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Wolf Creek Generating Station Revision 31 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 12, Radiation Protection
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/08/2018
Wolf Creek
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18093A810 List: ... further results
WO 18-0011
Download: ML18093A905 (153)




12.1.1 POLICY CONSIDERATIONS 12.1-1 ALARA and Planning Committees 12.1-1 Health Physics 12.1-1

12.1.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 12.1-2 Plant Design 12.1-3 Scale-Model Program 12.1-3 Second-Level Design Reviews by the Lead Architect-Engineer 12.1-4 Design Reviews by SNUPPS 12.1-5 Examples of Radiation Protection Design Reviews 12.1-6 Decommissioning 12.1-8




12.2 RADIATION SOURCES 12.2-1 12.2.1 CONTAINED SOURCES 12.2-1 Containment 12.2-1 Auxiliary Building 12.2-3 Fuel Building 12.2-4 Turbine Building 12.2-5 Radwaste Building 12.2-5 Sources Resulting from Design Basis Accidents 12.2-6 Stored Radioactivity 12.2-6 12.2.2 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL SOURCES 12.2-6 Model for Calculating Airborne Concentrations 12.2-8




12.0-i Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


12.3.1 FACILITY DESIGN FEATURES 12.3-1 Plant Design Description for as Low as is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) 12 3-1 Radiation Zoning and Access Control 12 3-8 12.3.2 SHIELDING 12.3-9 Design Objectives 12.3-9 General Shielding Design 12.3-10 Shielding Calculational Methods 12.3-14

12.3.3 VENTILATION 12.3-15 Design Objectives 12 3-15 Design Criteria 12 3-15 Design Guidelines 12.3-16 Design Description 12 3-18 Air Cleaning System Design 12.3-19 12.3.4 AREA RADIATION AND AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 12.3-20 Area Radiation Monitoring 12.3-20 Airborne Radioactivity Monitoring 12.3-25 12.


12.3-40 12.4 DOSE ASSESSMENT 12.4-1 12.4.1 EXPOSURES WITHIN THE PLANT 12.4-1 Direct Radiation Dose Estimates 12.4-1 Airborne Radioactivity Dose Estimates 12.4-4 Illustrative Examples of Dose Assessment 12.4-5

12.4.2 EXPOSURES AT LOCATIONS OUTSIDE PLANT 12.4-8 STRUCTURES Direct Radiation Dose Estimates 12.4-8 Exposures Due to Airborne Radioactivity 12.4-8



12 4-8

12.0-ii Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

Section Page 12.5 HEALTH PHYSICS PROGRAM 12.5-1

12.5.1 ORGANIZATION 12.5-1 12.5.2 EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTATION AND FACILITIES 12.5-3 Health Physics Equipment and Instrumentation 12.5-3 Health Physics Facilities 12.5-5

12.5.3 PROCEDURES 12.5-7

12.0-iii Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


Number Title

12.1-1 Regulatory Criteria Applicable to the Operating Agent's

Health Physics Program 12.2-1 Neutron Fluxes on Inside Surface of the Primary Shield

Wall at the Core Centerline (100% Power)

12.2-2 Gamma Fluxes on Inside Surface of the Primary Shield Wall at the Core Centerline (100% Power)

12.2-3 Pressurizer Shielding Source Terms

12.2-4 Spent Fuel Shutdown Sources (Full Core) 12.2-5 Radiation Sources Residual Heat Removal System

12.2-6 Chemical and Volume Control System Sources Letdown Mixed

Bed Demineralizer 12.2-7 Fuel Storage Pool Water Activities

12.2-8 Secondary System Activities

12.2-9 Conservative Basis Accumulated Radioactivity in the Gaseous Waste Processing System After Forty Years


12.2-10 Fort Calhoun Operating Data 12.2-11 Parameters and Assumptions for Calculating Airborne

Radioactive Concentrations

12.2-12 Airborne Radioactivity Concentrations 12.3-1 List of Computer Codes Used in Shielding Design


12.3-2 Area Radiation Monitors 12.3-3 Inplant Airborne Radioactivity Monitors

12.3-4 Power Supplies for Area and In-Plant Airborne Monitors

12.4-1 Illustrative Examples of Dose Assessment

12.0-iv Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


Number Title

12.4-2 Average Number of Personnel per PWR Unit for the Period

1969-1977 12.4-3 Average Occupational Radiation Exposure (Man-Rem Dose)

per PWR Unit for the Period 1969-1977

12.4-4 Average Occupational Radiation Exposure (Man-Rem Dose) Based on PWR Plant Age

12.4-5 Distribution of the Number of Personnel (>100

Millirem/Yr) According to Work Function

12.4-6 Distribution of Personnel (>100 Millirem/Yr) According to Employee Category

12.4-7 Percentages of Personnel Dose by Work Function

12.4-8 Annual Occupational Exposures for Various PWR Vendor's Units

12.4-9 Average Annual Occupational Exposure and Power for Indi-

vidual PWRs 12.4-10 Average Individual Exposure Based on PWR Plant Age

12.4-11 Cumulative Average of Annual Exposure by Years of Oper-

ation - PWRs 12.4-12 Estimates of Occupancy Times in Plant Radiation Areas

and Gamma Doses to Plant Personnel

12.4-13 Distribution of Direct Radiation Man-Rem Doses According to Work Functions

12.4-14 Annual Occupancy in Plant Areas Containing Airborne


12.4-15 Doses to Plant Personnel Caused by Airborne Radio-activity

12.5-1 Health Physics and Lab Equipment

12.5-2 Portable Health Physics Equipment

12.0-v Rev.25


*Refer to Section 1.6 and Table 1.6-3. Controlled drawings were removed from the USAR at Revision 17 and are considered incorporated by reference.

Figure # Sheet Title Drawing #* 12.3-1 1 Typical Valve Compartment Arrangement 12.3-1 2 Typical Valve Compartment Arrangement 12.3-1 3 Typical Valve Compartment Arrangement 12.3-1 4 Typical Valve Compartment Arrangement 12.3-1 5 Typical Valve Compartment Arrangement 12.3-2 1 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation El. 1974' 10466-A-1701 12.3-2 2 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation El. 2000' 10466-A-1702 12.3-2 3 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation El. 2026' 10466-A-1703 12.3-2 4 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation El. 2047'-6" 10466-A-1704 12.3-2 5 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation Turbine Bldg El. 1983' & 2000' 10466-A-1705 12.3-2 6 Radiation Zones for Normal Operation Turbine Bldg El. 2033' & 2065' 10466-A-1706 12.3-3 0 Control Room Isometric 12.3-4 0 Decontamination System M-12HD01 12.4-1 1 Cumulative Average of Annual Exposure by Years of Operation - PWRs 12.4-1 2 Cumulative Average of Annual Exposure by Years of Operation - PWRs 12.4-1 3 Cumulative Average of Annual Exposure by Years of Operation - PWRs 12.4-1 4 Cumulative Average of Annual Exposure by Years of Operation - PWRs 12.5-1 0 Health Physics Area in the Walter P. Chrysler Support Complex 12.5-2 0 Health Physics Area in the Control Building 12.5-3 0 Sample Lab Facilities in the Radwaste Building 12.5-4 0 Dosimetry office in Olive Ann Beech Building


12.1.1 POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The Operating Agent is committed to a company policy that supports the applicable Regulatory Guides (see Table 12.1-1) and parts of Title 10 of the

Code of Federal Regulations in maintaining occupational radiation exposure

(ORE) as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). A Radiation Protection Operative Policy, initiated by the President and Chief Executive Officer through the Operating Agent Corporate Policy Manual has been implemented to

meet this commitment. The Manager Radiation Protection is responsible for the technical content of the program and ensuring professional ALARA input. The Operating Agent establishes radiation protection practices for applicable plant activities and provides a qualified health physics organization to accomplish this goal. Utility management recognizes and emphasizes the importance of each

individual's responsibilities to maintain occupational radiation exposures (ORE) - ALARA. ALARA and Planning Committees Under the ALARA Program, the ALARA Committee is responsible for integrating

regulatory requirements with management policy by providing a multidisciplined

forum for the discussion of radiological problems. A member of management serves as chairman of the ALARA Committee.

The station ALARA Coordinator participates in outage planning and scheduling of

maintenance and testing activities during operations to evaluate dose reduction mechanisms and provide the necessary directives to ensure OREs, through the support of a functional onsite Health Physics Program, are maintained ALARA. Health Physics The ALARA Program maintains, through the Radiation Protection Manual and the Operative Policy contained in the Corporate Policy Manual: 1) that personnel work closely together to ensure that each Nuclear Division's ALARA responsibilities are carried out and that the site is updated to current

regulatory standards; 2) an adequate training program to educate all nuclear

station personnel in the areas of ALARA practices; 3) a method of reviewing the effectiveness of the station ALARA Program; 4) the formation of an ALARA committee to resolve areas of activity which offer the potential for increasing

radiation exposures.

12.1-1 Rev. 25 WOLF CREEK The Health Physics ALARA groupis responsible for analyzing the latest regulatory criteria and providing general Health Physics support. This section also performs ALARA reviews of non-expedited plant modification requests. Expedited plant modification requests (Category I) ALARA reviews will be performed by Engineering. The plant manager is responsible for ensuring that a station ALARA program is developed and that all station personnel support it. The plant manager is responsible for all operational aspects of the station, including the WCGS Health Physics Program, and support of the station Radiation Protection Manager.The Radiation Protection Manager is responsible for developing and implementing the WCGS Health Physics Program and maintaining plant occupational radiation

exposures ALARA. This manager is the site expert on radiation protection and

is responsible for supporting operations and maintenance through radiological

safety procedures, manpower and the provision of radiological protection equipment in controlled areas. This manager participates in site planning activities such as, but not limited to, the emergency plan, outages, equipment

procurement, and personnel training, which require radiological input. To ensure freedom from operation and maintenance pressures, this manager retains the administrative freedom to report technical information of an immediate nature directly to the plant manager. Any ALARA concerns can be appealed to the ALARA Committee and reported to corporate management. The WCGS Health Physics organizations works to consider the radiological implications of WCGS from long range perspectives. The organization ensures the application of sound Health Physics, radiation protection, and ALARA

philosophies. 12.1.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A major objective in the design of the WCGS powerblock has been to limit the potential radiation exposures of operating personnel. This objective has been emphasized to the lead architect engineer (Bechtel) from the outset of the project, through reviews of project design criteria and frequent design reviews as the detailed design of the powerblock has evolved. Specific design considerations and the guidelines employed in developing the WCGS design are

presented in Sections and Estimated occupational radiation doses are given in Section 12.4. Significant elements of the design program to

ensure that ORE are ALARA have been implemented as described in the following sections. 12.1-2 Rev. 18 WOLF CREEK Plant Design The design engineers and first level supervisors assigned by Bechtel to WCGS have, in most cases, performed similar design work on other nuclear power plants. Through this experience, they have developed sensitivity to and knowledge of radiation protection aspects of design, which have been applied to WCGS. Bechtel design engineers are also made aware of other operating experience through Licensee Event Reports, NRC IE Bulletins and Information Notices, and Bechtel-generated problem alert reports. The Bechtel designers have, where practical, followed the design guidelines of NRC Regulatory Guide 8.8. The designers have also followed recommendations of the NSSS supplier (Westinghouse). Many of these recommendations are available in documented form, in the Westinghouse information packages and in Reference

1. Other recommendations developed from discussions with Westinghouse.

Westinghouse representatives met with Bechtel designers, as appropriate. Design of NSSS equipment, within Westinghouse's scope of supply, to ALARA objectives is described in Reference 1. In the early stages of the plant design, calculations were performed to quantify potential concentrations of radioactivity throughout process systems and buildings of the power block. These calculations made use of measured data from operating plants, and also followed the methodology of NRC Regulatory

Guide 1.112. Systems designs and equipment specifications have been influenced

by these assessments. Additionally, radiation dose rates have been estimated

throughout the power block. Specifications for equipment and/or systems to be purchased reflect the objective to keep ORE-ALARA. For example, the specifications for secondary

waste evaporator and solid radwaste system state that "special consideration shall be given to eliminate points where radioactive materials may tend to accumulate." The specifications also require provisions for remote flushing and rinsing of portions of equipment that contain radioactive material and state that "special design consideration shall be given to minimizing operator

exposure to radiation during the maintenance of equipment." Scale-Model Program The use of scale models is an innovative aspect of the WCGS project that has proven effective for design and design review. Three classes of scale models

have been used with respect to radiation protection: (1) preliminary design model, (2) study models, and (3) final design model. 12.1-3 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK The preliminary design model (3/8 inch = 1 foot) was, in effect, a three-dimensional layout tool. Model builders constructed the main elements of the buildings (walls, floors, columns, etc.) and set in place major equipment (tanks, pumps, motors, etc.). Plant design engineers then routed piping, electrical cable trays, and HVAC ducts, and located valves and valve actuators

on the model. The three-dimensional aspects of the model, compared to

conventional layout drawings, placed radiation protection, among other considerations, into sharp focus for both design engineers and reviewers and facilitated evaluation of design alternatives, such as choosing the best valve

placement. Prior to completion of the preliminary design models, several

reviews by the Operating Agent and SNUPPS staff were held, as discussed further

in Section Upon completion of the preliminary design model, the approved layouts were committed to paper as design drawings. Study models were less formal in concept than the preliminary design and final design models and were constructed to evaluate specific design features or

alternatives. For example, a study model was constructed of portions of the auxiliary building in order to evaluate the arrangement of radioactive demineralizers. The results of the review of this model are discussed in

Section The final design model (3/4 inch = 1 foot) was built by model makers from design drawings, but was constructed sufficiently early to permit design changes, e.g., to facilitate maintenance. The final design model comprises the

reactor building, auxiliary building, control building, radwaste building, and

turbine building. Additional design reviews by Bechtel and by SNUPPS were

performed, using the final design model (see Sections and These reviews again focused on such factors as operability, maintainability, and radiation protection. Second-Level Design Reviews by the Lead Architect-Engineer The term second-level review pertains to reviews beyond that of first-level supervision. On-project reviews are conducted by engineering and supervisory personnel from groups, other than the group that originated the design, and by higher level supervisory personnel. The reviews are generally interdisciplinary. For

example, layout of shielding and valve operators in the radwaste building is

performed by plant design personnel and is reviewed by mechanical/nuclear

engineering personnel, as well as by the project engineers for plant design and systems. These reviews bring a broader base of experience to bear on all aspects of design, including radiation protection. Participants are

professional engineers with 5 to 20 years of nuclear power plant design experience. 12.1-4 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK Off-project reviews are performed, when requested by the project organization, by members of the Bechtel technical staff. There have been no off-project reviews specifically addressed to radiation protection. However, shielding calculations have been the responsibility of the chief nuclear engineer and his staff and, through this involvement in the design, the staff personnel have

contributed to the ALARA review. Design Reviews by SNUPPS Operating Agent reviews of safety-related systems, structures, and equipment were coordinated through the SNUPPS Technical Committee, which was composed of

senior-level utility engineers, one from each SNUPPS utility (Wolf Creek and Callaway). It was the responsibility of the Technical Committee to obtain comments from appropriate personnel within their companies and to bring those

comments to meetings of the Committee, where decisions are made on the basis of

discussion and eventually a vote. Throughout the duration of the SNUPPS

project, the Technical Committee met or had a telephone conference call on the average of once every week and a half, and total meeting days per year of the Technical Committee averaged about 50. The SNUPPS technical director

participated in Technical Committee meetings. Assisting the Technical Committee were various plant review groups, which are ad hoc groups of Operating Agent personnel selected to review and recommend action on specific aspects of design. The total meeting days per year averaged

about 15. A SNUPPS staff member participated in each meeting. Radiation protection was an important aspect of the reviews by the Technical Committee and the plant review groups and was the subject of numerous specific reviews, as discussed further in Section At least six distinct

reviews of the scale models specifically included consideration of radiation

protection during plant operation and maintenance. At these reviews,

representatives of SNUPPS included, in addition to Technical Committee members and SNUPPS staff, the health physics superintendent from Ginna Station, several licensed senior reactor operators, operations and maintenance supervisors from

other nuclear power plants, and Operating Agent engineering personnel

experienced in nuclear plant operation. Several design changes resulted from

these reviews. Examples are described in Section During design and construction of the first SNUPPS unit (Callaway), SNUPPS staff and qualified personnel from WCGS participated in a review of the

effectiveness of design to the ALARA objectives. Periodically during construction, preoperational testing, and start-up of the SNUPPS units, qualified personnel from WCGS participated in ALARA reviews of Wolf Creek. 12.1-5 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK Examples of Radiation Protection Design Reviews

a. Radiation Zone Drawings Every location within the power block has been assigned a radiation zone classification. The method of establishing radiation zone classifications has been as follows. Shortly after initiation of the WCGS project, Bechtel prepared shielding design criteria which were

reviewed by a SNUPPS plant review group. Participants

in that review were utility engineering personnel,

including one person with an SRO license from Ginna Station. Subsequently, Bechtel prepared radiation zone drawings which define the zone classification of each

location in the powerblock. These drawings were

reviewed by the Operating Agent and SNUPPS staff.

Participants in those reviews included the Technical Committee, Operating Agent engineering personnel, Operating Agent operating and health physics personnel, and SNUPPS staff.

b. Reactor Cavity WCGS learned in the Spring of 1975 that, unless neutron shielding was provided for the reactor cavity, neutron

dose rates in the containment would be 10 to 100 times

too high to permit operator access to the containment for reasonable periods of time during full-power operation. This conclusion was based on measured dose rates in the Calvert Cliffs plant, which is designed (as

is WCGS) for access to the outside of the reactor vessel for performance of inservice inspection. WCGS through SNUPPS, had Bechtel undertake a study of possible neutron shield configurations, the effect of the shield on subcompartment pressure and pressure loadings on the reactor vessel, and obtainable dose reduction factors. SNUPPS had numerous design review meetings with Bechtel. Participants for SNUPPS have included: SNUPPS staff (executive director, technical director, and licensing manager), the Technical Committee, and Operating Agent engineering personnel. SNUPPS also

contracted for an outside review by the NUS Corporation, which included independent estimates of neutron streaming and the effectiveness of neutron shielding

materials. The design of the neutron shield in the

containment is described in Section and

c. Radioactive Demineralizers As a result of a review of a study model of the auxiliary building, the following design changes were

made: 12.1-6 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK

1. A single wall between the corridor and the valve and piping compartments was designed to replace space-consuming overlapping (staggered for radiation protection) access walls. This allows more room in the corridor and more accessibility

for maintenance within the compartments.

2. Vertical valve controls were designed to replace horizontal controls. This eliminates the need for

90-degree turns in the valve control fixtures and

eliminates the access difficulty, which horizontal

valve control rods pose as obstacles to maintenance.

3. A concrete shielding floor was provided above the valve and piping compartments to minimize exposure

to the valve control operators.

d. Airborne Radioactivity in Containment Airborne radioactivity (predominantly noble gases) has limited containment access in operating PWRs. Leakage of noble gases from the reactor coolant through the packing of the pressurizer spray valve has been

determined to be a significant contributor to the

gaseous activity in containment. To alleviate this

situation, the following design provisions have been incorporated in the WCGS plant:

1. A low-leakage, ball-type pressurizer spray valve.
2. Provisions for continuous stripping of noble gases from the reactor coolant (see Section 9.3.4).
3. Addition of a mini-purge system to permit purging of the containment during power operation, prior to

operator access (see Section 9.4.6).

4. Provision of a containment atmospheric control system (Section 9.4.6) to remove airborne iodine

from the containment. This reduces the potential airborne exposure to operators entering the containment and also results in reduced environmental concentrations of iodine when purging the containment.

e. Steam Generator Maintenance A final example of the results of scale-model reviews by SNUPPS is provision of permanent maintenance platforms below the steam generators to facilitate access and

thereby reduce associated personnel radiation doses for

maintenance operations, such as eddy-current inspection of tubes and sludge-lancing. 12.1-7 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK Decommissioning The following features of the plant design will assist decommissioning crews to maintain ORE-ALARA during the eventual decommissioning of WCGS.

a. The building arrangements, compartmentation, corridors, doorways, and hatches provide the ability to remove most items of equipment intact or, alternatively, to isolate and entomb specific areas.
b. The design features to maintain ORE-ALARA throughout the plant operating life are also applicable to the eventual decommissioning of the plant. These features include equipment design for ease of accessibility and

maintenance, provisions for remote flushing of

equipment, ability to use remote handling equipment,

and component design features to minimize crud buildup.

c. Specifications and limitations on cobalt content in equipment components serve to limit radiation doses from

crud buildup during both operation and subsequent


d. The amount of potentially radioactive buried pipe is limited.

12.1.3 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS The Health Physics staff works with other WCGS groups to coordinate their input and ensure that proper radiological surveillance and controls for maintenance,

operations, waste handling, inservice inspection, decommissioning and other activities are performed in a manner that maintains occupational exposures ALARA. This includes work on such systems as the NSSS, the Residual Heat Removal System, the Fuel Handling System, the Liquid Waste Management Systems, the Gaseous Waste Management Systems, the Solid Waste Management Systems, the

Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System and other systems that collect, store, contain or transport liquid, gaseous and solid radioactive material. Routine operational practices used at WCGS to promote an ALARA philosophy and objectives are; the employment of a radiological staff that meets Regulatory Guide 1.8 requirements, the proper training of personnel and the preparation and preplanning of potentially high radiation exposure jobs. Briefings, surveys, critiques, etc, are administrative tools, which are used to ensure that station doses are maintained ALARA. The development and implementation of

radiation protection procedures, practices and techniques in conjunction with

adequate supervisory and radiation protection surveillance, provides a system

that ensures ALARA is adequately reflected in station activities. 12.1-8 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK The operation and calibration procedures developed and implemented by the WCGS

Health Physics staff provide specific guidelines, techniques and methods that incorporate guidance from Regulatory Guides 8.8 and 8.10. Past operational experience of the Health Physics personnel and information from other Nuclear Power Plants were used in program development and implementation to minimize

occupational exposure problems. A description of the Health Physics program is

given in Section 12.5.3. The Manager Radiation Protection through a Supervisor Radiation Protection has the primary responsibility for developing and implementing the WCGS Health Physics Program. Implementation of the program is through the use of

administrative exposure controls and procedures, Health Physics procedures, employee training, Health Physics review of plant procedures, job preparation, pre-planning of work which may produce significant exposures, and a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) program by which Health Physics regulates access to

controlled areas. A description of the RWP System is given in Section 12.5.3.

To ensure that Health Physics is an integral part of the WCGS plant operation, the Manager Radiation Protection is a member of the Plant Safety Review Committee.

The Manager Radiation Protection through a Supervisor Radiation Protection periodically reviews exposure records for the purpose of identifying exposure by category, location, job function, etc., to enable the recommendation of changes to plant procedures, operating methods, etc., where such changes may reduce exposure.

12.1.4 Quality Assurance of Maintenance of ALARA

To verify that radiation protection functions are being performed as required and that a high level of radiological safety is maintained, review and

evaluation through audit of the radiation protection program is performed biennially by the Operating Agent Quality Assurance Division. The performance of audits and review of radioactivity monitoring (fixed and portable), radioactivity sampling, contamination measurement and analysis, internal and

external personnel monitoring, instrument storage, calibration and maintenance,

decontamination, and the respiratory protection program including testing and contamination control to assure program effectiveness is consistent with the position of NUREG 0761.

The audit program is conducted in accordance with established auditing


1. Use of inspectors/auditors with training and expertise

in the area being audited.

2. Use of audit personnel with no responsibilities or
         "vested interests" in the areas being reviewed. 

12.1-9 Rev. 25 WOLF CREEK

3. Documentation of audit results and findings, and review by management.
4. Performance of corrective or followup actions as appropriate.

Additional quality for these items is built into HP procedures utilizing quality provisions from regulatory guides. Adequacy of permanent and temporary biological shielding within the Radiation Controlled Areas (RCAs) is verified by periodic radiation surveys. The programs which control the monitoring activities are administered to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20. 12.1.5 REFERENCE

1. "Design, Inspection, Operation and Maintenance Aspects of the Westinghouse NSSS to Maintain Occupational

Radiation Exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable,"

WCAP-8872, April 1977. 12.1-10 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.1-1 Regulatory Criteria Applicable to The Operating Agent's Health Physics Program Number Title Revision Issuance

1.8 Personnel Selection and Training Draft Rev. 2 2/79

8.2 Guide For Administrative Practices - 2/2/73 in Radiation Monitoring 8.4 Direct-Reading and Indirect Reading - 2/26/73 Pocket Dosimeters 8.7 Occupational Radiation Exposure Records - 5/73 System 8.8 Information Relevant to Ensuring that 3 6/78 Occupational Radiation Exposures at

Nuclear Power Stations will be As Low

As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) 8.9 Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations, - 9/73 and Assumptions for a Bioassay Program 8.10 Operating Philosophy for Maintaining 1-R 9/75 Occupational Radiation Exposures As

Low As is Reasonably Achievable 8.13 Instruction Concerning Prenatal 1 11/75

Radiation Exposure 8.14 Personnel Neutron Dosimeters 1 8/77

8.15 Acceptable Programs for Respiratory - 10/76 Protection 8.26 Applications of Bioassay for Fission - 9/80 and Activation Products ANSI American National Standard - 1972 N13.5-1972 performance specfications for direct

reading and indirect reading pocket

dosimeters for x - and gamma radiation ANSI American National Standard R1972 1972 N13.6-1966 practice for occupational radiation

exposure records systems ANSI/ANS American National Standard 1978 3.1-1978 for selection and training of Nuclear

Power Plant Personnel On June 24, 1997 an exemption from the requirements of 10CFR70.24 was granted by the NRC, therefore Regulatory Guide 8.12 is no longer applicable. On November 12, 1998 the NRC issued 10CFR50.68, which provides eight criteria that may be followed in lieu of criticality monitoring per 10CFR70.24 and revised 10CFR70.24 to make any exemption ineffective so long as the licensee elects to comply to 10CFR50.68. Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK 12.2 RADIATION SOURCES The sources of radiation that form the basis for shield design calculations and the sources of airborne radioactivity required for the design of personnel protective measures and for dose assessment are discussed and identified in this section. 12.2.1 CONTAINED SOURCES The shielding design is based on full-power operation with 0.25 percent fuel cladding defects (Ref. 1, 2, 3, 4). The sources were obtained by multiplying the ANSI N237 fission product sources by two (Ref. 5). Sources in the primary

coolant include fission products released from fuel clad defects and activation and corrosion products. The sources in the primary coolant are discussed in Section 11.1 and listed in Table 11.1-4. Throughout most of the primary

coolant system, activation products, principally nitrogen-16 during reactor

operation, are the primary radiation sources for shielding design. For all

systems transporting radioactive materials, conservative allowance is made for transit decay, while, at the same time, providing for daughter product formation. In this section, the design sources are presented by building location and system. General location of the equipment discussed in this section is shown in the general arrangement drawings provided in Section 1.2. Containment Reactor Core The primary radiation within the containment during normal operation is neutrons and gamma rays emanating from the reactor core. Tables 12.2-1 and 12.2-2 list neutron and gamma multigroup fluxes at the core centerline location outside the reactor vessel. The tables are based on nuclear parameter values discussed in Chapter 4.0. Table 12.2-4 lists core gamma fluxes at the core centerline location outside the reactor vessel after shutdown, for shielding requirements during shutdown and inservice inspection. Reactor Coolant System Sources of radiation in the reactor coolant system are fission products released from fuel and activation and corrosion products which are circulated

in the reactor coolant. These sources are listed in Table 11.1-4, and their bases are discussed in Section 11.1. 12.2-1 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK During operation, the activation product nitrogen-16 is the predominant activity in the reactor coolant pumps, steam generators, and reactor coolant piping. The contained source of radiation within the pressurizer is comprised of a liquid volume activity, a vapor volume activity, and a deposited activity. These activities are identified in Table 12.2-3. Secondary Coolant Cycle Under normal operating conditions, there is insignificant radioactive contamination present within the steam and power conversion system. It is possible to spread contamination to this cycle via steam generator tube leakage. Based on the primary-to-secondary leak rate given in Table 11.1A-1, the equilibrium secondary system activities are developed in Section 11.1 and provided in Table 11.1-4. The condensate demineralizers and steam generator blowdown system further reduce the radioactivity level in the secondary cycle, as described in Section 11.1. An evaluation of the secondary coolant activity in Tables 11.1-6 (Sheet 4) and 11.1-4 verifies that shielding is not required for the steam and power conversion system, with the exception of the components that could potentially concentrate the radioactivity. The condensate demineralizers and the steam generator blowdown demineralizers are the only components which could

potentially concentrate the radioactivity. Auxiliary Systems Residual heat removal system - see Section Chemical and volume control system - see Section Boron Recycle system - see Section Spent Fuel Handling and Transfer The spent fuel assemblies are the predominant source of radiation in the containment after plant shutdown for refueling. A reactor operating time necessary to establish fission product buildup near equilibrium for the reactor at rated power is used in determining the source strength. Shielding requirements for spent fuel transfer are based on the fission product activity present 100 hours after shutdown to conservatively take credit for the time elapsed prior to the initiation of refueling operations. Source terms for spent fuel are listed in Table 12.2-4. 12.2-2 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK Auxiliary Building Residual Heat Removal System The pumps, heat exchangers, and associated piping of the residual heat removal

(RHR) system contain radioactive materials. For plant shutdown, the RHR pumps

and heat exchanger sources result from the radioactive isotopes carried in the

reactor coolant, discussed in Section, considering 4 hours of decay following shutdown. The radiation source terms for the RHR system are listed in Table 12.2-5. Chemical and Volume Control System

The CVCS source activity is the reactor coolant inventory which is provided in Table 11.1-4. More than 1 minute of N-16 coolant activity decay is provided

before the letdown line exits the containment, and, therefore, is not

significant in determining shielding requirements for the CVCS equipment

outside the containment. Major equipment items include the letdown heat exchanger, mixed bed and cation

bed demineralizers, reactor coolant filter, volume control tank, and charging

pumps. The seal water subsystem for the reactor coolant pumps includes the

injection and return filters and the seal water heat exchanger. The design activities of the CVCS components are listed in Table 12.2-6. Heat exchanger and piping activities are derived from primary coolant activities. Radiation

sources in the various pumps are assumed to be identical to the liquid sources

in the tank from which the pump takes suction. Nuclear Sampling System

The sampling systems for (a) reactor coolant, (b) containment sump water, and

(c) containment atmosphere have been evaluated to meet normal sample conditions

and the guidelines in WCAP-14986-A, Rev. 2, "Post Accident Sampling system Requirements: A Technical Basis," to assure that a recovery sample can be taken if needed. Steps will be taken to assure that exposure is minimized while

taking recovery samples.

By Amendment 137, the in-line post-accident sampling system is no longer used, and the equipment has been abandoned in place. The sample panel for this system is located in Room 1312 of the auxiliary building.

12.2-3 Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK The existing sampling systems, which provide the capability to make required analyses under normal conditions, are retained. Tables 9.3-3, 9.3-4, 9.3-5, and 9.3-6 list the various systems which are sampled. Figures 9.3-2, 9.3-3, and 9.3-4 show the piping and instrumentation diagrams for the sampling systems. Process radioactivity monitors for the sampling systems are indicated in the tables and figures mentioned above. The area and airborne radioactivity monitors for worker protection are given in Section 12.3.4 and are shown in Figure 12.3-2. The major radiation sources in the nuclear sampling system originate from the RCS, RHR, and CVCS systems. The greatest radiation exposure would be to

personnel taking the samples. To minimize this exposure, an integral shield has been incorporated into the sampling station design. Fuel Building Spent Fuel Storage and Transfer The predominant radioactivity sources in the spent fuel storage and transfer areas in the fuel building are the spent fuel assemblies. Spent fuel assembly sources are discussed in Section For shielding design, the fuel storage pool assumptions are given in Section 9.1.2. The major radionuclide concentrations in the water are provided in Table 12.2-7. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Sources in the fuel pool cooling and cleanup system (FPCCS) are the result of the transfer of radioactive isotopes from the reactor coolant into the fuel storage pool during refueling operations. The reactor coolant activities for

fission, corrosion, and activation products (Table 11.1-4) are decayed for the

amount of time required to remove the reactor vessel head following shutdown, are reduced by operation of the letdown system filters and demineralizers following shutdown, and are diluted by the total volumes of the water in the reactor vessel, refueling pool, and fuel storage pool. This activity then undergoes subsequent decay and accumulation on the FPCC filters and

demineralizers. 12.2-4 Rev. 20 WOLF CREEK Turbine Building Main Steam Supply and Power Conversion Systems Potential radioactivity in the main steam supply and power conversion systems is a result of steam generator tube leaks and fuel cladding defects, as

discussed in Section This radioactivity is sufficiently low that no radiation shielding for equipment in the turbine building, except the condensate demineralizers, is required in order to meet the shielding design requirements. The isotopic concentrations for a condensate demineralizer bed and other secondary system sources are listed in Table 12.2-8. Radwaste Building Boron Recycle and Liquid Radwaste Systems

The system sources are radioisotopes, including fission and activation products, present in the reactor coolant. The components of the systems contain varying degrees of activity, depending on the detailed system and equipment design. The concentrations of radionuclides in the process fluids at various locations in the radwaste systems, such as pipes, tanks, filters, demineralizers, and evaporators, are discussed in Section 11.1 and are listed in Tables 11.1-4 and 11.1-6. These nuclide concentrations for 0.25 percent failed fuel have been

used in the final shielding design. Shielding for each component of the

radwaste systems is based on maximum activity conditions, as given in Sections

11.1 and 11.2. Gaseous Radwaste System Radiation sources for each component of the waste gas system are based on operation under the conditions given in Sections 11.1 and 11.3. Tabulation of the activities is shown in Table 12.2-9. Solid Radwaste System

Radiation sources for each component providing influent to the solid radwaste system are based on operation under the conditions given in Sections 11.1 and 11.4. Tabulation of the activities is shown in Table 11.4-3. 12.2-5 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK Sources Resulting from Design Basis Accidents The radiation sources from design basis accidents include the design basis inventory of radioactive isotopes in the reactor coolant, plus postulated fission product releases from the fuel. Accident parameters and sources are discussed and evaluated in Chapters 11.0 and 15.0. Stored Radioactivity The principal sources of activity not stored inside the plant structures are the reactor makeup water storage tank (RMWST) and the refueling water storage

tank (RWST). The RMWST is expected to contain concentrations of radionuclides

which yield a surface dose rate of 0.5 mrem/hr or less. The RWST is expected to have a maximum contact dose of less than 10 mrem/hr when the water is returned from the refueling pool. This is rapidly reduced by processing through the fuel storage pool purification filter and demineralizer. Spent fuel is stored in the fuel storage pool until prepared for shipment offsite. Storage space is allocated in the radwaste building for the storage of spent filter cartridges and solidified spent resins, evaporator bottoms, and chemical wastes. Radioactive wastes stored inside designed storage areas are shielded

so anticipated access outside the structure will meet Zone A specifications

(see Figure 12.3-2). If it becomes necessary to store radioactive wastes

outside the plant structures, adequate radiation protection measures are taken by the health physics staff. Tabulations of the activities within these tanks are provided in Table 11.1-6 (Sheets 1,2, and 3). 12.2.2 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL SOURCES This section identifies the models, parameters, and sources required to evaluate potential long-term airborne radionuclide concentrations during plant operations in various plant radiation areas where personnel occupancies are

expected. An analysis of operating plant measurements of average airborne radionuclide concentrations (Ref. 6) and their respective DACs for various stations in the

auxiliary building (these stations include the waste handling area and the

waste gas decay tank rooms, which for WCGS are located in the radwaste

building) indicates that the concentration to DAC ratios in all stations is well within the limits of 10CFR20.1204(G) to consider these airborne activities as insignificant. It is expected that WCGS will not have airborne

radioactivity concentrations significantly 12.2-6 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK greater than the operating plant data for corresponding locations. However, it is possible that, within these stations, there may be rooms where maximum airborne concentrations can occur due to localized leakage of radioactive fluids, but these rooms house equipment and components that handle highly radioactive fluids and consequently are D or E zones and, therefore, are normally not occupied. Also the ventilation systems in the auxiliary and

radwaste buildings are designed in such a manner that airborne contamination from high radiation zones does not generally spread into low radiation zones, since the airflow is from regions of lower potential for contamination to those with higher potential for contamination. Consequently, negligible airborne

radioactivity concentrations are expected in those areas of the auxiliary and

radwaste buildings which are accessible (see Table 12.2-10). Airborne

radioactivity concentrations in the turbine building are also expected to be negligible, since possible leaks into the turbine building are only from the secondary side, and, also, the turbine building ventilation exhaust is high (at least 90,000 cfm). For example, airborne concentrations are calculated to be 2.3 x 10-13Ci/cc and 6.9 x 10 -12Ci/cc for I-131 and Xe-133, respectively in the turbine building. Higher airborne concentrations can, however, occur in the containment, both during power operation and refueling--the former due to coolant leakage and the

latter primarily due to the evaporation of the refueling pool. Likewise,

airborne concentrations can also occur in the fuel building both during power operation and refueling due to the evaporation of the fuel storage pool. During power operation, the airborne radioactivity in the fuel building is almost all due to tritium, since the operation of the fuel pool cleanup system

reduces concentrations of other isotopes in the pool. The assumptions and

parameters required to evaluate the airborne radionuclide concentrations in the containment and fuel building both during power operation and refueling are listed in Table 12.2-11. The concentrations in these buildings are listed in

Table 12.2-12. Even though some of these airborne concentrations may be high,

limited occupancies in these areas ensures that the doses from airborne

radioactivity to an individual are a small fraction of the 10 CFR 20 limits for occupation exposures. Airborne radioactivity is monitored inside the plant, as described in Section 12.3.4, and in process equipment and effluents, as described in Section 11.5. 12.2-7 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK Model For Calculating Airborne Concentrations For those regions which are characterized by a constant leakrate of the radioactive source at constant source strength and a constant exhaust rate of the contaminant, the peak or equilibrium airborne concentration of the radioisotope in the regions can be calculated, using the following equation: Ci (t) = (LR)i Ai (PF)i (1-e-Tit) (1) ___________________________ VTiwhere (LR) i = Leak or evaporation rate of the i th radioisotope in gm/sec, in the applicable region and Ai = activity concentration of the ith leaking or evaporating radioisotope in Ci/gm (PF) i = partition factor or the fraction of the leaking activity that is airborne for the i th radioisotope Ti = Total removal rate constant for the i th radioisotope in sec-1 from the applicable region

               = (di  + e ) di  +e are the removal rate constants in sec

-1 due to radioactive decay for the i th radioisotope and the exhaust from the applicable region t = time interval between the start of the leak and the time at which the concentration is evaluated in seconds V = free volume of the region in which the leak occurs in cc C i(t) = airborne concentration of the i th radioisotope at time t in Ci/cm3 in the applicable region 12.2-8 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK From the above equation, it is evident that the peak or equilibrium concentration, C Eqi, of the i th radioisotope in the applicable region is given by the following expression: C Eqi = (LR) i Ai (PF)i /V Ti (2) With high exhaust rates, this peak concentration is reached within a few hours. 12.


1. C. M. Lederer, et. al., Table of Isotopes

, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California (March, 1968).

2. Reactor Physics Constants

, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-5800 (July, 1963).

3. H. Soodak, Reactor Handbook

, Vol. III, Part A, Physics, second edition (1962).

4. D. A. Klopp, NAP - Multigroup Time-dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code

, IITRI-A6088-21 (January, 1966), conditions as given in Sections 11.1, 11.2, and 11.4.

5. ANSI N 237, "Source Term Specification," Final Draft, 1977.
6. NUREG/CR-0140, In-Plant Source Term Measurements at Fort Calhoun Station - Unit 1

, Prepared for USNRC by EG & G Idaho, Inc., July 1978.

7. NUREG-0017, Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous & Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors


                      (100% POWER)

Neutron Flux Energy Group (neutrons/cm 2-sec)1(E > 1.0 Mev) 7.6 x 10 82(5.53 Kev < E < 1.0 Mev) 1.2 x 10 103(0.625 ev < E < 5.53 Kev) 7.1 x 10 94(E < 0.625 ev) 1.8 x lO 9 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-2 GAMMA FLUXES ON INSIDE SURFACE OF THE PRIMARY SHIELD WALL AT THE CORE CENTERLINE

                          (100% POWER)

Group Flux(Mev/cm 2-sec) Group Energy (Mev/) 1 3.7 x 10 9 7.5 2 3.3 x 10 9 4.0 3 1.7 x 10 9 2.5 4 1.0 x 10 9 0.8 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-3 PRESSURIZER SHIELDING SOURCE TERMS

Liquid Volume Liquid Volume Isotope Activity Isotope Activity


µCi/gm) ( µCi/gm)N-16 1.8 (max) Cs-135 1.04E-10 Cr-51 1.68E-03 Cs-136 2.10E-02

Mn-54 3.10E-04 Cs-137 3.79E-02

Fe-55 1.61E-03 Ba-137M 3.58E-02

Fe-59 9.30E-04 Ba-140 3.55E-04

Co-58 1.53E-02 La-140 3.43E-04

Co-60 2.02E-03 Ce-141 1.32E-04

Br-83 2.53E-04 Ce-143 2.19E-05

Br-84 3.08E-05 Ce-144 6.86E-05

Br-85 3.39E-07 Pr-143 8.67E-05

Rb-86 1.48E-04 Pr-144 6.86E-05

Rb-88 1.32E-03

Sr-89 6.84E-04 Steam Volume Sr-90 2.llE-05

Sr-91 1.29E-04 Isotope Activity Y-89M 6.16E-08 ( µCi/cc)Y-90 1.35E-05 Y-91M 8.44E-05 Kr-83M 9.74E-04

Y-91 1.33E-04 Kr-85M 1.14E-02

Y-93 7.05E-06 Kr-85 1.13E+00

Zr-95 5.72E-05 Kr-87 1.92E-03

Nb-95 4.84E-05 Kr-88 1.36E-02

Nb-95M 2.92E-05 Kr-89 6.89E-06

Mu-99 7.34E-02 Xe-131M 1.31E-01

Tc-99 3.68E-09 Xe-133M 1.35E-01

Ru-103 4.14E-05 Xe-133 1.59E+01

Ru-106 1.00E-05 Xe-135M 9.03E-05

Te-125M 2.75E-05 Xe-135 6.79E-02

Te-127M 2.73E-04 Xe-137 1.49E-05

Te-127 3.26E-04 Xe-138 2.69E-04

Te-129M 1.27E-03

Te-129 8.23E-04

Te-131M 6.13E-04

Te-131 1.15E-04

Te-132 1.24E-02

I-129 8.55E-13

I-130 5.17E-04

I-131 3.83E-01

I-132 1.71E-02

I-133 1.46E-01

I-134 9.09E-04

I-135 2.68E-02

Cs-134 5.24E-02 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-4 SPENT FUEL SHUTDOWN SOURCES (FULL CORE) Photon Time After Shutdown Energy (Mev) 4 Hours 12 Hours 1 Day 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 0.4 3.1 x 10 11 2.3 x 10 11 1.9 x 10 11 9.2 x 10 10 3.8 x 10 10 1.3 x 10 10 0.8 1.3 x 10 12 9.8 x 10 11 8.0 x 10 11 4.0 x 10 11 2.3 x 10 11 1.2 x 10 11 1.3 3.9 x 10 11 2.9 x 10 11 2.5 x 10 11 1.6 x 10 11 1.2 x 10 11 5.8 x 10 10 1.7 5.1 x 10 11 3.8 x 10 11 3.3 x 10 11 2.3 x 10 11 6.2 x 10 10 2.9 x 10 9 2.2 7.2 x 10 10 2.6 x 10 10 1.5 x 10 10 8.5 x 10 9 6.7 x 10 9 5.0 x 10 9 2.5 8.9 x 10 10 4.7 x 10 10 3.7 x 10 10 2.5 x 10 10 7.9 x 10 9 3.5 x 10 8 3.5 8.2 x 10 9 2.0 x 10 9 1.3 x 10 9 9.6 x 10 8 2.0 x 10 8 1.5 x 10 7Values given in Mev/cc-sec. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-5 RADIATION SOURCES RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM Isotope Activities Isotope Activities


µCi/gm) ( µCi/gm)Cr-51 1.51E-03 I-131 4.37E-01 Mn-54 2.48E-04 I-132 6.36E-02

Fe-55 1.28E-03 I-133 5.46E-01

Fe-59 7.98E-04 I-134 3.17E-03

Co-58 1.28E-02 I-135 2.06E-01

Co-60 1.60E-03 Xe-131M 3.94E-02

Br-83 2.49E-03 Xe-133M 2.07E.01

Br-84 2.28E-05 Xe-133 1.06E+01

Br-85 negligible Xe-135M 3.56E-02

Kr-83M 1.34E-02 Xe-135 5.42E-01

Kr-85M 1.20E-01 Xe-137 negligible

Kr-85 1.68E-02 Xe-138 8.llE-07

Kr-87 1.48E-02 Cs-134 4.10E-02

Kr-88 1.57E-01 Cs-135 4.48E-13

Kr-89 negligible Cs-136 2.llE-02

Rb-86 1.39E-04 Cs-137 2.95E-02

Rb-88 1.75E-01 Cs-138 4.47E-04

Rb-89 5.28E-08 Ba-137M 2.79E-02

Sr-89 5.73E-04 Ba-140 3.58E-04

Sr-90 1.64E-05 La-140 2.54E-04

Sr-91 8.01E-04 Ce-141 1.14E-04

Y-89M 5.15E-08 Ce-143 6.03E-05

Y-90 2.58E-06 Ce-144 5.41E-05

Y-91M 5.30E-04 Pr-143 8.18E-05

Y-91 1.06E-04 Pr-144 5.41E-05

Y-93 4.25E-05

Zr-95 4.79E-05

Nb-95 4.00E-05

Nb-95M 1.45E-06

Mo-99 1.32E-01

Tc-99 2.00E-10

Ru-103 3.59E-05

Ru-106 8.00E-06

Te-125M 2.32E-05

Te-127M 2.24E-04

Te-127 5.63E-04

Te-129M 1.12E-03

Te-129 7.66E-04

Te-131M 1.82E-03

Te-131 3.34E-04

Te-132 2.08E-02

I-129 2.63E-14



Isotope Activity


µCi/cc) Cr-51 3.30E+01 Mn-54 3.36E+01

Fe-55 2 23E+02

Fe-59 2.80E+01

Co-58 6.94E+02

Co-60 2.96E+02

Br-83 6.26E-01

Br-84 7.47E-02

Br-85 8.17E-04

Rb-86 1.15E+00

Rb-88 1.78E+00

Sr-89 2.30E+01

Sr-90 3.25E+00

Sr-91 3.42E-01

Y-89M 2.07E-03

Y-90 3.21E+00

Y-91M 2.25E-01

Y-91 5.13E+00

Y-93 1.88E-02

Zr-95 2.40E+00

Nb-95 3.44E+00

Nb-95M 2.40E+00

Mo-99 3.02E+02

Tc-99 9.73E-04

Ru-103 1.12E+00

Ru-106 1.14E+00

Te-125M 1.04E+00

Te-127M 1.72E+01

Te-127 1.74E+01

Te-129M 2.99E+01

Te-129 1.92E+01

Te-131M 1.95E+00

Te-131 3.64E-01

Te-132 5.49E+01

I-129 1.12E-06

I-130 1.41E+00

I-131 2.83E+03

I-132 6.73E+01

I-133 4.30E+02

I-134 2.21E+00

I-135 6.92E+01

Cs-134 3.88E+03

Cs-135 1.73E-05 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-6 (Sheet 2) Isotope Activity


µCi/cc) Cs-136 1.22E+02 Cs-137 3.26E+03

Ba-137M 3.08E+03

Ba-140 3.66E+00

La-140 3.98E+00

Ce-141 2.96E+00

Ce-143 7.16E-02

Ce-144 7.20E+00

Pr-143 9.56E-01

Pr-144 7.20E+00 Reactor Coolant Filter Specific Source Gamma Energy Strength (Mev/) (Mev/cc-sec) 0.8 5.7 x 10 7 1.3 1.5 x 10 7NOTE:All other demineralizers and filters throughout the plant are shielded with these same source terms, since these are

the most radioactive. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-6 (Sheet 3) Regenerative Heat Exchanger Shell Side and Volume Control Tank Liquid Volume

Excess Letdown and Seal Water Heat Volume Control Tank and Letdown Heat Exchanger Gaseous Volume Exchanger Tube Side Isotope Activities Isotope Activities Isotope Activity


µCi/gm) ( µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc)Cr-51 1.90E-03 Cr-51 1.73E-04 Kr-83M 2.69E-01 Mn-54 3.10E-04 Mn-54 2.82E-05 Kr-85M 2.01E+00 Fe-55 1.60E-03 Fe-55 1.46E-04 Kr-85 2.40E-01

Fe-59 1.00E-03 Fe-59 9.10E-05 Kr-87 6.11E-01 Co-58 1.60E-02 Co-58 1.46E-03 Kr-88 3.11E+00 Co-60 2.00E-03 Co-60 1.82E-04 Kr-89 3.19E-03 Br-83 1.00E-02 Br-83 1.00E-03 Xe-131M 5.65E-01 Br-84 5.42E-03 Br-84 5.42E-04 Xe-133M 2.96E+00 Br-85 6.25E-04 Br-85 6.25E-05 Xe-133 1.52E+02

Kr-83M 4.54E-02 Rb-86 8.08E-05 Xe-135M 3.88E-02 Kr-85M 2.25E-01 Rb-88 1.90E-01 Xe-135 7.16E+00 Kr-85 1.67E-02 Sr-89 6.65E-05 Xe-137 6.88E-03 Kr-87 1.32E-01 Sr-90 1.90E-06 Xe-138 1.17E-01 Kr-88 4.23E-01 Sr-91 1.24E-04 Kr-89 1.13E-02 Y-90 2.28E-07 Rb-86 1.77E-04 Y-91M 6.84E-05 Rb-88 4.17E-01 Y-91 1.22E-05 Sr-89 7.29E-04 Y-93 6.46E-06 Sr-90 2.08E-05 Zr-95 5.46E-06 Sr-91 1.35E-03 Nb-95 4.55E-06 Y-90 2.50E-06 Mo-99 1.60E-02

Y-91M 7.50E-04 Ru-103 4.10E-06 Y-91 1.33E-04 Ru-106 9.10E-07 Y-93 7.08E-05 Te-125M 2.64E-06 Zr-95 6.00E-05 Te-127M 2.55E-05 Nb-95 5.00E-05 Te-127 7.74E-05 Mo-99 1.75E-01 Te-129M 1.27E-04 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-6 (Sheet 4) Regenerative Regenerative Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Shell Side and Shell Side and Volume Control Tank Liquid Volume Excess Letdown Excess Letdown and Seal Water Heat

and Letdown Heat and Letdown Heat Exchanger Exchanger Tube Side Exchanger Tube Side Isotope Activities Isotope Activities Isotope Activities


µCi/gm) ( µCi/gm) ( µCi/cc)Ru-103 4.50E-05 Ce-141 1.46E-04 Te-129 1.46E-04 Ru-106 1.00E-05 Ce-143 8.33E-05 Te-131M 2.28E-04 Te-125M 2.90E-05 Ce-144 6.87E-05 Te-131 1.00E-04 Te-127M 2.80E-04 Pr-143 1.04E-04 Te-132 2.46E-03

Te-127 8.50E-04 Pr-144 6.87E-05 I-130 4.37E-04 Te-129M 1.40E-03 I-131 5.62E-02 Te-129 1.60E-03 I-132 2.08E-02 Te-131M 2.50E-03 I-133 7.92E-02 Te-131 1.10E-03 I-134 9.79E-03 Te-132 2.70E-02 I-135 3.96E-02

I-130 4.37E-03 Cs-134 2.38E-02 I-131 5.62E-01 Cs-136 1.24E-02 I-132 2.08E-01 Cs-137 1.71E-02 I-133 7.92E-01 Ba-137M 3.04E-03 I-134 9.79E-02 Ba-140 4.18E-05 I-135 3.96E-01 La-140 2.85E-05 Xe-131M 3.98E-02 Ce-141 1.33E-05 Xe-133M 2.17E-01 Ce-143 7.60E-06 Xe-133 1.08E+01 Ce-144 6.27E-06 Xe-135M 3.00E-02 Pr-143 9.50E-06 Xe-135 6.44E-01 Pr-144 6.27E-06 Xe-137 2.04E-02

Xe-138 9.89E-02 NOTE: Cs-134 5.21E-02 Cs-136 2.71E-02 The moderating heat exchanger, chiller Cs-137 3.75E-02 heat exchanger, and letdown reheat heat Ba-137M 3.33E-02 exchanger are the same as the combined Ba-140 4.58E-04 liquid and gaseous sources for the volume La-140 3.12E-04 control tank. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-6 (Sheet 5) Boric Acid Tanks Isotope Activities


µCi/cc) Cr-51 4.16E-06 Mn-54 8.56E-07

Fe-55 4.49E-06

Fe-59 2.41E-06

Co-58 4.08E-05

Co-60 5.63E-06

Br-83 2.54E-08

Br-84 1.92E-12

Br-85 negligible

Rb-86 8.40E-06

Rb-88 1.87E-09

Rb-89 5.94E-14

Sr-89 7.32E-06

Sr-90 5.90E-08

Sr-91 6.39E-08

Y-89M 6.58E-10

Y-90 5.00E-08

Y-91M 4.27E-08

Y-91 3.54E-07

Y-93 3.61E-09

Zr-95 1.52E-07

Nb-95 1.35E-07

Nb-95M 1.18E-07

Mo-99 8.72E-05

Tc-99 1.45E-11

Ru-103 1.06E-07

Ru-106 2.77E-08

Te-125M 7.23E-08

Te-127M 7.40E-07

Te-127 7.68E-07

Te-129M 3.21E-06

Te-129 2.05E-06

Te-131M 5.16E-07

Te-131 9.41E-08

Te-132 1.59E-05

I-129 5.08E-15

I-130 3.06E-07

I-131 7.46E-04

I-132 1.67E-05

I-133 1.09E-04

I-134 2.26E-09

I-135 1.06E-05

Cs-134 3.56E-03

Cs-135 3.71E-09 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-6 (Sheet 6) Boric Acid Tanks

Isotope Activities


µCi/cc) Cs-136 1.llE-03 Cs-137 2.59E-03

Cs-138 7.90E-08

Ba-137M 2.45E-03

Ba-140 7.64E-07

La-140 8.17E-07

Ce-141 3.31E-07

Ce-143 1.92E-08

Ce-144 1.90E-07

Pr-143 1.93E-07

Pr-144 1.90E-07 Rev. 0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.2-7FUELSTORAGEPOOLWATERACTIVITIES**Isotope*Activities (µCi/cc)Co-581.3E-04Co-604.0E-04 Cs-1342.0E-05 Cs-1372.0E-04*Otherisotopeswillbepresentinmuchlowerconcentrations.**Typicalspentfuelpoolconcentrationsatoperatingplantswithsimilarcleanupsystems.Rev.14 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-8 SECONDARY SYSTEM ACTIVITIES High TDS Secondary Regenerant Liquid Waste Secondary Condensate Collector Drain Collector Liquid Waste Demineralizer Tank Tank Monitor Tank Isotope Activity Isotope Activity Isotope Activity Isotope Activity


µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc) ( µ Ci/cc)Cr-51 1.85E-06 Cr-51 2.04E-07 Cr-51 3.98E-11 Cr-51 2.38E-12 Mn-54 4.96E-07 Mn-54 6.43E-08 Mn-54 8.99E-12 Mn-54 6.43E-13 Fe-55 2.01E-06 Fe-55 2.61E-07 Fe-55 3.60E-11 Fe-55 2.61E-12

Fe-59 1.33E-06 Fe-59 1.73E-07 Fe-59 2.67E-11 Fe-59 1.72E-12 Co-58 1.86E-05 Co-58 2.41E-06 Co-58 3.57E-10 Co-58 2.41E-11 Co-60 2.27E-06 Co-60 2.94E-07 Co-60 4.05E-11 Co-60 2.94E-12 Br-83 4.96E-07 Br-83 6.43E-08 Br-83 8.83E-11 Br-83 5.83E-13 Br-84 2.94E-08 Br-84 3.81E-09 Br-84 5.23E-12 Br-84 7.03E-18 Br-85 4.27E-11 Br-85 5.54E-12 Br-85 7.62E-15 Br-85 6.31E-66

Rb-86 1.52E-07 Rb-86 1.96E-08 Rb-86 3.95E-12 Rb-86 1.94E-13 Rb-88 7.73E-08 Rb-88 1.00E-08 Rb-88 1.53E-11 Rb-88 3.08E-22 Sr-89 9.40E-07 Sr-89 1.22E-07 Sr-89 1.86E-11 Sr-89 1.21E-12 Sr-90 2.10E-08 Sr-90 2.73E-09 Sr-90 3.75E-13 Sr-90 2.73E-14 Sr-91 4.21E-08 Sr-91 5.46E-09 Sr-91 7.13E-12 Sr-91 3.01E-14 Y-89M 8.46E-11 Y-89M 1.10E-11 Y-89M 1.67E-15 Y-89M 1.09E-16 Y-90 1.73E-08 Y-90 2.25E-09 Y-90 1.36E-13 Y-90 2.29E-14 Y-91M 2.86E-08 Y-91M 3.70E-09 Y-91M 4.84E-12 Y-91M 2.01E-14 Y-91 1.50E-07 Y-91 1.95E-08 Y-91 2.90E-12 Y-91 1.94E-13 Y-93 2.19E-09 Y-93 2.84E-10 Y-93 3.68E-13 Y-93 1.61E-15 Zr-95 9.26E-08 Zr-95 1.20E-08 Zr-95 1.79E-12 Zr-95 1.20E-13 Nb-95 9.43E-08 Nb-95 1.22E-08 Nb-95 1.78E-12 Nb-95 1.23E-13

Nb-95M 6.62E-08 Nb-95M 8.59E-09 Nb-95M 2.61E-13 Nb-95M 8.80E-14 Nb-99 4.89E-05 Nb-99 6.35E-06 Nb-99 3.14E-09 Nb-99 5.82E-11 Tc-99 5.99E-12 Tc-99 7.77E-03 Tc-99 2.59E-17 Tc-99 7.96E-18 Ru-103 4.37E-08 Ru-103 5.66E-09 Ru-103 8.89E-13 Ru-103 5.63E-14 Ru-106 9.93E-09 Ru-106 1.29E-09 Ru-106 1.79E-13 Ru-106 1.29E-14 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-8 (Sheet 2) High TDS Secondary Regenerant Liquid Waste Secondary Condensate Collector Drain Collector Liquid Waste

Demineralizer Tank Tank Monitor Tank Isotope Activity Isotope Activity Isotope Activity Isotope Activity


µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc) ( µCi/cc)Te-125M 2.29E-08 Te-125M 2.96E-09 Te-125M 4.47E-13 Te-125M 2.95E-14 Te-127M 2.39E-07 Te-127M 3.10E-08 Te-127M 4.48E-12 Te-127M 3.10E-13

Te-127 2.61E-07 Te-127 3.39E-08 Te-127 8.06E-12 Te-127 3.25E-13 Te-129M 1.28E-06 Te-129M 1.66E-07 Te-129M 2.66E-11 Te-129M 1.65E-12 Te-129 8.26E-07 Te-129 1.07E-07 Te-129 1.83E-11 Te-129 1.06E-12 Te-131M 2.78E-07 Te-131M 3.61E-08 Te-131M 3.08E-11 Te-131M 2.98E-13 Te-131 5.17E-08 Te-131 6.70E-09 Te-131 5.77E-12 Te-131 5.44E-14 Te-132 6.79E-06 Te-132 8.81E-07 Te-132 3.86E-10 Te-132 8.18E-12

I-129 1.44E-15 I-129 1.87E-16 I-130 2.34E-10 I-129 1.88E-20 I-130 1.45E-06 I-130 1.88E-07 I-131 7.85E-08 I-130 1.18E-11 I-131 2.45E-03 I-131 3.18E-04 I-132 2.68E-09 I-131 3.09E-08 I-132 1.98E-05 I-132 2.57E-06 I-133 6.17E-08 I-132 2.82E-11 I-133 4.60E-04 I-133 5.97E-05 I-134 2.03E-10 I-133 4.52E-09 I-134 1.14E-06 I-134 1.48E-07 I-135 1.19E-08 I-134 1.91E-14

I-135 6.77E-05 I-135 8.77E-06 Cs-134 1.20E-09 I-135 3.71E-10 Cs-134 6.00E-05 Cs-134 7.78E-06 Cs-135 7.31E-18 Cs-134 7.77E-11 Cs-135 7.70E-13 Cs-135 9.99E-14 Cs-136 5.94E-10 Cs-135 6.54E-19

Cs-136 2.04E-05 Cs-136 2.65E-06 Cs-137 8.66E-10 Cs-136 2.60E-11 Cs-137 4.37E-05 Cs-137 5.67E-06 Ba-137M 8.21E-10 Cs-137 5.67E-11 Ba-137M 4.14E-05 Ba-137M 5.36E-06 Ba-140 9.02E-12 Ba-137M 5.36E-11

Ba-140 3.42E-07 Ba-140 4.44E-08 La-140 7.56E-12 Ba-140 4.36E-13 La-140 3.63E-07 La-140 4.71E-08 Ce-141 3.70E-12 La-140 4.67E-13 Ce-141 1.77E-07 Ce-141 2.29E-08 Ce-143 6.63E-13 Ce-141 2.27E-13 Ce-143 6.34E-09 Ce-143 8.23E-10 Ce-144 1.88E-12 Ce-143 6.91E-15 Ce-144 1.03E-07 Ce-144 1.34E-08 Pr-143 1.84E-12 Ce-144 1.34E-13 Pr-143 7.36E-08 Pr-143 9.55E-09 Pr-144 1.90E-12 Pr-143 9.40E-14


YEARS OPERATION Activity at Plant Shutdown

Isotope (curies) Kr-85 15317.5 Kr-85m 10.9

Kr-87 1.05

Kr-88 10.6

Xe-131m 128.5

Xe-133 16536

Xe-133m 145

Xe-135 82

Xe-135m 0.035

Xe-138 0.04

I-131 0.207

I-132 0.00095

I-133 0.04

I-134 0.000187

I-135 0.0065 This table is based on 40-years' continuous operation with 0.25 percent fuel defect. Power is assumed to be 3,565 MWt. The

data are based on a volume control tank purge rate of 0.7 scfm



µC/cc) Piping Letdown Waste Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Isotope Penetration Rm . Ht Exch Rm . Evap Rm . Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 I-131 2.4E-12 6.9E-12 3.9E-11 1.3E-10 2.6E-11 4.7E-12 1.9E-11

Cs-134 -- 7.1E-14 4.1E-13 3.6E-13 8.0E-13 9.0E-15 8.8E-13

Cs-136 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cs-137 -- 1.9E-13 2.1E-12 2.7E-12 2.2E-11 1.6E-12 3.1E-12 H-3 -- -- -- 2.0E-9 1.1E-8 1.2E-9 1.0E-9

C-14 -- -- -- 1.0E-9 1.3E-9 3.8E-10 3.0E-10 Cr-51 -- -- 4.1E-13 1.1E-12 1.4E-13 3.2E-13 5.1E-13 Mn-54 -- -- 1.1E-13 -- 2.8E-14 9.4E-16 --

Fe-59 -- -- -- 6.4E-14 -- 4.3E-14 -- Co-57 -- -- 6.3E-14 2.2E-12 1.3E-14 3.8E-13 3.5E-13 Co-58 -- 1.8E-13 4.1E-13 6.7E-13 3.6E-13 1.6E-13 1.3E-13

Co-60 2.5E-13 1.9E-13 7.2E-14 1.4E-13 8.1E-14 3.3E-15 -- Zn-65 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Zr-95 -- -- -- -- 2.6E-14 -- --

Nb-95 -- -- -- -- 1.3E-15 -- -- Ru-103 -- -- -- 5.8E-14 1.7E-14 3.6E-15 -- Ru-106 -- -- 2.8E-13 -- -- -- 1.8E-13

Ag-110m -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sb-124 -- -- 2.2E-13 3.1E-13 2.0E-13 7.7E-14 6.2E-14 Sb-125 -- -- 1.9E-14 1.2E-13 5.7E-15 6.4E-14 3.6E-14

Ba-140 -- -- -- 4.0E-13 5.1E-14 -- -- La-140 -- -- -- 3.0E-12 -- -- -- Ce-141 -- -- 7.2E-14 3.7E-13 9.1E-14 6.1E-13 4.4E-13

Eu-152 -- -- 1.1E-13 3.2E-15 2.4E-14 7.2E-14 3.7E-13 Eu-154 -- -- 3.6E-15 7.1E-13 -- -- -- Eu-155 -- -- 4.8E-14 -- 1.7E-14 2.0E-12 8.4E-13 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-10 (Sheet 2) FORT CALHOUN OPERATING DATA II. RATIO OF AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS TO MPC (C/MPC) Piping Letdown Waste Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Aux. Bldg. Isotope Penetration Rm . Ht Exch Rm . Evap Rm . Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 I-131 2.6E-4 7.7E-4 4.4E-3 1.5E-2 2.9E-3 5.2E-4 2.1E-3

Cs-134 -- 7.1E-6 4.0E-5 3.6E-5 7.9E-5 9.0E-7 8.8E-5 Cs-136 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Cs-137 -- 1.9E-5 2.1E-4 2.7E-4 2.2E-3 1.6E-4 3.1E-4 H-3 -- -- -- 4.0E-4 2.1E-3 1.6E-4 3.1E-4 C-14 -- -- -- 2.5E-4 3.4E-4 9.5E-5 7.4E-5 Cr-51 -- -- 2.0E-7 5.3E-7 7.0E-8 1.6E-7 2.6E-4 Mn-54 -- -- 2.8E-6 -- 7.0E-7 2.3E-8 -- Fe-59 -- -- -- 1.3E-6 -- 8.5E-7 --

Co-57 -- -- 3.2E-7 1.1E-5 6.3E-8 1.9E-6 1.8E-6 Co-58 -- 3.5E-6 8.3E-6 1.3E-5 7.0E-6 3.2E-6 2.7E-6 Co-60 2.8E-5 2.1E-5 8.0E-6 1.5E-5 9.0E-6 3.7E-7 --

Zn-65 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Zr-95 -- -- -- -- 8.7E-7 -- -- Nb-95 -- -- -- -- 1.3E-8 -- --

Ru-103 -- -- -- 7.3E-7 2.2E-7 4.5E-8 -- Ru-106 -- -- 4.7E-5 -- -- -- 2.9E-5 Ag-110m -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sb-124 -- -- 1.1E-5 1.5E-5 1.0E-5 3.8E-6 3.1E-6 Sb-125 -- -- 6.4E-7 4.1E-6 1.9E-7 2.2E-6 1.2E-6 Ba-140 -- -- -- 1.0E-5 1.3E-6 -- --

La-140 -- -- -- 3.0E-5 -- -- -- Ce-141 -- -- 3.6E-7 1.9E-6 4.5E-7 3.0E-6 2.2E-6 Eu-152 -- -- 5.7E-6 1.6E-7 1.2E-6 3.6E-6 1.8E-5

Eu-154 -- -- 9.0E-7 1.8E-4 -- -- -- Eu-155 -- -- 6.9E-7 -- 2.5E-7 2.8E-5 1.2E-5 NOTES:1. The concentrations shown are average concentrations for all samples at each location analyzed for each particular radioisotope.

2. Dash indicates that the radioisotope was not detected on any sample at that location.
3. The following list (Table 12.2-10, Sheet 3) gives the areas in the Fort Calhoun auxiliary building served by the four sampling stations. Investigation revealed that the sampling room was the principal source of airborne

radioactivity in Station 1, and that the charging pump room was the principal source of airborne radioactivity in Station 4. However, Station 1 samples were drawn from the ventilation duct into which the hood from the sampling station was exhausted. Consequently, the atmosphere in the sample room had much lower concentration.

Furthermore, occupancy in the sampling room is limited. As for the charging pump room, this is an E Zone, and normally, no occupancy is expected in an E Zone. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-10 (Sheet 3) FORT CALHOUN OPERATING DATA III. AUXILIARY BUILDING SAMPLING STATION FEEDS (REF. 6) Station 1

1. Letdown heat exchanger room
2. Mechanical penetration area
3. Shutdown heat exchanger room
4. Valve room
5. Pipe penetration area
6. Personnel air lock area
7. Sampling room*

Station 2

1. Cask decon. room
2. Fuel arrival area
3. Fuel storage area
4. Drum storage area
5. Waste baler room
6. Spent resin storage room
7. Volume control tank room
8. Waste evaporator room
9. Waste holdup tank rooms
10. Spent fuel heat exchanger room
11. Safety injection pump rooms
12. Charging pump room
13. Charging pump valve room
14. Fuel pool area Station 3
1. Waste decay tank rooms
2. Shutdown cooling heat exchanger room
3. Shutdown cooling heat exchanger valve room
4. Component heat exchanger room Station 4
1. Spent fuel heat exchanger room
2. Safety injection pump rooms
3. Charging pump room*
4. Charging pump valve room
       *Principal source in the station.


1. Equivalent reactor coolant leak into containment during power for noble gases 5,300
2. Equivalent reactor coolant leak into containment for halogens 5.3
3. Equivalent reactor coolant leak into containment for

other isotopes 240 B. Evaporation Rates Pounds/Hr

1. From refueling pool into containment atmosphere
       (based on pool temperature of 120F, and building air temperature of 70F and 50 percent relative humidity and pool surface area of 1,500 square feet and 30 ft/minute flow parallel to the pool surface)                          499.5 2.From fuel storage pool, transfer  canal, and connecting slots, into fuel    building atmosphere during re-   fueling (based on pool temperature    of 137F and building air temperature     of 110F and 95 percent relative humidity     and with pool surface area of 2111.5 ft
2. 1024
3. From fuel storage pool into fuel building atmosphere during power
       (based on pool temperature of 95F and building air temperature of 70F and 50 percent RH and pool surface area of 2111.5 ft
2. 409 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-11 (Sheet 2)

C. Partition Factors Halogens Particulates Tritium

1. Containment during power 1 .001 0.35
2. Fuel storage and refueling pool surfaces 1 Negligible 1 D. Ventilation Rates CFM
1. Containment during power 4,000
2. Containment during refueling 20,000
3. Fuel building during power 20,000
4. Fuel building during refueling 20,000 (Note 1)

E. Volumes of the Regions CF

1. Containment 2.5 x 10 6 2. Fuel building 8.2 x 10 5F. Maximum Annual Individual Occupancy Hrs/yr
1. Containment during power 5 hr/wk for 50 wks/year 250
2. Containment during fuel handling 10 hr/day for ~ 6.25 days when

the refueling pool is full of water 62.5

3. Fuel building during power 5 hr/week for 50 weeks/year 250
4. Fuel building during refueling 10 hrs/day for ~ 10 days and 8 hrs/day for ~ 3 days 125 G. Miscellaneous Information
1. Failed fuel percentage for fission products 0.12
2. Reactor coolant specific activities Table 11.1-1 Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-11 (Sheet 3)
3. Refueling and fuel storage pool con- I-131 I-133 centrations ( Ci/gm). (These

are the maximum concentrations during refueling) 3.21x10 -5 2.32xlO -6 4. Fuel storage pool cleanup rate during power (gpm) (for conservatism, no cleanup of fuel storage pool or

refueling pool is assumed during refueling) 300

5. Decay of isotopes in the pools Not included for during refueling conservatism
6. Duration of refueling pool evaporation (hrs) 150
7. Duration of fuel storage pool evaporation during refueling (hrs) 320
8. Duration of fuel storage pool evaporation during power (hours/year) 8440
9. Tritium release to environment via containment ventilation exhaust during refueling (Ci) (based on a total tritium

release of 1000 Ci via gaseous effluents, durations of evaporation quoted in items 6, 7 and 8, and evaporation

rates from pools given in Item B) 24

10. Tritium release to environment via fuel building ventilation exhaust during refueling (Ci) (same bases as given for Item 9) 104
11. Tritium release to environment via fuel building ventilation exhaust

during power (Ci) (same bases as given for Item 9) 1094 NOTES:1. The emergency exhaust flow rate may vary resulting in proportionally higher or lower airborne concentrations in the fuel building. Any difference is insignificant when compared to the allowable limits of 10 CFR 20. Rev. 18 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-12 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS (Ci/cc) Containment Containment Fuel Building Fuel Building

Nuclide (power)


H-3 2.34E-7 4.7E-6 3.10E-6 1.66E-5

Cr-51 1.25E-12 negligible negligible negligible Mn-54 2.07E-13 negligible negligible negligible Fe-55 1.07E-12 negligible negligible negligible

Fe-59 6.63E-13 negligible negligible negligible Co-58 1.06E-11 negligible negligible negligible Co-60 1.33E-12 negligible negligible negligible

Br-83 1.76E-11 negligible negligible negligible Br-84 2.61E-12 negligible negligible negligible Kr-83m 6.60E-8 negligible negligible negligible

Kr-85m 6.02E-7 negligible negligible negligible Kr-85 1.18E-7 negligible negligible negligible Kr-87 1.39E-7 negligible negligible negligible

Kr-88 8.34E-7 negligible negligible negligible Kr-89 5.83E-10 negligible negligible negligible Rb-88 8.01E-7 negligible negligible negligible

Rb-89 5.63E-10 negligible negligible negligible Sr-89 3.54E-12 negligible negligible negligible Sr-91 2.49E-13 negligible negligible negligible

Mo-99 5.06E-11 negligible negligible negligible Te-127m 1.86E-13 negligible negligible negligible Te-127 4.01E-13 negligible negligible negligible

Te-129m 9.26E-13 negligible negligible negligible Te-129 6.58E-13 negligible negligible negligible Te-131m 1.34E-12 negligible negligible negligible

Te-131 2.69E-13 negligible negligible negligible Te-132 1.65E-11 negligible negligible negligible I-130 1.95E-11 negligible negligible negligible

I-131 3.82E-9 2.14E-10 negligible 7.6E-10 I-132 3.66E-10 negligible negligible negligible I-133 4.14E-9 1.55E-11 negligible 5.5E-11 I-134 7.41E-11 negligible negligible negligible I-135 1.34E-9 negligible negligible negligible Xe-131m 2.75E-7 negligible negligible negligible

Xe-133m 1.35E-6 negligible negligible negligible Xe-133 7.24E-5 negligible negligible negligible Xe-135m 7.64E-9 negligible negligible negligible

Xe-135 2.55E-6 negligible negligible negligible Xe-137 1.26E-9 negligible negligible negligible Xe-138 2.22E-8 negligible negligible negligible

Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.2-12 (Sheet 2) Containment Containment Fuel Building Fuel Building Nuclide (power)


Cs-134 1.67E-11 negligible negligible negligible Cs-136 8.48E-12 negligible negligible negligible Cs-137 1.20E-11 negligible negligible negligible Cs-138 2.07E-8 negligible negligible negligible Ba-137m 1.14E-11 negligible negligible negligible

Ba-140 1.43E-13 negligible negligible negligible La-140 1.07E-13 negligible negligible negligible


1. Iodine airborne concentrations during refueling are calculated very conservatively, assuming no purification by fuel pool cleanup system

and no decay in the pool and a partition factor of 1 at the water-air interface at pool surface.

2. Continuous pool cleanup, decay in the pool, and lower evaporation rates are expected to reduce iodine air concentrations to negligible levels during power operation in the fuel building.

Xe-133 and I-131 air concentrations in the containment ventilation exhaust duct are expected to be <2 x 10 -2 and 1.6 x 10 -6 Ci/cc, respectively during reactor head venting. However, the containment airborne concentrations for these isotopes are expected to be significantly less during head venting since the radioactivity is

directly piped to the exhaust duct. The maximum value for Xe-133 is based on operating plant measurements normalized for a reactor system which has continuous stripping of the noble gases in the

volume control tank. The maximum value for I-131 is based on operating plant measurements.

3. Airborne concentrations in the fuel building are based upon 9,000 cfm ventilation exhaust airflow rate during refueling. Actual flow rate may be lower resulting in proportionally higher concentrations. Any difference is

insignificant when compared to the allowable limits of 10 CFR 20.

Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK 12.3 RADIATION PROTECTION DESIGN FEATURES 12.3.1 FACILITY DESIGN FEATURES In this section, specific design features for maintaining personnel exposures ALARA, commensurate with the guidance given in Regulatory Guide 8.8, are

discussed. Plant Design Description for as Low as is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) The equipment and plant design features employed to maintain radiation exposures as low as is reasonably achievable are based upon the design considerations of Section 12.1.2 and are outlined in this section for several general classes of equipment (Section and several typical plant layout situations (Section Common Equipment and Component Designs for ALARA This section describes the design features utilized for several general classes of equipment and components. These classes of equipment are common to many of

the plant systems. Thus, the features employed for each system to maintain

minimum exposures are similar and are discussed by equipment class in the following paragraphs. FILTERS - To reduce exposure, spent liquid system radioactive filters are normally handled with a remote tool during removal from the filter housing and during transfer for packing and shipment from the site for disposal. The process is accomplished in such a manner that exposure to personnel and the possibility of inadvertent radioactive release to the environment is minimized.

Each filter vessel is located within individual shielded compartments, provided

with a ventilation supply and return and compartment drainage capabilities. The ventilation return ducts are equipped with a removable access panel through which a portable radiation monitor can be lowered into the filter compartment to obtain radiation levels within the compartment. Care has been taken to ensure that adequate space is provided to allow removing, cask loading, and transporting the cartridge to the solid radwaste building. 12.3-1 Rev. 16 WOLF CREEK DEMINERALIZERS - Demineralizers for radioactive systems are designed so that spent resins can be remotely and hydraulically transferred to spent resin storage tanks prior to processing and the fresh resin can be loaded into the demineralizer remotely. Underdrains and downstream strainers are designed for full system pressure drop. The demineralizers and piping are designed with provisions for being flushed with demineralized water. Strainers are installed in the vent lines to prevent the entry of spent resin into the exhaust duct. Each demineralizer compartment is equipped with a removable shield plug in the ceiling offset from the centerline of the demineralizer tank which, when removed, allows insertion of a portable radiation monitor to obtain radiation

levels within the compartment. EVAPORATORS - Evaporators are provided with chemical addition connections to allow chemicals to be used for descaling operations. Space is provided to allow the removal of heating tube bundles. The more radioactive components are

separated by shield walls from those that are less radioactive. All

instruments and controls are located on the accessible side of the shield wall.

Valves in nonradioactive lines are located remote from the radioactive components PUMPS - Wherever practicable, pumps have mechanical seals to reduce seal servicing time. Pumps and associated piping are arranged to provide adequate

space for access to the pumps for servicing. Small pumps are installed in a manner which allows easy removal, if necessary. All pumps in the radioactive waste systems are provided with flanged connections for ease in removal.

Piping or pump casing drain connections are provided for draining the pump for maintenance. TANKS - Whenever practicable, tanks are provided with sloped, dished heads or conical bottoms and bottom outlet connections. Overflow lines are directed to

the waste collection system to control any contamination within the plant

structures. HEAT EXCHANGERS - Heat exchangers are provided with corrosion-resistant tubes of stainless steel or other suitable materials with tube-to-tube sheet joints

welded to minimize leakage. Impact baffles are provided, and tube side and

shell side velocities are limited to minimize erosive effects. Flushing

connections are provided. INSTRUMENTS - Instrument devices are located in low radiation shielding design zones and away from radiation sources, whenever practicable. Primary instrument devices which, for functional reasons, are located in high radiation zones are

designed for easy removal to a lower radiation zone for calibration. Transmitters and readout 12.3-2 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK devices are located in low radiation zones, such as corridors and the control room, for servicing. Some instruments (such as thermocouples) in high radiation zones are provided in duplicate to reduce the required access and service time, since immediate repair is not necessary due to the backup instrument. Instrument and sensing line connections are located in such a way as to avoid corrosion product and radioactive gas buildup. VALVES - To minimize personnel exposures from valve operations, motor-operated, diaphragm, or other remotely actuated valves are used to the maximum extent

practicable. Valves are located in valve galleries so that they are shielded separately from the major components. Long runs of exposed piping are minimized in valve

galleries. In areas where manual valves are used on frequently operated process lines, either valve stem extenders or shielding are provided so that

personnel need not enter the radiation area for valve operation. For infrequently operated equipment in design Zone E, most of the manual valves associated with safe operation, shutdown, and draining of the equipment are provided with remote-manual operators or reach rods. For a definition of the design radiation zones, see Figure 12.3-2. All other valve operations are performed with equipment in the shutdown mode. To the maximum practicable extent, simple straight reach rods have been used to allow the operators to

retain the feel of whether the valves are tightly closed or not. Valves with

reach rods are installed either with their stems horizontal, with the reach

rods also horizontal but above the heads of personnel to allow ready access, or with both the stem and reach rod orientation vertical, again to permit easy access. For valves located in the radiation areas, provisions are made to drain the adjacent radioactive components when maintenance is required. Wherever practicable, valves for clean, nonradioactive systems are separated from radioactive sources and are located in readily accessible areas. All manually-operated valves in the filter and demineralizer valve compartments required for normal operation and shutdown have provisions for reach rods extending through or over the valve gallery wall. The valve gallery shield walls are designed for maximum expected filter activities. 12.3-3 Rev. 16 WOLF CREEK Valve designs with minimum internal crevices are used where crud trapping could become a problem, especially for piping carrying spent resin or evaporator bottoms.PIPING - The piping in pipe chases is designed for the lifetime of the unit. There are no valves or instrumentation in the pipe chase. Wherever radioactive

piping is routed through areas where routine maintenance is required, pipe chases are provided to reduce the radiation contribution from these pipes to levels appropriate for the inspection requirements. Wherever practicable, piping containing radioactive material is routed to minimize the radiation

exposure to the unit personnel. FLOOR DRAIN - Floor drains and properly sloped floors are provided for each room or cubicle having serviceable components containing radioactive liquids. Local gas traps or porous seals are not used on radwaste floor drains. Gas traps are provided at the common sump or tank. LIGHTING - Multiple electric lights are provided for each cell or room containing highly radioactive components so that the burnout of a single lamp

does not require entry and immediate replacement of the defective lamp, since

sufficient illumination is still available. Normally, incandescent lights are

provided which require less time for servicing, and hence the personnel exposure is reduced. The fluorescent lights which are used in some areas do not require frequent service, due to the increased life of the tubes. However,

when the system in that room is secured and flushed out, the burned out lamps in the room can be replaced rapidly so as to minimize the exposure of the

personnel. HVAC - The HVAC system design provides for the rapid replacement of the filter elements and housings. HYDROGEN RECOMBINERS - The more radioactive components are separated by a shield wall from those that are less radioactive. Instruments and controls are located on the accessible side of the shield wall. All valves in the

radioactive lines are also located on the accessible side of the shield wall. Valves in the nonradioactive lines are located outside of the room. SAMPLE STATIONS - Sample stations for routine sampling of process fluids are located in the accessible areas. Shielding is provided at the local sample

stations to minimize personnel exposure during sampling. The counting room and laboratory facilities are described in Section 12.5. 12.3-4 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK CLEAN SERVICES - Whenever practicable, clean services and equipment such as compressed air piping, clean water piping, ventilation ducts, and cable trays are not routed through radioactive pipeways. Common Facility and Layout Designs for ALARA This section describes the design features utilized for standard type plant processes and layout situations. These features are employed in conjunction with the general equipment designs described in Section and include the features discussed in the following paragraphs. VALVE GALLERIES - Valve galleries are provided with shielded entrances for personnel protection. The valve galleries are divided into subcompartments which service only two or three components and are further subdivided by stud walls so that the personnel are only exposed to the valves and piping

associated with one component at any given location. Threshold berms and floor drains are provided to control radioactive leakage. To facilitate

decontamination in the valve galleries, concrete floors are covered with a smooth surfaced coating which permits easy decontamination. PIPING - Pipes carrying radioactive materials are routed through controlled-access areas based on the anticipated level of activity. Radioactive piping

runs are analyzed to determine the potential radioactivity level and area dose rate. Where it is necessary that radioactive piping be routed through corridors or other designed low radiation zones, shielded pipeways are

provided. Whenever possible and practical, valves and instruments are not placed in the radioactive pipeways. Whenever practicable, equipment compartments are used as pipeways only for those pipes associated with equipment in that compartment. When possible and practical, radioactive and nonradioactive piping are separated to minimize personnel exposure. Should maintenance be required,

provision is made to isolate and drain the radioactive piping and associated equipment. Potentially radioactive piping is located in appropriate radiation design zone and restricted areas. Process piping is monitored where required to ensure

that access is controlled to limit exposure (Section 12.5). Piping is designed to minimize low points and dead legs where practicable. Drains are provided on piping where low points and dead legs cannot be eliminated. Thermal expansion loops are raised rather than dropped, where possible. In radioactive systems, the use of nonremovable backing rings in piping joints is 12.3-5 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK prohibited to eliminate potential crud traps for radioactive materials, unless specifically required by the piping design. Butt welds are used in lieu of socket welds in resin slurry and evaporator bottoms piping, unless specifically required by the piping design. Piping carrying resin slurries or evaporator bottoms is run vertically as much as possible, and large radius bends are utilized instead of elbows, unless specifically required by the piping design. Whenever possible, branch lines having little or no flow during normal operation are connected above the horizontal midplane of the main pipe. PENETRATIONS - To minimize radiation streaming through penetrations, as many penetrations as practicable are located with an offset between the source and

the accessible areas. If offsets are not practicable, penetrations are located as far as possible above the floor elevation to reduce the exposure to personnel. If these two methods are not used alternate means are employed, such as baffle shield walls, grouting the area around the penetration, or

slanting the penetration through the wall. CONTAMINATION CONTROL - Access control and traffic patterns are considered in the basic plant layout to minimize the spread of contamination. Equipment

vents and drains from highly radioactive systems are piped directly to the

collection system instead of allowing any contaminated fluid to flow across to

the floor drain. All welded piping systems are employed on contaminated systems, to the maximum extent practicable, to reduce system leakage and crud buildup at joints. Decontamination of potentially contaminated areas within the plant is facilitated by the application of suitable smooth surfaced coatings to the concrete floors. Floor drains with properly sloping floors are provided in all potentially contaminated areas of the plant. In addition, radioactive and potentially radioactive drains are separated from nonradioactive drains. In controlled access areas where contamination is expected, airborne radiation monitoring equipment is provided (Section 12.3.4). Those systems which become highly radioactive, such as the radwaste slurry transport system, are provided

with flush and drain connections. Certain systems have provisions for chemical and mechanical cleaning prior to maintenance. 12.3-6 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK A decontamination facility, used for decontamination of removable components, is located adjacent to the auxiliary building. The decontamination system, shown in Figure 12.3-4, consists of a cask washdown pit in the Fuel Building, wash tanks, pumps, filters, spray booth, ultrasonic generator, and associated piping.EQUIPMENT LAYOUT - In those systems where process equipment is a major radiation source (such as fuel pool cleanup, radwaste, etc.), pumps, valves, and instruments are separated from the process component. This allows servicing and maintenance of these items in reduced radiation areas. Control panels are located in low designed radiation zones (Zones A or B). Major components (such as tanks, demineralizers, and filters) in the radioactive systems are isolated in individual shielded compartments, insofar as practicable. Provision is made on some major plant components for the removal of these components to lower radiation areas for maintenance. Labyrinth entranceway shields or shielding doors are provided for certain compartments from which radiation could stream to access areas. For

potentially high radiation components (such as filters and demineralizers),

completely enclosed shielded compartments with hatch openings or removable wall sections are used. Equipment in the nonradioactive systems which requires maintenance is located outside the radiation areas. Figure 12.3-1 (Sheets 1-5) provides typical layout arrangements for demineralizers, filters, spent resin storage tanks, waste gas compressors,

hydrogen recombiners, and sample racks and their associated valve compartments or galleries. Exposure from routine in-plant inspection is controlled by locating, whenever possible, inspection points in properly shielded low background radiation

areas. Radioactive and nonradioactive systems are separated as far as

practicable to limit radiation exposure from routine inspection of

nonradioactive systems. For radioactive systems, emphasis is placed on adequate space and ease of motion in a properly shielded inspection area. Where longer times for routine inspection are required and permanent shielding is not feasible, sufficient space for portable shielding is provided. In high

radiation areas where routine inspection is required, remote viewing devices may be used, as needed. When this is not practicable, access to the high radiation areas are under the direct supervision of the unit health physics personnel in accordance with approved radiation work permits, when applicable. FIELD RUN PIPING - All radioactive process piping, large and small, has been run and shielded by the architect/engineer. Scale models have been used to ensure that possible interferences are taken into account. 12.3-7 Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK Radiation Zoning and Access Control Access to areas inside the plant structures and plant yards is regulated and controlled as described in Section 12.5.2. Plant areas are categorized into radiation zones according to expected radiation levels and anticipated personnel occupancy with consideration given toward maintaining personnel exposures ALARA and within the standards of 10 CFR 20. Each room, corridor, and pipeway of the plant buildings is evaluated for potential radiation sources during normal operation, shutdown, and emergency operations; for maintenance

occupancy requirements; for general access requirements; and for material

exposure limits to determine appropriate zoning. These criteria were then used

as the basis for the radiation shielding design. Radiation zone categories employed and their descriptions are given in Figure 12.3-2 (Sheet 1), and the specific zoning for each plant area is shown in Figure 12.3-2 (Sheets 1-6).

All frequently accessed areas, i.e., corridors, were shielded for Zone A or

Zone B access. Periodically dose levels in various areas will exceed their

radiation zone levels from plant conditions or stored items. During plant operation and refueling conditions the Health Physics staff will evaluate area access, monitor entry into areas, and update posting and entry requirements in

accordance with 10 CFR 20. Quality Control and Procurement Quality may update postings that are required to perform Radiography and metal examination. The control of ingress or egress of plant operating personnel to controlled access areas and procedures employed to ensure that radiation levels and

allowable working time are within the limits prescribed by 10 CFR 20 are described in Sections 12.5.2 and 12.5.3. Any area accessible to individuals which could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 5 mrem in 1 hour at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates, is

posted with signs bearing the radiation symbol and the words, "CAUTION, RADIATION AREA." Access alert barriers (e.g. signs, chain, rope, door, etc.) are provided for radiation areas where practicable. Locations of these barriers are shown on Figure 12.3-2. Any area accessible to individuals which could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem in one (1) hour at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates is posted with the radiation symbol and the words, "CAUTION, HIGH RADIATION AREA." High radiation areas are kept locked or barricaded if greater than 1000 mrem in one hour at 30 centimeters except

during periods when access to the area is required in which case positive

control is exercised over each individual entry. For these areas, in excess of

1000 mrem in one hour at 30 centimeters, that are located within large areas, such as containment, where no enclosure exists and where no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area, that area shall be

barricaded, conspicuously posted and a flashing red light shall be activated as

a warning device. Any area accessible to individuals which could result in an

individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 500 rads in one hour at one meter from the source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates shall be locked or barricaded and posted "GRAVE DANGER, VERY HIGH RADIATION AREA." 12.3-8 Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK Whenever practicable, the measured radiation level and the location of the source is posted at the entry to radiation or high radiation areas. The anticipated locations of radioactive equipment and the shield wall thicknesses are given on the general arrangement drawings in Section 1.2. The normal radiation level in the counting room is the natural background level. Fly ash was specifically excluded from all concrete used for the counting room. 12.3.2 SHIELDING The bases for the nuclear radiation shielding and the shielding configurations are discussed in this section. Design Objectives The basic objective of the plant radiation shielding is to reduce personnel and population exposures, in conjunction with a program of controlled personnel access to and occupancy of radiation areas, to levels that are ALARA within the dose limits of 10 CFR 20. Shielding and equipment layout and design are

considered in ensuring that exposures are kept ALARA during anticipated

personnel activities in areas of the plant containing radioactive materials, in accordance with Regulatory Guide 8.8. Two basic plant conditions are considered in the nuclear radiation shielding design: normal, full-power operation, and plant shutdown The shielding design objectives for the plant during normal operation, including anticipated operational occurrences, and for shutdown operations are:

a. To ensure that radiation exposure to plant operating personnel, contractors, administrators, visitors, and proximate site boundary occupants are ALARA and within the limits of 10 CFR 20.
b. To assure sufficient personnel access and occupancy time to allow normal anticipated maintenance, inspection, and safety-related operations required for each plant equipment and instrumentation area. 12.3-9 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK
c. To reduce potential equipment neutron activation and mitigate the possibility of radiation damage to materials.
d. The control room is sufficiently shielded such that the direct dose plus the inhalation dose (calculated in

Chapter 15.0) does not exceed the limits of GDC-19 (see Section 6.4 for a more detailed discussion). General Shielding Design Shielding is provided, as necessary, to attenuate postulated direct radiation and scattered radiation through walls and penetrations to less than the upper limit of the radiation zone for each area shown in Figure 12.3-2. The minimum shielding requirements for all plant areas are given on scaled layout drawings in Section 1.2. General locations of the plant areas and equipment discussed in this section are also shown in the general arrangement drawings of Section

1.2. Design criteria for penetrations comply with the intent of Regulatory Guide 8.8 and are discussed in Section The material used for most of the plant shielding is ordinary concrete with a minimum bulk density of 147 lb/ft3. Whenever poured-in-place concrete has been replaced by concrete blocks or other material, design assures protection on an equivalent shielding basis, as determined by the characteristics of the material selected (Ref. 1). Compliance of concrete radiation shield design

with Regulatory Guide 1.69 is discussed in Appendix 3A. Water is used as the

primary shield material for areas above the spent fuel transfer and storage areas.For design basis accidents, the reactor building reduces the plant radiation intensities from fission products inside the containment to acceptable

emergency levels, as defined by GDC-19, for the control room (see Sections, 6.4, and 15.6.5). Reactor Building Interior Shielding Design During reactor operation, several areas inside the reactor building are High Radiation or Very High Radiation areas and normally inaccessible. The main sources of radiation are the reactor vessel and the primary loop components, consisting of the steam generators, pressurizer, reactor coolant pumps, and associated piping. The reactor vessel is shielded by the concrete primary shield, reactor12.3-10 Rev. 9 WOLF CREEK cavity shield, and the concrete secondary shield, which also surrounds all the other primary loop components. Air cooling is provided to prevent overheating, dehydration, and degradation of the shielding and structural properties of the primary shield. The reactor cavity shield design utilizes two types of shielding material contained in neutron shield segments hung from the support bars attached to the bottom of the seal plate of the permanent cavity seal ring (PCSR) at the RPV seal ledge. The bottom four inches of the shield is constructed of Reactor Experiments Type 207 material which is a flame resistant borated polyethylene. The upper ten inches is type 277 which is a refractory material that resembles concrete in its final form. This shield configuration possesses bulk shielding characteristics superior to the shielding provided by the analyzed 12 inch thick water shield. MORSE analyses have been performed which predict that limited personnel access may be allowed at the operating floor during power operation. The MORSE analysis was performed using a water bag design. Since the shielding properties were not reduced by replacing water bags with the configuration described above, the analysis is still considered valid. Components of the letdown system are located in shielded areas which are normally restricted access areas. Shielding is provided for N-16 delay piping, the excess letdown heat exchanger, and the regenerative heat exchanger. After shutdown, most of the containment is accessible for limited periods of time, and all access is controlled. Areas are surveyed to establish allowable

working periods. Dose rates are expected, but not limited, to range from 0.5 to 1,000 mrem/hr, depending on the location inside the containment (excluding

reactor cavity). These dose rates result from residual fission products, neutron-activated materials, and corrosion products in the reactor coolant system.Spent fuel is a major source of radiation during refueling due to its high buildup of fission product activity. However, radiation levels are limited in areas outside the refueling pool by the shielding effects of the thick structural walls of the refueling pool. The operators involved in the refueling operations are shielded from the spent fuel by the depth of water maintained above the fuel assemblies. Auxiliary Building Shielding Design During normal operation, the major components in the auxiliary building containing potentially high radioactivity are those in the chemical and volume

control system. These include the letdown lines, the volume control tank, purification filters and demineralizers, and the charging pumps. Shielding is provided for each piece of equipment consistent with the access and design zoning requirements of adjacent areas (Figure 12.3-2). 12.3-11 Rev. 6 WOLF CREEK Depending on the equipment in the compartments, the access varies from Zones B through E. Corridors are shielded to allow Zone B access, and operator areas for valve compartments are designed for Zone C access. Removable sections of block shield walls and concrete plugs are utilized to replace worn-out equipment and spent filter cartridges, respectively. Partial

shield walls are placed between equipment in compartments with more than one piece of equipment to permit maintenance access. Following reactor shutdown, the residual heat removal (RHR) system pumps and heat exchangers are in operation to remove heat from the reactor coolant

system. The radiation levels in the vicinity of this equipment may temporarily reach high radiation levels due to corrosion and fission products in the reactor water. Shielding is provided to attenuate radiation from RHR equipment

during shutdown cooling operations to levels consistent with the anticipated

radiation levels of the adjacent areas. Fuel Building Shielding Design Spent fuel is the primary source of radiation in the fuel building. Because of the extremely high activity of the fission products contained in the spent fuel

elements and the proximity of Zone B and C areas, extensive shielding has been provided for areas surrounding the fuel storage pool and the fuel transfer canal to ensure that radiation levels remain consistent with anticipated levels specified for adjacent areas. Water provides the shielding above the spent fuel assemblies during fuel handling operations. The fuel pool cooling and cleanup system (FPCCS) (Section 9.1.3) shielding is based on the maximum activity discussed in Section 12.2.1 and the access

requirements of adjacent areas. Equipment in the FPCC system shielded includes the FPCC heat exchangers, pumps, piping, filters, and demineralizers. Radwaste Building Shielding Design Shielding is provided, as necessary, around the following equipment in the radwaste building to ensure that the radiation zone and access requirements are met for surrounding areas.

a. Liquid waste collection tanks and pumps
b. Liquid waste monitor tanks and pumps
c. Chemical drain tank and pump 12.3-12 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK
d. Liquid waste, boron recycle, and secondary liquid waste evaporators
e. Liquid Radwaste Demineralizer Skid
f. Solid radwaste disposal and storage areas
g. Evaporator bottoms tanks
h. Liquid radwaste piping
i. Radwaste filters and demineralizers
j. Spent resin storage tank and pump
k. Gaseous radwaste surge tank, recombiners, and compressors
l. Gas decay tanks Shielding is based upon operation with maximum activity conditions, as discussed in Sections 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4.

Depending on the equipment in the compartments, the designed shielding varies from Zones B through E. Corridors are shielded for Zone B access, and operator

areas for valve compartments are designed for Zone C access. Removable sections of block shield walls and concrete plugs are utilized to replace worn-out equipment and spent filter cartridges, respectively. Partial shield walls are placed between equipment in compartments with more than one

piece of equipment to permit maintenance access Turbine Building Shielding Design Radiation shielding is not required for any process equipment located in the turbine building, except for the condensate demineralizers. All other areas in

the turbine building are classified Zone A. Control Room Shielding Design The design basis LOCA dictates the shielding requirements for the control room. Shielding is provided to permit access and occupancy of the control room under

LOCA conditions with radiation doses limited to 5 rem whole body from all contributing modes of 12.3-13 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK exposure for the duration of the accident, in accordance with GDC-19. A complete discussion of control room habitability during a LOCA is provided in

Section 6.4. Figure 12.3-3 provides an isometric view of the control room shielding. Diesel Generator Building Shielding Design

There are no radiation sources in the diesel generator building. Therefore, no shielding is required within the building. Miscellaneous Plant Areas and Plant Yard Areas

Sufficient shielding is designed for all plant buildings containing radiation sources so that anticipated radiation levels at the accessible outside surfaces of the buildings are maintained to meet Zone A levels. Plant yard areas which

are frequently occupied by plant personnel are fully accessible during normal operation and shutdown. These areas are within the Radiation Control Area

boundary and closed off from areas accessible to the general public. Radiation control Area boundaries established outside the restricted area are maintained less than or equal to 0.6 mrem/hr. Shielding Calculational Methods The shielding thicknesses provided to ensure compliance for plant radiation zoning are designed to minimize plant personnel exposure are based on maximum equipment activities under the plant operating conditions described in Section 12.2.1. The thickness of each shield wall surrounding the radioactive

equipment is determined by approximating, as closely as possible, the actual geometry and physical condition of the source or sources. The isotopic concentrations are converted to energy group sources, using data from the Table

of Isotopes (Ref. 2).

The geometric model (Ref. 3-11), assumed for the shielding evaluation of pipes, tanks, heat exchangers, filters, demineralizers, evaporators, and the containment is a finite cylindrical volume source. In cases where radioactive

materials are deposited on surfaces such as pipe, the latter is treated as an

annular cylindrical surface source (Ref. 3-11). Typical computer codes that are used for shielding analysis are listed in Table 12.3-1 (Ref. 12-21). The shielding thicknesses are selected to reduce the aggregate computed

radiation level from all contributing sources below the upper limit of the

radiation zone specified for each plant area. Shielding requirements are

evaluated at the point of maximum

12.3-14 Rev. 23 WOLF CREEK radiation dose through any wall. The shielding thickness was designed such that the aggregate postulated radiation level from all contributing sources, at this point, would be attenuated to meet the criteria of the adjoining radiation zone specifications. Where shielded entryways to compartments containing high radiation sources are anticipated, labyrinths or mazes are used. The mazes are constructed so that the scattered dose rate plus the transmitted dose rate through the shield wall from all contributing sources are consistent with the radiation zone specified for each plant area. 12.3.3 VENTILATION The plant heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are designed to provide a suitable environment for personnel and equipment during normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. Parts of the plant HVAC systems perform safety-related functions. Design Objectives The plant HVAC systems for normal plant operation and anticipated operational occurrences are designed to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20, "Standards for

Protection Against Radiation," and 10 CFR 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities." Design Criteria Design criteria for the plant HVAC systems include the following:

a. During normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences, the average and maximum airborne radioactivity levels to which plant personnel are exposed in the restricted areas of the plant are ALARA and within the limits specified in 10 CFR 20.
b. During normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences, the dose from concentrations of airborne

radioactive material in unrestricted areas beyond the site boundary are ALARA and within the limits specified in 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50.

c. The plant siting dose guidelines of 10 CFR 100 are satisfied, following those hypothetical accidents described in Chapter 15. 12.3-15 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK
d. The dose to control room personnel shall not exceed the limits specified in GDC-19, following those hypothetical accidents described in Chapter 15.0 and Section 6.4. Design Guidelines In order to accomplish the design objectives, the following guidelines are followed, wherever practicable. Guidelines to Minimize Airborne Radioactivity

a. Access control and traffic patterns are considered in the basic plant layout to minimize the spread of contamination.
b. Equipment vents and drains are piped directly to a collection device connected to the collection system, instead of allowing any contaminated fluid to flow across the floor to the floor drain.
c. All-welded piping systems are employed on contaminated systems, to the maximum extent practicable, to reduce system leakage.
d. Suitable coatings are applied to the concrete floors of potentially contaminated areas to facilitate


e. To minimize the amount of airborne radioactivity as a result of valve leakage, all valves 2-1/2 inches and larger in the radioactive systems are provided with

graphite packing. Diaphragm or bellows seal valves are used on those systems where essentially no leakage can be tolerated.

f. Contaminated equipment has design features that minimize the potential for airborne contamination during maintenance operations. These features include flush connections for draining and flushing the pump prior to maintenance and flush connections on piping systems that

could become highly radioactive. 12.3-16 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK Guidelines to Control Airborne Radioactivity

a. The airflow is directed from areas with lesser potential for contamination to areas with greater potential for contamination.
b. In building compartments with a potential for contamination, a greater volumetric flow is exhausted from the area than is supplied to the area to minimize the amount of uncontrolled exfiltration from the area.
c. Consideration is given to the possible disruption of normal airflow patterns by maintenance operations, and provisions are made in the design to prevent adverse air flow direction.
d. The air cleaning system's design, maintenance, and testing criteria are discussed in detail in the response to Regulatory Guides 1.52 and 1.140 found in Section 9.4. An illustrative example of the air cleaning system

design is given in Section

e. Air being discharged from potentially contaminated areas is passed through HEPA filters and charcoal absorbers to remove particulates and halogens, or means are provided

to isolate these areas upon indication of contamination to prevent the discharge of contaminants to the


f. Suitable containment isolation valves are installed in accordance with GDC-54 and 56, including valve controls,

to assure that the containment integrity is maintained.

g. Redundant seismic Category I systems and/or components are provided for portions of the ventilation system that serve areas required for post-accident safe shutdown of the reactor plant. Included herein are the plant control room and selected engineered safety feature equipment rooms.
h. Atmospheric tanks which contain radioactive materials are vented to the respective building ventilation

system. Guidelines to Minimize Personnel Exposure from HVAC Equipment

a. Ventilation fans and filters are provided with adequate access space to permit servicing with minimum personnel radiation exposure. The HVAC system is designed to allow rapid replacement of components. 12.3-17 Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK
b. Ventilation ducts are designed to minimize the buildup of radioactive contamination within the ducts, to the extent practicable.
c. Ventilating air is recirculated in the clean areas only.
d. Access and service of ventilation systems in potentially radioactive areas is provided by component location to minimize operator exposure during maintenance, inspection, and testing as follows:
1. The outside air supply units and building exhaust system components are enclosed in ventilation equipment rooms. These equipment rooms are located in radiation Zone B and are accessible to the

operators. Work space is provided around each unit for anticipated maintenance, testing, and


2. Local cooling equipment servicing the normal building requirements is located in areas of low

contamination potential (radiation Zones A or B)

              (refer to Figure 12.3-2). Design Description The ventilation systems serving the following structures are considered to be potentially radioactive and are discussed in detail in Section 9.4:

a. Containment building (see Section 9.4.6)
b. Auxiliary building (see Section 9.4.3)
c. Fuel building (see Section 9.4.2)
d. Radwaste building (see Section 9.4.5)
e. Turbine building (see Section 9.4.4)
f. Portions of the access control area (see Section

Although the control room is considered to be a nonradioactive area, radiation protection is provided to assure habitability (see Section 6.4). 12.3-18 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Other structures (e.g., pump intake structures, administrative building, etc.) contain no potential source of radioactivity and are not addressed in this chapter. Air Cleaning System Design The guidance and recommendations of Regulatory Guides 1.52 and 1.140 concerning maintenance and in-place testing provisions for atmospheric cleanup systems, air filtration, and adsorption units have been used as a reference in the design of the various ventilation systems. The extent to which Regulatory Guide 1.52 and 1.140 have been followed is discussed in Section 9.4. Provisions specifically included to minimize personnel exposures and to facilitate maintenance or in-place testing operations are as follows:

a. The loading of the filters and adsorbers with radioactive material during normal plant operation is a slow process. Therefore, in addition to monitoring for pressure drop, the filters and/or the general area are checked for radioactivity on a periodic basis with portable survey equipment. The filter elements are

replaced before the radioactivity level is of sufficient

magnitude to create a personnel hazard. Filters whose radioactivity level (due to a postulated accident) is such that a change of filter elements would constitute a

personnel hazard can be removed intact. No shielding is

provided since it is not required for the level of

radioactivity developed during normal operation. In case of excessive radioactivity caused by a postulated accident, the whole filter is replaced before normal

personnel access is resumed. It is not necessary for

workers to handle filter units immediately after a design

basis accident, so exposures can be minimized by allowing the short-lived isotopes to decay before changing the filter.

b. Active elements of the atmospheric cleanup systems are designed to permit ready removal.
c. Access to active elements is direct from working platforms to simplify element handling. Ample space is provided on the platforms for accommodating safe personnel movement during replacement of components, including the use of necessary material-handling facilities, and during any in-place testing operation. 12.3-19 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK
d. No filter bank is more than three filter units high, where each filter unit is 2 feet by 2 feet. The access to the level or platform at which the filter is serviced is by stairs or elevators.
e. The clear space for doors is a minimum of 3 feet by 7 feet.
f. The filters are designed with replaceable 2 feet by 2 feet units that are clamped in place against compression

seals. The filter housing is designed, tested, and

proven to be airtight with bulkhead type doors that are

closed against compression seals. 12.3.4 AREA RADIATION AND AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Area Radiation Monitoring The area radiation monitoring system (ARMS) is provided to supplement the personnel and area radiation survey provisions of the plant health physics program described in Section 12.5 and to ensure compliance with the personnel radiation protection guidelines of 10 CFR 20, 10 CFR 50, 10 CFR 70, and Regulatory Guides 8.2, 8.8, and 8.12. Design Bases

The principal objectives and criteria of the ARMS are provided below. Safety Design Bases The area radiation monitoring system has no function related to the safe shutdown of the plant or the capability to mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in offsite exposures comparable to the guideline exposure of 10 CFR 100 and, therefore, has no safety design bases. See Appendix 7A for a discussion of Regulatory Guide 1.97. Power Generation Design Bases POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS ONE - The ARMS functions continuously to immediately alert plant personnel entering or working in nonradiation or low-

radiation areas of increasing or abnormally high radiation levels which, if

unnoticed, could possibly result in inadvertent overexposures. 12.3-20 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS TWO - The ARMS serves to inform the control room operator of the occurrence and approximate location of an abnormal radiation increase in nonradiation or low-radiation areas. POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS THREE - The ARMS complies with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion 63 for monitoring fuel and

waste storage and handling areas. POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS FOUR - Certain monitors located near the fuel storage pool, new fuel storage vault, and cask handling area were originally installed to act as criticality alarm monitors in conformance with the requirements of 10 CFR 70, Regulatory Guides 8.5 and 8.12 and Standards ANSI/ANS-8.3-1979 and USAS N2.3-1967. The NRC issued an exemption to the requirements of 10CFR70.24 to WCNOC on June 24,1997. On November 12, 1998 the NRC issued 10CFR50.68, which provides eight criteria that may be followed in lieu of criticality monitoring per 10CFR70.24. One of these criteria require

that radiation monitors are provided in storage areas when fuel is present to

detect excessive radiation levels. These monitors will remain in place to provide prompt warning of high radiation. The monitors provide a hi-hi radiation alarm of 15 mrem/hr which will give prompt warning if high radiation occurs. These monitors are provided in accordance with GDC-63. Codes and Standards Codes and standards applicable to the area radiation monitors are indicated in Table 3.2-1. System Description General Description The ARMS consists of five-decade range GM tube detectors located throughout the plant to warn personnel of abnormal gamma radiation levels. The detector signals are transmitted to the control room over individual cables. The displays, both local and in the control room, are five-decade logarithmic

ratemeters. The alarms are both audible and visual, and are located in the

control room and near the local detectors. Two ARMS (Technical Support Center

(TSC) SDRE0043 and Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) SDRE0044) are stand-alone units and do not transmit a signal or alarms to the control room. Criteria for Area Monitor Selection The following design criteria are applicable to the area radiation monitoring system.RANGE - The ARMS has a five-decade range from 10-1 to 10+4 mrem/hr. Except the Post-Accident sample room radiation monitor which has a range from 10 to 105

mrem/hr. The ranges are made sufficiently wide to measure the radiation levels expected in the areas concerned. The system continues to read upscale if exposed to radiation levels above the maximum range. SENSITIVITY - Gamma sensitive to photon energies of 100 keV and above. 12.3-21 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK RESPONSE - In any range, the readout indicates at least 90 percent of its end point reading within 5 seconds after a step change in radiation level at the detector. ENERGY DEPENDENCE - The dose rate (mrem/hr) readout is within 20 percent of the actual dose rate in each detected area from photon energies between 100 keV and

2.5 meV. DIRECTIONAL DEPENDENCE - The dose rate readout does not vary more than 10 percent when exposed to a single point radiation source of approximately 1.0

MeV from any point in the frontal hemisphere of a horizontal plane. ENVIRONMENTAL DEPENDENCE - The system meets the above requirements for all variations of temperature, pressure, and relative humidity within each area monitored, as listed below: For instruments located outside the containment: Temperature, F 60 to 120 Humidity, %RH 5 to 95

Pressure Atmospheric For instruments located inside the containment: Temperature, F 50 to 150 Humidity, %RH 5 to 100

Pressure 2 psig EXPOSURE LIFE - Each monitor located inside the containment maintains its characteristics up to an integrated dose of 107 rads. Each monitor located

outside the containment maintains its characteristics up to an integrated dose

of 106 rads. Alarms Each monitor channel is provided with a three-level alarm system. One alarm setpoint is below the background counting rate and serves as a circuit failure alarm. The other two-alarm setpoints provide sequential alarms on increasing radiation levels. Loss of power causes an alarm on all three-alarm circuits. The alarms must be manually reset and can be reset only after the alarm

condition is corrected. Check Sources Each monitor is provided with a check source, operated from the control room, which simulates a radiation level in the area for operational and gross calibration checks. The check source for most monitors can be operated from the control room. However, the TSC Monitor (SDRE0043) and the EOF Monitor (SDRE0044) must be operated locally. 12.3-22 Rev. 11 WOLF CREEK Power Supplies The power supplies for all of the monitors are given in Table 12.3-4. Calibration and Maintenance The area radiation monitors are calibrated by the manufacturer, using a Cs-137 source. The manufacturer's calibration standards are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology primary calibration standard sources and are accurate to at least 5 percent. The source-detector geometry during this primary calibration is identical to the source-detector geometry in field

calibrations. A secondary standard counted in reproducible geometry during the

primary calibration is supplied with each monitoring system. The frequency of calibration is established in station procedures. The count rate response of each monitor to the remotely positionable check source supplied with each monitor is recorded by the manufacturer after the

primary calibration. Check source response and counter background is maintained in accordance with station procedures. Following repairs or modifications, the monitors are

recalibrated at the plant with the secondary radionuclide standard. Sensitivities Each area radiation monitor is able to detect radiation levels as low as 0.1 mrem/hr except for post-accident sample room radiation monitor which detects

radiation levels as low as 10 mrem/hr. Criteria for Location of Area Monitors Generally, area radiation monitors are provided in areas to which personnel normally have access and for which there is a potential for personnel to unknowingly receive high radiation doses (e.g., in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits) in a short period of time because of system failure or improper personnel action. Any plant area which meets one or more of the following criteria is monitored: 12.3-23 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK

a. Zone A areas which, during normal plant operations, including refueling, could exceed the radiation limit of 0.5 mrem/hr upon system failure or personnel error or which would be continuously occupied following an accident requiring plant shutdown.
b. Zone B areas where personnel could otherwise unknowingly receive high levels of radiation exposure due to system failure or personnel error.
c. For areas in which fuel is stored or radioactive waste systems and handling equipment are located, area radiation monitors are provided to detect conditions that might result in loss of residual heat removal capability and excessive radiation levels and to alert the operators to initiate appropriate safety action in accordance with GDC-63 of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A.

The location of each area radiation detector is indicated on the radiation zoning and access control drawings, Figure 12.3-2, and are listed in Table

12.3-2. Consistent with the above criteria, the following general areas are monitored:

a. Main control room
b. Radwaste building corridors
c. Auxiliary building corridors
d. Fuel storage and handling area
e. Radwaste pipe tunnel
f. Railway access (fuel building) 12.3-24 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK
g. Hot machine and hot instrument shops
h. Containment
i. Radwaste solidification area
j. Sampling rooms and laboratory Setpoints The bases for the area radiation monitor setpoints are determined from the need to alert operators to abnormal radiation levels in the area. The setpoints are

sufficiently above the normal radiation levels in the measured areas to avoid spurious alarms. The setpoints for the individual area radiation monitors are provided in Table 12.3- Safety Evaluation The ARMS is designed to operate unattended for extended periods of time, detecting and measuring ambient gamma radiation. Ambient radiation dose rate

at the detector is indicated locally at the detector and remotely in the main control room for most detectors. Most of these monitors cause an audible and visual alarm at the detector and in the main control room if the radiation levels exceed preset limits. However, the TSC Monitor (SDRE0043) and the EOF Monitor (SDRE0044) only provide local indication and alarm. All components are solid state, and the system is designed for high reliability. The system is not essential for safe shutdown of the plant, and it serves no active emergency function during operation. The system serves to warn plant personnel of high radiation levels in various plant areas. All monitors are independent, and failure of one unit has no effect on any other. Airborne Radioactivity Monitoring Monitoring for the presence of airborne radioactivity inside the plant is necessary for the protection of plant personnel, in compliance with Regulatory Guide 8.2 and within the limits established by 10 CFR 20. The airborne radioactivity monitors provide information necessary to ensure that gaseous, particulate, and iodine radioactivity do not exceed 10 DAC hours

in areas occupied by the station personnel. 12.3-25 Rev. 11 WOLF CREEK The systems consist of permanently installed, continuous monitoring devices together with a program and provisions for specific sample collections and laboratory analyses. Design Bases The principal objectives and criteria of the airborne radiological monitoring systems (AiRMS) are provided below. Safety Design Bases SAFETY DESIGN BASES - There are no safety design bases for the monitoring of airborne radioactivity for inplant personnel protection. The control room ventilation monitors, the containment atmosphere monitors, the containment purge monitors, and the fuel building exhaust monitors are required to

automatically initiate operation of engineered safety features systems in the event that airborne radioactivity in excess of the allowable limits exists.

Additional design bases are given in the following sections:

a. Containment purge isolation system, Sections 6.2.4, 7.3.2, 9.4, and 11.5.
b. Fuel building ventilation isolation, Sections 7.3.3, 9.4.2, and 11.5.
c. Control room intake isolation, Sections 6.4.1, 7.3.4, 9.4.1, and 11.5.

These radioactivity monitors are protection system elements and are designed in accordance with IEEE Standard 279 due to safety design bases of 6.2.4, 6.4.1,

7.3, 9.4, and 11.5. The safety evaluation of these systems is discussed in Section 7.3. These monitors also serve for inplant worker protection, and this function is discussed at length in this section. Power Generation Design Bases POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS ONE - The airborne radioactivity monitors operate continuously to detect airborne particulates, iodine, and/or noble gases in the air upstream of all filters in the containment, auxiliary building, fuel building, radwaste building, waste gas decay tank rooms, access control area, and control room for the protection of the workers. 12.3-26 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS TWO - The airborne radioactivity monitors are designed to detect 10 DAC-hours or better in any compartment or room served by the monitoring system. POWER GENERATION DESIGN BASIS THREE - The containment atmosphere monitors are designed to detect leakage of radioactivity from the reactor coolant system

into the containment atmosphere. This function is described in greater detail in Section 5.2.5. The containment purge monitors serve as a backup to the containment atmosphere monitors while the purge is in operation. Codes and Standards

Codes and standards applicable to the airborne radioactivity monitors are indicated in Table 3.2-1. The monitors listed in Section have additional codes and standards applied due to their safety-related functions discussed in other sections, as noted above. System Description General Description Data Collection The AiRMS consist of particulate, iodine, and noble gas monitors with the attendant controls, alarms, pumps, valves, and indicators required to meet the design objectives in Section Each monitor consists of the detector assembly and a local microprocessor. The local microprocessor processes the

detector assembly signal in digital form, computes average radioactivity levels, stores data, performs alarm or control functions, and transmits the digital signal to the control room microprocessor. Signal transmission is

accomplished via two two-wire daisy-chain loops. Each loop allows data transmission in either direction, ensuring that a single fault in the loop will

not prevent the control room microprocessor from receiving the data. The local microprocessors for monitors which perform safety functions (control room ventilation, fuel building ventilation, containment atmosphere, and

containment purge monitors, refer to Section 11.5) are wired directly to

individual indicators located on the seismic Category I AiRMS cabinets in the control room. The input from the safety-related channels to the daisy-chain loop is an isolated signal to ensure that the safety-related signals are not

affected by signals or conditions existing in the nonsafety portion of the

system.12.3-27 Rev. 7 WOLF CREEK The control room microprocessor provides controls and indication for the AiRMS. Indication is via a CRT located in the control room. The signals from each monitor may also be recorded on a system printer. All of the monitors are recorded on a tape cassette. The safety-related monitors are also recorded on analog strip chart recorders. Selection Criteria for Airborne Monitors Introduction The type of fixed instrumentation used for monitoring airborne radioactivity is offline. The offline system extracts a sample from the process stream and

transports that sample to the radiation monitoring system which contains the specified equipment to detect particulates, halogens, and/or noble gases. Sampling Criteria

The sampling system for the particulate/halogen/noble gas monitors is designed and installed in accordance with ANSI N13.1-1969, Guide to Sampling of Airborne Radioactive Materials. Systems whose sensitivity is dependent upon sample flow

employ isokinetic nozzles and suitable control of the flow rate. Detection Criteria Since both radioactive particulates and radioactive noble gases are beta emitters, beta-sensitive scintillation detectors are used to sense

radioactivity to minimize the effects due to background radiation and,

consequently, obtain a lower minimum detectable concentration. Where spectrometric analysis is required (such as in iodine monitoring) an NaI (Tl) gamma scintillation detector assembly is employed. Instrumentation Criteria Instrumentation necessary to indicate, alarm, and perform control functions is provided to complete the monitoring system. Since radioactive concentrations may vary substantially, wide-range instruments are utilized. All airborne radiation monitors include provisions for obtaining a gas sample for laboratory isotopic analysis. The particulate and charcoal filters can readily be removed for laboratory analyses. 12.3-28 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK The airborne particulate monitors each consist of a fixed filter upon which radioactive particulate matter is deposited by means of a positive displacement pump that draws a continuous sample, using an isokinetic nozzle from the ventilation exhaust duct for the particular area. The fixed filter is located in front of a beta scintillation detector coupled to a photomultiplier tube which responds to the scintillations emitted from the crystal as a result of

incident radiation giving up its energy within the crystal. Each airborne iodine monitor consists of a charcoal cartridge upon which iodine is adsorbed. The air sample is prefiltered to remove particulates. The

charcoal cartridge is located in front of a gamma scintillation detector

coupled to a photomultiplier tube. Each airborne noble gas monitor consists of a fixed volume sample chamber through which prefiltered sample air is passed. A beta scintillation detector is located within the sample chamber to detect the activity level of the air

sample.All of the detectors and sample chambers are enclosed in heavily shielded lead pigs. Two motor-operated valves, operated locally, are provided to permit air

purging of the sample chamber to facilitate background activity checks. The sensitivities and alarm setpoints are given in Table 12.3-3. The high-alarm points are based on the most restrictive isotopes which are expected to be present. Criteria for Airborne Radioactivity Monitor Locations The criteria for locating airborne radioactivity monitors are dependent upon the point of leakage, the ability to identify the source of radioactivity so

that corrective action may be performed, and whether personnel may be exposed

to the airborne radioactivity.

a. Airborne radioactivity monitors sample the exhaust from normally accessible personnel operating areas for which there is a potential for airborne radioactivity.
b. Areas not normally accessed may be monitored, prior to personnel entry, with portable monitors or samplers, depending upon the potential for airborne radioactivity and the work to be performed in the area. 12.3-29 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK
c. Exhaust ducts servicing an area containing processes which, in the event of major leakage, could result in concentrations within the plant approaching the limits established by 10 CFR 20 for plant workers are monitored.
d. Dilution from other exhaust ducts is considered when locating monitors in exhaust systems to ensure maximum coverage and still be able to detect 10 CFR 20 airborne radioactivity limits in the area with the lowest

ventilation flow.

e. Outside air intake ducts for the control building are monitored to measure possible introduction of radioactive materials into the control room to ensure

the habitability of those areas requiring personnel occupancy for safe shutdown.

f. Airborne radioactivity monitors are located so that the actual sample chamber and detector location are in an

area where the background radiation is low. Detailed

physical locations are provided on the radiation zone

drawings, Figure 12.3-2. Alarms Each monitor channel is provided with a three-level alarm system. One alarm setpoint is below the background counting rate and serves as a circuit failure alarm. The other two alarm setpoints provide sequential alarms on increasing radioactivity levels. Loss of power causes an alarm on all three-alarm circuits. The alarms must be manually reset and can be reset only after the

alarm condition is corrected. Alarms from the AiRMS are provided in the control room on the plant annunciator (audible and visual), the plant computer (audible and visual), and the AiRMS CRT (visual). In addition, the safety-related channels have individual alarm lights on the safety-related indicators on the AiRMS control panel. The plant and AiRMS computers also provide printouts of each alarm. The pumping systems are controlled from the control room and are provided with a low-flow alarm to alert the operator of pump failure or any other condition which causes a loss of flow through the sample system, and a flow control valve and flow controller to automatically compensate for filter loading. 12.3-30 Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK Check Sources Each monitor is provided with a check source, operated from the control room, which simulates a radioactive sample in the detector assembly for operational and gross calibration checks. Power Supplies All Class IE inplant AiRMS are powered from Class IE motor control centers. The power supplies for all of the monitors are given in Table 12.3-4. Calibration and Maintenance The airborne radioactivity monitors are calibrated by the manufacturer for the principal radionuclides listed in Table 12.3-3. The manufacturer's calibration

standards are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology primary calibration standard sources and are accurate to at least 5 percent. The source detector geometry during this primary calibration is identical to the sample detector geometry in actual use. Secondary standards counted in reproducible geometry during the primary calibration are supplied with each continuous monitor. The frequency of calibration is established in station procedures. The count rate response of each continuous monitor to remotely positionable check sources supplied with each monitor is recorded by the manufacturer after

the primary calibration. Check sources response and counter background is

maintained in accordance with station procedures. Following repairs or

modifications, the monitors are recalibrated at the plant with the secondary radionuclide standards. Sensitivities The AiRMS is capable of detecting 10 DAC-hours of airborne radioactivity. The most restrictive isotope for each type of monitor is that isotope with the lowest worker derived air concentration (WDAC), as defined in Table 1, Column 3, of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001 - 20.2402. 12.3-31 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK For the containment atmosphere and containment purge system monitors, the High and Alert alarm set points are based on the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The sensitivities and alarm setpoints are given in Table 12.3-3. The High alarm points are based on the most restrictive isotopes which are expected to be present. The concentration levels are as defined in Table 1, Column 3, of

Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001 - 20.2402 or Technical Specification limits, considering dilution. The sensitivity of the airborne radioactivity monitors is based on a 95-percent confidence level for 0.5 MeV beta or gamma radiation in a 1 mr/hr gamma

radiation background at standard pressure and ambient temperature. The fixed volume noble gas detector assemblies have a minimum detectable concentration of 2 x 10 -7Ci/cc, using Kr-85/Xe-133 as the limiting isotope. The fixed filter particulate detector assemblies have a minimum detectable concentration of 1 x 10 -11Ci/cc, using Cs-137 as the limiting isotope. The filter assembly has a collection efficiency of 99 percent for particles of 0.3 micron or larger. The charcoal filter halogen detector assemblies have a minimum detectable concentration of 1 x 10 -11Ci/cc, using I-131 as the limiting isotope. The charcoal filter assembly has a collection efficiency of at least 95 percent for iodine. Ranges and Setpoints

The ranges of the various airborne radioactivity monitors were chosen based on the detection of radioactivity in concentrations ranging from 10 DAC-hours or lower in compartments served up to those from postulated accidents. The fixed volume noble gas detector assemblies have a range of 10-7 to 10 -2Ci/cc.The fixed filter particulate detector assemblies have a range of 10 -12 to 10-7Ci/cc.The charcoal filter halogen detector assemblies have a range of 10 -11 to 10-6Ci/cc.The setpoints are chosen to alert the operators to airborne radioactivity that might be present so that 10 CFR 20 limits on worker exposure or Technical

Specification limits are not exceeded. 12.3-32 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK The setpoints for control of ventilation are discussed in Section 7.3. The setpoints on the monitors used for reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage detection are discussed in Section 5.2.5. The ranges and setpoints for the airborne radioactivity monitors are provided in Table 12.3-3. Expected System Parameters The expected ranges of system parameters, such as flow rate, composition, and concentrations, are summarized in Table 12.3-3. Detailed information on the

individual HVAC systems can be found in Section 9.4. Monitoring Systems The systems discussed in the following sections are summarized in Table 12.3-3. Access Control Area Ventilation Exhaust Radioactivity Monitor The access control area ventilation exhaust radioactivity monitor, 0-GK-RE-41, continuously monitors for particulate radioactivity in the access control area ventilation exhaust upstream of the HVAC filters. The sample is extracted from the duct through an isokinetic nozzle, in accordance with ANSI Standard N13.1-

1969, to ensure that a representative sample of the system is obtained. After passing through the fixed filter detector assembly and the pumping system, the

sample is discharged back to the duct. The high and high-high alarms function to alert the operator to airborne particulate radioactivity in the access control area. Further determination of the source and the corrective action to be taken are based on monitoring with portable detection and sampling equipment. 12.3-33 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK Indication for this system is provided on the AiRMS CRT in the control room. Radwaste Building Ventilation Exhaust Radioactivity Monitor The radwaste building ventilation exhaust radioactivity monitor, 0-GH-RE-22, continuously monitors for particulate radioactivity in the exhaust duct upstream of the radwaste exhaust filter adsorber. The sample is extracted from the duct through an isokinetic nozzle, in accordance with ANSI Standard N13.1-1969, to ensure that a representative sample is obtained. After passing

through the fixed filter detector assembly and the pumping system, the sample

is discharged back to the duct. The cartridge filter is removed periodically

for laboratory isotopic analyses. Monitoring upstream of the filter adsorber provides the most rapid response to airborne radioactivity in the system. The high and high-high alarms function to alert the operator to airborne particulate radioactivity in the radwaste building. Indication for this monitor

is provided on the AiRMS CRT in the control room. If required, grab samples are utilized to determine airborne radioactivity levels and iodine concentrations in specific areas to aid in the determination

of the source of the release. Waste Gas Decay Tank Area Ventilation Exhaust Radioactivity Monitor The waste gas decay tank area ventilation radioactivity monitor, 0-GH-RE-23, continuously monitors for gaseous radioactivity in the discharge duct from the waste gas decay tank area upstream of the radwaste building exhaust filter adsorber. The sample point provides rapid detection of a leak in the waste gas processing system and, in conjunction with the radwaste building exhaust

radioactivity monitor and the radwaste building effluent monitor, helps

localize the affected area in the event of an alarm on either monitor. The sample is extracted from the exhaust duct and passed through the fixed volume noble gas detector assembly and the pumping system. Then the sample is discharged back to the duct. The high alarm provides indication of a leak in the decay tanks, compressors, piping, or valves. The high-high alarm indicates that concentrations in the decay tank room are at or near 10 DAC for the most restrictive isotope expected to be present (Kr-85 or Xe-133). 12.3-34 Rev. 7 WOLF CREEK Back up for this monitor is provided by the radwaste building exhaust and effluent monitors. Indication of this monitor is provided on the AiRMS CRT in the control room. Auxiliary Building Ventilation Exhaust Reactivity Monitor The auxiliary building ventilation exhaust radioactivity monitor, 0-GL-RE-60, continuously monitors for particulate radioactivity in the auxiliary building

ventilation system upstream of the filter-adsorber units. The sample point is

located to monitor between the last point of possible radioactivity entry to

the ventilation system from the areas served and the filter adsorber unit. The sample is extracted through an isokinetic nozzle, in accordance with ANSI Standard N13.1-1969, to ensure that a representative sample is provided to the

fixed filter particulate detector assembly. Then the sample is discharged through the pumping system back to the duct. The cartridge filter can be removed for laboratory isotopic analyses. The high alarm alerts the operator to high airborne particulate radioactivity levels in the auxiliary building. Indication of this monitor is provided on

the AiRMS CRT in the control room. If required, grab samples can be utilized to determine airborne radioactivity levels and iodine concentrations in specific areas to aid in the determination of the source of the release. Containment Atmosphere Radioactivity Monitors The containment atmosphere radioactivity monitors, 0-GT-RE-31 and 0-GT-RE-32, continuously monitor the containment atmosphere for particulate, iodine, and gaseous radioactivity which could result in personnel exposure during periods of containment access. Other functions of these monitors are covered in Sections 5.2.5, 7.3, 9.4, and 11.5. 12.3-35 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK The containment atmosphere radioactivity monitors are seismic Category I systems and completely redundant. The high and high-high alarms alert the operators to high airborne radioactivity in the containment atmosphere. Containment Purge System Radioactivity Monitors The containment purge system radiation monitors, 0-GT-RE-22 and 0-GT-RE-33, continuously monitor the containment purge exhaust duct during normal purge

operations for particulate, iodine, and gaseous radioactivity for worker

protection as backup monitors for the containment atmosphere monitors. Other functions for the containment purge monitors are given in Sections 5.2.5, 7.3, 9.4, and 11.5. The purge monitors are seismic Category I and completely redundant. The sample points are located outside the containment between the containment isolation dampers and the containment purge filter adsorber unit. Each monitor is provided with two isokinetic nozzles to ensure that representative samples are obtained from both normal purge and minipurge. Isokinetic nozzle selection is accomplished by sample selector valves which automatically align the correct nozzle to the monitor, based on operation of

the minipurge and normal purge exhaust fans. The sample is extracted through

the selected nozzle and then passes through the selector valve, the fixed filter (particulate), charcoal filter (iodine), and fixed volume (gaseous) detectors. The sample then passes through the pumping system and is discharged

back to the duct. 12.3-36 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK Indication is provided for each monitor on individual indicators on the radioactivity monitoring system control panel and, through isolated signals, on the AiRMS CRT in the control room. The containment purge radiation monitors provide backup for the containment atmosphere radiation monitors. The high and high-high alarms alert the

operators to high airborne radioactivity in the containment atmosphere. Control Room Ventilation Radioactivity Monitors The control room ventilation radioactivity monitors, 0-GK-RE-04 and 0-GK-RE-05, continuously monitor the supply air of the normal heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system for particulate, iodine, and gaseous radioactivity to provide protection for the control room operators in the event of high airborne radioactivity in the control room HVAC supply duct. This seismic Category I system is completely redundant. Samples are extracted through individual isokinetic nozzles, in accordance with ANSI Standard N13.1-1969, and flow through the fixed filter (particulate),

charcoal filter (iodine), and fixed volume (gaseous) detector assemblies prior

to passing through the pumping system for discharge. The high and high-high alarms alert operators to high airborne radioactivity in the control room supply duct. The safety control functions are described in

Sections 6.4, 7.3, and 11.5. Indication for these monitors is provided on

individual indicators on the radioactivity monitoring system control panel and, through isolated signals, on the AiRMS CRT in the control room. Fuel Building Ventilation Exhaust Radioactivity Monitors The fuel building ventilation exhaust radioactivity monitors, 0-GG-RE-27 and 0-GG-RE-28, continuously monitor for particulate, iodine, and gaseous radioactivity in the fuel building ventilation exhaust system for the protection of the workers in the fuel building. The other functions for these

monitors are described in Sections 9.4 and 11.5. During normal operation, each of the monitors extracts a sample from the normal exhaust duct through individual isokinetic nozzles and sample selector valves.

This normal sample point is upstream of the fuel building normal exhaust filter

adsorber unit. 12.3-37 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK The high and high-high alarms alert operators to high airborne particulate, iodine, or gaseous radioactivity in the fuel building. The ventilation control functions are described in Sections 7.3 and 11.5. Indication is provided by individual indicators on the AiRMS control panel and, through isolated signals, by the AiRMS CRT in the control room. Safety Evaluation Due to their safety-related functions, discussed in other sections, the control room ventilation monitors, the containment atmosphere monitors, the containment

purge monitors, and the fuel building exhaust monitors are redundant, independent, seismic Category I with Class IE power supplies. These monitors all have safety-related control functions which are described in Section 7.3. The following monitors are located upstream of filters and therefore, are effective for inplant personnel protection:

a. Containment atmosphere
b. Containment purge
c. Control room supply
d. Fuel building exhaust
e. Auxiliary building exhaust
f. Radwaste building exhaust
g. Access control area exhaust
h. Waste gas decay tank room exhaust
i. Portable monitor All the inplant areas where the potential for airborne radioactivity exists are, therefore, monitored. The process and effluent radioactivity monitors are discussed in Section 11.5.

The AiRMS is adequate and sufficient to ensure personnel protection from airborne radioactivity. The system provides indication to the operator that

airborne radioactivity exists in several possible areas. The location of the airborne radioactivity can then be further identified by using portable air samplers to collect general area air samples. 12.3-38 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK The combination of the AiRMS, in conjunction with administrative controls restricting and limiting personnel access, standard health physics practices, ventilation flow patterns throughout the plant, plant equipment layout, and restricted radiation Zone E areas, is sufficient to ensure that airborne radioactivity levels are safe in terms of

the required duration of personnel access throughout all areas of the plant. A general review of these concepts follows:

a. Equipment location is such that very radioactive piping and equipment are located in Radiation Zone D and E areas, which are restricted, and entry is limited by administrative control. Radiation Zone B and C areas do

not contain piping and components that would result in

significant airborne radioactivity sources. This reduces the possibility of airborne radioactivity exposure to occupants of Radiation Zone B and C areas where general entry is permitted.

b. Air flow patterns are consistent with the basic ventilation design criteria of the plant. Clean filtered outside air is supplied to Zone B areas (corridors, clean areas); these areas are exhausted by

drawing air into the rooms and areas of successively higher potential for airborne contamination. Air flow

is such that air flow reversal or exfiltration from potentially contaminated areas is precluded. This ventilation arrangement restricts the possibility of personnel exposure to airborne radioactivity in continuous occupancy areas.

c. Prior to entry for work in airborne, or potentially airborne areas, Health Physics will take appropriate air samples. Authorization must be obtained before entry.

Prior to entry, a high-volume portable air sampler may be used by the health physics group to collect a representative air sample. Gaseous, iodine, and particulate activity of the area will be analyzed before

entry as applicable.

d. Health physics programs are discussed in Section 12.5. 12.3-39 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK 12.


1. R. L. Walker and M. Grotenhuis, A Summary of Shielding Constants for Concrete

, ANL-6443 (November 1961).

2. C. M. Lederer, et. al., Table of Isotopes

, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California (March 1968).

3. R. G. Jaeger, et. al., Engineering Compendium on Radiation Shielding, Shielding Fundamentals and Methods

, I (1968).

4. G. W. Goldstein, X-Ray Attenuation Coefficients from 10 keV to 100 MeV

, National Bureau of Standards Circular 583 (issued April 10, 1957).

5. Reactor Physics Constants

, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-5800 (July 1963).

6. J. F. Kircher and R. E. Bowman, Effects of Radiation on Materials and Components (March 1964).
7. T. Rockwell, Reactor Shielding Design Manual

, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York (1956).

8. C. R. Tipton, Jr., Reactor Handbook

, Vol. I, Materials, second edition (1962).

9. H. Soodak, Reactor Handbook

, Vol. III, Part A, Physics, second edition (1962).

10. E. P. Blizzard and L. S. Abbott, Reactor Handbook Vol. 111, Part B, Shielding, second edition (1962).
11. N. M. Schaeffer, Reactor Shielding for Nuclear Engineers

, TID-25951 (1967).

12. D. S. Duncan and A. B. Spear, Grace I -An IBM 704-709 Program Design for Computing Gamma Ray Attenuation and Heating in Reactor Shields, Atomics International (June 1959)

. 13. D. S. Duncan and A. B. Spear, Grace II - An IBM 709 Program for Computing Gamma Ray Attenuation and Heating in Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries, Atomics International (November 1959) . 14. W. W. Engle, Jr., A User's Manual for ANISN: A One Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code with Anisotropic Scattering, Union Carbide Corporation , Report No. K-1693 (1967) . 15. E. D. Arnold and B. F. Maskewitz, SDC, A Shielding Design Code for Fuel Handling Facilities, ORNL-3041 (March 1966). 12.3-40 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK

16. Richard E. Malenfant, "QAD, A Series of Point-Kernel General-Purpose Shielding Programs

," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, LA 3573 (October 1966).

17. D. A. Klopp, NAP - Multigroup Time-Dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code

, IITRI-A6088-21 (January 1966).

18. E. A. Straker, P. N. Stevens, D. C. Irving, and V. R.

Crain, MORSE - A Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Monte Carlo Transport Code , ORNL-4585 (September 1970).

19. W. A. Rhoades and F. R. Mynatt, The DOT III Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code

, ORNL-TM-4280 (1973).

20. R. E. Malenfant, "G3 A General Purpose Gamma-Ray Scattering Program," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

, LA 5176 (June 1973).

21. M. J. Bell, "ORIGEN - The ORNL Generation and Depletion Code

," Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-4628 (May 1973). 22 Letter from J. C. Stone, USNRC, to O. L. Maynard, WCNOC dated June 24, 1997, Request For Exemption From 10 CFR 70.24 Criticality Monitoring Requirements - Wolf Creek Generating Station (TAC NO. M89161). 12.3-41 Rev. 11 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.3-1 LIST OF COMPUTER CODES USED IN SHIELDING DESIGN CALCULATIONS GRACE I Multigroup, multiregion, gamma-ray attenuation code used to compute gamma heating and gamma dose rates

in slab geometry (Ref. 12). GRACE II Multigroup, multiregion, gamma-ray attenuation code used to compute the dose rate or heat generation

rate for a spherical or a cylindrical source with

slab or concentric shields (Ref. 13). ANISN Multigroup, multiregion code solving the Boltzman transport equation for neutrons or gamma-rays in

one dimensional slab, cylindrical, or spherical

geometry (Ref. 14). SDC Multigroup, multiregion, Kernal integration gamma-ray, shield design code which calculates dose rates

for 13 geometry options (Ref. 15). QAD Multigroup, multiregion, three-dimensional, point Kernal code which calculates fast neutron and

gamma-ray dose and heat generation rates (Ref. 16). NAP Determines activation emission source strengths as a function of neutron exposure and decay time (Ref.

17). MORSE-CG Three-dimensional Monte Carlo neutron and gamma ray general transport code (Ref. 18). DOT III Two-dimensional neutron, gamma ray, discrete ordinate, transport code (Ref. 19). ORIGEN Isotope generation and depletion code which solves equations of radioactive growth and decay for

isotopes of arbitrary coupling (Ref. 21). G3 A general purpose gamma-ray scattering code (Ref. 20). Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.3-2 AREA RADIATION MONITORS Instrument Radiation Range Hi Alarm Hi-Hi Alarm Number Location Zone (mrem/hr)


O-SD-RE-1 Radwaste Building Corridor, Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-2 Radwaste Building Corridor, Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-3 Radwaste Building Corridor, Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-4 Radwaste Building Corridor, Ground Floor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-5 Radwaste Building Corridor, Ground Floor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-6 Solid Radwaste Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-7 Truck Space B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-8 Sample Laboratory B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-9 RW Bldg Valve Room Corridor C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-10 RW Bldg Valve Room Corridor C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-11 RW Bldg HVAC Filter Unit B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-12 Aux Bldg Corridor Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-13 Aux Bldg Corridor Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-14 Aux Bldg Corridor Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-15 Aux Bldg Corridor Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-16 Aux Bldg Corridor Basement B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-17 Pipe Tunnel & Personnel Access B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-18 Aux Bldg Ground Floor Corridor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-19 Aux Bldg Ground Floor Corridor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-20 Aux Bldg Valve Room Corridor Ground Floor C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-21 Aux Bldg Valve Room Corridor Ground Floor C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-22 Aux Bldg Corridor Ground Floor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-23 Aux Bldg Corridor Ground Floor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-24 RC Sample Room C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-25 Filter Unit Aux Bldg A 0.1 - 10 4 0.5 (1) 2.5 (2) O-SD-RE-26 RHR Heat Exchanger Outside B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-27 Ctmt Purge Filter Unit C 0.1 - 10 4 15 (1) 100 (2) O-SD-RE-28 Personnel Hatch B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-29 Decontamination Room B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-30 Hot Instrument Shop B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-31 Hot Laboratory B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-32 Control Bldg Corridor B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-33 Control Room A 0.1 - 10 4 0.5 (1) 2.5 (2) O-SD-RE-34 Cask Handling Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-35 New Fuel Storage Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-36 New Fuel Storage Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-37 Fuel Storage Pool Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-38 Fuel Storge Pool Area B 0.1 - 10 4 2.5 (1) 15 (2) O-SD-RE-39 Seal Table Area E 0.1 - 10 4 1000 (4) 10000 (5) O-SD-RE-40 Personnel Access Hatch Area E 0.1 - 10 4 1000 (4) 10000 (5) O-SD-RE-41 Manipulator Bridge Crane E 0.1 - 10 4 30 (6) 10000 O-SD-RE-42 Containment Building E 0.1 - 10 4 1000 (4) 10000 (5) O-SD-RE-43 Technical Support Center A 0.1 - 10 4 0.5 (1) 2.5 (2) O-SD-RE-44 Emergency Offsite Facility A 0.1 - 10 4 0.5 (1) 2.5 (2) O-SD-RE-47 Pass Sampling Room E 10 - 10 5 1000 (4) 10000 (5)

(1) High alarm set for maximum radiation level for the radiation zone for that area.

(2) High-high alarm set for the maximum radiation level for the radiation zone above the one for that area.

(3) Deleted (4) High alarm based on highest expected radiation level for the area during full power operation.

(5) High-high alarm set one order of magnitude above high alarm to indicate extremely high radiation level.

(6) High alarm is established for the protection of operators on the bridge crane and is set above

background radiation levels. Rev. 19 WOLF CREEK


Total Subcom- Minimum Control- Hi Hi-Hi Venti- partment Dilu- Required Monitor Type Range MDC (1) ling Alarm Alarm lation Flow Rate tion Sensitivity Control Monitor (continuous) (Ci/cc) (Ci/cc) Isotope (Ci/cc) (Ci/cc) Flow (cfm) (cfm) Factor (Ci/cc) Function O-GT-RE-31 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 x 10 -8(8) 1 x 10 -7(7) 420,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -7 (6) See Table 11.5-3 O-GT-RE-32 Iodine (4) 10-11 to 10-6 1 X 10-10 I-131 2 x 10 -8(8) 2 x 10 -7(7) 420,000 NA NA 2 X 10 -7 (6) for process control Containment Gaseous (3) 10 -7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Xe-133 2.06 x 10 -4(11) 2.06 x 10 -3(12) 420,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -3 (6) functions & alarms atmosphere for personnel monitors protection. O-GT-RE-22 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 x 10 -8(8) 1 x 10 -7(7) 20,000/4,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -7 (6) See Table 11.5-3 O-GT-RE-33 Iodine (4) 10-11 to 10-6 1 X 10-10 I-131 2 x 10 -8(8) 2 x 10 -7(7) 20,000/4,000 NA NA 2 X 10 -7 (6) for process control Containment Gaseous (3) 10 -7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Xe-133 (10) (10) 20,000/4,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -3 (6) functions & alarms purge system for personnel monitors protection.

O-GG-RE-27 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 X 10 -8(8) 1 X 10 -7(7) 20,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -7 (6) See Table 11.5-3 O-GG-RE-28 Iodine (4) 10-11 to 10-6 1 X 10-10 I-131 2 X 10 -8(8) 2 X 10 -7(7) 20,000 NA NA 2 X 10 -7 (6) for process control Fuel building Gaseous (3) 10 -7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Xe-133 1.62 X 10 -4(13) 1.62 X 10 -3(14) 20,000 NA NA 1 X 10 -3 (6) functions & alarms exhaust for personnel monitors (2) protection.

O-GK-RE-04 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 X 10 -8(8) 1 X 10 -7(7) 1950 NA NA 1 X 10 -7 (6) See Table 11.5-3 O-GK-RE-05 Iodine (4) 10-11 to 10-6 1 X 10-10 I-131 2 X 10 -8(8) 2 X 10 -7(7) 1950 NA NA 2 X 10 -7 (6) for process control Control room Gaseous (3) 10-7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Xe-133 1.35 X 10 -4(15) 1.35 X 10 -3(16) 1950 NA NA 1 X 10 -3 (6) functions & alarms air supply for personnel monitors protection.

O-GL-RE-60 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 X 10 -8 (8) 1 X 10 -7 (17) 12,000 100 8X10 -3(5) 1 X 10 -7 (6),(9) Alarms Auxiliary bldg. ventilation exhaust monitor O-GH-RE-22 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 X 10 -8 (18) 1 X 10-7 (17) 12,000 50 4X10-3(5) 4 X 10-10 (6),(9) Alarms Radwaste building exhaust

O-GK-RE-41 Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 1 X 10 -8 (18) 1 X 10-7 (17) 6,000 100 1.67x10 -2(5) 1 x10 -7 (6),(9) Alarms Access control area ventilation exhaust monitor

Rev. 19


TABLE 12.3-3 (Sheet 2)

Total Sumbom- Minimum Control- Hi Hi-Hi Venti- partment Dilu- Required Monitor Type Range MDC (1) ling Alarm Alarm lation Flow Rate tion Sensitivity Control Monitor (continuous) (Ci/cc) (Ci/cc) Isotope (Ci/cc) (Ci/cc) Flow (cfm) (cfm) Factor (Ci/cc) Function O-GH-RE-23 Gaseous (3) 10 -7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Kr-85 5 X 10 -5 (8) 5 X 10 -4 (7) 500 250 0.5 (5) 5 X 10 -4 (6),(9) Alarms Waste gas Xe-133 decay tank area ventilation exhaust monitor Portable Particulate (3) 10-12 to 10-7 1 X 10-11 Cs-137 NA NA NA NA NA Alarms monitor Iodine (4) 10-11 to 10-6 1 X 10-10 I-131 NA NA NA NA NA Gaseous (3) 10 -7 to 10-2 2 X 10 -7 Kr-85 NA NA NA NA NA Sample Flow for each channel is 3 cfm. SUBCOMPARTMENTAL FLOW IN CFM (1) MDC = minimum detectable concentration. (5) Dilution factor = (7) 10 DAC X dilution factor or monitor maximum, whichever is less. (2) When fuel is in the building Total flow in cfm (8) DAC X dilution factor or one tenth of Hi-Hi Alarmm, whichever is less. (3) Beta scintillation detector. (6) Minimum required sensitivity of monitor in Ci/cc (9) Grab samples are analyzed in the (4) Gamma scintillation detector. at 10 DAC-hrs for the controlling isotope = laboratory, and iodine concentrations dilution factor X 10 DAC. are calculated, using previously established ratios. (10) Hi alarm and Hi-Hi alarm setpoints are governed by the WCGS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The alarm points are variable dependent upon the isotope mixture. upon the isotope mixture. See WCGS Technical Specifications. (11) Equivalent to 0.9 mR/hr submersion dose rate (may increase per Tech Spec Table 3.3-6) (12) Equivalent to 9 mR/hr submersion dose rate (may increase per Tech Spec Table 3.3-6) (13) Equivalent to 0.4 mR/hr submersion dose rate (14) Equivalent to 4 mR/hr submersion dose rate (15) Equivalent to 0.2 mR/hr submersion dose rate (16) Equivalent to 2 mR/hr submersion dose rate (17) DAC(Q) X dilution Factor where DAC(Q) is the Annual Concentration permitted. (2000 hours X the controlling Isotope DAC). (18) DAC(Q) X dilution Factor. 10

Rev. 7

WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.3-4 POWER SUPPLIES FOR AREA AND IN-PLANT AIRBORNE MONITORS Area Radiation MonitorsNormalRestored AfterPowerLoss of OffsiteMonitor NumberSupply Power Remarks0-SD-RE-1Supplied byYes 0-SD-RE-2regulated in-0-SD-RE-3strumentation 0-SD-RE-4ac power which 0-SD-RE-5is supplied from 0-SD-RE-6the diesel gener-0-SD-RE-7tors on loss of 0-SD-RE-8offsite power.



































0-SD-RE-47 0-SD-RE-43Supplied by TSC Yes emergency generator on loss of offsite power.0-SD-RE-44Supplied by EOF Yes emergency generator on loss of offsite power Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.3-4 (Sheet 2) In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Monitors (Class IE)NormalRestored AfterPowerLoss of OffsiteMonitor NumberSupply Power RemarksContainmentClass IE MCCsYes



O-GT-RE-32ContainmentClass IE MCCsYes purge system


O-GT-RE-33Fuel buildingClass IE MCCsYes exhaust O-GG-RE-27

O-GG-RE-28Control roomClass IE MCCsYes air supply


O-GK-RE-05 In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Monitors (Non-IE)Auxiliary buildingNon-IE MCCsNoPower is lost toventilationsystem also, so exhaustmonitor reading is O-GL-RE-60not meaningful.Radwaste buildingNon-IE MCCs NoPower is lost toexhaustsystem also, so O-GH-RE-22monitor reading is not meaningful.Access controlNon-IE MCCSNoPower is lost toarea ventilationsystem also, so exhaustmonitor reading O-GK-RE-41is not meaningful.Waste gas decayNon-IE MCCsNoPower is lost totank area venti-system also, so lation exhaustmonitor reading O-GH-RE-23is not meaningful. Rev. 0 ( ' ...* .,-* ;----_..,.,. -""-"" ..... '\ . \sTEEL SHIE.LO OOOR. ..,._ -*-------------- -____ .__,__ I Iilli: I: II H I I r-H -Ht--+-+----


---It----+-++ tHERMAL A ....J PLAN YIEW AUX. BLQG. DEMINERALIZEB AREA EL. 2000'-o* c CREEK / N I 1*** I *,*: - r-Rt:MOTE: OPE RA.TOR (. TYP) I r$ f: E Of. 'TAll. lif.<EET I (Tll"\ I I I I

0 *). .. Jt.. * *,.,. . . ' I I ;r ) I ' J \ ----1

1- ' _.,r" t----I ) t-----J 1------* I ' J n t-----tl.. 'Zood* 0" :.J: b.. ...ltl f' :t.1 I I 1 ! lef I I I SI.EE\If.

I ::: I 1: : I Y** I I I I* I I "* ... , .

ILL j_ I .! I I <' a f . << *.! . ' l.

  • S(M. 90 PIPit Slf.lV! . SIC ETCH *11.* TYPICAl SMA.FT $\.,UV! fOit ltAI>IOo\CTIVl StR.VtCl Rev. 0 J l ! 1 ll SECTION frGUit( 12.l*l hrJCAl VAL V( COIIPUTI'I(llt ISNHf II WOLF CREEK :-;;***** ....


      • +----*-*---

-F .. .:_-: -:-; . .::_. ----o----------**

  • --*---------*

-==.-:: -:-:.: .. ......... ......... '. *. "' ... 0. . . PLAN VIEW RAQWA5IE BLDG, ,


IL!OOO'*o* c c CREEK ... . .. IIUW SI.IIKL,.._

  • -'t ... .. u :/ I R.ev. 0 *;.-: fo-I . ..... ..: . ..... I I I ll'lNT ltl$111 lfotaK TO.NI(("'lluaaV}

. .. ... ___ _ SECTION A-A WOLF CREEK SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.3-1 TYPICAL VALVE ARRANGEMENT (SHEET 3) I COMVR.a'!o\QR. WJ.SU.Ga., 1 ! I ::*';------* -.. ...,---;---:.;.,. I "'----4, .. J .. ,t--<---A I Li t* ===-N=::;;==t "f** Z:".j.:-.::1 . :=*:f; I ..... *: IDLF CREEK Rev. 0 ______ ..._ __ -,..,_ SECTION A*A WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.3-1 TYPICAL VALVE COMPARTMENTTY ARRANGEMENT (SHEET 4) c \ SM1PLE STATION PLAN VIEW -AUX. BUILDING . SAMPLING ROOM EL. 2000'-0 _j c IDLF CREEK ... \----.**.

  • "*r--------------;

R.ev. o SAMPlE STATION SJ-143. SECTION@ WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT fiGURE 12.3-1 TYPICAL VALVE COMPARTMENT . ARRANGEMENT (SHEET 5) I .. --..... -** t T -----.. --I L-.. ........ . *. ' *---i / / " /' ..-I "'--< I ""---...... I ' ............ ........., "'-* ""' :*./" .. -4\ ,_ / _)'!) _,... ..... Rev. 0 WOLFCREEK UPDATED SAf.ETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.3-3 CONTROL ROOM ISOMETRIC WOLF CREEK 12.4 DOSE ASSESSMENT Radiation exposures in the plant are primarily due to direct radiation from components and equipment containing radioactive fluids. In addition, in some plant areas there can be radiation exposure to personnel due to the presence of airborne radionuclides. In-plant radiation exposures during normal operation

and anticipated operational occurrences are discussed in Section 12.4.1.

Radiation exposures due to direct radiation at locations outside the plant structures, such as the boundary of the restricted area, are a function of the plant layout, equipment selection, and detailed system and shielding designs

and are expected to be negligible. Radiation exposures due to the airborne

radioactive effluent plume at these locations are expected to be insignificant.

The radiation exposures at these locations are discussed in Section Radiation exposures to operating personnel will be within 10 CFR 20 limits.

Radiation protection design features described in Section 12.3 and the health physics program outlined in Section 12.5 assure that the occupational radiation

exposures (ORE) to operating personnel during operation and anticipated operational occurrences are as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA).

12.4.1 EXPOSURES WITHIN THE PLANT Direct Radiation Dose Estimates Annual man-rem doses from direct radiation during the performance of routine

functions, such as operation and surveillance, normal maintenance, radwaste

handling, refueling, and inservice inspection, have been estimated, using the

following bases:

a. Radiation exposure data from operating PWRs are given in Tables 12.4-1 through 12.4-11 (Ref. 1, 2, 3) and Figure


b. Expected average dose rates in plant radiation areas are discussed in this section.
c. Expected occupancy times for various work function personnel in the different plant radiation areas are listed in Table 12.4-12.
d. Anticipated manhour occupancy requirements for WCGS are given in Table 12.4-12.

12.4-1 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK e. Table 12.4-13 provides an estimate of the distribution of the annual man-rem according to work function. The precision of the man-rem estimate is of secondary importance. That estimate's relationship to actual man-rem doses received during subsequent plant operation will depend primarily on operating experience and maintenance

and repair problems encountered rather than on design projections, however

precise.The maximum and expected average dose rates in the plant radiation areas are given below:

Zone Maximum Dose Rate Expected Average Dose Rate

                    (mrem/hr)              (mrem/hr)

A 0.5 0.1

B 2.5 0.5 C 15 2.5

D 100 15 E >100 100+

The maximum expected dose rates are determined by shielding calculations based

on conservative assumptions regarding sources (self-shielding locations, etc.).

The expected dose rates are estimated by assuming a failed fuel percentage of 0.12 and that stringent water chemistry control and improved design minimizes crud buildup. However, it should be recognized that expected dose rates in

various radiation zones and the actual maximum doses in a given zone are

localized effects. The expected average doses given above are used in

computing the doses for personnel involved in all operations, except inservice inspection and special maintenance. For personnel involved in the performance of inservice inspection (ISI) and special maintenance tasks, an expected average dose rate of 200 mrem/hr in the E Zone is used since these personnel

generally are working on reactor coolant system components.

Direct radiation exposures to plant personnel can result from the performance of special maintenance functions. In view of the radiation protection design

features described in Section 12.3 and the health physics program outlined in

Section 12.5, it is expected that exposures due to special maintenance are

minimized. However, an annual exposure of 150 man-rem is realistically estimated, based on experience at operating PWRs.

Exposure to plant personnel from direct radiation during the performance of

routine functions is estimated to be approximately 220 man-rem/yr. Details of

the man-rem estimates are given in Table 12.4-12. A breakdown of the exposures (including the special maintenance category) by work functions is provided in Table 12.4-12. Table 12.4-13 provides the percentage of the annual total man-

rem associated with each work function.

Assuming a work year of 2080 hours, the total estimated annual occupancy time

for an individual in different work functions in various radiation zones is as follows:

12.4-2 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK

a. Routine operation and surveillance: The total occupancy time for an individual involved in this work function in various radiation zones is expected to be 2,080 hrs/yr. The major portion of the occupancy is expected to be in radiation Zones A and B. Combined occupancy in radiation Zones C, D, and E is expected to be approximately 4 percent of the total annual occupancy. The average annual dose for an individual involved in this work category is expected to be about 1 rem. The distribution of occupancy times in various radiation zones is listed in Table 12.4-12.
b. Routine maintenance: The total occupancy time for an individual involved in this work function in various radiation zones is expected to be 2,080 hrs/yr. Individuals involved in this work category are expected to spend more time in high radiation areas. However, by following maintenance procedures, such as flushing equipment in high radiation areas before performing maintenance and also by removing smaller equipment from high radiation areas to lower radiation areas for maintenance, the dose rate for personnel can be minimized. Consequently, the annual average dose for an individual involved in this work function is expected to be about 3.7 rem. The distribution of occupancy time in various radiation zones is listed in Table 12.4-12.
c. Inservice inspection: The total occupancy time for an individual involved in this work function in various radiation zones is expected to be 320 hrs/yr (Table 12.4-
12) at the rate of 40 hrs/wk for 8 wks/yr. The annual average dose for an individual involved in this work function is approximately 0.5 rem.
d. Refueling: The refueling work is performed by personnel involved in routine operation and surveillance, health physics chemistry, and routine maintenance. The expected occupancy time for an individual involved in the refueling operation is about 160 hrs/yr. The average dose per individual in this category is estimated to be 0.5 rem over the occupancy period. The individuals involved in the refueling operation are expected to spend more time in the high radiation areas. The initial crud burst in the refueling pool and fuel storage pool regions initially results in occupancies in radiation Zone C. However, the operation of the cleanup systems results in significant reduction of the dose rates in the regions where occupancy is expected. In view of the above considerations, a combined occupancy of 70 percent in radiation Zones B, C, D, and E is considered reasonable.

A realistic distribution of personnel occupancies in various radiation zones is provided in Table 12.4-12.

12.4-3 Rev. 14 WOLF CREEK

e. Special maintenance: The total occupancy time for an individual involved in special maintenance problems, generally unanticipated, in various radiation zones is expected to be 320 hrs/yr, and the dose rate per individual involved in this work function is estimated to be about 0.7 rem/yr. The distribution of occupancy time in various radiation zones is provided in Table 12.4-12.
f. Radwaste processing: The radwaste operations are performed by personnel involved in work functions such as routine operation and surveillance, health physics, chemistry, and routine maintenance. The total times expended by personnel in various radiation levels for the category are given in Table 12.4-1. The expected occupancy time for an individual involved in radwaste processing is about 2080 hrs/yr. The annual average dose per individual in this category is estimated to be about 3 rem. Airborne Radioactivity Dose Estimates Exposures Due to Airborne Radioactivity As already discussed in Section 12.2.2, negligible airborne concentrations and consequently negligible airborne radioactivity exposures are expected in those

areas of the auxiliary, radwaste, and turbine buildings which are accessible

(Ref. 4). Exposures due to airborne radioactivity are possible in the containment and fuel building both during power operation and refueling. However, the design of the plant operating procedures described in Sections

12.3.3, 12.3.4, and 12.5.3, and expected limited occupancies in these buildings

minimizes exposures to airborne activity and ensures that the doses to an

individual from airborne radioactivity are small fractions of the 10 CFR 20 limits for occupational workers and that annual man-rem exposures comply with the ALARA criteria within the plant. The annual man-rem exposures from

airborne radioactivity are a small fraction of the annual man-rem exposures due to direct radiation. Annual occupancy (man-hours), dose rates, and man-rem due

to airborne radioactivity in these areas are given in Tables 12.4-14 and 12.4-15, respectively. Model for Calculating Exposures Due to Airborne

Radioactive Sources

Thyroid and inhalation doses are calculated using the following equation: DO = i CI (BR).t.DF OI where CI = Airborne concentration of the ith nuclide in pci/cm 3

12.4-4 Rev. 8 WOLF CREEK and BR = Breathing rate for occupational worker in cm 3/sec = 347 t = Time duration of inhalation of radioactivity

contaminated air in seconds DFOI = Dose factor for adult for organ 0 (thyroid

or lung) via inhalation in mrem/pCi inhaled for the

ith isotope (These dose factors are taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1) DO = Dose in millirems to organ 0 due to inhalation Total body submersion doses are calculated, using a finite cloud model.

Annual man-rem exposures due to airborne radioactivity are calculated using the

following equation:

DO = (DR)O 10-3.h where (DR) O = Dose rate for organ in mrem/hr


h = Annual occupancy in man-hours/yr

D0 = Annual exposure in man-rem/yr Illustrative Examples of Dose Assessment Dose assessments for various operations were based on actual operating plant

data. A number of typical examples are provided in Table 12.4-1. Note that the maximum/minimum values for number of personnel do not correspond to the maximum/minimum number of days required or dose rates so that the man-rem

totals are not simple multiplications of the maximum/minimum factors. The dose

assessments in Table 12.4-1 were derived from the average number of personnel,

average length of time, and average dose rate to perform each particular operation.

12.4-5 Rev. 5 WOLF CREEK

a. Operation and Surveillance The dose rates in the corridors and other normally occupied areas are expected to be much lower than the maximum radiation levels for each zone shown in the radiation zone drawings (Figure 12.3-2). The expected radiation levels are provided in Section Based on these expected dose rates and typical time periods for operation and surveillance, exposures were calculated. Typical examples from operating plants are given in Table 12.4-1. The total annual exposures for this category range from 13-30 man-rem.
b. Routine Maintenance

A number of examples of man-rem associated with maintenance are provided in Table 12.4-1. The total number of annual man-rems of exposure associated with this category depend upon many variables, such as equipment run times and breakdowns, number of skilled personnel available, schedule, and crud trapping. Typically, routine maintenance can account for a large percentage of the annual man-rem.

c. Radwaste Processing

Annual exposures for radwaste processing were determined as a result of the system evaluations described in Section Average expected dose rates and personnel stay times were used. Typical data from operating plants for various tasks are presented in Table


d. Refueling

Based on operating plant data, refueling operations have required 15 to 30 days, using 8 to 61 personnel who receive from 32 to 347 mrem/day. Man-rem totals have ranged from 13 to 66. Typical man-rem exposures for individual tasks are provided in Table 12.4-1. Much of the exposure is associated with removal and replacement of the reactor vessel head and its appurtenances.

e. Inservice Inspection

Inservice inspections at operating PWRs have taken much of the refueling outage, requiring from 3 to 38 men depending on the inspections scheduled, at up to 2500 mrem/day. Total exposures have ranged from 10 to 24 man- rem. Steam generator eddy current testing, performed per NEI 97-06, is perhaps the largest single cause of exposure for ISI. Table 12.4-1 provides a listing of various ISI functions and their associated man-rem from operating plant data.

12.4-6 Rev. 24 WOLF CREEK

f. Special Maintenance

Special maintenance is generally of a nonrecurring nature and not readily predictable. It includes implementation of design changes and unexpected repair or replacement of equipment and components.

Designs are continually being improved so that the newer plants should not experience all of the problems that have occurred on operating plants. Some special maintenance has created greater than 150 man-rems of exposure, but the frequency of occurrence is irregular. An estimated annual average exposure from special maintenance work is 150 man-rems.

Some examples of special maintenance are provided in Table 12.4-1. Steam generator tube plugging is perhaps the operation causing the largest exposures in the category of special maintenance. The exposures associated with tube plugging are dependent on the number of tubes to be plugged. Remotely operated equipment is used whenever practicable to minimize personnel exposures for this task. Improvements in secondary system water chemistry and improved tube support plates have reduced the likelihood of the need to plug tubes. The volatile chemical treatment to be employed for the secondary system greatly alleviates the need for sludge lancing of the secondary side.

Special materials are being utilized for the radwaste evaporator tubes to maximize corrosion resistance and thereby minimize the maintenance that might be needed.

Other special maintenance, such as valve operator or pump impeller replacement, might occur several times in the life of the plant, but exposures would be much less than 150 man-rem.


Direct radiation outside plant structures from the containment and the

auxiliary, radwaste, and turbine buildings is negligible, compared to that from outside storage tanks. The principal sources of radioactivity not stored in the plant structures are the reactor makeup water storage tank, the refueling water storage tank, and the condensate storage tank. These tanks, shall be limited to the conditions outlined in Section The dose rate at the nearest site boundary for the sectors in which these tanks are exposed has been calculated to be of the order of 10-5 mrem/yr. Using the projected populations

for the year 2020 in the exposed sectors to a distance of 50 miles throughout the year results in a negligible population exposure of less than 10-3 man-rem. Exposures Due to Airborne Radioactivity

Estimates of doses at the site boundary due to released activity are given in Section 11.3.3.



1. NUREG-0109, Occupational Radiation Exposure at Light Water Cooled Power Reactors, 1969-1975.
2. NUREG-75/032, Occupational Radiation Exposure At Light Water Cooled Power Reactors, 1969-1974.
3. NUREG-0463, Occupational Radiation Exposure, Tenth Annual Report, 1977.
4. NUREG/CR-0140, In-Plant Source Term Measurements at Fort

Calhoun Station Unit 1.

12.4-8 Rev. 11 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-1ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLESOFDOSEASSESSMENTOperationandSurveillance:DescriptionofNo.ofNo.ofNo.ofTaskDays(1)Personnel (2)Mrem/man-dayman-remFuelbldg.Refueling2910-1136Aux.bldg.Entireyr5-99-1862Aux.bldg.equip.1837-650.2 testCtmt.(initial1-35-170.1-0.5surveyafterSD)Totalforoper.&13-30 surv.RoutineMaintenanceMisc.instrument7319-920.2calibrationfor

pressurizerAux.bldg.valves19-224-1613-702 Aux.bldg.general8-458-133-2420.3-2 maintenanceAux.bldginstrument41115-480.5 calibrationCtmt.decon.Refueling3321-1707 Fuelbldg.decon.4652-200.3 Radwastebldg.11928-1370.8generalmaintenanceRadwastebldg.decon.21-2439-1434 Aux.bldg.decon.1143-190.1 Ctmt.valves8-7410-2733-1850.9-6 Ctmt.instrument8-654-309-750.3-5 calibrationReplaceoilin5512-450.3reactorcoolant pumpsRemovecharcoal4-57-360.1-0.5filtersforctmt. cleanupReplacecharcoal6-452-200.3-0.8filtersforctmt. cleanupRepairdampers&84-50.2-0.3 ductGeneraldecon.&29-6833-717-11 relampingDecon.refueling2-184-230.1-6 canalRev.0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-1(Sheet2)DescriptionofNo.ofNo.ofNo.ofTaskDays(1)Personnel (2)Mrem/man-day man-remReactorcoolant3518-306pumpmotorworkUncouple/couple2215-190.8reactorcoolant pumpsInstall/remove127-100.3reactorcoolant pumpscaffoldingRepairctmt.sump9-759-300.4-4pumps&level

indicatorsRepairpressurizer5-314-90.2-0.3reliefvalvesReplaceexcore23-4215-301-8 detectorsPolarcrane9-789-220.3-3 maintenanceCtmt.pressuretest6026-322&valverepairRemove&cleanSI314-250.6systemstrainersCheck&repair3-436-210.1-2 snubbersRemoveequip.5-102-90.002-0.1 hatchReplaceequip.2-33-70.03-0.04 hatchRadwasteProcessing WastedrumloadingRefueling762-2806LoadingspentresinRefueling1078-7604 casksDrywastedrumRefueling3-590.2-4 handlingFuelstoragepool2406filterreplace-

mentTransferringresinl4-50.1 Refueling Installandremove7-167-300.4-0.9reactorcavitysealringRemovetransfertube12-172-100.3-0.4 flangeRev.14 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-1(Sheet3)DescriptionofNo.ofNo.ofNo.ofTaskDays(1)Personnel (2)Mrem/man-day man-remInstall&remove3-316-250.2-3upperguide structurelifting

rigRigunderwater2-184-130.02-0.3 lightsFloodrefueling45-90.3 canalFuelhandling14-1649-923-7 (ctmt.)Fuelhandling(fuel5-2825-770.5-1 bldg.)Incoreinstrumenta-3-3613-242-6tionremovalRemove&replace6-129-240.2-0.3missileshieldRemove&replace11-139-270.9-3cable&ductwork toreactorheadRemovetoolaccess10-139-390.8-9flanges&un-couplecontrol rodsInstallbullet1-96-150.7-2 nosesRemovebullet4-52-40.1-0.4 nosesRemove&replace7-104-50.3-0.4headinsulationRPVstuds-remove,10-1926-403-13replace,&cleanInstall&remove2-113-120.1-1alignmentpinsInstallliftrig&2-1011-370.6-3removeRPVheadReplaceRPVhead1-36-180.4-7Decon.RPVhead7-1410-243-5&vesselflanges&replace"0"ringsRemove&replace4-614-313-8holddownringCleanstudplugs&4-1112-261-6holesandinstall&removeplugsCleanincorein-9-2812-322-6strumentflanges, studs,&nutsRPVheadgasket6-3219-351-4 replacementRev.0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-1(Sheet4)DescriptionofNo.ofNo.ofNo.ofTaskDays(1)Personnel (2)Mrem/man-day man-remDrain,fill,and2-95-100.1-0.7ventreactor coolantsystemInstallhandrails146-80.1aroundrefueling

canalTotalforrefueling15-308-6132-34713-66InserviceInspectionSteamgenerator7-5113-3829-25004-22 tubesSpentfuelsipping201714-2423Spentfuelinspection5722-301-2Remove&replace4-1412-373-7primarymanway coversRemove&replace7-84-160.4-0.8secondaryman-waycoversSteamgenerator2-411-170.2-2secondarysideInstallprimary23lloopdamsCleansteamgenerator64-120.6manwaystudsTotalforISI 10-24SpecialMaintenanceReplaceupperguide697817-78513structureoncontrol

rodsSludgelancing51619-1052ofsteamgenerator secondarysideSteamgenerator7-305-1020-200tubepluggingRev.0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-1(Sheet5) NOTES:(1)Thenumberofdaysindicatestheperiodoverwhichtheparticulartaskwasperformed.Itdoesnotmeanthatpersonnelwereworkingfulltimeforthatperiod.(2)Thenumberofpersonnelindicatesthetotalnumberofpersonnelwhoworkedonaparticulartask.Itdoesnotmeanthatallofthe personnelwereworkingsimultaneouslyorfulltimeonthattask.Rev.0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-2 AVERAGE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL PER PWR UNIT FOR THE PERIOD 1969-1977 (REF. 1,2,3) Year Number of Units Average Number of Personnel/Unit 1969 2 131 1970 2 493 1971 3 250

1972 4 401 1973 5 774 1974 10 602 1975 14 548 1976 25 593 1977 28 642

1969-1977 Overall average 580 NOTES:

1. Only PWRs at power levels >450 MWe have been considered, with the exception of San Onofre 1 (430 MWe)
2. Only PWRs that have been in commercial operation for at least 18 months at the end of the year have been considered. Multiple

units have been considered for any year during which all units have been in commercial operation for at least 18 months prior to the end of the year.

3. Units considered for both tables are the same, with one exception. For the year 1972, Point Beach Unit 1 was used in

Table 12.4-3, but not in Table 12.4-2 since no data on the number of personnel were available for 1972. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-3 AVERAGE OCCUPATIONAL RADIATION EXPOSURE (MAN-REM DOSE) PER PWR UNIT FOR THE PERIOD 1969-1977

                          (REF. 1,2,3)

Year Number of Units Average Man-Rem Dose/Unit 1969 2 74 1970 2 422

1971 3 274

1972 5 482

1973 5 610

1974 10 439

1975 14 460

1976 25 461

1977 28 422

1969-1977 Overall average 441 NOTES: 1. Only PWRs at power levels >450 MWe have been considered, with the exception of San Onofre 1 (430 MWe).

2. Only PWRs that have been in commercial operation for at least 18 months at the end of the year have been

considered. Multiple units have been considered for any

year during which all units have been in commercial

operation for at least 18 months prior to the end of the


3. Units considered for both tables are the same, with one exception. For the year 1972, Point Beach Unit 1 was used

in Table 12.4-3, but not in Table 12.4-2 since no data on

the number of personnel were available for 1972. Rev. 0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-4AVERAGEOCCUPATIONALRADIATIONEXPOSURE(MAN-REMDOSE)BASEDONPWRPLANTAGE(REF1,2,3)InitialOperationDateUnitsConsideredYearofNo.ofMan-RemOperationUnitsper (RangeofUnit

months)1(9-18)141232(21-30)15330 3(33-42)13664 4(45-54)9571 5(57-66)8775 6(69-78)5481 7(81-90)4341 8(93-102)3465 9(105-114)2665 10(117-126)2745 1/68Conn.Yankee -XXXXXXXXX 1/68SanOnofre1 -XXXXXXXX 3/70GinnaXXXXXXXX3/71Robinson2 XXXXXXX12/71Pallisades XXXXXX12/72MaineYankee XXXXX12/72Surry1XXXXX5/73Surry2XXXXX9/73FortCalhoun1 XXXX6/74KewauneeXXX 9/74ThreeMileIsl.1XXX 12/74Arkansas1XXX 4/75RanchoSeco-XX 8/75CookXX12/75MillstonePoint2XX 5/76TrojanX 12/76St.LucieX NOTES:1.OnlyPWRsoperatingatpowerlevels>450MWehavebeenconsidered,withtheexceptionofSanOnofre1(430MWe)Rev.0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-4 (Sheet 2)

2. Multiunit plants have been excluded for the most part unless commercial operation dates are close together
   (example, Surry 1 & 2), or unless the additional units

are not scheduled for commercial operation for

approximately 2 years or more. (Example, Arkansas 1 & 2,

Three Mile Island 1 & 2, St. Lucie, Davis-Besse 1, 2, &

3, Farley 1 & 2, and Salem 1 & 2).

3. Exposures reported to be in excess of 1,000 man-rem/year-unit are:

Years of Operation Reactor at Year of Record Man-Rem Dose Palisades 2 1,109

Ginna 3 1,032

Surry 1 & 2 4 3,165

Ginna 5 1,224

Robinson 2 5 1,142


                         (>100 MILLIREM/YR)

ACCORDING TO WORK FUNCTION Percentage as Per Percentage as Per NUREG-75/032 (for NUREG-0109 (for

the year 1974) the year 1975)

Work Function (Ref. 2)

          (Ref. 1)
1. Reactor operations 19.2 9.1
2. Routine maintenance 34.5 59.5
3. Inservice inspection 1.4 4.1
4. Special maintenance 28.7 16.4
5. Waste processing 2.1 7.6
6. Refueling 14.1 3.3

See notes at end of Table 12.4-7. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-6 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL (>100 MILLIREM/YR) ACCORDING TO EMPLOYEE CATEGORY Percentage as Per Percentage as Per NUREG-75/032 (for NUREG-0109 (for

the year 1974) the year 1975)

Category (Ref 2)

            (Ref 1)
1. Station employees 47.4 34.7
2. Utility employees 18.1 6.1
3. Contract workers 34.5 59.2

See notes at end of Table 12.4-7. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-7 PERCENTAGES OF PERSONNEL DOSE

BY WORK FUNCTION (REF 3) Work Function Percent of Dose 1974 1975 1976 1977 Reactor operations 14.0% 10.8% 10.2% 10.6% and surveillance Routine maintenance 45.4% 52.6% 31.0% 28.9%

In-service inspection 2.7% 3.0% 6.0% 6.6%

Special maintenance 20.4% 19.0% 40.0% 41.4%

Waste processing 3.5% 6.9% 5.0% 5.9%

Refueling 14.0% 7.7% 7.9% 6.6% Notes for Tables 12.4-5, 6 and 7:

1. PWRs and BWRs operating at all power levels were considered in compiling these tables.
2. Percentages for 1974 and 1975 are based on approximately 39 percent and 50 percent of the total exposures reported in the

appropriate year for light water reactors which had been in

commercial operation for at least one full year, as of 12/31/74

and 12/31/75, respectively.

3. Percentages for 1976 and 1977 are on only those facilities which have been in commercial operation for at least one full

year, as of 12/31/76 and 12/31/77, respectively.

4. Distributions of personnel receiving an annual exposure of greater than 100 millirems, according to either work function

or employee category, are not available for 1976 or 1977. Rev. 0 WOLFCREEKTABLE12.4-8ANNUALOCCUPATIONALEXPOSURESFORVARIOUSPWRVENDOR'SUNITS(REF.1,2,3)WestinghouseC-EB&W Approx. Yr.ofNo.ofMan-RemNo.ofMan-RemNo.ofMan-Rem OperationReactors Yr-UnitReactorsYr-UnitReactorsYr-UnitComments1714951172472824345223211CE:Palisades-1,131man-rem yr3760834193335W:Ginna-1,032man-rem yrCE:Palisadesproducesverylittle power.467413229--W:Surr y1&2-3,165man-rem yr568762471--W:Ginna1-1,224man-rem yrRobinson2-1,142man-rem yrSurry1&2-2,307man-rem yr645531100------------- 74341--------------- 83443--------------- 92665----W:SanOnofre-800man-rem yr102745Rev.0 WOLFCREEKNotes-OnTable12.4-8:1.OnlyPWRsoperatingatpowerlevels>450MWehavebeenconsideredwiththeexceptionofSanOnofre 1(430MWe).2.ThepowerplantsforthistablearethesameasthoseappearingonTable12.4-4.Rev.0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-9 AVERAGE ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE AND POWER FOR INDIVIDUAL PWRS (REF 1, 2, 3) Total Yrs of Full Power Annual Average Operation MWe Percentage Annual Ave. Plant Name (approx.)

       (net) of Full Power     Man-Rem Comments Conn. Yankee     10           575            79              462         First year data not avail.

1973 - only 50 percent of full

power was produced San Onofre 1 10 430 77 325 First year data not avail. Highest annual exposure: 1976 - 880 man-rem 1977 - 847 man-rem Ginna 8 490 64 587 Percentage of full power (about 52%, 51%) was low in 1974 and 1976. Highest annual exposures: 1972 - 1,032 man-rem 1974 - 1,225 man-rem Robinson 2 7 665 75 607 1971 - Only 53 percent of full power was produced. Highest annual exposure 1975 - 1,142 man-rem Palisades 6 798 43.4* 490 *Average per 5 yrs 1974 - Only produced 1 percent full power. 1972 - operated at

restricted levels - 27 percent full power produced. Highest annual exposure 1973 - 1,133 man-rem Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-9 (Sheet 2) Maine Yankee 5 790 68 237 Percentages of full power pro-duced were low in 1973 (52 per-cent) and 1974 (55 percent) Fort Calhoun 1 4 457 63 244 1975- Only 55 percent of full power was produced. Notes on Table 12.4-9:

1. Only single unit PWRs have been considered.
2. Full power data based on information given in "Commercial Nuclear Power Plants" by NUS Corp., 1978, Ed. 10.
3. Robinson full power is based on a summertime value.
4. Only plants which have been in commercial operation for equal to or greater than 4 years were considered.

Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-10 AVERAGE INDIVIDUAL EXPOSURE BASED ON PWR PLANT AGE (REF. 1,2,3) Year of Ave. Exposure Ave. Exposure Operation No. of Ave. No. of man-rem per Individual (approx) Units Personnel/Unit yr-unit (rem-yr) 1 13 362 123 0.34 2 15 532 330 0.62 3 13 661 664 1.00 4 9 623 571 0.92 5 8 691 775 1.12 6 5 627 481 0.77 7 4 540 341 0.63 8 3 583 465 0.80 9 2 987 665 0.67 10 2 940 745 0.79 Notes on Table 12.4-10:

1. Units considered are the same as those shown on Table 6, except that Palisades has been omitted from the first year average since no data is available for the number of personnel for that year.
2. The high exposure average for years 3-5 include the following:

Plant Ginna Surry 1 & 2 Robinson Year Average Average Average Exposure

Exposure Exposure in Rem/yr in Rem/yr in Rem/yr 3 1.52 --- --- 4 --- 1.15 --- 5 1.39 1.24 1.35 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-11 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE OF ANNUAL EXPOSURE BY YEARS OF OPERATION - PWRS (REF. 1, 2, 3) Years of Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Plant Conn. Yankee - 106 398 379 366 432 394 438 439 462 San Onofre 1 - 42 99 82 126 171 155 174 226 327 Ginna 207 319 556 478 627 613 616 589

Robinson 2 364 290 425 484 618 634 608 Palisades 78 606 613 536 568 490 Maine Yankee 117 269 285 235 237

Surry 1 & 2 152 518 895 463 1631 Fort Calhoun 1 71 183 226 244 Kewaunee 28 149 146 Three Mile Island 1 73 180 240 Arkansas 1 21 155 189 Rancho Seco - 58 225

Cook 116 208 Millstone Pt 2 168 205 Trojan 174

St. Lucie 152 Total 1721 3288 4297 3904 4173 2340 1773 1201 701 789 No. of Units 14 15 13 9 8 5 4 3 2 2 Average 123 219 331 434 522 468 433 400 351 395 NOTE:1. Plants considered are the same as those shown on Table 12.4-4. Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-12 ESTIMATES OF OCCUPANCY TIMES IN PLANT RADIATION AREAS AND GAMMA DOSES TO PLANT PERSONNEL Percentage Hourly Dose Yearly Dose of Rate Rate No. of Annual Exposures Operation Zone Occupancy Hrs/yr (Rems/Hr)

     (Rems/Yr) men (Man-Rem/yr-Unit)

Operation & A 75 1,560 1 x 10 -4 0.15 38 5.7 Surveillance B 21 437 5 x 10 -4 0.21 38 8.3 C 3 62 2.5 x 10 -3 0.15 38 5.9 D 0.9 19 1.5 x 10 -2 0.28 38 10.8 E 0.1 2 1 x 10 -1 0.20 38 7.6 Total 100 2,080 0.99 38.3 Routine A 75 1,560 1 x 10 -4 0.15 28 4.4 Maintenance B 11 229 5 x 10 -4 0.11 28 3.2 C 10.5 218 2.5 x 10 -3 0.54 28 15.3 D 2.5 52 1.5 x 10 -2 0.78 28 21.8 E 1 21 1 x 10 -1 2.1 28 58.8 Total 100 2,080 3.68 104 Radwaste A 70 1,456 1 x 10 -4 0.14 8 1.16 Processing B 20 416 5 x 10 -4 0.2 8 0.68 C 8 166 2.5 x 10 -3 0.41 8 3.28 D 1 21 1.5 x 10 -2 0.31 8 2.52 E 1 21 1 x 10 -1 2.1 8 16.8 Total 100 2,080 3.16 24.4Rev.0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-12 (Sheet 2) Percentage Hourly Dose Yearly Dose of Rate Rate No. of Annual Exposures Operation Zone Occupancy Hrs/yr (Rems/Hr)

     (Rems/Yr) men (Man-Rem/yr-Unit)

Refueling A 30 48 1 x 10 -4 0.004 6 0.22 B 40 64 5 x 10 -4 0.03 6 1.47 C 24 39 2.5 x 10 -3 0.09 6 4.48 D 4 6 1.5 x 10 -2 0.09 6 4.14 E 2 3 1 x 10 -1 0.30 6 13.8 Total 100 160 0.51 24.1 Inservice A 55 176 1 x 10 -4 0.02 46 0.81 Inspection (ISI) B 36 115 5 x 10 -4 0.06 46 2.64 C 7 23 2.5 x 10 -3 0.06 46 2.61 D 1 3.5 1.5 x 10 -2 0.05 46 2.30 E 1 3 2 x 10 -1 0.67 46 30.67 Total 100 320 0.86 39.03 Special A 75 240 1 x 10 -4 0.024 200 4.8 Maintenance B 20 64 5 x 10 -4 0.03 200 6.4 C 3 10 2.5 x 10 -3 0.025 200 5 D 1 3 1.5 x 10 -2 0.04 200 9 E 1 3 2 x 10 -1 0.6 200 120 Total 100 320 0.71 145 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-13 DISTRIBUTION OF DIRECT RADIATION MAN-REM DOSES ACCORDING TO WORK FUNCTIONS Annual Exposures Operation (Man-rem/year) Percentage Operation and surveillance 38.3 10.5 Routine maintenance 104 28.5

Radwaste processing 24.4 6.7

Refueling 24.1 6.6

Inservice inspection 29.2 8

Special maintenance 145 39.7

Total 365 100 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-14 ANNUAL OCCUPANCY IN PLANT AREAS CONTAINING AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY hr/yr man-hours Building per man No. men yr___ Containment

 -power          250           3             750 Containment
 -refueling       62.5        32           2,000 Fuel building
 -power          250           2             500 Fuel building
 -refueling      125          14           1,750 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 12.4-15 DOSES TO PLANT PERSONNEL CAUSED BY AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY Location            Dose Rate mrem/hr Annual Occupancy (man-hr/yr)

Annual Exposure (man-rem/yr) Operation Whole & Whole

Thyroid Lung Body Surveillance Maintenance Refueling Total Thyroid Lung BodyContainment

power - 8.64 0.05 0.48 100 650 -- 750 6.48 0.04 0.36 Containment - refueling 1.34 0.93 N -- 1000 1000 2000 2.68 1.86 N Fuel building - power 0.62 0.62 N 400 100 -- 500 0.31 0.31 N Fuel building - refueling 4.71 3.28 N -- -- 1750 1750 8.25 5.74 N Total 18 8 0.4

N = Negligible Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 1200 1000 11.1 800 Cll 0 c a: z ct :iE 600 400 200 D 1 2 3 4 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.4-1 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE OF ANNUAL EXPOSURE BY YEARS OF OPERATION -(TABLE 12.4-11) PWRs (SHEET 1) Average For All PWR's I 5 6 7 8 9 YEARS OF OPERATION 10 1400r-------------------------------------------- WOLF CREEK 1200 1000 w BOO V) 0 0 :E w a: z <t :E 600 400 200 0 Rev. 0 2 3 4 5 YEARS OF OPERATION WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.4-1 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE OF ANNUAL EXPOSURE BY YEARS OF OPERATION -(TABLE 12.4-11) PWRs (SHEET 2) Average For All PWR 's ---.....___.....____ j 6 7 8 9 10 14oor------------------------------------------------- WOLF CREEK 1200 1000 w 800 (I) 0 c :2 w a;: 2 <{ :2 600 400 200 0 1 2 \ Surry 1 & 2 Per Unit Fort Calhoun 1 3 4 Rev. 0 5 YEARS OF OPERATION WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.4-1 r CUMULATIVE AVERAGE OF ANNUAL LXPOSURE BY YEARS OF OPERATION -(TABLE 12.4-11) PWRs (SHEET 3) 6 7 8 9 10

1200 1000 w c 800 'f 2 600 400 200 1 2 3 4 WOLF CREEK -------------------------------------, Rev. 0 5 6 WOLF CREEK UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT FIGURE 12.4-1 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE OF ANNUAL rXPOSURE BY YEARS OF OPERATION -{TABLE 12.4-11) PWRs {SHEET 4) Average For All PWR's I 7 8 9 10 YEARS OF OPERATION WOLF CREEK 12.5 HEALTH PHYSICS PROGRAM 12.5.1 ORGANIZATION The WCGS Health Physics Program is established to provide an effective means of

radiation protection for station personnel, visitors and the general public.

The program consists of: A management philosophy which supports radiation

protection and ALARA concepts, a site organizational structure, (See Chapter 13.0), qualified personnel to direct and implement the Health Physics Program, written procedures outlining acceptable radiation protection practices and the

appropriate equipment and facilities necessary to support a comprehensive

Health Physics effort. The program is developed and implemented through the

applicable sections of the Code of Federal Regulations, Regulatory Guides and ANSI standards. (See Table 12.1-1 for the applicable criteria).

The Health Physics Section is responsible for providing technical support to the WCGS Health Physics Program. This section is headed by the Manager Radiation Protection. At the time of commercial operation at least one individual within the section met the qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971,

Regulatory Guide 1.8, 8.2, 8.8 and 8.10.

The resume of the Manager Radiation Protection is provided in Section 13.1.

The qualifications of the individual, who fulfills the requirements as the Radiation Protection Manager, as specified in TS, are also included in Chapter 13.1.

The major responsibilities of this section include:

1) Providing technical support to WCGS in the area of Health Physics, radwaste, and emergency programs during

normal plant operation, outages and unanticipated


2) Assisting in long range planning for WCGS based on new and proposed regulatory changes.
3) Performance of ALARA design reviews/cost benefit

analysis, exposure data trending, ALARA committee activities and technical reviews.

12.5-1 Rev. 30 WOLF CREEK

4) coordinating with all other station departments to

provide health physics coverage for all activities that involve radiation or radioactive materials.

5) assuring that radiation protection related training

provided to personnel is technically accurate and

properly describes Station Health Physics practices.

6) enacting the site ALARA program.
7) providing a personnel radiation monitoring and health

physics records management program.

8) providing radiation surveys and appropriate posting of

station areas, posting of radiation zones, supplying

follow up monitoring and maintaining records.

9) maintaining Health Physics equipment functional and calibrated.

10)providing equipment and a respiratory protection program

for the station personnel. 11)assuring proper shipment and receipt of radioactive


Procedures are developed with special attention given to maintaining personnel exposures to ALARA levels. Work in a radiation area for activities such as maintenance, inspection, refueling, and nonroutine operations is appropriately

planned prior to the initiation of work so as to minimize exposures to as low

as practicable levels. Where circumstances allow, specific exposure reduction

techniques may be utilized as part of the procedures for work in radiation areas. Examples of these techniques include:

a. Minimizing source strength and contamination levels by

flushing equipment prior to performing maintenance.

b. Minimizing radiation levels in work areas by the use of temporary shielding.
c. Using remote handling equipment and other special tools.
d. Minimizing discomfort of workers so that efficiency is increased and less time is spent in radiation areas.

12.5-2 Rev. 7 WOLF CREEK Each individual is responsible for obeying the applicable site radiation protection procedures. A thorough, demonstrable knowledge of these is required

for unescorted individuals prior to entry in the RCA. Individuals are further charged with following the guidance of the Health Physics staff during their indoctrination, and normal work tasks and any activity noted to be in violation

of procedures is reported to the appropriate supervisor for resolution.

12.5.2 EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTATION AND FACILITIES Health Physics Equipment and Instrumentation

Laboratory, fixed and portable equipment, and instrumentation are selected on

the basis of: job requirements, usefulness, and characteristics such as sensitivity, response time, type of radiation detected, accuracy, dependability, and lifetime. Factors considered before selection include

previous experience, recommendations and comments from other utilities, and

guidelines in applicable ANSI Standards and Regulatory Guides. Laboratory

equipment for Health Physics is stored in the Health Physics offices and labs, the Hot Laboratory and the Counting Room. Details on laboratory counting equipment are given in Table 12.5-1. Some equipment and instrumentation in

these areas is shared jointly by Health Physics and Radiochemistry and includes

multi-channel analyzers, scintillation counters, fume hoods, and other ancillary equipment and supplies needed to perform adequate Health Physics and Radiochemistry sample preparation and analysis.

A list of portable instrumentation with respect to instrument type, location,

type of detector, range, accuracy and quantity is given in Table 12.5-2.

Calibration of Health Physics portable equipment and instrumentation is performed by qualified trained personnel using written procedures and using

standards that are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The frequency of calibration is established in station procedures. A record of the calibration is produced for each calibration and is kept on file at the station. Instruments that are calibrated have a current

calibration sticker attached and are stored separately from instruments that

are out of service.

12.5-3 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK Portable instrumentation for routine use is stored in the RCA and at various locations throughout the Site in emergency kits, lockers, etc., as designated

by Health Physics to meet survey instrumentation requirements. The Radiological Respiratory Protection Program is the responsibility of the

Manager Radiation Protection and complies with 10 CFR 20 Subpart H.

Selection and use of respiratory equipment, i.e., self contained breathing apparatus, airline equipment, full face and hood respirators, chemical cartridges, etc., is according to regulations established in 42 CFR, part 84 and includes only equipment approved by the NRC or the National Institute for

Occupational Safety and Health's Equipment Certification Manual. Respirator

storage is at the entrance to the RCA, in emergency cabinets, and at locations designated by Health Physics. Adequate quantities and types of respiratory equipment is available to support peak respiratory demands.

Airborne Radioactivity Monitoring is normally performed by several methods.

Permanently installed particulate iodine and gas monitors are described in Section Mobile continuous airborne monitors (CAMS) are available in the Radiological Controlled Area to provide airborne monitoring for routine

operations/ maintenance or abnormal occurrences. Portable high and low volume

"grab" type air samples are used to supplement or substitute for the CAMS as an

additional method of determining airborne concentrations. Calibration of the monitors use National Institute of Standards and Technology traceable sources.

Forty-two Remote Area Radiation Monitors are located throughout the plant in

locations that optimize their use and meet the recommendations of Regulatory

Guide 8.12. These monitors are also calibrated according to acceptable methods using National Institute of Standards and Technology traceable sources. A further description of these monitors is provided in Section

Personnel defined as "Monitored" workers by 10CFR20 are normally monitored for

Beta, Gamma and Neutron (as necessary) by Record Dose Dosimeters (RDDs) that have been accredited through the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Backup methods such as dose rate/stay time calculations or

Electronic Alarming Dosimeter (EAD) dose can be used when the RDD is lost or

damaged. RDDs are processed by a NVLAP Accredited facility on a routine basis

(normally annually), when an individual terminates their monitored status or when their exposure status is in question.

12.5-4 Rev. 30 WOLF CREEK Pocket ion chambers (PICs) and/or electronic dosimeters, for determining Gamma exposure are issued to personnel who are entering the Radiological Controlled

Area. Selection, use, care and testing of PICs and electronic dosimeters follow the guidelines of ANSI N13.5 1972 and Regulatory Guides 8.4 and 8.14. Extremity badges or other additional dosimetry are issued to personnel on an individual

basis as determined by Health Physics. Personnel dosimetry records are

maintained using guidelines established in ANSI N13.6 1966 (R1972) and Regulatory Guide 8.7 and meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20.2106. Health Physics Facilities

Figures 12.5-1, 12.5-2, 12.5-3, and 12.5-4 show Health Physics Facilities located in the Walter P. Chrysler Support Complex, Control, Radwaste, and Olive Ann Beech buildings respectively.

The main Access Control Facility is located in the Control Building at standard

plant elevation 1984 feet. During routine working hours and outages, personnel

designated to sign personnel into and out of the RCA are located at the RCA entrance near the Health Physics Office. Personnel requiring assistance to enter the RCA on the off-shift hours, weekends or holidays can contact the

Shift Health Physics Technician. Normal entrance to the RCA is via a corridor

outside the Health Physics Office. Normal exit from the RCA is through

Personnel Contamination Monitors. During major outages, an auxiliary access may be established for the access/egress of additional personnel. Separate male and female toilets are located adjacent to the Health Physics Office and are equipped with sinks for noncontaminated washing. Clean shower facilities

are located in the female toilet area. The men and women's locker rooms are located next to the respective toilet areas and are normally used for donning of modesty garments, and storage of street clothes. Adjacent to the ingress corridor is the decontamination area. This area is equipped with a

decontamination shower and sinks used for personnel decontamination.

Decontamination supplies are normally stored in this room. Drains from the hot

shower and sinks in these rooms are connected to the Liquid Radioactive Waste System. Across from Rm 3508 is the Health Physics Count Room (Rm 3202). See Figure 12.5-2.

12.5-5 Rev. 31 WOLF CREEK The hot laboratory and counting rooms are adjacent to the Health Physics Office. Equipment and instrumentation stored and used therein are described in

Section The hot laboratory and counting room sinks and floor drains are connected to the radwaste system and the fume hoods and room ventilation system are connected to the access control area ventilation system.

A tool and equipment decontamination room is located in the Hot Machine Shop on

elevation 2000'. Ultrasonic cleaners and steam spray booths are located in the Decontamination Room and may be used to remove radioactive material from items before maintenance or repair. Depending on contamination levels, air sampling

and Respiratory Protection may be used during these decontamination activities.

The drains in this room are connected to the Liquid Radioactive Waste System.

Anti-contamination clothing will be maintained in sufficient quantity to support plant work activities. Protective clothing is stored in plant

locations designated by Health Physics. Protective clothing requirements are

specified by Health Physics and may include:

1) Coveralls - Cotton and Disposable
2) Laboratory Coats
3) Caps and Hoods
4) Rubber and Plastic Shoe Covers
5) Cotton, Plastic and Rubber Gloves
6) Plastic Suits

The RP Supervisory, ALARA, Radwaste, Operations, Technician Group and Dosimetry areas are on the first floor of the Olive Ann Beech building (See Figure 12.5-

4) and contains the RDD processing area and the HP Records Office. The Walter P. Chrysler Support Complex (See Figure 12.5-1) contains the HP instrument repair and calibration facility, Whole Body Counter, and respiratory facility.

Portable instrument calibration is performed with sources traceable to National

Institute of Standards and Technology.

The Bioassay Program follows the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 8.9. Whole body counting is used as required to determine the effectiveness of the

Respiratory Protection Program and to assess the internal exposure of

individuals who are involved in activities that have the potential for

inhalation, ingestion or absorption of radioactive material. Excreta analyses may also be used to verify the uptake of radioactive material. Whole body counting and bioassay analysis is performed by Health Physics or contract


12.5-6 Rev. 31 WOLF CREEK An additional Sample Room is located in the Radwaste Building at elevation 2000 feet and is for obtaining samples of the Radwaste Systems for analysis. Sample

analysis and counting equipment may be located in this area. For details see Figure 12.5-3.

Conformance to Regulatory Guide 8.2 is addressed in Section The

means by which the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 8.8 are implemented are

discussed at length throughout Chapter 12.0. Regulatory Guide 1.97 is discussed in Table 7.5-4.


ALARA Regulatory Guides 8.8 and 8.10 are an integral part of Health Physics procedures and policy developed by the WCGS staff. The use of qualified and experienced personnel in developing and implementing procedures is a tool used

to keep exposures ALARA. Detailed written procedures, including applicable

instructions and precautions will conform to 10 CFR 20.

The type, frequency, and location, of radiation surveys are outlined in procedures and are conducted in a manner that assures that exposure is ALARA.

Survey requirements are delineated in Health Physics procedures and consist of

combinations of radiation level, contamination level, and atmospheric

particulate and/or radioiodine concentrations. Contamination surveys normally use the "smear" or "swipe" test and are taken at locations that are dependent on factors such as location, occupancy factor, and potential radiological

hazard. Decontamination, using acceptable methods and techniques may be

performed on areas and equipment to reduce personnel exposure and contamination

levels. Areas that cannot be cleaned using these decontamination practices are posted and barricaded per Health Physics procedures. Entry and exit of these areas are controlled through the use of the RWP System. A posting of

radiological conditions outside the Health Physics Office at the Controlled

Access Area entrance point is available for the information of personnel

entering the RCA. Placards, acceptable posting methods and physical controls are outlined in Health Physics procedures that specify proper methods that are

in compliance with 10 CFR 20 and Regulatory Guide 8.38, section 1.5. The Health Physics Exposure Records System established is in accordance with

federal regulations and follows guidelines established in Regulatory Guide 8.7.

Administrative procedures are employed to effectively control employee exposures and maintain station doses ALARA and will follow the guidance of

Regulatory Guide 8.2.

12.5-7 Rev. 18 WOLF CREEK The RWP System is used to specify personnel who may enter the RCA and prescribe the required clothing, dosimetry, respiratory equipment, special instructions,

descriptions and information that is relevant to providing proper radiological surveillance and control. The RWP System is outlined in detail in the Health Physics procedures.

Airborne radioactivity is normally controlled through the use of engineering

controls, i.e., the installed ventilation systems, HEPA and activated charcoal filters. The use of respiratory protection, decontamination, glove boxes, tents, etc., may be used to further reduce the possibility of personnel

exposure to airborne activity in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits.

The Radiological Respiratory Protection Program is outlined in the Health Physics procedures, meets the requirements of 10 CFR 20 Subpart H and follows the guidance of Regulatory Guide 8.15. To ensure that the Respiratory

Protection Program is functioning properly, a method of determining internal

exposure, such as whole body counting or bioassay, as discussed in Section

12.5.2, is established. A Radiation Worker Training Program is developed and implemented for

instruction of personnel who have unescorted access to the RCA. The training

involved is approved by the Manager Radiation Protection through a Supervisor

Radiation Protection and includes information needed to perform work in the RCA. Training includes instruction on station rules and practices; state, local and federal regulations; the basics of radiological health; biological

effects of radiation; and ALARA concepts and philosophies. Periodic retraining is conducted. Posting of notices, instructions and reports to the plant workers is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 19. Personnel who work at the site, whose duties do not require the handling of radioactive material or enter the RCA, are instructed as to why they may not enter such areas. Plant workers

receive prenatal radiation exposure instructions as recommended in Regulatory

Guide 8.13.

Personnel monitoring, including internal and external, with the associated record keeping system, is discussed in Section 12.5.2.

Conformance to Regulatory Guides 8.9 and 8.14 is discussed in Section 12.5.2.

Regulatory Guide 1.8 is discussed in Section 12.1.3 and Chapter 13.0. Compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.16 is discussed in Appendix 3A, and report content is also discussed in WCGS Technical Specifications. Regulatory Guide

1.33 is discussed in Appendix 3A and Section 13.4. Appendix 3A provides

compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.39.

12.5-8 Rev. 30 WOLF CREEK


Type Radiation Estimated Instrument Location Detector Detected Quantity Remarks Computer Based Chemistry and HP IGE Gamma Five Primary system, Health Physics, Gamma Spectroscopy Counting Room Effluent Samples System Liquid Chemistry - Beta One For Tritium Determinations Scintillation Counting Room

Pocket Dosimeter Emergency cabinets - - Five Used to reset Charger Pocket Dosimeter

Condenser R Health Physics - Gamma Three Primary Standard Meter Repair and for Calibrations Calibration

EAD HP Areas, Twelve Reading, Resetting and Reader Dosimetry, Configuring Dosimeters HP Repair and Calibration Sign In/Out Area



Type of Estimated

Instrument Radiation Energy Range Range Accuracy Monitoring Number Location Re marks G-M Survey Meter Beta, Gamma - NA- 0-50,000 CPM + 20% Full Scale Contamination 10 HP Repair and Wi th standard or Calibration, pa ncake probe

Plant Areas

G-M Survey Meter Gamma 0.07-2.0 Mev 0-999 R/hr + 20% Full Scale Working Area 6 HP Repair and Wit h Telescoping Radiation Calibration, Pro be Plant Areas

Survey Meter Gamma 0.07-2.0 Mev 0-10,000 R/hr + 20% Full Scale Working Area 3 HP Repair and Wit h extending Radiation Calibration, Pro be or Cable

Plant Areas

Survey Meter Beta, Gamma 0.055-1.3 Mev 0-50 R/hr + 20% Full Scale Working Area 25 HP Repair and Ion ization Chamber Radiation Calibration, wit h Beta Shield

Plant Areas

Neutron REM Neutron Thermal-10 Mev 0-2 REM/hr + 20% Full Scale Working Area 3 HP Repair and Radiation Calibration,

Plant Areas

Neutron REM Neutron Thermal-10 Mev 0-10 REM/hr + 20% Full Scale Working Area 3 Health Physics Radiation Office

Passivated Alpha/Beta -NA- 0-50,000 CPM + 20% Full Scale Contamination 4 PCM Monitor Implanted Area (Rm 3218) Planar Silican Detector (PIP)

Portal Monitor Beta, Gamma NA Variable range + 20% Full Scale Personnel 7 Personnel exits Eq uipped with Switch Contamination at security au dible alarm,

and from Ga s proportional

controlled or scintillation


Mobile Beta, Gamma -NA- 10-10 5CPM + 20% Full Scale Air 5 As directed Equipped with Continuous by au dible alarm

Airborne Monitor HP Supervision


TABLE 12.5-2 (Sheet 2 of 2)

Type of Estimated Instrument Radiation Energy Range Range Accuracy Monitoring Number Location Re marks Pocket Gamma NA 0-1000 mR + 15% Full Scale Individual 100 EOF, TSC, In tegrating, Dosimeter Exposure Control Room, di rect reading Main Security Pocket Gamma NA 0-5 R + 15% Full Scale Individual 100 EOF, TSC, In tegrating, Dosimeter Exposure Control Room, di rect reading Main Security Pocket Gamma NA 0-200 R + 15% Full Scale Individual 15 EOF, TSC, In tegrating, Dosimeter Exposure Control Room, di rect reading Main Security Electronic Gamma 55Kev-6 Mev 0-999 R + 15% Individual 150 Sign In/Out In tegrating, Dosimeters Exposure Area, di rect reading HP Calibration And Repair

Rev. 30