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Responds to 900830 Request for Addl Info Re 891019 Proposed Tech Spec Change for Insp Frequency of Spent Fuel Pool.Insp Procedure Encl
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1991
From: James Fisicaro
Shared Package
ML20066F410 List:
2CAN019108, 2CAN19108, NUDOCS 9101230313
Download: ML20066F409 (4)



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<l January 15, 1991 l '

I 2CAN019108 j o

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

Document- Control: Desk - -;

Hall Station P1-137' l Washington, DC 20555


Arkansas Nucionr ono - Unit 2 Docket 1Nos.50-]

License Nos. NPF- --

Rospo.. a:co Roquest for Additional Informat!lon1  ;

on Spont ~ Fuel-Pool Technical Specification Change Gentiomen:

In our letter of October = 19, 1989 (2CAN108903).. Proposed Technlent Specification Chango - Spent Fuel Pool Survo111ance Interval, Entergy Operations requestod an' amendmont to. the Arkansas yNucinar Ono.: Unit 2 Technical Specif1 cations for: inspection Irequency 'of tho' SpontL Ftial Pool.-

In your letter of August 30, 1990 I'~ a089004),-tho~. Staff; requested:

additional information_Jn ordoruto c rplete its;ovaluation.c Provided as an attachment to this. letter 18: our_responso-to-your request.-_ Also-wo-have-provided a. copy of.our current procedure for InspectionLof the;' Spent Fuol Pool to further assist you in- your ovaluntion.

Should you or your staf f havn questions regarding- this- responso, please do -

not hesitato to en11.

Very truly yours, I

James w .)SH


. Fislcnto

-Hanager, Licensing JJF/ CWT

' Attachments 9101230313 910115

. PDR ADOCK 05000368 I -Ul A

1 P. PDR 3 (MJsua ~


f l.

d. S. NRC

. , ' Uonuary 15, 1991

. Pago 2 cc: Mr. Robert Martin U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000' l Arlington, TX 76011

{ NRC Sonfor Resident Inspector Arkansas Nuclear One - ANO-1 & 2 Number 1, Nuclear Plant Road Russellville, AR 72801 Mr. Tom Alexion NRR Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mall Stop-13-D One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Piko Rockville, Maryland 20852 Ms. Sheri Peterson NRR Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-NRR Mail Stop 13-D-18 One Whito Flint North 11555 Rockvillo Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 i

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1. Relative-to your inspection of the fuel pool,; define what is considered to be a significant crack.

The inspection.and mapping ~ of deterioration in the spent fuel pool; concrete surface-is accomplished in-accordance with ANO Procedure 2306.010 (attached). The significance associated-with-a' dependent upon its size and an evaluation of-it's impact upon the-integrity of the spent fuel pool. This is discussed further in.

response to question 2.,

2. What factions are to be- takenL when- a -significant. crack is identified?c Procedure 2306.01 provides the _ following ' guidance with: respect' toithe inspection of,the-spent. fuel.poo F concrete-surface.-

A. All cracks greater-in widthithan 0.01" are measured and mapped.-

B. All crack- changes _o'r deficiencies: are evaluated - to determine -

it's impact upon spent fuel pool integrity'(Section 8.3;3 and 8.3.4 of procedure.2306.010).

C.. Any cracks which impact the fuel pool-integrity based upon the-Engineer's evaluation will require.that appropriate reportingL requirements'and corrective action be= initiated.-

3. . What are the acceptance values for all~ recorded measurements? -

procedure 2306.010 requires that' changes'in crack patterns =be .

evaluated'by-the engineering section.~. Cracks will have ~ to be .01'? 'or greater in width before changes will be~ recorded.-.

4. What are the criteriaiusedito determine the structural ~' integrity of:

the spent fuel pool?-

Procedure 2306.010 provides 11mits which. represents critoria:to; determine -appropriate-response based upon the! size of the crack. Any-significant crack- discovered would be evaluated on.a case by case

-basis considering the specific-location of the-crack-and-the load-

-bearingLcharacteristic of.the poolistructure at that.-location. : Other


factors which may be considered . include the. calculated within the reinforcing steel and concrete; associated astresses llowable-stresses, and the amount of-reinforcing steel concrete cover. .Any detailed evaluation would probably referen'ce the original . evaluation and the documentation of=the initial-test results.-

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. .- 4  ;

5 .' Does your---inspection procedure include all of the'above information?

Our inspection procedure requires different responses lfor different-  ;

size cracks but does not specify-criteria to be used~when evaluating  !

11arger cracks.  ;


6. Ilow will-the five year frequency of inspection interval ensure the. d structural integrity of the spent fuel pool? - Additional _.

j justification is necesscry _ to extend the surveillance inspection - j frequency to once per five years.- According to the_ inspection  !

records,. some new cracks or- spallings have been found every three i

-years. 1


The Proposed Technical Specification Change will require an _ .

inspection of spent fuel pool concrete surface at five year intervals t

=instead of 18 month' intervals if no_ abnormal ~ degradation or: '

indications of structural' distress are 4 detected. - ,

Thirteen inspections of the spent fuel pool concrete have been. j conducted over.the'last eleven years without observance of abnormal  ;

' degradation or. structural-distress.: This record provides-assurance-that the structural integrity of the' spent fuel pool is maintained.

The lack of any.nhnormal degradation or' indication of' structural-distress during-the past eleven years leads one to conclude that very little_ change is to be expected.-

With the exception of five-cracks observed during:the inspections i

. conducted on March 20, 1985, all-cracks observed were smaller than

.01" wide (.01". width is the-limit provided by Procedure 2306.010)-

and most were.not structural related ( the_spalling reported in surface material-placed:over an expansion joint and cracks in: j grout topping placed upon the: structural element.) All cracks ,2 evaluated'have been found not to impact the structural integrity of.

the spent. fuel. pool._The five cracks found in 1985 which exceeded the screening limit width have not grown.


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