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App 5B to TMI-1 PSAR, Design Program for Reactor Bldg. Includes Revisions 1-11
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1967
NUDOCS 8004080789
Download: ML19309C562 (5)


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l 1 DESIGN BASES 1.1 GUTERAL The Reactor Building is a steel lined concrete shell designed to centain all .

radioactive material which might be released frca the core folleving a less-of-coolant accident at a maximum leak rate of 0.2 per cent by veight of air per day at the design accident pressure. The concrete shell vill be prestress to assure that the structure has an elastic response to all loads and that it strains within such limits so that the integrity of the liner is not prejudice.

The liner vill be anchored so as to ensure ecmposite action with the concrete shell.

1.2 DESIGN LOADS The folleving loads will be used in the structural design:

a. Internal pressure - 55 esis
b. Test pressure - 63.3 psis
c. Live loads - Applicable leads including roof loads , pipe (penetratio:

(] reactions), and the polar crane V 1

d. External pressure - 2 5 psig l
e. Wind load - In accordance with ASCE paper No. 3269,

" Wind Forces on Structures"

f. Internal te: perature -
1. Accident 281 F
2. Operating 110 F l
g. Seismic ground accelerations - 0.06 g horizontal and vertical 1 l
h. Dead loads
i. Pre-stressing loads J. Tornado loads The themal loads on the Peactor Building and their variation with time vill be determined frem transient te=perature gradients developed frcm the pres-sure time curve in Section lb.

The seismic loads are te be evaluated as outlined in Appendix .5A.

8004080 /


. 159


e design will be based upon limiting lead facters which are used as the ratio which accident, earthquake, and wind leads will be multiplied for design rposes to ensure that the lead deformation behavior of the structure is one elastic, low strain respcnse. The leads utilized to determine the required niting capacity of any structural element on tne Reacter Building are ecm-ted as follcws:

a. C = 0 95 D + 1. 5 P + 1. 0 T
b. C = 0 95 D + 1. 25 P , 1. 0 T ' + 1. 25 E
c. C = 0 95 D + 1.0 P + 1.0 T + 1.0 E'
d. C = 0 95 D + 1.0 W + 1.0 pt 2 Tools used in the above equations are defined as follcus:

C: Required load capacity of secticn D: Dead lead of structure P: Accident pressure load T: Thermal loads based upon temperature transient associated with 1.5 times accident pressure T' Thermal loads based upon temperature transient associated with 1.25 accident pressure T: Tnermal loads based upon temperature transient associated with accident pressure l E: Seicmic lead based on 0.06 g ground motion E'. Seismic load based on C,12 g grcund motion Wt: Wind Icado based en a 300 mph tornado i P.:

' Pressure lead based on an internal pressure of 3 psig difference between inside and outside of the Reactor Building the required resisting capacity on any structural component resulting from


wind lead on any portion of the structure exceeds that resulting frem the sign earthquake, the wind lead "W" will be used in lieu of "E" in the second tation.

The facter of 1.05 times dead lead will be used should it control l determining the required lead capacity. All str:ctural cenponents will be i

tigned to have a cacacity, as defined hereafter, required bv the most severe iding combination.


c:ncrete shell will be prestressed sufficiently to eliminate tensile stresses l

to memorane forces form des! ;n leads. Membrane tension due to factored leads l .1 be permitted to t'u limits described in Appendix 5C. On these elements rying primarily tensile membrane forces, any secondary tensile stresses due cending will be assumed to cause partial cracking. Mild steel reinforcing

.1 be provided to control tais cracking by limiting crack width, spacing, and l 'tn. The lead capacity detecmined for tensile membrane stresses will be iuced by a capacity reductica fac:cr "p" of 0 95 which will provide for the ll

sibility that small variations in material strengths, workmanship, dimensions, l

U[ 53-2 (Revised 1-d-68) b i


and control may embine to result in under capacity. The coefficient "9" fc:

O flexure, shear, and ccmpression vill be in accordance with Section 150h and ACE 318-63.

Tensile stresses in the concrete resulting frem diagonal tension vill be per-

=1tted. The nminal shear stresses as a meacure of this diagonal tension vil be less than the maximum vr.lue stipulated in ACI 318.

3 FRESTRESSING ARRANGEMENT The configuration of the tendons in the deme (Figure 5-1) is based on a three way tendon system consisting of three groups of tendons oriented at 120 degre with respect to each other. A large concrete ring girder is provided at the intersection of the dme and vall in order to develop sufficient horizontal restraint for the deme when subjected to all factored load cabinations. The cylindrical vall is prestressed with a system of vertical and horizontal tend The horizontal system consists of a series of rings. Each ring is made up of three tendons , each subtending an angle of 120 degreas. Six buttresses are used as ancnorages with the tendou staggered so that adjacent rings vill not have tendons anchored at the same buttress. Each tendon vill be stressed tre each end so as to reduce the friction losses. The vertical systems consist c vertical tendons anchored in the foundation slab and ring girder. For typica tendon arrangement, see Figures 5-1 and 5-3.

4 PRESTRESSED LOSSES In accordance with the ACI 318-63, the design vill make allowance for the following prestress losses:

a. Seating and anchorage
b. Elastic shortening of concrete
c. Creep of concrete
d. Farinkage of concrete
e. Rehation of steel stress f.

Frictional loss due to intended or unintended curvature in the tend All of the above losses can be predicted within safe limits. The environment of the prestress system and concrete is not appreciably different in this case frm that found in numerous bridge and building applications.

5 MILD STEEL REINFORCEMENT The mild steel reinforcing vill provide capacity in bending only and therefor vill be designed in accordance with ACI 318-63. In addition a minimum amount of mild steel reinforcement (0.15 per cent of the vall section) vill be place near the exposed surface of the concrete shell for crack control.


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6 MATERIAL 0 6.1 POST TENSIONING SYSTEMS The following post tensioning systems provide sufficiently large capacity units and are applicable for containment vessel construction:

DESIGNATION TYPE TENDON TYPE END ANCH0PAGE S.E.E.E. 1/2" Q wire strand svaged, threaded collar, and nut BBRV 1/h" Q vire button head The system used vill be dependent upon the availability of materials. Experi-mental data on anchorage hardware vill be or vill have been developed to ensure that the end anchorages develop the ultimate capacity of the tendon and satis-factorily resist dynamic loads.

The wire strand vill confom to " Specifications for Uncoated Seven-Wire-Stress-Relieved Strand for Prestressed Concrete ," ASTM A kl6 vith a minimum ultimate strength of 250,000 psi or seven-vire 270 K strands with minimum ultimate strength of 270,000 psi. The vire vill conform to " Specifications for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Wire for Prestressed Concrete." ASTM A h21, Type BA vith a minimum ultimate strength of 240,000 psi.

6.2 REINFORCING STEEL The mild steel reinforcing vill be deformed bars confoming to one or more of O f the following:

Specifications for:

a. Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ( A15-6h)
b. Special Large Size Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcemer (AkO8-6hT)
c. High Strength Defomed Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement vit 75,000 psi Minimum Yield Strength ( Ah31-6h)
d. Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement with 60,000 psi Minimum Yield Strength ( Ah32-6k)

The type or types of steel to be used vill be the highest strength material corsistent with efficient use of material and econctsy.

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6.3 CONCRETE All structural concrete work vill be perfomed in accordance with " Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ," ACI 301-66, modified as necessary for the more exacting requirements of the reactor building. All concrete to be prestrest vill have a minimum ecmpressive strength of 5,000 psi in 28 days. The base mat n consist of lover strength concrete.

Portland cement vill confom to " Specifications for Portland Cement," ASTM C-150 Type II, modified for icv heat of hydration.

5B t 0002 362

Concrete aggregates will confor= to " Specifications for Concrete Aggregates ,"

ASTM C-33 and applicable specifications of the Pennsylvania Depart =ent of Highwa/s. The type and si:e of aggregate, slump, and additivec vill be established to minimize shrinkage and creep. Neither calcit= chloride nor any admixture containing calcium chlcride or other chlorides , sulphides , or nitrates vill be used. Mixing water will be controlled so as not to contain more than 100 ppm of each of the above chemical constituents.

6.k LINER PLATE The Reactor Building vill be lined with velded steel plate conforming either to ASt4 A-36 or a-283, Grade C, to provide for a low leakage vessel.

7 BUILDING PENETRATIONS Cpenings required for equipnent and/or personnel access will be reinforced to withstand canputed stress concentrations. The design of the opening reinfore vill ensure approximate strain ecmpatibility within the shell.

The openings requ. for piping and electrical penetrations vill be reinfore with mild steel reiraorcement. The location of these penetrations will be su as to minimize tendon deflection and related stress concentrations.


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