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Testimony of ML Somsag Re M Smith Allegations on Contention 1A Concerning QA Program.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1983
From: Somsag M
Download: ML20072B940 (161)


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  • Date: 2/1/83
   ,                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION c          us BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY                  LICENSI          \    ARD S-         k          hk      D In The Matter of                         ):     9;*      j3 C_'
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4 -455 OL (Byron Nuclear Power Station, ) 4 / Units 1 & 2) ) g g


OF TESTIMONY OF MALCOLM L. SOMSAG Mr. Somsag is the Site Quality Assurance Supervisor for Hunter Corporation at Byron Station, and in this capacity was Michael A. Smith's superior while Mr. Smith worked for Hunter Corporation. Mr. Somsag's testimony is offered in response to the allegations made by Mr. Smith in support of DAARE-SAFE and League Contention lA, which challenges the adequacy of quality assurance at the Byron site. Mr. Somsag begins his testimony by describing Hunter Corporation's Quality Assurance Department at Byron and his responsibilities in the Department. (pp. 1-3). He then i'dentifies Mr. Smith and describes Mr. Smith's training at Hunter Corporation. (pp. 3-5). Mr. Somsag then describes the work engaged in by Hunter Corporation's quality assurance staff, and describes how an audit is performed. ('p p . 7-9). The testimony next turns to the 1979 audit of component supports conducted by Mr. Smith and a co-auditor, describing first the installation and inspection of component 8303080069 830301 f PDR ADOCK 05000454 ' T PDR s

supports. Mr. Somsag testifies that supports are installed in accordance with design drawings, or, if installation cannot be achieved in strict accordance with the design drawings, in accordance with design tolerances. (pp. 9-12). The audit and the follow-up audit are then described. The audit was conducted for the purpose of determining whether the use of design tolerances in the location of component supports was being documented and whether quality control inspectors were accepting support locations. The initial audit found significant deficiencies in both these areas, , but the follow-up audit found that the problems appeared to be remedied. In the follow-up audit the findings of the initial audit were closed. During this portion of his testimony Mr. Somsag testifies that he reviewed a handwritten draft of the initial audit given to him by Mr. Smith and the co-auditor, but he made no changes to the audit, Mr. Somsag was unable to locate this handwritten draft in Hunter Corporation's files; there was no requirement that the draft be retained. (pp. 13-19). After discussing the audit and follow-up audit Mr. Somsagts testimony addresses subsequent changes in the component support inspection procedures followed by Hunter Corporation. In response to a March, 1980, NRC inspection; Hunter Corporation adopted new timeliness and documentation procedures in its inspection process. In order to ensure that documentation of previously-installed supports was

consistent with subsequent documentation, a 100% reinspection of component supports installed before March 1, 1980, was undertaken. (pp. 20-23). Mr. Somsag's testimony concludes with discussion of the circumstances of Mr. Smith's leaving Hunter Corporation. Mr. Smith was fired due to absenteeism (approximately 20%) and inefficient use of time at work. (p. 23).

TESTIMONY OF MALCOLM LEO SOMSAG Q1 Please state your name. Al Malcolm L. Somsag. Q2 Mr. Somsag, what is thc scope of your testimony? A2 I am here to testify concerning allegations made by Michael Smith pertaining to the quality assurance program of Hunter Corporation at the Byron facility. Q3 Who do you presently work for? A3 Hunter Corporation. Q4 What kind of business is Hunter Corporation involved in? A4 Hunter Corporation is.a construction contractor engaged in major mechanical construction, including nuclear work, petrochemical work, and steel mill work. 05 What kind of work is Hunter Corporation performing at the Byron site? AS Installation of piping systems. 06 What is your current position with Hunter Corporation? A6 Site Quality Assurance Supervisor, Byron construction site. 07 How long have you been in this position? A7 Since April 4th, 1977. Q8 In this position, what are your job responsibilities? A8 I manage the Quality Assurance Department at the site, which is responsible for ensuring that the work performed

meets the relevant procedural and technical requirements. 09 As Quality Assurance Supervisor, are you responsible for both quality assurance and quality control? A9 Yes. Q10 Mr. Somsag, is there a difference between quality assurance and quality control? ! A10 Absolutely. Quality control is an inspection function. It involves the inspection of nardware to ensure conformance with quantitative or qualitative requirements. Quality assurance, on the-other hand, is the administrative portion of the organization that evaluates the compliance of quality control individuals with their assigned inspection duties. Q11 To whom do you report to? All I report to the corporate quality assurance manager for Hunter Corporation, who is at Hunter Corporation's corporate offices in Hammond, Indiana. 012 What employees report to you? A12 All the employees in the Quality Assurance Department report to me. The majority of my contact with staff is with the supervisors who report directly to me, however. 013 What are the titles of the supervisors who report to you? A13 Material control supervisor, quality control supervisor, quality assurance administration supervisor and lead auditor. Ql4 Before ycu held this position at Byron, what did you do?

A14 I was assigned to Commonwealth Edison's Zion station in the same capacity with the same company. Q15 How long were you there? A15 From about the middle of July of 1976, until I was transferred over to Byron, April 4th of 1977. Ol6 How long have you been involved with quality assurance? A16 Since around the beginning of 1973. 017 And what positions have you held in quality assurance? A17 I have been a material control supervisor, a welding inspector, and a general quality control inspector. I also have been involved with procedure writing, administrative organization, and the performance of audits. Ol8 Does the Quality Assurance Department of Hunter Corporation at Byron include auditors? A18 Yes, it does. Ol9 Do these auditors report to you? A19 Yes, they do. Q20 Are you familiar with allegations made by Michael A. Smith? A20 Yes, I am. l Q21 Wilo is Mr. Smith? A21 Mr. Smith was an employee of Hunter Corporation. Q22 Do you recall the dates that Mr. Smith worked for Hunter Corporation? A22 Fall of 1978 until mid-January of 1980. Q23 What was Mr. Smith's position when he was initially hired by Hunter Corporation?

A23 His initial placement was as a trainee in quality assurance. Q24 Generally, what type of training did Mr. Smith receive? A24 He received indoctrination to the corporate quality assurance manual and specific training in the site procedures. . Q25 Did Mr. Smith ultimately become certified to perform certain functions? A25 Yes, he was certified as a Level 1 quality assurance inspector and as an auditor. Q26 What were the duties of an auditor at that time? A26 The duties of the auditor were to ensure that production and inspection personnel were performing their work in compliance with pertinent procedures. Q27 What was Mr. Smith's official title? A27 He was a quality assurance auditor. Q28 As Quality Assurance Supervisor, are you responsible for both quality assurance and quality control? A28 Yes. 029 Did Mr. Smith perform any quality control functions while he worked for Hunter Corporation? A29 No, he did not. Q30 When did Mr. Smith complete his training period and become an auditor? A30 January, 1979. Q31 Who was Mr. Smith's immediate superior? A31 The lead auditor, Michael Zeise. T' - - - . -

Q32 Does Mr. Zeise still work for Hunter Corporation? A32 No, he does not. He works for General Public Utilities at Three Mile Island Generating Station. Q33 Have you read Mr. Smith's affidavit? A33 Yes, I have. Q34 In his affidavit, on page 1, Mr. Smith alleges that the Hunter Corporation quality assurance program for Byron was " thrown together." Do you believe that is an accurate characterization of Hunter Corporation's Byron quality assurance program? A34 No, I do not. Q35 Could you please describe the development of Hunter Corporation's quality assurance program for Byron? A35 Since about 1971, Hunter Corporation has had a corporate quality assurance manual for nuclear construction. Once a specific contract is obtained, the manual is _ modified to reflect the specific organizational characteristics of the site. So, when Hunter Corporation started work I at Byron, which was in early 1977, it took its existing quality assurance manual and adapted it to the specific requirements of the Byron site. Q36 Were Hunter Corporation's quality assurance procedures approved by any other entities? A36 Yes, they were reviewed and approved by the licensee, Commonwealth Edison, and by the licensee's architect-engineer, Sargent & Lundy. 1 \. .

Q37 How many individuals worked in quality assurance / quality control at Hunter Corporation when Mr. Smith began his employment there? A37 Approximately 20. Five individuals were in the Material Control Branch, eight were in the Quality Control Branch, six were in the Quality Assurance Administration Branch, and one was the Quality Assurance Department Supervisor, myself. Q38 How many of these individuals acted as quality assurance auditors? A38 At the time of Mr. Smith's employment, I believe two. 039 Did this staff increase while Mr. Smith was there? A39 Yes, it did. By the time Mr. Smith left Hunter Corporation the quality assurance / quality control staff consisted of 31 individuals, including 3 auditors. 040 In your view, at the time Mr. Smith worked for Hunter

Corporation was the size of the QA/QC staff adequate to l

perform the work assigned to it? A40 Yes, it was. Q41 At the time Mr. Smith worked for Hunter Corporation did budget problems limit the size of the QA/QC sta . or any of its activities? A41 A budget didn't exist, as such. The department had no established budget to function within. Personnel were recruited and trained as the workload increased. 042 As the Quality Assurance Supervisor did you ever feel any financial pressure to limit the numter of individuals

7-working in your department or to limit the activities that your people undertook? A42 No. If the workload required additional staff we were permitted to obtain additional people. 043 What are the activities engaged in by Hunter Corporation's f quality assurance staff at Byron? A43 Quality assurance performs surveillances and audits to ensure that production and inspection forces are performing their work in conformance with requirements. Q44 What is a surveillance? A44 A surveillance is, quite basically, an informal audit. It represents a snapshot of personnel performance as time goes by, while an audit represents a film, so to speak. Q45 What is an audit? A45 An audit is a formal review and evaluation of the work which was performed by production and inspection personnel for the purpose of determining whether the work comports with relevant requirements. Q46 How were audits scheduled while Mr. Smith worked for Hunter Corporation? A46 At the beginning of the year, a schedule would be established .hich would. set forth each of the various audits to be conducted during that year. 047 Please describe generally how an audit is conducted. A47 First, the audit instructions inform the auditors of the work activities which are the subject of the audit. __ - - - - - - - - ---.---.m r__.__ _ _ _ _ . - - - a - + - - - - - - - - - - -

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The auditors then familiarize themselves with the procedural and technical requirements which pertain to the work. Before the audit begins, an entrance meeting is held which includes the auditors and the production and inspection personnel whose work is being audited. The purpose of the entrance meeting is to ensure maximum knowledge for the auditors as they commence the audit and to develop cooperation between the auditors and the auditees. The audit itself is then conducted, after i which an exit meeting is held with all pertinent personnel. At the exit meeting the auditors' conclusions are discussed, and the production and inspection forces contribute their input to the resolution of any problems which were found by the auditors. The then written up in final form and, soon thereafter, a follow-up audit is performed to determine whether the problems identified in the initial audit have been remedied. Q48 Are follow-up audits customarily performed if problems are discovered in an initial audit? A48 Absolutely. Q49 When problems are uncovered in an initial audit, are any reports or documents other than the audit itself generated? A49 It is possible that nonconformance reports may be necessary if the audit discloses that items inspected by quality control do not conform to design requirements.

l 050 In 1979, did Mr. Smith assist to perform an audit of component orts? A50 Yes, he did. Q51 What is a component support? A51 A component support is a netal structure which serves the purpose of suspending piping and equipment in a building. 052 Is " component support" another term for " hanger." A52 Yes. 053 Is one of Hunter Corporation's jobs at Byron the installation of component supports at the site? A53 Yes. 054 How are the supports installed? A54 The actual physical installation of component supports is performed in accordance with pertinent Hunter Corporation procedures, such as welding procedures. The location of the supports is determined by the design drawings, or, in circumstances where a support cannot be placed in strict accordance with a design drawing, by the tolerances established by the architect-engineer. Q55 How is installation of component supports documented by Hunter Corporation? A55 Each component support has a job traveler package which includes all documentation pertaining to the physical installation of the support. The job traveler package is released from the Engineering Department with a

detail design drawing, which sets forth the location, configuration, and orientation of the support. This 4 drawing is a accompanied by a document known as a process sheet, which specifies the procedures to be employed by the production and inspection forces in installing and inspecting the support. 056 What are the responsibilities of Hunter Corporation's quality control inspectors with regard to the installation of component supports? A56 The inspectors performed inspections in accordance with inspection points set out on the process sheets issued in the job traveler package. These inspections encompass evaluation of the completed installation for compliance with orientation and configuration requirements as specified on the component support detail design drawing, and, when appropriate, evaluation of the use of the design tolerances employed by the construction forces. 057 You have referred a couple of times to " design tolerances." What do you mean by this term? A57 Installation of items often cannot be performed exactly [ as design drawings specify. Therefore, architect-engineer-approved tolerances are established in order to set forth the degree to which installation may vary from the design drawings. The tolerances, in sum, represent the installer's latitude in installation of an item. i

058 At the time of the audit of component supports conducted by Mr. Smith were tolerances for component supports specified in any particular documentation? A58 Yes, they were. Sargent & Lundy's Mechanical Drawing M-916 established the various dimensional changes that could be made to individual parts that comprise the overall component support assembly, and the degree to which actual installation could vary from the location specified by the design drawing. A copy of Sargent & Lundy Mechanical Drawing M-916 is attached to my testimony as Somsag Exhibit 1. 059 At the time of the component audit had Hunter Corporation production and inspection forces been informed of the design tolerances applicable to component supports? A59 Yes, they were. Hunter Corporation inter-company correspondence HC-QA-#23 established the procedures that were to be followed with regard to the location of component supports. A copy of this document is attached to my testimony as Somsag Exhibit 2. 060 What Hunter Corporation personnel received or were made i aware of the contents of this letter? l A60 Production foremen and supervisors, quality control inspectors, and quality assurance inspectors and auditors. j 061 What were the precedures that were followed by Hunter [ Corporation quality control inspectors in their inspections of component supports at the time Mr. Smith worked for I Hunter Corporation?

4 A61 In sum, the inspectors examined the installation and location of each component support. However, an entire inspection of a component support could not be performed at one time because of the nature of component support construction. Therefore, for example, an inspector would inspect certain welds earlier than others, because such welds could become inaccessible through subsequent installation work. Likewise, inspection of component support location usually was not performed immediately after installation of a support; because frequent design changes were being made, in 1979 our procedure was to hold off on location inspection until an entire system of component supports was stabilized in its final configuration. Component support inspection therefore was a process that was not completed until long after the support had been physically installed. 062 Let me direct your attention to the audit of component supports. Somsag Exhibit 3 is Audit No. 059-3, an audit of component support installation. Is this the

   .               audit pertaining to component supports in which Mr.

Smith participated? A62 Yes, it is. 063 Was this a regularly scheduled audit? A63 Yes, it was . 064 Why were component supports scheduled to be audited at this particular time in the summer of 19797

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A64 .Because the level of installation activity was starting to increase to a significant level.. Q65 Was this audit' prompted by concerns raised by production workers, as Mr. Smith alleges on page 2 of his affidavit? A65 Not to my knowledge.

   .          066  What was the purpose of this audit?

A66 To assure that component supports were being installed 4

       ,            in accordance with design requirements relative to J

welding and location. More specifically, with respect to the location of component supports the audit was

I designed to determine whether documentation indicated i that supports were being installed within design tolerances
 !                  and whether support locations were acceptable by quality control.

i 067 Who performed this audit? A67 .Mr. Michael Zeise and Mr. Michael Smith.

     -        068  What were the auditors' instructions with regard to the location of component supports?

A68 As set forth in Checklist Items #10 and #11, located on 4 the fourth page of Exhibit 3, the auditors were to verify that proper as-built data was being provided in situations where M-916 design tolerances were utilized in the installation of a support, and that the quality I control welding inspectors were accepting the as-built data. In order to accomplish these activities the l auditors were to review a sampling of component support job traveler packages. In sum, the auditors were to l'

_14_ j~ see whnther the procedures set forth in Hunter Corporation inter-company correspondence HC-QA-#23 were being followed.

;                        Q69     Are the particular supports investigated specified in the audit?

c A69 Yes. The five supports examined for each checklist , ,' item are listed on pages 8 and 10 of the audit. Q70 Are the results of the audit of checklist items #10 and 1 ill set forth in the audit marked as Exhibit 3? A70 Yes, they are. The audit of Item #10 is discussed at pages 7-9 of the audit, and the audit of Item #11-is discussed at pages 9-11 of the audit. Q71 Generally, what were the results of the audit of Checklist Item #10? 4 A71 The auditors found that the Production Department was

. not doing an adequate job of detailing as-built data. Finding No. 6 states that on three of the five component supports examined the as-built data was incomplete. Observation No. 2 states that inadequate reproduction of data, in the sense of xeroxing, was also a problem.

Q72 How does a " finding" differ from an " observation?" A72 A finding represents a more serious problem, although both findings and observations result in recommendations of appropriate corrective action. Q73 What corrective action was recommended by the auditors with regard to this checklist item? , A73 The auditors recommended that the production supervisors 7 must provide complete as-built data, as required by 4'

        -   - . - - - -  r  ~-w.    .    , . , ,               y, _,

a d Hunter Corporation inter-company correspondence HC-QA-

               #23, which is Exhibit 2. With regard to the reproduction problem, the auditors recommended that the hanger supervisor must ensure that copies are reproduced legibly.

074 Generally, what were the results of the audit of Checklist Item #11? A74 The auditors found that for only one of the five component supports examined for this checklist item was quality control acceptance noted in the job traveler package. As stated in Finding No. 7, this represented a violation of Hunter Corporation inter-company correspondence HC-QA-#23. 075 What corrective action was recommended by the auditors? A75 They recommended that quality control take action to accept or reject as-built documentation of component supports, according to the procedures set forth in HC-I QA-#23. 076 On page 10 of the audit, under the heading " Auditors L Note," the audit notes that measurements of component l support location are never made, according to quality control inspectors, due to lack of time. What is your [ understanding of this reference? A76 As I mentioned earlier, inspection of component support location often was not performed until well after installation of a support, due to interim design changes. The workload of our quality control inspectors reflected

the tasks that had to be accomplished at any particular time; therefore, since inspections of location were to a great degree premature as of the middle of 1979, the inspectors were occupied with the examination of component support welding or with other duties. This is also the reason why training of the quality control inspectors in the application of M-916 may not have been adequate at the time of the audit. 077 Mr. Somsag, what is your understanding of the Auditors Note located at the bottom of page 10 of the audit? A77 The note addresses the forwarding of as-built data from the Hunter Hanger Department to the architect-engineer, Sargent & Lundy, and criticizes the methodology what was being employed. Although the audit itself did not require any corrective action to be taken, subsequently the reporting methodology was changed to reflect the comments made by the auditors. Q78 Did the findings of the audit mean that any component supports were improperly installed? A78 No. The audit addressed only the issue of documentation of support installation. The auditors were not examining whether actual installation of component supports was performed in accordance with either design drawings or with the tolerances set out in Sargent & Lundy Mechanical Drawing M-916. 079 Did Mr. Smith and Mr. Zeise prepare a handwritten draft of this audit for your review?

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A79 Yes, they would have. Q80 Was it customary for Hunter Corporation auditors to prepare written drafts for your review before a final audit was released? A80 Yes, it was. 081 What was the purpose of your reviewing handwritten drafts of audits?

     . A81 To verify that the necessary language was included in the audit report to v.ake the conclusions clear and substantiated.

082 In reviewing the handwritten draft of this audit, did you make any changes to it? A82 No, I don't believe I did. 083 Mr. Somsag, in preparation for your testimony did you examine the files at Hunter Corporation to determine if a handwritten draft existed for this audit? A83 Yes, I did. I could not locate a handwritten draft of the original audit report. !^ 084 Were there handwritten notes in this audit file? A84 Yes, there were. Basically, the notes listed individual component support items, and, in many cases, various matrixing-type structures which were used for categorizing the information that was used in the audit report. In sum, the notes contained the information that would have been used to build and substantiate the language in the audit report. 1

y Q85 Do you have any idea what happened to the handwritten draft? A85 No, I do not. There was no requirement within the quality assurance program that handwritten notes be retained once a formal report was prepared. 086 Did you generally make changes in the handwritten drafts prepared by Mr. Smith for his audits? A86 Occasionally. 087 For what reason? A87 Primarily to add clarity or definition, or to remove unprofessional language. With regard to Mr. Smith's language, I believed that he tended to use harsh language which would have had the effect of discouraging cooperation from the auditees. 088 In your editing of Mr. Smith, did you ever delete one of Mr. Smith's findings or observations? A88 No. 089 Did the audit marked as Exhibit 3 result in any non-i conformance reports? [ [ A89 I have not been able to find evidence of any that were [ generated as a result of this audit. Q90 Was a follow-up audit performed? A90 Yes, it was. The follow-up audit for Audit 059-3 is attached to my testimony as Somsag Exhibit 4. I L Q91 Who performed the follow-up audit? A91 It was performed by Mr. Smith and Mr. Zeise.

Q92 What was the purpose of this audit? A92 To verify that corrective action was taken in response to the initial audit. 093 What procedures were followed by the auditors in the follow-up audit? A92 According to the handwritten notes in the file of this audit, the auditors examined a total of 50 component supports, including those discussed in the initial audit, to determine whether the corrective action recommended in the initial audit had been implemented. 094 What were the results of the follow-up audit? A94 The auditors found that appropriate corrective action had been taken, and the findings and observation of the initial audit pertaining to component support location were closed. 095 In discussing Finding No. 7 of the initial audit, the follow-up audit, at the bottom of its page 3, discusses the training of quality control inspectors to the I design tolerances set out in M-916. Was such training conducted? A95 Yes, it was. To my recollection, the training of the inspectors commenced shortly after completion of the follow-up audit. 096 Was Hunter Corporation's component support quality control inspection program a 100% inspection of supports? A96 of safety-related component supports, yes.


t Q97 Subsequently, were changes made in Hunter Corporation's program of inspecting component supports? A97 Yes, they were. The most significant changes were made after March, 1980 as a result of a NRC inspection in that month. The NRC inspection was documented in report 80-05. Q98 What conclusions did the NRC reach pertaining to the inspection of component supports? A98 The NRC disagreed with the philosophy of support inspection which we had been following. As I testified earlier, inspection of component support location was not being completed immediately upon installation of supports because of the perceived need to wait until all design changes had been finalized for a support system. As of March, 1980, no timeliness requirement for acceptance of component support location--that is, no requirement that the acceptance occur within a certain time of initial installation--had been established. The NRC disagreed with this approach to support location inspection because it believed that such an approach did not include provision for trend analysis. The NRC j felt that under our system the potential existed that serious problems could be discovered at a late date, l while a more timely inspection program would uncover such problems much earlier and make resolution easier and less costly. The NRC therefore required that an inspection program be implemented which accepted the

location of component supports within a certain period 1 of time after installation.  ; 1 The NRC also criticized the absence of specific inspection requirements pertaining to the location of component supports. Although our inspections ultimately encompassed all pertinent items, we did not have a specific inspection checklist which segregated each of the items for documentation purposes. In addition, the NRC criticized Hunter Corporation's i use of inter-company correspondence HC-QA-#23 to set forth inspection procedures. The NRC stated that the use of inter-company correspondence to update work procedures bypassed document control requirements and therefore was improper. 099 Did Hunter Corporation revise its component support inspection procedures in response to the NRC's inspection 1 of March, 1980? A99 Yes. The procedures which Hunter Corporation now follows are set forth in our Procedure 4000, entitled

             " Control of Construction Processes," and Procedure 4.201, entitled " Installation Verification."   Procedure l

4000 is attached to my testimony as Somsag Exhibit 5 I and procedure 4.201 is attached as Somsag Exhibit 6. Q100 Generally, what do these procedures include? A100 These procedures incorporate the requirements laid down by the NRC. Thus they include timely inspection of component support location and provide for ongoing

O 9 trend analysis of the installation work being performed. Documents of support locations is completed through use of an inspection checklist, a copy of which is attached to Somsag Exhibit 7, which is discussed below. In addition, as-built drawings are generated as the production forces install the component supports, and the use of design tolerances is appropriately accepted by quality control. Q101 Mr. Somsag, was any reinspection performed on component supports installed before March, 1980? A101 Yes. Component supports installed prior to March 1st, 1980, were subjected to a 100% reinspection program primarily for the purpose of bringing inspection documentation up to date with requirements that were current after March 1st of 1980. Somsag Exhibit 7 is Hunter Corporation's proposal ' to Commonwealth Edison to perform the 100% reinspection i I just mentioned. The exhibit includes the inspection checklist which was utilized for the reinspection and for all subsequent component inspections. This checklist was developed through the combined input of both Hunter Corporation and Commonwealth Edison Company. 1980, Q102 How was the inspection format after March 1st, different from the format utilized before that date? A102 Through the use of a checklist the new format was more specific in segregating for documentation purposes the individual segments of the complete inspections that l l l

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       *.                                                REVISION DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                  PHOJECT NO.                           *w'*****                                     c4'h          *A- 9 %        4 y m e m r..u,w +o.ael ta mcATo2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      jb h' Mb4 00 4/dQ _ -EYZ2.

4MI.oo 4io12- 00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ^"ew u                                       uit           SHEET I OF 3 F/L. 2118 % Ph. 77M Fof. NFCEMATier4 5t PEFEceWc.n                                                                                                                     4fr83-00 MALCOIJ4 LEO SOMSAG EXHIBIT No. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .fmee e


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,,          .j             L r CT%
d. _ _ {ftg oESCRIPTION t.E @a? [ .l[~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;          }
                     ,y9                                                                                    C            g       TYP.
                                                                                                   %l' tr                ,

c o - _j_ l ..

                             .y                                      J                                                                                                                                                                                    l t

SINGLE ANGLES SECT. D-D , ,, .o y . . , . __, cases maan -ews s watua st ~ ,i i i ' ' . ,- - e e. v. b . , 4 E u a. e. ~/ s t s.g i _ A i- 6 .t f-"- [;7,,,.m 4 sf ~ u s. &.g. 3 r'-[ ^ , ' ' ' ' - -, ** *,*,' $[J , . 1 * 'i I f. i_j I,I " i E " ' - - ' tAl ' c- G* y.. . ' _ ., < .Osh cr,x"*x .

                                                                                                         %l ml                                     '                                    * ,-
4. .- ,
                     ;3                                    -

rye?, if - j lJ:

                                                                                                        #a t
                                                                                                                  >2                               ;                                   og r,w                     -

TYP. .

                                           - [y '         ,y              .

u, . ; , T Y P-TYR ) w h n-aomsum l f /'- . l CHANNELS BACK TO BACK S E C T. E- E '

                                                                                                                                                                                         , > , jh.


                                                                                                                                                                ;                  #           .v                                                    g, 4*                                                                                                                                                  -~--

c c .ma. e. . . ...s.,.. G. 7.s., , .. 7 .-4r -,,o sus.*4. 4 , i gir -- v

y. ,F , , I- ly !

w .-. l, -


Ty r. .'5 TYe~

                                                                                      - r

IF i i iu ii . T i *\ V ' ry p- & 1 TYP. Ii s.a ciuemiou i

NUCLEZGE5AEETY_ REl i i AIEDil ii  ! i LL  ;

t__ i S E C T. f=f- i . ITEMS-AREdHOWN -ON-THIS-DRN,j/p .m_ O--_ AN GLES BACK TO BACK 0;.' Auo emo c a m,~aTim m sc u c  !, e

  • J.T- .T-ora .v x l I i
y. LOADS (LP.Sl Disg,N OPE R AT 6NG Hv odu is hi t .'K rtul E V F A ;L iED E oe.c. No. REv. ooc no R t v. oWo. NO. REM CWG. NO. REV-E. REFERENCE DYRON/GRAlt'.J000 STAT 10ti cRAWINGS g ,,


                                                                                                                                               ~.      CAgg        -

s(i SUPPORT / *****.,o' C0l410t.MALTH EDISON C0i:PA'N h DR AWING HEt.E ASE RECORD CLASS. fyf Q.)} gJg .,4 a f CHICACO, ILLit.t)lS y act s>E c. No. oArt _ _ oaAaN I _ mecasp HW _ ENG H APP'L WD REVIEW I#I. J.T,J'


5-lo-]Q .. + MJ4.a C 1, [.,r LL;p*j,[ N OTES AND DET AI L S 6 - dMtL.t ~ - lH_{-37f A~~r'~ ~ ~ ' 's.,,%. g

                                                                                                                                                   'l.~.N'{\/) #                                              9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          o ec'"

l M m T' M


9 hh*'h*9

                                                                                                                                                                                  . %

a.i eo


f E, a e r.r at f j k / ,_ _ # / 77 SUPPORT AO. HEV REVISION DESCRIPTION PHOJECT NO. a 6 # c. T y. cj j(, Q

  • a f I E L E!50 P IN A L % E E."- y;DtuTra. 430)l-00 43d)100 dh_,._ d 8d'" /21. D 9 r/t. ini 8 r/t. zm ree woemarioN x F.erecesce ~4:, e s - oo 4ssb oo ^""""" ' 5"E5' 'L 4 i I v

e .

                      %M                                                                "H                                                                                            tstLL OF PAAikHIAL                                                                          Le cM .
      }" -                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,.v::'.t '.'            .lll -I

_ y

                                                                                                                                    'E      ,

p,gyeopjV os sea,rr;= ... w . Af.

                      --                                                                A--                                     i                                          -- t b

Mp k l l


lyQV i [._f vN N . c:, i i c

                            ,) T ,.4,. . "

i WIDE FLANGE Q '[ ye. vi SECT A-A I. "il! L _ i e sus.a.

                                                                                                                                                                      .si I w       %  _! i m'         tTues    t- !       $     ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . -        t n; .          t  -mt f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,              i g,.        [.u.,.- psus.n.
                                                  , . . . .          . .                ,- - --, . { Q;. g g
                                                                                                                 ---                ,e ,. , . .,. . (

w w t y p ,, ; ; a g , - - i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -- -- - v s, g i _q          ;

y , 7,_ , t 6 , . -:: * , i.;uN cr. CGJ.t j / -

                                                                                                                                                                                ,                 si,#^4 g#            __

1 t;fnOli PROJECl*/ y \ p I i m.e'.- ' 94 p,.yO.g . qT '/2 ' TT f*, j. }; g' '

                                                                                                                                         \ b i            i i          ' e p, _ f** b"l.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  'Y-j ..


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  • S E C T. Bb l ,-

(f^ "' , i.-U ,


I. ' . 18!06 FLAW.E. j[' CA. Ardent.t.* , Cle Ahh4tL6 i \- i i . c:=y == ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . ! g'_
s. -u ,_ -
                                                                                    .                                                                                                                 __ _ _ . . _ . . j _ ._.                           L!'.'                           l' WCITER_SAF5TEREL'ATEDl l [i1- _i                        ,


                                                                                                'g '      WELD Pi40CEOURE      INAMiNATION PROCEME i

I T I, T'i- F COMBINATICN OF CASES . -g- g g. 1 TO 4 & CASES 5 to a oct uam Lo.o u s, m, ..u i . . tuuctwv e AuTLo l j ows. uo. atv owa. t.o nav, niv . own. wo. nEv. 3yr,o::/yagc.20CD STATIC:J L( PEFERENCE . \ DRAWINGS CA# bHII I A' I k DRAWING RELEASE RECORD SUPPORT CLASS

                                                                                                                                                               *['.,.          (,b  QC                               C0!T0'.".!EALTH EDIS0:1 C0F.PA :Y CHICA'.0, ILLil:0IS

p ni v. l sr sc. no. oare _ caAwu cercxEo, Esc R APP'L FILM EMD REVIEW et?* ' f#f'r ii COMPONENT SUPPORTS GENERAL g .h 5-lo47Mm@ ' 'y% .lb% *: NOTES AND DE T A 1 L S (

  • l'L **j.MTf--25 S & - . - i>t4.t VTyh s'a & .' r '
                                                                                 .s        ;                             '                                     **,.

5 e 4 Q ' %.IN0.- , **'*- 4}- ma se.s. - l SARGENT ' LUNDY g

                                                                                                                                                                                                ....h. v..MM O -77 ITr?


 }   t u . es m . - c*-T                          n u-: n.                                                                                            gg g. co                  _

g/ -!Wr/27 , y, e er mi o rA. 't7sa cor retros,4mos y cerece4c.e. 4633-oo 4c. u - oo ~ ~ - - -'s SHEET 3 Og


G .

                                !                                                            ,                                                                     blLL OF MATERIAL                                                                           av c?nm
ve; .r. . - f -j
                                                                                                                                / jg'*Ig*cy,[
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 !        :g ;;;

IO- %a otsc7.ierios v.t 12.,1 j l (c4*44Cteora,Austw i i ,

                      ~%                      .                                     ~4 1              r                                                                                                                                                                                              i i        l            i i;

[ Y' t SIMILAR TO CASES 5, tab EXCEPT ATTACHMENT IS t.j ii ' ', ' ' l- 3 TO EXISTING STEEL ' i i e:t.;- - .. . I I. a / pig uots: i  ; y . .

                                                                                                                                                                             .cM ew _..
                                                                                                                                                                                     .sc, ,,. , . o ,'c .y -                                                       r
. i  ;

i "C " P'* "" i

  • V* ' C' '

1-:!:Nf3 R conp4 = .~ w'"* ' A

                           }           cyrsofdRorcr/ .                                                     "e'" 'A ct s'. "To                              i             w - s; , j,                                                                    --

rua t.ueir., or

                                         - - g 3 .. ,.                                                                                                     :                   , , v.          ~
                   . c-                    </ .v.:..[.                                                     ran assu.           _ ,                         ,              ,-

q , b ', S ECTION

  • A-N .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;          ;[              5 (M FIG c. t.,        N ORMA L.            P% I T I 04                                 '                                                                                                           Il i I                  i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      !          t i                                                                                                         .

I I I 1 ,'

                                                                                                                                                           .bluCEEAR_SA;5TY RELAIED7                                                   .2             ?,
                               '                *)                                                                                                   istim ARE7HOWN OtMHibDRAVhi El- T,                                                  -         .
                                                                             ,        weto accrovac       aw.sArion puoctour t y

9 g SECT. S-D . ,,; am r i ii i toAos n es s

s. (e0 F)G GG NVERTED f%tTron 'wc" ca" ann' "' uau "" W* *Na l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *we l                            l                    l f          p onc. ho. lstv.              owc no      stv. I oWG. hO.      H E v. l DWG. NO. REV.

BYR0tvmlM00 STATICfd

                                                                                                                                        ,fpN tfllT I k 2 SUPPORT                                                                               C0ffCr."'EALTH EDIEC!! COF.PAfN DRAWING RELEASE RECORD                                                CLASS                   / /g               '.j                            ,                  CHICACO, ILL(f.0IS, 3 arv. j ua c. ho. can             ,        one.       I     cse cic r o .        tris a are o     situ                              s suo ntvisw fgitgo          .

COMPONENT S UPPORTS G E N E R Al. [ Al- No.7? ld i O k [f i h 5$- \\-\6 A] -r4/ l g}3au

                                                                     ,,u L g}/ffk,//                                                    taim na"             L N OTES             AND               D ET All S g       ;

b' rs ~Q,,/ gg 7 u-.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ;gy,ggn7.gegg, l

_ .._. _ _ drJA,-% 5-3.r7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            =,., y

,f o csso ,j n l _ REVISION DESCRIPTION

  • r sr at PROJECT hO.

h s --me s a - __ (fo;P cava suf' PORT NO.

v. 9;G
  • REV

{ ;F/L Le cq ex.:. L s t.c. - 4.c o Tc g 17719 F/t.1739 FoL #4FcmAfice4 k I?tFEEeoice 439). oo


4g99.oo M8 "

                                                                                                                                                                                                   /            @d1,                                        hg 3 3                                                                                                                                4kBb-co                  4O4-00              awese                                 eava         SHEET 4 OF( ,Q
  • 9

j e'p*-p,o*y/y/ E'0' m Enf^' < sw.

                            ;g-                                                                                                                                                                                               ;m. . .                .. 1 m us.s.t. ser.3aa cAN ae                                                                                                   oc - scN                  or          ; i jl.:a W 19E Pt.A G E os c.NicxNw, ( e,4cg.To Bacx)                                                                                                                             ': '              '

4 EN@ TIN (a7 q gxg7wt, I I Y78 I et =c~ <

                                                                                               , .1        c.,             . . .                                                                                                             i          ii             -

f 1 l i I SEE F.4LA%Ep PLANf I i

                                    /                                                                                            .#                        .a.
                                                                              .z cc.,e.     .~   ~                              z p_              .u                                                                                                       s          i

_M P'W G.;4E'raNE l l l N g ;mNI v .'g. "i

                                                                                 ..                 t                 i                      s                                       i 4

f q (Tw , i -

                                      -. g}g_k                         e&

cv 4 f > . ..aa. s sacTiou A. A nt.m ,., .., n . m.g_;. . g* [1.n NN i . J .

                                                                                                                                                                                    !       J, , . ,. ,-C '. s .,@.                                                   .
                                ,/       M J                                                                                  ;L                       ,

l "gt*Y ,

                                /                                                                                n - .'.                             }-             t               i    '     -                                     '

s ..i,T _l1 . . p i i ENLA% ED PLAM j, , l , k

                                                                                                                 E C* W ^^"


                                                                                                      ^N     nELO PRCCEQvRE             CB Aw%ATIOra PROCE3tmE WITH NOM. GTD E.MD CUT uw .uc-:                             o                  ,

LO ADS (L BS ) DES.5N OPERAlnNG NtDwulthi *-iHsENGv fAutitD I owc. No. atv i owo e.o. u v. o*c. No. ets arv. REFERENCE DYR0t.'/8RAIC:40D STATICN Z. LRAMNGS gm g7ygg k SUPPORT / c COR10NWEALTH EDl504 CCP.PA!N

 %                                                        DRAWING RELE ASE RECORD                                                        CLASS.                   ;Iy,/*          \,                    ,              CHICAGO, ILLl!.UIS ,

{ uv. oats I _ , oaar.m _ cuecstp erga nar t situ tva ntview ,,il ijQ


9-ii.77 /Mb5 /d; W !c,sy* W' N OTE S AND

  ?           .a                 -       u.s.,(/1Ws4     uf2h                         wra                V _<?_ /_ s-                                                   %s rt til wj S9. - cy          m                     t D EiAlL S g          .
                                                                                                                     /<                                                    on                    v                             ~~a        '

s s-v lsracuauunov{ g j p r seal f3.M4 u ' of'/7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  /              SUPPORT tJO.

I RM N[ REVISION DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. * ****a D*u W- 9l(, *g* 5 i

                     ;a._c Tto         Fi+L crte-T uo o Tot.

a F/c 1771 L. Wo no9 roe mForWATicel V E6PBEEME. 43 91- oo M M - 00 4392-00 M 4.oo I M '# a~a= //

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              #NZZ-a's SHEET 5 0F(As D


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 'O                                 /

WMM EVER AM ALL ARouuD 142.LD a f. CALLEP FoA su TWE _ _ ggg7 SurroRT PETAIL PW(a AND pu s TD LW6 TAT 604 cF CouTACT A l p A i SUAPACE- SETWEF#4 EMD ft AN9 coMFeNEWT ITEM T'o 1 BE WELDEP, A WELP t. iu sTED rp cowTAcT 5(4tfA:.ri j h- -- El l- 3~ O F THE FAF.TS To De WELPcp F. Acc.nPTA&L.E . ('EE I"

                                                                     ,                                        l                                                                   4                          -}.                                  "l'8                        ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - pjn            D.O Pl     y     f i                                                                                                             ,

e pr, N * . V , =ve i c =g Q3L

                                                                                                                                                                                      ' '6 -  A 10U,1                                                        T
                                                                                                             ,,                                                                                                       1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .i ' / (fWE MouMTEP) h)

TACK 1 g.,tp!TN p,WOM o . L_Y _3 k j + 01D F ' ~ 4 2--- A , f..x,g?.T CO -,


LHS. $ (g P) Y, . ,h'th*.ag.~.'h/":a. MOTE: TACK WELp CAM SL DoNE PlG . IS-S * ' ' ' ' l

                                                                >T EITHER Fic= IS- A CR                                                                                                                                                             7'                                                6          -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         /..N          'l Fka.13e. DoTH MET &Op                                                                                                                                                                             -                                      -A            6'              -

l's ACCEPTABL E SECT IOts! A-A, l 1 $c' ' f.y'T_L r 3; - l 3 -- ' [ l . ( \. .


(3- Y -- ' ' . ,. g.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,,c7..       ..            NUCLEAR SAFETY RELATED 'I
                                                                                                                                                                  ,                                   ,                                                           JTEMS ARE 5!!O'hN ON T!M D.u'NING                                                 , ,

f g DRAWrNCS onc. No. REV. OtrG. fdQ ' REV. DWG. NO. R EV. l D AG.NO. REV-SYR0ft'3RAIDWOOD STAT!Cr4 UNIT i 1,2 b. F .r( Cf Q6

                                                                                                                                                                                                       $UPPORT                      r"Y *""****. c                                         COVNONWEALTH EDISO:4 CC:!PANY h                                                          OR AWING HELEASE RECORD                                                                              CLASS.                   [y/hyt{f[\pC                                                     CHICA0tT, ILLit:0IS                                    .

y mEv. i spec. No _o4TEj _ oR4.vs s uc R aee . r otat Euo sieview 3J


_cwe cx t o. 51EIMj.'=::'e- Dh!W.1/{3 / ^ g S[ NOTES t -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , * '1'                                          AND          D E T AIL S 5        B      - fR W i]4,4,ar. ,- I,\(/,,yp* 5-e\. ,. /./ -m 3 t

                                                                                                   -Q - - - -                                        i                              ,re                                                    f Mom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - o ,, ,,, ,



3 hhk C*** C h t D 5-3 'I7 pat &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     =*O REVISION DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , , u at PROJECT NO.
  • 6* *
  • a

_/j .rffg/ o4ve SUPPORT NO. w c3[ G . g.


{ lfh.1118 tWTrP FINAL 9 t+ E E.T hs f/L ~213 9 r<4 Mrocerios y F.efeReacs sNJit.eTCE AP9E7 IlE A i'/ A 4398*00 4392-00 ^"aovt e u I d[21. o**a lD - S ~4f8 3. oo 4634 00 SHEET G OF(



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,)      v c a. a.

I D. PE.R MISSi bL E WELDS ON ST a uC Tug A L STr_ E L e,7. A M S . g?fgfldg[ otscmPTio** Ac i'-T !M{g.'u: t

             /J To THE WE S, A4Y DlRECT tC N O F NE.L D 19 l'cR6Al%I Bl E .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ;

I t 8)TO TOP k DCTTOM FL ANGE , 4/c LDS MusT BE ALWAYs , v 8_ PA R A LL E L TO THE LE NGTh CF S E A M ., NO CROSS } * :, I ' .,f' s - - _ , .* .' ' , l WE L plN G IS PE.R M IT TE D.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ] 'g g ;35         4 --           .         ,,       i       y     .g l

g-~..,,,. ( g,. - '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 )                   l J L L T R t, T 10 4 9 e                                                                                                                                                                              i                                     ""*#            -         -

5 ' I l C j 6 _ " : 2 " *"' t __ _ . . . _ _ .  ! . _._.__\_ t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *  ,. e
                                         !.'i T.                                                                    u

_,4., . q ,, ,, .

  • l* *=

l-7 ,aw .,-- , l l y Tfgj gTOWI F L AN G E * ?p; .rL'Qy'Vs3

                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;                 i y/ m                   c_                                                                  !

(A) (o) (c.) (P) (E) - (p) lI z - . , , . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - f'y ),* *

[ FIG 6. A, 6. O, 6 D ARE. A CC E' P TA B L E , F IG S. E kF ARE .

                                                                                                                                                                                               ;                                          it                                                                                         i NOT ALLowE D                                                                                                                                                                                              8

I g\ p T (ws.2 PMAu.e.i. To l - 7-7 _. LE*uaTW pr BEAe4) I ' ,# ' ' i *<. b { 4t w - r-f- \ \\ 'g%g- b  % . i iU+ i I L !4 -._ \\ -- I i iwucEAE5AEEIERJMTEuil i i i o*~ Y-t i LJ E2 L \hri F-2

                                                                                                                                                                 " " ' ' ' ' M (=)

l iThMS ARE-5H WN-ON-THIS-DR Afflf5-j-- l l f {,,,j_ ' M $l F IE P F ICs k F. _ A F l I m-; x :. ' i McDiFic o Pic.4 E-1, E z , F. 1, P4 Ag e L P TA sw e. . f'tca s . E-t & F-8 l J l l t BS) p w s ' D i t, c a. e, o t u E. oc. t- CF THf. PLA4.J:r WW u.E. Ficas. E '1 Ar F '2 U6ED ',D ,

a. a. re vn'_ pro re T1.E Ft>M'",E .. A Wi WELD Tt.THE6E ft'S ARE. FE AMi%lSLG f l l l 04 G. NO, REV DAG rdo R f v. D.VG. NO. REW DAG.NO. REV- BYROW2, RAID'.000 STATI0ta

{ , , . . . , UI'I E 2 DRAWlNGS . '. 9 C A *'

                                                                                                                                                                          $UPPORT              /8. -(. Q                                                          C0!TOrNEALTH EDIS0'! CCrG/JN OR Ai'viNG HELE ASE RECORD                                                                                               CLASS               f ::.',k .'la'.fl\ C                                    ,                   CHIC,3GO, ILLl!415 ,

j .Rev. A j suc ho cart l _. o>ia<m .CHE CK E (1, E NG H APP t F ILM ERAD REVIE W

                                                                                                                                                                                              'L ,h.,              .n.       ) ""                   COMPONENT SUPPORTS G E N E R Al.

t - r y g o.g i w.C'< . 44 ,,, 4  ! N OT E S AND D ET AIL S ,i li-Ith 'Q - 0--- r&pG-I;,thff f * \' v j,.,'c ..-.. e'/ */ mpn m c

                                                                                                                                                                                                           %s-O,~hs    MM                          S-3-77 l SARGENT 'dUNDY l OLT.-



_m S$ 7 h

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ' p*'a                M. Sgr SU @ RTisO.
  • RQ. '

y m sTcp Fic a s nt.T w pi c.e, Toe.- 4pi. 00 W92-oo _.////_ 8Mr7 +;* l O s a m u e/L z 7'M Fca meozu* Tion k gerecem.* a s =,- oo a r+ oo ~~ ~ " 5""' 'I ' 3,


           ' t, -. ,1,   F W 0 1 001 R                                                                                             COMPOh!ENT SUPPORT NUME>E.RIMca ST**T EM CWIDE.LIMG.S. -


                     ' # 3.

g, I; SUBSYSTEM iDEN'I tFICATION & Plc.. I DEm4Es THE SouMDART Ltd THAT WA Rams udlT-t i m' .W .. 4 O Asp unit '2. As S How N IN TH E: TtTLE SLCc.K. THab RULE LI f,fk 89 APP' lcASL E To co4TAiNMEMT , AuttLI Any , f'uEL.14A6;DLieJce

                  . , ,-                                PLANT UNIT NUMBER                                                              AWp TuR Sl4e. SLoca coM f'M ENT SuriDRTG.



C CCNSTANT SUPFORT NuM@ERIMG STGTEM is SAsso ord ud T -l G = GuiOE R ' RIGID SUPPORT D. FOR A Givgu SUBSYa.eTEM THAT iWcLupss Two oR Tienta +T+TaH6 5 = SEISMIC (HYCRAUllC, SPRING TYPE, OR MECHANICAL) U " "", Ch #N. COMPOMEuT Su PPORT t;uMBERie WILL SE 6ASED ou THE MAlW W TEM W E.HE THE SuDSTST uq A44-OR VIBRATION SWAY SUPPRESSOR (SNUBBER CR SWAY CRACE). .8 t-Y T8 CAL IDauTI F acAT ton PAS SEEN F.5TABL.tsHgo. T.31$ MAT U = VARIAELE SPRING SUPPORT N' ' LEAP To RR 14'sTAum c+ pin 8cn BEi46 t+ma cow bae **M W . W = PlFT WelP RESTRAINT . .h'.'N Ye n; 6'" ' .' . E. FoR couMoM SYSTEMG sw TH r. AutiLIAsW , Fust 9ANpLi.4c on X = RIGID SEISMIC RESTRAINT 11 d ' - - - TURBi4E BLDG w 64 tcH ( Ro*,$ COL. tb C%E F 6.t), suB6YSTEM j A9ALYTscAt. ipsgr:Fic AT se*4 AWD COMfodENT S t#f' ORT Wu m pEAiuc. f f3, g

                                                                                                 ' {p. .. ,.l '*O d ;.                 WILL BE. B ASE p oN wHicH SuotYSTeein ID sd Tift CAT *N 84 MP
                                    $                                                         '. s '
                                                                                                      "[y-   .-

BEEN USED . , ElTM A U nit-t o A. u4LT - 2 PE61(*M ATao d . Tee S


HAY L.E AD To I:08. INSTAucG. A uw T -1 MmGaA c Ag uAle,

                                                                                                     .*                                A untT 'z MuMong . S c5 0 *> co s E.                     M t.tu E t  c4 cA S -4 , c A~.' N' 'N ueJif t            uM TT                                                                                       tc S o b oo t fA ow t idje. 'Zc50 5 A S -4
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Ci GC - ..s NUCLEAR SAFETY RELATED > ' d Fi ca. I ii ITEMS ARE SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING , , , n n n gp yg l l gg i i ^ N /5 g cA c. no. nEv ov.s no. a E v. . nEx o.a.uo- "E V-0(  !: ) . jf ,{ , [BjROW 5RALDWOOG STATICN / \t DRAWlf4GS '

                                                                                                                                                             .                                         UNII* I k 1 F.                                                                                                                  SUPPORT                    * -$,c . ' '                                   C0iMNWEALTH EDISCt! CCf4 PAW CR AWifJG HELE ASE RECORO                                                 CLASS.                   ,. ~[.. -
                                                                                                                                              .                                                   CHICAGO, ILLILOIS g u v. l sn Op h0.


                                                                                                                                                                      .            C NPONEM SUPPMM GENEpL Nw


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N' N' -Q h1_N_8b_ a .fi3 M i NOTES AND DETAlL$

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 *.                                             REVISION DESCRIPTION                                                                               PROJECT NO.               auum .                        nav e   y. g g g

{g A p;m o es R ccw . 29 4 439g. oo f, gM^"""*

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A DATE m_A RAWN CHECKED ENG'R APP . F atht EMD REVIEW C. O MPO NE W SU PPORM GGEpL Il801I M M r-'3 bls_k.g NOTEG AND DETA f L S [ M q m. m.. . c c d yA 44 94H1, l suom. mDT . T'*rft l-. n o - w, REVISION DESCRIPTION e a stat PROJECT NO. & pg o* r5 SUPPORT h;O. *REV I 7.a7 M- C)lG y Apoco Pen s cs . 2 w 4 wi. oo 4 M /4f_ [ W N/ 3 en trn u a ma nmmTu s eeFeuam meo. ou.oo -- -- sNcc o - 1' A




                                                                  ,,    g.g2,                                                                                                                                    SEC.    =  SECONDARY SECT. = SECTION               .
                                                                    }_},gC;f                                          1BE                =   THREAD BOTH END                                                     AISC. = AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL C0fSTRUCTION 04         =


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                         =    CCriNECTION FIELD WELD SCH.




                                                                                                                                                                                              -k.                U.A.    =  UPPER ATTACHMENT (FOR HANCER)


                                                                                                                                                                                                          &\     EMB.       EMBEDMENT                                                   .







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                                                                                                                                         =   FAR S10E                        i      ,;            fh T'if'C(ftsy.=, Cor$T ANT owc. reo. REv                  o.go NO      siE v. owc. No.                                 REV.         DWG. NO. , R E v.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                            's                     C OMPON E NT SUPPORTS GENERAL
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71-!4 M.M m A M.4% /M { hM 'I NOTEG AND DETAt L S L) '

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cu couroueur surronTs Azz To ei. su Tus t.acArioa As 4 b 1 i ? ' 5 ). i i i,, a

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o iwoicATso os THs. surronT os.rxit parwinci . .- r j , , .-%. w Att c4sts,is uTeaAt oi. Tace.cTutEu m ureza tuo uusa 4TTACmouT I g .t J t .; / r ,. As swe'u,w ouTwe isoiviouAt surrozT onTAn. onAwiuci uusi na uAiuTAiuwb . II '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          /n s' .

(c) TOLE r!.II- 1 I I 1i

                         ,: nRAN CES ARE TO BL USED e4L1 wuLN THE COMPONENT SUPPORT CAu* of                                                                                                                                         y                   l                                                                  '

d  ! ,- i l tll g gL~ , ,_, c '.' i ./ ,' IL.1NSTA Lp CD AS S40#4 oM THE. lW0lVIDUAL SUProRT DETAIL DRAWIuca - ,i} l  ;) g [ g g

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                                                                                                                                                                                                   -              p. A v e                                    tc,. r ,. i,         eh ._a t e.

reau Two tocATiou suo.iu ou Tac surroar otTAit. vAntAotal . ",'"Tr'uL tM g l0"' o m o"J


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Tas. LocAfiou or rus curreaT covsAS A WELD.TWE

                                                                                       .suertAT is 70 e.a Recoe.ATco LuciTupsw ALLY TH E. .-

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . r,,, i      c                                  rp Tmu put,               j NUCi. GAR SAFETY RR ATED j [ qho.rro#.T ,n,A,                                                                                                                                               _ . mS=R 4,6
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\i DR An tNGS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,,N             bl F.'                                                                                                                                                         SUPPOHT                                         m                             .a                        C0lmMEALTH EDISC J C0f7AfN DRAWING RELE ASE RECORD                                                                        CtASS.                                        W                              M                                    CHICAGO, ILLit.0IS nev. tese.No.                          cats            _ oaava               i     cstcxi.o                         enc n aer t            ritti      s uo nsview                            ,  .

o j.>' C OMPONE NT SU PPOR rS GENERAL. [c. A - ily-E/.6:6. < -) /]M dr., M G ,l _ s tj g , g

                                                                                                                                                                                                     ! hg,,b   '.                     #9                      NOTES AND                           DET Ai L S 5

E . 1 , ', . . @ .

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Ah A.- D a .. .. '~7. ,,,,,,,, c* a ;. GjQ4% 4em [SARGmTuuMDY]i n:=. c aca.o , para If /. / #/ , JUPPORT NO. f REVISION DESCR'_9 TION e e stat PROJECT NO. []h[ ma g. 9 g g, IREV y Apoco ee r<. eca - ne. 4wi.oo 4w g.oo d'**4***M[7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '                   Mf,:p'       p-//.y                                        A S         F/t 277f y F/t. 2 M4 Fol2. i4 Fof,MATid d le                                                                             s                                               4c n.oo               a .4.oo                 - - -                 -o                    --         5"'trie. o'

(E) TR APET.E TYPE S Uf'PORTb ( ufelu4 TWO GRINNE.LL hl,G . 288, FIG .2 CO, l# *O [ 3 Fis, foi, FICs Sor OR Fica. 507) SHALL SE PARALLE L UuL39S OTHERWi$3 h j --j ', j N OTEP ON TH E. DETA IL PR AWJ14Ca .

                                                                                                                                                            'J )

hfj } l -ab.t.J Dlgj , e. Ae4GLE Cneuiw w THE DaT^ic P g, , (F) SEISMIC $UPPORTta SHALL SII' W TH8N as or THE pe.e.,aa MED PoslTiona e ' F PE k Twe AS SW3vol0N Ted PETAIL DR AWI NG. SEl6MLC RESTit AINT BRACKET 5* Saa'L 66 a a'" s ' AT TAcHED TO THE. P 8P3WG L UCa *= SHALL SE. PAR A LL E L . (FIG S fL I fr F-2) h (c.) 6Etsusc SuPF' ORTS usLNG CL AM P As PIPS. ATTACHMENT SWALL HAVP.- A ( q _Parg -- b TOLER.Auce OF t C," FAoM THE LOCATioW Shou /M 04 Tr4E PC-TAIL PRAWs4Ca O .) 1-7g , EdCEPT WHERE THE I E t*Mic truPPo ATS ARE L OC A TE D APJACENT To ( .,, Eautf' MENT ( FuMPS, WEAT EscWAN&imS, ThetK), ETc) GWAi.L HAvs A Pt Au scc 7 ton Tots AAWca of ts'.(russ ArrLiss to TWe 9 RsT Two sEi4witc SuPFDRTS FftoM & ,7 TWm. Rau!PMEM T) Ft & F.I - ggg.. 7 1 ' _) ' ;'f . t- O

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                                       "M                 '.#
                                                             - --_. __\                              wo Ts.


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I Figs a.i, r.z a. a-i iLLu+rn4Ts+ Talsniacs+ seEciPiso of Tags @ & Q . Seismic k\ [bs- f ^.. l N,w". dh'. 4" .:fj

                                                               .U' UNTER p


                                                                                                                                                                        ; I r h'                                                                                                                                 g                                                                        g, y                    dDVR                                         W ER t* OA
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P1f'E j g. i c. as 4 a =:p -n-g 1 .- l.'s ,,! !; s .k 8_f s-


F k SLawc suP90AT - - - - - - pt A u

  • SE CTION .' i esA CaTAit Ouc.
                                 , , ,                                                                -NUCLEAR SAFETi REL'ATED                                                                                                            -

h F M, G., ITEMS ARE SilOWN ON THIS DRAWING " L _ .- . . . ~ . . . -. . - . ~ , J_ l LIll T- i h 2 k l i ~ SUPPORT . . ' ' ,[ ' ?. '* C0FJ10NWEALTH EDtSON CC"PANY -

       %                                                  oRAWING HELEASE HECORD                                                    CLASS.                *T     ,
                                                                                                                                                                               ,-                                                CHICACO, ILLli.0 IS h    PEV.         SPEC. P O. DATE                     _ ORAWN                         CHECKED       ENG R APP'L    FILM     EMD REVIEW             *
                                                                                                                                                                    'n        *
                                                                                                                                                      ' ,                                                C OMPONENT SUPPORTS GE N E.R A t.
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IkitF7 l , %:d m._.2.,.[Jgkl 4/u- iW/h NOTES AND DETAllS h

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f-p a trat j he hfh SLtPPORT NO. REV. i REVIStON DESCHIPTION PROJLCT NO. 4 4 ,a: ja o*" M.* 9 8 G, APPEP FE eA acN - 2 *J 4 .D91 00 4391.-00 ["$.* t' A* / //-M@

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    + , g e E+e a$i E ___ @ .:M. l 4$ -o ut u a& # @ea e 7*, ,,84d >P # 7 oJJ 7 +4 +4 J ul d.: .o,u ol' ',e >2 0 r.1 0 + - o 4 7 r. r-T e$w a4 7o < *# .J 44 o ,3 .:-J 78j u' 9 0 \) - l o e y 7 ,*.3 aL u aa d 2a a g o a n 4 o . e jd OV 2 00 7 4 dms A 4"p $o2 *. G $2 h( w g de . 9g.. 2a it 2 d22 3h 2 e u 23 *. d 6 S o< L: e i ) M f-e 4 v u 21 s_. . _ . ~, a o i e g> - uu },- e 9 e I x L ,z t . o ., . U .i.a. 4 gy,gx,pm. , s,-.----, . . w, MsM3 g HUNTER CORPORATION INTER. COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE , EC-qA-f23 9 . . l l l are March 7, 1979
    • xx See Distribution
    • encu. B. Krasawski/M.L. Somsag ohner. Component Support Discrepancy Reporting.
    l . . This letter supercedes the letter dated January 12, 1979, ~ which addresses Safety Related Hanger Installation. Due to recent developements pertaining to Component Support Discrepancy documentation, the fellowing methods of reporting discrepancies shall be adhered to.
    1. Component Supports shall be installed in accordance with the construction copy drawings wherever possible.
    2. Component Supports that cannot be installed per the c o n s t r u c t io n c o p y d r a w in g s , m a y b e itts t a11.e_d__p.g g,,$,h e_.,..,
    S & L M-916 adjustment tolerances. hhentheM-916~~ ~ tolerances are used, the cognizant'~ supervisor must provide as-built data relative-to the extent of the changes. As-built data may be provided either on the face of the construction copy drawing (for simple changes), or on_the__back of the drawing (for complex changes). Changes must'be noted 1Tt*Ta c Fink ~a~n~d~i~nft"iTITdma - dated by the supervisor. Changes must be documented prior to contacting.a Q.C. Representative for installation acceptance. Q.C. acceptance of the as-built data will be indicated by the Inspector's initi*als and the date adjacent to the supervisor's initials and date. For Job - Traveller packages that do not have an inspector sign-off on the process sheets for non"NF" welds, inspection will be documented in the same manner as in the past. Copies of the as-built component support drawings will be transmitted to the Hanger Engineer, (for review by Engi-neering and Consulting Engineers) whenever invocation of M-916 criteria occurs.
    3. Component supports that cannot be installed per the construction copy drawing and M-916 adjustment toler-ances, may not be installed until documented resolution is received from the owner or S & L. This resolution shall be secured in the following manner:
    rT(', l pg (T[ll eun pi i , I *[A. i MALCOLM LtQ,, EXHIBIT No. 2 i l
    r. ,
    * . MUNTER C3RP3RATl3N , y * , , l a) Tbe cognizant superviso'r shall initiate a Piping ] Support /CEA Discrepancy Report (Form HC-99, Rev. 2) and forward it to the Hanger Engineer. i
    • NOTE: This form serves the same purpose as the P
    former Hanger Field Problem Sheet (Form BC-99 Rev. 0), as well as providing a method of documenting and l reporting CEA discrepancies, which is explained in ! detail in Letter No. 18 posted with S.I.P. 20.513. A copy of Form HC-99, Rev. 2, is attached to this letter. . b) Upon receipt of the Piping Support /CEA Discrepancy Report, the Hanger Engineer will enter the informa-tion into the Discrepancy Report Transmittal Log and forward to S & L for resolution. If a more expedient . , resolution,is necessary to satisfy production continu-ance, the Discrepancy Report resolution shall be obtained in the following manner: ,. c) The Hanger Engineer shall prepare a telephone . memorandum with information obtained by verbally contacting S & L. He will then forward the memorandum and a copy of the Discrepancy Report to the cognizant . CECO Construction Separtment Repr e s entativ e for use in preparing a CECO Field Change Request (FCR') . , , d) The CECO SCD Representative prepares an FCR and . . forwards a~ copy of the same to the Hunter Hanger . . . . <. . Engineer. - e) The Hanger Engineer completes the Piping Support /CEA Discrepancy Report by adding data from the CECO l . . prepared FCR and by referencing the FCR number on
    • the lower portion of the Discrepancy Report. A copy
    • of the FCR should also be attached to the completed Discrepancy Report. . . -
    ~ e f)' The completed Discrepancy Report is returned to the cognizant production supervisor, and authorizes him to proceed with installation of the component support as described within the context of the Piping Support / s CEA Discrepancy Report. The Discrepancy Report and FCR if attached, shall be attached to the affected construction copy drawing by the production supervisor. l 4. Instructions for filling out form HC-99, Rev. 2, Piping Support /CEA Discrepancy Report, may be obtained in the j Hunter Controlled Form Useage Manual. ( D. ' - I" 1 t [: g( l --) . t tJ. Page 2 of 3 , -- -..--m. - - - . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ , _ ,, , , , _ _ _ _ ~ ~ \ .. t . . AUNTER CORPORATION - 4} - . . Since this memo is supplemental in nature, and (as previously stated) supercedes the letter dated January 12, 1979, it must be placed in all S.I.P. Manuals with S.I.P. 4.002 by Document . Control. Copies of the referenced form are available through Document Control. - 3 s >>n $) mm
    3. Krasawski fi . L'. Somsag C/~
    o Project Managet Q. A. SuperviYor . ~ . Distribution: ,
    3. Krasawski W. Everett
    • M.L. Sousag L. Bill .
    K.R. Selman' E. Cory  ! . A. Simon E. Ryan F.W. McGhee R.T. Rainey ~-
    • L. Jones K. Dash, .
    .R. Laughlin . .... . . . . 6.. . . ~ . . . '.. .  :: 2 s . . :. . . . ,, . . .:~;-~ss: . *. ~ ~ e .:: .- :- .: .- - .. . L . : : : . *. . - . ;- - .. . . e l .
    I L V l
    r0[VLI d,jl l l Page 3 of 3 l IJ[ . cm 4 . . - AUDIT SIM1ARY wom:a su,.o ,o,o,. Hanger -AUDIT NO. 059-3 AUDIT DATE 7/27/79 to 8/28/79 DISCIPLINE Process Control l cc: 8. Krasawski A. Simon PERSONNEL PRESEllT AT ENTRANCE MEETING M K. Selman I H. Richardson NAME TITLE NAME TITLE Ken Dash Hanger Engineer F. Rosenstein Hanger Superintendent P ul Ha:denbrook Hanger .Draf tsman D. St. Angel Hanger Superintendent . Mike Zeise Q.A.' Lead Auditor AUDITOR COMMEllTS: The Entrance Meeting was conducted on July 24, 1979. PERSONNEL PRESENT AT EXIT MEETING NAME TITLE NAME TITLE D. St. Angel Hanger Superintendent P. Hardenbrook Hanger Engineer D. Johnson Hanger Foreman F. McGhee Q.C. Irspection Superinten# cent . K. Berta Warehouse Supervisor Audit Team AUDITOR C0!@!E!!TS: Hanger Foreman, Dave Johnson, represented Fred Rosenstein, the Containmerit Build'ing Hanger Superintendent, during his' absence. 7 FINDINGS 2 0BSERVATIONS AUDIT RESULTS: (, AUDITOR DATE AUDITOR DATE . bnkimfA &M 9-25-19 L .Wd?<tb6 Y - 52S=- W (rL;s Jle ts % Sn..*cvbm n-ar-n REVIEWEDB67/dc . DATE 9-M ~)7 APPROVED DY f/4 ~' DATE #/WNf ' / . ' LEAD AUDITOW Q.A. SUPERVIS ' ~' FOLLOW-UP AUDIT REQUIRED: M YES* ON0 DATE FOLLOW-UP TO BE PERFORMED C - r CORRECTIVE ACTION ACCEPTABLE: YES NO IF NO THE CdRPORATE Q.A. MANAGER WAS NOTIFIED BY DATE TELEPHONE LETTER
    i. CO:'ItEllTS: Th. s acorr e Los e o th e tte H II is Bo L- Fr re n_ N H o- Ujl M l \
    • Discrepancy noted during A random sampling of in-process Component previous audit.
    Support JTPs will be selected from each Category (See attached report 1 (Safety Related) work area to verify complianca . with applicable codes, specifications and pro- fordetails) I j cedures in accordance with the following questions. , PROCESS SHEET SYSTEM Select five (5) Component Suppoi t JTPs that i require Safety Related welding and verify the ' iollowing: -
    1) Are Safety Related welds from the Design 4.002 R/2 Drawing appropriately identified on the respec- sub 4.1 X l i tiva Process Sheet (s)? par 4.1.c
    2) Are welders qu&lified to the WPS identified .
    5.501 R/6 Finding #1 X on the Process Sheet (s) and does the welder have . sub 4.1 - a' properly completed WMSR? , j  : .
    3) Are the surfaces to be joined reasonably  :  : HC-WPS 23  :
    smooth and free of scale, rust, oil, grease or  :  : page 7 .X  :, other deleterious foreign material prior to  :  : , ~ welding?  :  : .  :  :-  : . 4)3 Is the preheat temperature at a minimum of  :  : HC-WPS 23  :-  :: 60 F prior to welding and are interpass temp-  :.  : Pages 12 & :X cratures properly monitored? .  : I  :.- 13  :  :. ~
    5) Is interpass cleaning befig perfonned bem  !' '5.502 R/2 [X' 3:  !;
    tw:en weld passes?  : Sub 7.1  : - Par 7.1.3 -
    6) Is the Q.C.W.I. measuring the fillet weld -
    5.502 :X  :  : sizn? Figure 3 h HN-24 (2 79) AUDIT NO. 059-3 -- Q.A. MANUAL SECTION NO. '4 REY. 4 a===r.. AREA Hanaer Process AUDITCHECKLIST. HUNTER CORPORATION control PREPARED BY: Mep/7 . f tf/s DATE N28-N - ~ Q.A.M. - SIP / ART. . OTHER QUESTIONS / INSTRUCTION # ART. I f.EV ;REV/DATE YES NO REMARKS 5.$02R/2
    • Discrepancy noted during 73 Does the fillet measurement agree with the i X fHllet weld size identified on the drawing? - ' previous audit. ,
    g i i i
    • g. , l
    8) After Q.C. acceptance, does the finishedt .- . X '
    weld m::et the following visual . inspection ~ - rcquirements? I. i .s . i ~ A. Are "as welded" surfaces fr'ee of coarse 5.502 R/2 . X 5 l ripples.. grooves',' overlaps, abrupt ridges Art 7 - l l l and valleys? i .i .i n' ' .ii n.i l ' i ' ,. f t > ' , . Par 7.1.1 i I l i, i. .. i . .. . : i . . .. : ...I o n i I. 'B. .Can cracks, linear or rounded indications ASME III X l - greater than 1/16" be found on the weld? Sub NF  ! 'O . . ....i . . . . . . , - I . . .. i t o i ,,  : i r8'.' '
    • Art NF5360 h i) '
    i. C.. Are undercuts greaterithan.1/32" being. 5.502iR/2- X  !
    ': c::nsidered acceptable by Q.C.? Art 7 i i  ! Par 7.2.1 . ' 'n' -: JOB TRAVELLER PAC 1tAGEli 1.7.I l., !I4 til" 1 1. . . i t i . . i - l "" ' 3 Select five (5) Component' Support JTPs where t - pec 4 - .!- ' l Safety Related welding has.been completed and Sub 4.2, 4: . verify the following: . i j: i  ;. i. t  : ll: .. i i I i .. .! i
    9) Where applicable. does the!JTPicontain the ':  :  :
    i::.X nding 2, 4. and 5. folicwing documents and are they' properly com-  :  : S pleted and/or appropriately referenced?  :
    t. ,
    A. Process Sheets  :  : B. Weld Records C. Weld Requisitions -  : I  :.-  :  :  :.  ;- D. Nonconformance Reports  :  :  :  :* l! E. NDE Reports  :  :' . F. .iNDE Requests  :  : . G. Heat Treat' Chart  :  : H. Drawing and Specifications  ;  :- - I. Rework Requests  : I I J. Einal Inspection Report . K. RND , I HN-24 (2-79) AUDIT NO. 059-3 Q.A. MANUAL SECTION No. 4 REY. 4 E% .$b:. AREA Hang *r Precess . a=== =s, AUDIT CHECKLIST Control HUNTER CORPORATION PREPARED BY:f c(fwM h[6 DATE 7-26-7@ . ~- i I Q.A.M. SIP / ART. OThER QUESTIONS / INSTRUCTION ART. REV REV/DATE YES NO REMARKS
    • Discrepancy noted during WORK CHANGE SYSTEM .
    Select five (5) Component Support JTPs where previous audit. . Field Revisions are required and verify the following: J  ;"
    10) Where a field change can be accomplished 5 HC-QA-23 X Finding #6 thru the use of M916 adjustment tolerances, has 0bser.vation #2 the ccgnizant supervisor provided proper as- .
    built data on the Construction Copy Drawing? -
    11) Is the Q.C.W.I.s acceptance of. the as-built 5 HC-QA-23 X Finding #7 data indicated by the inspector's initials and date adjacent to the supervisor's initials and ,
    dats? - R viewed by , R$ Po '7 .3 S 9 Y . 5 - Michael H. Zeise 47 . Quality Assurance Lead Auditor j j j  : Approved by -l .'l. l  :. . f . . . . .. .. */ _
    i. . i
    i .
    i: i: M.L. Somsag Quality Assuran(M A Supervisor - I ~ - HN-24 (2-79) l . Audit No. 059-3 H . Date: 7/27/79 to 8/28/79 HUNTER CORPORATION 3800 - 179TH STREET, HAMMOND, INotANA 46323,(219) 845-8000 i AUDIT REPORT ~ _~ . HANGER PROCESS CONTROL ~ Auditors Note: At the time of this Audit, it was agreed upon between the Audit Team and the Hanger Supervisor of the Auxiliary Building, D. St. Angel, that Audit Team members would be notified when Safety-Related Component Supports were being installed. However, between 8/2/79 and 8/20/79, notification had not been received by this office that Safety-Related Component Supports were being installed. Even after several personal visits to Mr. St. Angels' area, we were infomed that no Component Supports were to be installed for an undetermined period of time due to priority conflicts in schedules. - However, a . review of Daily Inspection Reports on 8/20/79 revealed that fourteen (14) Safety-Related Component Supports were installed in the Auxiliary Building between 8/2/79 and 8/13/79, thus creating an unnecessary three -week-delay in Quality Assurance Audit activitiese -- The following items are responses to the questions which appear on the -- _ attached audit checklist. Those items which were found to be discrepant . are identified as either Findings or Observations throughout this Report. [ E '/ For checklist Items No.'s (1)...through _(8)., five in-process Safety-Related Component Supports were selected, two from Containment Building No. 1 and three from the Auxiliary Building. Those selected are as f follows: I ~ b wMPONENT PPORT LuCATION - -ISI21007S R/1 Contaiment ~ b .' .-15I21003S R/0 Contaiment E I2SX4Od17VR/0, . Auxiliary [ = [2SX40007RR/0 Auxiliary T .- 2SX40015R R/0 Auxiliary b  : '}- l . - NOTEi Of the five (5) in-process Component Supports audited, ~ i No.'s ISI21003S and 2SX40007R could not be installed per l l the Construction Copy drawing. Component Support  ? No.-15I210035 could not be installed due to an inter- ~ ~ ~ ~ ference with a Pipe Spool and 2SX40017V could not be J '; installed due to an interference with a cable tray support. $ 6 l  : esic c . ittiuois- .aio o~o: .~oid ' ~ vouacsiown onio l HUNTGR CORPSRATIEN Audit No. 059-3 {ag 2 of 12 , .. Therefore, Hanger Field Problems for both Component Supports were initiated and submitted to S & L for resolution. It is felt that Component Supports ~ 1SI210075, 2SX40017V, and 2SX40015R will be sufficient for the subject of checklist Items (1) through (8). Item #1 The safety related welds on the three in-process Component Support Process Sheets are as follows: Safety Related Welds on Component Support Location Drawing and Process Sheet 1SI210075 R/1 Containment Two Non-NF welds and Building one NF-5213 (FW-1) 2SX40007R R/0 Auxiliary Two Non-NF welds and Building one NF-5233 (FW-1) 2SX40015R R/0 Auxiliary Two Nori-NF welds and Building two NF-5233 (FW-1 and 2) All safety related welds from the Design Drawings were appropriately identified on the respective Process Sheets. The non-NF welds are identified on the Process Sheets as "All non-NF welds". Item #2 The welder's qualification and the applicable WMSRs were reviewed for each in-process Component Support. The results of this review are as ' . follows: l Component Support Welder's Stamp No. WPS WMSR No. 1SI210075 R/1 HF-20 23 78564 2SX40007R R/0 HE-96 23 79302 2SX40015R R/0 H0-85 23 79313 The Weld Procedure identified on the three (3) Process Sheets was WPS 23(R/1), which is a Carbon Steel Fillet Weld procedure. In order to verify that each welder being audited was qualified to WPS 23 during the ! time period indicated on the WMSRs and Process Sheets, the Welders' Qualification Log Manual was utilized. This manual indicated that each welder was qualified to WPS 23. A review of the WMSRs in Containment revealed that production completed each requisition properly. However, the following observation was noted l during the Audit of JTP2SX40007R in the Auxiliary Building: Finding No. 1: Weld Material Stores Requisition No. 79302 for JTP 2SX40007R had "As shown" entered in the Weld Number Section instead of the appropriate ! Field Weld numbers (FW 1 and Non-NF). Without an accurate indication of I the deployment of Weld Filler Material and Welders, accurate traceability cannot be accomplished. ( .: l e e . ' - . HUNTUR QCRPORATISN Audit No. 059-3 Page 3 of 12 l . ! Recomended Corrective Action: All Craf t Supervisors and Foremen must concisely identify all Field Welds and Welders on the appropriate WMSR to provide Weld Filler Material and Welder deployment traceability. Item #3 For Component Support Nos.1SI210075, 2SX40007R, and 2SX40015R, all surfaces to be joined were smooth and free of scale, rust, oil, grease or , other deleterious foreign material prior to welding. This was accom-plished by wire brushing the areas to be welded. ! Item #4 While observing the in-process welding of the three (3) Component l Supports, no preheat or interpass temperature checks were made by either the welders, fitters, or Q.C.W.I.s. After conversing with the production personnel, it was understood that no torches are issued to welders during summer months because it is assumed that when the ambient air temperature of an area is above 600F, so will the temperature of the weld areas be. Thus, no preheating is deemed necessary. This practice appears to be questionable in terms of actual temperature spread since the audit team physically checked the temperatures of randomly selected in the Auxiliary Building when the ambient temperature was weld well above surfaces,F. 70 The results were that selected base metals between elevations 401' and 330' read 620F. This check was performed on 9/7/79 with No. PT209. As far as interpass temperatures are concerned, welders deduce that if the joint is hand warm between passes, then it is within the min-max " ~ ~ tolerances. kinese methodi for determining whether or not temperatures are within the given parameters prescribed by procedures and specifications, appear dubious.but nevertheless,_ acceptable. Item f5 Interpass cleaning was perfonned by wire brushing the slag and other deleterious materials between each weld pass. This was observed on all three Compenent Supports. Item f6 After witnessing the in-process inspection performed by the Q.C.W.I.s.
    _it was noted that fillet weld sizes are indeed measured through the utilization of Fillet Weld or Hi-lo Gauges. It was also noted that after qualification and certificat' ion as a Q.C.W.I., each Inspector-is issued one of the above gauges through the Q.C. Inspection Superin-
    tendent. _
    Item #7 The fillet measurements made' for Component Support Nos. 2SX40015R and 2SX40007R did in fact agree with those measurements identified on the j Construction Copy drawings. However, for JTP 1SI210075, the two Non-NF ' fillet weld sizes identified on the Construction Copy drawing were 5/16",
    but the actual measurements made on the Fillet Welds were 5/16" for one
    _w eld and 1/2" for the second. This 1/2" Fillet Weld was considered acceptable since drawings only specify minimum weld sizes. And, in order Jo provide adequate strength in this weld (due to the embed plate being l set 1/4" deeper into the concrete on one side), a larger fillet weld was necessary. l - .~ l l L- -_ - _ - . - - - HUNTCR C3RP3RATISN Audit No. 059-3 Page 4 of 12 - ~ Item #8 For items "A" and "C", the three (3) Component Supports being utilized for this audit were found to have no linear indications, no rounded indications greater than 1/16 inch and no undercuts greater.than 1/32 inch
    through visual examination by the Q.C.W.I.s. However, for item "B",
    Component Support 1SI21007S had arc strikes and undercut?.ing in the finished weld which Q.C.W.I., Tom Brown, rejected. These defects were then dressed-up by grinding, and then accepted by the Q.C.W.I. The other two Component Supports "as welded" surfaces were free of ripples, valleys, grooves and accepted by the Q.C.W.I'. Item #9 To verify that Job Traveller Packages (J.T.P.) contain the proper documents and that they are properly completed and/or appropriately referenced, ten (10) J.T.P.'s of Safety Related Category I Component Supports were selected from Containment Document Station #1-H and Auxiliary Building Document Station #2. NOTE: Due to the large number of Component Support JTPs in the completed weld status, ten (10) JTPs were selected from each Document Station as follows: Documents Properly Completed and/or Doc. #1-H Appropriately Ref. A) 15101006S R/0 No B)1SIO1007SR/0 No C)1FW36014SR/1 No D)1FWO5010XR/0 No E)1CC22006RR/0 No F)1RH02031VR/0 No G) 1RH02013S R/1 No H)1CC39033RR/1 No j l I)ISD03015VR/0 No J) 1S101009S R/l No Finding No.2: It was noted on the Wald Records for 1SIO1006S R/0,1FWO60145 R/1, 1FWO5010X R/0 and 1RH02031V R/0 that the information entered in the Heat or Lot No.Section did not correspond to the information entered in the Heat or Lot No. Section on the WMSR as per SIP 4.002 R/2 paragraph 4.10.a.6 and Intercompany Correspondence Letter HC-QA-46. SIP 4.002 J paragraph 4.10.a.6 states that the Heat or Lot No. shall be entered on. , the Weld Record as it appears on the WMSR. Intercompany Correspondence l Letter HC-QA-46 Section 3 states in part: 49 HUNTER CORPORATION Audit No. 059-3 Page 5 of 12 " Effective 6/18/79, all Process Sheets which indicate the use ' of coated electrodes must show the lot numbers from which the coated , electrodes were drawn. Only the lot number shall be recognized as acceptable documentation for coated electrodes prior to sign off by the Q.C. Welding Inspectors on the Process Sheets. Where bare wire and consumable inserts are utilized, the heat number shall be recognized as acceptable documentation prior to sign off." On the effective date of 6/18/79, the attendant in Rod Issue Station #13 began placing the Lot Number in the Heat or Lot No. Section of the WMSR. The Area Foremen in the Containment Building were not aware of the WMSR entry change and continued to place the Heat Number on the Weld Records. The Hanger Supervisor, Fred Rosenstein, did not infonn his Area Foremen ~ of the change in the WMSR Heat or Lot number entries. Recommended Corrective Action: 'In the future, the Hanger Supervisors must make available to the Area Foremen all the Intercompany Correspondence Letters that pertain to their responsibilities and duties. Also, the Area Foremen shall review all WMSR Lot number entries prior to the entry of that number on the Weld Record, since the Lot number does change periodically. In addition, the QCWI is , responsible for reviewing the in-process Weld Record information entered by the Craft Supervisors (Ref. SIP 4.001 para 4.11). Documents Properly Completed and/or Doc. #2 Appropriately Ref. A) 1PB09004X R/0 No B)1AB09003XR/0 No C)2FP03075RR/0 . No l D)2FP05006XR/0 No l l E) 2FP05002X R/0 No. F) 1SX41017X R/0 No G)1AB09002XR/0 No H)2FP03032XR/0 No . _I) 1FP20004R R/1 No J)1FP12001XR/0 ~~~' ~ ~ No Observation #1 ! While reviewing the Weld Records and LHSRs for 2FP05002X R/0,1SX41017X R/0, r and 2FP03075R R/0, it was noted that the VMSRs were closed out one to three l days after the QCWI signed and dated the Final Weld Inspection Sequence. l .4 L L , ' ' ~ HUNTER CORPORATION Audit Ns. 059-3 Page 6 of 12 . This discrepancy was also noted on J.T.P.s 1SX41005R R/0, 2FP03082R R/0 and 2FP03060R R/0 in Document Station #2. The Rod Issue Station atten-l dants are not closing out the WMSR in the proper amount of time to assure an adequate weld filler material control system. I The responsible Rod Issue Station attendant was asked to explain the late entries. He stated that he can only close-out a WMSR when he .is notified that the weld is complete. If the welder or welder Foreman does not inform the Rod Issue Station Attendant, he will hold the unconsumed rod in the Holding Oven until notification. This notification may or may not take place for a time period of one to four days and the atten-dant may not back date' the WMSR to coincide with his Oven Log entry. Recommendation: In the future, Rod Issue Station Attendants must be notified by the welder or welder Foreman in a more timely manner when returned weld rod is not to be reissued. It is recomended that the Warehouse Supervisor inform the .' Rod Issue Station Attendants of this requirement, as well as requiring
    the attendant to automatically close out a WMSR at the and of a shift, unless he is informed to do otherwise.
    i Upon review of Weld Records for Component Support Nos.1FP12001X R/0 and 1SX41017X R/0, the dates of Q.C. Acceptance were found to differ from
    the dates entered by the cognizant Craft Supervisor.
    4 Finding No. 3 i A) For 1FP12001X, the Weld Record indicated the weld wcs made by Welder No. E-44 on 6/15/79, information entered by the Craft Foreman (RB) on 6/15/79, and inspected by QCWI (BT) on 5/16/79, which is one month pre- - i vious to the date the weld was made. B) The Weld Record for 1SX41017X indicated that the weld was made by Welder No. E-44 on 6/29/78, infomation entered by the Craft Foreman (DSA) on 6/29/79, and inspected by QCWI (BT) on 6/29/79. This is a one year. difference between the completed weld and inspection. Recommended Corrective Action: For packages "A" and "B" the Q.C. Inspection Superintendent must review his daily inspection records. to verify the actual date of inspection acceptance and take action to correct this discrepancy. In addition to correcting the above discrepancy, the Inspection Superintendent must assure that his personnel are aware of the importance of providing com-plete and accurate traceability for the control of processes identified on drawings, process sheets, and Weld Records. From the twenty (20) JTPs selected for this checklist question, dis-l crepancies in the preparation of Field Orders were noted. l i . , - . . . . - - _ - , .- ------- --_-. _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . -- ~---- - - - - - - - . - - - - , - - - - , - -- Audit No. 059-3 HUNTUR CCRP3 RATION Page 7 of 12 i Finding No. 4: ) After reviewing the Field Orders for all twenty (20) packages, it was - r.oted that no MRR/MSR numbers were recorded (where specified) by the - Warehouse Supervisor at the time of material issuance. In accordance with S.I.P. 4.101, Article 4.4, which addresses the Warehouse Super-visor and states in part, " Assignment of accepted materials is accom-the Warehouse Supervisor making entries on all copies as plished follows1 by(reference article 4.4.3 paragraph a.) " Enter the MRR or MSR number that the item was received against. The MRR and MSR Docu-ments list the actual Purchase Order (P.O.) number that materials were ! procured on." During final review, traceability back to the Certifica-I tion of Conformance will be difficult without a MRR or MSR number. Recommended Corrective Action: Imediately upon the close of the Exit meeting, the Warehouse Supervisor must assure that all Field Orders processed for future orders will con-i tain the appecpriate traceability requirements es outlined in applicable procedures. - Finding N3. 5: Upor. review of the Wcid Record for Component Support JTP No.1AF01011R R/1, it was noted that VISR No. 72703 was not recorded. However, the WMSR number was recorded on the Construction Copy drawing. In a'ccordance with SIP 4.002 paragraph 4.11 which states in part; "The QCWI is responsible for as-butit Quality Assurance Records and wiust~ update them at eacn inspection point." This Quality Control function is not being completely adhered to. Recommended Corrective Action: The Inspection Superintendent must assure that all QCWIs are aware of the requirements for updating Quality Assurance Records, as specified
    in SIP 4.002 paragraph 4.11. In addition, the responsible Production l Supervisor shall enter WMSR 72703 on the Weld Record.
    Item #10 In order to verify that the cognizant Supervisor provided proper as-built data on the Construction Copy drawing, five (5) Component Support drawings were selected from the Auxiliary Building. At the time of +.his audit, Intercompany Correspondence Letter HC-QA-23 allowed for two types of reportir.g component support discrepancies to the Design Engineer. The two types referenced are use of the Component Support / CEA Discrepancy Report (HC-99 R/2) and providing S & L M-916 adjustment 'folerances relative to the extent of changes, either on the face of the Construction Copy drawing (for simple changes), or on the back of the ' drawing (for complex changes). Since the Containment Building does not
    utilize S & L M-916 adjustment tolerances, only Component Supports from
    ( the Auxiliary Butiding were selected. i  :. . . l i HUNTCR CSRPURATION' Audit No. 059-3 Page 8 of 12 , The following five (5) Component Supports were selected from the Hanger Department's "as-built" data file: , . Proper As-Built Hanger No. Data Provided A)2FP03082RR/0 Yes B)1SX41005RR/0 Yes
    C) 1AF01011R R/1 No D) 2FP03075R R/0 No E)2FP03060RR/0 No 2
    The cognizant supervisor has provided the proper as-built data on Component Support's 2FP03082R R/0 and 1SX41005R R/0. The adjustment tolerances were per S & L M916 sheet 16 paragraph (K) which states in part: (K) Where pipe location differs between support detail drawing and the single line system drawing, the single line drawing governs provided that all support components can be used. 4 Ccoponent Support 2FP03082R R/0 had a correction on the pipe elevation per M545-sheet 18 revision F and 1SX41005R R/0 had a key plan measure-ment corrected per M-544 sheet 12 revision E. Finding No. 6: In accordance with Intercompany Correspondence Letter HC-QA-23, the following Component Supports did not have proper as-built data provided on the Construction Copy drawing. r- A) 1AF01011R R/1: -. The as-built data supplied on the back of the drawing did not ~ contain the "L" dimension of the attachments necessary to compute r the design and operating loads by S & L (per M916 sheet 15). A - visual inspection of the Component Support's installed configura- ~ tion revealed that the two W4x13 (I-Beam) supports were welded to U- the embeddment plate at two different angles of incidence, which - - 'was also excluded from the as-built data. One support was placed - apgroximately 450 from the embed perpendicular, and the other was ,- 30 ; thus, two different "L" dimensions exist. In addition to these discrepancies, the M916 paragraph letter was ' incorrectly referenced. The Hanger Supervisor, Dave St. Angel, referenced the M916 adjustment tolerance as M916-6 paragraph "J". A review of M916 sheet 6 revealed that no paragraph "J" exists, but paragraph 13A did. Also, the Hanger Supervisor should have included M916 sheet 15 paragraph J, since it also applies to the as-built data. t I l __ _ HUNTGR CORP 3 RATION Audit No. 059-3 Page 9 of 12 B) 2FP03075R: The as-built dimensions provided on this drawing did not reference an S & L M916 page or paragraph number to explain why a change was made; and, as-built dimensions on the key plan were explained as a move-ment in auxiliary steel to match the location of existing embed plates. This was also excluded from the Construction Copy drawing. C) 2FP03060R: A dimension was revised in the key plan on this drawing (Ref: M916 { i sheet 16 paragraph K) correctly;-however, this change affected the i "L" dimension of the auxiliary steel welded to the embed plate. This "L" dimension change was not identified on the drawing. ' Recommended Corrective Action: In accordance with Intercompany Correspondence letter HC-QA-23, when-ever a Component Support cannot be installed per the Construction Copy l drawing and S & L M916 adjustment tolerances are utilized, "the cog-nizant supervisor must provide as-built data relative to the extent of the changes". As stated in the above Finding, this is not being per-formed adequately. AUDITORS NOTE: Whenever a Craft Supervisor utilizes the S & L ht ~ Component Support adjustment tolerances, he is authorizec to provide the as-built data either on the front or back of the Construction Copy drawing. After as-built data is provided, a 2co of the Construction Copy drawing is to - be transmitted to the Hanger Engineer for concurrence and transmittal to the Design Engineers. The Design Engineer will then utilize the as-built data drawing copy to revise the Component Support drawing to re-flect the as-built condition of the support. However, the following - discrepancies were revealed while reviewing copies of as-built drawings that were transmitted to the Hanger Department by Document Station No. 2. Observation No. 2: [ For Component Support No.1SX17029X R/0, the as-built drawing copy was ) so unsatisfactorily reproduced, that the actual Hanger number as well
    as the as-built data provided, could not be identified without an in-F depth investigation of original documentation by the Hanger Engineer.
    Component No.1SX10004R R/0 was also poorly reproduced, which production [ l tried to rectify by penciling over the Hanger number and dimensions. In doing so, the as-built was so obscured that it could not be identified. Recomendation/Committment: l The responsible Hanger Supervisor, D. St. Angel, must reproduce legible ' copies of the aforementioned Component Support as-built drawings, and i resubmit to the Hanger Department. l
    Item fil Of the Component Support JTP's selected for scrutiny under the Work Change System, the following five (5) JTP's were audited for Q.C. ,
    acceptance of as-built data. These Component Supports were selected only from the Auxiliary Building, since the Containment Building Hanger l Supervisor has elected not to utilize the Design Engineer's M916 ad-i justment tolerances. Instead, he utilizes the Hanger Field Problem L system. c a -_- -__ __ _ ,_-1%___._ = ,~ - - _ . L._ '. - HUNT 3R CCRP3 RATION Audit No. 059-3 Page 10 of 12 l - QCWI Acceptance  ! Hanger No. Of As-built Data i - 2FP03075R No 1AF01011R Yes* 2FP03082R No 2FP03060R No l 1SX41005R No
    • Component Support No.1AF01011R was the only Construction Copy drawing with QCWI acceptance availaole for the as-built data supplied.
    e Finding No. 7
    i The remaining four (4) packages noted above do not indicate QCWI acceptance of as-built data. This is in violation of Intercompany Correspondence Letter HC-QA-23, which is a supplemental attachment to S.I.P. 4.002 R/2. AUDITORS NOTE: XYter questioning several QCWI's as to their failure to supply acceptance to as-built data on Construction Copy drawings, it was noted that no measurements of hanger locations are ever made due to lack of time involved, either prior to or after the initial installation. Therefore, it is a concern of the QCWIs that acceptance of such altera-tions to the Construction Copy drawings without properly measuring any locations, should be the function of the Design Engineers and/or ! the Hunter Hanger Engineer. l Recommended Corrective Action:- Q.C. should take whatever action necessary to provide either acceptance , or rejection to as-built data provided on Component Support Construction Copy drawings. It is also recommended, that adherence to procedures relative to quality control are not deviated from without first obtaining -documented approval through proper channels. ~ It 'should also b'e mentioned, that if QCWIs are to verify Component Support locations, proper equipment, time allocations, and training to the criteria encompassed in M916 should be provided. However, if it is determined that QCWIs should not assume the responsibility of acceptance ~ of the cognizant supervisor's as-built data entries, then a revision to S.I.P. 4.002 is recommended. AUDITORS NOTE: Af ter reviewing the method employed by the Hanger Department for reporting as-built conditions to the Design Engineers, it is questionable whether or not a controlled system exists. As it appears, the Field Hanger Supervisor makes a xerox copy of the blue-line Construction Copy drawing with as-built data contained therein and forwards the xerox copy to the Hanger Engineer. The Hanger Engineer then reviews the as-built data entries for w -- ,,w-__ g - 3 . - , . ,- - ._ =. - - - - --. j HUNTER CORPORATION Audit No. 059-3 Page 11 of 12 completeness and accuracy prior to transmittal to S & L. If, however, a discrepancy or questionable item should arise during this preliminary  ! review, it is currently a policy to simply place these drawings aside i in a pile of unresolved items. This results in a delay of transmitting as-built drawings to S & L. Such a delay could be considered acceptable if a method of correcting these unresolved discrepancies was implemented; , however, as of this writing, no such method exists. Thus, as-built detail  ! drawings with discrepancies are not being transmitted either to S & L or back to the originator (production supervisors) for clarification as necessary. It was also noted that filing of copies of as-built drawings by the Hanger Department is being done in no type of systematic order. In essence, filing is not maintained in a numeric or alphabetic type of arrangement. Therefore, at the discretion of the Hanger Engineering Department Supervisor, it is recommended that a more efficient method of trans-mitting as-built drawings to S & L be implemented, as well as returning those drawings determined unacceptable to the responsible supervisor for correction. It is also recommended that a more efficient system for filing of as-built drawing copies be devised to facilitate an easier means of document retrieval when called upon to do so.


    The previous audit of Hanger Process Control (Audit No. 4-03) incor-porated both Process Control and Drawing and Document Control sections of the Q.A. Manual. This was due to the fact that S.I.P. 4.002 R/2 incorporated both sections of the Manual for Component Supports. In this audit, Process Control was separated from Drawing and Document l Control to coincide with the sections of the Q.A. Manual. For this l reason, the discrepancies noted in the previous audit (Three Findings) I were not identified in this audit since they are a Drawing and Document Control activity. A Hanger Drawing and Document Control audit will be conducted during the Fourth Quarter of this year and.will include the

    discrepancies of the previous audi,t.

    In checklist Item #10, five (5) Component Supports were selected from the Auxiliary Building for verification of proper as-built data. Of

                                     .the five (5) selected, only two (2) supplied the proper as-built data; however, this sample group was not adequate for a trend analysis.

    The. follow-up report for this audit will contain a sample group of fifty (50) to one hundred (100) installed Component Supports to verify as-built data.

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                         * -                                                                                                             Audit No. 059-3

    , , , HUNTCR CORP 3 RAT 13N Pag 212 of 12 Prepared by . N 2 M b 7& tac ( V J nitL . Bate 9-zs- 79 Quality Assurance Auditors Reviewed by a fp Date 9- 55'- ? 9 5.. Michael H. Zeise 6 Quality Assurance Lead Auditor Approved by b ~ Date


    f/2r/79 M.L. Somsag Quality Assurance Supervisor - - ( _. M & i -- l - - e t . [



    l- . . - p y ', - ," . mm

                                          .          .IYL         .

    HUNTER CORPORATIO,N 3000-179TH STREET HAMMOND. INDIANA 46323. (219) 845 8000

                                                                        .                                                       Ref. Audit No. 059-3 Date: 9/28/79 1          .


                                                                                    ~                                                  ,
    . Prepared by

    [.lb bb Date }Cla l39 i /

                                                                                .                         M.A. Smith q,A Auditor                .

    l cc: B. Krasawski K. Selman - A. Simon 8'h 3g H. Richardson l C)s p ,af. 2.25 L A A 4 MALCOLM LEO SOMSAG oncacO. 4tlN0:5 NAMUOND. INDIANA EXg,gT y O,.,,,4

                                                                  ,,,n.   - ,-,-.


                            ,.                             i FOLLOW-UP REPORT FOR
                               .                          AUDIT NO. 059-3               -


           ~               In order to verify that corrective action had been initiated in response to the Findings and Observations identified in Audit No. 059-3, a

    ! ' Follow-up Audit was conducted between the dates of 10/1/79 and 10/11/79. The following is a listing of each discrepancy in order of its appearance t in the original Hanger Process Control Audit 059-3, as well as the corrective action taken by those personnel affected and identified in 3 the audit as being responsible for rectifying th3 discrepancies relative to their arcas of supervision. FINDING NO. 1 - Weld Material Stores Requisition No. 79302 had "As Shown" in the Weld Number section instead of the appropriate Field Weld number. A discussion with the Area Superintendent,.L. Hill, was held with the Q.A. Auditors to assure this practice does not continue. It was requested of Mr. Hill to submit a " Speed Memo" to this department to document what action was taken to verify this assurance. (SeeATTACHMENTNO.1). This Finding is now l closed. FINDING NO. 2 _ _ . . This discrepancy dealt with the improper transferral of WMSR traceability information to the Weld Records by the Containment Building Production Fore-men. This was in violation of Hunter Inter-Company Correspondence Letter -- - No. HC-QA-46, dated 6/14/79. This letter addresses the clarification of identification of Coated Electrodes on WMSR's, Process Sheets, and Weld Records as well as the necessity for properly identifying the Heat / Lot numbers for Weld Filler Material to provide accurate traceability. After discussing the discrepancies noted, it was determined that a review of this letter by the Containment Building Production Foremen would be sufficient

                '       for being' reasonably assured that they'are familiar with Weld Material traceability requirements. A further assurance has been made by a speed letter submitted by F. Rosenstein, the Hanger Area Foreman in the Contain-ment Building. (See ATTACHMENT No. 2) This Finding is now closed._          .,

    l Page 1 of 4

    HUNTER CORPORATIDN OBSERVATION NO. 1 For WMSRs not being closed out in a timely fashion, Inter-Company Corres-


    pondence letter HC-QA-71 dated 10/22/79 addresses the criteria for properly clocing out WMSRs. For the purpose of assuring the integrity of the con-tents of this letter, surveillances will continue (as in the past) to be performed and documented to indicate the fulfillment of the letter's re-quirements. This observation is now closed. -

                          -   FINDING NO. 3 '

    Component Support JTPs 1FP12001X and 1SX41017X were identified as having discrepant date entries on their respective Weld Records.


    For JTP 1FP12001X, Q.C.W.I., B Tucker, verified the correct date of in-spection through the utilization of the Daily Inspection sheets maintained by the Q.C. Inspection Superinter. dent; and, this date has been rectified on the Weld Record. For JTP 1SX41017X, the cogr,izant Craft Foreman, R. Brunson, has corrected the error in transfctring the correct date from the WMSR to the Weld Record. . i Since the responsible personnel have had dccumented training to the S'.I.P.s governing the proper nethods for document entries; and since the element of Human error shall always exist under various conditions, this Finding shall be considered closed. , FINDING NO. 4 - Of the twenty (20) JTPs selected for Item (9, none had Field Orders identified with MRR/MSR numbers. A further investigation into this matter has resulted in additional delineation of traceability requirements. These requirements are as defined in Inter-Company Correspondence letter No. HC-QA-72 (See ATTACHMENT NO. 3). This letter will satisfy the discrepancies of Finding

                            . No. 4. However, this Finding will remain an unresolved item until such time as S.I.P. 4.101 Rev.1 is revised to incorporate the requirements of Inter-Company Correspondence Letter HC-QA-72, and until surveillances of this subject provide an adequate confidence that traceability requirements are 1
       ..                    being satisfied.

    FINDING NO. 5 This Finding addressed the omission of WMSR No. 72703 from the Weld Record for Component Support No.1 AF01011R. Further investigation during this Follow-Up Audit revealed this WMSR was utilized for a "Non NF" weld. At the time of its (WMSR) issuance, it was not required for "Non-NF" welds to be documented in any manner other than as defined within Inter-Company Correspondence letter dated 1/11/78 pertaining to Safety Related Component ~ Supports. Therefore, this Finding is considered closed. - - Page 2 of 4

    HUNTER CORPORATION FINDING NO. 6 During the review of the data compiled in response to thi.s Finding, the -

                           ,following was revealed:

    A.1 AF01011R(R/1) - Hanger Field Problem AB571 with proper as-built

                               -     data has been submitted to the Hanger Engineering Department B. 2FP03075R(R/0) - The as-built information supplied on this drawing has been considered sufficient.

    C. 2FP03060R(R/0) - It was determined by S & L on-site representative, W. We11 born, and the Q. A. Supervisor, that providing all dimensional changes are identified properly, the design / operating load dimension can easily be computed by S & L. Therefore, this dimension was not necessary in this case, but, in the future the necassity cf dimensior.s of this nature being identified on the Construction Copy drawing, will be included at the discretion of the Hanger Engineering Depart-ment Supervisor. This Finding is now closed. OBSERVATION NO. 2 The as-built drawings on file in the Hanger Engineering Department for Component Support numbers 1SX17029X and 1SX10004, have been marked up sufficiently to satisfy the Hanger Engineering Department. This is adequate enough to supply the Design Engineers, therefore, this Observation is now closed. (SeeNoteBelow). AUDITORS NOTE: The results of the Exit Meeting held on 9/13/79 were as follows: A. Whenever Component Supports cannot be installed per the Construction Copy Design Drawings, and installation has been made, the cognizant Craft Supervisor shall provide complete and accurate as-built data relative to the extent of the current as-built configuration on an HC-99 Form. B. When in doubt about the extent of information necessary to be in-cluded on an HC-99 Form, the Craft Supervisor must consult with the Hanger Engineering Department. C. And finally, completeness and accuracy of as-built information supplied by Hanger Area Foremen will be assured through continuance of surveillances by the direction of the Quality Assurance Supervisor. FINDING NO. 7 . Since Q.C.W.I.s have not been trained to the criteria encompassed in the Design Engineers' M916 adjustment tolerances, their acceptance to the Craft Supervisors' as-built data has not been documented. Page 3 of 4

    HUNTER CORPORATION In.the future, when a Q.C.W.'I. is summoned for a Component Support installation, a copy of the as-built must be made available for his evalu-ation of the as-built configuration of the support. In addition, training of Q.C.W.I.s to the M916 tolerances has been committed by the Q.A. Super-visor, and will commence at his discretion. This sufficiently closes out this Finding. PREPARED BY: Y. hlY Date /0b3b9 M.A. Smith Q.A. Auditor REVIEWED BY: it N Date /0 3 99 M.H. Zeise $ / J Q.A. Lead Auditor .

                      ' APPROVED BY:

    M , Date 10/23 }74 M.L. Somsag Q.A. Supervisor Page 4 of 4


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    y .r.. . :-r wg j HUNTER CORPORATION


    om: ' October 22, 1979 to. See Distribution

                              .anou:     B. Krasawski/ M.L. Somsag sunnen Traceability Requirements for Field Ordering of Class 1 Component Supports / Materials To assure that traceability to the Certified Material Test Reports is mein-tained, the following requirements for Field Ordering of Class I, Component Supports / Materials shall be implemented.
    1. When the Area Superintendents requisition Class 1 Plate anc Shell, and lir. ear support materials, they must infcm the Warehouse Supervisor CMTR traceability nust be documented on the Field Orders.
    2. This sull be accompli.;hed by review of the Design Drawings E,ill of Materials by the cognizant Area Superinteedent (or his designee) to determine if Class 1 Plate and shell or linear support mcterials are required.
    3. The Area Superintendent must then initiate a Field Order identified with
                                                    " Class 1 CMTR Traceability Reouired" on the line, " JOB SEGMEfiT", and sub-mit to the Warehouse Supervisor.
    4. The Warehouse Supervisor must then assure that MRR/MSR numbers and Heat numbers are entered on the Field Orders for Class 1 Plate and Shell, and linear supports and materials. This must be accomplished prior to the issuance of the materials. ,
    5. Finally, the Area Superintendent is further responsible for assuring that Class 1 Plate and Shell, and linear supports / materials maintain traceability throughout installation. This must be done by utilizing j

    ' the upper portion of the Weld Record for identifying MRR/MSR numbers, and other item I.D. numbers for all Class 1 Support materials used other than as specified. on the Construction Drawing's Bill of Materials. liOTE: When installation results in an overage of materials, the transfer of traceability data on materials must be performed in the same manner utilized for ."rocess Piping. Any questions regarding this matter should be brought to our attention immediately

                  -,    . s.    ;
                       .               HUNTER CORPORATION                                        Page 2
                                         'A %.~ <-

    6 Date 4,/11/77 B. Krasawski - Project' Manager , h/ - n~n g Date /b< 22/79 a M.L. Somsag V ' Q.A. Supervisor cc: A.T. Simon, Jr. (5) F.W. McGhee (10) L.E. Jones (5) l H.Lindquist(5) 3 , K. Berta (5) W. Everet't (10) L. Hill (10) F. Walters (5) ' e e 6 9 e

    • q q 9 e

    6 0 O q e e l l

    l 1 . i 41 . 18 j

                 / i , ,"'}',h CByron mm:nwraith Edis:n Gentrtting Station
               !       ,,.,h'1 P.O. Box 8 Dyron.I!!inois 61010 1                     ,.

    I * . Date 94 9-feT , b < j TO. gagireye.$gplff,l,,Soq$,9p. FROM: G. Soiensen SPECIFICATION: FJ739 ' 7-The Commonweali;h Edison Com any has reviewed the


    following procedure (s) and found them acceptable for



                                 &lf de 00!                                  & d~               ffefrA.   .
                               .S/P        .Q.30/                          Q, f .              7l&1l1p S/P h0o b                                   g,,,,         y    gj_g{g
                                 //D WES~ Y-                               &,                  {lPff2-
                                 //C~10 N~ 0                               &]                 7k 7l1&

    Hp- tvPS-6* $% 9 7l3121


    R6llEb ! SEP 3 01982 , , l HUNTER CORP. Very truly yours, BYRON PROJECT l - COMM0FdEALTH EDISON iTh546 G. Sorensen l Project Superintendent Bvron Station


    GS/k1 ' cc: Site Filo MALCOLM LEO ,SOMSAG . c EXHIBIT No. 5 , Sii;q g ,,g.Fypepylapr I I En er ]

    4 .

               ,.,                        SARGENT a LUNDY g&Y 5             , NMs
       , ,3                                      C t4 G i tJ C cit s g,,ed 55 E AST MON POE STPCET                                    .

    C H I C A G O, ll.t.l N O I S G O G O 3 TC t.E P H O N C 3 t 2 2 G 9 2 O O O O . September 22, 1982 Project No. 4391-05 Commonwealth $dison Company Byron - Units 1&2 Piping System Installation S&L Specification: F-2739 . lir. !!. A. Stanish Byron OA Superintendent , Coim.onwealth Edison Company Syron Station ,

    Dear Mr. Stanish:

    Enclosed is a copy of the following Hunter Corporation procedurcs h, which have been reviewed and accepted. Procedurcs: HC-NPS-5 Rev. 9 7-27-82 - BC-WPS-13 Rev. 7 7-27-82 HC-UPS-8 Rev. 9 8-2-82 SIP 2.201 Rev. 8 7-29-82 gip __{. 0 00. Re_v_. 9 7-2G-82) , Also enclosed, is a copy of the following procedure. Please revise as noted and resubmit, contractor laay proceed based on laaking revisions noted. Procedure: HC-WPS-41 Rev. 7 8-3-82 Picase respond with a disposition / resolution of these co:r:nonts by October 22,. 1982. Yours very truly, FRANK A. KOGil ANITX MILLER PAK: AIE1:brm F. A. Kosik In duplicate Senior Quality Control Coordinator Enc 3onures ' CJ O . '/. Unsterr/icr (1/1)

    • D. L. Leone /W. C. Cleff (1/0)

    G. Sorennen / (3/1) R. J. Rahownhi/K. J. Green (3/1) C. U. Pruche (1/0) GoPY

    K , q .4 St.iiGEijTG LUfjDY mudiuos . O . OUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES REVIEW REPORT Client Commonwealth Edi_ son comortny Project Byron Contractor llunber Corporation - Project No. 4391-05 Unitir L S&L Specification No. F-2739 PROCEDURE TITLE __ See Below Rev. Date Procedurc No.- GIG ECM.b'ar:- - - W Reviewed t. Accepted R Revise as noted and resubmit.

                                                                      !!old fabrication.

    Results do not meet specifi-Revise as noted and resubmit. l cation requirements. Om l l Contractor can proceed based I on making revisions noted . COfiMENTS : SIP 2.201 Rev. 8 7-29-82 Desion Control (SIP 4.000 Rev. 9 7-26-82 ControlofConstructionProcessep Di s t.ri bu t i on : Revicued by P. A. Kosik __ i SNTIO E M}W)LO.V7X102Q 2 Dat.c,_ September 22. 1982 i o r* t% v , 1 ASS 17 0

    sl.P. tio. 4.000 QUAL.lTY ASSURAfJCE PROGRAM [._. J j

    r. m .

    h g nEVISION SITE linPLEfAENTATION PROCEDURE C~ ._Cl e 7-bb-02 Q 'UAlC 54 MUNTER CORPORATION PAcc_ I OF CO:1 TROL OF C0::STRUCTIO!1 PRO, CESSES TABLE OF COIiTEllTS Article fio. ' Description Page 1.0 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . - ... ... . .... 2 2.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.0 Assignment of Responsibili ties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4.0 Process Sheet System. . ......... ..... . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.0 llork Pl a nni n g Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 4 6.0 Ini ti a tion of JTPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7.0 Distribution and Producticn Implenentatior.. . . . . . . , . 6 8.0 Field Routing '<, 2" Class B avi C Piping . . . . . . . . . . 0 9.0 Field Tolerances for Component Support. . . . . . . . . . 12 10.0 In-Field Design C'icnge To Component Supports. . . . . . . . 13 11.0 - Method for Rework / Modi fication. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 16 12.0 JTP Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

           ;.                   13.0              Directives Relative To Fabrication /Installaticn . . . . . .        20 14.0              Training Pequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         26
                                  ---             Appendix 1 pg. 1 Fabri ca ting Tolerances . . . . . . ' . . . . 27
                                  ---             Appendix 1 pg. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         28 IIN-14 Form Process Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         29 Illi-15 Form !!el d Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      30 Illi-14A Form Process Sheet (P-1-P8 Butt Welds) . . . . . . .       31 lill-15A Form Held Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...        32 Illi-14B Form Process Sheet (Component Supports with Fill e t Wel d Joi nts ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 lill-14C Form Process Sheet (Piping Socket Weld) . . . . . .        34 lit!-15C Form Weld Record. . . . . . .~. . . ... . . . . . .        35
    0 ;n p3 m ---

    IIN-14D Form Process Sheet (Pipe Bending) . . . . . . . . . 36

                                                  !!!!-14E Form Process Sheet (l'echanical Joint) front . . . .
                '8                                                                                                     37 hP6,
     .R h

    7J --- Ilit-14E Form Process Sheet (licchanical Joint) back. . . . . 38 y ,".y if l 0 ---

                                                  !!!!-14F Form Process Shcet (Component Supports with o     n s::         {    EJ                   Fille t Weld Joi nts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        39 o X F 9

    y --- 111 -15F Ferm Replacement /!'odification Materials Used. . . . til!-14G Form Process Sheet (Pipe Ubip Restraint). . . . . . 40 i ,,

                                  ---                                                                                  41

    ,@ .  ;; i d --- lill-15G Form Held Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 s  ; i-- --- lilt-14tl Form Process Sheet (Piping Socket Ueld) . . . . . . 43 {'m%?! C lill-14I Form Process Sheet (Pipe Cending) . . . . . . . . . y g} hic

                                   ---                                                                                 44

    ,s0 p.t---  !!C-30 Form Isometric / Spool Drawing Control . . . . . . . . 45

    ; Wp                    3 ,' ---
                                   ---            IIC-54 Form Drawing / Document File Sign-Cut. . . . . . . . .        46 1                      lil!-18 Forn Rework Reques t. . . . . . . . . . . ......             47 Ilil-153 Form Ucid record. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .         48
                                   ---            IIC-81 Form Engineering 1.og of Rework Requests (RR) . . . .         49
                                   ---            IIC-U]A forn Field 1.09 of Ecwork Requests, !!nnconform-ance'; (l;R) and Reports of I;ondestructive Exanination De fec ts ( Hi:D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 l' Snubber Connect ien Ry. . ..........



         /9         1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 ~ To provide general requirements and instructions for the control of hardware fabrication, installation, alteration, and removal.
         /9         2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This SIP governs work activity on hardware categorized as Safety Related on the design drawings and corresponding lists.
                                 .1     Safety Related structures and hardware will be identified by a Roman fiumeral one (I) cn the design drawings or the drawings will contain a statement such as: Safety Related or Safety                    .

    Pelated items'are shown on this drawing.

                                         .A The various lists (piping line, valve, equiptrent, or support)            -

    will indicate the Quality Class (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H).

                                 .2 Mon-Safety Related related structures or hardware will be identified by a Roman Numeral two (II) on the design drawings
     .Q V                                  or the drawings will not contain a statement on safety l

    categorization. , 1 2.2 This SIP is also applicable to harduare under the jurisdiction of - Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

                                 .1      Section XI shall be applicable once all fabrication, installation, examination, and testing requirements of Section III have been complied with, as demonstrated by a N-5 Code Data Report with Hunter Corporation and Hunter Corporation Authorized Inspection Agency representative signatures.

    3.0 ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIDILITIES 3.1 The Project Engineer is responsible for initiation, checking, distribution, and revision to Job Traveler Packages (JTPs), according to this SIP.

          /9              3.2    The Quality Assurance Administrative Supervisor (QAAS) is responsible -

    for review of J1Ps prior to their release to the Production forces, to ! assure that the JTPs identify and fulfill all Code, Specification, I and regulatory requirements, f

          /9              3.3 The Field Superintendents are responsible for implementation of and adherence to approved JIPs, this SIP and any other procedures that A>                          interface with fabrication and/ci installation of work withiti the Sco;x 3.4 The Quality Assurance Lead Auditor (s) are responsible for monitoring the implementation of this SIP.

    3.5 The Inspection Supervisor is responsible for directing the performance

                                  ,. c 4 . . . . - e n. .w. r .... i n d I,o t im niu..v: cnnf rn1 documents.

    e .

               ,     s.t.P. No.      4.000               QUALITY ASSURANCE FROGRAT.1                     L _. ]

    nEVISION 9


    112.'T.~.J."G 7-25-82 DATE 1 ' PAGE OF 34_ 4.0 PROCESS SHEET SYSTEM 4.1 Process Sheets serve to specify technical requirements and necessary inspections and identify acceptance of the work by both Hunter Corporation Inspectors and the Authorized liuclear Inspector (A!!I). Owner acceptance measures can be incorporated as directed. 4.2 Controlling process plans are initiated by Engineering and reviewed for Code and/or Specification compliance by Quality Assurance. F ocess plans are composed of Co.tstruction drawings and Process Sheets.

                                       .1  Construction d,rawings shall be preaared using sced engineering practice. Construction drawings s1all be in st.fficient detail to make the process sheets intelligible and traceable to each job segment in terns of joint number, components, special pro-cesses, ctc. Construction drawings shall be checked by Engi-r.eering personnel other than those who prepared them.
                                       .2  Process sheets shall be prepared by Engineerir,g personnel.

    Oz The process sheets shall be from one of two basic formats. The formats are:

                                           .A   Process sheets with predetermined and preprinted technical information fields, such as indicated by Form Hil-14A. The specifics of the technical informatien is filled in by Engineering. Data to be furnished or compiled is deter-mined by the Project Engineer and Quality Assurance Super-visor. These types of process sheets are designed for mass production to suit and control activities such as butt welds, socket welds, fillet welds on hangers, and so forth. Process sheets of this type are submitted to r      .                                     the ANI for format acceptance prior to their use by j                                            Engineering.
                                           .D   Process sheets with generic information fields, as indicated by Form llft-14. The specifics, in terms of format presentation and concept that will be added to provide instruction for and control of the work, are i                                            provided by the Project Engineer in conjunction with

    , the Quality Assurance Supervisor. These types of process l sheets are designed with relative inspections and accept-ance criteria for special work on a case by case basis. An example of such special work could be assembly and , l p' inspection of a machine element.  !

    e .

    • ' iS.I.P. NO.


    • 26'b2 O

    PAGE OF _

                             .3 Regardless of the process sheet format employed, all pre-construction JTPs are reviewed by Quality Assurance prior to their issue to the Production forces. Any JTPs that are under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
                                . Code are presented to the Ai!I for acceptance prior to their issue to the Proc!uction forces. Revisions to JTPs are handled in the same manner.

    5.0 HORK PLA!!!!II:G SYSTEM 5.1 The Owner, through coordination meetings, aavises the flunter Corporation Field Superintendents and Project Engineer of the schedule and coordination requirements for plant construction. 5.2 The Project Engine'er directs the Engineering Department to review Design documents (such as A&E drauings and Vendor drawings) to determine Safety ciassification of work to be undertaken to satisfy the schedule.

                             .1  Any Design documents ander ASME Code and/or Safety P. elated -

    Category 1 jurisdici, ion shall have JTPs prepared for use for h the Production forces.

                             .2 The Field Superintender.ts shall advise the Froject Engineer of their intentions relative to work initiation so as to produce a reasonably smooth flow of necessary JTPs to the field.
                             .3 The Field Superintendents shall provide any necessary input to the Project Engineer that the Project Manager and Quality Assurance Supervisor deem necessary to minimize interference between Production and Inspection.
                             .4   The Field Superintendents shall not cause any erection or assembly tork that is indicated as ASiiE Code'and/or Safety Related - Category 1 to be initiated without simultaneous          j implementation of the governing JTPs.

    5.3 During the course of erection and assembly, if field interference and/or revision notification is encountered, further processing shall be according to this SIP. 6.0 Il!ITIATIO! 0F JTPs 6.1 The Project Engineer directs preparation of Construction drawings __ as the schedule requires. The Construction drawings may be gen-() erated from Vendor drawings or Af E detail drawings with ilunter Corporation overlays, or the Engineering Departuent may prepare them from the details furnished by the ASE Design drawings. All Construction drau;ngs shall be prepared and controlled in the Engineering l'epartuent in accordance with the SIP for Ison:etric and Spool Drauing Control.


    ,T   '
             's.t.p. no. 4.00_0                 QUAUTY ASSUnAt1CE PROGl:AM                       [ ~~l~3        '
                                                                                                   *j '.*.*: f SITE IMPLEr.1ENTATION Pi10CEDUllE                     [.) e          i

    DATE - O PAGE OF _2

                             .1   Only Design and/or Vendor drawings transmitted by the Owner and/or A&E as "For Your Use," "For Fabrication / Installation" or " Advance Copy" status may be employed to generate Construc-tion drawings. This shall be in accordance with the Document
                                 , Control SIP.
                             .2 The Project Engineer shall maintain drawing control as specified in the SIP that addresses Document Control.

    6.2 Utilizing the drawing generated by Article 6.1, Specifications and applicable subsection of the Code, the Project Engineer pre-pares a set of process sheets for the segment of work.

                              .1  The process sheets shall describe each segment of work in terms of:    '
                                   .A The sequence of operations and processes, such as component inspection, fit-up, root pass welding, weld
              !                        out, finished weld visual inspection, and the perform-ance of condestructive examination (liDE).

    @ .B Specifications and thicknesses of materials to bc. used.

                                   .C  Joint designs, welding processes, filler metals, preheat temperature, in heat treate.(t_erpass (PWilT)temperature, requirementsliDE,   and for the   post weld welding pro-cedures and materials specified.
                                   .D   Special requirements, such as flat topping of finished welds.
                                   .E   In-process Quality Contro! and Authorized fluclear Inspector inspection hold and uitness points.
                                   .F   Procedures to be used for accomplishing the work and for inspection.
                              .2  Various types of process sheets are utilized for joining and installation activities. The only variations from one type to another will be that the technical requirements (descriptien of job segment), sequence of operations and operationdescriptionstplchange(i.e.aveldedjoint for AS!;E Class 1 piping has more complex requirements than does a Subsection liF, Class 3 fillet weld).


    c . S .I.P. NO. 4.000 QUAUTY ASSURAUCC Pi10G!iAti [N~,~]

                                                                                                                          'L *'JT^


            /9                        6.3 For work that involves welding and recuires a record of materials used and/or welders involved, a weld recort is included to record weld data in the field. The eeld record may be printed on the back side of the process sheets, or included as a separate document. A sample weld record format is indicated on form ilN-15. The provisions of Article 4,2.2 apply likewise to weld records,
                                            ,1    llhen a weld record is issued as a separate document, Engineering shall provide all data above the chart area to provide traceability
                                                  .to the' governing precess sheets, 6.4 The Project Engineer forwards the prepared process sheets and the Construction Copy Drawing (.s) * (.CCD) - stan$ed in red, to Quality
              .                             Assurance for review. The CCD is reproduced from the drawiny generated by Article'6.1 A Field Order (form liN-10) shall be included in JTPs,
                                            .1    The Field Order is atplryed by the field Production forces to requisition componenth end materi'als (except welding materials).

    needed for fabricaticn and installation. The Field Order is prepared and processed in ecccedance with the SIP that addt; esses same.

            /9                        6.5 Quality Assurance re'icus the procese sheets and CCDs for Design Specificatica and Code requirenent con.pliance and ettablishes inspection points or concurs with those established by Engineering 1
                                             .1    A Hold Point shall be designated by a check mark (/). and a Witness Point by an (~*).,

    l . A A lloid Point is a completion level beyond which vork. shall not proceed without Production obtaining the i'nspection required, l .B A Witness Point requires the Inspector to physically witness a work 6.6 Quali.ty Assurance coordinates the review of process sheets and CCDs with the ANI (.if work is under ASME jurisdiction). The ANI establishes [ Iloid and/or Hitness Points as necessary and accepts the package. l 6,7 The preconstruction package, displaying QA ap acceptance (.for tiork under ASME jurisdiction) proval,toand ANI

                                                                                                       , is returned Engineering for distribution I

    i 7,0 DISTRIBUTION A90 PRODUCTION IMPLEMENTATION  ; O 7.1 The Project Enqineer distributes the QA approved process sheets and drauings as follows:

    .- ~ . - . - . . 4.000 l{_ , ] S.l P. NO. Ot AuTY ASSUR^.NCE PROGnAT.1

                                                                                                               } '*

    nev 510N -9 SITE !!!.PLEMENTATION PROCEDURE [ Ae DATE _ 7-26-02 PAGE OF _ b -

                                         .1    Project Enginect's files.
                                               .A The Engineering copy of the process sheets.
                                               .B   The drawing generated by Article 6.1 2 Construction copy JTP to the /.rea Superintendents.
                                               .A The Construction copy of the process sheets.


                                               .B   The Construction copy of the drawing.


                                               .C   For piping installation drawings that have component.

    support lotations added, an additional CCD or Contialled g Copy shall be issued fo" use in support installation, j i

                                         .3 Additional copies of process control docu:r.cnts may be                  }

    issued by Enginecring for reference or investigative purposes. The Field Superintendents shall use only copies marked

                                               " Construction Copy" in red for fabrication, installation,and

    _Q q# inspection. Engineering may i<: sue controlled or uncontrolled j copies for refercnce or investigative purposes, as ~specified by the party requesting the documents. , i 7.2 All copies of the JTPs shall be maintained in a fire resistant  ! environment when not in use by Engineering for reference / update, I or by the Field Production forces to accomplish the work. l 7.3 Engineering reference copies, and Construction copies (of JTPs in the field) shall be filed by system in numerical progression. 7.4 l! hen JTPs or portions thereof are withdrawn from the field Document Stations, a Drawing / Document File Sign-Out card (Form lic-54) shall be initialed, dated and placed on file. As an alternate to the }lC-54 Sign-Out card, a Sigr.-Out Log may be used. When JTPs are returned to the file, the card shall be withdrawn and marked-up to reflect the JTP return. 7.5 JTPs withdrawn from the Document Station shall be located es close as practical (considering the potentially harmful effects of wind, water, fire and other deneging factors) to the activities being conducted in conjunction with the JTP. It shall be the responsi-bility of the individual Craf t Suncrvisors to maintain the JTPs in a safe and secure ranner in a location that is known and m accessible to all personnel involved in the activitics the JTPs V prescribe.

    e. .
             'S.I.P. H O.      4.000                 OUAucy AscuuAucE pnccaAr1                      [,   -]
                                                                                                     %*nr nEVISION _          9___

    d 21 SITE IMPLEMENTATIOld PROCEDURE L _.. J e g DATE 7*26~02 PAGE ._ 8_ OF __. 54__ HU! UTER CORPORAT[OLU 7.6 The individual Production Supervisors are responsible for entering all Production status data and traceability data in the in-process JIPs, Data relative to technical status, personnel performing the work, and material traceability is required to be recorded on the process sheets, weld records, rework requests, PSDs, and etc. The. individual Production Supervisors shall enter the required data in the following time frames.

                                .1    When procedures for performing the work (i.e. welding, heat treatment, bolting, etc.) are specified on the JTP documents, the current approved revision numbers to which the work is to conform shall be entered on the document specifying the pro-cedure. This shall be done prior to or concurrently with initiation of the work. Inspections and tests shall be per-formed to the acceptance criteria specified in the procedure and revision number used to perform the production operation.
                                 ,2   Personnel performing the work according to specified pro-               l cedares and revision numbers shall be identified on the JTP docuannts as each cperatien is performed. Fcr those opera-tions that require more than one working day to complete,
     ?                                the data should be recorded prior to the end of the workday,            ,

    and shall be recorded prior to presentation of the work for inspection.

                                 .3 Material traceability data (i.e. heat / code numbers on pipe, fittings, plate and structural shapes, or; serial numbers on valves, strainers, flow elements, etc. , or; heat and lot / code numbers of welding' materials) shall be entered in the same manner as specified for personnel identification in 7,G.2. flaterials used shall in all cases be as identified on the corresponding field order or requisition, 7.7 As the work progresses, it is the responsibility of the individual Production Supervisors to obtain the 6pproval for work from a Quality Control /Helding Inspector when !!oid or Witness Points are reached. Work may not proceed past these inspection points without obtaining the required inspection or getting written approval i' rem the Quality Assurance Supervisor,
                                 .1   When Al:I I!old or Witness Points are reached, it is the respon-sibility of individual Production Supervisors and Quality Control /Uelding Inspectors to contact the A!:I to schedule the inspection. Uork may not proceed past these inspection points without obtaining the required inspection or getting the approval of the A'!I.


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    DATE PAGE 9 OF 54 HUNTER CORPCDATEOQ 7.8 The Quality Control / Welding Inspectors are responsible for assuring' that all as-built is complete and up to date at each inspection point. If as-built data is incomplete, the Inspector shall noti'fy the cognizant Production Supervisor to correct the deficiencies. No insp'ections shall be performed if deficiencies exist on the documentation.

                                        .1   Under routine conditions the QC Inspectors will use the
           /9                                 Construction Copies" of the documentation controlling the work.                 _.

    TheQCInspector initials in the space marked " Inspected By" and this will signify acceptance of that step in the sequence. Under special conditions uncontrolled copies of drawings may be used for performance of inspections. When uncontrolled drawings are used the controlling documentation shall identify and authorize thei.r use. 7,9 As the work progresses, the J1P will acquire additional documentation. Tile following documents will be centained in the implemented JTP or interface during the constructiori operations.

                                         ,1   Will be contained in'the JTP Construction Drawing Process Sheets Weld Material Stores Requisition Results copies of GDE Requests Tay' interface with the JTP ,

    Hea,t Treat Charts Rework Requests Reports of Examination Defects Honconformance Reports 8.0 FIELD ROUTING 0F < 2" CLASS B AND C PIPING 8.1 For the subject 2tt and under piping, a drcwing shall be prepared by either the A&E or-Hunter Corporation Engineering, which specifies piping configuration and dimensions. The drawin]s shall be prepared on A&E furnished format. The drawings shall have a Hunter Corporation Title Block added by the Engineering Department.

                                          ,1   A note shall appear on each drawing that states, " Configuration and dimension is approximate". Field to determine actuals and imark-up drawing to reflect as-built co1ditions.

    O ,2 Tne ero;ect engincer nay direct dimensionai/ configuration changes to drawings furnished by the ALE prior to their release to the field. Any changes shall be described in the Drawing Release Record portion of the Hunter Title Block.

                                          .3    In all other respects, the requiremen;.s of Section 6.0 apply.                     f


    4,000 s.i.e. no. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM l_ ..J 9 r=

                                                                                                               ~ ~ -

    nEvlS!ON ~ SITE II.1PLEinEHTATIOs1 PROCEDURE l i.'._'T Je DATE ._. ~b0 PAGE_ 10__op 54 HUfdTER CORPORATIOl'd 8.2 Once the 2" and under piping JTP is distributed to the field for implementation, it shall be the responsibility of the Field Super-intendent to fabricate and/or install the piping line(s) to the line, elevation, location, and dimensions shoun on the CCD where-ever possible. If however, it is irc.possible or impractical to install the line(s) as shown, due to interferences or other unforeseen circumstances, the Field Superintendents may direct whatever changes in location, elevation, and dimensions are necessary to facilitate the installation of the line.

                                           .1  The Area
    • Superintendent shall be responsible for directing the mark-up of the CCD to show changes necessary to accomplish the installation. A contrasting color (preferably red) shall be used for these mark-ups whenever possible.
                                               .A   If mark-up of t'ne front side of the drawing would make the drawing difficult to interpret, it will be permissible to use the back side.
                                               .B   All as-built dimensions shall be reported to the nearest inch.
                .               8.3 If rerouting results in the need to use additional materials, add
     .-                                  or delete weld / pipe bends, the following methods shall be employed:
                                           .1  If additional materials are necessary, they shall be of the same specification, type or grade, size, rating or schedule and quality class as the materials between the welds / bends
    where field routing is being employed.
                                               .A   The process sheets furnished by Engineering provide tha specifics of material requirements for the various product forms. Only those materials may be used.

    , .8 Continuation Process Sheets, as described in the following

    Articles, shall be added to the JTP before starting the ,

    field route, {,

                                           .2  If additional socket welds are necessary, the Production Supervisor shall add Continuation Socket Weld Process Sheets (Form IZ-MH) to the JTP. The continuation sheets serve the purpose of being an inspection checklist and are of the format identified in Article 4.2.2. A. The continuation process sheets display predetermined I!old Points.

    O -

                                     ;   ' s.t.P. NO. 4*00_0
                                                          .                    QUALITY ASGunANCE PROGnAM                            [ 7.. T .j ncvision         9                                                                         U SITE IIAPLETAEIJTATIOI4 PnOCEDURE                        L._._"] e

    DATE O . 34_ PAGE _U . OF

                                                                 .A When welds are added, they shall be assigned Field Held (FH) numbers by the Production Supervisor. These numbers shall be plainly marked on the CCD and on the continuation process sheets. The added sheets shall also have the
                                                               ,       governing JTP number noted. Added field weld numbers shall consist of the lower of the two existing field weld numbers between which the new welds are added, followed by a dash and a numerical progression. If field welds are required for a drawing for which no field welds existed before, the Project Engineer shall be contacted to assign field weld numbers, uelding procedure and tide requirements.

    Example: If three new welds are added between existing field Welds FW-145 and FU-146, the added welds till be designated FW-145-1, Fl!-145-2 and FN-145-3.

                                                                 .B                              erformed using the same Melding Pro-Added cedure welds     shall be p(UPS) that is specified on the process Specification sheets furnished by Enginaering for the welds between which field routing is being employed.
                     @                 .                         .C    The Production Supervisors shall record all welding anel natorial traceability data (including additional piping material as discussed in Article 8.3.1) on the back side of the continuation process sheets. This includes the UPS and revision number for each added weld.
                                                                 .D    tiondestructive examinatica requirements for added welds shall be the same as for the welds between which field The Quality Entrol Helding             !

    routing is (QCUI Inspectors being) employed. shall therefore refer to the process sheets furnished by Engineering for !!DE requirements.

                                                                 .E    If welds other than socket welds are required, the Project Engineer shall be contacted for resolution.
                                                            .3   If field weld (s) are deleted, the process sheet and CCD shall be marked-up to indicate the deletion.

    Exampics: (A) " Weld deleted due to reroute" (B) " Weld deleted. Replaced by Bend !!o. XX"

                                                            .4   If additional Field Dends are necessary, the Production Super-visor shall add continuation Pipe Uending Process Sheets (Form ilN-141) to the JTP. T! c:e continuation sheets are in all other O                                     resPacts identica1 to those =Pecified in ^rticle a 3 2 and are applicable to ?" and under piping only.

    .-- = = - = e .

                ' s.t.p. N O. .      4.000                 QUAUTY ASSURANCt! PROGR$f.1                    [~~ ~ ~] j REVISION              9                                                                  .! .. . ' t.

    SITE It!:PLEMENTATION Pf1OCEDUllE tr.r ,1 e ggg 7 io-Ut _ 54 HUNTER CORPon/.Wtop PAan 12 or i

                                         .A When field bends are added, they shall be assigned Field Bend (FB). numbers in the same fashion as for Field Welds.

    In all other respects, the requirements of Article 8.3.2.A apply. If field bends are required for a drawing for which no field bends existed before, the Project Engineer shall be contacted to assign field bend numbers. B All field bcnds shall be according to the SIP for Cold Bending of Pipe and Tube.

                                          .C   The ifroduction Supervisors shall record all material trace-ability data on the process sheets for the connecting vields.
                                   .5     If bend (s). are' deleted, the process sheet shall be marked to indicate the deletion.

    Exarples: (A) "Cend deleted due to reroute" (B). " Bend deleted. Replaced by Welds XXX and XXX." Q 9.0 FIELD T01.ERANCES FOR COMP 0NEUT SUPPORTS 9.1 All componant support installations shall Se performed in accord-ance with the requirements of the support CCD (relative to config-uration details and location details - when pipe line fixed point dimansions are provided in the key plan) and the corresponding piping isometric (relative to attachment location to the pipe line - when the support CCD does not provide fixed point pipe line locations in the key plan).

                                    .1    When interferences prevent installation of supports per the CCDs, the A&E support toicrances shall be employed.
                                           .A' The Production Supervisor shall analyze the problem and direct installation in accordance with the most effective A&E support tolerances.
                                           .B   In the event that a lug uelded or to be welded to the pipe line (or any other pressure beundry component) must be relocated, Engineering shall be contacted for resolution.
                                           .C   All welding of elements that form an extension of the building structure (AISC/PC/ Mon !!F) and all vielding of elements that attach to the extensions of the building O                                        structure (liF) shall be performed in accordance with.
         '#                                     the fillet. weld 1:PS specificd on the process sheet.

    In the event a full penetration weld is necessary, Engineering shall be contacted for essistance. Use of A&E Support tolerances will usually not result in the

              ' s.iLP. NO. ._.id100                  ouAuTV Assunt. tace PaoGnAu                       [,j
                                                                                                        *) *.n ' j-REvlSION         9                                                                           '

    MUNTER CORPORATEOf/ PAGE 13 or _ 54 addition of "liF" welds (welds that may requiie MT, PT, RT, or UT per ASME III Subsection NF rules), but may result in the relocation of existing ones. If NF welds a.e added through use of the A&E support tolerances,

                                    .       the Production Supervisor shall document the welds in the manner specified in 9.1.3.A.
                                 .2   The tolerances used graphically described on a Component Support /CEA Discrepency Report (Form IIC-99), which shall be marked "As-Built" and initiated as specified in the SIP.that addresses Design Control .
                                      .A    The !!C-99 report number shall be marked on the corresponding
          .                                 CCD, the HC-99 shall be included in the JTP, and all v:elding dai:a shaly be recorded on the existing or a continuation weld record (by the Production Supervisor), prior to presenting the wor $ to Quality Control.
                                 .3   If a suppoEt assembly is interchanged per the allowances of the ASE support tolerances, the Production Supervisor shall prepare

    - a HC-99 indicating the change in the Bill of Materials and

     .h                               mark the llc-99 number on the CCD.
                                      .A    If the interchange, or use of other tolerances, involves the addition of "f!F" welds designated an NF-5213 (for fillet welds with < 1" throat thickness only), 5222, 5223, 5232, or 5233, the Production Supervisor shall indicate the additional "NF" welds on the llc-99. A continuation process. sheet'shall be generated for the additional welds.
                                 .4   The completed installation shall be inspected to the criteria of the HC-99, CCD, and WPS specified for fillet welds on the process sheet (unless the velds are full penetration; then a separate or revised process sheet with appropriate HPS criteria will be necessary).


        /9               10.1 The field forces may install a component support concurrently with the processing of an ECN/FCR, as specified in the SIP that addresses Design Control.       The changes necessary to accomplish installat. ion may render the existint; currcat JTP ineffective relative to docu-mentation of ASME III Subsection UF welding, examination, and in -

    spection requirements, and established Owner requirements. l

                       ' s.s.r. No . 4.000                         QUAUTY ASSURANCE Pn0Guf.M                         [ ~]  ..

    n 9 '( Gf sion - 7-26-82 SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDUP.E F .be DATE PACE I4 OF _54_ NUE'UIUS CONEONNTUOb 10.2 i

            /9 Prior of      to proceeding an ECil/FCR,               withSupervisor the Production   installation shallconcurrently analyze the       with    the A&E representative approved resolution sketch to determine impact               j on tile existing current JTP.                                                    j
                                                 .1' The Production Supervisor shall compare the A&E approved resolution sketch to the current CCD to determine if Subsection            
                                                     !!F weld examination designations (i.e. !!F - 52 XX; where XX               j indicates variable numerals) for welds assigned a llunter weld            '1 number have been changed; or, if 11F ueld examination designations have been added that are not assigned a llunter weld number.               ;
                                                      .A   The purpose of this step shall be to identify any welds              I'
               ,                                           on the resolution sketch that have different examination             .

    requirements from the existing current CCD and process l'i sheets, and to identify any flF welds and examination designations that are in addition to; not specified by; . or detract from the ones identified on the existing - i 4 current CCD and process sheets. l 4

            /9                                        .B   11F weld examination designations !1F-5213 (for fillet welu          '

    Q ' with < 1" throat thickness only), !!F-5222, ilF-5223, !!F-5232, and !!E-5233 indicate visual examination requirements and can be installed concurrently with processing of an ECil/FCR Any supports with other fiF ueld examination designations shall not be installed concurrently with processing of an ECil/ FCR. In those cases, Engineering shall be contacted for , issuance of a revised J,TP. 10.3 If all liF weld designations on the A&E representr.tive approved , skctch are one or a combination of those identified in Sub::rticle  ;. 10.2.1B, and if the existing current CCD displays only one or a i combination of those same design 2tions, and the liF weld quantities are the same on both the CCD and sketch, the Production Supervisor shai, l .1 Mark up the sketch with the !!vnter weld number designations ! in a fashion that parallels the method used on the CCD, and;

                                                 .2   Identify the sketch and ECil/fCR number on the CCD and existing process sheets, and;
                                                 .3  Proceed with the installation per the sketch, any applicable portion of the CCD, and the existing process sheet.


    s . . 4.000 ["" . ..j

                            ' S.I.P. NO.                              OUAu'rY AGGURATICE PilOGRAf!!

    nEVISIO'N 9'- *l T t SITE IDlP!_EMENTATION PriOCEDUFtE [.i. _' a' . gyg _ 7-26-82

       .O                     PAGE._15 ,op _54                                                    HUrdTER CORPOR/WCCE 10.4 If the same conditicns exist as identified in Article .10.3 exce)t                      ,

    that the sketch has less quantittes of t!F welds than the CCD, tr ' Production Supervisor shall: l i

                                                   .1   l' ark up the sketch with the required number of !!unter weld               ;

    number designations in a fashion that parallels the method . used on the CCD, and;

         /g                                        .2   Identify.the sketch and FCR/ECl! nts.ber on the CCD and existing process sheets, and;                                                        i
                                                  .3 Mark the unnecessary (funter weld number designations on the process sheets," DELETED," and;
                                                  .4    Proceed with the installation per the sketch, any applicable portion of the CCD, and the existing marked up process sheets.

    10.5 If the same conditions exist as identified in 10.3 except that the sketch has a greater quantity of !!F welds than the CCD, the Pro-duction Supervisor shall; p

                                                  .1    Mark up the sketch with the existing Hunter ueld number desig-nations, and when they run out, continue on in ascending numerical progression in a fashion that parallels the method used on the CCD, and; e


         /9                                       .2    Identify the sketch and FCR/ECt! numbers on the CCD and existing process sheets, and; l
                                                  .3    Initiate and add a Continuation Process Sheet (Form Hil-14B) to the JTP, and; l                                              .4    Proceed with insta11atien per the sketch, any applicable per-              '

    tion of the preexisting process sheets and the continuation process sheets. l 10.6 !!cn-NF welding resulting frem a design change (processed in j accordance with the Design Control SIP) shall be documented on either l the process sheet issued with the CCD or on a continuation process l sheet at the discression of the Production Supervisor. I

                                                  .1    The Production Supervisor shall utilize the Welding Procedure Specification (UPS) identified on the original process sheet.

    If no previous lion-f!F welds were present, the HPS recognized for use on said welds shall be utilized. , l l

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               - S.I.P. NO. 4.000                   QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM                    L, ,,, _,, i]

    g 3.b SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE r- 91e DATE -~d6 _-82 O exag 16 og _ 54 . HUNTER CORPORATION

                                  .2    In any event, the Production Supervisor shall indicate the WPS and UPS Revision number utilized on the weld record.

    10.7 In the event that previously inspected flan-f1F welds are to be re-worked as a result of a design change, the rework shall be documented on either the original process sheet or a continuation process sheet at the discression of the Production Supervisor.

                                   .1   In any event, the inspecting QCWI shall indicate that previously performed inspections are no longer applicable by making one line through the previous inspector's signature and date and document-ing the new inspection.

    11.0 METHOD FOR REWORK / MODIFICATION 11.1 Rework and' repair during installation operations is performed to make modifications, correct unacceptable conditions or to correct defective or nonconforming items.

                                   .1   Rework of this nature will usually be such that utilization of process sheets wouid be disadvantageous from a control and economic standpoint. Rework of this nature would be special-ized and shall be approached on a case by case basis through Q                                  the use of a Rework Request (Form HN-18).

    11.2 Rework requests shall be prepared through either the Welding Engi-eer/ Supervisor or by the Project Engineer, depending on the exper-tise needed for providing and accomplishing cctisfactory rework.

                                   .1    Prepared rework requests shall be logged in the Rework Request Log (Form HC-81). The Welding Department and the Engineering Department shall maintain separate logs. Rework requests shall be assigned numbers in ascending numerical order from the logs. The Welding Department shall prefix their

    numbers with "WD." 11.3 The prepared rework request shall be stamped " Construction Copy" in red and forwarded to the Quality Assurance Department for review and approval in the same manner as process sheets.

                                    .1   The Quality Assurance Department forwards the Rework Request to the ANI, if the work is under ASME jurisdiction, for review and acceptance.

    11.4 The approved and accepted rework request is then forwarded to Engineering for distribution to the affected Field Superintendent (s). 1") (-

    a . 4.000 ouAttrY ASSUn AMCE PROCHAM

                     ' S.I.P. NO.                                                                             [7.y'

    ntviston 9 J. ' SITE IMPLEMENTNGON PI:0CEDURE L.__ .! e DATE 7-2bO2 O PAGE ._1*L__ OF __ 54 . HUlMTER CORPORATEO[U

                                        .1       The Field Superintendents shall maintain a Document Station Rework Request Log (Form UC-81A) to track requests. Rework requests shall be signed out and returned in the same manner as JTPs. Rework requests shall be maintained in a Rework
                                              , Request file.
                                        .2       The rework request is implemented in the construction operation by the Production Supervisor. All requirements must be satis-ficd in r.cquence as the reuerk request shall furnish step by sicp instructions to be followed by ?roduction and Inspection.
        .                        11.5 Once all requirements of the rework request have been completed, the QCHI involved last shall review the request as it directs.
                                        .1       The QCHI shalT note the rework request on the affected process sheet at the sequence that necessitated its development.

    11.6 The reviewed request shall be returned to the Production Supervisor for closing out the Document Station Rework Request Log eni.ry and forwarding to QA.

          @                             .1       Quality Assurance shall review the completed rework requests to assure all requirements, as stated, have been complied with.
                                        .2 The approved rework requests (for ASME uork only) shall then be presented to the Ai!I for completion acceptance.
                                        .3 Once completion reviews are finished, the reworks are placed on file according to the SIP for QA Record Storage.

    11.7 Other documents, such as Nonconformance Reports (MRs) and Reports of liondestructive Examination Def ects (RiCs) will be issued to the i field Production forces to correct unsatisfactory conditions.  !

                       '                These documents are initiated anc' implemented as described in the                '

    l Honconformance Processing, Case l'etal Repair, and Held Repair SIPS. In other respects, these documents shall additicnally be processed as follous. ! .1 The Field Seperintendents shall direct the maintenance of Document Station l'R and Ri:D Logs (Form HC-81A) to track the l status of !!Rs and Ri:Ds. IIRs and RHDs shall be Maintained in ! the same uanner as JTPs. 7

                                         .2      The Quality Ccni.rol/Uciding Inspector shall indicate UR and l-                                            RND nun.hers on the affected process sheets in the same manner

    , as specified for rcuork requests in Article 11.5.1. O

    S.I.P. tJO. .___4 . 000 QUD.lTY ASGURANCE PROGRAM [] ~ '] O ~~;-y '+ nEVISION 9 CITE !!'.WLEluENTATION PROCEDURE l a gyg 7-P.6-82 PAGE 10 OF 54 MUfdTELI C07tPOt1/WEGr$ h

                 /9                         11.8 During the construction process, the Production Supervisor may direct                '

    I the disassembly of hardware in order to conduct owner requested investigations, to prepare for rework, modification, or to temporarily remove obstructions. Ilhen the disassembly is not controlled by types  ; of'docu:aentation identified previously in this SIP, the Production Supervisor shall initiate a liardware Removal / Alteration Report (Form IIC-160). Each docu:ent station initinting reports shall maintair; a Hardware Removal / Alteration Report Log (Form HC-160A). Hardware Removal /Alturation Reports shall be numbered in a manner that will not result in duplication of numbers between document stations. 1 The initiating document station retains a copy of the report and forwards the remaining copies to the Project Engineer.

                                                          .A   Hardware aay be disassembled prior to receiving Engineering disposition and QA approval, only when authorized by the Project Engineer.

    t 2 The Project Engineer evaluates the report to determine if any , special instructions are necessary for disassembly and determines i what actior will be taken for reassembly. The Project Engineer h retains a copy of the report and forwards the remaining copies to Quality Assurance. 3 Quality Assurance reviews the Engineering disposition for complian' with the requirements of the QA Program and records status change i on the appropriate logs Onspection Status Loos addressed in'the SIP addressing Installation Verification). Quality Assurance retains a copy of the report and arranges for return' of the report to the initiator for close out.

                                                           .A Close out may or may- not include processing of additional controlling documentatien such as Rework Requests, Process Sheets, and Construction Drawings. The need for use of additional controlling cocumentation will be at the discretion of the Quality Assurance Supervisor and Project Engineer.        If feasable, original controlling documentation will be released to accomplish reassembly.
                                                      .4   The report number initiator implements the approved Engineering disposition and obtains Quality Control concurrence. The closed out report and any additional controlling documentation is reviewed for completeness and accuracy by Quality Control and sent to Quality Assurance for records retention. Quality Assurant updates the appropriate logs to indicate status change of the
                 .-,                                       hardware.
                                                            .A  If the controlling documentation that was used to initially accomplish fabrication, installation, rework, cr repair is in the field at the time of di:.nssembly (eithcr with Frneinction or Quality Control), the l'roduction Supervistic !. hall obicin the documntation and notify Quality Control of the disassemb,:

    e . S.I.P. NO. 4.000 OUAUTY ASSUDANCE PROGRAfh E ,j y'-

                                                                                                            .; '7 HEV10!ON -9 SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                           E ;] <.

    gyg 7-26-82 . O PAGE- 19 OF 54 MUDJYEG CORPORATtOE

                                        .B    Quality Control shall mark up the documentation to indicate tht invali.dation of the previously acceptabic inspections and/or examinations. This shall be accomplished by lining through th:

    previous signatures, acceptance dates, and corresponding data;

                                     ,        and applying a i)rief description of the reasons for doing so.

    The inspectors shall initial and date all invalidations and justifications,

                                        .C    All reassembly work shall occur in accordance with tho' estab-lished design control and construction tolerance provisions of the established Quality Assurance Program. During reassembly, all previous inspection and examination requiremcnts shall be reapplied. Replacement or additional controlling documentatio-may be requested from the Engineering or llelding Department at the discretion of the Inspection Supervisor. Any such docu-mentation shall be provided and implemented prior to reassenbl; 12.0 JTP REVISIONS 12.1     Jo's Traveler Paci: ages shall be revised to provide necessary changes once allowances of the Design Control SIP have been exhausted.

    Revision shall occur as follows: Q 12.2 Once Engincering has completed recall of affected JTPs or portions thereof, the CCD shall be revised and controlled by Engineering in the same manner as it was initially produced. 1 Process sheets, weld records, and field orders shall be revised, added or deleted by Engineering in order to affect changes. ! .2 If the revision requires that an existing process sheet be revised, the revised sheet vill be assigned the next revision number in sequence. The revision number of all other process sheets in the JTP shall remain unchanged.

                                   .3   If the revision requires the addition of process sheets, the revision level of existing process sheets will not be advanced, nor will the referenced drawing revision numbers on those process sheets be advanced.

    ! .A Added process sheets shall be issued as Revision 0-if they ! are of the type specified in Article 4.2.2. A. l .B Added process sheets shall be advanced by one Revision level if they are of the type specif-ied in Article 4.2.2.ij. l '

       '%                               .C    A41ed process sheets shall be noted in the title block t                                          of the revised CCD.


    .. _ _ _ _._ ._. ._ -.__s_.._._..______m__..__..__..____ .m-..-.. a . S.I.P. NO. 4.000 QUAUTY ASSUR?.NCE NOGRAM [-'.~.']. REVISION __ 9 J . ' !. SITE IMPLEfAENTATION PROCEDURE E. "1y DATE 7~ 2 O PAGE_ 20 og F, mEE COWGR/.moid

                                           .4    If the revision requires the issuance of a revised drawing, but not the issuance of revised process sheet (s), the drawing revision number which is entered on the process sheet (s) will remain unchanged. The only time that the drawino revision number entered l on the process sheet will change is when jihatJarticular sheet of I the process sheet (s) has been revised to reflect a change required l by a revised issue of the drawing. Each individual sheet of the i process sheets will always reflect the revision to the referenced !

    drawing to which that particular sheet of the process sheets was prepared,and issued.

                                           ,5    Revised JTPs or portions thereof, will be rerouted through Quality :

    Assurance and the Af!I in the same manner as directed in Article ~ l' 4,2.3.of this SIP, except as allowed by Section 8.0 and/or 9.0 of this SIP,

                                           .6    All information transfers on documentation shall be made or direct:

    by Quality Assurance. 13.0 DIRECTIVLS RELATIVE TO FAGP,ICATIOM/IUSTALLATIO.'l h 13.1 Upon receipt of Construction Copy JTPs for fabrication / design change, j the Field Superintendent shall consult the Lead Field Superintendent to determine if the site Fabrication Shop or Area Superintendent will perform the work. 1 If it is determined that the Fabrication Shop will perform the work, the Constrection Copy ISO drcwing, process sheet and related documents are routed to the fab Shop for fabrication.

                                           .2    The schedule of prioritics for fabrication and installation shall be determined through the Project 14anager, 13,2 All uelding and bulk materials necessary for fabrication / installation shall be requisitioned according to the SIPS addressing weld and bulk material ordering.
                                           .1    All items shall be rigged and handled with safety of personnel and property considered.
                                                 .A   The selection of rigging and equipment shall be in accordance with correct teight, physical dimensions, location placement, and vorhing radius of crane bootit, if required.
                                                 .B   All work requiring uire rope slings and uire rope will be as suggested by r nufacturer's chart for capacities, es will shackles, cable clamps, forged steel hooks, hand lines, and

    (') rollers for mving equirtient. IWference guides shall be available to responsible Supervisors.

                   ~-         . - -
                                                     -..--_.-.--- - -....~.--                . . - - . . - . - - . . . _ .

    S.I.P. NO. 4.000 OUAI.nY ASSURANCE PnOGDAM [- ~_~[]  ! nevlSION 9 - SITE IMPLEMENTATIOil 1)ROCEDURE L Jr DATE 7-26-82 O PAGE _ 21_ OF _ 54 MWMl T@CMIW '

                                                  .C    Hylon/ fabric slings shall be utilized for handling stainless steel material and coated and wrapped materials when loading conditions permit.
                                                  .D    Phones for audible signals will be available as required.

    Attachment of phones will not interfere with view or dexterity of operation.

                                           .2     The following methods of handling and hoisting will be considered standard practice.
                                                  .A    Deterr.iine method of attachment of the load using factory mountings as supplied or required. Care will be exercised not to cause undue strain or twist which would cause distortiot
                                                  ,B    Use of lifting beams as required.
                                                  ,C    Use of matched wire rope slings.
                                                  .D    Determine any angle of attachment when required.
         @                                        .E    Use of isolators and softeners when necessary.
                                                  .F    ' Chain hoists will be used to balance or tilt load when require'
                                                  .G    Lashing may be used in lieu of slings for various loads as necessary and shall include:
                                                         .1  Proper placement of cable clamps.
                                                         .2  Torque cable clamps when necessary.
                                                  ,H    Proper loading and securing of material and equipment from storage to crection.


                                                  ,I    Use care in securing lifting and hoisting attachments to building steel.


                                                  ,J    lhke constant references to design of building for floor luadings.
                                           .3     The users of hoisting equipment and machinery shall check for the following prior to use:
                                                  .A t! ire rope,
                                                         .1   Check for broken strands and follow manufacturer's l
          @                                                  recon.mendations f or dispensing.
                                                         .2   Inspect for worn appearance of wire rope.
     - - - -           .--         = _ _                      ._ _ ___ m __._ . __ ..___ . __ .                          _
                "   ~
 no. .__4.000 OllAUTY I.SSUHA!!CE PROGRAF.1 E.-~ ]. . REVISION ~ . . SITE IMPLELWiNTAT!ON PnOCEDUDE L7. '! - Darn 7-2G-82

         .Q PAGE    22_ OF           54                                               hun 1TER CORPOR/tT!O.rJ
                                                     .3   Check for pitted or corroded wire rope.
                                                     .4   Periodically check wire rope for reduced diameter, flattening, and abrasion.
                                                     .~ 5 Lubrication as required.                    .
                                                .B   Wire rope block.
                                                     .1, Check sheave groove for uear.                                     I i
                                                     .2   Field inspect blocks to ascertain that proper diameter rope matches the sheave groove.
                                                     .3   Disassemble rope blocks periodically; check internally for wear.
                                                     .4   Clean, assemble, and lubricate.
                                                .C   Nylon / fabric sling.

    C .1 Check for broken strands and/or fraying.

                                                     .2   Check for wear with particular attention to formed " eyes".'
                                                     .3   Store in secure, dry area when not in use.
                                         .4 Welding of temporary clips, lugs, dogs, pad-eyes, or other devices to piping for lifting, rigging, jigging, alignment, or fit-ups may be made, providing that the SIP for Temporary Attachments is followed.

    5 Plant equipment shall be handled, rigged, and placed in a.cordance; with manufact.urer's instructions. Supplemental procedures will be used as directed by the Cuner for those items requiring special handling. i l 13.~ 3 The work shall ba fabricated and installed to the configuration and l dimensions shoun on ihe CCD ut.ilizing the materials stated on the process sheets and field order, except as stated in previous sections.

                                         .1     All 20" or greater piping shall be fabricated in accordance with the tolerantes specified in PFl..ES-3 (1974 Edition) included in
    0 this SIP as Appcndix 1.

    l l t

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - . _ . . ~ - __ _ . . _ _ . . . _ . _ . . m..... S.I.P. NO. 4.000 OUA!.ITY ASSunANCE PROGnAM [~' 3 9

                                                                                                                     'CT 2 '- ~


                                        .2 11aterials issued for a specific job segment shall not be utilized in any other job segment. Materials left over from fabrication or installation shall be scrapped or processed in accordance with the SIP for Overage Materials.
    /9                                  .3     For all piping, component support auxiliary steel, and hardware on component supports identified as primary members and classificq as linear or plate and shell items, heat number / code identificatic+

    shall be maintained on all cut pieces of material by the craftsmar.I. doing the work. This will be accomplished by marking the heat number on all sides of the cut prior to parting. Identification marking shall consist of low stress stamping or paint / ink markinas. Paint / inks utilized on stainless steel shall conform to Article 13.8. J

                                               .A    Uhen welding obliterates the heat number, the craftsman working on the fabrication will transfer the hsat nu.T.ber to a visible location by the method described above, h                                    .4     All Quality Control Helding Inspection shall be performed in sequence as required by presence of Hold /Hitness Points, and                 '

    shall be in accordance with the specified process specification procedure and/or acceptance criteria specified on the process sheets.

                                                .A   Any fabrication or installation activities on ASME Section III work (except for Material !!andling where materials are being delivered from storage to the Fab Shop or field installation area, or at. the discretion of the Quality Assurance Supervisor) requires the presence of Quality Control Helding Inspection Porscnnel in the field forces. Werk shall f not proceed beyond the randatory inspection hold points until the Quality Control Holding Inspector has inspected and approved the appropriate sequence of operations.                         !

    t 13.4 All welding shall be inspected to the criteria established by the approved HPS. Verification of fit-up on socket welds shall be accomplished as follows:

                                         .1    The pipe is inserted into the fitting and butted against the inside shoulder of the socket weld fitting.
                                         .2    A scribe uark or low stress dots shall be placed around the circunference of the pipe uhere it intersects with the fitting.


                                         .3     The fitting is backed of f a minimum of 1/1G" and tached.
                                         .4     A QCt.'I shall verify fit-up gap prior to deposit of the first ucid pass.
               - _ _ ~ -               . _ _ _     = _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . . ,                      .._ _..       _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _

    S.I.P. NO. 4.000 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM [.~ ~~~] REVISION 9 I '"'- SITE IMPLElt.ENTATION PROCEDUDE E_ '.J e DATE 7-?(i-62 PAGE _2.4_ OF .. 54 HUldTER CORPORATCO!U l3.5 l!elding shall be accomplished following the welding procedures and processes called for on the process sheet.

                                       .1      Ilhere screw joints are to be back-welded, pipe dope or compound
                                            ' shall not be used.                        All other screw joints shall be made with an approved pipe dope or compound.
                                       .2      Prior to making a joint, screwed or welded, ends and openings shall be cleaned of oil, grease, scale, rust, paint or any other contaminant.
                                       .3      All weld passes shall be scrutinized by the craftsman for                                                      ;

    evidence of weld defects and/or conditions that contribute to weld defect. Any such conditions shall be eliminated by the craftsman before the next pass is deposited.

                                        .4     All welding shall be monitored by the craftsman in relation to                                                 ;

    preheat and interpass temperature requirements of the specified

                                        .5     Hot working of materials shall not be employed until such tina                                                 l
     'h                                        as an approved SIP is developed.

    13.6 Traceability of certain items to their certifications is required,

         /9 l'!henever the process sheet (s) indicate " traceability required" or
                                        " record material mark numbers" or if the support CCD identifies primary members classified as linear or plate and shell items, it shall be the responsibility of the Production Supervisor to record                                                     ,

    the data as indicated, j Excmple: For pipe, fittings, plate and lugs, enter the lleat Number. For valves, enter the manufacturer's serial number as indicated on the AS!!E nameplate.

         /9                                                 For supports, enter the heat number (s) of the materials used under the portion of the process sheet labeled " Replacement /

    Modification Materials Used".

                                        .1      Traceability of veld data and ucld materials is always required.

    The Production Supervisor shall enter this data on the weld record that corresponds 1o the weld joint (s).

                                         .2     The Ouality Control /!!elding Inspectors shall verify that all required data entries have been made.

    O 13 7 Precautionary cea . ores shall he tahen to avoid cor.tamination of and/or damge to the pipinq and piping system components. All end anc opening covers, caps, or plugs shall be kept in place until they need to be 1.'emoved for fit up or other purpP,es.

                                         .1     At the end of each shif t, fit-ups for welds shall be covered
                                                      - .     -...,..,,,..,a     +..,v.  ., < n hi n,:.w      1 h i c. s.,ill not w olv uhere

    4.000 ( ~.7} S .I.P. NO. QUAUTY AcctinANCE PROGRA!A 9 *[C

                                                                                                                       "~ f nEVISICif                            SITE li'.1PLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                          I;  _"_. J e DATE       7~20-02 PAGE _25        OF    _
                                         .2   Metal or plastic end caps, covers, or plugs shall be used to cover open ends of components.                In all other respects, the requiremelits of the Material Storage SIP apply.
                                         .3   Power tool buffing, brushing, abrasive and boring or cutting attachments shall be color coded at the direction of the Field Superintendents with a coat of yellow paint or dye to identify them for use on stainless steel only.
                                              .A        Any items coded as stated shall not be used to fabricate or install any carbon or low alloy steels.
                                         .5   Hecessary temporary supports shall be provided during installation.

    i , to adequately support pipe. Plant equipment such as pumps, tanks, etc., shall not be used as temporary supports for a run of pipe.

                                              .A         Helded attachment areas on embedments and structural steel shall be evaluated by the Production Supervisor once the attachment is removed to assure the surface is smooth, uniform, and free from obvious nochanical marks and cracks or tears. If repair is necessary, the Production Q                                                Supervisor will direct same using the current approved welding procedure that is employed for component support installation.
          /9                      13.8 The acceptable limits of halogens, sulfur and heavy metals in certain construction consumables shall be as follows:
                                         .1   For Marking pens and inks 200 PPM maximum halogens 100 PPM maximum sulfur 50 PPM maximum heavy n:etals
                                         .2   For Liquid Penetrant Dye 300 PPM maximun halogens 300 PPM maximum sul fur 50 PPM maximum heavy metals                                                   i I
                                          .3   For Liquid Penetrant Developer or Cleaner, Ultrasonic Couplant and Abrasive Products 300 PPM maximum halogens 300 PPM maximum sulfur For Cutting Fluids, Acetone, D natured Alcohol and Adhesive Prodm G                                 .4 1000 PPM maximum total of halognes and sulfur.
     . . _ . . .     . . . .    . - - -          - . ~ . . - --   -            -

    S.I.P. NO. 4.000 OUAUTY AssunANeu pHocnAr.1 [*. '. ".. ] REVISIOlJ 9 - . . - r ' . _' l e, SITE I!?iPl.EMENTATIOld PitOCEDURE DATE 7-26-82 PA 6 26 0F 54 MURITER CORPORATIO!M

             /9              14.0 TRAlllIl!G P.EQUIREiiEllTS 14.1 Each Production Supervisor, Engineering Department Supervisor, Quality Assurance Department Supervisor, Inspector and Auditor shall receive training to this SIP, if they perform work within its Scope. Supervision participating in the revicw/ approval process need not receive formal training. Instructions on the use of referenced forms shall be provided during training.
              /9                        14.2 1.'honever reference is mac, to rark-up of ECl!/FCR number on JTP docu:r,ents (CCD, process shccts, etc.) the Production Supervisor shall also enter his intials and date as the individual making the entry.

    J O 1 l i . O

    n, . . . . --. ._:_.._.- - 4.000

                        ' s.i.e. No.                           QUAUTY ASGuitAf4CE PROGRAF.i

    [~.I_.~- 7.. nEvistow ~- 9 '

    • i-GlTE lidl2LEiaENTATION PROCEDURE I._.Z~41e 7-76-82 Q ot.T.-

    pg,g _27 , _ 54 MUNTER CORPORATCON APPEllDIX 1 i Page 1 - m sm.aard m . v ens w o FABRICATING TOLERANCES

    1. Scope 1.1 T)Js standard rosers general pipe si.op fabri.

    caring to!cranccs for prcia'.aricated piping as. semblics.

    2. Linear Tolerances .


    • Die solcrances on linesr dirr.cnsions (interme.

    diarc or overall) apply to the face to face, face to end. and end measurcincois of fabricated straight pipe and beaders; u nter to end or cen. ter so face of norries oc other artschments: or center to face of bends; as iliuararcJ on Fig.

    1. These soterances sie not accumulative.

    2.2 linear tolerances on "A" are -*- 1,'," for sires 10* sed undcr and : 3/16* ft,r sizcs 12" through 36*. 2.31.incar sc,lerances en "A" for sizes oser 36" are subject to io!crances of -t 3/16*, plus or minus 1/32* for cach 12" in diameter over 36 . 2.4 Ike to the cumulative effects of to!crances on f grings sir fan;;cs.. shen joined without in:cr-vening pipe >< gments, desiatit,as in escess of thme speci6(d in paragraphs 2.2 end 2.3 snay occur. 6 i

    3. Angul::rity and Rotation '

    Tolerances 3.1 en4 Ar.l valarity c!J end to!erance nross perparasien ar abe d onfare of f antes rotation of

    r. ags ,,e as uma on rig.1.
    4. Closer Tolerancea 4.1 \Wn clavr te!<rancs ahm slin e gisen ici;.l.a 71. 2.4 and 7.8 .ve absolutely ner.

    O s sity, it... shril lt st.biett to ar.ra rment i c. recen the p:id l a'w hse.,r.

     . . . . - ~      . . -        --



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                                                                   /                                           FOR RENDINO TOLCFt A NCC, MINIMUM i                            i                     RADIUS Af4D MINifAur.t tar 4 GENT SEE I
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    • D'C'S t T IO *# P.< r A f uf t C '.) A C F'C S S l *
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    S.I.P. NO. 4.000 - - - _ QUAL.rfY AGSUMAUCE Pi'iOGRAM P. . .. ". j 9 .I ..- . . REVISION - -- SITE IMPLEMENTATION PnOCEDURE n* .' . j e. 7-26-82

        %          DATE PAGE _ 31__ op                                 54-                                                                                                                                                                             MUPRER COCPORMEO[U
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                                 ~~ Engineering Dispnition                                                                     .

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    1:artvare P.einstated - Cy & Date i 0,C - Py & Date __

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    j ,. i ~l."'7 Date NIE l ICTIIldsay /  : Field Superintendent  !.

                  .h.           ,9/t/vnys        om                        Date      9-20-h2 C. Derryman         /

    Field Superintendent _J + -f Date , - / 7 ,E 6

    11. Cory Field SycriiE'1$ndent

    w N v 7 M ,7 # Date ef M 'I -(f L , I R. Fry A JA1.cadAud(ncr-InTraining i i

                  .4 j.c.n e d 1               L                           Date      .&- a c B.

    L.Y;.1 l'adi ck Inspection Supervisor O -


    s.t.r. r40. 4.000 0.UAUTY AGSunANCE PaoatiA*c1 [7 7-] O REVISION .f fl SITE frAPLEiUENTATION PROCEDUi1E l'" "~ ". L DATE 7-20~02 O PAGE 54 or __.54_ HU[UTED CORPORAygG[y Concurrence by

                 .$fbr.ur B. Krasawski an         ~

    Date $~).f'< f ?- Project !!anager Approved by


    0'*:I Q sc h i;?.c u . Datc 7/' ;:'5fi% li.L. So:asag

    • QA Supervisor ,

    o Accepted by

                                    .. _ }$           G, ' ?'bc/h, '          ' '

    Data ll,E, P,ichardson ' ' ~ Authorized !!uclear Inspector O -

                -.9 J >$cyf ad$.                          '

    Data yl:cl{r. J:.'i., Hendricks / < Authorized l'uclear Inspector r O

    i 16

       .   - /*    -
                     ,     ', ,,] Commonw:altli                       Edis n                      .
                               --              Byrsn Ginter, ting Sta tion
                        ' ' ( .~, ; *P.O. Box B
    - Byron. litir.ols G1010 Date 9-9 9-fc*l.

    TO.l kupy-bx $q lff,L Soy,34 g.

    • FROM: G. Serensen SPECIFICATION: FJ739 . .

    The Commonwealth Edison Company has reviewed the following procedure (s) and found then acceptable for use: PROCEDURE E- . REVISION /DATE f lf' do 00l hf ff.2dffA_ . {lN~~~@30I ha f 7lJflf?~ E!e f.00 " &.9 ijn/r& . ll{~ WES~ f . h- ff*ffA' fQ: WAS~ l5 &5 NfD7fSS Nc wPS-S" h.9 7l?7 t'a-SEP 3 01982 .

                                                         ~ HUNTER CORP..


                                                                                                          ,ffk G. Sorensen
    Project Superintendent l Byron Station i

    GS/k1 cc: Site File MALCOLM LEO SOMSAG~ Site CA Supervisor

                                               ,                                     EXHIBIT No. 6 TIPOKi]O,'       ..u_ pf] POU.                       ')/
                                                     , ww                              ..       v ..





               ,                                               CHIC A CO. ILt.lNOIS 6 0 00 3 TELEPHONE 312 269 2000 September 20, 1982 Project No. 4391-05 Commonwealth Edison Company Byron - Units 1&2 Piping System Installation S&L. Specification:          F-2739                          .

    Mr. M. A. Stanish Byron QA Superintendent Commonwealth Edison Company Byron Station

    Dear Mr. Stanish:

    Enclosed is a copy of the following Hunter Corp. procedure which has been reviewed and accepted. Q rocedure: S.I.P. 4.201 Rev._5- 8/307H23 e Yours very truly,

                                           ,                                        FRANK A. Kos!K ANNA MILLEP

    F. A. Kosik l Senior Quality Control Coordinator FAK:AMM:pje

                    .       In duplicate j                        Enclosure                                                -

    l Copies: l J. T. WestermpIer (1/1) l G. Sorensen / (1/1) , (1/0)


    C. W. Fruche

                        ,   D. L. Leone /W. C. Cleff                                (1/0)

    R. J. Rakowski/K. J. Green (1/1)  ;

                                        *!       l                                e u  uG1 ,    i . c L L L, I O '

    m_ . .- - . _ SAI;GE JT&LUNDY

                '         ^                                                        ..~.,~2cac.

    OUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES REVIEW REPORT Client Commonwealth Edison Company Project Byron Hunter Corp. Project No. 4391-05 Unit 'l & Contractor

                               '_                                                             S&L Specification No.

    Installation Verification PROCEDURE TITLE SIP 4.201 Rev. 5 Date 8/30/82 Procedure No. GL-Number N/A lX l Reviewed & Accepted Revise as noted and resubmit Hold fabrication. Revise as noted and resubmit. Results do not meet specifi-U contractor can proceed based cation requirements, on making revisions noted c - I COliMENTS: i . i . i e l I-Dis t.ri but ion : Reviewed by F. A. Kosik X7.tGKT.CKEAXEdv.EKXXK i C .. September 20, 1982 \ . .



                              'a -

    J N YTgl ton' l Eq pory

        !                 u li       viul s i bUlt_.:..l.,V,)fi I                                    OC Form __1022_R8

    ww QUALITY AGSURANCE PROGRAM 3, p no. _4.201 . E'! r-- 9 3 5 -~

                          "EV'S "-                                SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE 8-30-82,___

    o n c ___ 2b HUNTER CORPOCATIOli 1 OF - PAGE_ IllSTALLAT10!! VERIFICATION 1.0 PURPOSE ' 1.1 To provide the method to assure that inspections required to verify the adequacy of the work have been successfully performed. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This SIP is applicable to all Safety Related (ASftE Section III/ Category 1) work performed by Hunter Corporation. 3.0 ASSIGNMENT OF RESP 0MSICILITIES 3.1 The Project Manager, through the Project Engineer and the Field Superintendents, shall be responsible for scheduling and obtaining

                                                the inspections specified in this SIP,                            .

    3.2 The Quality Assurance Supervisor, through the Administrative Super-visors and Inspection Supervisers shall be responsible for the

                                         -        performance and documentation of the inspections specified in this SIP.
                                                   .1 The Quality Assurance Supervisor, through the Lead Auditors, shall also be responsible for monitoring the implementation of this SIP relative to activities outside of the Quality Assurance Departnant.

    4.0 IliSPECTION CLASSIFICATIONS 4.1 Verification of the adequacy of the work shall be accomplished Due to employing a combination of inspection classifications. the nature of the work and scheduling considerations, all types of work will not be subjected to all classifications of inspec-tions. However, all work must successfully complete each required in'spection classification in sequence to reach completion.

                                                    .1     Required inscection classifications for each work category are detailed in Chart 1 - Inspection Classifications, Imple-mentation Points and Documentation.
                                                           .A       For the purpose of this SIP, the term " work catecory" shall enconpass such activities as equipment installation, c~morcnt support installation, piping installation and etc.

    SARGENT & LUNDY , 1, m - .cnnw , , f'uno, ....,

    , , , ., .s.,o mi.x,..

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                                    ,      n p=p.                ja,m V }iV_W.dgU$4h,k;ay,My                                      D' 5PLCJ' Air ef2_tRDL_1/201R
       ~   '
                 ' S.I.P. NO.          4.201                   QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGR/.M                      C Cl REWSION              5                                                                       bdb SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                        C 3e DATE _.             8-30-82 PAGE             2   OF     26                                          HUNTER CORPORATION 4.2 Inspection classification, descriptions, implementation points, documentation and objectives shall be as stated in this Article and Chart 1.
                                          .1, Type 1 Inspection
                                                 .A   This type of inspection is designed to identify any items /

    activities that have not been documented by the Production forces as required by the established Quality Assurance Program.

                                                 .B   This type of inspection is performed along with any other type of inspection that is associated with data acquisition.
                                                 .C   This type of inspection shall be evidenced on the procedural document that governs the activity.
                                                 .D   The objective of this type of inspection is to measure and evaluate the performance of the Production forces relative to documentation of activities not involving direct inspection.
                                          .2 Type 2 Inspection
                                                 .A   This type of inspection is designed to identify any items where the work is not in compliance to the criteria specified for joining of individual items (job segments) in an overall      ,

    assembly. Overall assemblies are defined on the Construction Copy Drawings (CCD). l 4

                                                 .B   The implementation points for this classification are identi-ficd by the presence of Quality Control / Authorized liuclear Inspector hold / witness points or worded inspection directives on the documents that make up the in-process Job Traveler
         -                                            Package (JTF).
           /5.                                    .C  This type of inspection shall be recorded on the documents that initiate them in the in-process JTP. These documents include but are not limited to Process Sheets, Rework Requests, Reports of liondestructive Examination Defects and in some cases Nonconformance Reports.
                                                  .D  The objective of this type of inspection is to provide for
                                                      . identification and analysis of trends adverse to quality through evaluation of the implementation of the criteria specified for accomplishing the work.

    mumMPO . Cpn[I , e t ._P L pnDu

                                                                             , ; i
         .            S .I.P. NO.


    • REVISION 5 .L. d
      -       .                                         SITE IMPLETAENTATION PROCEDURE                      CD e DATE          8-30-82 PAGE        3 op 26                                             HUNTER CORPORATION
                                       .3 Type 3 Ir.spection
                                             .A This type of inspection is designed to identify any com-pleted overall assemblies that are not in accordance with
            /5 the configuration details of the corresponding JTP and those which display structural damage.
                                             .B   The implementation point for this classification is the occurrence of the event specified on Chart 1.

    - ;C This type of inspection shall be recorded on the document specified on Chart 1 for each generic activity addressed.

                                             .D   The objective of this type of inspection is to assure that corresponding documentation is complete, the installation
            /5                                    configuration is as specified by the corrcsponding JTP and the installation has not incurred any structural damage during the time frame which has elapsed since previous inspections.
                                        .4 Type 4 Inspection
                                              .A This type of inspection is designed to identify any install-ations not remaining in place, intact or those sustaining
             /5                                      structural damage during the time lapse since completion of previous inspections.
                                              .B   The implementation point for this classification is the occurrence of the event specified on Chart 1.

    f- .C This type of inspection shall be recorded on the document specified on Chart 1.

                                              .D   The objective of this type of inspection is to assure that even though considerable time may have elapsed since per-font.ance of previous inspections, the subject overall assemblies are in piece, intact and undamaged.
                                         .5 Type 5 Inspection
    .A This type of inspection is designed to identify any individual I installation / assembly that is not in place, intact and un-damaged just prior to final turnover of the nuclear plant or any portion thereof for processing before commercial operation.

    l l

    'f (p f i
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    e S .I.P. NO. QUA1.lTY ASSURANCE PROGRAM e s . 4'. C. LC. .T . 5


    PAGE 4 OF 26 _ HUNTfR CORPORATION The implementation point for this classification shall be

                                                            .B direction from the Owner to mobilize for system turnover to their operating group.
                                                          *eC      This type of inspection shall be recorded on the documents specified on Chart 1.
                                                             .D    The objective of this type of inspection is to assure that all installations necessary to complete a piping system have been succes'sfully performed.                                                                                                          . _
                                                                     .                                                                                                                   I CHART l ACT!v!TV                E ft[3                   fpftt*tn*ATION 8CtwTS               000FENT5 en etoe It3P(CTIONS AF[ etCCet[3 Tief I . Durteg the release for grouttag              Tvet f ead 3 . On the teaternat laspect'an                        ,

    process. See hete 1. Checklists form st.159. t3UtPMRT ITPC 2. 3. 4 TvM 3. Ovrtag fyse 3 inspectica of tae asssct . In51AttAf!CR aad $ ated process piptag. See note 2 alle . TTft 4. Du. tag free 8 inspect'en of the TV't 4 aad S . On tse Flaal !*spectten

    • assaclated process piptag, seeerts. ( for the asseclated process pitteg.

    TYPt S . euring type 5 fasrect+en of the essociated process pistag. TYFt ? . es taatcated by tse eresence of CC/ Tvef 2 . On St.e in.erecess JTP cocnet gg,y AMI Pels/uttaess Points er worced tAst specifies the inspectlen laspection structives en the socv. requireneet. WPCtf TVrt I s tnat mata up tne in-process ' FAtalCATICu M. Once the sweeert is cannected to tae TY*t 3 . On the to-erecess JTP docent sepeerted Steo, ans as indicates en tmat specifies the taspection


    the escoeats that mete me tne to- requirement. '. CPIPPtt4T process Jif. " SuPP0ef h4 2. 3. 4 y,,g , gg, gig ,,,,,,g, go the subsyste W 8*O I are lastalled and through TYPE 3 TY't 4. On the Ftt (Fece ese-1991 for echt support ta the subsystem. . laspectlen. See luote 3. * ' nce flaal turnover to the h's TYPt 5 . On the F.I.t.s for the corres. M. Owrattag gre.p is dimted or sto. peneing pistag 1.stsiistion m. M. As faitcated by the presence of CC/ M. b the te.percets JTP dsceent that t[P!ht $t9 All Feld at*. ness Potats er morses specifles tat inspection requirement.

                                                  'PR"            "' "' 2                     '"'t'a':"er' "0"r;"e';'#~ T,n n b = e ria (Fero sei.198) far the JIP tAat goveens the bare are.

    l 0[f t!Cf041 fvPt 3

    • 0n:e all the restrelets/ deflectors p'

    for Lt.e escresponesrg pistag systes Tvrt 9. On the FIA for the JTP inat geseems i i,

                                      '                                                       are fastalles and tarewsn TTPt 2                    tae aardmore, inspectim.

    a .t T9Pt 6 0 ce itasi twent.ver to the Daer's . operett*g terup is directed ty $CS. I J - . 1 ~ ] . j tnc-r - - . ~ ~ . , - . . . _ , . . ,

    r w i 5.q . , i , t .


                                         "   y N h k' ib h l*f                           ,-Checklistd f r Inspection Types may be dcyclopede NOTE:       All such checklists shall be included in                                                      the corresponding jet.P.s l              /5 o

    3 S $

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    m z - FCTE 1 - Inspection Item 1 on the Equipment Inspection Checklist (Form HC-159) will be performed when 7

     *"#-~                        the Owner decides to grout the equipment. (He will notify the Inspection Supervisor to perform                                                               O       C         c1 C                            the fcur.daticn bolt inspections. The outcome of the inspections shall be communicated to t! e Project Construction Department. (PCD).                                                                                             -

    n I fca *' to (%J_

                               ..                                                                                                                                                              l N      s3              8 L            NOTE 2 - If Inspectien Item 2 on the Equipment Inspection Checklist can not be completed during Type 3 Inspection of the associated process piping, it shall be necessary to complete the inspection prior to pressure                                                                lN                    '

    test of the piping. The inspection rust be completed prior to turn over for precperational testing. a 9 (-- NOTE 3 - Cc ponent support installations may occur in a more accelerated fashion as the project nears completion.

       -- -                       Therefore, if it is known that supports being installed at that time are the last in the subsystem.                                                                       -i coepletion of those supports through TYPE 3 Inspection shall automatic completion of TYPE 4                                                                    m

    [*~"""' O Inspection. The FIRS shall be marked up to document the circumstances when this provision is invoked. g C


    KOTE 4 - As the Owner directs implementation of TYPE 4 Inspections on piping systems, the Inspection Supervisor . shall schedule performance in the field. . In the event the Owner elects to delete or limit implementation, [ b .- -- m -i 4 the Inspection Supervisor shall direct the mark up of FIRS to document the circumstances of invoking this :n i provision. M > Q 8 z

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                       ' S.I.P. N O. 4.201                    QUAUTY ASSURANCE PROGRAM                   b_ 'A 5


                 .                                           SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                   r    2 e, DATE__         B-30-82 PAGE         6  OF     26                                        HUNTER CORPORATION 5.0 INSPECTION IMPLEMENTATION 5.1 All fabrication / installation work shall be performed under the direction of the Craft Supervisors in accordance with the require-l ments and procedures specified in the corresponding JTPs and related Site Implementation Procedures (SIPS).


                                           .1   All inspections required by the JTP documents ar.d Chart 1 shall be perfonned by Quality Control Helding Inspectors and shall be administered in accordance with the criteria specified on the JTP documents, referenced procedures, pertinent work / inspection
     .                                          instructions and special Duner directives.
                                                .A Acceptance of the work shall be indicated by the Inspector's

    initials and the date of acceptance on the document that initiated the inspection.

                                           .2 The Production Supervisors shall contact Quality Control at the earliest possible time (when inspection is required) so that the work is inspected in a timely manner.

    5.2 The individual Inspectors shall document the specifics of each in-spection on their Daily Inspection P,eports. The reports shall be turned in to the Inspection Supervisor at the end of each shift.

                                           .1 The Inspection Supervisor shall review each report for evidence of abnormal / adverse trends and possible trouble areas.
                                                .A The Inspection Supervisor shall notify the Quality Assurance l                                                 Supervisor of suspected problem areas so that they can be analyzed and corrective action administered if necessary.
                                           .2 The Quality Assurance Supervisor shall direct the performance of surveillances to assure compliance to the established Quality Assurance Program in day to day and special process operations.
                                                .A The frequency and magnitude of these surveillances shall l                                                  be as directed by the Quality Assurance Supervisor. Deter-mination of need shall be based upon trends in each area where the work is being performed.
                                                .B    Additional and special surveillances shall be as directed by the Owner.
             .                             .3 The Lead Auditors shall direct the follow-up on identified discrepancies to assure that they are. corrected.
                                                 .A   Necessary follow-ups should occur within five working days.

    i AlClu)a[ w m _Il  ; Tl@/ sui

         -_                                    - nn                                -


                                               .B    If corrective action has not been implemented at the time of follow-up, the Quality Assurance Supervisor shall be notified.
                                              '.C    The Quality Assurance Supervisor shall notify the Project Manager of the difficulty to determine what further action is necessary.
                                               .D    If resolution to the problem is not under way within five additional working days, the Quality Assurance Supervisor shall notify the Corporate Quality Assurance Manager.

    5.3 All inspection types shall include some measure of documentation review to complete the inspection successfully. >

                                           .1  Type 1 Inspections are primarily document review inspection:.

    The individual 1.ispections shall include a physical review of associated hardware to assure that the installation status indicated on the corresponding checklist is essentially correct.

                                                .A    If the installation status noted on the checklist is found to be in error, the Inspectors shall notify the responsible Production Supervisor for resolution. The inspection shall not be finalized nor signed off until resolution is completed to the satisfaction of the Inspector.
                                           .2 Type 2 Inspections are primarily hardware inspections. The individual inspections shall include a review of corresponding Process Sheets, Rework Requests and etc. to assure that as-built            ;

    data is complete and correct to the point of the inspection.

                                                 .A   If the hardware or documentation is found to be incomplete /

    incorrect, the provisions of Paragraph 5.3.1.A shall apply.

                                           .3 Type 3 Inspections are primarily hardware inspections. The individual inspections shall include a review of corresponding JTPs to assure that all Type 2 Inspections and revicws have been completed.
                                                 .A   If the review discloses that Type 2 Inspections / reviews are incomplete, the provisions of Paragraph 5.3.1.A shall apply.
                                            .4 Type 4 Inspections are specifically hardware inspections that are intended to assure sustained installation adequacy.
                                                  .A   If the completed installations are found to be inadequate, the provisions of 5.3.1. A apply.

    RCTTPn!I-.Lm enov. vu,

     ~  '      '
                   ' S.I.P. NO.


     .                                                  SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                            r*~ r 3 e DATE           8-30-82 PAGE        O   OF 26 _                                            HUNTER CORPORATIOPJ
          /5                                   .B   Quality Control shall follow-up all acceptable Type 4 inspec-until insulated, to assure tions  on piping compliance         every with the    45 days ,ts of this procedure. The requiremen results of said surveillances shall be indicated on the applicable remarks section of the FIR (Form HN-19A).
          /5                                        .1   If the completed installations are found to be inadequate, the QCWI shall initiate a Discrepancy Report in the same manner as described in Article 6.2.2. A through D, such that a timely disposition of and questionable items may takc place.
                                        .5 Type 5 Inspections are specifically hardware inspections that are intended to assure that all required individual assemblies have been installed successfully and are in adequate condition.
                                                .A  If any required assemblies are not installed or installed assemblies are not in adequate condition, the provisions of 5.3.1.A apply.

    5.4 The Field Superintendents shall assure that the data acquisition re-quirements of the checklists are complied with in a timely fashion so as to assure minimum interference between the Production and Inspection efforts.

                                        .1 The Field Superintendents shall direct Production reviews of the JTPs to provide assurance that:
                                                .A All operations, inspections and tests required by the JTP                 .

    documents have been performed successfully.  !

                                                .B  All material traceability data is correct and complete.
          .                                     .C  All special processes, such as welding and heat treatment, that require personnel certifications have been performed l

    by qualified individuals and the JTP documents reflect it.

                                                ,D   As-buiit drawings are legible and disclose all required data.
                                                 .E  No incorrect data entries are apparent.

    6.0 TRANSFER OF A3-BUILT JTPs FROM THE FIELD TO QA 6.1 When installation of small bore piping (1 2 't . Class B and C) has been ! completed in accordance with the marked-up drawing produced in the manner described in the Process Control procedure, the as-built dimen- ! sions and configuration shall be confirmed by the Quality Control l Welding Inspector. The Inspector shall signify his confirmation by l initialing the CCD near any dimension which has been changed by the 0 I)J M,O 7 [I%w! w C

              ' S.I.P. NO.


                                 .1     The marked-up CCD, with the Inspector's confirming initials, shall be forwarded to the Project Engineer who shall cause the original reproducible of the CCD to be formally revised to reflect all as-built informati_on. The revision bleck of the drawing shall be marked to denote tin incorporation of as-built information and the
                                     ' revision sta'tus'of the drawing shall be advanced.
                                        .A    Alternately, small bore CCDs may be forwarded to the Quality Assurance Administrative Supervisor with the corresponding JTP to perform completion of inspecticn Type 3. Once the Type 3 inspection is concluded, the CCD wi'11 be sent to the Project Engineer.
                                 .2 A copy of the revised original shall be made, stamped "As-Built -

    For Records Only," and shall be forwarded by the Project Engineer to the Owner to report as-built conditions.

                                 .3 When A&E approval of the as-built conditions has been received by Hunter Corporation, the Project Engineer shall forward copies of the approval documents to the Quality Assurance Administrative Supervisor.
        /5                 6.2 Once all Type 3 Inspections are successfully completed on any given JTP, a Final Inspection Report shall be initiated and included in the JTP.
        /5                       .1     If the JTP contains open items, the Inspector shall notify the appropriate Field Superintendent for resolution.                               ;
                                         .A The portion of the Final Inspection Report (FIR) that the open items relates to shall not be signed off until the matter is resolved.
        /5                        .2     If resolution is not under way within five working days, the Inspec-tor shall document the specifics of the problem on a Discrepancy Report (formHC-144).
                                         .A    The Discrepancy Report (DR) shall be assigned a controlling number through the QC Inspector contacting the QA Record l                                           Maintenance Personnel.
        /5                               .B    The controlling number shall be assigned from the DR Log (Form HC-144A) by communicating the next open number to the Inspector. The Inspector shall at this time communicate the information necessary to mark-up the DR Log to reflect the number assignment.


        /5                               .C    The original DR shall be included in the corresponding JTP by the Inspector. A copy of each DR shall be forwarded to the appropriate Field Superintendent, and a copy shall be retained l                                           by the initiator. -                                .

    C I e epMTnn!TW 6 .Dj DRg la tJ1Qr p.cparation yMst].1ofDDDy Nonconformance Reports accor ing to the foncon.ormance Control SIP.


            .   . S.I.P. NO.                 --

    QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAUI E._.] JFr SITE IMPLETAENTATION PROCEDURE C Je DATE _8-30 ,82 10 og y_ H M H P. @ p O M N N PAGE 6.3 The reviewed JTPs (with Final Inspection Reports and DRs if applicable) shall be transmitted to the Quai;ty Assurance Administrative Supervisor (QAAS) or a designee.

          /5                        .1   Subsequent to receipt in Quality Assurance, the individual
                                        'JTPs     shall befor pipe, HC-93A      logged in the supports)  andInspection Status Documentation LogLog ((Form HC-93 forH
                                          .A The Project Manager shall receive ieports from QA relative to DRs requiring resolution.
                                    .2   Once logging is completed, JTPs that report changes in routing /

    configuration shall be transferred to Engineering for generating as-built drawings.

                                          .A    Any transfers of JTPs or portions thereof, shall be in accordance with an informal schedule developed by the Project Engineer.
                                          .B    As JTPs or portions thereof are transferred to Engineering, the Documentation Log shall be appropriately marked.
                                    .3 As formal as-built drawings are completed in Engineering, they shall be transmitted to the A&E (Architect and Engineer) in the manner specified in the Design Control SIP.
                                          .A    A copy of the formal as-builts and the corresponding CCDs shall be placed in the JTP by Engineering.

    l .4 As as-builts are completed, the corresponding JTPs shall be returned to Quality Assurance for review by the Authorized j NuclearInspector(ANI). l l . .A Prior to presentation of the JTPs to the ANI, the Documentation l Log shall be appropriately marked up to indicate the location of the JTPs. All DRs shall be resolved prior to presentation of the JTPs to the ANI.

                                          .B    Once the ANI has reviewed and accepted the JTPs as evidenced by the ANI signatures on the Final Inspection Report, the l                                            JTPs shall be returned to Quality Assurance for record l                                             retention.

    l 6.4 As reviewed and accepted JTPs are received by Quality Assurance, I the Documentation Log shal' : lain be marked up to indicate location. i l i l l (ovv \r]n n nnpy

                          .                     c. u     .m      vo   i.




                                  .1    Accepted JTPs for piping fabrication shall be used to generate NPP-1 Data Reports or to describe " field fabrication" on revised Fabrication Data Reports, at the direction of the QAAS.
                                       ..A As the NPP-1 Data Reports are generated or updated, they shall be presented to the ANI for signature. The corre-sponding Final Inspection Report shall accompany the Data Report submittal.
                                  .2    Accepted JTPs for piping and component support installation shall remain on file in the QA Records Vault until such time that the A&E notifies the Project Engineer of as-built con-figuration acceptability.
                                         .A Once A&E acceptance / approval of as-built configuration is received, the Project Engineer shall transmit copies (marked
                                              " Approved As-Built") of Hunter Corporation drawings that correspond to the approved as-builts to the QAAS.
                                         .B   Upon receipt of the approved drawings, the QAAS shall direct the preparation of N-5 Installation Data Reports.
                                         .C   The prepared M-5 Data Reports shall be submitted to the ANI for signature. The corresponding Final Inspection Reports end approved drawings shall accompany the Data Report submittals (N-5 Package).
       -                                 .D   After the N-5 package has been forwarded to the QAAS by the ANI, the package shall be held for retention. When the Owner deems necessary, they shall direct the fonvarding of the N-5 package, i
                                         .E   The N-5 package shall be forwarded to the Owner's Station Construction Department t. sing the N-5 Transmittal (Exhibit B). The QAAS shall retain a copy of the Data Report form and transmittal.
                                          .F  Once processing of the N-5 package has been completed, a        !

    copy of the completed original Data Report form will be fonvarded to the QAAS for retention.  ! l l .3 JTPs for Category 1 Non-ASME work shall be tabulated on an l Installation Report at the direction of the QAAS once A&E approval of as-built configurations is roccived through the Project Engineer. l l 6.5 Completed Data Reports and Installation Reports shall remain on i file in the QA Records Vault until such time as turnover is directed ! by the Owner. , l f Ias, ' I Cps vv. { Kv _W,TnD PDn\/ l


                                        .1 One copy of cach Data Report / Installation Report shall be retained by Hunter Corporation.

    7.0 TRAlllING REQUIREMEllTS 7.1 All Enginecrir.g Department, Production Department, Quality Assurance and Quality Control Department Supervisors shall receive training to this SIP.

                                         .1    Each Supervisor shall then assure that their personnel are performing their duties as specified in this SIP.

    7.2 Individuals participating in the preparation or review process need not receive documented training.

           /5                     7.3 Production Department personnel previously trained to the last revision of this procedure need not receive documented training.

    l E 9 l l l l .

                       -         s v . '.       n u t_    _ .s .A t y
               ' s.l.P. NO.          4.201                     CUAUTY ASSURANCE PROGRAM                                                     [ ',L 3 5                                                                                                     .1.M. -[


                                                                                                        , HUNTER CORPOR ATION EQUIPMENT INSPECTION CifECKLIST t


                                     -HOLD 00'cl BOLTS OR f;UTS ARE IN PLACE, NOT LOOSE, AND HAVE FULL f;UT ENGAGEf1ENT.                          O ACCEPT
                                     -GROUTING IS CO?tPLETED.                                   O ACCEPT
                                     -LUBE OIL Af D C00LifiG HATER PIPING 15 CONNECTED.         O ACCEPT
                                     -ALIGfelENT DOCUl:EN1ATION IS CO'fLETED.                   O ACCEPT QUALITY CONTROL CHECKLIST FOR N0'! ROTATING EQUIPrtENT                                      f Inspection item                                                 Inspector and Date
                                      -HULD DOL."1 BOLTS ARE IN PLACE NOT LU0SE,


                                      -GROUTING 15 CutlPLLTED.                                  O ACCEPT                                    .


     ;                         REMARKS INSPECTOR #iD DATE
                                                                                                                   ,    11C-159 (1/U2)

    R/2 DAf [ v u oF~DO,. u nu, . . .t.v] v a vIV Q\/

    n_. -

             ' S.I.P. NO.
                                                                                                                                     .                  e PIP 1r0 SYitttir!'!".'v$trM Fl*:st itSPfrTir.*: UPCST _                                   h]

    e .. . Job No. C 751N6 Custorcr Cre emv41th fditm HUNTCrt Cor2Poic AT so.. JTP/Drawingf:o. 150. Revitica fio. IttsPrC11'Ch f)Pf 3 tT1:E1 or i::s?Attt.Ttcn

                                       .                            CC In w etr,r m .                                                      OC Insterter/ cite
    1. Systen identified...... 4. Flow Sensitive Devices
    2. Instellaticn r:r CC3... Installed Correctly.....
    3. Cosponents Un.:4e45eo... 5. No Hold Tags Attacted. ..

    llalkdwrn docuwnts reviewed and approved t:y QC Level II/Date Coments PEVlfV Cr 17;S?tCT!03 TYPE 2 - MC'.*?TAf tt*l CA QC Insreetcr/Cate 19stettor/rHe All/Pate

    1. Process Sheets ar.J L' eld recercs Ccrelete.

    (InspectionFold/L'itnessPointsCerpleted. 150. Rev No. Material Traceability *ata Corplete. 22E Perfor:ed and Referer:ce Sen r e tuiree)...................

    2. Field Crder ar.d raterial Rect.istt'ces C:rpletc............
    3. Rework Feeuests Refereaced and Closed Cut .

    4 R!Os F.eferenced and Cicsed Cat.............

    5. NRs referercec and C1csed Cat..............
    6. Discrepancy Reports Closed.................


    • IwsPECTic: Typt a CA 150. Rev No.


    1. Type 4 Checklist corelete rer CCWI/Date'
    2. Discrepancy Ke2crts. Closed...............................
    3. Pre s sure Te st Co:rp l e te. .. .. ... .. .. ..... ......... .. ..... ..

    L Coments l l

           .                        Isr5PECTIO1 TYPF 5 - Fit!At A0ffPTA"CE                                                         !$0. Rev No.
                                                   .                CC Inspector /Pete                                                      OA Insreeter/c*t.
    1. Instaliatfor. Accepted 3. Docucentatien Accepted A? Pfpfeg............ A) Piping..............

    8: Cc re cs to:rorts F) Cv 'ca*nt !vrrrrts . C;I bhip Kesteaf nts/ C) Vnip Festraints/ Jet D?flecters Jet Deflectors...... D) l'ech. (cutr ent D) Fech. (cuis:ent Adjustmat Cerplete Adj us tme n t . . . . . . . . . .

    2. No Hcid lass attacr. c..

    l Ce ents FitLD !crint:iit:.rtAT/?cmf tr.CI:4t:t Arproval and Pate CULTC IR Lttr.t'JMAfivl 5 i< a .J rarc _ O h'~' '

                                                                         "3               p i             ,          :
    • l Iois 1:1.l?A (!;.C)


    • doV 1 ' t * , 'l 5 Ll ,. W i

    Jgj - - -

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                                              .                                                                     ~
                                                                   .. ... mis m,;ilm.                        '.

    JTP/crewirig !:o. i;;: t e s x m. c-1, I i l I i I  ! . s W e* 6 l i i

                                          ,             i 4             l e              i I

    I i 1 ! t I 1 I t i I l e I i l I i , l B'"~ G { 7. 'N)SlhT[^. .. . L suvi . n u _ t_ - vUi I .



    COT 0*ill;T SUFFORT/WIIP RESTM!!iT/ JET DEFLECTOR FIriAt If;5FLCTIO:s REPORT [Y. mmm . Job Ho. C-751006 Customer Corimm.calth Edisen HUNTCit CORPORATION Hunter CCD Revision No. Used for Initiation of FIR: Hunter A&E A & E Fevision - Itunter Revision Chance - Insta11ati m tot Affected Installation Not Af fected RFwlW hien Intered by cate of Entry New Revision intered ry Cate of Entr1 REVIEW OF 1!!!PECTION TYFE 2 DOCt'*4rNTAT10:4 AND Tytt 3 INSPECTION Note: Items 1 through 3 are the docunentatten of !!!SFECT!0ft TYPC 3 for Faulted Condition Restraints and Jet Deficctors when applicable. QA QC

                                                     .                                                               Inspecter/Date Inspectnr/Date                    ANI/Date
    1. Process $heets ar.d Feld Recerds Cc.'plete -

    (Inspection Hold /'.:itress Points Corpleted. Material inceability Data Conlete. kX Perforced and F.eferenced Den Required. PWHT Charts Corplete and f.eferenced When Frquired) .................... .............................. .

    2. Installation utches CCD and/or as-tuilt data supplied.......
    3. F iel d Orders Ir ci cded a nd Ccq1 e te . .. . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . .
    4. Verify Type Ill Inspection is Conlete for l Corrpenen t Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    S. Rework Requcsts Referenced and Closed Out ...

    6. Rf;Ds Referenced and Closed Out .............
    7. Es Re ferenced a nd Closed Out . ........ .. .... ,,
    8. Discrepancy Reports Closed ..................

    Coments l Inspector and Date l INSPTCTION TYPE 4 (C0"P0*:Erli SUPPORTS 0*:1Y) Drawing Revision No. GC Inspector /Date

    1. Installation in Place. Intact and Undwaged ...............
    2. No liold Tags Attached .....................................
    3. 1 ravel Stops Renoved ......................................



    Inspector and Date INSPECT 10:3 nrE 5 ( ISTR1,1ff15 **O OCFitCTORS C*RY) Drawing Revision No. QC I Ins

    1. Ir.stallation in Flace. Intact and Undariged ...............~ rertnr/ Data
    2. No Hol d T a gs At ta c hed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Co w nts I .i W sicI R ArlttD serttinite:ornT/ry city!pgfnd cate AedjI


    i rT n an< tt d 3 Q g l l \U _. L."L= - Forn HN.193 (?-82)


                       " "U" 5                                                                                                                   bb CN e SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE-DATE              8-30-82 PAGE      17        OF 26                                                                     HUNTER CORPORATION IN5pICT!0:1 Trp[ 4 CI:ttril!T ET.

    m-M .

                                                                                                                          .. HUNTER COrtPORATIOld Drawing No.                                         Rev. No.                   Used for Inspection JSTR"CTIOn                  .
    1. The drawing used for inspection rust accor;any this Checklist dur'r; :.nd upon cenpletion cf the Insrection. If more than or.e Ins;cctor is assigned work ur. dor erre drct:In; ecch Inspector s:ust cocpicte a Checklist and attach a marked-up drawing indicating the portion of the installation inspected.
    2. The purpose of this Insrection Type is te assure that subject installations have re:noined installed at the lecations srecifico (l'.11 ACE); that all of the specified parts have rer.afned installed in the everall assc.?bly (1iT/CT); and that tic installatic.n is undar.5-aged. The STCCTtuL DI.'".GE portice of the insrection is concerned with indications such as arc burns, der.ts, c'eforestion, rust, and gouges. The limits of acceptable indications are specificd on Chart 1.


    1. The installation has been inspected for being IN ptfCE and is O Acceptable O unacct; table .ispected t;y/04te Level Remarks 5

    i a Inspector /Date Level I t Ir.spector/Date Level

    2. The installation has been inspected for being INTfCT and is O Acceptable O Unacceptable Inspected By/Cate Level Remarks Inspector /Date Level Disposition j .

    i l i - Inspector /Date Level

    3. The installation t;as treen inspected fcr STRL'CTURfL DI.*ZE and is O Acceptable O Unacceptable Inspected Ey/Date Level Remarks l Inspector /Date Level q , ., . , , Inspector /Date Level i etr !I c Rt ric red lA L dVi\l ' .* V ,s L./ ') l Inspector /pate Level form HC-146 RF019190t:1 ,


    t. The followin3 hus.eest.=uist **p+'a t*ona er are me coveet.t'*e ar.t. ort 1.1 Leechan. css se s. atieaweas enJ p.ts on cia e** t?tG" ce atss in d. pth, and DO Not encroach on manufactuece% nu...n thickaco t t2 5N of ne pre Lt.w ss arnas.ons ase def.ned as cable ma43.n.O s. guido mad s.tcai n aeks. t ra t sceAlaw scores. d,e marks. ets e

    1.2 irisuat empeefeit ces comman'y veterees to es scabs, seams. Iaps. tears. slavers or dents found to be 5% oe sets of the neenwn il theckacss en ceptfL

    2. T he surfxe stperfect.ons shall be evaluated and d.spositioned by a Level 11 Irispector; 2.1 Suefue smFeefcc .ons whien esceed Farepaphs 1.1 ANO 12.

    2 2 Arc tvens. mhen semused that ha e resultedin depressens Oeeater than 1/16*.or haie encroached on snanufattweer's men mum thicsness (12 5*. of neminal pope size A 2 3 flust (which,t be removed by rubbeg hand brusheng, or has p.ts which esceed paeagesph 41).

    3. T he 6nstar ted p pe st.a't f eeepsonab8y st.a.ght Fee meta 8 ert me def end searnsess pipe.the mmasmem feoen a 10'stes ght eJ;e placed so t%at totsi an2s ave en contact we% thg 7 00 shed be tr$".

    Deviat.ons esteecing 1 ** shas be evolvated and c.spos. hor 6ed by a Level siinspcciot. e NOrdtNAL TillCKNL55 TOLERANCES 5% OF 12 5*. OF

    • 8% OF 12.5% OF 5% of 12 5% or NOMINAL IJOMd. AL NOMINAL NOM:NAL NOf/I'J AL NOf.tlN A L 9f0fAINAL NOMINAL NO*.!If;AL THICKNESS THICMAE55 THtCKNESS THICAI.18$ THICKNESS THICKNESS 1HICKNE55 THICKNESS THtC'.MCSS 0.066 0 C33 0(48 034 00:5 0 037 0 750 0 037 0 094 0.038 0004 0 018 0 303 0 015 0 038 0 812 0 041 0 102 0 091 0 005 0 01% 0 337 0 015 0 039 0843 0 042 0.105 0 095 0 035 0 012 0 336 0 015 0 034 0 864 0 043 0 108 0.113 COM 0 014 0 312 0 016 0 039 0 875 0 044 01c3 0.199 0 006 0 015 0410 0 016 0 040 0 906 0 045 0.113 0125 0 006 0 016 0 322 0016 0 040 0 937 0 047 0.117 0 126 0 005 0 014 0 330 0 016 0 041 0968 0 048 0 121 0.133 0 037 0 017 0 337 0 017 0042 1.003 0 050 0.125 0.140 0 007 0.018 6 343 0.017 0043 1.031 0 052 0.129 0145 0 007 0 013 0.3s4 0 017 0.043 1 062 0.053 0.133 0.14 7 0 007 0 014 0 354 0 010 0 Os5 1.093 0 055 0.137 0.154 0 006 0019 0.365 0.018 0 046 1.125 0 056 0.141 0.156 0 000 0 020 0 375 0 019 0 047 1.156 0.058 0.144 0 179 0 009 0 022 0.322 0 019 0 0a4 1218 0 061 6152 0187 0 009 0.023 0430 0 020 0 050 1250 0 062 0.156 0.188 0 009 0 024 0 406 0 020 0.05 I tal 0C64 0 160 0191 0 010 0 024 0 432 0 022 0054 1.312 0 006 0.164
              ,                         0 200             0 010          0 025                0.436          0022              0054             1.343      0 067         0.168 0203              0 010          0 025                0 417          0 022             0 055            1.375      0 0C9         0.172 0 216             00l1           0 027                0.43S          0 022             0 055            1.406      0.070         0 176 0 218             0 011          0.027                0 'Jo          0 024             0 062            1.436      0 072         0.183 0 219             0 011          0.C27                0 538          0027              0 066            1.500      0 075         0.188 0226              0 011          0 028                0 552          0 024             0 0G9            1 531      0 077         0.191 0.237             0 012          0030                 0 562          0 026             0 070            1562       0 078         0.195 0 250             0 012          0 035                0 593          0030              0.074            1.593      0 080         0 193 0 258             0 013          0 032                0 C00          0030              0 075            1 750      0 088         0219
    • 0 278 00'4 0 034 0 625 0 038 0 078 1.781 0 089 0223 0277 0 014 0035 0E% 0033 0 083 1.412 0 091 0 226 O 279 0 014 0 035 0 C74 0 034 0 084 1 964 6 098 0 245 f 0 263 0 014 0 035 0 447 0034 0 036 2 062 0.103 0258 l

    0 261 0 014 0 035 0 718 0 036 0 089 2 343 0.117 0293 i i COMMENTS

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               ' S.I.P. N O.
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                                                                                                                           .           C 73  .


                                            .             .          INITIATED ATINSPECTION TYPr                CC:


                         ". I p$ pno         oppt Ticy        ._

    ll: l} O MATERIAL CONTROL u i. #E, . ., mm.ay. j] -.- .. ..... , _ . - - , , l -

    r -- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .___ _. _ __. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S.I.P. NO. 4.201 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM E ' ' ' .] Tar

                                                                                                                                              .L- .2L REVISION         5
         .                                                 SITE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE                                                     L ;;J e DATE           8-30-82 PAGE 20          op     26                                                                     HUNTER CORPORATION DISCREPR:CY REP 0't1 LOG                                      8b-System                                                                               :HUfiTER*CORPON TYOb Item    Transm                   Rec'                                DR I.T.f   Dy                          1.T.i   & cept       Remarks DR No.      Ident. To Date                        Date
                                                                                                                                               -         :6 O

    ( - l l l We

                                                           .    .        . ve,
             . - .                     4.201 S.I.P. NO.                                                                QUALITY hSSURANCE PROGRAM                                                                                                                       CQ REVISION 5                                                                                                                                                                                                 it'1


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