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2014-08-Draft Outline Comments with Facility Response
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/2014
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
laura hurley
Download: ML14279A068 (4)


DRAFT OUTLINE COMMENTS Facility: DC First Exam Date: August 8, 2014 Written Exam Outline (5/29/14)

Comment Resolution Written exam outline points column Agreed; exam has been reordered needs to be revised to show the question number that K/A will correspond.

1 Usually better to begin the exam with Tier 2 questions as a warm-up into the typically tougher Tier 1 questions.

2 3

4 5

Administrative JPM Outline (5/29/14)

Comment Resolution Equipment Control admin has applicant Text in outline was copied from Nureg 1122 determine operability and/or availability for associated K/A. Actual JPM activity is 1 of safety related equipment. RO not limited to completing attachment associated required to determine operability. with status and availability of required safety equipment.

Are the Boration and Radwaste JPMs Yes.

the exact same for the SROs as for the ROs? Boration/Dilution JPM requires applicant to determine dilution requirements based on Reactivity Briefing Sheet and current plant conditions. Task is applicable to both RO and SRO providing reactivity oversight.

2 Radwaste JPM requires applicant to review documentation of completed actions. In the case of the RO, document review is limited to actions in the field by nuclear operators and chemistry prior to performance of Control Room steps. For the SRO, the review has broader scope, including actions performed in the Control Room by the RO. No alignment errors, but min dilution flow is inadequate.

Several Modified JPMs. Count ok but Discussed via telephone; originals and 3 lets discuss the modifications. modified JPMs to be delivered as part of 45 Day Submittal 4 OBDI 202 - IOLE Process Rev 1

5 Control Room / In-Plant System JPM Outline (5/29/14)

Comment Resolution S1 - missing the word Rod in the Corrected on all ES-301-1 forms (RO, SROI, 1

outline. Editorial comment. SROU)

SRO Upgrades have 4 Alternate path S5 incorrectly marked as Alternate Path on JPMs. Only allowed 2-3. SROU ES-301-2. Outline corrected; Total 2

number of alternate path JPM for Upgrades is 3.

3 4

5 Simulator Scenario Outline Comments (5/29/14)

Comment Resolution General comment for all scenario D-1s; TS numbers added to D-1s for all scenarios.

1 Please include TS number in the D-1.

S1, E6 - RCP 1-1 seal failure; What are Replaced RCP seal failure with 60 gpm RCS the verifiable actions of the operators to leak (adequately addressed by OP AP-1, count this as a component failure? Event "Excessive Reactor Coolant System 2

description details continuous action to Leakage"), which has verifiable actions for monitor and does not describe any both the ATC and BOP.

operator actions.

General comment for all scenario D-1s; Added details for meeting critical tasks to D-1 Please detail how Critical Tasks are met Summary Section on all scenarios 3

and by what parameter a failure to meet the CT could be assessed.

Attributes page for S1 - Total S1 attributes updated to include Event 2; 4 Malfunctions are 8 and not 7. Event 2 malfunction total updated to 8.

should be counted as well.

S2, E5 - vacuum leak that leads to Revised scenario to break vacuum leak into reactor trip is actually a Major and not a two distinct events:

Component bean. Please revise on D-1 and attributes page. (1021, App. D, Pg. First event is component failure: vacuum

9) slowing degrades due to maintenance activities. Crew ramps per abnormal 5 procedure guidance until leak is stopped (maintenance responds to PA from Control Room).

Second event is rapid loss of vacuum (major transient), resulting in turbine trip / Rx trip. OBDI 202 - IOLE Process Rev 1

S2, Attributes page - E5 is now listed as Adjusted S2 attributes to reflect revision a Major and so E6 becomes malfunction described in comment #5 response.

6 after EOP entry. This brings that total to 2 and not 1.

S4, E3 - Appears to be only a Reactivity D-1 and attributes page revised to show S4, bean and not a Component bean. Ramp E3 as Reactivity bean for SRO 7 is due to seismic activity from previous (command/control oversight), ATC (boration event. Revise D-1 and Attributes page. and primary side control), and BOP (turbine and secondary side control).

S4, E5 - seismic activity that leads to Revised D-1 and attributes page to show S4, reactor trip. This is a Major and not a E5 as major transient.

8 Component bean. Revise D-1 and Attributes page.

S4, Attributes page - Major transients Corrected error on S4 attributes page to show 9 total is correct at 2 but the events are Major Transients as 5&7 Events 5 and 7.

S4, Attributes page - Critical Tasks RHR and CSP are two separate CTs based numbered as 4. Appears there are only on DCPP Critical Task Basis Document. Also 10 3 CTs in this scenario. Please revise. elected to remove CT to start ASW pumps, reducing overall number of CTs to 3.

General Outline Comments (5/29/14)

Comment Resolution What facility document defines the critical Majority of CTs are predefined in the DCPP tasks in the scenarios? EOP-Based Critical Task document.

CTs not explicitly defined in this document are 1 1) reviewed against the DCPP document guidelines (which incorporates Nureg 1021, App. D, Critical Task Selection Methodology and

2) evaluated by the Ops Rep for concurrence Ensure correction of Quantitative Attributes Updated ES-301-5s for all Groups after table for all scenarios with bean changes. incorporating comments and resolutions listed 2 Also ES-301-5, Transient and Event above. Update also includes changes to Checklist will need to be corrected. group mix addressed by General Outline Comment #3 (below)

ES-301-5 has Surrogate in the Group mix. Updated group mix to eliminated use of My schedule does not show a need for Surrogates (final mix based on 3 Surrogates so this will need to be recommendations of Chief Examiner (Steely) discussed. with minor modifications by Exam Development Lead (Fortier) OBDI 202 - IOLE Process Rev 1

4 5

6 OBDI 202 - IOLE Process Rev 1