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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19330B48725 July 1980Forwards Response to NRC 790809,0918 & 1018 Ltrs Requesting Review of Matl Relevant to Determining Facility Response to Nearby Quarry Blasting.Blasting Will Not Cause Damage to Any Class 1 Structures
ML19338C40711 August 1980Informs That Jf Devine 800725 Ltr Re Distances from Future Blasting & Class 1 Structures Should Have Substituted Word Max for Min
ML19344F48125 July 1980Forwards Borough of Phoenixville,Pa 800718 Ltr to President Carter,Transmitting Resolution 80-10 Opposing Const of Nuclear Reactors.Requests Response
ML19347E87721 April 1981Forwards Public Notices for Proposed Const of Water Diversion Structures Near Point Pleasant,Bucks County,Pa by Neshiminy Water Resources Authority
ML19351G38317 February 1981Advises of Desire to Participate in Project Scoping Meetings to Address Past Concerns & Provide Timely Resolution During EIS Preparation
ML20054L36730 June 1982Informs That No Threatened or Endangered Species Exist in Area of Site,Except for Occasional Transient Species.Natl Marine Fisheries Svc Should Be Contacted to Determine Need for Biological Assessment
ML20058E94227 July 1982Advises of Intent to Participate in Des Review,In Response to 820614 Request.Related Departmental & Svc Correspondence Encl
ML20058L89030 July 1990Advises That FEMA Grants Exemption from 10CFR50 App E for Biennial full-participation Onsite/Offsite Exercise
ML20062K57710 August 1982Forwards Motion on Behalf of Gm Hansler Re Application Filed by Del-Aware for 820817 Deposition.Absence of Gm Hansler Requires That Motion Be Denied or Deposition Be Rescheduled for 820830
ML20073L75015 April 1983Comments on Evaluation of Soil & Rock Slopes at Plant Site, Per Interagency Agreement.No Offsite Slopes Identified Which Would Affect Safety of Seismic Category 1 SysEarthquake
ML20076G29126 August 1983Comments on Des Re Water Reservoirs Water Quality & Environ Impact.Paragraph in Section Should Be Revised to Reflect Severity of Low Flow Problems in Delaware RiverGrab sample
ML20076G45729 August 1983Forwards Comments on Des.Advance Notification of Planned Activities Disturbing Geodetic Control Survey Monument Requested
ML20076M37515 July 1983Concurs W/Nrc Conclusions Re Des for Facility,Per NRC 830624 Request.No Detectable Effects to Delaware River from Facility Operation Expected
ML20077D39122 July 1983Advises of Incorrect Interpretation in Des of Delaware River Basin Commission Water Quality Stds Re Mixing Zone for Discharge of Constituents Such as Residual Chlorine
ML20077G19229 July 1983Comments on Des (NUREG-0974) Dtd June 1983.Calculated Doses to Individuals & Populations Resulting from Effluent Releases Are within Radiation Protection Stds
ML20077H5465 August 1983Advises That Review of Des for Facilities Completed.No Comments Offered
ML20077J68615 August 1983Forwards Comments on Des for Plants.Document Acceptable & Rated ER-2 Meaning Environ Reservations Are Related to Insufficient Info.Comments Concerned Primarily W/Radiation & Cooling WaterProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20079H4087 December 1982Forwards Pages from Design of Water Intake Structures for Fish Protection, Re Velocity Difference Across Intake & Potential for Biofouling Even in Fresh WaterBiofouling
ML20079Q38427 January 1984Offers No Comments on Des
ML20080A47621 January 1984Forwards Responses to Doi 830826 water-related Comments on Des.Clarification on Listed Water Resource Issues Requested
ML20080B9753 February 1984Forwards Technical Comments Based on Review of Suppl 1 to Des.Nrc Should Consider Risks Associated W/Range of Events Expected to Occur Offsite.Documents Rated as ER-2
ML20080P2858 February 1984Comments on Suppl 1 to Des for Facilities.Consequences of Severe Accidents on Schuykill River Not Clarified & Adverse Effects on Fish & Wildlife Not Considered
ML20080S78627 February 1984Forwards Original Typescript of Revised Comments Dtd Feb 1984 to Be Appended Into Fes.Corrected Version Supersedes Jan 1984 VersionGrab sample
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20083J2489 January 1984Advises That Suppl 1 to Des Reviewed.No Substantive Comments Made
ML20083P60517 April 1984Informs of Error in Fourth Line of Second Paragraph of First Technical Comment, Statistics & Probability. Sense of Paragraph Stated as Either/Or Situation Recommended
ML20084J8238 May 1984Forwards Interim Finding on Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans for Limerick Generating Station,Apr 1984
ML20087E10110 February 1984Notifies That Natl Ctr for Devices & Radiological Health Has No Comment Re Postulated Plant Accidents Described in Des (NUREG-0974)
ML20091G34525 May 1984Forwards FEMA Regional Assistance Committee 840427 Informal Evaluation of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plan. Rept Is Addendum to 840508 Interim Findings
ML20091P6636 June 1984Comments on Fes Re Surface Water Hydrology & Water Quality. Comments Support Recommendation for Evaluation of Impacts During Schuylkill River Extreme Low Flow Conditions
ML20094A9022 November 1984Forwards FEMA Prefiled Testimony on Offsite Planning Issues. W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20096E6745 September 1984Discusses FEMA Position on ASLB Request for Release of FEMA Regional Draft Rept Re Jul 1984 Exercise to ASLB & Parties Prior to Review at Headquarters.Fema Has Never Released Unreviewed Repts of Subj Type
ML20098E39225 September 1984Forwards Evaluation of 840725 Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans for Limerick.Plans Inadequate.Schedule of Corrective Actions Under Review
ML20100J6959 April 1985Forwards Pp Giordano 850329 Memo Forwarding Supplemental Findings on Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness for Facility.Deficiencies Listed.Plan Deemed InadequatePotassium iodide
ML20104A70623 January 1985Responds to 841226 Memo Re FEMA Support for NRC Licensing of Facilities.Clarification from PA Emergency Mgt Agency Re Nature & Scheduling of Review of Revised Plans Requested. Index to Revised Plans Requested by 850201
ML20106E2981 February 1985Forwards Exhibit Status Rept Re FEMA Exhibits Addressed at Hearing in Facility Proceeding
ML20108E12211 December 1984Forwards 841126 Notice of Appearance Re Offsite Emergency Planning Hearing,In Response to Request
ML20112H19710 January 1985Forwards Exercise Evaluation Rept for 841120 Supplemental Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans.Supplemental Exercise Conducted to Correct Deficiency Identified in Initial Full Participation Exercise on 840725
ML20126J3196 June 1985Forwards List of Local or Regional Medical Facilities Having Capabilities to Provide Treatment for Radiation Exposure in Vicinity of Plant,Per 850528 Request
ML20127D65627 March 1985Discusses 850307 Remedial Exercise at Graterford State Correctional Institution in Support of Facility.Portion of Category a Deficiencies Cited on 840725 CorrectedSiren
Potassium iodide
ML20128C72421 May 1985Forwards 850418 & 25 Draft FEMA Region III Exercise Evaluation Rept, of 850410 & 22 Remedial Exercises, Respectively
ML20129C02030 May 1985Updates 850521 Memo Re Plant Offsite Planning & Preparedness.Verification That Traffic Control & Access Control Points Will Be Established in King of Prussia Area to Keep Evacuating Traffic in Motion Received
ML20133G6416 August 1985Supports Pennsylvania Emergency Mgt Agency Request to Exempt Chester County from Full Participation in Joint Exercises Involving Peach Bottom,Providing County Participates in Limerick ExerciseExemption Request
ML20135C1776 September 1985Notifies of Util Application for Permit Re Use of Cooling Water from Beechwood Pit Filed W/Delaware River Basin Commission.Questions Raised Re Effects of Water on Quality of Schuylkill River & Need for Addl EIS-related Work
ML20204F20129 July 1986Forwards Exercise Evaluation Rept for Limerick Generating Station for 860403 Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans.No Deficiencies Noted.Areas Requiring Corrective Actions ListedReactor Vessel Water Level
ML20212P3673 March 1987Forwards Limerick Generating Station Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Alert Sys Satisfies Requirements of Rev 1 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 & FEMA-43
ML20214M6592 September 1986Responds to NRC 860729 Request Re Establishment of Addl Traffic Controls on Pennsylvania Turnpike at Route 100. Chester County Radiological Response Plan Includes Placement of Three State Police Officers on Turnpike
ML20235B6353 November 1972Understands That AEC Processing CP Applications & Preparing Environ Analyses for Plants.Advises That AEC Should Not Take Any Action on Either Plant Until Question of Availability W/O Tocks Island Project Resolved
ML20235C08712 July 1971Forwards Review of Geologic Aspects of PSAR for Proposed Plant,In Response to Rs Boyd Request.Aec Authorized to Make Info Part of Public RecordEarthquake
ML20235C1636 July 1971Comments on Vols 1-5 of PSAR & Util Amends 1-6 for Plant,In Response to Boyd 700314 & 1009 Requests
ML20235C2206 August 1971Comments on Amend 6 of PSAR Re Application for Licensing of Plant.Usgs Waiting for Completed Program Design Which Should Contain Response to Question Concerning Environ Monitoring, Sport Fisheries,Wildlife & Recreation