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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML18010A95230 November 1992NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML18010B0845 May 1993NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML19256B81930 June 1979Revised Response to Branch Technical Position,Auxiliary & Power Conversion Sys Branch,9.5-1 App a Re Fire Protection ReviewSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Early Warning Fire Detection
ML19323A16226 March 1980TMI-Plus One:Toward a Safer Nuclear Power Program.
ML20023B39631 October 1982Const Project Evaluation for Catawba Nuclear Station.Hydrostatic
Fire Protection Program
ML20043E77028 February 1990Rev 0 to Catawba Unit 2 Cycle 3 Core Operating Limits Rept.
ML20043E81028 February 1990Rev 0 to Catawba Unit 1 Cycle 5 Core Operating Limits Rept.
ML20054G50717 June 1982Equipment Qualification:NUREG-0588 SubmittalBoric Acid
ML20058H28831 March 1982Deletion of Reactor Trip on Turbine Trip Below 70% Power. Max Dose Release Analysis EnclOverspeed trip
ML20062G72719 November 1990Eddy Current Exam Rept Catawba Unit 2 June 1990 Refueling Outage 3Stress corrosion cracking
ML20063B36927 May 1982Containment Vessel Stability Analysis
ML20063E28031 January 1994Duke Power Co Catawba Nuclear Station Special Rept RHR Pump VibrationLoop seal
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operability Determination
ML20069B53430 November 1981Rotterdam Drydock Reactor Vessel CRDM Weld Radiography
ML20070P94919 January 1983Jet Impingement Study on 3-Inch Resistance Temp Detector & 10-Inch Accumulator Discharge Lines
ML20071A07710 February 1983Sys Description for Radio Controlled Prompt Alert & Notification Sys for Catawba Nuclear Station. W/Two Oversize Maps.Aperture Cards Are Available in PDRSiren
ML20071N72331 July 1982Overpressure Protection Rept for Catawba Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2 as Required by ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Iii,Article NB-7300
ML20072B79615 February 1983Control Room Review Plan for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations,Duke Power CoPost Accident Monitoring
ML20072T44431 August 1994Selected Licensee CommitmentsBoric Acid
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Power change
ML20077C5773 November 19941 Cycle 7 Interim Plugging Criteria Assessment & Projected EOC-8 Slb LeakageStress corrosion cracking
ML20077R71020 December 1994CNS Units 1 & 2 10CFR50.59 Evaluation of FSAR Change Related Edsfi Deviation 50413,414/92-01-02 (IEEE 308-1974)Safe Shutdown
Emergency Lighting
ML20080B16623 April 1982Rev 1 to Final Rept of Task Force Effort to Evaluate Technical Concerns of Catawba Welding Inspectors,Vol II: Technical Evaluations & Verifications - Individual Concerns. Related Info Encl
ML20080U45429 February 1984Rev 10 to Analysis of Hydrogen Control Measures at McGuire Nuclear Station
ML20081E09821 June 1982Restated Operating & Fuel Agreement
ML20083N75424 April 1995Rn Sys Corrosion in Stainless Steel Welds Metallurgical Analysis Rept
ML20083P93817 April 1984Sqrt Audit Resolutions for Sqrt Audit Conducted 840313-16. W/Seven Oversize Drawings.Aperture Cards Are Available in PDR
ML20086F47130 June 1995Interim Plugging Criteria 90 Day ReptNon-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML20087M62828 March 1984Nonproprietary, Methodology for Addressing Superheated Steam Releases to Ice Condenser Containments
ML20090G67330 April 1984Nuclear Physics Methodology for Reload Design
ML20090J00731 July 1984Description of Deviations from Generic Emergency Response Guidelines (Westinghouse Owners Group ERG-Basic Edition)High Energy Line Break
Manual Operator Action
ML20091J0561 June 1984Diesel Engine 1A Component Revalidation Insp ReptEddy Current Testing
Breakaway torque
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML20091L87231 May 1984Sqrt Audit Resolution for Ser,Catawba Unit 1
ML20092J24420 June 1984Duke Power Co 12 H Shift Experience
ML20092J2678 June 1984Util Advisor Evaluation Team Rept on Catawba Nuclear Station Shift Advisor Program,840606-08
ML20092N70229 June 1984Diesel Engine 1A Component Revalidation Insp Final Rept
ML20094N06431 July 1995Computer Program for Coupled Response Spectrum Analysis of Secondary Sys
ML20094N07531 October 1995Validation of Crest, Interim ReptEarthquake
ML20098A45130 April 1995Stations Replacement SG Topical Rept
ML20115E02330 April 1985Main Steamline Break Inside Containment, Bimonthly Status Rept for Apr 1985
ML20117M79128 February 1995Standby Nuclear SW Pond Physical Testing Conducted During Feb 1995Grab sample
ML20117M80231 July 1995CNS Standby Nuclear SW Pond Analysis
ML20125E17614 September 1979Weld Metal Investigation ReptReverse polarity
ML20125E1771 October 1979Weld Matl Documentation of Eleven Reactor Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Rdm for Westinghouse
ML20128E98321 June 1985Diesels - Tdi Owners Group Design Review/Quality Revalidation Final Rept,Summary of RecommendationsFLEX
Breakaway torque
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML20137V91425 September 1985Diesel Engine 2A Component Revalidation InspBreakaway torque
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML20138P48017 December 1985Diesel Engine 2B Component Revalidation InspEddy Current Testing
Breakaway torque
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML20154K2099 September 1988Rev 0 to Response to NRC Bulletin 88-005,Nonconforming Matls Supplied by Piping Supplies,Inc at Folsom,Nj & West Jersey Mfg Co.... Proprietary Procedure 1404.1, Leeb Hardness Testing (Equotip).... Encl.Procedure Withheld
ML20155F73830 April 1986Diesel Generator 2B 7 Main Bearing Failure Rept,Low Power License Condition 13,Attachment 1,Item 9
ML20155F74530 April 1986Draft Main Bearing Shell Analysis 2B Emergency Diesel Generator-Catawba Unit 2
ML20196L62820 May 1988Rev 2 to ATWS Mitigation Sys Actuation Circuitry (Amsac)Anticipated operational occurrence
ML20198B57028 February 1985Rev 1 to Tdi Diesel Generator Design Review & Quality Revalidation Rept, Vols 1-4Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Temporary Modification
Eddy Current Testing
Breakaway torque
Battery sizing
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
Thermal fatigue