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| number = ML13101A152
| number = ML13101A152
| issue date = 04/10/2013
| issue date = 04/10/2013
| title = Perry Nuclear Power Plant 2012 Annual Assessment Presentation
| title = 2012 Annual Assessment Presentation
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co

Revision as of 21:15, 11 April 2019

2012 Annual Assessment Presentation
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/2013
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML13101A152 (19)


TM April 10, 2013 Perry Nuclear Power Plant NRC Annual Assessment Meeting TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Agenda Perry Priorities 2013

- Vito Kaminskas , Site Vice President-Perry Perry Plant Status Update

- Jim Veglia , Director, Site Maintenance-Perry Radiological Safety Program Improvements

- Stan Baker , Manager, Radiation Protection-Perry Readiness for NRC Supplemental Inspection

- John Grabnar, Director, Site Operations-Perry TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Perry 2013 Priorities Safe, Secure, Reliable, Cost-Effective Operations Successfully Complete INPO Evaluation and Assessment Safe and Successful Completion of 1R14 Refueling Outage Perform Radiological Work Error-less and Event-free Demonstrate Commitment to Training and Qualifications to Improve Personal and Station Performance Demonstrate Performance Warranting Return to Column 1 of

the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Work Together to Create an Environment of Respect, Cooperation and Recognition of Our Achievements TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Improving Performance at Perry Focus on our Priorities Take Action on Feedback provided by:

- Nuclear Regulatory Commission

- Institute of Nuclear Power Operations

- Company Nuclear Review Board (CNRB)

- Internal Oversight Increased engagement with our Fleet Organization Targeting Corrective Action and Self Assessment improvement TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Perry Plant Status Update Jim Veglia TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting 14 th Refueling and Maintenance Outage Began March 18 Improvements to Enhance Worker Safety and Equipment Reliability for Safe, Long-Term Performance:

- Three New Low-Pressure Turbine Rotors- Residual Heat Removal System

Chemical Cleaning

- Major Valve Replacements

- Refueling Perry Plant Status

-Inspections and Maintenance on Plant Components, including:

Reactor Vessel, Emergency Diesel Generators, Cooling Tower TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Nearly 13,000 work activities Outage Performance Goals

- Nuclear Safety

- Personal Safety

- Environmental Safety

- Radiological Safety Outage Performance TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Radiological Safety Program Improvements Stan Baker TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Radiological Safety Program Improvements Increased Management Oversight and Coaching Enhanced Worker

Ownership and Engagement Increased Accountability Improved worker behaviors are anchored in our

processes and procedures to ensure safe, sustained performance TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Tools to Enhance Decision-Making Workers use the 2-Minute Drill Card for safe, event-free performance Supervisors use the READE Tool for better decision-making Minute Drill 2 2-M i n u t e D r i l l P o t e n t i a l J o b S i t e H a z a r d s R e c o g n i ze a n d M i t i g a t e R i s k W h a t*W h a t t a s k a r e w e p e r f o r m i n g?*W h a t e r r o r s c o u l d b e m a d e?R i s k*W h a t i s t h e p r o b a b i l i t y (c h a n c e) o f i t h a p p e n i n g?*W h a t a r e t h e c o n s e q u e n c e s i f i t h a p p e n s?M i ti g a t i o n*W h a t a r e w e d o i n g t o m a k e s u r e i t d o e s n't h a p p e n?*W h a t t o o l s a r e a p p l i c a b l e?*W h a t d e f e n s e s a r e i n p l a c e?W h a t e l s e c a n h a p p e n?Z e r o E n e r g y E l e c t r i c a l L i n e o f F i r e P e r m i t s/P r o c e d u r e C o n fi n e d S p a c e O v e r h e a d L o a d s C h e m i c a l U s e/S t o r a g e P i n c h P o i n t s B e n d i n g / L i ft i n g H e a t S t r e s s H o u s e k e e p i n g/F M E L i g h t i n g/V e n t i l a t i o n S l i p s/T r i p s/F a l l s H e a t S t r e s s S h a r p/H o t/W e t S u r f a c e s"A n E n g a g e d T h i n k i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n P r e v e n t s E v e n t s"S O E R 1 0-2Risk = Likelihood x ConsequenceA deliberate decision making method to respond to uncertain situations that promotes better decision-making, more predictable results and less risk.

1. R ecognize the degraded condition or uncertain situation that threatens safety.2. Express the situation in terms of consequences, if left alone, related to the following: Plant safety and reliability Personal safety and well-being Environmental safety3. Appraise the situation, with a questioning attitude, to identify conditions that could threaten safety, such as the following: Conflicts with safety and pressure to proceed with the plan Degree of familiarity with the situation - how novel is it Time available to make a decision Degree of coordination, complexity, and margin sources of stress Sources of stress Availability of resources and support Assumptions that need validatedNOTE: The less time available to make an informed decision, then the more readily one should yield to safety.4. D ecide what to do to resolve the situation safely. Compare Appraisal (step 3) to critical parameters, safety limit, or abort criteria. Consider what absolutely has to go right. Stop when unsure. Do not proceed in the face of uncertainty.5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the action(s) (step 4) in achieving the desired results. Perform a post-job brief.

Did you document your decision?Rev. 01 TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Success of Radiological Safety Program Safe Work Performance Monitor and Adjust Performance Track Performance TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Performance Indicators Dose Performance 2012 PCE Performance 2012 Dose Rate/Dose Alarms LHRA Performance TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Readiness for NRC 95002 Inspection John Grabnar TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Gap Identification Gap Identification Realign for Improvement Strategy Action to Close Gaps Monitor Results Continuous Improvement Process TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Continuous Improvement Process Initiated investigative process through Corrective Action Program

to identify gaps in performance Implemented actions required to

close gaps:

- Radiation Protection

- Corrective Action Program

- Risk Management

- Human Performance

- Accountability Gap Identification Gap Identification Action to Close Gaps Action to Close Gaps TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Realign for Improvement Realign for Improvement Continuous Improvement Process Monitor performance through:

- Coaching and Observations

- Worker Feedback

- Data Collection

- Performance Indicators Realign for Improvement

- Initiated additional cause analyses based on monitoring results Strategy- Initiated additional corrective

actions Monitor Results Monitor Results Strategy Strategy TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Objectives of Supplemental 95002 Inspection Objective 1:

Provide assurance that the root and contributing causes of individual and collecti ve risk-significant performance issues are understood. Objective 2:

Independently assess and provide assurance that the extent of condition and extent of cause of individual and collective risk-significant performance issues are identified. Objective 3:

Independently determine if safety culture components caused or significantly contributed to the individual

and collective risk-significant performance issues. Objective 4:

Provide assurance that corrective actions for risk-significant performance issues are sufficient to address the root and contributing causes and prevent recurrence.

TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Perry is Ready for Supplemental Inspection Through FENOC Continuous Improvement Process, we have:- Implemented corrective actions to close performance gaps

- Met the four objectives of the 95002 Inspection Process

- Meeting milestones to confir m our readiness for inspection We look forward to demonstrating our improved performance during the NRC supplemental inspection beginning June 10.

TMApril 10, 2013Perry NRC Annual Assessment Meeting