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{{#Wiki_filter:FENOC*t\FirstErregy Nuclear Openting funpanyBe aver V alley Powe r SfafionP.O. Box 4Shippingpott, PA 15077MarU L. RicheySrfe Vice PresidentMarch 2,2016L-16-060ATTN: Document Control DeskU,S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission1 1555 Rockville PikeRockville, [llD 20852724-682-5234Fax: 724-643-806910 cFR 50.54(0
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR*6Docket No. 50-,412, License No. NPF-73'FirstEnqfgy Nucle-?.f Operatino Comoany (FENOC) Resoonse "to NFC Beouest foIInformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(D Reoarding the.Floodinq Aspects dFecomr:nendatig.n.?,,'!, gf the Neqt-Term Task FoJce JNT.IF) Rgview of lnsig.hts from theFukushima Dai-ichi AccidentOn March 1 2,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a letter titled,'Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulafibns50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task ForceReview of lnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," to all power reactor licenseesand holders of construction permits in active or deferred status, Enclosure2 of the10 CFR 50.54(0 letteraddresses NTTF Recommendation 2.1 forflooding. One of therequired responses is for licensees to submit a Hazard Reevaluation Report (HRR) inaccordance with the NRC's prioritization plan. By letter dated May 11,2012, the NRCplaced the Beaver Vafley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (BVPS), in Category 2requiring a response by March 12, 2014.By letter dated Decemb er 17 , 2013, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC)requested NRC assistance to obtain information needed to complete the flood HRR forBVPS frorn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). By letter datedMarch 11,2A14, FENOC-requested an extension forthe completion and submission ofthe flood HRR based on the schedule to receive input information from the USACE' Byefectronic mail sent on March 26, 2014, the NRC staff requested additional informationto complete its review of the extension request. By letter dated April 24,2A14, FENOCprovided the requested information. By letter dated July 17 ,2A14, the NRC staffconsidered the revised schedule proposed by FENOC to be acceptable. Accordingly,the revised required response date for submitting the flood HRR for BVPS is 180 daysafter FENOC receives the USACE final analysis.
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2L-16-060Page 2By letter dated September 10, 2015, the NRC transmitted to FENOC the USACEportion of the BVPS flood hazard reevaluation associated with the assessment of floodhazards due to flooding streams and rivers, including potential site flooding due to damfailure. In this letter, the NRC staff identified that the BVPS flood HRR is due to theNRC by March 10, 2016, and that if the USACE results show that the design basis floodlevels at the BVPS site are exceeded by the flood levels resulting from the flood hazardreevaluation, FENOC must submit its planned interim actions to address the higherflood level to the NRC within 60 days of the date of the letter. By letter datedNovember 6, 2015, FENOC submitted information regarding interim actions.The BVPS flood HRR is enclosed. As discussed in the report, two of the postulatedreevaluated flood hazard events (windgenerated waves concurrent with Ohio Riverprobable maxirnum flood and local intense precipitation) resulted in maximum floodwater elevations-that exceed current licensing basis flood levels. These postulatedflood hazard events are beyond design basis events and do not constitute an operabilityconcern. Actions taken and planned to address the reevaluated hazards are alsodescribed in the enclosed report.There are no regulatory commitment "onO,n"d in this letter. lf there are any questionsor if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A' Lentz, Manager -Fleet Licensing, at 330-315*810.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Eiecuted onMarch ,?- , 2016.Respectfullyl{ie,rPMaOU nic\
Flood Hazard Reevaluation ReportDirector, Office of Nucleai Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I AdministratorNRC Resident lnspectorNRR Project ManagerDirector BRP/DEPSite BRP/DEP Representative
FLOOD HAEARD REEVALUATION REFORTfN RE$PONSE TO rHE 50,5{(fl fiFORtfAT}OH REQUEST RE.GARDfI{GHEAR.TERf,II TASK FORCE RECOTfiilENDATION 2,1: FLOODIH'Gfor tlreSEAVER, VALLEY POUVER STATIOHP,O, Box 4Shlpplngport, PA {5077First E nergy Corporation78 South l$ah StrcSAkmn, OH 44308Pmpe,nd Q6HN E NERCONfcr.:rrrc ilgl Ctwrl trltry 0?:Enetuon $enricsf,, lnq.12420 Mlb*fone Cenfer Drtv*, $uile 20OGormanbwn, MD m878Rsrrision 0Subnrtttcd to FENOC: Jamrary 26, 2016Prepamr:Verlfter:Ver-ificE,4pproYu;Lead Respofiqilile ErginoorDesf,gn Eqgirreering SuperulsorOsglgn Engfnssdng tlafiEgerOiretrr of En$ncerfilgEugene E. EbeckCarrnen V, MancusoMark A tu.nJiG?$uraj SefanftrGddy'DahmashRey SasarnoEric P. HohrnanENERCONffiiL-1-l ($hmtuse
NTTF Recommendation 2.1 (Hazard Reevaluations): FloodingFirst Energy CorporationRevision 0January 25,2016r*qbo ni i$02.1. Gurrent Design BasisThe current design basis is defined in the BVPS UFSARs. The following is a list of flood-causingmechanisms and their associated water surface elevations that were considered for the BVPScunent design basis.2.1.1. Local Intense Precipitation (LlP)The BVPS-1 UFSAR identifies the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as 13 inches of rainfallin 72 hours (BVPS-1 UFSAR, Section 2.3.10). All roof and surface drainage around the sitepasses on directly to the storm drainage system which slopes northward until it discharges intothe Ohio River at the Intake Structure. For intensities greater than 4 inches per hour somepuddling will occur. However, since the site pitches through natural drainage lines, to the OhioRiver and Peggs Run, surface drainage will aid the yard storm drainage system in minimizing thebuildup of water to less than a few inches.Figure 2.0.1 - Site LayoutBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 6 of 28
NTTF Recommendation 2.1First Energy Corporation(Hazard Reevaluations): Flooding3.3.4. ResultrThe maximum reported ice jam stage in the BVPS watershed is estimated to be 28.4 feet.The maximum water surface elevation at BVPS resulting ftom the upstream ice jambreaching is calculated to be 700.6 feet NGVD 29. The maximum water surface elevationat BVPS resulting from the downstream ice jam is calculated to be 719.3 feet NGVD 29.lce-induced llooding at BVPS is bounded by the PMF, and no further consideration isrcquired.3.'t. Ghannel tlgraffon or Dlvellion (Reforunce BVPS 20151)NUREC'/CR-7(XG indicates historical records and hydrogeomorphologicaldata should be usedto determine whether an adjacent channel, stream, or river has exhibited the tendency to migratetowards the site.3.4.1. Basis of Inputso USGS topographic quadrangle maps and aerial imagesRevision 0January 25,2016Jennlngr Rmddph&idgr (Uncofn HighWlFigulo 3.3.1 - Brldge LocaffonsBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 18 of 28
FENOC*t\FirstErregy Nuclear Openting funpanyBe aver V alley Powe r SfafionP.O. Box 4Shippingpott, PA 15077MarU L. RicheySrfe Vice PresidentMarch 2,2016L-16-060ATTN: Document Control DeskU,S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission1 1555 Rockville PikeRockville, [llD 20852724-682-5234Fax: 724-643-806910 cFR 50.54(0
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR*6Docket No. 50-,412, License No. NPF-73'FirstEnqfgy Nucle-?.f Operatino Comoany (FENOC) Resoonse "to NFC Beouest foIInformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(D Reoarding the.Floodinq Aspects dFecomr:nendatig.n.?,,'!, gf the Neqt-Term Task FoJce JNT.IF) Rgview of lnsig.hts from theFukushima Dai-ichi AccidentOn March 1 2,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a letter titled,'Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulafibns50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task ForceReview of lnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," to all power reactor licenseesand holders of construction permits in active or deferred status, Enclosure2 of the10 CFR 50.54(0 letteraddresses NTTF Recommendation 2.1 forflooding. One of therequired responses is for licensees to submit a Hazard Reevaluation Report (HRR) inaccordance with the NRC's prioritization plan. By letter dated May 11,2012, the NRCplaced the Beaver Vafley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (BVPS), in Category 2requiring a response by March 12, 2014.By letter dated Decemb er 17 , 2013, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC)requested NRC assistance to obtain information needed to complete the flood HRR forBVPS frorn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). By letter datedMarch 11,2A14, FENOC-requested an extension forthe completion and submission ofthe flood HRR based on the schedule to receive input information from the USACE' Byefectronic mail sent on March 26, 2014, the NRC staff requested additional informationto complete its review of the extension request. By letter dated April 24,2A14, FENOCprovided the requested information. By letter dated July 17 ,2A14, the NRC staffconsidered the revised schedule proposed by FENOC to be acceptable. Accordingly,the revised required response date for submitting the flood HRR for BVPS is 180 daysafter FENOC receives the USACE final analysis.
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2L-16-060Page 2By letter dated September 10, 2015, the NRC transmitted to FENOC the USACEportion of the BVPS flood hazard reevaluation associated with the assessment of floodhazards due to flooding streams and rivers, including potential site flooding due to damfailure. In this letter, the NRC staff identified that the BVPS flood HRR is due to theNRC by March 10, 2016, and that if the USACE results show that the design basis floodlevels at the BVPS site are exceeded by the flood levels resulting from the flood hazardreevaluation, FENOC must submit its planned interim actions to address the higherflood level to the NRC within 60 days of the date of the letter. By letter datedNovember 6, 2015, FENOC submitted information regarding interim actions.The BVPS flood HRR is enclosed. As discussed in the report, two of the postulatedreevaluated flood hazard events (windgenerated waves concurrent with Ohio Riverprobable maxirnum flood and local intense precipitation) resulted in maximum floodwater elevations-that exceed current licensing basis flood levels. These postulatedflood hazard events are beyond design basis events and do not constitute an operabilityconcern. Actions taken and planned to address the reevaluated hazards are alsodescribed in the enclosed report.There are no regulatory commitment "onO,n"d in this letter. lf there are any questionsor if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A' Lentz, Manager -Fleet Licensing, at 330-315*810.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Eiecuted onMarch ,?- , 2016.Respectfullyl{ie,rPMaOU nic\
Flood Hazard Reevaluation ReportDirector, Office of Nucleai Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I AdministratorNRC Resident lnspectorNRR Project ManagerDirector BRP/DEPSite BRP/DEP Representative
FLOOD HAEARD REEVALUATION REFORTfN RE$PONSE TO rHE 50,5{(fl fiFORtfAT}OH REQUEST RE.GARDfI{GHEAR.TERf,II TASK FORCE RECOTfiilENDATION 2,1: FLOODIH'Gfor tlreSEAVER, VALLEY POUVER STATIOHP,O, Box 4Shlpplngport, PA {5077First E nergy Corporation78 South l$ah StrcSAkmn, OH 44308Pmpe,nd Q6HN E NERCONfcr.:rrrc ilgl Ctwrl trltry 0?:Enetuon $enricsf,, lnq.12420 Mlb*fone Cenfer Drtv*, $uile 20OGormanbwn, MD m878Rsrrision 0Subnrtttcd to FENOC: Jamrary 26, 2016Prepamr:Verlfter:Ver-ificE,4pproYu;Lead Respofiqilile ErginoorDesf,gn Eqgirreering SuperulsorOsglgn Engfnssdng tlafiEgerOiretrr of En$ncerfilgEugene E. EbeckCarrnen V, MancusoMark A tu.nJiG?$uraj SefanftrGddy'DahmashRey SasarnoEric P. HohrnanENERCONffiiL-1-l ($hmtuse
NTTF Recommendation 2.1 (Hazard Reevaluations): FloodingFirst Energy CorporationRevision 0January 25,2016r*qbo ni i$02.1. Gurrent Design BasisThe current design basis is defined in the BVPS UFSARs. The following is a list of flood-causingmechanisms and their associated water surface elevations that were considered for the BVPScunent design basis.2.1.1. Local Intense Precipitation (LlP)The BVPS-1 UFSAR identifies the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as 13 inches of rainfallin 72 hours (BVPS-1 UFSAR, Section 2.3.10). All roof and surface drainage around the sitepasses on directly to the storm drainage system which slopes northward until it discharges intothe Ohio River at the Intake Structure. For intensities greater than 4 inches per hour somepuddling will occur. However, since the site pitches through natural drainage lines, to the OhioRiver and Peggs Run, surface drainage will aid the yard storm drainage system in minimizing thebuildup of water to less than a few inches.Figure 2.0.1 - Site LayoutBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 6 of 28
NTTF Recommendation 2.1First Energy Corporation(Hazard Reevaluations): Flooding3.3.4. ResultrThe maximum reported ice jam stage in the BVPS watershed is estimated to be 28.4 feet.The maximum water surface elevation at BVPS resulting ftom the upstream ice jambreaching is calculated to be 700.6 feet NGVD 29. The maximum water surface elevationat BVPS resulting from the downstream ice jam is calculated to be 719.3 feet NGVD 29.lce-induced llooding at BVPS is bounded by the PMF, and no further consideration isrcquired.3.'t. Ghannel tlgraffon or Dlvellion (Reforunce BVPS 20151)NUREC'/CR-7(XG indicates historical records and hydrogeomorphologicaldata should be usedto determine whether an adjacent channel, stream, or river has exhibited the tendency to migratetowards the site.3.4.1. Basis of Inputso USGS topographic quadrangle maps and aerial imagesRevision 0January 25,2016Jennlngr Rmddph&idgr (Uncofn HighWlFigulo 3.3.1 - Brldge LocaffonsBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 18 of 28}}

Revision as of 20:51, 28 May 2018

Beaver Valley, Units 1 and 2 - Response to NRC Request for Additional Information, Per 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Flooding Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Ac
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 03/02/2016
From: Richey M L
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16063A288 (32)


FENOC*t\FirstErregy Nuclear Openting funpanyBe aver V alley Powe r SfafionP.O. Box 4Shippingpott, PA 15077MarU L. RicheySrfe Vice PresidentMarch 2,2016L-16-060ATTN: Document Control DeskU,S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission1 1555 Rockville PikeRockville, [llD 20852724-682-5234Fax: 724-643-806910 cFR 50.54(0


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR*6Docket No. 50-,412, License No. NPF-73'FirstEnqfgy Nucle-?.f Operatino Comoany (FENOC) Resoonse "to NFC Beouest foIInformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(D Reoarding the.Floodinq Aspects dFecomr:nendatig.n.?,,'!, gf the Neqt-Term Task FoJce JNT.IF) Rgview of lnsig.hts from theFukushima Dai-ichi AccidentOn March 1 2,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a letter titled,'Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulafibns50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task ForceReview of lnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," to all power reactor licenseesand holders of construction permits in active or deferred status, Enclosure2 of the10 CFR 50.54(0 letteraddresses NTTF Recommendation 2.1 forflooding. One of therequired responses is for licensees to submit a Hazard Reevaluation Report (HRR) inaccordance with the NRC's prioritization plan. By letter dated May 11,2012, the NRCplaced the Beaver Vafley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (BVPS), in Category 2requiring a response by March 12, 2014.By letter dated Decemb er 17 , 2013, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC)requested NRC assistance to obtain information needed to complete the flood HRR forBVPS frorn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). By letter datedMarch 11,2A14, FENOC-requested an extension forthe completion and submission ofthe flood HRR based on the schedule to receive input information from the USACE' Byefectronic mail sent on March 26, 2014, the NRC staff requested additional informationto complete its review of the extension request. By letter dated April 24,2A14, FENOCprovided the requested information. By letter dated July 17 ,2A14, the NRC staffconsidered the revised schedule proposed by FENOC to be acceptable. Accordingly,the revised required response date for submitting the flood HRR for BVPS is 180 daysafter FENOC receives the USACE final analysis.

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2L-16-060Page 2By letter dated September 10, 2015, the NRC transmitted to FENOC the USACEportion of the BVPS flood hazard reevaluation associated with the assessment of floodhazards due to flooding streams and rivers, including potential site flooding due to damfailure. In this letter, the NRC staff identified that the BVPS flood HRR is due to theNRC by March 10, 2016, and that if the USACE results show that the design basis floodlevels at the BVPS site are exceeded by the flood levels resulting from the flood hazardreevaluation, FENOC must submit its planned interim actions to address the higherflood level to the NRC within 60 days of the date of the letter. By letter datedNovember 6, 2015, FENOC submitted information regarding interim actions.The BVPS flood HRR is enclosed. As discussed in the report, two of the postulatedreevaluated flood hazard events (windgenerated waves concurrent with Ohio Riverprobable maxirnum flood and local intense precipitation) resulted in maximum floodwater elevations-that exceed current licensing basis flood levels. These postulatedflood hazard events are beyond design basis events and do not constitute an operabilityconcern. Actions taken and planned to address the reevaluated hazards are alsodescribed in the enclosed report.There are no regulatory commitment "onO,n"d in this letter. lf there are any questionsor if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A' Lentz, Manager -Fleet Licensing, at 330-315*810.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Eiecuted onMarch ,?- , 2016.Respectfullyl{ie,rPMaOU nic\


Flood Hazard Reevaluation ReportDirector, Office of Nucleai Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I AdministratorNRC Resident lnspectorNRR Project ManagerDirector BRP/DEPSite BRP/DEP Representative

FLOOD HAEARD REEVALUATION REFORTfN RE$PONSE TO rHE 50,5{(fl fiFORtfAT}OH REQUEST RE.GARDfI{GHEAR.TERf,II TASK FORCE RECOTfiilENDATION 2,1: FLOODIH'Gfor tlreSEAVER, VALLEY POUVER STATIOHP,O, Box 4Shlpplngport, PA {5077First E nergy Corporation78 South l$ah StrcSAkmn, OH 44308Pmpe,nd Q6HN E NERCONfcr.:rrrc ilgl Ctwrl trltry 0?:Enetuon $enricsf,, lnq.12420 Mlb*fone Cenfer Drtv*, $uile 20OGormanbwn, MD m878Rsrrision 0Subnrtttcd to FENOC: Jamrary 26, 2016Prepamr:Verlfter:Ver-ificE,4pproYu;Lead Respofiqilile ErginoorDesf,gn Eqgirreering SuperulsorOsglgn Engfnssdng tlafiEgerOiretrr of En$ncerfilgEugene E. EbeckCarrnen V, MancusoMark A tu.nJiG?$uraj SefanftrGddy'DahmashRey SasarnoEric P. HohrnanENERCONffiiL-1-l ($hmtuse

NTTF Recommendation 2.1 (Hazard Reevaluations): FloodingFirst Energy CorporationRevision 0January 25,2016r*qbo ni i$02.1. Gurrent Design BasisThe current design basis is defined in the BVPS UFSARs. The following is a list of flood-causingmechanisms and their associated water surface elevations that were considered for the BVPScunent design basis.2.1.1. Local Intense Precipitation (LlP)The BVPS-1 UFSAR identifies the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as 13 inches of rainfallin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (BVPS-1 UFSAR, Section 2.3.10). All roof and surface drainage around the sitepasses on directly to the storm drainage system which slopes northward until it discharges intothe Ohio River at the Intake Structure. For intensities greater than 4 inches per hour somepuddling will occur. However, since the site pitches through natural drainage lines, to the OhioRiver and Peggs Run, surface drainage will aid the yard storm drainage system in minimizing thebuildup of water to less than a few inches.Figure 2.0.1 - Site LayoutBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 6 of 28

NTTF Recommendation 2.1First Energy Corporation(Hazard Reevaluations): Flooding3.3.4. ResultrThe maximum reported ice jam stage in the BVPS watershed is estimated to be 28.4 feet.The maximum water surface elevation at BVPS resulting ftom the upstream ice jambreaching is calculated to be 700.6 feet NGVD 29. The maximum water surface elevationat BVPS resulting from the downstream ice jam is calculated to be 719.3 feet NGVD 29.lce-induced llooding at BVPS is bounded by the PMF, and no further consideration isrcquired.3.'t. Ghannel tlgraffon or Dlvellion (Reforunce BVPS 20151)NUREC'/CR-7(XG indicates historical records and hydrogeomorphologicaldata should be usedto determine whether an adjacent channel, stream, or river has exhibited the tendency to migratetowards the site.3.4.1. Basis of Inputso USGS topographic quadrangle maps and aerial imagesRevision 0January 25,2016Jennlngr Rmddph&idgr (Uncofn HighWlFigulo 3.3.1 - Brldge LocaffonsBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 18 of 28

FENOC*t\FirstErregy Nuclear Openting funpanyBe aver V alley Powe r SfafionP.O. Box 4Shippingpott, PA 15077MarU L. RicheySrfe Vice PresidentMarch 2,2016L-16-060ATTN: Document Control DeskU,S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission1 1555 Rockville PikeRockville, [llD 20852724-682-5234Fax: 724-643-806910 cFR 50.54(0


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR*6Docket No. 50-,412, License No. NPF-73'FirstEnqfgy Nucle-?.f Operatino Comoany (FENOC) Resoonse "to NFC Beouest foIInformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(D Reoarding the.Floodinq Aspects dFecomr:nendatig.n.?,,'!, gf the Neqt-Term Task FoJce JNT.IF) Rgview of lnsig.hts from theFukushima Dai-ichi AccidentOn March 1 2,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a letter titled,'Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulafibns50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task ForceReview of lnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," to all power reactor licenseesand holders of construction permits in active or deferred status, Enclosure2 of the10 CFR 50.54(0 letteraddresses NTTF Recommendation 2.1 forflooding. One of therequired responses is for licensees to submit a Hazard Reevaluation Report (HRR) inaccordance with the NRC's prioritization plan. By letter dated May 11,2012, the NRCplaced the Beaver Vafley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (BVPS), in Category 2requiring a response by March 12, 2014.By letter dated Decemb er 17 , 2013, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC)requested NRC assistance to obtain information needed to complete the flood HRR forBVPS frorn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). By letter datedMarch 11,2A14, FENOC-requested an extension forthe completion and submission ofthe flood HRR based on the schedule to receive input information from the USACE' Byefectronic mail sent on March 26, 2014, the NRC staff requested additional informationto complete its review of the extension request. By letter dated April 24,2A14, FENOCprovided the requested information. By letter dated July 17 ,2A14, the NRC staffconsidered the revised schedule proposed by FENOC to be acceptable. Accordingly,the revised required response date for submitting the flood HRR for BVPS is 180 daysafter FENOC receives the USACE final analysis.

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2L-16-060Page 2By letter dated September 10, 2015, the NRC transmitted to FENOC the USACEportion of the BVPS flood hazard reevaluation associated with the assessment of floodhazards due to flooding streams and rivers, including potential site flooding due to damfailure. In this letter, the NRC staff identified that the BVPS flood HRR is due to theNRC by March 10, 2016, and that if the USACE results show that the design basis floodlevels at the BVPS site are exceeded by the flood levels resulting from the flood hazardreevaluation, FENOC must submit its planned interim actions to address the higherflood level to the NRC within 60 days of the date of the letter. By letter datedNovember 6, 2015, FENOC submitted information regarding interim actions.The BVPS flood HRR is enclosed. As discussed in the report, two of the postulatedreevaluated flood hazard events (windgenerated waves concurrent with Ohio Riverprobable maxirnum flood and local intense precipitation) resulted in maximum floodwater elevations-that exceed current licensing basis flood levels. These postulatedflood hazard events are beyond design basis events and do not constitute an operabilityconcern. Actions taken and planned to address the reevaluated hazards are alsodescribed in the enclosed report.There are no regulatory commitment "onO,n"d in this letter. lf there are any questionsor if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A' Lentz, Manager -Fleet Licensing, at 330-315*810.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Eiecuted onMarch ,?- , 2016.Respectfullyl{ie,rPMaOU nic\


Flood Hazard Reevaluation ReportDirector, Office of Nucleai Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I AdministratorNRC Resident lnspectorNRR Project ManagerDirector BRP/DEPSite BRP/DEP Representative

FLOOD HAEARD REEVALUATION REFORTfN RE$PONSE TO rHE 50,5{(fl fiFORtfAT}OH REQUEST RE.GARDfI{GHEAR.TERf,II TASK FORCE RECOTfiilENDATION 2,1: FLOODIH'Gfor tlreSEAVER, VALLEY POUVER STATIOHP,O, Box 4Shlpplngport, PA {5077First E nergy Corporation78 South l$ah StrcSAkmn, OH 44308Pmpe,nd Q6HN E NERCONfcr.:rrrc ilgl Ctwrl trltry 0?:Enetuon $enricsf,, lnq.12420 Mlb*fone Cenfer Drtv*, $uile 20OGormanbwn, MD m878Rsrrision 0Subnrtttcd to FENOC: Jamrary 26, 2016Prepamr:Verlfter:Ver-ificE,4pproYu;Lead Respofiqilile ErginoorDesf,gn Eqgirreering SuperulsorOsglgn Engfnssdng tlafiEgerOiretrr of En$ncerfilgEugene E. EbeckCarrnen V, MancusoMark A tu.nJiG?$uraj SefanftrGddy'DahmashRey SasarnoEric P. HohrnanENERCONffiiL-1-l ($hmtuse

NTTF Recommendation 2.1 (Hazard Reevaluations): FloodingFirst Energy CorporationRevision 0January 25,2016r*qbo ni i$02.1. Gurrent Design BasisThe current design basis is defined in the BVPS UFSARs. The following is a list of flood-causingmechanisms and their associated water surface elevations that were considered for the BVPScunent design basis.2.1.1. Local Intense Precipitation (LlP)The BVPS-1 UFSAR identifies the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as 13 inches of rainfallin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (BVPS-1 UFSAR, Section 2.3.10). All roof and surface drainage around the sitepasses on directly to the storm drainage system which slopes northward until it discharges intothe Ohio River at the Intake Structure. For intensities greater than 4 inches per hour somepuddling will occur. However, since the site pitches through natural drainage lines, to the OhioRiver and Peggs Run, surface drainage will aid the yard storm drainage system in minimizing thebuildup of water to less than a few inches.Figure 2.0.1 - Site LayoutBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 6 of 28

NTTF Recommendation 2.1First Energy Corporation(Hazard Reevaluations): Flooding3.3.4. ResultrThe maximum reported ice jam stage in the BVPS watershed is estimated to be 28.4 feet.The maximum water surface elevation at BVPS resulting ftom the upstream ice jambreaching is calculated to be 700.6 feet NGVD 29. The maximum water surface elevationat BVPS resulting from the downstream ice jam is calculated to be 719.3 feet NGVD 29.lce-induced llooding at BVPS is bounded by the PMF, and no further consideration isrcquired.3.'t. Ghannel tlgraffon or Dlvellion (Reforunce BVPS 20151)NUREC'/CR-7(XG indicates historical records and hydrogeomorphologicaldata should be usedto determine whether an adjacent channel, stream, or river has exhibited the tendency to migratetowards the site.3.4.1. Basis of Inputso USGS topographic quadrangle maps and aerial imagesRevision 0January 25,2016Jennlngr Rmddph&idgr (Uncofn HighWlFigulo 3.3.1 - Brldge LocaffonsBEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIONPage 18 of 28