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App 2A to TMI-1 PSAR, Engineering Geology & Foundation Considerations. Includes Revisions 1-11
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1967
NUDOCS 8004080761
Download: ML19309C554 (152)


{{#Wiki_filter:..__ _ -_ -_ - _ - _ _ - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ APPENDIX 2A - ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS 1 INTRODUCTICN 1.1 LCCATION Three Mile Island is located approximately 2-1/2 niles south of Middle-tevn, Pennsylvania at longitude 76 h3'-30" West and at latitude ho 8' North. It is one of the largest of a group of several islands in the Susquehanna River and is situated about 900 ft frcm the east bank. It is elongated parallel to the flow of the river, with its longer axis criented approximately due north and south. The island is about 11,000 feet long and 1700 feet vide. The proposed generating ec=ponents vill be in the northern one-third of the island. The southeasterly flowing Susquehanna River makes a sharp change in direction to nearly due South in the vicinity of Middletevn. After this directional change just north of Three Mile Island, the channel videns to approximately 1.5 miles. 1.2 FIELD INVESTIGATION Supplemented by a ground surface survey team, aerial photographs, and a ' geologic surface investigation; a subsurface exploration progrs=, con-O sisting of 21 borings in conjunction with a seismic refraction survey O was initiated in August and September of 1966 to establish the general range of soil depths , types , and engineering properties , and to examine and evaluate the condition of the bedrock and dep*.h of weathering. This work was done to ascertain the capabilities of the site to safely and econcmically support a nuclear-powered generating station. The borings and seismic profiles covered the entire length of the island. Frce the initial interpretation of the longitudinal seismic line and acccmpanying borings, the general area of the island appearing to offer the best subsurface conditions was selected, and the seismic cross lines and additional borings were concentrated in that area. In January 1967, 20 borings were added in the proposed plant site area for further soil investigation and to cbtain reliable water table infor-mation. All of the Phase I drilling program consisted of ccutinuous sampling of overburden using the Standard Penetration Methed and coring (ITX cere) a minimum of ten feet inte sound rock. Phase II drilling, in all but a few holes , consisted of continuous split-barrel soil sampling of over-burden to bedrock and the installation of 3 in. slotted standpipes in drilled holes , ccmprising a system of groundwater observation points. ' O 8004080 0002 074 n .v 2,_1

O. The seismic survey was conducted by Westen Geophysical Engineers , Inc. of Weston, Mass. A teelve trace seismic refraction system with a re-cording escillegraph was used. Seismic energy was generated with explosives . All data were collecteu using two hundred-foot long geo-phone spreads , with twenty-fect geophone intervals and with three ten-foot intervals on both ends of the geophone spreads. The standard continuous profiling technique was used. In addition to end shots, two intemediate shop point deteminations were made on each spread. Geismic results were interpreted by Weston and incorporated in the text of this report and en the soils profile, Figure 2A-2. The location of the seismic lines and borings are shewn on the boring location plan, Figure 2A-1. The remainder of this text presents the evaluation and interpretation of the raw field data. Test Boring Legs are attached at the end of this Appendix. 2 GEOLCGY 2.1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING The site lies within the Gettysburg Basin section of the physiegraphic division kncvn as the Piedmont Province. The topegraphy of the area immediately surrounding Three Mile Island is of a slightly undulating nature with maximum relief of about 200 ft and highest elevation seldcm above 500 feet. From the east , drainage is largely represented

          'by the southwesterly ficving Swatara Creek which has its mouth near Middletevn and by the more vesterly flowing Conevago Creek which empties
into the Susquehanna River at the south end of Three Mile Island. Fish-l ing Creek flows into the Susquehanna vest of the site, and the north-vesterly flcving Conevago Creek terminates at York Haven. Three Mile i Island has very little relief, with elevations ranging frem about 280 i

feet at the water's edge to slightly more than 300 feet in the north-

central portion.

l 2.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC HISTORY "After the late Paleozoic mountain making during which ccmpression had been relieved by folding and overthrusting, large blocks of the region settled along nearly vertical joint planes , resulting in for=al faulting and tilting of blocks , which fomed a vast sunken basin or trough with a northeast trend and a highland to the southeast. In the following Triassic period torrential rains washed the vaste frcm the disintegrated crystalline rocks of this highland into the trough and arkosic sand, argillaceous sand and fine sandy mud accumulated. Much of this sediment was of a pronounced red color, owing to the fact that the iron content l of the rocks was highly oxidized when they disintegrated, apparently under acid conditions. After the accumulation of a thickness of many thousands of feet of these red rocks, which now form the Newark group, further adjustment of earth biceks by tilting and'nomal faulting took place en a still larger scale than before and in places mountains were I. ,\ i fomed on the northwest side of the basin by diffTrential uplift of several thousand feet. Catoctin Mountain in Southern Pennsylvania, is an exahple". h Stese and Jonas (1933). 0002 075 2A-2

The Newark group is believed to have a thickness of approxi=ately 16,000 O feet and tilts tcward the northwest due to subsidence and faulting along the northwest border. Later, intrusion of Triassic diabase dikes and sills cut through the Newark group and metaccrphism tock place along the edges of these intru-siens. Since Triassic times an erosional period. has been prevalent except for glacio-fluvial deposition frem Pleistocene glacial advances. The furthest advance occurred during the Illincian stage when a lebe of the glacier extended devn the Susquehanna Valley to near Fisher's Ferry, approximately h5 miles north of Three Mile Island. Jlacial meltwater was responsible for the depocition of some allus tal terrace deposits new present in the region. The tectonic history of thearea as related in Appendix 2D indicates that the region has been extremely stable for at least the last 10,000 to one million years. 2.3 DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF THREE MILE ISLANI) Three Mile Island, along with Shelly Island and other small islands in the vicinity, were formed as a result of fluvial deposition by the Susquehanna River. The carrying capacity of the river sharply decreases as the channel width increases after the stream cresses an east-west trending very resistant diabase dike just downstream from Middletown. At this point the channel has been incised into the more easily erodable Gettysburg shale, resulting in a conspicuously vider channel. In addi-tion a change of flev direction occurs after the stream cuts through the diabase dike which crosses the river at that point (represented by O Hill Island) and is directed along N 10 E striking vertical joints until it is again restricted and deflected by a second diabase dike just south of Three Mile Island. Sculders carried by the glacial meltwater or transported downstream by ice-rafts were first deposited in this wide-channel, low velocity i section of the river and became the nuclei for subsequent deposition of j smaller materials. This gradual accretion of river sediment resulted i in the growth of most of the islands in this area. Three Mile Island l is =ade up of two such nuclei which eventually merged. The area between the two nuclei is presently represented by fine-grained de-pcsits which were deposited in 5 icv energy fluvial envirccment between the two grcwing depositional islanis. l 2.k 3ED ROCK GEOLOGY The site is underlain by the sedimentary rocks of the Gettysburg shale,  ; a part of the Newark group of Triassic Age. Two easterly trending dia-base intrusions cut through the Gettysburg shale, one approximately 1 mile upstream frcm Three Mile Island and a second one about 0.2 miles dcwnstream frcm the island. These more eresion resistant diabase dikes and metamorphosed shales along their edge have caused restrictions in the river at Hill Island, north of the site and at Conevago Falls , dcwn-i stream frem the site. l d The bedrock surface, at the site, is essentia.'ly flat and lies at ap-i prcximately 277 ft elevation. Lithologic typ ss vary frem red to brown,


! interbedded, fine to medium-grained sandstone , shaly siltstone, and  ! 1 l , 9 7 2i-3 0002 076 l

O. shaly claystone which range frem medium-hard to hard possessing  ; seis=ic velocities in a range of frca 8,300 te 11,500 ft/sec. 0:3e to ' three feet of veathered rock occurs at the overburden-bedrock interface. The regional dip of the G6ttysburg shale is to the northwest at 10 to 50 degrees. Near the proposed site, the attitude of these beds as =easured in surface outcrop varir.s frem N65 - 80 E vith 35 to 70 northerly dips. , This variation in inc11 nation of strata was not apparent from drill cores , as a fairly cor.sistent dip of h5 degrees was observed in the sub-surface of Three Mile Island. Well-developed, near vertical jointing is conspicuous along a N 10 E trend. Drill hole data substantiates surface observations regarding jointing, and revealed that healing of some joints uns cccurred, while others were altered by oxidation. 2.5 FAULTING No evidence of faulting which transects the island was seen in the field from available rock exposures along the east bank of the river, or along  ; the vestern periphery of the island. Aerial photographs as well give no ' suggestion of faulting through the island. Stose and Jonas , (1933) mapped a hypothetical NE tranding fault which they l projected through Three Mile Island approximately 0 5 miles south of the i site area as shown on Addendum 1 of Appendix 2D. The substance for their structural geology was obtained by large scale surface mapping which was completed in 1929 Based on the data collected in this investigation (stmuneized by Addendum 1 of this Appendix), it has been concluded that such a hypothetical fault does not exist. Likewise, these studies show no evidenc l to substantiate the projections of other hypothetical faults across the river immediately north and south cf the island. The Triassic depositional basins vere subjected to an appreciable degree of diastrophism during the Palisades disturbance. Most significant, however, is the fact that structural features resulting froc such diastrophism are as much as 185 million years old, and that the area has been extremely stable for the last 10,000 to 1 million yea: In addition, rock velocities obtained from the seismic survey are normal to Triassic Gettysburg For=ation rock types and indicate that the bedrock is not in a state of stress, thereby eliminating any latent threat of future strain. A ccmprehensive evaluation of major tectonic elements in south central Pennsylvania was prepared by Kauf1 ban (1967) and is included in Appendix 2D. It is concluded that the proposed site is not deleteriously affected l by faulting, and further, that regional tectonic elements are inactive and present no threat to the structural integrity of the local geology. 2.6 SOILS The island, as a whole, is composed of fluvially stratified sub-rounded to rounded sand and gravel containing varying amounts of silt, clay, and occasional lenses of clean sand. Density values range fren loose to very dense, as established by Standard Penetration Tests. Boulders are present at depth and are mainly confined to the lower portions of the soil :ene on the north end of the island. Soil depths vary from approx-imately 6 feet at the south end of the island to a maxi =um of 30.0 feet M^ m , 2A h 0002 077

naar the axic.1 intersection of the island Depth of soil is relatively constant at about 20 feet in the vicinity of the proposed plant site. The overburden is made up primarily of tv units. Directly overlying the sedimentary rocks is a layer of cearse sand and gravel which, at the north end of the island, contains numerous boulders and cobbles and ranges frem medium-dense to very dense. This layer thins from about 15.5 feet at Boring No, h to :ero at Scring No. 8 to the south. Above the coarse sand and gravel is a layer of loose to medium-dense, fine-grained granular material which varies frcm a fine silty sand and gravel, north of Station 13 + 00 north to a very stiff, clayey silt on the south end of the island. Local variations do occur, and in some drill holes at the plant site, the amount of Fines appeared slightly greater below a depth of about 10 5 feet. This variation is believed to be a function of a mechanical breakdown of individual shale and siltstone pebbles contained in the soil. As a result frem one-half to one-foot of topsoil, composed of sandy silt with much organic material, covers the island. The :sland has been cul-tivated and planted into corn fields for the past several years. 3 FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS As set forth in the section on Depcsitional History, the si surface of { Three Mile Island indicates that it formed first as two is; .2ds which ' O vere later joined as a result of the fluvial cycle of the Susquehanna River. Both nuclei have sub-surface conditions which are favorable for safe, econcunic foundation design; hcvever, the larger thickness of the uniformly dense to very dense sand and gravel layer at the north end of the island provides a better opportunity to utill:e these dense soils as bearing materials and a greater opportunity to remain above the groundwater table. A plant bui1*, on the south end of the island would involve expensive rock excavations and definite devatering costs. Also, a greater variation in the bedrock surface was detected by the seismic survey on the south end of the island, and inferences of greater varia-tions in intensity of weathering were also noted in this area. 3.2 SOILS There is a high degree of unifonnity of density and of soil types at the selected plant location, within the upper silty sand layer and the lower sand and gravel layer. Both layers are capable of supporting foundation loads which vill greatly increase with increasing depth. The actual bearing capacity of each soil layer is dependent upon the depth, size, and spacing of footings, and is greatly influenced by the elevation of the ground water table. The bearing capacity of footings placed in the lover sand and gravel i layer can conservatively be permitted within a range of 5 to 8 kips per i square foot, but can be considerably increased depending upon the above ' l variables. For instance, a square footing 10 ft vide at a depth of 10 i ft can be considered to safely support ik kips per square foot if it { renpins a < sufficient distance above the water table, and half of that l value at the' water table. l 2A-5 0002 078

                                               *t ?

3.3 ROCK $ The fact that the bedrock surface is differentially weathered necessi-tates a variation in the surface bearing espacity and points out the need for assuring that any structure suppor l.ed by rock be fi=ly astab-lished en sound rock. For preliminary planning and esti=ating purposcs, the sound rock surface can be assumed to be represented ht the seismic top of rcck line, defined by a velocity of 10,000 ft/sec, shown on Figure 2A-1, and the bearing capacity of rock to support any given foun-dation at a constant elevation be assumed to be equal to a maximum of

  • 30 kips per square foot.

Since bedding dips at approximately h50 to the horizontal, it is recem-mended that heavily leaded foundations (those in excess c' 10 kips /sq ft) not be placed up dip frem sides of excavations. The shearing strength of rock parallel to unconfined bedding planes is significantly s= aller than the ccepressive strength of the rock perpendicular to bedding planes. Also, due to the combination of vertical jointing and moderately dipping bedding places which afford potential shear surfaces , it is not reccamended that high differential loading be placed at shallow depths. Under conditions of even loading at constant elevation, the unweathered rock at Three Mile Island is capable of safely sustaining =aximum load-ing of 30 kips per square foot. 3.k GROUNLWATER Orcundwater levels vere recorded in detail around the proposed plant site and vary frem 279.0 to 282.0 with elevation and distance frcm the river. Assuming that the river is maintained at elevation 277 feet, the groundwater levels should vary little frem these presently observed. However, flood studies indicate a mean annual flood at elevation 286 with 5,10, 25, and 50 year ficed predicted at 287.6, 289.0, 290.6, and 292.0 feet, respectively. Devatering of deep excavations must be considered, and foundation design must include hydrectatic considerations. Based on field observations it appears that a pemanent deep well system can accceplish both the necessary devatering during construction and serve as a controlling

            =echanism for rising ground water during flood stage, as well as be used as a potable water supply.

O 0002 079 ps ',%, 2A-6

GEOLCGIC GLCSSARY Alluvial Stream transported Aquifer A vater producing geologie unit Artesian Water Groundwater that rises above the level at which it is encountered Bedrock Rock underlying soil, sand, clay, boulders, etc. Diastrophism The process of deformation of the earth's crust Dike A tabular body of igneous rock that cuts across the structure of adjacent rocks or cuts massive rocks Decomposition Breakdown and decay of rock to soils condition Dip The angle at which a stratum or any planar feature is inclined from the horizontal Fault A break in rock along which there has been dis-placement of the two sides relative to one another parallel to the break Fluvial Produced by river action Folds Bends in the strata Footvall Rock below a fault plane Fractures Breaks in rock due to foldin6 or faultin6 Groundwater Subsurface water in the :ene of saturation Hangin6 Wall Rock above a fault plane Ice-Raft Floating ice which transports rock particles and other materials Intrusion An invasion of older rock by igneous rock Joint A fracture or parting along which little or no movement has occurred parallel to the fracture Lithology Cmposition and texture of rock NX Core si:e - 2.155 inches ( Overburden Soil, sand, gravel, boulders , etc. , that overlies bedrock th % 0002 080 2A-7 L

GEOLOGIC GLCSSART (con't) Overthrust In faulting, the process of thrusting the hang- , ing vall (relatively) over the foot vall Sandstone Sandstones are ecmposed of cemented grains of l sand size material  ; Shale A laminated sediment, composed predcminantly of particles of clay size Siltstone A very fine grained clastic rock ccuposed pre-dominantly of particles of silt size Tectonics The study of the structure of he earth in response to earth movements Water Table The upper surface of a zene of saturatica Weathering Mechanical and chemical action en rocks which l eventually reduces them to a soil state Hardness Criteria Rock hardness as indicated on the boring legs is a qualitative property detemined by field classification, and is used as an aid to analyzing h general subsurface conditions. Actual rock hardness is difficult to define, therefore an arbitrary =ethod of hardness determination was de-fined by the following criteria: Very soft Rock disintegrates to touch; exhibits destructive alteration; can be considered as hard to very hard soil. Soft Rock is ccherent but is broken very easily by thu=b pressure at sharp edges and crumbles with firm hand pressure. Exhibits partial alteration. Medium hard Rock appears to be .relatively hard but small pieces can be breken by considerable hand pres-sure. Usually exhibits high degree of exidation. Hard Rock cannot be breken by thumb pressure. May ex-hibit minor oxidation (i.e. scme oxide staining or discoloration, etc.). ! Very hard Rock breken with difficulty by ha==er. Exhibits l no effects f cm veathering. O 08 ' .i .. 0002 081 2A-6

O "="=s (1) , Meisler, H. and Longvill, S. M. Ground-Water Resources of Olmstead Air Force Base , Middletevn , Pennsylvania, U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1539-H, 1961, U. S. Govt. Printing Office , Washington , D.C. , 3h pp. (2) Stose, G. W. and Jonas , A. E. Geolcay and Mineral Resources of the Middletown Quadrangle, Pennsylvlania, U. S. Printing Office, Washington, D. C., e6 pp. (3) Hall, G. M. Ground Water in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Geological Survey Bulletin W-2; 1934, 255 pp. (h) Gray, C. Geologie Map of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Geoligical Survey Map #1,1960 (5) Sexton, T. F. Seismic Survey, Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania Weston Geophysical Engineers , Inc. , Weston, Mass . , September 9, 1966 O 0002 082 O 2A-9



The following SOIL CLASSIFICATIcN SHEETS and ROCK CLASSIFICATION SHEETS are attached and are a part of Appendix 2A. They are listed in numerical sequence by Drill Hole Number. Sheet Drill Hole No. Sheet Drill Hole No. 1 1 42 CT-1 2 2 44 CT-2 3 3 46 cT-3 4 4 48 CT 4 5 5 50 CT-5 6 6 52 cT-6 7 7 54 CT-7 8 8 56 cT-8 9 9 58 CT-9 10 10 60 cT-10 u n 62 cT-n la 12 64 cT-12 13 13 66 cT-13 14 14 68 CT-14 15 15 70 CT-15 16 16 72 DH-100 17 17 74 DH-101 16 18 76 DH-102 19 19 78 DH-103 20 20 80 DH-104 h 21 22 21 A-1 82 84 DH-105 DH-106 23 A-2 86 DH-107 24 A-3 88 DH-lC8 ) 25 3-1 90 DH-109 26 3-1A 92 DH- HO  ! 27 B-2 94 DH-lli l 28 BL-1 96 DH-112 29 3L-2 98 DH-113 30 c-1 100 DH-n4 31 c-2 102 DH-ll5 ' 32 c-5 104 DH-n7 l 33 c-6 lc6 DH-n8 i 34 c-7 108 DH-ng 35 D-1 110 DH-120 36 D-2 n3 RB-1 (NX) 37 D-3 115 RB-1 (BX) ) 38 D-4 n7 RB-2 (3X) 39 cw-l 118 r.3-2 (NX) 40 Ow-2 121 RB-3 (3X) 41 CV-3 122 RS-3 125 RB-4 (3X) 126 R3 4 (NX) 129 R3-5 (3X) 2.31 Rs-5 (NX) O 133 136 a3-6 RS-7 2A-10 (Revised 10-?-67) , 0002 00


  • Bo'7d DATE: 9-6-66 24 HR$

C eerse g $PT Grenvier REMARK $ SCIL DESCRIPTION wi 3 83I*

  • Z u *
                .       Slows /                                                                         "                          Chemisel Comp, y                          E.      i            censity for Consisteney), Celee            ?      "'e*
                                                                                                         $ is       fb".           Geelegie Dete, d j            ' I"-        1                        Seil Type . Assessories
s Care R es. G '** ad * * .

Ceaserverien Problems, R Cm j

         ,                                                  co esc u                       v.y
        -=r>      1 1      1    6         . . . .


        .                                           Jed. dense, fine silty sand - tr.                  1MM - Ang. .                                        i
             . )2     11 18 23           p' ti gravel
                                                  .                                                                               Dry 8 9 10 SP      i"                    _
        -      i3                         !/a.     -                                                                         -                             '

_ 1: . . .

6. )L 1C 9 11 :g{: -

6.7 - l

        *ri5          12 14 18            g Dense to very dense, fine to coarse SW                     1NM -      Sub. ing.

T)6 21 22 3C .(g, ,- _ grained silty sand & gravel GP 1" tosui . Mr5? 27 29 22 ' . rnd. . Meist Z)8 31 21 26 Grio 28 L1 32 ' 1. . - I)l0 18 2c LS ..,, [


srill 36 29 35 ,f[y- -


s I)12 29 36 al t;  ; 19 5 . Top of Rock Ai13 L7 3C 60 k !- -

                                         "f,4 fed. harc to hard interbedded                            4.0        34        -     Dip :: 45 *
                                         '/ff shaley claystone & shaley silt-                                               -
                                         //'* ytone - noderately breken                                                    -

several 45' bedd

                                         /jj, 23.5       85% -           slips
       ~                                 r it,                                                         6.0        55 -            few nearly verti f#/       :                                                                        '


                                         ///.                                                                              _
                                         ///-      .

29 5 92% - Total Depth 29 5' - l O E i i c.o

                               ,o.-                                                                                                    0002 084       -


                                                                                                                                     $ NEE?      1       0F        1 ECT            E T* EU                       W.C. 4115-05             SITE AREA          3 Mile Island                                                          2 ORILL HOLE No.
 *RACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski                                            COORDINATES            10 + la N                                E LE VATION              290*O LER:           W. Carson                                                                                                                                        19 7 GwLQHR$

SIFIED SY -. R. Boyd garE, 9-6-66 24 NRs C,.. 5PT G e..e l., W REMARK $ SolL DESCRIPfl0H j' ei.-./ Ch 4 1"- a

                    .5 0    ..,<.,C     .. ..,>. C.i.,

i : "5'"/.- tu". c..emi..I Cem,, i.e. 0... 5.41 Typ. A.... ..,i.. 6 C.,. R .. .

    , ,, ,,                                                                                                                   O '**

C... "d. * *F' ,. i ... ... . .

                                                                                                      ,,,       c,,,

5o93 T 1-_. Q.8 1 ._6_ 7 . Med. dense, [ine to med. grained lHM- Sub. - 9 6 5 5# 311ty sand - set::e gravel 1" ang - 7 7 8 d - 0 - 8 7 6 sub.. 5 6 7 I, . rnd..


18 18 31 . . ___ __ _8_. 8 .


1.t Zery dense, fine to coarse, silty 35 32 36 N 12 Ang._.o qq-- Q. gand & gravel - seine boulders N >2" rnd . 18 36 35 l' ' . - 28 402 4'

                         .j.          -

14.4 - 0 R E D

  • 16 5, 0% Cored Boulders 2

g241(L {. ' _18 2 _ 21.0 " " 0 R ,E D ;l 't 21.2

                                                                                                               ~0% ~     '

n - . l 0 R E D 0"--* ___ . ._._ . 23 7 , 23 7 0% - Top of Rech I

                        / */         Red. hard to hard, interbedded                                  4.2 4.2

Dip = 45 *

                        '.*          shaley siltstone a shaley med.

0 /* grained sandstone, moderately R , broken 27 9__ 15)__ _. 3 ' D 58 52 - ll

                       / < '.

33*7 895 - . . _ _ . Total Depth 33 7 - e te '.*' 0002 085


  • E W.O. L115-05 site AREA 3 Mile Island omitt sotg uc CONTRACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CCORDINATE3 20 + 00 N ELEVATION M DRILLER : W. Carsen GwL 0 HR$ 1 CLA551FIED SY: S* 007d DATE: 9-2 bb 24 HR5 C eerse 5PT *awle' REMARKS


  • Density (w Consteveney), Celee  ? "3** y , g, 0 I"* 3 '

d j Seil Type . Assesswies d Cwe R es. C '**"d * *'*'- 6 12 18 R ua Cwe aopsola v./ M l 1 1 6 .. p 2' 12 LA 25 [ *' W . dense, fine silty sand - some SP 1NK - Sub - U 3 31 17 11 i( [ gravel GP 1" ang : Dry


4 10_QR [ 7-! 5 8 10 9 le - . C 6 11 29 35

                                                                      'r      -

8.5 ___- , k* { ~ L6 L8

  • kof
                                                                 .2' II,5
                                                                      ,       ~Med. dense to dense, fine to coars o 6{ grained, silty sand & gravel- some SW                            INK -

Ang to 1 IM 9 LA L2 L8

                                                                     '3 r     " boulders                                          GW      > 2"     Rnd - Moist samples               j lQ                   10 10 16 21                [h _"                                                                                  ~

thf 11 o 10 11 3- - -


lE li 10 11 12


NO SAGLE n vi Im _ 19,5 .


lW'*1 , ,a "Very dense sand & gravel - Cored Boulders

                                                            ?                       Sample recovered                              -
                                                                                                                                                   -l C       0     R     '     D         8 -

Cf LS 22 A 22 A Too of Rock 2 _ C h'/' _ Medium hard to hard, interbedded 2.1 2.0

                       -                        0                             .                                                          25.0 065 _ Dip     _

45' R 7/. .shaley claystone & shaley silt-

                                                                     /j/ -stone, moderately broken E           ,

79 7.4 - Few Joints 9 /, . _ / _ _ Z

                                                                     '/' :    "

12.9 93%_" _ _ Total Depth 32 9 . O ,

0002 086

_ _ m S r

                                                               *$6 a

l l


                                                                                                                      $HEET       1 CF       1
     !CT:       E*E                       W.C. Lil5-05         site AREA     3 Mile Island                                                b ORILL HOLE NO.

4 ACTORS F. T. Kitlinski CooRo NATES 30 + 00 N = B 0 + 00 E LEV A TION 299*9

      .ER       W. Carson GWL 0 HR$ 19.6 Ft.
      . Fito   avi    R* 307d                            oATE:      8-30-66                                                24 HR$ Hole. Caved C rs.

5PT G r.avi.e REMARKS

                             .                   SCIL oESCRIPTION                  5            I*             -

88.-*/ a j Chemi..I, o . .., t., C . i. ..y ). ;.i., j  ? "S ,"/.* ?d". i 5 G..i.,i. o. .

           *'a.                                s.ii 7,,. . A..v .,s..
                                                                                   -i     C.,.       a ...      G < =d * * '**.

Cons ervati.n Pr.el.m., .e.. Acpso1A v./ 1 1 2 g ,. Loose to medium dense fine silty ~ 5P 1HM - 2 3 5 f.), sand a gravel - trace clay GP 1"


Dry l 6 7 8 /,f ***** 4*O 1C 1C 17 f., " ense to very dense, fine to J [ 22 25 27 Joarse, silty sand & gravel - soms SW 1" - Ang -

                          ; '.,4ebbles
    ;ggg                  .

SP >2" Rnd . 16 17 13 - - - d.1- - 16 20 LL o. .


SA GLC f. ~ Samples wet at bottom

                         +                                                                                     layer (samples 7 & 8) h).

18 36 39 -

                                                                                                            . more coarse material with incrocaing depth SA GLC            .' /                                                                               ~

1c '.e

    #                    }'?'     -


    ,                    *e.                                                             2.4        2.2        Few vertical joints
    !                   #f */. & dium       hard to hard clayey silt-                   23 8' 925 -            pieces up to 1 ft. in 0

1 R , 1 one, era e y r en red) - lenph [./


massive unit, no D / */ ~ apparent bedding 7.5-[ 7.6

                        /'t       -
                        /,s       .
                        /, /                                                            31.4      98%

Total Depth 31.4' - w,.

                                                                                                           -                                   G
0002 087


                                                                                                                                 $NEET 1 0:


  • W.O.' 411545 $1TE AREA 3 Mile Island DRILL NOLE NC CONTRACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CCORDINATES LO + 00 N E LEV ATION d ORILLEM: d. Carsen GwL0NRS 16-CLA551 PIED BY : R. Boyd oArg, 8-31-66 , 54 NRs _12; C oerse g 5P7 Grenvier REMARKS g 5 Seils
u. 2 *
                                          ,              50tL DESCRIPTICH                    ,

Sle=e/ u Chemisel Camp, 4 d -j Deasety (or CeasiseeasyL Celee , Range Gre en j Sise shoes GeeMS,is De's, O I J E 6 in. .s 5 Seil Ts pe . Assesseries :s Core R ee. O '*"d ** ' 6 12 18 C...'resei.n Proble.e, R un Core

                                                      .casos.                        v./

dl 1 2 2 j7-Loose sandy sil & gravel, trace NL <1m-~Ang - E 2. 1 L 1 'I . { organic material 30 GP h" ,_ Loam M .Nedium dense to dense silty sand rit 3 8 LO

                                     'i . ,
      -                                     .h gravel (sand fine to medium -              GM     INM - Sub              -

a .c- 4 15 12 18 M dry) 3M Ang - 7,f 5 23 25 27 4i - 7.5 - TC 6 9 8 10 yed. dense silty sand a gravel - SP 2HM - Ang ~ Pebbles covered

                                              " ~

tht 7 1C 11 1C h{. - **"d **d' t c a m grahed GP 1" , FeO staba LE 8 1C 9 10 ) 'g, 12 5 Rnd 2  ! p ' M 9 14 27 gg %ry dense clam sand (med.) & SP g ^^8 "

 \ L4      U       h__EI
                                      ,. gravel - some boulders-some silt                 GP Rnd -          Desiccated l

l v - 1A.3 -

   'irst C     0     R     E                                                                                                                       I LW11 LO  ]Qf D    CC-r:
                                            -                                                    Q.        ._, 05..-

Cored Boulders i


C 0 R S'

                           "    D                                                                -                     -   "          "

eC - 20.4' 20.4 0% - Top of Roc _k C 19 . 4.a J. 4 - uxp w

      -                              /      . Medium hard to hard, red shaley                    22 5      57% -          Vertical jointin
     -         0                            <1aystone, broken to very broken R               /f                                                            36 36 -                quite extensive g                               ff _

joints cemented D /' - 26.1' 1005 _

                                     /,     .

f f 43 fe.3 - E

                                     '/     -

10.L' inM - --

Total D.pta 30.u' l

2 .


l 1

     -                                      E
     -                                      m l

O 1 E , . i 0002 088 l

O GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. Soll CLASSIFICATION $HEET SHEET 1 0F 1 ECT: MEI' ED w.o. 4115-05 SITE AREA 3 Mile Island on,tg got, go, 6 RACTOR: F

  • U t' Mi -


  .ER:              '4. Carson                                                                                                                              15.5 GwL0HR5 SIFIED Sf s                N. 30Vd                                   DATE:     9 1-00                                                         24 HR5      lb*1 C ee,s e 5pr                                                                                   .

G rea w l*' REMARK 5

                                       .                  Soll DESCRIPTION                      we                   5.ils 8 '" "

N i. o.a . .., t., C . is...ey ), C.i., 4,, e e

                                                                                                             **ae.        G  = ,'a

e In. 6 S is e She e Geele,e Dee., 3 5.64 Type. Aseesse,... 6 Cere. Res. G '*W * = '* *, e 12 Ie ***""**"# ***' '


R wa Cee. 60PSOil v.c 1- 3-L \ ' Loose sandy silt - trace clay & ML (\ 5 A 3 . _ roots 3 5 5 {,- - 5.0 17 -.25 27 9 . Dense, fine sand & rock frags 3P 1EM - Ang - 7c Red sandstone rock frat 29 21 28 7.7 GP 1"7'7

     ~LC'- - - -f.2 p,     " Dense    to  very      dense   - silty   sand  &              1" -        Su'b -

0 R E D 4 g avel - 2" Rnd . Mden cord s _seme beulders - sand med to cearse GP Ang _ no recovery

          . _        . . .        8        -contains both gravel & ang. rock                               12.2           05. .
                                       . , '_                                                               13 7                   -

f - - Cored boulders 0 R E D :L - 16.5 0% - 25 .19 35 i![ 18.4 2 Sarples w t Yi"Y

                      .     .D     0 :.                     . . . - . . .             ._20.1   .. _ . _ .
20. 5TE_18P9f_b .F #*"
                                                                                                                                   ** #1**k* *" *D
                                            -Medium soft (red) shaley siltstene                             50         32 0
                                  <.                                                                                                 rock poorly consolidate g                  j,,7 e n broken                                                                                 -

can break frags. with

                                   '.'     -                                                                25.l'         6A% _      fingers
                                  /.        .                                                                                    .


                                  //        -

50 33- Dip 45'

                                  /, ,

i.- -

                                                  .                                                         30.1'         66% . _
                                           -                Total Depth 30.1'                                                    -

t c, s . .

 . ..                    . m             .                                                                                    .
0002 089.

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, thC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 5HEET SHEET l CF PR OJECT : E'O w.0. 4115 05 site AREA 3 Mile Island oRtLL HOLE NC CONTRACTOR:P. 7. Kitlinski COCRDINATEs 10 + 00 S E LEVATION d DRILLER Smolewict owtaNR$ CLA551 PIED SY : R. Boyd oxyg, 8-30-66 - 24 hrs C oorse 4 5PT Greavier RggARxs

         ;                                                                                         W                    seite Soit DESCRIPflCH S te. /         I     E                                                     d                                                      Chemisel Co.,,

g g. as 3 Dens 6ty for Coneiseeney), Celer j ,e R ea,e Sise Gre sa si .. Geel + c Deve, 0 I"- ' d j E Seil Type . Ase***eri** d Care R es. G r*"d * * '**. ' Cenewvce6en Problems, e 12 10 R ua Core ma _. v ,1.. .-..- l _j d.gif M yey s r.T 1 2 5 7 of - some 5 3,3 gn

t. -


      "           8      8                 tr -M. dense fine silty sand-trace                                                         -
                               ,8         _t . organic..mter421                                   R            .g 4 _23--SC TL                             .

___ k eA._ .. .. gE.___

                                                                                                               --          --                            Cored from L.L'

_ C [** 3ense, sand, gravel & sandstone - 4.6 09 - 9 0' - no soil _ 0 w boulders - recoverei IZ E D b ~ f- _7. dense silty sand & Gravel - 9.0_ _.SW 9.0 _ 195 - 1MM - Sub

     .a_:s L     32 38 47                  .*.g                                                                                       .

some decomposed red shale, trace GP 2" rnd . Damp _ If. 41ay to - ( NC S,t6L: 8, f y- so ang - MJ._._L6 J_9 7L cl.! . 15 2 .

                                          / # ' Medium hard (red) shaley clay-                                                        -

Dip 45*


0 /<," stone, broken

                                               -                                                               53         35 ~

R /'

                                                                                                                                      .                Moderate vertica
                                -         //

20 j_(t(ag . jointing

      -                               D   ,,   -

50 45 - _ T, . _ _ " 2f.5 90% - Total Depth 25.5' - O 0002 090

      ~                                        -

\ .'. - e.

O GILBERT ASSOCIATES, IND. SOIL CLA551FICAT10N SHEET 1 1 SHEET OF ICT: MET. ED w.0. All5-05 SITE AREA 3 Mile Island DRILL HOLE NO. O 4 ACTOR: P. 7. Kitlir. ski C00R0lNATE5 20 + 00 S e tgy47:en M .4 . ER: Smolewic2 .- GWL 0 HR5 E*71 IFIED SY:

  • U ~

OATE: 24 HR5 c .. 5P7 RIMARK5

                              ,                     Soll DESCRIPTION                      we C'5eil'3*'
        ***'        N                                                                                      G = 'a      "**'"'C'***

i 0.. 6,y (e, c 4. .. e. cese, 4 aaae* e= Sise She,e g g . G. ele,is Deve, 4 - 5.11 - n. . Asee .eries 5 Core R e c. C '* wad * *, 6 12 18 R wn Core * * * " ' ' ' ' ' " * '**** *"* _ 4m. a. i' -LO 8* sandy sut 1.s E Dry 2 _] 7-

                                                                                                             ~ ~ ~ "

Very stiff clayey silt - some fine 8 8 Of J, . sand - trace rock fragments ML . Dry to moist 1 " - 8 7 -8

         -                 r" i    -

6.5 - f8 7 8 ited. I- Dense - silt - trace sand & i - rock frags ~ ML - Damp 7 6 6 O - gl; . 6 5 . 6. . .d... 4 , 5 5 7 U f,

                                     - - -                                       J3 5         ,

48 85-- n ~3 oft decemoosed clarstone 15.0 CL - -


Top of Rock .

                          ,,                                                                                           ~
                             /hediumhardtohard(red) inter-                                        50       4.4 - Extensive vertical O                     // -bedded shaley claystone & shaley                                                      .

jointing R E / 'f siltatene, very broken j 20.0 88% ~ D // - ii, 50 50 .

                          //                                                                      25.0     100% ~
                                  -                Total Depth 25 0                                                   .

l 1 m

                    ,         ,   :                                                                                  :                                         9
0002 091
   -                                                                                                                                 $ %$% gg


                                                               $0lL CLA$$1FICATION $HEET                                                            1
                                                                                                                               $HEET            C   I PROJECT: E*U                          W.C. Lil5-05          slTE AREA     3 Mile Island                          ORILL HCLE N(

CONTRACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CCCRolNATEs 30 + 00 S ELEi ATION M ORILLER : 4. Carson GWL 0 HR$ CLA$11 PIED.SY _ 9- OM DATE: 4.24.44 24 HR$ _ C e e 5PT Grenuler REMARKS A z . SCIL DESCRIPTION I*II' C Ble.s/  ; a i ac Density (e, Consiseensy). Cel*' d , g,,,, g,,6, Chemisel Comp, g e Size Shepe Geelegic Deve, j j 6 in. 1 ' Seil Type . Assessaries f Core O'*UM **' Res. y Ceamassen Problems, e msm ..b M i 1 1 1 ( ,p lery stiff clayey silt - tr. fine ML 1% - 2% - final: T"C 2 f., 5 5 fl -, sand & roots _"esseminated coa: M 3 7 6 11 Ij f dry E & 1 11. 16 I, ,' [ 6.5 Fv5 5 2C 15 LL . V. dense silty sand & gravel SP 1MK - Ang ~-

        -C     6 20 29 60           ew                                              9*0 GP       1"        sub r      id     Samples wet g                           n-Sof t %xwsedTale                              9 7-'UL
              ]7 LC/.2'
                                   /' /j Z      C
                                         / 7.edium hard (red) - interbedded                     72          7.2 - Fractures irregt 0
                                    /f _ silty shale & clayey shale                                                _     some nearly vert
                                    /j Brtken to very broken                                                       .

2 45' shear face R _ ,/ .

                                                                                                                   . in clayey shale i                          E       //-

16.9 100%_ (45* Bedding s1 D // _

                                    //     -

2.6 2.6 - 10.7 1005 -

        ]                                  [           Total Depth 19 7 O _=

0002 092 i I I


  • EU w.o. 4115-05 3 Mile Island site AREA 0, igg sogg so,,10 RACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CooRolNATES 40 + 00 S E L E V ATION 285.3

.g n , 'd. Carson owLoHas 10 3 ilFIED Sy , R. Bo W . oATE, 8-26-66 24 HR5 Hole cavec I C earse 5PT Greavier REMARKS SOIL DESCRIPTION E _ . 5. is B1***/ I d as

                             }               Deasiry (e, Ceasisee-av). Celee                         ,8      *** O"
  • 8 la- "" j "s*i n e $he,e c,,e os, ,
                       .1                         5.1 Type Accesseries 6            Cee.               Res.      O"d * * '

4 12 is R ua Core C'"'""**"#'*"*****'

                                                   .3L.                           ;.v 1     2      7                                                                          ~"
g. "Jery stiff clayey silt - trace of' -

11 15 17 -fine sand - trace roots & crgani ML - 2C 21 22 I, $~8t'fi'l 5


21 2e 2<' i' 59 1MM- Sub.rrd Coarse sand & boulder 16 1 L; M 7ery dense silty sand a rock SP

                                                                                                           !      Lo aq frag:nents - cored 0  }y,l'E-            J;c . frag:nents                                      8.7'       GP D

2'h. d -_0% - Top of Rock

                           ' , ' .Mediur. hard to hard interbedded                                      35        30 :



a layer shale a silty shale 12.2 86% - Bedding 45' R - 5 [ 65 65 ~ . D . [ .... . .__.-. .. __ .- . _ - _ _ . . _ _ . . ].8.7 100% - [ Total Depth 18.7' " 1 - e 0002 093 0

O GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLA511FICAT10H SHEET SHEET 1 0 PROJECT: EI' W.Q. 4115-05 SITE AREA 3 Mile Island on,tt gogg 3, CONTRACTOR 7. T. Kitlinski CCCRDINATES 50 + 00 S etsvarroy . DRILLER '#* Carson GWL 0 HR$_ CLASSIFIED BY : R. Boyd DATE: 8-26-88 24 HRS., Coeroe i 5PT e n *I** REMARKS G'Seils C z J e SolL DESCRIPTION == OI***# **'**'*** 1 ie Ec k Density (or Cen. stency), Celer W e R****

                                                                                                        $is.       G She ,'ae      0,elegge pe,e, i             g g,,         g    g c    4                     -

Seil Type. Ace .swie. g g,,, g ,,, c , .a ,,,,,, e 12 18 *"'"'*" '*"I*** R ua Core 60P5GiA V*C

v9 1 1 2 8 j../ 'lery stiff clayer silt - trace verr -

R 2 13 1C 12 [. ).' fine sand & organic material ML _ Damp 4.1-]$ 11 1L ',T i

                 -1 3,   2, s          .

56 ,, _, ,, V. soft elay (re

                                           ". _ Dense clayey sanc~ e gravel              o.5  F.5    1"" -

1My - small gravel & : Q o gf w r.g ,


f _ Soft decomposed shale 8.2 CL ._ rock frasts N c

     -     C                         /,-Interbedded
                                          /                     med. hard claystone &

t.ard siltstone (red) g.0.2 1.9 635_-

     -            0                  //,
                                                -Claystone     - v. broken                           2.6 23 . Siltstone R

E r/. -liltstone - moderately broken 13.8 g - faW massive

                                     //  *      ,(3n    Ign pieces)                                                            -

with = 45 D f/ _ 44 44 -- bedding

                                     ,j                                                                                        -
                                     /i :

_ 18.2 100% ~ - _ _ Total Depth 18.2' - l O l @- 0002 094 l


  • W.C. 4115-05 SITE AREA 3 Mil' I818"d DRILL MOLE No.1 RACTCRr F. T. Kitlinski COCRDINATES D 2 + 00 W E LEV ATION 290*1
  ,ga :   SEolewice                                                                                                      cwL o HR5         11.2 siPiEo sy: R Bo7d                                       DATE:        9-b-bb                                                 24 HR5        15 6 C eer..

5PT *""I*' REMARK 5 G'Seils

                     ;        ,                   soll DESCRIPTICN                   .a Stews /       j                                                                d
  • G'a ia chemisel Camp,

_] Density (or Consistency), Celer 8* ate g ,; 5 se Shee. Geeleg;. De,e, 6A - s 5 41 Type . Assesseries d Core R es. Grevad We,

    , g g                                                                                      ,,,      e ,,,      Cea.,rvers.n Problems, ees.

__ wsw e v.5

2 J._ _6~ eff .Ted, dense, fine grained, silty SP <1MM Ang Dry ge sand, sete gravel GP }"

12 --1C 14 . I

                         , 7' .-                                                                                .

11 13 1C _ ._. 50 .

                        ,I,. Dense, silty, fine to coarse                                SW 1MM -     Sub .

28 17 24 p g a ned, sand a gravel - trace GP 2" ang .

                         ,        < oal                                                             to        -

Moist 21 19 23 f. ' Sub -

                         *i    '

rnd - 16 .19 23 . ,4; .- 12 5 21 27 23 26 u 37

  • Very dense h,*:finetocoarsegrainedsand&

SW 1MM S$b : ang . h l

                                    . gravel - some cobbles - trace                GP        -         -        . Moist 37 46 43
                             .I wilt                                                        2"        Sub -

rnd -

   )SM1 85!.) ' . _ ' Ed bott. decer.aosed.;illas.tene
                                                                                                                  -T P of_ Rock e/          t'ed. hard to hard, interbedded                                             -
                        // 1haley claystene & shaley silt-                                                         .~ le to 3" pieces 0                                                                                        52        2.6 -

_ moderate high R 4, ,'. [ stone, broke . angle jointing

26 5' 50% -

I - D

                        / ,,,

50 30 - Bedding dips 45*

                        /,,         -

31 5 SC4 Total Depth 31.5' - O

                 .                 :                                                                           :            0002 095 p1            ,


GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. 50ll CLA55tFICAT10N SHEET SHEET l C PROJECT: *O W.O. 4115-05 slTr AREA 3 Mile Island onigt sogg n CONTRACTCRs I. T. EitlinSki CCCR0lNATE5 C 6 + 00 W = I 8 + 00 N E LEVATION DRILLER : Smolewic: GwL0HR$ _ CLA55lPiEo av, R. Soyd oATE,_ 8-31-66 24ses _ C eerse 4 $PT d Greavier REMARK 5

u. Z .
                                            ,                   solL DESCRIPTION                                    Seils 4-    .3    81***/         d                                                                U R eage      Grein         e      g ,_ p, s                            i.-             censity (or Coasisteacy). Celer              ,

e la. ' j , size shese Geelegie Dete, [ j i 5eil Type . Assesseries 6 Core R es. O '*"d * * ' 6 12 is R ua Core ***"**"'*"*"

                                                                .v   svi-                    L.a _    _

E 1 2 5 5 ' *{* 'Med. dense sandy silt - some

         ,,                             I i bavel                                           3 4' ML        -           -

4 . t.- 2 9 8 9 M' }!ed. dense fine silty sand a grave:SP

                                       ', .                                                                1NM-        Sub afg C 3           7    7     5                                                               6.2' GP       2"           Sub r'd              Dry d.t !.        17 13 9               [U 4

Redium dense to very dense, fine tc eaarse, silty sand & gravel - some SW IMM- Sub - p;-';::' g 39 3, ,,,, f{.[} to ;

                                                  -cobbles, trace clay GP        '12"       rnd - Damp to moist LE 6           21 ?o 2a                    ,


                                                  ;                                                                   ang _-

naS txu 'e!; - tG t.. . b.i 7 jo w '.2 ' 1 '.- 15 7

     -      C                                     -V. dense, sand, gravel, cobbles                                               -

Cored 15.7' 21.

     -          0
                                        ' .s.
                                                  -i  boulders                                   -

53 0.5 - poor recovery R ~

     -                      '                     "                                                                                   no soil recovere D

k..- 21.0 21.0' 9% ~ Top of Rock 3'/ - 01P ~~ 45 -

                                     // hedium h2rd to hard                                               50
24. Few vertical joi
                                                 .interbedded shaley claystone &                                                 .

eiltstone - moderately broken

                                     !.j 26.0'         48% ~

t-j//, - 50 4 7 _-

                                     ,i          .

[f k 31.0' 94% - [ - m Total Depth 31.0 "

   -                                             e h                                             4
   -                                            e 6                                            e m                                             e M                                             e m                                             W m                                             e m                                             e 6

e N e T - - Ann ) - nn e e UUU{q (J y y, e

  • e e t on


 !CT:         '
  • w.0. 4115-05 SITE AREA 3 E* 18# on LL Hott No. E 4 ACTOR: E T. Kitlinski C00RDINATE5 B 6 + 00 W = F L + 00 N E LEV ATICH 2 *
 .E R , SmoleWiC2 GwL0HR5       7.0 ilFIED SY: E              Cn-d                                 DATE:               91066                                           24 HR5 15.3 C      r..

5P7 .

                                                                                                             - " I-G'5."il . '


         , -         j j o _ . ., c., C.. . . .....

i.a T, A.... . ... C. i.,


c .,.

                                                                                                          ,       m       7, ;,,'.,c - -
                                                                                                                  ....    ..a.....
    . n ,,                                       _            _                          __

R. e. c- ~ c'~ ~ w - . ~- _ - t?." - . . . . . . - i. 3 2 2 *; ]4ed. dense,finetomedium, silty SP 1Mi Sub~

                          ', i _ sand & gravel ~                                               SP    2"           Ang~         Dry 5     6    11          ..

Sub M _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . A .2 . g(.-Dense to very dense, fine to

    ,,    g    ., 5
                                    <:oarsi grained silty sano a gravel-SW                          IM(-        Ang._

17 15 le. s me e bbles & boulders - trace of GP 2" rnd - All sar.ples moist

                         .' l.e: ..lay                                                                                 -

12 tu. .'C :  :

                         .,       -                                                                                     ~

2C 18 23 ', * . le 13 16 }O:  :

                         *      ~                                                                                    -

16 2L-26 i, - .


37 3L 39 . SA4FL (.k -

       .                   .e     -

20.6 - 85 /.2' 54 . Soft decoesqamLelazst,one.... 21_.2. CL - Top of Rock

                        ,',; edium hard to hard interbedded                                         2.8           1.9 - Dip        45-
                         // _s    }{haleysiltstone&s?aleyclay-                                      pg,$,       68% $ Little vertical jointi:

0 R

                        /f' hstene,        broken to 24.5 brately broken below

0 92h

                        ' .',:..                                                                    50            a.0 :
  • 32.0' 805 - . _ .

l Total Depth 32'  : 1 j l

   .s               .. a          -

9! 0002 097 l 1

O i 1 GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC.  ! Soll CLA551FICAT10H 5HEET SHEET 1 01 l PROJECT E*E W.C. L115-05 SITE AREA 3 Mile Island DRILL HOLE NC CONTRACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CCORDINATES A G + 00 W = F 0 + 00 E LEVATION d DRILLER 3molewict GWL 0 HR$ j CLA15l PIED BY : N* Eo7d DATE: 8-31-66 24HR$ Cears. 4 5P7 . Grenvi*' REMARK 5 5eils z g , SolL DESCRIPTION e 4 ia 8'***' S 3 Deasity (e, Consisteney), Cole, d 3 Reate Grela emisel Comp,

                                                                                                        'A        e   $4:e       $hese     Geelegie Deve, 7             $ la*        i     E O       J                  -

Seil Type . Aesesseries d Care Ree. Grevad Water, Censwvetion Problems, Re Cm icsson v.( 7 1 2 ,j._._1_1


{ed. dense, sandy silt - some

                                                  } gravel ML                              ;

1"_. Rnd. . _ . Dry l G-2

     -              --l' 16 18          ei
2. - 4 5' -
     -                                 e.         -                                                                                     _

S.0 3 18 23 27 f- ., Medium dense to v. dense, fine to SW

                                       *Ic coarse grained silty sand &                                                                  - Moist to G           A   20 22 26                                                                           GP                               -

Damp 7 -gravel, some cobbles, tr. clay


LCLa 5 23 20 17 [~ E I LG 6 14 11 .7 ft : i


LG 7 7 8 7 [ j*5 ' - Sub LG 8 9 8 16 ' '! [ 1" - rnd - LG 9 31 27 35 T *. -

                                                                                                                    >2"        to      -  Samples wet at b

ang - unit Na S;JE1  !. ' L,-u

                                             '.t 7
                                                               - . - . . . - . .               21.4..--        -.

2mE 10 12 M '_ i.! fort deem: posed miltstor l

                                          .-                                                 _224      CL    _                 - . . -- Top-ot.. Rock-             -                     '
     -                                 ,                                                                          29          15- Massive unit - n Y.edium hard to hard (rid) eilt-

C 25.2' 52% bedding - aPPare 0 // ~~ stone, broken to moder>*alv 2.8 15- #' * *

  • D'

[ R

                                       /,, ' broken                                                                 28.0' 54% -

I 1 D i, - 45 35- '


Z ' ' 32.5' 78%

    =.        -

Total Depth 32 5' - l

                                                                                                                                       -                                               l
       --14                                       um

!O - 9 . i 0002 098 I  :

                                                     . - s-


   !CTi           E I. EU                        4115-05                                 3 Mile Island
                                           # 0.                           site AREA                                                cRitt satt so. 1 4 ACTOR: I* I* Kit 11M8ki                                           CCORDINATES     D 6 + 00 E                                  E LEVATION 295.0 Smolewic*

GWL 0 HR$ ilFIED SY : R. Bo% gayg 9-6-66 24 HR5 12 b C ears e 5PT Grenvia' REMARK 5 SOIL DESCRIPTION W I*il' Sle-s/ I. E a Density (es Consisteasy), Celee d R ease G '* ia Chemisel Comp,

                              }                                                            j  ,3 Sise      Shese         Geeleges Osee, O Ia-         d      '

Seel Type . Assesseries ce,e f R es. G' und W m e, y_ g_ Censweeseen Probleme, eee.

                                                .u,.a-.a                           w.o 2    5      5        -Hed. dense, fine silty sand -                                  SP     1-2

7.r. organic MM sub Ang .~ Stratified 0 0 0 -

                                         -             _ . . . . . . .             L3                                   -

13 M 2',

                                    #ery dense, med to e arse ssnd &                      SP     1MM        Ang         -

gravel, some boulders GW - to - 31 L6 38 _ 2" Rnd -

                                    -                                                            10.2 Hard sandstone boulder 0   R       E   D              -

33 2.1 -- 10.2 to 13 5' - blasted with dynamite

s. -

13 5 63 % - O R E D , 30 2.2 - Cored boulders

                                   ,                                                             16.0        65 .



37 34 42 _ SA:LeL: ,

                                                     --.. ..                      20 3                                -

Top of Rock

                                   $ oft to r.edim: hard shaley clay-                             3 .*/      0.6 - Max. si e of core                   2" 0                     /          stone, very broken R                                                                                       24.0. _.26% _~

E D /,

                                   ~                                                              35         0.7 -    ~

27 5 205 - s 30 1.2: 30 5 40% -

                                  ;         Total Depth 30 5'                                                         -

m l ( - m M l .

l l 1 1 GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 5HEET SHEET 1 CF PROJECT: I'} W.Q. Ell 5-05 slTE AREA 3 Mile Island oRitt HOLE NC CONTR ACTOR s ?. . T. Kitlinski COORDINATES C L + 00 E = J 0 + 00 stavarjon ,,,,_ ORILLER : _ W. Carson GwL0HR$ CLA55tFIED BY : E* 307d DATE: 9-1-00 24 HR5 Ceerse g $PT Grenvier REMARKS 1 A

u. Z , Soil DESCRIPTION I*i3
  • l Bl***/ j- U Chemical Camp,  ;
              .3               d                   Density fee Canelseency), Cel*'                       ,       Range       Grein e         563.      She,.       Geelegie Dees, j.

we ' e I *. i [ $eil Type . Accessortes

                                                                                                     -i           Core        Res.       O'** d **'
                                                                                                                   ,_        g           Ceneerwerien Problems,
                                                          +0Fs01*                            ..s.i M       1   1    2    8          .

SW- - . . 1MM - Ang .."

     .2       2   12  E     14 5*    [ gravel Dense     to very
                                                    - some       cobblesdense silty sand &GP.                   >2"         to M        3   la   16 17
  • g Rnd .

g A u u 1e 7,  :  : M 5 18 19 31 , E 6 la 16 21 $.L: . _ . . . . _ . . . . . 91 91

                        *1' 7 '

h,#)"7ery dense, fine to :::edium grained SP 1NM - E "

                                                                                                                                        , Cored boulders -                l

[ recovery

C 0 R E Dq ~ sand, gravel, & boulders GW >2" ,

LQ 8 20 6C/.L '  ?' e9:---


a- . . 0 R E D *C " " tm tm C 9 39 39/.l ' go og - '- 9a t;t _C 0 R E D _,29.6. L

f. 19_e.6_ _0%. . _- . Top.of Rock
      -                           ,,c>-    .

C ' /, 7.edium hard to hard interbedded 6.0 [ 0 */ shaley siltstone & claystone - 52-"

                                  /'                                                                                                  .

_ R f, yery broken to moderately broken .

     -                      E      j.'    -
                                     ".                                                                         2 5.6'- ~87% -

D ' 4.0 34-

                                                                                            . _ .               29 . 6.. .'. 97. %.. ._-                              ...

Total Depth 29.6' - M W es M W g 6 . Su m'Edmum no em 6 e eq N m gi 6 e e M M M m'muulas e M u. m M plD m 6 19 gi i _ 0002 100 M W e


               !CT                         E EU                           w.0. L115-05               slTE AREA _          3 Mile Island                                                  18 ORILL HOLE No.

4 ACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski C00RDINATE5 3 L + 00 E E lev ATioN 297*k ER: '#*C8P305 11*7 owl 0 HR$

               ,lFIED BY :                       A* 3C7d                                DATE:          9-1-8b                                                                   Hole   Cave 24 HR$

C ,. .

                    ,py                                                                                                                *awler              REMARKS Soll DESCRIPTION                                    G'
'-s i i o . . ., <.. C . . . .., ,. C. ,.,

3 3 ,.,x e p,: ,';,,'.,c - - 4 ,

                                                                              ...,T...A........                        ,.         c.       ....         ... . - . . . . .
                 , ,, ,,                                                                                                          ,,,      c ,,,        C.. . .. .          ,l..... ....
               .2        10 9 L ,.a..-                     ^5.

J_0 2 2L { '~Dense - to very. dense, fine silty sand & gravel SP GP 1Ni- Ang- 1" to Dry 12 18 27 "li- - Sub _ Rnd _ 1L 2( J.1

  • 6.0 26 20 28 '! . Dense to very dense, fine to SN 1MM - Ang5 39 la 26
                                                       --        - e arse grained silty sand &                       --          72"      to -

gravel - some cobbles & boulders G'4 and - Moist 27 31 38 ,[* trace of clay - LC LL L6


3C' 38 LJ -

                -18   31 29                                      -

ns _ 20 16 L1 - - QF

                '6C                                  -.J         -                                           16.9                16.9              ~

0 R E D / - Sand, gravel & boulders (no -- Cored boulders samples recovered) - .19.0 0% nogecovey LC /.2 r ';

                                                                 -                                                               19.2 0     n                     -
  • D
                                                               .-                                            20 7.          .. 1 2.         0% .~. _ Top..of Rock
                                                                 - Medium hard to hard interbedded

0 ~ shaley claystone & shaley silt- - R ,


stone 8.1 8.0 -- E . =oderately broken D -


j - 28.8' 98% ~

                                                                      .                                                         3bb.' . .b .,-    -

Total Depth 30 7 - 6

            '. R                                -             --
  • 0002 101 i

l G Al a 227 92/9!

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. Soll CLASSIFICATION $HEET SHEET 1 C PROJECT: U*O w.0. _ 115-05 site AREA 3 Mile Island DRILL HOLE N CONTRACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski CCORDINATEs A A + 00 E E LE V ATION _ ORILLER V. Carson GwL 0 HR$_ CLA55tFIED SY: R. hvd DATE: C 6_66 24HR5 _ C aerse 4 $PT G envier REMARKS c z Sf***/ e SCIL DESCRIPTION M soils

                                              $                                                                                                             Chem,sel Come,

{ Density (w Canelseency), Celer *"

  • f[,".

g j 6 in. .3 a. Seil Type . Assesser6.s m

                                                                                                                          ?       5 ;,'e C.,e           R es.

Geelegie Deve, G'evad ***'.

                                                                                                                                  ,_             Co,e       C..s ee,i., ,.e l .

M 1 1 3 6 .. Med. dense dense fine silty SP G2 .7 9 11

sand a gravel - some cobbles GP - Dry
                    ?3       14 2C 17               I*        -

Ig 4. 16 21 18

  • 5.[

M 5 17 12 16  :* -

                                                    .t                                                    83 T:C 6

_ it J21_ [icose, fine to ,ed. grained silty SP 1NM - Sub - I M 7_ 1 5_1 At sand & gravel GP >2" ang - 1 G 8 5 6 7 2 _- 12.s [ub Ed Meist M 1

  • 9 7 20 31 "'.cy dense, fine to med. grained
'I I   W,10 SC/.L '                            '
                                                      '~                                                                SP     13.9 s ilty sand a gravel - some                             GW 1"-             Ang -                                                                          1
                                        ,                    loulders                                                       ga                              Cored Mders kl    hC O/~'1 '                   '   '

11 .u C 1 T_!5 1_2 36 0 LC E

                                      /.1  '

D ,.

                                                                                                                              " *f: *
                                                                                                                                   .6 I_                 ,,           ,,

_ C , ,0 . a a i

           -                    1 2  h.a                             )       {=        -

23 7 23 7 0% 2 Top of Rock

                                                   *'                                                         _        __                                                                                         r C                              ,.

O e ,, Hedium hard to hard, interbedded 50 1.4 - Ax core R / ,' shaley siltstone & shaley fine - E .. -grained sandstone - broken i

           ._                               D
                                                  ,         _                                                               28 7 28% _

_ r,a . 2.0 1.8 .

           -                                      o j.

a - 30.6 90M -  ;

                                                 , ' , '-                                                                   30            2.9 -
                                                                                                                            )),7          g .                     -

p3 l __- . 0002 102 4 m.mau. e l , l l 1 _ _ .~. ._


 !CT: UE                                 W.O. L115-05                 5lTE AREA          ~4 Mile Island                        DRILL HOLE NO. 29 4 ACTOR: F. T. Kitlinski                                            CCCROINATE5              5 6 + 00 E                           ELEVATION _ 28b*b
 .E R : . ,i. Carsen                                                                                                             owtagg$ 12,6
 .lPIED BY :       E* 30Vd                                     DATE: 8-31-bb                                                           24 HR5 NO18 CIY8d C oerse 5PT                                                                                                    Grenvier        REMARKS
                            ,                     SOIL DE5fAlPTION                               M              Seils e                                                                                                         Chemical Come, Sl**s/      a        j              Density (or Consisteney), Celer                        u       R ange    Green j    ?   sine     shese    Geele,is Dew, 4 la-     I 5                         Seil Type . Aseesseries                           6         Core      Ree. O""d * *''

6 12 ie Rwa C er* *"*""*"*"'****"** _ urs v_ __ - 4.. ..._.

  .1       2   3         y ;; loose to =ed. dense sandy silt -                                                             -

e \. 3r. clay G roots - o.ty E ~ 5 7 11 _ 15 16 17 j 's -

                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         50 10 7        6          ;,  f.ed. dense sandy silt - trace                                                               .

L 5 8 e organic raterial & gravel ,.e >r E . 3 5 12 ,Z :  : 18 25 60 1,; .

                                                                     , , ,,_,,, ,,,,10 , $.

Top of Rock

                                                                                                          ,4.0      38
                               -Soft to hard interbedded siltstone                                                         -

g f.f -1 claystone - very broken & C R / <, wathered to 16.0' - compet. ant & J4 5' 1.2 C5% ~ 1.2 ~ W E l'7 unbroken to 18.0' - very broken 15.7' 100%" D // lelow 18.0'  :

                        /,    .                                                                            4.8      4.8
                            / .

20 5' 100%. Total Depth 20 5' f g 0002 103 gu 1 1 1


  • D w.0. L115-05 SITE AREA 3 Mile Island DRILL HOLE NC CCNTRACTOR:
  • I* 51D11nsNi COCRDINATE5 9 8 + 93 J ELEVATION $

DRILLER , W. Carson GwL0HR5 13 CLA551FIED SY : 3. Bovd DATE: 9-6-66 24 HR5 C eerse

         .;     4     5PT                                                                                           Grenule'                REMARK 5
  • Z
  • 2 SCIL Di'5CRIPTICN W Seits j

8' -a 4 = Chem 6eet Cem ,' g i 6 In. e 8-o e.. ,, c., Co ..e.e, . Ceio,  : "ft;y is:;ae ...,e ,,, os,,, d j ,s. 5eil Type . Acese,eries d Cece Ree. Oad ** .

                   ,                                                                                              g           g           Cenaeruerien Pro 6teme.

I 1 l 1 7 i

                                                    ~ Medium dense, sr.ndy silt - tr

E 2 8 10 8  :, ". clay sean:s ML 141 ( Ang _ Dry


4 3 1C 9 9 i, . M L 13 14 20 . W 5 10 14 13 _

                                                    .                                             75                                   .
       '.c   6    8.. 2. 5 r

icose to med. dense, fine silty - cand-tr. organic n t. -

      " &. 7      L    L    L            i          -
  • 10 5 SP 1MM Ang -

Meist C 8 14 21 20 . Dense to very dense fine to coarse SW 1MM - Sub -

      -h'    3'   18 21 19            ...                 ,y sand - som gravel - tr.                  W        W           mg ~        ,
                                       ,.          . boulders & cobbles                                                    t.o           Samples Wet C      10 2_9 36 19 Sub ~

7 . t Q 11 20 38 L1 I,L - Rnd . m W12 NC 3,t 4C "C

                      ')*Uf.2 L             -

noft._decoc: posed siltstone .. 17 5 18.2 -- - - Top of Rock y 33 30-Eedium hard to hard interbedded shaley claystone a shaley silte 2].d , _ 91% Bedding :: 45* _ ,ptene, broken to moderately 2.7 27- Well developed ve

       ~R,0                                        . broken                                                   24.2   --      100%'       stained surfaces
                                                   .                                                            6.6         6.6 '

70 30.8 1005-

      '""-                                         ~
      -                                            -                                                            4.6         4.6 -

EO - 35 4 100%

      ~                               *           -

2.6 2.4 -

      -                                           _                                                           38.0          925 :

52 52_ D.0 _

      =                                           -

l - 43 2 100%: _ . Total Depth 43 2' [ y _ 6 g

                                                                                                                                      .            0002 104

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. 50ll CLAS$1FICATION SHEET SHEET 1 0 PROJECT : 3 Mile Island W.O. 4192.00 SITE AREA Plant ogigt nogg g, CONTRACTCRs Kitlinski COCRolNATES  %-5+95 'M E LEVATION ORILLEg . Kubitsky GWL 0 HR$ CLA15iFIED BY , Kubitsky DATE: 1-26 87 24 HR5_ C ,. . g 5PT W G,.nel*' REMARKS

u. Z w 2 SCIL DESCRi?TICN 5 . 61 s 88***/

j d.


Ch g { 0... ity (., C.a. i e.a.y ), C.I.,  ? "s**,',* f$ c.,.m6..I, 3 j a- 2 *- s.i s 7,,. . A . ... ..,i.. 3,,;, o ,,, 5 C.,. R ... o,-a W.~,, 0.0 a 12 1 O.O R wa C.r. *"*""**'"***' 1

     -                                  .O.8     Brown 'Ibp soil                                                        -


                                        - Brown Silty Sami                                                              -

No Sampling


v/ multi. colored Gravel - Drillers g, *

                                            & Rock Frs4s.                                                               ",   Classification s                         ~*

O' .

    -                       'C         .
    -                          s.       .

IE o . 4 q . C

g. . .

Jo -14.5 - b

                            .          . Brn. Silty Sani                                                           .
    -                          ^

v/ multi-cole. red - 9

  • Rock Fra6s & Oravel -
    -                       j.              & v/ some Bidrs.                                                          .-

g,, .

    -                                  B.

ik ' -

                            .d          -
                                   ,      21.0                                                                        -

_ W Red <h-1e _ 1 25 , _ . T. D. O - N le t. G AG . 0002 105


                                                                                                                                                 $HEET 1        0F      1    l
   'CT: 3 Mile Island                                                   e,o, 4192.00           $iTE MEA   Plant                                   omitt Hogg so, A-2 1 ACTOR:                                  Kitli"*ki                                      C00RDINATE5 2        Y E LEVATION            'b
   .ER                                       hbit %                                                                                              GwL 0 HR$            T' iiPIED 8Y : "
  • S. DATE: 1-31-67 / 17*9 72r/wRs C eeeee 5PT Greauler REMARKS
                                                          ,                  SCIL DESCRIPTION                A           I*

ei.-s 6 In. i 3

                                              .i        b o..  ., to, C sis.e.e,>,, Seil Type . Acesseert e j     "s*"s',' fi,:'".

gg,,;,,g _ seei ie oe,e, g,,,,

i Cee. R es. Od '

6 12 18 0.0 """ b Cenewuetion Preblems, eee. 4.8 Top soil very loose - 1 1 2 -

                                                         .i   .      Med. Dense Brown, Sand & Gravel b,.        .      gilt, M Crganic Particles                               Sub .

2 2 3

  • e - a ist to dry GH 3/4" Ang -

iSand&Cravel to - 105 - Silt n Rdd - k 4 5 ..

                                                        ,o    -

4 6 5 c. - 6.0 -

                                                        } - Med Dense Brown Sand & Cravel,                                          -

1 1^g '0, - TR Silt, TR decomposed coaly Sub - Silt less than 5% 5 8 {, w

                                                              " particles.

dry GP 1" .A318 - to - Relatively clean 7 5. Gravel composed of Edd - Red shale, Siltstone 5 g, -

                                                              .                                                                            Sandstone, Grey dolo.

5 7 6 - - mitic, occassional 0-

                                                                                                                                     . Stz & chert pebbles 6 9         9                                                                                                                 -
                                                    .- Q.

9 11 13 13 5 - 73 - Brown Sand & Gravel; Some to 25 - t 15% & Silt & Clay - 10 10 14 f,J Silt & Clay med Dense to Dense (M - 13 5 to 14.0 p W to - Clay mos Q tr a du o i  :!P - posed shale pebbles ill 15 20 as -16.5 ches, to vet at 15 0 , CJ - Boulders & Cobbles - lL 2 D C-18.0 [ 1ess permeable. i 7) g . _ less than 5% Silt & 1 14 18 25 g -

                                                                                                                                          @ 1.0 t 15 0
                                                  ,I                                                                                      55
  • Silt & Clay belov 35 50 F _"No Recovery 19 5-20 5 -

J.g - 15 0' l ")/ 22.0 - l 11 LE D M Red male l [22 5 T. o.

0002 106 0 G AI . 21, 18/4
                ,I                                            ils?.

1 l

i GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. l 50ll CLASSIFICATION $HEET 5NEET 1 _C PROJECT ' Mile I51End W.O. h102.00 3lTE AREA Plant Site ORILL HOLE N CONTRACTOR: Xi*,linski COORDINATES A 7+00sE ' ELEVAfl0Nd DRILLE R : K'J b it s ky GwL 0 HRS $ CLA15l PIED 8Y : 'd.3- DATE: 1 11-67 24 hrs _ i l C .s. ,

                     $PT                                                                                      **w 3*'          REMARKS              I f

C'1.ile g z w ' g . SC!L DESCRIPTION f **#

                                  $       k             Deasity (w C.nelse ney), C.I.,          N   s             Gr* 8a       * * ' " ' **
       ;   ie                      g      g                                                     .4
  • RSis**". 58=,. G 1.e4. o. ,

4 i,* o

  • 1 41 Typ. . Assessarie. :i C.e. R ee. G'.=ad We' ', l
0. C e 12 18 Run C=. C neeru. sten Phe )


                                                ~ O.Q Too Soil                                                            ~

1 1 3 3 c. - - _ J - - 1 newn, silt, tr. clay Some 2 2 2 3 If ~ fine sand moist G " K: *

i 1 L 7 10 ~

h5 M . ,,M. Cense Srcwn silt a fine sand ,

                                        )       ~

h IC E 8 - 60 moist 4 ~ v Cense 3rewn fine to ese. sanc S3 . h O & gravel, tr. silt -dn Max. Ang . Less than 10%

  • 12 l' 2E
                                       ,IA      -                 tr. clay, tr. organic                1/2"        to -

61- Rdd. - 6 16 17 2C y - GM - Silt & clay ir 43 .0 to lof,+ below 0' 7 21 18 16 " 10.5 "

                                       .t ,                 orcwn une t.o ese. sana 6.

g - Dense gravel tr. of silt & clay - High 4 of qtz. 3e - 11.5 2 16 1L 15 vet GP -

                                                                                                                               & sand grains d    -

Brown fine to ese. sand 's - Lenses of eles gravel, tr. silt & clay - f') 9 1h 13 9 GP - vet - sand

                                           #                                                                             ~

I ~ Med. dense to 15.0 - FI2


1C 6 5 12 ~ tense belcw 15.0 a{.,

    -~                                          ~

11 20 20 20 ~ [$ j.# " 18.0Much decomposed red shale


L2 L7 23 c0 . 16.5 to 18.0 " Zea it 2 D g: a.d shale  :

  • 4 ,m. -

T. D. - s _ _ _

: 0002 107

_ m W e Al l l

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. SOIL CLAS3lFICATION SHEET SHEET 1 C P90 JECT: 1 mile island wo. h102.00 $3rE AREA P'RMt DRtLL HCLE N CONTRACTOR: Mitlinski C00RD; HAT Es B-P 00W ELEVATION DRILLER : Ktibitski GwL 0 HR$._ CLA55tPIED sy e WA DATE: 1 18 47 74Med _ Coorse

                                                                                                         " '                             8 i                         ,;     e                 $CIL DE3CKaPTION                    W          '5e4 U                          Chemiseel Camp,

{* i os k Density (or Cenelseeney). Celer s R*ase Crela

           $      4 in.        j     g                                                      g  e  Sise      $3epe      Geelegie Deve, O    **                                          Ieil Type
  • Ateesseries g ,,, g,,,,g y,,,,,

f g,,, 00 6 12 1s *"****'* *** R ua Core 4( pose, Brown,311t, Sand & Gravel d- 1.0 _IcpAoil Meist 1 1  ? 3 c c - Med. Dense, Brown Fine to Med. ~

                                  $-j-- Sand & Gravel, Tr. Silt                            SP    3/k"       Sub -

2 3 h 5

                                                                                           &                Ang .                 Less Than 26 ap                 to -                to k.5 Rdd -

3 10 5 6 '[

                                                                                                                     ~            5% silt to 7.

2,4 Fairly Clean t.} .

                                                                                                                    .             Permeable k    5   7     7        .I    -

n:  : 5 9 7 5 !c~7.5 - (. VeM. Dense - Fine to Coarse Sand, - 70% Sand 6 4 5 5 9', - S me Gravel, TR Coal pteles. - Fairly Clean

p. -


                                                                                                   "         " -         & Permeable 15.C                             J' '                                                                             ~

7 5 6 f ~10.5 ~ 5 Meist to Srv 59 - Med. Dense, Fine f's CSE Sand SP - 1/2 1/2Sandi


8 7 5 7 5- ~12h0GrSV'l Dry Gh _ P4 ,)4ed. Dense, Fine to CSE Sand & SP

  -                               e.t    . Gravel, Tr. Silt; Tr. Decomposed               &
                                                                                                                  . g! Silt 9    5   8      1C        r>                   coal it c:                             VM e        GP
                                  %- Dense - Fine to CSE Sand & Gravel E                                           -             ** P' * *D1' 4):    .

TR. Silt & Clay " " below 13 5 15.c10 12 14 30 4 's 15.0 1C4- Meist


D RI L LE n *16.0 Boulder & Cobble - y . Med. Dense, Fine to CSE. Sand & 10 to 20% Silt & 11 8 1C 15 Ep - Gravel, Some Silt & Clay - Total

                                  ,p                                                                              -

12 30 25 21 44 19.0 Moist


_ ii .Y. Dense, Fine to CSE Sand & Grave] M 15 21 3C "8 41" Layer et eine sand-clean} L3 m (

                                                                                                  ,            a -

_ Q1 Coal TR. Silt 54! Moist - 3 RI L 2  ? D m Fed shale _ 21.3 - O - i 0002 108 G A8

  • t


                                                           $0lL CLA$3fFICAT10N SHEET
                                                                                                                 $HEET 1         0F 1
           !CT:       3 Mil' 1818             W.0. k1C2.00      snyg AREA     P' et Site                     DRILL 440LE h0.1::.lA.


           .ER:       Kubitsky GWL O NRS         IS "

ilPIED SY: DATE: 1-10-67 24 HR$ 16*2 Ce .. 5PT * " 3* REMARKS Soll DESCRIPTION w- O'3."81. '

                 , .     {

j o . . < c .. , >. C.


g y

                                                                                        ,.       ;c        ::   ;.'.c;- -  .

C .... .. . .

             . ,, ,,                     c.,                                             ,_                C -..     .            . ..


                                      - 0.8      Top Soil                                               -
d. s .
s. .
  • Fine & Med. -

No Sar:pling

                                  .              Sand & Gravel                                                in hole. Class-l 9   _"                                                                .'    ification from
                                                                                                        . drillers ic6s.
                             ,6       .                                                                 .
                            ., g      .                                                                .

i;- -

                            ', s.    -
                               ).    -
                             ),, ~11.0                                                                 "
                            ' y-     -
                             -O'                 Fine & Med. Sand &

V - Gravel, Cobbles & Bldes. - p ., - c . .

                             'O      -                                                                -
                              .'O                                                                     ~

e, .4

m. ,a , .4 ~.


o. r. ;
                  .. o               :                                                                :              0002 109 l                                                                               b GAI. 227 2/f

O GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC, SOIL CLA551FICAT10N SHEET 5HEET C PROJECT 3 '411' I31' W.O. h102.0 SITE AREA Plant Sit? DRILL I.0LE N CONTRACTOR: KitliS841 COORDINATES B-3+35 E e tgyi,yton __, ORILLER Kubitski GWL 0 HR5_ CLASSIFIED SY: DATE: 1-20-57 24 HAS _ C ese g 5PT Greneler REMARgh

     .:     Z              .

SCIL DESCRIPTION d Seele u- = 2 j g j 8 8- a Ch ieel C p. 5 j 6 in. .5 j 4 o ...,t.,C .i. evi,C.i., Seil Type . Aseeese,te.

                                                                                           "tl;y     fC           o  ...,,,o,,,,

d Cme R ee. Gee .d Weser.

), 4 12 18 3.9 R ua Cw. *** ** ***

_ . ).7 *co soil .

  -                              7      .                                                                     .

o) . .

                                        .          fttiti-colored Silty                                                  No Sa.:plinc

_ l., . Sand, Gravel, and

                                                                                                              .          hole. Clast
  -'                           ;, '     .          Cobbles
                                                                                                              -           ification f:

Drillers Lot 0.-) . Z ).', :



                               ?: 3.a
 @)                                               Brown Silty Sand                                           ,"
                                 @.     .         v/.tulti colored                                            .
 -                                      .         Gravel, Cobbles & nldrs.                                   .

_ O _ n. . K - L.  :)

 -                             o.       .
                                  .s    .

O: . 3 ,.- .

  • me 70.s I

e - . . , . , . _ \ O _ RE.W.E 0002 !10 Bub.W4 - 4 A8


              *.       $py                                                                                  .

Greav'" RE14 ARKS 4 $ OIL DESCRIPTION w Seils

                            ***/                                                                                                            * *
  • Density (or Ceneles.ney). Celee N'"
                                                                                                              $   "g*,"y                 G        iD
  • 4 la* e a, o f, -

Seil Type . Aceses*** :i Cee. R es. G, ad wever, g, 4 n 33 9,n '"* * "*" **** 3 R ua Cee.

, . . .. . ' n a . .. .. ; 9.--
                                                                                              ,. a.  .u.                                .u tart.e 2 .- u-< n
                                               .-      f) . O Te-s M!                            vet                                  ~

1 1 1 1

                                              .g{      pcs2 cratal i ;aad (fine to =cd.)                                              ~

Fluvial Moder

                                               -p      . a :.c allt L cla/- - Scist                      :C      Max.      Sub./JG                         PCMC
                   ,-       ,'    6            '. #

1" to - kO'I" 0#8V"1 F gaund- LC% Sand

                                              /,{,     -
                  '5        '.                  # 7. . -                                                                       L - 20% Silt & clay 3                    6                                                                                         Flat ~

7 )  :. ;M. dan;e-br:vn, fine t: 002. Jar.;1, l'sX .

                                                                                                                 .          MC ' 'i       ( M' ,.::ana g                                  4C*f CM'/'.fi, Tf. Silt - dr7                     TI        3' "
                                   ,j                     ,

ned. den:e - d-evn, fine to CCI - f, ySand 5 lo ' 9 10

                                               'N      taad 1 cravel - d.'7

a Gravel le:s than 2f, si: p - g.

           $      9         13 15               '8 9.0                                                                               -
                                                .;       a m - crnun, ;o               .c aand l

a e 1 sana 4 gr: TO C4 ?e gravel, T3 allt - = cme blacu ~ 7 .21 00 16 h- 10 5 organic dr/

  • 10f silt y .V. d:nco, brevn, fine to OSI sand . less per

8 '

                  -v'3    h3
                         -3                   ii.      . acne gravel, sctw allt, =oist                                              -        { telev 1C            l
                                              ~        .
                                                                                                                                    . 6      sand
                                                       .                                                                                 3      gravel

_ 9 20 LO ico 4.i>13 2 . Ic<, silt C 0 a E D TvM 3. ;. 31dr.1 ecbbles ~ g-:3 C[ - 4 () "15 5 - I

   -                                                   -V. den:e, breva, fine te OGE =an '.                                      -

607. sand io go $1 L7

                                                    .  -1 gnvel, m..: silt, =oist                                                   -
4. C - 30% smvel  ;

Ch Cs. to wet st 1';'.0' 10% silt


u h, n us 3:  : 12 48 50 56 50 - D

                                                *      ~
                                              ,.l      .

13 LOC X .

                                                       -20.S Bou.L1er                                                          -'

DR IL LZ D ()0 -21.8 Top of reck 21.8 . CR IL LE D '/(22 5 Red silty shale _ _ m. 0. n v G Al . V' - 0002 111



 !CT:    3 Mile Island                   . 0.       4192.0        $1TE AREA  Plant Site                        DRtLL HOLE NO. BL-2 4 ACTOR: Kitlinski                                            COORDINATES ELEVATION Na O
 .E R ,          3 oyer                                                                                                          17 3 G.L O MRs l
 .iPIED SY id. S .                                        DATE: 1-12-67                                        72 y,igas         16.9 C ..

5PT ,

                                                                                             *aul*        REMRKS SotL DESCRIPTION                aa         '5 41. '

m. i a e

                                           . . .., <., C . . .  . ,. C.m 3     ,w        e       r. : ',c:,-

i ...IT,-........,.. y c .... ..-...

    , ,, ,,                        ,.,                                                 .         c,,,    C.,........

T '. . Loose-Brn. Silty Sandy Top- . Started 1-12-67 qk 0.8 soil - Some Gravel Wet

                          ,V    -

Med. Dense-Fine to Coarse - 1/2 and 1/2 Sand g - Sand & Gravel - Tr. ot' Silt - to Sub." & Gravel Less Thar 7 9 13 .. Dry - Brown Ang." 57. Silt. Fairly Tr. Organic g 3/4" to l Clean and Permeabl 8,j ' 12 9 7 _ Rd. "

                          .0    -                                                                      -

Fluvial 3'6 . I 12 14 17 6.0 - t

                         '. 't           Dense, Brown, Fina to Cse.

9. Less than 107.

                                .         Sand & Gravel, Tr. Silt                      to       Sub.-         Silt 21 19 19
                         )?     -        Moist                                                  Ang.-

EI- - Tr.coaly Peeles. 7.5 to 9.0' lM 3/4" to

                         .T5       9.0                                                          Rdd."  ~

19 14 13 iy Med. Dense, Med. Sand w/Tr.

                             -                                                 iP                           ( 100'7. Med. lClean Sa 11 10 10                (.{ \ Organic 10.5 Dense Fine to Cse. Sand, em

707. Sand, 287. Grav 2% Silt, Est. M Less Permeable

                                ~ \ g g i,Tr. Silt. Tr.Organi[

Be .5' ['. 9 14 26 Dense to V. Dense, Sand and


j " Gravel, Some Silt.Tr. of Clay , 1/2 & 1/2 Sand and Al Much Decomposed Red Shale ~ Gravel,107. + Silt 20 28 32  ;- [ Some Organic Ptcles., Moise and Clay,(Below 13.

                          *0                                                                                  10 to 207. Clay
              .0:/ 7' i' IA.7                                                                                 and Silt) 27 31 0      R    E    D            I5.5 Boulder                                                          "

2 V. Dense, Lt.Brn., 511cy F. .p 1Auvial scrat. of 4 ~ to Med. Sand. Interseratified '& Sand Lenses w/ Sand 15 49 ED A ~17.0 Sand and Gravel ;P ~

                                                                                                              & Gravel - K is lo Recovered 2.6' Soulders and                                 -

0 R E D - Cobbles -

                                ~20.0                                                                 -

r, arawn sana w/ vravet No Recovery R I L L ~9 ~21.3 Cobbles ';M - g I L L 'M21.7

                         /             Red Silev Shale - 3edrock T.D.                                                         -

G As . 2.27 12/s i., r , m. ... 0002 117 l l




                      *1 '111e Island                             w,o, Liq 2.0 PROJECT:                                                                          slTE AREA      Plant                                               l DRILL HOLE N.     !

CONTRACTOR: Titli* Ski C00RDINATEs C-5 +05'd stgy47,on, g ORILLER : ^ 15 ' * * ? GwL h MR5d CLASSIFIED SY: ~1 3 - DATE: 1~17'b7 24 HRS d C aers.

                   $p7                                                                                             Greavier            REMARKS 50tL DESCRIPTICH                W             5eils
            .      Slows /            I as
                                              $                   Deasity (.e Cuisise.asy), C.I.'      d       R eno      Green      Cheeeel,

{ , 3 4 - 513 54,. G l.gie D , d j 8 '"-

  • Ty,. Assess.,ies C, ad w. e, 3 c.,. g ...

l g , ,, o, C asww=*iaa Pr.6lems.

                                                      "O.8'        frecen - toes?il                                                *

1 1 2 2 -

                                                      " Loose, fine te Ose. sen:i &                   gp                 Sub ~         High permeebil 4' ~ gravel - dry                                                              Ang.[

_ . 2. 1-1/2" san 6 & 1/2 gravel _. . sp 3/h" to

                                           ' ./

c  ?

  • 4, '

_ Sc: .e bile.. coaly ptcles. Rdd.. _ 3.0' to 0 ~

                                                                  & Dense
          ?    11    16 26                            ~ . *3
                                                          .        much Red SS Roch Frogs.                                        ~

K .~ . _ _ Cense, fir.e to cae. sand & L " 'o '*

                                             / . gravel, tr. silt - dry Less than 5% S gp                 Sub .

5 ik 17 15 .',b -

                                                                                                       &                 Ang.-

sp 3/h,, to -

    ~                                                ~

[ 6 16 15 18 *" ( W- -D - 10.5

         )7    14    19 20                                                                                                       -
                                          -/ .-              to v. dense .

8 18 ol e*C . Lew permeabili 3rewn sand a grevel w/seme silt belev 1C.5 Dr .I. - 4 tr. clay . :toist. - o il le d y' *

                                                     ~                                                                    Subr        10 to 20%         si "c                                   . Drilled through many cobbles &                                     Ang.        cicy
                                          .\  -
                                                     . boulders belcw 12.0'                           gm        3/I'    *0
   -      Or il
          'e <e le   d                      -
                                                     -                                                                    W. 6 Or il le d                                 -
                                         '.O      .

Q' . _ Or il le d

                                         .( _20.1

_ / -

                                                     -21 5 '4eathered led She.le                                                -
                                                     . . .,  4. 3.


 \ _                                                 e l

4 As . e

                                ..                                                                                              0002 113

l l



                            !CT: ' "41, Island                                        w,o, klo2.Z            SITE ACEA Plant                                        DRILL HOLE No. C*2 1 ACTOR Vi tlMSk*                                                             COORDINATES C-3@ 'd                                       ELEVATION 200 05
                            .g-                         Y:hitskt GWLOHR5 19 5 IFIED SY:                   ~I 3 -

DATE: 1-l? #7 lldg'/ HR5 'A 4 C ear 4 e 5P7 . l Greaul*' REMARKS j g e SolL OCSCRIPTION a Seile I o'c i N R*a** G'eia chemisel Comp, Density (or Consiseeney). Celer = l 4 go, g g W Sise She,e Geelegic Dees, Seil Type . Assesseries d Care R ee. Grevad We'er.

                               , g g                                                                                                  ,,        e,            Cea ww.esen Problems. ees.
                                                                              ,      Topsoil                                                              -

1  ? h I.5 - 9 -I.cose fine to C32 asnd & grsvel, to T2b - 3 g 5 ,,(. -TR. silt. =oist 1-1/h'jon4 . l .. - Rdd. - - l7 h 5 s' G! to -1/2 sc.nd 1/2 gravel l rod. danse halov h.3' 1/2" - 2% silt to h.5 ' 5 to lo:

                                                                  , j ',   -                                                                             -

silt below h.3 ' 7 3 11 -hf rly per cable

                                                                   '[(     .

1 I - y, l 0 10 10 ~

                                                                           ]7.542t 6.0 to 7 5
                                                                  -$ }' f'ad. Dens -fins to :"ad 3rsined                                                 -

7 @ 3374 _brnwn sand % graval TR. silt TR. O!' 1/2" 3Cf gravel 11 o to !J . nr m n t e- -n t s t _ Less than 2T silt l h$ dst. denso to Jans:- bravn, stity, sub sp;. s p- sble l 0 10 1h 3 -Nne to : red Crain21 s-2nt a ;ra.,:- ,T' 1/2 to - Ot:r .: v'ei chale 1/2"

                           ;                                      '7",":'R. c11y TH. 'asly partielsa enf si
                                                                  .                                                                          rd1. - ssni & grsvel 5 to 15%

sfit & elm 1

17 ,o
                                                                 *S       -

l l Q ". .!cnsa , brn. sin.1 's 3rsv21 - clean sand in as=ll

                           ,,     .,4               y              i; g -TR. silt & cls; - =oist (0.2') lensas 6.4     -                                                                             -

a4 31 M b 15 0 9 Y m  ? 14.0 9~1. 1 t3 -s ir - 7. d.:9se, him. ssad % gravel S;2b - 1/2 & 1/2 stud & grave

                           ,o     . , ,             -,
                                                                   , .j - so o silt & ,:lsy - moist                                  3/h"      sng - 10% silt & cisy 9 -                                                                           tn      -

4 - (sorre sant lenses) Rdd.-

                                                    -             i4      -                                                                            -
                                                                   }s     ,

6.d - l E * M t 9 ~, 311ty, shale - 79_ 'h

7 a^
                                                                                 .0 T.o.

e 4 As 237 92/e

2. i ' +

0002 114


                                                                                                                                                      $HEET 1       C PROJECT:                 1-Mile Island w.o,                   h192             SITE AREA   P a "+                                   ORit.L HOLE h CONTRACTOR: Kitlinski                                                     COORDINATES 31.+00 M                        _.            ELEVATION !

DRILLER : Kubitsky owl 0HR$ _ CLA551 PIE 0 8Y: Ed DATE: 1-10-67 192 MHRs_ C o.,s. sPT G, wl.,

                 .:           4                                                                                                                  R EnAARKs
u. Z .

2 SCIL DESCRIPTION q 3 all. 8'-/ a" g 3

                                     ' 'a-      a '

j o . ., <., C . . .,3. C.i. 3  ; ag t;, .Ch.m6..I Comp'

                                                                                                                                                ..,,,,, o ,,,,

s a s.a T,,. . Ao . . .., .. .; c,-aw C.,. .. . C . .. P w .m. 6 12 ta 0.0 Rua C~* . l

             -                                                                                                                                                      1
                                                              ~0.1 Soft bru sdv silt-some                     sm                           ~ Torsoil

_ 1 1 1 2 Fine gravel-tr clay Lun l _ '$, loose red brn sand & gravel-some

                                                                                                                      +2" subang dirty; as. qtz.I i

N 'say .o silt binder 74 2 2 3 k rdd - gravel _ cs med. dense bra med. sand & gravel- Ian +50% gravel i

             ._,.                                     3,      _               al. tr. silt                    CW      y subrdd -50% red              sanc
             ~               3    5    7   9          ,o 2                        k -maeraFe l

LL y med. dense brn. gravel & med. sanc Imm . 60% gravel 1, i 3 _ tr. silt as above 7J to K- moderate t:

             -               4    7    8 10               4   -
             -                                        ',k    -

coal silt l Q - O -- 5 1o 22 1' d 7s _ dense brn med sand f. gravel-50% cravel, 50%


3{ 9 1mm

                                                              . trace silt                                            to                     K-6  17 24 20 _%                                                                   CJ      + 2 ,,
                                                                                                                                          -            moderate bg ce.0nse to v. dense (? ) recovered g                                               -
                                                             ~ one 2" dia .- veathered                     z  es  cobble, blocked spoon, no sample

_ 7 32 21 25 1" d 10.5 ~

                                                     -4      . v. dense silty :r.ed. sand & gravel                                       . v. dirty; contad

_ p . GW . deemp. sh. fras _ 8 32 36 h5 6" 9, _ 50% Eravel

            -                No                       3,.                                                                                -     155 csE sand 3 N "*d ' #

3'c k8 56 21 o ',Y e i t a: - _ 20 " v. dense Red-brn silty f. to med. l=m -

v. dirty v/ muet
i. . sand & gravel - trace clay 74 to -

rock (shale) :ca) E 9 35 ha 69 o.5 y -

                                                                                                                       +2"               -

pasty stx. dirt)

                                                     ,o.-                                                                                -

poor K _ lo al 65 73 0.N - f .

            ",~". 11 k7 59 71

_ 14 E~18.0 Below 16.5' Interm.ittent trae na a..r ~ _ 3r_v. dense silty f. to med sand-nome _ 12 26 35 hl 05p ,*.grsvel . yp. .- .

            @13 70                   d        05'g- .20.2                                                                               -

Z2R 14 1T h [21.2 Boulder _. ~ M 11 =d Mi'1 A=v- _ 0.5 .- _21.7 car a 4 <;;. c. vel am .b,ws. -

                                                             -Brick red v' t t siltstone                                                -
                                '                                                ~

E t .. 0002 115 g _ G Al


                                                        $ OIL CLASSIFICATION $HEET SHEET I CF            I
   !CT23 Mile Island                   v.o,     4192.0                  s TE aRga     Pl.nt                            DRILL HOLE NO.        C-6 4 ACTOR:                                                       C00RDINaf ts. C-3*85 E                               Etevation 24.20
   .ER :                                                                                                               GwL0HR5        13 0
   ;iPIED RY:        W5                                   DaTE: 1-17-67                                                     24 HR$    IO C ...
         $PT                                                                                     Gr. awl.a         RgkARK$

Soll DE5CRIPTION W 3 61. al.-a a>. f2 j o . .., c., C . . ... , >. C.i g  : a,ys g:: c 2:T;',.'o.,*-

                                            . .. I T ,- . a . . . . . .r .. .           ,     C.        R...     .. a s. ..

i I e 12 le 0.0 ava C .,. Pr.blem., .e.. i N Loose-Brn. Sil &' Fir.e Sand I N. .1.0 Some Gravel - Toosoil Wet Med. Dense, Fine to Cse., - 107. Silt to 3.0' O. Brown, Sand & Gravel, Some -

27. t, Below 3.0' 4 5 10 7' Rock Frags. Dry
  • Tr. Coal (Decomposed) -

M derately Permeable 14 14 15

                       .0}-2 4.5 to 6.0'                                                           -

14 10 12 8 -


19 16 13 .

                        ' y-    .

10 10 14 9.0 ~ j '. Brown

                      -Q I0.5 V.andDense& Gravel,FineSome   to Cse.,k Roc 20 25 27                              rags. Dry g./      .       V. Dense, Fine to Cse. Sand                                           -        Less Fermeable 27 35 92
                                        & Gravel. S me Silt and                                               -

Below 10.5 m /' s - Clay - Moist.Bldr. 12.2 to -

                                -       13.0,                                                                 -         15% Silt and Clay LLED to 13.0'
                                ~                                                                             ~

107. Silt and Clay l 68 54 60 /A [ wee . Below 14.5' Below 13.0' I 42 .0:/5: ~[, . - I . . - l l}. .

                      *         *                                                                            ~

l 29 41 39 Much Weathered Red Shale 16.0 to 17.5'


fy, 44 - ~~94 58 k.( 19.4 UP to 20% Silt Below 17.5' HlED Red Weathered Shale " t [/. 21.0 ~ T.D. -

 .s 1

0002 116 9 e G AG . 2s? 98/f


                                                                                             $0ll CLA331FICATION SHEET
                                                                                                                                                              $HEET '    O
                                        -..,,3                 , , "

PROJECT : W 0- I'l'".o SITE AREA u t_ - ORtLL MOL1 Mt CONTRACTOR: I#.#1' COORDINATES C-7+00E ELEVATION d ORILLER : 7*"** GWL 0 HR$ CLAS$1 PIED BY  ? T . '3 . DATE: ' 17- - 24 HR$ d Ceeeee g 5PT Grenvie' REMARKS u- * .

                                                                                      $0IL DESCRtPTION                      .4          Seite
  • 3 Sle e/ Cheeseel Cem,,
                                                                                                                                   "g7 d       ,1 6 f a.

as 3 a.

                                                            .                  Density (or Ceneseeaney), Celee Seal Type. Asseseevies 5            fM         Geelgie Dese, d      Core      R ee.      C'* wad **.

0.0 6 12 la Rua Core C****"***

  • i %. '.' .,,,n". M' sDrown or .ilt .,*., , ;an - .d ,

4 ... 3 .

                                                         ., ),. ,    . , .. s,o ..
      -                                                    s'; .                     ro'm Ti.x, to ::k:d. .,and A 1

_f.""n 3 , 3 ,, 'ilt " 3, _..y -.

                                                          ,; . l Icd. Deacc to h.5' IM::. Ouh       -

1/2 & 1/2 3and 1 ,,.

                                                                -       3rrvin F'.a: to 0.:2. .o nt'. 6 Grm .1              GI    3/h"               -

bite clean  !

                                                                              '?r. of .;ilt I/t. : 72an 5d                                Ang.-
      ,,a                                             ..

to - l I- l!t '.

                                                               . D<'tec 1.5 to .5.0' 1                                                         .
                                      ' '?           . .,I
                                                                .                                 "'r. Crrenic,h.5                         'Md * -   ,
                                                            .   . Y. Don .c ,> .O
  • to <,3.0 * :n 2.O* -
              "             ^                                                                                                                 -
 !,                                                      [ . Dense to 10 5'                                                                          -
      ~~-                                                i.
                        '^ ' l' ',                   ' . ". Pr. :onders: tee of Fine 'and
                                                                .       T.5 to ?.0'                                                                  -  60,$ of Ca=ple 1C   l
                                                         .      - 1" Jilty Iayer 10 3 to 10.4                                                        -  11.0' is Lied. t

y a +- l. ^3

                                                                - dr: to 9 0'                                                                       -
                                                          .     -    .oir.t ('.0'         to 12.';'                                                                         ,
                                      ..,                                                                                                                                    1
1. . . ,y -

Tv-l L "

                                                                . Y- :a* De am F12e to 0.iE Jand u                                                  -   Inss perscabin i p}            7:nvel tr. Lilt (r> to 10.i}


                                                      *- .c- . w ,a m -* -4.e 1 ?. 5 to 15.0 '
                                                                                                                                                    -                        1 tT. nice.n n     -


                                                                                                                                                    -                       )
      -                                                 ..                                                                                                                  l 33
             .-       A
                       ,,     ~.3     _,,              .

i ', , D:' 'n & thd. De tne below 15.0' , o .

                                                               . !!oint to 13 5                                                                     -

2' 3 o,i . *kt belov 13 5 -

             .h       is      p-      a              's        -

m .

                                                               .z , a                                                                              -

_ 9/ Red asle. A mm - _ . 2.D. m .


0002 !17


                                                          $0tL DESCRIPTION
  • 5 . 11 .

i <j = >- u

                     "-        .s    -

D . .., <., C . . . ,l. C.i., j  : a,ra. ;c c"-',

                                                                                                                                 . , ', ,c 4 .!                                            s. . I T, - . . . . . . . .. .           s     C            .... o,- e.        .

3.0 6 12 is 0.0 R ua Car

  • _ 9 7 Tcp soil .

1 1 2 3 p. - h kovn Silt, M & -


Gravel, moist - 2 2 3 3 48 'S 0 * " l

                                  *9 Med. Dense Brown, Sami & Gravel,                                          -

Moderately pen 3 4 5 9 od - Some organte particles (black) Sub - Relatively eles l w ,c.  ; dry 3/4" sas: t&tsand&ci to Silt 0 U 0

changes to TR. Silt below 5 0 GP rdd: 55 Pebb"les-are s.:
     ,_                           I.0'    _                                                                               _  stone &                I ancly           severa O   -

5 10 5 9  :- 75

                                  .o -Dense to v. Dense Brown Sand &

chart pebbles. l p 6 13 17 10 n. . -Cravel - 10% Silt . j.. -TR Crganic particles, TR silt

                                     ;,.                                                                                                                 1 7     9 23 17        ..
                                          .                                                                               .        Slishtly le, p,

penneable 8 10 15 13 .i - m - Changes to wet 8 12.0 & GP 9 11 18 21

                                   .h.;_ with a "Jt or clay .                                                             _

o, _ _ 3D 10 19 41 29 'l 15 0 - Da 1L LE D h- 16.0 Boulders _ g , V. Dense Brown Sami 3. Grave.L _ TR. Silt o - 17 5 tl 11 25 36 47 wet  ::p p;: u ders  : Da u. u o f - 19 5 - a 7 . aa ue .


21 5 - O- - - -

     . mm  4

0002 .1I me .a GA1 l l


                                                                                 $ OIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET SMEET 1       0F 1 ECT:            3 Mile Isle                        ,,o,                    14192.00    $1TE AREA  Plant Site                               DRILL HOLE NO. D-2 RACTOR:                        Y ' ' 1 '  "
  • C00ADfMAT ES D W ;W . ELEv4 Tion M.8
    'ER:                         Kubitski                                                                                                                       55 G.LOHR5 SIFIED 8Y:                                                                     DATE:     'l-20-57                                              24 HR$     17 '


                                                                                                                                   .g .,

C .. . *

        $pi                                                                                                          a"I-                R Eli4AR KS G'5 41. '


        , -                         j- j                D . .., < C ...                   .t C.m 3   :   R, ,r    e              r ;,,' c - -    .
                                                                             .T,-.........             g       e.       ....           . . ~ .       .
      , ,, ,,                                                                                                                          C .....        ,mi 0.0                                                          ,_      c                                     .    .

0.7 Too Soil . 0 - . o- .

                                         .' ~ s. .

1.. -

                                         ' , ,-          Brn. Silty Sand                                                        ."          No Samplin'g in
                                        .-       -       w/ multi. colored gravel                                               -            hole. Classifica-tion from drillers G.                                                                                                 legs.

p: - 6: - . g - .

a. -
                                           .0    .                                                                             .

o 15.0

                                        '.      -        3rewn Silty Sand & Gravel                                            .

ii. - w/ multi-colored rock . j.- - fra.];ments & boulders - ().c . . y,4 - A 2 4 ~. T-D -

P. -

i i 0002 119 gal. 227 12/f

5 i GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. Soll CLAS5IFICATION 5HEET SHEET 1 C PROJECT : 1 uile Island ,,o, llW . 00 slTE AREA Plant Site DRtLL HOLE N. CCNTRACTOR: Vitlin3ki CCORDINATES D L+00 E ELEVATION d ORILLER : OV'I GwL0HR$ d l CLAS$lFIED SY 'a'. S. DATE: 1 'l M 24 HR$ d C ... l 4 5PT . Greaul*r REMARKS C. z J e SOIL DESCRIPTION we seits i i E Density (et Ceseleveney), Celee s R *aM O'* M i E d- W F Sise She,e Geelegie Dete. 6 In* i C ,7. Seil T;pe . Assesserte* 6 Ce,e R es. Grewad We'er. O. i 6 12 18 n,0 Ree ce,e C ** * " **' '** M I**'* _,,,, _0.7 Brown 311ty Top Soil .

   -         1 3~  p        3'
                                              .e      -

(j[ - Brown med. to ese, sand w/ Sub ang moderately, pe- ) 2 6 i'a' " 3.0 gravel dry GP 1/2" to clean sand & g: 3 8 Rdd

                                               .j -V. Dense            Brown fine to ese sand                                 .
             ,  .)?    Lo       ') A           '('    -
                                                                   & gravel, TR. silt, dry          GP                        -  Less than 5% .

_e__n Some red siltstone rock frags , 3., . 4 30 25 25 '. I - _ ho . 10 14 16 D. c n so o. m 1.6  :  : 3o "EC D RI LL ED i".A - Boulders 8.7 to 10.0 , _10.0

   -                                           I      -V. dense - Brown fine loose sand &                                    -

7 52 75 77 E. ' gravel, tr. silt, moist GM - 5% + Silt

   '-'""                        9              ld     -

lense of fine clean - 8 h7 58 OJ .' sand 11.7 to 11.Q. to

                                                  .                   BLDRS. 12.6 to 1h.0                                   "                *** #

S me decomposed Red Shale DR IL LE D .D t Adding to clay contents, [

                                                      .                                             CP                       ,
o. ~. Tr. of organic par *.icles .
   ,,XE                                           -

9 21 27 L o,

                                              ,g Fever fines below lh.0' .                                      "

_ *- . more permeable . 10 50 h6 LL 8.' - s - 11 Sh L23 -'D "18.0 - fe  :  : L'O D RI LL ED [


Red Shale - [ 21.0 - t .

: 0002 !20 1
  • _
   =___                                               _

G Al .


  • W.O. h192.0 SITC AREA Plant 0-DRILL HOLE NO.


      .ER:                   30 W'                                                                                                                      10 3 CWL0HR5 slFIED BY:              *
  • DATE: 1 20-67 24 hrs lk'7

, C earse

               $PT                                                                                    ,

Grenut*' REMARKS g , soll DESCRIPTION ea Seil. I*" O Chemisel Camp,

                               $        !                 Den 6ey (e, Cenese,eaey), Cole,               e  R**** G'e'a g g,,            g       g                                                           .4  e  Sise     $he ,e     Geelegie Deve, Senl Type . Assesserie.
i Core Res. Cre=ad Wme, g_ Cen wwessen Probleme, m.

l.' *3.3 Brevn silt fine sand vet topsoi l 5 3 k r, 1onse brown fine sand some silt -


SC% fine sand 18% silt [

                                                                                                                            . 2% + gravel
         '      ?       '

t Tr. gravel SN .

                                                 .                           moist                                          .

2 2 2 -

                                                 -h.5                                                                       -

P = >bri dense fine to ese sand some SF 1/2" - 70% sand 30% + gravel 0 ~ ( 2 4 15 4--gvel tr silt dry - 2% + silt d Dense fin <' to cse sand & gravel OP 1/2 sand & gravel 27 37 23 '. i 3. f, [ . shale rock f2agsTR silt dry ~ 2% + silt

0. - , _

G coalyparticJes 4.5 to 5 0 3/4" " ~ obderstely 31 24 30 y,c -; -

                                                                                                                           . Per:seable 25 24 26                     O f

(6  : -


o - 42 73 35 5 -13 5 - h lc IT .- D nse fine to ese sand & gravel TR  ; ** 'l

                                    .0 3rCanic, TR silt & dry =oist                                                      $

j jf' -TR coaly particles =uch shale - 13 10 3 .- - vet - slightly less

                                                   >hd. dense 15.0 to 18.0 t

12 0 :3 -

                                    'y          _

25 19 24 r. Deuse belev 18'.0" .

                       .           . 's         -
                 . ble          'a,           .

26 26 3,3 . 3 ,7

                                    'Z-Red                          sandstone                                             -


             '  l4     ti 0002 !21                 !

G As . 237 12/e

i cII.BERT ASSOCIATES, ]NC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 5HEET SHEET 1 0 PROJECT 3mm w.o. 4192.00 slTE AREA PLLYr S M ORfLL HOLE N( CONTRACTOR: .C tlindi COORDINATES ELEVATION f. Ort:LLER : D *f GWL 0 HR$ CLASSIFIED Sy : DATE: l*2!'*bI 24 HR$ _ Ceerse g 5PT Grenvier REMARKS 50lt DESCRIPTION W 5eils El***/ f(". Density (or Consistency), Celer } "g*"(( is De 6 in. .5 6

               $    ,1                                        5.41 Type . Assessari'*       :s     Core      R ee. G 'M ***'.

0.0 4 12 la 0.0 Rua C *

                                                                                                                       *"*        "** *'~'
                                                  .07             Top Soil                                          -
            -                            t-       .         .                                                       -

( ,. - Lt. Brn. Fine Sandy - No Sampling 1 ;. - in 4, Silt v/ Fev Rock Fra6s. " Hole _\ _ .4 . . v G i ~5.0 m n e mi ri ent4 m

            -                          ,'.        .                                                                -                Froa
                                         'o .     .                                                                -

Drillers _ . Brn. Ranti di Gravel O .$ - tog,

            -                            d-       . Trace of Silt                                                -
                                       .g  ,

L3 A . y

            -                           o-     .
            -                                 O. .                                                                 -
                                         ). ,     -

M .


_ , f- . . e0 . g . _ 19 7 O3 / - Red Shale -

                                            / ~21.0                                                                -
            -                                              '^
0002 !22 -
       ,1 (            , -

4 A8



    !CT:      3 h ralaM                        ,,o,   41%.m             site AREA    Plant DRILL HOLE no. N 4ACTom: Mash                                                    COORDINATES                                            ELEVATION     2b*1
    .ER:          D '#                                                                                                                   14.5 GwL0 hrs ilFIED SY:                                                DATE:       1-25-67                                              24 Hg3    14 5 Coorse 5PT                                                                                      Greavis'              REMARK 5                    !
  • SOIL DESCRIPTION J 5 eels Chemisel Camp l 8**/

6 la. ac 5 i 6 Deneity (or Cenelesency), Celer Seil Type . Assesserie* l "$ '"/,' $$ Geelegie Dees, l

                                                                                      $      Care        R es.       G'*"ad **.

6 12 is 0.0 R un C.,e C*"*"*"M3*****'** 1

                                        -0.8 Top soil-v. Loose                :soist                               -
                           .-           -1t. Brown      Fine S11ty                                                 -
                          }.~           -                                                                         _

5 8,'-[3.0 Sandv/RockFrags. " Loose - moist

                         ,1            -                                                                          . No Sampling -

t . M11t1 Colored Fine to CSE. ! 'O " - Classification

                          ,"               Sand v/ Gravel, Cobbles                                                -

from Drillers

                                           & Boulders.            moist                                           .


                           ~0          -                                                                          .

Met & Regained

f. - Wash Water between 12.0 -
                                       - & 18.0' -                                                                .

y .


e,. - . l . . 0 - - l - - oh.- g . 6 -

                          ?-          -                                                                         -

1 - . l .p -

                               -'     -                                                                        ~

20.8 q*' - Red Shale 20.S to 213 sof t hi I 8 Red S.S. 21 3 to 22.0 Hard a,g

                                      -       T. D.
                                      -                                                                        :                    0002 123
                                      =                                                                        .

GA8 227 12/t


                                                                                                                                               $HEET 1 0F PROJECT : 3 Mile Island                          v.o. h192.00            $1TE AREA Plant                                   cau.L HOLE Mc CONTRACTOR            Vf *11"aki                                     COORDlHATES                                           ELEVATION ORILLER :             D '#                                                                                                 GWL0HR$

CLASSIFIED 8Y: D 'f DATE: 1* I 24 HR$ C ,..

                     . g        5PT                                                                    .e
                                                                                                             .       Gr*"* 3*' .         REl& ARKS 2 z                      J          e                   SCIL DESCRIPTION                            5e61.

4 ie

                                     ***'   E         k              Density (or Cenesseency), Ceier       d   S R '"e*    O'* ia      Che=4 eel Camp,                   '

I g g,' g g e 51:e Sliepe Geelegie Dees, o J. A Soil Type . Aseessersee

                                                                                                           $     C '.       Rec.       Gre=ad We***,                     !

o, 3 6 12 18 Ceasersmien Peebleme, i R ua C a'* '

                                                            .07      v. Inose - Sarai Silty topsoil                                  -
                                                  .P -                Lt. Brn. v. Fine Sandy                                         -

j 2 3 Silt w/ few Rock Frag. ' _ .$ . Inose - moist .

               -                                   9        .

l% - k.0 D '

                                                            ." mit-colored fine to CSE.                                                  No Sampling

_ D~

                                                            . Sand v/ Gravel, Cobbles &                                             .

_ . Bidra. - Drillers

                                                    .4 Classification
                                                            - 21st - Med. to V. Dense                                               -
                                                    ?       .
               ~                                            -

LT,0 0 ~

                                                     'o     .

l'I,0 ,


3 . _ O' . o, . 0 - 3 0 . . L g

                                                            . 20.8 i                                       /- 22.0 Red Shale - Med. Ed.                                                 -

J! _

r. D.
0002 124 84Ed a 4A8..



     )RILLER :           hve r                                                                                                  GWL O HR$_
     'LA$5lFIED 8Y:             E                                  DATE: 7 14-67                                                     24NR5 C oerse g       $PT                                                                                    Grenvier          REMARKS z                     ,
                                      ,                    10ll DESCRIPTION                  N              I*II*

u - e IIe*'s/ y j Density (or Consistency), Cele' U , Range Grein Che n d Cem% E j er $1:e Shepe Geelegic Dete, 6 In. 5 e Seil Type . Accessaries -i Care Rec. O" d **'' Construction Preble

     .                                                                                                 R        Ce 1         2    2   1      .Ia1 Loose, e.

crcwn sancycry silt;



                                                                           +n~ni!cegrav    el;                         -
        ,     3 .,

L ,e g 7. dense brewn, f. sand k gravel; ,25 mm Sub.- + 2" si:e for

    .   ,    ,7     ,,g ,4                _ trace silt                               cry                 to    ang..
         -   ^^     -
                                 ~; ' .. .}*
                                                         .                                   Sr      .2   ~.m    to    .

_ h 35 36 35 , sample ik - slightly gray i sand rdd.-

     -  g    oh sq at,           .'-        ec                                               CF                        -

6 27 15 lo 7 aense, fine to med. bmwn sand & .9 m S ub .- { ,*. gravel; slightly moist to n, og TA rdd*- trace of coal C , o !- w am.e7 en o bu+ >e+

s. cense, crown gravel s s/t -e. et i sand, trac
                                                                                             +       1 ~m              -

e E6 59 14 4e ,12 sil + _ t n ce -im v

                                                                                                                         +i11_lika      *av*

9 ,q 31 .g , 4 .'I. dense bmwn gravel i silty sand; _ l'3

                                  *j      -tra ce to scme elay                                                 Ang.- till-like tex +
             $h 53 Cl
                                  ..o 17     14 f: 4h             IV     -                                                                            -

I 12 hl 11 61 ch h7 hh 18 h er., n clay in sample $12 light brown, v. dense ggvgl k s@;.ld:-

       '_b LS 71
                                 .TS: ,u
                                          ~sa 9 V . dense. brick red. si1 *.y
                                                                                            }                          -

_' F/A _ cliv wenthe*ad ohn1 _ _ Top of rock - started co (see attached rock classificatic i sheet) - d . .


[]00f v l .'3 Sheet h2 Amer.d-2 (10-2-o74

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET 5HEET S- 0F 1 ' DATE ~ 17 " i % =. v41. T .1 - ~* NO. 'M a a _c7 DRILL HOLE NO. -- ', CTOR Fdn Ea* ica* $1TE AREA "cmidae %a = ELEV. 195.7 ZE U C00RDlHATE5 ANGLE VO**1081 h" BE A RING

      ) aye                   O E V.                           GwL                                                     DEPTH                C -

Core _. DE5CRlPT1ON REMARK $ Rec. ' o e 3 Rock type, celer, groin sine & shape bedding (engle thickness), fractures, faults, Condition el core. [3  % a: y j i J, ieines (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, wsothering, chemicel c e.pesiesen Escoveting evoluei etc. 10 - l Ion of reek Z 119 sa.1 - gs , y

                        -        #2 #f
                                       ~      k. .           - hh,*$hl_ . .
                                                      ' s b.' ! -      ..
                                                                                ? ,. .,


  • t(Ik. 'L N IE IICAEII u_ , JJ / sdty shale, brick rec '

joints, irregular 6f-7b* cedding incis tinc t , L'I

  • cro s s Z sere bl k. '* n/
         ",    //o     f
                                                                                  .lctnting, sc f t cl ay * 'h.D s* gicier on clay teact 2" at 2d.7', s:f t ze,r.e 70. ' ~'6.h ' , co re !

5" pieces throurt: cut excert a t 20.2' 4 7) .L ' . h5 white -irs Q' Z voiclet nicn;

         /0o   J'6     /                                                                                                      -
                                                                                                                                     .icints, stair Z g]twr a ll c ct
         . ara         /)
                       / va                                                                                                   r ie ' nts w/"r A
                                       ". L.                          -; ..         ,r  9. , , . . , ,                        _

9 m ma - -: n+

                                                                                                                              -       s'.7.

c' s - Z UUV + Sheet L3 A=end-2 (10-2-67) ose.sse use

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. Soll CLASSIFICATION SHEET 5HEET ' ROJECT: "hree ile Isl andw.0. bl99 01 SITE AREA C0011"? **0we r ORILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: 7d"- Ca'-rda== COORDINATES E LEV ATION RILLER : b .. f Gwl0HR5_" LA551FIED SY : 21 9 DATE: '1'4' 24 HRS-C oerse g $PT M Grenular 3*EI' REMARKS I w

                                         ,                 50!L DESCRIPTION Blews/
     .2                       $ j                     Density (or Cenelstency), Color             U    , Range     Green         CMel CW, w,

f 6 In. 5 5 $.il Type . Accessaries j 6

                                                                                                       ,  Size Core Shere R e s.

Geelesis Dete, O " M * * '' Ru Cm Conseraction Preble

).r .o e 0-v. . , - . e n ~- - - i*. 9-en,'

3 3 a 5 --=- *

                                             -Med. dense te dense, ' crown sand and o   1,    e     7 e
o. un to .-

gravel, trace silt, sete rock

        ,  q     ,- eg
                                ,               rag ents                                  d:-r p        g ,,                 .

1 Pc *? ?r 4 11 1e  : 8 l..

                                             ].0-10.0 ' trace of organic                                                      .


                            .a               -

in 11  : ., , 7 21 71 ?7 * .b ~

                                             "of c    ?C 20       ?o   !J               }'.ulti-colored eand & e-n .e1. truc.

a le 3; a . Jilt, ser.e rec'd fragnents . moist . g, .

                           ..                J. dense, scre cecc= posed coal piec es 1

g Ne re mv :r det below 16.58 , , , . 11 L 35 22 ,8,I [


Mc ro -i 3. r

  • ja.1 ,// started ccring
                                             . see sheet #2 for rock classificati >n                                         .

pb . [ 0002 127 Sheet LL Amend-2 (lC-2-d?) ce


 - Three Mile Islar.d                                 NO.          hico A                                      DRILL HOLE NO. "* '>
TOR Fdn. Ca + -== $1TE AREA e - ' 4 ~. * , - ELEY. Sot- 9 lE NY COORDINATES ANGLE
                                                                                                                            .7 +-;--]

BEARING SY: GwL DEPTH M O' l l Core DE$CRIPT1ON REMARK 5 ! Rec. y e e 3 Reek type, celea grein sine & shape, bedding (engle thickness), fractures, fewits, Conditlen el core.

 >    =

1 [v g j 1.ine. (engle, fis, sing, ....), p ebility, steeeevien. -ee,h.ving, che*ical c ,.. ies.n Escovering evelvee e,c. l _ l - Started coring -

   , , ,                in                                                                                            :  +e- e r m e te f*

M - .*/; ;4ed. hard, red, fine to med. grained sandstone, trertica2" -o loss of d:

                     ,       joint mineralized 19.2-21.6', core pieces up t o 0.5',                                   --

wa ter feo e. g :,. good core - ug . 10~ ~

   ,      g [                red, med. hard shale, silty and sandy, gcod core,                                        Z vertical mineralized joint 29.0-30.3' Jno           / Ja .o                                                                                              -

T. D. No loss of drill water S und rcck belcw 19.6 s c... E 0002 1 Sheet k5 Amend-2 (10-2-67) , , , , , , , , , , ,


     tOJ ECT :           "at #d S-                    W.O.      80 0? d         SITE AREA % a=    ''= N'e-d                        DRILL HOLI
     )RILLER :              bya=                                                                                                       GwL0HR$_
     ;LASSIFIED BY:                    4C                               DATE:       7 9 47                                                24 HRS C C oors e 5PT                                                                                        Grenaler            REMARKS e                                                                                    W z                            J
  • SOIL DESCRIPTION Seils Ste=s/ ,[ j een i,y (,, Cen se,ency), Cel*' d g,,,, c,,;, Chemical Camp, g E Size She ,e j 6 in. .5 5 isit Type . Assesseries Geologic Ceee,
         .n                                                                                      ::i       Core       Rec.       C""d **''

Cen.seweii a Preble R Cm [ 3 7 , y 3U. loose brn sancy silt, trace of gravel - toesoil moist cv 3/h,S._uo .mia . o

                                         .v Red. dense, brown sand, silt & grave Lev 9      4             a                                                                           -
                                             '                                                                       .. . u_...           cist

1 10 9 2< ./' Oense, brown sand k gr a vel, trace o I - 1. 5 30 30 2C I' coal, many sancstone i quartzite *

                                             ,.  . fragments

17 10 71 'a Sub. Tdd. b" 4

                                          '. - 7 3-7.L' lense of f. sand
                                                 .                                                                  to rc~l.                moist 7      04 10 10
  • tr " "

c 12 12 lh ;l, [10.5-12,0' M. dense, bmwn sand, 5 _ med. grained - wet 16.08 as two above, wet t _ 10 1C Oh M .. ,. S) _ 11 30 ld 25 -16.2-17.8' 7 dense, brown sand, - t lo ?L 1h 04 [:.

                                                                   -.a_   e.e4-os                                            -

11 0' <<

                                         'e.' i  V. dense, multi-colored sand k grav el,                       k" Sub. 1 ng.
                                         ]) trace        of silt, coal, clay, some de- S'4
     '          30                               "                                                                 Sub. ] dd.             till li L.                                          - - ered ch 1: 1 5:::                           r.                          .

[ [Bagin coring 3 20.1



     -                                           .                                                                           _                       j j

l 1 l _ M e

: 0002 129 1

Sheet h6 Amend-2 (10-2-67) o l l l


      " TOR Edt . Ce"'ti??S                             SITE AREA Dree Mile Island                       ELEV.       20'.'
      !E                     U-                           COORDINATES                                      ANGLE               raa' 'a-6"                                                                            BE A RING
      > BT                                                GWL         M1                                   DEPTH         - 

C er

  • e REMARKS e 3 green sine & shape Cendition el core.

f 1 { i j Rock ieines type, (engle,celer!ing, fil etc.), permeebeli*y, etteresien, weathering, chemicelbedding (engle Escovering thickness), fractor evoluee 3 CE y conipesseien etc. 1 ses ze.e Begin coring 4 20.l' - Hz ja ';if ' Sandstone, gray, med. grained, red, hard, 22" bedding, _ us s* 4 m. tere course 1

                                    *gn      p w <ro<at',        60'eross t u .dntere    sesejoint  .a 21.}', brn. staELng a 2L.2

, ,,,g Shale, brick red, extrer.ely broken, :ruch MnOx staining Q 28' [/ 24 7-40* slickensides, 24.8 another slickens.ide, some wet hering, 27.0-29 5' sandy zone, high angle jointing 29-29 5', br E stains,

                      /             45' bedding, brown stain & white mineralization along meg partings, M 45 /



33 9-34.7' extremely broken 34.6-34.7' weathered decomposed shal Z g "r

                      /j 357-375' exteese!y breken, some 50,ecross               seamjointing 39.2-63 0' ex:Remely broken, vertical slickensides w 39a '
                      .'/           L1.7' high angte slickensides                                                 Z M       84

L2.2' 30 slickensides 12.a L2 5.L2.7' clay seam


l T. D. 43 0' No loss of drill w,er Z .mc mk I _ below Ph.l.? l 0002 130 0


Sheet 47 Amend-2 (10 2.c7)

 , s.                                                                                                                    e ne.nse vee

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLA551FICATION SHEET 4 5HEET 4 1 l 2ROJECT : *a"aa 'a Ta' n-d W.O. I'09 01 $ITE AREA '-a' 4-- *

                                                                                                                    -ra-                          ORILL HOLI         i 0NTRACTOR: 2-             -
                                               *=-H~==                                    COORDINATES                                             E LEV ATION
             )RILLE R :            E0Ver                                                                                                          GwL0 HRS.          l lLA$31FIED SY :            W'                                         DATE:      7-17 57                                                  24 HR5 l

i C ears e g $PT Grenvier REMARKS Soll DESCRIPTION .4 Seils 1 OI***! Density (or Consistency), Celee

                                                                                                                $    N$;*"[,'       ",            ;, g,,,

6 In, c A j Seil Type . Accessari'* 6 Cee. Rec. G ' ** ad * * . 6 12 18 u R un Core i 13 4 ,3 i.cose, OrX. o m . , s il ty , ca ncy *waScil cist g'. o 9 e ' .I., .p_ Loose, crown, fine sancy s u t.cist 1 1 1 0'  :\. ':? ~C ;a.--c d . l l' 17

                                                           .ulti-cciored gravel i Sand, trace            slit        3/l" to r).                                     .

_ L an f- L6 f- )*. cense, scme rock frap.cnts, dr/ . l

                        ?? Lc 17                        -                                                0?

{.*. _ trace cecencesed coal _ , SP _ 6 *- 1- 'o ' from 7.3-y.08, becomes seme cecem- } d 7 99 .q 90 sed Coal

                        -      10_  al_
                   -    e t, 93    9
                    . 15 17 91
                                                ;i. Thanges tc, we t at 12.3 '- may be drill                                            -

1 i

                                               ,. ,. adate r                                                                        -
             ~                                  *

[chagges tc moist at 13.5' 1 77 q; Ec / e. _ 3, g 9 7e y., 2early all v. dense, poorly graded,

                                               .j, .ecium sand, some crganic, trace
                   ^^            ~


                  -    ?9- ? *- 67 g ,grsvel                                                 .e .r                        -

_ li '17 o^ ;_ ,9 / a .t.

                                                                                     ,_4~.                                             _

j s tarted co rir e - to o o f rc :k 1 [ [ see sheet #2 for rock classifiestier . l 1 _ e 6 e _ e _ e - 0002 r _ _ _ 131 s 'e r . - T. 3 hee: Lo ;cer.c-2 (;G-2-c7) o l


                    .         ni , a                        No.        M o 9 C1                                     DRILL HOLE NO.                    Og CTOR Pd . Serrices                                       SITE AREA       "an'd-e       "'a   : a -               ELEY.                206 . ')'


   ) SY:               NJA -                                GWL                                                     DEPTH                .9' Ce's                                                            D E S C R 1 P T 10 N                                          REMARKS Res.         e       e
  • 1 1 Rech type, seier s'eia sine & shape beddias (engle thickness), frectures, faults, Condition of ceae.

[ os{ g j loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeebslity, alteration, weathering, cheenical Escoveting evolvet 3 compea stion etc. e Top of rock

      /$l                    lYl                                                                                           -

l IM A7 :.-,; m. F.ed 1 nlienhQ b ken m ed. M Enrgrnch _ -s grnd sandstone, white tinerale m t ' a u. y ...m o ca..  ;;4. e , a w:.a.eev u ruer.. cc ma le slic Ke r.s ms c r. s e e ccn s i. . Wo e-vr .d. h m -.4 w ~ te c ,_, w4 or , ar4 + 4- . . .,- h-+%- - fo e U

     ^"         1Q
                 ,                  Nec shaley sandetene, broken to exiensively breken,                                   I                             clay f;.                 much white nineralization                                                             -

Fravel s l 99

s.o .N- n,-

! oa / red, med. hard, silty shale, slickensides a t 60* at 33.7 Z

                /                  & 31.3'- acmes core along 50* ctg., rany ircipient                                     Z 3

m ,Ug ac.r fractures rehealed, slickensides along many cartin7s _ rood core T. D. _ core recovery shown between 17.1 'c 32.3'- questionable Z due to broken cendition of core  ;'nc loss of dr wa ter


l _ l _ I .!, _ E 0002 !32 Sheet k9 Amend-2 (10-2-67) , ,, , , ,, u .e


      .ONTRACTOR: Ma- Se"' rice 9                                           CCORDINATES                                                               E LEV ATION RILLER :               4va"                                                                                                                   GwL 0 HRS._
LASSIFIED BY: We DATE: 7_9' J7 24 HR5 J C oerse 5PT Greaul*r REMARKS 4 .

5.ile 2 g e SOIL DESCRIPTION we d Greia Ch nieel Camp, i I I ' cit k Density (or Consistency), Celee 3 e R* ate ise Geelegie De e, j 4 In. - e sg 511 Tye . Aceseneries W 5 4,. d Cne Rec. Grevad werer, Ceneerwetion Preble R Cm 1 i e. , si MO R9,481 brown sandy silt, trace

                                                                                                                                             .     : cist - too.
                                       '.8l ?!ed. dense, brown sand. ;.: gce of p      ,

5 6 11" $P f,"* -eist

             'a 19 M
                                     . . ' .tense,      brown med. to coarse sand 1 1

h ?o 2c 96 -" gravel, trace of coal  ! 3/h" S ub ." rdd. ll'

                         ^ ~

to rh . dry 5 le 20 17 *9 6 25 26 10 .- . 0 .,.

                                              .   - as above -                                                                              [

7 C9 1A 9e . "


8 80 lie 69 . . . J. dense, multi-colored sand & Sub.~ g , ' ' . gravel, trace of clay, much decom- ang._ 12-13.5' wash 9 g7 a . ' , posea moist sandy shale, trace of c )al , ,}" to - till-like cons: 10 69 Sh 96 .. .r. dense below 12.0' S ub . . O ._ 71 71 g3 39 'i. ' .

                                              .                                     8* ' S 7 rdd..
                                      ,j 12 85 129 97                                                                                                                   to -

rdd . - 17 7 71 91 10 0 g '. - - 2 . . .o ce w ve rv J . Begin coring 19.9 8 . o: e  :  : 1 x

     -                                        .                                                                                             . 000s.2                                         s     ,
e. _ , . .

Sheet 50 Amend-2 ('.C-2-67) o f I


TOR 7r - ca-da. 5ITE AREA % _ r_

m ., 3 ELEY. *%~'

   'E                   NI                               C00RDINATE5                                                     ANGLE                 ?*-+ic71

! h" BE A RING i SY: GwL '1 C' DEPTH M. C ., . DESCRIPTION l REMARK 5 R... . .

                      .      3                c.l.,   g,.i. si n. & sh.p                                               ., f.v t.s,      C..di,4      .I c....
        =s v;
   !                ,c       3 ,I.p.;i.,

i.i... . Ioli... ....), ... .. , bedding ai. (. ngl. ,hich..s s ), f,.ctu.,

                                                                                                 -...s.,4... n. i                E..............,
   ,                                                              ...p.s.,i.v.  .   .i. .. ...                                                             ....

C Z g, ic.9 e Berin coring 19.9' - g5 22 o s hn! - brs ek red. extra-al wenk.n- .rgn+ha a


l "7' E7 Sandstone and shale, interbeaded, brick red, gray 2 78 ~ 298, badly bmven to 31.5', good core below 31.5', bedding @ 23*-32*, high angle joints,. white nineralizatioc_ able due to b Z recovery ques

                                                                                                                                  -                               h l     (',# ,, , . , '               along some joints, extremely broken 30.8-31.0 ', small - state of rock I

c .- - scale seam ( green) 31.3' - k - 31 ,3-31.6 ' extremely broken "" l roo t.4 32.78 white mineral filled incipient fractures, v. small-3sc - Jia 32.8-33.2* broken core  : 1 T. D. 35.3' No lose of dr ul _- 1 = l l

 <      s i       ,

s 5 S

 '      '             ~

E 0002 134 Sheet 51 Amend-2 (10-2-67) . . . . : . ii ..


        'R OJ E CT : Vet Ed Co.                     w o..],19?-M             $1TE AREA Braa V41 a T*1and                          DRILL HOLE
         >RILLER :        % var                                                                                                  GWL 0 HRS
LA551PlFD sY : *a DATE: ' . 9 '7 ./ ' 24 HR$C_

C .. . gpy . Greavle' REMARKS j .

                                      ,                   SOIL DESCRIPTICH                   we          5 41.

2 i o ; .,, < C . . . ...., >. C.

                                                        .... T, 3  :  R,.x      e             c
;,,',c- -
                                .                                  . A.... . m.              s      c.        R .. .       ..-....
                  , ,, ,,                                                                            ,,,     c ,,,         C....    .. . ...

1 1 2 1 se . b rown sil ty sa nd - Toesoil Y. gd. gsey),,7 n silt / sand, M ce

             ?  L     10 16                                                                                             ~ , , ,

1 b 17 to }j .Med. dense', brown sand & gravel, * }" S ub . 4. L

4. race of silt to re ..

_ L ic 15 18 ,) -l, 4. race of coal - 5 le 1? 11 ' ' . *6.0-7.5'

                                             .         dry                                                            -




                ^     ^7 1c 1    '~      b.1     1.5' dense, as above                                                       -
                                       .j. 7. dense, as above                                                      -

7 sc 91 79 ,&, - o 69 72 70 J. dense, multi-colored, sand, silt I .?,.and gravel, trace of coal *}" Sub. ] ng. _ q g qq g . to rct moist I o.. _ _ in M

                                      /( ,15.0-17.0' wet (wash sample )

c1 LA 16.5-16.o' v. dense sand, silt and O. t 11 12 57 p g7 1T c5 ga

                                    }, :

gravel - 16.0-18.6' red weathered shale -




Begin coring @ 20.h' ~

:  : 0002 !35-

_ , o . Shee 52 Amend-d ( X-c-c 0 o I

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET $HEET 1_.0F "1 OATE ' - r W tra reli *a a E'd4*ma /* a . NO. h10? C1 ORlLL HCLE NO. -J CTOR Fcn . S e ** rices SITE AREA E ra a V'!. - r ,1 "d ELEY. 0"'.' IE "Y C00RDINATES ANGLE va r+i ? 31 fa BEARING

    > sy:                                                GwL             'c^'                                   DEPTH                            M.l' Ce's ,                                                       OE5CRIPTION
                     .                                                                                                                           REMARK 5 R...             .
                    'E    3       Rock type, celer grein size & shape bedding (engle thickness), fracter's, favies,           Condition el core.

[ 3


oc y { g j isints (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical composition Escoveting evolvet etc. l to

  • to.4 i'e. tin co rtne # 2) .L t -
      .n,    ,,,3 /
                  /              Shale, Erick rec, med, harc, cadly broken to Fh.5',                                          ilack Mnox 3r

silty, slickensides alcng bedding '# Ok.3', small vertical Z ing alonir con g / joint 2h- 2h.h', white mineralizec joint 'e 26.5', - r:artings thre iss f g vertical mineralized joint 26.2 ?c .6 ' _- cut hole ct. e.g. 4. Sanastone. erw.m e d . irra..rert. min. fract. -ecre . a ~"

                  /              Silty shale, brick :1td, broken to 30.7',31.3-31.7'                                   Z becerres ver/

8 LA extremely broken, }" deccmposed green shale sea.-t 't 31.7 3 sandy reicw '

             -/                  har green shale seam 3 31.h' (1"), 85' vertical mineral-ized fracture 2 31.9-30.7 ',small stickensides a t 3h ' s 3*".1' see    do                                ca                                                                           s.Jes
      ...             - u.       &
                                 . 3L.3',
                                     ,st ,re _lcite    ,, jfilled e , Slick y , ,,  2 3L.3,',
                                                                                     . y
                                                                                              , horizon
                                                                                                ,  _ x tal slickr:   .-

T. J + 39.3' -

c u r.a ree.<

a uce =fer= .- =


l l l - 1 - ui ,

                   ..  +                                                                                              _

0002 13 Sheet 53 Arend-2 (1C-2-o7) ,,,,,,,,,,,


                                                                   $0lL CLASSIFICATION $HEET SHEET 1 R OJECT : Ma t- ?M "4                   W.O. h1 c7_c1                 SITE AREA %==        '"'a  -'-~3                            DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: Tdn- C s"-r4 c a e                                      C00RDfMATES                                                    E LEV ATION RlLLER :        Cay ="                                                                                                            GWL 0 HR$._

LA551FIED BY: '4R DATE: 7 S7 A7 24 HR$ C, l C oerse Grenuler REMARK 5

  • 5PT SCIL DESCRIPTION .4 Seils Blows / ' '

Density (or Consistency), Celer  ? N$;*"[,' e is D j 0 I"- *- *" - 5.11 Tm Accesswies 3 Cm R ec. O'**"d * * . Conservction Proble R Cm y .SW tolocse. Sand. Silt. trace of crave l 4 A" M d.-J ub. Md . tr 7 3 3

                                         .. _   loose, bmwn sand, trace of silt,                                      Sub._                                  l
  • h 7 . trace of coal 1 I.e rdd. _

1 11 1A 91 . ' "__ h.$' dense, as above

                                                                                                            < 3/h" to          -


           .                          .,t -                                                                            red * -

h 13 2h 17 <.o q 3, 7 g g,- _Med Adense, multi-colored sand 's . 4 ravel, trace of silt, much decom. - 6 R 1c m

  • 3.o *
                                       ,* Sosed coal 4 f" Sub Ang.

7 oc 11 11 . 9.010.3' as above (dry) t rd- - 5 18 t 3 17 3g g, ',klJiO.5-12.0' v. dense, as above (wet) - e 1 .2 -13. 5 'b mw 2 Q 17 h9 LQ o }.--.2.0-13

                                          . i.c    5' as aboveuEd             erne                                         -
).t 13.58 v. dense, bmwn sand, trace 1, qq g3 ;, "

11 131 91 y* tf silt & clay, till like, trace of

      ) ,-.      11 8
                                     ,,      t_oal 12 60        I bi      - :                                                                                        _

11 e4 19 14 _8.0' J as above (wet) - wet a *:

             ,h Th      n   in
                                       .erm  .


                                                     -co mci em
                                                                         . .a 2 =

Begin co ring @ 21.5' - s _ _ _

:  : 0002 137 o

Sheet 5h Amer.d_2 (10-2-67) l l

I GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. I ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET $NEET 't OF1 4-DATE a a' 4' l T Va+=an14*aa 94ese n'- _ NO. ' ' o a _ c, DRILL NOLE NO. ~ ~ ' - CTOR % C a '-?4aaa SITE AREA % mo Vd's n' -a ELEY. 297.3' EE MY , _ COORDINAT E S ANGLE -ra -t 4 - el I. a SE A RING 1

        ) BY:                                                     GWL                1<                                 OEPTH                         b3 C    j Core                                                           DE$CRIPTION                                                       REMARKS R'*-      $
                        'E I

3 Rock type, celer grein sine & shape bedding (engle thickness), frectures, favits, Condition of cene.


f 3 j at u { d j ieines (engle, filling, etc.), permeehility, alteration, weethering, chemical c e= pes itiea Escoveeing evolvet


t s u.5 C e gin co ring $ 21.5 ' ""

          /oo c.7        ."               Sandstene, brick red, fine grnd., med, hard, evidence oC H2 O cour*e 3                                                                           -

J ,,] beddine @ 30,22', decomposed sandstone 4 PL-Ph.?', _ g H 0 course 3 sh.6' sof t spegst ne-*" seam,.-small rg ff 1,:,,. gg L'"4 .s o.f.t. ,s. e,b,. '. ' L, a,t sh. a.l e. s, e am 9 p-_ .s_ , P oss

                                                                                                                                         .o ' , ser.e 7 sa.                             Silty shkle, brick red, L0' bedding, 26.5-??.3' v. broken.r 9
v. sancy 29.3-30', scme white mineral c o nti ng a nd Mn0x --

45 staining along partings, 32-32.h ' bacly broken, small - 15, clay seam; Jh-35' broken zone, so.:e clay sea ::, some ciG s show possible slick; 3h-37' sof t shale, evidence of --

          '**     a 4.o            /       44
  • slick, white mineral staining, hign ard e slick @ 36.6'c some .7tindinc of core, sc e small IL.y inclusions below - 7.0' I'. D. h0.0' No lecc cf drill

Z S c u- d rcck _- t elew ? ' .7 1


t - l l


r . . , -

           '.*            '.                                                                                                    Z Q Q Q.). } } (,)

Shee*: 5 5 Ar.end-2 (1C-2-67) e... ... ,,.e

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLA551FICATION SHEET SHEET ' ROJECT: m ree % ad w.C. W -A SWE ARU M N %" Nu N ONTRACTOR:Fdn. Services COORDINATES E L E V A TION . RILLER : Ceya" GwL 0 HRS._ LA55tFIED BY: -W DATE: 7 P 47 24HR5_ C aerse g 5PT Grenvier REMARK 5 SCIL DESCRIPTION wi Seils Ol*"*/ ' Density (or Censletency), Colet  ? "51"[e* j i De 6 in. .E ' , Seil Type . Accesseri'* :i Cene Rec. G' *"M * * . Construction Proble, R Cm n4 m -,.-,i 1 1 1 ' [/* 1cose,' brown sandy silt.,

        ,3     9   3, 74       ..

s--- 19 19 ?? I.; Cense brown sand k gravel, trace te .25 .n Ang.- cobbles 3 1 cme silt W to to sti). L 11 15 lh li N +2" rdd." 9 h r;-jec. dense, brown fine sanc 2 grave l, .23 to . f.9;_ trace-to-some coal silt, trace silt SP .50 Sub.- dd. 4 Q 11 14 4.- 7 14 17 37 ( - J. cense, brown fine sand k gravel, Arace silt, trace to some coal silt 6 29 19 M Jb o - 4 g g gg g J. dense, red-brown gravel and _ Pasty till-like

                                        .sil ty sand, trace clay n a~   -

Aock bit din bet

                                        -                                                                      - lh.3-15.0 ', occ 11     14 63 eo        f/.      -                                                                      -

(SP) lenses, k y, 3 ,3 c7 73 @' - W s gne M i from 10.0' to 1

                                   -                                                                           ~

11 16 c4 RA a:{:, - - j 1h 51 79 '(p Begin coring ~ Nm ree -w r l4

     .                                  .                                                                      . P.ock bit en bot
                                                                                                               . 20.6-21.5', 79
     -                                  -                                                                      -   21.5-71.9 ' wi-recovery 1                                  .                                                                      .

i i i 0002 !39 Sheet 56 Amend-2 (10-2-67) l


                                                                                                                                                 -   4'

! T % a= V41a 'e'se4 NO. c+ ._ e ' DRILL HOLE NO. C *"e l CTOR Fd t r. . Carriaan $1TE AREA E-a' 4 g "-w-- ELEY. 2C6.Q' ZE nX C00RDINATE5 ANGLE vaatiat' L" BEARING _

            ) sy                    *f                                 GwL      'A                                           DEPTN         35.0' Core                                                          D E 5 C R 1 P T 10 N                                            REMARK 5 Rec.
  • e e 3 Rock type, celer, grein site & shape, bedding (engle thicliness), fractures, fewits, Condition of core.

[3 l ac y { d j ieines (engle, filling, e*c.), permeability, alteretion, weethering, chemical coenposition Escoveting evolvet etc. I - l i -


l l w ,,pf y 3egin eering '1 21.9' E l Silty shale; brick red; slightly v. fir.ely_ candy 25- - v.~crcken anc

                 ,.4    2 ,;                           -

bedding 28.0'$reken n ~ 40*; ta max 10sl:-L5"* and irregular 60-7C' jointiC  ; intense weat

cre e c:
                                                                                                                                      -      he to 25' s

, e; # S .9 - Sandstone, silty; trick red; very fine graf; beddir.:- core in

  • 6" :
                                               ~LO*; LO-L5
  • cross jeints; irrec:lar vcW ~tl :;i;.pca

y, e, r.e 33 5 ' , .- :-

Ircr" 33 5 to base af acaa; -ax. " braccia aler; :'. crc; 21 1" ler.g' th :

l Tealed with whi', Artsanal (t'.cc c rer.1.c); elip,pec crlente-

                                               ~ parallel to direct,ien of di;,                                                       Z
r. 3 35 0' -

q w . .~ . s >.

                                                                                                                                    =               0002 !40 Sheet 57 !c.end-2 (1C-2-67)              ens. ass use

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. Soll Cl.A551FICATION SHEET SHEET - ROJECT: Met Ed Co. w,0,bl97-9 $ITE AREAD r** '#11e I'18Ed DRlLL HOLE ONTRACTOR: Ed *1' . Se r"/10es COORDINATES ELEVATION RlLLER : GwL0 HRS LAS$1FIED BY: OJE DATE:- E 1 ' -67 24 HRS C oers e 5PT Grenuler REMARKS e W 5eile z J 1 Soll DESCRIPTION e Blows / g's i Density (et Consisuncy), Cel** d , g e,. c ,,in Cheme,cel Camp, E 5 g er Size Shepe Geologie Cefe, e in. .5

            .e                                        Seil Type . Assesseries            :;i                          G' d ** "

Cere Rec. 6 12 18 Rua Core j j j ge focse *.o tec. cense; crown trace of coal sn t; ,

           # J      // //         III ~er1 M tree. c' crgy.1                                                   ~ *oist J f/     //    /       h}- 'ded. :1ense; brown sacd 'c gravel;                                 sub .      dry
                                   , ' -trace of silt; trace of lay; till l ike
                                 . .<                                                                     ane--

J /J // /d la .

                                        -                                                          1,,    rdd -

f /.! /.1 /d* 7.5-9.0' trace of coal; -oist,Jease - 6 /1 /6 7/. y(--7.0-19.5' light brown; rery dry moist a . 7 df JS jf ' . wA - A, g y A A ly[- y . " dense; multi-colored self y send sub - 9 Jif J/ (8 ersvel 7" rdd ~ cis t' 944 .j'y r ... - m:.o ~ _ . . . ..- . . e., WP~As rext acove; trace of coal to .29 M .%^ tk - cis t ['lw..n aa as

           // .,w f;  w    syg4         sl3 .,,Q, cense; 'ornwn sano; scrne gravel red .      wet i  n   .em-              // ,/a,       ..-z..a=,      .=-,z-,      mn n .=
       .                                 ,#egin coring @ Ic.d'                                                    -

l - - Q.

0002 141 l

l 8* Shee- 53 A=end-2 (10-2-c7)


  • DATE l' 0-n r Met Ed Co. wo, h192-51 DRILL HOLE NO. C "' o I

CTOR Tdtn. Services SITE AREA he V t' a T *1 s ~i ELEY. IE NY CDORDtMATES ANGLE -rer+ia.1

1. a S E A RING
 > sy:                                                   GwL                                                      DEPTH                   33.3'

{ Ca* _ D E SC RIP TlO N REMARKS Res. f e 3 3 R h tv,., selv geein sin. & sh p. bedding ( agl thscha es), fr.cevros, foules, C adiel.a .ic.e.. j i

      =       u j     g      j      i.6aes ( aol., #illia,. .ee.), p.,i   66lity, ele.<eet.a. . h.,6 e, ch.=4ces                    Es ...,6 age..svee
                                                                  .-. .e i                                                                                ....


    ,r r                  ir r     me & eer<w a1 ras
    .      .sv   /


                 /         mt S

1 _ler l(osilt Es .y) u m; y bri.c.k

                                                                + 4    r, ed; 4-e     broken.w/co si r-,      r .      oieces..?'; +we.thea
                                                                                               .+4-,      . . . . d-a u ed
  • 20,3' Sandstone; reddish gray; hard; fine armined; core brokeE rr a '.'. due to near tertical fracturing; bedding is
  • 35[ severe tecomes shaly W, {" diameter limy inclusiors ? 27.S' k 29.h'; Pn0x with death are Y.

staining throughout; slight amount of miner-lira tion _-

   ,       g       ,.{

along several bedding planes _-

   .t. A               **  13 A T. D.                                          No loss of drill w ater                 -

l l _ l i _ r E 0002 142


Sheet 59 Asiend-2 (10-2-67) ese. sse us.

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. O Soll CLA551FICAT10H $HEET SHEET 1 ROJECT: % ee ' file *_I1 M W.O. '1?a { SITE AREA " - 11 ' - - .u - DRILL HOLE CNTRACTOR: Nm -H - n = COCRDINATES E LEV ATION RILLER : "nva" GwL 0 HR$ L.AS$1 PIED BY : A DATE: 7 C 47 24 HR$cz C oers e g 5PT Grenvier R EldARKS z

  • 50ll DESCRIPTION d Seite Bf***/ *
                                       'g                                                               V              N'"#*      O'* I"            Chemical Ceme.

{ a: - Density (er Consistency), Cel*' e S g 54ee she ,e Geelegie Dese, 8 I"- ."- ' Seil Type . Accesseries d Core R es. G'**"d **. Ceneerection Preble R Cm

            ,    y      3   3         jf ,' cose; darv +.o crange brown; spr.dy                                                                 _

o, Jil t; trace gravel & Mots ~ j 7 ,. 3d d .- onseil Mec. dense; brown silty f. sand i + 1 C pa 1 (. .' Z.: av_gI -' - h m--  % m 7 Tense; brown silty . sand s gt avel - r. e . ss-eles slight 4 an ao nc - trace of clay f rera #:.1' dowr 4 a.. ao .)'$[ # on,,ss

f. ,
                                                                                                                                                    #f*"'I OI "3 2 y   f f        ,3        9.:.
                                     .y -

_ talectoic sec*

                                                    .                                                                                          _    river, includ.

n si h1 47 i s' . o A, qq c3 e.)*,. . clay increases to some frcm 13.5' _ K- 104 c:r/ rec 11 11 h1 4

  • 11 21 30 36 , ' -.' clay to trace frcm 16.5' to bottom

K- 11*3 c:a/sec 1 1? ?s 1? L3 ..'-



13 10 51 57 *7- - - W"+4-*
          ,+ r                       c-                                , r , e . .. .r
                                                                                 .     .43+._n   we    , , . ,          /v. 9                     .r a - + - * -a 4 ef Begin coricg 19".9'                                                               -
                                                    -                                                                                                                                                    1 1
                                                    -                                                                                        .                                                           1

_ l l l l i Cg. . _

0002 143 Sheet 5C A end-2 (1C-2-67) i


  • CTOR  ?- *'
                            - Eitl 4 **4         '"m_         SITE AREA           % -= = v il . 191 9-d               ELEY.            M47 ZE                            "Y                 --

C00RDINATE5 ANGLE " a -+ 4 a si ha B E A RING

   ) sy:                                                        GwL               '3^                                   DEPTH             W ^'_            __

Core D E 5 C R I P T 10 N R E M A R'K S Roe. e e

                ,     'E         3        Rosh type, seier green sine & shese bedding (engle thickness), frectures, foules,             Conditten el core, f I         y g     ci,        j        je&nte (engle, Illling, etc.), permeetility, alteressen, weethering, chemisel                 E mes,eeing evelvet J      QE                                                              composition                                                                   etc.

C Z se .

ectn cerin a ic.9 e _

Shale- brick red, silty; beddirig h5, irregula r fractures - uccer 1.0' we

  • M/j , @ 30' & steep * #8t.s; core intensely broken to ?9.0' Z ed & very bro
                    /                   with core        1"       pieces 2 25 & 29' for 1.0' intervals.                         Z w                                                                                                                       _      riccable

w .

                                                                                                                                  *'~' tCD .CCR9 9 rC C
                    ^ .{'

Sandstone- red, very fine grained, light pray sceckled Z go go ' * .

  • texture; cor.e zones are better called sardy shale; broker reed rock ac .*.' i,nn,e)nrelzone 0. 16 ' 3rmee 29.]'; core hard & unbroken excect by bddng e er+,,-oe sly. conglerer y- ,-t T. D. 35.0' Z No loss of drill uter _

E 0002 144 s. ee , e,  ;, Z G l _ i Sheec c1 A .end-2 (10-2-o7) e......,,.. I l


                                                                                                                                            $HEET 7 40 JECT: Thrae ' file Inland v.o.                             blo?-M            site AREA _70011P? T*We"                                   DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: Edn. Sa -riae 5                                                    COORDINATES.                                                 ELEVATION                 l alLLER:                   30Yef                                                                                                            GwL 0 HR$_
                             * 'c                                     DATE:          ?-' 

L.A551FIED SY : 24 HR5_. C oero e Grenvie' REMARKS g 5PT , SOlL DESCRIPTION we; 5eile 3 2 j Blews/ Chemical Cem,

                            ,[ =                        Density (s. Ceselceency), Celer                   5
                                                                                                             "$ ,",8,*  fy            Geelegic Deve, 6 in.       3         e-y,                                                    Seil Type - Accesser6ee                    d       Core       Res.         C'* wad **.
                                                                                                              ,          g_           C.nservetion Proble 1       1   3    L            y, Qgse,11gnt trewn silt, v. f. grr.d                            .                         _  sil t 2       6   9    1h          'a .'  ?:ed. dense, sand k gravel, :ight br )wn 1       12 ?? ?1              .).-eense,
                                  },. ,
                                                     .. as above, clay traces                                                 -

sand L gravel h ic 17 19 4 A, coal fragments 4 47 c8 h6 ~4 - #. dense, sand 4 gravel w/ abundant -

                                  /.- clay traces (brown)


     ^       Eh c2
                                  .' -" - clay traces more abundant -
      -                ~

wet i

    .7       57 62 7h              . .-

e /. _ _ 6 2h ?o 17 . . -_ _ o co 60 59 -

                                         -                                                                                    -          elay centen-e .'  _               - as above -                                                         _  inemasirr wit]

10 el h4 73 V:' ,. .

    -11 hh 59 70                   .[-                                                                                        -

12 63 73 63 .- _ do

M1 ho h1 ,
7. dense, brick red weathered shale -

1h M 3g 53 "ve


Segin coring 3 21.7' m BW. . 4 B. .

:  : 0002 145
 -        9                               .
 .                 ,     ,   o            .                                                                                   .

Shee: 62 Amer.d-2 (10-2_67) o


  • N . NO. M c o C1 DRILL HOLE NO. * " ' ' '

CTOR ?. T. Kitlinski 4 Assoc. 11TE ARE A S~e d ' a Ts'e-d ELEY. 9 01 - C' ZE 'IX COORDINATES ANGLE va*+fcal { L" BEARlHG 1

     ) SY:                                                  GWL                           9                  DEPTH        ?A 6'

Co's D E 5 C R I P T 10 N REMARKS Res. e e

  • e 3 Condialen of core, f m{ = a, j Rock (engle, joints type, celer fil ling, etc.), poemeebility, altereteen, weethering, chemecelgrain sine eveiwei Escovefing & shape, bedding (en 3 d e empos eti.a etc.

l l C l ru 9eein eo rd nr il M' - p, ' . Sat.dstone, brick red, v.f. grnd., slightl em

                    ~ ~ ~. l

mra bedding i 35'-h3* h5*cmss-fra etures,'79*fractures, intensely broken threugi.out, '4n0x staining, core 1" pcE 4 y micreecus,Z- ##F8Dl' ' 3 g m ra:.. -

       ' ** ?/i, . ' -                  Sapdstope, 60 'e h5 cmss      brick   md andwAfrox fractures         lignt gray,    f. lar vertical staining,     inated 2joint h5',Z N         .

coated v/CaC0 , open, weathering apparent to 31.1', solt-: (Z,"" . ' . rock frem 31'3cn , co re in

  • 1 " pcs , to 31 ' , M' + c 70* Z
       "        'o , .
  • vertical joints, N 4.4== coated-conspicuous to bottomZ
         %          ;');      ,         of hole, breken mck to 3h.5', h5* cross fractures, 2" Z
       <tdA aA          -

e slny anee ? 1. 7 _1 I _ T. D. 38.3' 50% loss of drill water Z 3 4

 .                          e                                                                                        _

l  : l 1 _ 00.0 1


1 e Sheet 63 A:nend-2 (1c-2-67)e s.. . u .e


                                                                  $0ll CLASSIFICATION SHEET SHEET I ROJECT: Thrae Mile Islar.d w,0                      bl97-M           SITE AREA cccliac **wea                                   DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: Pin . S a ,ri a m                                      COOR DIN AT ES                                               E LEV A TION RlLLER :              Sova*                                                                                                    Gwl0 HRS "J                                            '

LA551FIED BY : - DATE: -?>' 24 HR$ c. C eers e 5PT Grenvier REMARKS A 3*'I' 4 j 2 Soll DESCRIPTION d Chemical Camp, g Bl***/ as j Doneley (or Censlavency), Cel*' g e g,,,, Sise o, ;e 54wp. Geelegic Dete, 6 In. .c. Q-

         .!                                              Seil Type Accesseries             6              Core        R es. Od * * '

C ** * "** " *" #'*"I* R Cm 4 . .-w.a  % r m -: a. o.. _cm 1 1 9 1 :ti+- loc se , lit. bm. sardv ?H t

  • r. ? a. m /ei l- topsoil- some e o 3e .)'o]'.b.cepse,lgt,, by.. sand i gravel.
                                                '                                                            ?"       to T : oist
          '  e' 71 1h               ,a,; .;ense to v. dense brown sand k grev al                                             -
         ,,  3,     ,;.-
                                   /,o " trace of some clay                                                                  ~

k ~ 193 11_L e 'e -

             ,i    !A     ->
                                     . /.
                                                   . trace clay 6.0-7.5'
         '   '- L'          ?        'h sand med. to ese . 7.5-9.0 '                                           .

v ia y 43 ..

                                            -      -  trace of clay 9.3-13.5'- more                                          -
                                   /        _            gravel                                                              -

L6 la ,n b, . . LL 70 4l-1?.3 dirtier at 1

                                   ./,   y. .

12-13.58 si.lty sand' some - gravel to rock i, ,g c, e, - gravel . 1 eg 1. ,- en *#$_

         ;1, ,.,         7         ),3 yeatherec red siltstone

tr o o f- mck 9 Se gin co ring 17 4' - 4 m _

      .                                     nem es



( s. - - 0002 147 Sheat 6h Anend-2 (10-2-67) o-

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK CLAS5IFICATION, SHEET SH E ET S OF 1 DATE 7 4 A7 vo+_ m14+3r "'M e n .- NO. h 10 9. ~1 ORILL HOLE NO. M 11 TOR E. T. Kitlinski and Assoc 5lTE AREA S-ae V4l e T i mi ELEV. SCO C' lE NI COORDINATE $ ANOLE 'te rti c al L= BE A RING

     . By:                                              G w t,,              19M                                       OtPTH               11 ,0 8 C a's                                                      D E S C R I P T 10 N                                                 REMARKS Ree.      f      e
                ,    "3     3      Reak                                       bedding (engle thschness), frecourse, few.:es,       Condiesen of core.
     !    l     ;    C

l*'a'*7*pe, "88celer!'"gre6n

  • 8'l sise & she,e8 *'
  • 3. Escoveeing evelvee
     ,   ac    y 5                                      **"",*.*.b',II
                                                                   ..      . 4.a 'Y ,
  • l' *". * **' h*" 8.
  • h*'" 6 ce s .e..

Z Z nv m Begin soting 917.h ' .. E

                   .~..',         Sandstone, red & light gray, v. finely larinated 3 h5~ ~                                         weathered to i o.7,         ,h 88              4          preminent badly bmken      vertical to 2hjoint .3 8 healed      w/ white CACO)ro(?),

1"-2" pieces,.any mie core-fracturee ,

       'sU    '" ' *fl' vertical jcinting preminent,1" granufe size, light grap
       ,.eg   y    .

ser ecerlemerate ed 4 2h.7' 4 76. ' - top scund reci 2n /// Shale- red silty, bedding in 2"4" beds, dipping h$," core +2" pieces, light gray conclomerate {" thick @ 27. 2, core except s Z solic uncmire

       ,,,,,  u //

m n d occasienal sandy inclusions, h5 cross fractures, brokenmone u .f->v.u- _ no ted T. D. 31.3' No losss of drill water Z 1 e ,. E O l wi ." " E 0002 148 l Sheet 65 A=end-2 (10-2 67),,,,,,, ,,,,

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 5HEET SHEET ' 40 JECT: 'Ihre* Vile T si sed w,c, bl o $1T E A R EA S n1 ' a ? ""~_'a

                                   ?d..        "e'rd**M OHTRACTOR:                                                             COCRDINATE5                                                 E L E V ATION ,

RILLER : "" ra

  • GwL 0 HR5__

LA551FIED SY: " R DATE: 7 C 47 24 HRS ._ ar. 4k1. 5,,1 . C ears e g 5PT Greaule' i4 EMAR KS SolL DESCRIPTION A 3*il8 Blews/ Density (ee Ceneeseeney), Celee * ' 0 I"' 3

                                                                                                           ?   $ ,"[,      f("o      e     ic De    ,

Sell' Type . Accesseries :i Co e Rec. C'* wad * *. Canewuction Problee R Cm

                                          .t. t       r~cwn siitt- s m M't *n EM M fl** t.7. loose, tan, sandy silt, trace 1      1       1    ?

ev 3 .i vel, f. grnd. --

                                        .t t.                                                                                   -

1 6 1h 19 pr ded, dense, sar . i gravel, brown, _  ; I,@~~uense h.5-0.0; 3r

                                        .e     .                                                                                -

high quartz cos g" -~.<s 1'9 e4 5' ,a .

                                         .i+s.<  -

4 6 in la r. o *N *o +r. cense. e cf 111;- crown sand i gravel, @ 7 3e e7 43 ,jp's Jense brown silty sand & gravel, ~

                                            *;   4 race of clay                                                                 ,

E 'l 1' 14 '

                                         ,I '/,. tense    10.5-12.0'                                                            .

g 11 9, e4 o.(, 10 h? 'l 4' 11 ha cp cf. ',fl _ ~ 17 hi ch en 3 .'.9_' Coal frag aents Begin corine No recover 42 di ~ i M _ o! O.  ! 0002 149 Sheet 66 Amend-2 (1C_2-67)

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, ENC. ROCK C1.A531FICAT10N, SHEET $HEET A CF E DATE ' e 'a T *hree '#119 Island No. Lic? ~1 DRILL HOLE NO. - - - ( CTOR Ta- c=-dao. $1TE AREA '4 -- '* --o-l - ELEY. a' ' ZE 'N COORDINATES ANGLE "e -+ 4 " a l BEARING

                 ) BY:                                                      GwL                                                     DEPTH            'O _ S '

C **

  • Ree. e _


                             ,       e          3    Rech type, celer grein eine & shape, bedding (engle whickness), frecevres, fevits,          Condition ei este.

f, =I d

                             -     C          j      jointe (engle, filling, etc.), pernesebil;ty, alteret6en, weathering, chemical              Escoveting evolvei
                 .                                                                    . pesiti.n                                                               et..

l - 1 - l - t

                   <t t r .

44 Z

  • 42.} .* ;; Sandstone, brick red, v.f. grnd., v. broken 19.3-93.7', 2 seathemd sn;
                                  . i:              r.ed. broken 23.0-30.3', bedding at acprox. h5* .icinting- a nc e a t l ' . -

ja jy , at 63*w/ vertical joint at 21.7-??.?', white mineralira--- write .?c t tlec g 27J

e:; tien :n vertical joints througnout, M.rox stain ? ?S.7' 2 in Iers sandy W d7U 'i -
                                                                                                                                                ? $ .1 ' to $ase ao .e. f **". v.                                                                                                        -

m _ tu -

                                                    ..D.                                                                                        re less of w-l 1
            >a -

t i) V

                           's  ,*  i     ,i E              0002 150 Sheet 67 A=end-2 (10-2-67)e A4 21s i/te


     'A551FIED BY:

CW DATE: '~A7- - 24 HR$ __ C eerse 5PT Greneler REMARKS 4 5 I*i'

                                       .1                                                                                    Chemical Comp, Slows /        j      j             een.g,y (e, Cenelatency). Cel :         d   ,  go,,e        o,e i.

j , si,. She ,e coelegie Oe ., 6 in. .5 **

       .!.                                               5 61 Type Assessaries               :s      Core         Ree.       O'*"d * * '

Conservesien Problee R Cm y 7 7 3 [{*e';J,cose brewn sancy silt, trace grave !. . h rs c il

                                     , )'-

_ trace clay . 9 6 9 17 c . o v.a se .. e , ,, .. w . . +r .m e=-- r-e ra' + - - *. 1 a 11 14 ,4 iense brcwn sand s gravel, ' sere sil t. 2" Sub._ f. to red. Prec 0 'c 17

  • j0 -trace clay ane. - ecal frars., c:

As above to - lithclerie t'/m ec ?? ^

39 ,. dl. dense, as above rid - enlecroie in r 5 '"1 'l 27 h,f; As above, but no clay  ; K_ l'-3 cm/r 7 i f. C7 4h _'o) LL _

p */ . dense brown silty sand i gravel,


g 3, xn 4,.

       ,     g t,   _c
                                   )g. . trace to seme clay.

[ firs t dare sarr in 19 11 c1 , . ,t J. dense brown gravel i silty sand * ?" . wet samcle 3,~' ~~i. i c4 41

                        ~            1e      .                                                                           .

1- I1 h1 7c i[. K_ 10-2 cr/sec io 3.e c >ve I W ./f. / Begin co rine i 19.l' - O( .. -

0002 151 Sheet 63 A=end-2 (10-2-67)


  • OF
  • DATE 7 47 r Three Mile Island NO. bl90 ~1 DRILL HOLE NO. **"-

TOR ?dn . S ae rica* SITE AREA N 14 7 *nua-* ELEv. *ch o IE !G COORDINATES ANGLE r a-+ 4 - el La B E A RING > BY: GWL DEPTH 39 9 Ca'e . DE5CRIPT1ON REMARK 5 Res.

  • e e 3 Reek type, celer, grein size & shape bedding (engle thschness), frectorse, foules, Condition of core.

f { { g j jointe (engle, filling, etc.), permeebelity, alteretion, weethering, chemical Escoveting evolves 3 oc y compesstien etc. Begin coring - ni ir i -

            'in                                                                           h3', v. b rokeC weathered te
 %      y ' ,']        sands to 23.0' tone,/corebrick w                     red, v.f.fractures 2" pieces,        grnd., bedding a t 30e M* 'rertieel '2 rock is
             ,.        white mineral coated joint 26.0-27.0'; blk. n/0x                                    C friable, slir m            ;i       staining on all fractum surfaces, some 3" beds of                                     Z weathering be Mr,.       silty shale                                                                              23' m U Shale, brick md, silty, h5* bedding, intensely bmken,- reck max. 2"                   -

m eso 40' emms r-nc tuM ac- "rm 7 e =+=4niac ~~k u=*+"a-


T. D. No ' loss of drill water Zto bottom of P ripcaole to 3

    '                                                                                                        E                        O 0002 152 Sheet 69 A:nend-2 (10-2-67)ee,.,,e             ,,.e 60 o

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET 5HEET ; ROJECT.Three Mile Island w,o, h192-51 SITE AREA Colling Tower ORILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: M" 'e M E COORDINATES E L E V A TION , RILLER : oV*? GwL 0 HR5_. LA554FIED BY: 'd* DATE: 7-17-67 24 HR5_ ees.~a C oero e 5PT Grenvie' REMARKS e d 5eils z e


gi***f e = U Range Grein Chemical Comp, { cm g Density (e, Consistency), Cel*' 3 s er size She,e Geelegic Does, l 6 In. 3 ' 5eil Type . Accessaries :s Core Rec. C ' ** "d * * '* Conservesien Preble,

                                                                                                       ,         g ,,,

f s. o a 50G50 ' _A , i 0 0 5 e . P.015 L 1 1 2 3 ;T bose, brown, sandy silt, some un to Cub. ;t.

         ?  2       3  ?   %             ~.c: a vel                              cist                *"          te    m!.

a ro wn3a,sa,n,d i gravel, trace.-rsilt " 1 o 1, ,m .>t e J_a - i$ 'fFh. I.C - 6,.

                                         .s a                                   a-                                      -

vense,, orown sand & gravel, trace

         ), 3      34 3, .) .                                                              _p
                           . , s.                                                                    te 3/,,     ""~
          ; 9q 3e      ,-   e i-         -silt                                   dry
P 4 34 1- 17 if.,

o.o 7 i 91 -7 .k6 J. dense, brown sand i gravel, trac e .

                                         .sil t                                  dry       )o e   e      41 61  11               ,u                                             19 o  62 97 b-) d' ,y              4. dense, multi-colored, sand e                                                -

i, -,,7 c, g7 'jj v a M , hace S M , m ce clay _d


N i e .- i moist 11 17 47 70 j/./ -some coal pieces and cecomposed


17 1E h- 71 . Jed shale . a 1? >",  ;; .[b Y ne -

                                         -               S tarted coring                                                .

O: - 0002 !S3 P i_ . 4+ _ _ 2heet '*O Amend-2 (10-2-6 M

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK CLA551FICATION, SHEET 5H E E T S OF 0-DATE  ?>' -4' t t r 'N .e vii. T =1 1rd NO. I. l o 9. C1 ORILL HOLE NO. P*7< CTOR ?dr. Serrices $1TE AREA #E*'4"- *n ve - ELEY. ac' ZE NI COORDINATES ANGLE vertical S E ARING i > BY: GWL DEPTH '7 -C Cue _ DE SC R I P T lO N REMARKS

  • e Res.

e 3 Rech pe, celer grein sie, & shone beJJing (engle thickness), frectorse, foules, Condition of core. j [ l { ct j jointo engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical Esse.eting evolvet 3 cm v c om,e s .e i.a etc. Rec . Started coring 2 m 19 I - go p. / Eac silty shale, extremely broken by many vertical possible sli; ra a joints (filled with white mineral), slickensides on - planes small pieces 26.8-27.0', not noticed above. Z I"

             .s.4 l
                  /                  Sedding slips alcng partings of most pieces 'between Z
      '** h 27.0 & 26.'1'                                                                        -"'

Core again broken by jointing (vertical and mineralizedt Jto at 29.2-29.6' & 30.h-32.h', slickensides at about 33.0'_

                   /, 3H                                                                                                  _

to 54 .

                  . . ., Y           nec, narc, line grainec sance tone, nign angle mineral --

ns ... . 27.s- 1:ed jointing 36.0 to 37.0 8 _ T. D. Z I Slack stain along partings thmughout hole- no - CCI* #8# ," loss of drill water s und throug

                                                                                                                          -     but badly br Z

ir core bcx

to jcint_re.

l l Scund below _= 1 - 1 e 1 -. , ., _ o ... .. .  ; 0002 154 Sheet 71 Amend-2 (10-2-67 L,,,,,,,,,


  • W.O. bl9'#-51 SITE AREA ~hree '#ile I51Ard DRILL HOLC JNTRACTOR:?+ - C a -?da*" CCCRDINATES ELEVAT10N_


       .A551FIED BY :          SJS                                 DATE:      0 1 1 '                                                   24 HRS 2 C earse 5PT                                                                                  Grenvier              REMARKS 4                                                                              W Z                   w
  • 50lL DESCRIPTION 5.ils Blews/ d g,,9, g,,;, Gemkal Camp, a: j Density (or Consistency), Cel*'

j Size Shee. Geelegic Dete, m

          !       6 in,       s       0-Seil Type . Accesseries          f        Co,e         R e c. G'** M **.

C * "' ""* ' ' *" # '* b ' * " 6 12 1a Run C .,. 2 s- ,a 1,*i 4 pose; brown silt w/so. e grawl .

                                                                                                                          - ,is t 1    /s   ev     is       No Te,dg. ,,gegse; jypyn sanc 'e gravel;                       I 1"       ;j ,,- w                dry 3   ,r es-      e/       1; )!ec. cense to dense; ulti-colored sity                     a ,,                 .
                                            .eand 'e cravel; trace of coal                          '
         +    <a   it     er        o.                                                                       sut .       dr /           oi,e t
       ,f     ,,   ,3    ,a        .g.. ).5-6.3' gray shale fragments rdd

Cr to 9 I *>~e o ly ff ,a ,, 9.,'.* -2,ense; brown sand h gravel . 18 .17.5-17.3' scr: coel Poist

                                    .* ]: -17.0-13.3' trace of silt                                             -

wer 9 i.c 2a u. *:*- .,_ x _ 7 - e swsu .

                                    ".  .   -         No reenvery                                                      .
                                   ) '*       is .i-                                                                   .

2f 39  % Q ,,,s.

                                   ,~;      -

cense; as next ecove - wet A/d Jea # 'd' . ,o , No reCO'lery , et n # @ i.'t 1*N898'tININE31 e Pb81.ltysand q ,, gg o c- ,4 ry A'e #4 e /t.( ++M

                                   ), u,         .

ho MCc"ery ,

                                            }ecincoring377.7'                                                          ~
                                            ~                                                                         .

O,i , 0002 !SS Sheet 72 Amend-2 (10-2-67) GA

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET 5HEET h 0F 2 DATE E ll #7 i 7 'tet Ed N - NO. l.10 9. A ORlLL NOLE NQ ' ' M i CTOR Fdtn. Services $1TE AREA %raa 'd i l a ?*1ead ELEY. *M9.O' l ZE E COORDINATES ANGLE Ve rtiCD1 ) l' " BE A RING

      ) syt                                             GwL                                                     DEPTH               bO.0'        )

l 1 Core ,_ DE$CR1PTION REMARKS Res. .? e 1 3 Reek type, seier, grein size & shape bedding (engle thickness), frectures, faults, Conditlen el core, f J I CE y { C j joints (engle, filling, etc.), permisebelity, alteretion, weathering, chemical compeaition Esseveting evalue-etc. C Z m _2m se rin cori q e 99.7' g .r.4 7 Sandy Shale; brick red; badly broken; good core belcw _-t,n of sound

          ,t ,       /j         3h.8'; possible water course ? 30.0' t 3?.7-33.2';                                      Z@ Jh.8'
                     /          much high angle fracturing; beddine e 37'or 38f "nox

( # M /

                     /          staining al cng some partings; g:een mir.eralitation alor5
          *>         /j         joint plane @ 31.2'; grada tional chance' below                                  Z m go /'               sandstone; micaceous ? 36-37.0'; slickersides ? 20.7'                                                           i as A)5
            ~             -                                                                                            E m                                                                                 I l5rEEt5cSbE$rYsI-ieseecus
                         ,,     Yl5$fb
                                - . ~ . - , ~SIh @chs5NE    ...e   . -                                                 _

T. D. :io loss of drill water  : l l l _- l



                      'i go                                                                                            :

9 0002 !S6 C Sheet 73 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,,,,,,,

l GILDERT ASSOCIATES. INC. 5011. Cl.ASSIFICATION SHEET SHEET ROJECT: Vet ~d Co. w.o. _119 ? _ C1 SITE AREA "hree ' tile Island DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: Id* S e '"de s C00RDlHATE5 E L E V A TION . RlLLER: GWL 0 HR$_. LA55lFIED BY S DATE: 8 l h /'7 24 HR5 9 C oers e Grenvie' REMARKS g 5PT Soll DESCRIPTION W 5eils 8I'"'/ f(". Density (or Consistency). Celer  ? "$',"// is De j 6 In. .3 L Seil Type . Accessaries d Core R ee. C'* wad * *. 6 12 ts R ua C * *" '***" '*b'*'

        / .2 d' d.               'R.[ l.cese; brown silt i gre rel; trace                        .,,,,,       sur .

Q ls ? /d Ic

                                  ?le of sand i coal                                        --
                                                                                                              ".d i .
                                                                                                              . a .,
                                                                                                                       -"ist J '7      //    9                   ated dense; br:wn sand, silt y crrecl;                et ,'        sub '    -cis+

p 9 fg jg 5f'! f;, -trace of coal; trace of red dece:'.resed -

                                    ..? shale                                                                        -

0 l0 9 9 .',] %. 5_0.Q ' drf

         /, /.2 f XI              :;       1.0.5 12.0 ' wet                                                          '

d r'i

    . y 4 9 ,,                 ..       '12.0-15.0
  • derse

9 f // /fo - -

                                       **                                                                              .n i s +.

9 /s _29J/ a.1;

             & a _v
   ~                                                                                                                 '

is *::e ' a,

       "    ~                   _:. -

g*. . . A/g .fg7]plf *(- -

                                                          '\ * ?"* * * *7                                            .


       /.2.4 a/       A                    .7. dense; as next above; trace of                                 s+ .        'ir t - we t            !

ld J/ 4 '70 f.' red decompesed shale <?" sm* _ . o re o ..i -u l

          /b [tM//C A/                 *
                                              , 1,        No recoverf                                                -

Tegih coring 7 27.?' O_: -

0002 157 1

8 Sheet 7h A*end-2 (13-2 67) ) l l


  • T d f'm - NO.
  • 7 o ? ci DRILL HOLE HO.  %* 7 ^ '
      .CTOR Ed tr.             S e "*ric a
  • SITE AREA '% m a Vdi a T l e n4 ELEY. 000 1' ZE NI CDoRDlMATES ANGLE vartical li" BEARfMG _

3 SY: GWL DEPTH M .0 8 ceae D E $ C R 1 P T 10 M Res. .2 e REMARKS

  • i $ Reek pe seier ereia sise & shese Coaditlen el core.

f 1 , g j i iateleag,le, fitlias, ees.), permeability, stee,eeien, weseh*'6as, sh*=icalbedding (engle f.aseiae ehichaess), frecturd

                                                                                                                                           ***3ue a     os   g3                                                   esa ,esition                                                            **s.



Ztoo of sound

                                                                                                                           .7.27.5' v~

78 M n~ =e& c o rtr.a @ ?? .2 '  :

                      //g'  es            mc sh         brick red-                          fi        ned high          =
          .u y,    m          gimy*m
                                       =- , 3 e ag.;some gry. ne o;n eer{J{ ys _
                                                   ,.               < , .   : , _t e, _. m . . -  ,.c a.
                                                       , c ., . .
                                                                                                   ;y             -

_7 - Limy shale; brick red; small limy inclusions throughoutZ l

          "'                           up to h" in diameter; moderately broken w/ pieces up to -slickensides
                                       .8' in length; bedding @ 28'; some fractures a: e rehesleEthroughout w/t r1 44 some Mn0x & themsonite minerali:ation along partings; Zaoparent direc
                     //                slight amount of FeOx staining
  • 39.9' -

n / w

                      ,  / o s.n

T. D.  ? o loss of drill watt er 3 1 - 1



                 .           e, E


                ./J. .                                                                                                   : 0002 158

Sheet 75 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,,,,,,,


  • N0-W.O. L109 Cl $1TE ARZA '--aa h" ' ' "

DRILL Hot.E l ONTRACTOR . " . . Ce Wices COORDINATES E LEVATION RILLER : GwL O HR5_ LA55; PIED SY: 'US DATE: 2-16 A 24 HR5_ l C oers e

                                                                                                                         *aule'          R E MARICS 5PT                                          50ll DESCRIPTION                 vs                G'Seils                              i i

j j 8 ai -s-6 1.

  • 4c i

A o s.,,< C s,..... ,>. C.i., Seil Type . Accesserie' 3

R,r Core eRec.

c c


G'*"ad **, l 1 e.n oruction reble 6 12 18 Rua Core f j j g n # loa e; ::rnt topsed l ej ~. sed. dense; ::rewn car.d + gravel; ~

            .2     4       6      7         'o *l -c e ,!!.                                                                                                 l
.3 /d /S /6 ..; -; brown sar.d 'i ersvel; . race e ' s . .' * , ; t 1" d. ) j , ff fj /' earpic J3 .- vash sar;.le; t elow 6.C' reiri- ' 3- 3.rsee of decerpcsed Scal rod _  ; r c ~ 6. - t --

            ,5       7 '7 9                  ji.l    -                                                                             -

ar: - raf se

             $       q     g y                 .: *  -                                                                             -

7 '# N '# .N17.5'


(l" fine sard ~ y so /s,/ .::4

                                             . ..l.  .                                                                              .

9 /6 /P lC . *} s _

           /o       /9    .?le of            ; .'.   ,,                                                                            ,


            //     .27A3 3c                  1.   :' .' .
; s'
            /.? 3/        .;1    4P          r.       >9e 425*mg/4                     ly.J:}j m- - We recevery                                                               ~
n a m -n,- m..

IN.-  !.'c recover'v ll6 hM9pil ,*;q. _ _ _w _


[ "cCi r "9 Ping 2L .2 ' l _ _ _ l O, :  :  : 0007 !59 Sheet 76 Ar.end-2 (10-2_67) o

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET SHEET 2 op 2 DATE S-Ib b7 T Ma* Ed Ce. No.  !'C' C1 ORILL HOLE NO. :P '. : CTOR #d"t- h "'fiS** $1TE AR E A '"5 "*a **'a Tai $"A ELEY. 200.O' ZE IIX Co0RDINATES ANGLE *'o"*'*11 i . BE ARING

 ) BY:                                                      GWL  " " ' r . t                               DEPTH Care                                                         DE$CRIPTI0N R.c.                 .                                                                                                 REMARK $

e 3 pe celer grein size & shape Conditlen of core, f3 1 { g j Rock ieints tfeng,le, falling, etc.), permeability, alteration, *reethering, chemicalbedding (engle lvet thechness), fr

        =   v                                                       ..m p.s it i.a                                         Escovetias e'e*t .

_ .cp of sound

                                                                                                                      -   prc'cably 2L.?

but definctC Z s 2C' p sj, Bezir coring A 2L.3' ,e; gray; snort, pieces etccre

    %            J ,-         congiorerat                                                            ccre cass ac sf y, d,*          .or r I

exter.sive gri ov e, ocate: erav: snorr, Lleces or core [ #"*_fm

                           >24 *
                  , _ .                hrd- . e ; ed; fir.c gritr.ed                                                 Z
                   .'.                 Sandstone; reddish gray; medium grained; 'ra rd; good cere-
    ,'*c 44 ';.
e..., y, _ n Z


                 //                    Silty shale; brick red; med. hard; good core; pieces up-to 1.0' in length; 40-l.2' ma cr li:ny inclusions giving Z u

con.tlemeratic appearance -

    .un                     MEB                                                                                      ~

L. Je leo loss el Cria. Wa!,6r e


L .- . .. . l E 0002 160 Sheet 77 Amend-2 (10-2-67) eas.sss use


                                                                                $ITE AREA N"?e hil' I91o*~                               DRILL HOLE 3NTRACTOR: Idtn. 3*PYiO95                                        COORDINATES                                                 E LE V ATION .

IlLLER: _ GwL0HR5 LA551FIED BY : MS DATES.8-10 47 24 WAS.- Coerse Grenular REMARKS g 5PT SOIL DESCRIPTION W 5eils z o Bfews/ e U R ange Grein Chemisel Come, og Denelty (or Consistency). Cels' e { W F $1se Shere Geelevis Deve, we 5 In- .E " Seil Type . Accesseries  ::i Core Rec. O Wad **'. Cenenvenien Probler R Core

               /     g    a    .f     'e l    1.cose to =ed. dense; orange hrewt cal'                             M _

le x d gravel ' ,M', u "d 'l _


2 (* 6 /G of ._o _.5-1.0' se , ss.-d ". J /6 S(, 49 I Dense te v. den::c; hre'.r sand '- .;u r- .

                                       *.I                                                   '

A :n:!. =J .- travel; trace of ecal; . race of

                                                                                                        *n -
                                                                                                                  .v.e .

3a . . ; ~,. s~ 4 &n  ! ?.'_ re

                                              ~                                                                          -

M Simp /L r f . '*50 s recover 7


As nex. accve; wer.; scec orcanic a ,ic . (* 9 5 '7 -o.)n*- z wc

.c ri ts.

Ai)Sem WL '. - ico-*'ecv*r'r ~

                                              .i. dense; m1L1-nclored ei 1 y c.a:11
             ,7 ,3       g     yy       ..                                                                         a~;   .

0,I: 3 g-avel; trace of ccal 4"' -dd . ci .e.

    ,          7 F1 d4 of              . . - As

/ s ;o -

   )                    r No recevery a t.-_

4l:) d4/7[d , U? - .

                                           .. .as next aceve (l. tense)
                                      ,.                                                                                 .  .e.e j . . .

9 ss u 19 ,

                                        \* "n -. ever ?

_.e : y, l

             /0 44 /0?                ////     '     Ace-a.   ,. r. A Ann  -.,..aa      .s e
                                              -Begin coring i 23 0                                                     .                               ,

1 j 1 l l i i l ( - -

        % u                                   -                                                                          .

00.02 !61 l

                                              -                                                                          _                                \
         .                                                                                                                                                l Sheet 75 Amend-2 (10-2-67)                         se l


         ) BY:                                          GwL                                                   DEPTH             18.0' C *'s                                               OE$C4iPTION                                                     REMARK $

Ree, e f g , e 3 grein sine & shape, bedding (engle thickness), fractures, faults, Conditlen el este. 5 I 3 $ j Reeb (engle, lointe type, coletling, fil etc.), poemsebility, alteration, weethering, chemisel E sc ovefin, e,elve-3 e v e e.,e s .e s.n etc. I C m etw necin eening o 91.0' - f2, 4 Silty shale; brick red; fine grained; good core; moder-Z & ately broken with pieces up to .6' in length; many limy- W

                       /           1/8" diameter inclusions 315-38's wathered zones ; 2323 9',

30 5-31', 3~.7-38' ; bedding at 37f Mnox st.cining along Z 9, g/ sore pa rtirgs; small vertical fractures 4 21.6' & 2$ '; -

            **         /           high angle slickensides a 27'                                                      Z    top of sound
n. Wr , Z 2 2L.6' Ams /} , sf D T. D. No loss of drill water  ;

l 1 1 . . _ . E 0002 162 l ! Sheet 79 Amend-2 (10-2-67) en.sse use

GILEERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET ROJECT: Met Ed Co. W.O. 1.102-51 $lTE AREA Three Mile Island omittsots CNTRACTOR: ?dtn. Services COORDINATES E L EV ATION RILLER : 8e v e r" GwL0HR$ LA551FIED BY M3 DATE:  ?-10-6'? 24 HR$ _ C oorse g 5PT Grenuler REMARK $

                                                       $OfL DESCRIPTION                    W              Seite II**'#

Density (or Caneistency), Celer

                                                                                               $    $"                           i De O I"-       5 y,                                          Seil Type . Assesseri's              d       Core         4.c.       Greend wever, y         g           Conewussion Proble.
          /   ,:t    #    4        a f.-i.cose to med. dense; silt ?< cravel;                     + ;n sub      .

Y . .sa 'nig."

         .2    / /0 //                     V,2ce of sand
47. _ r. - "
J XI 44 46 .j ~;Gense to V. dense; silty sand 'e cue .

rci.s t s go af gg gravel (brows); trace of ecal t t rc. - e1:, 3.0-7.5' as above; wt 1" ru'r - wet J~ /6 ff /4 g. . . 7gg . 4 d 4 /8 I:b



      -S      6 /4 /Y               *:
                                   .b.   .
                                           =                                                                           -

ji,.' 5 ype; brc e. sand; 10 0 gravel f fs so fy 4+" r<:c - rc:c; 9 /6 /3 /9 i~fesa fext abeve . :.cist

         ,,   , ,, ,,              4- v. eense; ruiti-coloree sil y ,ane 4 gravel; some coal sue .

q. W/ 2Jf J9 ,( ,.4 13 5-15' seme coal tn

                                                                                                             sf - e,"...

Aa #e 47 /n  ;

     .sj g         as              l!{' }9521.0'traceofreddecert. coed shale i
         /4   d 48#               lo.I                                                     ^
  • g.; -NO .UCOV 5 U
            .Q,b 4?d/L g.
      ,                                    Eegin :'oring 4 23 0'                                                      .
:  : 0002 !63 p . ,, , . .

Sheet 30 Amend-2 (10 2 67) o.

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK CLAS$lFICATION,5HEET SHEET 2 0F 2 DATE 8 10 47 r Ma* 'd S - NO. 'io7_C1 DRILL NOLE NO. DH-104 OTOR Fdtn. Serricas SITE AREA T"*an Ma I s h~8 _,ELEV. 2*97

       !E                 U                               C00RDtNATES                                          ANGLE              'rm"*4a91 E"                                                                                   B E A RING I SY                                               GWL                                                  DEPTH                 L1.0' Core                                                    DE5CRIP71ON Ree, e                                                                                                     REMARK 5 f

e 3 Rech pe celer gresa else & she,e g loinesleng,le, filling, ees.), permeability, eleersei a, ..eeher6as, che..eelbeddingCeadielen of eere. 8

       ,     1                  j                                                                                                  (engle ehacknes Esee,ev6ag evolves s), frecevres, 3    as                                                     ee.,ee4eien                                                                  eve.

C Z top of sour.d _- at 27.0' x se o a-efn eerina 1 21.0' -

           #   ^ [j~

brjc g Sandy; shalez3

                                                 !.        2,.h' ;:1.

red;chtbroken w no _ run[ c."p"nC:ieces

t. . ng vert. Z _


         'N #f                      Silty shale; brick red; excellent core with core pieces 2 up to .8'     in length; bedding @ 36*; badly broken :ene                          Z 3 38-38.2'; weatherg 3 25 9-26.9'; cross jointing a 34                                    '

s er , us l -

         /06 4* C       .' .49 L                                                                                       -
         .eko 7/    as      Shale;    brick o w.asy k,,te.,        red;  mottled with scall 1/6". limy inclusior s ;

I yo_3o ue. . - . v- m ,+ ,4ng 3 e i,,.g _2. 4 : . l T. D.. No loss of drill water _ l- - - 5 9 E 0002 1<4 Sheet cl Amend-2 (10-2-67) ese. sse v s.

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLAS$1FICATION $HEET SHEET I 10)ECT : Met Ed Co. W.O. h19'2 Cl SITE AREA lhree Mile Island DRILL HOLE 3NTRACTCR 7 4 +r - C*-rdaae CCCADINATES E LE V ATION TILLER: GwL 0 HR$_. LA551FIED SY : "3C DATE: 5-1147 24 HRS.I C aers e 5PT Greauler REMARKS e 2 Soll DESCRIPTION W 5eite g Slows / 3 Density (or Coasteteney), Cel*' d , g ,,,, c,,,, Chemisel Ceme, { g er Sise She ,e Geelegie Dete, j 0 la- E Seil Type . Assesseries -i Core Res. G'** d ' Conservetion Proble. 4 12 18 ""

         / ,2.   /     4         j*e(Joos          e to .?.ed. cense t orange _ brown 41" sub .

9 /0 /4 silt i gravel; trace :f coal rdd__ oist

       -                         *Y .       _a s                                                              "A 3 g y          jf         ig _ Lense; brown silt, sanc i travel;                                       ana-A 26      /f   /S          } e.- .

o ._t za trace of coal d" sur _ rd d , d ry J # Jo .2f )*d 3r .ns,e; de ,muly3_colgred silt /3 sand t . -nist _ at

                                  ..              e , . . . , - -

0 J/ /6 /M ~*ed. dense to dense:. - . brown sand 1 /3 fy fg {f ,. gravel; trece of silt; trace of

                                 .j, ard_5 rdd . - d: /


                                      'S L* #4 Coal                                                                    ~

f /f .:: .3 _ 7 y y y , J . cense; rulti-colored sil ty sar.d . 3.A !4 gravel; trace of coal; true of .

       /d  D     2     24
                                 ?(           red decomposed shale y                                                                  < 2" moist
        // S    .23 .24             :o      .                                                                         .
       /2 4/ 49 4.1               YN f3 yy s2 g                  or _V.

dense; brown sand 4 gravel; . moist

                                 'g f . trace of silt; trace of coal; trace
       '# # C i'                        '
                                            <f red decceposed shale                                                   .

wet g 43 6(e /03 - YX nf -

     ,Mo 8mg/t
                                 'h 3*arecover/

yegin coring ch.5' - _ _ e O  : 0002 !65 Sheet 02 A.T.end-2 (10-2-67) o.


  • DA E 8 l' 47 r Met Ed Cc. No. 1 14 9. cl DRILL HCLE NO.-" 13 CTOR Edtn. Ser rd ees $1TE AREA ~5 vaa "di a Tel e ra ELEY. Mo o ZE 'n COORDINATES ANGLE --+i -1 fi" 8 E A RING
         > BY:                                              GWL                                                  DEPTH             h*

C **

  • Ree, e


                     ,     "3     3                       grein sese & shape bedding (engle thickness), fractures, foules,   Condition of core.

5 I 3 cC j Rock (engle, loints type, celer fil ling, etc.), persneebility, alteresion, weathering, chemisel Esse,eting evolves 3 GE u tempeestion etc. C i top of sound Couestiorable c w su me ei n m-4 ,1 9!, c t Z to broken cent _i- knv ev5. - (4 JJ Silt 7 shalei brick red; v. broken with no pieces >.2'; ~ possible water courses @ 29.h' k 33' with some decorooseg y< shale; weathered rock 2 2h.5-25.5'; high amount of join %much -inerali: ing is responsible for broken core; MnOx + the-sonite ~ elong broken ( M O coated partings throughout; rehealed vertical joint 3 - w 3h.5-3h.8'; possible slickensides 2 26.3 'c 27' Z jn1 - y j,9 3.f Shaly sandstone; brick red; broken 37.2-38.6'; good core fp.. .vs. o below38.6'; high amount of limy inclusions 3 39.8-ho.6'- l A - rives a cene1 _ .-stm m -ameseca. m .v. -.1 -.b..laa - -+d:: = 5 a' r l n 4' No loss of drill water T. J. t? ?, ' N .. .

                                                   .                                                                    E G
                                                                                                                        =         0002 !66

Sheet 83 Amend-2 (10-2-67) au.ase use


   'ONTRACTOR: Idtn. Se7fiCe5                                         COCRDINATES                                         ELEYAT10N RILLER :                                                                                                            GwL O HR$_

LA$$1FIED BY: MS DATE: 0-11-67 24 HR$ _ C oeroe

                 $PT                                                                             Grenuier            a gggg g$ '

4 z g . Soll DESCRIPTION W $ ile e Blews/ e  : U Gre en Chemisel Co.,,

       *L                   8E       e            Density (or Censlatency), Celer        s   Renee W    '    Size      she ,e      Geete ,se oe,e, 8         6 in.      d      cE Seil Type . Aesesseries       5         Cwe       Reo         GrW wet %

enstmelen rehte 6 12 18 R ua Core

        /    /     J J            !$ 1ppe{greyr,sil,tj trace of ccal;                                           _  -eist J 4         1 28          ~*'

3ed. dense td v. dense; ligit brewr si ; $y sub - J .tr .pr Ja ',-{SJand i gravel; trace of coal +- 1 " arg _ dry g 4 ff g .L.5-6.0' sample is ver/ dry red ,, J' x3- // /7 o': Sed, dense; multi-colored sand t rub . ~1st t j jj jj g (,'e Jrs2/el; trace of silt; trace of 1" rdd -

                               ,o1 <o a 1                                                              rdd - dry 1    to     1 /A'        i.* o      ,?                                                                  -

r /1 go y/ f.$ dense; tan send k gravel; v. dry - dr/ p y .yy g,, ,4 ,y . cense; multi-colorec sil ty sar.d suo , a f". l,: gravel; trace cf red decom;:ored (}" rdd _ cist 2'1M M y

       /0 a ar ru                  *f shale;
                                 .        As trace of coal                                        rdd      .
                                .g        .                                                                     .
                  ,              V .~ -.                                                                        -

4o um7df. - NO PiCOVF.RY - j {}'

                               '.N T. dense as next abo e i

en 3/ 39 c .

   -j.s +f y7 9/                 .'*g
                                     .i '.J/. de.nse; brown sand t gravel                    4- {"    ard-rdd           uet j .h Lemo/a                 ";-; tfo recove:/                                                               -

3egin coring 3 23.9' l Oi i. i 0002 !67 Sheet & Amend-2 (10-2-67) o


  • OP 0 DATE 8 l' '7 r " a t_ T A /*n . NO. M o9.c1 DRILL HOLE NO. '" * '
  • f 1

l OTOR _ Edtn. Se r-rices SITE AREA Three vile Isl and ELEv. M0.2' l gg MY COORDINATES ANGLE ve r+ ic al ha BEARING LO.0' i SY GwL DEPTH ) Core D E SC RIP TIO N Ree. y e REMARK $ e 3 Reeli eype, celer geein el,e & she,e bedding (engle ehiehness), freetweee, foules, Condition el seee.

      !       l
                   -      g         3     1.ines (engle, filling, ees.), permeability, ele ,eeien, weesh ing, ehemisel           Escoveeing e,elvet 3     as    d                                                      e                                                                   ees.

t19 ,, E4 3efin COrinf 3 03.9' = y;.y. , - Sandstone; brick red to reddish gray; good core; oieces__too of sound r

          ,e           . ,y,.            up to 1.?' in length; weathered 73.9 95.3'; water coursti 27.6'
                       *T                with sof t shale 8 37.3-39.6'; cross jointine
  • 28.3-79.6a ;

We 4f5#* /:. vertical jointing ?9.6-30.P'; fine arsined; bedding 2 -.~

                        @                35*h0*,                                                                              -
        . m            2' nL                                                                                                  -
        . za     /,f   p'                Silty snale; brick red; fine grained: med. hard; small Z 1/16" diameter; limy inclusters throuchout; good core                               -

54 with pieces up to .6"; bedding at 3hi rertical jcintinr2 ef ' A.o 35.h ,368 ; thomsonite coated bedding clane i 37.6"; seve5il __1._- 1 1 n..- ,__,-,r..-a.. T. D. h0.0' No less of drill wster Z


E 0002 168 l l l l Sheet c5 Amend-2 (10-2-o7) . . . . . . . , , . . 1 l l



SHEET ROJ ECT : 'd a + "d "a W.O. 'M M _ d SITE AREA  % -a = "*'s  % '_ . a DRILL HOLE I ONTRACTOR: Fdtn. Se: rices COORDINAT E5_ E LEVATION I RILLER : GWL 0 HR$_.

     .'LA$$1FIED SY :           'M DAT!:         21D                                                                                      24 HR5 C oors e g       $PT                                                                                                           Grenvier                        REMARKS SOIL DESCRIPTION                        M                                        Seils z                            .2                                                                ,

Bl ws/ . Chemical Camp, ) { E i Density (w Consistency), Colw  ? "'* E "5 4 . f$"e G..legie Dete, j, 6 la- 5 Ty,. . Ace... i.. d Cn. R.e. C ' *= ad * * '*'. Construction Proble l 6 12 18 R un Cee. I j y j g g _pfse; orange brown silt i gravel 43/h" .yj]t id - cist y 7 g f2 3.Q -+1ec cense to cense; brewr sar.d ;' are_-

                                     '                                                                                                                                                      i
                                   - fi      gravel; trace of silt; trace cf coal                               ' 2."                             rdd - dry
J // /t /6  : +:_ax -

g fa p g 3,s. 1.ed. dense; multi-colored sar.d & . nb - gravel; some silt; some coal -1 " rdd_- moist

4 /4 /3 /J de e '.,, g -aa -
         /,  fo    ,ct   a           h,i ped. dense; brown sand k gravel;                                                                         sub
     ,   y   j,    ,, jf             f,4 ,,some coal throughout                                                                                   rdd__ nist
     '                                 .s                                                                       ,l" rdd .

f /J /l- /'7  ?,Y  : '

9 3 At 66 n .s g -

I'> 4 ray shale boulder; t. hard - (crred) U . Ass 39 40 69 sub . mis t

    ; /o                           'E h!4. dense; multi-colored; sand k
                                                                                                                                                  #V' -

j,f gf y g .f.

                                    < !6.

gravel; trace of silt & clay; trace of coal <. 7 ,, rdd -

        /_t Jf Jo 29                       -                                                                                                            -
     ,                               a.y.-

O 4 '7/ 93 if'

j. pi. .5 -21.3' gl,ight ag%+ pf decomcos ed "'t
            -                                                  -       -n           .o      -
    .'                                     Tegin coring 21 .6'
     -e                                    _                                                                                                            _

s g _ _ _1 O._~  :

                                           ..                                                                                                           .          0002. !6_9          .

q Sheet c6 Amend-2 (10-2-67) G 4


                                                                                                                              -   3, 4' Vet Ed Co.                               No,      blo?-G                                        OR!LL HOLE NO. % 'f"
TOR EdtN- S e P'ic e s $1TE AREA hee vile Tslord ELEY. ICS.6' E N COORDINATES ANGLg vertical h" BEARING SY: GWL 15 0 ' - 9 hPS - 17 b' 'bhr*- DEPTH 'I7 .O '

Co,e l


\ Ret. g

  • 7 3 Reek type, seier grein sine & shape bedding (engle thickness). fractur's, faults, Cendition el core.

1 g j loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeebility, alteretion, weathering, chemical Excavating evelvet at composition etc. 1 Z i Etoo of sound r ZT M.6' sn n t. - j *f.2. 2 Shale; brick red; broken w/cieces 3"; fire grained; , Z broken 3 23 2', Ph.?' & 96.5'-97.3'; beddirg

  • 35-h0; ---
           /J f'

Mn0x staining along some partings; cross joints ? Ph.5'--

                      / ML                                                                                             _

, 97 es 1. ~; Shaly sandstone; brick red & slichtly gray; fine grautneg good co re with pieces up to .8'; some limy inclusions _ 1 m ~3: throughout; bedding @ 37-35i slightly micaceous e 30.h 'I- [ w ,ce (%  ;,", vertical fractures 33.6-3h.0'; slight amount of mineral - w . ,! , ization along parting @ 35.6' C { T. D . 37.0' No loss of drill water 2 l  : Z l - (e <


0002 170 1 Sheet C7 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ase-sse ties

GILBERT A530CIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET SHEET 7 ROJECT: e. +. N Pr - W.O. 1.1 0 9.0 SITE AREA *a a 'm a eM DM N ONTRACTOR: Id*n . 9e"*r4 c?s COCRDINATES ELEVATION RILLER : GWL 0 HRS LA55tFIED BY: DJS DATE: 0-1 #'7 24 HR5 C Coers e i Grenuler REMARKS 4 5PI . Soll DESCRIPTION A Seils I Z * , , Chemical Camp, Blows /

  • U Range Grein g ,g Density (or Consistency), Celer j e

y $ise $he,e Geelegic Dete, I l 6 in. .5 A Se; Type . Accesseries :s Core R e c. O "d * * '' l Constewetion Preble 6 12 18 Run Core _ j g g g fj _gose; brown silt; trace of gravel _ reist V /g /f J/ fif _wense to v. dense; brown sand i

                                                                                                  $1" sub -

J 4*Je 44 T gravel; trace of silt; trace of co 1 ang _ meist i /.o .h.5-6.0' trace of decomcos ed shale sub _ 4, 19 Je .3 f *:a 1.o +* _ g- f;. /3- /r ,%_Eence to ned. dense; multi-colored; sub _ 6 6 // /1 'k. s

                                        -Sit y Sand k fravel; trace of coal                      _l"      nu- . -cist 7 9 7        //      'd. h"g      e p.,pepse; sand a gravel; trace of t)"      sub rdd-rdd             -cist i                         'j 4          vens crown sanc; mas-e, ace or gravell                            -

drr - meist f jg j9 yf .- _/so.e;.-a _ 4 1 ruo , .mo ts t p g gg 4 .;.(,J . cense; -ult:.-colorec; sand, s111.

      ,5                        'q _4 gravel; trace of coal; some de-W.

p <,f,~ f--_ / h g oosed shale 9" rdd . wet v j .f . g7 _7. dense; brown silty send & grave . ; sub _ _ reist

          #   JO '3M Sd _ve r'/ we t ' 19.5-21.0'; trace of                                   rdd .
         /,3  #d /,2 //          ?.' -coal and decer. posed shale                                         rdd .
       '                         /g     ~

qn ~ M Y2J3 ,2f . wet _i


c gg h.1-fr. [21.5-??.5 8 decomposed brovn- red shale _ _Begin coring ? ?3.0 ' _

: 0002 !71

()( -- g_ Sheet 88 Amend-2 (10-2-67) o


 .CTOR        Edtn. Ee M M                          SITE ARE A %. ve o ?.1.-a                            ELEY.               OC8 C' ZE                    'ri                         COORDINATES                                          ANCLE            vertical


 . Cee.             _                                      r 5CRIPTION Rec.
  • e REMARK 5
  • e 3 Rock e pe celer groin size & .aepe
  • Condiesen of cene.

f 1 g 3 ienne. Ieng,te, filling, sec.), .eehility, eleeration, -ee.herine, chemicalbedding (snele thidness), Escoveting evolve fractur e, faults o ar . ..,e . ,e ien etc. Z C

        .             m ,s  Begin corine @ 23.0'                                                                 -

fr e. , (/ Shale and sandstone; interbedded; brick red; slightly Z too of sound i a Fj limy in shaly areas; good core; pieces up to .8' in s.: u., * . . ' 2 23.5' w4 ,.' length; moderately broken with very broken gone @ 33.0-Z Jh.0' (p'ssible water course); bedding 7 37; v.n0x - g' y staining along partings throughout; jointing + high sngka s a- with themsonite minerliration along joint planes 0 Z

                 .;         37.o' & 38.5'                                                                       -

Z na '/4So ~ T. D. No loss of drill water

     ,               a..

E DD02 172 sheet 89 Amend-2 (10-2-67) . ..u. ei

l l GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET l $HEET 1 1 ROJECT: Met Ed Co. w,o, L192 51 51TE AREA Three hile Island DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR: .dtn. Services f:CORDINATES E LEV ATION RlLLER: GWL O HR5_ LA55tFIED BY: Ud3 DATE: 8-3-07 24 HR$ 1 C ears e Grenvier REMARKS g 5PT , SOIL DESCRIPTION d Seils I * , Che.nical Camp,

  • Sl*=s/ $ j- Density (or Consistency), Celee U 3 Gre 6n j y Rene.e
                                                                                                             $43        She,. Geelegic Dete, f

es 6 in. 5 5 Seil Type . Accesseries  ::i Core Rec. G "M ** " Conserveelen Preble Cm

      -    /   .2. G    r     hI       .cose to ced. dense; orange brewr.;                                          uue .

a Li lt & gravel; trace of coal 41" ~dd- eict 9 ~

          .1          7 /0       es       so                                                                           ~u
      ,   a 4 e            .g      l      !ad. dense; brown sand i grsvel; scre                                            w   -  , , ,

p g 9 g k ').'

                                       ,' >ilt; trace of coal; less gravel                                  qn         .fr#~

4, dth depth ,,g~; - S ,a /7 as h.t.:.. -

                                                                                                                                 . ~- j t-g ,, g, 74           ::       -                                                                                    -

J, . . . . 7 /4 7 /6 . r

                                 .I. =e-
                                          > cnse as above                                                                      ~

f <3 t/ so .*. ~.,,, 9 /g .:r 47 ,j " dense; rulti-colered sand, silty; rdd._ i

          ,,   y          g       go gruel; trsee of coal a se=c                                                       r'id - noint
 ,             m    _              i         composed shale                                                 <, 2"              -                                             I
      ,d      A/n %w /t           t,.                                                                                          -


          /2   JJ Jf      "2     D *;

d .,

      -.M 4/ Jo           4,7     '? ~a s                                                                                      -

k f,s 4 py gf  ;!.X dense; brown sand 4 gravel; tracc cub - lA &,

                                 %e.' silt; trace of ccal                                                    < i"      rdd - wet g   M' 6/                  Y . .- ,, . y                                                                         reg -
                                          "Segin coring i 22.8' j

1 l

      .                                   .                                                                                                                                  i C: .

DDD2173 4- - e,. . _ Sheet CO Amend-2 (10 2-67) o


                                                .CTOR         Pdtn . Sa*"ri*as                          SITE AREA          S === Ma NW                                     ELEY.                 200.0' ZE                  M                                  COOW!NATE$                                                           ANGLE          va*M
  • t' L" BEARING 3 SY: GW L. 16.C' caved 's 16.5 ' ' 2L brs. cEPTH LO 0' Core DE5CRlPTION Ree. e REMARK $


                                                               'e         3      Rock    pe, celer eroin sine & shape bedding (engle ehickness), frecevees, favies,                       Condition of cene.

o l oc v

                                                            ;  a'.       3       loints engle, filling, etc.), poemeability, alteresien, weethering, chemical                             Escovering evolve, i                                                                                                                  . e. ..i.n                                                                              e...

se r es t j anale; cricx reo; caaly orcxen w/no pieces 1"; organic-;sounc rocx

  • i fr 40 3,s e seams a 25 3 & 27.8'; Mn0x staining throughout; clightly
                                                   ,,,                 ,y ,     micaceous 9 24.2'; vertical joint a 23 6 h 27.2'; breakge due to joint Shale; red 'e green mottled; broken w/ pieces L"; severaE
                                                                   . s.2.s    emell_organte_s
                                                                                -..2            a ,. s_ t,a,_28,.9_'.,

29,3'_ & 30.L' (g een Clay)r lir7 y g /

                                                                       .u,      Shale; {ppn,}i-%ipod,
                                                                                . ~ .         . , , , - - . .

cop gpes;g73lj,sp {}'] gg y,g}ay; sly or Shale; brick red; good core; weathered e 36.2-37.2'; _ se Mn0x staining along some partings; calcite coated high _-' Y. '# M un a angle ioint Q 40.0'; beddine a 30-35* - T. D. No loss of drill water - r - l _ i

                                             ..     (                                                                                                                             _

C AnA7 17A _ UUU( I f 't Sheet 01 Amend-2 (10 2 67) ....a2. ii ..


  ,                                                                   Soll CLASSIFICATION SHEET
 )                                                                                                                                                 '


       'R OJ ECT :         '# *
  • Td N- W.O. h'CS-A $1T E A R E A ~% -w a V4'a T ' s '-d DRILL HOLE
       >RILLER :                                                                                                                           GwL0HR$_

LAS$1FIED BY: 3J3 DATE: 5-11 47 24 HR5 0 Coerse Grenuler g ^ K$ d 5PT SolL DESCRIPTION d Seils z g e d Range Grein Chemical Camp, E Density (or Consistency), Celer s i W ' Sise Shep. Geelegic Dee , j 6 in. -i cC Seil Type . Accessories g _ p, g, ,,,,, g ,, g_ Conservction Proble 6 12 is g .,;r g (,, j*3 gpose; browr. Filt w/ sone gravel . meist

                '7 /9 /7            'j,i peri. dense; brnwn sa rri cnd gravel; A                                                                                                               sub - d:/

_ g ,,p jp y /

                                               ,some silt; trace of coal; goes fror                                       a t :r .

[ ,;:ry @ 3 3' to moist at about 10.5' rdd - d /4  ? '7 a.'\ ,. _

                                                                                                                < 1"             _

s aw 9  : o'

  • g r  ; a '33 -
                                                                                                                                   -o is t
           'r J        f   a         59. y,                                                                                      -

f (,, d, 4 {:- Vpse;,)rogy,,pnd; scme coal; traca ~ meist 9 /d /2 /f OI , Dense; .u"ti-colored sand, silty; sub . i

          /4    6 #di 4 A* .h gravel; '. race of coal dl          s,                                                           <{"        rdd-.

oist 2 ~ . _ f z G, _ No recovery . AoaAnfM_.  :~

       -.                             ...         in                                                                             -

1 ense crt

                                      .'-. .J~,a                                                trace                            -
          /.;:  If /f af                                ,;. a ,w,n__,sanc

_ _ _ , anc gravel; mo ts t

          /d JS J/ Jf               k' # .[m'u5hi-bo5cred sand, silt                                               arg ,
       ,        g     g             Ws,, gavel; trace _of red decocoosed                                       +)"

_ rdd . mois t - wet 2 . ..m . _ _ 2e(rin coring 2 22.5' . C~3 j _ _ .

:  : 0002 175 o

Sheet 92 Amend-2 (10-2-67)

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK Cl.A551FICATION, SHEET SHEET 1 0F 9 DATE 2- --#' r Va+ *'d on. NO. 1.1 DRILL HOLE NO.nM_ m OTOR #d+n- ***d-a= $1TE AREA N aa 'n ' o % 1. ~4 ELEV. are*' eg trY COORDINATES ANGLE - EE.1 ha B E ARING ___ i sy GWL DEPTH 37.0' Cor e DE5CR1PTI0N Rec. e REMARK $ f 7, 3 Rock type, celer grein sine & shape, bedding (engle thickness), fracturse, favies, Condition of core. 3 l CK y { g j loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical composetion Excaveting evolvet etc.


Z n_c te -

                .';-         Shaly sandstone; brick red; fine grained; badly broken;Z top of sound r
     % J*            .
                  .o m.A~    higgy
                             ,-e     anfracturedj

c3_5-t _ pessible water course 3 26.5'; coarse- 29.h' -

                /            Shale; brick red; broken frem 26.5-29.S'; moderately                                 -

94, .+(s broken 29.8-37.0'; broken due to vertical .icintine 32- Znuch zrinding m / 35.h'; good core 35.h-37.0'; vertical the- sonite -run 27.0-32.0 '

            #1 /
                /            coated joint 2 32.0-35.h '; bedding ? 3h*; small limy e                         _

4 g 1/8 diameter inclusions belcw 30.0'; rock becomes Z

     ,,,       // _ go       sandy with depth                                                                     -

T. D. flo loss of drill water -


1 q l c ' ~ ' 5 0002 176 Sheet 93 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ese. ase use


  • 55 " ' C ^
  • 5 " " '

5HkET 1

           .R OJ ECT : Mat M .                              W.O. llc 2 Cl              $1TE AREA " r*" 'd l" I C * *'*                      DRILL HOLE
          >RILLER :                                                                                                                           GWL 0 HR5_.

LAS$1FIED BY : "J v "- DATE: p ~3 69 24 HR$ _ C earse Granuler REMARKS g $PT - Soll DESCRIPTION W 5eits Z _.

               ,e       Blows /                                                                            U Range       Grein    Ch . cel Ceap.
                                      $" i                     Density (or Consistency) Celer              j    ,3  $63.                Geologic Dete, Shere 6 In.       $                            Seil Type . Accessaries vs                                                                                          d       Core        R ec. O'*"d **4 Construction Preble Rm         Cm
                 /   a g g                          _Jpc:n; orange brewr ril' ; rcre .*rs                r** ;
                                                                                                                   < 1"      ""i ". " "9           ' ' ' -

4 4 <

                             /,  ///          d ~ Xcd . .c dense ; brown nard '.-                                             -

_ y ;f h fp j? .-[ gavel; cerc *.ih; . race cf cea: *:- [ o

               #     //    6 I               jj [Leocetored.donce;1sabova                                          4"1       -

3 4 (, J , :. - - [ /, .lc, 0 - 6 / e.2 b f j; g g-  :); . Sed. dense; trewr car.d ei t.." "r.a . W Tij*1ye5

           ~                                                                                                                         ~

f f // /3 a,5 F- - r.c.e.?.ec, -ret.m

                                                                             - , s, i it1 sand rwe .l                             -

9 .G /f sy ax S e_, >

               /0 0 #             Id.      7/'*     .12 5 1f."' ver; wet ; ern nar .lc                                               .

_ // d5 f,d #1 .. ( _ 1*.- ~ i. dense; -':,,.1_colcre4 s elky samd

                                                                          *rnec er e '
               /2 53       45~/           ./ ird ernc1                                         'n*

_. w w .e . i,<


yg 4, . ,o . ."n recover:* -

                    "                                 21. e ea e           v7c.
                                              .a          . +-rse; u c r.n w c . .

_ 9ecin ceri"3 21."' _ 1 i l

    \    _                                           .                                                                               .


   /-                                                -
                                                                                                                                                             }yy n n n -)

['-- < UUUL I( a

                         .  .. t<                                                                                                _

l Sheet Ok Ar.end-2 (10-2-67) G ' l l \ l


        ) BYs                                                GWL     17.1 3 0 hrs. 17.9' 3 2L hrs.                    OEPTH            40.O' Co,e
  • D E $C RIP TIO N REMARKS Rec. e e 3 Reek' ,sein sise & shape, beddin, (en Condition el case.
       !s     l       [  g      3   i.ines, n,i.,celer tilline, .es.), ,.,s ehility, eiv.,e,4. ele thickness),

n, ..e h.,ine, fractures, ch..icel faults, Eneverin, e, elves a v ce=*esi' lea s. Z sound rock 2 3/4 M4 _ f7, 74 Shale; brick red; good core; pieces up to .5'; broken : zones d 27-28 3', 30.5-33 5' & 37.7'; Mnox stainin0 7f #4 along sere partings; bedding 3 37*; becomes sandy frem E m 28.2-34.0'; vertical joints 3 26.l' & 39 0'-39 5'; cresc joints 3 29.5' & 31.8'; fine grained; med. hard to hard-J.1  :

  • 7-so
                        /                                                                                                    :

fr as k  :

s. M s. a ~

A. D. 40.0' No loss of drill war,er l _ l s

          ,       s E

O 0002 178 Sheet 95 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ese.ase vee

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SHEET SHEET 1 40 JECT; :4et Ed Co. W.O. _ h19 ? _91 51TE AREA B ree '411e Island DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR:?d+n. Eer* rices C00RDlHATES E L EV A TION . AlLLER: GWL 0 HRS._ LASSIFIED SY: ~JC DATE: E U7 24 HR$1 C ears e Grenvie' REMARKS g 5PT . Soll DESCRIPTION W Seils i Blows / 5 $ d Renee Grein Chemical Comp, g ac Density (or Consistency), Cele' 3 e Sim She ,e G. letic Dete, j 6 In. .5 ' Seil Type . Accesseries d Core R ec. G'ewad **. 6 12 18 R ua Core

            /    #      (,   p     .Dy _!.qcse; bmwn; silt ar.d sand
                                   .                                                                 * {"      sub =dd_             :-c is t
        '.7 4 /% //                j .*,']4ed. derse; r.ulti-colered silty                                                dry
           ,g    y     a     r      i

_ sand >< cravel; wee of coal 41 sub _ i Y A 0 'A -(i

  • _ ane_.
                                     .*    _                                                                   Md - retst M If.<       ,] s.i._n-f f                                                                                                             -                                  l 4   ff     g jo         4,- fed. cense; brown sand + gravel;                                               -

scr.e silt; trace of coal

            *7  //     /J/ /.2      1".;,-.                                                                            .
       '                            *Y     ~                                                                           ~   ' O '< '_' t f   /S /6 /fe            .'s m                                                                                                               l 9 gM            #d          *      / . canse; cuit Accicred silty sard                                     _

f .h* _'e . rsvel; trace of coal - {" _ dr- I de 4 f,3 &T 4; _y ,~ j

                %                             4. ionse; era <n sanc ec grerel l

A' M### (};'-'16.5 18.0 scee silt, _ I wet l i G 3/ 4S && ,!.. . 2"1 _ n 13 JS 3o i. P'._16.0-Lc.0' tracc of coal - rots % ll ?9 4/ 8'1 b, "10,5_21.0' very ~ l r l'T carse sar.d ' erave l wet i


[Begin coring i 21.L'

m. . _

l O: - ; 0002 l79

                                                                                               ?u l

Sheet 9e Amerd-2 (10-2-c7) o 1


    > SY:                                               GWL 18.2' - O hrs. caved J 17.7' 2L h                                  38.0' Core                                                        DE$CRIPTl0N Rec.               e                                                                                                 REMARxs f                                                                                        ,

e 3 Rock type, celer, green sine & shepe, bedding (engle thickness), fractures, foules, Condition el core, f 3 I tK y l C j jointe (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical composielen Eacewating evolvet etc. C Z

      .su                  # 44 n n,% ~, 4 - e a 91.L '                                                                E
       "                        Sandstone; reddish gray; broken with pieces                             .6'; beddir'i'    top of seund
                   , , .        33f;finegrained;med.hard;verticaljoint 22.4-24 3 7 28.6'
    ,, gg _

T,: white mineral filled vartical joint @ 24 5-25 5'; soft zone @ 24.6-25.7' - possible water :ourse) Mn0x staining-g 0 25.6'; beccedng med. grained 28 5-33 0'; 29 3-30 3' -

      - " D',Ii                 soft zonej30 3-30.8' hard zone;30.8-31,7' & 32.7-33 0' Z
      =a              .,  .us sorter zones                                                                            -
  • O 'G/ Shale; brick red; moderately broken; pieces up to 1 5'; - ceceres sanc:

it s V/ very fine grained; bedding 3 30*; Mn Ox staining throughcE.with depth

                   //    ,1ta T. D.       38.0'                             :o less of drill water

l g

 nsity (or Consistency), Celer                " "
                                                                                                 ;     5 is's       '".

p e ic D. , E 6 in- e Q-5.11 Type . Accessari'* d f, Core Rec. C'*vad We. Consecuction Preble R Cm f g jg y l.1 _'4ed, dense; brown silt; trace of sub .

          .                             $ _ gravel                                                        k" rdd       .  -cist J    /0 /0 /d            f1       u                                                                ,aa
           .J /g fa /#                ,a: _Med. dense +c dense; Brown; ssRy                                             -


             # '# /M '#                fi8   -sanJ '< gravel; trace cf deco rosed                                       -
                  /4 //      9           *-


                                            -6 .0-9.3 ' some coal i"    sub - dry L.b4.1' nrr -

g ,o ya to -): - rdd ~ -e ts t


7 // to /c , a. '_9.0-lC-5'

                                                ..           trace of c cal                                             -

f /h /7 l& .'

         -,f [ M M                      .I   *
  • i
                                       *' .13.5-15.3'
                                      .J                     trace of decorr.cosed                                      _
             /0 J/ .2336                     /rn                H s' - -    denen h.p 3 at #4                 #f. _             V. dense; multi-colored                                      -

f:2 55 9 -

          ' ^" ' "' " "-             fo' -silh send 2 gravel; trac t of ang -    --ist
                                         ,. -decomcas ed shale sub -

4 J.2 39 Jf 38,0 19.5' trace cf coal 1" rdd ~


M,l 44 69 49 og;i

          ,gg 4 g                      ),, [21.3-29.5' sone decomposed shale                                            . wt e       n     ,v:           : o. _                                                                          _

c n n o.. . _ l / . _ ,, O_ _

      ,  :                                   :                                                                         :    0002           181
s. .

S Sheet 96 Amend-2 (lG_2 67)


                                                                                                                                                                        -23' y          wet Ed Co.                               NO.          1 1 o 9.C"1 1


  • i_ _

CTOR Fd*r. S e ~r' a a e $1TE AREA ^~a= ""=,-a - ELEY. aco T' ZE W COORDINATES ANGLE VePtiCal ha SEARING

                                                ) BY:                                               Gwt).7.l ' ca vad
  • l ' . C ' Sl- "-* _ DEPTH So a' C*r e D E S C R I P T 10 N Rec.
                                                                  'I     3   Reek type, celer grein si -s & shape bedding (engle thickness). fracturse, foules,       Condition of core.

f3 I CE { y, E j loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical composition Escoveting evcluee etc. Z Z _ss ad Bect i en riv e 91.L ' - 4 ///j Shale; bricic:ed; badly broken with pieces ?"; very Ztoo of sound r 9 sgVg/ aro broken @nr 2h.9' @ 29.0 '

                                                                             .., 7 . . . w 3
                                                                                               , . + ,&4 -27.2',;,

4 ., fine

                                                                                                                     -; grained; 3,.+i ;..frac.%
                                                                                                                                         .y     g +turine atyhicE,
                                                  . u2          e .-

Shaly sandstone; reddish gray; good core; fine grainedEbecomes sandie g g' %I. hard; bedding @ ho"-h5i some fracturing throughout; two -wi+h depth

                                                    "'           f         small 11my inclusions @ 38.5'; slight amount of mineralI3                                -
                                                                . f,'      a tion along bedding plane 4 33.5'; pieces up *o .7';                                 -

96 .#f , . ' . slickensides 26.0' fragments - no _ .m ~ l'. D. No loss of drill water E




O t ' E 0002 182-Sheet 99 Amend-2 (10-2-67)- e ss. a .e v ee


                                                                                                                                                           )1 5HEET     '

l ROJECT: "# *

  • 2 'd S- W.O. h10 0 -7 SITE AREA Draa '#ila I * ' * *d DRILL HOLE QNTRACTOR: Ta** - ca d-** COCRDlHATES E LE V A TION .

RILLER : Gwl0HR$_. LA551FIED BY : '4J S DATE: 0 -l b J 24 HR$ C. C earse 4 5PT Grenuler REMARKS SOIL DESCRIPTION W 5eils g Blows / I oc Density (or Consistency), Cele' d e R ange Grein Chemical Camp,

                                      }                                                          g    e   Sise       Shepe      Geelegic Dete, O I"'         E Seil Type Accesseries           ::i      Core       Rec.       O*"d **'.

Construction Preble. R Cm

          ,   , ,       4          fis . r! e .e . - ~~,r - * ,- - e - < T j
                                     ..'          ed.mnse; brown rand t crevel;                                                                            1 2     0 I /d                                                                                                         ~

75 ~.' trace er deco cosed coal . l

        .J '/ /J /4                .; ',: .belev          3.5-6.3' slightly cohesive                                         .
          & /3 /(, 23              0s.:

8 /'7 6 /0 - dry - : cist 4 /f /J .2/ ', a . -10.5-12.0' wesh sa: ple - ' 1 /.2 14 6 ' o' 12.0-13 5' wash sample 7 /3 /A G o' :

                                   '.                                                                                        ~

9 7 /9 /4 .? >< - jg jj 9 77 .

                                             *C.".sej t'ulti-Colored Spad 2 gravel;                                          -

O v - // E 4/ NL c-trace of clay, silt, coal; till lik a

                                   ~/.6 e s textu*e
        'sV4 bM19/a.                           irs            i.o re   co ve t'r                                            -
         /.7 .py33 4/              :.l745,r.axt abcVe                                                                       -

2r 4 ,. .~.. e, - < -,,,..; . ~ _ . , by!.-%< Ah ._lMAlt, * , -.,-..:... - l /M JA W J86 *

                                   .o ~' s           r a y t 'nE mN ' ' ~ ^ *                                               -

3egin cerir.g a 21.0' ~ p -

g. '


: 0002 183 Sheet 100 A:::end-2 (10-2-67)

I l s


TOR 7d+m.SerMram $1TE AREA w,, m a 7,1 n ~4 ELEY. 3C0.0 8 ,


                , gy,                                                   GwL                                                     DEPTH             30.C' Cn.                                                          O E S C R I P T 10 N                                          REMARKS Ree.       f         ;

I e 3 Reek type, cela, prein size & shene bedding (engle thicknese), freatur's, faults, Canditlen of core.

                ,     i    { C             j     loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeab4llty, alteration, weethering, che eical            Esseveting e,eluet i     a    v                                                     se pe ition                                                             etc.

Z toe of sound r 4 probably 2L. or ur Berin . co rir.z Epossibly 2 27.

                         .7 d 4./  ^        Saridstone; reddish gray; fine grained; hard w             :       .w .s                                                                                        {

g M, Shaly sondstone; red; good mre but short pieces maximutcore lies due q>, .h'; fine grair.ed -grinding of c

                  ...;          ni <w I. D .                                       No loss of drill water s    '

E O t.. i

                               ' .,       z' g, on ?.        184 Sheet 101 Amend-2 (10-2-67)....u..i..


                                                                $0IL CLA$$1FICATION SHEET J                                                                                                                                     $HEET -

ROJECT: U t Ed Co. W.O. llc 2-51 $3TE AREA Three Mile Islard ogg.. L HOLE ONTRACTOR : ?dtn. Ser" rices COORDINATES E L E V ATION . Ril ER : GwL0HR$ LA$$iFIED SY : DATE: E"*1!-87 24 HR$ - C oers e

                 $PT                                     $ OIL DESCRIPTION             w O'Seils REldARKS j                   g         ,

e Blews/ e d Chemical Camp,

          -*                 as         e          Density (e, Cen iseency), Celer          =  R*ase        G re e.n
                                        .                                               g   o'  Size        Shepe       Geelegic Deve,
  • 6 in* e G.

j - Seil Type Accesseries f g ,,, g ,,, Grevnd we,er, Cons erve 4en Preble R Cm 1 'i. loose; cari< brem sil- ti/ . race .s...

         ./   /    .f J             I.+1.LI ,,     ,_,..a
                                                                                                                         ~ - -

J M 4 J" b- Icose $o red. dence; brev selly 34ad y .s f 9 ~. &,.,fgravel; 1 5-3 0' trace of coal; +d" ub .Tr-f .ciat

          # '# ? '$               /y 4;0-7 5' trace et red decem;;osed shnic rdd .

rdd . J '? /o /.2 *Y.-e':g. 3 y 9 /a, 61. dense; culti-colcred self y same.  ::ut - dr'/

                                  .o '

gravel; trace of ccal 'e red decec; -id y g 9 al o@sedshale

                                                                                               <l" rdd 1:o. %
          ? 9      /d   //
         ,9 /c) /3 /g              (;

[cd. dense; brown cand S gravel; cub r:d- reir

                                            %Oc organic .' aterial                             4.M'        arid .
         /d /d /3 9                 ; .a.

i jf gj gg gi 1. dense; tres.r. sand, silt t gravel su c _ ar/

                                     .y . ; race of coal; 15-16.5' dry s./   ;
         /2 /# /6 as                 y m                                                       <l" -,      ancy
                                                                                                                     . roiut
        ../J // 4 ,$             'o         Jense to v. dense; multi-colered sa.      d,                   aub . Icist
         ,j,                                silt 'c grviel; c. race of clay; .racc y y                                                                                      rdd- .

d((f of coal; race of red shale 1" rde -

       .]5 :.r.3/       4          ot7., _,

m a w ^ v a. _

       $                                 \-cegin cering i 23 2'                                                      .
c. . .
: - 0002 185

( Sheet 102 Amend 2 (10-2-67) G.

GILBERT As5OCIATES. INC. ROCX CLAS$1FICATION, SHEET $NEET 2 op 2 DATE 8-1A-b7 T Met Ed Co. No. Llo2-51 DRILL HOLE No. DM 115 CTOR Tdtn. Services SITE AREA Th*ee Ele N ed ELEY. 299.7" ZE E COORDINATE S ANGLE vertical j k" SE ARING

       ) sy                                                  GWL                                                 DEPTH                37.0' Co,e                                                       D E S C R I P T 10 N                                        REMARetS Ru.       .I         e i          $            pe sole, e,ein sese a shape                                                    Ceedlei.n of eere.
       !    l g         ,i    Reek 1.iaee leag,le, tillias, ees.), p.,eebilier, etee,ees.,i, ..eeh.,ing, che.eluib.dding (engle ehielinus), frutu,de, fe 3   as                                                        e e.,.. .e i                                             Eueneing e.e.lve-e ..

l - \ i 1 - 1 -

          *9                   34 L  3eain ecTi"e 4 21.2'                                                               2 g                         Shale; brick red; badly broken w/no piecesp 3"; 27 5- Z top of                                        sound 29.0' v. broken rock; decomposed; bedding @ 30-357 scee =29 0'

_w , :tineralization along partings ---

                           / .ns                                                                                        -
  • D if., hard; good core Z
                     !-              Sandstone;reddishgray;finegrained;jshalyinsome
                                     </ core pieces up to .9'; bedding G 35                                            Z m              .

mo treas; jointing @ high angles @ 75* - P. D. No loss of drill 4ter _-t t'.i

n. . 1 E


0002 186 Sheet 103 Amend-2 (10-2-67),,,,,,,,,,,


       )MTRACTOREdtn. Services                                               COORDINATE 5                                               E LEV ATION.

IlLLE A : GwL 0 HR5__

       .A55tFIED BY :              DJ3                                 DATE: 8-11 b7                                                        24 HR$1 C oeroe Greavler            REMARK 5 5PT           .                          SOIL DESCRIPTION
  • Seil.

8'***# " *'

           -                                           Density (or Consistency!, Celer                }  R$,*"/,'          o     e       cD 8        6 la-       e    a.
       ;a                        -

Seil Type . Accesseries 6 Core Rec. C '*w ad * * , ceaseraction Proble,

       !          6 12 18                                                                                 Rua        C .<e
       ! f       j      g    y       Q- Loose; brown sil w/::cce gravel                                   < f' 53 52- :-01 ;-
       <j         y     9 ff         ,h) %d. dense; brown sil y sana 't                                                      -

U 'A 9 'N te p avell trace of clay ari: - f ,' - { 1" rdd - dr; 4 to /,1 te .. R, =c i s'.

                                      .; ied. dense; brewn sand fe gravel; f 9 y y                      -
                                             ; race of coal                                                          ang 4 # 4 4                   ' . ' 9.0' trace of aflt                                          (l"        ;i 9 a // f                  .h     .                                                                       M6 .
.o f /d 9 (o V,' ~ , , , ~

b,,' ijrfe;aS_ above; sand ': gravel; . rat e coi - Ory 9 7 // .7/ _ 3

                                      ,, 3 .            a aca.                                                               -

i~e,g A O d - . , ' yf :Io recovery . ary p #/ So . :4 s j. gense; crewn sanc 2 crueA <1" - er - -

                                      ..s e:     -
                                                            'Io recovery                                                     -

[4. b7/ //-- .;h m - i " ann-

           /2      5 */ dY            $*
a. m_. . .dense; m21ti-colored
                                                      . . . . .......s         -n,,sand, c.ilty-4, ,,         : m            uch Tegin coring ) 21.C'
                                              -                                                                              -                        l Q'.
1) t e .

0002 187 Sheet 104 Amend-2 (10-2-67) o l


   .CTOR         Edtn. Se* vices                        SITE AR E A "'"-a M47a Te h ad                          ELEY.           900 

ZE NX CDORDINATES ANGLE *tertical l+" BEARING 3 SY: GWL DEPTH 33*5' C.e . D E S C R I P T 10 N REMARKS Rec, . f

                    .       3                         green eine & sh ,.                                                   C.adselen of care, Reek ieinee lp., celer f
   ,a   =

1 u i g j net., filline, eec.), , ...bil; bedding c e=,.e ie i.a (engle thickness), ey, sie.,ees.n, . frecevese, foules, Escoveving evolve-h.<ine, ch.mical


Z o, 3egin coring 4 21.9'

m. f Shale; brick red; rottled w/small 1/16" diameter if=y _- top of se2rd y, g2 -
      "'                       inclusions; sandy 21 9-22 5'; excellent ecre w/: ore pieces a 22 3' ap to .8" in length; bedding @ 36; 60 joint ') 231.';                                  I g

Themsonite coated bedding planes "J 26 5', 27 5', 29 5' t slichtly lire

      *     #'                 E9 3'; fine grained and hard                                                            _  thr::ughcut na <        b n.C                                                                                                _
r. D. No loss of drill water --


1. i o e.

E 0002 18


\ ~ 1 Sheet 105 Amend-2 (10-2-67)eme.nse ves l l l


                $PT                                                                                                  *auler        REMARK $


  • G'5.ils j

I ='-/ 3 i D .i.,c., C .i. .. ,3. C.;.,  : R,..

                                                                                                                        ;g                   c 2; ;,,' ol, ,-                :
                                                      $.il Ty,. . Asc.eseri .        :j        c.,.                      g ,,    G,   a w ter,                 l C   .,rvesi

6 mm Cm f f g 4 W fi.cose: brown silt; so=e cravel _ tocsoil reist


F.ed. dense; brown sand & gravel; ,

       # I /# 'l                                                                                                         s

{# I, race of silt; some rock fragments

                                                                                                                        'd J N /6 /2                  .        .
                               ']         ~                                                                             rdd ~ ~
      .+t    9 4 f               \<
o. _ -

6 in f 9 j _ - s ,, y g - -

                                .o 'f:.

1' /s /.'!. O .a P.0' traced of decomposed coal -

       ?    '7 f f              Y13.      ~ 5' becomes dark brown

9 '7 // 9 ),5,


le 44 4/ /f' ' #. ' s * . . 4 k "o~c~7


p/,_ Li _ m b

       /J    7s    10          /gs         l i. dense; decomposed siltstone; : ed                                                cry g fgji                          -

No recovery - 1e.9 - [egincoringa22.7' le. m l  :

0002 !89 Sheet 1C6 Amend-2 (10-2-67)


  • CTOR #d*" - * * "*r d m $1'TE AREA "*--aa V4'a 7=1s d ELEY. 200 C' ZE 2- CDORDINATES ANGLE 're "* *
  • S 1 L" B E ARING
     ) BY:                                                 GWL                                                      DEPTN           LO.0'               !

I l Core D. E $ C R l P T 10 N REMARKS l Rec.

  • e e 3 Rock type, colet ereia size & she,e bedding (engle thickness), frectures, foules, Condition of core. j
     !    I           cC      ]      loints (epgle, fi!\ing, etc.), perneeability, alteration, weathering, chemical              Escovering evolve-
  • ul .

cosapoei'iea c. 1 l me >>.'7 Pecir cerine 1 22.7' - T # h Shale; brick red; silty; r.ed. hard; fine grained; rruch Z *.op of scund grinding of core - 28.0'

      .             #e _                                                                                                   -

g ag '3.'j Sandstone; brick red; fine grained; broken 35 0-37.C' -

                    . ;. .        due to jointing & 39.0-40.0'; 60* joints 32.0-33 0'                                      -

g:.  : r, ,,. e.:.*

       .au          ..

Ju T. D. f;o loss of crill water _~


t,. , 5 0002 190 O

                 .  .. c Sheet 107 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ou.sse                  v e


      >ROJECT E**         -  7d ** -                      W.O.L'C? "                          $1TE AREA
                                                                                                                 *"aa     'a ? ""


      )RILLER :                                                                                                                                              GwL0HR$_

lLA551FIED BY : ' 'J 9 DATE: #-' ' ' 24 HR$ _ C earse g 5PT Grenulet REMARKS z w e SOIL DESCRIPTION W , Seils OI'*8/ "* Chemical Camp, Density (or Consistency), Celer h Si[e S p'". Geelegic Dete. we O I"* *- Soil Type Assessaries -i Core Rec. G'** d **. Construction Preble R Cwe

      ,    j          g              .r. e        : _ .._ . ,.,,_.,
  • _ed. derse to der:;e; 'reic. zard i

4 ^3 7 9 . I. t~.rsval; '. race of si h 3/4" n-J f.f .23 .po  ; ,' :mlew 7 5' trace of c. C r9 -

_ _. : e .
           #    /.   /.;    /4       '#,*.    ,
          .S s/ LS 19                 )<. -   _                                                                                                  -
                                              ~                                                                                                  ~
          & /J /c /&                 'o. ';   .                                                                                                  -
           '7 f // /f                ':' :". _                                             .

g ., T C ., C W +, ,, . 5 , T 1,. - ~. *.  ? O'*O't! 7a


f /0 // /0

                                        *                                                                                                         ~

f /d D /? O )W

                                              =                                                                                                  -

1 ~ idA  ;:?,

                     /4 /t                    '.

O. .

         //     /M
         /A U/ M JC
                    .':ZJ   o/       d. '



_ ,o 34w #g 84 ' jf erse; -;hi_.-clored sa-r: -1"<  ; 3/4 "i - - i n H Ja m \ .? san race ?L -- -"17es. w . s., Q. . . '~. ** ? U C ; 7 ~01.T; aar.G  ;

                                                                                                        . Y!r .                           .: _
     -,       I d           %'       N mg                        "  .,    ,,,.p..c..                                                             .
                                                           -ai g              2 2 .1. '                                                          -

n -: v 5.. . '. - 4 0002 _ 191 Shee: 106 A. .end-2 (E-2-o7) G

GILIERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK C1.A5SIFICAT10N, SHEET SHEET 2 0F 2 DATE 9 - l'- 6 '7 r Met Ed Co. No, l.192-51 oRitt note No. M-110 CTOR 'd *' " . Ea'"?d a

  • SITE AREA **b aa a Vila T='s-d ELEY. 1

_ m n' IE W C00RDlHATES ANGLE ver*ical r_ i t BEARING

          > BY:                                                   GWL                                                       DEPTH         3b'O' Ca'e              _                                              DE5CRIPTION                                                  REMARKS Rec.              e f


                      ,     e      3      Rock type, celer, grein sine & shene bedding (engle thickness), frecrue's, foules,          Candition of core.

1 - c[ j loints (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, cheenical Escoveting evolvet

          >   QC      d                                                     compositlen                                                               etc.



w _.s s Begin cering # 22.h' Z

                        '/              Silty shale; brick red; : red. nard; : oderately croken to -

ff f.J 27 3', 32 4'-33 0'; many li::ry inclusiens; beddin;- indis*p et _- top of sou.d .? _ 14. 4.

  • tl. .

m 49 . /. .us - 3.Is,: Sandstone; brick red; med. to coarse grained; ;;ced c:re;- e >:,

                         .     .za      ..,.     ,4   s4 .. w         .,tr o , c _ c _u. _4e a . . ,, . , a 4 i $ 4 . ...         -

T. D.. No loss of drill water _-

     .. .        ,       ,                                                                                                        =     0002 1929 ti 6s 6             .n i

Sheet 109 Amend-2 (10-2-67)ene. ass use [ ]


                                                                          $ OIL CLA$51FICATION SHEET l J                                                                                                                                                   1 SHEET
         'ROJECT : WtEd. So .                               w.o. bl < 9_51      SITE AREA S M . '" I a T*1mrd                        ORiLL Hotg
         )RILLER :                                                                                                                       GwL0 HRS.
LA551FIED BY : 'ric DATE: 7 0CJ7 24 HR5 C oors e g 5PT Grenular REMARK 5 Soll DESCRtPTICN W 5eils Blows / Density for Consistency), Celer
                                                                                                       ?   N5;'"[,'        ",       ,  , ;, o,, ,

j 6 in. I 4 Seil Type . Accessaries 6 Core R ec. G'eund water, Censwuction Preble Ru Cm

1 L 3 3 h h*f8EfY8/e{.sW su t, uaa _

7 L  ; 4 f r, 'T c es e +4 :.ed, dense, betwn f. to ><. c re e k i : _ y y ,3 g l c ,'_ Coa rst sand i gravel, traCC cf cL1 t

                                                                                                 .'i ?                         _
         ;                              ;..       .                                              'I          f"      " 3 E  c      11 11                    ?

tc Nr ." 4 1r '^ 14 .di - -




4  ? 11 10 [ 7 le 17 ers [*N -

  • s,j Hed. dense, cea~e rand k travel, -
             ,3 ,3'~   ,4
                                          ,, r.ul ti-colored, wm sn s 3 .pl c a  ?                                                                                                                wt 11      1:               . -af L

1* 3,

                       "       7 ", ,   9p Yd.ed. cense to cense, dark ' crown,                                               -
                                                     ..ed. sand   .2  gravel, trace of siit                                   -
                                                                                                                                 -cist o                 c     .f g li           11
[o se 12 11 L1 Lo q.17. dense, :ruiti-colcred sand v

1- o e _

                                        <* gravel, trace of silt, clay ' cea 1 tcist se - . . . - ,,--?         c4:       _                                                                           _


                                        .         sense to v. dense, coarse rand &
                                        }j* gravel, wach sample
           ,lh  19 76          'c             -

_ ,et a y, _ _ l

         -   No san 1        ?          *i)       - y ,_                                                                      -

a _ _ l 5egin coring 2 24.6' - l j l O :- e , \ _'

0002 193
                                                                                                                         .,s _

Sheet 110 Amend-2 (1.;-2-67) o


                                                                                                                                       " " ~ ' '

DATE r Metrocolitan Edison Co. NO. LlCS1 DRILL NOLE NO. ]tt '_ "_ [

    " TOR        F't'. . 9errtcea                                SITE AREA         m. ~ a va'a * * ,. a                  ELEY.         vna' lE                            'Y                             COORDINAT ES                                            ANGLE                  + ' - '
                                  ! ..                                                                                   BEARING i sy                                                          GwL                                                     DEPTH        y nt Core                                                                  DESCRIPTlON                                              REMARK $

Rec. y e 3 Rock type, celer grein size & shape, bedding (engle thscliness), frectures, faults, Condition of core, f I { c[e ] lointe (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, etteration, weathering, chemical Escovering evolvet

    )   CK    y                                                            compee stien                                                            etc.

1 m Begin eering A Ph.48 2 3 3

                   $     ~,         2r.o Shale i sancstone, intexteddec, some liriy inclusions, 2 bedding 3h%h5gbroken 't wea thered 3 26 >c ' . *'n0x                                  -  bricit red ij   t               Sand $to$, b 5cEed w/ gray streaks, f. to med. grnd., 2 a.4

[. shaly in spo ts, some 30235* cross Jcints, med. hare, swq-

                   ,g ,                   red shale interbeds, bedding 3 30131*belew 3h ', small -

P, at._r slickensides surfaces @ 36.5', good core pieces o.1.5'-

                     ,                    sc e_u ex n stm4..t_ro m i n, ,c em4n n +n_                                          -
                                                              .             .-         m.      s . .

f.4 bU M*k. NbChi bh1 i ky sfal, imy, inclusions.,13c'C calcite alg.,- a e

  ,                kg// .q. ,e           snate,      rea i green some oossible             horiz.troslickensides ttled; Hi?d,"ipbar5~

A to 'bF 8

                                                                                                          .l '-10   d8sisicagd,ma-aam -n -r-slickersider Sancy snale, brick red w/ gray sandstone, interfingeringt l                                         some limy inclusions, becding 3540, good core 1s                    .

Ar Limy shale, green-(fh 7.2 ' to L7.h', broken green shale - w/ organic mat'1,) rec decomposed shale h7.846.l', wet, - clay consistency, rock broken h949.5' w/ brown stain, Z

 ,                       /         ar    weathered h9.5-L9.6 '                                                                 -
                    ..~ .                Shaley sandstene, red, Sard, fine grained, becding 30"4@
  ,                        ,;            some cross joints @ h5,# good T re-pieces to 1.F', Mn0x Z
                    ,e -                 staining      along scate fractures, calcite along o thers,
                                             #                                                                                 Z
 ,                 .)                    60 joint 4 71.3 '-77 ' w/ calcite, excellert rock below                               -

r., su' (... .  :

                   .(         .

h 5 O

 <e         t gj
                                                                                                                               -      0002 194 Sheet 111 Amend-2 (10-2-67)ese.sne use


          'ROJECT       Va*& ar'4*sa 7d4 er a "+-   -


0NTRACTOR Fdn. Services SITE AREA 'Thra e V il e= Ta'and ELEY. y
          .0GGED BY:                                                        GWL                                                     DEPTH             Igt, Prese. Care e

DE5CRIPTION R8h Test Rec. e

                                '1             3      Recli type celer, green size & snepe, bedding (engle thicliness), frecevres, foules,        Condis ten 3


                ,:o   =1 d e      ieines (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, etteration, weathering, chemical
                                                                                      <e- ,eeiesea Emceestini lco
  • FJ
          -      ta                  .                                                                                                       -

yj,* As above -

          -           11      . r .-
                                   .          tr. o                                                                                        -

5 m // Shale, brick red, scme calcite filled joints, two small [/ ot A* O.l' broken :enes 69.h-90.h' - med, ha

         -                       .//
          -     /so                    .

Sandy shale, brick red, med. hard, excellent core.cieces-_ I'd 3 2', fine grained Z [

         ,      _,             /</         , , ,                                                                                          =__
      )-                                            T. D.                                                                                 -

s: - No loss of drill water Z u - _

2 0002 195 Sheet 112 Amend-2 (10-2-c7) e se. s i


GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCX CLAS$1FICAT10M,5HEET $NEET ' 0F " DATE "' 1 0 C' r  %= . v4 7 m vel e -d NO. i y p_ DRILL HOLE No. "" ' / CT0g Fdn. Services SITE AREA D a n e +n

  • 2" 41 4 4 ~. ELEY. 700 - A' EE NX C00RDtNATES ANGLE 'r * *
  • i a ni ha SEARING sy: GwL DEPTH 1 20 .O '

Co'o D E S C R I P T 10 N REMARKS Ree.

  • _e.
  • e 3 geein size & shere bedding (engle thicknese), frectwree, faults, Condition of core.

[ l g s', J, Rock (engle, joints type, celer fil lIng, etc.), peraieebillty, alterevien, weethering, cheniisel Eaceveting evolvet 3 GC Q conspee stion etc. 7e

4. 2 2

1 Overburden not sampled  ; ' Z Started coring

a. e, ya n.e sec e ereen. _ many al::a inclusions . snaiv 9 sancy.
                  .. as          az    r a re.   , .wre 1 -+ a            , , e r . s vn u. s . en -aenva-vi          -. ,e-ec.c rnns m -  ,n,. e c r e w r u me: ne ..,

Green limy shale, cadly broken, brown stain throurhout * "*"C 7.' 2' s *"* 27

                        /                  Red med. hard shale, badly breken 2c.0-29.6', occasional. good rock bele high angle slickensides, greenish color at 25.0-29.6's --

9, gg , ne li%_ _k" Wh 3_1M.

                                                                                  ._if_.clusio ns 31.6-31.8', some small,1g_9,9t 50* -,27 .6 ' , co re pi
  • Red, med, hard, v.f. grnd., shaly sandstone & sandy shad, much grindir
                       ./ ;:*              varies from nearly*all sandstone to nearly all shale, Zof core
                              ',           bedding approx. 35, few incipient calcite filled tractures, n er           ..             occasional limy inclusiens, core broken a t end of                                         Zgood sound roc runs- probably due to drill blocking.                                                      -core pieces up y"                   52.5-53 3' sof ter shale.                                                                  20.9 -57.9' some marbling at 56.0-57.0'                                                                Z
              ,,  u      **
                            /f             core pieces increase in length belcw 57.0' up to 3.h'                                      Z
                        ,,                 in length                                                                                  Z na            ..'                                                                                                          :

ss 37 .* l ru .. r l l IT to , - a . Z 4e **. m

                  ,u Z

d Aff -

                       ,O                  Grayish red, fine to med. grained sandstone, med. hard [some grinding 3 g, ; 9j
                      'g                   to hard, calcite alcng some partings                                                       -core
                                ,'                                           see sheet #2                                                good r
  • i 02 196 Sheet 113 Amend-2 (1c-2-67)8 e 438 1, t o


      'ROJECT Thra e " 4 l e T .12 -        -

No. I i 19 :"1 DRILL NCLE NO. I

ONTRACTCR Edn. fer*fices SITE AREA "-:+-_;q-.


ORE $1ZE -


AsiNG b" - 8E ARING ,
       .0GGED BY:                                                                       GwL                                                       DEPTH Pres s.      Co's                                I                                       D E 5 C R I P T 10 N                                                  REA Tese         Res.                           e f
                                    "3                 3                pe celer grein sine & shese                                                            Coad6elea J2      1     j      (.                3      Reek icine. e[ea,,le, filline, ee..), p.e.eebilier, eieeeeesea, -eeehe,6a,, che.nicalbeddin,                     (engle eheekness),

Emee e.6a. 4. Jo a y s e=,esis sen

       .            Na           ....                        rtigr. c7 joint at cl .7-c?. / ', calcite adry plare,-                                    c rille rt
,* .. becdira; 20*-35* --
                                                                                                                                                              *a.            n
". some small 1.imy inclusicr.s 7c.6-19' o ? . /-c J . 5 ' -
.ut *:o r i
97 '#

[., c6.7 A).5' nuh argle ' riy vertical rillec 'racturr5 truita te

                                    ,.                         l'illec w/ whit.1 mineral) .eck hrrken in cy mt= t::                                       _- a ; r.e frac tures ar.d l'ints                                                                      -

cruck -: l l. i. frcm %-M' y Ef calcite and &l' ems.mera h ea lel Z

                     /**  If *.,' .                          olc fault shewinr 2-3" o' set cetween le;;cm v 11-e 7 nrier o.
      ;-           85              ..                          clusions ncvener,t prot atly ecured early 1.                                               -  at rt/a:
                                    ,,'.                     litnification as a result of reed'u: t cre er tecs duc Z                                         s'rit o-
                    '**   so                                 to su                                                          e'        s.                  ;

rcrinposed leasiir.g. Ire i T' m-

                                    ';;                      frc'       . j V " t .>        a . }" : , - s-          ,: .
) .- an ,
                                                    , , ,                 acek beccmer snale M-??' w/seme s .all r. eker-                                 -

1: ze *. sided surfaces, 95.7 ';7'-ererer 6 / green rurfaces-

      }                               ,

(* .  ; .- and calcite, brown s - s - mar l _

.r '. Orayisn rec, mec. narc te ncru, fire gra rec ranos ter c,- tr 2Mor
j,, y ; ,' , core cieces ').S-3.5' ir lerrt.h, ex allert rock, Nccccc themwm
      -                              .. .                    Eray, fine to med. gra irco esnds tore a t i ".'. .'.i' , sc *                              -

fi!. c*

er '. e. incipier:t mir.eral-filleu fractu-as, reek reddirt - eray Z tr  :'
                                .,j along fresh breaks across core                                                              -
                   . .c 6               ..                   mirer broken shaly zone - ;19,.1-111.L '                                                    Z
i. -

iso 74 . nJ -- C, inc lu sicr.: ;-1 vie r unei-- e ra te a < :4. .- ma 11 900c i . s-11/ . /e' .pa ra r.c !t 7ni U' 1x.- P - 3: --4 +--r-L e.- t. t 1.u<:r

                                                                                                                                                             . . .- m ..

Z Icst u-:

      ~.                                                                                                                                                 I a t 7s '-

ircicatc e _ ,

: 0002
197 0heet l'.h AmarA-2 (;C-2-C )....:


          % .e vdia i M W.O.                     M 0 ') A       SITE AREA       o.s     +n - 3'H'dd--                       DRtLL HOLi'. N0 07 TOR : ?+ - Camdaae                                   COORDINATES                                                   ELEVATich     *04 a

! hbitsky '? -C ' cwtaHR5

       *D SY :            CEd                            DATE:     6  )-6 7                                                    24 HR5    lb 1 C....

5py REMARKS G'4 .Au il. 8*' ) Soll DESCRIPTION i i

       > >.- s
                                            . .. . c ....... ,,. c....

S.,,,,......... 3 g

R,.,2 c.



a . ~ . . .. l 1

          ,, ,,                   _                                                             ,,,       c ,,.        c... .. ... ..... ....       ,

2 L 2,oose, carK Dr irsvelwn, SanQy s11t, 3 C.'" 9 1 2 3 LS _  % ,,43 5 5 I,Lf, goose, dark brown, silty sand, trace 1 y l .. .Med. cehse, brewn silty fine sand

                                                                                                                    - icwer +e sen om 9

9.' ' .'c gravel, very sligh+ trace of cla: - i 1q-3c ./sec cern. 1 m i' jg il l ,' coeff. e:ti ate 2" Sub ant 7 7, ,, - tc red. et ] w n

                           .g - .                                                                                 -

10 28 .f 76 33 f ,,.a


g g i, , _i. cense, carx crown, gravel - o multi-colored grev

                                 . clayey sand matrix                                                   ang - and reck fra w.cnts 21    M           /.'
                           '8 to d
                                                                                                                  -    in wet sligt:tly coMe     g 29    33-         d -V.    ,,3 rdd. -

atrix W U b* dense, brown sano gravel, - 21 LO 31

                                 -trace of silt

{ :-m relatively clean

                          .f. ."                                                                 to              "

est, k- 10-2 :n/see 17 1C * * *

                                 .                                                             2 cm 9    22,v                                                                          ,
                          ,)_Jray weatt.ered shale
                          /                                                                                      -

o ,ya . w =. , t . .. s ,-e,.

                                                                                                                      ?:o less of drill wet-

_- i

                                                                                                                 -                                   l
                                 .                                                                                                                   4 l

1 l

0002 198 O r..; ~

(\ . , o - i

  • 1 o^' 2" Sheet 115 Amend-2 (10-B47 1 i i l



        . A SING                           h 's                                                                                         BE A RING DEPTH                      

OGGED BY: GwL P re s s. Core DE5CRIPTION REM Test Res. e e e 3 Rock type, celee bedding (engle thickness), frecewees, faults, Condition . 3 a.

                 .If 20 1

m g - a joints (engle, fill *en.n aise & she,eng, etc.), permeebelity, alteretion, weethee6ag,Escoest6as

                                                                                  . ..,e s ,,i en chemical 1

i -

                             ,                u_ ,                                                                                              -

p 7 Shale, brick red, slightly silty, becding indi.* tinct bd slippage V O ## fg/ QQj ipgylat_ ,-_m fractygs },,3Q['z.Q*ancles breaking core-n, ace SQM.n

                                     #:'           Sancstone, brick red and ver/ licht gray, v.f. grr.d.,                                       --
                                   ',,           speckled, v.f. grnd. - alros t siltstece, bedoing 4 30' - gcod we g           "

core broken cross fractures attbeccing 30' bedcing plares in h-10" clanes occasiorI slickedcieces,/some w n gy .,- coated by 1 n thick CACO 3 (?), t l' shaly

                                   ***             bec, incipient 70*-80', verv *ight joints, sligt vurg Z ro loss
        '              ~           '
                                                   . v3a ra r.ce a t 39 ' , 1 -7 m v ars , cu re b roke n in to t l'" Z                                 water g     .'.'
                                                      ;.ecas to 39-h0', cpen vertical fracture L2-h3', broke- ro ck, Ca CO3 coated, beccmes shaly
  • h3-kh', conspicuous Z
        'y ,                       .I              vertical fracturing h5-50', oxidized surfaces, rock brT n
                               *r e-              in max. 3" pieces to 5')'                                                                    -
                        *                N-5 sore          lat
                                                                                                                                                -       sliccare f"ecturn No te : 3roughout sandy nortion of core, the rock                                       Z has subtle =o ttled appearance rese-blire                                       --

diareretic congl. Delieve much frac *ures and - slippage was penecontemporaneous w/ diagenesis.Z Samples taken and sent fcir t esting fren 37-30., C 3 3.h -3h .l ' '< hh .5 -h5 ' . Z m *x tes ts -

   \   -

J- .-. a E 0002 199 I Sheet 116 A=end-2 (10-2.c7)e... l


                                                                                                                         -h y mh me vile Tel m ed                            NO.                  ' ' M tm                     DRILL NOLE NO. 3D 0 U
    .CTOR ?@- S a '-*4 am e                          SITE AREAh +--             e.4' u--               ELEY.

ZE N COORDINATES ANGLE "*-t % 1 b" B E A RING 3 BY: GWL DEPTH 9 O' . Cwe _ D E SC R IP TIO N REMARKS Res. .E o i $ Reek sein grain else & she,e Conditice of swe. { a m l y j g j iesneele5fle, fillias, ees.), emmeability, eitweeien, weethwias, cheeniselbedding (eagle thickness), Escovering e=elve- fractures, f e e...sie s ea e's. No sampling in o~erburden . C C s.s o tr o

                 /              Erick red, med. hard, si] ty shale, some black staining, _- rock acpears p                  some vertical fractures, many irregu'ar li. y inclusiens _ sound below ?


                 ///            to I", slickensides acrocs core ,? ?S.2', short pieces - de#tnitely be tar of core, max. 3.2', but gecd rock                                              -
                                                                                                                    ?S' no                 na     M I M *Aeb' @ *b b ?mmgttled, slickensides alorg h5C fatera                                        desic p

Silty shale, bricic red, some CaCQ n / 1/8" liny inclusiens, good core, 3 alone ha rd, omrtings, some bleek s +.1* rire _-a br t' e

                 /              some partings, core pieces frem .1.7', some t ri.ndinc oC core ye          e.!                                                                                   Z Sandstone. med. gn'.d.,             red k gray. ver+ical jeirting h31
                         ,,n    M _ c i .r r a ~. ..
                 /              Silty sha le, brick red, sa' 'y @ hh-hs'. -uch ,-rtrding ~ brrken h7.6-L of core, seme 1/88 lim-/ inc. siens, breken h'.3-h3', h5*z accears to be slickensides i h8.5' w/ CACO.,, se-e incipient ractures                      -

to drilling

             +1                 across core 9 h6'-h0', seme' black staining throuer.out                       2
      -r a             / rf a                                                                                  _

T. D. - No loss of drill water Z

  • No te : Samoles taken m test.4 are f 5 ( 28-78.5'i,2
                                                   #6 ( 33.3-33.9 '), #7 ( 3e-38.7 '), 48 (h1.5- Z hl.3'), a $9 (52.1-52.5')                                  _-

q W' '. ,. -

                                                                                                              !          0002 200 Sheet 117 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,,, ,,,,




                                                             $0ll CLASSIFICATION $HEET 5HEET 1
     'R OJ E CT : TFr e Mile Islandv.o.                 L102 51            $1TE AREA Reacter Buildine                       DRILL HCLE
     ~0NTRACTCRs          Edn. Services                               CC04DINATE5                                           E LE V ATION iRILLER :         Kubitsky                                                                                             GwL0 HRS      ,
  • DATE: 6_20_67 24 HR5_ I i

C oor.e l 5PT . G'*auler REMARKS j g , SOIL DESCRIPTION a Seite i Bl -'/ . = d Chemical Comp- , i8 e D.. i., < , Cen. i....cri, Ceie,  ; a3e,f,e it,:;a, o ,,,,,,, ,,,,, j 5 a. 6 In* e 5.41 Type . Acces.eries J, - d Cere R ee. G'*u ad **, Cen.erveelen Preble l j

     >       6 12 18                     o.o                                                    R ua       Core                           ,

p.(rown sandy topsoil wet, Lo 4" suc .ri!c.- rdd. suo a 3- 3- 2 4 J

                                 .                                                                                              wa,7.e c.

2 n 17 9 E*. fed. dense to dence, brown f. to cearse .

                                   .,   rand & gravel                                                             -

3 16 15 1C sub.- dd.

                                . ' . Icce o-     .

angular rock fragents t.o}" \ l L 7 1C Q ..- to 5 ic 21 6 a .'- - - dry -

6 8 11 21 . e' oo
     ; 7 1C    8   11        WAgarse,  yse sand & gravel med. dense to dense sand &

wet _ apcears to bc 8 1L 7 16  : e.' ' ravel - 9 12 15 17

  • g believe blew c good due to nc .

IC' lt 15 8 *

                                "i ccbbles & boul
                                 ;, ,' _d f._

11 17 LC encountered bc c .-. - Boulders .

     .      ,<e                 ,.      .p g.                                                                     _

a o. . sculders . 12 1C- le_ 13 ,,l A . D':k 31t

                                ./ * -n r                                                                         -

Started coring O(i .

:  : 0002 201 Sheet 113 /cend-2 (lC-2-c7)
  • l

GILBERT ASSOCIATES,1NC. ROCK Ct.A551FICATION, SHEET SHEET 9 0F ' DATE 6-20-67 r % .. v41. TMin-d NO. 1107 8;1 DRILL HOLE NO. * ~2

TOR % '= 4-== SITE AREA D=a+- c.,4 u4-5 ELEY. 299.6'
        'E                  W                                     COCRDINATES                                                     ANGLE         vertical SEARING e BY:                                                     GWL                                                             DEPTH             120.O' Cw.               _                                          D E S C R I P T 10 H                                                  REMARKS R... 4         ;
                          .        3 R..k         sia. & sh.p., b.ddin, (.       l. thiclin..s), fr.ctor.., f ules,      C.aditi.a .Ic.c..

I i g 3 i.i.e. tI.p., a.i.,s.l.e railias, ....), ,., 6.iier, .i,.,...a.., . ,h.,6..,ch. i..i E.....i.,......

        )           v                                                      8.**.soi.n                                                                      .tc.

erc. Z C 2 ar a ,. r Started coring Z l /o Red hard silty shale, broken to 24.4', rest of core is -

            *          '/

good, up to o.8' core pieces, slightly 11=y to 29', -

  • V8 changes to very limy, red a green to 34.L', slightly Z
            *# 8 limy 43 3', slickensides at 23 6, 33 2 & 34', alor.g

[ bedding much grinding of core at bottom of mn 38-42' 43 fL

            ~          /                                                                                                                E

n &4 - m j -

                         //     v, s                                                                                                    :
             '6    VL  .,E 2

Red, med. grained, hard sandsatone, some broken core ZDlack stain or C

                       .$      y,.,,     L5-45 5'                                                                                       cpartings
            <*a    u   /                 Redsiltyshale,hard,goodcorebutsomeshortpieces,b some healed joints, vertical,and near vertical, becomes-grayish red & more sandy at 58', slightly li::y, slicken Cdes across core along L5* bedding plane at 48.4-L8.8', some -

' 17 I8 mineralization along partings --- m , -

                         // c.a.s                                                                                                       :     .
                                                                                                                                        -w ceccang- ot fs     ff Interfingering sandstone & sna.Le, narc - no ;artings l
                       ,/.I,             at interfingerings, slightly marbled, vertical mineral-Z stain on parti
          "'                             ized joint 64- 64.7'                                                                           ; good core l

n .(pg.. m n /6/

                       +.1                                                                                                              :      0002 <302 1                       hr      vs.o                                                                                                     -

{ [, ~ Aar, # /s// Red hard, silty shale, short pieces of core, green colorZ o0" ingle slick

                       'y      -r 9 m i n 7 m-+ % e. it 71 r, 75.7'                                                                 -

side at 75.6' Sheet 119 Amend-2 (10-2-67),,,,,,,,,,,



i $ Rock sol.a green eine & shop. bedding (engle thickness), frectuede, f aults, C.ndiesen ' s a-af

      ,:e   =

1 3 c - i 1.ineele'n*fI., tilling, .ec.), p.r .bilier, ie.r es.n

                                                                 ...,.s i e s.n
                                                                                              ....h.esag, ch.. aces              E n c e..,in, l u.

Pf , led a green =ottled shale w/11=y inclusiens up to :" [ core pcs

          /00 ft    &'          Interlaminated, hard. fine grained sandstene & shale, rei or        N     /r r  k , reddish, gray, occas(gnalji:;7 inclusions, broken reck Z some mic
                                -,n.-      -..,       n-..   ---       .. , . -                                              _
                        '                                                                                                                      j Shale, hard, red & green cottled on top & changes to greg                                      ,

er o green shale is 11=y, 83 5-83 8' red mottled shale w/ blae core p '

                      /         srganic pieces, breken, sc=e casting & desiccated appearEce                                             1.8 Er                    green grades to red at 91'
                    //                                                                                                       -



[ eo 2 i

           ,,   g   //          Red shale, hard, sandy, changes to sandstone between 96.e-core pie
                    /           97.8' & back to shale at 97.8'                                                               Z2' 1early vertical healed joint 101.5 to 102.2'                                                --

excellen [/ :hanges to shaley sandstone 101.4-102.2' & 103.6-110.l' _

                    /[          limy inclusions below 112' o
9/ 6 =

91 71 / _



                    /                                                                                                       _
          ,,..       /,   ,...                                                                                              -

T.D. Z


O _


0002 203 Sheet 120 A=end-2 (10-2-o7),,,,,


TOR E1N- *
  • r*? 4 a * * $1TE AREA  %= rd s n'-a ELEY.
       ;E                  "I"                           COCRDINATES                                       ANGLE         n-+d,'

ha 7d -9' SE ARING BY: GwL DEPTH Ka' Core D E $ C R I P T 10 N Ree. e REMARKS f

  • e 3 grein size & she,e Condition of core.

{ g - c Reek(engle, leints type, celer fil lIng, etc.), pern.eebillty, alteration, weathering, cheinicalbedding Escoveting(engle evelvetthickness), frac

           =                                                     c.e                                                                etc.
          ?o'                                                                                                        I
m. -
                                     !.o sampling in overburden                                                      -

l ~~ C 12 2 SS O l'.f- Shaly sandstone, brick red, v. f. grnd., bedding 35'-h5*- is short pieces of core .1" max., loss of core due to

                    ,U                                                                                            -
         ,                    , , , grinding                                                                      -

f* Sandy shale, brick red, v. f. grnd., short pieces of Z tr core broken, h5'slickensides 3 32.7', h5*slickensides P_ ne 3h 3h', core loss due to excessive grinding, Vx0x stais. 18 ing along several partinga Z y, / 32-h3.78 much incipient fracturing 's vuggy aopearance - ir e ,6 Jh-53' many limy inclusior.s 1/32" in diameter


fo much CaC0 .atineralization along fractures Z y '/., h3 7-53' ore improves, pieces max. of .h"

        ,, o           /                                                                                         _-

is _

           ^    si
                    /                                                                                             _
        *e               -

Z H vr

        ,,.         l/      , , .                                                                                _

i "

                                    .. h.                                                                        _

1 l tb loss of drill water Z t- .' .


0002 204 Sheet 121 Amend-2 (10-2-67) , , , , , , , , , , ,

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. SGil CLAS$lFICATION SHEET SHEET 1 ROJECT:M*t #d S - W.O. t107 C' SITE AREA % -= a M8'a T a l ed DRILL HOLE ONTRACTOR:IdM* Ser*/ ices COCRDINA T ES E LE V ATION RILLER : GwL 0 HR5_ LA55lFIED sy DATE: b-13*b7 24 HR5 _ C earse g 5PT Grenvier REMARK 5 Soll DE5CRIPTION W 5eils i Blows / I $e d Grein Chemical Cem,, 7 as Density (e, Consistency), Cele' 3 Renee

                               ,                                                                         e   Sise          Shee.         Geelegic Dere, j          +>n.        .E Sea T,,.. Ae. esse,i.e             s                Core          R ec.         cre.a .e..r, Conservetten Preble Re            Cm
        ,     ,     y  4          ,',,(. J.cose,      brown very fine sand, scee            SM                   ,,

_ fopsoil, black X, g avel, trace of clay < *

  • _ l.5-30' 2- 3 4 f n 1..

3 io 8 #1 ', p Fed. dense, brown, fine to med. , km 10 '- 10~3 4 , g j3 -silty sand a gravel

                                                                                                           . 2"       Ang. - sand slightly
                                  ;,,                                                    .-                             to          -
                                                                                                                                       'c gravel Ocn'.e:

[ lo go g3 _q y3 _A4 - s ~.A - g 9 9 gj, cc. cense, crown fine sand, sete g av n , ,, , ,

                                                                                                                                             -        ~~'

7 is 8 /e *N ie r

                                                                                                                       -     rdd.

g 9 j, ff #,} K,e,d dense, multi-colored grt. vel, se re

  • 2" Ang.[ 2, ' 2 3.,7,[~,*.,4Y q et r5 to  % -5N dUsE,S.dNF-c8
                                 ~.              _v Idee"61Ye1 & re 1.                 + 2"        Cub a-: r-           30-LO%ca-5
                                         .           i ou am u                                                                     _                        - -

Io T rJ 77  ?.'*.* ddd , , a n 11 4r 7s* o

                                   ,' f.. Dense to very dense, brown sand 'e g av 21,                                                 Et i                                                                                                       < 2"                    -

e s. v 7. -

(* _ trace of silt Sub - suspects cebble ju<

o pris 94 , , , ang. - suspect, co'cble.

      '3    II    3'       3 i                                 ,*
                                       , ". dense, becwn silty sand le gravel                                                      "
                                         ]orecovery                                                                   Sub a' g
   .       flo Wg k               *.,]:,,_
                                  .s %-                                                                                            -

Begin coring d 24 5' - 9 I a 0002 205 a Sheet 122 Amend _2 (lC_2-o7)

GILBERT ASSOCIATES. INC. ROCK Cl.A1SIFICATION, $HEET SH r. ET 2 0F 3 CATE 6-13-67 r htmen14te 7disen Co. NO. L192-51 DRILL HOLE NO. U*3 OTOR Tda  % M oam $1TE AREA % M e M47* T91trd ELEY. 200.8'

      !E                      'ff                           COORDINATES                                         ANGLg        vertical L"                          _                                                     BEARING
      ,gy,                                                  cut        16.9 @ 1.5 hrs
  • DEPTH 120 .0' Core O E 5'C R i P T 10 N Res. e REMARKS f
               ,      "I      3                          ,,ein sine & ehe,e bedding (engle thickness), frectures, foules,    Condition of core, f    1          $      j      Reels type, loint    (engle,celo,!!ng, fil        etc.), permeability, alteration, weethering, chemical Escovering evoluet
      >    a                                                        < empes ition                                                          et<.

C C w uf Begin coring @ 24 5' = n 1" a., 'f.j!,

                  .s:     ,.a.s Sandstone, brick red, med, hard, badly broken                                        Z h

Ja 43 Sandy silty shale, brick red, hard, 45 bedding Q right Z l W f angles to joints, slickensides diagonal to bedding 9 -Lost H 2O (500 33 8, 34.1, 36 3, 37.0,42.0', 45*slickensides @ 3a.5' La 38 5-44 5' fee 7.. /- & 44.5' , soft weathered seam 43 1-43 3', core broken Z to 31 5' & 34-37 5 ' . 40,6 - 42.4 ', 44 3-l.4 5' many vertig1 i nr / fractures, very good rock below 44'. - t I. -

                  ,/.                                                                                                   _

re. os.  :

                   /  y                                                                                                 -

wt  : l Y=

  • El 8 . .

Some rehealed joints'60*to 70*.  ; 97 (,4 "" m l 53.o - i 71


f/ j/ 58-64 5' Shale, red & green mottled, desiccated appearage, hard, good core _ Ice

                  ,/ W e'                                                                                              :
                  /                64 5-71.8' silty shale, brick red, harp, 40* bedding                                Z
                  /                w/some cacc along joints, good rock, seme                             healed
        /* tb                      highanglehointing                                                                   -

v ,. 9. /  : 0002 206 4.1 t see hf  : Shee: 123 A=end-2 (10-2-67) es,...e ,,se

GIL'f ERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCX CLASSIFICATION, SHEET SNEET 3 0F _ DATE 6-l' RCJECT  %* W Co. No. Llo2 Cl DRILL NOLE No._ ONTRACTOR Fdn. Serrices $1TE AREAThree Mile Island ELEY. 2 ORE SIZE C00RDINATE$ ANGLE YOf t 101 A$ LNG L" BEARING OGGED BY: GWL lb*9 E 1*5 hrs. Depyw 1 P re s s. C *'s _ D E $C RIP Tl0 N REa Test Ree. e

                        ,      e          3       Rockt pe celer grain eine & shape, bedding (engle thickness), frecturds, faults,          Condition f    .j,a o,. 2 I     ;    C          j         jointe feng,le, filling, etc.), permeability, etteretion, weethering, cheenical           Exceestin, y                                                            composition ns                      77 2. 71
  • 8~h7,* 2 ',4sE*N4 thy 0A .,~ 33~I'bi brick red, shaley in &;.ots,


                           /                    Silty shale, brick red, hard, ;(cod cere, pieces up to 1.Z seme rehealed [cints, vertical $nigh angle joints, breke"
             /er      7.2.

core St.2- 84.8' -

                                 /.%C                                                                                                     _            ,

g gg  :. Sandscone, rec & gray, :;ne gra nec, mea. nara, accc - rehealed bedding joints #2 planes, broken 91.6-93.l' Z 9d ** due to jointing (=inerr.11:ed), seme shale interfingerinE  ;

                            *;                  92 5-97.2'                                                                                -

i S7 I*e m ._'- 4 7. L -

                           #//l 9 s. 7        '


  • W W Ne * *C e

d' = -. - - - - - - - * - - " * , ---rd -<w---- Iee 7.1

                            '. toe.,
                           . . -              Q 4 pone4 , gray, hard, med. grnd., gccc core-pcs. V.)-A.. ;rre(;u.
                           //f f ,a             Shale, biick red, hard; 100.9-110' - sandstent. w/ mineral @dfract
                           '..                                                                                                                         1 f4                   102.9-103 3' slickensides A L5' angles w/ca' cite mineralia             .                _ation
                           /j/)                 along them l

9/ to .. 1033-105.L' shale,redagreenmottled,hardw/much113 1/8" J 7f/ inclusions _ l ya 7,/ 105.L-109' Sandstone, red a gray, f. grnd., micaceous, E2mc cahle

                               ,:               interfingering l
                           /*                   109-119 3' li:r/ ahale, red & green, hard, some =arblingy-.breken                                      i 9' U /       [4                   114.1-114.8'                                                                             Z             l n.-               -
                                      !to.e 119 3-120' Shale, brick red, broken o end of run, crobaMy I

i oc ,, v - . .e, . . _ _ .._... - 1 T. D. 120'  ! i I O - E o , E 0002 207 Sheec '.2h Amend-2 (lC-2-c7)s ... a


    *T0g        Edn. SeMces                             $1TE AR E A _. 'Fh*ae Vil a 41,rd                      ELEY.
    ;g                      CI             _ _ COORDINATES                                                     ANGLE         ve rtical h"                                                                                 BE A RING ys                                             GWL      17.O' t 3 has. Q f_e 7 ' ave                , DEPTH             Ch ' '

C=e D E S C R I P T 10 N REMARKS Roe, g f

                     '3           Reek pe seier green size & shope beddi 'ea le eheckar. s), freceve's, foules, I

GE y j g 3 j 1.iae lene,le, fillias, ee..), pee ee6 lier, eine 4ei.s.. -ee,wiae, che ical temposielen Condselen el core. Esce.e sas evolve, i 8 c. 1 4 No sampling in orarburden - fe<.


Z ss e nr r g Shale 'e sandstone, interbedded, some vertical jointing, h g :y some marbling, broken, short pieces of core, some limy

      , , ,     ?[jj              inclusions, bedding @ ho* some Mnox staining along                                   ---
                       .           fractures, ccre loss due to grir. ding, very poor recover 0 .-

4 Ma *'

      .n        /.4. ,                                                                                                -

m *; . n e. ~ I Shale, rec ' green mo ttled, hard, some gr.nding, slicken-ra "oie side E * }?,5', 55' joint Ll.5', elickenside diagonal semE d* 81 * ** d 1 I

     **         ,?.44.fl a._                 <                              ,
                 ,'g, ,           Sandstene, red ed gray, cross bedded, shale interfinge_M ng i

c,- micacecus, some Cat,C> along partings, coor recover / We ...

:, ar -

ff cnaio, rec 2 green, snort pieces of core, poor recover /Z

      ,         7                 possible slippage plena 3 53'                                                       -

M / .f V e ~ T. D. ~ l  : l No less of drill water _ b E 6 o 5 0002 208

   .We Sheet 125 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,,,,,,,

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. 50ll CLASSIFICATION SHEET ROJECT S""* W 7a IM7 **'! W.O. llc 2-51 $lTE AREA Reacter uildinF DRILL HOLE CNTRACTORa dre Services CCCR DINAT ES E LEV ATION ) RlLLER : Kubicsky CWL 0 HRS._  ! LA551FIED BY : DATE: b-2b-b7 __ 24 HR5_ C orse 5PT Grenule' REMARKS z 4 SolL DESCRIPTION W 5.ils 2 , Chemical Come, Ble-s/ { j ' la-cE 5 j Density (e, Consistency), Celer .

                                                                                                       "$,",','    fM        G..legic Dete, 5 41 Typ . Ac.esseri**             d         Core       R ec. C'**ad **.

censween n PreM. 6 12 is ao Rua

     .    ,      3     7    ,       by 5RE$00,4;; ravel 4 sancn sege silt,                    C.'           b* fg.;cg. lad.      .

2 3 6 5 l 'erawn sand and eravel, trace of sil - f'O

                                        '    -                                                                            ~

os GM up tc

         '1      9     la 7                  .
                                    ,s                                                                  1.,      . . ..uc r:-d. to L       29 $0                ' 'i"rr                                                                    rdd. "

r o- k . it Qtp41cer crv

          -      71    1'   1h      aj Zulti-colored cense to v. cense 6       17 12      lh               aand   <2  gravel, trace of silt, trace                                      -

L . I' ** coal moist - 7 13 21^ 90 trace of clay below 11' - e 11 1  ?: ,):

     ~3          17 15 20 5

o' [ dr/ IL-15.5' 13 c 13 19

                                    '.       wa sn sa-ole 15.5-17'

11 15 21 31 ,Y ~

                                    . 'o l? 13 ?6 1e                            .#r                                                                      ~

Cobble 17 -16.5 ' acis t _ a 13 IL M 60 N '$ - 19-?3.5' wet .

.c ek ei' o :*ule..-s  :
                                             -nr                                                                          -

8 14 _ e O :: 0002 209 Sheet 126 Amer.d-2 (10-2-67)


                 'Th e - Vd'a T.1 i-d                                  NO.                                                           ORILL HOLE No.
TOR @ 'a" rd m $1TE AREA .e-+-- ,4- <4-~ ELEY. 299.5'
         'E                            *! Y                          _ COCRDINATES                                                   ANGLE               ra-+ % 1 b'                                                                                            BE ARING SY:                                                        GwL                                                           DEPTH                I D .1 '

Core D E S C R I P T 10 N Ree. e REMARICS f

                          "'i        3          Rock type, celer green sine & shape, bedding (eagle thicknese), fractures, fs.Jes,                Condition of core.

I { g j joints (engle, filling, etc.), permeability, alteretion, weathoceng, chemical Escoveeing e,el sti as v c om,. . i,s .n .... Yd Sample fresi 36.2-36.7' sent for unconfined test E eec - l l = ur ><r Started coring ~~

             ,2 so  lj-M,'i               Rec .t gray, f. grnd., micaecus, sandstone, ir,terlayeredN beddireplane$

1, , w/reo shale, broken to 28.2' w/sof t shaley tor.e 27.1- Z 35'te h5* scre 18 ff 27.3', bedding broken 312.-31.8', may be due te drill Z ma rbling vo #4

                            ,                 blocking,- {" limy inclusters 33-33.5' ps            ;;
                        . . .s                                                                                                            .-

dr ** l' 5" f/// -

                        ...      11, No Red i green mottled, hard shale, some 11:7 inclusicns Z slickersides c
                            ,,  .,, 3 36.2-36.h', badly broken zone, greenish color, desiccateE some ces.-51*r 1-+,                                                                                          -   2 3 - /i   1 p ai fe f6       ' ':                  Reddish gray, hard sandstere, w/interficeerine of shale -
           #           ' ;                      some marbling, bmken hh-Lh.?', some bish angle to                                          Z com ces. O 1
                        ..,     y,. ,         vertical jotnting, beddinr 39Ih1*                                                            -        0.;'
                       //j                    Red shale and f reen limy shale, interbedded, sore broker!

9g f4 7 pieces at 52-52.2' Z sore rrindinc


core m -

                          />     nn                                                                                                        -
           '" IJ       9
           ~           Ao, Red
                                              ~ ,,,-.

hard silty shale, sere breken cora, ray be due to

                                                         ,.-e.,un-        _--..,<.        e-c . .a         ,...    >.r     .a 2

10 " lookirre A M - {/' , Excellent : Brick red silty shale, beddire s+ LO-5C' 60* fracturas

  • Mrf rect. or br ese y, 60', slightly sardy 60. 5-6 2 ' , 70 71 ' . 70 -d ' ' ,

M _ fn- 682', y tight cross-fractures '* 71*marles e 63.5' CACO 3 fillire STbss ef wa ter thick, tight cross-fracture % 70' eneles* '7', CACO fi21-j ' $[ /[/. lmm thick, also a third set 155 60*which is oeer v; e lori' a ~8s-ob icus which core breaks, 0.2 broken rar e 9 71' due to drillire-- but elsewhere reirr cut at (, ' s' .;s


17' 3s [ vibration on 70'0aCO coated joint @ 82, 85, 3 fill 85',d'/ery i i' t8'\ith6C t, " h' '* " "

  • urbreken hol'
         ?^       -

I E 0002 210 Sheet 127 Amend-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,,,,,,,


                                                                                                 -c+r:-         'fi.-
         .ORESIZE                                    'X                        C00RotNATES                                            ANGLE    "a**4cel
         .0GGED BY:                                                            GWL                                                    DEPTH               -

Pre s s . Core DE$CRIPTION R E ar Test Rec. *

                                       .i           $    Rock    pe, cafe, grein size & shese, bedding (engle thickness), fractue's, faults,     Condition 3      y                   g          j     joints engle, filling, etc.), permeability, eiteration, weathering, chemical            Escovetins
a. ,s ={ a{ c.m..siti.a "Z 4 _
                          /eo   i.                                                                                                          Z sea                                                                                                               _

See sheet t1 Z

                          /**   Ja                                                                                                          -

4 no .- Brick red sandy siltstere, sordy certi rs nrwe " .f. Z eveeller

                                      .f,! .  ,         grnd. light gray sceckled eccearence, rec'e is cecerterc er
         ,                                              mottled w/ light black, gnren, ersy ? 1.5, '9 0 3, ^0,                              _
                          /**   "     *!.               100~, 10L . 5 '                                                                     z bedding incensricucus-L1*                                                           -

coas lau

                          **          ". )
                                             .          occasional steep * "O* CACO                    and/o r 1 h o niso nsre centeh ** 2 **
                                       *#                                                         3
, very tient .icint Z
         ;                , , , 7,
                                       , .'             102.5' open vurry beddine clane -b'fw L:cf SiCp crystad
         ,                            , ;.:             .3 mr site                                                                          -
,,, ,q- sbilar beddir.g plane vug i ]l5' w/O.Per c:7stals s Z
         .                                 J'           a t 115 '                                                                           --
                          ' *
  • zo 7 slightly broker 112-120' but due to dri:;ine Z 115-116' .5m: site 15y inclusicn rivice erl .arcerrarT  :

i rock spring rii;ted, some ore left in hole or last run --

        -                 nn           *
         .                              .                                                                                                   =



i noa ste o

r. J . -

1 5 [ t

   'm aa                .

x 002 211

     .- y w

Shee '.23 A.end-2 (*.C-2-67),,,, ,

GILEERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK CLASSIFICATION, SHEET SHEET 1 0F 2 DATE 7-12-67 r , __ Mat ~d Co. NO. L102-51 DRILL HOLE NO 3IJ"3bX CTOR 'd**. "a a rd a = = SITE AREA '"'- ea d'a 200.# ' t ' - - -a ELEY. Ig 3X COORDINATES ver*,ical ANGLE L" B E ARING

     > SYs                                                      GWL         17 6' - o det                              CEPTH                70 5' Core Res.
  • _

D E $ C R 1 P T 10 N REMARK $ 3 3 , Rock type, celee geein sine & she,e bedding (engl ehschness), frectuees, faults, I { Condition el core. CC y { C ] joints (engle, filling, etc.), poemeebelity, alteestles, w*etherieg, chemical Essevering e,easet 3 compee stion 888 No sa:Pling in overburder C l me .1Le

                   ,-                   Sandstone; brick red; fine grained; very 'crcken to                                    Z

broken with no pieces >3"; Mn0x staining 3 2L.0'; white - an . nineral on bedding plane 4 31.0'; bedding

  • L5I jointing 2 ear
                   '+'                  vertical                                                                               -

n JS .Y .


32.0' above beceres cors shaly; gradually grading intoZ-3 J.T . ' -

                             .         a sandy shale                                                                           -
                   . s
       .w e       .'        .

9a 4 ..

                   .,,-               Shale; brick red; fine grained; very broken with no piecU m          ' , *.,               >3"; blue-green pinersi staining a 43.0'; jointing i 2 758 with bedding a 40-50*                                                               -
                                      . 3 5-50.0' more sandy than above Z

a ,- .. -

                          . zu                                                                                            -

fs 4r 7 3 hale; red i green cotttled; crcken wtth no cieces 3" 2 '~

m. it.0-55 0' med. stiff brown clay; silty texturs -
       '         8[             -                                                                                            -

m /// .,,_c Liry shale; green; broken wttn no pieces > 3"; hal-t - gp3gs arrggox

      ,,     o   f                    3 hale; brick red; roderately broken; many small 11:7                                  Z Lnclusions throughout                                                                  -

w /s ae _ y, ,,,, y

^*8 3 haly sandstone; reddish gray; fine grained; gcod core Z r dth pieces up to .8' seme grinding due to drilling; -

g,,t _ .[, ,' nineralisation (wnite) along scre bedding planes; beddinf-

                 .r.                  D 35-p*; becomes more shaly with depth                                                 ;

l i _ew:.0 I 0002 212 Sheet 129 Aciend-2 (10-2-67),,,,,,, ,,,,


     'ROJECT           W*           "-                         NO.                   e_c'                        DRILL HOLE NO.a l0NTRACTOR              Fdtn. Services                    $1TE AREA 2h:"Ce P*ile I31E".d                      ELEV...            ~ ~O .


     .0GGED BY:                                                GWL                   6' OEPTH _               .

Press. C ee. _ D E $ C R I P T 10 N RE6 Tese Rec. . e _ 3 C.nditi.n 3 a.

            ,:o  =

I v j 'i g -i 1.iaes l ,as cole,llas, .ee.), pele.e.eien, w.ethering, ch..icelgr in sia. & shee. b.dding s., fai 6416ey,

                                                                        . .. . .e i (engle thickness)


     -          (T S/ er .
     .                            . 4s above                                                                         __
     .                                  ..D.                                     .'.~ 0 lo:: cf  r:, .. wa' c :-         -


                                                                                                                        -                                 i l

1 l Z  ! i

                                                                                                                        .m                                 l l
1 Z i
    -                                                                                                                                                     l r                                                                                                                    _,
    -                  g'
                 .         i                                                                                            .

t Sheet 13C A=end-2 (10-2-67.4 .. . : i

GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. ROCK Cl.AS$1FICATION, 5HE ET 5 MEET 1 0F 9 DATE ' ' h # 7 aw . v 4 ', T .1 s-,4 NO. L, c e _ c, DRILL McL,E NO.

                                                                                                                                           a ff'
TOR Fdn. Ser* rices $1TE AREA **Mc**? ""didd ~,

ELEY. acc d'

i. B E ARING SY: GWL / # Z. OEPTH 'aa ^'

Cwe _ D E $C PIP TIO N REMARKS Re4. .! e i $ seier grein sine & she,e Condiesen el seve.

    !    1
              -      g        -

e Reek loines Efle, filling, e...), p.e ehdity, elverevien, weathering, che 4eelbeWing (engle thickness), Escovesing e.elve fracturde

    ,    a   d                                                      c a.,.. .ei.n                                                              eve.

fa -. 1sc. - Overburden not sampled Z C C n, 2s. , Started co ring w Sandstone, brick red, shaly, v. f. grnd., slightly

            ,, g  . .:,,.                                                                                            -


                    -l .             micaceous @ 7 6 3', v. bruken w/cieces(.3, vertical joinr?5-26',
                  *.'       atr                                                                                          '
      ,                              bedding @ b5*w/ fracturing at 60? slichtiv v seer e 97 C-g g.,g                     Sar.dy shale, slight grayish red, v. f. grnd., interbeddd na       h) 7/        .s.r . a w/ sandstone,. traderately _ brukan to_ broken, Fe0x staininr@ 99.7'.
                                     =au      greenau-umwn m a seamn-n.> , organic apcearan:;e ee 60                      Red & green mottled, badly breken, shale, 608argle                              -

slickensides at 36.h' (diagonal) Z as.a ara "-'

       /**   M           t
      ,v.s       3 . :/ sa z                  Fed 4      g~sy sandsto w -. . wi ne,v med ha rd micaceous, some vertical-e ,- e + ,,4.,

3 g3.,4 air _ -

       ,,. 4o                      Red & green mottled, dessicated looking, limy shale, har=n                          ,

m slickensides at h2.5', diagenal acress core-hh-hh.5'- Z

                            .r a    broken        -tav be due to biccki e                                           -

f.e 4 gf/ *'f Green limy shale, much calette filled incipient fractur- Jfs11ckensui

      ,                             tc.2M l', Md' y br9er ;;r: : " c' - " % : h b l : c k : g e r. C :t'l aco m .

Shale, brick red, mottled, good co ns, moderately brokenC t' bedding 2N35* jointing at 60t caco 3 on bedding planes ; some black st4 ise xa , ~~ 4 ee en -a rtm

      **         ,,M
Shaly,sanEtone, . grayish red, v. f. grnd., good core, _- interfingerirs hard, max. length of pieces 2.5', smallest pieces 0.2',- sandstone i st bending ho*t, jointing at 60*-75;' abundant caco filled j' fractured 63-77', broken tene 9 77-78', small imy -
                 /.d   .

inclusions at 76.5', some black staining ~ n u .;, .

      ,,,         Y-


  • dlyL .

0002 214 m W - Sheet 131 Amend-2(10-2-671.,,,,,,,,,,


                                                                                                                                                ~ ' ' '

DATE --- 8ROJECT T3ree Mile Island NO. 11 CS c1 ORILL HOLE NO._ lONTRACTOR F-d - e --. t. e , ; r $1TE AREA C a v *M - % ' ' d d - c- ELEY. 9% l0RESIZE 'O COORDINATE 5 ANGLE -- lA51NG B E A RING

         .0GGED BY:                                                  GwL                                                       DEPTH                  '_ S C ., .                                                    D E 5 C R I P T 10 N                                                 REA      R.e.      *        .

3 Rocktyp. cel., sine & sh. , b.dding (. ngl., fr.ceve.., fewirs, Ceaditi.a

            ;x .22
a. ,:o =

1 v j g i 1.ines (.afi., filline, .ee.), p., b.liey, eie.,.ei... -neh.,ine, ch..iic.i 6,i.a Esc. weia. m Z x, 3 - un v. s --

                              /[              Sandy shale, crick red, hard.                     .ax. length of co re            3.1',__
                         **                    slightly mottled througneut w/li.:y inclusions ? ;" diaq

_ slignt amount of black s taining at se.h' '493 ', seve >l - g/ m joints healec a w/ CACO 3 ( ?), bedding at h"/

  • w/jcinting Z g go,7a -

a p -

        -                79       7                                                                                                    -
                              /-                                                                                                       -

i!elow 97 ' .'ax. core length h.3', core broken 103-10L 8,Z [ f/ several mineralizec fractures, bedding at h3*w/jcinting-at hign angles O_ V w ses Grayish red sandstone, hard. med, to f. ernd., shaly - 139*7~ t- 135-130', v. numerous mineralized fractures filled w/ - 7- "m - i '.~~. white mineral, main fracture {" wide at 6"fdip,accareng clusion za i # l' ,,2. .r old placa of - -n* -c m .' M . 'n -a= L . Ei" vu-. r..r.o r ance

                                    -         Rec,pebsbly nard, sandyv.ove-en+. shale, core niece.*diarlace        a-to.$',

up to reed com cenel is t. - - f,.s . Red-gray, fine grainec, sandstone, geoc core-max. pieces-

         +          -
                              .s':,-    ,~


r. 3. _

i l Oi ,

        -                                                                                                                              EJ002215 Sheet 132 A=end-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,


  • L109 Cl DRILL HOLE NO. M CTOR Edn_ Sa-v4 . a. SITE AREA %e- e il .3 312-4 ELEY. W9 - s -~ r ZE v CDORDIN A T E S ANGLE "a"*ia.1 hn BE A RING
         ) SY:                                                GwL                        18.5'                               DEPTH                M1.7' Cwe                _                                     DESCRIPTION                                                                  REMARK 5 Re..       f        e "3        3 Re.h',.elw                            b                                                           Co ditie el. ore.

8 3 1 as i v c - s i.i... ..i., nih.,e.i. eine & sh.oe..h.h.,eddio,


(e .le-e.

                                                                              ....), ,.i..,..i... thi k..s s), fr..tures, h.,4.. h. i..i f.wles,  ,

et.. Z s 14. u Begin coring 3 2b.6' Z see H F/ Sandy shale, brick red, broken throughout, coarse sand- Z stone, seam @ 26.2-96.5', organic mer 24.6 8 97.0', I micaceous throughout the organit- seams, Mn0x staining - sound rock * -

          -["            A

along some partings, beddine @ 35,* green shaley layer 38 3 @ 10.9'

            '**        L .'C        Sandstone w / shale interfingerina, brick red                                 't g ra-(, fi5 ud     :

W 3 s.r b , a _ % d a4 -.- e i y w - -a, ---- .,e +4 - s eig

  • 7'..y -'.;

Shale, red 82 green mottled y

           /**      to                39.6 ', h7.3-h7.6',*Jr'YanidIfa,y.                er broken e 37.6', @       37.h - 37.7',

creenisn blacC"39-- e material, bedding 4 L')* o *s A ag" 2 F// Limy shale, green, smalls? Ear.id7s'e*am 9 h?.5', hi- h anelI." "

            , , ,   g, 7A w.r 4,4-+4-,              ?1v h eJ e e ' w- v.- --. .. ' 4 e < e s ma                                     -
           **           7/s           Shale,   red    !.c  green     mottled,       b:nken       h3-h6.5'                           Z
                        // ts.s                                                                                                     -

y! Sandatone, brick red, fine isrnd.,15-55.6', med. grnd., ' fe. 6,  ;-l some calcite along partings, 65' cross jointing 9 60.8' _ l

                         ** :i cecomes more shaley w/ depth, core relatively urfractured-
                             ,        21 . he.5                                                                                    _
n. w... -
0002 ,216 w.'

c,2 3 E w -- fa f,f Shale, brick red, good c ore, max. pcs.177. ,- u.c Yb ta v c -


5haley sandstone, brick red, few scattered limy inclusio

           " M /[*

[' ,', some concentration of limy inclusiens 2 71.6', med, hard2opieces up to l .d. ,rA 1ard. 19'beddina -

           ,           ,(             <iandy shale, med. hard to hard, brick :,sd, sof t shale                                     Z r

7h-7h.h', inclusions throu6hout Zpieces um to ; Sheet 133 Amend-2 (lC-2-67b..n. ii..


       'ROJECT              5'*
  • I S . No. L 7 c a . c1 ORILL HCLE No.
0NTRACTOR Edr. Servicas SITE AREA %*** '* d ' a N ' a ~4 ELEY. "00.0 e'
       ;A$gsg                       hw                                                                                                           SE ARING
        .0GGED BY                                                                    GWL             13    C' DEPTH           'o?

8,. Core D E 5 C R I P T 10 N RE6 Tese Ree. e-

                                        ..              D                                                                                     .
                                        '3             3       Rech pe celer ,, sin sine & she,e, beddin, (engle thickness). frectures, faults,             Cond6eien
                 .        1      [ c                           i.ine lene,le, filline, .es.), p.,, nee 64 tity, einer 'iea, ~*e'h*'sas, chemical            E ncevevin,
a. ,:o = v
                                                                                              <e-ee adea As above ti,      77          /                                                                                                            -
        ,                             /7 t o. o                                                                                                         -

n, '.- Shaley sands tene, brick red, fine grnd., excellent co re,- f, sue.e calcite along partings, seme nodules tProug*u+- u

                                         ..                   bedding a 358, less shaley  9h'                                               -

s.e .-. - Mo . 1 97 17  : A5 above Z  ; ne



                                    .l.                                                                                                                -

2 o u ;: ( ist 1

       .                            .j'-l                                                                                                              -                 '
  • is is
                                    't                           09.7-110.7' concentratier of li. y redules, coreler'e r tv                            -
                                    . .           f e,v j      ike appearance, core recove y ir L M ecs.- belew 93'                                    -

v- fre.1 - )


9/f Shale, brick red, red, ha rd, 3Yslickensides

  • 111.., =

ff/j , r=/A- good core, ces. .7' E 99 u ~; . ., banestone, crick .md t crayish, f . rrrid . , aycallent cerez

       .                             . '.;                    max. core 3 ength 6.5 ', red, gred.1]l-1]h ', shalay ce r:-1 r-
                                    ,t , ,                   133.S-13h', bedding ? 35, gray frer- 177' on .                                            -"
       ]                                .. . ,                                                                                                         -

17 73 ; .* " rua  :.. tr 79  : .' ,' C two  ;'

                                                   ,3g7     _              _


                                                               .. . ,, s au e , .racx rec cecomi. c sencier o eptn Fracare-into shaley sandster.e 'e lh')', rood hard rock                                            Zecs. P.0
                      ***      s.e ;.
      "                            / /            l .lO e                                                                                              :

a a ncs to r.e , reccasn gray, f . rrec. , few l i. y trei ns- es, -

?.: gcod solid core Z


   \  .

go. n :.:'  : l ) w *'

                                                  ,m                                                                                                   --

! Ij 1  :'t l l l ]

                                                                                                                        . Sheet 13h Amend-2 (lC-2-67)               ,,

l l l


               %+        e ,4      en                               No.         I ma_m                                            DRILL HCLE NO.r_S #
  • TOR Edn. Ser' rices $1TE AREA Threa Mile Island ELEY. '/'0 .0 n a - r E NI C00RDtNAT ES ANGLE 'ra a t i a al h" BEARING SY: GwL 10*b' DEPTH 107 l' C ee. D E S C R I P T 10 N Ree, REMARKS f

g R.ek t,pe, s.l.a sis. & sh.p. b twr.., f.wlt s, C.ndition .I e.e..

                            .           I 1             g            3      1..... ( .i., tilii ., ....), p       6.lsey.dding (. ngl.. thic
                                                                                         ,.ie.,.es.a.          hn.s s ), f,.s6..i
                                                                                                            .h.,ias,eh.                         E..       ine .,.lv.n or    d                                                          . , . . . .                                                                           ....

Silty shale, brick red, mar:y limy inclusions lh9-150' _ solid 6.l' cc.

g. , g,;
  • Z O f CC T*

m '



       ,                 ;*                  Shaley sandstone, reddish gray, f. cred., coarse grnd., ;

157.3-159' . '0' jointing @ 163.7', vertical jointing kmWral'ars u o3

e. . p - -

163.7-168.7', 1" wide, excellent core [,

  • max core pee.

i, . 8.3' ft 79 , y,' (, - _

.' b
                        /:                                                                                                                ~                            h ff     79     . ';.

Z rail . 181-182' some load casting (narbling) -

                       */* .                                                                                                              _

187.3-189.l' vertical incipient fracturine, eineral  ! i se . :. =

        /04]          -
  • J S 9L .) Z
                      /          ,

Shale, brici red,1%.2' low angle slickensides across _ core, excelle.'t core max. lengtn of pes. 2.58; 197' 95*;_ s.l beddirg slip 4 ;?be'dding slip. Z om [// se r. a


becomes sandy w/ death T. D. 197.3'

 , i'.      ,   ..     :.                                                                                                                E e
                                                                                                                                         =        0002 218 Sheet 135 Amend-2 (10-2-67),,,,,,, ,,,,


    'ROJECT            Vet Ed Co.                                              NO. b10 9. e1                                       ORILL HOLE NO._
CHTRACTOR Tdn . Ser-ricas SITE AREA ~% -a a 941a f e' e 4 ELEY. e * *t - s o.
    !CRE SIZE                    "Y                                            COORDINATES                                             ANGLE                ;
    ! A 51HG                     t . re-                                                                                               SEARING
    .0GGED SY:             WS.                                                 GwL                                                     DEPTH           f f' 'I P,ees,      C o,e                                                               O E 5 C R IP T IO N                                                     RE6 T e s,      Rec.                      e 4
                                   'E          3                 pe celer gre            g fengle ehicknese), frecevres, lovlee,          Coadielen 3 32 8g]

g j Rock laines tIoa,,le, filhas,en sine & she,eetc.), eer-eability, etterevesa. the<4as, chemical- E s c e..wa.

a. ,* o a v < e=,.e .ei
No sampling in the overburden Z
,g g g, g Degin coring @ 22.8 ' Z
) i mli
  • Silty shale, brick red, broken, med. ha rd, good rock top of :
                                      /     r.y. t,                                                                                                      2h.7'
, , , ,,, /
                               '/,                   15 hale. :vc !z green mottled, good core, med. harc to hertG"
   .                           //           tg . l le-n     8*e-+n-i-e                                                                      -
    -            '*d
     .,                                               Shale, brick red, broken to 3h.h', several slickensides Z few calc
                 '** s*

29.h-30,h', 60'slickensides ( across core) 79.h-?9.6 ', - s 4. S some trindine of core, some cress f racturtne Z 9 .4'

f ,' i Shaley sandstone, brick red, fine errd., beddine ? JOi3C becomes med. rind..@ 30.5-h0.5', broken zo ne LO-h0.F ' , '-
W ,f.. ,.f!-

some Mn0x staining

   -             tu             , ,:                                                                                                         -

k-9s LS, -( -

4w M dia l
                                    ~                                                                                                        T

Silty sna2e, brick red, samed zons decoacosed snale 4 - hh.3' (i" seam), alor.g H p0 course, pieces .] .8 ' E 1** 'T _ _ - S o ~

. Sandstone, reddish gray, f. rrnd., goed core, med. hard -
5#* .'t to hard, small H 0 ccurse 2 51', 53.2', 53.6', broken Z
y- zone due to dril ing, bedding 't 30*35*, some calcite alggood cor
                ,e. ,           ,,                    parting, interfingering i marbling of sandstone e shale -                                               .7' t, a
                              . /, ,

66.h-66.6 8 badly broken red .c green mo ttied shale Z

   -                           (,                                                                                                            -
. cod Z wo dnaae, rec s green ro tt.Aec -

O 4 Q- ~1o.J -

7e IT;
                /e .

Sar.cstone i snale , in terfingering, reditray,-icacecusy badding 2 358, 70.7-70.9 '

                                                                                                                                                           ] A n aj e) g o 1)*          '                                                                                                                 vVUL
  ,-            no           , . <         ,4 .n       _...,u
                                                                                                  'c 71 .5 -71 .7 ' broken dee: Pees q                                (. I7 Sheet 136 A=end-2 (10-2-67) ,,,,,


  • OP
  • DATE 2 I"
u. *- n a NO. h , . -, DRILL hCLE NO. E9 7
                                                                                              , a u.
TOR Idl . Ser*IIces SITE AREA S'"ae V4 ' a T C e,"4 ELEY. Soo. o t lE MI C00RDINATES ANCLE 'ter+1c81 h" S E ARING 8Y: GWL DEPTH /f/ 9 Cwe _ D E IC RIP T lO N REMARK $
  • e Res.

e 3 Rock p grein sine & she ,e bedding (engle thishness), frectorse, fevles, Condiesen of seee. 1 g 3 lea, celergle, filline,

                                                                         ..), . p., e.ebility, ele.<ees.a. . he,ine, ch. ical               Escoveting e,elvet.
      .    =                                                                    e s ,3. .ei                                                               ees.

Shale - red,& green limy shale, med, ha rd to Perd, 70 '>-- fa , 61.2' broken rene, some exidation 79.?-70.h ', bedding @ Z [ 7/ 37 *, goed core --


[ gg 83.8' bottom of greer liny shale

                       /                   Silty shale, brick red, goed core, some frac tures, few i.e    2.1
                       /                    small limy inclusions ass               4         enf Z
                        ,:f                Sandstone, red, some gray bedding, fine grnd., excellenG
                         . ,:              core, few incipient vertical minerali:ed healed joints, C
          '8    M * */

max. length of pieces 4 2', few limy inclusiens - s ,. one ,.e


fm  :' .' : ja ,. Z

                        /                  Silt"y shale; brick red; ex5elllent core; fine grain'ed; -
  • hard; relatively unbreken with core pieces up to 2.l' C t/ -

E l z  : t

                *r4 // ur. o                                                                                                         -
                       .,..                Sandstone; reddish gray; excelllent core; fine to med.                                    -
                         .:*               erained; course frained J 118.4' to 120.0'; he: t core pieces up to 3 0 in length                                                                2 g

ms -- Shale & sandstone; interbedded; crick red to reddish graE h.:f excellent core; pieces up to 2.0' in length; slight nmount of licy inclusions throughout; bedding 3 32* N . . ' Ast. , f W an.1:. Sandstene: eray: 11ne grainea; aara -

        ,'             //                  Shale (sandy); brick red; excellent core; pieces up to

2.0'; slightly mottled with small licy inclusions; bedding ; 17e

                                                                                                                                    -      gradational ch Z from sandstone E                          140.l'-1I.0.6' takes the appearance of conglomerate due                                         shale

[ f.- tc a high amount of licy inclusions As next above; themsonite coated joint faces J 143 2' & Z n l/x E 6.7'; joints near vertical Z p 's - MM

                         /f        lail    m


                                                                                                                                    &        00~02           220 l

I t t j 3heet 137 Amend-2 (10-2-67),,,,,,, ,,,,


                                                                                        '                                                  . s.                                                                                                 SI o c a. *
                                              'N         s, q

N /

                                                                                                                                                                                      ,e                                                        E  w 0 m a
  • o :p .
                                                                           \, t '- 4                                                                                                                                                            "


                                             . 's                                   g , ."                -1., - ,.


                                                                                                                                                                               ,                                                                3      v s                                  _
                                                                                             . x. ~a.               1
                                                                                                                                                            -a~r.s ! .
                                                                                                                                                                . .                                                                             =
                                                                   **.g- ,J,    e         - y f 4        -           -
                                                                                                                                                             /s                                                                       f , ,,

u s jr ' {j N,! a k' ~w

                                                                                             , I f                                                ,                       -

e 5 9 m ,,s e' '=.

                                                                                                                          .,                                                                                                                       e.

t .t,.,, ,,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .m ,g
                                                                                          ,d              4                                                                                                                 . .-               v
                                                             . .,                              .- .- ..;                           .f                     .                 -

c, ,. , , [ i. a l l ., - t .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               , 4 *.
                                                                                                          '. r, /                                                                5e      .      I a s                       b II.  .!\d  .:    ;;;
                                                                                    .   ,i d,                                          /
                                                                                                                                                            >f                   -
                                                                   . . r.       -                                                                                                       --__ ___
                                                                                                    's                  -
                                                    %                                                        &                                              ' ..                                 ;) { t
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ADDENELH I APPENDIX 2A Tault traces as shewn on Addendum 1 of Appendix 2D are taken directly from Stose and Jonas' (1933). The substance for their structural geology was obtained by large scale surface mapping which was completed in 1929 Speculation as to the existence of the faults results frem their interpretation of:

1. The topography of the area.
2. The spatial relationships of rock types which vere detensined by examination of scattered outcrops of rock throughout the mapped quadrangle.

It is hnportant to note. that the Stose and Jonas' mapping was accom-plished without the aid of:

1. High quality (from the standpoint of scale and contour interval) topographic base maps.
2. Stereographic aerial photographs.

3 Any reliable subsurface data. () 4 High quality geologic research conducted from 1929 to the present. Under the circumstances described above, and in view of the fact that they were required to map large areas in a relatively short time, their work vas of a high quality nature for its vintage. Hevever, from the standpoint of an engineering geology investigation, Stese and Jonas ' verk constitutes little more than a geologic reconnaissance. Since Stose and Jonas' report is a longstanding government publication its contents can not be overlooked, but rather evaluated by means of never tools and techniques. The present study, tailored to obtain the necessary data to satisfy the requirements of a PSAR was purely objective, and as such was directed along the lines of a multiple working hypothesis. Our conclusions have been drawn and recommendations made with the aid of:

1. A seismic refraction survey designed to establish:
a. the depth to and configuration of the bedrock surface
b. the seismic velocity of the overburden and rock
c. if anamolous velocities were present O

s 2A-I-l 0002 224

2. A detailed test boring pregram to:

4 O a. verify seismic results l

b. obtain subsurface data frem which structural design criteria could be establishad
3. A set of high quality stereographic aerial photographs.
h. A high quality topographic map.

5 An intensive literature study, utilizing published and available unpublished data made prior to, and folleving Stose and Jonas ' work.

6. A field study made by competent geologists with extensive experience in local geology.
7. An aercmagnetic survey prescribed by the United States Geolcgical l Survey.

Based upon these studies, we have not been able to substantiate the existence of the tenuous fault which Stose and Jonas speculate across Three Mile Island. All of the information is presented in Appendices 2A, 23, 2C and 2D of the current draft of the PSAR. In conclusion, departing frca the multiple working hypothesis approach, we set out to substantiate the existence of the hypotnetical faulting of Stcse and Jonas. In doing so ve have concluded that such faulting does not exist for the following reasons:

1. Seismic refraction profules of the bedrock surface do not indicate abrupt topographic chages characteristic of fault zones.
2. The small variation of seismic velocities is appropriately attributet to variations of rock typet perpendicular to the strike of the strat
3. Seismic velocities obtained are those ccumon to sedimentary rocks of the litholegies present at Three Mile Island. Values of higner magnitude should be expected frcm the same rocks in a state of natural stress.

L. Surface field studies of available rock outcrops and of the residual and alluvial soils do not present data suggestive of faulting. 5 Photogeolegie studies negate the inference of faulting.

6. No discordant slippage planes or brecciated zones were observed in rock cores.
7. Aercmagnetics do not substantiate the existence of such a fault.

O 2,_1_2 0002 225

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