MONTHYEARML20216C1841998-03-0202 March 1998 Comment Opposing Proposed GL Addressing Issue of Yr 2000 Readiness as Published in FR,980129,volume 63,number 19,pp 4498 Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment.Nsp Suggests That Draft Ltr Not Be Issued ML20199C2721997-10-27027 October 1997 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 73, Proposed Amends to NRC Requirements for Emergency Preparedness & Security ML20216H8611997-09-10010 September 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,Appendix E,Section IV.F.2.c to Exercise Plant Offsite EP Plans W/State & Local Govt Authorities within Plant Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone ML20138K1511997-05-0606 May 1997 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR73 Re Changes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Requirements ML20137S5491997-04-0101 April 1997 Order Approving Transfer of Control of Licenses & Notice of Consideration of Proposed Issuance of Associated Amends, Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing ML20117E4051996-08-0909 August 1996 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Rule ML20086T3861995-07-20020 July 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed NRC GL on Testing of safety- Related Logic Circuits ML20085E5261995-06-0606 June 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR73 Re Changes to NPP Security Requirements Associated W/Containment Access Control ML20077M6181994-12-30030 December 1994 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Low Power Operations for Np Reactors.Util Believes That Pr Will Have Higher Impact than Described in Regulatory Analysis,As Pr Will Extend Refueling Outages at All Plants ML20035G4991993-04-21021 April 1993 Comment on Proposed Generic Ltr, Availability & Adequacy of Design Basis Info. Util Endorses NUMARC 930402 Response to Proposed Generic Ltr.Diversity in Programs Would Result in Difficulty in Rating or Comparing Adequacy of Programs ML20035H4291993-04-21021 April 1993 Comment on Draft Reg Guide DG-1016, Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation for Earthquakes. Recommends Rev to Draft to Reflect Maint Periodicity Based on History of Performance of Monitors at Operating Nuclear Plants ML20045G0941993-04-21021 April 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 100 Re Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation for Earthquakes.Nothing Exists Between Monitor Recording Time & CAV Methodology ML20101F6861992-06-0909 June 1992 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR19 & 20 to Extend Implementation Date of Revised 10CFR20 ML20090J9581992-03-12012 March 1992 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Environ Review of Applications to Renew Operating Licenses for Nuclear Plants. Licensee Endorses NUMARC Comments ML20246D8811989-06-30030 June 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20235T7391989-02-23023 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 55 Re Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants ML20195H4211988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing ML20205Q1501988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal. Safety Sys Functional Insps & Configuration Mgt Programs Support Renewal Basis as Opposed to Relicensing Process ML20205A8411988-10-21021 October 1988 Exemption from 10CFR50,App J,Section II.A.3 Re Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Tests,Per Util 880801 Request ML20247N7531988-07-28028 July 1988 Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-53 Requesting NRC Action to Review Undue Risk Posed by BWR Thermal Hydraulic Instability.Nrr Should Issue Order Requiring All GE BWRs to Be Placed in Cold Shutdown for Stated Reasons ML20149L1511988-02-19019 February 1988 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $50,000 Re Licensee 870607 & 14 Events Involving Inadvertent Tripping of Class 1E 480-volt Load Ctr Output Breaker ML20237D9471987-12-11011 December 1987 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.62(c)(4) Re Min Flow Capacity & Boron Content for Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20210B8061987-05-0101 May 1987 Order.* NRC 861020 Order Directing Licensee to Show Cause Why OL Should Not Be Modified to Prohibit Use of Radios,Tapes,Television Sets or Other Audible Entertainment Devices Recinded & Proceeding Dismissed.Served on 870501 ML20211D0291987-02-13013 February 1987 Order.* Staff Directed to File W/Commission & Serve on Petitioners & Licensees Detailed Explanation of Health & Safety Basis for 861020 Order Re Use of Audio Equipment in Control Rooms by 870306.Carr Views Encl.Served on 870217 ML20214C4131986-11-12012 November 1986 Affidavit of DE Gilberts Re Enforcement Action 86-164 & NRC 861022 Order to Show Cause Concerning Use of Radios in Control Rooms ML20215J1421986-10-20020 October 1986 Order to Show Cause Why Radios or Other Electrical/ Electronic Equipment Used to Provide Background Music in Control Rooms Should Not Be Removed (Ref IE Info Notice 85-053 & Circular 81-02) ML20099J4651984-11-14014 November 1984 Exemption Allowing Shift Supervisor Ofc to Be Considered as Part of Control Room for Purposes of Meeting Requirements of 10CFR50.54(m)(2),provided That Listed Conditions Met ML20098A5131984-09-0404 September 1984 Exemption from 10CFR50,App E,Allowing Delay of Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise Until 841205 ML20092B8671984-06-0303 June 1984 Exemption from Requirements for Type C Testing of Torus Spray Line,Drywell Spray Line & Torus Recirculation Line Valves,Type C Testing of MSIVs at Peak Calculated Accident Pressure & Type B Testing of Containment Air Lock Doors ML20076L7581983-06-16016 June 1983 Exemption from Requirements of Section III.G.2 of App R to 10CFR50 for Automatic Suppression Pool Area (Fire Zone Tf) ML20052H4321982-05-0404 May 1982 Exemption Granting Relief from 10CFR50.48(c) Fire Protection Rule Schedular Requirements ML20031A3391981-09-18018 September 1981 Response Opposing Licensees 810622 Petition for Extension of Effective Deadline of CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response Recommending 1-yr Extension.No Justification That Utils Unable to Qualify Equipment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D9341981-09-14014 September 1981 Answer Opposing Ucs 810831 Motion Re CLI-80-21 & Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline.Matter Should Not Be Docketed as Involving Ucs Petition.Ucs Should Not Be Added to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E5131981-08-31031 August 1981 Motion for Opportunity to Respond to Utils 810622 Petition for 13-month Extension of 820630 Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response.Requests Svc of Past & Future Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20009A2391981-07-0707 July 1981 Answer That Petitioners Do Not Object to NRC 810629 Motion for Leave to Defer Response to 810622 Petition Until 810731. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19350F1551981-06-22022 June 1981 Petition,On Behalf of 18 Licensees Operating &/Or Constructing Nuclear Power Plants,Requesting 13-month Extension Until 830729 for Qualification of safety-related Electrical Equipment Per NUREG-0588 (CLI-80-21) ML19350F1691981-06-19019 June 1981 Affidavit That Licensees Could Not Meet CLI-80-21 820630 Deadline Due to Lack of Appropriate Regulatory Guidance to Allow Utils to Proceed W/Qualification,Replacement or Reanalysis of Equipment.W/Certificate of Svc ML19341B1731981-01-13013 January 1981 Order Modifying License & Granting Extension of Exemption from General Design Criterion 50.Reassessment of Containment Design for Suppression Pool Hydrodynamic Loading Conditions Is Required.Mods Must Be Installed by 820430 ML20003B8641981-01-0909 January 1981 Order for Mod to License DPR-22,designing Automatic Dump Sys to Be Independent of Air Pressure Instrumentation for Manual Scram ML19338E5321980-09-19019 September 1980 Order Revising 800829 Order for Mod of OL DPR-22 Published in 800911 Fr in Entirety.Response to IE Bulletin 79-01B Shall Be Submitted by 801101.Request for Hearing Will Not Stay Effectiveness of Order.Ucs Petitions Discharged ML19309B0851980-04-0202 April 1980 Memorandum of Understanding Between NRC & FEMA Re Prompt Improvement in Radiological Emergency Planning & Preparedness,Distributed as Board Notification ML18079B0851979-08-0202 August 1979 Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Reconsider Dismissal of Contention 13.Intervenor State of Nj Supports Motion.Util Is Obliged Per 10CFR50 to Explore Alternatives to Spent Fuel Pool Expansion ML18079B0871979-08-0101 August 1979 Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Reopen Record Re Contentions 2 & 6.Intervenor State of Nj Supports Motion. Experiences at Northern State Power Co Are Pertinent to Proceedings ML19261B2671979-01-26026 January 1979 Northern States Power Response to ASLB 790113 Memo & Order. Contends No Unresolved Safety Issue Re ATWS & Seeks Dismissal of Proceeding.W/Affidavit of DE Gilberts & Certificate of Svc ML19256A9111978-12-28028 December 1978 Licensee Requests Extension of Time Until 790126 to Submit Response to ASLB 781013 Order Because Necessary NRC Rept Has Not Yet Been Received.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20147F9061978-12-0808 December 1978 Request & Motion for Order Prohibiting the Installation of Defective Spent Fuel Storage Racks in Violation of Provisional Oper Lic,Request to Institute a Proc & Petition for Leave to Intervene.Cert of Svc Encl ML20128A8141978-11-17017 November 1978 Order Granting Unopposed Motion for Extension,To & Including 790105,for Filing Reply to ASLB 781013 Order. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20150D1551978-11-0909 November 1978 NRC Staff Request for Extension of Time Re Preparation of Rept of Staff Views on Implications of & Requirements for Protec Against ATWS for Operating Nuc Pwr Plants ML20127N1031978-08-0808 August 1978 Amend 8 to Indemnity Agreement B-42 ML20127G6051978-06-19019 June 1978 Notice & Order Scheduling Prehearing Conference.* W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List 1998-03-02
[Table view] Category:OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENT
MONTHYEARML20127L0241977-12-13013 December 1977 Notice of Hearing on Amend of Facility Ol.Proposed Amend Would Authorize Replacement of Existing Racks in Spent Fuel Storage Pool of Facility ML20127K9061975-04-0101 April 1975 Notice of Resumption of Public Hearing on 750506 in St Paul, Mn ML20127L0561975-03-24024 March 1975 Decision on Remand from Appeal Board.Denies Necnp Intervention in Proceeding to Amend License ML20127M9351975-03-11011 March 1975 Notice of Hearing on Amend of License DPR-22.Amend Would Allow Operation of Facility Utilizing Prompt Relief Trip Sys Which Provides for Predetermined Number of Safety/Relief Valves to Be Actuated Promptly ML20127L2031975-02-21021 February 1975 Reconstitution of ASLB to Rule on Petitions to Intervene. Rf Cole Appointed Member of Board ML20127L1111974-12-20020 December 1974 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.Rf Cole Appointed as Member of Board ML20127L8791974-08-28028 August 1974 Establishment of ASLB to Rule on Petitions to Intervene in Proceeding in Ref to Proposed Issuance of Amend to License DPR-22,published by Commission on 740722 ML20126B1631973-07-20020 July 1973 Notifies That on 730712,Friends of Earth Filed Petition Seeking Emergency Derating,To Unspecified Extent,Of Nine Licensed NPPs as Listed ML20127H3311972-12-19019 December 1972 Notice of Hearing on OL Re BWR Identified as Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ML20127P4181972-08-18018 August 1972 Notice of Consideration of Conversion of Provisional OL to Full Term OL & Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Pursuant to 10CFR50,App D,Section B ML20128B4251970-05-14014 May 1970 Order Scheduling Resumption of Hearing.* ML20125B4221970-04-21021 April 1970 Notice of Board Interest on Insp on 680208-10,690527-29 & 700302-03 & 12-13 ML20127J1631970-04-10010 April 1970 Description & Evaluation of Plant Features Which May Not Be Complete During Initial Fuel Loading & Low Power Startup Testing ML20125D6421970-04-10010 April 1970 Notice of Addl Availability of Documents for Insp by Public. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20127P5391970-03-27027 March 1970 Answer of AEC Regulatory Staff to Petition for Leave to Intervene of Minnesota Environ Control Citizens Assoc.* ML20127P5251970-03-25025 March 1970 Applicants Answer to Minnesota Environ Control Citizens Association Petition for Leave to Intervene & Motion Thereto ML20125D6771970-03-18018 March 1970 Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20127P4681970-03-16016 March 1970 Notice of Appearance.* Notice Hereby Given That Tf Engelhardt Enters Appearance in Matter of Nsp.W/Certificate of Svc ML20127P5441970-03-16016 March 1970 Notice of Appearance.* Notice Hereby Given That JB Knotts Appearance in Matter Re NSP ML20127P4381970-03-13013 March 1970 Notice of Appearance.* Notice Hereby Given That G Charnoff Enters Appearance in Matter of Nsp.W/Certificate of Svc ML20128B1211970-03-0909 March 1970 Notice of Hearing on Application for Provisional Operating License.* ML20127N8391967-06-19019 June 1967 Notice of Issuance of Provisional Const Permit.* Grants Provisional Const Permit CPPR-31,per Initial Decision of Aslb, ML20127K6171967-05-17017 May 1967 Regulatory Staffs Answer to Petition for Leave to Intervene.* Staff States That Petitions of Pegors on Behalf of Clear Air,Clear Water Unlimited Should Not Be Granted Unless & Until Petitions Meet Requirements ML20127K6891967-05-16016 May 1967 Answer to Petition for Leave to Intervene & Motions Relating Thereto.* ML20127L8161967-05-0303 May 1967 Answer to Notice of Hearing on Application for Provisional Const Permit.* ML20127L8251967-05-0303 May 1967 Notice of Appearance.* Undersigned Atty Enters Appearance in Above Captioned Matter ML20127M8721967-04-27027 April 1967 Notice of Appearance.* Undersigned Will Appear as Counsel on Behalf of Util ML20127M9091967-04-19019 April 1967 Notice of Hearing on Application for Provisional Const Permit 1977-12-13
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Docket No. 50-263 (Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant,
Unit No. 1)
'Ihe Atomic Energy Comission (the Comission) will consider the' issuance of a full-tem facility operating license to the Northem States Power Conpany (the licensee) which would authorize the licensee to possess, use and operate the hbnticello Nuclear Generatirig Plant thit No.1-(the facility), located on the licensee's site in Wright and Sherbume Counties, Minnesota, at its presently licensed steady state power level of up-to 1670 megawatts (themal) for a period of 40 years from the June 19,1967 j
issuance date of the construction permit (CPPR-31) in acco: dance with the ly provisions of the license and the 'Dechnical Specifications appended thereto, L1-upon aceipt of a mport on the application from the Advisory-. Committee cn Beactor Safeguards (ACES),. the submission of a favorable safety evalu-I ation of the application by the Commission's Dimetorate of Licensing, Pz the cmpletion of the environmental aview mquimd by the'Canission's-3 mgulatime in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, and a finding by the.Comis-lp sicn that the application fEr the full-tem familityl license (as: amended)'
cceplies with the mquinme$ts of the Atomic Energy-Act of-1954, as 9212O20213 720825 PDR ADOCK 050 23
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a~ ended, and the Conmission's mgulations in 10 CFR Chapter I.
The facility f a presently being operated in acconiance with Pmvisional Oper-at$ng License No. DFB-22 issued by the Comissicn on Septenber 8,1970.
The ibil-term license will not be issued until the Ocmission has nude the findings, reflecting its review of the applicaticn under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, which will be set forth in the proposed license, and has concluded that the issuance of the license will not be inimical to the commtn defense and security or to the health and safety of the public. The licensee has satisfied its obligation con-coming indennification as mquired by Secticn 170 of the Act and 10 cm Part 140 of the Conmission's mgulations.
The facility is subject to the provisicns of Section B of Appendix D to 10 C E Part 50, which sets forth procedures applicable to review of environnental consideraticns for producticn and utilization facilities for which constructicn permits or operating licenses wem issued in the period of January 1,1970 through September 9,1971, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 10 CFR Part 2, " Rules of Practice", and Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 50,'" Licensing of Pmduction and Utilizaticn Facilities",
that the Conmission is pmviding an opportunity Ibr hearing with respect to whether, considering those rnatters covend by Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50, the provisional operating 11oense in the captioned proceeding should be continued, modified, terminated or appmpriately conditioned to pmtect envimrental valueo.
Within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the FEIERAL REGISTER, the licensee may file a request for a hearing and
a J,
- any persen whose interest may be affected by this proceeding my file a petition for leave to intervene (1) with mspect to whether, ccnsi-dering those matters covered by Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50, the pro-visional operating license should be continued, nodified, teminated or appmpriately conditioned to pmtect environental values, and (2) with mspect to the issuance of a full-tem facility' operating license.
Requests for a hearing and petitions to intervene shall be filed in accordance with the Comission's rules of practice in 10 CFR Part 2.
If a mquest for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene is filed within the tim prescribed in this notice, the Comission will issue a notice of hearing or an appropriate onier. In accordance with 10 CFR Section 2 714, ir petition for leave to intervene which is not timly filed will be dismissed unless the petitioner shows good cause for
. failure to file it on tim.
j On November 18, 1971, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, Section E, the Comission's Dimetor of Begulation detemined that the operation of the facility should not be suspended pending conpletion of the envirorumntal myiew mquired under the Na-tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (36 F.R. 22327). Minnesota Envimnmental Control Citi::en's Association (FECCA) requested a hearing i
cn that detemination. 'lhe State of Pannesota also indicated to the Ccr: mission an intemst in participating in any hearing which might be scheduled in connection with the Director of Pegulation's detemination.
On Fhy 3,1972, the Co:m:ission issued a Menorandum and Order that stated, a:rrng other things, the following:
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. " Hearings will be conducted on any issuance of a full-tem operating license, assuming an appmpriate aquest. 'Ihe State of Minnesota and MECCA shall be parties to any such hearing, which shall be consolidated with the hearing con-te:tplated by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, Sectico E.
In the absence of an appropriate hearing request on the full-tem operating license application, a hearing under Appendix D, Section E, shall be noticed by the Comission."
Accordingly, if an appmpriate mquest for a hearing is made pursuant to this notice, the State of Minnesota and MECCA also will becom parties to such hearing and the matters in contmversy will be consolidated for hearing pulposes.
In the absence of an appmpriate request for hearing, pursuant to this notice, a hearing under Appendix D, Section E, will be not$ced by the Comission as pmvided in the above-refemnced Mercrandu:n and Order.
For further details with m spect to the m tters under consideration, see the licensee's application for conversion of Provisional Operating License No. DPR-22 to a full-tem operating license dated June 15, 1972, the licensee's Envimnmntal Paport dated November 3,1971, the Supple-ment and Errata thereto dated April 14, 1972, and May 2,1972, respectively, and the Ccxrmission's Draf't Envimnmental Statenent dated May 1972, which are available for public inspection at the Comission's Public Document Boom,1717 H Stmet, N. W., Washington, D. C., and at the Environmntal Besource Center, Minneapolis Public Library,1222 S.E. 4th Stmet, i
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i Minneapolis, Fdnnesota, 55414. As they am conpleted and issued, the following documents also will be nade available for public inspection at the above locations:
(1) the report of the Advisory Cm mittee on Reactor Safeguards on the application for a full-tem operating license i
for the hbnticello Nuclear Generating Plant, (2) the Ccrm:ission's Final Environmental Statement pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D (3) the Safety Evaluation prepared by tlie Directorate of Licensing, and (4) the proposed full-tem operating license. A copy of each of items (1) throuta e
(4) may be obtained, when available and as our supply lasts, by request i
to the Deputy Director for Reactor Pmjects, Directorate of Licensing, U. S. Atomic Ehergy CcrmIission, Washington, D. C.
Dated at Betimsda, Maryland, this 18th day of August 1972.
dJ ovholt Assistant Din ctor for-Operating Beactors
- Directorate of Licensing-
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