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Responds to 800521 Memo Re Atty General of Il Expressing Opposition to Facility.Position of Il Atty General Is Well Known to NRC Through Participation in Adjudicatory Proceedings.Draft Ltr to SE Eizenstadt Encl
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 10/27/1980
From: Dircks W
To: Stevenson A
Shared Package
ML20062J784 List:
NUDOCS 8011100574
Download: ML20062J781 (12)


DISTRIBUTION:*w/ incoming

  • g;sz,(,

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9 bcc: Mr. Stuart E. Eizenstadt

' -p t 9. MDLynch SCavanaugh

... 'A*


L/PDR* MF,ushbrook* SECY(3)(80-1187) 1"' ...'.-

O ED0 Rdg RVollmer JCook n~

hgj '# OCT 2 7 $80 NRR Rdg LB41 Rdg*

SGoldberg BGrimes GErtter (ED0#09131)


HDenton BSnyder SHanauer ECase EHughes .ie 7 e Pencrable Niei T. Stevenson RMattson MFudge United .ates Senate LStowers "ashincton, ". C. 20510 DEisenhut RPurple OIE (3)

RTedesco PPAS Rdg near Fenatcr Stevensen: JYoungblood Dross o

Your mercrandum of May 21, 1980, regarding the ailly nuclear plant has been referred to re for reply. Ycur meccrandum seeks .*!RC cement en a letter frem the effice of the Attcrney General of Illinois, dated May 12, 1980, expressing the latter's epcositicn to the Bailly plant. I sincerely regret the delay in rescending te your remorandum. The Bailly case, however, has been intensely liticated in this time reriod and this litication as well as cur review of the short pile rreposal has cccupied the time of these staff reembers assigned to this case.

The position of the Illinois Attorney General's Office on the Bailly plant is well kncwn tc the Ccmission since that office has presented its views before several fen: s presently censidering aspects of construction of the Eailly facility. For examole, that office is a carty to the NRC adjudicatcry creceeding ccrsiderine a request to extend the Eailly construction permit.

On Aunust 8 l@0, the Pailly Licensing Board issued an Order admitting the Illinois Atterney General as an Intervenor in the hearing to be held en the recuested extension cf the construction permit.

That c#fice Fas also petitioned the U. S. Court of Appeals for the District cf Cc%mbia te reverse a Comissicn decision not to initiate hearings en the Bailly pile fcundation. In addition, a recuest from that office is pending with the NRC Director of Nuclear Peactor Regulatien to halt construction of Cailly on the grounds of population density and evacuation planning. The Comission staff believes these provide effective avenues for censideraticn of the concerns advanced by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General.

The certif ssion staff has and will centinue to give due regard to the position c' that effice in performing its regulatcry respcnsibilities with respect to the Bailly plant.

I hcpe that this letter has been responsive to your concerns.

Sincerely, (Signed William 1.Dirsks William J. Dircks, Executive Directer for Operaticns THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS POOR QUAUTY PA{ES oghc

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. .j."*' ED0 OFFICE .MD[y% $.

SURNAME >. o.un My . L.Tedasco. ..SGo.ldbeTg.. j.DE L M... t; . , . .HQinto n . ' .. . WJ .c s..

10/ 15/ 0 10/4780 10/ 1/80 10g/B0 10 Q 80 10/y/80 l

NQC FORM 318 (9 76) NRCM 0240 f =") 1 DU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING CFFICE: 1979-289 369

_ cf1'1100 )[W

DISTRIBUTION:*w/ incoming BSnyder BGrimes Docket File (50-367)* EHughes SHanauer TERA DEisenhut MFudge NRC/PDR* RPurple LStowers L/PDR* RTedesco 0IE (3)

ED0 Rdg JYoungblood PPAS Rdg The Pennrable Adlai E. Stevenson United States Senate NRR Rdg MDLynch Dross LBil Rdg* MRushbrook* SCavanaugh Washingten, D. C. 20510 HDenton RVollmer SECY (3)(80-1187)

Pear Senator Stevenson: ECase SGoldberg, ELD JCook RMattson GErtter(ED0#09131)

Your memorandum of May-21,1980, regarding the Eaflly nuclear plant has been referred to se for reply.

Your memorandue seeks NRC ccament on a letter from the office of the Attorney General of Illincis, dated May 12, 1980, expressing the latter's oppositien to the Bailly plant. I sincerely regret the delay in responding to your memorandum. The Bailly case, however, has been intensely litigated in this time period and this litigation as well as our review of the short pile preresal has occupied the time of those staff members assigned to this case.

Inaswuch as this case is so intensely litigated, we waited upon the availa-bility of these members of the staff so that we cculd decide whether a detailed response to the Illinois Attorney General's letter was appropriate. Ve subse::uently decided no to de so based on the considerations discussed below.

The position of the Illinois Attorney General's Office on the Bailly plant is well known to the Consission since that office has presented its views before several forums presently censidering aspects of construction of the Railly facility. For examole, that office is a party to the NRC adjudicatory preceedinc considerinc a recuest to extend the Bailly ccnstruction permit.

On August 8,1980, the Bailly Licensing Board issued an Order admitting the Illinois Attorney General as an Intervenor in the hearing to be held en the recuested extension of the construction permit.

That office has also petitioned the U. f. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to reverse a Commission decision not to initiate hearings on the Bailly pile foundation. In addition, a recuest from that office is pending with the NRC Director of Muclear Reactor Regulation to halt constitcticn of Bailly on the grounds of population density and evacuation planning. The Comission staff believes these previde effective avenues for consideration of the concerns advanced by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General.

The Commission staff has and will continue to give due regard to the position r? that office in performing its regulatory responsibilities with respect to the Sailly plant. -

I hope that this letter has been responsive to your concerns.


l William J. Circks, Executive Director for Operations DL:AD/L 0 ELD DL:DIR NRR:DIR EDO DL:LB#1 . .. .

omet >.MDLynch/1s.. - . .. .. . . . .. .... . . . - - .

. SGo.l.dberg. .. dei senhut. . . HDenton. . WJDircks ,, '

su R Nauc k. BJ Yo.un gb l o.a d.SLIed e s cc. . .

10/ 14/80 10/ /80 10/ /80 10/ /80 10/ /80 10/ /80 ..

oarc k . .. .. ... . .

NQC FORM 318 (9 76) NRCM 024G DU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFicEt 1979 289 369

DISTRIBUTION:*w/ incoming

- Docke; File (50-367)*

TERA NRC/PDR* RVollmer L/PDR* SGoldbero, ELD EDO Rdg GErtter(ED0#09131)

NRR Rdg EHughes LB#1 Rdg* MFudge  !

HDenton LStowers ECase OIE (3)

RMattson PPAS Rdg i DEisenhut Dross RPurple SCavanaugh "r. Stuart E. Eizenstadt ~

Assistant to the President RTedesco SErY (3) (80-1187) for Domestic Affairs and Policy JYoungblood JCook  !

The White Heuse MDLynch BSnyder Washington, D. C. 20500 MRushbrook* BGrimes SHanauer  :

Dear Mr. Eizenstadt:

Your referral memcrandum of June 5,1980 regarding the Eaflly nuclear plant ,

has been referred to me for reply. .

Your memorandum seeks N#C coment on an enclosed memorandem originating from the office of Senator Adlai Stevenson, dated May 21, 1980, concerning a letter i from the office of the Attorney General of Illinois, dated May 12, 1980, exoressing the latter's coposition to the Bailly plant. The position of the  ;

Illinois Attorney General's Office on the Bailly plant is well kr.own to the Comissier. ,That office has presented its views before several forums presently considering aspects of Bailly construction. Fcr example, that office is a party to the NPC adjudicatory proceeding censidering a request to extend i t*?e Pailly construction permit. That office has also petiticced the U. S.

Ccurt of Appeals for the District cf Columbia to reverse a Comission decision net to initiate hearines on the Railly pile foundation. In addition, a reouest fecm that office is pending with the NPC Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulaticn to halt ccnstruction of Bailly on the grounds of population density and evacuatien planning. The Comission staff believes these provide effective avenues for consideration of the concerns advanced by the Office of the Illinois Attorney i General. The Comission staff has and will continue to give due regard to the position of that office in performing its regulatory responsibilities with respect to the Bailly plant.

I hcpe that this letter has been responsive to your concerns.

Sincerely, William J. Dircks, Executive Director for Operations l



  1. D [: L ' -


  • DL:DIR NRR:DIR EDO NDLyn l SURNAME 8JY0u d* .RLTedesco* SGo1dberg*-

8'" - -*"0"~

- " N-DATE kI . . . . ... ... - . .I0/. /8.0

- 10/../8Q. . .10/. . . /.80.

N%C FORM 318 (9 76) NRCM 0240 DU.S. GOV ERNMENT PAINTING CCFICE: 1979-289-369

Distribution :*w/ incoming l Docket File (50-367)* I


TERA OELD NRC/PDR RVollmer L/PDR GErtter (EDO#09131)

EDO Rdg EHughes NRR Rdg MFudge LBul Rdg* LStowers HDenton 01E (3)

ECase PPAS Rdg RMattson Dross Mr. Stuart E. Eizenstadt DEisenhut SCavanaugh Assistant to the President RPurple SECY (3) (80-1187) for Domestic Affairs and Policy RTedesco JCook The White House BJYoungblood BSnyder Washington, D. C. 20500 MDLynch BGrimes MRushbrook* SHanauer

Dear Mr. E12enstadt:

Your referral memorandum of June S,1980 regarding the Bailly nuclear plant has been referred to me for reply.

Your memorandum seeks NRC comunent on an enclosed memorandum originating fras the office of Senator Adlai Stevenson, dated May 21, 1980, concerning a letter from the office of the Attorney General of Illinois, dated May 12, 1980, expressing the latter's oppositten to the Bailly plant. The position of the Illinois Attorney General's Office on the Bailly plant is well known_ ,, }, j to the Corsnission. That office has ;;;::::q1ts views cefore several forums l presently considering aspects of Bailly construction. For example, that offica is a party to the NRC odjudicatory proceeding censidering a request to extend the Bailly constrix; tion pennit. That office has also petitioned the U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Colunbia to reverse a Consiission decision not to initiate hearings on the Bailly pile foundation. .,

In addition, a request fran that office is pending with*the NRC Director of T ie (.uu stries l Nuclear Reactor Regulation to halt construction of Bailly on the '; rounds of 44 bckt population density and evacuation plarding. A The Comission staff has and 4,, p,,gge, will continue to give due regard to the position of thetoffice eL+he 11' M:!: *tte- ey 9 - -d in performing its regulatory responsibilities with &'.%

respect to the Bailly plant. .(.c (.5/

I hope that this letter has been responsive to your concerns. 'IM6" dv. ace / hy A Gincerely, 4, , $g, ,g. m . ANtag n<r.l.

fg - William J. Dircks, Executive Director g for Operations b ,

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  1. / NL::B#1 I DL Gis u AD/q's?

DL:DIR NRR:DIR ED0 uijTF ,WDi'r'cks. .

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.MDLyrich r RL iECfs'd '

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  • 0E4senhut- 4Denton- "'

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ele Stuart E. Eizenstadt Assi nt to the President fo , tic Affairs and Policy g] gm3 $ &cdC Washington, D. L. 90500 w -i,lgu p g.L*, * , } g

t. _ / C:

-Exc "c. ::.m.a. .. ,

(;y al@sdcu " -t hm a >' ,

Your referred memorandum of June 5,1980 regarding the Bailly nuclear planthasbeenreferredtomeforreply.TYour memorandum seeks NRC ccm-ment on an enclosed memorandum originating from the office of Senator Adlai Stevenson, dated May 21, 1980, concerning a letter n_a ... .s .Js eh from the office of the Attorney' General of Illinois, dated May 12, 1980, expressing the latter's opposition to the Baiily plant. The position of the Illinois Attorney General's office on the Bailly plant is well known to the Commission.e d th: ,x : i '. u c. ; ' t'x :; - .- -: ; ; i ; c. ' x . c n .. .m ".'.. . ,-e

a. . . . . . m, ;m..m J. That o"# ice has espoused its views before several forums presently considering aspect: of Bailly construction. For examplo, that office is a party,to the NRC adjudicatory proceeding considering a request to ex-tend the Bailly construction permit. That office has also petitioned the U. S. Cou'rt of Appeals for the District of Columbia to reverse a Commission

' decision not to initiate hearings on the Bailly pile founcation . In addi-tion, a request from that office is pending with the NRC Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation to halt construction of Bailly on the grounds of popu-lation density and evacuation planning. The Commission staff has and will (

l continue to give due regard to the position of the office of the Illinois Attorney General in performing its regulatory responsibilities with respect to the Bailly plant.

I hope that this letter has been responsive to your concerns.

Sincerely, I

( b ~a m d h 1 -r_ r_ L , , _

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1o_7 80 d

TO: (Name, office symbol, room trumber, initials Date TO: (Name, office symbof, room number, i Dullding, Agency /rost) initials Date bullding. Agency / Post) 3, Steve Goldberg i 3, Dave Lynch I

2.  ; s.
3. 3.

& A

  • l E i E Action File Note and Return Action File Note and Return
Approval For Clearance _

Per Conversation '

Approvst For Clearance Per Conversation j As Requested . For Correction Prepare RepfY As Requested For Correction Prepare Repff a Circufste For Your information see Me i Circutate for Your Information see Me i

Comment investigate Signature

{ _

Comment investigate Signature Coordination Justify '

Coordination Justify REMARKS REMARKS l

This memorandum to Eizenstadt looks unnecessarily ,

prickly. Let's see if we can tone it down. ,!


'y . -

l - Sorry about the additions but note J. Scinto Joe ' -


,), .


,}[ . ' ..

.,1- - i Steve -

89 ,li ,



l l

DO NOT use this form os a RECORD of approvais, concurrences, disposals, DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, j clearances, and similar actions i

clearances, and similar actions FROfA:(Name, org. symbef, /gency/ Post) Room No.-Btdg.

FROM:(Name, org. symbol Agency / Post) Room No.-Dide.

Phone No. Phone No.

Joe Scinto ~

. W i-tor OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) go4a 3o2 Of'ilONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76)

Freecnbed t osa Prestebod b CSA U r. s cro erm-o-2ai-ser n$, FPMR (4t Cr lot-il.2o6 trMR t48 cr 301-11.206 hu.s r.n> 4,r 33s4

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Da2e: 10/22/80 Orig 6ator:

o NRR: Lynch E00 No.: 9131 t E00 ROUTING SLIP Inccming Date: 5/Z1/80 ACTION:

Signature - Ltr


Ltr to Sen. Stevenson fm Dircks re ltr fm Dean Hansell, Asst. Attorney General of Illinois regarding the Bailly nuclear plant J

l ,


l ELO Goldberg 10/17 l GC NR(ase for Denton 10/22 50 -



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