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Forwards Endorsements 67-69 to Nelia Policy NF-170 & Endorsements 56 & 57 to Maelu Policy MF-47
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/1985
From: Stern D
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8502270253
Download: ML17254A217 (15)





~Assistant Director for State L Licensee Relations


Forwards Endorsements 67-69 to NELIA Policy NF-170 Endorsements 56 8 57 to MAELU Policy MF-47'ISTRIBUTION CODE: M001D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCL SIZES TITLE: Insurance:

Indemnity/Endorsement Agreements-NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP 1cy~OL:09/19/69 05000?44 REC IP IENT ID CODE/NAME NRR ORB5 LA COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME COPIES LTTR ENCL INTERNA~EG F E, EXTERNAL: LPDR NOTES: 01 03 1 1 1 1 1 1 SP NRC PDR 0?1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 6 ENCL 6 0 r<'4 Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 Telephone 21 2 997-2000 February 14, 1985 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State&Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 ROCHESTER GAS&ELECTRIC CORP.

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

On behalf of Rochester Gas&Electric Corp., please find enclosed two certified copies each of the following endorsements:

~Po i i c Endorsement NF-170 NF-170 NF-170 MF-47 MF-47 67 68 69 56 57 David Stern Nuclear Consultant DS:ns D.Barrett G.Van Ingen 8502270253 850214 PDR ADOCK 05000244 J PDR (pO~-q*=~~p o g Nuclear Energy Llab nsurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABIL I SU NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM S RD PREMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1981 E RSEMENT 1.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the~pf p ggg gg g g$457~385.62 2..STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in t e vance remium in icate a ove, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is:$345,288.07 This is to certify that this is a true copy oS the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part oi the Nuclear Energy Liabili y Policy (Facility Form)as des-igna ed, hereon.No Insurance is afforded hereunder.

John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President-LiabiHty Undcrwrit'Ilvn ad YELLOW COPY AGENT/BROKER Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1981 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Issued to Roches ter Gas 8 E1ectri c Corporation p Date of issue December 22 1980 To form a part of Policy No For the su cribin p nies Endorsement No By Countersigned by General Manager t H f I l

~~1!'~P uclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF CONDITION 2"INSPECTION; SUSPENSION" AND"INSURED SHIPMENT" Indemnified Nuclear Facility It is agreed that: 1.)Condition 2"INSPECTION; SUSPENSION" is replaced by the following:

2 INSPECTION; SUSPENSION The companies shall at any time be permitted but not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to.the subject of this insurance and any property insurance afforded the insured through American Nuclear Insurers.If a representative of't the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected without delay.In the event of noncompliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for the continuation of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Coranission, suspend this insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the next business day of such Commission follow-ing the date that such Commission receives such notice.The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in a written notice from the companies to the named insured and to each such person or organization that such condition has been corrected.

Neither the right to make such inspections and examinations nor~the making thereof nor any advice or report resulting therefrom shall constitute an undertaking, on behalf of or for'he benefit of the insured or others, to determine or warrant that such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in.compliance with any law, rule or regulation.

In consideration of the issuance or continuation of this policy, the insured agrees that neither the companies nor any persons or organizations making such inspections or examinations on their behalf shall be liable with respect to injury to or destruction of property at the facility, or any consequential loss or expense resulting therefrom, or any loss resulting from interruption of business or manufacture, arising out of the making of or a fai lure to make any such inspection or examination, or any report thereon, or any such suspension of insurance, but this provision does not limit, the contractual obligations of the companies under this policy or any policy affording the insured property insurance through American Nuclear Insur ers.NE-51 Page 1 of 2 (1/1/81)(over)


2.)The definition of"insured shipment" in Insuring Agreement III,"DEFINITIONS", is replaced by the following: "insured shipment" means a shipment of source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, herein called"material", (1)to the facility from any location-except an indemnified nuclear facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermination to be interrupted by removal of the material from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation, or (2)from the facility to any other location, but only until the material is removed from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation.

This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Huclear Energy Liability Policy (Pacility Form)as des-ignat d hereon.No Insurance is orded hereunder.

John L.Qmttrocchi, Vice Pre@dent-LhbHity UndenvH ting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of January 1, 1981 this Endorsement 12:01 A.M.Standard Time issued to Rochester Gas 8 Electri c Cor oration Date ol Issue December 22, 1980 8!r'For the u i'cf bmg co pan'es To form a pai f Policy No NF-170 (C~~Endorsement No NE-51 Page 2 of 2 (1/1/81)By Countersigned by/General Manager~/

0 S-ll CHANGES IN Nuclear Energy Llablllty I NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILIT SUBSCRIBING COYIPANIES AND E OPO n a a 1981 pe urance CE ASSOCIATION ATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT l.It is aoreed that with respect to o'1~ry or property damage caused, during the-'ffective period of this endorsemen y the nuclear energy hazard: 1 a.The word"companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below.b.'he policy shall be binding on such companies only.c.Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below.ent is from the beginning of the close of December 3g,m1981, or to olicy, if sooner.g4 IO PROPORTION OF)OOS g nCY Q,cd~Ito'st et\o 0 I" pr4 tO A~de g 0)op~7 Q 0)cd o~~'Ct~C)h0 o<wo Sa SUBSCR)BING CONAN)25'Aetna Casualty and Surety Co..the.151 Fsreington Ave., Hartford, CT 06156 , Aetna Insurance Company, 55 Cle St., Hartford.CT 06115 Affiliated FH tnsurance CoAllendale Park, P.O.Box 7500, JohnSton~Rl 02919 ,'llianz Insurance Company, 6435 Wilshire Blvd., los Angeles, CA 90054 Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate Plaza South-Gl, Nortnbrook.

Il 60062 Aeerican Hone Assurance Co., 102 Ha)den La., New York, ttY 10005 Amer lean Hotorists Insurance Co., long Grove, IL 60049 Bitueinous casualty corporation, 320.18th st..Roc'k Island, Il 61201 Centennial Insurance Co., Atlantic Building, 45 its)i St., New York, NY 10005 Coneercial Union Insurance Co., One Beacon St., Boston, HA 02)08 Connecttcut Indemnity Company, The, 9 Tarn Sprinqs Rd., Fareington, CT 06032 Continents)

Casualty Co., QIA Plaza.Chicago.Il 60685 Continental Insurance Co., The.80 Ha)den la..New York, NY 10038 Federal Insurance Co., 51 John F.Kennedy Pkwy..Short Hills, NJ 01078 Fireman's Fund Insurance Corpsntes, P.O.Box 3395.San Francisco.

CA 94119 General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd..414 Walnut St..Philadelphia.

PA 19105 Great American Insurance Co..P.O.Box 2575, Cincinnati.

OH 54201 Hanover Insurance Co.~The.440 Lincoln St.~WorceSter.

HA 01605 Hartford Accident and Indeenity co..Hartford Plazas Hartford, cr 06115 Hartford Stean Boiler Insp.&Ins.Co., The, 56 Prospect St..Hartford.tT 06102 Highlands Insurance Co., 600 Jefferson St..Houston, IX 71002 Hone Indemtty Co.,n)he.59 Ha)den la., New York, t)Y)0038 Insurance Co.of North Anerica, P.O.Box 7128~Philadelphia.

PA 19101 Honarch Insurance Co.of Ohio, The, 19 Rector St..New York, NY 10006 Northern Insurance Company of New York, P.O.Box 1228.Baltinere, IQ 21703 Northwestern National Ins.Co,=;731 No.Jackson St.~Hilwaukee.

ltt 53201 OhiO CaSua)ty InturanCe COepany, The, 136 NOrth Third Stv, HaniltOn, OH 45025 Pacific Indemnity Co., 51 John F.Kennedy Parkway, Short Hi)ls, NJ 01018 Peerless Insurance Co..62 Maple Ave., Keene.NH 03431 Protective Insurance Co., 3100 No.iridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208 Providence Washington Insurance Co..20 Washington Place.Providence, RI 02903 Reliance Insurance Company, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Philadelphia, PA 19)03 Royal Insurance Company of Anertca, 150 william Street.ttew York, NY t0038 St.Paul Fire 8 Harine Ins.Co385 Washington St..St.Paul, 1N 55)02 Seaboard Surety Co., 90 Wi))ise St., New.York, NY 10038 State Fare Fire 6 Casualty Company, 112 Cast Washington St., Bloceington.

IL 61701 Transaeerica Insurance Coepany, P,O.Box 54256.Los Angeles.CA 90054 Travelers Indemnity Company, The, One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06115 United States Fidelity snd Guaranty Con, 100 Light St., Balt)tore, HO 21202 United States Ftre Insurance Co., P.O.Box 2381.Yerrtstown, NJ 01960 2vrich Insurance Co.~231 tt.itsrttnga)e Rd.~Schsvnburg, IL 60196 NC 81 9.930569 2.648152.248264 1.324016 4.965284.868925.413114.413774.248264 3.310190.413774 4.137731 7.654814).489585 5.296303 1.324076'I 324016.496528 1.034153.496528.413174 3.641209 1.655095.331019 1.820604.662038.165509.331019.124132.248264.103443.993057 3.310)90 4.687228.413114.827547.827547 10.758116 10.427097 2.919171 1.241321+g O gn 63 07 Ft~6~;Ct IOo o~oaf+Q)'I3 g form a part of policy No N""17O Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1981 To 12:Ot A.M.Standard Time Cv n t Issued to 2.It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsem effective date of this endorsement stated below to the the time of of the termination or cancellation of the p=-Date of Issue Fo su ing an BLUE COPY AG EN T/BROKE R By General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by j C U C l

~.NUCLEAR ENERGY LIAEI".iITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENEBGY LIABILITY UNDEBWBITEBS ADVANCE PREMIUM"ENDORSEMENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1981 1~~',c i~~ii e;+,"~~g l.ADVANCE PREMIUM't is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is$132,789.38 2.STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the'Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are:~~Standard Premium,$132,789.38 ,I 100,244.93 Reserve Premium$Effective Date of Janu~1'981 this Endorsement Issued to Rochester Gas anQ Electric Canpany Date of Issue JanuarY 21, 1981 To form a part.M, 47 of Policy No." For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No.Countersigned by AUTiiORIZED REPRESENTATIVE This is to cor tify that this is a true copy of the original art t having the endorsomont number and.being made par of the Nuclear Energy Lia'oility P licy (Fac li y)or)ignat d hereon.1io Insurance is.fforded.hereunder.

0 John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President Liability Underwnting American Nuciear?nsurera CO NUCLEAR ENERGY I.IABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENT OF CONDITION 2"INSPECTION; SUSPENSION"" AND DEFINITION OF"INSURED SHIPMENT" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility)It is agreed that: Condition 2",INSPECTION; SUSPENSION" is replaced by the following:

2 INSPECTION;SUSPENSION The companies shall at any time be permitted but.not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to the subject of this insurance and any property insurance afforded the insured through any company who is a.member of Mutual Atomic Energy Reinsurance Pool.If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerou..:

with respect to the'nuclear energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected without delay.In the event of noncompliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for th continuation of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, susp'end'his insurance with respect to the, named insured and such other'erson or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the day of such Commission following the elate that such Commission L receives such notice'.The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in,a written notice from the companies to the named insured and to each, such person or'rganization that such condition has been corrected.

Neither the right to make such inspections and examinations nor the making thereof nor any advice or report resulting therefrom shall constitute an under taking, on behalf of or for the b nefit of the insured or others, to determine or warrant that such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation.

In consideration of the issuance or continuation of this policy, the insured agrees that neither the companies nor any persons or organizations making such inspec-tions or examinations on their b half shall be liable with respect to injury to or destruction of property at the.facility, or any consequential loss or exp nse resulting therefrom, or any loss resulting from interruption of business or manufacture, arising*out of the making of or a failure to make any such inspection or examination, o'r any report thereon, or any such suspension of Page 2 of 2 (o insurance; but this provision does not Limit the contractual obligations of the companies under this policy or any policy affording the insured property insurance through any company who, is a member of Mutual Atomic Energy Reinsurance Pool.2.I'The definition of"insured shipment" in Insuring Agreement III,"DEFINITIONS" is replaced by the following: "insured shipment" means a shipment of source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, herein called"material," (1)to the facility from any location except an indemnified nuclear facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermina-t'ion to be interrupted by removal of the material from a trans-porting conveyance Eor any purpose other than the continuation of its transpor ation, or (2)from'the facility to any other location, but"only until the material is removed from a transporting conveyance for any purpose oth r than the continuation of its'transportation.

Effective, Date of this Endorsement 12:01A, M, Standard Time To form a pa,rt of Policy iVo.Rochester Cws and Electric Corp.Issued to of Issue 1kLrch 16 I 1981 For the Subscribing Companies Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Endorsement No.Countersigned by 57 1/1/81 ME-805 This is to certi that this is a true'copy oX the original Endorsement, having the endoz'semcnt number and being made part ol.'he Huclear Energy Liability policy (Facility Form)as des-ignateG hereon.No Insurance isorded hereunder.John L.(}uattrocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurera 0 3 I tjJ