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Station; Public Meeting Summary, Special Inspection Webinar
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2018
NRC Region 4
Download: ML18319A139 (79)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting Summary November 14, 2018 Title: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Special Inspection Webinar Meeting Identifier:

Webinar #769-161-763 Date of Meeting: Thursday, November 8, 2018 Location:

Webinar Type of Meeting: Category 3 Purpose of the Meeting: The NRC hosted a virtual public meeting (webinar) to present preliminary observations regarding a special inspection at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The special inspection was conducted to evaluate the August 3, 2018, incident involving a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault. Following the NRC's presentation, staff responded to questions about the inspection. General Details:

  • Three NRC staff members participated in the webinar; approximately 10 staff members supported the webinar.
  • Over 300 individuals participated in the webinar for various amounts of time.
  • The meeting started at 2 pm CST and ended at approximately 5 pm CST.
  • Three staff members gave a formal presentation that lasted approximately 30 minutes; after the presentation, the NRC answered questions for approximately 2Y2 hours.
  • The public participants submitted approximately 500 questions before and during the webinar.
  • The webinar was recorded and will be placed on the NRC website for public review when it is available.
  • Answers to selected questions that were asked during the webinar will be placed on the NRC website. Summary of Presentations:

Three NRC staff members formally presented the details of the special inspection that was conducted at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station site from September 10-14, 2018. The formal presentation included a summary of the incident, including U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting Summary November 14, 2018 Title: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Special Inspection Webinar Meeting Identifier:

Webinar #769-161-763 Date of Meeting: Thursday, November 8, 2018 Location:

Webinar Type of Meeting: Category 3 Purpose of the Meeting: The NRC hosted a virtual public meeting (webinar) to present preliminary observations regarding a special inspection at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The special inspection was conducted to evaluate the August 3, 2018, incident involving a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault. Following the NRC's presentation, staff responded to questions about the inspection.

General Details:

  • Three NRC staff members participated in the webinar; approximately 10 staff members supported the webinar.
  • Over 300 individuals participated in the webinar for various amounts of time.
  • The meeting started at 2 pm CST and ended at approximately 5 pm CST.
  • Three staff members gave a formal presentation that lasted approximately 30 minutes; after the presentation, the NRC answered questions for approximately 2Y2 hours.
  • The public participants submitted approximately 500 questions before and during the webinar.
  • The webinar was recorded and will be placed on the NRC website for public review when 'it is available.
  • Answers to selected questions that were asked during the webinar will be placed on the NRC website. Summary of Presentations:

Three NRC staff members formally presented the details of the special inspection that was conducted at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station site from September 10-14, 2018. The formal presentation included a summary of the incident, including M EETING AGENDA ADA M S Accession ML 18302A351 ) Attachment 1

October 29, 2018 Title: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Special Inspection Webinar Date(s) and Time(s): November 08, 2018, 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Location:


Purpose: Contact: Webinar This is a Category 3 meeting. Public participation is actively sought for this meeting to fully engage the public in a discussion of regulatory issues. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will host a virtual public meeting (webinar) to present preliminary observations regarding a Special Inspection at SONGS. The Special Inspection was conducted to evaluate an August 3 incident involving a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault. Following the NRC's presentation, staff will respond to questions about the inspection.

Eric Simpson 817-200-1553 Participants:

NRC Webinar: Docket No: Comments:

Troy Pruett, DNMS Director, Region IV Linda Howell, DNMS Deputy Director, Region IV Eric Simpson, Health Physicist, Region IV Patricia Silva, Branch Chief DSFM, NRC Staff URL https://attendee.gotowebinar.

com/register/325663643729566723 05000206 05000361 05000362 07200041 Me e tin g Number None Password N/A Interested members of the public should register for the webinar via the internet address provided above. After registering, a confirmation email will be sent with details for joining the webinar. During the meeting, participants will be able to see and hear NRC staff on their computer or mobile device. There is also an option to join via phone bridge, but participants must register for the webinar to obtain the call-in number. Public participation will be supported in listen only mode. Meeting slides will be posted on the NRC's public meeting web page in advance. Additional information regarding the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Special Inspection can be found at:



San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Special Inspection Webinar November 08, 2018, 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Webinar Time Topic Speaker 2:00 PM -5:00 PM Opening Remarks and Introductions Troy Pruett 2:00 PM -5:00 PM NRC Presentation Troy Pruett Linda Howell Eric Simpson 2:00 PM -5:00 PM Questions and Discussions All 5:00PM Closing Remarks Troy Pruett The time of the meeting *is local to the jurisdiction where the meeting is being held. The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate.

If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, or if a meeting notice, transcript, or other information from this meeting is needed in another format (e.g., Braille, large print), please notify the NRC meeting contact. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. ADAMS Accession Number: ML 18302A351 Distribution:

RidsOeManCenter Resource RldsSecyMallCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource RldsOiMallCenter Resource RldsNmssOd Resource RldsOcaMellCenter Resource EOO_Menagers RidsRgn1MallCenter Resource RldsNmssOd Resource RldsOlgMallCenter Resource RldsOcfoMailCenter Resource RklsRgn3MallCenter Resource RldsOpaMail Resource R4DNMS_FCDB Name JFKatanic Office DNMS Date 10/24/2018 Jcany.Wcil@nn:.go,*

VLDricks ORA 10/25/2018 l! Michael Emeslinl' GMVasquez ACES 10/25/2018 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY WAMaier RSLO 10/25/2018 Link to meeting details: Commission's Policy Statement on "Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings" 67 Federal Register 36920, May 28, 2002 The policy statement may be found on the NRC website TWPruett DNMS 10/29/2018 PRESE N TATION SLIDES DISTRIBUTED PRIOR TO THE M EETING (ADA M S Accession M L 18312A118)

Attachment 2

US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Protecting People and the Environment San Onofre Special Inspection Webinar N ovember 8, 2018 N RC Region IV, Arlington, TX Logistics

~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Con:unission Protecting People and tl,e Envlronnient

  • W ebinar Format
  • Back-up Bridge Line (888) 469-1677, Passcode 2471451
  • Questions and Answers 2 NR C Staff {:r~US.NRC United States Nuclear R.egulatoty Commission.

Protecting People and tl,e Environnient

  • Eric Simpson, Special Inspection Team Leader Region IV Fuel Cycle and Decommissioning Branch
  • Troy Pruett, Director Region IV Division of N uclear M aterials Safety 3 W ebinar A genda *~:~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environ,nent
  • Background
  • Canister Downloading Operations
  • Inspection Team Findings
  • Current Status
  • Summary
  • Questions

& Answers 4

-Cf) LL Cf) -I ---+-ti) :E 0 §, :c *; z :::> C1) 1-Z C 0 C: .2> --== u, 0 .::::; C1) :C :::> C Transnuclear N UHO M S (.~US.NRC United States Nuclear .Regulatory C.Ommission Protecting People and the Environment 6

Holtec U MAX *e:~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • --.. ~*----...__ Protecting People and the Environment 7

Vertically Ventilated Module (Vault) r.~US.N R C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


-,., ... -~"'**-*----

....... ----... -* Protecting People and the Environnient 8

1] US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Spent Fuel Canister Holtec MPC Transfer Cask 9 Do w nloading:

Shield Cone ~U S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecti,ig People and the Enviro11n1ent 10 Do w nloading:


  • t*~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Protecting People and the Environment 11 Do w nloading:

Vault Door C)~US.NRC United States Nuclear .R..egulatory Commission Protecling People and tlie E11vlronment 12 US.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatoty Commission Protecting People and the Environment; Downloading:

Alignment 13

,~[~;e us.NRC Vuited Sta.tea Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Downloading:

Attaching Slings 14

~*1;:e US.NR C United Statcs: Nucleu Regulatory Commission Protecting

'People and the En.viron,nent Downloading:

Attaching Slings 15 Do w nloading Preparations

~'[.:e US.NR C United States Nuclear .Rcplatoty Commission. Protecting People and the Envlronrnent 16 W hat Happened on August 3rd? US.NRC United States Nuclear .Regulatoi;y Commission


--Protecting People and tl,e Environment

*~--;' -t©J* * ---t©J-M1©rt&t$J-e-m-e--i$la-&J$HDt-l ! 't'1 l I ! !

  • I -f$lfi-fl*~-m~-~-$--e-ffl-~-

R!sl ro R!sl cj5i [$HO R!sl o rq51 o R!sl* o KP1* cj5i I I l I I t I I I 17 W hat Happened on August 3rd? :(-:~U S.NRC United Sta1e& Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environ,nent

~-* , ,,

  • o . .-.., .. ,,, ~'"* sw1rc -, T W hat Happened on August 3rd? 19 W hat H appened on August 3rd? ~~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environ,nent 20 W hat Happened on August 3rd? 1~~~US.NRC United States Nuclear .Regulatory Commission
  • ----*----* *-------*-*--*-

.. _______ ......,, __ ,.. .... Protecting People and the Environment 21 Post E v ent A ctions -~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Spent Fuel Handling Activities Suspended
  • N RC Inspection Activities
  • San Onofre N otification to N RC
  • Causal Evaluations
  • Corrective Actions 22 Spent Fuel Handling Activities Suspended

~U S.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Protecting People and the Environment

  • M PC 29 lowered into vault
  • San Onofre suspends fuel loading
  • M PC 30 -Inside Transfer Cask -Seismically Restrained in Fuel Building 23 N RC Inspection Activities

,~~~US.NRC United States Nuclear .Regulatory CommiSttion Protecting People and the Environnrent

  • August 5th: NRC Region IV informally notified of Misalignment Event and initiates daily oversight communications
  • August 7th: San Onofre commits to NRC review before resuming operations
  • August 17th: NRC decides to conduct Special Inspection
  • September 10-14: NRC Special Inspection Team onsite
  • NRC to perform inspection prior to resumption of fuel loading 24 N RC Ins p ection A ctivities
  • 2 Preliminary Escalated Findings -Failure to provide redundant drop protection

-Failure to report


-Corrective actions -Training

  • M anagement Oversight W eaknesses

-.~US.NRC United States Nuclear .Regulatory Commission

____ ,. _____ ..........

.~* ___ .., ____ **-**------*

Protecting People and the Environment 25 Causal Evaluations f~~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


-"'--*---.Protecting People and the Environment

  • San Onofre A ppa r ent Cause E va luation
  • Holtec Root Cause A nalysis
  • Common Cause Evaluation 26 Root Causes
  • San Onofre M anagement failed to provide -Adequate procedures

-Adequate training to support procedure -Adequate oversight c~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatoty Commission Protecting People and tl,e Environn,ent 27 Corrective A ctions ?US.NRC Uni.ted States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,.._,,.. ,,,.~-*-*-


_ -.....--... *---.. -..... -* .. --....... ,,, Protecting People and the Environment

  • Training Requirements
  • Procedure Enhancements
  • Equipment Enhancements
  • Oversight Improvements 28 Event Significance

~US.NRC United States Nuclear :Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environnient

  • N o Actual Drop of Canister
  • No Radiological Release
  • Load Drop Analysis (if canister fell) 29 Next Steps US.NRC United States Nuclem: ltegulatoty Commission

.Protecting People and the Environment

  • Issue NRC Inspection Report
  • NRC Inspection of Causal Analyses
  • N RC Inspection of Corrective Actions 30 Summary ~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment
  • Could have been prevented
  • W eaknesses in management oversight
  • M ultiple failed barriers
  • Increased N RC oversight 31 Questions

~~,~U S.NR C United States Nuclear .Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment 32 PRESENTATION SLIDES AS PRESENTED DURING M EETING (ADA M S Accession M L 18318A064)

Attachment 3

,~us.NRc United States Nuclear Regulatoi:y Commission Protecting People and t.he Bn.,ironment San Onofre Special Inspection Webinar November 8, 2018 NRC Region IV, Arlington, TX

~-~us.NRc United States Nuclear RegulatoQ' Com.mission Protecting People and the E1zvironment Logistics

  • Webinar Format
  • Back-up Bridge Line (888) 469-1677, Passcode 2471451
  • Questions and Answers 2 N RC Staff -,~us.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Protecting People and the Environment

  • Eric Simpson, Special Inspection Team Leader Region IV Fuel Cycle and Decommissioning Branch
  • Troy Pruett, Director Region IV Division of N uclear M aterials Safety 3 W ebinar Agenda X U S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-~.~~.--*-.. -------*-A*-*U-*------

-~---~--Protecting People and the En.vironment

  • Background
  • Canister Downloading Operations
  • Inspection Team Findings
  • Current Status
  • Summary
  • Questions

& Answers 4 ISFSI Layout Design Holtec UMAX Design '***-"?US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • -------~ ---------*-* ~-----*-*-*----.. Protecting People and the Environment r-,._n_r1f-i k~ \\_ f ..... ~r .]]: r-::~i;i:.i-...

\\. .... p L \i, ..... ; . __ ,,. ~. =-----_r

  • 1 ._ : "'k t-t l .~ --*: \\i ~-_ I r'I f I I I --i-~a I I -,-----r-1 f*---t 5 Transnuclear N UHO M S -'~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission
  • -*----Protecting People and the Environment 6

Holtec U M A X <~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protetting People and the Environment 7

Vertically Ventilated M odule (Vault) /:::}:,e US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commiss ion Protecting People and the Environment 8

~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the En.vironment Spent Fuel Canister Holtec MPC Transfer Cask 9 Downloading:

Shield Cone -~ r:e US.N R C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Protecting People and the Environment 10 Downloading:


t~~US.NR C Uniwd States Nuclear Regulatory C-ommission Protecting

'People and the EnFironment 11 Downloading:

Vault Door ':~-~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

~ ~---~ -*------Protecting People and the Environment 12 US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission.

Protecting People and the Environment Down loading: Alignment 13

'-.~US.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

*-----**---------Protecting People and the Environment Downloading:

Attaching Slings 14 c~US.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Downloading:

Attaching Slings 15 Do w nloading Preparations

  • ~~US.NR C United States :Nuclear B.cgulatory Commission

* Protecting

.People and the Environment 16

+-' en :J C) :::, <( C 0 -c Cl) C Cl) c.. c.. ro I I I W hat Happened on August 3rd? (~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Conu:nis:sion Protecting People and the Environment , * -t' * ~~.,c , ', J '" ... SVtlTCt, LF, U< T cc1*s,\10 RIGHT UFj eoav c,,:.) eo::*.*s soo1,,r 011L Y ii ~.

W hat Happened on August 3rd? 19 What Happened on August 3rd? r us.NR c United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission


............. _, __ .. ____ , _____ .,.. ___ . ______ ... ... Protecting People and the Environment 20 What Happened on August 3rd? c--~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the EnPironni.ent 21 Post E v ent Actions z~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-*---,-----.-~-----~ ------------* Protecting

'People and the Environnient

  • Spent Fuel Handling Activities Suspended
  • NRC Inspection Activities
  • San Onofre N otification to N RC
  • Causal Evaluations
  • Corrective Actions 22

._z uS.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

*---*-* Protecting People and the Environment Spent Fuel Handling Activities Suspended

  • MPC 29 lowered into vault
  • San Onofre suspends fuel loading
  • MPC 30 -Inside Transfer Cask -Seismically Restrained in Fuel Building 23 N RC Inspection Activities US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting l'eople and the Environment
  • August 5th: NRC Region IV informally notified of Misalignment Event and initiates daily oversight communications
  • August 7th: San Onofre commits to NRC review before resuming operations
  • August 17th: NRC decides to conduct Special Inspection
  • September 10-14: NRC Special Inspection Team onsite
  • NRC to perform inspection prior to resumption of fuel loading 24 N RC Inspection Acti v ities
  • 2 Preliminary Escalated Findings -Failure to provide redundant drop protection

-Failure to report


-Corrective actions -Training

  • M anagement Oversight Weaknesses

~~US.NRC United States Nu.clear Regulatory Commission

---*--**~-----------*6 ___________ ..,. __ , ... Protecting People and the EnPironment j 25 Causal Evaluations e:~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting

°People and the Environnrent

  • San Onofre Apparent Cause Evaluation
  • Holtec Root Cause Analysis
  • Comm , on Cause E v aluation 26 Root Causes
  • San Onofre M anagement failed to provide -Adequate procedures

-Adequate training to support procedure

-Adequate oversight c~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environnaent 27 Correcti v e Actions C~>~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


.... -~ ... --Protecting People and the En.1*ironnient

  • Training Requirements
  • Procedure Enhancements
  • Equipment Enhancements
  • Oversight Improvements 28 Event Significance US.NRC United States Nuclear :Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment
  • N o Actual Drop of Canister
  • N o Radiological Release
  • Load Drop Analysis (if canister fell) 29 N e x t Steps c~US.NRC 'United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

---.. -----.. *--*-----*-*--Protecting People and the Environment

  • Issue N RC Inspection Report
  • N RC Inspection of Causal Analyses
  • N RC Inspection of Corrective Actions 30 Summa ry ~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Conu:nissj.on Protecting People and the Environnient
  • Could have been prevented
  • Weaknesses in management oversight
  • M ultiple failed barriers
  • Increased N RC oversight 31 Questions i US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment 32 Shims ,~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment 33 Shims US.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environnaent Orig.inal Desian: M achined Slots Design Change: Standoffs Pins 34 Radiation Levels on the ISFSI Pad N Closure Lid~ 7 TS limit on Lid = 0.4 mR/hr TS limit on Outlet Vent = 1.8 mR/hr 6 OUTLET AIR VENT 3 <-"~U S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Protecting People and the Environment Survey Results found by the NRC: Lids: 0.015 -0.018 mR/hr Outlet Vents: 0.12 -0.24 mR/hr INLET AIR VENT Canister #29 levels in Gamma Lid: 0.015 mR/hr Outlet Vent: 0.12 mR/hr 35 Aging M anagement Plan ~~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Protecting People and the Environnrent
  • Tracks Degradation of Structures, Systems, and Components

-Concrete -Steel -Stainless Steel

  • Some licensees have performed Aging M anagement Inspections

-No breaches of the canisters have been identified

-No chloride induced stress corrosion cracking has been identified

  • California Costal Commission Commitment 36 Canister Drop analysis -~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment
  • San Onofre provided preliminary analysis
  • Analysis under N RC review
  • San Onofre preliminary results: no loss of containment 37 Unresol v ed Item ~:~US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission

*----*--Protecting People and the Environnaent

  • Last N RC Inspection report (2017-001) documented an Unresolved Item
  • Licensee has modified loading operations to address N RC concern 38
  • /~us.NR C United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

*----------*----*--Seismic and Flooding Protecting People and the Environni.ent

  • Both ISFSI systems at San Onofre are evaluated for: ,, -Design Base Earthquake

-Maximum flood height and flood velocity (Tsunami) 39