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Notice of Consideration of Conversion of Provisional OL to Full Term OL & Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Pursuant to 10CFR50,App D,Section B
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/18/1972
From: Skovholt D
Shared Package
ML20127P406 List:
NUDOCS 9212020213
Download: ML20127P418 (5)


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) Docket No. 50-263 (Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, )

Unit No. 1) )



'Ihe Atomic Energy Comission (the Comission) will consider the' issuance of a full-tem facility operating license to the Northem States Power Conpany (the licensee) which would authorize the licensee to possess, use and operate the hbnticello Nuclear Generatirig Plant thit No.1-(the facility), located on the licensee's site in Wright and Sherbume Counties, Minnesota, at its presently licensed steady state power level of up- to 1670 megawatts (themal) for a period of 40 years from the June 19,1967 j issuance date of the construction permit (CPPR-31) in acco: dance with the ly provisions of the license and the 'Dechnical Specifications appended thereto, L1-

. upon aceipt of a mport on the application from the Advisory-. Committee cn Beactor Safeguards (ACES),. the submission of a favorable safety evalu-Pz ation of the application by the Commission's Dimetorate of Licensing, I

the cmpletion of the environmental aview mquimd by the'Canission's-3 mgulatime in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, and a finding by the.Comis-lp sicn that the application fEr the full-tem familityl license (as: amended)'

cceplies with the mquinme$ts of the Atomic Energy- Act of-1954, as 9212O20213 72082523 PDR ADOCK 050


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a~ ended, and the Conmission's mgulations in 10 CFR Chapter I. The facility f a presently being operated in acconiance with Pmvisional Oper-at$ng License No. DFB-22 issued by the Comissicn on Septenber 8,1970.

The ibil-term license will not be issued until the Ocmission has nude the findings, reflecting its review of the applicaticn under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, which will be set forth in the proposed license, and has concluded that the issuance of the license ,

will not be inimical to the commtn defense and security or to the health and safety of the public. The licensee has satisfied its obligation con-coming indennification as mquired by Secticn 170 of the Act and 10 cm Part 140 of the Conmission's mgulations.

The facility is subject to the provisicns of Section B of Appendix D to 10 C E Part 50, which sets forth procedures applicable to review of environnental consideraticns for producticn and utilization facilities for which constructicn permits or operating licenses wem issued in the period of January 1,1970 through September 9,1971 , Notice is hereby

! given, pursuant to 10 CFR Part 2, " Rules of Practice", and Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 50,'" Licensing of Pmduction and Utilizaticn Facilities",

that the Conmission is pmviding an opportunity Ibr hearing with respect to whether, considering those rnatters covend by Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50, the provisional operating 11oense in the captioned proceeding should be continued, modified, terminated or appmpriately conditioned to pmtect envimrental valueo.

Within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice l in the FEIERAL REGISTER, the licensee may file a request for a hearing and l 1



a any persen whose interest may be affected by this proceeding my file a petition for leave to intervene (1) with mspect to whether, ccnsi-dering those matters covered by Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50, the pro-visional operating license should be continued, nodified, teminated or appmpriately conditioned to pmtect environental values, and (2) with mspect to the issuance of a full-tem facility' operating license.

Requests for a hearing and petitions to intervene shall be filed in accordance with the Comission's rules of practice in 10 CFR Part 2.

If a mquest for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene is filed within the tim prescribed in this notice, the Comission will issue a notice of hearing or an appropriate onier. In accordance with 10 CFR Section 2 714, ir petition for leave to intervene which is not timly filed will be dismissed unless the petitioner shows good cause for

. failure to file it on tim.

j On November 18, 1971, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, Section E, the Comission's Dimetor of Begulation detemined that the operation of the facility should not be suspended pending conpletion of the envirorumntal myiew mquired under the Na-tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (36 F.R. 22327). Minnesota Envimnmental Control Citi::en's Association (FECCA) requested a hearing l

i cn that detemination. 'lhe State of Pannesota also indicated to the i l

Ccr: mission an intemst in participating in any hearing which might be scheduled in connection with the Director of Pegulation's detemination. l On Fhy 3,1972, the Co:m:ission issued a Menorandum and Order that stated, I a:rrng other things, the following:


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" Hearings will be conducted on any issuance of a full-tem operating license, assuming an appmpriate aquest. 'Ihe State of Minnesota and MECCA shall be parties to any such hearing, which shall be consolidated with the hearing con-te:tplated by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, Sectico E. In the absence of an appropriate hearing request on the full-tem operating license application, a hearing under Appendix D, ,

Section E, shall be noticed by the Comission."

Accordingly, if an appmpriate mquest for a hearing is made pursuant to this notice, the State of Minnesota and MECCA also will becom parties to such hearing and the matters in contmversy will be consolidated for hearing pulposes. In the absence of an appmpriate request for hearing, pursuant to this notice, a hearing under Appendix D, Section E, will be not$ced by the Comission as pmvided in the above-refemnced Mercrandu:n and Order.

For further details with m spect to the m tters under consideration, see the licensee's application for conversion of Provisional Operating License No. DPR-22 to a full-tem operating license dated June 15, 1972, the licensee's Envimnmntal Paport dated November 3,1971, the Supple-ment and Errata thereto dated April 14, 1972, and May 2,1972, respectively, and the Ccxrmission's Draf't Envimnmental Statenent dated May 1972, which are available for public inspection at the Comission's Public Document Boom,1717 H Stmet, N. W., Washington, D. C. , and at the Environmntal i Besource Center, Minneapolis Public Library,1222 S.E. 4th Stmet, f


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Minneapolis, Fdnnesota, 55414. As they am conpleted and issued, the following documents also will be nade available for public inspection at the above locations: (1) the report of the Advisory Cm mittee on Reactor Safeguards on the application for a full-tem operating license i for the hbnticello Nuclear Generating Plant, (2) the Ccrm:ission's Final

Environmental Statement pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D (3) the Safety Evaluation prepared by tlie Directorate of Licensing, and (4) the ,

proposed full-tem operating license. A copy of each of items (1) throuta e i

(4) may be obtained, when available and as our supply lasts, by request to the Deputy Director for Reactor Pmjects, Directorate of Licensing, U. S. Atomic Ehergy CcrmIission, Washington, D. C. 20545.

Dated at Betimsda, Maryland, this 18th day of August 1972.


dJ ovholt Assistant Din ctor for-Operating Beactors

- Directorate of Licensing-


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