair / Revision Complete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date

-. Site Project Superintendent or Desi6nce Cecpletion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee I

suua wa y- e . n LaSallo County Ststion

. ..- Revision 0 Date 'h.11.79 RSPAIR/ REVISION RSPORT LaSalle County Station Report # I Specification J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: 15//o/71 l

1) Reference Drawings / Documents: [

H - 13 S H. I +A ,


2) Equipment / Piping Line No. :

BLIMb Fi A9 Cr2 09 L.I M5 S lWOH A + b ~ $a

3) Initial Construction ASMS Component / Pipe Class: O N-$ Form Completien Date: /o/ 4 /79 I h) Description of Repair / Modification REhoVE B LIU D FL A9 6-2 FOR F l U Sl+1 N lr. kHD fleypsT71LL.

AFTele CO P Pi erioAJ or Ft.uspi96-

5) Initiated By: SusD Letter Dated


S&L Letter Dated -

S&L Drawing Revision -

SCD FUR # 888-NCR # . .

6) Work to be performed to:


Section XI Procedure #

( Initial Construction Requirecents of Section III Code Addenda 1774 CD4Dod - po A-DA sv D A X

Code Cases Used M/A

7) UDS RequirementsSection XI Requirements -

Initial Installation Require =ents of Section III k

. Additional NDS Requirements i

8) Station Work Request # -
9) Reflushing Required: Yes X No If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes
  1. X No Reinspection acceptable: _ _ Date PREPh5Ebj $ W Y.
11) Final Disposition 11-flo/77
  • Repair /RevisionComplete: Date i Station Construction Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee  !

Completion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

.--- --,, s ...

- LaSallo County Station Revision 0 Data 'h.11-79 REPAIR /REVISIO!! REPORT LaSalle County Station Report # b Specification J-2530 Piping Erection Date: // //o/79

1) Reference Drawings /Docu=ents:

h-799 kHD ttA+)G-En D einit-- D A Aw arx-S -

2) Equipment / Piping Line No. : S Er-77o d 111 PoA7709 OF F: u)

S 't'S TE7% . I

3) Initial Construction ASIE: Component / Pipe Class: AO U-5 Form Completion Date: fo/ A:t / it '

h) Description of Repair / Modification AD D P,PE sop /o A7 A rrth!. tti9 ews

'T'o P lJ G @ Tl"2' t A-S D e o ne t.Eb oM c.o A p 5,J,- /FMb P uTuan (EEus StoM S 'I'o ht-799 AHD IMHCrE7?- D ET7+tt. D Atw>si'crs. tthocrees to BC

5) Initiated By: * #

SNED Letter Dated - 3, p p_ p/s, S&L Letter Lated S&L Drawing Revision -

SCD KR# Pf3 UCR # - -

6) Work to be performed to:


Section XI Procedure #

.( Initial Construction Requirece3t s of Section III N Code Addenda W74- e-DITicM -lWo /VbDEMDA ,

Code Cases Used -

7) NDE Require =entsSection XI Requirements  ;

Initial Installation Requirements of Section III h i

. Additional NDS Requirements -------

8) Station Work Request #
9) Reflushing Required: Yes X No .

If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date

10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes cou sreva riou A.e-cc4 D S Lu /t,t 8E o X No V3Eb PoA PAE" 3 ef t/se--E (Ps PEc rtok3. :

Reinspection acceptable: Date P2 epi +4 e-b: 74 M t. % = = = iwfiop7

11) Final Disposition '

Repair /RevisionComplete: Date l Station Construction Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee Completion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee bN p G


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! .hi n.MJIO!! IiEPoliT P LaSalle County Station Report # 7 Specificaticn J-2330 Piping Erection Date: l'4//o/79

', 1) ReferenceDrawings/ Documents. ,

JA 749 RND tt/V>cet R- D e Tall- f)/E A U' !N 0-5 .  ; ' . \ ...:'.i., ,


5[ Equipment /PipingLineNo.: S EC T70 '> E

  1. '# b# # ## " ##

.g u G.t U D ED 19 R ERC YD A VESSEL. Pseessone B cuHDAe Y.

~3) Initial Construction ASIE Component / Pipe Class: O ' ' '~

N-5 Form Completion Date: /MM74


14 ) Description of Repair / Modification /100 P.Ps 50r/047 A-rrA c // A W7-5 To t+ P S Ys Thy A-s De ratted op s uk&Eu r npD rv rvste* BEvtStoso s To h-799 s;r .

~ .

pod , tt&pm p g rnst . l)RAu noc-c, Itt1M&e~ns ro Be t.tsnce op jaonisea h nb's.


  • $);,InitiatedBy: Letter Dated 74;, ; , ,SNED ,.

S&L Letter Dated .

9 j y . i t. /.; :., h * ., ; ..

j S&L s ' Drawing Revision -

- V ' .;l/. .

s .

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. SCD ER# 8'8 b

.. nCR H

"._ { .;, ; 5 . < ; ..!n .

. ,, ; .,


, -j. ,. ] , 6 ) Vork 'to be perfomed to:

. . j 2 '

Section XI Procedure # - --

X Q . . .g > . . . ' .; -

Initial Construction Requirements of Section III Code Addenda I47+ etanoa , ya ADoeyDA ' ," ,

"1 ' , Code Cases Used -'-

..h ,. 7) NDS RequirementsSection XI Requirements 1 Liitial Installation Requirements of Section III


k ,

. Additional NDS Requirements .

. . 'i .,

8) Station Work Request # ^ -

.. 9) Reflushing Required: Yes '.'

6 X No

. If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date -

10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required
  • Yes cop 57tv o.rto u Reco#0s cuts c 8e

. Reinspection acceptable: .

Date -

' PP EP A rd e O l P Q E. W stllo f rq ,

11) Final Disposition ,

Repair /RevisionComplete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee

. Completion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee i: '

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(- LaSalle County Station Report # 8 (N '

5 Specification J-2330 Piping Erection Date: ~#h/o[79 j~

1) Reference Drawings / Documents: -

Mo &E12 D e 'rntL D/2Awt"0 5 3. , -

l. .

.h-779 kob , . .. , ,

.. k

. 2) Equipment / Piping Line No.: . EC-77 N ,. 4.Tiob . Y- NE#

Ipctab x p3 rVG & E7%G TcA. Vess ex- P2ess02 C. B ou a Div'-Y.


InitialForm Construction ASIE Comkonent/ Pipe Class:

O 4- --

,1 N-5 Completion Date: IA /M v-@ '

2. 7 h) Description of Repair / Modification ADD P:Pe Suppo47 Ar77tcH HEMTS Q -[Jfg Li .3YSTEnt hs De' TAIL-yD cp eugggur wb puimaE RGutsscas To W194 A+)D HMc-E12- DeTnte D/2/Ruovc-S. Hnp6-EAS Tv BE LISTED o9 t<cpassoa MRD'S- "

~. '

.$) Initiated By: SNED -

Letter Dated

A.'z ihy ;*'j? ,' : . ' *'.NS & b '3~ . . . -


Letter Dated ~

  • QL.
    y.. . ,. *~.- u .f,y '

Q~.',;.%.*l5bbh ' S&L ^

'~*#".*_". 'd -

Drawing Revision - .

SCD ECR'# N S~ ~'*

NCR #- .

6) Work to be perfor=ed to:

_. N [

Section XI Procedure #


.- Initial Construction Requirements of Section III k '

) Code Addenda 1974 EDIT 1c4 - Po /lDBsJDA , ,.

Code Cases Used

7) NDS Require =ents '

Section XI Requirements c . Initial Installation Requirements of Se dion III M i.- - . Additional NDE Requirements s 8) Station Work Request # _

mA '9 '~D D

9) Reflushing Required:

,X No Yes g J_ _2 If yes, reflushing is .-'.ccepteable: Date


10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Y'e s cop 572uenc9 lacco40 s cute.t, B 6' v5FO o X No FoA PAG ~s r$ Vice spSPFc.T-tod .

Reinscection acceptab e: Date . '

Pt e PA g gD ,' p g 2,jpo(77 _

11) Final Disposition Repair /RevisionComplete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date

~. - Site Project Superintendent or Designee Coapletion Verified: Data Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee -

. , 0 ,


f, .., ' * - ,

.i-;.Gi.i. C, ' '. . . .. ; -

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_ 1Jg <. . - -r,.C.3gh;A;(- L - _ _ ;,, . A.;.. O

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. u ra . + y ; .1 LaSallo County Station

- Revision O Date h.11.79 Y.? AIR / REVISION REPORT IaR211e County Station Report # 23 Specification J-2330 Piping Erection Date: 3-/8-80

1) Reference Drawings /Docu=ents: gjg, fj Q jijgg ng g__/3
2) Equipment / Piping Line No.: /pjg 2$q _ 3/y #/
3) Initial Construction ASIE Component / Pipe Class: 3 N-$ Form Completion Date: 2_- /5- 80 -
1) Description f Repair / Modification h,k h, 4 p_ he, $ her' effAm

$) Initiated By:

NCA$$ t 6k {lec.('{c k w hu's f.

SIED Letter Dated -

S&L Letter Dated S&L Drawing Revision SCD ICR # /28Y NCR #

6) Work to ']e, performed to:

3 Section XI Procedure # -

) Initial Construction Recuirpments of Section III N Code Addenda JQ7Y Ah AdM1 Code Cases Used -

7) NDE Require =entsSection XI Requirements -

Initial L1stallation Require =ents of Section III

, Additional NDE Requirecents -

8) Station Work Request # - -
9) Reflushing Required: Y Yes No If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes

% No

" inspecti n acceptable: . Date Ve-pV

11) Final Disposit1&1S%.WP.% 6 u Dae.1-ts -80 Repair /RevisionCo=plete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date

,.] Site Project Superintendent or Designee Completion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

v.. - - - , , .i

.s  ; ..- LaSalle County Station


, 4 S,. -'

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Revision 0 -

%,U f6 &Ju. 2_ }1Fu o. Date h.19.79 p- ~ EPAIII/EVISIGII EPORT

-: . _,/- -

I.' IISalleCoud~ttyStation Report # 2Y Specificaticn J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: 3-/ 8- 8D

1) Reference Drawings /Docu=ents: M 1301- 20 A~A MC00 ISO /J3-/23
2) Equipment / Piping Line No.: / 6 0 M A- 3// ,
3) Initial Construction ASME Component / Pipe Class: b ,

N-5 Fora Comple+ ion Date: 2 -/S- 30

1) DescriptionofRepair/ Modification 4

fTC E o b Yo5 Of 9.esidd wk. Ed Ok st{eghs, i C-

5) Initiated sy:

SusD Letter Dated S&L Letter Dated S&L Drawing Revision SCD FCR# /288 ,

~ ~

NCR # - -

6) Work to 'oe performed to:

3 Section XI Procedure # v c) Initial Construction Re uirements of Section III Code Addenda 19% No 4 Mg A

Code Cases Used --- --


7) NDE RequirementsSection XI Requirements -


Initial Installation Requirements of Section III N '

. Additional NDE Requirements -

8) Station Work Request #
9) Reflushing Required:  % Yes No Date If yes, reflushing is accepteable:
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes Y. No Reinspection acceptable: _i . Date ht e- 93A'e b UssttA. k {c. 3-l8-1 0
11) Final Disposition i G



Repair /RevisionCcoplete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee ,

Completion Yerified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Desi 6nce


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Revision 0 -

-4 Date h.11.79 REPAIR /REVISIGN REFCRT .., .

q. - .

LaSalle Coun$y /-

Station Report # kd



Specificatien J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: 3-I8- 80

1) Reference Drawings / Documents: MI302.-Zl A MC.C.O . ISO NB-6
  • ~
2) Equipment / Piping Line No. :


lNB03 AA- 3fyn ,

3) Initial Construction AS?S Component / Pipe Class: b N-$ Form Ccapletion Date: 2 20
1) Description of Repair 4

kg, eu,hg f,, kg [o h gro'( C swkd. me./ModificationL Ad LElec.tebL W b ec.e;s,

5) Initiated By: S:sD Letter Dated - -

S&L Letter Dated S&L Drawing Revision -

.^ .*

SCD ICR # /2.8b .

DCR # '

6) Work to be perforned to:

Section XI Precedure # -

Initial Construction Req 4 ccepts of Section III X Coile Addenda 19"?8/ ll[o A e d1h Code Cases Used-

7) NDE Require =ents


~ .. Section XI Requirements Initial Installation Require =ents of Section III --X Additional HDE Requirements - ,

8) Station Work Request # -
9) Reflushing Required: X Yes Uo If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes' V 50 inspection accept b e:. .A a Date f8.P V 8 34 WF M Me 3-18-80
11) Final Dispositica I '


Repair / Revision Co=plete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent, or Designee .

Completion Yerified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

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.' L2?hlla Cc ItyStation 20 port ! 929 Specificatica J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: .3 - I S- 8 0

1) Reference Drawings /Deu=ents: M i302-5 A d /MO.CO UO's A)B-YOr/gR
2) Equipment / Piping Line No.: 1NB20 8-@" ,
3) Initial Construction ASME Component Pire Class: B U-5 Form Completion Date: 2-/ -20 1;) DescriptionofRepair/ Modification kgK Q .

$Q g S M A- M 3.

$) Initiated By: S ED Letter Dated S&L Letter Dated S&L Drawing Revision SCD K R f 12.3 7 .

UcR # - -

6) Work to 'oe perfor=ed to:

3 Section XI Procedure # -',


Initial Construction Rea rec nts of Section III Code Addenda IQ'll{ f{o Acl h X

Code Cases Used - -'

7) NDE Requirements


Section XI Requirements ~ -

Initial Installation Require =ents of Section III

, Additional NDE Requirements

8) Station Work Request 8 -
9) Reflushing Required: 'N Yes No If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes

% No Reinspection acceptabl : Date Prepwed Bs dP MA

11) FinaJ Dispositidh L

.m L

We 3 8o ~

Repair /.% vision Cc=plete: Date Station Construction l

Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee ,

Completion Verified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

_ - '


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, ? . . < .' LaSalle County Statiora e" ....r . -. .

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  • Revision 0 -'
o. * #

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, . . , y- ,

2- - -

E. IaSalle County Station '

Report # k7 Specificatien J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: 3- I H- 80

1) Reference Drawings /Docu=ents: M 1302.-17 And MGc.0 ISO MB. ,33
2) Equip =ent/Fiping Line No.: 1NB02B 3[ / .-
3) Initial Construction ASIE Component Pipe Class:

N-$ Form Completion Date: '2. - / - 8 0 s

1) Description of Repair / Modification kyMg 4

[Q % { gd Nbme $) Initiated By:

uhtk Cab Al A sm%er, S'ED Letter Dated - .

, , *g:

f S&L Letter Dated -

S&L Drawing Revision - _

y: .: - ,- .

SCD ECR l l2.8$ a- - y...

~. - ,

ygg y _

g- .

6) Work to 'oe perfor ed to:

Section XI Procedure # - .'

9 Initial Construction Require =ents of Section III N Code Addenda l d No Ad1 g ,

JQ.s . . Code Cases Used - ,

7) NDE Require:ents .

Section XI Requirements - - -

Initial Installation Requirements of Section III N

, Additional NDE Requirementa -

8) Station Work Request #
9) Reflushing Required:  % Yes '

No If yes, reflushing is accepteable: Date

10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes V No inspectio acceptable: . . Date .

c e.

Final gDispos B tioy h 6 P.9 h - a ge. s-a-ro .

11) n e Repair /FavisionCc=plete: Date Station Construction Approved: Date
a. Site Project Superintendent or Designee ,

y Completion' Yerified: Date .

Site Q.A. Supr. or Desi 6nee .


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LaS ll County Statior; Revision O ,, ..

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Data h.11.79 I


[, LadalleCouI$tyStation Report # 9. 8 Specificitica J-2$30 Piping Ereetion Date: 3 80 '

1) Reference Drawings /Docu=er.its: h] l3QQ. g g g  % QQQ {$Q,g yg.fD ,

n~k NS-13. #

2) Equip:ent/ Piping Line No. :

l N 3 Q Q M O s// A& LMB OQ A- Ye/

3) Initial Constimetion ASIE Comuonent/ Pipe Class: n N-5 Pora Cc=pletion Date: 1- t 5- 80 14 ) Description of Repair / Modification kg p p3 g. {3 pg,ge,g_f h es uhk L0ue C.cossed Dx I,dsa rdu.h ~
5) Initiated Dy: SisD Letter Dated S&L
  • f) :

Letter Dated i S&L Drawing Revision __

SCD R:R# /289 , ,.,,.

NCR # - _

' 'm '


6) Work to 'ce perfor=ed to:

Section XI Procedure #

3 ~

') Initial Construction of Section III N Code Addenda 19'74 Nn 4dd g ,

Code Cases Used e -



7) NDE Require =entsSection XI Requirements ~

Initial Installation Requirements of Section III k Additional NDE Requirements - ,

8) Station Work Request # f
9) Reflushing Required:  %. Yes ~

No If yes, reflushing is accepteable:

  • Date
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes

% No Reinspectio acceptab e: . _m _ Date Fhinayispostion3- e

  • P% '3de 3-/R-RO .
11) 1 J -

Repair /FavisionComplete: Date Station Construction l Approved: Date

, Site Project Superintendent or Designee ,

Completion Yerified: Date Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

, J *G- * * * * *"

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kh 'LaSalle C5unty Station' , Report # M~

Specificatien J-2530 Piping Erection Date: .3 - / 8- 8 0

, 1) Reference Drawings / Documents: %l3Q2-2] fMD /V1cco ISO R R %.

u .. ,

2) Equip =ent/ Piping Line No.: 1R.R.08 FA 3/y -


x. . . ..
3) Initial Construction ASME Connonent/Pi Cl ass: 3 II-$ Form Cc=pletion Date: 3- 2 0- 7h 14 ) DescriptionofRepair/ Modification (g, p.oghe bin.e b Poh O

$)pq Initiaten By:

k bye.LL Floor. -


-Letter Dated "'": .


S&L Letter Dated -

S&L Drawing Revision -

SCD KR# /2.90

- - * .; p ,. ,

1;ca y _. , 2. ,

. ;.

6) Work to be perfor=ed to:

Section XI Procedure # -

'E Initial Construction Re 're: nts of Section III N Code Addenda RM No A g ,

Code Cases Used -

7) IIDE Requirements


Section XI Requirements '

Initial Installation Require =ents of Section III

, Additional NDE Require =ents N .

8) Station Work Request # ' -


  • 9) Reflushing Required: X Yes ~ # # 's . '

No If yas, reflushing is accepteable: Date

10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes

% No P inspectio acceptable: . . Date fee.ow tion-

11) FinaltDispos 'AW. he i

.wh. :3-is Repair / Revision C plete: _ Date Station Construction -

. ..^ .

Approved: Date Site Project Superintendent or Designee .

Completion Terified: Date

,., Site Q.A. Supr. or Desi6 nee *

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6 c h.11.79

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-La alle-C5 by Station .

Report # M ~


' Specification J-2$30 Piping Erection Date: 3-/S40

1) ReferenceDrawings/ Documents: h QQQ f @ -

yg 30 g{Q

.;. . . . -
2) Equipment / Piping Line No. : l QQg g 3 /I ,; ,
3) Initial Construction AS :S Comp)nent/ Pipe Class: b N-$ Form Completion Date: 3 - 2 0 "79 -,
1) DescriptionofRepair/Modificationkeghke, 4 [ g (ke g

.O ix ' L y~ SNEDe.LL. Floor. .= ca - -

.[' R $ %nitia I d By:~ -

- Letter Dated -

'I S&L Letter Dated - --

S&L Drawing Revision ---

  • . 3 , '

SCD KR # /29 [ '

, .v. ~

,c- -



6) Work to be performed to: .

Section XI Procedure #

( Initial Construction Re i e=er ts of Section III N Code Addenda R'N No A enc ,g , .

. Code Caces Used

7) NDE Requirements


.N. Section XI Requirecents

'~ ~

Initial Installation Require =ents of Section III X

, Additional NDE Requirements ' -

8) Station Work Request 8-S
9) Reflushing Required: Yes No If yes, reflushir.g is accepteable: , Date __
10) I.S.I. Reinspection Required Yes V No .,

inspection acceptabl : Date PE 11).FinafDie,osition -


> W 'Dde 3 8 0 y

Repair /Re ision Co=plete: Date Station Conatruction Approved: Date

,[ Site Project Superintendent or Designee .

9 -

Completion Yerified: Date ,

Site Q.A. Supr. or Designee

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