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Technical Rept 79-4, Seismic Activity Near Facility for Oct-Dec 1979.
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1980
From: Talwani P
Shared Package
ML19290E680 List:
79-4, NUDOCS 8003140375
Download: ML19290E682 (30)


. .







by Pradeep Taiwani Principal Investigator Geology Department University of South Carolina Columbia, S.C. 29208



Contract No. N230519








For the Period October - December 1979


by Pradeep Talwani Principal Investigator Geology Department University of South Carolina Columbia, S. C. 29208


Contract tio. N230519







This report presents the analysisof seismic data recorded near the V. C. Summer Nuclear Power station .n South Carolina. During the reporting period (October 1 - December 31,1979) there was a marked increase in both the frequency and level (size) of microcarthquake activity. Over 900 events (ML > -0.8) were recorded, i.e. an average of about 10/ day. Of these 88, or an average of about 1 event / day was located using JSC and the 4 station SCE&G network. A total of 19 events of magnitude (2.0 s ML1 2.8) were recorded, all of them during a spurt of activity in October 1979. This was the biggest flurry of its kind since that in February 1978, following the initial impoundment (21 events of magnitude > 2.0, for a total of 1585


recorded events). Comparison with the water level in Monticello reservoir


did not suggest any simple or obvious correlation. By December 1979 the

. seismicity level had returned to the low lesel observed for the rest of 1979.

INSTRUMENTATION The data were recorded by a four station seismic network operated by SCE&G. Data were also obtained from JSC, a permanent station of the South Carolina seismographic network. These seismic stations are shown in Figure 1 and listed in Appendix I.

fWTHOD Events were located using a computer program HYP071 (Lee and Lahr, 1972) and a velocity model developed for the Monticello reservoir area (AppendixII). The event magnitudes are calculated from the signal


durations at station JSC, where the duration (D) and magnitude (ML )





relation is



= -1.83 4 2.04 log D The daily energy release was calculated using a simplified magnitude (ML ) energy (E) relation (Gutenberg and Richter, 1956) log 10E

= 11.8 + 1.5 M L RESULTS In the reporting period (October 1 - December 31,1979)88 locatable events were recorded. These are listed in Appendix III. Figure 2 shows the cumulative events recorded in the reporting period. Most of the seismicity occurred to the west of the reservoir with a small portion of events occurring within the reservoir, preserving the broad east-west band

. of seismicity. Cross sections along two east-west lines, AB and CD including events that lie within 1 km of them are shown in Figure 3.


Though the epicentral locations of these events are accurate, their depths are not. Thus the depths shown in Figure 3 are probably the maximum depths. (This view is based on the depths obtained by relocating a sequence of events in 1978 using the 10 station network). Most of the activity observed during the reporting period occurred in October 1979 (Figures 4 and 5), when 19 large events (2.0 3ML 5.2.8) occurred. The activity level dropped in November (Figure 6) and further still in December 1979 (Figures 7 and 8).

DISCUSSION Monticello reservoir is a pumped storage facility and the decrease in-reservoir levels associated with power generation is recovered when


water is pumped back into the reservoir. Correspondingly there can be




variations up to about 5 feet per day between the maximum and minimum


water levels. In Figure 9 (top row) the average daily water level has been plotted for the reporting period. Shown in the next row is the difference in water level between the maximum and minimum daily water level. The bottom two rows show the daily number of recorded events and the daily energy release. In this method of comparison of the seismicity with the lake level, we see no obvious correlation. However, it is obvious that there was a rapid decay of seismicity after the flurry in October 1979.

The seismicity in October 1979 (Figure 4) also appears to occur in two regions. Both the clusters are located to the west of the lake, and occur in areas of earlier seismicity. However, some of the events occurred in the


gap between the two clusters, suggesting that the activity is spreading


to regions previously free of activity. Figure 10 shows the dates and


magnitudes of the large (2.0 < ML < 2.8) events that occurred in October 1979. There were two events of magnitude 2.8, located in the SW cluster (October 7) (Figure 4) and to its south (October 16). The location of the latter event is based on only 4 readings and will be revised when data are obtained from the 10 station network. The number of large events (ML > 2.0) of comparable magnitude suggests the activity in October to be swarm like in character. However the rapid decrease in the number of events and seismic energy release (Figure 9) is suggestive of the decay curves for aftershock sequences. Detailed analysis of the magnetic tape data may help resolve the difference.

Cumulative Seismicity for 1979

. Figure 11 shows the location of well located (RMS < 0.10 sec ERH

< 1.0 km) events that occurred in 1979. Three zones of seismicity are




seen. The central zone appears to be more NW-SE in orientation th n EW


seen when earlier data are included (Figure 12). The other clusters, located on the north end of the lake and the broad band to the south are also seen. On comparing Figures 11 and 12 we note that the activity (in general) was concentrated, more to the west of the lake than in the first year. There is no activity to the east of the Nuclear station, the site of the earliest activity (December 1977 - March 1978).

The average daily water level, the difference in maximum and minimum water levels are shown in the top two rows of Figure 13. These data are for the year 1979, and are compared with the number of recorded daily events and the energy release. It is easily apparent that the activity level was rather low throughout the year, with the exception of a spurt


of activity in October 1979. This spurt of activity was comparable to

, that in February 1978 (Table 1), which was associated with the initial impoundment. (All the numbers have been compiled with data at JSC).

However in both bursts of activity there was no event with a magnitude greater than 2.8, the magnitude of the largest event recorded at Monticello in August 1978. These data are shown in Figure 14. In Figure 15 the location of the large events for the 2 year period are shown. We note the absence of large events in the middle of the lake chich is understandable in light of the predominant thrust type faulting.

CONCLUSION Low level seismicity is still continuing at Monticello reservoir.

Compared to 1978 there was a marked decrease in activity (from an average


of 332 events / month in 1978 to 108 events / month in 1979, or only 41 events



per month through September 1979). There was no decrease in the size of

  • the largest event (s 2.8). Excluding the . ts of activity in February 1978 and October 1979 the total number of magnitude > 2.0 events decreased from 22 in 1978 to 7 in 1979.

These data indicate a decrease in level of seismicity after the initial impoundment. The absence of any earthquake with a Mt > 3.0, and the observation that most depths (obtained from data on 10 station network) are < 2.0 km suggest that the seismicity is stablizing at these low levels.


4 4






MONTHLY NUMBER OF RECORDED EARTHQUAKES DECEMBER 1977 - DECEMBER 1979 RECORDED LOCATED Mt > 2.0 1977 December (23-31) 64 5 1 1978 January 530 83 5 February 1585 138 21 March 462 57 0 April 213 44 2 May 145 55 0 June 109 67 1 July 80 80 0 August 91 68 2 September 221 24 2 October 196 80 6 November 227 56 3 December 127 41 1 1979 January 67 18 0 February 46 28 3

. March 28 15 0 April 21 16 0 May 37 14 0 June 47 27 2 July 58 1.' 0 August 26 12 1 September 36 11 1 October 700 62 19 November 166 20 0 December 70 6 0


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Figure 1-

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. OCT - DEC 79

. . . . . . .

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- 22.0 l

- 22.s

- 22.o

- 21.s


m 2t.0 0


0  ? 2a.s

- 0 0 :o.o b a s.s




g _._J s .o


3 0









_J P.o i


J6.5 l l



J s.o '



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i r r i r r 34.00 l I I I I I I e a B D D D D A + X &


-i. o. i. 2. 3. v. o. i. a. 3. i. s.








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4}-EF 1 .__



G'd 2 _ 4tp3 L

r  ;) EF-

"3 ^



-EH--El-r --t3-.


Hy _


La O5 _._

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Figure 3






OCT 79

. . . . . . .

19. 17.

31'f2. ft. f0.

18, 16.

93.5 l





- 22.o






20.5 O A



g 20.0 be 0 b _ss.s



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Figure 4





' '

o f F F F F F F F f l' ms }


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I a y4 p[!s=E  :: -n-r .k;: -EF-3 _

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s c~n dl

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"3 _._

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= g.

  • 4 -


LLI O5 6 _


Figure 5




. NOV 79

. . . . . . .

19. 18. 17. 16.

f3[f2. ft. f0.

- 1 n.o

_ 22.5

_ 22.0

_21.5 0_

- 2s.o g A 20.5 O

__. 0 2o.o O _3s.s

- ._19.0

._.3 8.5


_ 38.0

._n .s 37.0

_ J8.5


- "

0 5 IKH1 ,

' ' ' ' ' '

_ 301.00 l I I I I I

- e a 6 6 6 6 O A + X 0

-1. D. l. 2. 3. 9. O. L. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Figure 6


. MONTICELLO ERRTHOURKES DEC. 79 si f2. ft. fc. ,1 9 . ,1 8 . ,1 7 . ,1 6 . l

_ ._.2 3. 0








_21 0


3 C

_._ _.20.5

_ O ' 20.0


_ O

_ _J0.0


_ J c.5

- _.J S . O

__ _.J 7. 5

__ _ r7.o

_ a s.s


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0 5 (KM1 ,

i i i i i i 34.00 1 I I I i l I


- o 0 0 6 6 6 O A + X 0 t O. l. 2 3 '4 . C. 1. 2. 3. 9. 5.


Figure 7



e MONT. NOV.- DEC. 79 RB

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Figure 10 _





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- o a E P_] $ 6 0 a + X O

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Figure 11





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" ' ' '

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DEC 77 -

DEC 79 MAG GE 2.0 3I p2. pl. po. 19. 13. 1s,

77. 23.5


1 21.O J 2.s






._2i O

- h _20.s


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- O m,s




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_ J 7.0



_J S . s


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0 J55 5 (KM)

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l l l l l l l


  • o 0 0 E3 C O O a + X G
  • 4. D. t. 2. 3. 4. D. L. 2. 3. g. 5



Figure 15





Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C. F. .(1956). Magnitude and energy of earthquakes, Ann. _Geof. 5 p. 1-15.

Lee, W. H. K. and Lahr, J. C. (1972). A computer program for determining hypocenter, magnitude and first motion pattern of local earthquakes, Revisions of HYP0 71, U.S.G.S. Open-file' report, 100 pp.













9 4

$ . . . .




e 9

6 e


. .




1 001 34U 19.91' 81U 17.74' 2 002 34 11.58' 81U 13.81' 3 003 34 21.09' 81U 27.41' 4 004 34 25.72' 81 12.99' 5 JSC 34U 16.80' 81 15.60'






o W





, -




  • Depth km/sec km 1.00 0.00 5.40 0.03 5.90' O.18 6.10 0.46 6.30 0.82


,. 8.10 30.00




k e

-- .. -n n .


- o



s t

e e

-- .-.. . .- . m.e - - -





LOCATI0ft 0F EVEilTS FROM October 1 - December 31, 1979 Computer printout of HYP071 showing data for location of events.

Colu=n 1 Date. ~ '

Colu=n 2 Origin time (UCT) h.m.sec.


Cole =n 3 Latitude (N) degrees, min. -


, Colu=n 4 Longitude (W) degrees, min.

Colu=n 5 Depth (km).

Colu=n 6 Local duration magnitude. '

Column 7


No. of station readings used to locate event.

P and S arrivals from came stations are regarded



as 2 readings.

Colu=n 8 Largest ati=uthat separation in degrees between stations.

Column 9 Epicentral. distance in km to nearest station. ,


Column 10 Root =can square error of time residuals in sec.


t RMS=,fR'/NO,whereR t is the time residual for the ith station. ~ 'i

  • Colu=n 11


Standard error of the epicenter in km .

Column 12 Standard error of the focal depth in km* .



  • Statistical interpretation of standard errors involves assumptions '

which may not be met in earthquake locations. Therefore standard errors may na: represent actual error limits.


If ERH or ERZ is blank, this means that 2 cannot be computed, because


of insufficient data.








. . . . . . . .

10/01/79 - 12/31/79 -

DATE ORIGIU II.T N LONG U DEPTH MAG NO GAP DMIN Rt!S ERl! ERZ OM 791001 422 43.56 34-20.30 81-21.13 1.89 3.44 10 133 5.3 0.06 0.3 1.1 B1 791003 342 10.30 34-22.84 01-17.98 1.97 2.16 6 158 5.4 0.06 0.5 2.9 Cl 791007 829 22.86 34-18.89 81-20.24 1.94 2.11 6 146 4.3 0.10 0.8 3.9 Cl 791007 832 30.41 34-18.40 81-20.66 1.05 1.32 7 155 5.3 0.09 0.5 10.7 Cl 791007 837 7.45 34-18.25 81-20.45 2.47 1.44 10 156 5.2 0.08 0.3 1.2 B1 791007 854 36.57 34-18.17 81-20.50 0.45 2.75 6 157 5.3 0.03 0.3 1.5 B1 791007 9 1 21.80 34-18.31 81-20.47 2.96 1.54 9 155 5.1 0.11 0.5 2.2 Cl 791007 2257 49.18 34-17.99 81-20.23 0.86 1.54 8 157 5.2 0.07 0.4 94.1 Cl 791608 740 1.38 34-18.56 81-20.09 3.05 1.80 9 149 4.4 0.07 0.4 0.8 B1 791008 754 9.00 34-18.40 81-20.20 1.51 2.48 6 152 4.7 0.00 0.0 0.3 B1 791008 854 19.35 34-18.91 81-20.11 1.80 2.61 7 145 4.1 0.08 0.5 3.G Cl 791008 924 29.18 34-18.31 81-19.91 1.84 1.18 8 181 4.5 0.04 0.2 0.7 Cl 791000 2320 10.98 34-18.36 81-20.61 0.86 2.61 6 156 5.3 0.05 0.5 89.4 Cl 791009 553 46.95 34-18.12 81-20.48 0.49 2.25 6 158 5.3 0.03 0.2 0.9 B1 791009 7 1 54.95 34-18.17 81-20.77 0.39 2.33 6 159 5.7 0.05 0.5 2.4 C1 791009 733 17.29 34-18.27 81-20.37 1.82 2.05 6 155 5.1 0.08 0.7 4.7 Cl 791009 1531 36.92 34-18.39 81-20.16 1.91 1.54 10 152 4.7 0.08 0.3 1.4 B1 791011 428 25.86 34-19.76 81-20.55 1.98 1.18 10 138 4.3 0.06 0.3 0.9 B1 791011 1533 28.70 34-19.71 81-20.33 1.83 1.09 8 157 4.0 0.06 0.3 1.0 B1 791013 157 33.67 34-19.58 81-17.50 0.53 2.00 7 121 0.7 0.02 0.1 0.2 B1 791013 6 6 27.53 34-19.79 81-19.26 7.41 2.25 4 164 2.3 0.08 Cl 791013 1011 15.13 34-18.32 91-20.52 1.02 1.72 8 155 5.2 0.08 0.4 9.7 Cl 791013 1255 34.07 34-18.03 81-20.03 1.81 1.44 10 155 4.9 0.09 0.4 1.9 B1 791014 824 57.64 34-18.35 81-20.29 1.80 2.45 6 153 4.9 0.05 0.5 2.9 Cl 791014 9 7 20.08 34-20.00 81-20.34 1.87 0.99 8 151 4.0 0.04 0.2 0.7 B1 791015 444 42.05 34-18.28 81-19.87 1.88 1.64 9 151 4.4 0.08 0.5 1.6 B1 791015 6 2 43.48 34-18.42 81-19.89 2.83 1.80 10 150 4.3 0.09 0.4 1.0 B1 791015 611 8.06 34-18.39 81-19.77 1.82 1.54 10 149 4.2 0.06 0.2 1.0 B1 791015 619 53.37 34-18.46 81-19.93 0.24 2.05 7 149 4.3 0.07 0.5 2.0 B1 791015 723 46.34 34-18.61 81-20.18 1.87 1.87 8 149 4.4 0.07 0.4 1.5 B1 791015 735 25.01 34-18.56 81-19.86 3.55 1.94 10 148 4.1 0.08 0.4 0.7 B1 791015 1427 34.32 34-18.55 81-19.66 2.40 1.44 9 146 3.9 0.09 0.4 1.1 B1 791015 2355 51.82 34-18.11 81-20.44 0.19 2.33 6 157 5.3 0.08 0.7 3.6 Cl 791016 551 52.72 34-18.35 81-20.26 1.91 2.05 6 153 4.8 0.03 0.3 1.6 B1 791016 7 6 26.85 34-16.67 81-19.76 1.17 2.82 4 169 6.7 0.00 Cl 791016 716 25.17 34-18.59 81-20.16 0.12 1.64 5 150 4.5 0.02 0.1 0.5 Cl 791016 1959 14.12 34-19.80 81-17.52 1.90 1.80 8 120 0.4 0.06_ 0.3 _0.7 B1

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791017 i~6 7 19.94 34-18.84 81-19.3G 0.4G 1.80 8 141 3.2 0.10 0.5 2.2 Cl 791018 2 3 23.45 34-18.66 81-19.11 1.92 1.18 9 141 3.1 0.08 0.5 1.0 B1 791018 8 5 46.11 34-18.63 81-20.89 2.86 2.16 5 154 5.4 0.21 3.3 9.5 D1 791019 1126 56.47 34-18.26 31-19.49 3.12 1.32 10 149 4.1 0.08 0.4 0.8 B1 791020 644 5.52 34-19.76 81-20.46 1.18 2.05 9 137 4.2 0.10 0.4 6.2 Cl 791020 725 3.16 34-19.82 81-20.56 0.52 1.54 9 137 4.3 0.06 0.3 1.1 B1 791020 1612 18.07 34-18.47 81-20.31 1.83 1.44 8 152 4.8 0.08 0.5 2.0 B1 791020 1647 5.23 34-18.25 81-20.04 1.81 1.54 10 153 4.7 0.07 0.3 1.5 B1 791021 516 0.77 34-19.33 81-20.73 1.82 1.02 8 167 4.7 0.03 0.2 0.7 B1 791021 1556 10.51 34-19.87 81-20.39 1.56 2.55 8 135 4.1 0.07 0.3 2.3 Cl 791021 20 7 40.26 34-20.10 81-17.39 0.21 1.18 9 123 0.6 0.05 0.3 0.7 B1 791022 343 57.44 34-19.67 81-20.45 1.76 1.64 9 138 4.2 0.07 0.3 2.1 Cl 791023 53 6.60 34-20.14 81-20.75 1.76 1.18 10 134 4.6 0.04 0.2 0.7 B1 791023 15 6 57.91 34-20.22 81-20.26 2.51 1.18 8 147 3.9 0.07 0.4 1.0 B1 791024 1247 25.63 34-19.59 81-20.79 1.46 0.82 9 141 4.7 0.02 0.1 0.4 B1 791024 2120 22.32 34-20.15 81-20.64 2.67 1.02 10 133 4.5 0.05 0.2 0.5 B1 791025 726 40.12 34-19.40 81-18.32 1.38 1.72 5 241 1.3 0.01 0.3 0.2 Cl 791025 827 44.67 34-20.10 81-20.62 0.22 1.44 9 134 4.4 0.08 0.4 1.4 B1 791025 16 9 10.48 34-19.88 81-20.79 1.88 1.44 7 137 4.7 0.08 0.5 3.4 C1 791027 1516 47.87 34-19.83 81-20.77 2.68 1.44 9 138 4.6 0.06 0.3 0.7 B1 791027 1538 48.87 34-19.88 81-20.81 1.82 1.32 9 137 4.7 0.07 0.4 1.2 B1 791028 655 15.61 34-19.50 81-20.73 1.81 1.44 10 142 4.6 0.06 0.3 1.2 B1 791028 1518 35.79 34-19.81 81-20.39 1.01 1.18 10 139 4.0 0.10 0.3 4.7 Cl 791029 2 3 49.43 34-17.80 81-19.91 1.97 8 157 6.9 0.16 0.8 4.9 Cl 791030 1438 52.72 34-19.87 81-20.54 0.91 1.87 9 136 4.3 0.05 0.2 5.8 Cl 791101 1338 23.49 34-20.01 81-21.04 1.90 1.18 9 137 5.1 0.09 0.5 1.7 B1 791101 2229 36.27 34-19.87 81-20.82 0.95 1.32 8 138 4.7 0.07 0.4 11.7 Cl 791101 2349 38.99 34-20.01 81-20.60 1.91 1.02 8 135 4.4 0.09 0.5 3.2 B1 791102 1 8 47.95 34-20.47 81-20.54 1.39 1.44 7 134 10.2 0.09 0.4 11.7 Cl 791103 1739 59.14 34-19.81 81-20.51 1.83 1.18 8 137 4.3 0.08 0.4 2.6 Cl 791105 412 45.64 34-20.01 81-19,85 1.73 1.18 7 131 3.2 0.08 0.5 2.3 B1 791106 421 28.29 34-20.23 81-20.02 1.91 1.18 9 129 3.5 0.09 0.4 2.2 B1 791106 1110 9.91 34-20.44 81-20.58 1.79 1.64 6 145 4.5 0.12 1.1 7.2 Cl 791108 914 32.14 34-20.01 81-20.69 1.87 1.44 9 135 4.5 0.09 0.4 3.0 Cl 791108 1233 46.96 34-19.88 81-20.75 1.84 1.44 6 137 4.6 0.08 0.6 3.7 Cl 791110 1144 17.17 34-20.01 81-19.50 0.98 1.72 5 175 2.7 0.06 3.5 15.2 D1 791110 1656 46.73 34-19.39 81-19.91 0.14 1.64 7 149 3.5 0.09 0.9 1.6 B1 791116 2233 12.48 34-21.35 81-22.85 0.98 1.06 5 156 7.0 0.06 0.5 17.9 D1 791117 3 8 22.05 34-20.52 81-22.43 0.91 6 139 7.7 0.11 0.9189.7 Cl 791117 2337 56.92 34-18.18 81-20.03 1.95 0.91 10 154 4.8 0.08 0.4 1.5 B1

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791118 8 1 18.74 34-18.23 81-20.11 1.95 0.82 10 154 4.8 0.09 0.4 1.7 B1 791110 1358 52.46 34-18.37 81-20.06 0.48 0.82 10 151 4.6 0.07 0.3 1.1 B1 791123 155 15.69 34-20.26 81-21.07 1.87 1.37 8 134 5.1 0.05 0.3 1.1 31 791128 413 36.48 34-20.52 81-19.48 2.37 0.82 9 131 2.9 0.10 0.5 0.9 B1 791130 929 54.01 34-19.50 81-18.55 1.56 0.82 9 129 1.5 0.05 0.2 0.7 B1 791202 819 46.46 34-20.70 81-19.51 1.86 1.18 9 134 3.1 0.05 0.2 1.2 B1 791205 324 1.20 34-20.01 81-18.08 1.74 1.18 9 121 0 . 6 n . 0., 0.4 0.8 B1 791210 1134 9.62 34-20.96 81-20.71 0.48 0.02 8 142 5.0 0.10 0.5 1.7 B1 791211 1353 15.48 34-19.54 81-20.85 0.83 0.63 8 156 4.8 0.09 0.7132.1 Cl 791215 618 7.56 34-16.02 81-21.24 0.80 6 189 8.8 0.27 2.7 16.2 D1 791230 1455 34.09 34-19.51 81-18.38 1.55 0.82 9 127 1.2 0.06 0.3 0.8 B1

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