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Addl Response to FOIA Request for NRC Study on Potential of Presently Licensed Sites to Cause Significant Radiation Exposure to Surrounding Populations in Event of Severe Accident.Forwards Study
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 03/23/1981
From: Felton J
To: Green C
Shared Package
ML19295E512 List:
FOIA-80-586 NUDOCS 8104070250
Download: ML20126H164 (1)



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' WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

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March 23; 1981 ,

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1195 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045 -.

(202) 637-3600 2'31.Ti,'s .


g g; Nov. 18. 1980 .,


' ' - ' lj; EitV.' ES Harold R. Denton Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. D.C. 20555 FREEDOM OF. INFORMATION ACI BEQUESI_

FOIA- 2 0 - S 2 6

Dear Mr. Denton,

Att 'd I 1 - / -sa

w. bro Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request access to a staff study on the potential of presently licensed sites to cause significant radiation exposure to surrounding populations in the event of a severe accident.

Reference to the study was made in the third paragraph of an Oct. 14 letter you sent to Ms. Jane Seed of Hobart, Ind.

concerning the Bailly nuclear power plant.

Your consideration of this matter would be most appreciated.



Charles A. Green s

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D m a A 0011240ago

DISIRlBU110N:w/ incoming *

., Docket File * (50-367)

TERA f4RC/ PDR* RVollmer L/PDR* OELD .

EDO Rdg GErtter (09245) >

OCT 14 N f1RR Rdg EHughes LB#1 Rdg* LStowers HDenton 0IE(3)

ECase PPAS Rdg RMa ttson Dross es. Janr feed DEisenhut 1~.savanaugrr}

100 f ast JPtb Street RPurple u5n75Fr'-

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Febart , Indiana /t0347 RTedesco SHanauer JYoungblood SECY (3) (80-1311)

Oca r l's. eccd: MDLynch MRushbrook*

As indicr.ted in l'r. Tolsom's letter of June P0,10.T, your ccments regarding the railly facility, which you made at the issues briefine session held in March 1900 at the I'hite Pouse, have been forwarded to the f!uclear Ecnolatory Ccmmissicn fer our consideration. Your comennts en the railly plant fall into three' hasic areas; i.e., site suitability with cmrbesis on the populatico density, the feasibility of evacuatinn the adjacent steelmill and national park in the event of a severe acddent at failly and the capability of the founr'ation of this plant. Tach of these areas is discussed below.

Your coment that the Failly site, *. . . scored worst of all the country's sites

... " undcohtedly refers to the Proposed guidelines for siting of future nuclear rower plants contained in i1UPf 0-0FP5, " Report of the Siting Policy Task force,"

Aucust 1979. That docuirent proresed new siting criteria, including surroundine Perulation, ubich veuld be considered by the idRC staff in evaluating sites for nuclear porer plants. It should Ec noted that the basic intent .nf the NPC in issuinn this document was to reenrbasize the imrcrtance of low population as nne of the factors to be considered when evaluatino a preposed site. Hovever, fmRf0-0625 does not consider any cf the othe.r equally important sitinn consid-erations such as the availability cf cooling water, tbc proximity of a site to existino transmission corridors, the reolony and seisrcology of a site and the , <

environmental impact of a plant. Since all of these facters must be considered in establishing acceptability cf e site, f!UPEG-0F25 is not intended to be the.

sole basis for judging sites. Public comtrent on this document has been invited.

Pith respect to your coment characterizing the reilly site as the worst of all the country's sites, we have reviewed all of the presently licensed sites for their potential to cause significant radiation expesure to the surrounding population in the event of a severe accident. Ve found that when the distribution of population, the potential seurce of fission products and a typical " worst case" tretcorclogical dispersion is considered, the Pailly site ranks eighth to I ninth in terms of potential radiation dosage for distances between 30 miles and 50 miles away from the site. (At t'ncsc distances, the population centered about Chicago, Illinois is included.) Powever, Pailly is far down the list for distances up to ten miles from the plant. This reflects the relatively small population in a ten mile radius around the Bailly facility as well as its relatively small power level in comparison with other nuclear power plants. If only i W nh 0 .


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