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Amend to Petition to Intervene.Elaborates on W Eddleman & Kudzu Alliance Interest in Proceeding & Lists Issues Previously Raised
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1979
From: Eddleman W
AFFILIATION NOT ASSIGNED, External Citizen/Individual/Media (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 7902230105
Download: ML19261B420 (25)








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  • cM January ISrT9.,'"~,i


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To the ATCw!C -. ".~. 4 LICERSj23BCARD ,

Purther asenc:ents and clarification of PE'"!TICNS TO !.Y1T*'/T5E h,w Sv the KUC7U ALLIANCF, a voluntary noncrcfit organization witn numerous menta s esiding within 20 miles of the pranosed Shearon Har

  • s Nuclear ,

'ower *1 ant site, and h"LS STiyPAN, a citizen residing witnin 3 f,


m'las ne the site and owning 92 shares of Ca*olina 'ower & Light co-nen stock: 'ie a wish to outline our ersvious maguments for our adm!ssien as *nte-venoas in elem-ar fashion, clarify so e ocints, and aake sodfttanal arguments.

Je resoectfully request that 1* the ASL3 has .ti=e, er any A'L3 onnel may inwfully be a9 pointed to hear our cetitions, tnat we tocetner or seoarately be granted a hearing on our cetitions tn !ntaavane, at any ennvenient date as set 'y o the eenel that will beer cua na t i tio ns . Sacause many Kudzu Alliance (he rei na"f t er,"Kud:u" )


s=ce s are e.teloyed or in *all tims, it would be most centetient if suen a hearing (if granted) were held in Durhan, 'aleigh, Ctacel hill,

==saa en Trianale ' ark o= some other location near the 91snt site, n-aca solv at night or on a weekend, on the Kudzu entit'en to intervene.

.ie'.ls ~ 4dleman ha s no n=eference as te a local or W2soington OC nearing s!'e *n" h'mself. Kudzu is will'ng to send en-esentativas to a haar*ng in le sn'-rton DC also .  ?!.i s eque s t is not meant en delav the hearigs

-addatai tv the N5C concerning 0* 'r L's safe manugement cacabil'ty,


(eni rast suncress'en of evidence -alevent tnersto), but si-aly to f aef1' tate rur making our exz maints and to alinw *:.e mem:eranic of Ku d r.u to de heard directly as to their inte ests, errertise, and s' iling.tas s to ass!*t in develoning a sound record, among other tr.ingJ.

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4. 7AN 79 page 2



- -


Jo also request an extension of time to address the issues of section 2.71L (d) of 10 Ca?R 2 because we have been unable as yet to locate a cony of the Atomic Energy Act. We prenosi. to forward


our co .nents concerning our rights under that Act to the ASL3 as soon as nossible, and in no case later than 31 January 1979. de will do ,a-best to meet any earlier deadline scecified to us. There may .

also be additional information on Kudsu Alliance and Wells Eddleman's procerty, financial and otner interest (2.71h (d) (2)) in the proceeding both with respect to C ? & L's management and financial capability, and concerning the cossible effect of any order (or lack of action) by

. Sne ASLB affectzing our (or an of us') interests, that we may with wish to f'le as anendments to our cetition along with ccaments re the Atomic r nergy Act.

We ask similar leave to file such comments then.

Cencerning our " property, financial or other" interest in the nroc e ed.i ng (both CP & L8 s management capability hearing and the general case of the Harris plant, dockets 50-4co through 403), we first note with interest that these recently revised regulations (h3 Pederal Register page 17798, dated Septe=ber 1,1978) exp&icitly list property and financial interests, but apparently consi' der health, life, safety, '

concenn fon the genetic health of generations yet unborn, and ma ny other issues as simply 'other".

This does not speak well of the "ulemakers '

concern for secple, but does affirm their concerns for money and prcperty.

Ve may later petition tne NRC for Dronosed revision of the rules it has ma de en this coint.

Wells Eddleman as an individual and other members of the Iudzu Allian are now rossessed of life, health, ressanabla safety from nuclear contamination since m. cst ouerating nuclear plants are over 150 niles fro 1 us and the Barnwell reprocessing clant is not yet ocerating, civil


libert'es as yet uncontromised by the Secretary of Energy's dracenian powere te encloy the military to guard nuclear installations and obtain intelligence on anyone who nas'lxs i could nose a


" thre a t ' to such r.eclear

= --- - --- _ .w- :x _.. - _

i enge 3 Kudzu Alliance and Wells Edalsman to ASL3i 4 January 1c79




nlants (as the DOF decretary's authority has been renorted in an article I read), and many other 'asaets" which are not financial n- neneerty (unless o person is said to own his or her body and its


heal *l, etc.). We cannot assess cur genetic makeue, but we hear nestected scientists such as Linus Pauling say' ng that most radiation-caused genetic damage is recessive, that is, it will not show up for g-nerations af ter the damage has been done. Since radioactive emissions from nuclear power plants can Eot insido our reproductive organs to damage our genes from very closo range for a long time (many years in the case of many isotopes), we feel future generations, and we as their


narents, have nu' te an ine e=est in genetic safety also. We are aware that .eny cther tr.ings, such as industrial chemicals and excessive heat, can damsce genas. We note that some of these industrial chemicals are resolutely defended by their producers as harmless for years af ter it has been scientifically demonstrated that great danager exists.


A similar bias appears to exists in the argu$ents of the nuclear industry and tne newer companies about nuclear enissions from cower clants and the fission nroducts contained in operating clants and nuclear waste.

They keec saying it 's safe, or that it hasn't been troved unsafe. .

We think tnis is due to their 'crcperty and financial" (and other?)

in eresta nore than any dedication to scientific truth they may have.

Even if nuciaar radiation isn't safe, the nuclear and cower industry is c.uick te argue that other risks are greater. Well, is it a good

-eas^n te steo in frcnt of a socoding car, because the risk would be r--a:er if you stenned 9n front of a speeding train? Kudzu Alli'.nce a nd '/ ells rdilenan do not believe that damage to cecrie's health, lives, and their children's health and lives are a cused bscausa greater danage is 'be' ng done by someena sise. What if a murderer pleaded in self-def ense tha 'others have killed 30 or ho ceon] e, and 1 only killed one.' Do e s that +xcuse murder? We find tne concept of a " statistical death' very


KudeuA Alliance and dells Eddlemn to ASLB, 4 Jan 79 page 4 disturbing. It seems that " subtracting 70 yeara from the total nonulation's life scan" is acceptable, but killing cutright is not. -

We wender how much difference that fine distinction .akes to a victin or -adioactivity-induced cancer? There is an argument we have heard,

  • hat the 45 moh sceed limit is no good, because it takes more time fer the whole conulation to drive at 55 whersver it goes, than the remaining lives of the accident victims uno would ba killed at a 65 limit (versu: 55) total. Yet they would be dead, while the others are merely "en the road". Given a choice, I> -

certainly choose a road delay ovea death. I know no one wno wou. choose differently. Yet we are told "atattatical deaths" are accebtable as a price for "needed" electric nower. The cower connanies are fend of the falac picture of "frae:ing 'n the dark" if nuclear construction is stonocd. (In fact, mare reccle freeze in the dark due to having installed elect-ic heat ro and tt:en getting into an ice storm; and peccle have literally fax:en


to A nath because their newer was cut off when they could not immediately cay ver high electric bills in winter. ) Yet who, given the choice cf de a tt. er better insulation on one's house or water heater, would not choose the insulation? Gornan has ahown ("Groca Energy Available f rom ,

Li7bt su r er Seactors C:P Sox 112C7, San Francia co CA 9h101) that if tne nowar comeanies ' crojections of energy rowth are correct, the maxi-un share of total US energy available frnn L'dB nuclear towe-in the vaar 2000 is about h%, the same percsntage new used for heating wate- 'n oeonle's hones. Setter insulatien en hone er:d industri2l water :eate s could doubtless el'minn s .ost, of thic "need" since cu--ent aco-ly insulated water heaters waste mes; cf the energy su-nited to the . And Of ceu-se many o ther ' nsula tion and co nso- ca tion -nt ' e ns a~e availaole tc the nublic. They also lead to lower newer bills.

Je submit that ronstruction of nuciaar tower clants i-noses 2n unnacessary risk to our lives, health, safety and our children's lives.

,/. KCr7tt ail,IANCE AND WELLS EDDLD!AN TO ASLS k Jan 1979 page 5





"eae can be no nore vital considerations .m n these for living nersons ,



at lesnt not to us in our ooinions.

ie believe the -elation of our health, life, safety and genetic _

' eta ests to CP & L's safe management cannbility and to the Har"is clan: censtructicn is obvious: We are residents near the plant.

Accoading to the 197h EIS, winds blow in all directions from the clant, at an average speed of over 7 niles per hour (over 11 km oer hour).

About 1/9 of the tine, conditions are calan, sa7s the EIS. Many of those caln days are days of tenneratura inversi< na , when clant enis s i o n s ,

routine or accidental, would stay closer to the ground than normally.

Thus, if the nlant is built, we residing near the olant would be ran among tne first potential victims of *adioactive material released fron

!t rout

  • nely and accidentally; we would also be anong the first notential victims of a nuclear dixsaster (4 plants makes it h times as likely for us, teo ' The figures are usually given in accidents cer reactor ner year).

An inadequate energency resoonse nlan (NRC's staf f filing for the C' &L safe m.a nag eme nt hear $ ng states that HB Robinson's plan is still inadeque t e ) for Harais could also victini ne r.any of us. In sum, just by be' ng near the olant, we gst its radioactive and other effects -

wnet:fr we lika ther or not, if the plant is built; noreo ver, only C ? 3: L's saf e manag ement canability and the NRC 's regulatory ecwer sta.1d ce: ween us and many croblems. We note that excessive radiation releases averaged 2 per reactor ner year (cr close to it) through 197h.

Also 2 near-nisses in r=aI2 reactors (Brown's Ferry and the HanfordN-reacter could have been neltdowns excent for luck and o7erato- skill at 3rown's f earv (not design o" the NPC or the T'!A); and the second shutdcun syste.,

on the N-reactor (sar.artun b alls ) tha t oco-stod when all the ECCS was


KO'd he a 94mnle short circuit, so ue understand. (We cnit the Ferr.i bacadar caatial neltdown and 79P melt accident here. ) What ws a~e enlle not'ng is that " accidents CAN haopen" and they do. These

Kudsu Alliance and Wells Eddleran to ASLS, h Jan 1979 page 6 accidents th-eaten nur lives, health and safety. The roles of the AFC, ri:A , rny etc in surpressing' on abcut accident and -adiation S n. a-3 make us wonder how honest the N'C and C? & L have been about nate .a-to a. If they make mistakes, the damage is done to us 'irst.

The "omuns had a different idea about their engineering crojec ts.

4han it.e scaffolding was taken dcwn frca a Roman arch, wo are tcld tne Roman engineer who designed it had to stand underneath. r che arch fell, he woeld be the first victim. Roman arches are known fer ineir durability. Kud:u Alliance and Wells Eddlenan have no wish to harr. or see any engineer harned. But we think it would be reascnable


to require NOC s.:aff, C? &L executives, and nuclear ulant designers to live at the plant site boundaries of nuclear nower plants. Many a #f t rm their willingness to do so, but we know of none who actually do.

(We do not suggest this as a rule. We s'n,1v point out that we are amnne the first nostential victins of errors made by othacs who may be much farther out of hara's way.)

So we think our health and safety etc. interest in the Harris Plant and C? & L 's safe management capability is very clear. We also


hava f*.nanc'al, erecerty and other interests affected. For ene t hi ng ,

if informa tion about nuclear dangers is still being suceressed, and we fine (legally) and dissemina to such information we may still be in danger from n-oronnents of nuclear ocwcr, both in our ci711 rights, which nay be viols:ed by surveillance etc., and for harm to our health and ecsaibl7 even lisx: lives. we nava no evidancs as of now that s uch dange r exis t s to us, but it could develoo at any timo car legal activities wo e seen as sufficient threa t to the encrmous firancial and property !nterest of *he nuclear and oower industr7

, 'do do not s e s;' or invite any such attacks; our colicy is nonviolence and we raasonably expect nenviolence

' n -e u n; even if we are a ttac!ced, mas of us sxtec to adhers to


ne nv". c l-ne e (thoegh I cannot connronise the legal "ight of self-defennel.

-y-__ . _ _ .

Kudr.a Alliance and Vells to ASLB, 4 January 1979 page 7


We no o that s u"veilla r c e of nuclear ornenents has odeur ed legally and illegally in Georgia, California, South Carolina, and othe- niac es .

Nuclesr on-onnents have been threatened with violence, e.g. by the Ku -

Klux Klan in New Eameshire. It could be argued that we could remove cuen -ossible danger by sinn17 accuiescing in nuclear ecwer; but only at tne cost of free exercise of our rights of free speech, a s s o c ia t io n ,

a free nress, retitionins for redress of grievances, cr'vacy, free movement w'tnin the USA, etc. We do not believe anyone should be recuired to sacrifice her or his rights due to threats or ecesible threats.

A g a,i n , we enchasize that we have no evidence of such threats to present at t..i s t i r.e , and are not accusing anyone of anything in North Carolina.

We certainly hope that no ens will waste oublic or c'rrorats funds on illagni surveillance, or r.ake any illegal n=xixc. threats to anycne.

We certainly have no intention of violating others ' rights or of any violer.t act' on or threat of violence whatsoever. .-

One last note on civil liberties etc.: We are not certa'n, that k'.lling someone by radioactive means is not a violat'.on of the Civil Rights Act. That a license was issuad for such killing nay or may not be a

. -

dierense. We de know that radicactivity is ve"y di"ricult to detect, wi t: cut scrhisticated instrunents, and that it can kill and leave no evidence of its role that can as yet be detected. We do believe there is a civil -ign to life, which may be violate J by unsafe managenent of nuclear r.cwer niants.

altn respect to cur financial, property and other interests:

Many -:ud:u menbers are rntenayers of C? & L and thus have a direct f i nanc i Al '. n terest in the :ca ts of the pl ant, e??Icially u.2 der Constructiac Wo-k Ir " O ress (CWI?} which is now legal in NC. We have haard fram a scur-- '- C? & L's "inancial departr.ent wt o doas not w'sh to be named ,

thn- :ne cest e s t .' ma t e for the niant is 36 to 38 b!11 ion now, ver s us

- . - _ . . . . ._...._ ____.

7- -

. _ . ALLIANCE AND dr.LS EDCIEGN ?O ASL3, 4 7an 79 page 8 C U.:'. X

. We therefore are interested in having h.9 b ' '. lio n e s t imat e d in 197 6.

the cost-benefit analysis recpened, and updated annually or nere ef ten, to ancortain 1* the costs can still reasonably be exnected to be less thar *ha beneN ts at nea=ent value, given the numercus o=cblens 'Nos _

4-e develoning with denting, nine cracks , s team g ene-ator c orro s '.cn ,

-s i' esetivity in pipes , and possible icwer radiat ion ex-esure standards for .uclear workers, as well as other problens. We subnit that cur ill served if a plant is built

nancial interests as ratepayers will be thgr carnot repay to us, the consumers, nore in value than we have nut into it, and suggest a cost-benefit analysis tc consu.ners alsc be performed. We no te that C? aL is said, in the N'c scaff filing (wr.' d. dalls Eddlenan has read, but not ne orized) to not do nore than

'3 equired te do. Thus we would be interested 'n seeing if CF LL it .

is willing to nerforn such an ahalysis vcluntarily. We also ask whether C? i L w'11 disclose its cur-ent cost eatinates for the Harris plant, and how c can ba reasonably sure these estimates are acourate and not biased due to C' & L's financial interests.

" ate cavers w'11 also be ill served if a 24.2 bi'_ lion (or 6 o- 3 or whiteve" billion) nowernlant is built, cut 'nto their rate, and



t h e .- ne t #ully used. Since nuclear power has ve.*y highcanital costs, the nlant must run baseload (all the tine it can cperato ) to keer its c c al ar.d alect ' city costs ec~netitive (see 3A0 rMO 73-76 on nuclear, alte-nnt've ecurce costs in the ?acific No-thwest, 1973-1995). Needed or net, the plant we cid be in the rate base and customers we uld have tc "sv C * & L ull pro f i t s e n i t . Moreover, if the plant fallad te the ccst noli its assuned caracity facter over its full lif atine, We sck that, ot is electricity coi:13 be much nir,her than es-edicted.

if a censitivit7 analysis to racacity facter and clur.: has


not already been precared as cart of the c o s t -b o r. erit analysis (none

's refarence 1:. the 197h EIS te cur knowledge 1 that the !PC staf f eccsider and nrana r' .- such an ar.117 sis, and C' &L consider doing likewise



f. J .' " ., :.1. T A !. C '2 a N .c TLLS rDDLDiAN TO ASL3 4 Jan 79 page 9 f

. nun'.ish their results.

.~.mth r obvious interest of Wells Eddlenan and other %udsu



ma ce s is ownershio of shares of C? & L common stock. The value i

c' - h e ., e shares docends on sound management, espec* ally when a e c.xmra ny ar -t: less than Ahb*iltnn (and in debt)nxx.7 nrenoced to 30end more

nsr tL b'llion on a single f a c '. li t y . The riska are high if the facility is .c ? vi"tually assured of complete success. For exannle, the NC nuolic u t il'. t i e s conmission has a rule mandating that if nuclear riant cy falls below 657>, costs of replacenent power fuel should not ce charged to consumers if management caused the cacacity to'.ow 63%. A nlant that wasn't needed would have a real risk of s ue:. oroblems. It m' ght even be excluded Tecm the rate base.

' hen s:cekholders would have tc pay for a plant that earned them no th i ng .

A riant badly operated night generate billions !n claims for deaths, injuries and property damage; it night also depresa procerty values nea." it, and these danages xxi could also be the subjeck of lawsuits e against C? & L. North Ca.clinna law may not limit damages as the

  • rico-inderson Act does; or the additional dar. ages n'ght have te be osid bv taxnayers -- that !s, by stockhciders, Kud u members and


Wells r idle r.a n amo ng o th e rs . The=e is also the -isk the clant nsy na ve to be abandoned before completion due to new necessary egulaticns on e--layee health, puolic health, safety, o r f.'. na nc i ng . (Leck sa 9aebrock te see that reccal of CWI? can also r.ake it hard to fir.ish


a ces:17 rucicar clant.) Then the cost of construction comnleted would ei th r - be borne by steckholders (as a great loss') or by rat? payers, as a ,ossibly illegal charge for a clant nort nroviding then any ocwer, shc 1d the Utilities Cor_aission allow tho clint to stay f n the rate base.

Mersover, escalating uranium costa, uranica mining ha.:ards,


uncertain suoply of otroign uranium, and C? & L's lack of assu~ed uranian su clies for the Harris clant (to our current knov.le d g e as of May 19731, muy also make tne harr's plant econenically dubious or dangerous.

- . - . . . . .. --. _~

/. CD'M ALLIANCE AND CLS EDELEMAN To. ASL3 4 Jan 1979 page 10 A

/: .



4 j These uncertainties about fuel constitute a further danger of financial

,f' burdens to ratepayers and stockholders, or both perhaacs/

w's note that if we had only to show that it is reasonably l!kely ~

that those nroblems would materialize, we would have a stronger case.

But 1 annears that utili ties naed only prove it is reasonably likely ,

that oroblems will be solved b," the tino the plant la onerating, and tuey get anproval. Ne feel this procedure exooses ratepayers and cha eholders to unknown risks, since for examole, the H3 cobinson er.orgency resoonas (evacuation) plan is still not ready as of November 1473 according to NSC staff (over 4 years since such nians should have been made and uncroved). Who knows what nronises (such as find! ng a care way to disoose of nuclear wastes, holding costs down, etc) can actually be kept in 1984 or 1985 (or later) if the Harris nuclsar pinnts a e built?

The government and nuclear industry's record on such oromises is about as good as the typical politicianh' , which is to say, good enough to get the job, but not good enough to keep tost of the cronises. For examelo, radiological nonitoring is identified in Long & Dance's profiled tortinony as a weakness at E3 Robinson, in 1973


It 's also identiflad in lo75 on pages 1 and 2 of the NSC staff exhibit 1, for six secarate eroblema. Over 3 years, a d1carly health & safaty-aelated progran rc ains weak, but this is evidently "cccentable

Pardon us, we don't knew whether we are suncosed to talk about tr. i s stuff in the staff filings unless we are admitted as intervenors.

We do know both staff and CP & L bavs the riE h: to respond to what we say here.

Our nain coint is that there are no renalties and checks being used to make sure that the cromises *k

=*obicru wi,11 be solvad, are kspt, or at least it certainly doesn't loch that way. Indsed, it looks liks the NRC 'solics" probleus liko the HFC trips at Brunswick, by just eliminating the r equirce. cat that the



page 11


AND WELLS EDDLTMAN TO ASL3 $ !;. Jan 1979 y.L'D',U .U LI A NC2


syste- work "ight, if C? & L can't get it to work right.

safe managenant does not just m.ean management


4e note further that then. It implies that com-lies on time with all NF.C rules given to CP & L has won numerous safety


a management tha t aims for safety.

awards for injuries and accidents (i.e. for not having so nany as other utilities). Wa hope they can win radiation saf ety awards tro ,

but we' d like to see better evidence than the working people 60 heu-a i

a week for vaars on end that Pleycd Cantrell alleges, and than blow ng If C? & L was as un their offgas systen due to nunarcus errors.


dedicated to inspection and safety as they are to naPing excures for that ex-losion and their unlocked doors at Brunawick, I for one would ho#2ver, as a classroom teacher, be more at ease with their operations.

C? & L's btilliance at naking excuses seems to nzrn m.3 to be more in that if sonethiDS line w' th the tyre of person who goof s off, confident

' goes wrong or s/he gets caught in the wrong, a good excuse


< will solve




Kudeu Alliance nonbsrs and Wells ?ddleman also cwn proparty


I in the region arour.d the Harris plant site, both real and norsonal

' land

' nroterty, including 12i;, businesses, equipment, hones , personal propert7, escecially '

etc. Land values havo in olaces decreasel near nue13ar plant:,

This could


where c.uclear wastes are transnorted to and from the nlants.

readily affect soma Ku hu membeas ' property since they are very cloae All cur orenerty to the olant, in one casc on the boundary I believe.

could be affected in an accident, as uculd the valus of nur C7 & L steck.

in the saf e Je believe this is another very real intsrest wo have


mana.ement of the plant if it is built, and in the entiro issue of




whether and new it is built.

. caro'ul ta sa7 that

'Jalls Eddleiaan snd Kud:u A111ancs wiah to b3 we have other interests net nentioned here which the :lant may affect,


'o u t we don't wish to try to list thera all here or za'. 3 this lette" toc i


nm a '.' Kudzu Alliance and ' dells Eddleman to AOL3 4 Jan 1979 lonc.


As to how the ASLS's ruling could affect our in erests, we believe the- s' nce the olant directly affects so nany of our intereste, 2nd -

since the board (says Charles Parth) has the authority to .ake ur.y auling wi its pcwer consistent with the facts in the hearing, and s' rce C? & L's caro nanagement cacability and financial carability directiv affect how than: Santa (and if) the olant may be built and oneratad, w3 th*nk the effac- 9s obvious. If the ASL3 does nothing, and 1 wves things exactly as they are afte- this hearing, then cur interes*3 are inninged unon by tie power riant exactly as thev ve"e


e befo e. So that affects our interests by leaving the planth offect on them in force. If the board were to condition the construction oermit on certain actions by C? &L by a certain time, e.g. training its eersonnel so tha t it was clear that plenty of qualified coorle would be ava!1able to operate die Harris plant, or clean (ng un certain oroblems 9 Brunswick and/or Robinson, or tightening up its internal rules, etc. etc., that affects our iatsrest by affording daen a promise of seme additional orotection soon. If the bcard were to rule C7 & L


can take an even freer hand in its actions, and can cnit some quality asou-ance of saf ety proecdures nou us ed and still hav e "a de qua t e

management for the health & sa'ety of the nublic, that affects our interests by nut ti ng no no =es-onsibility to arr. : fax cro tect our interests on C? & L and less on the N9C, 'Ja are not sugfss ting rulings to th e board at this time, but just showing how a ranga of cocaible rul?ngs, or no ruling, would have an cff:ct on our irterests. Our financisi

'ntereat is very large because each person sorved by C? &L will hav3 to nay 31h'0 to build the plant a t the 197o estinati, and perha:s nera, and certainly more ta have the olant opernts and pay C? 6 L a fair trofit.

If the clant is delayed or stomped now,. at 3% connlete, -he loss on it


I .

. -

em 13 .Xudzu Alliance and *,folls EdJ1amari to ~.\SLH h . Tan 1979


wnuld to "only" $126 million (3% or b.2 billion dollars ) . " hat is id ,c oc~ son served by C? & L. If, ac seems li'cely be. sed on C? & L e


ig r-s, the clant would raise ocwer re.tes 50% or .cre if coreletad, the n enent value or cower savings at e s i m a:: resident'a1 ratea (abou:


3000 .Mwh cer consumer per year, at about 3h c/kwh) would be ~.uch greate- than that $2, even assuning the ratepayers had to take all the loss. But if construction continuso and thc- p1. ant is not needed when it on lino, the loss to cons.'mcr; will bo very la ge, as could the loss to stockholdera be, if they hava to pay for it.

Moreover, if for any reason the olants do not servo their useful


l! *'e t ine a a a s auned , costs ce"ld be very high. It is important to nake cur best offorts and sensitivity analysca to understand the consecu+nces of such cossibilities and probabilities, beforo construct'on has gone so far that financial int;,re:,bs begin to catw?i6h


the oublic interest, co na u.ners ' c o s t s , health , safety etc. Ve believe the N?C 's decisions en the Wrth Anna plmt, built on a fault with tha aid of lies by Virginia Electric & ?ower Co (accord *.nc, to reco.te) and



with coalicity in these lies by 'GC staff, illu tratoa th; d ngera.

With MCO million investod, the weight of this money u;.3 conaldered .

grea ts" than the dangers of ec~oletSng the plant, which ia new eperating (ec we understand) with the aid of nr.r.y modif t ation: to the plant and many variances to engineerir g and safety require.r.onte.

We carticularly fool our interosts are comprc:niaad if we are net allowed to intervene be:auce th3 iscus is really mapros.sior of evidence.

If evidence had not been sunnressed, thi: her.rin3 up:onin; .rc ' ld never have been er tred. If we cannot ask quaations, call witnao;; : nn-c.ross-enamino, we cannot bo at all- assurac. $nt mui ure : vi i '.c a 12 not still ceing suceressed. We havo no procf new that 12, but n.;

a nura nc e what 3ver tha t it is not. Cnl-- by direc ', a nd c.~c a s -enni nn t i e n can we erobo the truthfulnes3 and cocule taneca cf the record. in thia ecza.


--.. .

-. - -

..; . _ g. .

s 1979

.page Ih F.ud e.u Alliance and Wells Eddlerlin to . ACL3. 4. Jinuary


- .

We note in passing that both CP & L and NEC staff havo anenrantly T' lad -acnenses to our petition and acondments late under th e NPC 's own rules.

Wells Eddlenan desiros that the full argunents of both as h-a.d, - and does not object to this. Kudeu Allianca has not taken a nosit' on on this issue, and recorves the rignt to raiac it petitice.

later, carticulcrly if and when a hearing la granted on Kudzu' to inte-vene.

We also note that we cannet find enrtni:x in Charleo ' Barth 's fi et ecnonso (dated 6 Novembe.' 19l3 but received on 17 Novemb?r,

-a fE -M ng to a letter of "Novenber 16, 1978' -- no doubt s tvno ) about In. ecd we receivad the Nor 's rules or how to beconc an int 3rvenor.

Ike Andrewa ,

noth' ng unt'l Wells Fddle:aan :noned the office of Sco.

6 Decenter 197 3. Andrews' office obtained a cocy of 10 CFo 2 and sent *t . to Eddlenan. It arrivad about 18 Dece..ber 1970. Charles Earth


also sent n enny of 10 CF7 2, nursuant to a phone ecnversation of


1] Decen'ce- 1973 7 believe. This a" rived about 23 December.

We did not r intend to ask the ASLB's aceitanco in matter; we m" rely aesired to note .tx that we still had received from the 'P C staff on its ruins, and to renew cur r. cuest to to curely


sucr '-fn matier. It has been heloful. to us , and we are endsavoring te com,17 with everv part of it that wa esn undcratand.

A.o*ber factual reatter concerns the cu"~enoss of Kudzu Allisnee mam a 2 of the last deadlino for intorvant'_on int the Ha-ris n eac ee di.:;a .

At -he gena-al meet' r.g of 3 January 1979 I aaked the 21 nenbers raeccnt (29 N ' nc temtors before that date) if any knew or had read of n la2" date Tc- 'ntervention. None had. Only 10 had eve- heard of the 7ade :1 according to their statements and a cheu of hands. Mons ead

'A,ter, it on a ra,3uiar basia. Je submit that ordinary cereens, including

g - -

= --

m_ r

- ' 'm uu

, , ,c ,% ~ ,. . . s.. ~.,.yy...~._,.,,.m., ._ . ._,_ _ . , , _ . . , , , ,


. i d. n .. ... .e. > %%% z. . a.i m s .i . . 1-K; s 7. " Laf LW - . -.- i m "<=."'s

... -. .

. ..

/ page 15 Kuisu Alliance and '.Jolls rddle:nn to Asta 4 Jan 79 .

c ., ;


  1. most of the founding menbers of tha Eudsu Alliance, could not have i r. tended to circunavent any WC rulos, be;,cau::e they do not know t2.c s c

-ules and never did. Je are advised by a Kud u menber that it is crasuned in law that everybody reada ths Federal Register (or should);

we s'vly coint out that in fact, even conecrned citizana such as Kud u Alliance nenbers do not read it and in many caaea' ard not even awa e that it exists, or that 'GC notice; for hcarings are i~n it.


We do not know if any other put'.icit, than the Federal negister noti ce was given 23 June 1977 for totantial incarvonors. We do knew thEt nuneroua Eud:u Alliance nonbora no' cannot rocall ever hearing of such a notice; and manr of then woro very concerned with nucicar nower ' n 1477 also. We believe that it is unfair to pracune that oeenie can catch every le6al notice cut past then, and would ask that both the earlier intervention attem.nt by Jchn Spe1 3hts, nca o.


udeu nenber, any other intervention attennta frcn lo67 to 1977 by


nersent now Xudzu menbors, and the fact that Kud:u Alliaate was fmad afte- the July 1977 deadline without knowledge of that deadli .:e :'..un and w!th no intent to circunoveat 'GC trec eJura.:, be n censidoaed as gced cause fer having our petition to intervene censidered at this tino, de aise .cte that it takes tine for an organizaticn te establiah itself and create a stracturo that enables it to take on resuonsibili;iec e

sue: as interventien, If C? & L can pt dolaya in i-clennting its '%

oro,ran, then Kadsu': need to get establichcl and crganizad chould also be c^r.sidered g^od cause for filing to int ;rvnno at this Ja113 wie-e, is relexac. by the idca tha: he c'cc u '. d 21m517 a ve J r.ucl e ar now::- clants when ha novta.  ! hav3 he*e the best jco T hvie aver had, as a consarfation ranager, teacher and ,.atchoeracn.

Neve-theless, had I known a nuclear plant un.s nearby under :enstruction, I -- i .-' ! r. ave reconsi-! red rf decision Oc nova here, or nade -he decialen

ea$ *W fj."( , ,l W .* 'er - y-w . . am.,--'- ,. p w ,,.7,,...w , ....,.%...






.s cn . s <y,,,,e -)


  • ...s a, : - , "






.....-...z.....:--+a.-_.-. ......u__.. n. ~ : . ..~


, .

rage 16 Kudzu Alliance and 'iells Eddir;-an to ASLT1 h Jc.naar r 199


to accert some riak by staving in the nrea. But I did not have a chanca to .ake that choice. In effect, I an being told I have no right to move .ese a nreposed nuclear pc ter plant unlaca I an willing to cit idl r by and watch it go up. Co ncidari ng the nicrice of nuclear ult nts that have been protoced, I would ha n gre.tly restr'.:t ted choic e of 11 v' .w x:n s i t os . I certainly didn't move te spen'd my tino arguing againat nuclear power plants. If I'D Pnar cr.c was this close to me, even though ?.y job is very attractiv) to ma, the best I've x ever had, I might not have tckan it. But  ! nc : I was already here wi th all my equirm -t a..d a 3 cod job .:ht... I first heard where the niant was re.d when it 5:as going to be built, I think I should havo the r i ht to intervoac. If I'd moved here a few years earlier, while cons truction was suspended, I'd have had a chanc a to say, "No , I'd rather not run from this nuclear plant. I don' t thirj: it's cafe or a gcod


e:occmic deal or good for jobs cr gcod for na, and I'd like to any wh7 and get witncases and cross-exa.,.ino the poutr ccenaay's witnact>s.'

I -ealine that the qu2stien of whether neu :'enidenta in an araa si.o ' J be allowed to intervine is a trick 7 ona. People whc wo id . mo ve to a rince just tofight a nuclear plant are not rare any : ore. Eu- I didn't do that. I .oved he. e without. ':nowladge of the niant3 being this close to me, and without int nt to do anything 2tcut it (since I didn't know about it). Compar a tha ::it".2 5! on of a p e r ;0n .. .o unwi:tingl- .avec naxt to ryx .: n a 1 ;.k?,;ron: gas pipelin;.

There i s no require.:ont to tall proport7 b".yer; a gaa pir,alina 12 near.

"he ena ecg e:y peon 13 m: abably :rn't adven i.a that their lina i s l edy ,

or nut out msos of' its Ice 2 tion. Yet our nc:1 pr rcrty ounar la in d$ncer fre- this gas ninel.ina, end has r.nry to ac tit'.ca for 1-ec ved safety e tc. I am going to got ef' acta frem that auclear



.mn ,,.,,:u.;:_ m.aa m a w asm.,-w..e




. .c,. , .



. _: ~ .


.,: . .



- pge 17 della Fadler. tan and .sudzu Allt? Ach to 12LD 4 Jan 1970 ,,

niant if ith built. Yat by C7 & L's attornaya' reaponse, they j.


prorose to tia my ic;al handa, and 317 ir. effect, " Nuclear power:

Love it or leava it," I happor to lika ny jcb and y location here l-


extremely ws11. I do not wish to have to laavs this area, but I almost


certainly will if the Harris nuclear plant be ins operaticnal tes ting.

' (The uncertainty is, I'n not 100% sure that nuclear plants cannot be 4

made safe, that unsto cannot bo transacrted and ctored sufo 17 ctc.

Were thase issus resolved to my c.itit2netion, I might stay -- or !

night leave just to be safe, becau3e I could be wrcng.) I an. very disturbed now by much cridence, including that for rising cancer rat 2c in "ecinas of nucicar facilitieu, evidancc that varicus radictetive natarials nose greater health riska than trovicualy thcusht, etc.

I w'11 endeavor to protect myself and othorJ frOU th059 ris23, using nonviol-nt means only, but if I cannot I can n; novo avay. Many pecele may not have that option, so I hope ths Kudzu Alliance is cdmitted na


an ' ntervenor, as even if I wore, I could loco cy legal statmo if I moved away duo to ny ac cecr. nt of the dnn;or;. (Catch 22, nuclear version: You havo to be in dangor to do - ihics about the danger.

to acca,e If you take yourself away;155h,phe danger, you 1: 3o you~ right to do Is nuclear ocwer aare? You bet your lifo. Catch 22 aga' n. '

anytnicg about i v.3 < ; n, / t any rate I am no laayer and couldn't hire one at cur ent rates. (One Iud:u nenber icid me of a legal bill ove- 310,200 in one v-ar, which that nenber paid in trying to ster the :iarris clanc.)

I hc ne the ASL3 will excuss T.y legal ineptness. I work en nis netition for a lot less thaa $10,000 a year (and senc may feel tha t nf we-k is wortr its crize, or 1:23!). I an cenplying with ever7 thin;; in the ruia? I have recalv3d that I can undaratand or got trustworthy advice fro- Nd:u .e.lacr: about.


:.a v e a fartner porccasi into.ost in these precacdinra becauce I da energy c onsulting work. Energy cenaulting work is mcat naeded

.- .

mp.13 dells Eddlera n and 7.ud:.u A111.'.~.c o to .'.0LD h h . ' 77 7 nnerdy is ceing was:ec n.nd can be e tal chaa:1 . :n y exterience


-1 . " . ' % . ' a. ' . .> . ,

t .". - s a - .45 '- ~.3 p ~. v a ' l '. a. . ."c' o.c .

N.. , .'. . . a. d '. e n a . a- .




p u ~. - a. .-, ,i . . a. .m.


.. ,.p..., ., ,. . .., . y g w . . 4.1,. , , . . . .? ." a. c r. "u . .e . s ' . . . * '. ' a n ~ a ~. -

.. - -

via f o"e M te snond large amounts of mency on nuclear rower riante CV!? and este increases, they will have lea, oney availabla t: 'nvent in ene".v cense.v'ng ecuier.ent and syste.s, and thus hav3 less bucinana

-,...n r. ,.. o r. i. . .'. '. '. v. , a a *.he ,. 'u. ~. n.' e.'.e. a '. ' c'

  • r -

.' a '. , * ' . . . . N'.'.'.



.. ,.


he ;; eat e- a d va- tac v e s to enorrv. ef."i<:lency and conan- vs t' c .> but issa


monev avs'.lable to da it. I believe ! can chew now tha e r.*. i r e cx ectH arn ct u rut of one o f th e Harvi s . uni t s (900 ' m ) cculd oc acv d by an investment of leas than $100 -1111cn in insulat' on ( a tc ':t $1 b'llion less the. *".e Omst of the Harria unib). '"h e insulation u'11 have a useful lif'tir.e comarable to tne plant (30 to 50 years) have minimal e po ~2 t i ng and repa'a costs, and enntir.uc to save energy without additt r.a1 .

effort oy its ownere.  :".y f e e : are cither by tne hour workel (variable


c ." *. v v' "e~ a r.. .' r o * .'T.'o., r.r. .o '. ',". . . .t . i o ". a n. .d "... . c- ~s . m . '. s '.

- " a . a..~..;.

  • o

. ..a.. s '..'. a. .

e- a small nerc entag e c.f the cost of ener aavad ove* several sav' Nei a o ,.?

e. m. .,. . n . a_ _ . - ., w.. ., bu* e.,.'.-
7. , m. . . m. . t. 3 .. ce.. a. n x c 3 . *., < r..e

. .a e . a m. .....

. +.. - . . ,, .

if tha ev' tal to ' nota 11 this 1r 1: 'ns;1a*.icn is av '.1.1b12. he mo e ecwe- c ' '. ' <. r o ut, *he lesa can' tal rec-lo will hrve S ' /:a: in

' n -, ;1. :

  • n r . "y C2 & L di vidanda, howevc", should rot au'rer, c;rce ce th- ce a fai- rate of weturn en an cri.' tine i n v o c '. me n t x.cthen

.,,a. n. 3 3 . c. ow u .1.

1 O. ~..v~.. ,,,.

2... +.u.

. ,


-.-- .-

am-3 .4 .- ma.- . . .  %. ..n.

~ , . wn _.

-1.,,. . . . . .

4  % . c., c. 'r w.e v ' J. o n .,


- . .. .

,. **s. - . . n.

..%,.i ' m.



.s. a. y. 7. . ,. . .r s . . - s -

g n.c

  • b u .1. A 4. r.c-.


  • . q. 'L ca . 4. . . 1 *.


- s .

4 w

.. A --

  • 1. n. .... . , .1 a

. .o 3g.i9 4 'a,- /, .n

. .,. 8 .5. n. w. ..s T > ... . ,

.r.. . .u. G . 3. e w 3. 9 .

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. . .. .

S t o c '/.l .01 i a " 3 ' equit"). I ir? ,'.~ i " 3 .! 3'9Il!r ad*JinUJ J ! 7i h 3 -20Ur OOr

' . +. . a ~. a *.

eu ,

r. . .. .-. . ~ - .. .. v , .%. - <-

. ., . . .c ,. .,

3 ,3 ' ' .

-. So cu*a c ." ~a . ~.a w . . '. ." . s . .c - a ' , . ,

' * . "'. n 'r: e . , 3 ens 3 f0" ** e *: 0 C J D e s e ".U O *. e a r O C U 3 " '. e c 4 49 e it 13 Jo C a *" 11't i t a l i nt  :..u e tuut 10

  • educe' One .or.ev. a v a il 't b '. e *c do my ,', o b . <: n e r r v.




w,- '. 2 .A l s rddle-an and Mu::du Alliance to AOL.9 h .TO.n 79







enr, area::en and efficiency. I believe the incue of ha:har r.uclea-


s vsilable us e of the hus e amoun 3 af esnita' ' vei zed


3 ne w. - 's f

the V3'.' ^



.m .. s .a. . . , g ., , . 3 .e. a ,.

. ,, .

3. . . , ,,

. . . ~ . . , wo ..q w_,7 ., . .9 .,m .,, , . 53 c .a.. . , c. _, ,

. . . . . ..a ~. .m _ m. .


a r.1 s t a t e ut ' l l *. i e a c o .ni a s '. o n:: . ".any authoriti.n ogrc a vi:h .il.ia-


31 en thr:t wa may f ace a enpi* .1 fore.aticn c" isis in tne "SA ccer.

"n %- such canditions we shculd nako the boa invest ~.enta wit 1. our 1

ava'labla canital. I belicv3 the 'acat retu"r on canital in ene r_..

'. s frc, cenne*vatden, insulat'an a nd e f fi c i e r.: - :.e e.c u e at thi. t'me, l

Nume~ us studies au-nort that bellar. I do r.ct knca . n a t >. - t : . i .,

i = e.a e is w!:hin ?T90 jurladiction, but I do haec nr.v.bnt sna arm..d

.ar.cament will addreas it. Co n s i d e r i n,~.; th e oninica of Shenron Har is (h!,=alf) at the laat C? i: L stockhcldar's v eting, ! do en: telieva Co & L 79nagem.ent had yet taken energy conse: vaticn ser'oualf. '~n e er.n erienc e of 'Lat G erna .y amonc o tne rs s h o .s'a th a t much higher efficiency ane g. use in available to us i n the I'3A . Harais cae .;i.- to den; this, e .. .. .. ..,.t . . e . . , u.

.-e... m _ c u '. *. u ~..

e . .' a..m *

  • ..* a '.%'o *. a '~ o 1.


a.. r.o . c- ~, .a.'. .' n. '^ e.

v.. "s. . m' ^^a.


i t: Jermany. Virtually none of such une to ele c t-'i ni h.n ove: . It t a Cl ma'<.e e ne rz.t s mc; te have nore ciectric mas


transit 'c u t ! cinnct cae elac ric tractor a be' ng tily comne titive any-'  : eacn Electric urst.9 n atill mko claetricit~J cur nos'. exnena';a fo'; of on e2 .

70" t r.i s r*aaOn I bd11ev0 the futur3 D01d2 S 1 c W $ r ,~ r H !l.. "-t"3

'n -l e c t r '. c deman ? , end raduct' ens in central ncu 2r :rr;tm dena..A in ma r.v c.ees. I think it is t' .e Tc: 0" & L and o theaa to face +"e .

co sibility :han 1:n;;;r , danand - + w th nn y '; a mu c h 3 r, 113 r , - t nd to r e- 'c r : asnaitivit/ analyaac fca conta and bentfi- cf nmr ncwer-1:n*:a a n. . sv, . ,. a. - , ., *', , , .. ' o r* a ****

  • c ' u* *-~- -
  • n ' r's '+ '- s

'. . .*>*- ^e- ~

->~^ -* - - ~ ~ ~ "

- * * *


...'b - '

U--"< *

    • -

b  % n.d*.6..s... e, , > ~ u.a


. ..< v* .e .g . . .o. w. - *....,.


u  %. . . t3 *AC..n g,..... . 1 , N. '. .- . a -


s . < -




3 ** f

. .'s.v'**- . p *.* .7h7.s . .i .*..g * .* C 3 '., . 8. .a. " 0 .59 3 .t *,-

. e.b..<..**,**i.1


c o t,,

- -

l ' -4 y '.*".A_ ,' .i <. *< 4 dA D ., p. a .# #. " . -s 6

' ) r'? I..e 2 a.. e 3 . I. e . N d r O 3 E. #

  • O b. - 1. 0 Nr, O-


s a '.1 ucisar clanta are JistincOly uncecna11; C t^. . u' l a t. 3 d s ; .

\ \


s , ,



. _





~w .'


0 ..e l i s rddlenan and Kudzu Alliance to AStB k Jun 1??9


1 .cre these cenaerns can be raiseJ sonewhe-a, if not before the N'O. Nr= Xadnu nenbera share ny concerns about test use c e

9. n d - m- ,lant size cited on onges 13 nnd 19, as we'.1 a s enns a-va t '. c n ,

nr. m ' en :adeu nanbera cresentad testinoney laat fall (1978) befo-e


cae .o iuoli: Utilities Corniscion.

Onbec. lf of nyself and the Kud:n Allianc e I want to. neta that 1 have -aad the entire tent of the X"C ataff f' ling for the unconing hea=inga, and have now cor.nletely rend Exhibits 1 and 3 and c k i=J.s d Exnibit 2, which is. all the LE's (Liconsca Event Reporta, i.e. things that, went wrcas) and plan to finist "eading all of Rhhibit 2 thia week.

(The fact that Exhibit 2, the troubles at C? & L nucle ir pinnts , is so thick, is of interest te ne. I would like to inveatigate in sone denth what is "accentable" cnd ' unacceptable' parformance by a nuclear liccncee.) At any rato, I've read all thin stuff, by nyself, which CP & L had to ask an entansion of tir.o to reccond to. Kufan Allianc3 has severni o ther membars (indee l, a wholo recearch comittae and o'2.ers )

who can al:3 read tcstineny and reports capably, "aining quartior.a and rnwing infereneca and 7.aking conpchlacna. Wo think thi s chcua we dc hava acmething to offer in devaloping a acuna roccrd, becauce we understand CCNC's la:ryera could not cr did not have time to read all the information filed by the ataff of tha NRC. ( At lawyers ' "s te c ,

we nou.dn't blano CC53 for not wanting all that stuff read -- I spent about 12 toura en it co far.) Wa think'it is importsa; for cono interve cr to dacek an.1 qucction evarything Saat is, if that is hunan;7 cesaible, so that cue:tions can 5 raiced in tho roccrd sa the tocics c o n s up , and not later. It la clearly e:2fer for 3 intervanc rc to cove thi.> doman.d' ng jo'a th:.n it 's fe; one to.


'io also th'.nk our road'n3 and rec:arth (Xudau raccarch neoclo each concentaare on a differont area) can b; uccful ror.ourcea fn our



. . , . . . , , . . ,.


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, . . . . .

.- . .

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x........_., . . . . . . . s .. _.... . _ _ . m. ~ .

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. . e, .mp. ,, p?r w. 2 . , r. .-


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re. . .p. a- u- st,3 77. .v"L . a. ,.,. h. .cm .w , v A. . n i ,, . _e m.n,


. y e . .w z.



/ interventic a vhich w'11 bal., develop a nora cound ro.c.'d.

Co r ami.u the issue of v:uthor other it.tcr /onors c r.n : aures e n':


our '. nt ems t a ad equa tely, Dav'.d Martin, precident cf CCNC, <ces not be:li e ve CMC ha.s adec.uat ely repr3s ent ed our intcracic, ha tells Na.

If thev hava r.o'c in the punt, can wo expc e t th:y .'.11 do 20 in the f ut ,.P' o ? ' ele knc' of no planned charcs in CCNC 's cri' art.7, thouch


we continue to su pert th e m. . W2 also virh to :v',. further ofrorts o f o u~~ n .ra .

Ne understand CCNC is preparing to n pell on tho wed for cover i .s a u e .o v t:m t tr.e .'iC Utilitioc Ccd. :icn : ins rublish '. lower de.E-d fo.ceast ,(still far ato 3 actual incN aacs 1973-78). W: ,412h thet luck, a nd '. C gre.nt e ;' inte.'veacr statua nty wis'. to join in that a . : p s . '.

as '.n ,ema:. ors; we would certainly with to r;present cura 1;cs cr have cum.'1v as indocondcatly repro 32.':0 3d at su'.y futu. ; . triqa en


nned "o" r>ower. W e b oli c s'c C? a: L ' .:) sonding in Cata OScuiN loor do.ard after the co ns truc t ion oc:-dt was .l.3 3u;d , 01:13 th capricicas d e n '. I '. ^f the CCNC's first nnper1 (31nce n a c7idanca "ava..a inte . .c..:,

q. . ,..,.,. s. .n ". u,. -.o .u. y- y, s o c. o a 3 . r..

s v.'..' ' .' 'v , .a,, o ". w



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that t e s t '. no n e # and sinco fou of u3 c:"2 cxatic excurts er dirw tiv .

saw what is wrang sith nuclear pou.0 m think our time and the t.SL3'2 3 weuld better be devoted to those 07/? ort and dira :tly 'e.eulad;;eab'.e witnesses which we could call were ':o 1..tcrvenera, '.1o do not pronc:a to exnend this so;t of effort .iust to a.aka 11,1 tad > r.nd n.'abab17 unconaidored> s t a t e ~.o n'. a c u t a i d o th e, t ^ : t imo r . ed t 2m up c o 11: ., . mr' "' s _

or an r others. Uc., s t'11 f eel onl-r intervcr.t' c n cf ora us any "^ni chance ': 0 na':c ar use fu'. co ntribut4.on, c .~ ' t a are nct 'nto toy u s i. v' . . .

No unders'.nnd fron PiC staff tF.nt ',h e e mpitence of contrset:rs 1,. 3 ,. . .c . k e a.n .'.ca,.u i 4

.a. <a o. a v '. o u.a. vg '. " , um t' .o' . . W. . ^.'.b.

. . ". '_ ". . l a_'.


International and Receerch-Ccttrell's recordu ( c . ;; . C allns ./ :'D :lan' Willia ~ Snart ca; for Daniel, and ',!.Vn. towm collopco fo" ~)v aarch-Cottreil) warranta inquiry ct s o ne ;.c i n', , urefera'.1/ bcTere they build tr.o nuch if they~ have likolihoc,d of buildir.a~ thince ! ;;rconiv.



Otherwise extencivo, expansivo roo ir; or cerapains ccatly cons' r..e tica


'!c r.o tc wi th int ? 'a2 '. that 'I' C c::sff vitch'; be necessite.t ed la ter.

a .' d r.m' *. . . .. ' ' . * '. a n C .o 'a' a .. ' ? a*. . .. ~. ;., ~' n . ." . S~ ' p . 'ss ,%, - *. 3

. a.b. w '. ' -;

'- ' ' e'.'~.- . 3 ~' ~'




-... ,3 p . w n..a w ,

.u a


.._e . ,


~ c , " - <

  • n n , un... 's". .. . . o ". 3"

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'-n., w .'- ." . .ct-know, ie would like to find cu . We believs this l a a a a.'icua 12 sue

.,-- o. ..

. , , , . ~,. _'=. .i . ,, a ... .= ,-,,,_.....,.,n, .. ,



.m .i , .%.. - ...c .rv f o .e . ._ . . . . .- . o.. .... . e ., .- .. .. m.

henith and anfety and fi mne'al 'nte_ca; of the "ublic in a safely "3

f i na ncl e.'. 1.te-Sat of


butit -isn , and the onc~ ou  : L and :s


s. . s .. . ~. a.,3 s

.c . s .s. ,.c. ,;


,..> ~ , e , c~+. w ~w n n - . ,. . v.

. ~ . u. . t .,.

- . c. .u n. . . . .


, -,.

a. :

cculd o r c e ; long shut do'm f c. re aalr_ , e r rendor the -1 nt r erC:13.

w ,,- ca >. .. ,..4,...

on . .,--.t.

..v e e,

r .o uvs,,w sa .s,. e a .

.gs,;. . s.. a -* ,.'..1 s.'s- - "...s .

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4 7. ( qj., 3 p. I.

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y,,=.'. , a*,

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3 6g.. .s e a.*.v..-Q.9. . O M 5 . .1 .

. . p. (' .v. n d e n 3 7 1. . .4. p. . ,, .g .a.a d ". s . '. ' .q

. *u. . e 3.. .... u, i,

. %m.*.. .n 3

    • .a-

.. *. o .. . e. s . .2n.

. ..ew

.y. g .o2 w, 13 g .' ' g g *e ., 6 1 g . %. . . -,o.e g w.. - .. , .

a ,f 4. cs %. . -tnu p _t 3 .q ,w. . 3a, y ,. A.


s, ,,,,4


o . .* s o . 4. .s. - -s

. .k. s . 3,. . ., n. . .




. .l i ,

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KUD,ZU ALLIA"C' IMD 'E*.I,3 WC'YJ TO AM3 b Jan 1977 rw 2h .




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.a v. u.  ;.g w a ,. ,, c,.v , ,v. . . ./ 3,.


e r.. .  %. . . .. _e s. m. , u ..

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%.. . . , <

p Oar naner ment ite'r,te a proviai= ley ur.hnm.% 0enticzy ncies insefar t.,


'h hi nk .!t shculd t o mcutred . ,

.I as tnis 1: re :!'31a and rcascrat19.

31? and the Kud:n A111anc:, to which I/ ' -'

t (. i~

Sign,d on bc?'ll of ny: .


o.. g


g)h.(f O R^ , nNJNW.x i lac t rc.;or';od 3 Jare.vy 1979, o e r7,,.jif\u j M&fl'.i ,GM : ~  %.




v id

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- Wol7.0 Eddic: ar. 'o f f X ic

& d'l , - ~ ' ~ ' '

,1 i Q [~~hp./

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./q v:,y 7, -,

/ 'c..-<e.j


v. >. a- . > cfr,ynm . . m. m. a r ,. o~.- - -). w,,s,3. .. ~-m, a . so, , , ,i,. s. s, . ._n. ,. ,.



O. m , - .c



4 ?iC 7'%

1. Need Tc.- rre (ncu evidonct 12-29-7 , c' r,r' ma'ntenan:o mntionci hm ' n ,
2. Imrenar 6 :aicn, vo cif' entica, cona m. m. .,v u truction 5 **

av e ". a..-.'..o~ . , . u .'


..,,1. 3 ,:, s '"., c .' r. '. c u ' c

  • d. . .

. 6

.a c.u i. n e.. , +

k. Failtra to pe c for.. caf a t~ n--lfe scrache, s and plannin ; fe" ma'.nt?nane c



exceptions to requim menta fee i.,


5. Inadtpate ver' fica 31on of ein :

sann lified c. er.:;n .-1 t . c.

6. Emolov.~ at of unc.ealified '.o C? E L cxrahciderc; and und r w. to cone n re via ~'.:I? and r m -
7. FinanW'..t:::ris'a


a c.ex --t a t' c a of po .. .r- no cd3 for fin mcial reu,ns incre .rr,;

8. F i tne s s ,
  • r e r ,c il i t 'e (cr S 9 cf it) by conten: torsr' '.aniel Intl. ..

~s 1'

and Roccorch -Cottrell i .

r.eriod h cost-be".cfi-, nn i

9. L'.fotine factor, that vj radue:

of oporation of n.iant'  :-?bac'.ec;eratin-o lif etim.a & recuire en'> ensive e "e

,, c. ..,...r=. ..-

-n3 o~- o 7 shua,m ca < .r... .. . , , , ,%. , . 3 am .

v v. r,y. .,a 2,- .


.,n. ., , . . -, ., ,., _.g.

  • p . . _ r., ao .o. c. ,. .

, ,



i o . r .

. diccussed r.qu'rs, ua to "*'&.'.." guess what '.w d".

11. Limitat'.on'. of tcules to d.'.t.>-'.'.,',,.<..>*....,,..r..-



  • ' n


- .. ,,


g o .r.~' r.e , ". c . 7.' ". . o .t- c' 'inancial


-* -

f uitreasoc r staff >

12. Work his tor ~. r ' ' financini holdina,c reaueated -



and cur-iculu"..

, 3 . p c .,,, m- e mm .

_ a c.m w . . . o n,, vita

- ,. (rem. sum


o ) dk:ltcu'a W-i'.'.~..,..~. *3 a" r.a.



'-- ' .

l a' . . '.b ". ,'. t c '. ~.. s m- ". ' .~'".-1..". *# ' . " ' . . . '.m. . .



A oc".c'cc." ' W.1 #." ~.-. c n .

16 . **. ' .a. 'm' .*

W..".".,,^."..'-'.,'.o '

". o v - ". a. '. ", /. .^,. ) c F -

, 4,

& &c c adt~2 a a v ,. r w..m 3.

. 0 infor -(tion o fer incer..rcre t,.....4..

. , . . ,, a s % , ', .,s.



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  • Q [. r4. s. ,

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O 'm C '* t u " '. 0 0S rOCu$ "C ' *nbi'3 f .# h04TiG33 fe n F,;

,[ ,,. n *s ,,. ,A m w,1 3 ,w w. kr

17. AJkinf fC" P

~5 C '* O

i1 W *w . - 'w' ' #. O -


. ,.
c. O. .'.'w'.'*a*v.a"u.4 r -
  • ', 'v' A. 1 *.' . ' ".' * .'. . .
  • . ,] . T. s..

., q C v" .2.~s ~ * ' Ds'.'.'"w',,'


v .F g .' P. n "m '

  • -5 m
  • r.l..s. .# d .". ** L I

y e ,o* ,* s-- e s, '

(", O M. u *i1' .J m

3A '7 . .C., J.n 991. .'.f. -.


C 7 9 ?. C n " U d ? ' . , etc.

'Aui20 a n d 'M 1 ?.F. ".., , rtuth0ri2ation . . ", .#. , ,. , ., C i .A. a. t. - .m.r . . _

. . , DCo .,.s.


20. InfC O L.



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