IR 05000272/2019010

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Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000272/2019010 and 05000311/2019010
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/04/2019
From: Brice Bickett
Reactor Projects Branch 3
To: Sena P P
Public Service Enterprise Group
IR 2019010
Download: ML19094A667 (15)


April 4, 2019

Mr. Peter P. Sena, III President and Chief Nuclear Officer PSEG Nuclear, LLC P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038


Dear Mr. Sena:

On February 15, 2019, the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed a problem identification and resolution inspection at your Salem Units 1 and 2. On March 7, 2019

, the NRC inspectors discussed the results of this inspection with Patrick Martino, Salem Plant Manager, and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report

. The NRC inspection team reviewed the station's corrective action program and the station's implementation of the program to evaluate its effectiveness in identifying, prioritizing, evaluating, and correcting problems, and to confirm that the station was complying with NRC regulations and licensee standards for corrective action programs. Based on the samples reviewed, the team determined that your staff's performance in each of these areas adequately supported nuclear safety.

The team also evaluated the station's processes for use of industry and NRC operating experience information and the effectiveness of the station's audits and self


Based on the samples reviewed, the team determined that your staff's performance in each of these areas adequately supported nuclear safety.

Finally , the team reviewed the station's programs to establish and maintain a safety

-conscious work environment, and interviewed station personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. Based on the team's observations and the results of these interviews the team found no evidence of challenges to your organization's safety

-conscious work environment. Your employees appeared willing to raise nuclear safety concerns through at least one of the several means available.

The NRC inspectors did not identify any finding or violation of more than minor significance

. This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at

-rm/adams.html and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390, "Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding



/RA/ Brice A. Bickett, Chief Projects Branch 3 Docket No s.: 05000272 and 05000311 License No s.: DPR-70 and DPR

-75 Enclosure:

Inspection Report

05000272/2019010 and 05000311/2019010 cc w/ encl: Distribution via ListServ SUBJECT: SALEM UNITS 1 AND 2 - BIENNIAL PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND RESOLUTION INSPECTION REPORT 05000272/2019010 AND 05000311/2019010 DATED APRIL 4, 2019 DISTRIBUTION w/encl: DLew, RA (R1ORAMAIL Res)

RLorson, DRA (R1ORAMAIL Res)

DCollins, DRP (R1DRPMAIL Res)


JYerokun, DRS (R1DRSMAIL Res)


) NFloyd, DRS MFerdas, DRP MYoung, DRP BBickett, DRP MHenrion, DRP SGhrayeb, DRP PFinney, DRP, SRI SCalabrese, DRP MMcCoppin, RI, OEDO RidsNrrPMSalem Resource RidsNrrDorlLpl1 Resource ROPreports Resource DOCUMENT NAME:

G:\DRP\BRANCH3\IRs\Salem\2019\2019-010_PIR Team

\Salem PIR 19

-010 FINAL.docx ADAMS ACCESSION NUMBER: ML19094A667 SUNSI Review N on-Sensitive Sensitive Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available OFFICE RI/DRS RI/DRP RI/DRP NAME NFloyd MYoung BBickett DATE 4/3/19 4/3/19 4/4/19 1 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

Inspection Report

Docket Numbers

05000272 and 05000311 License Number s: DPR-70 and DPR

-75 Report Numbers

05000272/2019010 and 05000311/2019010 Enterprise Identifier:

I-2018-010-0063 Licensee: PSEG Nuclear, LLC Facility: Salem, Units 1 and 2 Location: Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Inspection Dates:

January 28, 2019 to February 15, 2019 Inspectors:

N. Floyd, Senior Reactor Inspector J. Rady, Reactor Inspector J. Schoppy, Senior Reactor Inspector J. Vazquez, Resident Inspector Approved By:

Brice A. Bickett, Chief Projects Branch 3 Division of Reactor Projects



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensee's performance by conducting the biennial problem identification and resolution inspection report at Salem Units 1 and 2 in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information. Findings and violations being considered in the NRC's assessment are summarized in the table below. List of Findings and Violations No findings were identified.

Additional Tracking Items None.



Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with their attached revision histories are located on the public website at



-procedure/index.html. Samples were declared complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, "Light

-Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase." The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.



71152B - Problem Identification and Resolution 02.04 Biennial Team Inspection (1 Sample) The inspectors performed a biennial assessment of PSEG's corrective action program, use of operating experience, self

-assessments and audits, and safety conscious work environment.

Corrective Action Program Effectiveness:

The inspectors assessed the corrective action program's effectiveness in identifying, prioritizing, evaluating, and correcting problems.

Operating Experience, Self

-Assessments and Audits

- The inspectors assessed the effectiveness of the station's processes for use of operating experience, audits

, and self-assessments.

Safety Conscious Work Environment

- The inspectors assessed the effectiveness of the station's programs to establish and maintain a safety

-conscious work environment.


Observation 71152B The inspectors reviewed the station's corrective action program and the station's implementation of the program to evaluate its effectiveness in identifying, prioritizing, evaluating, and correcting problems, and to confirm that the station was complying with NRC regulations and licensee standards for corrective action programs.

Based on the samples reviewed, the inspectors determined PSEG's performance in each of these areas supported nuclear safety.

The inspectors also evaluated the station's processes for use of industry and NRC operating experience information and the effectiveness of the station's audits and self


Based on the samples reviewed, the inspectors determined that PSEG's performance in each of these areas supported nuclear safety.

4 Finally, the inspectors reviewed the station's programs to establish and maintain a safety conscious work environment, and interviewed station personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs.

Based on the inspectors' observations and the results of these interviews, the inspectors found no evidence of challenges to the organization's safety conscious work environment.

A cross section of PSEG employees were interviewed, and all stated a willingness to raise nuclear safety concerns through at least one of the several means available.

Observation 71152B Corrective Action Program

- Identification:

The inspectors determined that, in general, PSEG identified issues and entered them into the corrective action program at a low threshold.

However, during plant tours, the inspectors identified several minor deficiencies not previously captured in PSEG's corrective action program.

PSEG promptly entered each item into their corrective action program and took actions to address the issues.

Observation 71152B Corrective Action Program

- Evaluation:

Based on the samples reviewed, the inspectors determined that, in general, PSEG appropriately prioritized and evaluated issues commensurate with the safety significance of the identified problem.

PSEG appropriately screened notifications (NOTFs) for operability and reportability, categorized the NOTFs by significance, and assigned actions to the appropriate department for evaluation and resolution.

However, the inspectors identified ten NOTFs that PSEG classified as significance level (SL) 4 (non

-corrective action program) that should have been classified as SL 2 (condition adverse to quality) or SL 3 (condition adverse to regulatory compliance).

The inspectors determined that this represented a performance issue of minor significance as the number of misclassified NOTFs was statistically insignificant (10 out of 9675 SL 4 NOTFs) and had no adverse impact on safety.

PSEG initiated NOTFs 20792036, 20819293, and 20819656 for this issue. Observation 71152B Corrective Action Program

- Correcting Problems:

The inspectors determined that the overall corrective action program performance related to resolving problems was effective.

In most cases, PSEG implemented corrective actions to resolve problems in a timely manner.

However, the inspectors identified an inadequate corrective action related to a procedure revision to address the storage of transient combustibles near above

-ground safety-related water storage tanks.

Prior to the change, procedure FP

-AA-011, "Control of Transient Combustible Material," Revision 6, required a transient combustible permit to be generated prior to staging any combustible materials within 50 feet of exposed, above

-ground safety

-related water tanks.

In September 2018, however, the Salem Nuclear Oversight group identified several instances of transient combustibles, without permits, within the vicinity of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 primary water storage tanks and the Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater tank (NOTF 20804966).

As a corrective action, PSEG revised procedure FP

-AA-011 to only require transient combustible permits in cases where an "excessive" amount of material was to be stored within 50 feet of associated tanks. The inspectors noted the revised procedure provided no guidance for what constituted an "excessive" amount of material.

During inspector 5 questioning, PSEG staff stated that this determination could be made by the Fire Marshall or a fire protection engineer using engineering judgment.

The inspectors determined that relying on this reasoning introduced a vulnerability into the process. Specifically, a work group supervisor (who is not necessarily a fire protection subject matter expert) could make the determination independently that materials being used do not constitute an "excessive" quantity, and would thereby not initiate a transient combustible permit.

PSEG staff initiated NOTF 20819077 to capture the inspectors' concerns and recommended an action to revise the procedure to clarify the requirements and/or remove the vulnerability.

Minor Violation 71152B Minor Violation:

The inspectors identified a minor violation of Salem Unit 1 License Condition 2.C.(5) and Salem Unit 2 License Condition 2.C.(10) of the respective facility operating licenses for failure to implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved Fire Protection Program.

Specifically, during the week of January 28, 2019, inspectors performed walkdowns of Salem Units 1 and 2 and identified several transient combustible permits that were expired within the plant.

PSEG failed to utilize procedure F P-AA-011, "Control of Transient Combustible Material

," Revision 6, to administratively control the initial request, approval and close

-out of transient combustible permits associated with online and outage work activities within several fire areas.

PSEG promptly performed an extent of condition review and identified 14 additional expired transient combustible permits at Salem Units 1 and 2.

PSEG entered this issue into their corrective action program and documented corrective actions to be taken.

This issue is related to the assessment of the Corrective Action Program Area of Problem Identification. (Notifications 20815384, 20818077, 20818078

, and 20818082)

Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was minor.

The inspectors determined that this performance deficiency was administrative in nature and had minor significance because the aggregate transient combustible loading remained unchanged for these fire areas within the site's fire protection permitting software, and additional engineering evaluations were not required to extend the expiration dates for the expired transient combustible permits.


This failure to comply with Salem Unit 1 License Condition 2.C.(5) and Salem Unit 2 License Condition 2.C.(10) of the respective facility operating licenses constitutes a minor violation that is not subject to enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.

Minor Violation 71152B Minor Violation:

The inspectors identified a minor violation of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, "Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings," because PSEG did not adequately restrain equipment located in seismic control areas that contained safety

-related systems, structures, and components (SSCs), as required by station procedures.

Specifically, on January 30, 2019, while observing the conduct of operator rounds (twice

-daily system/area status checks), the inspectors identified a wheeled cart and a wheeled tool box, both located in seismic control areas, with wheels that were not locked against rolling, as required by procedure CC

-AA-320-011, "Control of Transient Loads ," Revision 1.

This procedure prescribes requirements for controlling 6 transient/non

-permanent equipment in the plant to prevent seismic hazards, and also requires that an engineering evaluation be performed when these requirements cannot be met. Following identification of the issues by the inspectors, the PSEG operations crew took immediate actions to properly secure the equipment using chains and wheel chocks/clamps.

Based on discussions with operations staff, the inspectors understood that PSEG did not typically generate documentation for restraint issues if immediately actions were taken. The inspectors noted that not documenting equipment restraint issues did not allow for the condition to be evaluated by engineering and could prevent the organization from being abl e to capture potential trends. PSEG staff generated NOTF 20818191 to capture the instances of unrestrained equipment discussed above and NOTF 20819318 to capture the concern regarding expectations associated with documenting such issues.

PSEG developed a corrective action to address the associated performance gaps.

PSEG also performed an engineering evaluation to assess the potential impact of the unsecured toolbox on nearby safety-related SSCs.

This evaluation concluded that there was reasonable assurance that there would not have been any adverse impact on the capability of the SSCs to perform safety-related functions during a design

-basis seismic event.

The inspectors reviewed this evaluation and determined that the PSEG's conclusions were reasonable.

The inspectors reviewed additional NOTFs generated throughout 2017 and 2018, which documented issues with equipment that were inadequately restrained in accordance with p rocedure CC-AA-320-011. Based on a review of these instances and the conversations with PSEG personnel regarding the performance gap in documenting issues using the station's established programs, the inspectors identified a potential trend in inadequately secured equipment in seismic control areas.

PSEG documented this potential trend in NOTF 20820748. Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was minor.

The inspectors evaluated this issue using IMC 0612, Appendix B, "Issue Screening," and IMC 0612, Appendix E, "Examples of Minor Issues," and determined that it was of minor significance because there would be no adverse impact on the safety-related SSCs during a postulated design

-basis seismic event.


This failure to comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, "Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings," constitutes a minor violation that is not subject to enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.


The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.

The inspectors confirmed that proprietary information was controlled to protect from public disclosure.

On February 15, 2019, the inspector s debriefed the preliminary results to Charles McFeaters, Salem Vice President , and other members of the PSEG staff.

On March 7, 2019, the inspectors conducted a telephone exit meeting presenting the final inspection results to Patrick Martino, Salem Plant Manager, and other members of the PSEG staff




71152B Procedures

LS-AA-104, 50.59 Review Process, Revision 6

LS-AA-125, Corrective Action Program, Revision 25

LS-AA-125-1001, Cause Analysis, Revision 16

LS-AA-125-1002, Common Cause Evaluation Manual, Revision 10

LS-AA-128, Regulatory Review of Proposed Changes to the Approved Fire Protection Program, Revision 1

MA-AA-716-021, Rigging and Lifting Program, Revision 25 MA-AA-716-026, Station Housekeeping / Material Condition Program, Revision 13

MA-AA-796-024, Scaffold Installation, Inspection and Removal, Revision 18

OP-AA-115-101, Operator Aid Postings, Revision 3

OP-SA-108-115-1001, Operability Assessment and Equipment Control Program, Revision 13

PIA-036, Equipment Reliability Evaluation, Revision 1

S1.OP-AR.DG-0001, 1A Diesel Generator Alarm Response, Revision 16

S1.OP-AR.ZZ-0002, Overhead Annunciators Window B, Revision 30

S2.OP-SO.RM-0001, Radiation Monitoring Systems Operation, Revision

SC.FP-ST.FS-0008, Fire Main Flow Test Methodology Review, Revision 5

SC.MD-CM.SW-0002, Service Water Valve and Pipe Flange Repair, Revision 8

SC.MD-CM.SW-0003, Service Water Lined Pipe Repair, Revision 4

SC.MD-PM.115-0001, 10/12 KVA Vital Instrument Bus Inverter Preventive Maintenance, Revision 15

SC.MD-PM.SW-0003, Service Water Auto Strainer Adjustment, Inspection, Repair and

Replacement, Revision 44

SC.MD-PM.ZZ-0106, Disassembly, Inspection and Assembly of Henry Pratt Butterfly Valves

Model N-2FII, Revision 10

SC.MD-PM.ZZ-0135, Ventilation Damper Inspection and Guidelines, Revision 17

SC-DG025-01, Salem U1 & U2 DG Jacket Water Expansion Tank Level Alarms, Revision 0

WC-AA-106, Work Screening and Processing, Revision

Notifications (*initiated in response to inspection

20003201 20048734 20085452 20176314 20232293 20232295 20262626 20337561 20401824 20421330 20439445 20458258 20475101 20481381 20495871 20506830 20508663 20522873 20523166 20548867 2055183 8 20562218 20571904 20577096 20585172 20586590 20606186 20607016 20607055 20611824 20626161 20626163 20636406 20638046 20642517 20643644 20647631 20648696 20651119 20653296 20655409 20656435 20665854 20670334 20674685 20675163 20675208 20675522 20675543 20 675683 20685080 20699560 20702471 20711527 20718131 20724777 20725423 20727719 20734874 20736553 20740729 20745194 20748801 20751413 20752861 20753786 20757991 20764238 20764651 20765122 20766688 20769477 20771229 20771251 20771766 20772096 20772246 207723 12 20772387 20772566

20772751 20772939 20772977 20773095 20773101 20773111 20773170 20773286 20773337 20774261 20774276 20774585 20774863 20775039 20775150 20775188 20775229 20775791 20775792 20775793 20775877 20776550 20776693 20776728 20777663 20777757 2 0777982 20778031 20779522 20779750 20779766 20780090 20780234 20780495 20780535 20780680 20780746 20780838 20781774 20781843 20781845 20781940 20782006 20782370 20783309 20783511 20783749 20783955 20783979 20785076 20785118 20785155 20785256 20785752 20786 121 20786157 20786794 20786796 20787256 20787384 20787509 20787575 20787576 20787699 20787702 20787958 20788027 20788078 20788090 20788092 20788179 20788254 20788367 20788424 20788486 20788604 20789487 20789997 20790999 20792063 20792300 20793365 20793470 20793500 20793538 20793642 20794660 20795303 20795722 20795824 20796469 20796521 20796568 20796648 20796886 20797351 20797524 20797571 20797923 20798039 20798139 20798769 20798798 20799536 20799614 20799780 20799781 20800091 20800430 20800533 20800674 2080 0710 20801004 20801028 20801155 20801349 20802233 20802344 20802402 20802590 20802949 20803487 20803537 20803661 20803828 20803969 20804032 20804120 20804234 20804652 20804781 20804789 20805016 20805510 20805650 20805661 20805665 20806107 20806129 20806291 20806292 20806825 20806895 20807436 20807689 20807927 20808306 20808312 20808662 20808891 20809126 20809348 20809890 20810758 20810767 20811234 20811668 20813114 20813292 20813312 20813315 20813933 20813951 20815253 20815725 20816942 20818045 20818131 208 18430 20818717 20818758 20818051* 20818052* 20818071* 20818075* 20818077* 20818078* 20818174* 20818177* 20818179* 20818187* 20818188* 20818191* 20818194* 20818195* 20818328* 20818362* 20818363* 20818371* 20818372* 20818389* 20818405* 20818412* 20818621* 20 818626* 20818647* 20818773* 20818806* 20818807* 20818816* 20818888* 20818889* 20819076* 20819077* 20819088* 20819227* 20819257* 20819272* 20819273* 20819291* 20819293* 20819301* 20819314* 20819434* 20819439* 20819441* 20819447* 20819478* 20819526* 20819653* 20819656* 20819660* 20819661*

Maintenance Orders/Work Orders

30062930 30084709 30185727 30206496 30265378 30288951 30289986 30291416 30291417 30292315 30298209 30309212 30312654 30315826 30315883 30316464 30317596 30324473 50193332 60097269 60113280 60114217 60114664 60115349 60116868 60118068 60121390 60121391 60121840 60122014 60122325 60123985 60126676 60127438 60128003 60128308 60128788 60129009 60131247 60133115 60134375 60135852 60135971 60135986 60136007 60136065 60136323 60136324 601 36339 60136739 60136964 60137052 60137117 60137241 60137401 60137844 60138139 60140144 60140281 60140659 60140853 60141121 70089527 70179496 70187865 70191433 70195617 70195979 70196181 70196611 70196738 70196828 70197610 70197669 70197758 70198344 7019834 5 70198747 70198897 70199078 70199317 70200350 70200382 70200391 70200408 70200981 70201207 70201627 70201741 70202301 70202371 70202548 70203111 70203165 70203938 70204155 70204597 70204692 70205686 80112300 Drawings 205241, Sh. 1, No. 1 & 2 Units Diesel

Engine Auxiliaries, Revision 42


70189044, Salem Service Water Intake Structure MRule (a)(1) Evaluation, dated 11/3/16

70193055, Salem Unit 1 and Unit 2 Service Water System MRule (a)(1) Evaluation, dated 5/24/17

70194685, CCE (Common Cause Evaluation), APTIM Trend in Significant Events, dated 8/14/17

70195309, ERE (Equipment Reliability Evaluation), 2B Emergency Diesel Generator K1C

Relay Did Not Reset After Run, Revision 0

70195430, ERE, Broken Airline to 22SW122, 22 Component Cooling Heat

Exchanger Service

Water Inlet Control Valve, dated 8/23/17

70196135, ACE (Apparent Cause Evaluation), Salem Station Identified Finding (SIF)

- Maintenance Training Continuing Training (CT) Gap, dated 1/31/18

70199253, WGE (Work Group Evaluation), Parts Storage Salem Mechanical Maintenance, dated 3/8/18

70199518, ERE, 26 Service Water Pump Failed IST (Low Disch Press), dated 4/17/18

70199757, ERE, 2D Vital Instrument Bus Inverter Failure Alarm, Revision 0

200390, RCE (Root Cause Evaluation), 21 Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Winding

Temperature Failing, Revision 0

201764, ACE, Adverse Trend in ACAD 02

-001 Objective 3, dated 8/10/18

201790, ACE, 11/12 SW Strainer Rigging Event, dated 8/21/18

202380, CCE, Salem SLTID Maintenance Declining Trend Report, dated 10/2/18

202475, ACE, Engineering CAP/QUALS Nuclear Oversight, Revision 0

202676, ERE, 22 SW Strainer Body Wear Ring Material Condition, dated 10/15/18

204260, ACE, Quality Maintenance Issue

- Double Gasket, dated 12/12/18

70202713, RCE, 23BF19 Positioner Feedback Failure and U2 Reactor Trip, Revision 0

70198299, ERE, 1R19B Steam Generator Blowdown Radiation Monitor Failed Checksource

Test, Revision 1

70196060, CCE, Adverse Trends in Station Human Performance, Revision 0

201878, CCE, Evaluation of 2018 Level 5 and Level 6 Reactivity Management Events, Revision 0

Non-Cited Violations (NCV) and Findings (FIN)

FIN 05000272 and 05000311/2018001

-01, Implementing Procedures for Beyond Design Basis

FLEX Mitigating Strategies Not Followed

FIN 05000272/2017004

-05, Inadequate Evaluation of Operating Experience for Vital Instrument

Bus Inverter

NCV 05000272 and 05000311/2017007

-01, Inadequate Design Verification that Inter

-Cabinet Bolts Were Installed Between SEC and Bailey Cabinets

NCV 05000272&311/2017007

-02, Inadequate PM for the EDG Room Ventilation System

NCV 05000272/2017003

-02, Violation of Containment Integrity Technical Specification

NCV 05000272/2017004

-03, Worker Not Briefed on Dose Rates Before Entering a High

Radiation Area

NCV 05000272/2017004

-04, Inadequate Maintenance Procedure for a Service Water Pump

Strainer Discharge Valve

NCV 05000272/2018001

-03, Failure to Establish Containment Integrity during Plant Startup

NCV 05000311/2017007

-03, Inadequate Corrective Action Regarding Missed Periodic

Inspections of 2C EDG AVR Card

NCV 05000311/2018002

-01, Inadequate Design Change for Service Water Pumps

NCV 05000311/2018003

-01, Inadequate Chiller Maintenance Procedures

NCV 05000311/2018003

-02, Failure to Follow Generic Letter 89

-13 Program Procedure

Self-Assessments and Audits

70191565-204, Maintenance Fundamentals Self

-Assessment Report, dated 7/28/17

70191565-210, Salem Plant Leaks Gap Check

-In Self-Assessment Report, dated 8/11/17

70198604, Salem Aging Management for Protective Relays, dated 8/2/18

80121006, Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Self

-Assessment Report, dated 1/23/18

80121391-020, 2018 Salem Maintenance & Technical Training Comprehensive Self


Report, dated 3/23/18

NOSA-HPC-17-10, Nuclear Repair Program Audit Report Audit, dated 12/19/17

NOSA-HPC-18-02, Emergency Plan, Procedures, Facilities, and Interfaces Audit Report, dated

4/12/18 NOSA-HPC-18-07, Salem and Hope Creek Fire Protection Audit Report, dated 10/9/18

NOSA-HPC-18-10, Nuclear Repair Program

Audit Report, dated 12/17/18

NOSA-SLM-17-08, Radiation Protection Audit Report dated

10/6/2017 NOSA-SLM-17-09, Operations, Operations Training, and PORC Audit Report dated 12/13/2017

NOSA-SLM-18-03, Maintenance Audit Report, dated 3/14/18

NOSA-SLM-18-04, Chemistry, Radwaste, Effluent and Environmental Monitoring Audit Report, dated 5/9/18

NOSA-SLM-18-06, Salem Engineering Programs and Station Blackout Audit Report, dated



SB-032-UPS, Component Reliability on Cyberex Power Supplies, Revision C02

430868, Godwin Pumps Operating and Maintenance Manual, Revision 4

60129009-060, 21 SW Return Header VT

-2 Visual Examination, dated 5/8/16

80124210-020, Seismic II/I FLEX Cart Evaluation, dated 03/01/19

Maintenance Plans PM034210, PM038088, PM043329, PM137336, and PM137343

Service Water Material Masters 1130607 and 1130683

Unit 1 Primary Plant Log (1A, 1B, and 1C EDG JW Level), 1/2/19

- 2/4/19