ML18054A532 | |
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Site: | Palisades ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/03/1989 |
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) / ATTACHMENT Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 License No DPR-20 Special Report No. 13
- REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING INTEGRATED LEAK RATE TEST November 1988 Prepared by: Consumers Power Company January 1989 February 3, 1989 -----------------------
24 Pages*
5.0 ATTACHMENTS LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Temperature Stabilization (ANSI 56.8) Figure 2 -AVG RTD . Figure 3 -AVG HUM. Sensor . . . . Figure 4 -Pressure Gauge 1 . . . . . . Figure 5 -Containment Mass . . . . . Figure 6 Mass Plot Method . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Table 1 -Summary of Local Leak Rate Tests Since 1986 ILRT. . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 1 1 3 7 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 --____
_____ ----------------------
---Integrated Leak.Rate Tests .*...*.*...
22 Table 3 -Summary of Recirculation Heat Removal Systems. 23 OC0289-0290-NL02 1.0
On November 4, 1988, Palisades Nuclear Plant, owned and operated by Consumers Power Company, completed its fifth reduced pressure Type A Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test. A history of the past Type A tests is given in Section 1.2, HISTORY, along with a summary in Table 2. In addition, the results *of all Type B and C Local Leak Rate Tests conducted since the previous Type A test are listed in Table 1. As required by Palisades Technical Specifications, Table 3 summarizes the leak test of the Recirculation Heat Removal System. Palisades' containment is a steel-lined, steel reinforced 1 concrete structure with a net free volume of 1,640,000 cu ft. As a result, the containment air mass is essentially free from daily changes in ambient conditions, including diurnal The structure has a design pressure of 55 psig and a calculated accident peak pressure of 55 psig. 1.2 HISTORY -------------------------
--In May of 1970, preoperational leak rate testing of the Palisades Nuclear Plant reactor containment building was successfully completed.
Two Type A tests, one at a peak pressure of 55 psig and a reduced pressure of 28 psig, were conducted at that time. The results of both tests are given -----
2 in a report entitled "Integrated Leak Rate Test of the Reactor Containment Building, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Consumers Power Company, .July .30, 1970." The first postoperational leak rate test was conducted in late April of 1974 at a reduced pressure of 28 psig. This test was the subject of a special report entitled '.'Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test 1974." The results were within technical specification limits. The second postoperational leak rate test was conducted in March of 1978. This test was also conducted at a reduced pressure of 28 psig. During pressurization, a leak in Isolation Valve CV-1806 was discovered, measured and repaired.
This resulted in the successful completion of the Type A test, due to the magnitude of the leak (98.4 Std Liters/minute) when added to the results of the Type A test, the "As Found" Type A test was failed. The results were reported in special report "Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test 1978." The third postoperational leak
__ te_s_t_w_as
___ per-fo-1"-med-in-----------
---__ . ...:._ -----**--------------------
November of 1981 at a reduced test pressure of 28 psig. A more comprehensive instrumentation package and computer program was utilized for this test. Prior to the Type A test, several repairs were completed on type B/C penetrations resulting in a significant reduction in leakage from these penetrations.
As a result, the Type A "As left" test was successfully passed, however, with the resulting penalties added on, the "As Found" test was failed. This test was the subject of "Special Report Number 11, Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test-1982".
3 In January of 1986, the fourth postoperational leak rate test was completed with a reduced pressure of 28.25 psig imposed on the containment.
The correction of penetration leakage, found during the Local Leak Rate Testing, allowed the passage of the "As Left" Type A test. The addition of pen8t.l t ieB caused the failure of the "As Found" Type A test. The results of this test are found in the special test report entitled "Palisades Nuclear Plant Reactor Containment
- Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, 1986". In June of 1986, a Corrective Action Plan was submitted under the guidelines of NRC INFORMATION NOTICE 85-71. After a review by the NRC, a partial exemption was granted. The exemption stated that if the conditions of the Corrective Action Plan were met, and the next scheduled Type A Test was ----------------
successfully completed, normftL_r_e_sumpt.ion--o.f--the-Type--A-Tes=t
_____ _
frequency would be allowed. 1.3 RESULTS In accordance 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Consumers Power Company conducted a Type A Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test beginning with pressurization on November 2, 1988, and concluding with depressurization on November 5, 1988. The hold test was a reduced pressure test with a duration of 24.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />. The mass at the end of the test was 365320.5 lbs at a reduced pressure (Pt) of 28.66 psig. The measured containment leak rate (Ltm) for the 24 hr hold test was 0.01651 wt %/day with a 95% upper confidence limit (UCL) bf 0.01758 wt %/day. Adjusting the reduced pressure measured leak rate upward to accident pressure (Pa) results in a 4 measured leak rate (Lam) of 0.0231 wt %/day with a 95% UCL of 0.-0246 wt %/day. The addition of Type B & C penalties and compensating for a 1% increase in Pressurizer Level, result in a calculated "As Left" total containment le.:.tK 1 i?:,1if':.:,
0.02617 wt %/day at the 95% UCL adjusted to Pa. After the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> hold test, a measured leakage verification test was initiated as suggested by N45.4-1972, 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, and ANSI 56.8-1987.
A controlled leak (Lo) of 0.06222 wt %/day was imposed on Ltm for a period of 4.25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br />. The resulting composite leak rate (Le) for the verification stabilized at. O. 07873 wt %1.'.'.d.ay
__ or--2.-657-1 -SC-FM-;------------
___ -----------*-------
ANSI 56-.8-1987 states the measured composite leak rate (Le) shall be bound by Ltm + Lo 0.25 , where Lt is the maximum allowable leak rate at test pressure.
Those boundaries are .06089 and 0.09656 wt %/day inclusive
.. Le does fall between those boundaries and thus the Type A leak rate 5 is confirmed.
Referencing 10 CFR 50, J, Sec. III.A.5.b.l, the maximum acceptable leak rate for a Type A test at the accident pressure (Pa) of 55 psig, is 0.075 wt %/day (0.75 La), including the corrective additions to account for omitted systems and the containment free volume changes as mentioned previously.
This criterion was met in the Type A "As Left" test condition.
As a result, the Palisades Nuclear Plant was allowed to return to operational status without having to perform corrective repairs or repeating the Type A test. Type C additive for containment pressure boundary systems that were not tested and were added to the Type A test results (to obtain the Type A "As Left"), were: Leakage Penetration No. Penetration Description Leak Rate CSCCM) 15 Component Cooling Water in (CV-0911 and CV-0940) 65.5 17 Containment Instrument Line 92.3 48 Containment Pressure 66 -------------
18 18a 27 Instrument Line 91.4 ILRT Instrument Line -----------------------------Transfer Tube Transfer Tube Flange ILRT Fill Line --------___ o_, Cl------69.0 44.0 289.0 Total Untested Leak Rate 651 . 2
This is equivalent to 0.00068 wt %/day for an initial containment mass 6f 3653al.O lbs. Components and/or penetrations that were repaired during the refueling outage resulting in improvements iri Type B/C leak rates and were added*to the "As Left" leak rate (to obtain the "As Found" leak rate) were as follows: Leakage Penetration No. Penetration Description ImproyementCSCCM) 17 Containment Pressure Instrument Line 0.0 18 Transfer Tube 0.0 18a Transfer Tube Flange 0.0 19 Personnel Air Lock 326.7 25 Clean Waste Receiver 0.0 33 Safety Injection Tank Drain 14.5 36 Letdown to Purification Ion Exchange (CV-2009) 0.0 37 Primary System Drain Tank Recirculation 13.8 40 Sample Tube From Delay Coils 24.15 41 Degasifiei Pump Discharge O.O 6 ----------------___ 51------------Equ-ipmer1t-.Hatch
__ _ -----------68 Air Supply to Air Room 72 Reactor Cavity Drain and Recycle A S/G N A Steam Gene.rater-North A S/G s A Steam Generator-South
0. 0 286.9 0.0 8999.0 0.0 Penetration No. Penetration Description B S/G N B Steam Generator-North B S/G S B Steam Generator-South 7 Leakage ImproyementCSCCM) 0.0 4381.8 Total MPL Improvements 14046.85 This is equivalent to 0.01469 wt %/day for an initial* . containment mass of 365381.0 lbs. Repairs made to components/penetrations during the refueling outage, resulted in improvements in Type B/C leak rates. The "As Found" Type A leak rate was 0.02915 wt %/day at the 95% UCL or 0.0408 wt %/day (95% UCL) corrected upward for accident pressure (Pa) of 55 psig. This value is within the acceptance criteria of 0.075 wt %/day (0.75 La). This resulted in the successful completion of the Type A "As Found" Test. 2.0 DISCUSSION
2 :-1--ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES The weighting factors used to calculate the average containment dry bulb temperatures and the average containment vapor pressure have been calculated based upon the number of sensors (temperature and humidity) within
- a given subvolume and the results of a preoperational and initial leak rate test containment temperature and dew point temperature survey. The temperature sensors are direct reading and require no conversions to calculate the average containment temperatures.
The humidity sensors, however, 8 require a mathematical conversion in the computer program to produce containment vapor pressure.
The containment pressure is then subtracted from the absolute pressure in containment to give the containment dry air partial pressure.
The dry air partial pressure and the weighted average containment temperature are then used to calculate the weight of the containment air mass. The containment leak rate was determined using the absolute method. Measurements were recorded every 15 minutes and the used to compute the leak rate by the mass point method of analysis which is recommended by ANSI 56.8-1987 and allowed by correspondence from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission dated November 3, 1988. In the mass point method of analysis, data from an absolute system is reduced to contained mass of dry air by application of the Ideal Gas Law. The test data consists of a time series _g_f __ inde:penden-t-
values of the contained air mass. If the assumption is made that the leak rate is constant with time, the data lends itself to analysis by the method of linear least squares. The slope of this line represents the rate of change of air mass with respect to time, which is the leak rate. Because of its
- independent nature, a measurement error will result in only one bad_data point and not materially affect the test results. The*ctata rejection criteria found in Appendix D of ANSI 56.8-1987 was used by the computer to check for anomalous data. 2.2 DATA AQUISITION The instrumentation system consisted of a sensor package consisting of twenty-six (26) Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD's), ten (10) humidity sensors, and two (2) quartz manometer pressure gauges. These were used 9 to measure the average dry bulb temperature, average humidity (for conversion to vapor pressure), and the containment pressure.
An in-situ calibration check of all sensors and gauges was performed prior to the test. All sensors and gauges were within accuracy specifications as set forth in ANSI 56.8-1987.
The sensitivities of the RTD's, humidity sensors and pressure gauges were within the requirements 1 established by ANSI 56.8-1987.
--(Y-s<fi-for the --------*------
instrumentation system was+/- 0.00516 per which also met the requirements of ANSI 56.8-1987.
This calculation was adjusted to +/- 0.00600, due to the loss of one pressure gauge that began to operate erratically.
No further adjustment was necessary since all remaining sensors performed properly.
,. *-10 Data from the was collected by an Acurex Autodata 10 data-logger and sent to Commodore PC 10-2 personal computer which records the data on two separate 5 1/4 inch diskettes.
The performs the following functions:
- 1.
and reduces raw data into weighted average temperatures, vapor pressures, and containment pressure necessary for computation of the leak rates. 2. Calculates the leak rate in wt %/day using the mass point analysis method. 3. Determines the 95 % upper confidence limit using the methods described in ANSI 56.8-1987, Appendix B. 4. Calculates the data outlier and appropriate rejection level according to the criteria of ANSI Appendix D. 5. Prov ides plots of individual test parame_t_e_r_s
-containment average temperature, vapor pressure and mass as a function of time. 6. Provides plots of containment stabilization criteria, leak rates during hold and verification tests, as well as 11 pass/fail criteria.
2.3 CONTAINMENT CONDITIONS The average containment temperature fulfilled the stabilization requirements of ANSI 56.8 and procedure RT-36, eight hours after pressurization was completed, however, due to aggressive cooling of the containment air mass by containment fans and coolers, stabilization was in doubt until the containmentlwas allowed to stabilize further as illustrated in Figure 1. Stabilization was declared on 11/03 at 11:45 and the start of the hold test was declared.
At the start of the hold test, the containment mass was 365358.6 lbs and the average temperature was 62.38 deg F. Containment temperature increased continuously during the test. This has been attributed to the over-cooled air in containment being heated back to the temperature of the concrete and metal mass of containment, which had been at a of approximately 65 deg F for several days, prior to the-pressurization of containment.
This temperature rise is the driving force that caused the pressure to elevate slightly from the start to the finish of the hold test. The hold test ----------------------was declare_d_as_
comple-"ted--on 170-4--a:tf r:45-; 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after -------------
the start. -The test parameters have been plotted to illustrate the average test conditions in containment throughout the complete hold test as shown in Figures 2 through 5. In 12 addition, Figure 5 shows the leak rate for thb hold test using the mass point method of analysis.
The verification imposed leak rate test was initiated at 13:30 on 11/04/88, with an imposed leak of 2.5 SCFM in addition to the containment leak rate. After three hours of test, the data indicate the Verification test was being failed. Indications the flow meters differed by approximately 16 %. The flow standard was placed in series with the flow meters and the data indicated.that one was reading high. The correct flow was 2.1 SCFM. After flagging the defective flow meter out and correcting the flow calculations to reflect the 2.1 SCFM, the Type A leak rate test was verified.
The verification test was concluded at 1800 on 11/04/88.
3.0. CONCLUSIONS 3;1 The .Palisades containment structure leak rate satisfied the acceptance criteria stated in RT-36, Paragraph 5.3.5 for the Type A "As Left" test. ----------r------------------------: ____________
3-.-2----Add-i-t-ionsfo-r leak rate improvements effected during the outage to the Type A "As Left" test resulted in the successful passage of the Type A "As Found" test by meeting the 0. 075 wt %/day ( 0. 75 La) cri te.ria set forth in 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Section III.5.b.l.
/. 13 3.3 The verification test results verified the hold test results. 3.4 The calculated ISG fulfilled the acceptance criteria of Palisades CILRT Procedure RT-36, Paragraph 6.0.
4.1 .Consumers Power Company, "Palisades Nuclear Plant, Special Report No.12, Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test". 4.2 ANSI/ANS 56.8-1987, "American National Standard Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements".
- 4. 3 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. 4.4 Palisades Technical Specifications, Sections 3.6.l, 3.6.2, 4. 5. 1. 4.5 Palisades CILRT Procedure RT-36, Revision 14. 4. 6 NRC INFORMATION NOTICE 85_-_7 L=--Con-ta-inment**-rn"tegratecfLeak
-______ .,.... Rate Tests. 4.7 ANSI 45.4-1972, "American National Standard Leak Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors".
5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 FIGURES Figure 1 "Temperature Stabilization (ANSI 56. 8)" Figure 2 "AVG RTD" Figure 3 "AVG HUM. SENSOR" Figure 4 "PRESSURE GAUGE 1" Figure 5 "CONTAINMENT MASS" Figure 6 "MASS PLOT METHOD" 5.2 TABLES Table 1 "Summary of Local Leak Rate Tests Performed Since 1986 ILRT" Table 2 "Summary of Palisades Containment Integrated Leak Rate Tests" Table 3 "Summary of Recirculation Heat Removal _Systems" 14 -------------
* ---------
1.0000 0.7800 0.5600 DEG. FIHR 0.3400 0.1200 I TEMPERATURE STABILIZATIOH 56.8) PALISADES CILRT, HOUEMBER, 1988. ------r -----------, --------. ----
r -----------, --------
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00 \ I 11103 I 3.25 11:45* 6.50 00 9.75 13.00 HOUR FIG, 2 16.25 19.50 22.75 26.00 0.2600 ___ _ 0.2500 0.2400 PSIA 0.2300 0 00 AUG HUM. SENSOR PALISADES CILRT, NOVEMBER, -------I -----------, ---
.. --------I ----------, -------
.. I I 1988. --r-----------,------------r------------. ---t------------
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CONTAINMENT MASS PALISADES CILRT, NOVEMBER, 1988. 365400. 00r __ -\-_______ ,... ___________
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11103 3.25 11:45* 6.50 00 9.75 13;00 HOUR 16.25 19.50 22.75 26.00 5 *
T w . MASS PLOT METHOD PALISADES CILRT, NOVEMBER, 1988. U Ur--,-\.;.\---\----T ------------i-----------------------
-:------------T ----------------------
7 -----------
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11103 1-1 I ! " 11:45*00 f \G I\) 0 Date 03/08/86 -03/2S/86 OS/19/86 -11/19/86 01/24/87 -02/24/87 07/07/87 -08/0S/87 08/19/87 -08/21/87 10/04/87 -11/03/87 12/06/87 -01/22/88 04/13/88 OS/12/88 07/14/88 08/10/88 -11/13/88 i MI1288-166SA-TC01 TABLE 1 HISTORICAL SUMMATION OF LOCAL LEAK RATE TESTS PERFORMED SINCE 1986 ILRT Penetrations Tested Penetrations 40, Sl, S2 (RW-008) Penetrations 14, lS, 21, 21A, 36, 40, 40A, 40B, 41, Sl, S2, 64, 69, 19, SO, South Electrical, A S/G N, A S/G S, B S/G N, B S/G S (RW86*023)
Penetrations 19, 37, 44, SO, Sl (RW87*009)
Penetrations 40, SO (RW87*02l)
Personnel Air Lock, Escape Air Lock (RW87*024)
Penetrations lA, lB, lC, 10, 11, 17, 17A, 18, 18A, 19, 2S, 26, 27, 28, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48, 49, SO, Sl, S2, S2A, S2B, S6, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 69, 72, North Electrical, South Electrical, A S/G N, A S/G S, B S/G N, B S/G S, (RW87*036)
Penetrations 14, lS, 18, 18A, 19, 21, 21A, 36, 40, 40A, 40B, 41, 42, Sl, S2, 64, 66, South Electrical, A S/G N, A S/G S, B S/G N, B S/G s, (RW88*004)
Escape Air Lock (RW88*01S)
Penetration 47 (RW88*016) 1 Personnel Air Lock (RW88*021)
\All -Refueling Outage (RW88*027)
I \ I I ! As-Found LLRT Total (CC£'.'.MinJ 28,6S8.l 37,886.7 24,930.0 18,860.6 19,372.8 32,9S6.8 93,00S.6 17,842.9 17,802.6 18,06S.6 32,307.3 As-Left LLRT Total (CC£'.'.Min) 28,6S8.l 17,S33.2 20,447.4 18,860.6 19,372.8 20,128.1 17,620.1 17,842.9 17,802.6 18,06S.6 21,743.9 Sequence Number XVII a XVIIb XVIIc XVIId XVIIe XVIIf XVIIg XVIIh XVIIi XVIIj XVIIk I\) f-'
Date 05/70 05/70 04/74 03/78 11/81 01/86 11/88 I (Pt) I Nominal\ Test \ Pressure Cpsig) I 55 \ II 28 \ 28 28 28 28 28 I I I TABLE 2
OF PALISADES CONTAINMENT INTF.GRATED LEAK RATE TESTS (Ltm) Measured Leak Rate at Pt (wt %/day) 0.0048 0.0233 0.0342/0.0436*
0.0924 0.0328/0.0349*
0.01651/0.01758* (Lam) Measured Leak.Rate Adjusted to Pa (wt %/day) 0.0048 0.0327 0.0479/0.0611*
0.0027* 0.1295/0.1422*
0.0507* 0.1175 0.0290* 0.1061* 0.02617* 0.0408* (0.75 La) Plant Tech Spec Limit @ Lam (wt %/day) Connnents 0.075 Pre-operational 0.075 Pre-operational 0.075 "As Left" Leak Rate 0.075 "As Left" Leak Rate 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 "As Found" Leak Rate L is "As Left" am Ltm is w/o penalties "As Found" Leak Rate L is "As Left" am Ltm is w/o penalties "As Found" Leak Rate L is "As Left" am Ltm is w/o penalties "As Found"Leak Rate *Indicated data is the calculated 95% upper confidence limit (UCL). f\) f\)
23 TABLE 3 Summary of Recirculation Heat Removal Systems Acceptance Date Procedure Criteria Total Leakeage 1988 R0-88 756 ml/min 7.75 ml/min 1986 R0-88 756 ml/min 307 ml/min 1984 A0-3 756 ml/min 8.25 ml/min 1981 A0-3 756 ml/min 46.85 ml/min 1980 A0-3 756 ml/min 325 ml/min 1979 A0-3 756 ml/min .5 ml/min 1978 A0-3 756 ml/min 51 ml/min 1977 A0-3 756 ml/min 20 ml/min 1974 A0-3 756 ml/min 2.5 ml/min 1972 A0-3 756 ml/min 4.15 ml/min -------------------