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TVA - Joint Exhibit 31 - Rec'D 04/30/02: September 18, 1989 Fiser Performance Review
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1989
From: Fiser G, Lagergren W, Vondra C
Tennessee Valley Authority
Byrdsong A T
-RFPFR, 50-259-CIVP, 50-260-CIVP, 50-296-CIVP, 50-327-CIVP, 50-328-CIVP, 50-390-CIVP, ASLBP 01-791-01-CIVP, RAS 6052, TVA-Joint-31
Download: ML030900687 (21)


TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY EMPLOYEE APPRAISAL FOR MANAGER AND SPECIALIST EMPLOYEES "for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1989 NAME G. L. jlP__er, ORGANIZATION LEVEL _ _. SSN SW --GROUP VP Superintendent/M-9 OPERATON PG ' .--" .TYPE POSITION (m or a) Manater DIVISION SON .MANACER W. R. Laaeryren DEPARTMENT Plant ""Sui"ary Statement of employee'e Performsnce Potentidl:

t"r. Fieer's Performance for -Y88 was adequate and improved to solid performance throug~h the first three quarters of MYg9. Through this period he demonstrated 4w' continued weaknesses in atressiveness and com-iunication skills. Following sp"ecifi discussions and coachint in these areas, I have noted improvements,. . altbou1.h not to the degree T would have expected.

Personnel-related action is "ot taken spontaneously.

While actual chemistry results are good. the weak Spesses noted last year Persist. Material condition improvemento of chemistry equipment is not beinx pushed adequately.

  • ..* USNRC '. V; 2Z003 MAR -L PM 3:12 "--FFIF r -rr""RULEMAKINGS AND a E I 'jjQiCAfTI CT SIGN"ATURES:" ?:: I:: WX H R C. A. Vnr DATE IA-. -N EXT AIGHER C. A. Vondra 'DATE .:t .,.' .OYEE G. L. Flser DAT, rc ' I --*% TV.. 4! 41' ,_ , _ .-,..

I-AIK138 mooddv N3CII 10 leasw OW Ul/001 Vt IFIMU U103101 A A * * .*% ...:'. .V UPLOYEB APFBAIM....'

£ :;.' *- -. --:UHm C. L. ga3r -IL/GChem superintend;nt/H-9.'.


~~ ~PAR? 7.A' Performance Standards~~

T opee tL.b~ni ~ ~ -..;. k7:.;'.-~

Iscal year) Stt te'=ajoL*


specificcprojects and/orL{ -.'" . ~3Zauz~~nt~gon which'the em~ployee will be evaluat~ed t~hroughout tb. i:. V *.PERFOERMiCE STANZDARD

~. .--TRE AE .~. . V -:.*

  • Nzý~~ -A~r~. WEX HIGHE HAAE C ..naDT EMPLYEEFise DAT 4'--1 Fz-pwý EMLYEAPPRAISaL-:

page 2.~~~~I. 7~e ~TITLE/PC Chem. Superintendent,/M-KDA 7,-:~ PAR?'.APefr-aneSt-a~ndaida

'(To be to--plet~ed at. Lh"O beginnirnS of seual. year) St~ate the =ajor accountabilities, specific projects and/or.,.., : a~signzents on which, the employee will be evaluated throu&hout the fis cal year. I, *.OMA C ST N A D* ,. --v .* 2; L =; ~ ; \DkT1 .: r~.. .. ;~.AAE W. R. 2' ... "fx. .- ,. .DAT EMPOYE L.Fie DT --4F pa. ~**aZ.

? ~ ~ ' W.- "r., ~ ~~~-.-~.4 WZ.OYEE APAIL pae2b .-.. :. KAE F ge ' TITLE/PG chem. Superintendent/H-9 DATE PART 1.13 Performance Standards Annual 3uýary -(To be completed at the end £ of the fiscal year) State the e~mployees accomplishm.ents relative to the sajor accuntbiltie, seciicprojects and/or assig~nments listed Ln Part I. ;. .4~rve .1, 4.e ~4 4-.... -~~~~- fey *-~ -a- l.--.- .4-. ...p.-- -.4- -

"p E P LO YEE A P PRAI SAL -p ag e 3 * .... "t. ... ; R A K E C .L .F i s e r T I T L E / P C C h e m .S u p e r i n t e n d e n t / M -9 D A T E _ _ _.: SS,. ., .._.. .ss];" ...'" .- r r- .. .. *-. PART II Behavioral Standards

-(To be revised at the beginning of the fiscal .. year and evaluated at the end of the fiscal yeer) The following list those , , -behavioral standards against which each employee should be evaluated.

The -. extent to which they are used will vary depending on the nature of the " " , .-. 4K." position of the employee and the type of organization.

Others may be added as appropriate.

.... .. * ':...*1 .FLEXIBIL :ITY low .* ""' ' " " high .I Co==ents Tends to follow rather than lead, therefore appears to be Quite " "- f l e x i b l e .W a s n o t a c t u a l l y i n P e r s o n n e l a r e a s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h R I F process.

,. "..-;. .*. 2 .D E C I S I O N -M AKA I U1 G f h i g ho C o e=m n te I fee l th at I h ave to h ave p romW d ec is ion nakin x . Ji-' -. .* t,.. ký ..-. 3. DEPEN low /

  • high .: . Coeonts Meets work schedule as assitned.
4. SELF-MOTIVATION low Co~ ents * --' 5. INFLUENCING OTHERS low /./ ..*/ , ./high Co=ents vc1 ,*..- .6. PROBLEH SOLVING AND ANALYSIS low / /L J * / hi gh " Cc.-nts .-. S.. ... * ". -.4.o -7. TECIINICAL/PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE low X high -, Co -e nts Technically very competent.

.. *,". *-'.4 j . S .INNOVATING low X high "". ' C o r -en ts N ot a r isk t ak er .v;- . -. '-. -4 " -.-"9 .ORAL COMMUNICATIONS low I / /high -Cor ents Is not assertive and tend. to talk around subleet. .. O LS o,.'.- ..4. 7 7 .-.7 T T

  • n -7; _.., d -:4. *. -.. .... ..


-pals3a .: ... ,. * **. ' ,. .., .-...., ..: ." *. ... , .;- J ....- , ;. -.. " ; "4 NAME C. L. Fiser' .TITLE/PG Chem Superintendent/M-9 DATE "_."__ . 4- -. ...¢ "*-0. 7'1. WRITTEW

'.low I *hi .co=ment, * .- *. .- * .; .'.11. SUPERVISZING


high Corentz IRelies almost exclusively on power of position.

Does not spend .sufficient time with RLA L"% -. .. ~.. "-" .. "12. TE-MORK low -J high , :. .. .Cor-ents Is a team player. Concerned primarily with chemistry, but ""el.s tea pt ;.-j"- 13. PLI-YING AND ORGANIZING low I / /I / I high v 1 -:.": Co~rnents 4-v,: .14. SUPERVISORY IMPARTIALITY low I / I xI / high .... ---o .,, *.n.--tu,.

15. SUBORDINATE DEVELOPMENT low I / /- /..... high Con:nents Has not prepared a subordinate to assume his position.

Lg-..16. ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE low I l/ I l/ high ... Coents 4.'. .. -17. EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION low / I__X-/_ , high Co~ents Does not get nesscae over clearly. Tends not to answer "questions directly.

18. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT low / 1/ 1_/ high ..'." Co=ents * -.. .19. low high 2--. 0 " 9. low h__i__1__/gh__" Comerntts
  • _-_.." "2 4 .'.. .-" ,- ; ..- .,.. .......-..-,.7. ,.. ......,,., , ., ,.,
  • 2 * .4 4', -.4 .5 .4 .4 t... 1.'V p ......'- .......... ..

F- ,. .....,.. , .,-. ..........,.. * *- s., .o, ,. *.. *. o * ..o .. I. ,. -, t E. M EPLOYEE APPRAISAL

-page 4 --NAME G. L. Yiser TITLE/PG Chem. Superintendent/M-9 DATE .1__ I.9', .-.'-- .-..-...* ., .. ." .-. ..:. .*.:I )". E PART I1I Employee Appraisal

-(To be completed at *the end of each quarter) :-- Summary state.zent of the employee's perforranco during each quarter of the -.

  • fiscal year as noted by the manager and discussed with the employee...

FIRST QUARTER ' " -".a.1 D. .................................................

---I? I', .4. *1&. I-. I., *'1,

  • I..-. I:-. '. I h SIGNZATURES:


  • 4-, a. -N * .a I".
  • I.. * . -DATE... M.-..- K LUYtE DATE I, .- ., .*: * ... . S, -o- , ...... ..... * .s. _.. .... .., .-, ...K V -.:'- :-"-

',-.. ..-.. .... ..-. * -". ." .: ." ..r .. -..-.* .. .A *.- ...*.... *.. .1'-- * -. -.. ..-. .... *-


MANAGER I Z-vZtr :ý 3 I

.:dL ., ; ._ .. ..,*. .., *. .o .! * ... , ., -..:. .-. ÷ ... , s. -; 2. .* .." .U' .. S.* -., ". , *-" .' -. .. " -, .e -. ,/" EPLOYEE APPRAISAL

-page 4a , -,-, -.-, ..: . 2: .. ..... -. ."'-. ., ' ....,.. ... .L. Ti TITLE/PG Chem. -.rintendent.,9 DATE SCM', * ..*. ". * . * 'II Employee Appralsal.- (To be completed at. the end of each quarter) * '-' ,-. Sur-ary statement of the employee's performance during,each quarter of the .-. ,,.. fiscal year as noted by the manager and diucuised witb the employee.

A. ..I THIRD QUARTER . -,. ....*,- ,- .. , -o.KAV -" -.. , ... " *. .SIGNATURES:

MANZAGER DATE EMPL.OYEE DATE ... FOURTH QUARTER Mr. Tger has iroved in this quarter. A.reg Iveness and hands-on mranaxement of personnel problems-ts still not where it should be for a -i .t.,. .7, o. superintendent.

He did perform well with a technical problem that arose this r quarter_(DC fuel aid samplinx).

I need to see a Tnore can-do attitude and ~. active decision rnalcint.

in the future. 4 -- .-, :, * .J. :e. SI. :-V..  ;,~ v'."". .- HJJJA~DATE -C...*. ELOYEt DATE


~ *.,. -.~~t .. .C .0 -.. ..!U-... k... C-IK ... .4o" y. if, Z/ "

  • b

--o Sy" ,1* ~-- * -._, _ _p ..... ..... .-E -". (TP R A E AL" T TE PO E-A S 1Wote: ,. The irforimetonrreueute on thLE PCC e is uptional.t'-'

It 15 iltenkdd toDT serve as an aid Li identIfyincareer, and developmental opportunities which'. v,--..% -, -.are in line wIt.h both the goals.of.the e=Ipoyee and the needs of,.tha o..rg oranization.'.

Your. vupervisorIs "to add his/her comhents i" . i information with you'" sugest..a development plan" (as appropriite)8:and fovard o-c' M -t this information to L~e next'level.of supervision.

-:You will havean~ .J'.~ opportunity to update this information once a year, or you may roqusat that it.*"\r be updated any tLme you desire during the course of the year...: . CAREER INTER.ESTS Z .... .4-Al' Describe your career Interests and goals. both short- and long-term.'


2. Describe your main strengths which support your career itrss 1.4 DEVELOPMENJT ACTIVITIES * ;.-. L 3. Plaedescribe ayactivities you have undertaken to develop your knowledge, skills, or abilities so that you are better prepared to pursue ' your career goals. 6 SPERVISOR'S COOH!UTS EU% 7 -

.*..} .  :....- a .-.,* .'.,: .. * ..: 41 3' 3%'3 f:. ...-..". ... .'.. ..*. .'.... ........................ -...-...* * ,. ** *,* * :4.. .,. .*.* f :.. ......: S,r,*., L ..

".EHU'LOY'EE APPRAISAL -page 5& .A Jc AIME 0. L. riser TITLE/PG Chem. Supezintendent/M-9 DATE (OBE COMPLETED BY MANAGER) i SDEVELOPHMEN PLANS coidr the nesof bohcurrent a~nd potential future s ~ k AJrea To Be Developed

£ Actions Axtressiveneso E Arear of weakn~ess can only be E corrected..

in aline management Co-n-uni cation vertically

£ position with Increased coaching/

E counseling by myself. E Hore active involvement from ma. £ . E a E I.. 1.. I.E ES j,7! EJ E '.~ i-. -* £5 ~5 r £ * -4E 121ýrý'HF.

ZAiE Ac C.£


ORGANIZATION LEVEL _" SSW GROUP UP"* TITLE'p-Ct e.-t,"trX Superintendent/M-9 OPERATION NPG -- TYPE POSITION (m or a) Hanaxer DIVISION sow MANAGER W. R. Lagergren DEPARTMENT Plant SSuT=. ary Statement of er'loyeeee Performance Potentisl: "Er. Fsler's Performance for was adequate and improved to solid performance through the first three quarterv of FY89. Through this period he demonstrated continued weaknesses in attressiveness and skills. Following specific discussions and coachin. in thebse areas, I have noted improvements, althou~h not to the dexree I would have expected.

Pervonnel-related action is "not taken spontaneously.

While actual chemistry results ara tood, the weak""esses noted last year iervist. Material condition inprovamanto of chemistry equipment is not being pushed adequatel,.


  • IrLL "J. ,;1l b-, c'- 1,R ..RI- FUr !:L.'S b :Du -". RIR 1"M[WlA V I Alc ADJUDICATIONS STAFF SICVATURES: -- " / A W. R. Lager&ren DATE -..f .'C., NEXT HIGHER HA'Tv C. A. Vondra 0-. G. L. FLier DATE 4 **-. .'.-.r~ a --I* .-.-, ..A F ~ ~~~~~ -.. I .... *a~~Si 2 Z *a: ~q.>~ a -~ a~ a ..4 a aa --~ a .a fisca -a ass Igmat On hiht*e;l a wil be evlute thoghu *aae .iscalaabaa;a-a v'jOFAC STANDARD.C

.. ~ ~ , a~, .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TRE DA~.laaa .~~a. ~ ..a..TE~ap . V)ME i*~ 'i'* TTEP hmSprnedn.H9~:DT ra W. .a .*a. a a- a -a. *** 4.

  • aIAj." -... .*. -' -a ..a .-. u-,; a a ..aa r .**-. -a.; a .  :'-, *; 4-'--. a -r.a.a T a a .4
  • 4.. *-. la., a a -a¶aa.a * ... * -a.-- a a, a-a. ...a 4 t.aa. a. -a-. p a .a. -(indication of understandint the performance standards (ci' t.ho * --next 12 months and that they may be at anytime):

.. ..W. R. DATE L.a --a-a -.

,-A .* .*=. .a'--a.s. I. *a* -IJEIT 1{IGHER C. A. Vondra DATE

  • a a -a.-.-. a **aa . a.. a .-a a a.. -a. -a G. L. Flier a ... .: *..,...
  • a a a -a,. p. .a a a. .........................................,afaa.. -a-a a .-
  • a4aaa.. -a a .:... ' a........... -a- -I * , ,. * *-at .*. .-a a a,*a a.

a a a * .'a-.. * *a **.* a. .a -................

a,. a.. a a .a.... aa*, .. ..-., f a .4 a. * -'* .:-' -j' a -a- a a,. aR... Ja-.Lai.4 a. *. a a% a' a .aaat a 7 Ia- -, *. ta 4 aa..P a- a a

--- -a,,.- -:

a .z -t.4 I EMLOYEE A.PPBAISAL,-ý page 2i. ,*~. .... '~r:~*" ~ A~ ..Floer .TITLE/PC Chem. Super Intend ent./H-9 DATE' PART T-A "Performance St~andards;

' (To be completed at. th~i be'tinning of the '-( fiscal year) St-ate the major ac countabili tie o, vp9c If it proj aets and /or:... slai nment~s on which the employe, will be evaluated throughout the f iscal YeAr.>2'Z PEREORWC STAXDARD7 CZ* -*'.s. , TpRCW, DATE...~~.4*

n:0 41-~ S . 'T V.* .~ ..-I H-GE W. R. Laeg -W : NETHGE AAE .A adaDT EMPOYE G.L ivrDT 8741

  • ..Y ."i ..--. d ~ I *~ MLOYEE APPRAISAL pag 2b : 7;~ MU CL vrTTEP Chem. Superintendent/H-9 DATE ____ PART TLB Perform.ance St~andards Annual Sil-ary -(To be com~plet~ed at. the and . ~ of the fiscal year) Et-ate the employees accomplishments relative to the major **i ?... accountabilities, specific projectsu and/or assignments listed in Part X.L. ~ IK. A .,-5-- ..b'tJ*

U.--- * -* "*'- --.' " ". .o ." .* ... * .. -... ' ' * .j* *.-,- PLOYEE APPR.AIMSL

-pass 3 RPM- E C. L. Flser TITLE/PG Chem. SuperintendentlM-9 DATE -._ PART 1I Behavioral Standards

-(To be revised at the eginning of the fis. c "year and evaluated at the end of the fiscal year) The following list those .: ,.,. -behavioral standards against which each employee should be evaluated.

The -7 1 : -extent to which they are used will vary depending on the nature of the .' . position of the employee and the type of organization.

Others may be added a. .  :.. \-:- appreopriate.

  • " ... .. * ..," .., .-:., 1. FLEXIBILITY low II.I ' L .high ""' Comments Tends to follow rather than lead. therefore

-p-ears to be Quite .- ". 1" flexible.

Was not actually in personnel creas associated with RI? .5., process. . 2. DECISIOn-MAKIUG low hih "Comments I feel that T have to have promrt decision makin*. ",. a.*---s. . 3. DEPENDABILITY low X hih Co-ents Meets work schedule as assisned.

4. SELF-MOTIVATION low c / h/ g. Coaents A .,P. 5. INFLUENCING OTHERS low X hih .4 Comments : " 1.6. PROEM SOLVIWG AND ANALYSIS low X hi.b Cc.*-nt -' 7. TECI[NICAL/PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE low IX/Il high Comments Technically very competent.
  • ..,." .*4 8. INNOVATING low I X *high..  :-
  • Cor-ients Vot a risk taker. 1.... h... .... '/... ', .. 9 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS lowl....... " high Co-ents Ts not assertive and tends to talk around sublect.

... ......................... I.. ... J. .,.-* , ., S, .~~... ..... -... ..--.. ..- .-. .. ** * .* * .....,. ..* .;.* .~:'t ... "": , ** * ..* ' -..... ." ., ".- *.* -*;;"I S * ' "" ".. p. " -..' .-. ""...:-;.--. .*.; -., .- .... ...%. " . ' ,": ,.,- --'s-. ..-',.. .."..l,.. -..z\ Z.r , ._... .t. *'., *:

-..-.[ +~F :...:JK~..

.. :-...... .-,,- -.. ......**i** .7.:. ., ; ;... ...:..: -.' .; -~ ~~ ~EMLOYEE ALPPRAISALL

-page 3a .:- -! ". NAME,. , ...,. DATE * :, .... NAHE. G. L. Fieer " -TITLE/PG Chem Superintendent/K-9 DATE ,_..__ "t -.'-I:- , " ;47 .5 ,--.-:. 10. WRITTEN CO"."U`VICATIONS " ' low Ih * ... 12. .W low 4.. .. T. oT' .-"- "..7 * , .... ..7 ,,.-,.r 13.: I, UPELVNNING "N ORGAIZIN low ___' high Cowentu Relies almost exclusively on power of position.

Does not spend i-.-.sufiettime with RLAL. ...* r% .-..,'.:,....,:.

.. .'. *, 4.... SUPTEARWORY I low Ihh "* --"" Co=ents Is a team player Concerned srimrily with chemistry, but -.helps tea put Ti context. ., . 13. PLANN~ING MND ORG.ANIZING low / / I X I I high : ...*-. . .,. -.-*Y-," 14. SUPERVISORY IMPARTIALITY low I I / X I .h.. "/ h,-h .o e n u __ _ __ __ _ __.-_ _ __ ___:_ _ __.".__ _ __ _ ___:_ __ _ __ .,.j " * ., -.4, .~

  • 47.15. SUBORDINATE DEVELOPMENT low / / I / I / high Coements H-Pas not Prepared a subordinate to assume his position.
16. ORGAN1ZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE low I / /I l l high Comments .. , 17. EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION low I .'__1__/_

/ high Co=entu Does not Ket ressare over clearly. Tends not to answer ' .uestions directly.

". .18. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT low / I/ / /_ high Coments .. 19. low _._._1_.__./._.1high

20. low_/_/____1__1__..._1 high :. :-, Co~enots -, S":lr-- ; '* .4j ., ".3 ý r-p =p- VTIS;44Rý MORE F44541AZ7.
rir z ' .'t..,..,-

-... -. --.*.-= .-.-, --,,, , " ,.. .... ....... ... , ..,. ..: ,.. -,7 EM. EPLOYEE APPRAISAL-page 4 " " " * -"..*. .:.:._ G. L. Viser TITLE/PG Chem. Superintendent/H-9 DATE .'-.-__ PART 11 Eployee Appraisal

-(To be completed'at the end of each quarter) ,--"'-'.-.

Su ry state..ent of the employee's perfor=a.nco during each quarter of the ..:. fiscal year as noted by the m=anager and discussed with the employee.

.* . FIRST QUARTE.R .7f a~. -a-. , *. ,: .SICNATURES:


  • EMPLOYEE DATE .,,..5.-SECOND QUARTER ,..,.NATUE. .S r .-, * ,'*. f,, , :'.- .....'-3 -. ..!.: -?LANAGER DATE , -7 EMPLOYEE DATE . ../- , ,'. -b 4 ..d S .... ..-" --. .* i,, :*...... . ..,S -.-- .-. ...., -: 'I

.m~b. .o. -* ...q * * ... .." °. *-~ ,,, ....* .° ,*. ' * "? " , p-. .: .i , .. *- , .... " .* :'.... .E3LOYEE APPRAISAL

-page 4a & ..-.- , 'w:' C. ?"eerTITLE/PG Chem Supeirintendent/H-9 DATE : * :-. J.: S.-. D. -..1""...r ,U-; -, ** .- . 'PART .. I Employee Appraisal".- (To be completed at the end of each quarter) " ", Su= ary statement of the employee's performance during,each quarter of the fiscal year as noted by the =.nager and diucu sed with.the employee."'

., THIRD QUARTER / .""-' ., .:.,.-' . a..~ oo .2. .., -. ,... , ..**. 5* 44. -V.5---. .. 5:..:.-. SICNATURES:

'ES-.. ., ..* , ' 4* -.* , .K"JAGER DATE "-;EPLOYEE DATE "FOURTH QUARTER 'Hr. Ficer has irmroved in this quarter. Aggressiveness and hands-on management of personnel problems io still not where it should be for a superintendent.

Be did perform well with a technical rroblem that arose thni s 7::.' :- uarter (DG fuel aid sampling).

I need to see a more can-do attitude and '7 active decision mrakinx in the future. ' .i-.~; SICNAT .... .*. HMAGPA DATE .. .. .. .oO-.. DATE, -. o .' **-'....7 " ..5 .- ,.2'.;= SCAV : ......L-*.: ......,, .. -..5 ..DATE~ ... .. .* ..* ... ./ -*-'. *" .. 2 ~* ~~. -. -" ' "o .*4 i N.A E %.,;*-*. ;..~*,* -.... .;..-,'.

,'J-,; !:1 , °" " "" ' '" "I -* * " sr" P.r * , * ". ": * *- ..,* -- . 13 **o 4 EMPLOYEE APPRAISAL; page %JvJ4A* * .. ,,-. .... ,i .,**.. : *

...1 ,.* .,,..:. ... ....: ... -.-.. ... ...* "; NAME C.L. riser". TITLE/PG Chem. Superintendent/H-9

.DATEK-_* Y.. , .. : , *- ' * .4 r,.T ....r. ., ....... -.. -4#,.* BE COMPLETED

  • E EMPLOYEE BEING ..SSE-.,.--,,..._ . -.ote: ~. The info tntaon *requested on this psge Is optionalV.

a i.s Intended .{.2serve as an aid ii idenLifyin*'career..and developmental opportunities h '." -;"are in line wlth'both the goais.of,tbe and tbo'needs of,.h' * ..ortanization..'-

Your. supervisor:

is *to add his/her comments i discus i-this --' " -.'in.formation with you'.' suggest.'.

development pla." (ag "foard'.,, '..:: this information to the next'level.6f supervision.:-

You will" ' ,. opportunity to update this information once a year,* or you may request that .. ,'-. >e updated any time you desire during the course of the year.,",.

.4,*-4 .*,......-

..! .., .--..- ... .4 .,. .-..: ....', .,- .: ~ .-: 4.',;, CAREER INTERESTSB.

-"" 7 /" ":":"-"T' " " " ... ."-,.1. Describe your career interests and goals, both short- and long-t rm. .' . 4,. '.." ... .. '.. " A * ,; ..."" ' " QUALIFICATIONS

' " 2. Describe your main strengths which support your career Lntesrests.

p. "" DEVELOPHENT ACTIVITIES " 3. Please describe any activities you have undertaken to develop your . knowledge, skills, or abilities so that you are better prepared to pursue -. your career goals.a,.. -o of S.' .4.
  • a 9*4*. *~ j. a. .. .. SUPERVISOR' S COHHJEITS
  • ". , a .a 1.. ...L -"4 S a --'o 4- ,.--, " ".. ...................... .... ..I,,',, *., : -, ..?;.,* -t. .. -;." F .ro .E ......~ --,.- ........ * .., .- .,..'..". ...:. * , * ... .... " ..... ... .,... * -% *d *".- :-" ... ....., .... .,-- = .2 -,- :-'*- * ° *. -" *". ' " .,'..:- "-"A I' ".-- *-4". "* ---- : :.- -' ;.""' ' .. .....4 -.-.... .o ..-...".; , .....; ' t '".'-,: ; .*, -' -* ... .. ." .-. : * ." * -"*, , * .* ;, .: a.
  • 4. 44 .4 *4.4. 3 -'4.j a.'.-..1. 4 I-.r

.5 EKLOE APRIA page 5a EAX C.L. riser TITLE/PG Chemn. Superintendent/H-9 DATE ____ (TO BE COMPLETED BY MAA1iGER)

~~* EVELOPMEST PLANiS (concidered the needs of both current and pot~ent~ial future ~~ e6uignmantsw) r-%L6kA Area To Be Developed E Actions E;1vneuf Arear of w.eekness can only be E corrected in a line management Comnunieation vertically E position with increased coachinit E counseling by m~yself. -E M ore active involvezent from me. lLEj.J.* Y! Z.. E E E p.4.£ .E E 214£ E .~. 1. £ E I "£ -V..F