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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML18151A71030 September 1996Supplemental Info for VA Power Nomad Code & Model.Power change
ML18151A89430 November 1991Reactor Power Distribution Analysis Using Moveable In-Core Detection Sys & Tip/Cecor Computer Code Package.
ML18151A96618 April 1989Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Agreement.
ML18152A04130 November 1992Suppl 1 to Pdq Two-Zone Model.Shutdown Margin
ML18152A0711 February 1993NFPA Heat & Flame Evaluation of MSA Custom 4500 SCBA Using Enriched O2 Breathing Air for VA Power,Final Rept.Moisture barrier
ML18152A28112 October 1999Technical Basis for Elimination of Nozzle Inner Radius Insps (for Nozzles Other than Reactor Vessel),Technical Basis for ASME Section XI Code Case N-619.Liquid penetrant
ML18152B01030 April 1988Updated QA Program,Operations Phase.Non-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
ML18153A14310 June 1997Part 21 Rept Re Possible Machining Defect in Certain Stainless Steel Swagelok Tube Fitting Bodies.Facilities Have Been Notified About Possible Problem
ML18153B0602 September 1994Initial Part 21 Rept Re Steam Drive AFW Pump Governor Valve Mfg by Dresser-Rand.Maint Procedure to Stroke Governor Valve Stem Performed Weekly & Monitoring of Corrosion Build Up in Gland Seal Leakoff Area Performed WeeklyOverspeed trip
ML18153B08426 September 1994Suppl to 940902 Initial Part 21 Rept Re Defect W/Governor Valves Used in turbine-driven Pumps Mfg by Dresser-Rand to Formally Addresss Written 30 Day Rept Requirement of 10CFR21(c)(3)(ii)Overspeed trip
ML18153B38530 November 1993Reload Nuclear Design Methodology.Negative Flux Rate Trip
ML18153B42131 July 1993Rev 11 to Engineering Evaluation 24, Evaluation of Radiant Energy Shields,North Anna Power Station.Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
ML18153B42231 July 1993Rev 11 to Engineering Evaluation 25, Evaluation of Existing Fire Enclosure Around Ventilation Duct,North Anna Power Station.Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML18153B84530 April 1988Errata to Updated Operational QA Program Topical Rept, Consisting of Replacement Pages 17.2-33a,17.2-36 & 17.2-38
ML18153C1012 February 1990Part 21 Rept Re Two of Three Pc Cards in GE Type SLV11A1 Over/Undervoltage Relays Failing to Produce Output.Short Between Leads Would Result in Damage to Component 1C5. Sketch of Threshold Detection Board Encl
ML18153C31126 July 1990Decommisioning Financial Assurance Certification Rept for Surry Power Station & North Anna Power Station.
ML18153C3191 August 1990Revised Pages to Operational QA Program Topical Rept Vep 1-5A
ML18153C38631 August 1990Revised Monthly Operating Repts for Surry & North Anna Power Station Units 1 & 2 for Aug 1990
ML18153D0813 August 1992Interim Part 21 Rept Re Analysis of Klockner-Moeller Model NZM6-63,480 Volt Circuit Breakers.Initially Reported on 920701.Lever Fracture Should Be Examined to Determine If Any Cleaning Sprays or Purifying Agents Have Been Used
ML19207A31010 August 1979LER 79-090/99X-0 on 790629:recent Data Indicates Nonconservatism in Rept Tornado Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants Ref in Fsar.Paper Did Not Consider That Damage Caused by Lubbock,Tx Tornado Was Possible
ML19207A31231 July 1979Tornado Missile Risk Analysis of Spent Fuel Pool.Tornado Missile
Tornado-Generated Missile
ML19207B32620 August 1979LER 79-085/03L-0 on 790715:following Power Reduction Caused by Secondary Plant Problems,Quadrant Power Tilt Alarm Was Observed.Possibly Caused by Dropped Rodlets.Tilts Under Review
ML19207B35917 August 1979LER 79-093/03L-0 on 790726:during Mode 1 Operations,Fire Door S54-11 Between Unit 2 Emergency Switchgear Room & Turbine Bldg Found Nonfunctional.Caused by Temporary Cooling Water Hoses Preventing Closure.Hoses RemovedFire Barrier
Fire Watch
ML19207B36117 August 1979LER 79-095/03L-0 on 790727:during Rapid Power Reduction & Subsequent Increase in Power,Oxide Flux Difference Deviated More than 5% from Target for 104 Minutes.Caused by Power Reduction.Power & Control Rods Manipulated by Operator
ML19207B83328 February 1979Svc Water Reservoir & Spray Sys Performance Testing & Evaluation, Prepared for VEPCOUltimate heat sink
ML19207C07730 August 1979LER 79-092/03L-0:on 790731,noted That Weekly Surveillance on 790706 of Dc Distribution Sys Was Performed W/O Latest Procedure Revision.Caused by Delay in Procedure Distribution.Procedure Has Since Been Distributed
ML19208A0197 September 1979LER 79-098/03L-0:on 790808,review of Completed Maint Procedures Showed motor-operated Valve QS102B Was Functionally Tested But Not Timed Prior to Return to Svc. Caused by Personnel Error
ML19208A0237 September 1979LER 79-099/09L-0:on 790809,containment hi-hi Pressure Channel II Annunciator Became Energized on 790801.Channels I,Iii & IV Remained in Operation.Caused by Failure of Heat Sensitive W-39-1-J Card Component
ML19208A0996 September 1979LER 79-104/01T-0:on 790823,feeder Breakers to Several Electrical Penetrations Found Not Set to Protect Penetration Integrity for Range of Faults.Caused by Design Problem
ML19208A36112 September 1979LER 79-101/03L-0:on 790814,containment Intermediate hi-hi Pressure Channel 2 Trip Bistable Failed in Trip Condition. Caused by Short in Card Component Capacitator.Card Replaced & Calibr.Loop Functionally Tested
ML19208A7564 September 1979Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1979
ML19208B23031 August 1979Deficiency Rept:On 790828,review Indicated Feeder Breaker Trip Curves to Some Penetrations Not Coordinated W/Penetration Limits.Settings for Proper Penetration Protection Limits Are Being Revised
ML19208B26229 August 1979Deficiency Rept:Radiographic Tests Detected Foreign Matls on Feedwater Sys,Line 16 Inches WFPD-424-601-Q2 & 02,welds FW-18,FW-5A,SW-27 & SW-28.Foreign Matl Removed & No Further Rejectable Indications Detected
ML19208B45618 September 1979LER 79-103/03L-0:on 790819,during Mode 1 Operation,Temp of Casing Cooling Tank 1-RS-TK-1 Exceeded 50 F.Caused by Freon Leak in One of Casing Cooling Chiller Units Which Caused Decrease in Cooling Capacity.Leak Repaired
ML19208C43212 September 1979Ro:On 790912,noted That Station Curve for Refueling Water Tank Was Incorrect,Resulting in Tech Spec Upper Tank Level Limit Being Exceeded.Cause Unknown.Tank Level Lowered.Change to Station Curve Being DraftedCoast down
ML19208C44114 September 1979Deficiency Rept Re Emergency Diesel Generator Fan Cooling Sys Which Appears to Be Inadequately Designed.Alternatives Presented at 790911-12 Meeting of S&W,Vepco & Colt Industries Currently Being Evaluated to Determine Solution
ML19208C83324 September 1979LER 79-110/01T-0:on 790910,noted Ambient Temp Gauges Could Affect Capability of Diesel Generator Fan Cooling Sys So That Insufficient Cooling Would Be Provided.Caused by Improper Pitch Setting on Fan Blade
ML19208C83624 September 1979LER 79-11/01T-0:on 790912,quench Spray Pumps Were Secured Prior to Pumping Required Amount of Water Into Containment as Specified in Fsar.Caused by Inaccurate Emergency Procedure for Loca.Pumps Secured
ML19208D41326 September 1979LER 79-112/01T-0:on 790912,Tech Spec Upper Level Limit for Refueling Water Storage Tank Was Exceeded & Was Less than FSAR Vol Requirement.Caused by Incorrect Station Curve,Based on Usable Vol as Opposed to Contained Vol
ML19209B2293 October 1979LER 79-106/03L-0:on 790904,during Normal Operation,Steam Generator C Support Temp Dropped Below Tech Specs.Cause Unknown.Temp Returned to Normal within 4-h Time Limit. Heaters & Control Circuits Checked,But No Faults Found
ML19209B5973 October 1979LER 79-061 03X-1:on 790430,during Startup,Temp Indicator on Casing Cooling Tank Read Out of Specs at Greater than 50 F. Caused by Belt Slippage on Refrigerator Unit.Belt Drive Tightened
ML19209B6425 October 1979LER 79-109/03L-0:on 790906,specific Activity of Primary Coolant Exceeded 1.0 Mci/Dose Equivalent I-131 on 780923. Caused by Hourly Sampling of Primary Sys to Investigate Fuel Defect.Personnel Reinstructed
ML19209B7014 October 1979LER 79-108/03L-0:on 790904,motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 1-FW-P-3A Inoperable.Caused by Removal of Strainer for Maint.Strainer Was Reinstalled
ML19209B7204 October 1979Interim Deficiency Rept Re Overpressurization of Containment from Main Steam Line Break Inside Containment. Util Evaluating Mods to Limit Auxiliary Feedwater Flow to Affected Steam Generator
ML19209B9629 October 1979LER 79-024/43X-1:on 790228,radwaste Release Occurred Unexpectedly During Pumping of Unit 2 Containment Sump Via Temporary Pump to Storm Drain Sys.Caused by Pressure Relief Valve Leaks in Units 1 & 2 Purge Headers
ML19209B9668 October 1979LER 79-006/03L-0:on 790913,during Steady State Power,Two Disagreements Noted Between Individual Rad Position Indicator & Group Demand Counter.Caused by Instrument Drift. Indicators Recalibr & Tested Satisfactorily
ML19209B9729 October 1979LER 79-128/01T-0:on 790925,safety Injection Occurred Due to Low Pressurizer Level Coincident W/Low Pressurizer Pressure. Caused by Steam Dump Valve TCV-1408G Stuck Open Following Reactor Trip Which Depressurized Reactor Coolant SysFeedwater Heater
ML19209C44211 October 1979LER 79-102/03L-0:on 790911,bistable for Containment high- Risk Pressure Channel I Actuated High Pressure Signal & Failed in Low Pressure State During Test.Caused by Bad Signal Comparator Card.Defective Card Replaced & Calibr
ML19209C44825 September 1979Deficiency Rept:On 790920,oil Leakage from Motor Housing Revealed Defect in Casting for Lower Reservoir of Shaft End Bearing on Motor 3AF-P2A.Insp of Three Similar Motors Shows Possible Defect in Unit 4 Motors.Onsite Insp Scheduled
ML19209C45312 October 1979LER 79-114/03L-0:on 790912,temp at Top Corner of Steam Generator Support Exceeded Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Heaters Being Left on Too Long When Control Resistance Temp Detector Failed to Cycle Heaters Automatically