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{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix C Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO Retake JPM N-SA-1 LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating MEASURE: Reactor with One Dropped Rod SYSTEM: Control Rod Drive System TASK: 001-010-01-01, Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped Rod PURPOSE: Calculate SDM for an operating reactor with a dropped rod. LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 05/06/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 05/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 Retake N-SA-1 
---Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Ginna Task No.: 001-010-01-01 Task Calculate Shutdown Margin for JPM No.: 2012 SRO Retake N-Ogerating Reactor with One SA-1 Drogged Rod KIA 001 A4.11 3.5/4.1 Alternate Yes No Path Ability to manually operate and/or Time Critical Yes No monitor in the control room: Determination of SDM Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
x Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: Twenty (20) minutes ago, the plant was at 90% when rod K-7 dropped fully into the core. Power was reduced to 75% per ER-RCC.1, RETRIEVAL OF A DROPPED RCC Last RCS loop B boron sample, taken 30 minutes ago, was 950 ppm Current burnup is 10,000 MWD/MTU Tavg is 56S"F Bank C is at 225 steps Bank D is at 195 steps Rod K-7 remains on the bottom. All other control rods are operable 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Properly performs all calculations.
Reads power defect to +/-50 Task Standard:
pcm. Calculated SDM required to be +/-50 pcm of answer key calculated SDM. Determines that the calculated SDM is adequate. Per ITS 3.1.4, the SDM verification must be completed within 1 hr of the rod misalignment.
Given the Initial Condition time of "20 minutes ago," the candidate has 40 minutes to complete the SDM calculation.
The JPM was validated at 20 minutes. Required Calculator and clear ruler General 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR, Rev 03600 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR, Rev 03600 Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a SDM calculation for present plant conditions per 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR Assume all Independent Verification checks are completed when required This is a time-critical JPM Validation 20 min (05/07/13)
CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Violation of Federal Regulations Core design limit challenge Tech Spec Violation Inability to determine reactor core shutdown SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of 0-3.2, SDM for an Operating Reactor, to the Operator at the appropriate cue. Write current date and time on board and refer student to it for JPM use. Calculate SDM for use as answer key standard. Ensure calculator available for use by the Operator. This JPM is intended to be administered in the classroom to multiple examinees 2012 Retake N-SA-1 
Page 4 17 JPM WORKSHEET DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the ..IPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the ..IPM will commence. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C 17 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a ,) Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Read PRECAUTIONS section of procedure.
Step 4.1 Reads PRECAUTION None Provide examinee with a clean copy of 0-3.2 COMPLETE signature block for all personnel performing this procedure.
Step 5.1 Prints, signs, and initials the signature block None 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM page check of this procedure.
Step 5.2 Performs page check (18 pages) None Verify reactor in Mode 1 or Mode 2 with Keff greater than or equal to 1.0. Step 5.3 Verifies reactor in Mode 1 at 75% power, based upon initial conditions None NOTE prior to step 6.1. NOTE prior to step 6.1 Reads the NOTE. None 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page S of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CHECK Tavg is at program Tavg +/- 1.S oF. Step 6.1 Calculates Tavg value for 7S% power: S74°F -547°F = 27°F l1T (x .7S = 20.2soF + S47°F = S67.3°F) Verifies that the given initial condition value of Tavg (S6S'F) is within 0.7soF of program band. None Record cycle burnup Step 6.3 Records burnup given from initial conditions of MWD/MTU value. None Correct value is 10,000 MWD/MTU 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Obtain last loop B boron sample results from on-duty RP AND record date, time, and concentration of sample. Step Records boron concentration from initial conditions None Correct value is 950 ppm Record reactor power level. Step 6.5 Records power level from initial conditions given None Correct value is 75% power 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Record Bank C and 0 positions.
Step 6.6 Records Bank C/O positions from initial conditions given. None Correct values: C = 225 steps, 0 = 195 steps Determine total Power Defect using the appropriate Total Power Defect attachment.
Use Att.2, Figure 5-20 (BOl); Att.3, Figure 21 (MOL); OR Att.4, Figure 5-22 (EOl), using the boron concentration recorded in Step 6.4 and the power level recorded in step 6.5. Step 6.7 *
* Records Total Power Defect None Answer =(+1735) pcm:!: 50 pcm =1685 -1785 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Read NOTE prior to Step 6.8. NOTE Reads the NOTE. None Determine Control Rod negative reactivity available for insertion upon reactor trip from ARO position assuming the most reactive rod remains stuck at full out position using Attachment 1 and the current burnup from Step 6.3. Step 6.8.1 Uses Attachment 1 and burnup to determine rod worth minus stuck rod value
* Records Rod worth -Stuck Rod worth None With burnup of 10000, Rod worth -stuck rod = -4596 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine integral rod worth from the rod position recorded in Performance Step: 14 step 6.6 to the full out position using the appropriate Integral Rod Worth column (BOl, MOL, EOl) in Attachment
: 5. Procedure Step: Step 6.8.2
* Uses correct MOL column in Table 6-4 to determine bank Standard:
worth to full out value
* Records Bank Worth to Full Out Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: For Bank D at 195 steps, answer is 70 Performance Step: 15 Read NOTE and CAUTION prior to Step 6.8.3 Procedure Step: Step 6.8.3 Standard:
Reads Note and Caution. Evaluator CUE:
2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine reduction in control rod reactivity due to known stuck (untrippable), a dropped (fully inserted).
or misaligned low control rods. Step 6.8.3 and 6.8.4 Uses preceding NOTE to determine reduction due to dropped rod equal to 250 pcm
* Records dropped rod reactivity None Stuck =0 pcm, Dropped =250 pcm, Misaligned
=0 pcm Determine the total available control rod negative reactivity.
Step 6.8.5 None Total available control rod negative reactivity
= (-4596) + (+70) + (+250) = -4276 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 18 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 14 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Calculate the Shutdown Margin Step 6.9
* Records Shutdown Margin (-4276 pcm) + (+1735 pcm) =(-2541 pcm):!: 50 pcm = Answer range of (-2491) to (-2591) pcm Determine required Shutdown Margin Step 6.10 Determines required SDM using Attachment 6.0, Figure COLR-2, Required Shutdown margin and current boron concentration (950 ppm)
* Records required Shutdown Margin None With 2 loops in operation, required SOM = -1300 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 15 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify the SDM requirements are satisfied by the value calculated in Step 6.9 being more negative that the required SOM in Step 6.10. Step 6.11 Operator compares actual SDM more negative than required SOM; SOM requirements satisfied. Initials step to confirm SOM requirements are satisfied
(-2541 pcm) is> (-1300 pcm) and that the SOM is satisfied "No further action required." 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix Page 16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR001.003, Rev. 2 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped rod 001-010-01-01, Calculate shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped Rod. Time to Complete:
____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTE Violation of safety procedures will result in failure of the JPM. [FB0471] NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 Retake N-SA-1 JPM CUE INITIAL INITIATING Twenty (20) minutes ago, the plant was at 90% when rod K-7 dropped fully into the core. Power was reduced to 75% per ER-RCC.1, RETRIEVAL OF A DROPPED RCC Last RCS loop B boron sample, taken 30 minutes ago, was 950 ppm Current burnup is 10,000 MWD/MTU Tavg is 568'F Bank C is at 225 steps Bank D is at 195 steps Rod K-7 remains on the bottom. All other control rods are operable The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a SDM calculation for present plant conditions per 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR Assume all Independent Verification checks are completed when required This is a time-critical JPM 2012 Retake N-SA-1 
Page 1 of 11 Form JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-SA-2 (Classroom)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown MEASURE: Cooling Conduct of Ops 344-001-04-02:
Perform calculations to determine the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin, etc.) PURPOSE: Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown Cooling CANDIDATE NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3/19/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 05/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 
---Appendix Page 2 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 344-001-04-02 Task Perform calculations to determine JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-2 the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin, Etc.) KIA
G2.1.25 (RO 3. 9/ SRO 4.2) Alternate Path: Yes No X Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc Time Critical:
Yes No X Category:
SRO-Only Examinee:
NRC Facility Evaluator: Method of Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
* The plant is in Mode 5 for a refueling outage The plant has been shutdown for 25 hrs The pressurizer is solid with L TOP in service RCS temperature is 140°F The Ginna Defense-In-Depth computer program used to calculate time to boil and core uncovery is unavailable Task Properly performs all calculations and transposes answers onto CUE sheet: Condition 1 Time to Boil is determined to be 2.46 hrs. Condition 2 Time to Boil is determined to be .43 hrs (25.96 min +0.1 / -0.0 min) Required Materials:
Pen/ pencil 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 
Page 3 of 11 Form JPM WORKSHEET General
IP-OUT-2,OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager has directed you to determine the Time to Boil per IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, given a Loss of RHR and the following two sets of conditions: For present plant conditions, Exactly four (4) days from now based on the following conditions:
oRCS level will be reduced to 64 inches oRCS temperature will be lowered to 100°F PRZR manway will be removed Record the Time-To-Boil for the two conditions on the cue sheet below Validation Time: 8 minutes (4/05/13)
CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Violation of Federal Regulations Tech Spec Violation 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step Make available a copy of IP-OUT-2 to the candidate at the appropriate cue. Ensure candidate understands to put information on cue sheet. DI RECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the complete. Are there any questions before beginning this 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP
* N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a -V) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Reviews the copy of IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, provided.
N/A Demonstrates knowledge that latest procedure revision is obtained through FCMS Provide Operator a copy of IP-OUT-2 Candidate reviews the Table of Contents.
IP-OUT-2, Table of Contents Candidate determines that Attachment E, Time to Boil and Core Uncovery, will be required for necessary determinations.
None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: ...J Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determines for condition 1 (current) that Pressurizer is Full and Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 will be required Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 Identifies Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 will be required to determine Time to Reach Saturation with Pressurizer Full and RCS Closed' from Procedure and Initial Conditions given. None Determine Time to Reach Saturation (boil) for condition (1) Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 * [...J] Determines Time to Saturation (boil) for condition (1) is 2.46 hours using 25 hrs time after Shutdown, and Trcs 140°F
* Records time on Cue sheet for Condition 1 None Determines for condition (2), Loop Level at 64" and with PRZR manway open that Attachment Page 7 of 11 will be required.
Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 Identifies Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 will be required to determine Time to Reach Saturation with 64" and RCS Open' from Initial Conditions given. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine Time to Reach Saturation (boil) for condition (2) Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 [...J] Using the current 25 hrs, after shutdown,and adding 4 days (96hrs), determines time afterstlutdowrl is 121 hrs. [...J] DeteQl1inesTil1"le to $aturati()n,(bpif) for condition (1) is 0.43 hours (25.96 min*+0.1/-0.0 min) using 120 hrs time after shutdown, and Trcs 100°F Records time on Cue sheet for Condition 2 None When student hands in cue sheet with times: "JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM -JPM-N-SA-2 (Classroom)
LICENSED OPERATOR NAIVlE: JOB PERFORMANCE Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown Cooling 344-001-04-02 Perform calculations to determine the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin,Etc.)
Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE D YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 4 IP-OUT-2, ATT E, Correct table needs to be selected, and data chosen page 5 of 11 based on plant conditions to perform calculation correctly 6 IP-OUT-2, ATT E, Correct table needs to be selected, and data chosen page 7 of 11 based on plant conditions to perform calculation correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Form ES-C-1 CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:
* The plant is in Mode 5 for a refueling outage The plant has been shutdown for 25 hrs The pressurizer is solid with L TOP in service RCS temperature is 140°F The Ginna Defense-In-Depth computer program used to calculate time to boil and core uncovery is unavailable INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager has directed you to determine the Time to Boil per IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, given a Loss of RHR and the following two sets of conditions: For present plant conditions, Exactly four (4) days from now based on the following conditions:
oRCS level will be reduced to 64 inches oRCS temperature will be lowered to 100°F PRZR manway will be removed Record the Time-To-Boil for the two conditions on the cue sheet below 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 1 of 14 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N SA-3 (Classroom)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for MEASURE: Operation Evaluation Technical Specifications 300-003-03-02, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation PURPOSE: The intent of the JPM is to have the candidate evaluate Limiting Conditions for Operation for a single component failure affecting BOTH SAFW trains and document using the appropriate paperwork (A-52.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment).
Rev 0 -New ..IPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat DATE: 5/08/13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 5/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Supervisor-Operation 2012 SROI NRC Retake SA-3 
----Appendix C Page 2 of 14 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 300-003-03-02 Task Control of Limiting Conditions for JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-3 Operation Evaluation KIA G 2.2.23 (RO 3.11 SRO 4.6) Alternate Path Yes No X Ability to track Technical Time Critical Yes No Specification limiting conditions for X operation Category:
NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
* Plant is operating at 100% power Electricians are preparing to perform a PM on MOV-9746, Emergency Discharge MOV for SAFW Pump '0' under Work Order #C92144243 MOV-9746 is closed and its breaker is tagged OPEN The HCO has logged MOV-9746 INOPERABLE in the official record No other equipment is currently Out of Service. A "What if' risk assessment in EOOS has been performed and it was determined that the highest PRF color is yellow and the highest top level system status color is yellow. Values match IWS expected risk Task Standard:
Properly fill out A-52.4, Attachment 1 Sections 1.0 through 6.0 Required Materials:
None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM General
A-S2.4, CONTROL OF LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATING EQUIPMENT Rev 14400 Technical Specifications Amendment 112 A-S2.3 SAFETY FUNCTION DETERMINATION PROGRAM, Rev S A-S2.4, Attachment 1 KEY Handouts: Attachments 1 and 2 of A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment Rev 14400 A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment Rev 14400 Set of Technical Specifications (Available for Reference) EPIP-1.0, GIt\lNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION, Rev.04800 (Available for Reference) CNG-NL-1.01-1004, REGULATORY REPORTING, Rev. OOSOO (Available for Reference)
Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager requests that you, the CRS, fill out and submit the required A-S2.4 paperwork for performing maintenance on 9746 at time 0800 on today's date Time Critical Task No Validation Time: 14 Minutes (S/07/13)
Technical Specification violation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the ..IPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this .JPM? 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a --J) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Reviews LCO 3.7.5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, lCO 3.7.5 [...J1 Documents.
the plant Will be in lCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwster Systems MODES 1, 2, and 3 ["1 .DO.cumentsUmiting Conditions of Operation with both SAFW trains inoperable. See attached KEY (A-52.4, Attachment
: 1) None Inoperable component MOV-9746 makes both SAFW Trains inoperable as defined by Figure 8-3.7.5-2 It is NOT critical for Candidate to complete performance steps in order 1.0, INOPERA81L1TY A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1.0, steps 1), 2), 3), 4), and 5) See attached KEY Proceeds to step 6 None Work Order in Step 3 will be placed in section 6.0 Candidate may fill in section 4.0 for equipment deemed inoperable at this time for performance step 10.0 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: Perform loss of Safety function determination PER Attachment 2 Procedure A-52.4, Attachment 1, Step 6 Proceeds to Attachment 2
See attached Evaluator CUE:
Performance Step: Have any of the following supporting system LCO's been entered? YES! NO Procedure Step: A-52.4 Attachment 2, Step Standard:
* Circles NO in step
* Proceeds to step 2.0 Evaluator None Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 7 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Performance Step: 5 Has only one (1) LCO been entered? (Le. total # of LCOs in effect is only 1) YES! NO. IF YES AND Question #1 was answered NO, THEN the single LCO provides necessary ACTIONS. Return to Attachment 1 and checks of 'Loss of Safety Function Determination box Procedure Step: A-52.4 Attachment 2, Step 2.0 Standard: Circles YES in step 2.0 Determines that the single LCO provides necessary ACTIONS Return to Attachment 1 section 1.0, step 7) Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM a "what if' risk assessment in EOOS for inoperable equipment lAW 5.2.1::: If equipment is being removed for planned maintenance, Verify EOOS PRF color and value match IWS expected risk: If color AND value match IWM schedule expected risk, then continue with this Attachment.
EOOS highest PRF green 0 /yellow 0 / orange 0 EOOS highest top level system status green 0 /yellow 0 / orange 0 A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1, Step 7) and 8) Checks the "what if' risk assessment box in step 7) Checks box for color and value match with IWM schedule expected risk Marks both yellow boxes in step 8). None 2012 SROI NRC Retake ,JPM SA-3 Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: '" Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION If equipment being removed from service is due to emergent maintenance issues, THEN PERFORM the following A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1, Step 9) Recognizes that steps are due to planned maintenance and N/A's boxes None REQUIRED ACTIONS: A-52.4, attachment
: 1. Section 2.0 Nl table (Attachment1.
step 2;0);n;accordance with the attached key See the attached Key with similar wording and times 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C ..,J Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page '10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS IF REQUIRED ACTIONS/ COMPLETION TIMES ARE NOT MET: A-S2.4, Attachment 1, Section 3.0 ["J Fills out the REQUIRED ACTIONS Table in accordance with the attached key See the attached Key with similar wording and times Declaration of Inoperable Equipment A-S2.4, Attachment 1, Section 4.0 Declare equipment inoperable (logged in official record from initial conditions)
Candidate signs for Equipment deemed inoperable, Date and time
* See the attached Key Candidate may have performed this in performance step 2.0 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating CUE: Stop Time: ___ Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTIFICATION and REPORTING 1 ) EVALUATE the need to report PER EPI P-1-0 2) EVALUATE the need to report PER CNG-NL-1.01-1004
: 3) EVALUATE the need to notify the duty Chemistry Tech 4) I F this is non-scheduled outage for this piece of equipment, THEN SUBMIT an A-52.16 A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 5.0 1) Not an Emergency Classification event 2) Not a Reportable event 3) Duty Chemistry Tech does not need to be informed 4) Planned maintenance, not a component failure
* See the attached Key After Section 5.0, NOTIFICATION and REPORTING is complete: "Evaluation of this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 
..........................................Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM-JPM-N-SA-3 (Classroom)
LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation 300-003-03-02, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET Plant is operating at 100% power Electricians are preparing to perform a PM on MOV-9746, Emergency Discharge MOV for SAFW Pump '0' under Work Order #C92144243 MOV-9746 is closed and its breaker is tagged OPEN The HCO has logged MOV-9746 INOPERABLE in the official record No other equipment is currently Out of Service. A "What if' risk assessment in EOOS has been performed and it was determined that the highest PRF color is yellow and the highest top level system status color is yellow. Values match IWS expected risk The Shift Manager requests that you, the CRS, fill out and submit the required A-52A paperwork for performing maintenance on MOV-9746 at time 0800 on today's date 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-SA-4 (Classroom)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Review & Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit Liquid Radwaste 341-012-03-03:
Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability to review a prepared discharge permit and determine if there are any errors preventing its approval.
---Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Ginna Task No.: 341-012-03-03 TasklJPM Approve Radioactive Waste JPM No.. 2012 Retake JPM SA-4 Discharge/Release Permit KIA 2.3.6 (RO 2.0 / SRO 3.8) Alternate Path Yes Ability to approve release permits. Time Critical Yes Category:
SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
x Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
* The plant is at 100% power
* The A Monitor Tank is being readied for release
* No additional actions have been take Task Identify discrepancies on discharge permit and all critical tasks evaluated as satisfactory.
Required Attached Key. General
S-3.4K: Releasing Monitor Tank A or B to Discharge Canal, Rev 03002
* CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3 Handouts: CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3 submittal
* CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix C Job Perfomlance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Initiating Cue:
* Review the release permit and approve if acceptable.
If unacceptable, document the reason(s) why on this cue sheet Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 16 minutes (4/3/13) 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE (Denote Critical Steps with a 1/) START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
EXAMINER CUE: Comment: ."j Performance Step: 2 Standard:
EXAMINER NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM Attachment 3 of CH*700 Reviews release form. Identifies the sample time is greater than 12 hours. Identifies R-18 is OOS and that LINE-UP VERIFIED BY should not be N/A. Hand the Examinee the marked up copy of: 1) CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3, LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM, and 2) CH*700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601 Answer the questions on the JPM CUE SHEET. .[-y}OocumentfiiD$\
the samptetkne
12 hours. (CH-700 step 6.10.4) r-VIOocuments that with R-1Sl)eing VERIFIED BY would be requjred.(CH-100 (When examinee returns JPM to the Examiner) "Evaluation of this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM SA-4 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Review & Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit 341-012-03-03:
Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit Time to Complete:
___Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS/GRADING:
: 1. All discrepancies listed on JPM CUE sheet SATISFACTORY?
DYES D NO The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY SIGNATURE: 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 LIQUID WASTE BATCH RELEASE CH-700 Revision 00601 Page 53 of 63 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 3, LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM DATE: /oDAY.5 DlrrE 1C)c>6 PERMIT NO.: t--. 2.01 g () 40 TANK: t-t ON IToR 71#/11( Ii SAMPLE DATErnME:
: 1. Updated for latest procedures and format REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 05/09/13 Don Dean DATE: 5". to . (3 REVIEWED BY: SRO Reviewer REVIEWED BY: @Jentative APPROVED BY: DATE dnll3 2012 SROI Retake NRC 
---Appendix C Page 2 of 13 JPM WORKSHEET Facility: Task No.: 340*001-05-02 Task Title: Event JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-5 KIA
KIA 2.4.41 (2.9/4.6)
Alternate Path Yes No X Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications Time Critical Yes X No Category:
SRO Only NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance:
X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: 30 minutes ago, a large steam line break occurred inside containment which resulted in a reactor trip and Automatic SI Prior to the accident, the plant had been at full power for 185 days Coincident with the automatic SI, both CKT 7T and 767 were lost EDG 1A started and immediately energized Bus 14 EDG 1 B failed to start automatically but was started locally and Bus 16 was energized within 8 minutes of the SI actuation Containment Pressure peaked at 31 PSIG and is lowering slowly Containment radiation levels are normal (none elevated or in alarm) RCS cold leg temperatures have stabilized at 265°F Wind speed is 15 mph at elevation 33' Wind direction at elevation 33' is from the North at 350 degrees Temperature is 58°F at elevation 33' and 56'F at elevation 250' Task Standard: Determine the proper EAL classification within 15 minutes AND
* Properly complete Attachment 3a of EPIP-1-5 Required Materials:
Pencil and dry-erase marker 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA*5 Appendix C Page 3 of 15 Form JPM WORKSHEET EPIP-1-0, GINNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND General
CLASSIFICATION, Rev 04800 EAL wall chart, Rev 04800 EAL Technical Basis Document, Rev 04800 EPIP-1-0, GINNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND Handouts:
* Usi ng EPI P-1-0 or the EAL wall chart, classify this event Provide both the classification level and EAL number on this Cue Sheet WHEN you have completed the Event Classification, complete the NEW YORK STATE RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY DATA FORM (Part 1), Attachment 3a This is a time-critical JPM -the time will start when you tell me you understand the initial conditions Validation Time: 9 Minutes (5/07/13)
Misclassification of event could hinder timely activation of support functions and notification of offsite organizations.
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. This is a time critical (15 minute + 15 minute) JPM. Make available a copy of EPIP-1-0 (or the EAL wall chart) to the Operator at the appropriate cue Provide the candidate with the EAL Technical Basis document, if requested.
DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,.IPM-SA-5 Appendix Page 4 of 13 JPM
SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET (Denote Critical Steps with a --JJ Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Operator reviews initial conditions and procedures to determine plant conditions N/A None Provide Operator a copy of EPIP-1-0 and the EAL Wallchart Reviews Sections 1-5 of the procedure EPIP-1-0, Sections 1-5 Reads Precautions in Section 4.0 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix Form JPM CUE SHEET -_.......
Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Identify the initiating conditions using either the guidelines of the EAL wall chart or Attachment 1 of EPIP-1-0 6.1.2 Determines which method to use for EAL classification None Assess given plant conditions and determine event classification using either Attachment 1 or EAL wall chart 6.1.2 is ALERT due to.a REDpath onRCShitegritYCSFST;EAL 1.4.1 None Since the accident occurred 30 minutes ago, and cold leg temperatures have been reduced by >100&deg;F within 60 minutes to <284&deg;F, this meets the RED path entry condition for the Integrity CSFST and FR-P.1 should be entered. The loss of both offsite power circuits satisfies the UE conditions of EAL 6.1.1, but this is a lower classification level. Candidate may consider an ALERT condition on EAL 6.1.3, Available safeguard train AC power reduced to a single EDG for> 15 min, but the 'B' EDG was started and energized Bus 16 in 8 minutes. Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-SA-5 Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form JPM CUE Stop Time: ___ Classification Time (Stop time -Start time): ___minutes --J, Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: --J Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
EXAMINER CUE: Comment: Complete time-critical classification within 15 minutes N/A lVICof)'lpletes wifnin1S minutes theJPM PLEASE CONTINUE with EPIP-1-5, Attachment 3a EPIP 1-5, Attachment 3a, Block 3 3. Classification:
* Does NOT check the "information changed" box Provide candidate with the EPIP 1-5 Attachment 3a as soon as he has made the EAL determination.
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C --1 Performance Step: 7 Procedural Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: --1 Performance Step: 8 Performance Step: Standard:
Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Classification Emergency Classification declared at: Date __Time __Block 4 '" Fills in the Date and Time.oHhe classification Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Release of Radioactive Materials due to the Classification Event: A. No release B. Release BELOW federal limits 0 to atmosphere 0 to water C. Release BELOW federal limits 0 to atmosphere 0 to water D. Unmonitored release Block 5 Reads Instructions (Att.3) for Block 5 on p15 Reviews Tables in Block 5 for potential release paths [--11 Oircles "A. Does NOT check the "information changed" box None P9 is referenced in Block 5, but provides only the warning and high alarm setpoints (have on hand if asked to provide) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: "" Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Block 6 Instructions Locates block 6 of EPIP 1-5, Attachment 3a References Instructions for Block 6 in Att.3 need for ProteCtive Actions outside the site bOundary Does NOT check the "information changed" box None EAL Number Block 7 ["1'1 Fills in "1.4.1" in the EAL Number box, as classified previously Does NOT check the "information changed" box None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM CUE SHEET Reactor Status Block 8 CirCles.'B' Shutdown Fills in "Today" as the date and "30 minutes ago + Time to Classify" for time of SID from the Initial Conditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None The time to be entered is the time that THE REACTOR WAS SHUTDOWN, and would include the current time MINUS the "30 minutes ago" given in the initial conditions plus the time it took to classify.
Wind Speed: Block 9 Fills in 15 mph at elevation 33 ft from Initial Conditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 CUE SHEET Wind Direction:
Block 10 degreesat>elevatroo,33ft fromJnitial Cohditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Stability Class: Block 11 Fills in 56&deg;F and 58&deg;F values from Initial Conditions Calculates-2&deg;.(o6,.S8}AT ....JDeterrnines (Bravo) stability class from number line Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Once the Stability Classification is made: No further actions are required.
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C 12 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM CUE SHEET 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA*5 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Event Classification TASK: 340-001-05-02, Event Classification Time to Complete:
____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
_____ The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D
* In addition to the correct EAL classification, JPM duration for BOTH classification and NOTIFICATION must be < 15 minutes each 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,.lPM-SA-5 Appendix 13 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE -......
INITIATING CUE: EAL Classification Level: EAL Classification Number: 30 minutes ago, a large steamline break occurred inside containment which resulted in a reactor trip and Automatic SI Prior to the accident, the plant had been at full power for 185 days Coincident with the automatic SI, both CKT 7T and 767 were lost EDG 1A started and immediately energized Bus 14 EDG 1 B failed to start automatically but was started locally and Bus 16 was energized within 8 minutes of the SI actuation Containment Pressure peaked at 31 PSIG and is lowering slowly Containment radiation levels are normal (none elevated or in alarm) RCS cold leg temperatures have stabilized at 265&deg;F Wind speed is 15 mph at elevation 33' Wind direction at elevation 33' is from the North at 350 degrees Temperature is 58"F at elevation 33' and 56'F at elevation 250' Using EPIP-1-0 or the EAL wall chart, classify this event Provide both the classification level and EAL number on this Cue Sheet WHEN you have completed the Event Classification, complete the NEW YORK STATE RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY DATA FORM (Part 1), Attachment 3a This is a time-critical JPM -the time will start when you tell me you understand the initial conditions 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-A (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Establish 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 (Power 12A and MEASURE: 12B Buses from Ckt 767) SYSTEM: AC Electrical Distribution System TASK: 062-021-01-01, Lineup the Electrical Distribution System PURPOSE: Transfer the electric plant from SO/50 Normal to 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 EXi\M MAT'L JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:
: 1. Rev 0 is a new JPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: DATE: L[.{j-SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: DATE: _ 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Facility:
Ginna Task Title: Establish 10010 Electric Lineup on Circuit 767 KJA
062 A4.01 3.3/3.1 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: AU breakers (including available switchyard)
Task No.: 062-021-01-01 JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-A Alternate Path: Yes 2S No Time Critical:
Yes No 2S Category:
RO/SRO Examinee:
NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:
Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance:
X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Task Standard:
Required Materials:
The plant is operating at 100% power The Electric Plant is currently in a 50/50 NORMAL lineup RG&E ECC has requested that the plant be placed in a 10010 lineup on Circuit 767 for scheduled maintenance on offsite Circuit 7T later today An A-52.12 for removal of Circuit 7T is being prepared Transfer 4160V buses from a 50/50 NORMAL Lineup to 10010 Lineup on Circuit 767, recognize failure of breaker to auto trip, and implement Attachment 1 of 0-6.9.2. None 0-6.9.2, ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A / BUS 12B Rev 02200 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-A 
Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Handouts:
0-6.9.2, ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A I BUS 12B Rev 02200 (marked up) Initiating Cue: The CRS directs you to establish a 10010 Electric Plant alignment per 0-6.9.2 ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A 1 BUS 12B, Section 6.3 The SM and RG&E ECC have approved performance of this bus alignment.
Validation Time: 19 minutes (4/04/13)
CONSEQUENCES OF Loss of power to 4160V Bus SAFETY INSTRUCTOR Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each DIRECTIONS TO To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the ..IPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix Page 4 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP Reset in IC-19 or any at-power Initial Condition Ensure the electric plant is in a Normal 50/50 electric plant lineup NOTE: The simulator electrical model (in 2013) does not have the capability to fail the auto trip feature of 52/12AY when 52/12BY is closed in. Having the 52/12AY synchroscope also ON, however, defeats this interlock and would prevent the breaker from opening. Since there is only one (1) synchroscope handle, however, and is being used to close the 52/12BY breaker, a "software work around" must be accomplished by opening an Event and Schedule file: Open Event in the Events box: Enter x05i115a in the Event Code box Type "Trigger on 12A AL T Synch Switch taken to ON position" in the Description box (optional) Open Event 2 in the Events box: Enter jbk 12by & ! x05i115a in the Event Code box Type "Remove Override EDS29 when" in the Description box (optional) SAVE the Event with a file name of your choice. (Event "N-A" on exam stick) Open and LEAVE OPEN the file you just saved. Build a new Schedule file box: 6. Enter the following in the Schedule Insert Pause @Time Event Action (type exactly) D 1 insert override ovr-eds29 to 1 D 2 remove override ovr-eds29 Insert override OVR-EDS69D to D D 12AY Trip signal 0 Insert override OVR-EDS69G to D D 12AY Pull-to-stop Signal 0 Insert override OVR-EDS69F to D D 12AY Norm Aft Trip signal 0 SAVE the schedule file you just created. ("Schedule N-A" on exam stick) Open and RUN the schedule file. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a ...J) Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Verifies the appropriate section of 0-6.9.2 to be performed.
Table of Contents and Section 6.3 Reviews Sections 1.0 through 5.0 of 0-6.9.2 Notes in Section 2.1 that the Subsections of Section 6 can be performed as necessary, and subsections NOT performed may be marked N/A. None Provide examinee with a copy of 0-6.9.2, marked up TO Step 6.3 ESTABLISH Offsite Power to 12A Bus using Circuit 767 as follows: MARK BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, breaker initial position:
* OPEN..............
* CLOSED ............ Verifies BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12ABY is closed: red light ON and green light OFF Checks box that breaker is CLOSED None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: VERIFY CLOSED CIRCUIT BKR 76702 34 KV BUS Procedure Standard:
* Locates Breaker 76702 34 KV BUS indication
* Verifies red light ON and green light OFF. Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: TURN ON BUS 12AALT FEED FROM 767, Procedure Standard:
Evaluator None Evaluator The operator may inform you that J-6, 4KV MAIN OR TIE BREAKER TRIP, and L-20, 12A XFMR OR 12A BUS TROUBLE, will alarm after closing Bus 12A Normal Feed breaker Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTE identifies that annunciators J-6 and L-20 will alarm after performing the next step, AND to complete steps 6.3,1.5 thru without delay after closing in. NOTE prior to Reads the NOTE None CLOSE BUS 12A ALT FEED FROM 767, 52112BY
* Verify breaker Red light ON and Green light OFF None Closing this ALTERNATE feed breaker SHOULD automatically trip the Normal feed breaker and result in 4KV Main or Tie Breaker Trip Acknowledges annunciators J-6, 4KV MAIN OR TIE BREAKER TRIP, and L-20, 12 XFMR OR 12A BUS TROUBLE. N/A
* Notes that J-6 did NOT alarm (since breaker did not trip)
* References the previous NOTE None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FR0lV17T, 52/12AY, was initially OPEN, then VERIFY breaker is OPEN AND RESET (Green light illuminated, White light EXTINGUISHED).
OTHERWISE, mark this step N/A. Verifies 52/12AY was initially CLOSED, AND Marks this step N/A None NRC EXAMINER:
ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, was CLOSED, then perform the Verify breaker OPENED (green and white lights -LIT Place Bus12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to TRI P and then to AUTO Verify the breaker is OPEN and RESET (green light LIT, white light OFF) Verify breaker did NOT OPEN (red light still LIT) Place Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to TRIP and then to AUTO Verify the breaker is OPEN and (green light LIT, white light OFF) None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is NOT OPEN, THEN immediately perform Attachment 1, 7T/Bus 12A Circulating Current Contingency Action. OTHERWISE, mark this step N/A. Procedure Standard: "
-'" \. . " " , . '
* Goes to Attachment 1 Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: CAUTION: This attachment is only performed as directed when breaker 52/12AY is NOT OPEN. ATT-1, CAUTION prior to Step 1.0 Reads CAUTION, confirms this is the correct action based on 52/12A Y not opening None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 14 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is NOT OPEN ATT-1, Step 1.0 Checks 52/12AY breaker is still closed (red light ON, green light OFF) None VERIFY CLOSED BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY 2.0 Verifies that ALT FEED from 767, 52/12BY, is CLOSED (in Step None VERI FY BUS 12A VOL TMETER4160V indicates approximately 4000 VOLTS 3.0 Verifies BUS 12A VOLTMETER reads -4000 VOLTS None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: --j Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:
VERIFY CLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER 7T1352 34 KV BUS 4.0 Verifies 7T1352 34 KV BUS supply breaker is CLOSED None NOTE: Next step SHOULD automatically trip BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY Performance of next step will cause MCB alarm J-6, 4KV MAIN or TIE BREAKER TRIP, to illuminate NOTE prior to Step 5.0 Reads NOTE None TURN OFF BUS 12AALT FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, SYNCHROSCOPE AND REMOVE handle 5.0 ["1 TURNS OFF.BUS 12A ALT,FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, SYNCHROSCOPE Removes handle Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 18 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, OPENS (Green light ILLUMINATED, White light ILLUMINATED) 6.0 Checks MCB indications for 52/12BY: green light LIT, white light LIT None PLACE BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY. control switch to TRIP and THEN to AUTO 7.0
* Places the switch for breaker BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767. 52/12BY, to the TRI P position and then to AUTO None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C ........ Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 13 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY BUS 12A ALT FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, is OPEN and RESET(Green light ILLUMINATED, White light EXTINGUISHED) 8,0 Verifies that green light is ON, white light is OFF None PLACE BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to CLOSE AND THEN to AUTO 9.0 Places the switch for breaker BUS 12A NORMAL FROM 7T, 52/12A Y, to the CLOSE position and then Verifies that RED light is ON, white light is OFF None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 14 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION
.......Performance Step: 22 VERIFY BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is CLOSED and RESET(Red light ILLUMINATED, White light EXTINGUISHED)
Procedure Step: 10.0 Standard:
Verifies that red light is ON, white light is OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Terminating Cue: "No further action is required." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page1Sof17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR062.027, Rev. 0 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Establish 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 (Power 12A and 12B Buses from Ckt 767) TASK: 062-021-01-01, Lineup the Electrical Distribution System Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ,IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page '16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 4 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 6 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 10 Critical to the recognition of the failure and correct transition to Attachment 1 17 ATT-1, step 5.0 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A 
...Appendix Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE INITIAL INITIATING The plant is operating at 100% power The Electric Plant is currently in a 50/50 NORMAL lineup RG&E ECC has requested that the plant be placed in a 100/0 lineup on Circuit 767 for scheduled maintenance on offsite Circuit 7T later today An A-52.12 for removal of Circuit 7T is being prepared The CRS directs you to establish a 10010 Electric Plant alignment per 0-6.9.2 ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A / BUS 12B. Section 6.3 The SM and RG&E ECC have approved performance of this bus re-alignment 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-B (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Standby AFW System in Service per FR-H.1 SYSTEM: Standby AFW 061-003-01-01, Perform Lineups of the Auxiliary Feedwater System (MCB)
To evaluate the ability to place the Standby Aux Feedwater system in service and cross-connect normal AFW flow is not REVISION/CHANGES:
: 1. 03/29/13 -D REVISED/CHANGED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 Don Dean SRO Reviewer Kyle Garnish Supervisor-Operations Training DATE: DATE: 04/05/13 04/05/13 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B 
--Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Facility:
Ginna Task Title: Place Standby AFW System In Service per FR-H.1. RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK KIA
E05 EA1.1 (4.1/4.0)
Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Secondary Heat Sink: Components and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features Facility Method of Simulated Classroom Simulator XREAD TO THE EXAMINEE Task No.: 061-003-01-01 JPM No.: JR061.001 Alternate Path: YES Time Critical:
YES Category:
ROISRO NRC Examiner:
Date: Actual Performance:
X Plant I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
* The plant was at power when both Main Feedwater Pumps tripped Bus 16 has an overcurrent fault The A Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump is removed for maintenance The Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump has steam supplied from both the A and B Steam Generators, but is not supplying feedwater.
Mechanical Maintenance is investigating the problem After transitioning from E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION to ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE, the STA determined that a RED path condition existed on the HEAT SINK CSFST The crew is responding per FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, and has completed the procedure up to step 5 Task Standard:
The 'C' SAFW Pump started with a flowpath to the 'A' SIG established.
Required Materials:
None 2012 SROI Retake! NRC ,.lPM-B Appendix General Initiating Time Critical Task: Validation Time: Page 3 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION A TT-5.1, SAFW, Rev 01002 ATT-22.0, RESTORING FEED FLOW, Rev 00600 FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, Revision 04002 FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK (marked up to Step 5) ATT-5.1, SAFW ATT-22.0, RESTORING FEED FLOW The CRS has directed you to complete steps 5 and 6 of FR-H.1 to feed the 'A' SIG utilizing the 'C' SAFW pump. No 10 Minutes (04/05/13) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 4 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP Malfunctions: Reset to then go to RUN Ensure 'A', 'C', and 'D' SW pumps running Take 'A' MDAFW pump out of service: place 'A' MDAFW pump in Pullstop and close MOV-4007.
Place CAUTION tags on switches for both components. To fail TDAFW pump, insert MALF FDW12, 0 RPM To trip Bus 16, set EDS048 true on Trigger 1. To trip both MFPs, set FDW02A and FDW028 true on Trigger 1. I nsert Trigger 1. (This will trip the reactor and initiate the procedural response) Ensure BOTH Tavg values are < 550"F prior to FREEZE AFTER Step 4 of FR-H.1 has been completed (Stop both RCPs), FREEZE the simulator and take shapshot.
Procedures: Placekeep the Control Room laminated copy of E-O through Step 4 Note that ES-0.1 will not be place-kept because CSFSTs were monitored when E-O was exited, and FR-H.1 has been entered Placekeep the Control Room copy of FR-H.1 through step 4. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: _____ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comments:
Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Obtain copy of FR-H.1, RESPONSE to LOSS of SECONDARY HEAT SINK N/A Obtains/ reviews first four (4) steps of marked-up FR-H.1 None Provide student with a marked-up copy of FR-H.1 Reset SI If Actuated FR-H.1, Step 5
* Recognizes that SI has NOT occurred
* Goes to Step 6 None During a Safety Injection, MOV thermal overload relays are bypassed.
The thermal overloads are put back in service by resetting Safety Injection.
Therefore, if K-6 is extinguished, SI is RESET. In this event, no SI has occurred.
2012 SROI NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Try to establish SAFW flow to at least one intact S/G: a. Perform the following: Align SAFW system for operation (Refer to ATT-5.1, ATTACHMENT SAFW) FR-H.1, Step 6a Refers to Attachment 5.1. Provide a copy of A TT -5.1 SAFW controls and indications are on the back of the MCB Panel. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CAUTION: If selected S/G Wide Range Level less than 50 Inches (100 Inches Adverse CNMT), THEN refer to Attachment 22.0, Restoring Feed Flow, prior to starting SAFW Pump ATT -5.1, CAUTION prior to Step A) Reads CAUTION prior to Step A) None 'A' and 'B' wide range levels will be -180" in this JPM setup Examiner should be standing by with a copy of ATT-22.0 If SW is not available to SBAFW, THEN go to ER-AFW.1 ALTERNATE WTER SUPPLY TO THE AFW PUMPS, to operate SAFW on city water supply. ATT-5.1, Step A) Verifies SW is available by verifying PI-2060 and 2061 indicate approximately 70 pSig OR by the number of running SW pumps and absence of SW isolation. Does NOT go to ER-AFW.1 None SW header pressure meters are on the front of the center vertical section of MCB, right side 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Align SAFW Pump C to selected S/G as follows: 1) Ensure SI Reset ATT-S.1, Step B) 1) Observes K-6, THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY BYPASSED extinguished, OR vocalizes that SI has not occurred None SI was extinguished previously in Step S of FR-H.1, AND SI has not occurred in this initial condition.
Ensure the following valves open:
* MOV-9704A, SAFW PUMP C ISOL VLV ATT-S.1, Step B) 2) Verifies Red light is lit for the following valves: MOV-9701A SAFW PUMP C DISCHARGE VLV (Back of MCB) MOV-4616, AUX BLDG SW ISOL VLV (Front of MCB) MOV-9704A, SAFW PUMP C ISOL VLV (Back of MCB) None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
* Observes the Red light LIT for MOV-9629A, SAFW PUMP 'C 'SUCTION VLV None Verify at least 1 SW pump running ATT-S.1, 8) 4) Returns to front of MCB and observes the Red light lit for the A, C and D Service Water pumps Observes approximately 55 psig on PI-2160 and 2161, SW Header Pressure.
None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 10 NOTE: Perform Step 5a to feed 'A' SIG OR Step 5b to feed 'B' S/G Procedure Step: ATT-5.1 I NOTE prior to Step B) 5a) Standard:
* Recalls from Initiating CUE that the direction provided was to feed the 'A' SIG
* Goes to Step 5a for further guidance Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: Background document for FR-H.1 has the crew select and feed ONE S/G at a TIME. Initiating Cue was to feed'A' S/G. Comment: Performance Step: 11 To feed SIG 'A', go to Step 6. Procedure Step: ATT-5.1, B) 5a) Standard:
Goes to Step 6 EXAMINER CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 12 Restore SAFW flow as directed by procedure in effect. Procedure Step: ATT-5.1, Step B) 6) Standard:
Transitions back to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2) Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 13 Determine SAFWfiow requirements per ATT-22.0, ATTACHMENT RESTORING FEED FLOW Procedure Step: FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2} Standard:
Refers to ATT-22.0 Evaluator CUE: Provide candidate with ATT -22.0 Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Performance Step: 14 CAUTION Feed flow rates should be controlled to prevent excessive RCS cooldown and RCS pressure and inventory reduction.
NOTE: This attachment provides the desired feed flow rate when restoring feed flow to a S/G during FR-H.1 If feedwater is restored via main feedwater or condensate the following may be used to indicate flow to the S/G: S/G feedwater flow meters (MCB) S/G feedwater flow recorders (MCB) S/G feedwater flow (PPCS Point ID F0466 , F0467 , F0476, F0477) S/G feedwater RTD temperature lowers (PPCS Point ID T2096, T2097) Procedural Step: ATT-22.0, NOTE and CAUTION prior to Step 1 Reads CAUTION and NOTES prior to Step 1 Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Check affected S/G Loop RCS Temperature: Tavg in the affected loop less than 550&deg;F Fill affected S/G as necessary to restore level Go to Step 3 ATT -22.0, Step 1 Checks MCB meters (TI-401 &TI-402 for Loop 'A') or PPCS for RCS average temperature, determines Tavg < 550&deg;F Does NOT start the SAFW pump in this attachment Returns to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.3) after making flow determination None FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2) had candidate determine the flow requirements in ATT-22.0 prior to starting the SAFW pump. After making the determination of flow restrictions, the candidate returns to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.3) to start the SAFW pump. Even IF Tavg was> 550&deg;F, feed and bleed is NOT required due to WR levels> 120", and Step 2 RNO will direct filling as desired to restore S/G levels (i.e., still no flow restrictions).
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ____ Page 14 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Start selected SAFW pump(s) FR-H.1, Step 6.a.:3}
* Verifies SAFW flow on FI04084B automatically throttles to between 215 _. 280 GPM None Candidate was directed to start the 'C' SAFW pump Initiating After SAFW flow is verified: "Evaluation on this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 15 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM-B LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Standby AFW System in Service per FR-H.1 061-003-01-01, Perform Lineups of the Auxiliary Feedwater System (MCB) Time to Complete:
____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this .IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 8 ATT-5.1, step B)3) Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 15 A TT-22, step 1 Required action for proper procedural sequence 16 FR-H.1, step 6.a.3) Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 17 of 17 Form INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE The plant was at power when both Main Feedwater Pumps tripped Bus 16 has an overcurrent fault The A Motor Auxiliary Feedwater Pump is removed for maintenance The Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump has steam supplied from both the A and B Steam Generators, but is not supplying feedwater.
Mechanical Maintenance is investigating the problem After transitioning from E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY IN,JECTION to ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE, the STA determined that a RED path condition existed on the HEAT SINK CSFST The crew is responding per FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, and has completed the procedure up to step 5
* The CRS has you to complete steps 5 and 6 of to feed the 'A' S/G utilizing the "C' SAFW pump 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 1 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-C (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Place Letdown in Service MEASURE: SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control System TASK: 004-004-02-04, Place Letdown in Service PURPOSE: Respond to a failure of PCV-135 in AUTO when placing Normal Letdown in service. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Rev 1: Updated procedures and moved critical REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE:
REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 04/05/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C 
---Appendix Page 2 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM Facility:
Task Title: KIA
Facility Method of Ginna Place Letdown in Service 004 A4.05 (3.6/3.1)
Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Letdown pressure and temperature control valves Task No.: 004-004-02-04 JPM No.:
Alternate Path Yes No Time Critical Yes No X Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Date: Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance:
X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Task Standard:
Required Materials:
The plant is at power with the normal letdown system secured Excess letdown is in service with one Charging Pump in operation The letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and was not drained A flush is NOT required The setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified by FCMS points SP-3771 and SP-3758 to be 100&deg;F Letdown PCV-135 is in MANUAL and maintaining
-250 psig, or letdown is isolated due to a failure of PCV-135 to respond in AUTO. None S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, Revision 02603 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C 
Page 3 of 23 Form JPM WORKSHEET S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, Revision 02603 (Marked up copy) Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to return Normal Letdown to service per Section 6.3 of S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, using the 40 GPM orifice After Normal Letdown is in service, remove Excess Letdown from service If an auto makeup occurs, the other board operator will monitor the auto makeup using S-3.1, BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL Validation 18 minutes (4/04/13)
CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Lifting of the letdown line relief valve, RV-203 Possible damage to letdown line SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
Rotating equipment INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of S-3.2E to the Operator at the appropriate cue, signed off/initial per setup notes. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 4 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM SIMULATOR Select IC-19, 100% MOL, or ANY at-power IC Remove Normal Letdown from service per Section 6.2 of S-3.2E Place Excess Letdown in service per Section 6.1 of S-3.2E Shift to single running charging pump eN) in AUTO in step 6.1.13 Ensure VCT level is at -35% Insert MALF CVC07A, 0% open, Trigger 1. (Letdown pressure control valve PCV-135 failure with MAN UAL control available)
PROCEDURAL MARKUPS: Markup the procedure Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.5 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 5 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a .oJ) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performs page check of S-3.2E procedure provided N/A Reviews the procedure Provide Operator with a clean copy of S-3.2E Review Table of Contents of procedure to ensure correct section to be performed.
Table of Contents Identifies section 6.3, Placing Normal Letdown In Service, is required per the Initiating Cue. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 6 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 3 Review PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section of procedure.
Procedure Step: 4.0 Standard:
N/A Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Reviews PREREQUISITES section of procedure.
Section 5.0, PREREQUISITES Ensures PREREQUISITES section of procedure is completed None Initial Conditions have provided information that the setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified to be 100&deg;F 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator'S Cue: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Placing Normal Letdown In Service NOTE and CAUTIONS prior to Step 6.3.1 N/A None From the Initial Conditions, flush is not required based on isolation time. Letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and has not been drained. Section 6.5 of procedure should be "N/A." Determine if a flush is required: If the letdown line has been isolated for less than one hour perform section 6.4 and N/A section 6.5, with the permission c)f the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor. If the letdown line has been isolated for greater than one hour perform section 6.5 and N/A section 6.4, with the permission of the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor.
6.3.1 Determines flush NOT required based on isolation time and Initial C,onditions provided Recognizes that Section 6.5 should be liN/A" Proceeds to section 6.4, RESTORE WITHOUT A None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8of23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ENSURE letdown is secured PER Section 6.2 prior to restoring. Proceeds to section 6.2, Removing Normal Letdown From Service None Securing Normal letdown places the charging pumps in Manual. while establishing Excess letdown returns them to Auto. Since the candidate is simply reviewing the previously completed "removing letdown from service" steps, he/she is going to find (in the step below) that the running charging pump has been returned to Auto (seemingly contrary to the step sequence) when Excess letdown was placed in service. PLACE Charging Pumps in MANUAL. 6.2.1 Place 'A' Charging Pump Speed Controller in MANUAL. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 9 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ENSURE CLOSED Letdown Orifice isolation valves. AOV-200A [J AOV-200B AOV-202 6.2.2 Verifies associated MCB valve control switches in CLOSE, green lights ON, red lights OFF. None CLOSE LTON ISOLATION VLV RHR to NRHX, AOV-427. 6.2.3 Verifies MCB valve control switch for AOV-427 in CLOSE (green light ON, red light OFF). None Taking Normal Letdown OOS previously has closed 427 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 10 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 11 NOTE prior to Step 6.2.4 Procedure Step: NOTE prior to Step 6.2.4 Standard:
Observes NOTE Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 12 REDUCE charging flow while throttling closed charging flow to Regenerative Heat Exchanger HCV-142 to maintain greater than 20" RCP labyrinth sealflP. Procedure Step: 6.2.4 Standard:
Observes labyrinth seal Ll P and MCB HCV-142 controller at 100% demand. Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: Candidate may adjust charging speed to maintain labyrinth seal.AP greater than 20 inches. Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 11 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 13 CLOSE LETDOWN ISOL VLV RHR TO NRHX AOV-371. Procedure Step: 6.2.5 Standard:
Observes MCB valve control switch in CLOSE, green light ON, and red light OFF. Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 14 Read Caution prior to Step 6.2.6. Procedure Step: CAUTION prior to Step 6.2.6 Standard:
Observes CAUTION Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 12 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ...-----------
Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: PLACE NRHX L TON OUTLET TEMP (TI-130) TCV-130 in MANUAL! CLOSED. 6.2.6 Observes MCB TCV-130 controller selected to MANUAL with a closed demand signal; Returns to section None IF charging flowpath to Loop B COLD Leg is (preferred THEN PERFORM the
: b. OPEN CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B COLD LEG AOV-294. Determines charging flowpath should be to (normal) Loop B COLD Leg. If requested, feedback charging flowpath to Loop B COLD leg is desired. 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 13 of 23 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 17 a. ENSURE CLOSED CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B HOT, AOV-392A.
Procedure Step: a Standard:
Observes MCB valve control switch in CLOSE, green light ON, red light OFF. Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 18 OPEN CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B COLD LEG AOV-294 Procedure Step: b Standard:
Verifies that AOV-294 is already open: red light ON, green light OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 14 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION START a second Charging Pump at minimum speed. 6.4.2 Ensure associated pump controller demand to minimum; Rotates pump control switch to START; Verifies red light ON, green light OFF, red flag visible, and charging flow rising on MCB F1128C. If requested, feedback "AO reports pump is ready to start and all personnel are clear of the pump." Read CAUTION prior to step 6.4.3 CAUTION prior to Step 6.4.3 Determines CAUTION is not applicable since AOV-392A flowpath is not aligned. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 22 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 15 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SLOWLY OPEN charging flow to Regenerative Heat Exchanger HCV-142 to reduce labyrinth seal LlP to -40". 6.4.3 None ADJUST Charging Pump speed while maintaining
-40" labyrinth seal LlP UNTIL HCV-142 is fully OPEN. 6.4.4 Alternately adjusts charging pump speed and opens 142 until HCV-142 is full open with -40 inches labyrinth seal delta P (PI131/124).
None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 23 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 24 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 16 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ESTABLISH greater than or equal to 22 gpm charging line flow. 6.4.5 None IF placing 40 GPM orifice in service THEN PERFORM the following:
: 1. PLACE LOW PRESS L TDN PRESS PCV-135 in MANUAL at -40% open. ****** Insert MALF CVC07 A, 0% Open on Trigger 1 ***** 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 17 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 25 IF placing 40 GPM orifice in service THEN PERFORM the following:
: 2. PLACE NRHX LTDN OUTLET TEMP (TI-130) TCV-130 in MANUAL at -40% open. Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 26 OPEN LETDOWN ISOL VLV RHR TO NRHX AOV-371. Procedure Step: 6.4.8 Standard:
* Verifies red light ON, green light OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 27 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 28 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 18 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE L TON LOOP B COLD LEG TO RHX AOV-427 OPEN and THEN to 6.4.9 f!*****l'law**
* Verifies red light on, green light off .
* None Step 6.4.11 SHOULD be performed promptly after Step 6.4.10 to prevent overpressurization of letdown line NOTE prior to 6.4.10 Observes note prior to 6.4.10 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 19 of 23 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 29 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 30 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION OPEN desired Letdown orifice valve AOV-200A, or AOV-202 MARK AOV's not opened
* AOV-200A
* AOV-2008
* AOV-202 6.4.10 *
* Verifies red light ON, green light OFF If requested, direct AOV-200A be placed in service. Candidate should proceed to next step without delay. ADJUST LOW PRESS L TON PRESS PCV-135 to achieve Letdown pressure of -250 psig on PI-135. 6.4.11 Adjusts PCV-135 controller to -250 (+/-20) psig (PI135) without alarming annunciators A-3, A-4, A-11 , A-12 or A-19 None NRC EXAMINER:
ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 31 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 32 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 20 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE LOW PRESS LTDN PRESS, PCV-135 IN AUTO. 6.4.12 Places PCV-13!:i controller in AUTO;
* If requested, direct Operator to place PCV-135 in MANUAL and control pressure to -250 (+1-20) psig. Note that Operator may use guidance contained with A-11 and/or AR-A-3 to respond to failure. Place PCV-135 in MANUAL; control pressure at -250 (+/-20) psig. or isolates letdown Previous Step 6.4.11 *_,;zczaUC. ..
at -250 (+/-20) psig, OR f'l<<-.'r.IIIJ by closing AOV-427, ISOLATION VL.V RHR to None Either action above is an acceptable response "No further action required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 21 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR004.012.
Rev. 0 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Letdown in Service TASK: 004-004-02-04, Place Letdown in Time to Complete:
____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ,IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 22 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task" (ES 603 pp 2 3)-, Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 21 S-3.2E, 6.4.3 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 23 S-3.2E, 6.4.5 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 24 S-3.2E, Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 25 S-3.2E, Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 26 S-3.2E, 6.4.8 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 27 S-3.2E, 6.4.9 Required switch action{s) to perform correctly 29 S-3.2E,6.4.10 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 31 S-3.2E. 6.4.12 Required action necessary to take corrective actions 32 S-3.2E, 6.4.11 Required action to mitigate failure response 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The plant is at power with the normal letdown system secured Excess letdown is in service with one Charging Pump in operation The letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and was not drained A flush is NOT required The setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified by FCMS points SP-3771 and SP-3758 to be 100&deg;F The Shift Manager directs you to return Normal Letdown to service per Section 6.3 of S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, using the 40 GPM orifice After Normal Letdown is in service, remove Excess Letdown from service If an auto makeup occurs, the other board operator will monitor the auto makeup using S-3.1, BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 1 of 14 Form JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM-N-D LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI MEASURE: SYSTEM: Reactor Protection System TASK: 012-003-05-01, Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI PURPOSE: To confirm that the operator is able to successfully complete the Immediate Action requirements of E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, from memory AND take additional procedural action per ES-603. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:
Rev.1: Reformatted simulator setup and removed critical step designation from performance steps 1, 2,6, and 8. Rev.2: Added details to performance step 12 REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/04/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 04/05/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D 
---Appendix Page 2 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Ginna Task No.: 012-003-05-01 Task Perform Immediate Actions of E-O JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-D with SI KIA
EPE007 EA2.02 (4.3/4.6)
Alternate Path Yes X No Ability to determine or interpret the Time Critical Yes No X following as they apply to a reactor trip: Proper actions to be taken if the automatic safety functions have not taken place. Category:
ROISRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
* The plant is stable at 100 percent power.
* No equipment is out of service. Task Successfully complete all Immediate Actions in E-O from memory AND perform required actions for failed component in Att.-27.0.
Required None General
* E-O, marked up to Step 6 circled (perform ATT-27.0)
* Att.-27.0 (when directed by E-O, Step 6) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Initiating Cue:
* You are the HCO assigned the monitoring function.
Validation Time: 6 min (4/04/13)
Timelines and assumptions made in UFSAR are invalidated.
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Per ES-603, Section C.1.d, JPMs that test the immediate action steps are acceptable.
However, JPMs should not solely test IA steps, and should include testing additional steps or items that are not from memory. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP
* IC-19 100% MOL
* Insert MALF GENOa, ['A' DIG], Autostart failure
* Insert MALF RPS11-B1, [Isol signal only], CI failure
* Insert MALF RPS11-B2, [Iso I signal only], CI failure
* Insert MALF RPS11-E3, [isol signal only],. CI failure
* Insert MALF RPS11-E4, [Isol signal only],. CI failure After the individual has taken the watch:
* SIS01, [Train B], Inadvertent SI train "8" only, Trigger
* EDS01A, Loss of circuit 7T, Trigger 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a '5iJ Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Verify Reactor Trip Step 1 (IA) Check at least one train of Reactor trip breakers open Trip A and/or Trip B indicating lights green Checks MRPI indicating all rods on the bottom Checks Neutron flux lowering (IR Current NI-358, 36B) (IR SUR NI-35D, NI-36D) None Verify Turbine Stop Valves -CLOSED. Step 2 Checks both Turbine Stop Valves (SVL and SVR) indicate Closed (GREEN) on EH valve status panel None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify both trains of AC Emergency Buses energized to at least 440 Volts. Step 3
* Checks Bus 16 and Bus 17 voltmeters
>440 Volts None Attempt to start the "AI! Diesel Generator Step 3 RNO
* Verifies the "A" diesel starts and loads buses and None The MALF inserted was Auto-start failure ONLY 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify both trains of AC Emergency Buses energized to at least 440 Volts. Step 3 Checks Bus 14 and Bus 18 voltmeters
>440 Volts Checks Bus 16 and Bus 17 voltmeters
>440 Volts Check if SI is actuated:
: a. Any SI Annunciator
-LIT Step 4.a Verifies no SI annunciator is lit by checking 0-19, 0-21, 0-22 and 0-28 extinguished.
None The referenced annunciators relate to plant parameter inputs to auto SI. The "Inadvertent SI on Train An malfunction does not result in any of these alarms. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-O Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Manually actuate SI and CI Step 4.a RNO Checks various SI set point conditions
* None Check if SI is actuated:
: b. SI sequencing
-BOTH TRAINS STARTED Step 4.b Checks BOTH SI trains have actuated Operator should announce that "Immediate Actions Are Complete" IF the student stops after the four (4) IA steps are completed, inform him "CRS has directed that you continue in E-O." Previous experience with only IA JPMs may condition the students to stop after Step 4 is completed.
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verification of Steps 1-4 using the procedure Verification that CNMT spray is not required (Step 5) Performance of Att.27, AUTOMATIC VERIFICATION (Step Steps 5 & 6 None "The CRS has verified the Immediate Action steps and completed Step 5." "You have been directed to perform ATT-27.0" Hand the candidate ATT -27 .0, Attachment Action Verify SI and RHR pumps running ATT-27.0, Step 1 Checks that all SI pumps -RUNNING Checks both RHR pumps -RUNNING None 2012 SROI RetakEl NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page '10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify CNMT RECIRC fans Running ATT-27.0, Step 2 Checks all fans -RUNNING Charcoal filter dampers green lights -Extinguished None Check if Main Steamlines Should Be Isolated: Any MSIV -OPEN CNMT pressure -LESS THAN 18 PSIG Check if any MSIV should be isolated: Low Tavg (545&deg;) AND high steam flow (0.5x10 6 Ib/hr) from either S/G, or High-high steam flow (4.4x1 0 6 Ib/hr) from either S/G Verify MSIV closed on affected S/G ATT-27.0, Step 3 Recognizes that MSIVs are closed ('A' closed on the loss of 'B' Instrument Bus and 'B" closed on HI-HI steam flow + SI when all of the steam demand shifted to 'B' S/G) Goes to Step 4 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 13 Verify MFW Isolation:
: a. MFW pumps -TRIPPED b. MFW Isolation valves -CLOSED c. SIG blowdown and sample valves -CLOSED . Procedure Step: ATT-27.0, Step 4 Standard:
* Recognizes that both MFPs are tripped
* Recognizes Both MFW isolation valves are closed Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Terminating CUE: No further actions are required.
Stop Time: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR012.012.
Rev. 2 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with 51 TASK: 012-003-05-01, Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI Time to Complete:
____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY DATE: EVALUATOR'S SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC I Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: 'Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Procedure Basis for Critical Step Step ?tep 3 E-O, step 3 Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly 4 E-O, step 3 RNO Required switch action(s}
to perform Immediate Action correctly 7 E-O, step 4 Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly E-O, step 4 RNO Required switch action(s) to perform Immediate Action ctly 13 ATT-27.0, step 4c Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly ATT-27.0, step 4c Required to complete containment isolation RNO ! 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:
* The plant is stable at 100 percent power No equipment is out of service INITIATING CUE:
* You are the HCO assigned the monitoring function 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D 
Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-E (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Evaluate CNMT Spray Flow Requirements MEASURE: E-1 SYSTEM: Containment Spray TASK: 026-008-05-01:
Secure Containment Spray PURPOSE: To determine the ability of the examinee to assess plant conditions and equipment configuration to determine whether containment spray flow can be reduced per the procedural requirements of E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING I REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY; Pat Landers DATE: 03/28/2013 REVIEWED BY:
DATE: V-S' t3 SRO Reviewer 1/)Irs APPROVED BY: DATE: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E 
--Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Ginna Task No.: 026-008-05-01 Task Secure Containment Spray JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-E KIA 026 A4.01 (4.5/4.3)
Alternate Path: YES NO CNMT Spray System: Ability to Time Critical:
YES NO manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: CSS controls Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date:
Method of testing: Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance:
x Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
* Plant has experienced a large break LOCA The crew has completed E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION, and is at Step 13 of E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT. Task Both CS Pumps secured with system controls and valves properly aligned. Required A marked up copy of E-1 completed to Step 13 available in the simulator.
General E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT, Revision 04100 E-1, pages 1-14, marked up to and including Step 12 Initiating
* Perform Step 13 of E-1. Another board operator will respond to alarms NOT associated with the task. Time Critical No Validation 8 Minutes 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet .... ....SIMULATOR SETUP Reset to IC-19 or any at-power Initial Condition Insert MALF RCS03A (Loop A hot leg DBA), RCS03B (Loop A cold leg DBA), RCS03C (Loop B hot leg DBA), OR RCS030 (Loop B cold leg DBA) Perform and placekeep the actions of E-O, transition to E-1, and complete the actions of 1 up to and including Step 12 Allow simulator to run until CNMT pressure is < 4 psig and 0-28, CNMT PRESSURE 4 PSI, is extinguished NOTE: Use of a large (e.g., 5000-6000 gpm) break may save time in bringing CNMT pressure down below 4 psig assumed in the initial 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ____. Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Reviews marked-up procedure and FOLDOUT page E-1 Steps 1-12 N/A None Provide a copy of E-1, Step 13 (Pgs. 1-14), properly kept up to Step 13 Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: a. CNMT spray pumps -ANY RUNNING E-1, Step 13.a
* Observes red light LIT for each of two (2) CS pumps
* Observes CS flow on FI-930 None Provide a copy of E-1, Step 13 (Pgs. 1-14), properly kept up to Step 13 2012 SROI Retake f\IRC E
Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: a. CNMT Spray Pumps ANY RUNNING b. Determine number of CNMT spray pumps required from table: CNMT CNMT CNMT PRESSURE RECIRC FANS SPRAY PUMP ,--________-+-__Rc..:.:UNNING REQUIRED EATER THAN 60 2 BETWEEN 4 PSIG AND 60 PSIG 2 AND RISING ! I o or 1 2 ;4 PSIG AND 60 PSIG AND LOWERING 2.3.or4 1 LESS THAN 4 PSIG 0 Procedure Step 13.b Standard: Identifies that CNMT pressure is less than 4 PSIG on PI-944, PI-945, PI-947, & PI-949 and lowering and observes 0-28, CNMT PRESSURE 4 PSI, extinguished Determines four (4) CRFs are running by observing red lights LIT
the number. of dNMf;*...... ....... .. rOnnirlg, determfftes'OCNMT Spray Pumps are required Examiner None Evaluator Any combination of CNMT pressure indicators is acceptable to determine the value/trend of CNMT pressure.
Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,JPM E 
Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ...... INER: ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE Performance Step: 3 Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: CNMT spray pumps running -EQUAL TO NUMBER REQUIRED Procedure Step: Step 13.c Standard: Observes 2 CS pumps running using the red light LIT each pump.
* Recalls no CS pumps are required per Table in step 13.b.
* Proceeds to step 13.c. RNO Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Stop CNMT spray pumps as necessary to meet IF CNMT spray pump is to be stopped, THEN perform
: 1) Place CNMT Spray Pump in PULL STOP Step 13.c.1) RNO pulls out to the 10cRed posifiqrt'pnEACH.*oHhefoilowing pumps: * [VICS. Pump A * [VICSPul11pB None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: ,.f Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION IF CNMT pressure < 4 psig, THEN perform the following: Place NaOH Tank outlet valve switches to OPEN AOV-836A AOV-8368 Step 13.c.2)a)
RNa None Considered critical because it properly aligns the valves in the event that CS Pumps must be manually started should CNMT pressure start to rise. Reset CNMT spray Step 13.c.2)b)
RNa Reset green pushbutton on theverticalsectioo'ofMQ8 Checks that A-27, CNMT SPRAY, has cleared None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,JPM E Appendix C .. *.. Performance Step: 7 Performance Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ____ Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Close discharge valves for idle CNMT Spray Pump:
* CS Pump 'A'
* MOV-860A *
* CS Pump 'B'
* MOV-860C
* MOV-860D E-1, Step 13.c.2)c)
RNO None Considered critical because this action ensures containment isolation.
After closing the four discharge valves or when the operator proceeds to Step 14: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-E (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Evaluate CNMT Spray Flow Requirements During E-1 Performance TASK: 026-008-05-01:
Secure Containment Spray Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC ...IPM E Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time , will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3)
I Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 2 E-1, step 13.b Required assessment to implement procedural action correctly 4 E-1, step 13.c.1) Required component manipulation to perform correctly RNO 5 E-1, step 13.c.2)a)
Critical because this action properly aligns the valves in RNO the event that CS Pumps must be manually started should CNMT pressure start to rise. 6
* E-1, step 13.c.2)b)
Required component manipulation to perform correctly
* RNO 7 E-1, step 13.c.2)c)
Performance of this step ensures CNMT isolation RNO -----_...........2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Page 1 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET
* Plant has experienced a large break LOCA INITIAL CONDITIONS: The crew has completed E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION, and is at Step 13 of E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT. INITIATING CUE:
* Perform Step 13 of E-1. Another board operator will respond to alarms NOT associated with the task. 2012 SROI Retake NRC . .JPM E Appendix C Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM N-F (Simulator)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Startup the Containment Mini Purge and MEASURE: Terminate Upon Indications of HIGH Radiation SYSTEM: Containment Purge System TASK: 029-007-01-01, Startup the Containment Mini Purge Place the Containment Mini-Purge in operation in accordance with S-23.2.2, Containment System Operation, then recognize that a high radiation reading on R-14, Plant Vent Noble Gas, that the mini-purge lineup be JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:
Rev 1: Converted from a normal startup of the system to an ALTERNATE path JPM. REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F 
---Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 029-007-01-01 Task Startup the Containment Mini Purge JPM No.: JR029.001 KIA 029 A2.03 (2.7/3.1)
CNMT Purge Alternate Path: Yes No System: Ability to predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CNMT purge system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations:
Startup operations and the associated valve lineups Time Critical:
Yes No X Category:
ROfSRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simUlate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
* The Unit is operating at 100% power. A routine Containment entry is scheduled for tomorrow. A Containment Mini-Purge Release has been initiated by Radiation Protection (RP) SM and RP approvals have been received All RMS channels are operating normally Nitrogen venting from the SI Accumulators is NOT in progress Task Standard:
Mini-purge is secured after R-14 indicates an Alarm condition.
Required Materials:
None. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM General
S-23.2.3 Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to place the Containment Mini-Purge System in service in accordance with S-23.2.3, CONTAINMENT MINI-PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION Validation Time: 13 minutes (04/04/13)
Possible release greater than approved release limits. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of S-23.2.3 to the Operator at the appropriate cue. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues, the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F 
PClge 4 of 17 Form JPM SIMULATOR. le-19, but ANY at-power IC will work Verify Containment Mini-Purge System is secured in selected IC Set Trigger 30 conditional on taking the CNMT Mini-Purge Supply Blower to START: set x08i074b ==1 Set MALF RMS02F, 1.3E05, 20 second ramp, 0 second delay on Trigger 30 (The HIGH alarm setpoint for R-14, per P-9, is 1.2E5 and the release rate limit is 3.0E5.) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a 'J Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Reviews Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue, obtains a current revision of S-23.2.3.
N/A N/A Provide Operator at copy of S-23.2.3.
Containment Radiation Monitoring R-11 or R-12 are operating.
3.1 Confirms via RMS panel indications that both R-11 and R-12 are operating.
None Candidate may take time to set up PPCS displays to trend RMS values and/or' CNMT pressure.
Either Auxiliary Building Iodine Radiation Monitor R-1 OB or R-14A is operable.
3.2 Confirms via panel indications that R-10B or R-14A (PPCS) are operable.
None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Auxiliary Building Radiation Monitor R-13 is operating or samples are continuously collected with auxiliary equipment.
3.3 Confirms via panel indications that R-13 is operating.
None If either R-11 or R-12 is inoperable, ensure requirements of LCO 3.6.3, Actions Note 1 are met, otherwise N/A. 3.3.1 Confirms via panel indications that both R-11 and R-12 are operable, and UN/As" this step. None At least one containment recirculation fan is running. 3.4 Describes/points out the MCB indications for each of the four (4) CNMT RECIRC FAN switches that at least one containment recirculation fan is running (red light LIT). None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment:
7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Plant ventilation system operating.
3.5 Confirms that annunciator L-1 , AUX BLDG VENT SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL, is NOT lit When asked as AO, "Aux Bldg ventilation systems are lined up normally and operating properly." There are no Aux Bldg plant ventilation component indications or controls available in the MCR, so candidate should: Contact the primary AO for confirmation Check L-1 not lit Containment mini-purge release has been initiated by Radiation Protection and approved by the Shift Manager and either Radiochemist or Health Physicist.
3.6,3.7,3.8 Confirms via Initial Conditions provided that: The mini-purge release has been initiated by Radiation Protection SM has approved RP approval has been obtained If queried, confirm "mini-purge release initiated by Radiation Protection. " 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Auxiliary Building Radiation Monitor R-14 is operating or grab samples are being taken at least once per 4 hours and these samples analyzed for isotopic activity within 24 hours or if 14A is operable a review of data from channel 5 "Low Range Noble Gas" is performed at least every 4 hours. 3.9 Observes via panel indication that R-14 is operating None PRECAUTIONS 4.1 through 4.7
* Reviews each Precaution
* Verifies R-11 and R-12 below release limits prior to release None Precaution 4.5, "Secure the mini-purge system if either R-13, R-14, or R-14A goes into alarm (except during performance of PT-17.2 or PT-12.5)" is the one to be exercised during this JPM Verify Mini Purge Roof Vent Isolation Valve, V-7479, locked closed. 5.1.1 Directs Secondary AO to verify V-7479 locked closed. When requested: "Secondary AO reports that V-7479 is locked closed." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: Procedure Evaluator Evaluator Performance Step: Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 14 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Open Mini Purge Exhaust Valve, AOV-7970. (Inside CNMT) None The mini-purge components are located BEHIND the left hand section of the MCB Open Mini Purge Exhaust Valve, AOV-7971. (Outside CNMT) 5.1.3
* Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None Open Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7478. (Inside CNMT) 5.1.4
* Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: SIM DRIVER: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Open Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7445. (Outside CNMT) 5.1.5 *...
* Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None NOTE: Blower discharge valve AOV-7480 will stroke open on blower start NOTE prior to Step 5.1.6 Reads NOTE None ENSURE that Trigger 30 is activated in the next step 30 seconds after the Mini-Purge Supply Blower is started NRC EXAMINER:
ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 11 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Start 1A Mini-Purge Supply System Blower and verify Containment pressure increase. (Pressure should rise in 4-5 minutes) 5.1.6 ** Verifies blower red light ON, green light OFF, red flag visible Monitors MCB Containment pressure (PI-945/947/949) indication Logs Purge START TIME ___ None C-17, CONTAINMENT VENT SYSTEM, will alarm momentarily during blower start Performance Step: R-14 Channellndic':.Ition Rises to> 1E+05 HIGH ALARM setpoint Procedure PRECAUTIONS 4.1 and 4.5
* Recognizes that R14 is rising Recognizes PPCS R 14 alarm Acknowledges E-16, RMS PROCESS MONITOR HIGH ALARM Acknowledges L-1, AUX BLDG VENT SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL, due to AB Ventilation trip due to R14 alarm Informs CRS that he is securing the Mini-Purge per the guidance provided in Precaution 4.5 for R-14 in Alarm Goes to Section 5.2, Securing CNMT Mini-Purge Evaluator "The SM understands that you are securing the mini-purge due to an R-14 high alarm." Evaluator NOTE: Candidate may also refer to AR-E-16, then to AR-RMS-14, for direction to secure mini-purge if in progress Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 12 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTE: If Nitrogen is being vented from the SI Accumulators, then DO NOT secure mini-purge operation Section 5.2, NOTE prior to Step 5.2.1 Reads NOTE, identifies that NOTE is N/A None Ensure the shutdown of containment mini-purge is authorized by: Shift Manager Health Physicist Step 5.2.1 Notes that previous communication to evaluator has identified the need to secure the mini-purge, and the SM has concurred None Stop 1A containment mini-purge supply system blower. 5.2.2 Verifies blower red light OFF, green light ON, red flag not visible Logs Purge STOP TIME ___ None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 22 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 23 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Close Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7478. (Inside CNMT) 5.2.3
* es ight OFF, green light ON Checks R-14 for indication that release has None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7445 in the next step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge supply line Close Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7445. (Outside CNMT) 5.2.4 * , green light ON None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7478 in the previous step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge supply line 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 24 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 25 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 14 of 17 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF Close mini-purge exhaust valve, AOV-7970. (Inside CNMT) 5.2.5
* Verifies red light OFF, green light ON None This valve closure" OR the closure of AOV-7971 in the next step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge exhaust line Close mini-purge exhaust valve, AOV-7971 (Outside CNMT) 5.2.6
* Verifies red light OFF, green light ON None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7970 in the previous step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge exhaust line "No further action is required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 15 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF JR029.001, Rev. 1 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Startup the Containment Mini Purge and Terminate Upon Indications of HIGH Radiation TASK: 029-007 01, Startup the Containment Mini Purge Time to Complete:
___Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 16 of 17 Form E8-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL 8TEP BA8E8 CRITICAL 8TEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (E8-603, pp 2-3) Performance 8tep Procedure 8tep Basis for Critical 8tep 12 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.2 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 13 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.3 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 14 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.4 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 15 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.5 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 17 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.6 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 21 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.2 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 22 OR 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.3 Required switch action(s) to isolate CNMT mini-purge 23 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.4 supply line 24 OR 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.5 Required switch action(s) to isolate CNMT mini-purge 25 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.6 exhaust line 2012 8ROI Retake NRC JPM N-F 
Page 17 17 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The Unit is operating at 100% power. A routine Containment entry is scheduled for tomorrow. A Containment Mini-Purge Release has been initiated by Radiation Protection (RP) SM and RP approvals have been received All RMS channels are operating normally Nitrogen venting from the SI Accumulators is NOT in progress The Shift Manager directs you to place the Containment Purge System in service in accordance with S-23.2.3, CONTAINMENT MINI-PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 1 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-G (Simulator)
Rev 0 -New modified JPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: DATE: .$'. (3 APPROVED BY: DATE 4/'rb3 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G 
---Appendix Page 2 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Ginna Task No.: 012-006-01-01 Task Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure JPM No.: 2012 Retake JPM N-G Channel KIA 012 A4.04 3.3/3.3 Alternate Path Yes No X Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Bistable, trips, reset and test switches Time Critical Yes No X Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:
X Classroom Simulator x Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: The plant was operating at 100% power when PI-430 failed due to PT-430
* The operators took actions per ER-INST.1, up to step 6.3.4
* A Turbine Runback did not occur Task Complete the defeat of PRZR Pressure PI-430 without error Required Key to Protection Racks General ER-INST.1, REACTOR PROTECTION BISTABLE DEFEAT INSTRUMENTATION LOOF> FAILURE, Rev ER-I NST.1 (pages 1-16) and Attachment 6 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 3 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Initiating Cue: The Shift Supervisor directs you to defeat the failed PRZR instrument channel per ER-INST.1, Attachment-6, White Channel
* Pre-Job Brief has been completed Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 15 minutes (04/04/13)
CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE SAFETY CONSI DERA INSTRUCTOR Indicate reason for unsatisfactory step performance in the comment section below each DIRECTIONS TO To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for pE!er checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this .JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP
* Load le-19 100%, MOL t
* Insert MALF PZR02B, [2500 psigl 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATIOIN OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a --J) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Obtain controlled copy of ER-INST.1.
N/A Obtains controlled copy of ER-INST.1.
Provide the candidate with copy of ER-INST.1., marked up to step 6.3.4, and Attachment 6 IF PRZR pressure channel failure resulted in a runback, THEN PERFORM the following
.... ATT. 6, step 1.0 Recognizes that per the Initial Conditions, a runback did NOT occur Goes to step 2.0 None NOTE: Performing the following step will remove the affected channel from control of PORV-430 AND inputs to alarms F-2, PRESSURIZER HI PRESS 2310 PSI and F-10, PRESSURIZER LO PRESS 2205 PSI ATT.6, NOTE prior to Step 2.0 Reads NOTE None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the PLP PRZR PRESS AND LEVEL rack, VERIFY the PRZR pressure DEFEAT switch P/429A position. IF P/429A is in NORMAL, THEN place P/429A 2.2 IF P/429A is NOT in NORMAL, THEN notify the SM ATT.6, steps 2.0 -2.3 Obtains cabinet key, goes to PLP Rack, unlocks and opens DEFEAT switch None P/429A is initially in the Normal position NOTE: Performing the following step will defeat the iH Runback and Rodstop for the failed channel AND remove the associated fl.T input from the RIL computer.
Annunciators F-30 and F-31 will clear if lit ATT.6, NOTE prior to Step 3.0 Reads NOTE before performing step 3.0 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: G Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the RIL INSERTION LIMIT rack, PLACE T/405E DELTA T DEFEAT switch to LOOP A UNIT 2 ATT.G, step 3.0 Unlocks the RIL Rack and opens door.
UJOR A LlAltZ;p'Clsition Closes and locks door None NOTE contains a list of bistable status lights and Annunciators that are expected to be LIT after the defeat A TT.6, NOTE prior to Step 4.0 Reads NOTE before step 4.0 None RECORD the following data: PRZR Pressure PI-430 2500 PSIG LOOP 1A-2 !J.T TEMP TI-4068 of OT!J.T SP1 LOOP 1A-2 TEMP TI-406A of ATT.G, step 4.1 Records data from MCB indications None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: DETERMINE the expected post defeat Bistable proving light status and circle the expected status in table below: Procedure ATT.S, step 4.2 Standard:
OVERTEMP TRIP light OFF lE TI4068 Tl-400A 430 CHANNEL 2 HIGH PRESS TRIP Light OFF lE PI-430 ;. 2377 psig LOW PRESS TRIP light OFF &#xa3; PI-OO::; 1873 psig SI Light OfF LE PI-430 s 1750 psig UNBLOCK 81 light OFF lE PI-430" 1992 psig Post D!?feat light BIstable Status Verified 406 LOOP A-2 OVERTEMP TRIP 43D CHANNEL 4W CHANNEL ON UNBLOCK 51 Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C ..J. Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the (WHITE) W-1 PROTECTION CHANNEL 2 rack, PLACE the following bistable proving switches to DEFEAT (UP) AND VERIFY the proving light status is correct per the table above. 406 lOOP A-2
* Puils (lignfON)
., ,ph ON) * ,t/fPullsantf,liftsUNBI,:OCK.SI'switch.(LightOFF)
None PLACE the PRZR pressure recorder switch (MCB) to position 1 6.0 Places MCB recordN switch to 1-3 position None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY the bistable status lights AND Annunciators listed below are lit 7.0 Verifies correct Bistable Status Light and Annunciator status lights The following bistable status lights are expected to be Iii aflf:r !he DEFEAT:
* PRZR Hiyh Press PC430A (Trip)
* PRZR La Press PC43QH (Trip)
* PRZR lo Press PC43QE iSI)
* PRZR lo Press PC430E-i (51)
* OTllT LOOP A TC406C The following Annunciators are expected to be kt after the DEFEAT
* F-23, ReS OT DELTA T CHANNEL ALERT None JPM is complete when the proper bistable indications have been verified. "No further action is required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 Retake JPM N-G LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure Channel TASK: 012-006-01-01, Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure Channel Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE D YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSflNACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY U NSA TISF ACTORY SIGNATURE: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CliE SHEET The plant was operating at 100% power when PI-430 failed high due to PT-430 failure The operators took actions per ER-INST.1, up to step 6.3.4 A Turbine Runback did not occur The Shift Supervisor directs you to defeat the failed PRZR instrument channel per ER-INST.1, Attachment-6, White Channel Pre-Job Brief has been completed 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 1 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM*-JPM-N-H (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters MEASURE: onto DIG AC Electrical Distribution System 062-029-05-04, Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters onto DIG PURPOSE: Restore 100 KW of backup heaters during a loss of all AC power. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Rev.1 -Added examiner note performance step REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3/29/13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 3/29/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED DATE 4 td (1 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H 
------Appendix Page 2 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 062-029-05-04 Task Energize a Minimum of 100 KW No.: JC010.001 Backup heaters onto DIG KIA APE056 AA1.03 (3.2/3.3)
Alternate Path Yes No X Adjustment of EDIG load by selectively energizing PZR backup heaters. Time Critical Yes No X Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:
Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simUlate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: The plant was operating at 100% power when it experienced an SI coincident with a loss of all AC power. The 'B' DIG is now running and carrying approximately 1650 KWon Buses 16 and 17. PRZR level is 20% and stable CNMT pressure is 0.4 psig SI has been RESET Task 125 KW of pressurizer backup heaters are energized per ER-PRZR.1.
Required Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, Safety Shoes, gloves and Dosimetry.
* Drawing 03200-0122, Sheets 1 &2
* Drawing 03200-0123, Sheets 1 &2 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 3 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM WORKSHEET ER-PRZR.1
: RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING BLACKOUT, Rev 00700 Drawing 03200-0122, Sheets 2 Initiating Cue: The CRS has directed you to energize a minimum 100 KWof PRZR BACKUP heaters per ER-PRZR.1, Section 4.2. Validation Time: 9 Minutes (4/03/13)
Equipment Damage SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Radiological Hazard Personal Protective Equipment INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make a copy of ER-PRZR.1 available to the Operator at the appropriate cue. Assess Auxiliary Building for radiological and/or personnel safety concerns prior to start of JPM. Validation on 11/20/12 showed a potential problem with the height of panel ACPDPPAB12 (located above ACPDPPAB13).
Use the lower panel for both performance steps 7 and 8. Proper use of HIU tools shall be exhibited for all steps. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. SIMULATE only. Do NOT actually manipulate any plant equipment. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues JPM will Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 PRECAUTIONS: A minimum of 1 OOKW of PRZR heaters should be restored within 1 hr of initiation of natural circulation to prevent loss of subcooling (ITS LCO 3.4.9) PRZR level must be greater than 13% [50%] to energize PRZR heaters. Continuous DIG loading should not exceed 1950 KW. During accident conditions, the on-duty RP Technician should be consulted prior to entry into the controlled area. The PASS surge line to the VCT may require flushing to minimize radiological hazards prior to entering the SPF Hx area. Procedure Step: Section 3.0 Standard:
Reads PRECAUTIONS, compares with Initial Conditions If RP is consulted per Precaution 3.4, report "No additional Evaluator CUE: radiological precautions required at this time". Provide a copy of I:R-PRZR.1 Evaluator 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: Procedure Evaluator Examiner Performance Step: Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Proceeds to PRZR backup heater breaker panel. N/A Locates panel ACPDPAB12 None Panel is located on the AB Middle level, behind 'A' SFP heat exchangef'. Candidate may review performance steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 prior to proceeding to Panel Perform the following to restore all or part of the PRZR Backup heaters: Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if necessary. Verifies that SI has been IF candidate verifies 51 is reset with the Control Room, feedback "SI is Reset, Annunciator K-6 is clear". SI RESET was part of the Initial Conditions 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: , Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify Emergency DIG B is supplying Bus 16 4.2.2 Determines from initial conditions that the 'B' DIG is supplying Bus 16 (and Bus 17) None To energize all PRZR Backup heaters (400KW) perform the following: Verify Emergency DIG B load less than 1550 KW, IF NOT, then go to step 4.2.4 4.2.3,
* thatED/G IB/loadingis 1:'6"'5'0'"V:lK/it", , ,r,'-Cyy"ta
* Also notes from the Initiating Cue that the direction given was to energize a minimum of 100 KW of Backup heaters. None 2012 SROI RetakE! NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 <;'
Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION To energize a minimum of 125 KW of PRZR Backup heaters, perform the IF Emergency DIG B load is greater than 1825 KW, THEN evaluate plant status and reduce DIG loading to less than 1825 KW 4.2.4, Determines from initial conditions that the 'B' DIG load is 1650 KW and therefore reducing 'B' DIG load is NOT necessary.
IF Control Room is asked to verify, 'B' DIG load is 1650 KW and stable." At ACPDPAB12, open all breakers EXCEPT Breaker Switch #4. EXCEPT Switcb#4. Due to potential safety concern with panel's elevation, after identifying the panel inform candidate that they may simulatel describe breaker actions on provided panel arrangement drawing 03200-0122.
sheet 2 Feed back "Breaker is OFF" as the Operator simulates opening each heater breaker Breakers in panel ACPDPA12 are identical to the breakers in ACPDPAB13 in upcoming step. Nearest ladder station is on the wall next to the Spent Fuel Pool 01 room gate. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 9 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION At ACPDPAB13, open all breaker switches except Breaker Switch #1, #3, #6. (Total capacity available should be -125 KW) [\,I]
excepiBreCiker SWitol!i:#1:,#3;'*#6; Feed back "Breaker is OFF" as the Operator simulates opening each heater breaker When reported to control room, acknowledge status of breakers.
When all pressurizer backup heater breakers are aligned as required: "No further Action required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM -JPM-N-H (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters onto DIG 062-029-05-04, Energize a Minimum of 100 'r<W Backup heaters onto DIG Time to Complete:
____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDUR/\L QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Page '11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 5 ER-PRZR.1, step Required action for proper procedural sequence 4.2.3, 7 ER-PRZR.1, step Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 8 ER-PRZR.1, step Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The plant was operating at 100% power when it experienced an SI coincident with a loss of all AC power. The 'B' DIG is now running and carrying approximately 1650 KW on Buses 16 and 17. PRZR level is 20% and stable CNMT pressure is 0.4 psig SI has been RESET The CRS has directed you to energize a minimum 100 KW of PRZR BACKUP heaters per ER-PRZR.1, Section 4.2. 2012 SROI Retake I\IRC JPM-H GINNA STATION CONTROLLED COpy NUMBER__ PROCEDURE NO. ER-PRZR.1 REV. NO. 00700 RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING BLACKOUT 'Eawara (iron RESPONSIBLE MANAGER 5/11/2007 EFFECTIVE DATE CATEGORY 1.0 REVIEWED BY: ________ THIS PROCEDURE CONTAINS _=--PAGES ER-PRZR.1 RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING PURPOSE: This procedure provides the instructions necessary to restore 100KW of pressurizer heaters from the emergency DIGs to enhance natural circulation at hot standby conditions. ENTRY CONDITIONS/SYMPTOMS: ENTRY CONDITIONS:
This procedure is entered from ATT-13.0, Attachment NC, when PRZR Heaters are desired. PRECAUTIONS: A minimum of 100 KW of PRZR heaters should be restored within 1 hour of initiation of natural circulation to prevent loss of subcooling. (ITS LCO 3.4.9) PRZR level must be GREATER THAN 13% (50% adverse CNMT) to energize PRZR heaters. Continuous DIG loading should not exceed 1950 KW. During accident conditions, the on duty RP Technician should be consulted prior to entry into the controlled area. The PASS purge line to the VCT may require flushing to minimize radiological hazards prior to entering the SFP Hx area.
ER-PRZR.1 NOTE: DIG accident loading is listed in UFSAR Table This procedure is divided into the following 4.1 Restoring PRZR Proportional 4.2 Restoring PRZR Backup Perform the following to restore PRZR Proportional Heaters as Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if Place both spray valve controllers, PCV-431A and PCV-431 B, MANUAL and close Place PRZR backup heater switch to Place PRZR pressure controller 431 K, in MANUAL and adjust output Note Emergency DIG A wattmeter Place PRZR proportional heater breaker switch to Place PRZR proportional heater breaker switch to 4.1.8 Lower PRZR pressu re controller 431 K, output slowly from 60% to establish a minimum of 125 KW as indicated on DIG A wattmeter. Continue to monitor DIG A loading and maintain less than 1950 Adjust PRZR pressure controller, 431 K, as necessary to maintain pressure while monitoring DIG A WHEN offsite power is restored, THEN restore PRZR heaters to operation if Perform the following to restore all or part of the PRZR Backup Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if Verify Emergency DIG B is supplying Bus To energize all PRZR Backup heaters (400 KW) perform the ER-PRZR.1 Verify Emergency DIG B load less than 1550 KW. IF NOT, THEt:! go step Place PRZR backup heater breaker switch to Continue to monitor Emergency DIG B loading, and return to and step in To energize a minimum of 125 KW of PRZR Backup heaters, perform lE Emergency DIG B load is GREATER THAN 1825 KW, THEN plant status and reduce DIG loading to less than 1825 Dispatch an AO to the PRZR backup heater breaker panel BLDG intermediate floor by SFP At ACPDPAB12 open all breaker switches EXCEPT Breaker Switch At ACPDPAB13 open all breaker switches EXCEPT Breaker Switch #1 #3, and #6. (Total capacity available should be approximately 125 Note Emergency DIG B wattmeter Place PRZR backup heater breaker switch to ON to load heaters Emergency DIG Verify a minimum of 100 KW has been loaded on Emergency DIG IF this capacity does not cover heat losses from the pressurizer, close additional breakers while monitoring Emergency DIG B WHEN offsite power restored, THEN restore PRZR Heaters to operation by reclosing all Pressurizer Heater Breakers in and Return to procedure and step in Appendix Page 1 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-I (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank MEASURE: Pumps Chemical and Volume Control System 068-001-01-01, Perform transfer operations from the RCDT and the PRT PURPOSE: To perform a weekly exercise of the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps lAW 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3-29-13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 3-29-13 SRO Reviewer f'; . f : APPROVED BY: DATE: 4{S ll'l 2012 SROI Retake JPM I 
1 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 068-001-01-01 Task Perform transfer operations from JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-I the RCDT and the PRT KJA 068 K1.04 (2.4/2.5)
Alternate Path Yes NoX Knowledge of physical connections and/or cause effect relationships between the Liquid Radwaste system and the following systems: Reactor drain tank Time Critical Yes No x Category:
RO/SRO NRC Examiner:
Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:
Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Task Standard:
Required Materials:
* The plant is operating at 100% power.
* RCDT Level is 31 % and stable
* RCDT is in a normal configuration lineup
* RCDT 'B' is tagged out for a minor PM Manually pump down RCDT Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Gloves, Safety shoes, dosimetry 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700, Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix Page 3 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM Initiating Cue: The CRS directs you to perform the weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps per 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET Validation Time: 7 Minutes CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Possible Pump damage/ degradation Possible damage to MSA Gas Analyzer SAFETY Radiological INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700, Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Reactor Coolant Drain Tank DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must correctly perform each critical Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your reactions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP
* N/A 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Obtain a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700 N/A Obtains a copy of procedure from FCMS. Provide Operator a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700. Review procedure to determine correct section/ Attachment to be performed.
6.1.11 Identifies Attachment 15, Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps, required per Initiating Cue. Observes requirements of -30% level to pump down RCDT manually If asked when looking at LI-1003 on waste panel: "U-1003 reads -30%" RCDT level given in Cue. 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM this Attachment on Saturday to exercise the RCDT Pumps. This Attachment may also be performed, at any time, to lower RCDT level prior to 40%, to prevent auto pump down ATT-15, Step 1.0 Reviews Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps. None IF RCDT GAS OUTLET ISOL TO VENT HDR, V-1716A, is CLOSED,THEN PERFORM section 3.0 OTHERWISE, MARK this step N/A 2.0 Determines, by checking locally, that V-1716A is open and that step does not apply. N/A's this step. If checked locally, feedback that "valve indicates open, stem out". V-1716A is a Normally Open valve that would be closed only for maintenance or for leakage path isolation (e.g., Refueling OE) Located AB Intermediate Level, behind SFP 'A HX (6ft) 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: .'" Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION IF RCDT GAS OUTLET ISOL TO VENT HDR, V-1716A, is OPEI\J,THEN PERFORM section 4.0 OTHERWISE, MARK this step N/A 2.1 Determines, by checking locally, that V-1716A is open. Determines that the step applies. Proceeds to step 4.0, to PERFORM the following to exercise RCDT Pump A
* If checked locally, feedback: "V-1716A is open." PLACE Switch for RCDT Pump A suction AOV-1003A to OPEN (Waste Panel). 4.1 Pump A suction 1If requested, feedback: "Switch is in the OPEN position". "Red light is LIT, Green light is Out" If verification is requested pertaining to labels, "AOV-1003 is the same as LCV-1003" 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C ..Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: ", Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION START RCDT Pump A at the Waste Panel. 4.2.
at the Waste Panel. Feedback:" Red light lit, Green light out" If RCDT level checked, feedback "level lowering on 1003" If Candidate informs Control Room of RCDT Pump down, acknowledge When RCDT pump is started, level will begin to lower. WHEN a level decrease is noted in RCDT level, THEN STOP RCDT PumpA. 4.3 [V] Verifies levetlowertngonLJ-1d03 [,fJSimulates' stoppingRGDTPumpA If candidate checks RCDT level, after RCDT Pump is stopped feedback "Level is 25% and stable" ReDT Low Level Alarm is received at 13%. 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C :V Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE Switch for RCDT Pump A suction AOV-1003A switch to AUTO Position.
4.4 red light OFF. "Red Light OFF. Green Light If guidance is requested pertaining to labels, "AOV-1003 the same as Valve AOV-1003A will open/cycle closed automatically pump down when the switch is in Report Completion of Pump N/A Reports to CRS/Control Room that pump-down is completed Acknowledge communication Terminating Cue: When report is made to the Control Room: " This JPM is complete." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Procedure Basis for Critical Step Step 6 ATT-15, step 4.1 Required switch action(s) to perform 7 ATT-15, step 4.2 Required switch action(s) to perform 8 ATT-15, step 4.3 Required action for proper procedural 9 ATT-15, step 4.4 Required switch action(s) to perform
-. * -2012 SROI Retake JPM I I Appendix Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-I (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps 068-001-01-01 Perform transfer operations from the RCDT and the PRT Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI Retake JPIVII Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE The plant is operating at 100% power. RCDT Level is 31 % and stable RCDT is in a normal configuration lineup RCDT Pump B is tagged out for a minor PM The CRS directs you to perform the weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps per 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 1 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N..J (In-plant)
LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Alternate SFP Coaling Systems (A to B) MEASURE: SYSTEM: Spent Fuel Pool Storage and Cooling System TASK: 033-003-01-04, Start-up Fuel Cooling System in different Pump/ Heat Exchanger combinations PURPOSE: Realign SFP Cooling System to accommodate a full core off-load.
------Appendix Page 2 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM Facility:
Ginna Task No.. 033-003-01-04 Task Title: Start up Fuel Cooling system in different Pump! Heat Exchanger combinations.
JPM No.: JR033.006 (New) KIA
033 G2.1.29 (RO 4.11 BRO 4.0) Knowledge of how to conduct system lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches, etc.
Path Yes No X Facility Method of Simulated Performance: Classroom READ TO THE EXAMINEE Time Critical Yes No X Ca 1 tegory: ROISRO NRC Examiner:
Date: Actual Performance:
Simulator Plant X I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Task Standard:
Required Materials: The plant is Shutdown for a Refueling Outage and has just entered MODE 3. Preparations are being made to accommodate an upcoming Full Core Off-Load to the SFP. Initial SFP temperature is 80&deg;F SFP cooling system A just been removed from service Properly performs all steps of procedure S-9 to alternate SFP Cooling Systems. Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, Gloves, Safety Shoes and Dosimetry.
2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix Page 3 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET General
* S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev 00500 The CRS has requested that you continue the swap of the SFP Initiating Cue: cooling systems by placing SFP cooling system '8' in service starting at step 6.6.4 of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION Validation Time: 15 Minutes CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Inadequate SFP cooling for expected core off-load. System component damage Tech Spec Violation TRM Violation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:
None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: If SFP system is "Protected Equipment", contact SM for p*'rmission for performing JPM in area Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Simulate all component manipulations should be stressed Make available a copy of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev 00500, to the Operator at the appropriate cue. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your perfcrmance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 4 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP
* N/A 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 5 of 15 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Obtains the working copy of S-S', SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev. 00500 N/A N/A Provide Operator a marked-up copy of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev. 01)500 Review applicable sections to be performed in procedure.
Table of Contents N/A If requested, "CRS directs plalcing B in service per section 6.6." Candidate may N/A sections not used Reviews PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section of procedure.
4.0 Reviews PRECAUTIONS and LIMITATIONS section None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Review PREREQUISITES section. Step 5.0 Reviews marked up section Completes signature block 5.1.2 None Proceeds to section 6.6 SFP System B in service Reads CAUTION ahead of step 6.6.6 not to exceed flow of 2500 GPM as read FI-8683 CAUTION prior to Step 6.6.4 Verbalizes understanding of CAUTION. None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C ...*:j. Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION THROTTLE OPEN 1 B SFP HX SW RETURN ISOL VLV, 8689, until SFP HX B outlet flow, FI-8683, indicates between 1450 and 1550 GPM RECORD final flow on FI-8683 GPM 6.6.4 and 6.6.5 As candidate throttles valve, and checks flow, feedback uFlow on FI-8683 begins to rise from 0 GPM and indicates1500 GPM" OPEN 1B SERVICE WATER OUTLET BLOCK VALVE TO RE-20B, V-8634 Step 6.6.6 Opens V-8634. "Valve no longer turns in that direction" Valve is located between Ope;rating floor between A' SW HX and B' SFP HX (5FT) 2012 SRO' NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION THROTTLE SFP HX B SW OUTLET BLOCK VLV, V-8685, UNTIL SPENT FUEL POOL HEAT EXCHANGER B OUTLET TO RE-20B FLOW INDICATOR, Fj.*8631, indicates between 75 and 100 GPM RECORD final flow on FI-8631 ._GPM Step 6.6.7 and 6.6.8 Simulates opening V-8685 and verifies flow on FI-8631. "Valve is throttled OPEN'" When candidate checks flow, "FI-8631 Indicates 90 GPM" Valve 8685 is located at Aux Bldg operating floor platform near B CCW HX top of stairs ENSURE a leak check of the SFP suction line is performed prior to pump start. ENSURE a visual verification has been performed that ensures the SFP pump suctions are not blocked and SFP area is free of potential foreign material.
Steps 6.6.9 iand 6.6.10 Performs visual check of suction lines for leakage and verifies SFP suctions are not blocked "No leaks are indicated":: "Suction lines are not blocked" "Spent Fuel Pool area is free of potential 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 9 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: ENSURE OPEN LOW SUCTIOI\IISOL VLV TO SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRC PUMPS (AL T), V-782 Procedure Step 6.6.11
[1fSimlllates 6pening\l-782.
Evaluator "Valve no longer turns in that direction" Comment: Performance Step: ENSURE OPEN HIGH SUCTION ISOL VLV TO SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRC PUMPS (NORMAL), V-781. Procedure Step 6.6.12 Ensures V-781 OPEN Evaluator CUE: If checked in closed direction feedback "valve moves in that direction" * "stem indicates out" Evaluator NOTE: Valve will be open already at this point Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix Page 10 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIF1CATION OF COMPLETION
.--J Performance Step: THROTTLE CLOSED ISOLATION GATE VALVE FROM SFP PUMP B TO SFP HEAT EXCHANGER B, V-8667, to approximately 80%-90% CLOSED. Procedure Step 6.6.13 Standard:
Evaluator "Valve indicates approximately 90% closed" Comment: *.* Performance Step: 13 START SFP Pump B. Procedure Step 6.6.14 START pUshbutton, Observes 'Red' light lit Evaluator CUE: * "Normal pump motor Noise on startup, Red light lit" If candidate checks Pump pressure on PI-8672, feedback "60 psig stable"
* If Control Room is notified of pump start, acknowledge.
Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 11 of 15 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: DO NOT exceed 1700 GPM as indicated on FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTER FOR PAC07B (SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRCULATION PUMP B), FIT-8667 Procedure CAUTION prior to step 6.6.15 Reads CAUTION Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: THROTTLE ISOLATION GATE VALVE FROM SFP PUMP 8 TO SFP HEAT EXCHANGER 8, V-13667, UNTIL flow is between 1100 and 1700 GPIVl on (SPENT FUEL POOL RECI RCULA TION PUMP B), FIT-8667 Procedure Step 6.6.15 between:11 00 Standard: . Evaluator CUE:
* IF Flow is checked initially on FIT-8667checked, feedback "flow indicates 300 GPM"
* After simulating throttling V-i3667 open, feedback "flow indicates 1200 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 12 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:
Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: IF SW system flow rate greater than 1800 GPM through B SFP heat exchanger as indicated in Step 4.4, THEN an evaluation SHALL be performed CAUTION prior to Step 6.6.16 Observes note and determines that SW system flow was throttled to less than 1800 GPM on FI-8683 in step 6.6.4 IF Flow is re-verified on FIT-8683, feedback indicates 1500 If Control Room is notified of SFP cooling system B service is made, This was checked in step 6.6.4. THROTTLE SFP HX 8 SW OUTLET VLV, V8689, as required to maintain desired maintain SFP temperature.
Step 6.6.16 Verifies SFP Temperature and determines no changes to SW flow required at this time Feedback SFP temperatu'e is 80&deg;F If Control Room is notified of SFP cooling system B service is made, SFP Temperature changes w()uld take a significant amount time to occur "No further action is required." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 13 of 15 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N...J (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Alternate SFP Cooling Systems (A to 033-003-01-04, Start-up Fuel Cooling System in different Pump/ Heat Exchanger combinations Time to Complete:
_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:
The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:
2012 SROI NRC Retake ..IPM J Appendix Form ES-C-1 ,IPM CUE INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is Shutdown for a Refueling Outage and has just entered MODE 3. Preparations are being made to accommodate an upcoming Full Core Off-Load to the SFP. SFP cooling system A just been removed from service Initial SFP temperature is 80&deg;F The CRS has requested that you continue the swap of the INITIATING CUE: SFP cooling systems by placing SFP cooling system '8' in service starting at step 6.6.4 of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION 2012 SROi NRC Retake JPM J}}

Revision as of 13:59, 1 August 2018

Ginna - Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/2013
Rochester Gas & Electric Corp
To: David Silk
Operations Branch I
Jackson D E
Shared Package
ML13060A101 List:
TAC U01901
Download: ML13149A419 (214)


Appendix C Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO Retake JPM N-SA-1 LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating MEASURE: Reactor with One Dropped Rod SYSTEM: Control Rod Drive System TASK: 001-010-01-01, Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped Rod PURPOSE: Calculate SDM for an operating reactor with a dropped rod. LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 05/06/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 05/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 Retake N-SA-1

---Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Ginna Task No.: 001-010-01-01 Task Calculate Shutdown Margin for JPM No.: 2012 SRO Retake N-Ogerating Reactor with One SA-1 Drogged Rod KIA 001 A4.11 3.5/4.1 Alternate Yes No Path Ability to manually operate and/or Time Critical Yes No monitor in the control room: Determination of SDM Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: Twenty (20) minutes ago, the plant was at 90% when rod K-7 dropped fully into the core. Power was reduced to 75% per ER-RCC.1, RETRIEVAL OF A DROPPED RCC Last RCS loop B boron sample, taken 30 minutes ago, was 950 ppm Current burnup is 10,000 MWD/MTU Tavg is 56S"F Bank C is at 225 steps Bank D is at 195 steps Rod K-7 remains on the bottom. All other control rods are operable 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Properly performs all calculations.

Reads power defect to +/-50 Task Standard:

pcm. Calculated SDM required to be +/-50 pcm of answer key calculated SDM. Determines that the calculated SDM is adequate. Per ITS 3.1.4, the SDM verification must be completed within 1 hr of the rod misalignment.

Given the Initial Condition time of "20 minutes ago," the candidate has 40 minutes to complete the SDM calculation.

The JPM was validated at 20 minutes. Required Calculator and clear ruler General 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR, Rev 03600 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR, Rev 03600 Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a SDM calculation for present plant conditions per 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR Assume all Independent Verification checks are completed when required This is a time-critical JPM Validation 20 min (05/07/13)

CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Violation of Federal Regulations Core design limit challenge Tech Spec Violation Inability to determine reactor core shutdown SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of 0-3.2, SDM for an Operating Reactor, to the Operator at the appropriate cue. Write current date and time on board and refer student to it for JPM use. Calculate SDM for use as answer key standard. Ensure calculator available for use by the Operator. This JPM is intended to be administered in the classroom to multiple examinees 2012 Retake N-SA-1

Page 4 17 JPM WORKSHEET DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the ..IPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the ..IPM will commence. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C 17 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a ,) Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Read PRECAUTIONS section of procedure.

Step 4.1 Reads PRECAUTION None Provide examinee with a clean copy of 0-3.2 COMPLETE signature block for all personnel performing this procedure.

Step 5.1 Prints, signs, and initials the signature block None 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM page check of this procedure.

Step 5.2 Performs page check (18 pages) None Verify reactor in Mode 1 or Mode 2 with Keff greater than or equal to 1.0. Step 5.3 Verifies reactor in Mode 1 at 75% power, based upon initial conditions None NOTE prior to step 6.1. NOTE prior to step 6.1 Reads the NOTE. None 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page S of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CHECK Tavg is at program Tavg +/- 1.S oF. Step 6.1 Calculates Tavg value for 7S% power: S74°F -547°F = 27°F l1T (x .7S = 20.2soF + S47°F = S67.3°F) Verifies that the given initial condition value of Tavg (S6S'F) is within 0.7soF of program band. None Record cycle burnup Step 6.3 Records burnup given from initial conditions of MWD/MTU value. None Correct value is 10,000 MWD/MTU 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Obtain last loop B boron sample results from on-duty RP AND record date, time, and concentration of sample. Step Records boron concentration from initial conditions None Correct value is 950 ppm Record reactor power level. Step 6.5 Records power level from initial conditions given None Correct value is 75% power 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Record Bank C and 0 positions.

Step 6.6 Records Bank C/O positions from initial conditions given. None Correct values: C = 225 steps, 0 = 195 steps Determine total Power Defect using the appropriate Total Power Defect attachment.

Use Att.2, Figure 5-20 (BOl); Att.3, Figure 21 (MOL); OR Att.4, Figure 5-22 (EOl), using the boron concentration recorded in Step 6.4 and the power level recorded in step 6.5. Step 6.7 *

  • Records Total Power Defect None Answer =(+1735) pcm:!: 50 pcm =1685 -1785 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Read NOTE prior to Step 6.8. NOTE Reads the NOTE. None Determine Control Rod negative reactivity available for insertion upon reactor trip from ARO position assuming the most reactive rod remains stuck at full out position using Attachment 1 and the current burnup from Step 6.3. Step 6.8.1 Uses Attachment 1 and burnup to determine rod worth minus stuck rod value

  • Records Rod worth -Stuck Rod worth None With burnup of 10000, Rod worth -stuck rod = -4596 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine integral rod worth from the rod position recorded in Performance Step: 14 step 6.6 to the full out position using the appropriate Integral Rod Worth column (BOl, MOL, EOl) in Attachment
5. Procedure Step: Step 6.8.2
  • Uses correct MOL column in Table 6-4 to determine bank Standard:

worth to full out value

  • Records Bank Worth to Full Out Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: For Bank D at 195 steps, answer is 70 Performance Step: 15 Read NOTE and CAUTION prior to Step 6.8.3 Procedure Step: Step 6.8.3 Standard:

Reads Note and Caution. Evaluator CUE:

2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine reduction in control rod reactivity due to known stuck (untrippable), a dropped (fully inserted).

or misaligned low control rods. Step 6.8.3 and 6.8.4 Uses preceding NOTE to determine reduction due to dropped rod equal to 250 pcm

  • Records dropped rod reactivity None Stuck =0 pcm, Dropped =250 pcm, Misaligned

=0 pcm Determine the total available control rod negative reactivity.

Step 6.8.5 None Total available control rod negative reactivity

= (-4596) + (+70) + (+250) = -4276 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 18 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 14 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Calculate the Shutdown Margin Step 6.9

  • Records Shutdown Margin (-4276 pcm) + (+1735 pcm) =(-2541 pcm):!: 50 pcm = Answer range of (-2491) to (-2591) pcm Determine required Shutdown Margin Step 6.10 Determines required SDM using Attachment 6.0, Figure COLR-2, Required Shutdown margin and current boron concentration (950 ppm)
  • Records required Shutdown Margin None With 2 loops in operation, required SOM = -1300 pcm 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix C Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 15 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify the SDM requirements are satisfied by the value calculated in Step 6.9 being more negative that the required SOM in Step 6.10. Step 6.11 Operator compares actual SDM more negative than required SOM; SOM requirements satisfied. Initials step to confirm SOM requirements are satisfied

(-2541 pcm) is> (-1300 pcm) and that the SOM is satisfied "No further action required." 2012 Retake N-SA-1 Appendix Page 16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR001.003, Rev. 2 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Calculate Shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped rod 001-010-01-01, Calculate shutdown Margin for Operating Reactor with One Dropped Rod. Time to Complete:

____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTE Violation of safety procedures will result in failure of the JPM. [FB0471] NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 Retake N-SA-1 JPM CUE INITIAL INITIATING Twenty (20) minutes ago, the plant was at 90% when rod K-7 dropped fully into the core. Power was reduced to 75% per ER-RCC.1, RETRIEVAL OF A DROPPED RCC Last RCS loop B boron sample, taken 30 minutes ago, was 950 ppm Current burnup is 10,000 MWD/MTU Tavg is 568'F Bank C is at 225 steps Bank D is at 195 steps Rod K-7 remains on the bottom. All other control rods are operable The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a SDM calculation for present plant conditions per 0-3.2, SHUTDOWN MARGIN FOR AN OPERATING REACTOR Assume all Independent Verification checks are completed when required This is a time-critical JPM 2012 Retake N-SA-1

Page 1 of 11 Form JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-SA-2 (Classroom)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown MEASURE: Cooling Conduct of Ops 344-001-04-02:

Perform calculations to determine the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin, etc.) PURPOSE: Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown Cooling CANDIDATE NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3/19/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 05/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2

---Appendix Page 2 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 344-001-04-02 Task Perform calculations to determine JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-2 the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin, Etc.) KIA


G2.1.25 (RO 3. 9/ SRO 4.2) Alternate Path: Yes No X Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc Time Critical:

Yes No X Category:

SRO-Only Examinee:

NRC Facility Evaluator: Method of Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance: Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is in Mode 5 for a refueling outage The plant has been shutdown for 25 hrs The pressurizer is solid with L TOP in service RCS temperature is 140°F The Ginna Defense-In-Depth computer program used to calculate time to boil and core uncovery is unavailable Task Properly performs all calculations and transposes answers onto CUE sheet: Condition 1 Time to Boil is determined to be 2.46 hrs. Condition 2 Time to Boil is determined to be .43 hrs (25.96 min +0.1 / -0.0 min) Required Materials:

Pen/ pencil 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2

Page 3 of 11 Form JPM WORKSHEET General



IP-OUT-2,OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager has directed you to determine the Time to Boil per IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, given a Loss of RHR and the following two sets of conditions: For present plant conditions, Exactly four (4) days from now based on the following conditions:

oRCS level will be reduced to 64 inches oRCS temperature will be lowered to 100°F PRZR manway will be removed Record the Time-To-Boil for the two conditions on the cue sheet below Validation Time: 8 minutes (4/05/13)

CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Violation of Federal Regulations Tech Spec Violation 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step Make available a copy of IP-OUT-2 to the candidate at the appropriate cue. Ensure candidate understands to put information on cue sheet. DI RECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the complete. Are there any questions before beginning this 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP

  • N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a -V) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Reviews the copy of IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, provided.

N/A Demonstrates knowledge that latest procedure revision is obtained through FCMS Provide Operator a copy of IP-OUT-2 Candidate reviews the Table of Contents.

IP-OUT-2, Table of Contents Candidate determines that Attachment E, Time to Boil and Core Uncovery, will be required for necessary determinations.

None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: ...J Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determines for condition 1 (current) that Pressurizer is Full and Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 will be required Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 Identifies Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 will be required to determine Time to Reach Saturation with Pressurizer Full and RCS Closed' from Procedure and Initial Conditions given. None Determine Time to Reach Saturation (boil) for condition (1) Attachment E, Page 5 of 11 * [...J] Determines Time to Saturation (boil) for condition (1) is 2.46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> using 25 hrs time after Shutdown, and Trcs 140°F

  • Records time on Cue sheet for Condition 1 None Determines for condition (2), Loop Level at 64" and with PRZR manway open that Attachment Page 7 of 11 will be required.

Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 Identifies Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 will be required to determine Time to Reach Saturation with 64" and RCS Open' from Initial Conditions given. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Determine Time to Reach Saturation (boil) for condition (2) Attachment E, Page 7 of 11 [...J] Using the current 25 hrs, after shutdown,and adding 4 days (96hrs), determines time afterstlutdowrl is 121 hrs. [...J] DeteQl1inesTil1"le to $aturati()n,(bpif) for condition (1) is 0.43 hours4.976852e-4 days <br />0.0119 hours <br />7.109788e-5 weeks <br />1.63615e-5 months <br /> (25.96 min*+0.1/-0.0 min) using 120 hrs time after shutdown, and Trcs 100°F Records time on Cue sheet for Condition 2 None When student hands in cue sheet with times: "JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM -JPM-N-SA-2 (Classroom)

LICENSED OPERATOR NAIVlE: JOB PERFORMANCE Determine Time to Boil for a Loss of Shutdown Cooling 344-001-04-02 Perform calculations to determine the Plant Status (e.g. Fluid Flow/heat balance, Quadrant Power Tilts, Shutdown Margin,Etc.)

Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE D YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 4 IP-OUT-2, ATT E, Correct table needs to be selected, and data chosen page 5 of 11 based on plant conditions to perform calculation correctly 6 IP-OUT-2, ATT E, Correct table needs to be selected, and data chosen page 7 of 11 based on plant conditions to perform calculation correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Form ES-C-1 CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

  • The plant is in Mode 5 for a refueling outage The plant has been shutdown for 25 hrs The pressurizer is solid with L TOP in service RCS temperature is 140°F The Ginna Defense-In-Depth computer program used to calculate time to boil and core uncovery is unavailable INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager has directed you to determine the Time to Boil per IP-OUT-2, OUTAGE RISK MANAGEMENT, given a Loss of RHR and the following two sets of conditions: For present plant conditions, Exactly four (4) days from now based on the following conditions:

oRCS level will be reduced to 64 inches oRCS temperature will be lowered to 100°F PRZR manway will be removed Record the Time-To-Boil for the two conditions on the cue sheet below 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM SA-2 Appendix Page 1 of 14 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N SA-3 (Classroom)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for MEASURE: Operation Evaluation Technical Specifications 300-003-03-02, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation PURPOSE: The intent of the JPM is to have the candidate evaluate Limiting Conditions for Operation for a single component failure affecting BOTH SAFW trains and document using the appropriate paperwork (A-52.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment).


Rev 0 -New ..IPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat DATE: 5/08/13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 5/08/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Supervisor-Operation 2012 SROI NRC Retake SA-3

Appendix C Page 2 of 14 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 300-003-03-02 Task Control of Limiting Conditions for JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-3 Operation Evaluation KIA G 2.2.23 (RO 3.11 SRO 4.6) Alternate Path Yes No X Ability to track Technical Time Critical Yes No Specification limiting conditions for X operation Category:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

  • Plant is operating at 100% power Electricians are preparing to perform a PM on MOV-9746, Emergency Discharge MOV for SAFW Pump '0' under Work Order #C92144243 MOV-9746 is closed and its breaker is tagged OPEN The HCO has logged MOV-9746 INOPERABLE in the official record No other equipment is currently Out of Service. A "What if' risk assessment in EOOS has been performed and it was determined that the highest PRF color is yellow and the highest top level system status color is yellow. Values match IWS expected risk Task Standard:

Properly fill out A-52.4, Attachment 1 Sections 1.0 through 6.0 Required Materials:

None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM General


A-S2.4, CONTROL OF LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATING EQUIPMENT Rev 14400 Technical Specifications Amendment 112 A-S2.3 SAFETY FUNCTION DETERMINATION PROGRAM, Rev S A-S2.4, Attachment 1 KEY Handouts: Attachments 1 and 2 of A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment Rev 14400 A-S2.4, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operating Equipment Rev 14400 Set of Technical Specifications (Available for Reference) EPIP-1.0, GIt\lNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION, Rev.04800 (Available for Reference) CNG-NL-1.01-1004, REGULATORY REPORTING, Rev. OOSOO (Available for Reference)

Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager requests that you, the CRS, fill out and submit the required A-S2.4 paperwork for performing maintenance on 9746 at time 0800 on today's date Time Critical Task No Validation Time: 14 Minutes (S/07/13)


Technical Specification violation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the ..IPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this .JPM? 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a --J) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Reviews LCO 3.7.5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, lCO 3.7.5 [...J1 Documents.

the plant Will be in lCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwster Systems MODES 1, 2, and 3 ["1 .DO.cumentsUmiting Conditions of Operation with both SAFW trains inoperable. See attached KEY (A-52.4, Attachment

1) None Inoperable component MOV-9746 makes both SAFW Trains inoperable as defined by Figure 8-3.7.5-2 It is NOT critical for Candidate to complete performance steps in order 1.0, INOPERA81L1TY A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1.0, steps 1), 2), 3), 4), and 5) See attached KEY Proceeds to step 6 None Work Order in Step 3 will be placed in section 6.0 Candidate may fill in section 4.0 for equipment deemed inoperable at this time for performance step 10.0 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: Perform loss of Safety function determination PER Attachment 2 Procedure A-52.4, Attachment 1, Step 6 Proceeds to Attachment 2

See attached Evaluator CUE:

Performance Step: Have any of the following supporting system LCO's been entered? YES! NO Procedure Step: A-52.4 Attachment 2, Step Standard:

  • Circles NO in step
  • Proceeds to step 2.0 Evaluator None Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 7 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Performance Step: 5 Has only one (1) LCO been entered? (Le. total # of LCOs in effect is only 1) YES! NO. IF YES AND Question #1 was answered NO, THEN the single LCO provides necessary ACTIONS. Return to Attachment 1 and checks of 'Loss of Safety Function Determination box Procedure Step: A-52.4 Attachment 2, Step 2.0 Standard: Circles YES in step 2.0 Determines that the single LCO provides necessary ACTIONS Return to Attachment 1 section 1.0, step 7) Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM a "what if' risk assessment in EOOS for inoperable equipment lAW 5.2.1::: If equipment is being removed for planned maintenance, Verify EOOS PRF color and value match IWS expected risk: If color AND value match IWM schedule expected risk, then continue with this Attachment.

EOOS highest PRF green 0 /yellow 0 / orange 0 EOOS highest top level system status green 0 /yellow 0 / orange 0 A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1, Step 7) and 8) Checks the "what if' risk assessment box in step 7) Checks box for color and value match with IWM schedule expected risk Marks both yellow boxes in step 8). None 2012 SROI NRC Retake ,JPM SA-3 Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: '" Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION If equipment being removed from service is due to emergent maintenance issues, THEN PERFORM the following A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 1, Step 9) Recognizes that steps are due to planned maintenance and N/A's boxes None REQUIRED ACTIONS: A-52.4, attachment

1. Section 2.0 Nl table (Attachment1.

step 2;0);n;accordance with the attached key See the attached Key with similar wording and times 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C ..,J Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page '10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS IF REQUIRED ACTIONS/ COMPLETION TIMES ARE NOT MET: A-S2.4, Attachment 1, Section 3.0 ["J Fills out the REQUIRED ACTIONS Table in accordance with the attached key See the attached Key with similar wording and times Declaration of Inoperable Equipment A-S2.4, Attachment 1, Section 4.0 Declare equipment inoperable (logged in official record from initial conditions)

Candidate signs for Equipment deemed inoperable, Date and time

  • See the attached Key Candidate may have performed this in performance step 2.0 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating CUE: Stop Time: ___ Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTIFICATION and REPORTING 1 ) EVALUATE the need to report PER EPI P-1-0 2) EVALUATE the need to report PER CNG-NL-1.01-1004

3) EVALUATE the need to notify the duty Chemistry Tech 4) I F this is non-scheduled outage for this piece of equipment, THEN SUBMIT an A-52.16 A-52.4, Attachment 1, Section 5.0 1) Not an Emergency Classification event 2) Not a Reportable event 3) Duty Chemistry Tech does not need to be informed 4) Planned maintenance, not a component failure
  • See the attached Key After Section 5.0, NOTIFICATION and REPORTING is complete: "Evaluation of this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3


..........................................Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM-JPM-N-SA-3 (Classroom)

LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation 300-003-03-02, Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation Evaluation Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET Plant is operating at 100% power Electricians are preparing to perform a PM on MOV-9746, Emergency Discharge MOV for SAFW Pump '0' under Work Order #C92144243 MOV-9746 is closed and its breaker is tagged OPEN The HCO has logged MOV-9746 INOPERABLE in the official record No other equipment is currently Out of Service. A "What if' risk assessment in EOOS has been performed and it was determined that the highest PRF color is yellow and the highest top level system status color is yellow. Values match IWS expected risk The Shift Manager requests that you, the CRS, fill out and submit the required A-52A paperwork for performing maintenance on MOV-9746 at time 0800 on today's date 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA-3 Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-SA-4 (Classroom)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Review & Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit Liquid Radwaste 341-012-03-03:

Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability to review a prepared discharge permit and determine if there are any errors preventing its approval.


---Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Ginna Task No.: 341-012-03-03 TasklJPM Approve Radioactive Waste JPM No.. 2012 Retake JPM SA-4 Discharge/Release Permit KIA 2.3.6 (RO 2.0 / SRO 3.8) Alternate Path Yes Ability to approve release permits. Time Critical Yes Category:

SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The plant is at 100% power
  • The A Monitor Tank is being readied for release
  • No additional actions have been take Task Identify discrepancies on discharge permit and all critical tasks evaluated as satisfactory.

Required Attached Key. General


S-3.4K: Releasing Monitor Tank A or B to Discharge Canal, Rev 03002

  • CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3 Handouts: CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3 submittal
  • CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix C Job Perfomlance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Initiating Cue:
  • Review the release permit and approve if acceptable.

If unacceptable, document the reason(s) why on this cue sheet Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 16 minutes (4/3/13) 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE (Denote Critical Steps with a 1/) START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

EXAMINER CUE: Comment: ."j Performance Step: 2 Standard:

EXAMINER NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM Attachment 3 of CH*700 Reviews release form. Identifies the sample time is greater than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Identifies R-18 is OOS and that LINE-UP VERIFIED BY should not be N/A. Hand the Examinee the marked up copy of: 1) CH-700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601, Attachment 3, LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM, and 2) CH*700, Liquid Waste Batch Release, Rev. 00601 Answer the questions on the JPM CUE SHEET. .[-y}OocumentfiiD$\

the samptetkne


12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. (CH-700 step 6.10.4) r-VIOocuments that with R-1Sl)eing VERIFIED BY would be requjred.(CH-100 (When examinee returns JPM to the Examiner) "Evaluation of this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 Appendix Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM SA-4 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Review & Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit 341-012-03-03:

Approve Radioactive Waste Discharge/Release Permit Time to Complete:

___Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS/GRADING:

1. All discrepancies listed on JPM CUE sheet SATISFACTORY?

DYES D NO The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY SIGNATURE: 2012 SROI Retake JPM SA-4 LIQUID WASTE BATCH RELEASE CH-700 Revision 00601 Page 53 of 63 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 3, LIQUID WASTE RELEASE FORM DATE: /oDAY.5 DlrrE 1C)c>6 PERMIT NO.: t--. 2.01 g () 40 TANK: t-t ON IToR 71#/11( Ii SAMPLE DATErnME:





1. Updated for latest procedures and format REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 05/09/13 Don Dean DATE: 5". to . (3 REVIEWED BY: SRO Reviewer REVIEWED BY: @Jentative APPROVED BY: DATE dnll3 2012 SROI Retake NRC

---Appendix C Page 2 of 13 JPM WORKSHEET Facility: Task No.: 340*001-05-02 Task Title: Event JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-SA-5 KIA


KIA 2.4.41 (2.9/4.6)

Alternate Path Yes No X Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications Time Critical Yes X No Category:

SRO Only NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 30 minutes ago, a large steam line break occurred inside containment which resulted in a reactor trip and Automatic SI Prior to the accident, the plant had been at full power for 185 days Coincident with the automatic SI, both CKT 7T and 767 were lost EDG 1A started and immediately energized Bus 14 EDG 1 B failed to start automatically but was started locally and Bus 16 was energized within 8 minutes of the SI actuation Containment Pressure peaked at 31 PSIG and is lowering slowly Containment radiation levels are normal (none elevated or in alarm) RCS cold leg temperatures have stabilized at 265°F Wind speed is 15 mph at elevation 33' Wind direction at elevation 33' is from the North at 350 degrees Temperature is 58°F at elevation 33' and 56'F at elevation 250' Task Standard: Determine the proper EAL classification within 15 minutes AND

  • Properly complete Attachment 3a of EPIP-1-5 Required Materials:

Pencil and dry-erase marker 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA*5 Appendix C Page 3 of 15 Form JPM WORKSHEET EPIP-1-0, GINNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND General


CLASSIFICATION, Rev 04800 EAL wall chart, Rev 04800 EAL Technical Basis Document, Rev 04800 EPIP-1-0, GINNA STATION EVENT EVALUATION AND Handouts:


  • Usi ng EPI P-1-0 or the EAL wall chart, classify this event Provide both the classification level and EAL number on this Cue Sheet WHEN you have completed the Event Classification, complete the NEW YORK STATE RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY DATA FORM (Part 1), Attachment 3a This is a time-critical JPM -the time will start when you tell me you understand the initial conditions Validation Time: 9 Minutes (5/07/13)


Misclassification of event could hinder timely activation of support functions and notification of offsite organizations.


None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. This is a time critical (15 minute + 15 minute) JPM. Make available a copy of EPIP-1-0 (or the EAL wall chart) to the Operator at the appropriate cue Provide the candidate with the EAL Technical Basis document, if requested.

DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,.IPM-SA-5 Appendix Page 4 of 13 JPM


SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET (Denote Critical Steps with a --JJ Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Operator reviews initial conditions and procedures to determine plant conditions N/A None Provide Operator a copy of EPIP-1-0 and the EAL Wallchart Reviews Sections 1-5 of the procedure EPIP-1-0, Sections 1-5 Reads Precautions in Section 4.0 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix Form JPM CUE SHEET -_.......

Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Identify the initiating conditions using either the guidelines of the EAL wall chart or Attachment 1 of EPIP-1-0 6.1.2 Determines which method to use for EAL classification None Assess given plant conditions and determine event classification using either Attachment 1 or EAL wall chart 6.1.2 is ALERT due to.a REDpath onRCShitegritYCSFST;EAL 1.4.1 None Since the accident occurred 30 minutes ago, and cold leg temperatures have been reduced by >100°F within 60 minutes to <284°F, this meets the RED path entry condition for the Integrity CSFST and FR-P.1 should be entered. The loss of both offsite power circuits satisfies the UE conditions of EAL 6.1.1, but this is a lower classification level. Candidate may consider an ALERT condition on EAL 6.1.3, Available safeguard train AC power reduced to a single EDG for> 15 min, but the 'B' EDG was started and energized Bus 16 in 8 minutes. Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-SA-5 Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form JPM CUE Stop Time: ___ Classification Time (Stop time -Start time): ___minutes --J, Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: --J Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

EXAMINER CUE: Comment: Complete time-critical classification within 15 minutes N/A lVICof)'lpletes wifnin1S minutes theJPM PLEASE CONTINUE with EPIP-1-5, Attachment 3a EPIP 1-5, Attachment 3a, Block 3 3. Classification:


  • Does NOT check the "information changed" box Provide candidate with the EPIP 1-5 Attachment 3a as soon as he has made the EAL determination.

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C --1 Performance Step: 7 Procedural Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: --1 Performance Step: 8 Performance Step: Standard:

Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Classification Emergency Classification declared at: Date __Time __Block 4 '" Fills in the Date and Time.oHhe classification Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Release of Radioactive Materials due to the Classification Event: A. No release B. Release BELOW federal limits 0 to atmosphere 0 to water C. Release BELOW federal limits 0 to atmosphere 0 to water D. Unmonitored release Block 5 Reads Instructions (Att.3) for Block 5 on p15 Reviews Tables in Block 5 for potential release paths [--11 Oircles "A. Does NOT check the "information changed" box None P9 is referenced in Block 5, but provides only the warning and high alarm setpoints (have on hand if asked to provide) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: "" Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:


Block 6 Instructions Locates block 6 of EPIP 1-5, Attachment 3a References Instructions for Block 6 in Att.3 need for ProteCtive Actions outside the site bOundary Does NOT check the "information changed" box None EAL Number Block 7 ["1'1 Fills in "1.4.1" in the EAL Number box, as classified previously Does NOT check the "information changed" box None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM CUE SHEET Reactor Status Block 8 CirCles.'B' Shutdown Fills in "Today" as the date and "30 minutes ago + Time to Classify" for time of SID from the Initial Conditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None The time to be entered is the time that THE REACTOR WAS SHUTDOWN, and would include the current time MINUS the "30 minutes ago" given in the initial conditions plus the time it took to classify.

Wind Speed: Block 9 Fills in 15 mph at elevation 33 ft from Initial Conditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 CUE SHEET Wind Direction:

Block 10 degreesat>elevatroo,33ft fromJnitial Cohditions Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Stability Class: Block 11 Fills in 56°F and 58°F values from Initial Conditions Calculates-2°.(o6,.S8}AT ....JDeterrnines (Bravo) stability class from number line Does NOT check the "information changed" box None Once the Stability Classification is made: No further actions are required.

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C 12 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM CUE SHEET 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM SA*5 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Event Classification TASK: 340-001-05-02, Event Classification Time to Complete:

____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:





_____ The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D

  • In addition to the correct EAL classification, JPM duration for BOTH classification and NOTIFICATION must be < 15 minutes each 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,.lPM-SA-5 Appendix 13 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE -......



INITIATING CUE: EAL Classification Level: EAL Classification Number: 30 minutes ago, a large steamline break occurred inside containment which resulted in a reactor trip and Automatic SI Prior to the accident, the plant had been at full power for 185 days Coincident with the automatic SI, both CKT 7T and 767 were lost EDG 1A started and immediately energized Bus 14 EDG 1 B failed to start automatically but was started locally and Bus 16 was energized within 8 minutes of the SI actuation Containment Pressure peaked at 31 PSIG and is lowering slowly Containment radiation levels are normal (none elevated or in alarm) RCS cold leg temperatures have stabilized at 265°F Wind speed is 15 mph at elevation 33' Wind direction at elevation 33' is from the North at 350 degrees Temperature is 58"F at elevation 33' and 56'F at elevation 250' Using EPIP-1-0 or the EAL wall chart, classify this event Provide both the classification level and EAL number on this Cue Sheet WHEN you have completed the Event Classification, complete the NEW YORK STATE RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY DATA FORM (Part 1), Attachment 3a This is a time-critical JPM -the time will start when you tell me you understand the initial conditions 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-SA-5 Appendix C 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-A (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Establish 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 (Power 12A and MEASURE: 12B Buses from Ckt 767) SYSTEM: AC Electrical Distribution System TASK: 062-021-01-01, Lineup the Electrical Distribution System PURPOSE: Transfer the electric plant from SO/50 Normal to 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 EXi\M MAT'L JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:

1. Rev 0 is a new JPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: DATE: L[.{j-SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: DATE: _ 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Facility:

Ginna Task Title: Establish 10010 Electric Lineup on Circuit 767 KJA


062 A4.01 3.3/3.1 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: AU breakers (including available switchyard)

Task No.: 062-021-01-01 JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-A Alternate Path: Yes 2S No Time Critical:

Yes No 2S Category:

RO/SRO Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Task Standard:

Required Materials:



The plant is operating at 100% power The Electric Plant is currently in a 50/50 NORMAL lineup RG&E ECC has requested that the plant be placed in a 10010 lineup on Circuit 767 for scheduled maintenance on offsite Circuit 7T later today An A-52.12 for removal of Circuit 7T is being prepared Transfer 4160V buses from a 50/50 NORMAL Lineup to 10010 Lineup on Circuit 767, recognize failure of breaker to auto trip, and implement Attachment 1 of 0-6.9.2. None 0-6.9.2, ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A / BUS 12B Rev 02200 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-A

Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM Handouts:

0-6.9.2, ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A I BUS 12B Rev 02200 (marked up) Initiating Cue: The CRS directs you to establish a 10010 Electric Plant alignment per 0-6.9.2 ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A 1 BUS 12B, Section 6.3 The SM and RG&E ECC have approved performance of this bus alignment.

Validation Time: 19 minutes (4/04/13)

CONSEQUENCES OF Loss of power to 4160V Bus SAFETY INSTRUCTOR Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each DIRECTIONS TO To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the ..IPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix Page 4 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP Reset in IC-19 or any at-power Initial Condition Ensure the electric plant is in a Normal 50/50 electric plant lineup NOTE: The simulator electrical model (in 2013) does not have the capability to fail the auto trip feature of 52/12AY when 52/12BY is closed in. Having the 52/12AY synchroscope also ON, however, defeats this interlock and would prevent the breaker from opening. Since there is only one (1) synchroscope handle, however, and is being used to close the 52/12BY breaker, a "software work around" must be accomplished by opening an Event and Schedule file: Open Event in the Events box: Enter x05i115a in the Event Code box Type "Trigger on 12A AL T Synch Switch taken to ON position" in the Description box (optional) Open Event 2 in the Events box: Enter jbk 12by & ! x05i115a in the Event Code box Type "Remove Override EDS29 when" in the Description box (optional) SAVE the Event with a file name of your choice. (Event "N-A" on exam stick) Open and LEAVE OPEN the file you just saved. Build a new Schedule file box: 6. Enter the following in the Schedule Insert Pause @Time Event Action (type exactly) D 1 insert override ovr-eds29 to 1 D 2 remove override ovr-eds29 Insert override OVR-EDS69D to D D 12AY Trip signal 0 Insert override OVR-EDS69G to D D 12AY Pull-to-stop Signal 0 Insert override OVR-EDS69F to D D 12AY Norm Aft Trip signal 0 SAVE the schedule file you just created. ("Schedule N-A" on exam stick) Open and RUN the schedule file. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a ...J) Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Verifies the appropriate section of 0-6.9.2 to be performed.

Table of Contents and Section 6.3 Reviews Sections 1.0 through 5.0 of 0-6.9.2 Notes in Section 2.1 that the Subsections of Section 6 can be performed as necessary, and subsections NOT performed may be marked N/A. None Provide examinee with a copy of 0-6.9.2, marked up TO Step 6.3 ESTABLISH Offsite Power to 12A Bus using Circuit 767 as follows: MARK BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, breaker initial position:

  • OPEN..............
  • CLOSED ............ Verifies BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12ABY is closed: red light ON and green light OFF Checks box that breaker is CLOSED None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: VERIFY CLOSED CIRCUIT BKR 76702 34 KV BUS Procedure Standard:
  • Locates Breaker 76702 34 KV BUS indication
  • Verifies red light ON and green light OFF. Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: TURN ON BUS 12AALT FEED FROM 767, Procedure Standard:

Evaluator None Evaluator The operator may inform you that J-6, 4KV MAIN OR TIE BREAKER TRIP, and L-20, 12A XFMR OR 12A BUS TROUBLE, will alarm after closing Bus 12A Normal Feed breaker Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTE identifies that annunciators J-6 and L-20 will alarm after performing the next step, AND to complete steps 6.3,1.5 thru without delay after closing in. NOTE prior to Reads the NOTE None CLOSE BUS 12A ALT FEED FROM 767, 52112BY

  • Verify breaker Red light ON and Green light OFF None Closing this ALTERNATE feed breaker SHOULD automatically trip the Normal feed breaker and result in 4KV Main or Tie Breaker Trip Acknowledges annunciators J-6, 4KV MAIN OR TIE BREAKER TRIP, and L-20, 12 XFMR OR 12A BUS TROUBLE. N/A
  • Notes that J-6 did NOT alarm (since breaker did not trip)
  • References the previous NOTE None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FR0lV17T, 52/12AY, was initially OPEN, then VERIFY breaker is OPEN AND RESET (Green light illuminated, White light EXTINGUISHED).

OTHERWISE, mark this step N/A. Verifies 52/12AY was initially CLOSED, AND Marks this step N/A None NRC EXAMINER:

ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, was CLOSED, then perform the Verify breaker OPENED (green and white lights -LIT Place Bus12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to TRI P and then to AUTO Verify the breaker is OPEN and RESET (green light LIT, white light OFF) Verify breaker did NOT OPEN (red light still LIT) Place Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to TRIP and then to AUTO Verify the breaker is OPEN and (green light LIT, white light OFF) None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: IF Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is NOT OPEN, THEN immediately perform Attachment 1, 7T/Bus 12A Circulating Current Contingency Action. OTHERWISE, mark this step N/A. Procedure Standard: "


-'" \. . " " , . '

  • Goes to Attachment 1 Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: CAUTION: This attachment is only performed as directed when breaker 52/12AY is NOT OPEN. ATT-1, CAUTION prior to Step 1.0 Reads CAUTION, confirms this is the correct action based on 52/12A Y not opening None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 13 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 14 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY Bus 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is NOT OPEN ATT-1, Step 1.0 Checks 52/12AY breaker is still closed (red light ON, green light OFF) None VERIFY CLOSED BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY 2.0 Verifies that ALT FEED from 767, 52/12BY, is CLOSED (in Step None VERI FY BUS 12A VOL TMETER4160V indicates approximately 4000 VOLTS 3.0 Verifies BUS 12A VOLTMETER reads -4000 VOLTS None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: --j Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:

VERIFY CLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER 7T1352 34 KV BUS 4.0 Verifies 7T1352 34 KV BUS supply breaker is CLOSED None NOTE: Next step SHOULD automatically trip BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY Performance of next step will cause MCB alarm J-6, 4KV MAIN or TIE BREAKER TRIP, to illuminate NOTE prior to Step 5.0 Reads NOTE None TURN OFF BUS 12AALT FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, SYNCHROSCOPE AND REMOVE handle 5.0 ["1 TURNS OFF.BUS 12A ALT,FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, SYNCHROSCOPE Removes handle Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Performance Step: 18 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, OPENS (Green light ILLUMINATED, White light ILLUMINATED) 6.0 Checks MCB indications for 52/12BY: green light LIT, white light LIT None PLACE BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY. control switch to TRIP and THEN to AUTO 7.0

  • Places the switch for breaker BUS 12A AL T FEED FROM 767. 52/12BY, to the TRI P position and then to AUTO None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C ........ Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 13 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY BUS 12A ALT FEED FROM 767, 52/12BY, is OPEN and RESET(Green light ILLUMINATED, White light EXTINGUISHED) 8,0 Verifies that green light is ON, white light is OFF None PLACE BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, control switch to CLOSE AND THEN to AUTO 9.0 Places the switch for breaker BUS 12A NORMAL FROM 7T, 52/12A Y, to the CLOSE position and then Verifies that RED light is ON, white light is OFF None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page 14 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION

.......Performance Step: 22 VERIFY BUS 12A NORMAL FEED FROM 7T, 52/12AY, is CLOSED and RESET(Red light ILLUMINATED, White light EXTINGUISHED)

Procedure Step: 10.0 Standard:

Verifies that red light is ON, white light is OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Terminating Cue: "No further action is required." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page1Sof17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR062.027, Rev. 0 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Establish 100/0 Lineup on Circuit 767 (Power 12A and 12B Buses from Ckt 767) TASK: 062-021-01-01, Lineup the Electrical Distribution System Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ,IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix C Page '16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 4 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 6 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 10 Critical to the recognition of the failure and correct transition to Attachment 1 17 ATT-1, step 5.0 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A


...Appendix Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE INITIAL INITIATING The plant is operating at 100% power The Electric Plant is currently in a 50/50 NORMAL lineup RG&E ECC has requested that the plant be placed in a 100/0 lineup on Circuit 767 for scheduled maintenance on offsite Circuit 7T later today An A-52.12 for removal of Circuit 7T is being prepared The CRS directs you to establish a 10010 Electric Plant alignment per 0-6.9.2 ESTABLISHING AND/OR TRANSFERRING OFFSITE POWER TO BUS 12A / BUS 12B. Section 6.3 The SM and RG&E ECC have approved performance of this bus re-alignment 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-A Appendix Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-B (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Standby AFW System in Service per FR-H.1 SYSTEM: Standby AFW 061-003-01-01, Perform Lineups of the Auxiliary Feedwater System (MCB)

To evaluate the ability to place the Standby Aux Feedwater system in service and cross-connect normal AFW flow is not REVISION/CHANGES:

1. 03/29/13 -D REVISED/CHANGED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 Don Dean SRO Reviewer Kyle Garnish Supervisor-Operations Training DATE: DATE: 04/05/13 04/05/13 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B

--Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Facility:

Ginna Task Title: Place Standby AFW System In Service per FR-H.1. RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK KIA


E05 EA1.1 (4.1/4.0)

Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Secondary Heat Sink: Components and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features Facility Method of Simulated Classroom Simulator XREAD TO THE EXAMINEE Task No.: 061-003-01-01 JPM No.: JR061.001 Alternate Path: YES Time Critical:

YES Category:

ROISRO NRC Examiner:

Date: Actual Performance:

X Plant I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Mechanical Maintenance is investigating the problem After transitioning from E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION to ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE, the STA determined that a RED path condition existed on the HEAT SINK CSFST The crew is responding per FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, and has completed the procedure up to step 5 Task Standard:

The 'C' SAFW Pump started with a flowpath to the 'A' SIG established.

Required Materials:

None 2012 SROI Retake! NRC ,.lPM-B Appendix General Initiating Time Critical Task: Validation Time: Page 3 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION A TT-5.1, SAFW, Rev 01002 ATT-22.0, RESTORING FEED FLOW, Rev 00600 FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, Revision 04002 FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK (marked up to Step 5) ATT-5.1, SAFW ATT-22.0, RESTORING FEED FLOW The CRS has directed you to complete steps 5 and 6 of FR-H.1 to feed the 'A' SIG utilizing the 'C' SAFW pump. No 10 Minutes (04/05/13) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 4 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP Malfunctions: Reset to then go to RUN Ensure 'A', 'C', and 'D' SW pumps running Take 'A' MDAFW pump out of service: place 'A' MDAFW pump in Pullstop and close MOV-4007.

Place CAUTION tags on switches for both components. To fail TDAFW pump, insert MALF FDW12, 0 RPM To trip Bus 16, set EDS048 true on Trigger 1. To trip both MFPs, set FDW02A and FDW028 true on Trigger 1. I nsert Trigger 1. (This will trip the reactor and initiate the procedural response) Ensure BOTH Tavg values are < 550"F prior to FREEZE AFTER Step 4 of FR-H.1 has been completed (Stop both RCPs), FREEZE the simulator and take shapshot.

Procedures: Placekeep the Control Room laminated copy of E-O through Step 4 Note that ES-0.1 will not be place-kept because CSFSTs were monitored when E-O was exited, and FR-H.1 has been entered Placekeep the Control Room copy of FR-H.1 through step 4. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: _____ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comments:

Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Obtain copy of FR-H.1, RESPONSE to LOSS of SECONDARY HEAT SINK N/A Obtains/ reviews first four (4) steps of marked-up FR-H.1 None Provide student with a marked-up copy of FR-H.1 Reset SI If Actuated FR-H.1, Step 5

  • Recognizes that SI has NOT occurred

The thermal overloads are put back in service by resetting Safety Injection.

Therefore, if K-6 is extinguished, SI is RESET. In this event, no SI has occurred.

2012 SROI NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Try to establish SAFW flow to at least one intact S/G: a. Perform the following: Align SAFW system for operation (Refer to ATT-5.1, ATTACHMENT SAFW) FR-H.1, Step 6a Refers to Attachment 5.1. Provide a copy of A TT -5.1 SAFW controls and indications are on the back of the MCB Panel. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CAUTION: If selected S/G Wide Range Level less than 50 Inches (100 Inches Adverse CNMT), THEN refer to Attachment 22.0, Restoring Feed Flow, prior to starting SAFW Pump ATT -5.1, CAUTION prior to Step A) Reads CAUTION prior to Step A) None 'A' and 'B' wide range levels will be -180" in this JPM setup Examiner should be standing by with a copy of ATT-22.0 If SW is not available to SBAFW, THEN go to ER-AFW.1 ALTERNATE WTER SUPPLY TO THE AFW PUMPS, to operate SAFW on city water supply. ATT-5.1, Step A) Verifies SW is available by verifying PI-2060 and 2061 indicate approximately 70 pSig OR by the number of running SW pumps and absence of SW isolation. Does NOT go to ER-AFW.1 None SW header pressure meters are on the front of the center vertical section of MCB, right side 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Align SAFW Pump C to selected S/G as follows: 1) Ensure SI Reset ATT-S.1, Step B) 1) Observes K-6, THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY BYPASSED extinguished, OR vocalizes that SI has not occurred None SI was extinguished previously in Step S of FR-H.1, AND SI has not occurred in this initial condition.

Ensure the following valves open:

  • MOV-9704A, SAFW PUMP C ISOL VLV ATT-S.1, Step B) 2) Verifies Red light is lit for the following valves: MOV-9701A SAFW PUMP C DISCHARGE VLV (Back of MCB) MOV-4616, AUX BLDG SW ISOL VLV (Front of MCB) MOV-9704A, SAFW PUMP C ISOL VLV (Back of MCB) None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:


  • Observes the Red light LIT for MOV-9629A, SAFW PUMP 'C 'SUCTION VLV None Verify at least 1 SW pump running ATT-S.1, 8) 4) Returns to front of MCB and observes the Red light lit for the A, C and D Service Water pumps Observes approximately 55 psig on PI-2160 and 2161, SW Header Pressure.

None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 10 NOTE: Perform Step 5a to feed 'A' SIG OR Step 5b to feed 'B' S/G Procedure Step: ATT-5.1 I NOTE prior to Step B) 5a) Standard:

  • Recalls from Initiating CUE that the direction provided was to feed the 'A' SIG
  • Goes to Step 5a for further guidance Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: Background document for FR-H.1 has the crew select and feed ONE S/G at a TIME. Initiating Cue was to feed'A' S/G. Comment: Performance Step: 11 To feed SIG 'A', go to Step 6. Procedure Step: ATT-5.1, B) 5a) Standard:

Goes to Step 6 EXAMINER CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 12 Restore SAFW flow as directed by procedure in effect. Procedure Step: ATT-5.1, Step B) 6) Standard:

Transitions back to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2) Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 13 Determine SAFWfiow requirements per ATT-22.0, ATTACHMENT RESTORING FEED FLOW Procedure Step: FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2} Standard:

Refers to ATT-22.0 Evaluator CUE: Provide candidate with ATT -22.0 Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF Performance Step: 14 CAUTION Feed flow rates should be controlled to prevent excessive RCS cooldown and RCS pressure and inventory reduction.

NOTE: This attachment provides the desired feed flow rate when restoring feed flow to a S/G during FR-H.1 If feedwater is restored via main feedwater or condensate the following may be used to indicate flow to the S/G: S/G feedwater flow meters (MCB) S/G feedwater flow recorders (MCB) S/G feedwater flow (PPCS Point ID F0466 , F0467 , F0476, F0477) S/G feedwater RTD temperature lowers (PPCS Point ID T2096, T2097) Procedural Step: ATT-22.0, NOTE and CAUTION prior to Step 1 Reads CAUTION and NOTES prior to Step 1 Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Check affected S/G Loop RCS Temperature: Tavg in the affected loop less than 550°F Fill affected S/G as necessary to restore level Go to Step 3 ATT -22.0, Step 1 Checks MCB meters (TI-401 &TI-402 for Loop 'A') or PPCS for RCS average temperature, determines Tavg < 550°F Does NOT start the SAFW pump in this attachment Returns to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.3) after making flow determination None FR-H.1, Step 6.a.2) had candidate determine the flow requirements in ATT-22.0 prior to starting the SAFW pump. After making the determination of flow restrictions, the candidate returns to FR-H.1, Step 6.a.3) to start the SAFW pump. Even IF Tavg was> 550°F, feed and bleed is NOT required due to WR levels> 120", and Step 2 RNO will direct filling as desired to restore S/G levels (i.e., still no flow restrictions).

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ____ Page 14 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Start selected SAFW pump(s) FR-H.1, Step 6.a.:3}

  • Verifies SAFW flow on FI04084B automatically throttles to between 215 _. 280 GPM None Candidate was directed to start the 'C' SAFW pump Initiating After SAFW flow is verified: "Evaluation on this JPM is complete." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 15 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM-B LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Standby AFW System in Service per FR-H.1 061-003-01-01, Perform Lineups of the Auxiliary Feedwater System (MCB) Time to Complete:

____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this .IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 8 ATT-5.1, step B)3) Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 15 A TT-22, step 1 Required action for proper procedural sequence 16 FR-H.1, step 6.a.3) Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix Page 17 of 17 Form INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE The plant was at power when both Main Feedwater Pumps tripped Bus 16 has an overcurrent fault The A Motor Auxiliary Feedwater Pump is removed for maintenance The Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump has steam supplied from both the A and B Steam Generators, but is not supplying feedwater.

Mechanical Maintenance is investigating the problem After transitioning from E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY IN,JECTION to ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE, the STA determined that a RED path condition existed on the HEAT SINK CSFST The crew is responding per FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK, and has completed the procedure up to step 5

  • The CRS has you to complete steps 5 and 6 of to feed the 'A' S/G utilizing the "C' SAFW pump 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-B Appendix C Page 1 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-C (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Place Letdown in Service MEASURE: SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control System TASK: 004-004-02-04, Place Letdown in Service PURPOSE: Respond to a failure of PCV-135 in AUTO when placing Normal Letdown in service. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Rev 1: Updated procedures and moved critical REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE:

REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 04/05/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C

---Appendix Page 2 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM Facility:

Task Title: KIA


Facility Method of Ginna Place Letdown in Service 004 A4.05 (3.6/3.1)

Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Letdown pressure and temperature control valves Task No.: 004-004-02-04 JPM No.:

Alternate Path Yes No Time Critical Yes No X Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Date: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Task Standard:

Required Materials:



The plant is at power with the normal letdown system secured Excess letdown is in service with one Charging Pump in operation The letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and was not drained A flush is NOT required The setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified by FCMS points SP-3771 and SP-3758 to be 100°F Letdown PCV-135 is in MANUAL and maintaining

-250 psig, or letdown is isolated due to a failure of PCV-135 to respond in AUTO. None S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, Revision 02603 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C

Page 3 of 23 Form JPM WORKSHEET S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, Revision 02603 (Marked up copy) Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to return Normal Letdown to service per Section 6.3 of S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, using the 40 GPM orifice After Normal Letdown is in service, remove Excess Letdown from service If an auto makeup occurs, the other board operator will monitor the auto makeup using S-3.1, BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL Validation 18 minutes (4/04/13)

CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Lifting of the letdown line relief valve, RV-203 Possible damage to letdown line SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

Rotating equipment INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of S-3.2E to the Operator at the appropriate cue, signed off/initial per setup notes. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 4 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM SIMULATOR Select IC-19, 100% MOL, or ANY at-power IC Remove Normal Letdown from service per Section 6.2 of S-3.2E Place Excess Letdown in service per Section 6.1 of S-3.2E Shift to single running charging pump eN) in AUTO in step 6.1.13 Ensure VCT level is at -35% Insert MALF CVC07A, 0% open, Trigger 1. (Letdown pressure control valve PCV-135 failure with MAN UAL control available)

PROCEDURAL MARKUPS: Markup the procedure Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.5 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 5 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a .oJ) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performs page check of S-3.2E procedure provided N/A Reviews the procedure Provide Operator with a clean copy of S-3.2E Review Table of Contents of procedure to ensure correct section to be performed.

Table of Contents Identifies section 6.3, Placing Normal Letdown In Service, is required per the Initiating Cue. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 6 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 3 Review PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section of procedure.

Procedure Step: 4.0 Standard:

N/A Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Reviews PREREQUISITES section of procedure.

Section 5.0, PREREQUISITES Ensures PREREQUISITES section of procedure is completed None Initial Conditions have provided information that the setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified to be 100°F 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator'S Cue: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Placing Normal Letdown In Service NOTE and CAUTIONS prior to Step 6.3.1 N/A None From the Initial Conditions, flush is not required based on isolation time. Letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and has not been drained. Section 6.5 of procedure should be "N/A." Determine if a flush is required: If the letdown line has been isolated for less than one hour perform section 6.4 and N/A section 6.5, with the permission c)f the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor. If the letdown line has been isolated for greater than one hour perform section 6.5 and N/A section 6.4, with the permission of the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor.

6.3.1 Determines flush NOT required based on isolation time and Initial C,onditions provided Recognizes that Section 6.5 should be liN/A" Proceeds to section 6.4, RESTORE WITHOUT A None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8of23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ENSURE letdown is secured PER Section 6.2 prior to restoring. Proceeds to section 6.2, Removing Normal Letdown From Service None Securing Normal letdown places the charging pumps in Manual. while establishing Excess letdown returns them to Auto. Since the candidate is simply reviewing the previously completed "removing letdown from service" steps, he/she is going to find (in the step below) that the running charging pump has been returned to Auto (seemingly contrary to the step sequence) when Excess letdown was placed in service. PLACE Charging Pumps in MANUAL. 6.2.1 Place 'A' Charging Pump Speed Controller in MANUAL. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 9 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ENSURE CLOSED Letdown Orifice isolation valves. AOV-200A [J AOV-200B AOV-202 6.2.2 Verifies associated MCB valve control switches in CLOSE, green lights ON, red lights OFF. None CLOSE LTON ISOLATION VLV RHR to NRHX, AOV-427. 6.2.3 Verifies MCB valve control switch for AOV-427 in CLOSE (green light ON, red light OFF). None Taking Normal Letdown OOS previously has closed 427 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 10 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 11 NOTE prior to Step 6.2.4 Procedure Step: NOTE prior to Step 6.2.4 Standard:

Observes NOTE Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 12 REDUCE charging flow while throttling closed charging flow to Regenerative Heat Exchanger HCV-142 to maintain greater than 20" RCP labyrinth sealflP. Procedure Step: 6.2.4 Standard:

Observes labyrinth seal Ll P and MCB HCV-142 controller at 100% demand. Evaluator CUE: None Evaluator NOTE: Candidate may adjust charging speed to maintain labyrinth seal.AP greater than 20 inches. Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 11 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 13 CLOSE LETDOWN ISOL VLV RHR TO NRHX AOV-371. Procedure Step: 6.2.5 Standard:

Observes MCB valve control switch in CLOSE, green light ON, and red light OFF. Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 14 Read Caution prior to Step 6.2.6. Procedure Step: CAUTION prior to Step 6.2.6 Standard:

Observes CAUTION Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 12 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ...-----------

Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: PLACE NRHX L TON OUTLET TEMP (TI-130) TCV-130 in MANUAL! CLOSED. 6.2.6 Observes MCB TCV-130 controller selected to MANUAL with a closed demand signal; Returns to section None IF charging flowpath to Loop B COLD Leg is (preferred THEN PERFORM the

b. OPEN CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B COLD LEG AOV-294. Determines charging flowpath should be to (normal) Loop B COLD Leg. If requested, feedback charging flowpath to Loop B COLD leg is desired. 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 13 of 23 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 17 a. ENSURE CLOSED CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B HOT, AOV-392A.

Procedure Step: a Standard:

Observes MCB valve control switch in CLOSE, green light ON, red light OFF. Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 18 OPEN CHARGING VLV RHX TO LOOP B COLD LEG AOV-294 Procedure Step: b Standard:

Verifies that AOV-294 is already open: red light ON, green light OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 14 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION START a second Charging Pump at minimum speed. 6.4.2 Ensure associated pump controller demand to minimum; Rotates pump control switch to START; Verifies red light ON, green light OFF, red flag visible, and charging flow rising on MCB F1128C. If requested, feedback "AO reports pump is ready to start and all personnel are clear of the pump." Read CAUTION prior to step 6.4.3 CAUTION prior to Step 6.4.3 Determines CAUTION is not applicable since AOV-392A flowpath is not aligned. None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 22 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 15 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SLOWLY OPEN charging flow to Regenerative Heat Exchanger HCV-142 to reduce labyrinth seal LlP to -40". 6.4.3 None ADJUST Charging Pump speed while maintaining

-40" labyrinth seal LlP UNTIL HCV-142 is fully OPEN. 6.4.4 Alternately adjusts charging pump speed and opens 142 until HCV-142 is full open with -40 inches labyrinth seal delta P (PI131/124).

None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 23 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 24 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 16 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION ESTABLISH greater than or equal to 22 gpm charging line flow. 6.4.5 None IF placing 40 GPM orifice in service THEN PERFORM the following:

1. PLACE LOW PRESS L TDN PRESS PCV-135 in MANUAL at -40% open. ****** Insert MALF CVC07 A, 0% Open on Trigger 1 ***** 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 17 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 25 IF placing 40 GPM orifice in service THEN PERFORM the following:
2. PLACE NRHX LTDN OUTLET TEMP (TI-130) TCV-130 in MANUAL at -40% open. Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 26 OPEN LETDOWN ISOL VLV RHR TO NRHX AOV-371. Procedure Step: 6.4.8 Standard:

  • Verifies red light ON, green light OFF Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 27 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 28 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 18 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE L TON LOOP B COLD LEG TO RHX AOV-427 OPEN and THEN to 6.4.9 f!*****l'law**

  • Verifies red light on, green light off .
  • None Step 6.4.11 SHOULD be performed promptly after Step 6.4.10 to prevent overpressurization of letdown line NOTE prior to 6.4.10 Observes note prior to 6.4.10 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 19 of 23 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 29 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 30 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION OPEN desired Letdown orifice valve AOV-200A, or AOV-202 MARK AOV's not opened

  • AOV-200A
  • AOV-2008
  • AOV-202 6.4.10 *
  • Verifies red light ON, green light OFF If requested, direct AOV-200A be placed in service. Candidate should proceed to next step without delay. ADJUST LOW PRESS L TON PRESS PCV-135 to achieve Letdown pressure of -250 psig on PI-135. 6.4.11 Adjusts PCV-135 controller to -250 (+/-20) psig (PI135) without alarming annunciators A-3, A-4, A-11 , A-12 or A-19 None NRC EXAMINER:

ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Performance Step: 31 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 32 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ___ Page 20 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE LOW PRESS LTDN PRESS, PCV-135 IN AUTO. 6.4.12 Places PCV-13!:i controller in AUTO;

  • If requested, direct Operator to place PCV-135 in MANUAL and control pressure to -250 (+1-20) psig. Note that Operator may use guidance contained with A-11 and/or AR-A-3 to respond to failure. Place PCV-135 in MANUAL; control pressure at -250 (+/-20) psig. or isolates letdown Previous Step 6.4.11 *_,;zczaUC. ..

at -250 (+/-20) psig, OR f'l<<-.'r.IIIJ by closing AOV-427, ISOLATION VL.V RHR to None Either action above is an acceptable response "No further action required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 21 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR004.012.

Rev. 0 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Place Letdown in Service TASK: 004-004-02-04, Place Letdown in Time to Complete:

____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ,IPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix C Page 22 of 23 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task" (ES 603 pp 2 3)-, Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 21 S-3.2E, 6.4.3 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 23 S-3.2E, 6.4.5 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 24 S-3.2E, Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 25 S-3.2E, Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 26 S-3.2E, 6.4.8 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 27 S-3.2E, 6.4.9 Required switch action{s) to perform correctly 29 S-3.2E,6.4.10 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 31 S-3.2E. 6.4.12 Required action necessary to take corrective actions 32 S-3.2E, 6.4.11 Required action to mitigate failure response 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The plant is at power with the normal letdown system secured Excess letdown is in service with one Charging Pump in operation The letdown line has been isolated for 40 minutes and was not drained A flush is NOT required The setpoint of TCV-130 has been verified by FCMS points SP-3771 and SP-3758 to be 100°F The Shift Manager directs you to return Normal Letdown to service per Section 6.3 of S-3.2E, PLACING IN OR REMOVING FROM SERVICE NORMAL LETDOWN/EXCESS LETDOWN, using the 40 GPM orifice After Normal Letdown is in service, remove Excess Letdown from service If an auto makeup occurs, the other board operator will monitor the auto makeup using S-3.1, BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 2012 SROI Retake NRC Exam JPM-C Appendix Page 1 of 14 Form JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM-N-D LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI MEASURE: SYSTEM: Reactor Protection System TASK: 012-003-05-01, Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI PURPOSE: To confirm that the operator is able to successfully complete the Immediate Action requirements of E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, from memory AND take additional procedural action per ES-603. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:

Rev.1: Reformatted simulator setup and removed critical step designation from performance steps 1, 2,6, and 8. Rev.2: Added details to performance step 12 REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/04/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 04/05/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D

---Appendix Page 2 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Ginna Task No.: 012-003-05-01 Task Perform Immediate Actions of E-O JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-D with SI KIA


EPE007 EA2.02 (4.3/4.6)

Alternate Path Yes X No Ability to determine or interpret the Time Critical Yes No X following as they apply to a reactor trip: Proper actions to be taken if the automatic safety functions have not taken place. Category:

ROISRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The plant is stable at 100 percent power.
  • No equipment is out of service. Task Successfully complete all Immediate Actions in E-O from memory AND perform required actions for failed component in Att.-27.0.

Required None General

  • E-O, marked up to Step 6 circled (perform ATT-27.0)
  • Att.-27.0 (when directed by E-O, Step 6) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Initiating Cue:
  • You are the HCO assigned the monitoring function.

Validation Time: 6 min (4/04/13)


Timelines and assumptions made in UFSAR are invalidated.


None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Per ES-603, Section C.1.d, JPMs that test the immediate action steps are acceptable.

However, JPMs should not solely test IA steps, and should include testing additional steps or items that are not from memory. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP

  • IC-19 100% MOL
  • Insert MALF GENOa, ['A' DIG], Autostart failure
  • Insert MALF RPS11-B1, [Isol signal only], CI failure
  • Insert MALF RPS11-B2, [Iso I signal only], CI failure
  • Insert MALF RPS11-E3, [isol signal only],. CI failure
  • Insert MALF RPS11-E4, [Isol signal only],. CI failure After the individual has taken the watch:
  • SIS01, [Train B], Inadvertent SI train "8" only, Trigger
  • EDS01A, Loss of circuit 7T, Trigger 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a '5iJ Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Verify Reactor Trip Step 1 (IA) Check at least one train of Reactor trip breakers open Trip A and/or Trip B indicating lights green Checks MRPI indicating all rods on the bottom Checks Neutron flux lowering (IR Current NI-358, 36B) (IR SUR NI-35D, NI-36D) None Verify Turbine Stop Valves -CLOSED. Step 2 Checks both Turbine Stop Valves (SVL and SVR) indicate Closed (GREEN) on EH valve status panel None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify both trains of AC Emergency Buses energized to at least 440 Volts. Step 3

  • Checks Bus 16 and Bus 17 voltmeters

>440 Volts None Attempt to start the "AI! Diesel Generator Step 3 RNO

  • Verifies the "A" diesel starts and loads buses and None The MALF inserted was Auto-start failure ONLY 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify both trains of AC Emergency Buses energized to at least 440 Volts. Step 3 Checks Bus 14 and Bus 18 voltmeters

>440 Volts Checks Bus 16 and Bus 17 voltmeters

>440 Volts Check if SI is actuated:

a. Any SI Annunciator

-LIT Step 4.a Verifies no SI annunciator is lit by checking 0-19, 0-21, 0-22 and 0-28 extinguished.

None The referenced annunciators relate to plant parameter inputs to auto SI. The "Inadvertent SI on Train An malfunction does not result in any of these alarms. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-O Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Manually actuate SI and CI Step 4.a RNO Checks various SI set point conditions

  • None Check if SI is actuated:
b. SI sequencing

-BOTH TRAINS STARTED Step 4.b Checks BOTH SI trains have actuated Operator should announce that "Immediate Actions Are Complete" IF the student stops after the four (4) IA steps are completed, inform him "CRS has directed that you continue in E-O." Previous experience with only IA JPMs may condition the students to stop after Step 4 is completed.

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verification of Steps 1-4 using the procedure Verification that CNMT spray is not required (Step 5) Performance of Att.27, AUTOMATIC VERIFICATION (Step Steps 5 & 6 None "The CRS has verified the Immediate Action steps and completed Step 5." "You have been directed to perform ATT-27.0" Hand the candidate ATT -27 .0, Attachment Action Verify SI and RHR pumps running ATT-27.0, Step 1 Checks that all SI pumps -RUNNING Checks both RHR pumps -RUNNING None 2012 SROI RetakEl NRC JPM-D Appendix C Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page '10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify CNMT RECIRC fans Running ATT-27.0, Step 2 Checks all fans -RUNNING Charcoal filter dampers green lights -Extinguished None Check if Main Steamlines Should Be Isolated: Any MSIV -OPEN CNMT pressure -LESS THAN 18 PSIG Check if any MSIV should be isolated: Low Tavg (545°) AND high steam flow (0.5x10 6 Ib/hr) from either S/G, or High-high steam flow (4.4x1 0 6 Ib/hr) from either S/G Verify MSIV closed on affected S/G ATT-27.0, Step 3 Recognizes that MSIVs are closed ('A' closed on the loss of 'B' Instrument Bus and 'B" closed on HI-HI steam flow + SI when all of the steam demand shifted to 'B' S/G) Goes to Step 4 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 13 Verify MFW Isolation:

a. MFW pumps -TRIPPED b. MFW Isolation valves -CLOSED c. SIG blowdown and sample valves -CLOSED . Procedure Step: ATT-27.0, Step 4 Standard:
  • Recognizes that both MFPs are tripped
  • Recognizes Both MFW isolation valves are closed Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Terminating CUE: No further actions are required.

Stop Time: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JR012.012.

Rev. 2 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with 51 TASK: 012-003-05-01, Perform Immediate Actions of E-O with SI Time to Complete:

____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY DATE: EVALUATOR'S SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC I Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: 'Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Procedure Basis for Critical Step Step ?tep 3 E-O, step 3 Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly 4 E-O, step 3 RNO Required switch action(s}

to perform Immediate Action correctly 7 E-O, step 4 Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly E-O, step 4 RNO Required switch action(s) to perform Immediate Action ctly 13 ATT-27.0, step 4c Required to recognize condition to perform step correctly ATT-27.0, step 4c Required to complete containment isolation RNO ! 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-D Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

  • The plant is stable at 100 percent power No equipment is out of service INITIATING CUE:
  • You are the HCO assigned the monitoring function 2012 SROI Retake NRC ..IPM-D

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-E (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Evaluate CNMT Spray Flow Requirements MEASURE: E-1 SYSTEM: Containment Spray TASK: 026-008-05-01:

Secure Containment Spray PURPOSE: To determine the ability of the examinee to assess plant conditions and equipment configuration to determine whether containment spray flow can be reduced per the procedural requirements of E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING I REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY; Pat Landers DATE: 03/28/2013 REVIEWED BY:

DATE: V-S' t3 SRO Reviewer 1/)Irs APPROVED BY: DATE: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E

--Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Ginna Task No.: 026-008-05-01 Task Secure Containment Spray JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-E KIA 026 A4.01 (4.5/4.3)

Alternate Path: YES NO CNMT Spray System: Ability to Time Critical:

YES NO manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: CSS controls Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date:

Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • Plant has experienced a large break LOCA The crew has completed E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION, and is at Step 13 of E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT. Task Both CS Pumps secured with system controls and valves properly aligned. Required A marked up copy of E-1 completed to Step 13 available in the simulator.

General E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT, Revision 04100 E-1, pages 1-14, marked up to and including Step 12 Initiating

  • Perform Step 13 of E-1. Another board operator will respond to alarms NOT associated with the task. Time Critical No Validation 8 Minutes 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet .... ....SIMULATOR SETUP Reset to IC-19 or any at-power Initial Condition Insert MALF RCS03A (Loop A hot leg DBA), RCS03B (Loop A cold leg DBA), RCS03C (Loop B hot leg DBA), OR RCS030 (Loop B cold leg DBA) Perform and placekeep the actions of E-O, transition to E-1, and complete the actions of 1 up to and including Step 12 Allow simulator to run until CNMT pressure is < 4 psig and 0-28, CNMT PRESSURE 4 PSI, is extinguished NOTE: Use of a large (e.g., 5000-6000 gpm) break may save time in bringing CNMT pressure down below 4 psig assumed in the initial 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ____. Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Examiner CUE: Examiner NOTE: Comment: Reviews marked-up procedure and FOLDOUT page E-1 Steps 1-12 N/A None Provide a copy of E-1, Step 13 (Pgs. 1-14), properly kept up to Step 13 Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: a. CNMT spray pumps -ANY RUNNING E-1, Step 13.a

  • Observes red light LIT for each of two (2) CS pumps
  • Observes CS flow on FI-930 None Provide a copy of E-1, Step 13 (Pgs. 1-14), properly kept up to Step 13 2012 SROI Retake f\IRC E

Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: a. CNMT Spray Pumps ANY RUNNING b. Determine number of CNMT spray pumps required from table: CNMT CNMT CNMT PRESSURE RECIRC FANS SPRAY PUMP ,--________-+-__Rc..:.:UNNING REQUIRED EATER THAN 60 2 BETWEEN 4 PSIG AND 60 PSIG 2 AND RISING ! I o or 1 2 ;4 PSIG AND 60 PSIG AND LOWERING 2.3.or4 1 LESS THAN 4 PSIG 0 Procedure Step 13.b Standard: Identifies that CNMT pressure is less than 4 PSIG on PI-944, PI-945, PI-947, & PI-949 and lowering and observes 0-28, CNMT PRESSURE 4 PSI, extinguished Determines four (4) CRFs are running by observing red lights LIT

the number. of dNMf;*...... ....... .. rOnnirlg, determfftes'OCNMT Spray Pumps are required Examiner None Evaluator Any combination of CNMT pressure indicators is acceptable to determine the value/trend of CNMT pressure.

Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,JPM E

Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ...... INER: ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE Performance Step: 3 Monitor if CNMT Spray Should Be Stopped: CNMT spray pumps running -EQUAL TO NUMBER REQUIRED Procedure Step: Step 13.c Standard: Observes 2 CS pumps running using the red light LIT each pump.

  • Recalls no CS pumps are required per Table in step 13.b.
  • Proceeds to step 13.c. RNO Evaluator CUE: None Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Stop CNMT spray pumps as necessary to meet IF CNMT spray pump is to be stopped, THEN perform

1) Place CNMT Spray Pump in PULL STOP Step 13.c.1) RNO pulls out to the 10cRed posifiqrt'pnEACH.*oHhefoilowing pumps: * [VICS. Pump A * [VICSPul11pB None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: ,.f Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION IF CNMT pressure < 4 psig, THEN perform the following: Place NaOH Tank outlet valve switches to OPEN AOV-836A AOV-8368 Step 13.c.2)a)

RNa None Considered critical because it properly aligns the valves in the event that CS Pumps must be manually started should CNMT pressure start to rise. Reset CNMT spray Step 13.c.2)b)

RNa Reset green pushbutton on theverticalsectioo'ofMQ8 Checks that A-27, CNMT SPRAY, has cleared None 2012 SROI Retake NRC ,JPM E Appendix C .. *.. Performance Step: 7 Performance Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: ____ Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Close discharge valves for idle CNMT Spray Pump:

  • CS Pump 'A'
  • MOV-860A *
  • CS Pump 'B'
  • MOV-860C
  • MOV-860D E-1, Step 13.c.2)c)

RNO None Considered critical because this action ensures containment isolation.

After closing the four discharge valves or when the operator proceeds to Step 14: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-E (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Evaluate CNMT Spray Flow Requirements During E-1 Performance TASK: 026-008-05-01:

Secure Containment Spray Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC ...IPM E Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time , will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3)

I Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 2 E-1, step 13.b Required assessment to implement procedural action correctly 4 E-1, step 13.c.1) Required component manipulation to perform correctly RNO 5 E-1, step 13.c.2)a)

Critical because this action properly aligns the valves in RNO the event that CS Pumps must be manually started should CNMT pressure start to rise. 6

  • E-1, step 13.c.2)b)

Required component manipulation to perform correctly

  • RNO 7 E-1, step 13.c.2)c)

Performance of this step ensures CNMT isolation RNO -----_...........2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM E Appendix Page 1 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET

  • Plant has experienced a large break LOCA INITIAL CONDITIONS: The crew has completed E-O, REACTOR TRIP or SAFETY INJECTION, and is at Step 13 of E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT. INITIATING CUE:
  • Perform Step 13 of E-1. Another board operator will respond to alarms NOT associated with the task. 2012 SROI Retake NRC . .JPM E Appendix C Page 1 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE JPM N-F (Simulator)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Startup the Containment Mini Purge and MEASURE: Terminate Upon Indications of HIGH Radiation SYSTEM: Containment Purge System TASK: 029-007-01-01, Startup the Containment Mini Purge Place the Containment Mini-Purge in operation in accordance with S-23.2.2, Containment System Operation, then recognize that a high radiation reading on R-14, Plant Vent Noble Gas, that the mini-purge lineup be JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES:

Rev 1: Converted from a normal startup of the system to an ALTERNATE path JPM. REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: Don Dean DATE: 04/05/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED BY: Kyle Garnish DATE: 05/13/13 Supervisor-Operations Training 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F

---Appendix Page 2 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 029-007-01-01 Task Startup the Containment Mini Purge JPM No.: JR029.001 KIA 029 A2.03 (2.7/3.1)

CNMT Purge Alternate Path: Yes No System: Ability to predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CNMT purge system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations:

Startup operations and the associated valve lineups Time Critical:

Yes No X Category:

ROfSRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simUlate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

  • The Unit is operating at 100% power. A routine Containment entry is scheduled for tomorrow. A Containment Mini-Purge Release has been initiated by Radiation Protection (RP) SM and RP approvals have been received All RMS channels are operating normally Nitrogen venting from the SI Accumulators is NOT in progress Task Standard:

Mini-purge is secured after R-14 indicates an Alarm condition.

Required Materials:

None. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix Page 3 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM General



S-23.2.3 Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to place the Containment Mini-Purge System in service in accordance with S-23.2.3, CONTAINMENT MINI-PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION Validation Time: 13 minutes (04/04/13)


Possible release greater than approved release limits. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of S-23.2.3 to the Operator at the appropriate cue. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues, the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F

PClge 4 of 17 Form JPM SIMULATOR. le-19, but ANY at-power IC will work Verify Containment Mini-Purge System is secured in selected IC Set Trigger 30 conditional on taking the CNMT Mini-Purge Supply Blower to START: set x08i074b ==1 Set MALF RMS02F, 1.3E05, 20 second ramp, 0 second delay on Trigger 30 (The HIGH alarm setpoint for R-14, per P-9, is 1.2E5 and the release rate limit is 3.0E5.) 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a 'J Start Time: Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Reviews Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue, obtains a current revision of S-23.2.3.

N/A N/A Provide Operator at copy of S-23.2.3.

Containment Radiation Monitoring R-11 or R-12 are operating.

3.1 Confirms via RMS panel indications that both R-11 and R-12 are operating.

None Candidate may take time to set up PPCS displays to trend RMS values and/or' CNMT pressure.

Either Auxiliary Building Iodine Radiation Monitor R-1 OB or R-14A is operable.

3.2 Confirms via panel indications that R-10B or R-14A (PPCS) are operable.

None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Auxiliary Building Radiation Monitor R-13 is operating or samples are continuously collected with auxiliary equipment.

3.3 Confirms via panel indications that R-13 is operating.

None If either R-11 or R-12 is inoperable, ensure requirements of LCO 3.6.3, Actions Note 1 are met, otherwise N/A. 3.3.1 Confirms via panel indications that both R-11 and R-12 are operable, and UN/As" this step. None At least one containment recirculation fan is running. 3.4 Describes/points out the MCB indications for each of the four (4) CNMT RECIRC FAN switches that at least one containment recirculation fan is running (red light LIT). None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment:

7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Plant ventilation system operating.

3.5 Confirms that annunciator L-1 , AUX BLDG VENT SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL, is NOT lit When asked as AO, "Aux Bldg ventilation systems are lined up normally and operating properly." There are no Aux Bldg plant ventilation component indications or controls available in the MCR, so candidate should: Contact the primary AO for confirmation Check L-1 not lit Containment mini-purge release has been initiated by Radiation Protection and approved by the Shift Manager and either Radiochemist or Health Physicist.

3.6,3.7,3.8 Confirms via Initial Conditions provided that: The mini-purge release has been initiated by Radiation Protection SM has approved RP approval has been obtained If queried, confirm "mini-purge release initiated by Radiation Protection. " 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Auxiliary Building Radiation Monitor R-14 is operating or grab samples are being taken at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and these samples analyzed for isotopic activity within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or if 14A is operable a review of data from channel 5 "Low Range Noble Gas" is performed at least every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. 3.9 Observes via panel indication that R-14 is operating None PRECAUTIONS 4.1 through 4.7

  • Reviews each Precaution
  • Verifies R-11 and R-12 below release limits prior to release None Precaution 4.5, "Secure the mini-purge system if either R-13, R-14, or R-14A goes into alarm (except during performance of PT-17.2 or PT-12.5)" is the one to be exercised during this JPM Verify Mini Purge Roof Vent Isolation Valve, V-7479, locked closed. 5.1.1 Directs Secondary AO to verify V-7479 locked closed. When requested: "Secondary AO reports that V-7479 is locked closed." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: Procedure Evaluator Evaluator Performance Step: Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 14 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Open Mini Purge Exhaust Valve, AOV-7970. (Inside CNMT) None The mini-purge components are located BEHIND the left hand section of the MCB Open Mini Purge Exhaust Valve, AOV-7971. (Outside CNMT) 5.1.3


  • Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None Open Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7478. (Inside CNMT) 5.1.4
    • _
  • Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 15 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: SIM DRIVER: Comment: JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Open Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7445. (Outside CNMT) 5.1.5 *...

  • Verifies red light ON, green light OFF None NOTE: Blower discharge valve AOV-7480 will stroke open on blower start NOTE prior to Step 5.1.6 Reads NOTE None ENSURE that Trigger 30 is activated in the next step 30 seconds after the Mini-Purge Supply Blower is started NRC EXAMINER:

ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS WITH THE NEXT STEP 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 11 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Start 1A Mini-Purge Supply System Blower and verify Containment pressure increase. (Pressure should rise in 4-5 minutes) 5.1.6 ** Verifies blower red light ON, green light OFF, red flag visible Monitors MCB Containment pressure (PI-945/947/949) indication Logs Purge START TIME ___ None C-17, CONTAINMENT VENT SYSTEM, will alarm momentarily during blower start Performance Step: R-14 Channellndic':.Ition Rises to> 1E+05 HIGH ALARM setpoint Procedure PRECAUTIONS 4.1 and 4.5

  • Recognizes that R14 is rising Recognizes PPCS R 14 alarm Acknowledges E-16, RMS PROCESS MONITOR HIGH ALARM Acknowledges L-1, AUX BLDG VENT SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL, due to AB Ventilation trip due to R14 alarm Informs CRS that he is securing the Mini-Purge per the guidance provided in Precaution 4.5 for R-14 in Alarm Goes to Section 5.2, Securing CNMT Mini-Purge Evaluator "The SM understands that you are securing the mini-purge due to an R-14 high alarm." Evaluator NOTE: Candidate may also refer to AR-E-16, then to AR-RMS-14, for direction to secure mini-purge if in progress Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 19 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 20 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 21 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 12 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTE: If Nitrogen is being vented from the SI Accumulators, then DO NOT secure mini-purge operation Section 5.2, NOTE prior to Step 5.2.1 Reads NOTE, identifies that NOTE is N/A None Ensure the shutdown of containment mini-purge is authorized by: Shift Manager Health Physicist Step 5.2.1 Notes that previous communication to evaluator has identified the need to secure the mini-purge, and the SM has concurred None Stop 1A containment mini-purge supply system blower. 5.2.2 Verifies blower red light OFF, green light ON, red flag not visible Logs Purge STOP TIME ___ None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 22 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 23 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 13 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Close Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7478. (Inside CNMT) 5.2.3

  • es ight OFF, green light ON Checks R-14 for indication that release has None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7445 in the next step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge supply line Close Mini Purge Supply Valve, AOV-7445. (Outside CNMT) 5.2.4 * , green light ON None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7478 in the previous step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge supply line 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Performance Step: 24 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 25 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 14 of 17 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF Close mini-purge exhaust valve, AOV-7970. (Inside CNMT) 5.2.5

  • Verifies red light OFF, green light ON None This valve closure" OR the closure of AOV-7971 in the next step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge exhaust line Close mini-purge exhaust valve, AOV-7971 (Outside CNMT) 5.2.6
  • Verifies red light OFF, green light ON None This valve closure, OR the closure of AOV-7970 in the previous step, will isolate the CNMT mini-purge exhaust line "No further action is required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 15 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF JR029.001, Rev. 1 LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Startup the Containment Mini Purge and Terminate Upon Indications of HIGH Radiation TASK: 029-007 01, Startup the Containment Mini Purge Time to Complete:

___Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE YES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 16 of 17 Form E8-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL 8TEP BA8E8 CRITICAL 8TEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (E8-603, pp 2-3) Performance 8tep Procedure 8tep Basis for Critical 8tep 12 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.2 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 13 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.3 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 14 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.4 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 15 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.5 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 17 8-23.2.3, step 5.1.6 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 21 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.2 Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 22 OR 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.3 Required switch action(s) to isolate CNMT mini-purge 23 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.4 supply line 24 OR 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.5 Required switch action(s) to isolate CNMT mini-purge 25 8-23.2.3, step 5.2.6 exhaust line 2012 8ROI Retake NRC JPM N-F

Page 17 17 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The Unit is operating at 100% power. A routine Containment entry is scheduled for tomorrow. A Containment Mini-Purge Release has been initiated by Radiation Protection (RP) SM and RP approvals have been received All RMS channels are operating normally Nitrogen venting from the SI Accumulators is NOT in progress The Shift Manager directs you to place the Containment Purge System in service in accordance with S-23.2.3, CONTAINMENT MINI-PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM N-F Appendix C Page 1 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SROI RETAKE EXAM JPM-N-G (Simulator)


Rev 0 -New modified JPM REVISED/CHANGED BY: Pat Landers DATE: 04/05/13 REVIEWED BY: DATE: .$'. (3 APPROVED BY: DATE 4/'rb3 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G

---Appendix Page 2 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Ginna Task No.: 012-006-01-01 Task Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure JPM No.: 2012 Retake JPM N-G Channel KIA 012 A4.04 3.3/3.3 Alternate Path Yes No X Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Bistable, trips, reset and test switches Time Critical Yes No X Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator x Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The plant was operating at 100% power when PI-430 failed due to PT-430

  • The operators took actions per ER-INST.1, up to step 6.3.4
  • A Turbine Runback did not occur Task Complete the defeat of PRZR Pressure PI-430 without error Required Key to Protection Racks General ER-INST.1, REACTOR PROTECTION BISTABLE DEFEAT INSTRUMENTATION LOOF> FAILURE, Rev ER-I NST.1 (pages 1-16) and Attachment 6 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 3 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Initiating Cue: The Shift Supervisor directs you to defeat the failed PRZR instrument channel per ER-INST.1, Attachment-6, White Channel
  • Pre-Job Brief has been completed Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 15 minutes (04/04/13)

CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE SAFETY CONSI DERA INSTRUCTOR Indicate reason for unsatisfactory step performance in the comment section below each DIRECTIONS TO To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for pE!er checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this .JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION SIMULATOR SETUP

  • Load le-19 100%, MOL t
  • Insert MALF PZR02B, [2500 psigl 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATIOIN OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a --J) Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Obtain controlled copy of ER-INST.1.

N/A Obtains controlled copy of ER-INST.1.

Provide the candidate with copy of ER-INST.1., marked up to step 6.3.4, and Attachment 6 IF PRZR pressure channel failure resulted in a runback, THEN PERFORM the following

.... ATT. 6, step 1.0 Recognizes that per the Initial Conditions, a runback did NOT occur Goes to step 2.0 None NOTE: Performing the following step will remove the affected channel from control of PORV-430 AND inputs to alarms F-2, PRESSURIZER HI PRESS 2310 PSI and F-10, PRESSURIZER LO PRESS 2205 PSI ATT.6, NOTE prior to Step 2.0 Reads NOTE None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the PLP PRZR PRESS AND LEVEL rack, VERIFY the PRZR pressure DEFEAT switch P/429A position. IF P/429A is in NORMAL, THEN place P/429A 2.2 IF P/429A is NOT in NORMAL, THEN notify the SM ATT.6, steps 2.0 -2.3 Obtains cabinet key, goes to PLP Rack, unlocks and opens DEFEAT switch None P/429A is initially in the Normal position NOTE: Performing the following step will defeat the iH Runback and Rodstop for the failed channel AND remove the associated fl.T input from the RIL computer.

Annunciators F-30 and F-31 will clear if lit ATT.6, NOTE prior to Step 3.0 Reads NOTE before performing step 3.0 None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: G Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the RIL INSERTION LIMIT rack, PLACE T/405E DELTA T DEFEAT switch to LOOP A UNIT 2 ATT.G, step 3.0 Unlocks the RIL Rack and opens door.


UJOR A LlAltZ;p'Clsition Closes and locks door None NOTE contains a list of bistable status lights and Annunciators that are expected to be LIT after the defeat A TT.6, NOTE prior to Step 4.0 Reads NOTE before step 4.0 None RECORD the following data: PRZR Pressure PI-430 2500 PSIG LOOP 1A-2 !J.T TEMP TI-4068 of OT!J.T SP1 LOOP 1A-2 TEMP TI-406A of ATT.G, step 4.1 Records data from MCB indications None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: DETERMINE the expected post defeat Bistable proving light status and circle the expected status in table below: Procedure ATT.S, step 4.2 Standard:

OVERTEMP TRIP light OFF lE TI4068 Tl-400A 430 CHANNEL 2 HIGH PRESS TRIP Light OFF lE PI-430 ;. 2377 psig LOW PRESS TRIP light OFF £ PI-OO::; 1873 psig SI Light OfF LE PI-430 s 1750 psig UNBLOCK 81 light OFF lE PI-430" 1992 psig Post D!?feat light BIstable Status Verified 406 LOOP A-2 OVERTEMP TRIP 43D CHANNEL 4W CHANNEL ON UNBLOCK 51 Evaluator CUE: None Comment: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C ..J. Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 11 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION In the (WHITE) W-1 PROTECTION CHANNEL 2 rack, PLACE the following bistable proving switches to DEFEAT (UP) AND VERIFY the proving light status is correct per the table above. 406 lOOP A-2

  • HIGH PRESS TRIP .. LO PRESS TRIP .. SI .. UNBLOCKSI AII.6, step 5.0 * (LightON)
  • Puils (lignfON)

., ,ph ON) * ,t/fPullsantf,liftsUNBI,:OCK.SI'switch.(LightOFF)

None PLACE the PRZR pressure recorder switch (MCB) to position 1 6.0 Places MCB recordN switch to 1-3 position None 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Performance Step: 12 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION VERIFY the bistable status lights AND Annunciators listed below are lit 7.0 Verifies correct Bistable Status Light and Annunciator status lights The following bistable status lights are expected to be Iii aflf:r !he DEFEAT:

  • PRZR Hiyh Press PC430A (Trip)
  • PRZR La Press PC43QH (Trip)
  • PRZR lo Press PC43QE iSI)
  • PRZR lo Press PC430E-i (51)
  • OTllT LOOP A TC406C The following Annunciators are expected to be kt after the DEFEAT
  • F-23, ReS OT DELTA T CHANNEL ALERT None JPM is complete when the proper bistable indications have been verified. "No further action is required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 Retake JPM N-G LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure Channel TASK: 012-006-01-01, Defeat a Failed PRZR Pressure Channel Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE D YES NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSflNACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY U NSA TISF ACTORY SIGNATURE: 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CliE SHEET The plant was operating at 100% power when PI-430 failed high due to PT-430 failure The operators took actions per ER-INST.1, up to step 6.3.4 A Turbine Runback did not occur The Shift Supervisor directs you to defeat the failed PRZR instrument channel per ER-INST.1, Attachment-6, White Channel Pre-Job Brief has been completed 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-G Appendix Page 1 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM*-JPM-N-H (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters MEASURE: onto DIG AC Electrical Distribution System 062-029-05-04, Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters onto DIG PURPOSE: Restore 100 KW of backup heaters during a loss of all AC power. JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING Rev.1 -Added examiner note performance step REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3/29/13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 3/29/13 SRO Reviewer APPROVED DATE 4 td (1 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H

Appendix Page 2 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 062-029-05-04 Task Energize a Minimum of 100 KW No.: JC010.001 Backup heaters onto DIG KIA APE056 AA1.03 (3.2/3.3)

Alternate Path Yes No X Adjustment of EDIG load by selectively energizing PZR backup heaters. Time Critical Yes No X Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simUlate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The plant was operating at 100% power when it experienced an SI coincident with a loss of all AC power. The 'B' DIG is now running and carrying approximately 1650 KWon Buses 16 and 17. PRZR level is 20% and stable CNMT pressure is 0.4 psig SI has been RESET Task 125 KW of pressurizer backup heaters are energized per ER-PRZR.1.

Required Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, Safety Shoes, gloves and Dosimetry.





  • Drawing 03200-0122, Sheets 1 &2
  • Drawing 03200-0123, Sheets 1 &2 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 3 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM WORKSHEET ER-PRZR.1
RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING BLACKOUT, Rev 00700 Drawing 03200-0122, Sheets 2 Initiating Cue: The CRS has directed you to energize a minimum 100 KWof PRZR BACKUP heaters per ER-PRZR.1, Section 4.2. Validation Time: 9 Minutes (4/03/13)


Equipment Damage SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Radiological Hazard Personal Protective Equipment INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make a copy of ER-PRZR.1 available to the Operator at the appropriate cue. Assess Auxiliary Building for radiological and/or personnel safety concerns prior to start of JPM. Validation on 11/20/12 showed a potential problem with the height of panel ACPDPPAB12 (located above ACPDPPAB13).

Use the lower panel for both performance steps 7 and 8. Proper use of HIU tools shall be exhibited for all steps. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. SIMULATE only. Do NOT actually manipulate any plant equipment. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues JPM will Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ,JPM SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 PRECAUTIONS: A minimum of 1 OOKW of PRZR heaters should be restored within 1 hr of initiation of natural circulation to prevent loss of subcooling (ITS LCO 3.4.9) PRZR level must be greater than 13% [50%] to energize PRZR heaters. Continuous DIG loading should not exceed 1950 KW. During accident conditions, the on-duty RP Technician should be consulted prior to entry into the controlled area. The PASS surge line to the VCT may require flushing to minimize radiological hazards prior to entering the SPF Hx area. Procedure Step: Section 3.0 Standard:

Reads PRECAUTIONS, compares with Initial Conditions If RP is consulted per Precaution 3.4, report "No additional Evaluator CUE: radiological precautions required at this time". Provide a copy of I:R-PRZR.1 Evaluator 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: Procedure Evaluator Examiner Performance Step: Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Proceeds to PRZR backup heater breaker panel. N/A Locates panel ACPDPAB12 None Panel is located on the AB Middle level, behind 'A' SFP heat exchangef'. Candidate may review performance steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 prior to proceeding to Panel Perform the following to restore all or part of the PRZR Backup heaters: Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if necessary. Verifies that SI has been IF candidate verifies 51 is reset with the Control Room, feedback "SI is Reset, Annunciator K-6 is clear". SI RESET was part of the Initial Conditions 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: , Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Verify Emergency DIG B is supplying Bus 16 4.2.2 Determines from initial conditions that the 'B' DIG is supplying Bus 16 (and Bus 17) None To energize all PRZR Backup heaters (400KW) perform the following: Verify Emergency DIG B load less than 1550 KW, IF NOT, then go to step 4.2.4 4.2.3,

  • thatED/G IB/loadingis 1:'6"'5'0'"V:lK/it", , ,r,'-Cyy"ta
  • Also notes from the Initiating Cue that the direction given was to energize a minimum of 100 KW of Backup heaters. None 2012 SROI RetakE! NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 <;'

Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION To energize a minimum of 125 KW of PRZR Backup heaters, perform the IF Emergency DIG B load is greater than 1825 KW, THEN evaluate plant status and reduce DIG loading to less than 1825 KW 4.2.4, Determines from initial conditions that the 'B' DIG load is 1650 KW and therefore reducing 'B' DIG load is NOT necessary.

IF Control Room is asked to verify, 'B' DIG load is 1650 KW and stable." At ACPDPAB12, open all breakers EXCEPT Breaker Switch #4. EXCEPT Switcb#4. Due to potential safety concern with panel's elevation, after identifying the panel inform candidate that they may simulatel describe breaker actions on provided panel arrangement drawing 03200-0122.

sheet 2 Feed back "Breaker is OFF" as the Operator simulates opening each heater breaker Breakers in panel ACPDPA12 are identical to the breakers in ACPDPAB13 in upcoming step. Nearest ladder station is on the wall next to the Spent Fuel Pool 01 room gate. 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Terminating Cue: Stop Time: Page 9 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION At ACPDPAB13, open all breaker switches except Breaker Switch #1, #3, #6. (Total capacity available should be -125 KW) [\,I]

excepiBreCiker SWitol!i:#1:,#3;'*#6; Feed back "Breaker is OFF" as the Operator simulates opening each heater breaker When reported to control room, acknowledge status of breakers.

When all pressurizer backup heater breakers are aligned as required: "No further Action required." 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM -JPM-N-H (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Energize a Minimum of 100 KW Backup heaters onto DIG 062-029-05-04, Energize a Minimum of 100 'r<W Backup heaters onto DIG Time to Complete:

____Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation practices and use of HU DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDUR/\L QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix C Page '11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Step Procedure Step Basis for Critical Step 5 ER-PRZR.1, step Required action for proper procedural sequence 4.2.3, 7 ER-PRZR.1, step Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 8 ER-PRZR.1, step Required switch action(s) to perform correctly 2012 SROI Retake NRC JPM-H Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE SHEET The plant was operating at 100% power when it experienced an SI coincident with a loss of all AC power. The 'B' DIG is now running and carrying approximately 1650 KW on Buses 16 and 17. PRZR level is 20% and stable CNMT pressure is 0.4 psig SI has been RESET The CRS has directed you to energize a minimum 100 KW of PRZR BACKUP heaters per ER-PRZR.1, Section 4.2. 2012 SROI Retake I\IRC JPM-H GINNA STATION CONTROLLED COpy NUMBER__ PROCEDURE NO. ER-PRZR.1 REV. NO. 00700 RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING BLACKOUT 'Eawara (iron RESPONSIBLE MANAGER 5/11/2007 EFFECTIVE DATE CATEGORY 1.0 REVIEWED BY: ________ THIS PROCEDURE CONTAINS _=--PAGES ER-PRZR.1 RESTORATION OF PRZR HEATERS DURING PURPOSE: This procedure provides the instructions necessary to restore 100KW of pressurizer heaters from the emergency DIGs to enhance natural circulation at hot standby conditions. ENTRY CONDITIONS/SYMPTOMS: ENTRY CONDITIONS:

This procedure is entered from ATT-13.0, Attachment NC, when PRZR Heaters are desired. PRECAUTIONS: A minimum of 100 KW of PRZR heaters should be restored within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of initiation of natural circulation to prevent loss of subcooling. (ITS LCO 3.4.9) PRZR level must be GREATER THAN 13% (50% adverse CNMT) to energize PRZR heaters. Continuous DIG loading should not exceed 1950 KW. During accident conditions, the on duty RP Technician should be consulted prior to entry into the controlled area. The PASS purge line to the VCT may require flushing to minimize radiological hazards prior to entering the SFP Hx area.

ER-PRZR.1 NOTE: DIG accident loading is listed in UFSAR Table This procedure is divided into the following 4.1 Restoring PRZR Proportional 4.2 Restoring PRZR Backup Perform the following to restore PRZR Proportional Heaters as Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if Place both spray valve controllers, PCV-431A and PCV-431 B, MANUAL and close Place PRZR backup heater switch to Place PRZR pressure controller 431 K, in MANUAL and adjust output Note Emergency DIG A wattmeter Place PRZR proportional heater breaker switch to Place PRZR proportional heater breaker switch to 4.1.8 Lower PRZR pressu re controller 431 K, output slowly from 60% to establish a minimum of 125 KW as indicated on DIG A wattmeter. Continue to monitor DIG A loading and maintain less than 1950 Adjust PRZR pressure controller, 431 K, as necessary to maintain pressure while monitoring DIG A WHEN offsite power is restored, THEN restore PRZR heaters to operation if Perform the following to restore all or part of the PRZR Backup Verify SI has been reset (Annunciator K-6 clear). Reset SI if Verify Emergency DIG B is supplying Bus To energize all PRZR Backup heaters (400 KW) perform the ER-PRZR.1 Verify Emergency DIG B load less than 1550 KW. IF NOT, THEt:! go step Place PRZR backup heater breaker switch to Continue to monitor Emergency DIG B loading, and return to and step in To energize a minimum of 125 KW of PRZR Backup heaters, perform lE Emergency DIG B load is GREATER THAN 1825 KW, THEN plant status and reduce DIG loading to less than 1825 Dispatch an AO to the PRZR backup heater breaker panel BLDG intermediate floor by SFP At ACPDPAB12 open all breaker switches EXCEPT Breaker Switch At ACPDPAB13 open all breaker switches EXCEPT Breaker Switch #1 #3, and #6. (Total capacity available should be approximately 125 Note Emergency DIG B wattmeter Place PRZR backup heater breaker switch to ON to load heaters Emergency DIG Verify a minimum of 100 KW has been loaded on Emergency DIG IF this capacity does not cover heat losses from the pressurizer, close additional breakers while monitoring Emergency DIG B WHEN offsite power restored, THEN restore PRZR Heaters to operation by reclosing all Pressurizer Heater Breakers in and Return to procedure and step in Appendix Page 1 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-I (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank MEASURE: Pumps Chemical and Volume Control System 068-001-01-01, Perform transfer operations from the RCDT and the PRT PURPOSE: To perform a weekly exercise of the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps lAW 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE LICENSED OPERATOR TRAINING REVISION/CHANGES REVISED/CHANGED BY: Scott DATE: 3-29-13 REVIEWED BY: Don DATE: 3-29-13 SRO Reviewer f'; . f : APPROVED BY: DATE: 4{S ll'l 2012 SROI Retake JPM I


1 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET Ginna Task No.: 068-001-01-01 Task Perform transfer operations from JPM No.: 2012 Retake N-I the RCDT and the PRT KJA 068 K1.04 (2.4/2.5)

Alternate Path Yes NoX Knowledge of physical connections and/or cause effect relationships between the Liquid Radwaste system and the following systems: Reactor drain tank Time Critical Yes No x Category:

RO/SRO NRC Examiner:

Facility Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Task Standard:

Required Materials:




  • The plant is operating at 100% power.
  • RCDT Level is 31 % and stable
  • RCDT is in a normal configuration lineup
  • RCDT 'B' is tagged out for a minor PM Manually pump down RCDT Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Gloves, Safety shoes, dosimetry 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700, Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix Page 3 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM Initiating Cue: The CRS directs you to perform the weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps per 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET Validation Time: 7 Minutes CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Possible Pump damage/ degradation Possible damage to MSA Gas Analyzer SAFETY Radiological INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Make available a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700, Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Reactor Coolant Drain Tank DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must correctly perform each critical Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your reactions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your performance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP
  • N/A 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Obtain a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700 N/A Obtains a copy of procedure from FCMS. Provide Operator a copy of 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET, Rev. 16700. Review procedure to determine correct section/ Attachment to be performed.

6.1.11 Identifies Attachment 15, Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps, required per Initiating Cue. Observes requirements of -30% level to pump down RCDT manually If asked when looking at LI-1003 on waste panel: "U-1003 reads -30%" RCDT level given in Cue. 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PERFORM this Attachment on Saturday to exercise the RCDT Pumps. This Attachment may also be performed, at any time, to lower RCDT level prior to 40%, to prevent auto pump down ATT-15, Step 1.0 Reviews Attachment 15, Weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps. None IF RCDT GAS OUTLET ISOL TO VENT HDR, V-1716A, is CLOSED,THEN PERFORM section 3.0 OTHERWISE, MARK this step N/A 2.0 Determines, by checking locally, that V-1716A is open and that step does not apply. N/A's this step. If checked locally, feedback that "valve indicates open, stem out". V-1716A is a Normally Open valve that would be closed only for maintenance or for leakage path isolation (e.g., Refueling OE) Located AB Intermediate Level, behind SFP 'A HX (6ft) 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: .'" Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 7 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION IF RCDT GAS OUTLET ISOL TO VENT HDR, V-1716A, is OPEI\J,THEN PERFORM section 4.0 OTHERWISE, MARK this step N/A 2.1 Determines, by checking locally, that V-1716A is open. Determines that the step applies. Proceeds to step 4.0, to PERFORM the following to exercise RCDT Pump A

  • If checked locally, feedback: "V-1716A is open." PLACE Switch for RCDT Pump A suction AOV-1003A to OPEN (Waste Panel). 4.1 Pump A suction 1If requested, feedback: "Switch is in the OPEN position". "Red light is LIT, Green light is Out" If verification is requested pertaining to labels, "AOV-1003 is the same as LCV-1003" 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C ..Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: ", Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 ..IPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION START RCDT Pump A at the Waste Panel. 4.2.

at the Waste Panel. Feedback:" Red light lit, Green light out" If RCDT level checked, feedback "level lowering on 1003" If Candidate informs Control Room of RCDT Pump down, acknowledge When RCDT pump is started, level will begin to lower. WHEN a level decrease is noted in RCDT level, THEN STOP RCDT PumpA. 4.3 [V] Verifies levetlowertngonLJ-1d03 [,fJSimulates' stoppingRGDTPumpA If candidate checks RCDT level, after RCDT Pump is stopped feedback "Level is 25% and stable" ReDT Low Level Alarm is received at 13%. 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C :V Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 10 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 9 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PLACE Switch for RCDT Pump A suction AOV-1003A switch to AUTO Position.

4.4 red light OFF. "Red Light OFF. Green Light If guidance is requested pertaining to labels, "AOV-1003 the same as Valve AOV-1003A will open/cycle closed automatically pump down when the switch is in Report Completion of Pump N/A Reports to CRS/Control Room that pump-down is completed Acknowledge communication Terminating Cue: When report is made to the Control Room: " This JPM is complete." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION CRITICAL STEP BASES CRITICAL STEP: "Those steps that, when not performed correctly, in the proper sequence, and/or at the proper time, will prevent the system from functioning properly or preclude successful completion of the task." (ES-603, pp 2-3) Performance Procedure Basis for Critical Step Step 6 ATT-15, step 4.1 Required switch action(s) to perform 7 ATT-15, step 4.2 Required switch action(s) to perform 8 ATT-15, step 4.3 Required action for proper procedural 9 ATT-15, step 4.4 Required switch action(s) to perform

-. * -2012 SROI Retake JPM I I Appendix Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N-I (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR NAME: JOB PERFORMANCE Weekly Operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps 068-001-01-01 Perform transfer operations from the RCDT and the PRT Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONSIINACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: SATISFACTORY D UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI Retake JPIVII Appendix Form ES-C-1 INITIAL INITIATING JPM CUE The plant is operating at 100% power. RCDT Level is 31 % and stable RCDT is in a normal configuration lineup RCDT Pump B is tagged out for a minor PM The CRS directs you to perform the weekly Operation Of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps per 0-6.11, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT/ROUTINE OPERATIONS CHECK SHEET 2012 SROI Retake JPM I Appendix C Page 1 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM COVERSHEET 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N..J (In-plant)

LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE Alternate SFP Coaling Systems (A to B) MEASURE: SYSTEM: Spent Fuel Pool Storage and Cooling System TASK: 033-003-01-04, Start-up Fuel Cooling System in different Pump/ Heat Exchanger combinations PURPOSE: Realign SFP Cooling System to accommodate a full core off-load.


Appendix Page 2 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM Facility:

Ginna Task No.. 033-003-01-04 Task Title: Start up Fuel Cooling system in different Pump! Heat Exchanger combinations.

JPM No.: JR033.006 (New) KIA


033 G2.1.29 (RO 4.11 BRO 4.0) Knowledge of how to conduct system lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches, etc.

Path Yes No X Facility Method of Simulated Performance: Classroom READ TO THE EXAMINEE Time Critical Yes No X Ca 1 tegory: ROISRO NRC Examiner:

Date: Actual Performance:

Simulator Plant X I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Task Standard:

Required Materials: The plant is Shutdown for a Refueling Outage and has just entered MODE 3. Preparations are being made to accommodate an upcoming Full Core Off-Load to the SFP. Initial SFP temperature is 80°F SFP cooling system A just been removed from service Properly performs all steps of procedure S-9 to alternate SFP Cooling Systems. Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, Gloves, Safety Shoes and Dosimetry.

2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix Page 3 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET General


  • S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev 00500 The CRS has requested that you continue the swap of the SFP Initiating Cue: cooling systems by placing SFP cooling system '8' in service starting at step 6.6.4 of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION Validation Time: 15 Minutes CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE: Inadequate SFP cooling for expected core off-load. System component damage Tech Spec Violation TRM Violation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

None INSTRUCTOR NOTES: If SFP system is "Protected Equipment", contact SM for p*'rmission for performing JPM in area Indicate reason for unsatisfactory performance in the comment section below each step. Simulate all component manipulations should be stressed Make available a copy of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev 00500, to the Operator at the appropriate cue. DIRECTIONS TO PERFORMER: To complete the task successfully, you must perform each critical element correctly. Where necessary, consider the examiner to be the CRS. Verbalize all your actions and observations while performing the JPM. Where necessary, consider the examiner for peer checks as appropriate. When you have indicated you understand the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues the JPM will commence. Verbalize when you consider your perfcrmance of the JPM complete. Are there any questions before beginning this JPM? 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 4 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM WORKSHEET SIMULATOR SETUP

  • N/A 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 5 of 15 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with a Start Time: ___ Performance Step: 1 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Obtains the working copy of S-S', SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev. 00500 N/A N/A Provide Operator a marked-up copy of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION, Rev. 01)500 Review applicable sections to be performed in procedure.

Table of Contents N/A If requested, "CRS directs plalcing B in service per section 6.6." Candidate may N/A sections not used Reviews PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section of procedure.

4.0 Reviews PRECAUTIONS and LIMITATIONS section None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 6 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Review PREREQUISITES section. Step 5.0 Reviews marked up section Completes signature block 5.1.2 None Proceeds to section 6.6 SFP System B in service Reads CAUTION ahead of step 6.6.6 not to exceed flow of 2500 GPM as read FI-8683 CAUTION prior to Step 6.6.4 Verbalizes understanding of CAUTION. None 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C ...*:j. Performance Step: 6 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Page 7 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION THROTTLE OPEN 1 B SFP HX SW RETURN ISOL VLV, 8689, until SFP HX B outlet flow, FI-8683, indicates between 1450 and 1550 GPM RECORD final flow on FI-8683 GPM 6.6.4 and 6.6.5 As candidate throttles valve, and checks flow, feedback uFlow on FI-8683 begins to rise from 0 GPM and indicates1500 GPM" OPEN 1B SERVICE WATER OUTLET BLOCK VALVE TO RE-20B, V-8634 Step 6.6.6 Opens V-8634. "Valve no longer turns in that direction" Valve is located between Ope;rating floor between A' SW HX and B' SFP HX (5FT) 2012 SRO' NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Comment: Page 8 of Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION THROTTLE SFP HX B SW OUTLET BLOCK VLV, V-8685, UNTIL SPENT FUEL POOL HEAT EXCHANGER B OUTLET TO RE-20B FLOW INDICATOR, Fj.*8631, indicates between 75 and 100 GPM RECORD final flow on FI-8631 ._GPM Step 6.6.7 and 6.6.8 Simulates opening V-8685 and verifies flow on FI-8631. "Valve is throttled OPEN'" When candidate checks flow, "FI-8631 Indicates 90 GPM" Valve 8685 is located at Aux Bldg operating floor platform near B CCW HX top of stairs ENSURE a leak check of the SFP suction line is performed prior to pump start. ENSURE a visual verification has been performed that ensures the SFP pump suctions are not blocked and SFP area is free of potential foreign material.

Steps 6.6.9 iand 6.6.10 Performs visual check of suction lines for leakage and verifies SFP suctions are not blocked "No leaks are indicated":: "Suction lines are not blocked" "Spent Fuel Pool area is free of potential 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 9 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: ENSURE OPEN LOW SUCTIOI\IISOL VLV TO SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRC PUMPS (AL T), V-782 Procedure Step 6.6.11

[1fSimlllates 6pening\l-782.

Evaluator "Valve no longer turns in that direction" Comment: Performance Step: ENSURE OPEN HIGH SUCTION ISOL VLV TO SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRC PUMPS (NORMAL), V-781. Procedure Step 6.6.12 Ensures V-781 OPEN Evaluator CUE: If checked in closed direction feedback "valve moves in that direction" * "stem indicates out" Evaluator NOTE: Valve will be open already at this point Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix Page 10 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIF1CATION OF COMPLETION

.--J Performance Step: THROTTLE CLOSED ISOLATION GATE VALVE FROM SFP PUMP B TO SFP HEAT EXCHANGER B, V-8667, to approximately 80%-90% CLOSED. Procedure Step 6.6.13 Standard:

Evaluator "Valve indicates approximately 90% closed" Comment: *.* Performance Step: 13 START SFP Pump B. Procedure Step 6.6.14 START pUshbutton, Observes 'Red' light lit Evaluator CUE: * "Normal pump motor Noise on startup, Red light lit" If candidate checks Pump pressure on PI-8672, feedback "60 psig stable"

  • If Control Room is notified of pump start, acknowledge.

Comment: 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 11 of 15 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: DO NOT exceed 1700 GPM as indicated on FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTER FOR PAC07B (SPENT FUEL POOL RECIRCULATION PUMP B), FIT-8667 Procedure CAUTION prior to step 6.6.15 Reads CAUTION Evaluator None Comment: Performance Step: THROTTLE ISOLATION GATE VALVE FROM SFP PUMP 8 TO SFP HEAT EXCHANGER 8, V-13667, UNTIL flow is between 1100 and 1700 GPIVl on (SPENT FUEL POOL RECI RCULA TION PUMP B), FIT-8667 Procedure Step 6.6.15 between:11 00 Standard: . Evaluator CUE:

  • IF Flow is checked initially on FIT-8667checked, feedback "flow indicates 300 GPM"
  • After simulating throttling V-i3667 open, feedback "flow indicates 1200 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 12 of 15 Form ES-C-1 JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Performance Step: 16 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Performance Step: 17 Procedure Step: Standard:

Evaluator CUE: Evaluator NOTE: Comment: Terminating Cue: IF SW system flow rate greater than 1800 GPM through B SFP heat exchanger as indicated in Step 4.4, THEN an evaluation SHALL be performed CAUTION prior to Step 6.6.16 Observes note and determines that SW system flow was throttled to less than 1800 GPM on FI-8683 in step 6.6.4 IF Flow is re-verified on FIT-8683, feedback indicates 1500 If Control Room is notified of SFP cooling system B service is made, This was checked in step 6.6.4. THROTTLE SFP HX 8 SW OUTLET VLV, V8689, as required to maintain desired maintain SFP temperature.

Step 6.6.16 Verifies SFP Temperature and determines no changes to SW flow required at this time Feedback SFP temperatu'e is 80°F If Control Room is notified of SFP cooling system B service is made, SFP Temperature changes w()uld take a significant amount time to occur "No further action is required." Stop Time: ___ 2012 SROI NRC Retake JPM J Appendix C Page 13 of 15 Form JPM VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2012 SRO RETAKE EXAM JPM N...J (In plant) LICENSED OPERATOR JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Alternate SFP Cooling Systems (A to 033-003-01-04, Start-up Fuel Cooling System in different Pump/ Heat Exchanger combinations Time to Complete:

_____ Document below any instances of failure to comply with industrial safety practices, radiation safety practices and use of HU Tools. NOTES: DID A NEAR MISS OCCUR DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE DYES D NO PERSONNEL ACTIONS/INACTIONS OR PROCEDURAL QUALITY? (If yes, provide comments below) COMMENTS:

The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be: D SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY EVALUATOR'S DATE: SIGNATURE:

2012 SROI NRC Retake ..IPM J Appendix Form ES-C-1 ,IPM CUE INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is Shutdown for a Refueling Outage and has just entered MODE 3. Preparations are being made to accommodate an upcoming Full Core Off-Load to the SFP. SFP cooling system A just been removed from service Initial SFP temperature is 80°F The CRS has requested that you continue the swap of the INITIATING CUE: SFP cooling systems by placing SFP cooling system '8' in service starting at step 6.6.4 of S-9, SFP COOLING SYSTEM OPERATION 2012 SROi NRC Retake JPM J