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 Issue dateTitleTopic
05000414/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-01 Re Unanalyzed Condition Associated with Relay Failure in Auxiliary Feedwater Sys,Due to Inadequate Single Failure Analysis.Rev Is Being Submitted to Include Results of Failure Analysis Which Was Performed15 July 1999Forwards LER 99-001-01 Re Unanalyzed Condition Associated with Relay Failure in Auxiliary Feedwater Sys,Due to Inadequate Single Failure Analysis.Rev Is Being Submitted to Include Results of Failure Analysis Which Was PerformedUnanalyzed Condition
05000414/LER-1999-002, Forwards Abstract of LER 99-002-00 Re Forced Shutdown of Plant as Result of Flow Restriction Caused by Corrosion of Afs Assured Suction Source Piping Due to Inadequate Testing. Final LER Will Be Submitted No Later than 9907083 June 1999Forwards Abstract of LER 99-002-00 Re Forced Shutdown of Plant as Result of Flow Restriction Caused by Corrosion of Afs Assured Suction Source Piping Due to Inadequate Testing. Final LER Will Be Submitted No Later than 990708
05000414/LER-1999-003, Forwards LER 99-003-01, Unplanned Actuation of ESFAS Due to a SG High Level Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Suppl Rept Provides Info Re Root Cause & Corrective Actions Associated with Event Developed Subsequent to Rev31 August 1999Forwards LER 99-003-01, Unplanned Actuation of ESFAS Due to a SG High Level Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Suppl Rept Provides Info Re Root Cause & Corrective Actions Associated with Event Developed Subsequent to Rev 0 of LER
05000414/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-01,providing Correction to Info Previously Provided in Rev 0 of Rept.Planned Corrective Actions Contain Commitments27 September 1999Forwards LER 99-004-01,providing Correction to Info Previously Provided in Rev 0 of Rept.Planned Corrective Actions Contain Commitments
05000414/LER-1999-005, Forwards LER 99-005-00 Re Missed EDG TS Surveillance Concerning Verification of Availability of Offsite Power Sources Resulted from Defective Procedure.Planned Corrective Actions Stated in Rept Represent Regulatory Commitments20 September 1999Forwards LER 99-005-00 Re Missed EDG TS Surveillance Concerning Verification of Availability of Offsite Power Sources Resulted from Defective Procedure.Planned Corrective Actions Stated in Rept Represent Regulatory Commitments
ET-NRC-92-3742, Requests That Proprietary Ltr NSD-TAP-2092 Re Addl Technical Support for Catawba Unit 1 Steam Generator Tube Interim Plugging Criteria,Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)4 September 1992Requests That Proprietary Ltr NSD-TAP-2092 Re Addl Technical Support for Catawba Unit 1 Steam Generator Tube Interim Plugging Criteria,Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
LG-83-163, Forwards Amend 19 to Duke Power Nuclear Guides.Amend 20 Will Be Forwarded in Apr 198318 February 1983Forwards Amend 19 to Duke Power Nuclear Guides.Amend 20 Will Be Forwarded in Apr 1983
M950159, Forwards Voluntary Results of Control Rod Drop & Drag Testing on Catawba Unit 2 at End of Cycle 8,in Response to NRC Bulletin 96-0121 May 1997Forwards Voluntary Results of Control Rod Drop & Drag Testing on Catawba Unit 2 at End of Cycle 8,in Response to NRC Bulletin 96-01
ML1108302363 May 1993Forwards Rev 1 to NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216. Submittal Made on Behalf of Eight Utils Having Enterprize EDGs for Emergency Standby Ac Power
ML15217A10328 February 1990Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & Revised Process Control Programs & Offsite Dose Calculation ManualsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML15261A07016 October 1991Forwards Nonproprietary & Proprietary Handouts Presented in 911007 & 08 Meeting W/Nrc & Contract Reviewers to Discuss Outstanding Issues Associated W/Topical Repts DPC-NE-2004, DPC-NE-3000 & DPC-NE-3001.Proprietary Handouts WithheldAffidavit
ML16148A93231 October 1990Forwards Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 37 to CMIP-1,Rev 27a to CMIP-2,Rev 33 to CMIP-4,Rev 37 to CMIP-5 & Rev 42 to CMIP-6.W/901114 Release Memo
ML16152A87030 October 1989Forwards Public Version of Rev 32 to Crisis Mgt Plan for Nuclear Stations. W/891113 Release Memo
ML16152A8731 November 1989Forwards Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 31 to CMIP-1,Rev 28 to CMIP-4,Rev 32 to CMIP-5,Rev 37 to CMIP-6,Rev 36 to CMIP-7,Rev 25 to CMIP-8 & Rev 31 to CMIP-9.W/891020 Release Memo
ML16152A90918 January 1990Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-1, Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff & Rev 24 to CMIP-2, News Group Plan. W/900131 Release Memo
ML16152A9532 May 1990Forwards Proprietary DPC-NE-2000P-A & Nonproprietary DPC-NE-2000-A, DCHF-1 Correlation for Predicting Heat Flux in Mixing Vane Grid Fuel Assemblies. Proprietary Rept Withheld
ML16152A9629 May 1990Forwards Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 35 to CMIP-1,Rev 26 to CMIP-2,Rev 31 to CMIP-4,Rev 35 to CMIP-5,Rev 40 to CMIP-6,Rev 39 to CMIP-7 & Rev 26 to CMIP-8.W/DH Grimsley 900517 Release Memo
ML16162A3796 August 1982Forwards Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures 5.3.1 Re Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff Group Plan & 5.3.4 Re Scheduling/Planning Support Group
ML16162A40129 October 1982Forwards Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures 5.3.1 Re Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff Group Plan & 5.3.6 Re Radiological Support Group
ML16162A4052 December 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 7 to Crisis Mgt Plan & Revisions to Crisis Mgt Plan Implementing Procedures
ML16259A23922 August 1990Forwards Public Version of Rev 27 to Company Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-2, News Group Plan. W/ Dh Grimsley 900906 Release Memo
ML17277B68126 March 1985Advises of Personnel Changes Effective 850415.Prof Qualifications for Listed Individuals Available in FSAR Apps 13.1A & 13.1B
ML18010A9508 December 1992Forwards NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216. Submittal Made on Behalf of Eight Utils Having Enterprise EDGs for Emergency Standby Ac Power
ML18018A7366 September 1983Comments on Reg Guide 1.97,identified as Instrumentation & Control Sys Branch Draft SER Open Item 223,in Response to NUREG-0737,Suppl 1.Design & Qualification Criteria for Instrumentation Consistent W/GuideBoric Acid
ML18024B5347 May 1979Responds to NRC 790413 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-05 & 50-414/79-05.Corrective Actions: Nitrogen Blanket Placed on Heat Exchanger & Personnel Instructed Re Nonconforming Item Rept
ML19207B02616 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-09.No GE Type AK-2 Circuit Breakers Used or Planned for Use in safety-related Sys
ML19207C18331 August 1979Requests That Review of License Application,Fsar & Environ Rept Be Completed as Soon as Possible.Will Update Application in mid-1980.Facility Correspondence Should Be Addressed to WO Parker
ML19208A54415 August 1979Notifies That 790814 Teledyne Engineering Svcs Technical Rept TR-3501-1,submitted by WO Parker,Serves as Final Response to IE Bulletin 79-02,Revision 1
ML19208A6209 August 1979Ack Receipt of Two Revisions to C-E Generic Rept Atypical Matl in Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds.
ML19208A78921 August 1979Forwards Interim Deficiency Rept Re Steam Generator Water Level Measurement Sys Errors
ML19209A60510 September 1979Forwards Response to 790815 Ltr Re Request for Suppl to 790806 Submittal Regarding IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-12 & 50-414/79-12.Discusses Each Generic Example Re QA Procedure P-1
ML19209A7717 September 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-15, Deep Draft Pump Deficiencies. Two Bingham-Willamette Model 30 by 44C-VTM Vertical Turbine Deep Draft Pumps Utilized in safety-related Applications in Each Facility.Pumps Not Yet Operational
ML19210E2457 November 1979Responds to IE Bulletins 78-12,78-12A & 78-12B Re Weld Matl Documentation.Info Pertinent to Catawba Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Included in Rdm Rept Which Was Submitted 791029. Westinghouse Transmittal Ltr Encl
ML19210E24929 October 1979Forwards Rept Weld Matl Documentation of Eleven Reactor Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Rdm for Westinghouse, in Response to IE Bulletin 78-12.Complete Records Search Made & No Atypical Weld Matl Found
ML19211A4115 December 1979Ack Receipt of IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-19 & 50-414/79-19 on 791009-12.No Proprietary Info
ML19224C53916 May 1979Discusses Schedule of Response to IE Bulletins 78-12,12A, & 12B.C-E to Submit Generic Rept Directly to NRC by 790629. Westinghouse Submittal Re Rotterdam Vessel Expected in July 1979
ML19225A39029 May 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-07 Re Use of Particular Computer Programs.Superpipe Used on All Piping Analyses Except Analysis Performed by Westinghouse
ML19225A40025 May 1979Responds to NRC 790502 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-06 & 50-414/79-06.Corrective Actions: Exterior Surface Dome Pour Number 32 Reinspected & Repaired & Area Cleared of Debris
ML19225B54220 June 1979FOIA Request for Summary Sheet of Power Plant Operator Exam Results Presented to NRC on 790420 & License Exams & Test Results for Duke Power Co Employees from 750101 to Present
ML19225D04719 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-11.No Westinghouse DB-50 or DB-75 Circuit Breakers Are Used or Planned for Use in safety-related Sys
ML19241B0184 June 1979Ack Receipt of IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-09 & 50-414/79-09 on 790508-11.No Proprietary Info
ML19242A77227 July 1979Responds to 790706 Request Re Info on Potential Impact on NRC Resource Needs & Priorities Associated W/Decision to Delay Commercial Operation of Cherokee 1 & 2 & Postpone Financial Commitments for Cherokee 3 & Perkins 1,2 & 3
ML19242C41622 June 1979Responds to NRC 790605 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-04 & 50-414/79-04.Corrective Actions:Bank Opposite Low Pressure Svc Water Intake Structure Was Riprapped on 790525 to Control Erosion
ML19242D18920 July 1979Forwards Significant Deficiency 413-414/79-1
ML19246C03924 May 1979Ack Receipt of IE Insp Repts 50-413/79-08 & 50-414/79-08.No Proprietary Info
ML19247B2275 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-02,Revision 1.Base Plate Flexibility Will Be Accounted for in Calculation of Expansion Anchor Bolt Loads for All Seismic Category 1 Pipe Support Base Plates
ML19248D2276 August 1979Notifies That Projected Dates for Fuel Loading & Commercial Operation Are Delayed.Will Forward Request & Justification for Extension of CP to Accommodate Relay
ML19248D2588 August 1979Requests Use of ASME Code Case N-242 for Steam Generator Power Operated Relief Valves.B&W Certificate of Conformance Encl
ML19249B5442 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletins 78-12,78-12A & 78-12B.Weld Matl Data & Other Required Info Included in C-E Rept
ML19249B5498 June 1979Forwards Info Requested by IE Bulletin 78-12,Atypical Weld Matl in Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds Which Addresses All Applicable Matls Used in Fabrication of Reactor Vessels. W/O Encl