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#REDIRECT [[IA-86-278, Package of Documents Listing OL Review Costs of Plants Issued OLs Since Mar 1979 Accident at TMI Site]]
| number = ML20203J555
| issue date = 07/25/1986
| title = Package of Documents Listing OL Review Costs of Plants Issued OLs Since Mar 1979 Accident at TMI Site
| author name =
| author affiliation = NRC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket =
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-86-278
| document report number = NUDOCS 8608050322
| package number = ML20203J548
| page count = 57
{{#Wiki_filter:T. -
(  .ommonwealth Edison C:mpany    (
          -          . Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984
                ~            ~
FACILITY:    Byron 1 DOCKET NO.:    50-454 Costs Per        Professional Program Office      Professional        . Staff-hours    Staff-hour  Contractual  Total Review            Staff-hour          Expended        Costs        Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                  $39              33,291.2      $1.298,357    $627,217  $1,925,574
: 2. IE-HQ                36                  52.0            1,872    16,150      18,022
: 3. REGIONS              36              21,837.2          786,139                786,13:-
: 4. ACRS                  50                  353.9          17,695                  17,695
: 5. NMSS                  38                  262.5            9,975                  9,975 Total Cost: 52,757,405 gBO          2 860725 EVANS 86-278          PDR l
l 1
Union Electric Company Operating License Review Costs Through October 18, 1984 (100% Power)
Standardized Design - Duplicate Unit FACILITY: Callaway 1 l
DOCKET NO. 50-483 l
Costs Per      Professional Program Office          Professional        Staff-hours      Staff-hour    Contractual  Total Review                Sta f f-hour        Expended          Costs          Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR(before 6/23/84)    539            24,601.6          $959,462      $605,438    $1,564,900 NRR (6/23/84 & after) S62                827.5            51,305          -          51,305
: 2. IE-HQ                    36              583.0            20,988        56,300      77,288
: 3. REGIONS                  36          24,334.7            876,049          -        876,049
: 4. ACRS (before 6/23/84      50              486.1            24,305          -          24,305 ACRS(6/23/84 & after      62                2.0                124        -
: 5. NMSS                      38              860.3            32,691          -          32,691 Total Cost:    $2,626,66 1/  The total cost of $2,626,662 exceeds the maximum fee of 51,024,500 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21 A.2. , as revised March 23, 1978, for standardized design - duplicate unit review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 10 CFR 170.21 no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
                  .              DOCKET NO.:      50-413 Costs Per      Professional Program Office Professional Review                    staff-hours        Staff-hour                              i
_ Staff-hour      iExpended                          Contractual      Total Costs                                  !
__      Costs  _
                                                                                            . Costs
: l. putR
                          $39            38,400.2          $1,497,608    $482,377
: 2. IE-HQ        36                  886.0            31,896      18,300          50,196
: 3. REG 10H3        36            18,839.7              678,229          -
: 4. ACRS 50                  327.0            16,350          -
: 5. NMSS            38                676.5              25,707          -
25.707 Total Cost:  52,750,467 l
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i o
                -                                      Duke Power Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 1/17/85(100% Power)
FACILITY: Catawba 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-413 Costs Per    Professional Program Office              Professional      Staff-Hours              Staff-Hour          Contractual  Total Review                  Staff-Hour        Expended                  Costs                Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                          $62            4,186.1                $259,538            $111,730  $371,268 293.0              15,529              --        15,529
: 2. IE-HQ                          53 1,241.5                  65,800                  130    65,930
: 3. REGIONS                        53 10.8              670              --          670
: 4. ACRS                          62 58                      62.0            3,596              --        3,596
: 5. NMSS TOTAL COST:      $456,993 NRR Cost Adjustments From Previous Billing Period          -3,120 Revised Cost Total              $453,873 0 EWhen the costs of $453,873 are added to the costs of $2,750,467 from the previous billing period, the cumulative costs through January 17, 1985, the date of issuance of the 100% power license, are $3,204,340. This total exceeds by $126,940 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly,$126,940 has been subtracted from the costs of $453,873, leaving a balance due of $326,933.
DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per                                                  Professional Program Office        Professional                                                          Staff-hours Review staff-hour        Contractual                  Total Staff-hour                                                        Expended    Costs                      Costs              Costs I.  ,
NRR                            $39                                                  1,243.5    $48,497            $232,493                  $280,990
: 2.      IE-HQ                              36                                                  32.0      1,152                  18,300              19,452
: 3. REGIONS                            36                                                  6311.2    227,203                          -
: 4. ACRS                                50                                                  266.7      13,335                          -
: 5. NMSS                              38                                                    271 . 0    10,298                        -
10,298 Total Cost: $551,278
.l i
Exc L esv4E I
              .  , _ _ . . -__ - -.-- - - - - - - . . . . , - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - ~                      - - - -
Duke Power Compar Jperating License Review C:sts t an 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Catawba 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per    Professional Program Office Professional    Sta f f-hours      Staff-hour    Contractual    Total Review    5taff-hour      Expended            Costs          Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            $62              -                  -          $26,209      $26,209
: 2. IE-HQ          53              -                  -            1,700        1,700
: 3. REGIONS        53            470.0              24,910          -          24,910
: 4. ACRS            62              2.5                155          -
: 5. NMSS            58                -                -            -              -
Total Cost:    $52,974 i
Operating Li, ese Review osts From 12/23/84 .l cough 6/22/85 FAtlLITY: CATAWBA 2
            .            DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per      Professional Program Office  Professional Review Sta ff-hours    Staff-hour      Contractual    Total Staff-hour          Expended        Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            $62                319.0      $19,778          $5,180      $24,958
: 2. IE-HQ          53                33.0        1,749          8,500        10,249
: 3. REGIONS        53            1,853.5        98,236              --
: 4. ACRS            62                  3.0          186            --
: 5. NMSS            58                194.5        11,281              --
11.281 Total Cost: $144,910 F/f
8twolob ww u L LL L e is6 b LW W M 3 OPERATI. LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH J. . 23, 1984 FACILITY: DIABLO CANYON 2 DOCKET NO.:      50-323 Costs Per          Professional Prograr. Office    Professional          Sta ff-hours        Staff-hour Review                                                              Contractual    Total Staff-hour            Expended              Costs        Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $39              11,712.3            $456,780    $883,537    $1.340,3'S
: 2. IE-HQ              36                  None                  -        26,594        26,5M
: 3. REGIONS            36                7,105.0            255,780        -          255,7M
: 4. ACRS                50                  320                16,000        -            16,03
: 5. NMSS                38                    426.0              16,l88 1E ,163 Total Cost: ST,654,E7F 4
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Pacific Gas & Electric-Campa:v                                                        hw a g F
                .                                                                                (
Operating License Review Costs from 6/24/84 through 12/22/84 FAtlLITY: DIABLO CANYON 2 DOCKET NO.:      50-323 Costs Per            Professional Prograr Office      Professional            Sta f f-hours Review                                            Sta f f-hour                      Contractual              Total
_ Staff-hour            _ Expended        _ Costs                              Costs                Costs 1            NRR                562            1,647.5          $102,145                          $95,906              $201,051
  ;2.            IE-HQ              53                12.0                            636            3,000                3,E36
: 3.            REGICM              53            1,720.5                91,202                      75,70-                16f ,E 2
: 4.            ACR5                62                --
: 5.            NES                55                13.0                            754                --
754 Total Cost:            5372,3c3 l
l l
(      '
$1 .
l Pacific Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY:    Diablo Canyon 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-323 Costs Per    Professional        '
Program Office    Professional      Staff-Hours      Staff-Hour      Contractual  Total Review        Staff-Hour        Expended          Costs            Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR              $62            2,737.5        $169,725          $352,034 $521,759
: 2. IE-HQ              53              41.0            2,173            3,900    6,073
: 3. REGIONS            53            2,212.5          117,263            --
: 4. ACRS              62              90.5            5,611            --
: 5. NMSS              58              --                --            --        --
TOTAL COST:    $650,706 i
i i
O                      o
            ,                                          Alabama Power Company Farley 2 License NPF-8 Docket 50-364 Custom Design Review Program Office        Professional                      Cost of Professional  Manpower        Contractual    Total Review          Man-hours Expended                      Manpower /hr.      Cost          Support      Costs NRR                    13,432 1/                            $ 39          $523,848            -      $523,8'E IE                      9,256.9                              36          333,248            -      333,24E ACRS                        96                          1      50            4,800            -        4,8::
ASLBP              Contested Case                              -              -                -          -
ASLAP                  None                                    -              -                -          -
Total:                      $861,8965 1/ There were 2,288 hours and $18,000 in contractual costs consumed for contested hearings.
These amounts were not included in the NRR staff effort.
2] The total cost of $861,896 exceeds the maximum fee of'5302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
THE DETROIT EDIS0N COMPANY OPERATING LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH JUNE 23, 1984 FACILITY:    FERMI 2 DOCKET NO.:    50-341 Costs Per        Professional Program Office          Professional        Staff-hours      Staff-hour Review                                                                Contractual  Total Staff-hour          Expended          Costs          Costs    _ Costs
: 1. NRR                    $39            47,232.7        $1,842,075      $981,761    $2,823,536
: 2.      IE-HQ                  36                861              30,996        27,000          57,d6 L
: 3. REGIONS                36            29,235.2          1,052,467          -
: 4. ACPS                    50                373.3            18,665          -
: 5. NMSS                  38                987.0            37,506          -
37,5:6 Total Cost:  $3,990,17-if The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of
        $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21, $3,077,400 is the maximum amount that may be assessed for the OL review under 10 CFR 170 as revised June 20, 1984.
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DETROIT EDISON COMPANY OPERATING LICENSE REVIEW COSTS FROM 6/24/84 THROUGH 12/22/84 FACILITY:  Fermi 2                                                        ,
I DOCKET NO.:                  50-341                                        '
Costs Per    Professibnal Program Office    Professional  Staff-hours          Staff-hour              Contractual    Total  '
Review          Staff-hour      Expended                        Costs          Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $62        3760.5              $233,151                $ 61,086      $294,237
: 2. IE-HQ              53        207.0                          10,971        14,400        25,371
: 3. REGIONS            53      10,418.4                      552,175          129,510        681,685
: 4. ACRS                62          3.8                            236            .              236
: 5. NMSS                58        158.0                          9,164            .            9,164    ,-
Total Cost:        $1,010,693 F//3-
                    . _ . .  .      .-.      - . .      -    -. .=        -              -      - - . -
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[                                                    Detroit Edison Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 I
FACILITY:    Fermi 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-341 i
Costs Per          Professional Program Office          Professional          Staff-Hours        Staff-Hour      Contractual          Total Review              Staff-Hour            Expended            Costs                Costs          Costs 1    NRR                    $62                2,192.5          $135,935          $76,409          $212,344
: 2. IE-HQ                    53                    128.0            6,784              15,009          21,793
: 3. REGIONS                  53                4,500.5            238,527              41,783        280,310 4  ACRS                      62                      3.0              186              --
: 5. NMSS                      58                      5.0              290              --
290 1
i TOTAL COST:            $514,923 1
f i
[ ississippi Pow:;r & Light Compa Operating License Review Costs Throu9h 8/31/84
          ,                  FACILITY: GRAND GULF 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-416 Costs Per      Professional Program Office Professional      Staff-hours Review Staff-hour      Contractual    Total Staff-hour        Expended          Costs              Cests      Costs
: 1. NRR            $39            52,027.2        $2,029,061        5351,728  52,380,789 NRR            $62              2,039.0            126,418            --
: 2. IE-HQ          36                  --
: 3. REGIONS          36            16,835.7          606.085            --
: 4. ACRS            50                  608.5            30,425 ACRS            62 30,425 20.0              1,240        --
: 5. NMSS            38                  299.25            11.37.1.      --
11.37A NMS5            Sg                      g, .              ,                            y
                                    ,.      >I e      ' I'd 1 A Total ost: $3,156,329 Il 4 S,nu,557 ax4 c.,L4has >JrSS Cs$f[                .
  ..                                                                      r f
Public Service Electric and Gas Company Operating License Reveiw Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY: Hope Creek 1 DOCKET NO.:      50-354 Costs Per        Professional Program Office      Professional          Staff-hours      Staff-hour    Contractual  Total Review              Staff-hour          Expended _        Costs          Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                    $39                17,279.2      $ 673,889      $ 156,658  $ 830,547
: 2. IE-HQ                  36                  ~436.0          15,696        21,300      36,996
: 3. REG 10iiS              36                11,488.5          413,586          -
: 4. ACRS                    50                    30.6          1,530          -            1,530
: 5. NMSS                    38                    156.0          5,928                      5,928 Total Cost: $ 1,288,587
(') Public Service Electric & Ga(''ompany
* OperatingLicNYeReviewCostsFromJune 24, 1984 through December 22, 1984 FACILITY: HOPE CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-354 Costs Per          Professional Prograrr Office      Professional          Staff-hours      Staff-hour        Contractual    Total Review            S ta f f-hour          Expended          Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                  $62                  7,022.0          $435,364        5167,554  $602,918
: 2. IE-HQ                53                    200.0            10,600              --      10,600
: 3. REGIONS              53                  2,433.0          128,949              --
128,949 4    ACRS                  62                    357.8            22,184              --      22,184 S. NK55                  53                                                        --        --
Total Cost:  5764,651 NRR Cost Adjustrnent      -1,518 Total Revised Costs    $763,133 e
I                                                                                                  f//?
Pub'ic service Electric and Gas Comp 4y Operating License Revieri Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: HOPE CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-354 1
Costs Per      Professional                                          -
Program Office    Professionel      Staff-hours          Staff-hour  Contractual  Total Review        Staff-hour        Expended              Costs        Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR                $62            3,211.8            $199,132    5156,901  5356,033 l
: 2. IE-HQ              53                563.0              29,839      72,448  102,287
: 3. REGIONS            53            4,300.0              227,900      11,836  239,736
: 4. ACRS                62                194.0              12,028        --
: 5. NMSS                58                198.5              11,513        --      11,513 Total Cost:  5721,597 t7/r
                                      ' nng Island Ligh2ing Company          -.
Jamesport 1 & 2            (
Permit CPPR 175 & 176 Docket STri 50-516 6 517 CP Review - Utility Referencing Standardized Design - Replicate                          ,
(170.21 A 3.)                          .
Program Office      Professional              Cost of Professional        Manpower        Contractual        Total Review      Man-hours Expended            Manpower /Hr              Cost            Support            Costs Unit 1 NRR                          13,,511 MH  E            $39/MH          $ 526,929        $345,000      $ 871,929 IE                        381.6 MH                    $36/MH                13,738            -              13,738 ACRS                      197.5 MH                    $50/MH                  9,875          -              9,875 ASLBP                    Contested Hearing                -                      -            -                -      '
ASLAP                    Contested Hearing              .-                        -            -                -
Total Cost Expended          $ 895,542 Fee Paid 6/14/74              125,000 1/4/79          811,600 Total Fees Paid                  $936,600 Refund Due Unit 1            $ 41,05d/
Unit 2 IE                      311.2 MH                      $36/hr          $      11,203            -
                                                                                                        $      11,203 ACRS                      197.5 MH                      $50/hr                    9,875          -              9,875 ASLBP                    Contested Hearing                                          -            -                -
ASLAP                    Contested Hearing                                          -            -                -
Total Cost Expended        $ 21,078 Fee Paid 1/4/79          164,200 Refund Due Unit 2              143,122 2/
2 Total Refund due Unit 1 & 2 $ 184.180 _/*
l E ncludes 300 professional man-hours which represents the f;RR manpower expended for the uncontested protion of the mandatory hearing which was contested. Total hearing time expended by NRR was 4,465 man-hours.
U Th e costs expended for Units 1 & 2 are less than the construction permit fees for the first replicate unit and a concurrent replicate unit as stated in 170.21 A.3 of the regulations.
In accordan o with Footnote 3 of 170.21 a refund is due the licensee.
__,_      _      - _            _. _ = _ _ _ - [                  .
Commonwealth Edison Company
                          .                    LaSalle 1 100% Power License December 3, 1982 Docket 50-373 License NPF-ll Professional      Costs Per Prcgram Office      Staff-hours      Professional    Staff-hour    Contractual      Total R: view            Expended      Staff-hour          Costs            Costs        Costs NRR                42,990            $39          $1,676,610    $383,521        $2,060,131 IE                26,716.4          36              961,790        -              961,790 ACRS                  306.7          50                15,335        -              15,335 NMSS                  618.5          38                23,503        -              23,503 Total Cost: $3,060,759 1/
The total cost of $3,060,759 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additionhl OL fee is due from the licensee.
3 r                                  ,-                        .
k                                  .
Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle 2                                      -
1007. Power License March 23, 1984 Docket No. 50-374, License NPF-18 i
Professional      Costs Per Program Office        Staff-hours      Professional    Staff-hour    Contractual    Total Review              Expended          Staff-hour        Costs          Costs        Costs NRR                11.225.9              $39          $437,810      $119,594      $557,404 l
IE                11.541.5              36          415,494          2,645      418,139 l
ACRS                  74.4              50            3,720          -            3,720 NMSS                  72.0              38            2,736          -            2,736 Total Cost: $931,999 E
,                                                                                                  i l
M The total cost of $981,999 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
i F4/  l
V    .-
  ,                                Philadelphia Electric Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY:    Limerick 1 DOCKET NO.:      50-352 Costs Per      Professional Program Office      Professional        Staff-hours        Staff-hour  Contractual      Total Review          Staff-hour          Expended            Costs        Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR                  $39            49,692.6          $1,938,011    $1,553,514 $3,491,5~5
: 2. IE-HQ                36                617.5              22,230        4,751        26,c81
: 3. REGIONS              36            18,942                681,912          -
681,91 Z,
: 4. ACRS                  50                442.9              22,145          --          22,145
: 5. NMSS                  38                895.5              34,029          --
34,019 Total Cost: 54,256,592 1/ The cost of the OL review through June 23,19S4 exceeds the maximum fee of 53,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21, 53,077,400 is the maximum amount that may be assessed for the OL review under 10 CFR 170 as revised June 20, 1984.
i I
1 l
Enclosure 1 IL
t i
Philadelphia Electric Company Operatin9 License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY:  LIMERICK 1 DOCKET NO.:  50-352 Costs Per    Professional Program Office  Professional Review                        Staff-Hours        Staff-hour        Contractual Sta ff-hour      Expended                                          Total Costs              Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $62          4,899.6          $303,775          $91,355    $395,130
: 2. IE-HQ              53            832.0            44,096            23,900        67,996
: 3. REGIONS              53        6,175.5            327,302            32,599      359,901
: 4. ACRS                62            279.2            17,310              --
: 5. NMSS                58            164.0              9,512
* 9,512
                                                                                      $849,849 flRR Cost Adjustment From Previous Period:        -60,600 REVISED TOTAL COST:        $789,249 Wu
    , '.                                  Duke Power Company                                            .
McGuire 1 100% Power License 7/8/81 Custom Review-First Unit
                  -                    Docket 50-369, License NPF-9
> gram Office      Professional          Cost of Professional        Manpower    Contractual    Total Review            Man-hou-s Expended        Manpower /hr.              Cost        Support      Costs Fnit 1 IRR                    32,397 ll              5 39                $1,263,433    $353,509    $1,616,991 IE                      15,610.4                  36                    561,974        -        561,974 SCRS                      270                    50                      13,500        -          13,500 SSLBP              Contested Hearing                                                                -
ASLAP                    None                                                                      -
1 Total Cost:        $2,192,4T6 1/ We have not included 10,541 staff hours expended for contested hearings.
3/ The total. cost of $2,i92,466 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21,A.l. of Part 170.      In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
Duke Power Company McGuire 2 100% Power License May 27, 1983 Docket No. 50-370, License NPF-17 Professional          Costs Per Program Office      Staff-hours Review                              Professional    Staff-hour    Contractual Expended          Sta ff-hour                                  Total Costs              Costs  Costs NRR                9,099              $39          $ 354,861      $143,792      $498,653 IE                8,888.7.
36              319,993        .        319,993 ACRS                325.6                50              16,280        -
16,280 NMSS                      -
38                -
Total Cost:  $834,926  1/
The total cost of $834,926 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
e,--  .-
r Northeast Nuclear Energy Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY: Millstone 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-423 Costs Per      Professional Program Office        Professional      Staff-hours            Staff-hour  Contractual      Total Review            Staff-hour          Expended              Costs        Costs          Costs
: 1. NRR                    $39          23,574.6              $ 919,409    $ 653,273      $ 1,572,682
: 2. IE-HQ                  36                341.0                12,276      21,166            33,442
: 3. REGION S                36          11,474.9                413,096        -
: 4. ACRS                    50                101.2                5,060        -
: 5. NMSS                    38                125.0                4,750        -
4,750 Total Cost: $ 2,029,030 l
  < p 4-j... > ;p.g prGgw.+ .        *N p f g st    j g ] g ,h g q f;f,j;,  q  gffg j g ,yg,p g f g ig; Operating License Review Cost From 6/24/04 through 12/22/84 FACILITY:    MILLSTONE 3 DOCKET NO.:      50-423 Costs Per      Professional Prograrr Office    Professional        Sta f f-hours      Staff-hour        Contractual    Total Review        Staff-hour          Expended            Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            562                4,729.0          $293,198          S178,227  5471,425
: 2. IE-HC            53                  147.0            7,791            2,830      10,591
: 3. RE G: 0*d        53                2,105.0            111,565              --
:. 4:R5              i:                  545.3            33,539              --      33,809
: 5. hw.55            5E                    78.0            4,524              --
4.52 Total Cost:  5631,914 NRR Cost Adjustnen      - E ,4 3:-
From Previous Billing Period Revised Cost Tctal    5E2E,514 l
f^ theast Nuclear Energy Company b Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: MILLSTONE 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-423 Costs Per      Professional                                            -
Program Office        Professional      Staff-hours    Staff-hour    Contractual    Total Review            Staff-hour        Expended        Costs          Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR                  $62            6.947.4      $430,739        $130,524      $561,263
: 2. IE-HQ                  53            2,417.0        128,101        177,930      306,031
: 3. REGIONS                53            -4 ,494.5      238,209          11,186      249,395
: 4. ACRS                  62                10.0          620            --
: 5. NMSS                  58                225.5        13,079            --
13,079 Total Cost: $1,130,388E E When the costs of $1,130,388 are added to the costs of $2,654,544 from the two previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 22, 1985 are $3,784,932. This total exceeds by $707,532 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21.
Accordingly, $707,532 has been subtracted from the costs of $1,130,388, leaving a total of $422,856 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5% power) on November 25, 1985, only
  $422,856 may be assessed fog the OL review through issuance of the 100% power license.
66 7
2 a -~
Enclosure 5 REVISED Virginia Electric & Power Company
              ~                              North Anna 2 100% Power License Issued 10/17/80 Review Concurrent With Unit 1 Docket 50-339 License NPF-7 Program Office      Professional Review Cost of Professional        Manpower      Contractual      Total Man-Hours Expended            Manpower /Hr.              Cost        Support        Costs
; Unit 2 iNRR                    16,664E                      $39                $649,896      $176,322 $ 826,215
.IE                    11.959.9                      36                  430,556          -
: ACRS                      905.2                      50                  45,260          -
45,263 lASLBP            (Contested Hearing)                                                                    -
ASLAP            (ContestedHearing)                                                                      -
TOTAL:          $1,302,03d/
_lf Valeria Wilson, NRR, informed LFM on January 26, 1981 that the hearing, which was contested, included both                                            ;
Units 1 and 2. As a result, the NRR manpower expended for the hearing was recorded against the Unit 1 docket.                                        j 2_/ The total cost of $1,302,034 exceeds the maximum fee of
                      $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for                                      ;
a concurrent unit review. In accordance with Footnote 3                                        '
of 170.21, no ' additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
                                                              -                ---              -            ~ ~ ~
                            ,- Arizona Public Service Company Operating scense Review Costs Through Jur. 23, 1984 FAtlLITY:    Palo Verde 1 DOCKET ND.:    STN 50-528 Costs Per      Professional Program Office    Professional        Staff-hours        Staff-hour  Contractual        Total Review          Staff-hour        Expended            Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $39            30,671.8          $1,196,200        $581,892 $1,77 E ,092.'
: 2. IE-HQ              36                588.0              21,168                      21,167
: 3. REGIONS            36            13,910.8              716,789                    716,787
: 4. ACRS                50                424.6              21,230                      21,230
: 5. NMSS                38                342.5              13,015                      13.015 Total Cost:    52,550,29t l
l l
r                Arizona Public Ser/':e Company Opera!  9 License Review Costs From 6/pff 84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Palo Verde 1 DOCKET NO.: STN 50-528 Costs Per      Professional Prograrr Office        Professional      Sta f f-hours      Staff-hour      Contractual  Total Review            Staff-hour        Expended            Costs            Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR                  562            5,397.2            S334,626          554,109      S388,735
: 2. IE-HQ                  53              304.0              16,112            4,734        20,846
: 3. REGIONS                53            7,924.5            419,999          44,200        464,199
: 4. ACRS                  62              51.1              3,168            -
: 5. NMSS                  58              46.5              2,697            -
2,697 Total Cost:  5879,645 1''
1/    When the costs of 5879,645 are added to the costs of $2,550,294 for the previous billing 22,1984 are $3,429,939. This total exceeds period the cumulative costs through Decemberas currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accord-by 5352,539 the maximum fee of 53,077,400 ingly, 5352,539 has been subtracted from the costs of 5879,645 leaving a total of 5527,106 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (Si power) on December 31, 1984, only $527,106 may be assessed for the OL review.
(                                    (
l Arizona Public Service Company                                  l Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/1/85 (100% Power) 1 FACILITY: Palo Verde 1                                        .
DOCKET NO.: 50-528 Costs Per    Professional        '
Program Office      Professional    Staff-Hours      Staff-Hour      Contractual  Total Review            Staff-Hour      Expended          Costs              Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR                  $62          1,657.4          5102,759          $17,555  $120,314
: 2. IE-HQ                53              33.0              1,749              --      1,749
: 3. REGIONS                53            157.0            8,321              --
8,321    :
: 4. ACRS                  62            138.1            8,562              --
8,562    1
: 5. NMSS                  58              --                  --            --        --
TOTAL COST:    $138,946 F/32-
                                  ~, Arizona Public Service Company ~.
Operating    :ense Review Costs Throu9h June )h 1984 FACILITY:      Palo Verde 2 DOCKET NO.:      STN 50-529 Costs Per      Professional Program Office      Professional        Staff-heurs        Staff-hour Contractual  Total Review          Staff-hour          Expended            Costs      Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $39                1,122.8          $43,789  $260,703  5304,492
: 2. IE-HQ                36                      7.0            252                    252
: 3. REGIONS              36                3,333            119,98E              119,988
: 4. ACRS                  50                    45.6          2,280                2,280
: 5. NMSS                  38                    168.5          6,403                6,4C2 Total Cost: $433,415 e
i 1
l-            Arizona Public Servi ~ Compa'ny Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Palo Verde 2 DOCKET NO.: STN 50-529 Costs Per    Professional Prograrr Office Professional    Staff-hours        Staff-hour      Contractual    Total Review      Staff-hour      Expended            Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            562              -                  -
5 458        5    458
: 2. IE-HQ          53                4.0        5    212          4,733          4,945
: 3. REGIONS        53              786            41,655              -          41,65E
: 4. ACRS            62              24.1            1,494              -          1,494
: 5. NM55            58              42.0            2,436              -          2,436 Total Cost:  $ 50,991 2
f ' trizona Public Service Company [~~.
Operating License Review Costs from 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: PALO VERDE 2
DOCKET NO.: STN 50-529 Costs Per          Professional                                                '
Prcgram Office        Professional          Sta ff-hours    Sta ff-hour    Contractual    Total Review          Staff-hour            Expended          Costs          Costs        Costs
: t. NRR                  $62                  120.5        $ 7,471              --
S 7,471 IE-HQ                53                    --              --
                                                                            $5,499            5,499
  . REGIDNS              53              2,503.0          132,659            --
  . ACRS                  62                  --
  . NM55                  58                  12.0            696            --
696 i
Total Cost: $146,325          '
I ff8f
4 i                                    '
THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUf41NATING COMPANY OPERATING LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH JUNE 23, 1984 FACILITY: PERRY l DOCKET NO.: 50-440 Costs Per      Professional Program Office  Professtonal      .Sta ff-hours    Staff-hour      Contractual    Total Review      Staff-hour          Expended          Costs          Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            $39            29,951.5        $1,168,109      $426,659      $1,594,7E E s
: 2. IE HQ            36              711.0            25,596          -
: 3. REGIONS          36            12,245.2            440,827          -
: 4. ACRS              50                330.7            16,535          b            16,535 c
: 5. NMSS                                672.0            25,536
J 38                                                  -
25,53f Total Cost:
                                                                                  $2,{03,2E2 Zweiosoet /
                          ,                        -
Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 li. ough 12/22/84 FACILITY: Perry 1 DOCKET NO.:    50-440 Costs Per        Professional                                                            '
Pr:grar Office Professional        Sta f f-hours Review Staff-hour  Contrac tual        Total S ta f f-hour        Expended          Costs          Costs          Costs o n ,Igl .%. 6 kd)
: 1. NRR            562                1,563.5          596,937      5132,287      $229,224
: 2. IE-HQ            53                2,075.0          109,975        215,800        325,775
: 3. REGIONS          53                1,859.3            95,5:3          --            9S,5 3 1  ACRS            62                    3.2              198          --
: 5. N.ES            58                  139.0            8,062          --
8,062 Total Cost:      5661,802 pan
                                                                                  +    : t t , / > > C, G fr
                                                                                                        - AC) .
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The< .ieveland Electric Illuminating tunpany Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY:  Perry 1 DOCKET NO.:    50-440 Costs Per      Professional Program Office          Professional      Staff-Hours        Sta f f-hour      Contractual Review            Sta ff-hour    _ Exoended                                            Total Costs              Costs        _Cos ts
: 1. NRR                  $62            $4,268.4          $264,641          $194,010      $458,651
: 2. IE-HQ                  53                971.0          51,463            76,030      127,493
: 3. REGIONS                53 5.188.2          274,975            41,836      316,811
: 4. ACRS                    62                  13.0              806            --
: 5. NMSS                  58                221.0            12,818              --
12,818 TOTAL COST:        $916,5791/
1/ Wh en the costs of $916,579 are added to the costs of $2,976,864 from the two previous billing periods, the cumulative    costs through June 22, 1985 are $3,893,443.
This total exceeds by $816,043 the maximum fee of 3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordi
    $816.043 has been subtracted from the costs of $916,579, leaving a balance due of $100,536.
DOCKET NO.:        50-458                                          l 1
Costs Per      Professional Program Office      Professional      Staff-hours          Staff-hour    Contractual  Total Review          Staff-hour      ' Expended            Costs          Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $39                23,970.3      $934,842      $468,754    $1.403,Eif.
: 2. IE-HQ              36                  453.0        16,308          -
: 3. REGIONS              36                11,986.1        431,500          -
: 4. ACRS                50                  486.5        24,325          -
: 5. NMSS                38                    310.5        11,799          -
11,795 Total Cost:  $1,887,528 l
I l                                                                            ApC4cfure.l
            .'j g    .ff '
Gulf States Utilities Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 i
:                                        DOCKET NO.: 50-458 i
Costs Per    Professional Program Office    Professional    Sta f f-Hours      Staff-hour Review        Staff-hour      Expended                            Cont'ractual    Total Costs            Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR              $62          4,713.5            $292.237          $157,178      $449,415
: 2. IE-HQ            53          2,725.0            144,425          210,677        355,102-
: 3. REGIONS          53          3,637.0            192,761            14,881        207,642
: 4. ACRS              62              282.2              17,496              --
: 5. N'455            58              238.5              13,833              --
13,833 TOTAL COST:        $1,043,488 NRR Cost Adjustment From Previous Period:          -7,500 Revised Total Cost          $1,035,988
Gulf States Utilities Company Operatin9 License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: River Bend 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-458 Costs Per    Professional Program Office        Professional    Staff-Hours      Staff-Hour      Contractual      Total Review          Staff-Hour      Expended          Costs            Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR                $62          6,906.8          5428,222        $286,723      $714,S45
: 2. IE-HQ                53            338.5            17,941          69,347        87,288
: 3. REGIONS              53          8,511.2            451,094          49,937      501,031
: 4. ACRS                62              --                --              --            --
: 5. NMSS                58            281.5            16,327            --          16,327 TOTAL COST:    $1,319,591 U When the costs of $1,319,591 are added to the costs of $2,923,516 from the previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 22,1985 are $4,243,107. This total exceeds by $1,165,707 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly, $1,165,707 has been subtracted from the costs of $1,319,591 leaving a total of $153,884 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5% power) on August 29, 1985, only $153,884 may be assessed for the OL review.
3 Florida Power &. Light Company
              '                                  St. Lucie 2 100% Power License June 10, 1983 Dccket 50-389, License NPF-16 Professional        Costs Per Program Office            Staff-hours        Professional      Staff-hour        Contractual        Total Review                Expended          Staff-hour          Costs                  Costs      Costs NRR                  33,563            $39              $1,308,957        $334,888        $1,643,845 IE                  12,836.1            36                462,100                    -      462,100 ACRS                    369            50                  18,450                    -        18,450 NMSS                    112.5          38                    4,275                  -        4,275 Total Cost:          $2,128,670 1/
The total cost of $2,128,670 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
YYA    .
:                            O                                o Public Service Electric & Gas Company I                                              Salem 2 Full Power (100%) License Issued 5/20/81 Custom Design - Concurrent Review Docket 50-311 License DPR-75 Program Office    Professional            Cost of Professional      Manpower  Contractual      Total Review      Man-hours Expended          Manpower /hr.            Cost        Support      Costs Unit 1 NRR                19,793 E                  $ 39              $771,927  $39,299        $811,226 IE                  15,453.8                    36                556,337        -          556,337 ACRS                    249.5                    50                12,475        -          12,475 ASLBP            Contested Case                                                  -              -
ASLAP                None                                                                        -
Total Cost              $1,380,038 2_C if We have not included 1,799 staff hours of effort expended in preparation of the contested hearing. No hearing was actually held because the Board dismissed the intervenor. See 9/4/81 memo from Berkow to Miller.
2_/ The total cost of $1,380,038 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21 no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
F/ %
Southern California Edison Company San Onofre 2
  .                            100% Power License September 7,1982 Docket .50-361, License NPF-10 Program Office    Professional        Cost of Professional    Manpower        Contractual  Total Review        Man-hours Expended        Manpower /hr.        Cost            Support    Costs NRR              46,742  1                $39          $1,822,938        $574,125    $2,397,063 IE              13,381.6                  36              481,738            -          481,738 ACRS                570                    50              28,500            -            28,500 NMSS                261 .5                38                  9,937          -            9,937 Total Cost: $2,917,238 2_/
L/    There were 4,659 hours consumed for contested hearings.        This was not included in the NRR staff effort.
1/    The total cost of $2,917,238 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
        , , ~*
Southern California Edison Company San Onofre 3 100% Power License September 16, 1983 Docket 50-362, License NPF-15 O
Professional      Costs Per Program Office          Staff-hours      Professional      Staff-hour    Contractual    Total Review                Expended      Staff-hour          Costs          Costs      Costs NRR                    3,606            $39            $140,634      $185,590  $326,224 IE                    7,092            36              255,312            -    255,312 ACRS                      294.3          50              14,715            -      14,715 NMSS                      -
38                -                -          -
Total Costs: $596,251 E
Y The total cost of $596,251 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
l l
1 ff  - - -
Enclosure 5 REVISED Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah 1 100% Power License Issued on 9/17/80 Custom Review First Unit Docket 50-327 License DPR-77 Program Office    Profess. Man-Hours    Cost of Profess. Manpower    Contractual    Total Review            Expended              Manpower /Hr.      Cost      Support      Costs Unit 1 NRR                    39,331                    $39        $1,533,909    $345,112E $1,879,021 IE                    16,227.5                    36            584,190        -          584,190 ACRS                    1,215.7                    50            60,785        -            60,715 ASLBP              (No Hearing Held)                                -            -              -
ASLAP                    None                                      -            -              -
TOTAL:      $2,523,99EE-If We have not included an estimated $100,000 to be spent by the Division of Systems Integration on the ice condenser problem before Sequoyah is granted an unconditional full power license. See January 22, 1981 memorandum from Berkow to Miller.
y The total cost of $2,523,996 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in section 170.21, A.l. of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
tnciosure a
S quoyah 2
    .    ..                r                    Docket 50-328, License DPR-79 Full Power Issued September 15, 1931 Concurrent Review with Unit 1 170.21 A.l. Custom Design
      /                            .
Program Office            m  Professional            Cost of Professional      Manpower Contractual    Total Review                  Man-hours Expended          Manpower /hr.          Cost    Support      Costs NRR                              5,692                        $ 39            $221,988  $94,298    $316,286 IE                              10,222.5                        36              368,010    -
368,010 NtiSS                                25                        38                  950    -
950 ACRS                          ,
533.1                      50              26,655    -
26,655 ASLBP                          No Hearing                                                                -
ASLAP                            None                                                                  -
Total      $711,901 l''
1/ Th3 total cost of $711,901 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A l. of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of'170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
r                                    ,. .
                                                                  \      s Long Island Lighting Company Operating Licensing Review Costs Through kne 23, 1984 FACILITY: SHOREHAM DOCKET N0.: 50-322        .
Costs Per        Professional Program Office        Pro fessional        Sta f f-hours    Sta ff-hour        Contractual      Total Review            Sta f f-hour        Expended            Costs            Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR                    $39            52,696.4          $2,055,160        $966,512        $3,021,672
: 2. IE-HQ                  36              1.583.0                56,988        20,552            77,540
: 3. REGIONS                36            28,353.0          1,020,708            -
: 4. ACRS                    50                700.9              35,045          -
: 5. NMSS                    38                457.5              17,385          -              17,385 Total Cost:          $4,172,350 U 1/ The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of
    $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (fuel load and cold criticality testing) on December 7,1984, only $3,077,400 may be assessed for the OL review through issuance of the 100% power license.
Enclosure 1
v                    .
f                                        ''
t Long Island Lighting Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: SHOREHAM DOCKET NO.:      50-322 Costs Per        Professional Program Office  Professional          S taff-Hours Review Staff-hour      Contractual  Total Staff-hour          Expended              Costs            Costs
* Costs
: 1. NRR                $62              2,528.8            $156,786          $293,600
: 2. IE-HQ              53                624.0              33,072            3,400      36,472
: 3. REGIONS            53              2,502.0              132,606                  66  132,672
: 4. ACRS                62                    1.7                  105            --
. 5. M4SS                58                143.0                8,294              --
8,294 r
l l
TOTAL COST:      $627,929 l
s                                                                                                        ('
                        ,                                                      Long Island Lighting Company                                                                        l Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85                                                                                  '
FACILITY: Shoreham DOCKET NO.: 50-322 Costs Per                    Professional Program Office                      Professional                      Staff-Hours            Staff-Hour                  Contractual              Total Review                    Staff-Hour                          Expended              Costs                      Costs                  Costs
: 1.          NRR                                  $62                        883.5              $54,777                    $211,865        $266,642
: 2.          IE-HQ                                  53                        665.0                35,245                          --
: 3.          REGIONS                                53                          --                      --
12                  12
: 4.          ACRS                                  62                          5.0                          310                    --
: 5.          NMSS                                  58                          11.0                        638                    --
638 TOTAL COST:                $302,847 r/ro
  -m--  7-y*s-y-m    w      w-owr "g-+.--s- +  -..-,-,-r-    - - . - - -                      y- y ey  p  -p-~m-=-        w--+eee    -      -n.--  -----+*---v    - - - - - -
South Carolina Electric & Gas Summer 1 100% Power License May 5, 1983 Docket 50-395, License NPF-12 Professional      Costs Per Program Office        Staff-hours      Professional      S taff-hour    Contractual          Total Review            _ Expended    Staff-hour            Costs              Costs          Costs NRR              43,325            $39            $1,689,675      $55,493      $1,745,168 IE                21,133.5            36                760,806            -
760,806 ACRS                  574.3          50                  28,715            -                28,715 NMSS                  766            38                  29,108            -                29,108 Total Costs: $2,563,797
The total cost of $2,563,797 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
                                  .                                      7 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Susquehanna Unit 1 100% Power License November ll, 1982 Docket 50-387, License NPF-14 Program Office        Professional      Cost of Professional Manpower      Contractual  Total Review      Man-hours Expended        Manpower /hr.          Cost        Support      Costs NRR            32,906 dl                  $39            $1,283,334 $1,075,870 $2,359,204 IE            18,999                      35                683,964        _
683,964 ACRS              402.5                  50                20,125        _
20,125 NMSS              181.5                  38                  6,897        _
6,897 1
TOTAL COST:  $3,070,190 2_/
There were 4,256 hours consumed for contested hearings.        This was not included in the NRR staff effort.
The total cost of $3,070,190 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.
JUL 6 1983 f/F2
c' Pennsylvania Power & Light Cor ' ny Operating License Review Costs From 11/2/73 li..ough 6/27/84 (100% power)
FACILITY:    Susquehanna 2 DOCKET NO.:      50-388 Costs Per      Professional Program Office    Professional        Staff-hours          Staff-hour          Contractual  Total Review          Staff-hour          Expended                Costs                Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR                $39          4,550.9                $177,485            $91,988      $269,473
: 2. IE-HQ                36                61.0                  2,196          20,907            23,103
: 3. REGIONS              36          11,973.2                  431,035            -          431,035
: 4. ACRS                  50              208.7                  10,435            -              10,435
: 5. NMSS                  38              345.0                  13,110            -              13,110 4
Total Cost:  $747,156 1
1 F/rn-
Washington Public Power Supply _jstem Operating License Review Costs Through April 13, 1984 FACILITY:    WNP-2 DOCKET NO.:      50-397 Costs Per      Professional Program Office    Professional        Staff-hours      Staff-hour        Contractual    Total Review        Staff-hour          Expended            Costs              Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $39            45,433.9          $1,771,922          $1,477,282 $3,249,204
: 2. IE-HQ              36                  834.0            30,024            --
: 3. REGIONS            36            21,523.1            774,832              --
: 4. ACRS                50                  683.8            34,190            --
: 5. NMSS                38                464.5              17,651            --
17,651 Total Cost: $4,105,901
,                                                                      Louisiana Power & Light Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984
    %M                      '
FACILITY:                                              Waterford 3 DOCKET NO.:                                                                50-382
Costs Per                                                                                                            Professional Pr: gram Office      Professional                                                                                                              Staff-hours        Staff-hour            Contractual                                        Total Review            Staff-hour                                                                                                                Expended            Costs                        Costs                                      Costs
: 1. NRR                    $39                                                                                                                40,140.2            $1,565,468            $1,377,548                                        $2,943,016
: 2. IE-HQ                          36                                                                                                            580.0                20,880                    41,551                                      62,43:
3    REGIONS                        36                                                                                                          28,827.7            1,037,797                                        --
: 4. ACRS                            50                                                                                                              921.7                46,085                                    --
46,085 5                                  38                                                                                                              785.0                29,830                                      --                        29,83:
9.NMSS 7 ,, '. a. ',                                    ,    ,                  y,        , , c,
                                                                                                                                                                            't ,% o p Total Cost: $4,119,15d/
1I The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of
        $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21 and since the licensee received a 5% power license on December 18, 1984, only $3,077,400 may be assessed for the OL review through issuance of
the 100% power license.
Enclosure 1 flff
* i Louisiana Power & Light Company Operating, License Review Costs from 6/24/84 thraugh 12/22/84 FACILITY:  Waterford 3 DOCKET NO.:    50-382 Costs Per      Professional Program Office Professional      Staff-hours      Staff-hour    Contractual    Total Review      Staff-hour        Expended            Costs        Costs        Costs
: 1. NRR            562            4,177.8          $ 259,024    $210,595 /    $469,619
: 2. IE-HQ          53            1,063                56,339        -
: 3. REGI0 tis      53            3,786.9              200,706        -
: 4. ACRS            62                16.0                  992      -
: 5. NMSS            58                -                  -          -              -
Total Cost: $ 727,656 e
  -                                                  Kansas Gas & Electric Co. .any Operating License Revicw Costs Through June 23,1984 i
FACILITY: WOLF CREEK 1                                                  i i
DOCKET NO.: 50-482 Costs Per              Professional Program Office      Professional                Staff-hours      staff-hour        Contractual    Total Review          Staff-hour                  Expended          Costs                  Costs    Costs
: 1. NRR                  $39                  19,715.4          $768,901          $583,958      $1,352,859
: 2.                          36                        657.0              23,652        18,797          42,449 IE-HQ
: 3. REG 10fi5              36                  16,422.3          591,203                -          591 ,2:3
: 4. ACRS                  50                        964.8            48,240              -          4E,2*:
1,008.0                38,304            -          38,3%
: 5. NM55                  38 Total Cost:    $2,073,055 Mye w ers /
Kansas Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 - 12/22/84 FACILITY: WOLF CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-482 Costs Per    Professional Program Office Professional    Sta f f-Hours Review Staff-hour      Contractual  Total Staff-hour        Expended        _ Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR            $62          2,508.0          $155,496          574,063    5229,559
: 2. IE-HQ            53          1,862.0            98,686          51,400      150,086
: 3. REGIONS          53        10,157.0          538,321          40,551      578,872
: 4. ACRS              62              2.0              124            --
: 5. M4SS              58            254.0            14,732            --
14,732 TOTAL COST:      5973,373 l
4 Kansas Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 - 6/4/85 (100% Power)
FACILITY: Wolf Creek 1 DOCKET N0.: 50-482 Costs Per    Professional Program Office        Professional    Staff-Hours      Staff-Hour      Contractual  Total Review          Staff-Hour      Expended          Costs            Costs      Costs
: 1. NRR                $62          1,914.0          $118,668          $21,803  $140,471
: 2.      IE-HQ              53            143.0            7,579          15,100    22,679
: 3. REGIONS              53          3,408.4          180,645            5,400    186,045 4      ACRS                62              3.0              186            --        186
: 5. NMSS                58            16.0              928              --
928 TOTAL COST:    $350,309 U EWhen the costs of $350,309 are added to the costs of $3,046,428 from the previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 4,1985, the date the full (100%)
power license was issued are $3,396,737. This total exceeds by $319,337 the maximun fee of $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly,$319,337 has been subtracted from the costs of $350,309 leaving a balance due of $30,972. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5%
power) on March 11,1985, only $30,972 may be assessed for the OL review during this period.}}

Latest revision as of 10:41, 7 December 2021

Package of Documents Listing OL Review Costs of Plants Issued OLs Since Mar 1979 Accident at TMI Site
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/25/1986
Shared Package
ML20203J548 List:
FOIA-86-278 NUDOCS 8608050322
Download: ML20203J555 (57)


T. -

( .ommonwealth Edison C:mpany (

- . Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984

~ ~

FACILITY: Byron 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-454 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional . Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 33,291.2 $1.298,357 $627,217 $1,925,574
2. IE-HQ 36 52.0 1,872 16,150 18,022
3. REGIONS 36 21,837.2 786,139 786,13:-
4. ACRS 50 353.9 17,695 17,695
5. NMSS 38 262.5 9,975 9,975 Total Cost: 52,757,405 gBO 2 860725 EVANS86-278 PDR l

l 1

Union Electric Company Operating License Review Costs Through October 18, 1984 (100% Power)

Standardized Design - Duplicate Unit FACILITY: Callaway 1 l

DOCKET NO. 50-483 l

Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Sta f f-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR(before 6/23/84) 539 24,601.6 $959,462 $605,438 $1,564,900 NRR (6/23/84 & after) S62 827.5 51,305 - 51,305
2. IE-HQ 36 583.0 20,988 56,300 77,288
3. REGIONS 36 24,334.7 876,049 - 876,049
4. ACRS (before 6/23/84 50 486.1 24,305 - 24,305 ACRS(6/23/84 & after 62 2.0 124 -


5. NMSS 38 860.3 32,691 - 32,691 Total Cost: $2,626,66 1/ The total cost of $2,626,662 exceeds the maximum fee of 51,024,500 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21 A.2. , as revised March 23, 1978, for standardized design - duplicate unit review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 10 CFR 170.21 no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.



. DOCKET NO.: 50-413 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Review staff-hours Staff-hour i

_ Staff-hour iExpended Contractual Total Costs  !

__ Costs _

. Costs

l. putR

$39 38,400.2 $1,497,608 $482,377


2. IE-HQ 36 886.0 31,896 18,300 50,196
3. REG 10H3 36 18,839.7 678,229 -


4. ACRS 50 327.0 16,350 -


5. NMSS 38 676.5 25,707 -

25.707 Total Cost: 52,750,467 l

45velotutE /


i o

- Duke Power Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 1/17/85(100% Power)

FACILITY: Catawba 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-413 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 4,186.1 $259,538 $111,730 $371,268 293.0 15,529 -- 15,529
2. IE-HQ 53 1,241.5 65,800 130 65,930
3. REGIONS 53 10.8 670 -- 670
4. ACRS 62 58 62.0 3,596 -- 3,596
5. NMSS TOTAL COST: $456,993 NRR Cost Adjustments From Previous Billing Period -3,120 Revised Cost Total $453,873 0 EWhen the costs of $453,873 are added to the costs of $2,750,467 from the previous billing period, the cumulative costs through January 17, 1985, the date of issuance of the 100% power license, are $3,204,340. This total exceeds by $126,940 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly,$126,940 has been subtracted from the costs of $453,873, leaving a balance due of $326,933.





DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Review staff-hour Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs I. ,

NRR $39 1,243.5 $48,497 $232,493 $280,990

2. IE-HQ 36 32.0 1,152 18,300 19,452
3. REGIONS 36 6311.2 227,203 -


4. ACRS 50 266.7 13,335 -


5. NMSS 38 271 . 0 10,298 -

10,298 Total Cost: $551,278

.l i

Exc L esv4E I

. , _ _ . . -__ - -.-- - - - - - - . . . . , - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -

Duke Power Compar Jperating License Review C:sts t an 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Catawba 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Sta f f-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review 5taff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 - - $26,209 $26,209
2. IE-HQ 53 - - 1,700 1,700
3. REGIONS 53 470.0 24,910 - 24,910
4. ACRS 62 2.5 155 -


5. NMSS 58 - - - -

Total Cost: $52,974 i


Operating Li, ese Review osts From 12/23/84 .l cough 6/22/85 FAtlLITY: CATAWBA 2

. DOCKET NO.: 50-414 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Review Sta ff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 319.0 $19,778 $5,180 $24,958
2. IE-HQ 53 33.0 1,749 8,500 10,249
3. REGIONS 53 1,853.5 98,236 --


4. ACRS 62 3.0 186 --


5. NMSS 58 194.5 11,281 --

11.281 Total Cost: $144,910 F/f

8twolob ww u L LL L e is6 b LW W M 3 OPERATI. LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH J. . 23, 1984 FACILITY: DIABLO CANYON 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-323 Costs Per Professional Prograr. Office Professional Sta ff-hours Staff-hour Review Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 11,712.3 $456,780 $883,537 $1.340,3'S
2. IE-HQ 36 None - 26,594 26,5M
3. REGIONS 36 7,105.0 255,780 - 255,7M
4. ACRS 50 320 16,000 - 16,03
5. NMSS 38 426.0 16,l88 1E ,163 Total Cost: ST,654,E7F 4

ENttesces /

f/~ f

Pacific Gas & Electric-Campa:v hw a g F

. (

Operating License Review Costs from 6/24/84 through 12/22/84 FAtlLITY: DIABLO CANYON 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-323 Costs Per Professional Prograr Office Professional Sta f f-hours Review Sta f f-hour Contractual Total

_ Staff-hour _ Expended _ Costs Costs Costs 1 NRR 562 1,647.5 $102,145 $95,906 $201,051

2. IE-HQ 53 12.0 636 3,000 3,E36
3. REGICM 53 1,720.5 91,202 75,70- 16f ,E 2
4. ACR5 62 --
5. NES 55 13.0 754 --

754 Total Cost: 5372,3c3 l

l l


( '

$1 .

l Pacific Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: Diablo Canyon 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-323 Costs Per Professional '


Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 2,737.5 $169,725 $352,034 $521,759
2. IE-HQ 53 41.0 2,173 3,900 6,073
3. REGIONS 53 2,212.5 117,263 --


4. ACRS 62 90.5 5,611 --


5. NMSS 58 -- -- -- --


TOTAL COST: $650,706 i

i i

O o

, Alabama Power Company Farley 2 License NPF-8 Docket 50-364 Custom Design Review Program Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs NRR 13,432 1/ $ 39 $523,848 - $523,8'E IE 9,256.9 36 333,248 - 333,24E ACRS 96 1 50 4,800 - 4,8::

ASLBP Contested Case - - - -

ASLAP None - - - -

Total: $861,8965 1/ There were 2,288 hours0.00333 days <br />0.08 hours <br />4.761905e-4 weeks <br />1.09584e-4 months <br /> and $18,000 in contractual costs consumed for contested hearings.

These amounts were not included in the NRR staff effort.

2] The total cost of $861,896 exceeds the maximum fee of'5302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


THE DETROIT EDIS0N COMPANY OPERATING LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH JUNE 23, 1984 FACILITY: FERMI 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-341 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Review Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs _ Costs

1. NRR $39 47,232.7 $1,842,075 $981,761 $2,823,536
2. IE-HQ 36 861 30,996 27,000 57,d6 L
3. REGIONS 36 29,235.2 1,052,467 -


4. ACPS 50 373.3 18,665 -


5. NMSS 38 987.0 37,506 -

37,5:6 Total Cost: $3,990,17-if The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of

$3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21, $3,077,400 is the maximum amount that may be assessed for the OL review under 10 CFR 170 as revised June 20, 1984.

EAiaotvet /


I DOCKET NO.: 50-341 '

Costs Per Professibnal Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total '

Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 3760.5 $233,151 $ 61,086 $294,237
2. IE-HQ 53 207.0 10,971 14,400 25,371
3. REGIONS 53 10,418.4 552,175 129,510 681,685
4. ACRS 62 3.8 236 . 236
5. NMSS 58 158.0 9,164 . 9,164 ,-

Total Cost: $1,010,693 F//3-

. _ . . . .-. - . . - -. .= - - - - . -


. < . (


[ Detroit Edison Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 I

FACILITY: Fermi 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-341 i


Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs 1 NRR $62 2,192.5 $135,935 $76,409 $212,344

2. IE-HQ 53 128.0 6,784 15,009 21,793
3. REGIONS 53 4,500.5 238,527 41,783 280,310 4 ACRS 62 3.0 186 --


5. NMSS 58 5.0 290 --

290 1

i TOTAL COST: $514,923 1

f i



[ ississippi Pow:;r & Light Compa Operating License Review Costs Throu9h 8/31/84

, FACILITY: GRAND GULF 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-416 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Review Staff-hour Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Cests Costs

1. NRR $39 52,027.2 $2,029,061 5351,728 52,380,789 NRR $62 2,039.0 126,418 --


2. IE-HQ 36 --
3. REGIONS 36 16,835.7 606.085 --


4. ACRS 50 608.5 30,425 ACRS 62 30,425 20.0 1,240 --


5. NMSS 38 299.25 11.37.1. --

11.37A NMS5 Sg g, . , y

,. >I e ' I'd 1 A Total ost: $3,156,329 Il 4 S,nu,557 ax4 c.,L4has >JrSS Cs$f[ .


.. r f

Public Service Electric and Gas Company Operating License Reveiw Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY: Hope Creek 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-354 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended _ Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 17,279.2 $ 673,889 $ 156,658 $ 830,547
2. IE-HQ 36 ~436.0 15,696 21,300 36,996
3. REG 10iiS 36 11,488.5 413,586 -


4. ACRS 50 30.6 1,530 - 1,530
5. NMSS 38 156.0 5,928 5,928 Total Cost: $ 1,288,587

(') Public Service Electric & Ga(ompany

  • OperatingLicNYeReviewCostsFromJune 24, 1984 through December 22, 1984 FACILITY: HOPE CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-354 Costs Per Professional Prograrr Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review S ta f f-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs
1. NRR $62 7,022.0 $435,364 5167,554 $602,918
2. IE-HQ 53 200.0 10,600 -- 10,600
3. REGIONS 53 2,433.0 128,949 --

128,949 4 ACRS 62 357.8 22,184 -- 22,184 S. NK55 53 -- --

Total Cost: 5764,651 NRR Cost Adjustrnent -1,518 Total Revised Costs $763,133 e

I f//?

Pub'ic service Electric and Gas Comp 4y Operating License Revieri Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: HOPE CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-354 1

Costs Per Professional -

Program Office Professionel Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 3,211.8 $199,132 5156,901 5356,033 l
2. IE-HQ 53 563.0 29,839 72,448 102,287
3. REGIONS 53 4,300.0 227,900 11,836 239,736
4. ACRS 62 194.0 12,028 --


5. NMSS 58 198.5 11,513 -- 11,513 Total Cost: 5721,597 t7/r

' nng Island Ligh2ing Company -.

Jamesport 1 & 2 (

Permit CPPR 175 & 176 Docket STri 50-516 6 517 CP Review - Utility Referencing Standardized Design - Replicate ,

(170.21 A 3.) .

Program Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /Hr Cost Support Costs Unit 1 NRR 13,,511 MH E $39/MH $ 526,929 $345,000 $ 871,929 IE 381.6 MH $36/MH 13,738 - 13,738 ACRS 197.5 MH $50/MH 9,875 - 9,875 ASLBP Contested Hearing - - - - '

ASLAP Contested Hearing .- - - -

Total Cost Expended $ 895,542 Fee Paid 6/14/74 125,000 1/4/79 811,600 Total Fees Paid $936,600 Refund Due Unit 1 $ 41,05d/

Unit 2 IE 311.2 MH $36/hr $ 11,203 -

$ 11,203 ACRS 197.5 MH $50/hr 9,875 - 9,875 ASLBP Contested Hearing - - -

ASLAP Contested Hearing - - -

Total Cost Expended $ 21,078 Fee Paid 1/4/79 164,200 Refund Due Unit 2 143,122 2/

2 Total Refund due Unit 1 & 2 $ 184.180 _/*

l E ncludes 300 professional man-hours which represents the f;RR manpower expended for the uncontested protion of the mandatory hearing which was contested. Total hearing time expended by NRR was 4,465 man-hours.

U Th e costs expended for Units 1 & 2 are less than the construction permit fees for the first replicate unit and a concurrent replicate unit as stated in 170.21 A.3 of the regulations.

In accordan o with Footnote 3 of 170.21 a refund is due the licensee.

__,_ _ - _ _. _ = _ _ _ - [ .



Commonwealth Edison Company

. LaSalle 1 100% Power License December 3, 1982 Docket 50-373 License NPF-ll Professional Costs Per Prcgram Office Staff-hours Professional Staff-hour Contractual Total R: view Expended Staff-hour Costs Costs Costs NRR 42,990 $39 $1,676,610 $383,521 $2,060,131 IE 26,716.4 36 961,790 - 961,790 ACRS 306.7 50 15,335 - 15,335 NMSS 618.5 38 23,503 - 23,503 Total Cost: $3,060,759 1/


The total cost of $3,060,759 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additionhl OL fee is due from the licensee.


3 r ,- .

k .

Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle 2 -

1007. Power License March 23, 1984 Docket No. 50-374, License NPF-18 i

Professional Costs Per Program Office Staff-hours Professional Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Expended Staff-hour Costs Costs Costs NRR 11.225.9 $39 $437,810 $119,594 $557,404 l

IE 11.541.5 36 415,494 2,645 418,139 l

ACRS 74.4 50 3,720 - 3,720 NMSS 72.0 38 2,736 - 2,736 Total Cost: $931,999 E

, i l

M The total cost of $981,999 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.

i F4/ l

V .-

, Philadelphia Electric Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY: Limerick 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-352 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 49,692.6 $1,938,011 $1,553,514 $3,491,5~5
2. IE-HQ 36 617.5 22,230 4,751 26,c81
3. REGIONS 36 18,942 681,912 -

681,91 Z,

4. ACRS 50 442.9 22,145 -- 22,145
5. NMSS 38 895.5 34,029 --

34,019 Total Cost: 54,256,592 1/ The cost of the OL review through June 23,19S4 exceeds the maximum fee of 53,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21, 53,077,400 is the maximum amount that may be assessed for the OL review under 10 CFR 170 as revised June 20, 1984.

i I

1 l

Enclosure 1 IL

t i

Philadelphia Electric Company Operatin9 License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: LIMERICK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-352 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Review Staff-Hours Staff-hour Contractual Sta ff-hour Expended Total Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 4,899.6 $303,775 $91,355 $395,130
2. IE-HQ 53 832.0 44,096 23,900 67,996
3. REGIONS 53 6,175.5 327,302 32,599 359,901
4. ACRS 62 279.2 17,310 --


5. NMSS 58 164.0 9,512
  • 9,512

$849,849 flRR Cost Adjustment From Previous Period: -60,600 REVISED TOTAL COST: $789,249 Wu

, '. Duke Power Company .

McGuire 1 100% Power License 7/8/81 Custom Review-First Unit

- Docket 50-369, License NPF-9

> gram Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hou-s Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs Fnit 1 IRR 32,397 ll 5 39 $1,263,433 $353,509 $1,616,991 IE 15,610.4 36 561,974 - 561,974 SCRS 270 50 13,500 - 13,500 SSLBP Contested Hearing -

ASLAP None -

1 Total Cost: $2,192,4T6 1/ We have not included 10,541 staff hours expended for contested hearings.

3/ The total. cost of $2,i92,466 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21,A.l. of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.



Duke Power Company McGuire 2 100% Power License May 27, 1983 Docket No. 50-370, License NPF-17 Professional Costs Per Program Office Staff-hours Review Professional Staff-hour Contractual Expended Sta ff-hour Total Costs Costs Costs NRR 9,099 $39 $ 354,861 $143,792 $498,653 IE 8,888.7.

36 319,993 . 319,993 ACRS 325.6 50 16,280 -

16,280 NMSS -

38 -

Total Cost: $834,926 1/


The total cost of $834,926 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.

e,-- .-

r Northeast Nuclear Energy Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984 FACILITY: Millstone 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-423 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 23,574.6 $ 919,409 $ 653,273 $ 1,572,682
2. IE-HQ 36 341.0 12,276 21,166 33,442
3. REGION S 36 11,474.9 413,096 -


4. ACRS 50 101.2 5,060 -


5. NMSS 38 125.0 4,750 -

4,750 Total Cost: $ 2,029,030 l


< p 4-j... > ;p.g prGgw.+ . *N p f g st j g ] g ,h g q f;f,j;, q gffg j g ,yg,p g f g ig; Operating License Review Cost From 6/24/04 through 12/22/84 FACILITY: MILLSTONE 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-423 Costs Per Professional Prograrr Office Professional Sta f f-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR 562 4,729.0 $293,198 S178,227 5471,425
2. IE-HC 53 147.0 7,791 2,830 10,591
3. RE G: 0*d 53 2,105.0 111,565 --


. 4:R5 i: 545.3 33,539 -- 33,809
5. hw.55 5E 78.0 4,524 --

4.52 Total Cost: 5631,914 NRR Cost Adjustnen - E ,4 3:-

From Previous Billing Period Revised Cost Tctal 5E2E,514 l

f^ theast Nuclear Energy Company b Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: MILLSTONE 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-423 Costs Per Professional -

Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 6.947.4 $430,739 $130,524 $561,263
2. IE-HQ 53 2,417.0 128,101 177,930 306,031
3. REGIONS 53 -4 ,494.5 238,209 11,186 249,395
4. ACRS 62 10.0 620 --


5. NMSS 58 225.5 13,079 --

13,079 Total Cost: $1,130,388E E When the costs of $1,130,388 are added to the costs of $2,654,544 from the two previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 22, 1985 are $3,784,932. This total exceeds by $707,532 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21.

Accordingly, $707,532 has been subtracted from the costs of $1,130,388, leaving a total of $422,856 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5% power) on November 25, 1985, only

$422,856 may be assessed fog the OL review through issuance of the 100% power license.

66 7

2 a -~

Enclosure 5 REVISED Virginia Electric & Power Company

~ North Anna 2 100% Power License Issued 10/17/80 Review Concurrent With Unit 1 Docket 50-339 License NPF-7 Program Office Professional Review Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Man-Hours Expended Manpower /Hr. Cost Support Costs

Unit 2 iNRR 16,664E $39 $649,896 $176,322 $ 826,215

.IE 11.959.9 36 430,556 -


ACRS 905.2 50 45,260 -

45,263 lASLBP (Contested Hearing) -

ASLAP (ContestedHearing) -

TOTAL: $1,302,03d/


_lf Valeria Wilson, NRR, informed LFM on January 26, 1981 that the hearing, which was contested, included both  ;

Units 1 and 2. As a result, the NRR manpower expended for the hearing was recorded against the Unit 1 docket. j 2_/ The total cost of $1,302,034 exceeds the maximum fee of

$302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for  ;

a concurrent unit review. In accordance with Footnote 3 '

of 170.21, no ' additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


- --- - ~ ~ ~

,- Arizona Public Service Company Operating scense Review Costs Through Jur. 23, 1984 FAtlLITY: Palo Verde 1 DOCKET ND.: STN 50-528 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 30,671.8 $1,196,200 $581,892 $1,77 E ,092.'
2. IE-HQ 36 588.0 21,168 21,167
3. REGIONS 36 13,910.8 716,789 716,787
4. ACRS 50 424.6 21,230 21,230
5. NMSS 38 342.5 13,015 13.015 Total Cost: 52,550,29t l

l l

  1. p

r Arizona Public Ser/':e Company Opera! 9 License Review Costs From 6/pff 84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Palo Verde 1 DOCKET NO.: STN 50-528 Costs Per Professional Prograrr Office Professional Sta f f-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR 562 5,397.2 S334,626 554,109 S388,735
2. IE-HQ 53 304.0 16,112 4,734 20,846
3. REGIONS 53 7,924.5 419,999 44,200 464,199
4. ACRS 62 51.1 3,168 -


5. NMSS 58 46.5 2,697 -

2,697 Total Cost: 5879,645 1

1/ When the costs of 5879,645 are added to the costs of $2,550,294 for the previous billing 22,1984 are $3,429,939. This total exceeds period the cumulative costs through Decemberas currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accord-by 5352,539 the maximum fee of 53,077,400 ingly, 5352,539 has been subtracted from the costs of 5879,645 leaving a total of 5527,106 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (Si power) on December 31, 1984, only $527,106 may be assessed for the OL review.


( (

l Arizona Public Service Company l Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/1/85 (100% Power) 1 FACILITY: Palo Verde 1 .

DOCKET NO.: 50-528 Costs Per Professional '

Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 1,657.4 5102,759 $17,555 $120,314
2. IE-HQ 53 33.0 1,749 -- 1,749
3. REGIONS 53 157.0 8,321 --

8,321  :

4. ACRS 62 138.1 8,562 --

8,562 1

5. NMSS 58 -- -- -- --


TOTAL COST: $138,946 F/32-

~, Arizona Public Service Company ~.

Operating :ense Review Costs Throu9h June )h 1984 FACILITY: Palo Verde 2 DOCKET NO.: STN 50-529 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-heurs Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 1,122.8 $43,789 $260,703 5304,492
2. IE-HQ 36 7.0 252 252
3. REGIONS 36 3,333 119,98E 119,988
4. ACRS 50 45.6 2,280 2,280
5. NMSS 38 168.5 6,403 6,4C2 Total Cost: $433,415 e

i 1



l- Arizona Public Servi ~ Compa'ny Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: Palo Verde 2 DOCKET NO.: STN 50-529 Costs Per Professional Prograrr Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR 562 - -

5 458 5 458

2. IE-HQ 53 4.0 5 212 4,733 4,945
3. REGIONS 53 786 41,655 - 41,65E
4. ACRS 62 24.1 1,494 - 1,494
5. NM55 58 42.0 2,436 - 2,436 Total Cost: $ 50,991 2

f ' trizona Public Service Company [~~.

Operating License Review Costs from 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: PALO VERDE 2


DOCKET NO.: STN 50-529 Costs Per Professional '

Prcgram Office Professional Sta ff-hours Sta ff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

t. NRR $62 120.5 $ 7,471 --

S 7,471 IE-HQ 53 -- --

$5,499 5,499

. REGIDNS 53 2,503.0 132,659 --


. ACRS 62 --

. NM55 58 12.0 696 --

696 i

Total Cost: $146,325 '

I ff8f

4 i '

THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUf41NATING COMPANY OPERATING LICENSE REVIEW COSTS THROUGH JUNE 23, 1984 FACILITY: PERRY l DOCKET NO.: 50-440 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professtonal .Sta ff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 29,951.5 $1,168,109 $426,659 $1,594,7E E s
2. IE HQ 36 711.0 25,596 -


3. REGIONS 36 12,245.2 440,827 -


4. ACRS 50 330.7 16,535 b 16,535 c
5. NMSS 672.0 25,536


J 38 -

25,53f Total Cost:

$2,{03,2E2 Zweiosoet /


, -

Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 li. ough 12/22/84 FACILITY: Perry 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-440 Costs Per Professional '

Pr:grar Office Professional Sta f f-hours Review Staff-hour Contrac tual Total S ta f f-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs o n ,Igl .%. 6 kd)

1. NRR 562 1,563.5 596,937 5132,287 $229,224
2. IE-HQ 53 2,075.0 109,975 215,800 325,775
3. REGIONS 53 1,859.3 95,5:3 -- 9S,5 3 1 ACRS 62 3.2 198 --


5. N.ES 58 139.0 8,062 --

8,062 Total Cost: 5661,802 pan

+  : t t , / > > C, G fr

- AC) .


  • i 3, :. a ;

s44/f o

C')/f LLw f d


The< .ieveland Electric Illuminating tunpany Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: Perry 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-440 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Sta f f-hour Contractual Review Sta ff-hour _ Exoended Total Costs Costs _Cos ts

1. NRR $62 $4,268.4 $264,641 $194,010 $458,651
2. IE-HQ 53 971.0 51,463 76,030 127,493
3. REGIONS 53 5.188.2 274,975 41,836 316,811
4. ACRS 62 13.0 806 --


5. NMSS 58 221.0 12,818 --

12,818 TOTAL COST: $916,5791/

1/ Wh en the costs of $916,579 are added to the costs of $2,976,864 from the two previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 22, 1985 are $3,893,443.

This total exceeds by $816,043 the maximum fee of 3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordi

$816.043 has been subtracted from the costs of $916,579, leaving a balance due of $100,536.



DOCKET NO.: 50-458 l 1

Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour ' Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 23,970.3 $934,842 $468,754 $1.403,Eif.
2. IE-HQ 36 453.0 16,308 -


3. REGIONS 36 11,986.1 431,500 -


4. ACRS 50 486.5 24,325 -


5. NMSS 38 310.5 11,799 -

11,795 Total Cost: $1,887,528 l

I l ApC4cfure.l

  1. 39

.'j g .ff '

Gulf States Utilities Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 i


DOCKET NO.: 50-458 i

Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Sta f f-Hours Staff-hour Review Staff-hour Expended Cont'ractual Total Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 4,713.5 $292.237 $157,178 $449,415
2. IE-HQ 53 2,725.0 144,425 210,677 355,102-
3. REGIONS 53 3,637.0 192,761 14,881 207,642
4. ACRS 62 282.2 17,496 --


5. N'455 58 238.5 13,833 --

13,833 TOTAL COST: $1,043,488 NRR Cost Adjustment From Previous Period: -7,500 Revised Total Cost $1,035,988



Gulf States Utilities Company Operatin9 License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 FACILITY: River Bend 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-458 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 6,906.8 5428,222 $286,723 $714,S45
2. IE-HQ 53 338.5 17,941 69,347 87,288
3. REGIONS 53 8,511.2 451,094 49,937 501,031
4. ACRS 62 -- -- -- --
5. NMSS 58 281.5 16,327 -- 16,327 TOTAL COST: $1,319,591 U When the costs of $1,319,591 are added to the costs of $2,923,516 from the previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 22,1985 are $4,243,107. This total exceeds by $1,165,707 the maximum fee of $3,077,400 as currently stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly, $1,165,707 has been subtracted from the costs of $1,319,591 leaving a total of $153,884 to be assessed. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5% power) on August 29, 1985, only $153,884 may be assessed for the OL review.

3 Florida Power &. Light Company

' St. Lucie 2 100% Power License June 10, 1983 Dccket 50-389, License NPF-16 Professional Costs Per Program Office Staff-hours Professional Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Expended Staff-hour Costs Costs Costs NRR 33,563 $39 $1,308,957 $334,888 $1,643,845 IE 12,836.1 36 462,100 - 462,100 ACRS 369 50 18,450 - 18,450 NMSS 112.5 38 4,275 - 4,275 Total Cost: $2,128,670 1/

The total cost of $2,128,670 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


O o Public Service Electric & Gas Company I Salem 2 Full Power (100%) License Issued 5/20/81 Custom Design - Concurrent Review Docket 50-311 License DPR-75 Program Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs Unit 1 NRR 19,793 E $ 39 $771,927 $39,299 $811,226 IE 15,453.8 36 556,337 - 556,337 ACRS 249.5 50 12,475 - 12,475 ASLBP Contested Case - -

ASLAP None -

Total Cost $1,380,038 2_C if We have not included 1,799 staff hours of effort expended in preparation of the contested hearing. No hearing was actually held because the Board dismissed the intervenor. See 9/4/81 memo from Berkow to Miller.

2_/ The total cost of $1,380,038 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21 no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.

F/ %

Southern California Edison Company San Onofre 2

. 100% Power License September 7,1982 Docket .50-361, License NPF-10 Program Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs NRR 46,742 1 $39 $1,822,938 $574,125 $2,397,063 IE 13,381.6 36 481,738 - 481,738 ACRS 570 50 28,500 - 28,500 NMSS 261 .5 38 9,937 - 9,937 Total Cost: $2,917,238 2_/

L/ There were 4,659 hours0.00763 days <br />0.183 hours <br />0.00109 weeks <br />2.507495e-4 months <br /> consumed for contested hearings. This was not included in the NRR staff effort.

1/ The total cost of $2,917,238 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.



, , ~*

Southern California Edison Company San Onofre 3 100% Power License September 16, 1983 Docket 50-362, License NPF-15 O

Professional Costs Per Program Office Staff-hours Professional Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Expended Staff-hour Costs Costs Costs NRR 3,606 $39 $140,634 $185,590 $326,224 IE 7,092 36 255,312 - 255,312 ACRS 294.3 50 14,715 - 14,715 NMSS -

38 - - -

Total Costs: $596,251 E


Y The total cost of $596,251 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.

l l

1 ff - - -

Enclosure 5 REVISED Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah 1 100% Power License Issued on 9/17/80 Custom Review First Unit Docket 50-327 License DPR-77 Program Office Profess. Man-Hours Cost of Profess. Manpower Contractual Total Review Expended Manpower /Hr. Cost Support Costs Unit 1 NRR 39,331 $39 $1,533,909 $345,112E $1,879,021 IE 16,227.5 36 584,190 - 584,190 ACRS 1,215.7 50 60,785 - 60,715 ASLBP (No Hearing Held) - - -

ASLAP None - - -

TOTAL: $2,523,99EE-If We have not included an estimated $100,000 to be spent by the Division of Systems Integration on the ice condenser problem before Sequoyah is granted an unconditional full power license. See January 22, 1981 memorandum from Berkow to Miller.

y The total cost of $2,523,996 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in section 170.21, A.l. of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


tnciosure a



S quoyah 2

. .. r Docket 50-328, License DPR-79 Full Power Issued September 15, 1931 Concurrent Review with Unit 1 170.21 A.l. Custom Design

/ .

Program Office m Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs NRR 5,692 $ 39 $221,988 $94,298 $316,286 IE 10,222.5 36 368,010 -

368,010 NtiSS 25 38 950 -

950 ACRS ,

533.1 50 26,655 -

26,655 ASLBP No Hearing -

ASLAP None -

Total $711,901 l

1/ Th3 total cost of $711,901 exceeds the maximum fee of $302,800 as stated in Section 170.21 A l. of Part 170 for a concurrent review. In accordance with Footnote 3 of'170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


r ,. .

\ s Long Island Lighting Company Operating Licensing Review Costs Through kne 23, 1984 FACILITY: SHOREHAM DOCKET N0.: 50-322 .

Costs Per Professional Program Office Pro fessional Sta f f-hours Sta ff-hour Contractual Total Review Sta f f-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 52,696.4 $2,055,160 $966,512 $3,021,672
2. IE-HQ 36 1.583.0 56,988 20,552 77,540
3. REGIONS 36 28,353.0 1,020,708 -


4. ACRS 50 700.9 35,045 -


5. NMSS 38 457.5 17,385 - 17,385 Total Cost: $4,172,350 U 1/ The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of

$3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (fuel load and cold criticality testing) on December 7,1984, only $3,077,400 may be assessed for the OL review through issuance of the 100% power license.

Enclosure 1

v .


t Long Island Lighting Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 Through 12/22/84 FACILITY: SHOREHAM DOCKET NO.: 50-322 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional S taff-Hours Review Staff-hour Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs

  • Costs
1. NRR $62 2,528.8 $156,786 $293,600



2. IE-HQ 53 624.0 33,072 3,400 36,472
3. REGIONS 53 2,502.0 132,606 66 132,672
4. ACRS 62 1.7 105 --


. 5. M4SS 58 143.0 8,294 --

8,294 r

l l

TOTAL COST: $627,929 l


s ('


, Long Island Lighting Company l Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 Through 6/22/85 '

FACILITY: Shoreham DOCKET NO.: 50-322 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 883.5 $54,777 $211,865 $266,642
2. IE-HQ 53 665.0 35,245 --


3. REGIONS 53 -- --

12 12

4. ACRS 62 5.0 310 --


5. NMSS 58 11.0 638 --

638 TOTAL COST: $302,847 r/ro

-m-- 7-y*s-y-m w w-owr "g-+.--s- + -..-,-,-r- - - . - - - y- y ey p -p-~m-=- w--+eee - -n.-- -----+*---v - - - - - -


South Carolina Electric & Gas Summer 1 100% Power License May 5, 1983 Docket 50-395, License NPF-12 Professional Costs Per Program Office Staff-hours Professional S taff-hour Contractual Total Review _ Expended Staff-hour Costs Costs Costs NRR 43,325 $39 $1,689,675 $55,493 $1,745,168 IE 21,133.5 36 760,806 -

760,806 ACRS 574.3 50 28,715 - 28,715 NMSS 766 38 29,108 - 29,108 Total Costs: $2,563,797


The total cost of $2,563,797 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.


. 7 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Susquehanna Unit 1 100% Power License November ll, 1982 Docket 50-387, License NPF-14 Program Office Professional Cost of Professional Manpower Contractual Total Review Man-hours Expended Manpower /hr. Cost Support Costs NRR 32,906 dl $39 $1,283,334 $1,075,870 $2,359,204 IE 18,999 35 683,964 _

683,964 ACRS 402.5 50 20,125 _

20,125 NMSS 181.5 38 6,897 _

6,897 1

TOTAL COST: $3,070,190 2_/


There were 4,256 hours0.00296 days <br />0.0711 hours <br />4.232804e-4 weeks <br />9.7408e-5 months <br /> consumed for contested hearings. This was not included in the NRR staff effort.


The total cost of $3,070,190 exceeds the maximum fee of $1,024,500 as stated in Section 170.21 A.1 of Part 170. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 170.21, no additional OL fee is due from the licensee.

JUL 6 1983 f/F2

c' Pennsylvania Power & Light Cor ' ny Operating License Review Costs From 11/2/73 li..ough 6/27/84 (100% power)


FACILITY: Susquehanna 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-388 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 4,550.9 $177,485 $91,988 $269,473
2. IE-HQ 36 61.0 2,196 20,907 23,103
3. REGIONS 36 11,973.2 431,035 - 431,035
4. ACRS 50 208.7 10,435 - 10,435
5. NMSS 38 345.0 13,110 - 13,110 4

Total Cost: $747,156 1

1 F/rn-

Washington Public Power Supply _jstem Operating License Review Costs Through April 13, 1984 FACILITY: WNP-2 DOCKET NO.: 50-397 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 45,433.9 $1,771,922 $1,477,282 $3,249,204
2. IE-HQ 36 834.0 30,024 --


3. REGIONS 36 21,523.1 774,832 --



4. ACRS 50 683.8 34,190 --


5. NMSS 38 464.5 17,651 --

17,651 Total Cost: $4,105,901


, Louisiana Power & Light Company Operating License Review Costs Through June 23, 1984

%M '

FACILITY: Waterford 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-382


Costs Per Professional Pr: gram Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 40,140.2 $1,565,468 $1,377,548 $2,943,016
2. IE-HQ 36 580.0 20,880 41,551 62,43:

3 REGIONS 36 28,827.7 1,037,797 --


4. ACRS 50 921.7 46,085 --

46,085 5 38 785.0 29,830 -- 29,83:

9.NMSS 7 ,, '. a. ', , , y, , , c,

't ,% o p Total Cost: $4,119,15d/

1I The cost of the OL review through June 23, 1984 exceeds the maximum fee of

$3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 170.21 and since the licensee received a 5% power license on December 18, 1984, only $3,077,400 may be assessed for the OL review through issuance of



the 100% power license.

Enclosure 1 flff

  • i Louisiana Power & Light Company Operating, License Review Costs from 6/24/84 thraugh 12/22/84 FACILITY: Waterford 3 DOCKET NO.: 50-382 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours Staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs
1. NRR 562 4,177.8 $ 259,024 $210,595 / $469,619
2. IE-HQ 53 1,063 56,339 -


3. REGI0 tis 53 3,786.9 200,706 -


4. ACRS 62 16.0 992 -


5. NMSS 58 - - - -

Total Cost: $ 727,656 e



- Kansas Gas & Electric Co. .any Operating License Revicw Costs Through June 23,1984 i


DOCKET NO.: 50-482 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-hours staff-hour Contractual Total Review Staff-hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $39 19,715.4 $768,901 $583,958 $1,352,859
2. 36 657.0 23,652 18,797 42,449 IE-HQ
3. REG 10fi5 36 16,422.3 591,203 - 591 ,2:3
4. ACRS 50 964.8 48,240 - 4E,2*:

1,008.0 38,304 - 38,3%

5. NM55 38 Total Cost: $2,073,055 Mye w ers /


Kansas Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 6/24/84 - 12/22/84 FACILITY: WOLF CREEK 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-482 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Sta f f-Hours Review Staff-hour Contractual Total Staff-hour Expended _ Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 2,508.0 $155,496 574,063 5229,559
2. IE-HQ 53 1,862.0 98,686 51,400 150,086
3. REGIONS 53 10,157.0 538,321 40,551 578,872
4. ACRS 62 2.0 124 --


5. M4SS 58 254.0 14,732 --

14,732 TOTAL COST: 5973,373 l


4 Kansas Gas & Electric Company Operating License Review Costs From 12/23/84 - 6/4/85 (100% Power)

FACILITY: Wolf Creek 1 DOCKET N0.: 50-482 Costs Per Professional Program Office Professional Staff-Hours Staff-Hour Contractual Total Review Staff-Hour Expended Costs Costs Costs

1. NRR $62 1,914.0 $118,668 $21,803 $140,471
2. IE-HQ 53 143.0 7,579 15,100 22,679
3. REGIONS 53 3,408.4 180,645 5,400 186,045 4 ACRS 62 3.0 186 -- 186
5. NMSS 58 16.0 928 --

928 TOTAL COST: $350,309 U EWhen the costs of $350,309 are added to the costs of $3,046,428 from the previous billing periods, the cumulative costs through June 4,1985, the date the full (100%)

power license was issued are $3,396,737. This total exceeds by $319,337 the maximun fee of $3,077,400 as stated in 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly,$319,337 has been subtracted from the costs of $350,309 leaving a balance due of $30,972. In accordance with Footnote 2 of 10 CFR 170.21 and since the licensee received an operating license (5%

power) on March 11,1985, only $30,972 may be assessed for the OL review during this period.