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Presentation to NRC - Enclosure 2 to Acknowledgement of Receipt of Letter and Summary of Public Meeting Conducted to Discuss Commitments for the Kewaunee Nuclear Plant Letter
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/2005
Nuclear Management Co
Download: ML051320260 (44)


Kewaunee Improvement Initiatives Presentation to NRC Region III April 20, 2005 Committed to Nuclear Excellence 1


  • Introduction
  • Meeting Purpose
  • Overview
  • Plant Systems Readiness
  • Management Readiness
  • Commitments
  • Continued Improvement
  • Summary and Conclusions Committed to Nuclear Excellence 2

Meeting Purpose

  • Discuss how we got here
  • Discuss the Kewaunee Improvement Plan and status to date
  • Establish a common understanding

- Near term actions to be completed prior to restart

- Long term actions to be completed after restart Committed to Nuclear Excellence 3

Overview Committed to Nuclear Excellence 4

Overview Issues Identified Operations Ongoing Leadership Engineering Ongoing Rigor Issues Design Modification Issues Issues AFW Issues Design HELB, System Margin Seismic &

Questions Inspection Tornado Physical Ongoing Flooding Configuration Questions Committed to Nuclear Excellence 5

Overview Extent of Condition Operations Leadership Corrective Improvements Action Reviews Near Term Rigor Actions Improvements Engineering Improvement Effectiveness Plan Physical Improvements Modifications Long Term Improvements Configuration System Management Reviews Actions Hazards Walkdowns Extent of Condition Committed to Nuclear Excellence 6

Improvement Plan Objectives

  • Operations Leadership Operations sets and reinforces high standards to ensure sufficient margin is maintained in the operation of Kewaunee
  • Configuration Management The availability of design basis information meets or exceeds industry standards
  • Engineering Effectiveness Engineering performance meets or exceeds industry standards relative to rigor applied during conduct of work
  • Corrective Action Kewaunee is effective in recognizing the significance of issues and ensures timely resolution
  • Manager/Supervisor Effectiveness Managers and Supervisors establish and maintain a culture of accountability and continuous improvement Committed to Nuclear Excellence 7

Improvement Plan Outcomes

  • Plant systems support safe operation
  • Right management team with the right picture in the right jobs
  • Commitments being met

- Validation is being performed by Nuclear Oversight

  • Actions in place to ensure long term continued improvement Committed to Nuclear Excellence 8

Plant Systems Support Safe Operation Committed to Nuclear Excellence 9

Actions to Ensure Plant Systems Support Safe Operations

  • Modifications to Correct Issues
  • Extent of Condition Reviews

- Internal/External hazards review

- Systems expert panel review

  • Additional Actions

- Time critical Operator Actions

- Corrective Work Order/Corrective Action Review Committed to Nuclear Excellence 10

Auxiliary FeedWater Steam CST A CST B SG A PS PS PS (New)

Steam SW601A PS AFW2A SG B A



Auxiliary Feedwater Modifications

  • Issue

- Discharge pressure switch design

  • Corrective Actions

- Reroute protected suction water volume

- Add pump trip and automatic closure

  • Remaining Actions

- Complete calculations and design

- Complete installation and testing

  • NRC Interface Committed to Nuclear Excellence 12

Internal Flooding Modifications

  • Issue

- Turbine building internal flooding

  • Corrective Actions

- Modify doors and barriers to be leak tight

- Add circulating water pump trip

- Reroute AFW cooling water to the turbine building

- Add check valves to interconnecting drain lines

  • Remaining Actions

- Complete modification calculations and design

- Complete installation and testing

  • NRC Interface Committed to Nuclear Excellence 13

Emergency Diesel Generator Exhaust Duct Modification

  • Issue

- Tornado wind load qualification

  • Corrective Actions

- Perform analysis and modifications to qualify exhaust ducts

  • Remaining Actions

- Complete qualification analysis

- Design and install resulting modifications

  • NRC Interface Committed to Nuclear Excellence 14

Internal/External Hazards Review

  • Hazards Reviews

- High Energy Line Break (HELB)

- Seismic

- Tornado

- Internal Flooding

  • Team Members

- KNPP Engineering

- KNPP Operations

- NMC Fleet

- Industry Expertise Committed to Nuclear Excellence 15

Internal/External Hazards Review

  • Walk Down Plan and Criteria
  • Experience from team members
  • Design and licensing basis input
  • Documented questions/concerns during walk downs
  • Resolution in progress Committed to Nuclear Excellence 16

Internal/External Hazards Review Internal/External Hazard Potential Discrepancy Summary Area HELB 51 potential discrepancies; 36 researched - no action required 13 in Corrective Action Program 7 require resolution prior to restart (1 resolved) 2 under evaluation Seismic 33 potential discrepancies; 20 researched - no action required 13 in Corrective Action Program 4 require resolution prior to restart (4 resolved) 0 under evaluation Tornado 12 potential discrepancies; 11 researched - no action required 1 in Corrective Action Program 1 requires resolution prior to restart (0 resolved) 0 under evaluation Internal Flooding In Progress Committed to Nuclear Excellence 17

System Review Methodology Overview

  • Approach

- Used expert panel approach

  • Outside experts
  • System engineers

- Categorize information by safety function

- Assess risk significant components

- Document results in report Committed to Nuclear Excellence 18

System Review Prioritization PRA Cumulative PRA KNPP NRC Expert Panel Hazard Plant System Importance of Importance of Comments SSFA Inspection Review Walk-down Plant System Plant Systems esel Generator Mechanical 37% 37% Yes 2005 Full System Yes In Progress sel Generator Ventilation Component Cooling 20% 57% Yes 2005, 2002 Full System Yes In Progress Auxiliary Feedwater 15% 72% Yes 2005, 2000 Full System Yes In Progress Risk Based Component Review Prioritization Risk Based emical and Volume Control 6% 78% Yes 2005 Yes Component Risk Based Instrument Air 4% 82% Yes Component 2005, 2004, Risk Based Service Water 4% 87% Yes Yes 2000 Component ECCS Pump Review 2% 89%

(RHR, SI, and CS) ote: PRA Percentages are Rounded to the Closest Whole Number.

Results of Reviews

  • In progress:

- Component cooling water

- Auxiliary feedwater

- Emergency diesel generator mechanical &


  • Results to Date
  • Schedule Committed to Nuclear Excellence 20

Additional Actions to Ensure Safe Operations

  • Corrective work order screening
  • Corrective Action Program screening Committed to Nuclear Excellence 21

Summary of Actions to Ensure Safe Operations

  • Modifications to correct issues
  • Internal/External hazards review
  • Risk significant system expert panel review
  • Corrective work order / CAP screening
  • Degraded or non-conforming condition review Committed to Nuclear Excellence 22

Right Management Team with the Right Picture in Right Job Committed to Nuclear Excellence 23

Right Management Team with the Right Picture is in Right Job

  • Organizational changes
  • Picture of excellence implementation
  • Feedback on individual performance
  • Operations leadership/supervisory effectiveness assessments
  • Fleet mentoring - operations and operations training
  • Engineering effectiveness Committed to Nuclear Excellence 24

EXCELLENCE KEWAUNEE EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Safety Teamwork Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Safety Effective Reliable Configuration Configuration Control Control Accountable Teamwork Accountable Predictable Learning Model Pride Accident Control Event Meet Attend No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Site Leadership Senior Vice President Note: Positions lined in Red indicate Group Operations recent organization changes Craig Anderson Site Vice President Craig Lambert Improvement Programs Director Nuclear Oversight Manager Leslie Hartz Rich Brown Site Director Kyle Hoops Site Engineering Director Lori Armstrong Plant Manager Regulatory Affairs Design Programs Systems Training Manager Engineering Engineering Engineering Frank Winks Manager Kevin Davison Gabe Salamon Paul Phelps Ken Peveler Tom Breene Radiation Prot. Maintenance Operations Chemistry Outage/Scheduling Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Stan Baker Walter Hunt Joe Ruttar Walter Flint Bill Henry Committed to Nuclear Excellence 26

Improve Operations Leadership

  • Leadership/Supervisory Effectiveness Assessment Method

- Behavior type interviews

- Assessment tool used at Point Beach & industry Results

- Identified next Shift Manager

- Identified Control Room Supervisor (CRS) for rotation

- CRS placed on Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

- Identified Shift Manager for rotation Committed to Nuclear Excellence 27

Improve Operations Leadership

  • Fleet Mentoring of Operations and Operations Training Method

- NMC Fleet Senior Reactor Operators (SROs) and Institute of Nuclear Power Operators

- Focused on Conduct of Operations, Behaviors, and Leadership

  • Benchmark Operations Led Organization Method

- All Shift Mangers and Assistant Operations Managers participated

- Focused on Human Performance Tools, Conduct of Operations, Training, and Work Control Center Committed to Nuclear Excellence 28

Improve Operations Leadership

  • Benchmark/Mentoring- results

- Simulator Debrief Process

- Operations Decision Making Process

- Operations Excellence Plan

- New Shift Turnover Process

- Electronic Station Log

- Operator at the Control and Command & Control SRO Committed to Nuclear Excellence 29

Improve Operations Leadership

  • Whats Next?

- Operations Excellence Plan - a Living Document

- Continue to evaluate operations leadership (existing and future)

- Conduct of Operations revision

  • Align with Dominion Nuclear Operations Standards
  • Change Management Plan Committed to Nuclear Excellence 30

Improve Engineering Effectiveness

  • Recent actions:

- Implemented independent review group

- Performed an engineering effectiveness review to define key improvement areas

  • Long term actions

- Perform leadership assessments

- Use the performance management process to monitor and improve standards Committed to Nuclear Excellence 31

Commitments Being Met Committed to Nuclear Excellence 32

Restart Action Completion Validation

  • Restart commitments are being verified complete via a thorough close-out process
  • Nuclear Oversight validation
  • Fleet restart readiness review will be conducted
  • Post restart effectiveness reviews Committed to Nuclear Excellence 33

Restart Commitment Status

  • 17 Restart actions

- 3 Operations Leadership

- 6 Configuration Management

- 2 Engineering Effectiveness

- 4 Corrective Action Process

- 2 Management Effectiveness

  • 10 actions are complete Committed to Nuclear Excellence 34

Corrective Action Plan in Place to Ensure Continued Improvement Committed to Nuclear Excellence 35

Corrective Action Plan in Place to Ensure Continued Improvement

  • March 18th improvement plan letter
  • Project plan contains details of long term improvement activities
  • Additional items will be added as appropriate
  • Actions are tracked in corrective action program Committed to Nuclear Excellence 36

Long Term Actions

  • 4 Operations Leadership
  • 6 Configuration Management
  • 3 Engineering Effectiveness
  • 4 Corrective Action Process
  • 4 Management Effectiveness Committed to Nuclear Excellence 37

Improvement Plan Objectives

  • Operations Leadership Operations sets and reinforces high standards to ensure sufficient margin is maintained in the operation of Kewaunee
  • Configuration Management The availability of design basis information meets or exceeds industry standards
  • Engineering Effectiveness Engineering performance meets or exceeds industry standards relative to rigor applied during conduct of work
  • Corrective Action Kewaunee is effective in recognizing the significance of issues and ensures timely resolution
  • Manager/Supervisor Effectiveness Managers and Supervisors establish and maintain a culture of accountability and continuous improvement Committed to Nuclear Excellence 38

Summary and Conclusions

  • We understand our issues
  • Our improvement actions are comprehensive
  • We will continue to implement our improvement plan after restart
  • We will meet our improvement plan outcomes

- Plant systems support safe operation

- Right management team with the right picture is in right jobs

- Commitments being met

- Actions in place to ensure long term continued improvement

  • We are better today than during the Design Margin Inspection Committed to Nuclear Excellence 39