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                              -_.E70RE THE ATOMIC,SAPETY &
In the Matter of                                Docket Nos. 50-329 50-330 CONSUMcRS POhnu COMPANY SWORN TESTIMONY 07 Midland Plant, Units 1 & 2                        RICHARD L. UUUB STATE OP OHIO            )                        Address:
                                              )ss                      1612 Andover Road COUNTY OF PRANKLIN)                                Columbus, Ohio 43212 I, Richard E. Webb, being first duly sworn, deposo                    ,
and say as follows:
: 1. D.S. Engrg. Physics, University of Toledo, 1962.
: 2. Division of Naval Reactors, ACC, 1963-1967, where ny primary responsibility was for the necicar reactor portion of the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
: 3. Consumers Power Company, Big nock Point Nuclear Poucr Station, asscciate enginocr, worked mainly on reactor engineering duties. June 1967-December 1967.
: 4.      Ph.D. candidate in Nuclear Engineering at the Ohio State University. Status -finished research and course work and finalizing the thosis.
Autocatalytic Effects During Explosive Power Transients in Liquid Metal, Fast Dreeder Reactors.
Expact to complete the degree requirements in October, 1971.
: 5.      Certificato of successful Completion, Bettis Ronctor Engineering School, 1965 Bettis Atcmic Power Laboratory, West Mif flin, Pcnnsylvania (operated by Westinghouse Electric Corporation for the Atomic Energy Commission).
Author of:
: 1.      "The Unconstitutionality of the 1954 Atcmic Energy Act and subsequent amendments" self published and distributed.
: 2.      " Treaty making and the President's obligation to seek the Advice ..d Consent of the Sonate," Ohio State Law Journal, Vol. 31, No.~ 3 (1970). See Cong. Record, July 29, 1971 (S12059-12075).          m e        1%
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[Piti:05 tint;;UD I?ATCt RFACYORI Pl.LT, UNITS 1 Af.D **
Accoruisig ' to thd Advisory ' Cow.ittee on Reactor Safe-guards (Ref.fl)'the nidland Plant is tbc first dual parpore reactor plant to be licensed for construction.                                                        That'is, part of the 'stcam produced by the steam generators seithin the reactor plant will be exported to Dow Chemical Company for uso in canufacturing chemical products. The romainder of the nteam will Le used to generate electricity at the reacter-plant. Isecause the reacter coolant will be radioactive, questions are naturally raised as to the possibility of il) radioactive contamination of the Dow products and (2) radioactivity released to the environment, since 25% to 40%
of the process steam will not be recovered. To provent' radioactive contamination of the process steam, it is necessary to isolate the procccs steam from the reactor coolant by at least one or a scricc of heat exchangers which must not develop.
primary to seccndary'1caks;_i.e. the integrity of the physical barriers between the primary coolant and process steam must lac maintained. 'Ihic paper cites evidence of heat exchanger malfunct. ion which should bc useful in estinating what might ba expected in the way of radioactivity Icakage to the process steam (Items #1, 2, and 3 which are attached). Of course, the extent of fuel element cladding -failure in the reactor will affect greatly any estimates of radioactivity leakage.
However,-this paper does not consider the question of fuel element performance capability for the Midla nd reactors, except.
as to recormend that an independent review be conducted ~as to the adequacy of the fuel. element design for the planned power ~
4 operations.
                                                                                                                        -  2-4 I                                                                                                    e s
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h shippiagywrt h essurized wtur nese' ur plant operated wita come 1 (230 Ina) for alcat six yars using Cerar stcen <re:. craters--two generators ( l A and 1 D) were of the rtruight tube ucciga (restar tihocler Corp.) snd the othar tur, ( l b an.d 1 C) ucre of the U-tube design (Sabcock and Wilcox Co.), (nce P.eI. 2) the tubing vas made of stainless sixel.
Iten il briefly summarizes the ex;crience vitit the Core 1 steam gener.: tors.      It reports that Icakage and videspread n:.d entonsive crcching occurred in one of the L bccek and t?ilcax scncrators. Presumably, Bettic At mic Tover Laboratcry (Shippingport designers) had subni'.ted repcrts to the AEC concerning the performance of the Corc 1 steam,qenerators and the radiolecical conecquences of the leaks. It is recon cnded tlat these reports Lc obtained. !!cwever, since Corc 1 opcrated with no fuc2 f ailu t er. (except for 3 tiny pin halc leaks in ti.e cicdding of tbo natural uranium feel rods shich vore barely detectabic), the extent of radioactivity Icakage into the secondary system was minimized. (Ref. 3).
Shippingport Core 2 (505 P.6u dc=1gn pcwcr, but norr. ally operated at 67% of full power) began operatien in 1965. 1;ew steam generators were inctalled for Ccre 2 with groater hect transfer capccity to hcncle the increase in core power. Tr.e tubing wss nede of Ni-Cy -Fe alley (InconcM "to enhance the integrity of the syntec." (Ref. 4).            (In Item 72, Cycrley states that Iconal has been selected as a stcndard for present day steam generators over stainicss steci for better corresion resistance. Lycriey also states that primary to eccendary Icaks occurred with tne Rowc-Yankee steam generators.)
As with Corc 1 the JA and ID units for Core 2 are straight tube, roster Wheeler generators and the 1B and 1C units are U-tube Babcock and Wilcox goncrators.
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Despite the :.uitch to Ni-C r -Pn alloy for tubing n.aterial,
            - the Coro .2 steam generators have experj enced leaks:. Item ;3 in a. chronologienl. cruupliation of excerpts f rom the Shipping-part Quarter ly I'ro<f . n:3 Reports dealing with the:.e leaks and a
related tritiu.a ' activity leveln in the primary coolant. The execrptn begia with WAPD-MRP-ll3 and end with WAPD-MRP-135 cnd cover the period from Juno 1966 to January 1971.        The reports wcre issued by the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory.
The highlight 0 from these execrpts' follovs:
: 1. Both of the Babcocke and Wilcox' U-tube generators (13 and IC) developed loaks and one of the Foster-Wheelcr, ctraight tubo generators (lD) developed leaks. The Icak rates wero ac.follows:
1D:  .21 gal /hr--25 gal /hr (129 nal/ min--1570 ml/ min) before the leak rato increased to 100 gpm.
1C:  8-9 gal /hr 1D:  3.6 gal /hr After the lu generator was returned to service (after the leaking tubos were plugged) it again experienced a rapid leak of 150 gal / min and was then removed'again from service for extensive investigation.
: 2. Tho'cause of the leaks were not identified.
: 3. bottis Laboratory cubmitted a comprchensivo report'to the A1:C regarding the effect of steam generator primary to secondary leakage on reactor plant operation.        (.Sco WAPD-MRP-135, p. 1) Bettis described this-roport as-
The Dottis Laboratory submitted to,the-AEC for-information during tnis report period an ovalu-ation of.the effect that various-steam generator leak ratos would have on continued plant opera-tions. The effect of continued operation with a leaking steam generator was evaluated with respect to radioactive waste-disposal system processing capabilitics, contamination of the secondary plant, and eventual discharge of activity to the~
onvironment from both normal and postulated accident conditions. This evaluation providos
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guidance a:: to when a steam generator with primary to secondary leakago should be removed from service for maintenanco.
: 4. The tritium Icvol in the reactor primary coolant reach a high of 55 micro-curies por liter (pc/1) and then decreated due to coolant leakage. The production rate of tritium was estimated at 2.4x103 pc/hr.
Based on thosc nighlights the following comments are offered:
: a. Although, not reported in the WAPD-MRP CAcerpts, one of the rapid leakages in the IB generator almost result'od in the initiation of the Core Safety Injection System, which is otherwise known as the Emergency Core Cooling System. (Ref. 3) The loss of primary coolant caused a drop in primary pressure from 2000 psig to near 1300 psig, which is the trip point for Safety Injection.
The question arises as to what would happen if the emergency cooling system were initiated by a rapid leak in the steam generator tubing. Would the result be a flushing of the primary coolant radioactivity into the secondary system? Are primary coolant isolation valves provided for each steam generator?
A tritium lovel of 55 pc/l implies that approximately 4.7 cdrics of tritium total, were present in the Shippingport primary coolant:
3000 ft3 of coolant x (2.54 cm/in)3 x (12)3 in  3
                                                                  /f t3 x 103 1/cm3 x 55 pc/l=4.7 curies /H 3 However, Core 2 operation has been marked by no detected fuel failures (see WAPD-MRP reports in gonoral) and so it must be added that the radioactivity levels in the primary coolant system might, therefore, be concidered minimum.
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                      .c.  - The.- report r.cationed in M PD-MMP-135', p. 1 would opjwar to bc highly, relevant to the concern for. radioactivity icakin ; into the Co.i process stoan. It in therefere-recop;cended that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board obtain the report for review by all interested parties, includine; the Mapluton Intervencra. Mrs. Mayfio1d of.
the ALC's Division of Technical Information Extension at Oak Riilge (phune : 615-433-8611, ext. 34765) . is.
attempting to . locate the report within the A1:c.
Cics Rock Point Feedwater Heaters Thd' Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant (3 oiling.Uater P.ecctor).had experienced considerable difficulty with feed .
water heaters. One or coro heat exchangers had to be renoved from service because of a general rotting away of the tubes.
These tubes were not nade. of either stainless steel or Inconel.
It was plannbd to replace thcce heaters with new heat exchangers c ;uit ped wi th stainlens stecl tubing. (Ref. 5) It would bc of
                    . interest to know-whether thiso new heat _exchangers were placed.
in service and whether any 1 aks had developed within them.
noferencess (1) Letter to Honorablo Glenn T.-Seaborg from the Advisory Conmittee on Reactor Safeguards, June 18, 1970
Midland Plant Report (2) The SP pringport Pressurized Water Reactor, Addisen-ucsle Publ (1950), by Personnel of the Naval Reactors Brar a of the ALC; Westinghouse, Dettis; and Duguesne
                            .Ligh. Co., p. 33
                  ; (3). Pornonal recollec' ion based on my association with-
                            .the shippingport program.
(4) PWR Coro 2 Reactor (Shippingport] Design Description Report, R. Atherton, et al, WAPD-296, March, ' 196 8, p. 134.
                          .See also, PWH Core.2 Safety Analysis, KAPD-Sc-501'(Del.)_
June 1964.
(5) Personal recollection based en my association with-Dig neck Point.
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                                          !                    Cor:r e 43 Fa :as#.*rt. [ s Aspier, Cataf. See LM6.s!v312.                                                      M..timta e4 p.wcess a Ze ans. 644 a;l6ys frots hy47.5;ee e&hra: Gee                                                  .
                                          *0 '. g hr rpr 4 l.*wr I ro sr -4 for e.eare th.6s f.vr                                                          meet are descr.lscei. Sr.e rt merhee se 4.s prwac*cJ 69 tovt rc4                      - !a s;se W;.p.m,;.wr: pis.4 ocre sehr.i m sh T                                                        esins;acca muled e.4 tas.aa anal;.ca.ted at W to 6;rC.
                                          ,4                    tes, twel. L.% s n'.% 'v                  I se ta e las            AltWS a in 3'lW.c a# esaan. A th44 Ia6M SHIe(IOper 9 Aktob 6.hbe ah erspl4r fa ge IAR E'.Cd e.J .J c;er4tt e. de.v.t 4 e4 an Is.vcesef ta.m at ska t =ar lea.i
                                                                                  *                                                                                      (J.34 .16 -
t t:.e <we 6 sme 4 s4 a r.n t .ut..a of arce rue,tas na t'ae km.eier I                    w.e n:.6 a t.rci. ;en,: rwc !rer                      e.uinne.;su caused thee ra.                          145                      Titr. EFFt.CT OF 11EA'4' ON TEX Crgt::o.
                                        ,t                . pani e erskor; el ce..                        ase ren ,rd ucte . e.f nodes, nec ear wrnh rJ.IIAYK48 tsF typic 230 STATM.,2;, af.'s.M. IN ::G;l ::;G g
                                                  , egr-e .313                as t. r. owved f. es s;e s.Isot lirr over fare ycars'
                                                                          ? sa* tv a Hi.p. . sed to a ev.egerte .h2.trusAve e asonsaw..
W All'a. t. test.ete niit. It. F. Cn.=a .x ;-is4y...: : Co IVts.
* Inarchi. Ce=Ar4st ATG7-23-1 Trans. 3;ti. Lws. AIME 412
                                        .                      tea.
                                                                          /tc s4.PJa e of .a 6a4 sswi tier. ee 1 r setor eveasi.; is                                217:,.Get zt. IWDL
{ . e. r rd. W.S. fer.". 6sc *:ss 8senkmt M the Lu'ics. The                                                                      'fav c!$.yto ad heat tras..Jee e a. Alee of Ty e g . . cr:/ # ecte imecre. *ar en ti.e s.an6tasc4 acetmens and tran,.                                                            30:St intes anni 641, aag unct wsre e.6.che                                            .;ts.: trar Jer
* g.u hr .a 114 at cat.J se.tenar. Aarou;;1s the cracist.c ceut sie
                                        ?.. .:ts. ted te <!JerW* vr caisusse 6:acas u rrossen, the era.                                                   ar.creasos the teach ceses ei ses = .sei ts.varJ stre        eorrow.,e craciair.;; miten t;se matar son core..w.4 ca wh '
                                        .' ' Jc s.veists t.: c: .mie a the sno en 4.rwiscie cause. Mv.t of ti.e                                                            Cl*, 5.rface preparatu.m was the pe.nt im;.e.rt. 4 r.=J. as
* co.:6%.; arra . ty as t rud d.erm saa 6Mtist 134 of os.sra*                                              deursrdc6e; the oever6;y c4 ene atres earre.s:e.a ;#.went is mater
                                        .                    .a t ;. h t.;* a .. r t.                c si ir<e cana.a. Seventeca e; 31 -
T4 J tdrs f..r.iit.: i.e vs.t. saca sn.u ir.e4 tr. Greasi. As,*sd                                            with a 2 wen C;* cs.racat.1; cat tre. tar a;.st.cin.c r.J. Att de;;rea el wet f.in6 ho;1ar.3 a.;staistened the estre. e,a of s:.wrJs.4
                                        .                    .-fler:4+o.* . *.'n a                  apt a.eeerationi piratp's.ste were assd to s'                  ti w p1 rabt OAa ca.c :, eda; dasMmm g4.omphne sse swir.                                                    stecia used as '.uat trann.'er sarf.ees 4a kodsa uwer. At RW4
* ties for corros.or. t. staa;; encier contro led he4s tr aaier c 34,tiora s' r.d f . p.$s.., ". n n;7.waph::e u.d ph sg6te cas.sentratloa                                              is a;eserdned. (auth) h, .u. case;. ;;..:a4 M1                  IAT/*s .' ION r/ CarYif E CasRilU10f;iN ItEACTOR e
                                                          . *AT;;tnis.3 CO;c;*s;1tATiON OF CCOLANT ArmivF%                                                                Prc*,GrQC3.1 UICI'[ChriC0*ia.1 Ic:b . <. W.
                                      *. . - Ern P, E. Ic'erth,. mee 'd;eitr.s Cor. Wssa I's.);
{                    Cwrr a nn!: '.7.Ja.            alla. ;.. G. ;p 14 21 of L3;;h Pur.ty Water                                  Ac/cr also se a3stracts 23J. #95. JCf. acd 13.%
                                                                                                *L.ussoa. Ten Nateosal Associat.os of a
* Ccr e aes i;:.. . It;s.                                                                                    N&                        f,EMIb1C22tPt.2).pp :3-32) P.Pid C 4*., Mi?.n 4
Troan 23rr..kmail:.s.An;; of ti.e Estaosal Ascociatiss cf                                              LUNiY CF FAsi 2REsa%It MC*O?. C;.A:XJU.;i MA?;7. ALE
[                    Csts.s;n,a Cr.y.vrs. LM An;c aa. CJef. ace CONF.6M12.                                                        AND i;3FitACTCitY MET ALS. Co';.ns. C. G.: Oclat.: r. X. :.;.
Tevs per!4rs.ed laternaEr 144;cd crewrce certwsavn test                                          f.CeN1 Ucstric 0;te. Nucha? 5;-adt Pra.                                                                          .
ricccca s. s . .Jatty ;hastile $1. ;planott evIts trac;or crev.ce                                            gramst
: i. . ***.
                                    '*                                              Gaw t!!st ras we'atde coc4as.t addelives cei.!d en. win.                                  5. ads to delar.a stermal mechsa. cal n:grce.L y.eM ; s.d:=
tra;e 41 tens..;; cret aces, aricar; scrcierated serr ahaa. CD n.e.                                      . atum darts la;y en LMTh3t !ael-et lden: alkys a s catf or.44. Ec.
                                                    .. e2; att!ys.o e.i ?Mus. ansaanuncoudy trapp6d in a s.o61 arc trev.                                                sulio sites.ile tests at various stram ntes n 40 *J 6 r.6 as                                                                              .
:re t'.sw tenectarat4a ! c: ors of sp to aGG0 ever a teaw;ar ps rauL                                        pro. ras.;g trestracnis la the 14-9DI.13ey. .%Q t.. .r.c *a t.r
                                                    ' 2 a 4.f seecssarJ.en as a is . cues of Lo;h tem.,erature anJ g;some.                                              d5.88 ;*r.e grata (~S to Is m; gros); onc es: pas:: f 1 ;.ewr
                                    . . try. i>sa'.ia st:3ar.ed ircra Zlredey crev.ce corros.t.a testsag                                                                anthis at lete and 6h?C fe;1owir.: 44 to 54.serr * . cah nJ Ja
                                                            !*r!.r:ned er ter ;=rJ.res absu T are presented for ti.itersag                                              and tte o;ter tavo;ved 9:WC anneatar; furas.n;, M; cts.r.: refu..
                                    .                      ersucs geor.wtrw.                  J. theary for the treenartasm os c                          taan at =19a*C. The d ahic an.4 at tre.staiem we.. .aa at ;. .w."..,
* Lt a beca swiw wrectv 1 na gart by data. (aut.4
* t&on sch planciary nogna,t le produes sube. .% ...c t - *.
                                    ,                                            OCN"J:rA 07 CCP.f 0510M P30DilCT5 TucM A
                                                                                                                                                            **        cal siwif.cativas (exe.t icsT.M set fart'.hr 1:., . JF                                                    ..
Instu; cree.t tes:e of the tsne ,;ma tek* rc.stert:; . Co.*C s".
h.3..*?-TO:'.M;M.                  *t.V expos;;i)W'."e;'f;.::
AN AC$'f0USNaval          MIWAM. Aircat.J              5;Aach&1, sties. Sonnyvano                                                    Cal.!J; e                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -
3J"J '4. .*. * . (*
* 5                              streash at hus oe. ksra  t    .t
                                                          # ' '. T. J.s M.ih. C. M. . pp 26 34 a4 311;h Purity Water                                                  decst;ey saan Type lit a slets 6;cci tem u: s                                                          .
Cart:Jc3 tJ *"t:11s. l'e.stos Ten Na' ce.a1                    d                                            conbas.11enieval of cas aon Inipuritweirair Q'ed:.%
* Associataoa of                      sts.!ad La moist hydro;ca and argea attace@.ere., .s.r4.'. . -
* C6er me.1 rs, ' .5Cg.
p,,w; carbon analyaw prwsedare. la both a:r%dci.T4. .
                                  .                     22/ alit. . i *:6eus.: cf the Naticaal Associatnen of                                          ,,.ncut .>ppeared to loaow dulcrer:t reset; as dxe ac.J'.
                                                      .Cers; r.a Lap.arr. Los A stles. Cat i See COXP*473312
                                                          , Tra' .! ft ?? a db;tt.'t1 charactestetics sf correesee proJuate 340;*C. la hy tropa con:aisia:24 ppm !!:0, esrtir*. reor . *                                                ,
rap.d at tha h4;;ser temperatures, an sacet s;vreese 0.G t.+ 4.;
e r. cuid.r r.4, rsten. Je t opoced te (nowta:Wh pray w:et                                            e.a ns.4arsa, earka coaccatrauens of *s3 ppm tire rc .                                                        a
                                                  < heer taset . .ard t!everucsi;y ar.4 empertaichsally Feataplata                                                    to 2 r.M sa Jess than 1 h ur at IGO7C er hig,her e !.M 1..
                                - r , . 8 ris.or.s s a sosinad.5e leadet ;x.stens were ca,.or d sa a                                                                  -
appeased accessary for the same reductsoa at 1...%;. C.J .
* aref417 e rMkd tg f.4utte re-laut to serated, edsstiseal vda r awetsoa maa s;emcr is teelst ar;:ca than la hyJao;ca ted 4 ..t=
48 + sc~er . 3i; .* cr4 P yneida seen.ber. La ti.e ran:a 1400 '                                      perati.tre a:aeve 14WC tSc res=;ual esrlwa corces:t28.4 t s. <>
88 i.h Cerrowse g.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .
                                    *          .. n! ; . ., spees. ace s.s.6 c. acssm61anoa 3as a fancusa of post;oa                                                  3.;'.eut enposures appesred relsted la carbia aethe' .s . 2 as ut6errmaec.i es:a.t *Te sa a tracer.17                                of vatisides taili.ene&a2 the weissbidy of rae;y;w;e:.u. 8. Y Cd-
                                  .                      **q.r.r;a sti ut evit;n.t:r ana;ycia e.( the en.;eroes atiaat eas .                                          Me a;;.ya es;aatt.;6cd pender.metalluryv ma:f.;.we c.w.-
                                  ,                      83': a vr ;4 *e. : .e .a n the data. resutta are shown to corres,ioad                                        pares (4ven'ely a r?.cueva are-csst a:eW.I as.u la t.rets !
J Le C.* trka%%:.    -
                                                                                            ' .. t,usue.e  T a process.&a sh4a:h sda;as .-. we;d s        .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;    perve.ty s. aa ben.,t secta,l.ty. O. ,ittanana e;estron-Laar *.0:J.g
                    , ,,    e di*
i sT , '** ;T* .- * *                  #
                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ /**
                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                .'g , T                * * *. .
                                                                                                                          $            g    .          #
W.                                    ..
i_.m  _m.-. ___..m      __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . - _ .                                                    _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ._.i____..._        __m._.__.__..____._____.___._.m.__m.___.____m                                        m__            .______m___.m_                ___. ___
: t.            p-                                                                                                                                                                          _
: 5. .
: e. p hm;s, ,%:wic.w /M }nr: Soc.                                                                              Dh'! ** R '
lb/w // > W /3G , Juwe /f$V MAia!ALS P.703G/.S IN S*.2.W G2X22ATORS-II:
O6 C..MU*4 *l                S
* T**n  t u s..:*
4 6.\t n ^;# .C./u or .
1 C,aere:Ia Ex;cricec in Fossil.Tucicd                                        t. eau r wn;=.cas a tt.e aca 4
                      - $tGtiCM, S. Fic:1..'rby (Or& Hydro), fall;d                                                                              ta.emers. Tsw r.ct r.:.s '
opereagicrt were        tag syMeas
                                                                                                                          *: the nacLia      run.y wdh Nk"' M''out            as.e heat e.
ves'u'au          '* * 'G''4'Co--
b'A .
24 sumanuy autlable.                                                      p                                                  Ahr et,.r.p;ctir,a g \ c;reenceas.4 Letfromruns att was e avlason d.sec,FtrM  carrsatts.
thld a ty)c'*bi stk %.
w e .: tee; w u i. the w.,erxec,                      ua uag.s had
: 2. C;cre;i:0 tors .an Expcficr.ccs of $1ccm Ocn:rc.g'""
Preswrtzed.Wo:cr Nuclecr P,.ct.:s, La tre
* l'F **".*:*Lon 3;''** '"'*'* d "* ** h r"it,r so <raac a har fai:ce ta. she . me manner. .saallot,.r. phae eaaret.
W. M. Dycr!'y (W.Poh!<th incited amtsea of crus seawas of tus meinsw shtms enu                      ,,e T.e cath.4 . prats 4: et, eracaces visa mesma car-                        "*"'"8**"*''"'''''d''"'***"****'''';"'*-
a'ess w.;rt e.4 unch cady ;.s csserarsi water ps..a.ts as
                      - Lse In_4.J at L4 ,6eicium. auf 34we Yan ee, w4r:re reac-                            A a r salt of the fa.h re to the bel;s,vs. 4:.e Ly c.3M a                                                                        *
                      . s.v ese:.rsdy was ach.eteJ ts, l's{u. >=ce t ca -                    m. erat ter tubC alse 3.vCMe m.a.ect. a.,.: n.= c oce has twen cotia teva                                                  ,                  g.          ,        ,
r    frei.a eacces.
este:3 bra vr razcd mass use t e pre.s.ept ene:. estr.Me of                    cr cas.b t fartwr :exa with a ti..uid gas.uraa is%ccias.r.
get=r. ding us .co for cacitrical capau5..ty s.: curcu of                      so.s a trA cateurs ass an area be;vs the tv w-:o 1.6      -
* N M "' **"                                                                  shett seal weld. A pressere test race-se an.alileeks to sever 1 et the tu:ws W.ow the seat sc.:. ei
:ta the easif ..i nts, ti.e m.ates ial for t?.e premre                      several tubes were cut very rsrefwlly fra let A.;scr.
ha,.ularf .urta eas a4 a carts.n Hest ec.amdwa. A.                            heatcr arJet ts;ht sat t. Ash,1udere. samp;et fase.a tre arta terhohey .*v=.nd wat as t!.e nic.we ro.erator sae sa.                          of Ine tsuc that had tw1n ri,12cd tr.c LJsu stos t ,;c crer. set!. the s .as.casi be prw sere.cor.ta aio:t r:s was                  dur6r4 inricatwa. Xcta;;rcrastar sta:.usmau. s! tase chang.d tv Q e4gher strcN tli ion.43vy nus.;;r:ese-                          1ercer.s of tuuse; aaored htress corroneua Tae n.wi;ise.a      at* r    Tr.c> bee hi-cws:e cup <rstr *er,            cracks were assace.itu. wuJa trar cson M LAe rc'.;ca ;6 the a cua;.s TL ; 4.y u v s'e ms *v * "                              .gess; led arta of tae tube arm occurrce oc,th :. Leu ar.a strel. g.,. c..
:s ut            - a -ey  e.<w      pauaiors . bouw the re;1ee area tnd not la the ro;;e4 port.c.r bec      - '
                                                      *    : .,r  , . m        4. twcase of ty -- g,                S .re            . c. n nna, .he thcr tal                tu addetaca to the bellows sad tubca, part alth. per.
a n.u    a.- e .<.. .= <= m.,,.a.a c            ce;      ta d on lacee      hei.ter (m.titt tras aise corstructed of ty;nm.c4 s*.salass .* Lactr naze has L. creased to the prese.a ur. ins g
W.d h m s w N w d must s.p. s an.:t at aiar. Onaftc ans couceticat YA:et.                                                                                        g ,
Cos.amt s.srseGI. ce km beca saatrJuct<l en t' ao Tw e. h re an.i actas ste sn garrators to (etrrs.ame                              ha            a      um the eff.vt ! d.t.svarsson rt meat-ara sfer priormaae                          g ,,                g,, p          g ,g.,,3
                                                                                                                                                ,                m.g.g*,,p th.o ra th' *.e.a:sa:t Ide et the pla..t. The res.2 e el s'.is                  3 gg, , g ,,,,, ug, g_,g, g,                        3,g ,            y, surve.l.x, e 6 uws tag the ta at-traa.fs t g+sarr.
: g.          m WAs W                        d hwup                                .
maare u e uct de;;raded as the operation 64 tt.e pl nl aa*                    turcs accc; crate Fah crackag. Tae Peach Dottora saar W"                                                                            ger.crator cracLac waa r.ttremted to the f ac: taat >>cs type-M4 staan:c.4-gcel coraspot.cara were te tbn Tac ribWy of ts.e ate a% cearrators for re:csr.                          cartreamed before ar.d during the peries of tac ha rut.s.
u.4-w.ter us prettu to t.e es rv beh. In parta 6 br. the .4 tae N emre a=es :tary throu.h t e                                g , ,,, ,,g g ,, g                                      g      9 tune. L tw*.er, av ptsusry ad. w<e.4ary S wen e.! the                          g gg ,                      g          g      , , ,        ,g,,
stees            aste.t ses beca a g rdGm tra s r wwts ar4* ces                curr.4 la *he steam scacrator was proddced w wa the hevs. Ya6 .ca              .m g.wraswa wi.cre lenge was                    sera. lated ts;.e-to-t oc-sacet Jo.r.:s tabricaea11 ataa O.e r! tectes . te L. .n,? 4ter mer. yt-ars e,psattoa. Da.s                        att    t  ge a; e w a p.                                                                        g. Mh aerator M ;ects were ewed to ba!.r.r. maaa-a*
a.ted 11. tu Stect L.A6 4 at                                                                d h a Wa a;.,. row t.;y tr.e acro. wary face s4 t e t.ibe f. ate.                      stresa i.i the mversa. was tectasary to proci.ce f rae.a:4
                        + =cive f..+s were eb;;:en trf d. rect access taio the                        T              n*cd that esposare of triar-34i s a.44.u weel prsa.ary c mWr wethemas t;cc usawar.r.t;os                                    la p:Ja g              magres.2m chlorMej coed oc used to sh,a:e As e f...d tw.;veap s,I t'.e tt vt tors. samp;es                  tita. Dv the use of this acchnigte a sc;hos ofla;.t rol.-,
frr.a. :.. r.".*t;6 S:ta.a steers.6r were s. mews abr                    la; was deve;c. ped that shoced 1:stic or na rc edba' t. se;c t.a vtW:., to see !! xrea es,rtc+.9 of tav sccon.                        sfrems en tr.e surface of a tut >c that ked inee. re.;cd eacy ayate.t. of tac L.ccal ts.sard es cceurs.y.                      ta a twhe-to-tuba-saeet Joint. Tae taper rc,1;.r.g r.4tW.
Met      r w. k.w sta;at no:= (f the tunnes in the p; ate              co ssted of ro.u 4 =ca a too; that had lea. ro;1ere set at am well eh tee se.gerts are a.<re auter way.                            a ice ang.4 to ti.e axt. of tr.e tel.c. tasa tra.i t!.e 1.d'e coi..a he relied kn:o farm cc: tart werk the taoe ko.e -
: 3. . Ect:om 5:rc :s Ccero : ion..,, rc-N.3,                            ta the ses; weld area sad stez act ext.:nt a st > g,,,, , ,,g,d to rot;ed sectica. Tae diamaer c.f the L. J. llut!. J. F. Watson (GGN. lututcel                                      taper sc.;Ied area gradaany decreased aus Acaa.<: ta:e
                                                                                                          '***d' **            # I"# ""#
Pr or to the ant 4 tat a of ti.e socicar cere .a tce
* Pcaea Lutaen. .%=ec Plaat sat s!ter a seras of het rur.s                          T;.e steast gescrator saperkester sectio s mere re-wah tbs t s.cwsed spettm, strees correa.6os craceang i
L bed wath Inco;oy-M3 (A$ME 83-143. Grade T Tt.e -
was dioceverso 6a the ty..e-M4 sta 4cas-etcci sa;er.                          h.gaat alcact swascat of taas anaterial (34 to Missves
                          . ~ .                                                            *
                                                                . ,                                                            - . . - +                - -
    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            +
                        .t                                                                                          -
                                                                                                                              -},-.TN/9/"y o
01Q*r;$b fro .? -
s w                        ~ WWD-Md?- //V - /W                                                                                                                U! N-;*-.2 '.2
                                                                            "}. 'Mb - Jc:n 19/ /                            .
                                                    ,L    .. . .          .. ,.
                      /.. . _..    . _ _ .. _ .
                                                                                                                            .    . o . ia  w      c.,l,  . .  , .: w,,  . ,s, i
: 2.          Pl~.ta g .t                    v ::M Pinnt b                            r. e:-t e:                        . (1CCC-CP2)                      3. J. Davey ci.:
7;.10 rcet ccvers th:"; cffort relet.Ni to F.;; 3::.:ce pl                                                                                                      .t t.nd S:.:.t ec , rir. ' r.x.uired to rupprt Coca 2 o . ratior.s at
                      .r,.._....cs ..,.,,..                      . ..,.
                                                                    . . . acco plo..              . .a. y.. . . ...wc . .. . ...                                                                                                                    *
                                                                                                                                      ..,r .. ,iu.- . c o, , 4. c.,~, .
: c. .      y .H ' "..        t_W. .
                                              '*r.bc r. - vt% . N:t :n.
                                                                                                    .              C.1% :hy;                                                                                                                                  .l
                    ;.it.~;:r.7:71.4.        /. OctM..'. '.                revic.t o.' Cc Vr.lve C;ere. tin.; C7..te tas con ,lr:ted Ceri: ;                                                                                                                l.  - ,
i T.;c rev'cr s:n . ut.? rt.V:ca bec e:. e cf $::.-                                                                                                          -g re'.iLile c? :atirn perfew..rc:' of the 7.:3?.7, f,yste.: 3y-?a:,a V..1ve Cro~. I.v;u ', 6 10. 0; :: 41<,a et th.' ; ."T *, ,y.h:2 Valvo cc.n=ed a ncn.:ntr-j tcunv. of c .c cr tvo :::.17. ecoh..t hydre olic c? art.;.00 t.Loy wlv..c :.nd it vi:: nct-c:rdin vMir.w the T.y-W.:s Vt.1ve wald re::r.ia in the Cecived pot.;itier. follo. tis;; ion.
7:cc. t19 revice it in.; rQT.2 cat ) r d, certain 3-v y ede;.ar v .t c' cc.W vt.iver the:. b. ch to the r.c,rns12y Correc ce.rir.c..I v:.ter b /;t'a c
                                            . :.nei .:n . O.e Yor, ver.t he.r>                                              ' int . 'J.a v.;st he. der sh:d4 M et
(. .r :... .. c .ctcr cc.1:.r.L i                          . . .        . . . . , . .4. .s,...                      .y:.te..        prerr
                                                                                  . . . y c . . y~ . . . ~. s .ue. , .w._
:ro fo .rc:lif.ble    ,
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                  .... b.,.    , .,., .m.. ~... u. p...,......,    .....                ,,,cn:2 4 N o, .,.s.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..u c....,.s......
J th                    t  '-
* the D Icey                    .nl'.:r          terc      ;vce            red        frc::        :::      tice    b      :  n:::
cv......... . . . .- a ..c ~ .v. .*.~,<..". . c .'. . *. . a %'. A< .. ..' c.'.. . .-.*. c. o.* .' O n. ,.+
* cr      th  ;                            --
                '!ter 1.t- prth.1 iso::.tia c.f ti . 1r, i.:0?
s            f        ,....        ,.. .'j.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..            .        - l.
                                                                                                                                        -4 cie:t of a cctidev ., the '. -                                                                  /
                .' M Ef:.a.y.r.'ntly    t.
devcJo?.5 e :ianific:rt2y ; rc .tcr leth rate, of the cr4;r (lf -                                                                                  .
detcmir.ed frcr. ope. . tic; phr.4 p r:r.cters.                                                                                                                                '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .i .
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_  .a.
I. W
                                .m .uwe
: f. ;c. qnce.; le '. testim c.* *,h:: inchM t.M cai.5d toiler ::vc'.1st cr.:
tute vi;h t leah at Qt nic-Inist cf the U-h:r.f..                      *h
                                                                                              . t,J.,c i; 17. tha c ,;,roxi-      . ecs.,:        c. the tti.,0 r.:ct.
Orfort is contir.ain; to v tr.1: r. Luit .W 1                  :ctica techr.ipc for ex .nl:In*, :J..a U-h%C crea. ZX currcet to :: of tha 6.tra;;,ht ics;th cf the ice.*:in; tute and 100 cth:r tuhe :.hcsta-so tubirc fl.12:.
7brhim cf th Cond .v-te Ct-te*-                  'J. A. radd
                                    ' Sc cc he-Car cel. ti.: 21:i:::: at:: icted vith ths O*.fety Injecti:s Syste bcomter pu-.? have t:en fb hta, c.1                      =sthly lar-i: frc: cv.h of the ti,rce-flu:h ccnarctican, to nir.ini:: the yc,: ibility o.' cirty;r; forci:; . :.terit.1 into thf Ca.fety Irjceticr.
* in:;. Since the c- rat of c-tari:1 colitetti c the -
th:3 cMh ducir.t cach flu;h r.; pres:r.tly conducted h?. 3000 caff'cien'.17 c es11, a recc:: nIntion *gr.s spp. cvei. to reduce tac frescacy of fh:hir , to cace per e,uarter fec . cach of the three essa ctics:. Suh::quent cva ht..ic:.s vill de r .ac to furthcr modify the ft:y:cacy of flushin; if nc; ::::/.
: 2. Ccetrel En-!neeri.w                  (100C2.72)      (IC-g{3)          R. J. Devoy Thic ;roject cover the ca;inceri:0 Lesi. s cad cur > ort of the 712 Central Systcs.                                          .
: a.      *:u:ler.r ?retcette :'Cv::t--.
F-*ctor Pectxtien 1.r .'.m:r,1rc- QD nTJ three-h 10.C00 N J. J. Cor.
A cc:plete raicv of the reacter ;ro c:tica                7 :es coveri:: tha ;:rici frc: SC*O l'??? *.h w:h 10,C;3 ::2; v : . rfor :C.
The therr.21 design critarit.        ...*2 .a dete miain; li=itics core ec litic:s are as follcv :
: 1) Ic,r.rtcre fr:s :*uelet.te* Ioiiire '(K:0) :h:11 n:t occer. The F.T.                                                      ,
                                      -E3 de:,f r,r. crut.ticas been v::d in deter,;; allevatic cere c ystilitice.
: 2) 2:s cim.'y-sista fir i c::1110 tion or tre.r.s: cst flo, revctsa; is
                                    ' pc:=itted within the coal:r.t ch:. .r.c12.
: 3) Feel asi cica tc:per:.ture li it . chall cet te            r exceeded ct :.yti 2.
O                                              e t
O 9
            .          2 k
                                                                                                                                . , . . e, L,.,. . .. -
: 4. ci+ +t w AW te .tt ne (30101:0)                ?. 2. Irev:
5                  72; pr.4:t includca the evalu: tion of chsmictry test cui oparati ; C:.t.,
cc::ul,.ation c: ct:sietry probics: ca? fit.:ic prod 2ct rcles = , 0:d cc: ;"t -
tion 4:valogent effort portaisis; to the detectic                        d locatica cf fail'ci
                .      ,3
                          .m......      ..
: c. _ ann < catiem:
I'a 7. ct Mc.% r.'AM - m e)_ M: /e--om ? cst V. Iccanich Oestia; is bein; Inrrura.c4 to detemi::. if cora pre::dra drap tuildup v:: ic inver drap Vaildu.2 1:
cly as : fu. etion of p*! talow so:c: Icy:1, cr if ccre pre::ura
* ctcp function of M. Otarting on Ae; a:t 6,1960, tho ; vas 011ceci to drift devav.rd fraa a W ra:ge of 10.1-10 3 (00:1::1 10.2) to a r W e of 9.S-10.0.
:::: . 7:r C*.y at 71ow      % 10.1.decrc :c in the d1:0o3:1 clu:ter va: Obcut 0.123 Flov decrc :c in the Cic:;o::1 cluster: for thc- ;2 rar c 9.S-10.0 -:: on tic order of 0.25 pree:t ;2r c y, vhich 10 ts. r.c== : ass r.sta.1 in ths cu :r of 1953 prior to the 1:itir. tics of high IG (10.2) c;orati::.
Tc: Cay; cf cIcration vare retairca to catabli:/ the nav tuildup rete.
C: Aa;ast IS the ICI v : reiced to 10 3 (tc.1). Consistant vith 200'.
c ;, La i :: dicto icvelin;-cff in co:c Irt: Oura drol) vt: ot:a.-toi.
                  *ii.h    c :ti n:i eparatiet. nt ;'I 10 3, there V : Oc'40 indicction cf flo r cc :r;r is th: 1. ; ,..T1 cluster . U;forten:tely, .ha prob 10 vith th 12 ilar ic:.:
c::A ca reg: .: plset chutdov: it.*wr: apt.? the to:t 'cafora a definito tr::C : i h.:a c: ilir:4. After the p10 t ctenup on thrco loop;, o;:raties
: I". elaout tro V:chs, until chutect for t : p.rpc:cci vith :s 1;-
l' c:.tica o.-
e.y trc a up or &cva in ccre pcca:nre drs .. : maver, th:
protr'oility ? reduci:2 cora star.:ura' dro? by r:* 10 3 o;eratic: OuS; c.uas to th:
Ilar.t httiwa v :, t.:all 1;ca a of the crei 2 och::d cff the cera by the r :.ctor shutCov: ::d chsc% valve sl::: due to ;:. p switchin;.
:enl,unctio: vith the cora pras:,ura drop ::cc ure ::ts, ditt v,:re 6t.itsd er flav in the 7~:0.*.I. Systt: lir.2:. furi:3 c;2ratic: 00 32 9 9 atT. 10 3 It V:.- 2 * :rci: 1.h:t t.he ,.,.u..,
                ;c/.y . ._ s. ...4.
                                      . . ... %~ r , ~:
722.*.I. ';;':tc: flev is very ::::itive to ;2.
: l. f*
                                                                    .~ . c%. c. . .s . ... r. . . ..
                                                                                                          ., ,- e
                                                                                                      ....u e
                ;-2:U.r.t f.=r dry. 7:3 VilvC: had to '00 cdjV't0d frOCJJf.t1;' tC cC 22-7t2 for
                **1: c . .:. ,;2.      At I?.I 10.3 ticre V sc:a recsvary of f1 V is thaza linea, folicv-1:.; which f;c. r.ta rc air.ed con: : 4t.          -
Crit:t - I.:tivity        W. loch:ick tritit:
Ar.alyr.icaldatafrer. Chip?incNrt1:?ie:tcth:tpricrycoolt:t Octivity has dacreated frc th: pech talues :stedis c:= lyc3.
0 6
                                                                                              .        e. .
l UA'J-2-110                            .
                                                                    . . . . r,, .,. a h.
                                                  - /a - ?.t.cT. cc.,i t'' "RT"Br: AC73'T7f Fr. . -le -                                Caed 1 - Cara                2+'      ':'ritium !.ctivity rum                                        Sm W P t t a                          (ue/1)
AC-I.U                                            ~ 7-21-63
* 6.7 n-l.1x                                                S-17-63                                L.7
:;3-nlX -
10-13,-G3                                ,8.0 w    -;.1..
                            .a 2 ,s-a<e                    
                . ~ ...
a                                            5    1-a, ,                        s ,e.0 Ac.:.r*.                                              k-12-C5                              29 5 A;-l.U:                                                5-19-65                            h3.2,
                  .. C ...s. ..                                          6 ,2-s<.<,                          5 a
                      . ,.a....                                          i s-ca r-s.e.O 5.-
A0-A:2                                                8- 1-65                              L5,.0 m,....                                                          u                            s.O a
e                                              w
* trit; :. cv:ccntraticti durin3 C ,rc 1 orcratica rc:MC fro: 2 l', pc/l fc.11ovi::
the cht. .over to Li'C:I p:i control. ':he t.curco of th.tritiur. cctivity h:0 st yet kc: cctatliched.
                                  'J : 19 'oih. I+ c.k  U. Icchnich                                                                    -
s C'.er.istry cr.nples vare c:=is:12n conjunctica vith tha F.212 ::,11;:-
Icah 1::ci +c.          ro analpical evipsce of ceco:d".ry cyste: chonical in the                                  ,
prir._v/ c , .:.::. va: detect;d. :*? cctivity .in the 3.rinary ecols ?, v1..
c:.lcult.t21 m ice cere./. t hisha thn crially expect.,rl for 7?. C Ec;.t.;nte 7, wh:n ti a plar. shut:cre. occ tr:C, tha :h d t.ctivity in the 12 I:ilar x. 2,b x 10) d3;/r.l. "his v .ho
* 3 calcul:taa to roc _uire ht ::: 1
::: '. . $ 10' a,::/:1 :P ir. the pr ::ry :;z cz, corraapc= ia., to c.h .t L .::a of ;dit: in th: prie:..ry c::1; t.                  P fir. cry ecol::t 13:.17:10 c C ?;c br 11,,        ,
fcl*.e,C. , ;Cr.:t et:rtn;, che.:ci a rad 4 c.ctivity laval of 5 23 h 102 d.:./ra r in cec; i.;r2. :a:.; vith tha vr.: ,e cf r.edire.; r.:tivity r.o- Miy czpactcc. ::o fer:Mr 1.n r.;,1;'. . s cf 23      2 '' cetivi y v;; regire?.
:<:.'c retco in tha 15 Isiler vera c tinated fro th 7'3 cctivity fcnai it the teiler vatcr. Wole A-LYII ta*.,ul tus the le:h rr.tes calcc.10'ad.
t 5
t kb
                            .s                                                              .
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{}                                  -Em Uia4..r "
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: a. ,. .,.e,C,                        ._,,(c),                                                                                Ste:47 St:22                                                155 S.;7 03 s                                  .c.i.-.,..e...m.
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Cf                                  E u-Zy Chte                                                                        .
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    ,                      This ym,;cet ccver the en:;ir.ceri ; cffert related to FWP. pover p hat systen : .4 phat c::/,incerla:: rcpired to se,T, ort Cor: 2 o;cratics: at Shippirgpert d to accc pli:t r. y accc:::r/ =ccificaticss.
: 2.      13 Stes: Cenenter          C . E. 7. .70 The 23 Ste:r. Cc cr: tor va: hutdevs, icolated ni drai:ci duris; this ~
rc; ort perice becauce of a ccco..i prire.n to Occc detr/ le:X r.s rc;;rted in                                        -
F.3?-119 The lech locatica na estr.tliched initially by a. ceccadary cido ctor te:t  with  :.  =cvcatIc p cusatic stopp:r in:crted frc the pri= r/ cida cf th2 tv e; the u ter ter. V:
thc later confir=:d by : ultraccaic prchis; cf the pri=:ry sico of the tube. As with the first le:X reported in 2?-113 cc: tute vas found to to le:him; bce:.u:e of a tubs failure in the c=e U. tend :::. Os the fir:t lea %. The cire of this scccai 100% :.ppaars to ha ;;;crintcly tha
::3 ss th firs; : d is in r. tube in the                  ==2 vertical colurr. :: tac fin; le:Xer but ci;ht ro.*: hi;her. (F4R ctc : E,e:cratorr are instr.lled in a heri, stel positics.)                                                                                                  .
Efforts to dato bec7 sirected to d valoping: 1) a :::: inc crivcr.
ultracoaic c:uc.t 6crect:
shear mye test for ins;cctin; tube U.ber.d: for partial c cc:.lato cacily 10:0J 'oy the ::c cperatcu 30:00.1 ultra:::ic 000., 2) 2.
      '            tube cuttins device capabic of ::. Kin; i.hro::: cuts c tha orcar of 23 fc:t frcs the tube sr. vet for removia; U-tcad :::?les frcs peripheral tuta r.cceenbla fro:    Ocec=dary :ide,          d 3) vicur.1 =c :: cither by casare, er flexibla t ,re::c;;
of cx :. inia; th: failed ares. Effort: :: prc=ici:0 ;1rtic:M rly in the :::c cf    i;T 7 be Cuttis;, hev ver, to c .te, a ::.ticfsctorf . 4 ccrplete ficic oper:. tis: h::
: r. t becs demon.strated ni it a;;::.r: : .other thrac to six vect:
vill tc rceircd bcrcro ,uch a de :=tre.tica c= ta ::da.
: b. C:oldcv cf the .C Ste -. C-ener: tor                  L. E. Kcr.:at Procedure.1 caideline: : i limit . tics: von pre; red to c:;: ite coolccv of the 1:ci:.ted 13 :tes: Gene ater. 7:10 a:.ics c : con icer::.
::ces ery a the =" ural temper:Lur0 deccy r:tc of the isslatc1 unit u s ::
cufficies; to n: cure t :et the unit cculd be drain: :d laid up for : inte::::a by t'.c der. ired 4 tc.
The ra ::::nded :ter.: Generator cooldova ::dc ec:ci::::
c:: cati:.11y of r. series              cf p:rti:1 draining i fillic; c; ::. ties: tatt v:214 add cooler v ter peric41cally to tho ::ecadsr/ side of the s:c.: cesar cr.
4            h:talled vith    en:, unparsiure ting pl : taer= instr.z:::tstica 1 limitaticas.'vill bc =anitcred to ::sure cc:pliacca e
4                                                                                    O e
      /                          ,n.          ..e=.,w..
                                            *c          .
JAD-21.?-1^0                                .
                                  'c .  %-atun a-A croMmn ormtier.*.          L. 3. %c :ct I, rece:.:: datics was : oroni to re&c plant prc::ure prior '.r.,
            .              initisti ; cc:1 deva cMrnics: ::0 : reducci prce:urce ur.til hW.sp opentics: co .pleted. Wie ::dc cf c;;rnics *:scid decrc::c th: pri- r/-
* to-:ccce.::.:/ prest.ure differet.tial scrc:: the : ::: cc crater tuto v21h.
          .                Tsten.i .11y the pl.r.t pres: crc vould falicv the ci-% prc:sure Oct ty .he
                '/^        recctcr cool = pump operation cu:v: durir.. t'.c her. tup : d ccoldova opctn icas.
It is acted that both cf the O sterr. Ces: rater tute rupture: c: curred daris;            *
            /                  cosid:v r.04 hentup operatics, ::pec:iv:ly, sinc prirr.r/-to-:cccetr/
          /  .
pres: crc differcr.tish were at thcir highe:t v:. lues.
: d. It Sten accerator Mc .ts-.icat'.cn          U. A. hdd As cicetrolytic deeosta..iration of the printr/ sif.e ir.let nr.c cnh ,    ,
plenu: cf the C ste ccccrator * :: acecr?litted to =iniciza radistici. c=p,.n re duri *. pinneci inspection of the.:tc:.: :r.ct ts tuhts. Caly the pica c V.1%
::d civider plate arca verc decor." '"t:d; the stcr.: cc:crt. tor tutcshec vas protcetcd from the decosta instica cohtics by a pclyethylena chect.
The electrolytic deco..tanin:. tics 10 e dephti::3 operatica.usit:; dilut'e culferic acid as the clectrolytc :.t the point of costset. A special brar.0. vr.:
develop d to apply the electrolyte at a controllei rate to the picca: vall: : d to =ini=ite runoff All of the decosts:instic; c the ple ::: inlet cid: v s perforced frc the outside usins          e=tentics h: on the tru:h. C: the cutlet sido plenuc, the oporttor had to cater the plenus is crder to cifcct sr.tiefect'or/ resalts. A caxi=n of 20 volts I;C, with currcat varyir.;
30 ::p acpendia c rate of depleti:3, was utili::d. A tott.1 of aben ci ht 0:llons cf electrolyte was accded. 7:e catire operation vcat without ;:ci br.t.
7t.c decosts=1:sted ecction had the appe rance of bncht shi.Tr ::nl cc rared to a dull black before the operation. katoradio;nphs vill be t :::
of the d. costs:1:ited areas for cc:pr.riron with those tihon prior to the                ,
de:cali 3 operation. The rc:ults vill te reported is the sen is:ce of the : 2.
: c.  ?.ro Leoo Po'.rer ocarttics      L. E. !*--at The E stes: generator is pre:ently out cf service to rapiir :.
prizar/-to-:cconhry leak t. d, is the evcat cr.s*hcr hoop ===T be re: :ci frc:
: rvice, co.tinuca pater c;cr. tics could caly pr:cccd with tuc 1co;; in :_rti: 2.
: 1. rcvice :,hoved th"t caticinctorf pr ar c? ::. tics c:.: be achic* icd et Shippi .;;cn vith or.%* tvo oport. tic, reactor coah t ic:ps provided ecchn punrien:c:
* Ic:p 10 rz.inte.ined in se:vicc. In the unliucly eve n that cither pun f;c n is:
icop veuld be t.vaihb1c, pipi 3 : dificatic s vould be regired to falt:11 cxinir., coolant chemistr/ cc plins regirc::sts ::d pecvide fcr hydrosc:
addition. The r xi== Power level with two le:p opension is%$.
                  \                      .                          .      <
2 I
6                                                                    .
T                .            .
A                                            -
      .              ~
              . k'AI".5-rd'-1.00                                            .
L. CNmin* v A- ,liestice (301*CSC) P. E.*Erown                          -
s 7.a. i project includes the evaluation of chenistry t<.:tc r.nd operatir.r. data.
censultr. tion on chenistry problens ar.d ficcion product release, cnd con:ultr. tion              ,
    ~          c.nd dcvclo;t.cnt effort to the detection and location of failed :tc1 C1cncnts.
: a. arm ie.-t es T itiu- Aet'.vity r.t F.R        V. Icch .ick, P. W. hrank
  -                          Antlytical data from Shipnin.gort, tabulated in Tr.blo A-I, it.dicata triti= activity has leveled-off after decroa:ing from the high point noted 'n June 1966.
The ic: value noted in December 1966 can be attributed to aboic-avertr,c Ich rates preceding this ar2pling dato. ?ne level of tritium activity found has piccented no operational or diep;ssi probicas.
TABil; A-I P.G R'.* ,TCR Cn0TATT SITnM ACTIVITY S.--,1c Sour a Sced 1 Coro 2
* Tritium Activity St. nin Dato                __
yc/1 AC-AIX -                          6 21 66 *                          $$.1 AC-AIX                            7-13-66                            kB AC-AIX                            6-1-G6                            h5                    -
AC-AIX                            9-7-66 33 AC-AIX                            11-3-66
* 31 AC-AIX                            12-lh-66 19 AC-3IX                            1-2h-67                            26.8 AC-BIX                            2-6-67 22.9 AC.AIX.                          3-6-67                            26
* Trittue.      concentr.stion the chardcovcr                during to I.1 7CH      Coro 1 operation: ran;;ed from 2-hjic/1 foll win,-
pH control.
                                                                                                                  *3 1
6 9          - , - -                      ,            , .-.          ., ,w--
                                                                                                                                                                      ,                                                                        WI.N 4CP-125 v
There in littlo or no holdup of tritii.s on the ion,c renin. it.c
                                                      - cffect of decs;- (12.26 yo.,r half lilc) is nc. li;;ibic in cctab,lishirg: the str.:Ay st. ate tritit.c concentration which c:<icts. Plzm coolt.nt "1cahu,c" i: re:,;esitic fer i e r.a.ior reamal of tritina cctitity fron tha systc=. Since tritiun con-centratior is rol..tively constant in the ranne of 25 uc/1, ar.d the "1cc::" rsto                                                                                                                                                                            .
is a;;voxir.stely 25 tL9h, the production rcto of tritiur can be estir.atcd as follevs:
25 uc/1 x 3.7fi 1/nsi x 25 nph                                                                  =
2.h x 103 uc/nr.
Possitic trittu:4 productio= r..achanis:s vero discussed in 'uP34GP-119, 3.1.b.
A pect;uction of 2.h x 103 ) cf.@. does not entbic climination of any of thc:c produ:tica ncch..nisns from consideration.
TCf.3-WM - Wit h                              ,H /s. .onim 1:ve' n -ide ?cr,t i i R.'?.                                                                              W. Icchnick A rato deterr.inction was schieved for coro pressure drop tuildup at
                                                          ;5 10.0 ; O.1. Coro pressure drop ncasurcr.ents have now been made for p310.2, 10.1 c.d 9.9 cperation. The data are cursarized in Table A-II.
TABIS A I                                                                .
                                                                                  ?.G C.TtE I?.?SS!,                            ? .E 20? f.'*D F'.fr.' AS A FC:CTION CT eH nH e 9.9                  10.0                                                            10.1          10.2 Pc-o ?amien                                                                              All values in psid per 2h hour day
                                              - .ted t2                                                                                            +0. 23                +0.1                                                          +0.03          No change 31ackct 2                                                                                + 0.11                +0.06                                                        +0.0h          No cht.n;;e Srod Fuel Acce-blics                                                                    All values are in % flow reduction per 2h hour dcy with 100% being tha hot, h loop, p =ps on fast, design flow.
Opnter                                                                                                          -0.01                                                                        .No chen.:
Dica:nal                                                                                  -0.25                  -0.03                                                          -0.C4      .Wo enan.e Inset                .                                                                                          -0.05                                                                          o chsnge
* All P9valuce art, + 0.1 e
                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                - e , .
h    ___m_________.__    --_.__.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                __m__.____1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _      _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _            _  _-__._____________m.________________________-__m.                                  _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - -    ._____a
: s.        ...=~ -                  a                                      e ' e t. ~        s 17 lit"l~ l
                .          A.    """!    PI.*":? f"J.'70-"?                                    3. J. Dcvoy,2Sn:ccr
: 1. Tlc.'
r'. rv.- w          .a.rt.
                                                                            'la nt I r9--~rf - A                    (100::02)              3. J. Davcy f
                                  *71: pre,*,cet cover the c.7;in::rina cffori rel*.ted to F.!3 p:7 cr 71:r.t
:/:te. ' erd pir.nt c:-incerir; ree,uirca to cup;s3 C0:s 2 o; ::. tier.: :.t
* the :"t.ippic:;oA .'.tcmic Pcver Station d to scac:?lich c.ry ::ces:Ary
: Cilic:ceio::.
                .                  c.        3 F.ta m cc:                        C. L 2y:
i j
Os S Stet: Ocacrator r: sined chutdce duriac thi: r:;crt ; rici tect.;;c of a prin:.ry to scoc;C .ry tube ic .h c: rciorced in 17.PT,-:2-LEO.
                                            . . ... ..o,.
                                                        . .4.c e...s....,
                                                                      . .. . ,. c = . ..
3 o:.. .. .. .,. =t.,y
                                                                                                                                .. . J . u . .,. C . .
                                                                                                                      .t. C.a, ..
                                                                                                                                          . . . .      . . . o. . . .
                                                                                                                                                                      . . . . e. techr.ic:e v:0 cca.Cucted <* 0 c:rylet:0 Curing this 1:rici. W il thint.i.- ir.
t          the U-bend c er. v:.0 fcun? in 30 tub: :Sici h'.vc their U-b; .0 terr.inr: 1:. c". .tt.:                                                                      '
vith the 1 00 tube cup?ori es : bly. Oirty of the:c tubc vith c. vall; in c ::: of kO,', b rec b:en ple:: d chile tho 2 tube.: vith le:: th : h0', v .ll
                '          thin-ten '., .ve been left o?:n for reins;;ctics of tube =11: fclic tin ; : verr.1
                          =enth; of 3 loop operatica. Oc le:hin; tube and the one tt,bc that veuld .c.
c: cept the UO probe in the U-bcad arca vero c.1:o plu;;cd. acturn of the E unit i
j          to cervice v:0 in pro;;rc                              at the c:d of thi: repor; period.
                                            't..e U? inep:ction va: cor. ducted u:ic; a ::chinc drive device for movi:.3 the U7 probe and vr..i in the tube. Sigr.11 record vore cbtal:cd on all tube: in:;;cted to par =it cc=;;ricos vith future in:70ction data.                                                                                            i
: b.      C Stee.'s Occe stor                          C. II. Ihy:
A :all pri=::/-to-:cconi.:af 1 :t va: detceted in the C CF. : C ::::. c on. l*:y r.,..
                          ..          13,. e .3in  .
                                                          . .. .. ,, ccur:c i......... of routinc
                                                                            . < s 17,  ., o..        a sdr.iky    .,3    ,r.: tivi.ty.3 ce
                                                                                                                .., - e it.o.,,.,.
                                                                                                                                      ..        c ...lysis      of s..c:: d .y teiler. e
                                                                                                                                                      . .,... .o O..s v..
crh, ha: steadily incre::0? the rtet tro =cnth: e.:? by the cad of this re;cr 7:rici v : in the ran:;e of 2C0 02:-/171terino-18 cquivalent to 3-9 c;h.
Se Shippirc;srt Atemic Pc:cr Statica h s been c; : tci.:-9. inly c c b :o 'lcr.d of 1C3 l-;f(c) since the cb:crvance cf the C le:.h, rather t'-- '- **c                                                                                  .
nor. 1 svin3 lead ::de, to =inici:c pl t tc=; rsture cad prec ura vr.ri..ione that could cdversely effect the C los? Icti rate.
Unce. the 3 leop is returned to scWica, the C loop vill 'ce renvci
                '        fror. OcWico for'i::;cetica c.nd re;;ir. i.. :: cord:::e with tic prc;rs: to be c:toblished by the '4ceti 3housc Pl:nt App :::cs Divisica.
9 8
W l
                                                                                          .-                                                            e
                                                                                              /V F-u /
l*                  4) Rc in he: s :nt=ctica level for res: tica of cru]. :~:. vin; i
caturstion c:pecity, the rc:in vill ret:.i: c::catially no cdsiticani crud. fac ::turstics Icycl for 7* 1 operatics condition: 1: 20,hacvs.
9I                                                                            .
j                      $) ''cchanical or hyarnalic chock, Ou:1 s: that rc:ultin frc= pus ,
vitchin; cperation,, cc cc: tribute te, ic:: of crui frc the rc:in.        s i
F=ther tes:100 is rcc.uired to d tcr in the de:irchility cf ::::st:.rily interruptin; purification ficv for thc icop involved it. pu:p svitching cpcraticas.
        .I                        6) Survey dsts indicate that ec plete rc:cy:1 of activity 1 set cffectci 3
l                            vith discharge of rc:in frcs tac de:incralizer.
L i
: 7) 7crth:r testin3 is ree.uired to dct:.~ine the effect cf hyirculic sic:%
cn ::.dir.tica lev:ls in the de.incr li:cr: cad to c t blish rc in dischsrso criteria.
t                                                                                                        .
: 8) fo sinisizc activity holiup vithis dczincir.lizcr internal , the de inerclizer should bc pur;cd with forward flush after rc in
          ,                            disch:r;:.
Oritium Activity at PTR - W. lechnick fritius activity level: for April, X:y, sad June era 20, 29, cad 37 ue/1, rc:pectively. Altheu $ the:c 1cvols appear to show as increasi: trc d, this is soi, cc :iicrcl si; ificent at the prc ca , tisc. 7.e avers:c Icval for April, Kay,*
a.1 June is ~29 uc/1 es cc=;cred with an svers;c of ~25 u:/l for Jc:c;:..y, Februcry, cai Erch,196*l.                                                                                                  ~
Ivslu itten of Oc-:ts 5S101, 53001. SSLC1. s .d 53201. P. W. Frs:1 fest cvalucticas were suh itted for tha following:                      .
D2 3 53101, ";3 tar =inatics of sedicauilide 3sse levels,"
22S-53001, "Ec:: tor Cocla.t ?is:ica Product Activity,"                                '
D2S 5SI.01, "720A*. Syste: Operstics:1 '.'cet," cc.d 0~.0S-SS301, "FZDAL Sy:tc Cperstics 3.:ri:3 Statica Startup".
We evaluctic:s the exi tence      of fuel cicconcluded ent defcets.that of ::: tests Gave an indicssic: of 5 Ple t :' ate-isis (3COF331, 307 5 0) A. *d. Klein 7:is project covers the in:pc:tica r.1 cvelustics of p rts c 1 cc ;::ca.s rc ovci durin3 plant : lificaticas, :1 cc: ultatio c cc ;c: cat f bric ..10:
or in:tallstica prcble:s, cffe:t of u: cual cc iiticas such c.s d : cst. instics solutics: ca plant =sterials, t. d solc: tics of r.aterials sua fabricatica processes.
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            .                  1.          71-M 8 5.-- e-a .t- * ?la. *. F--i r ear' ~
                                                              .                                                                            (1C00'72) . 2. J. hvoy                                                      .
s                              e. , s              .
                                                                                  ....                          - ~.                      . . . rc....    , . c a.. . o c '1 .
                                                                                                                                                                                          .e . . .~    . . ...
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                                                                                                                                                                                        .          r. ***-
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: s. a f. .c.cs
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: a.          3 St - .0::ert:cr                                      C. E.* . ys
                                                          ,.e s ..c t                w.. ....., . . . .. . . . .c.      ..    .. . . . c s . . , ,.. .,            c    ..      2.,  a.            eg.. ...
                                ,...s        c.e
                                                . . ..c  .- . .
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                                                                                                                                              . v c .-. .,a
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                                    - -- . . .. . . . yc e ., e.,.
a                          . u.,,fg.              .e                                    ..<
                                . te.                                                                                                                                                      .
: b.          C Ste*.*e *r.*or                                    , C. E. !". ys
                                                    ,'Fhe C 5*,c = Gese .tcr was r:::vei .*re                                                          se:vice c: C:1y 22 ::1
                                  ..      .., .    . . ...  ..r. e .ie gg . .e .-.              3. . . ., . . a . g; . 3eg;.. ...,.,..,..              .......            v. e ..m.e..            v...          .
fec=1 vita a M1 is tic c.;:x : e: ::114 t:ies verc fc::d to t ve v-11 t'*--*-, is .te a;::c e. es. As is the c e cf tts 3 S*c:: Ge:erster the
        .,                    Icali - td:= ::d st::e vith v:11 t''- ' 3 all t:d that: "I,'" tesi a;ex
                                        %            -- . .p .e. '. '.ub e .- .,,.. . .
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: c.        Ai- Ccelire S'esten                                        U. A. 3:11
                                                                                                                                            ... e.,., .. ..y ,.. .... ...
                                                                                                                                                              ..                            ,s.. ,                      .
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                                                      .a..      ...... .O    . .s , . . ..g.g....                    C. ,. .. a.,
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yC e ..e,.g              . e.a g.- s . ...s.  . ,4 *C          *.he .***..w#-. .#.***.*
                      ,                    f.
c se ,.c s., L.. s.c .. ..cs, ..s.c.3                              . .
                                                                                                                                                - .e d s.. _... . . e ., ., . e .,
g eva;; to tes*, t& is, asi 1:s'.r.1'.s. tics of s.^                                                                  *- :: size ic: exch.= er e              ;re. filter units.
r 1                                  . .
                  . ,1                                                                                                                                                                  .                ..
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* 1
                      .                                                            - - -                  .--            .c V1.*3-:* .?-13 c.
E ..'.icactive '* ante 31:n--J. I'v.-tc * (NTS)      W. A. Zudd Eleo5tnq of lNm M. ?n lost ree                                                    4 Each of the four E"O;u: .lcrfround nar:0 tanh: 10 siter.t:C undcr-
        '                        freund in acu=p:.
as:cciated          circubr pit which is aiai,tir:0d C y hy periodic eductics of Due to a lcalia; ste:n valve in the O sur;e t.3% pit and
: r. f..ilurc of the nomal parp-out cyntes, the vet:r icycl bot" ;r. the pit ccacrate Ce  t.      17.11 :. d the Our;c tant ro o to cuch a level that the t:.:% ficated.
uler opsco veter ves pu: p:d out to allan the cur;c tan:: t rc:ctt'e.
                                . A vi:ur.1 cr.ani= tion revt '. led th:.t the ten': sed its conecti:; lit.20 vara under. :cd except for two therr.ccouple lines above the top of the tank.
Gisco was  notthese is;21 red. lines serv.inato in volls incide the tank, the ta % istc;rity The conclusion frca the ex.sination was that the ta 2 vac not da.:s cd and could be roturned to service.
E'.103 Cooling Uater <!
The r.*I control rant:
vas lowered frc. a rasse of 8 3-10 5 to a r:. age of 8 3-8.8.0 for. the vaste dicrocal coolin; ve should offer better corro:ica protcetion to the newly in:te.11cd clu=1::=7..c levar rasse l                              hcusin; arcand the coolic; tcver, a:d chould provide co:plete cor:0: ion protection for the carbos steel composents of the coolir.; vr.ter systen.
: d.      Heat Lic 1pation cystes !? sin Ster 1.:oter Oterated Stop Valve D. T. Klinksiek to replace the Icakin; heat dissi;;. tion rain steen stop valve.A new gate valv    01: new valvo    is a parallel is recondar/                  disc cato side ste::2          valvo developed under 1.?/.D co;;i:::ce for u:e syste::.
ler. kin; valve, provida ca opportunit        The instr.12ation ras =2de to repl:co tha
* scv valve for de:ica evahatica purpocca.y to operatic:21 data es the                    -
13 Coolant Loon Stein 02 cr?. tor ~            D. T. W.sksie's-Ultrazenic toctin; of the stos: Cenc= tor tubes vas at:Med in March to study vall this:1:3 at the U-band ap:x. All previously ultr::enicly tected unplu;;cd tuta: vero rc.ce"4-'d in the arca .facro, the U-tend cpex is in ecstcet with the loo? c d tube support.
* Two cf hase of ve.11 thinnin; et the apex arca.tute: had bcca provicu ly reported in UAPD-:23-122 to Rc ca:sintion revealed incr=2: _1    v.ll t                    vall thinni 3 indications, indic ted t. s all c cunt of vall thinni ; in the apex r.rea.
      .                    tested from    tho tube tubc  sheet. at Nothevall!.th      and 5th tube thinsis; vas indicated.
support phte areas as refere cc
      '                                                                                                                        f e
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          .                                                        .                                                                                                      W.~O-;22-125 m
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                                                    .t> a.
D sayo a ...v ..
: 1. ~%id Syet- . red Pient b ineeri.* (lCCCI?2)                                      R. J. Ecvey Thi: projcet cover: t'.: c -ine:-i=0 cffert rel:ted tc Pi~1 p:: r ;1: .t
.                        : /: tens ed pl:nt c .-12 crin; regired to ::7 pert Ccrc 2 c; r: ics: :t e.e Shippi c,,crt Atc ic Pc::: St: tics ::d to :::c plich : / =ce::::./ ncdificatic::.
: a. 13 Coel- .t S*er, C~.creter          D. 7. Klinksick A prc;r:n for titr::: ic reins;;ctics cf ths 1B lce?
tMert: ken dein: the previcus re;;rt ; cried, as cese:it:d in 'll 0 **JJ-12h, Sc:tica I.A.1.c. Scfrc r= . eve:ld tro ca:ce cf. additic :1 t'e'- ' cver                                                                                                                  cr4 abova that identified in mid-1957 (r.f "JAD-;?J-121, 5 0tica I. A.1. :. ).                                                                                                          It ha:
b:en concluded th:t the tubo W--2              : c'. mica is a siculy pre re::h; fr.: tic.
e.ich is not scen ce. side a relatively li=ited are: wherein U-tnic cc:': c=ta:-
tho last tubo sup;crt pl to. 2o iMicatica: of us11 thi .ni:: rcre chtai..:d frc in:;cction cf sclected tubes at other tube s;;,, ort lec tics:.
E : in; cf five tute: ras cc=:leted d::in; this ; cried. The -/ nsd tubes inchdcd the tuo tubes which hd been fc::d to inen thi duri .- the Juno 1757 testing but vero left u17 u :cd (cf 'a C '.22-121), th :: cddi.tcasi tubcs in shich well t''n-i          ; tes cbse: r:d during th: pre =t t:: tin ;, : d cae tubo in tho :ss;cct re:ic: which cculd act see:pt the titras: i: '.c:                                                                                                              cpi;: cst.
Four :te= cc :::ter tub:: tSich r ra plu:::d initir.11 r in 4..                                                                                                          1957 ucre us;1tgged, ultrasc.icelly rei.:;::ted, ed r:3            1 :::d. Si: in:;;;;icr.
reve: led no detcet:ble additict:1 e'- ' ; h:d cecered in the:: tut:0 d -ing the period they terc pit: :d. 3:: d c thi: firdit:, a c:;rra of ::ti c is
      .                hein pursued thic'. Will step dice in all tubes 100 ted 1. the :::;::: Arsa,                                                                                                                  .
: 4 thus avoid furths: deterierstica cf tC: inte.rity. The di:n tic:ki g device will ha installed during the r. :d, repet ;A~1cd.
: b. E-t Oissintien Sv:t= I'rin Etern !* ster 0 3rsted St: ; '." L. 2. W ns:ex Tho seu g:to v:1ve, inst:11sd durir; the pl :t chutic-e. in 7:1 ::ry 155#,
(!!A*.G.7.?J-12h, I. A.1.d. ), centinued to leak in e :::s of tha 500 c:/" -*~
specified design icek rste.
Tho valve is in:t:lled uith th: et= i-M * :d at 10 dc;: se: tslew the hori: cat:1. Thi stc= pc:itim prm:te: the cc11cc ,ic . of cc:dessato in t'.:
t =ct which c:n iced to tic =:'. cistertica cf t'2 dises.
* L72 rece---?cd the in:tclisti:n of bc d. in thi:h r : a;;r: ci tj the AIO. A Jcb Crder uss 2:itten ::d the tenact drain installed during a
                          ;1s.t shutdova in Ju=c.
Leska;;o rates aro scu uithin specificatica regire=:sts. ~
            .                                                                                                                                                                                    %. .a..o . . .. ,. ., , e.a I        P. *1 ..-
                                                                                                                  .          .w      .        .I.,
A.      r_. _.s
                                    .,4 , m. . .e ~. u .m
                                                                                          . g.m.~...,.,.,
                                                                                                          ... ..        .* .c ,cy
: 1. -'kM Sv ^e- : -4 Ma~t "n-h e-                                                                              (1CMG2)                          T.. J. Ec .c-/                                                        ,
e.s..i    , ..                                                  en.. .        . . A,s ,. C.e .            ,".-t,..,.....,.......,.,,
                                                                                                                                                            ,3. ..t.
: s. g 2..oc...ro4.. ,....,cc, n., ,.. c. e.s-.
a                                                                    . a. . .o.,..n...^.
                          .s . cs.C T...          .. % .... w..c. . ,. , C3 . .s .o        .      ccC.;?s,vs
                                                                                                              . _.s.. .,C . , ,. . C c . ,... . .Cc                    a , .~
* c-a.4 . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                              , .~    . .~ - '.ic . . .. '. ^* 2 .'' .*.sg~ .~ .. ~,,crt
: o.        M Co31.r .ic.A e,                              . . .,1C.
                                                                                                .      ... . . . . . . . .                      3. e.m. .v--4.-    - 5..-. , c.s.
re A , C *.a Cit e
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                                                                                                                              . . 9 9 4 . .            .s.,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                ." .. (#*Cc.
l.s. .      .
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                                                                          .        3.,    3 .p
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                                                                                                                                                              . .. .        i .,.4.s.. .          t %,.. . o ..                /.,,.,
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                                                                                                                                                          .        g.* a.s4.                4.
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                                                                            .. co ,C . . ,.s..s    . .c...w .>        .<c . . / u....~ ,c.,.,
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in 21:nt ceniiticas.
: h.        3. '.)    .e.  ... .. .. . %. .. ...... . . .C . v. .Ci.1.    .-a 1        .,.C-,.            .A. . ..
c., . ..
D . m. . .m 4.
ic, .o    .      de. ..        _4    ,
                                                                                                      .- c c2.o., C..
Ca 33    4 , .. C;.....    . . .    , c. .. ..    . ... 2        ,. . .o ...          .s .
o ...                                                .
1.a...c. c*. a +..Lo.J blo . .o. c,on.> c .                                                4        a. 3, ,. .                  . . . .c.
                                      .                                                                                          ..    -                  .o3c...                      ......                          .. Cc=.
plcted. ':'M:c stu'.ics vero cenincted usi 0 digital cc outer si:ml:tica of the rc: tC: p1=t to deter-*-6 ste:dy st:tc cc iitic:s fcr gives plc..t crr:n =:st:.
                                            ';~.a rc=stal frC:s Crvicc of 11.2% of tha total tub:: 13 the 3 v:it h:.t c,,C"..chen          : by c fi.c t b1Cche;:                              .c.,,,device t:: predicttd                                        to c:u c c tot:1.ccr: .ri . rf s.,. .,c7 .,,1 23 .. . ., . g v , . ..
                                                                            .2.g. C:.. .4 . .
                          ..          . .... ~. , c3 C. .-                                                                                                                                    .a                                n,.?
                                                                                                                . .. A, ~.    .
C". . ..                          a          .                      . . .-
C; .. .  . .,. ..
                                          . .    .        D, . , .. ....f . 9                  c.J .. a...      .. s . ., .e. *. C C ., ...
C      . o  ."*..    ,  a.
                                                                                                                                                                  .+ ., C.. L., . s.. *C;.                .a  i.r .. .o ..      . .-
Co.....    . . .
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                                                                                    ,a.. c. n.4.a    .      ._s .. .. .... C. .i,...                                    ..
                                                                                                                                                                                            .              .. 3$ca ..a one Ccro 1 :'*in "Colast 2*.:::? ' st:11cd is the 3100?. 7cr thrco ic:y er tvs 100? ,,le..'.                  of-a.  . ..'..c.., '        .'...*'.c',.-' ca.-*                                                                                                            *. . .'e,p'
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                                                                                                                                        .                        . 313 c i.
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4      .s,.
m.,    C3.. 3.s~..            . . ,g.-. . . ,t . .w .. . . , E , . . ,...                            m, , g........
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                                                                  .a      .G~.~ m    o
                      .A.      ; n -siAr? f JP?00                      3. J. 0 Voy,I'. : Oct
: l. Fluid Sv:te-: and Plant 29-1:n=rf ~t                (100: %?2)      R. J. Davey Tc.1: p.o',cet cover: ths c=;inceris cffort rehted to F.!2 .cVer ; hat sy:te:S .:d phat c ;ir.cerin; required to :up;crt C.s; 2 c;;ratics: e. *.he Shi;pir.;;crt Ato:ic ?cver Station ::d to acco ;11:h :y : difi-C ..,C
        .                      c. Radiesetive ':.' acte Dievoe 1 Systen              W. A. hid
        .                            T'.e er.xima: li it of vcat cas cetivity thtt es: to di::h.r ci f;cr. the %DS directed throu;h tho :tsch is 3 :c 10-7 fic/cc. 1:ohted-
                        ;;rties: of the vent C:s yster c .:not *cc direetcd t6 the stsc':, raint::::::
ca the c sections often have to be dehyed to allo.t radicactive 4:::.y cf the
        .              ecstained cases to the :.bove activity level. A 2ettis evalut.tica v:.: r. .;rcved v'.'.ich voeld allov vent casos frc ischted sectics: to be. discht r;cd within                    .
the folicving consideration::
: 1) The volu e of gas to be dischsr cd should be t.s s: 11 as
                        ;o:sible (i.e. caly that section of the syste= =ecessar/ for ::ir.te:. .ce should be opened to the atco:phere). Ce rate of discharse wher. o;; in-a scetion sho;14 te as sicv s possible.                                  r i
: 2) In order to afford as =ch air dilution a: can to cbtain:d, a his capacity ticver should to din.cted c=to the ve:t while di: char:1:-
to the c.tzo;;here.
: 3) The : xi=c: vent cas activity, ;rior to di:che.r c to
                          .tso;; hen, should ba 1 x 10-) Mc/ce. Chus, cyca if caly 507, of tic
* ticver ca; city 1: realized, dilution vill be obtt.incd to : ct i                the 3 ac 10-7 Mc/cc li=it ca dicchar;cd c.ctivity.
: b. D ste n Generator lenk                V. A. Eudi A pri=:r/ to =ccc .dary Ic?.h of 1.2 to 1.6 callc : pe:- h ur v;:
detceted in the D stcr.r. generator (7c:ter 'Teccler, str:i$t-threus uni .)
c Au;u:t 6,1959 The unit was hept in :Orvice thrcuch S:ptc:b:: .1?O for no=:1 phat sving lo d op rstic: d 21:0 for t. test 7:ried c. . th ::::i==
150 : ! Phnt cuty :. To si; ifice.:t iniresse in lesh: e cecurred duri -
c.ny of these op:rstic:s : i the ic 1.Ste tes abcut 2 ;211c:: ;;r heur whc..
1 cop cooldova was co====ced, or. Sc;tc=hcr 27, is preparation fcr the h:.h
                .        rc;21r.
    .,                                Oc D unit v:.s o;ened : d c. cecondary to pri=:r/ hydre:::..ic
      \*                test revealed : tube leal at the lo:: tics of e. lateral su;;;rt pisto.
      \'                Further effor:s to detemisc the c t:c of the 0;;2re:t tute faihr :hrsus the u:0 of cidy currc:t testi - ::d, if tecc::ary, tube rc: val vill te
: dc duri:s the =cxt re;crt perict.
O          ,                                            .
* f a
O                                              g                                                              -
              - - - - - - + .                                      - -              .....,s..              ..
    ~.                                                                                                                                    1 i
                                      .                                                                      ,,..3.
                                                                                                              .. . . . . . ,.1 I..    .        y.I I
L      ~~ 7 r!Arr 7 ":TP--*7 ":                    ?.. P. sur ter: 01::::::
: 1. 7ti *d s* -tem ead Pi mt 'aaica -f na                  (1000~.02)        11. Sch:::::
* This project covers the c incerin 40:iCa ced cu? port of the                          -"?.            l
[                flu'id cyscc=s and pl nt c=:inectin ,.
                                                        "-- a N --ae a t %----                        1. A. ..:dd l                          .    !'edia--*4'                                      f-*--Q The chippingpor: Ate:ic Oor:: :::: ion h*: rehttined a co.i:i-:1-a, J                =ccori of : trice ecmplitt ec uith all red ::1 ::d :::c =c: ult.: ion: invciv6 -
        ,'.                  t.dioactiv: esote discharco.            *o ::v::, in ec:pli .rco uith t': .'.. : 7:13/ :o
(                =inima: the 7.t;oun ef : dio : ivity dS:M:: d to th criti:c :::, :ni:                                    .
I                e :itha en ev 1u-:ioa to u.. : 43 the liruid ;;c:c-5 : ::c7. A;p:cv-1 -.:
re::ived to colle : e.pp:oprieto 01:d,:, =17:, c:4 li;;id =~ ?h: 20 *.~.: ic :
I                  :::cres. :::d on. :=ple result: cud lic.uid t::::o c :c::: fice:::::, :::u I                  will d:velop : cour:: of.cetion to ups:: dc th C".'. :::licactiv: li; if t::-:o l                  proce:: cy: tem o:::: in,puo:cdurce. ::::i: uill 1:o develop ic:a, ::::s l                c:::urco to rc uco liquid radiocctivity diccharged tshca 1c 0o volu.:: cf va::o ::c cencested.
: b. P: cereriner rM PIM "re *alf af Svrt 9                      II. A. Sudd I
g                                Approval seco cacived to t::dify the 0.7. p:f= .:7 Oclicf valv r:in-l                  ten.ncc criteric. !!::c: =clic valv : th:2 he.v: Ica:: bio.rt == .-d ::::: h 1                    1:oh ed or cer.ced prior to ec:::: vill he return:d to ec:vico le::: :: ::h to
[                  confir., that tha v:1vo is no: 1: chi =0 c:::c::ively. If bindi:,: 2 : :p::::d, j                  the valve vill bc =cto::cd. Tc ::ces eclic v:1ves, c :::c. : uill h =c-
c.uired if the ve.1ve: do not ece'c c: 1700 psi, a value se.ich 61CO' 2:1
        .                  Iower than the former 1000 poi 11:1:.
V                                                                                          -                                    .
        .-                              1 D S t e , t'e .e .-ter L- 't
: c.                                                                            *
                                                                                & J. .
e                                T.crly in Au ,u:0 of 1950, a lech t:: d:tec cd in a tub of th: 1D I
cooles: loop ::cczs conces:or in:::11cd : the Shippingport re :::
f*                Section (cco l'.".!D- i'.P-1';0) . The ::c:= ::c:::c: h:: bec: in c ::c. tion :in:c 1955 uith the cmception of no:::1 plcat chu 4: tine, refec11:3 ::d 72:                      1    :pdi.
I                fication (ceti=sted c: ap?ro~'--: 17 five cos:b of co:01 dc = : 5 :). :S
      !                  Ic k us: decccted by tho ::::ing of ths dicch::co of radiocativa v ::: n:=
t                  th: pri=:ry to the eccond::y cid,of thd cystcu. The lechin: tub tra: co .-
i                  firand, by both hydro::::i: -/ cddy cur:c : testins (CT), to bc Icested M .
l                  on: tubo 1/2 up the tube bundio : d in th: ::cond ciech:is c,ucht.n: of th:
tuba e'.cct' loohin , f ca the inic: cad of ths ::::: or. The tebe t :c iden-k'                  tified to b ne=b :cd 20.'.7. The Icahina, :ca of the :=be vos lace:ca                              in th s first of c,leven tubo supports f c:: the inlet cad of the ::ncrs:o:.
{ ,
[                                The etern ::ncr:Cor tubc which leched plus cuc other thich ::0 g                  insp:ction idcatified :: bein;: 4:n :;cd verc =ccoved ho ths unit for I                  cn::.instion: et ht:is. Tho in:pection of the ::ccm :::::::o                              :4 inve:ti-
[                  cetion to detcrc. iso the cause of the tubo lock vill coaticua durin , the ne:::
report period.
L7.G 122 I Z:2 En E2:0D:c o
                        . A.      re""i ?TMT rrnt?- W P.            '
: p.      2. Bu:hh :t,1: na er 5
: 1. gf d rester.s emt Plan: "ra i-w < -..  . .        (103 ::p2)    u, r,c'.;;gga a
                  '                  This project cover: the enc htering da.:ign and cupport of the O:3
          ,                  fluid cy:: cms and plant cucine :ia .
{                          o .- 7t e.,e to: P1. ant M- coet f~ C eten          U. 4. Oudd                      .
Difficultics been en cun:cred in r.:etine, tha luh :c::
criteria for tho : -found condition for the res: tor plan: con:01::: cir coolin cys:cm t.3-inch di:=ctc tec::: fly valve:. T.cylacc.::n: cf tha :::::
end hub se:10 is bein; under chan which vill rce.uire the re :v:1 of a ::: .
of tuo v:1vc= from ths air coolin system piping. Su:h rc:.ovel cca::itu:::
a loss 'cf nuccto          21:n: Container isto::ity which :=== ba re-este.blichd upon their reinstallation.
j                                A =cin:::11 : ion procedure for :ta butterfly v:1ve v = sp: red
          ;                  wh::cin      tha  velva pipin; fle::ce vill be to:c.ued to the ::.== v lu: of$15t 20 ft. Ib :: p c=ently approved for raine :11: tion of rc=wed 12::h ccv::s
        ;                  f:cm the cont:inct. A icek ec:: vill be pc fc:= d by p:ce:uri:h : :hs e ::a
    ,    l be:v:ca the pair of valves for confi:::tica of ic h tichtes:: of tha piph, t                  f1:ns:: betw en the ve.1ves. The fhn:o ner.rce: the Re cto: 210 .: Cc.:: ht:
vill be icit tore,ued c.: nce:17 :: po::ibic to the condition :: t*:s fle. :;c:
        '                  be:reen the velve . The cuccc:sful Icek to::ing of the flen::: te.:.::. tt:
velves will con::itu:a accep :::c of ed geto lesh tish::::: cn chs co:: he cide f1:nco and cliainsto the necc::ity of a Re:ctor P1:nt Centaher L::k
        '                  E o To:t.
: b.      1D Ctern ( % ernter I.v.k-    L.11. h=:et t
E rly in Au::::t of 1%9, a Ic k u:: de:ceted in a tube of tha 13 coolen: loop c:ct.s sc=::: tor installed :: tho "Shippi=0por: Acc=i: revor i
S stion (:co k'A?D-:2P-130) and v : cub:ce,ucatly in:p:::od (:ce t'A 3 :2p-                        -
      }                                  A procrem for inspection and cpci for ths ID ::a::n sonorats:
                      , ws: approved :d in in procrc::. Thi: pro ::s includas:
j                                  1)    Up to ecven addition:1 tube: cre to bc c=oved f cs the u:10 for detailed ex minstion by the Dctti: L:.boratory.
: 2)    Sc1weted tubc: with defect: era to bo plu ::d at the inic:
and outlet tube chcots.
                                          '3)    Special instrumcatation in to bo instelled (sco Sec: ion I                .I.A. 2.c. ) .
9                                                                            ,
8 .
                                                                                            *.                        1 4
N                      <
N                            .
I:      ......,.I..
                                                                                                        .,            . ..w
: 3.          ..          . .        ...,.p...
                                                            . . . . . . .            . .        .                p..        ..  . .... .., .. . .. ,. . .. .. . .. . . ...
: 1.        "" it < J
* a.- t e- , evt *" m 5--4 na -* - i .                                                                                        U. Och.:::::
4 6
D.t: prajec: cov :: ':a c:.da n la* d.01 0's c:d C;*;;,r: O ths                                                                                      d
iluid :ystems and pl::: en,in:crin .                                                                                                                                                                                .
: c. ,          a.m.e.?N+a.*-t' ras.- ~~-- ,                                                              U. t.. hdd
                                                  . . . , ......o ... .        21..      .. c o. . . . . c. .. ....  . , c . .. i .s  ..          .,.. . .. ,. .2. c..s.
lver. r :                                                                                      a t--:..11: '..h:!.4,, G.I :. .Q.d (..o
                        .        . 3.. , ..
                                      ..      , .. . v.)m....,  .::=oved  ,.fy..,,..          .. ... ..M
                                                                                      , r+r*-t-5.          ? , ...c.                                              a . .. . u . . .
                                                                                                                                                                            ... ..    ...s, v ...3... . . .. ..
tho :11c v.* ale les:c ,0.
                                                >..,. ...c.    .. .
                                                                                  .      so      ..... ..... . . . . ..c../
                                                                                                  .......                        . , c w..          . ., ., ... ,....e. ,.,
                                                                                                                                            .ii.. ..,,                      , , .)s..  .. . s..    .      ......)
: b.            13 S c.- ,C+'a ** v                                  U. .t hdd
                                                /. s..old., n,,,          .,i . .L..,
                                                                                  . . ..      .ec.. co . ...,.        ,
                                                                                                                        .      . c .c . . t ..                . .i....
                                                                                                                                                                    .. .        ,1.d en w            .s .    .r . .r.
                                                                                                                . I. .s.......
v.. c .p. , p,.,...,
                                                    . <. n..h,              .c
                                                                            . . n c%.... c.a                .,                  . . .,;,..  ,.                .c ,
                                                                                                                                                  . . . . . . . .              .A ..            ....          ..1 hold c. ,ec .o ,. ..o cos..,o..,.
                                          ..          ..              ..              ... c
                                                                                                    ..              ..a o.e          . 4
                                                                                                                                      .          t... .. .                            . . .. ..        ... 1, w
                        . f... .e.w
                      ....          a...%. . e.. $. ,. 0 /
* 6.m0.            e.CC .. cs.O C....                        . . . . . 41.sDO.. ..              ,... 4is..**A.
                                                                                                                                                                          .....                    . -        ..e.
end C...              i..u.
                                                . p      d.J . in.,,e...u..
                                                                      ,....w i.
6    p ..e...C... w          . . .e .. ,.5.3 . .        .  ,.  ..  ,  .    .  .  .
                                                                                                                                                                                      . C    /  .  .  . ...                              t
: c.            1*vt D' r:ia-t f oa. "".**am                                      *J. '.*.. I' add
                              .                  . . .tt.,.,c..a
                                                .s.c                  . .        ,.., . b,P...r ,=.* ..... ... ..
                                                                                      . . .          ..                                                    .i .t c . .,..        ....            4 c...,.
v ..l..a          . .e e.n....)......s..
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Latest revision as of 14:14, 18 February 2020

Deposition of Re Webb on 710921 in Franklin County,Oh Before ASLB
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 09/21/1971
From: Webb E
Shared Package
ML19331A165 List:
NUDOCS 8006110608
Download: ML19331A169 (32)



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In the Matter of Docket Nos. 50-329 50-330 CONSUMcRS POhnu COMPANY SWORN TESTIMONY 07 Midland Plant, Units 1 & 2 RICHARD L. UUUB STATE OP OHIO ) Address:

)ss 1612 Andover Road COUNTY OF PRANKLIN) Columbus, Ohio 43212 I, Richard E. Webb, being first duly sworn, deposo ,

and say as follows:


1. D.S. Engrg. Physics, University of Toledo, 1962.
2. Division of Naval Reactors, ACC, 1963-1967, where ny primary responsibility was for the necicar reactor portion of the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
3. Consumers Power Company, Big nock Point Nuclear Poucr Station, asscciate enginocr, worked mainly on reactor engineering duties. June 1967-December 1967.
4. Ph.D. candidate in Nuclear Engineering at the Ohio State University. Status -finished research and course work and finalizing the thosis.


Autocatalytic Effects During Explosive Power Transients in Liquid Metal, Fast Dreeder Reactors.

Expact to complete the degree requirements in October, 1971.

5. Certificato of successful Completion, Bettis Ronctor Engineering School, 1965 Bettis Atcmic Power Laboratory, West Mif flin, Pcnnsylvania (operated by Westinghouse Electric Corporation for the Atomic Energy Commission).

Author of:

1. "The Unconstitutionality of the 1954 Atcmic Energy Act and subsequent amendments" self published and distributed.
2. " Treaty making and the President's obligation to seek the Advice ..d Consent of the Sonate," Ohio State Law Journal, Vol. 31, No.~ 3 (1970). See Cong. Record, July 29, 1971 (S12059-12075). m e 1%

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[Piti:05 tint;;UD I?ATCt RFACYORI Pl.LT, UNITS 1 Af.D **

Accoruisig ' to thd Advisory ' Cow.ittee on Reactor Safe-guards (Ref.fl)'the nidland Plant is tbc first dual parpore reactor plant to be licensed for construction. That'is, part of the 'stcam produced by the steam generators seithin the reactor plant will be exported to Dow Chemical Company for uso in canufacturing chemical products. The romainder of the nteam will Le used to generate electricity at the reacter-plant. Isecause the reacter coolant will be radioactive, questions are naturally raised as to the possibility of il) radioactive contamination of the Dow products and (2) radioactivity released to the environment, since 25% to 40%

of the process steam will not be recovered. To provent' radioactive contamination of the process steam, it is necessary to isolate the procccs steam from the reactor coolant by at least one or a scricc of heat exchangers which must not develop.

primary to seccndary'1caks;_i.e. the integrity of the physical barriers between the primary coolant and process steam must lac maintained. 'Ihic paper cites evidence of heat exchanger malfunct. ion which should bc useful in estinating what might ba expected in the way of radioactivity Icakage to the process steam (Items #1, 2, and 3 which are attached). Of course, the extent of fuel element cladding -failure in the reactor will affect greatly any estimates of radioactivity leakage.

However,-this paper does not consider the question of fuel element performance capability for the Midla nd reactors, except.

as to recormend that an independent review be conducted ~as to the adequacy of the fuel. element design for the planned power ~

4 operations.


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h shippiagywrt h essurized wtur nese' ur plant operated wita come 1 (230 Ina) for alcat six yars using Cerar stcen <re:. craters--two generators ( l A and 1 D) were of the rtruight tube ucciga (restar tihocler Corp.) snd the othar tur, ( l b an.d 1 C) ucre of the U-tube design (Sabcock and Wilcox Co.), (nce P.eI. 2) the tubing vas made of stainless sixel.

Iten il briefly summarizes the ex;crience vitit the Core 1 steam gener.: tors. It reports that Icakage and videspread n:.d entonsive crcching occurred in one of the L bccek and t?ilcax scncrators. Presumably, Bettic At mic Tover Laboratcry (Shippingport designers) had subni'.ted repcrts to the AEC concerning the performance of the Corc 1 steam,qenerators and the radiolecical conecquences of the leaks. It is recon cnded tlat these reports Lc obtained. !!cwever, since Corc 1 opcrated with no fuc2 f ailu t er. (except for 3 tiny pin halc leaks in ti.e cicdding of tbo natural uranium feel rods shich vore barely detectabic), the extent of radioactivity Icakage into the secondary system was minimized. (Ref. 3).

Shippingport Core 2 (505 P.6u dc=1gn pcwcr, but norr. ally operated at 67% of full power) began operatien in 1965. 1;ew steam generators were inctalled for Ccre 2 with groater hect transfer capccity to hcncle the increase in core power. Tr.e tubing wss nede of Ni-Cy -Fe alley (InconcM "to enhance the integrity of the syntec." (Ref. 4). (In Item 72, Cycrley states that Iconal has been selected as a stcndard for present day steam generators over stainicss steci for better corresion resistance. Lycriey also states that primary to eccendary Icaks occurred with tne Rowc-Yankee steam generators.)

As with Corc 1 the JA and ID units for Core 2 are straight tube, roster Wheeler generators and the 1B and 1C units are U-tube Babcock and Wilcox goncrators.

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Despite the :.uitch to Ni-C r -Pn alloy for tubing n.aterial,

- the Coro .2 steam generators have experj enced leaks:. Item ;3 in a. chronologienl. cruupliation of excerpts f rom the Shipping-part Quarter ly I'ro<f . n:3 Reports dealing with the:.e leaks and a

related tritiu.a ' activity leveln in the primary coolant. The execrptn begia with WAPD-MRP-ll3 and end with WAPD-MRP-135 cnd cover the period from Juno 1966 to January 1971. The reports wcre issued by the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory.

The highlight 0 from these execrpts' follovs:

1. Both of the Babcocke and Wilcox' U-tube generators (13 and IC) developed loaks and one of the Foster-Wheelcr, ctraight tubo generators (lD) developed leaks. The Icak rates wero ac.follows:

1D: .21 gal /hr--25 gal /hr (129 nal/ min--1570 ml/ min) before the leak rato increased to 100 gpm.

1C: 8-9 gal /hr 1D: 3.6 gal /hr After the lu generator was returned to service (after the leaking tubos were plugged) it again experienced a rapid leak of 150 gal / min and was then removed'again from service for extensive investigation.

2. Tho'cause of the leaks were not identified.
3. bottis Laboratory cubmitted a comprchensivo report'to the A1:C regarding the effect of steam generator primary to secondary leakage on reactor plant operation. (.Sco WAPD-MRP-135, p. 1) Bettis described this-roport as-


The Dottis Laboratory submitted to,the-AEC for-information during tnis report period an ovalu-ation of.the effect that various-steam generator leak ratos would have on continued plant opera-tions. The effect of continued operation with a leaking steam generator was evaluated with respect to radioactive waste-disposal system processing capabilitics, contamination of the secondary plant, and eventual discharge of activity to the~

onvironment from both normal and postulated accident conditions. This evaluation providos

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guidance a:: to when a steam generator with primary to secondary leakago should be removed from service for maintenanco.

4. The tritium Icvol in the reactor primary coolant reach a high of 55 micro-curies por liter (pc/1) and then decreated due to coolant leakage. The production rate of tritium was estimated at 2.4x103 pc/hr.

Based on thosc nighlights the following comments are offered:

a. Although, not reported in the WAPD-MRP CAcerpts, one of the rapid leakages in the IB generator almost result'od in the initiation of the Core Safety Injection System, which is otherwise known as the Emergency Core Cooling System. (Ref. 3) The loss of primary coolant caused a drop in primary pressure from 2000 psig to near 1300 psig, which is the trip point for Safety Injection.

The question arises as to what would happen if the emergency cooling system were initiated by a rapid leak in the steam generator tubing. Would the result be a flushing of the primary coolant radioactivity into the secondary system? Are primary coolant isolation valves provided for each steam generator?


A tritium lovel of 55 pc/l implies that approximately 4.7 cdrics of tritium total, were present in the Shippingport primary coolant:

3000 ft3 of coolant x (2.54 cm/in)3 x (12)3 in 3

/f t3 x 103 1/cm3 x 55 pc/l=4.7 curies /H 3 However, Core 2 operation has been marked by no detected fuel failures (see WAPD-MRP reports in gonoral) and so it must be added that the radioactivity levels in the primary coolant system might, therefore, be concidered minimum.

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.c. - The.- report r.cationed in M PD-MMP-135', p. 1 would opjwar to bc highly, relevant to the concern for. radioactivity icakin ; into the Co.i process stoan. It in therefere-recop;cended that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board obtain the report for review by all interested parties, includine; the Mapluton Intervencra. Mrs. Mayfio1d of.

the ALC's Division of Technical Information Extension at Oak Riilge (phune : 615-433-8611, ext. 34765) . is.

attempting to . locate the report within the A1:c.

Cics Rock Point Feedwater Heaters Thd' Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant (3 oiling.Uater P.ecctor).had experienced considerable difficulty with feed .

water heaters. One or coro heat exchangers had to be renoved from service because of a general rotting away of the tubes.

These tubes were not nade. of either stainless steel or Inconel.

It was plannbd to replace thcce heaters with new heat exchangers c ;uit ped wi th stainlens stecl tubing. (Ref. 5) It would bc of

. interest to know-whether thiso new heat _exchangers were placed.

in service and whether any 1 aks had developed within them.

noferencess (1) Letter to Honorablo Glenn T.-Seaborg from the Advisory Conmittee on Reactor Safeguards, June 18, 1970


Midland Plant Report (2) The SP pringport Pressurized Water Reactor, Addisen-ucsle Publ (1950), by Personnel of the Naval Reactors Brar a of the ALC; Westinghouse, Dettis; and Duguesne

.Ligh. Co., p. 33

(3). Pornonal recollec' ion based on my association with-

.the shippingport program.

(4) PWR Coro 2 Reactor (Shippingport] Design Description Report, R. Atherton, et al, WAPD-296, March, ' 196 8, p. 134.

.See also, PWH Core.2 Safety Analysis, KAPD-Sc-501'(Del.)_

June 1964.

(5) Personal recollection based en my association with-Dig neck Point.


~ .

l'orthur depenent raith not.

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itJCl!AltD 10. IdLind Fals:-:cri!)el and in.' urn to before n'0 this..'M day of September, 1971.


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,,w !). IfN ' Mtf ALS CG As'.:CS, AND 01 1:4 MAffe Ats n; y gst.t.i.*s.w ..r sT) Fl3 uns i.e sN ria.* *MH M. c. sc 6. e- to fa e;ow. 't se e te we w.:9.s .eJa.

SJ'.. 4. V.1 *C tw 4.ui'un win 2i.. .~ uar ts. ; t'aimy, ..w<=..

.e ;I t c . . pan.&s a e are edes:44r a:.; recs best

,; t r., ; ? r. J. .tTN. !i . l v, Fr eiev.t P s:1. !ator=6. M.1r< . scry b w an s; um t . sos 2 ,.s t. i..:L)

./tr. l . **. M'9. 8 4 s ' es'. A's 69.**'t. - al= m g g g ,. g 7 3 .cgg n .no/t a n.* c.nce 6 y

..u ; g e.s -r .,.w.-m

.a m :m. ..f . <tc..= .e

. s3- in.v3.r.m se .ii .m cw- g. g., g 3.,,, ;..AT / r. f' e *. '. i ' 4.:.N.' * .. /.W C w-1 1-LH.

. n t g. ., a.a sr. 4 ; imes gir.s..r.,.ir...sii

. w sw.. . n w .- - .m .,.n .i-s s< m s. v-ai m i... ei --

o .. t.e 4,4 e.w. es.p.sen ,4 ea ..e mi.k.e..s are rue and ,,,,,,,, 7,,,,, u.u,.rusa '

. w m,4 M '*."',1

. ; .V. .k 4. a a. et..".* a.c cosmou* y riasim4JercJ 4 we reaa *****""* **' "
  • I A # #' I#* O
  • Y8 ""'E ' 8
  • O'U I

. .. 4 N 8 c,;.,e .-ti. rc , eLei.: gr y r.f e.4 .t

4. i.i=* so.;.t .5 v 1.wm .e sea ; a. LL
r. ..... my 1. .. iv.c. .r< u.c. c . .-r,.. e "r**'"a *-a'

    • 4'*d 8"w'  ;** * ***'* 1* #' L.

"'"'*3<- 'a ?"*2hIF $NN D"'f'*'31 '?#%'*

i<. 1 iwrr *. e e .w c.s. an I the =se.ctess *, N '*"***#*A*d '" " W

    • 8d C*
  • I.f"d' .*r"".sa a :e*."m**e*isa.8 4 3 = bd'I' * *'.'.ee.'.c
  • .: EN p.*rs. e.<r.=.s are alsw ht te .toscr. Ferr.1le naci4e 3= k v. ' d4#' .*eone . '*".s


,:4 i:v . ;y ..m <*. ch rk.=== a. ;< wen u.c t.= 3 v.a.a. e r m u w "w'-d'"""*C*"'--""'Fi"m"'"~'****'e"*

d~e-.- -:=

  • r

.a. .

t.or a.  ; ter,644 = k,.a.".mvas <acr y =4 :.P. r ...J.r.v;e'.

C* G'?! TL1i I .Q'!M @* MEP;'UMi'i'llT l'8 P4 r?. 149'10 y.-m .x*J >.'x:. J .w..n crh.iAT.ies A7T6:a F;Yx hA '.. Ec; M.y. l.14 (H e=t ,;:= a-s t icetrac Cort % cut f t& *. A 3.OTituli F03 7* ;* P*4TECT:tJN 0/ 72*.% NRM

$ ,. L:1.;J  ;;. e!its,.:.

I'4J; y. H'. 3".3 lierry, Wer..; R M ri. 5. t*, p,, A.\ts F.a AIJ tfla AtiMAaY T;;is Ais .(4d%ON OF iM:'Of.,U.

  • .%rity m'4;. r Corre.a.we of *,1.'t4h. Doer.tce. Tcz., arl.V4.d4 r. Isa wn' alter; it.w.ta. Fa:=:cese se 3VLCa't.MJ. A-14.c. ..: r.erm tane crs. ;*c.+. brit..a. i'aicat s.a),e 06t. 22. am. Pri+ r.v w.w As.12

_j1 3 g. . .kJ .h 1 M. Asc,; cf 1; M: w i A:.r..r.2t.+ 44 13eaC,

  • st/ su.a.

! Cor:r e 43 Fa :as#.*rt. [ s Aspier, Cataf. See LM6.s!v312. M..timta e4 p.wcess a Ze ans. 644 a;l6ys frots hy47.5;ee e&hra: Gee .

  • 0 '. g hr rpr 4 l.*wr I ro sr -4 for e.eare th.6s f.vr meet are descr.lscei. Sr.e rt merhee se 4.s prwac*cJ 69 tovt rc4 - !a s;se W;.p.m,;.wr: pis.4 ocre sehr.i m sh T esins;acca muled e.4 tas.aa anal;.ca.ted at W to 6;rC.

,4 tes, twel. L.% s n'.% 'v I se ta e las AltWS a in 3'lW.c a# esaan. A th44 Ia6M SHIe(IOper 9 Aktob 6.hbe ah erspl4r fa ge IAR E'.Cd e.J .J c;er4tt e. de.v.t 4 e4 an Is.vcesef ta.m at ska t =ar lea.i

  • (J.34 .16 -

t t:.e <we 6 sme 4 s4 a r.n t .ut..a of arce rue,tas na t'ae km.eier I w.e n:.6 a t.rci. ;en,: rwc !rer e.uinne.;su caused thee ra. 145 Titr. EFFt.CT OF 11EA'4' ON TEX Crgt::o.

,t . pani e erskor; el ce.. ase ren ,rd ucte . e.f nodes, nec ear wrnh rJ.IIAYK48 tsF typic 230 STATM.,2;, af.'s.M. IN ::G;l ::;G g

, egr-e .313 as t. r. owved f. es s;e s.Isot lirr over fare ycars'

? sa* tv a Hi.p. . sed to a ev.egerte .h2.trusAve e asonsaw..

W All'a. t. test.ete niit. It. F. Cn.=a .x ;-is4y...: : Co IVts.

  • Inarchi. Ce=Ar4st ATG7-23-1 Trans. 3;ti. Lws. AIME 412

. tea.

/tc s4.PJa e of .a 6a4 sswi tier. ee 1 r setor eveasi.; is 217:,.Get zt. IWDL

{ . e. r rd. W.S. fer.". 6sc *:ss 8senkmt M the Lu'ics. The 'fav c!$.yto ad heat tras..Jee e a. Alee of Ty e g . . cr:/ # ecte imecre. *ar en ti.e s.an6tasc4 acetmens and tran,. 30:St intes anni 641, aag unct wsre e.6.che .;ts.: trar Jer

  • g.u hr .a 114 at cat.J se.tenar. Aarou;;1s the cracist.c ceut sie

?.. .:ts. ted te <!JerW* vr caisusse 6:acas u rrossen, the era. ar.creasos the teach ceses ei ses = .sei ts.varJ stre eorrow.,e craciair.;; miten t;se matar son core..w.4 ca wh '

.' ' Jc s.veists t.: c: .mie a the sno en 4.rwiscie cause. Mv.t of ti.e Cl*, 5.rface preparatu.m was the pe.nt im;.e.rt. 4 r.=J. as

  • co.:6%.; arra . ty as t rud d.erm saa 6Mtist 134 of os.sra* deursrdc6e; the oever6;y c4 ene atres earre.s:e.a ;#.went is mater

. .a t ;. h t.;* a .. r t. c si ir<e cana.a. Seventeca e; 31 -

T4 J tdrs f..r.iit.: i.e vs.t. saca sn.u ir.e4 tr. Greasi. As,*sd with a 2 wen C;* cs.racat.1; cat tre. tar a;.st.cin.c r.J. Att de;;rea el wet f.in6 ho;1ar.3 a.;staistened the estre. e,a of s:.wrJs.4

. .-fler:4+o.* . *.'n a apt a.eeerationi piratp's.ste were assd to s' ti w p1 rabt OAa ca.c :, eda; dasMmm g4.omphne sse swir. stecia used as '.uat trann.'er sarf.ees 4a kodsa uwer. At RW4

  • ties for corros.or. t. staa;; encier contro led he4s tr aaier c 34,tiora s' r.d f . p.$s.., ". n n;7.waph::e u.d ph sg6te cas.sentratloa is a;eserdned. (auth) h, .u. case;. ;;..:a4 M1 IAT/*s .' ION r/ CarYif E CasRilU10f;iN ItEACTOR e

. *AT;;tnis.3 CO;c;*s;1tATiON OF CCOLANT ArmivF% Prc*,GrQC3.1 UICI'[ChriC0*ia.1 Ic:b . <. W.

  • . . - Ern P, E. Ic'erth,. mee 'd;eitr.s Cor. Wssa I's.);

{ Cwrr a nn!: '.7.Ja. alla. ;.. G. ;p 14 21 of L3;;h Pur.ty Water Ac/cr also se a3stracts 23J. #95. JCf. acd 13.%

  • L.ussoa. Ten Nateosal Associat.os of a
  • Ccr e aes i;:.. . It;s. N& f,EMIb1C22tPt.2).pp :3-32) P.Pid C 4*., Mi?.n 4

Troan 23rr..kmail:.s.An;; of ti.e Estaosal Ascociatiss cf LUNiY CF FAsi 2REsa%It MC*O?. C;.A:XJU.;i MA?;7. ALE

[ Csts.s;n,a Cr.y.vrs. LM An;c aa. CJef. ace CONF.6M12. AND i;3FitACTCitY MET ALS. Co';.ns. C. G.: Oclat.: r. X. :.;.

Tevs per!4rs.ed laternaEr 144;cd crewrce certwsavn test f.CeN1 Ucstric 0;te. Nucha? 5;-adt Pra. .

ricccca s. s . .Jatty ;hastile $1. ;planott evIts trac;or crev.ce gramst

i. . ***.

'* Gaw t!!st ras we'atde coc4as.t addelives cei.!d en. win. 5. ads to delar.a stermal mechsa. cal n:grce.L y.eM ; s.d:=

tra;e 41 tens..;; cret aces, aricar; scrcierated serr ahaa. CD n.e. . atum darts la;y en LMTh3t !ael-et lden: alkys a s catf or.44. Ec.

.. e2; att!ys.o e.i ?Mus. ansaanuncoudy trapp6d in a s.o61 arc trev. sulio sites.ile tests at various stram ntes n 40 *J 6 r.6 as .

re t'.sw tenectarat4a ! c: ors of sp to aGG0 ever a teaw;ar ps rauL pro. ras.;g trestracnis la the 14-9DI.13ey. .%Q t.. .r.c *a t.r

' 2 a 4.f seecssarJ.en as a is . cues of Lo;h tem.,erature anJ g;some. d5.88 ;*r.e grata (~S to Is m; gros); onc es: pas:: f 1 ;.ewr

. . try. i>sa'.ia st:3ar.ed ircra Zlredey crev.ce corros.t.a testsag anthis at lete and 6h?C fe;1owir.: 44 to 54.serr * . cah nJ Ja

!*r!.r:ned er ter ;=rJ.res absu T are presented for ti.itersag and tte o;ter tavo;ved 9:WC anneatar; furas.n;, M; cts.r.: refu..

. ersucs geor.wtrw. J. theary for the treenartasm os c taan at =19a*C. The d ahic an.4 at tre.staiem we.. .aa at ;. .w."..,

  • Lt a beca swiw wrectv 1 na gart by data. (aut.4
  • t&on sch planciary nogna,t le produes sube. .% ...c t - *.

, OCN"J:rA 07 CCP.f 0510M P30DilCT5 TucM A

    • cal siwif.cativas (exe.t icsT.M set fart'.hr 1:., . JF ..

Instu; cree.t tes:e of the tsne ,;ma tek* rc.stert:; . Co.*C s".

h.3..*?-TO:'.M;M. *t.V expos;;i)W'."e;'f;.::

AN AC$'f0USNaval MIWAM. Aircat.J 5;Aach&1, sties. Sonnyvano Cal.!J; e -

3J"J '4. .*. * . (*

  • 5 streash at hus oe. ksra t .t
  1. ' '. T. J.s M.ih. C. M. . pp 26 34 a4 311;h Purity Water decst;ey saan Type lit a slets 6;cci tem u: s .

Cart:Jc3 tJ *"t:11s. l'e.stos Ten Na' ce.a1 d conbas.11enieval of cas aon Inipuritweirair Q'ed:.%

  • Associataoa of sts.!ad La moist hydro;ca and argea attace@.ere., .s.r4.'. . -
  • C6er me.1 rs, ' .5Cg.

p,,w; carbon analyaw prwsedare. la both a:r%dci.T4. .

. 22/ alit. . i *:6eus.: cf the Naticaal Associatnen of ,,.ncut .>ppeared to loaow dulcrer:t reset; as dxe ac.J'.

.Cers; r.a Lap.arr. Los A stles. Cat i See COXP*473312

, Tra' .! ft ?? a db;tt.'t1 charactestetics sf correesee proJuate 340;*C. la hy tropa con:aisia:24 ppm !!:0, esrtir*. reor . * ,

rap.d at tha h4;;ser temperatures, an sacet s;vreese 0.G t.+ 4.;

e r. cuid.r r.4, rsten. Je t opoced te (nowta:Wh pray w:et e.a ns.4arsa, earka coaccatrauens of *s3 ppm tire rc . a

< heer taset . .ard t!everucsi;y ar.4 empertaichsally Feataplata to 2 r.M sa Jess than 1 h ur at IGO7C er hig,her e !.M 1..

- r , . 8 ris.or.s s a sosinad.5e leadet ;x.stens were ca,.or d sa a -

appeased accessary for the same reductsoa at 1...%;. C.J .


  • aref417 e rMkd tg f.4utte re-laut to serated, edsstiseal vda r awetsoa maa s;emcr is teelst ar;:ca than la hyJao;ca ted 4 ..t=

48 + sc~er . 3i; .* cr4 P yneida seen.ber. La ti.e ran:a 1400 ' perati.tre a:aeve 14WC tSc res=;ual esrlwa corces:t28.4 t s. <>

88 i.h Cerrowse g. .

  • .. n! ; . ., spees. ace s.s.6 c. acssm61anoa 3as a fancusa of post;oa 3.;'.eut enposures appesred relsted la carbia aethe' .s . 2 as ut6errmaec.i es:a.t *Te sa a tracer.17 of vatisides taili.ene&a2 the weissbidy of rae;y;w;e:.u. 8. Y Cd-

. **q.r.r;a sti ut evit;n.t:r ana;ycia e.( the en.;eroes atiaat eas . Me a;;.ya es;aatt.;6cd pender.metalluryv ma:f.;.we c.w.-

, 83': a vr ;4 *e. : .e .a n the data. resutta are shown to corres,ioad pares (4ven'ely a r?.cueva are-csst a:eW.I as.u la t.rets !

J Le C.* trka%%:. -

' .. t,usue.e T a process.&a sh4a:h sda;as .-. we;d s .

perve.ty s. aa ben.,t secta,l.ty. O. ,ittanana e;estron-Laar *.0

, ,, e di*

i sT , '** ;T* .- * * #

~ /**

. .'g , T * * *. .



$ g . #

W. ..

i_.m _m.-. ___..m __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ._.i____..._ __m._.__.__..____._____.___._.m.__m.___.____m m__ .______m___.m_ ___. ___

t. p- _
5. .
e. p hm;s, ,%:wic.w /M }nr: Soc. Dh'! ** R '

lb/w // > W /3G , Juwe /f$V MAia!ALS P.703G/.S IN S*.2.W G2X22ATORS-II:

  • )

O6 C..MU*4 *l S

  • T**n t u s..:*

4 6.\t n ^;# .C./u or .

1 C,aere:Ia Ex;cricec in Fossil.Tucicd t. eau r wn;=.cas a tt.e aca 4

- $tGtiCM, S. Fic:1..'rby (Or& Hydro), fall;d ta.emers. Tsw r.ct r.:.s '

opereagicrt were tag syMeas

  • the nacLia run.y wdh Nk"' Mout as.e heat e.

ves'u'au '* * 'G4'Co--

b'A .

24 sumanuy autlable. p Ahr et,.r.p;ctir,a g \ c;reenceas.4 Letfromruns att was e avlason d.sec,FtrM carrsatts.

thld a ty)c'*bi stk %.

w e .: tee; w u i. the w.,erxec, ua uag.s had

2. C;cre;i:0 tors .an Expcficr.ccs of $1ccm Ocn:rc.g'""

Preswrtzed.Wo:cr Nuclecr P,.ct.:s, La tre


  • l'F **".*:*Lon 3;** '"'*'* d "* ** h r"it,r so <raac a har fai:ce ta. she . me manner. .saallot,.r. phae eaaret.

W. M. Dycr!'y (W.Poh!=ce t ca - m. erat ter tubC alse 3.vCMe m.a.ect. a.,.: n.= c oce has twen cotia teva , g. , ,

r frei.a eacces.

este:3 bra vr razcd mass use t e pre.s.ept ene:. estr.Me of cr cas.b t fartwr :exa with a ti..uid gas.uraa is%ccias.r.

get=r. ding us .co for cacitrical capau5..ty s.: curcu of so.s a trA cateurs ass an area be;vs the tv w-:o 1.6 -

  • N M "' **" shett seal weld. A pressere test race-se an.alileeks to sever 1 et the tu:ws W.ow the seat sc.:. ei
ta the easif ..i nts, ti.e m.ates ial for t?.e premre several tubes were cut very rsrefwlly fra let A.;scr.

ha,.ularf .urta eas a4 a carts.n Hest ec.amdwa. A. heatcr arJet ts;ht sat t. Ash,1udere. samp;et fase.a tre arta terhohey .*v=.nd wat as t!.e nic.we ro.erator sae sa. of Ine tsuc that had tw1n ri,12cd tr.c LJsu stos t ,;c crer. set!. the s .as.casi be prw sere.cor.ta aio:t r:s was dur6r4 inricatwa. Xcta;;rcrastar sta:.usmau. s! tase chang.d tv Q e4gher strcN tli ion.43vy nus.;;r:ese- 1ercer.s of tuuse; aaored htress corroneua Tae n.wi;ise.a at* r Tr.c> bee hi-cws:e cup <rstr *er, cracks were assace.itu. wuJa trar cson M LAe rc'.;ca ;6 the a cua;.s TL ; 4.y u v s'e ms *v * " .gess; led arta of tae tube arm occurrce oc,th :. Leu ar.a strel. g.,. c..

s ut - a -ey e.<w pauaiors . bouw the re;1ee area tnd not la the ro;;e4 port.c.r bec - '
  • : .,r , . m 4. twcase of ty -- g, S .re . c. n nna, .he thcr tal tu addetaca to the bellows sad tubca, part alth. per.

a n.u a.- e .<.. .= <= m.,,.a.a c ce; ta d on lacee hei.ter (m.titt tras aise corstructed of ty;nm.c4 s*.salass .* Lactr naze has L. creased to the prese.a ur. ins g

W.d h m s w N w d must s.p. s an.:t at aiar. Onaftc ans couceticat YA:et. g ,

Cos.amt s.srseGI. ce km beca saatrJuct<l en t' ao Tw e. h re an.i actas ste sn garrators to (etrrs.ame ha a um the eff.vt ! d.t.svarsson rt meat-ara sfer priormaae g ,, g,, p g ,g.,,3

, m.g.g*,,p th.o ra th' *.e.a:sa:t Ide et the pla..t. The res.2 e el s'.is 3 gg, , g ,,,,, ug, g_,g, g, 3,g , y, surve.l.x, e 6 uws tag the ta at-traa.fs t g+sarr.

g. m WAs W d hwup .

maare u e uct de;;raded as the operation 64 tt.e pl nl aa* turcs accc; crate Fah crackag. Tae Peach Dottora saar W" ger.crator cracLac waa r.ttremted to the f ac: taat >>cs type-M4 staan:c.4-gcel coraspot.cara were te tbn Tac ribWy of ts.e ate a% cearrators for re:csr. cartreamed before ar.d during the peries of tac ha rut.s.

u.4-w.ter us prettu to t.e es rv beh. In parta 6 br. the .4 tae N emre a=es :tary throu.h t e g , ,,, ,,g g ,, g g 9 tune. L tw*.er, av ptsusry ad. w<e.4ary S wen e.! the g gg , g g , , , ,g,,

stees aste.t ses beca a g rdGm tra s r wwts ar4* ces curr.4 la *he steam scacrator was proddced w wa the hevs. Ya6 .ca .m g.wraswa wi.cre lenge was sera. lated ts;.e-to-t oc-sacet Jo.r.:s tabricaea11 ataa O.e r! tectes . te L. .n,? 4ter mer. yt-ars e,psattoa. Da.s att t ge a; e w a p. g. Mh aerator M ;ects were ewed to ba!.r.r. maaa-a*

a.ted 11. tu Stect L.A6 4 at d h a Wa a;.,. row t.;y tr.e acro. wary face s4 t e t.ibe f. ate. stresa i.i the mversa. was tectasary to proci.ce f rae.a:4

+ =cive f..+s were eb;;:en trf d. rect access taio the T n*cd that esposare of triar-34i s a.44.u weel prsa.ary c mWr wethemas t;cc usawar.r.t;os la p:Ja g magres.2m chlorMej coed oc used to sh,a:e As e f...d tw.;veap s,I t'.e tt vt tors. samp;es tita. Dv the use of this acchnigte a sc;hos ofla;.t rol.-,

frr.a. :.. r.".*t;6 S:ta.a steers.6r were s. mews abr la; was deve;c. ped that shoced 1:stic or na rc edba' t. se;c t.a vtW:., to see !! xrea es,rtc+.9 of tav sccon. sfrems en tr.e surface of a tut >c that ked inee. re.;cd eacy ayate.t. of tac L.ccal ts.sard es cceurs.y. ta a twhe-to-tuba-saeet Joint. Tae taper rc,1;.r.g r.4tW.

Met r w. k.w sta;at no:= (f the tunnes in the p; ate co ssted of ro.u 4 =ca a too; that had lea. ro;1ere set at am well eh tee se.gerts are a.<re auter way. a ice ang.4 to ti.e axt. of tr.e tel.c. tasa tra.i t!.e 1.d'e coi..a he relied kn:o farm cc: tart werk the taoe ko.e -

3. . Ect:om 5:rc :s Ccero : ion..,, rc-N.3, ta the ses; weld area sad stez act ext.:nt a st > g,,,, , ,,g,d to rot;ed sectica. Tae diamaer c.f the L. J. llut!. J. F. Watson (GGN. lututcel taper sc.;Ied area gradaany decreased aus Acaa.<: ta:e

'***d' ** # I"# ""#

Pr or to the ant 4 tat a of ti.e socicar cere .a tce

  • Pcaea Lutaen. .%=ec Plaat sat s!ter a seras of het rur.s T;.e steast gescrator saperkester sectio s mere re-wah tbs t s.cwsed spettm, strees correa.6os craceang i

L bed wath Inco;oy-M3 (A$ME 83-143. Grade T Tt.e -

was dioceverso 6a the ty..e-M4 sta 4cas-etcci sa;er. h.gaat alcact swascat of taas anaterial (34 to Missves

. ~ . *

. , - . . - + - -


. +

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01Q*r;$b fro .? -

s w ~ WWD-Md?- //V - /W U! N-;*-.2 '.2

"}. 'Mb - Jc:n 19/ / .

,L .. . . .. ,.

/.. . _.. . _ _ .. _ .


. . o . ia w c.,l, . . , .: w,, . ,s, i

2. Pl~.ta g .t v ::M Pinnt b r. e:-t e: . (1CCC-CP2) 3. J. Davey ci.:

7;.10 rcet ccvers th:"; cffort relet.Ni to F.;; 3::.:ce pl .t t.nd S:.:.t ec , rir. ' r.x.uired to rupprt Coca 2 o . ratior.s at

.r,.._....cs ..,.,,.. . ..,.

. . . acco plo.. . .a. y.. . . ...wc . .. . ... *

..,r .. ,iu.- . c o, , 4. c.,~, .

c. . y .H ' ".. t_W. .

'*r.bc r. - vt% . N:t :n.

. C.1% :hy; .l

r.7:71.4. /. OctM..'. '. revic.t o.' Cc Vr.lve C;ere. tin.; C7..te tas con ,lr:ted Ceri: ; l. - ,

i T.;c rev'cr s:n . ut.? rt.V:ca bec e:. e cf $::.- -g re'.iLile c? :atirn perfew..rc:' of the 7.:3?.7, f,yste.: 3y-?a:,a V..1ve Cro~. I.v;u ', 6 10. 0; :: 41<,a et th.' ; ."T *, ,y.h:2 Valvo cc.n=ed a ncn.:ntr-j tcunv. of c .c cr tvo :::.17. ecoh..t hydre olic c? art.;.00 t.Loy wlv..c :.nd it vi:: nct-c:rdin vMir.w the T.y-W.:s Vt.1ve wald re::r.ia in the Cecived pot.;itier. follo. tis;; ion.

7:cc. t19 revice it in.; rQT.2 cat ) r d, certain 3-v y ede;.ar v .t c' cc.W vt.iver the:. b. ch to the r.c,rns12y Correc ce.rir.c..I v:.ter b /;t'a c

. :.nei .:n . O.e Yor, ver.t he.r> ' int . 'J.a v.;st he. der sh:d4 M et

(. .r :... .. c .ctcr cc.1:.r.L i . . . . . . . , . .4. .s,... .y:.te.. prerr

. . . y c . . y~ . . . ~. s .ue. , .w._

ro fo .rc:lif.ble ,

.o ..w,

",C.5 opratic.:.

. . s. . . . .. . . . . 3.1. c..1m

. . .. p.. y.o.. .

..3...... . . . ,..s.,

. . . .. ...........a.,t

..f..... . . . . ..,. c . u.3,. c 3J..,.ee s.. . . a.o . s,. .. .s .o


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  • ...s...

<. . . c u.. . s. b. s v .s . . . 1..c. . . ... . ..e .,. . t.s. . Oc e. ,.,s.... ..

~.a. c .....c

t.1; i..1 oS
.ci mii

.... b.,. , .,., .m.. ~... u. p...,......, ..... ,,,cn:2 4 N o, .,.s.

have 1 icated the.t the chcc:: va2ve cucc ::-

. .. .. w.. . ..  %. r.3;e.. ..

b. ~- J' r.t .:". tar.e d r.q

]3 ' .' W C. L n:'.yc

' 0 : 1.u .w.t as, :nor' :-G re'.Jv4y van Cot eted in the E l'oile:-

(i.,-tu h-w e: , -)

.: - routin ts ph cr.0 lyt.'.c ch: %

cf s.c:t... . . i: L:C. v. t.c. . . 01.C ..a . t.1,1vity. Ca corrch.hl 20 L M-

.s...,, . ... . . ,.y;..,.t n,. u..



t; c<.ca:.2:.ry

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. :.t's :.uu u,, L ?.W..:af prir.:y \ . . : u tho :c;c: M ciCc L:. :o L ti'enj 1.a. bec:a detected cinn . n t.i.JIO.r chcci c /::;uct ?3 r

. .. . c , ...... j. c., , s. . .,

'N h of ? ;i t': ., act : tion ( "D - 103.4Q ..::/n'.) e .... ... ... .t..m., ..

, .s... ,ec ,. 3.r. , .ms., s. .,.. .r. . t ... . ,.

c... . . . . - .. -.......c........

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  • the D Icey .nl'.:r terc ;vce red frc::  ::: tice b  : n:::

cv......... . . . .- a ..c ~ .v. .*.~,<..". . c .'. . *. . a %'. A< .. ..' c.'.. . .-.*. c. o.* .' O n. ,.+

  • cr th  ; --

'!ter 1.t- prth.1 iso::.tia c.f ti . 1r, i.:0?

s f ,.... ,.. .'j.

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-4 cie:t of a cctidev ., the '. - /


.' M Ef:.a.y.r.'ntly t.

devcJo?.5 e :ianific:rt2y ; rc .tcr leth rate, of the cr4;r (lf - .


detcmir.ed frcr. ope. . tic; phr.4 p r:r.cters. '

.i .


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f. ;c. qnce.; le '. testim c.* *,h:: inchM t.M cai.5d toiler ::vc'.1st cr.:

tute vi;h t leah at Qt nic-Inist cf the U-h:r.f.. *h

. t,J.,c i; 17. tha c ,;,roxi- . ecs.,: c. the tti.,0 r.:ct.

Orfort is contir.ain; to v tr.1: r. Luit .W 1 :ctica techr.ipc for ex .nl:In*, :J..a U-h%C crea. ZX currcet to :: of tha 6.tra;;,ht ics;th cf the ice.*:in; tute and 100 cth:r tuhe :.hcsta-so tubirc fl.12:.

7brhim cf th Cond .v-te Ct-te*- 'J. A. radd

' Sc cc he-Car cel. ti.: 21:i:::: at:: icted vith ths O*.fety Injecti:s Syste bcomter pu-.? have t:en fb hta, c.1 =sthly lar-i: frc: cv.h of the ti,rce-flu:h ccnarctican, to nir.ini:: the yc,: ibility o.' cirty;r; forci:; . :.terit.1 into thf Ca.fety Irjceticr.

  • in:;. Since the c- rat of c-tari:1 colitetti c the -

th:3 cMh ducir.t cach flu;h r.; pres:r.tly conducted h?. 3000 caff'cien'.17 c es11, a recc:: nIntion *gr.s spp. cvei. to reduce tac frescacy of fh:hir , to cace per e,uarter fec . cach of the three essa ctics:. Suh::quent cva ht..ic:.s vill de r .ac to furthcr modify the ft:y:cacy of flushin; if nc; ::::/.

2. Ccetrel En-!neeri.w (100C2.72) (IC-g{3) R. J. Devoy Thic ;roject cover the ca;inceri:0 Lesi. s cad cur > ort of the 712 Central Systcs. .
a. *:u:ler.r ?retcette :'Cv::t--.

F-*ctor Pectxtien 1.r .'.m:r,1rc- QD nTJ three-h 10.C00 N J. J. Cor.

A cc:plete raicv of the reacter ;ro c:tica 7 :es coveri:: tha ;:rici frc: SC*O l'??? *.h w:h 10,C;3 ::2; v : . rfor :C.

The therr.21 design critarit. ...*2 .a dete miain; li=itics core ec litic:s are as follcv :

1) Ic,r.rtcre fr:s :*uelet.te* Ioiiire '(K:0) :h:11 n:t occer. The F.T. ,

-E3 de:,f r,r. crut.ticas been v::d in deter,;; allevatic cere c ystilitice.

2) 2:s cim.'y-sista fir i c::1110 tion or tre.r.s: cst flo, revctsa; is

' pc:=itted within the coal:r.t ch:. .r.c12.

3) Feel asi cica tc:per:.ture li it . chall cet te r exceeded ct :.yti 2.

O e t

O 9

. 2 k




. , . . e, L,.,. . .. -

4. ci+ +t w AW te .tt ne (30101:0)  ?. 2. Irev:

5 72; pr.4:t includca the evalu: tion of chsmictry test cui oparati ; C:.t.,

cc::ul,.ation c: ct:sietry probics: ca? fit.:ic prod 2ct rcles = , 0:d cc: ;"t -

tion 4:valogent effort portaisis; to the detectic d locatica cf fail'ci

. ,3

.m...... ..

c. _ ann < catiem:

I'a 7. ct Mc.% r.'AM - m e)_ M: /e--om ? cst V. Iccanich Oestia; is bein; Inrrura.c4 to detemi::. if cora pre::dra drap tuildup v:: ic inver drap Vaildu.2 1:

cly as : fu. etion of p*! talow so:c: Icy:1, cr if ccre pre::ura

  • ctcp function of M. Otarting on Ae; a:t 6,1960, tho ; vas 011ceci to drift devav.rd fraa a W ra:ge of 10.1-10 3 (00:1::1 10.2) to a r W e of 9.S-10.0.
. 7:r C*.y at 71ow  % 10.1.decrc :c in the d1:0o3:1 clu:ter va: Obcut 0.123 Flov decrc :c in the Cic:;o::1 cluster: for thc- ;2 rar c 9.S-10.0 -:: on tic order of 0.25 pree:t ;2r c y, vhich 10 ts. r.c== : ass r.sta.1 in ths cu :r of 1953 prior to the 1:itir. tics of high IG (10.2) c;orati::.

Tc: Cay; cf cIcration vare retairca to catabli:/ the nav tuildup rete.

C: Aa;ast IS the ICI v : reiced to 10 3 (tc.1). Consistant vith 200'.

c ;, La i :: dicto icvelin;-cff in co:c Irt: Oura drol) vt: ot:a.-toi.

  • ii.h c :ti n:i eparatiet. nt ;'I 10 3, there V : Oc'40 indicction cf flo r cc :r;r is th: 1. ; ,..T1 cluster . U;forten:tely, .ha prob 10 vith th 12 ilar ic:.:

c::A ca reg: .: plset chutdov: it.*wr: apt.? the to:t 'cafora a definito tr::C : i h.:a c: ilir:4. After the p10 t ctenup on thrco loop;, o;:raties

I". elaout tro V:chs, until chutect for t : p.rpc:cci vith :s 1;-

l' c:.tica o.-

e.y trc a up or &cva in ccre pcca:nre drs .. : maver, th:

protr'oility ? reduci:2 cora star.:ura' dro? by r:* 10 3 o;eratic: OuS; c.uas to th:

Ilar.t httiwa v :, t.:all 1;ca a of the crei 2 och::d cff the cera by the r :.ctor shutCov: ::d chsc% valve sl::: due to ;:. p switchin;.


enl,unctio: vith the cora pras:,ura drop ::cc ure ::ts, ditt v,:re 6t.itsd er flav in the 7~:0.*.I. Systt: lir.2:. furi:3 c;2ratic: 00 32 9 9 atT. 10 3 It V:.- 2 * :rci: 1.h:t t.he ,.,.u..,
c/.y . ._ s. ...4.

. . ... %~ r , ~:

722.*.I. ';;':tc: flev is very ::::itive to ;2.

l. f*

.~ . c%. c. . .s . ... r. . . ..

., ,- e

....u e


U.r.t f.=r dry. 7:3 VilvC: had to '00 cdjV't0d frOCJJf.t1;' tC cC 22-7t2 for
    • 1: c . .:. ,;2. At I?.I 10.3 ticre V sc:a recsvary of f1 V is thaza linea, folicv-1:.; which f;c. r.ta rc air.ed con: : 4t. -

Crit:t - I.:tivity W. loch:ick tritit:

Ar.alyr.icaldatafrer. Chip?incNrt1:?ie:tcth:tpricrycoolt:t Octivity has dacreated frc th: pech talues :stedis c:= lyc3.

0 6


. e. .


l UA'J-2-110 .

. . . . r,, .,. a h.


- /a - ?.t.cT. cc.,i t "RT"Br: AC73'T7f Fr. . -le - Caed 1 - Cara 2+' ':'ritium !.ctivity rum Sm W P t t a (ue/1)

AC-I.U ~ 7-21-63

  • 6.7 n-l.1x S-17-63 L.7
3-nlX -

10-13,-G3 ,8.0 w -;.1..

.a 2 ,s-a<e

. ~ ...

a 5 1-a, , s ,e.0 Ac.:.r*. k-12-C5 29 5 A;-l.U: 5-19-65 h3.2,

.. C ...s. .. 6 ,2-s<.<, 5 a

. ,.a.... i s-ca r-s.e.O 5.-

A0-A:2 8- 1-65 L5,.0 m,.... u s.O a

e w

  • trit; :. cv:ccntraticti durin3 C ,rc 1 orcratica rc:MC fro: 2 l', pc/l fc.11ovi::

the cht. .over to Li'C:I p:i control. ':he t.curco of th.tritiur. cctivity h:0 st yet kc: cctatliched.

'J : 19 'oih. I+ c.k U. Icchnich -

s C'.er.istry cr.nples vare c:=is:12n conjunctica vith tha F.212 ::,11;:-

Icah 1::ci +c. ro analpical evipsce of ceco:d".ry cyste: chonical in the ,

prir._v/ c , .:.::. va: detect;d. :*? cctivity .in the 3.rinary ecols ?, v1..

c:.lcult.t21 m ice cere./. t hisha thn crially expect.,rl for 7?. C Ec;.t.;nte 7, wh:n ti a plar. shut:cre. occ tr:C, tha :h d t.ctivity in the 12 I:ilar x. 2,b x 10) d3;/r.l. "his v .ho

  • 3 calcul:taa to roc _uire ht ::: 1
'. . $ 10' a,::/:1 :P ir. the pr ::ry :;z cz, corraapc= ia., to c.h .t L .::a of ;dit: in th: prie:..ry c::1; t. P fir. cry ecol::t 13:.17:10 c C ?;c br 11,, ,

fcl*.e,C. , ;Cr.:t et:rtn;, che.:ci a rad 4 c.ctivity laval of 5 23 h 102 d.:./ra r in cec; i.;r2. :a:.; vith tha vr.: ,e cf r.edire.; r.:tivity r.o- Miy czpactcc. ::o fer:Mr 1.n r.;,1;'. . s cf 23 2 cetivi y v;; regire?.


<:.'c retco in tha 15 Isiler vera c tinated fro th 7'3 cctivity fcnai it the teiler vatcr. Wole A-LYII ta*.,ul tus the le:h rr.tes calcc.10'ad.

t 5

t kb


.s .

k 4


. ,...../. I 3 *

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S.S.C ,63 57 0

a. ,. .,.e,C, ._,,(c), Ste:47 St:22 155 S.;7 03 s .c.i.-.,..e...m.

c.; . . . . . .es.. .

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9. c aa 1.o, ,.o w ,ri,uctt-M s ---

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. s. ..,.. . i~,.

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t'u.t ovaniz; to cMu". 100 :::. f'i'g.

~ W 5 ::rica 0: 1: 6 t'.cr.'" yicr o :~;-.itc-=.


(c) ~':.t*: .ted ra; ;,: of erro: iu on t'.2 o:C:r c0 dC,#.4 We.'*ta Mu of:rt.tiot. prior to :: .:C:;. ,

. e. . n.e2 e..

. .. r Sh._a_ . m. . . i. v. w T. e.w._._;

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cf P.7 2 S:coNm )qs.

  • . .3 seof ,
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. s, eOoJ. eC.?

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.s  : .

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  • S ew
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. (xn4bo,i-9e =n*.1 .f' tn.,s: a L,8oeo Gceooo+uC , scc JObeeeCC ;c.po%r v+ a ,., .;-

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o sc.o:14: oed 4.e o

  • 4 :1 e I*

o:: O .4.S s.eo 4e:e0n s4o co no. C, I s uoe 44o uos9oo,eo:5 *eDee*. oCo e. 1

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1- C eio.* J.3.3ansno e) 4soOo t 1 .

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e o oooo1:- :no 1*asrroor

  • e3 oo 4o8o.se8r: 4 0 e 7 iO8oo<HO4%. * > r o. 3 ca:: 8 8

2.Jsf Dao 'W.? e3.- o3 t t a:.J.J* I:P*:

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- ss 4 f er o ou. 4,fOOu. m:

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oolo & i Oo 9 sne3epe e e

sloeees W:in ao4 A o1 .ga4J

, . 4e7' os, h

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. eJ1 , , . e .

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e h uW u#9 J.s* n

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- e cg ,e

. e,* . ee o.s n. t <e :cv .

44. ux 4o

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. A. D'3 ?:1?rf G:Tf?O37 3. J. I;cvcy, lh:: ce 4

1. Mute "y:L :~: c. d DM .t Wir.teri: ~

. (ICCCI22) 3. J. :: vey s

, This ym,;cet ccver the en:;ir.ceri ; cffert related to FWP. pover p hat systen : .4 phat c::/,incerla:: rcpired to se,T, ort Cor: 2 o;cratics: at Shippirgpert d to accc pli:t r. y accc:::r/ =ccificaticss.

2. 13 Stes: Cenenter C . E. 7. .70 The 23 Ste:r. Cc cr: tor va: hutdevs, icolated ni drai:ci duris; this ~

rc; ort perice becauce of a ccco..i prire.n to Occc detr/ le:X r.s rc;;rted in -

F.3?-119 The lech locatica na estr.tliched initially by a. ceccadary cido ctor te:t with  :. =cvcatIc p cusatic stopp:r in:crted frc the pri= r/ cida cf th2 tv e; the u ter ter. V:

thc later confir=:d by : ultraccaic prchis; cf the pri=:ry sico of the tube. As with the first le:X reported in 2?-113 cc: tute vas found to to le:him; bce:.u:e of a tubs failure in the c=e U. tend :::. Os the fir:t lea %. The cire of this scccai 100% :.ppaars to ha ;;;crintcly tha

3 ss th firs; : d is in r. tube in the ==2 vertical colurr. :: tac fin; le:Xer but ci;ht ro.*: hi;her. (F4R ctc : E,e:cratorr are instr.lled in a heri, stel positics.) .

Efforts to dato bec7 sirected to d valoping: 1) a :::: inc crivcr.

ultracoaic c:uc.t 6crect:

shear mye test for ins;cctin; tube U.ber.d: for partial c cc:.lato cacily 10:0J 'oy the ::c cperatcu 30:00.1 ultra:::ic 000., 2) 2.

' tube cuttins device capabic of ::. Kin; i.hro::: cuts c tha orcar of 23 fc:t frcs the tube sr. vet for removia; U-tcad :::?les frcs peripheral tuta r.cceenbla fro: Ocec=dary :ide, d 3) vicur.1 =c :: cither by casare, er flexibla t ,re::c;;

of cx :. inia; th: failed ares. Effort: :: prc=ici:0 ;1rtic:M rly in the :::c cf i;T 7 be Cuttis;, hev ver, to c .te, a ::.ticfsctorf . 4 ccrplete ficic oper:. tis: h::

r. t becs demon.strated ni it a;;::.r: : .other thrac to six vect:

vill tc rceircd bcrcro ,uch a de :=tre.tica c= ta ::da.

b. C:oldcv cf the .C Ste -. C-ener: tor L. E. Kcr.:at Procedure.1 caideline: : i limit . tics: von pre; red to c:;: ite coolccv of the 1:ci:.ted 13 :tes: Gene ater. 7:10 a:.ics c : con icer::.
ces ery a the =" ural temper:Lur0 deccy r:tc of the isslatc1 unit u s ::

cufficies; to n: cure t :et the unit cculd be drain: :d laid up for : inte::::a by t'.c der. ired 4 tc.

The ra ::::nded :ter.: Generator cooldova ::dc ec:ci::::

c:: cati:.11y of r. series cf p:rti:1 draining i fillic; c; ::. ties: tatt v:214 add cooler v ter peric41cally to tho ::ecadsr/ side of the s:c.: cesar cr.

4 h:talled vith en:, unparsiure ting pl : taer= instr.z:::tstica 1 limitaticas.'vill bc =anitcred to ::sure cc:pliacca e

4 O e

/ ,n. ..e=.,w..


  • c .

JAD-21.?-1^0 .

'c .  %-atun a-A croMmn ormtier.*. L. 3. %c :ct I, rece:.:: datics was : oroni to re&c plant prc::ure prior '.r.,

. initisti ; cc:1 deva cMrnics: ::0 : reducci prce:urce ur.til hW.sp opentics: co .pleted. Wie ::dc cf c;;rnics *:scid decrc::c th: pri- r/-

  • to-:ccce.::.:/ prest.ure differet.tial scrc:: the : ::: cc crater tuto v21h.

. Tsten.i .11y the pl.r.t pres: crc vould falicv the ci-% prc:sure Oct ty .he

'/^ recctcr cool = pump operation cu:v: durir.. t'.c her. tup : d ccoldova opctn icas.

It is acted that both cf the O sterr. Ces: rater tute rupture: c: curred daris; *

/ cosid:v r.04 hentup operatics, ::pec:iv:ly, sinc prirr.r/-to-:cccetr/

/ .

pres: crc differcr.tish were at thcir highe:t v:. lues.

d. It Sten accerator Mc .ts-.icat'.cn U. A. hdd As cicetrolytic deeosta..iration of the printr/ sif.e ir.let nr.c cnh , ,

plenu: cf the C ste ccccrator * :: acecr?litted to =iniciza radistici. c=p,.n re duri *. pinneci inspection of the.:tc:.: :r.ct ts tuhts. Caly the pica c V.1%

d civider plate arca verc decor." '"t:d; the stcr.: cc:crt. tor tutcshec vas protcetcd from the decosta instica cohtics by a pclyethylena chect.

The electrolytic deco..tanin:. tics 10 e dephti::3 operatica.usit:; dilut'e culferic acid as the clectrolytc :.t the point of costset. A special brar.0. vr.:

develop d to apply the electrolyte at a controllei rate to the picca: vall: : d to =ini=ite runoff All of the decosts:instic; c the ple ::: inlet cid: v s perforced frc the outside usins e=tentics h: on the tru:h. C: the cutlet sido plenuc, the oporttor had to cater the plenus is crder to cifcct sr.tiefect'or/ resalts. A caxi=n of 20 volts I;C, with currcat varyir.;

30 ::p acpendia c rate of depleti:3, was utili::d. A tott.1 of aben ci ht 0:llons cf electrolyte was accded. 7:e catire operation vcat without ;:ci br.t.

7t.c decosts=1:sted ecction had the appe rance of bncht shi.Tr ::nl cc rared to a dull black before the operation. katoradio;nphs vill be t :::

of the d. costs:1:ited areas for cc:pr.riron with those tihon prior to the ,

de:cali 3 operation. The rc:ults vill te reported is the sen is:ce of the : 2.

c.  ?.ro Leoo Po'.rer ocarttics L. E. !*--at The E stes: generator is pre:ently out cf service to rapiir :.

prizar/-to-:cconhry leak t. d, is the evcat cr.s*hcr hoop ===T be re: :ci frc:

rvice, co.tinuca pater c;cr. tics could caly pr:cccd with tuc 1co;; in :_rti: 2.
1. rcvice :,hoved th"t caticinctorf pr ar c? ::. tics c:.: be achic* icd et Shippi .;;cn vith or.%* tvo oport. tic, reactor coah t ic:ps provided ecchn punrien:c:
  • Ic:p 10 rz.inte.ined in se:vicc. In the unliucly eve n that cither pun f;c n is:

icop veuld be t.vaihb1c, pipi 3 : dificatic s vould be regired to falt:11 cxinir., coolant chemistr/ cc plins regirc::sts ::d pecvide fcr hydrosc:

addition. The r xi== Power level with two le:p opension is%$.


\ . . <


2 I

6 .

T . .


A -


. ~


. k'AI".5-rd'-1.00 .

L. CNmin* v A- ,liestice (301*CSC) P. E.*Erown -

s 7.a. i project includes the evaluation of chenistry t<.:tc r.nd operatir.r. data.

censultr. tion on chenistry problens ar.d ficcion product release, cnd con:ultr. tion ,

~ c.nd dcvclo;t.cnt effort to the detection and location of failed :tc1 C1cncnts.

a. arm ie.-t es T itiu- Aet'.vity r.t F.R V. Icch .ick, P. W. hrank

- Antlytical data from Shipnin.gort, tabulated in Tr.blo A-I, it.dicata triti= activity has leveled-off after decroa:ing from the high point noted 'n June 1966.

The ic: value noted in December 1966 can be attributed to aboic-avertr,c Ich rates preceding this ar2pling dato. ?ne level of tritium activity found has piccented no operational or diep;ssi probicas.

TABil; A-I P.G R'.* ,TCR Cn0TATT SITnM ACTIVITY S.--,1c Sour a Sced 1 Coro 2

yc/1 AC-AIX - 6 21 66 * $$.1 AC-AIX 7-13-66 kB AC-AIX 6-1-G6 h5 -

AC-AIX 9-7-66 33 AC-AIX 11-3-66

  • 31 AC-AIX 12-lh-66 19 AC-3IX 1-2h-67 26.8 AC-BIX 2-6-67 22.9 AC.AIX. 3-6-67 26
  • Trittue. concentr.stion the chardcovcr during to I.1 7CH Coro 1 operation: ran;;ed from 2-hjic/1 foll win,-

pH control.

  • 3 1

6 9 - , - - , , .-. ., ,w--


, WI.N 4CP-125 v

There in littlo or no holdup of tritii.s on the ion,c renin. it.c

- cffect of decs;- (12.26 yo.,r half lilc) is nc. li;;ibic in cctab,lishirg: the str.:Ay st. ate tritit.c concentration which c:<icts. Plzm coolt.nt "1cahu,c" i: re:,;esitic fer i e r.a.ior reamal of tritina cctitity fron tha systc=. Since tritiun con-centratior is rol..tively constant in the ranne of 25 uc/1, ar.d the "1cc::" rsto .

is a;;voxir.stely 25 tL9h, the production rcto of tritiur can be estir.atcd as follevs:

25 uc/1 x 3.7fi 1/nsi x 25 nph =

2.h x 103 uc/nr.

Possitic trittu:4 productio= r..achanis:s vero discussed in 'uP34GP-119, 3.1.b.

A pect;uction of 2.h x 103 ) cf.@. does not entbic climination of any of thc:c produ:tica ncch..nisns from consideration.

TCf.3-WM - Wit h ,H /s. .onim 1:ve' n -ide ?cr,t i i R.'?. W. Icchnick A rato deterr.inction was schieved for coro pressure drop tuildup at

5 10.0 ; O.1. Coro pressure drop ncasurcr.ents have now been made for p310.2, 10.1 c.d 9.9 cperation. The data are cursarized in Table A-II.


?.G C.TtE I?.?SS!,  ? .E 20? f.'*D F'.fr.' AS A FC:CTION CT eH nH e 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 Pc-o ?amien All values in psid per 2h hour day

- .ted t2 +0. 23 +0.1 +0.03 No change 31ackct 2 + 0.11 +0.06 +0.0h No cht.n;;e Srod Fuel Acce-blics All values are in % flow reduction per 2h hour dcy with 100% being tha hot, h loop, p =ps on fast, design flow.

Opnter -0.01 .No chen.:

Dica:nal -0.25 -0.03 -0.C4 .Wo enan.e Inset . -0.05 o chsnge

  • All P9valuce art, + 0.1 e


. - e , .

h ___m_________.__ --_.__.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __m__.____1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-__._____________m.________________________-__m. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - ._____a

s. ...=~ - a e ' e t. ~ s 17 lit"l~ l

. A. """! PI.*":? f"J.'70-"? 3. J. Dcvoy,2Sn:ccr

1. Tlc.'

r'. rv.- w .a.rt.

'la nt I r9--~rf - A (100::02) 3. J. Davcy f


  • 71: pre,*,cet cover the c.7;in::rina cffori rel*.ted to F.!3 p:7 cr 71:r.t
/:te. ' erd pir.nt c:-incerir; ree,uirca to cup;s3 C0:s 2 o; ::. tier.: :.t
  • the :"t.ippic:;oA .'.tcmic Pcver Station d to scac:?lich c.ry ::ces:Ary

. c. 3 F.ta m cc: C. L 2y:

i j

Os S Stet: Ocacrator r: sined chutdce duriac thi: r:;crt ; rici tect.;;c of a prin:.ry to scoc;C .ry tube ic .h c: rciorced in 17.PT,-:2-LEO.


. . ... ..o,.

. .4.c e...s....,

. .. . ,. c = . ..

3 o:.. .. .. .,. =t.,y

.. . J . u . .,. C . .

.t. C.a, ..

. . . . . . . o. . . .

. . . . e.

.vc techr.ic:e v:0 cca.Cucted <* 0 c:rylet:0 Curing this 1:rici. W il thint.i.- ir.

t the U-bend c er. v:.0 fcun? in 30 tub: :Sici h'.vc their U-b; .0 terr.inr: 1:. c". .tt.: '

vith the 1 00 tube cup?ori es : bly. Oirty of the:c tubc vith c. vall; in c ::: of kO,', b rec b:en ple:: d chile tho 2 tube.: vith le:: th : h0', v .ll

' thin-ten '., .ve been left o?:n for reins;;ctics of tube =11: fclic tin ; : verr.1

=enth; of 3 loop operatica. Oc le:hin; tube and the one tt,bc that veuld .c.

c: cept the UO probe in the U-bcad arca vero c.1:o plu;;cd. acturn of the E unit i

j to cervice v:0 in pro;;rc at the c:d of thi: repor; period.

't..e U? inep:ction va: cor. ducted u:ic; a ::chinc drive device for movi:.3 the U7 probe and vr..i in the tube. Sigr.11 record vore cbtal:cd on all tube: in:;;cted to par =it cc=;;ricos vith future in:70ction data. i

b. C Stee.'s Occe stor C. II. Ihy:

A :all pri=::/-to-:cconi.:af 1 :t va: detceted in the C CF. : C ::::. c on. l*:y r.,..


.. 13,. e .3in .

. .. .. ,, ccur:c i......... of routinc

. < s 17, ., o.. a sdr.iky .,3 ,r.: tivi.ty.3 ce

.., - e it.o.,,.,.

.. c ...lysis of s..c:: d .y teiler. e

. .,... .o O..s v..

crh, ha: steadily incre::0? the rtet tro =cnth: e.:? by the cad of this re;cr 7:rici v : in the ran:;e of 2C0 02:-/171terino-18 cquivalent to 3-9 c;h.

Se Shippirc;srt Atemic Pc:cr Statica h s been c; : tci.:-9. inly c c b :o 'lcr.d of 1C3 l-;f(c) since the cb:crvance cf the C le:.h, rather t'-- '- **c .

nor. 1 svin3 lead ::de, to =inici:c pl t tc=; rsture cad prec ura vr.ri..ione that could cdversely effect the C los? Icti rate.

Unce. the 3 leop is returned to scWica, the C loop vill 'ce renvci

' fror. OcWico for'i::;cetica c.nd re;;ir. i.. :: cord:::e with tic prc;rs: to be c:toblished by the '4ceti 3housc Pl:nt App :::cs Divisica.

9 8

W l

.- e


/V F-u /

l* 4) Rc in he: s :nt=ctica level for res: tica of cru]. :~:. vin; i

caturstion c:pecity, the rc:in vill ret:.i: c::catially no cdsiticani crud. fac ::turstics Icycl for 7* 1 operatics condition: 1: 20,hacvs.

9I .

j $) cchanical or hyarnalic chock, Ou:1 s: that rc:ultin frc= pus ,


vitchin; cperation,, cc cc: tribute te, ic:: of crui frc the rc:in. s i

F=ther tes:100 is rcc.uired to d tcr in the de:irchility cf ::::st:.rily interruptin; purification ficv for thc icop involved it. pu:p svitching cpcraticas.


.I 6) Survey dsts indicate that ec plete rc:cy:1 of activity 1 set cffectci 3

l vith discharge of rc:in frcs tac de:incralizer.

L i

7) 7crth:r testin3 is ree.uired to dct:.~ine the effect cf hyirculic sic:%

cn ::.dir.tica lev:ls in the de.incr li:cr: cad to c t blish rc in dischsrso criteria.

t .

8) fo sinisizc activity holiup vithis dczincir.lizcr internal , the de inerclizer should bc pur;cd with forward flush after rc in

, disch:r;:.

Oritium Activity at PTR - W. lechnick fritius activity level: for April, X:y, sad June era 20, 29, cad 37 ue/1, rc:pectively. Altheu $ the:c 1cvols appear to show as increasi: trc d, this is soi, cc :iicrcl si; ificent at the prc ca , tisc. 7.e avers:c Icval for April, Kay,*

a.1 June is ~29 uc/1 es cc=;cred with an svers;c of ~25 u:/l for Jc:c;:..y, Februcry, cai Erch,196*l. ~

Ivslu itten of Oc-:ts 5S101, 53001. SSLC1. s .d 53201. P. W. Frs:1 fest cvalucticas were suh itted for tha following: .

D2 3 53101, ";3 tar =inatics of sedicauilide 3sse levels,"

22S-53001, "Ec:: tor Cocla.t ?is:ica Product Activity," '

D2S 5SI.01, "720A*. Syste: Operstics:1 '.'cet," cc.d 0~.0S-SS301, "FZDAL Sy:tc Cperstics 3.:ri:3 Statica Startup".

We evaluctic:s the exi tence of fuel cicconcluded ent defcets.that of ::: tests Gave an indicssic: of 5 Ple t :' ate-isis (3COF331, 307 5 0) A. *d. Klein 7:is project covers the in:pc:tica r.1 cvelustics of p rts c 1 cc ;::ca.s rc ovci durin3 plant : lificaticas, :1 cc: ultatio c cc ;c: cat f bric ..10:

or in:tallstica prcble:s, cffe:t of u: cual cc iiticas such c.s d : cst. instics solutics: ca plant =sterials, t. d solc: tics of r.aterials sua fabricatica processes.


7 g

  • e e
    • e- b . ,o g , _.
  • Oe
  • _ *=*
  • g I

. .A e

S e

.e .



. , . . . .,..2 2

. y;

. Y.".t e o- -a .

A. e.

c .. .. .

e....e- .. R .. ., . . t cy, ,.

. ..L.. ...c .

. 1. 71-M 8 5.-- e-a .t- * ?la. *. F--i r ear' ~

. (1C00'72) . 2. J. hvoy .


s e. , s .

.... - ~. . . . rc.... , . c a.. . o c '1 .

.e . . .~ . . ...

ry.. c. s a...

. , ; .. cu ... .

. c.....- .. ,. c .

e. ... .....c

. .. .... c.e ..os-.,,"C..~*..*.'w--*...*..*-.*.


.. y.


. r. ***-

.c..,, , ,..... ... a

.->c.. ,. S. ,..... ... ..a

- . .o ...c., .a ,

s. a f. .c.cs

. . . . .:y c . 1.m. .

a. 3 St - .0::ert:cr C. E.* . ys

,.e s ..c t w.. ....., . . . .. . . . .c. .. .. . . . c s . . , ,.. ., c .. 2., a. eg.. ...

,...s c.e

. . ..c .- . .



. . . .s.., ., c .. e.. ...,c.  ; . r , 4..... _.... e...e..

.. .. .y.s......

. v c .-. .,a

- .,.. . , , _.- _. - . .. . c .

. . . . , . . .... . . . ... . v .. . ......- -

%. ... .... .s.,c , . . . . , s.s

.....a . . , a. -. , ..g3 o, . g . .s . .....,.

.., ,1

- -- . . .. . . . yc e ., e.,.

a . u.,,fg. .e ..<

. te. .

b. C Ste*.*e *r.*or , C. E. !". ys

,'Fhe C 5*,c = Gese .tcr was r:::vei .*re se:vice c: C:1y 22 ::1

.. .., . . . ... ..r. e .ie gg . .e .-. 3. . . ., . . a . g; . 3eg;.. ...,.,..,.. ....... v. e ..m.e.. v... .

fec=1 vita a M1 is tic c.;:x : e: ::114 t:ies verc fc::d to t ve v-11 t'*--*-, is .te a;::c e. es. As is the c e cf tts 3 S*c:: Ge:erster the

., Icali - td:= ::d st::e vith v:11 t- ' 3 all t:d that: "I,'" tesi a;ex


% -- . .p .e. '. '.ub e .- .,,.. . .

,, .s.. ..,s.,e ..c e

.. .s..,

. . . c e .s e %w ..

,.s..... , . , . . . . . , . . , ,


. ,.. . s. ..,c .a t2.. .se -... . . . rc... . ~ . .. a .a s :v. .e c. C .s.e u~ .

c. Ai- Ccelire S'esten U. A. 3:11

... e.,., .. ..y ,.. .... ...

.. ,s.. , .

A.. f......


. .; C. <.,s.


cr . ....... ,yc. .. . . e 1., *

  • s. e -. ...... . .. . .. .d .. e . .,e .p. ...


,. V .., ,

....s . ... . .,

,, ... i 1s. ,,

. . . .. s.e 4.. .a.....e.5.,., .1  % ... .. .a.....s.. ... -.

s,  %., *

  • s. e .. e..s. ,. .a

,,p.9.. ..,a

. L.. e.. .. ... .. .. e ...% . ... - ,..m .. 3 .,4 ,., c.. ..., ca ., . . . . .


-e .,A.e..

. .e,.,.a.

.... e. .. ,.sp............,.,.,.%.,1.. . . , . . 4 3 .e .s-e .e 1 ... .. ...y.5 fs...,,,,

.s.- ..t \a

) .es. w . . . .. _s.2

d. F.L, ,. ,. ,~..... . .. e 1.....s- , + . m., . g . . .. s.. .. ev. .c: 1., . a...4>.

.a.. ...... .O . .s , . . ..g.g.... C. ,. .. a.,

. . - .*,. .. .. . . .. s... .. , ., ..v,%.Ls.. e

.e.s .. . 9 3.5 , .c...,...... s Cat.s , ,s.a . v.A I ,

2.,.,....s. .... , e....C..

. . . g .

.. .a . .i . d . J . ..s. ,..,.a. .. ..

yC e ..e,.g . e.a g.- s . ...s. . ,4 *C *.he .***..w#-. .#.***.*

, f.

c se ,.c s., L.. s.c .. ..cs, ..s.c.3 . .


- .e d s.. _... . . e ., ., . e .,

g eva;; to tes*, t& is, asi 1:s'.r.1'.s. tics of s.^ *- :: size ic: exch.= er e ;re. filter units.

r 1 . .

. ,1 . ..

A e

e f


  • 1


. - - - .-- .c V1.*3-:* .?-13 c.

E ..'.icactive '* ante 31:n--J. I'v.-tc * (NTS) W. A. Zudd Eleo5tnq of lNm M. ?n lost ree 4 Each of the four E"O;u: .lcrfround nar:0 tanh: 10 siter.t:C undcr-

' freund in acu=p:.

as:cciated circubr pit which is aiai,tir:0d C y hy periodic eductics of Due to a lcalia; ste:n valve in the O sur;e t.3% pit and

r. f..ilurc of the nomal parp-out cyntes, the vet:r icycl bot" ;r. the pit ccacrate Ce t. 17.11 :. d the Our;c tant ro o to cuch a level that the t:.:% ficated.

uler opsco veter ves pu: p:d out to allan the cur;c tan:: t rc:ctt'e.

. A vi:ur.1 cr.ani= tion revt '. led th:.t the ten': sed its conecti:; lit.20 vara under. :cd except for two therr.ccouple lines above the top of the tank.

Gisco was notthese is;21 red. lines serv.inato in volls incide the tank, the ta % istc;rity The conclusion frca the ex.sination was that the ta 2 vac not da.:s cd and could be roturned to service.

E'.103 Cooling Uater <!

The r.*I control rant:

vas lowered frc. a rasse of 8 3-10 5 to a r:. age of 8 3-8.8.0 for. the vaste dicrocal coolin; ve should offer better corro:ica protcetion to the newly in:te.11cd clu=1::=7..c levar rasse l hcusin; arcand the coolic; tcver, a:d chould provide co:plete cor:0: ion protection for the carbos steel composents of the coolir.; vr.ter systen.

d. Heat Lic 1pation cystes !? sin Ster 1.:oter Oterated Stop Valve D. T. Klinksiek to replace the Icakin; heat dissi;;. tion rain steen stop valve.A new gate valv 01: new valvo is a parallel is recondar/ disc cato side ste::2 valvo developed under 1.?/.D co;;i:::ce for u:e syste::.

ler. kin; valve, provida ca opportunit The instr.12ation ras =2de to repl:co tha

  • scv valve for de:ica evahatica purpocca.y to operatic:21 data es the -


13 Coolant Loon Stein 02 cr?. tor ~ D. T. W.sksie's-Ultrazenic toctin; of the stos: Cenc= tor tubes vas at:Med in March to study vall this:1:3 at the U-band ap:x. All previously ultr::enicly tected unplu;;cd tuta: vero rc.ce"4-'d in the arca .facro, the U-tend cpex is in ecstcet with the loo? c d tube support.

  • Two cf hase of ve.11 thinnin; et the apex arca.tute: had bcca provicu ly reported in UAPD-:23-122 to Rc ca:sintion revealed incr=2: _1 v.ll t vall thinni 3 indications, indic ted t. s all c cunt of vall thinni ; in the apex r.rea.

. tested from tho tube tubc sheet. at Nothevall!.th and 5th tube thinsis; vas indicated.

support phte areas as refere cc

' f e

2 .


.. e .


. . W.~O-;22-125 m

ns -

4. . w m - Lt a ,



.t> a.

D sayo a ...v ..


1. ~%id Syet- . red Pient b ineeri.* (lCCCI?2) R. J. Ecvey Thi: projcet cover: t'.: c -ine:-i=0 cffert rel:ted tc Pi~1 p:: r ;1: .t

.  : /: tens ed pl:nt c .-12 crin; regired to ::7 pert Ccrc 2 c; r: ics: :t e.e Shippi c,,crt Atc ic Pc::: St: tics ::d to :::c plich : / =ce::::./ ncdificatic::.

a. 13 Coel- .t S*er, C~.creter D. 7. Klinksick A prc;r:n for titr::: ic reins;;ctics cf ths 1B lce?

tMert: ken dein: the previcus re;;rt ; cried, as cese:it:d in 'll 0 **JJ-12h, Sc:tica I.A.1.c. Scfrc r= . eve:ld tro ca:ce cf. additic :1 t'e'- ' cver cr4 abova that identified in mid-1957 (r.f "JAD-;?J-121, 5 0tica I. A.1. :. ). It ha:

b:en concluded th:t the tubo W--2  : c'. mica is a siculy pre re::h; fr.: tic.

e.ich is not scen ce. side a relatively li=ited are: wherein U-tnic cc:': c=ta:-

tho last tubo sup;crt pl to. 2o iMicatica: of us11 thi .ni:: rcre chtai..:d frc in:;cction cf sclected tubes at other tube s;;,, ort lec tics:.

E : in; cf five tute: ras cc=:leted d::in; this ; cried. The -/ nsd tubes inchdcd the tuo tubes which hd been fc::d to inen thi duri .- the Juno 1757 testing but vero left u17 u :cd (cf 'a C '.22-121), th :: cddi.tcasi tubcs in shich well tn-i  ; tes cbse: r:d during th: pre =t t:: tin ;, : d cae tubo in tho :ss;cct re:ic: which cculd act see:pt the titras: i: '.c: cpi;: cst.

Four :te= cc :::ter tub:: tSich r ra plu:::d initir.11 r in 4.. 1957 ucre us;1tgged, ultrasc.icelly rei.:;::ted, ed r:3 1 :::d. Si: in:;;;;icr.

reve: led no detcet:ble additict:1 e'- ' ; h:d cecered in the:: tut:0 d -ing the period they terc pit: :d. 3:: d c thi: firdit:, a c:;rra of ::ti c is

. hein pursued thic'. Will step dice in all tubes 100 ted 1. the :::;::: Arsa, .

4 thus avoid furths: deterierstica cf tC: inte.rity. The di:n tic:ki g device will ha installed during the r. :d, repet ;A~1cd.
b. E-t Oissintien Sv:t= I'rin Etern !* ster 0 3rsted St: ; '." L. 2. W ns:ex Tho seu g:to v:1ve, inst:11sd durir; the pl :t chutic-e. in 7:1 ::ry 155#,

(!!A*.G.7.?J-12h, I. A.1.d. ), centinued to leak in e :::s of tha 500 c:/" -*~

specified design icek rste.

Tho valve is in:t:lled uith th: et= i-M * :d at 10 dc;: se: tslew the hori: cat:1. Thi stc= pc:itim prm:te: the cc11cc ,ic . of cc:dessato in t'.:

t =ct which c:n iced to tic =:'. cistertica cf t'2 dises.

  • L72 rece---?cd the in:tclisti:n of bc d. in thi:h r : a;;r: ci tj the AIO. A Jcb Crder uss 2:itten ::d the tenact drain installed during a
1s.t shutdova in Ju=c.

Leska;;o rates aro scu uithin specificatica regire=:sts. ~

.  %. .a..o . . .. ,. ., , e.a I P. *1 ..-

. .w . .I.,

A. r_. _.s

.,4 , m. . .e ~. u .m

. g.m.~...,.,.,

... .. .* .c ,cy

1. -'kM Sv ^e- : -4 Ma~t "n-h e- (1CMG2) T.. J. Ec .c-/ ,

e.s..i , .. en.. . . . A,s ,. C.e . ,".-t,..,.....,.......,.,,

,3. ..t.

s. g 2..oc...ro4.. ,....,cc, n., ,.. c. e.s-.

a . a. . .o.,..n...^.

.s . cs.C T... .. % .... w..c. . ,. , C3 . .s .o . ccC.;?s,vs

. _.s.. .,C . , ,. . C c . ,... . .Cc a , .~

  • c-a.4 . . . .

, .~ . .~ - '.ic . . .. '. ^* 2 . .*.sg~ .~ .. ~,,crt

o. M Co31.r .ic.A e, . . .,1C.

. ... . . . . . . . . 3. e.m. .v--4.- - 5..-. , c.s.

re A , C *.a Cit e

.,C.. 4. ..- . . .m. , , . . . - .

. . 9 9 4 . . .s.,

. .a1C*J D 1C.'*." #. , d.**.'* .

." .. (#*Cc.

l.s. . .

. . . .3= ;.r.a. .e t #) ,3 .s...,

. 3., 3 .p

.. . . .... 3 v,... . ...t...


. .. . i .,.4.s.. . t %,.. . o .. /.,,.,

t. .. C

.o... Gb.. .e. .., a, a, ..g.

.g..  ?, . .4..A..

. g;..

. . .. .gg3

. g.* a.s4. 4.

.( *, %. . * . . .


. y b1c ,,?.,s....,, ccu.,

.. co ,C . . ,.s..s . .c...w .> .<c . . / u....~ ,c.,.,

. . .. c. .. ...... ,. n ,. . ...>s .

in 21:nt ceniiticas.

h. 3. '.) .e. ... .. .. . %. .. ...... . . .C . v. .Ci.1. .-a 1 .,.C-,. .A. . ..

c., . ..

D . m. . .m 4.


ic, .o . de. .. _4 ,

.- c c2.o., C..

Ca 33 4 , .. C;..... . . . , c. .. .. . ... 2 ,. . .o ... .s .

o ... .

1.a...c. c*. a +..Lo.J blo . .o. c,on.> c . 4 a. 3, ,. . . . . .c.

. .. - .o3c... ...... .. Cc=.

plcted. ':'M:c stu'.ics vero cenincted usi 0 digital cc outer si:ml:tica of the rc: tC: p1=t to deter-*-6 ste:dy st:tc cc iitic:s fcr gives plc..t crr:n =:st:.

';~.a rc=stal frC:s Crvicc of 11.2% of tha total tub:: 13 the 3 v:it h:.t c,,C"..chen  : by c fi.c t b1Cche;: .c.,,,device t:: predicttd to c:u c c tot:1.ccr: .ri . rf s.,. .,c7 .,,1 23 .. . ., . g v , . ..

.2.g. C:.. .4 . .

.. . .... ~. , c3 C. .- .a n,.?

. .. A, ~. .

C". . .. a . . . .-

C; .. . . .,. ..

. . . D, . , .. ....f . 9 c.J .. a... .. s . ., .e. *. C C ., ...

C . o ."*.. , a.

.+ ., C.. L., . s.. *C;. .a i.r .. .o .. . .-

Co..... . . .


. . . .. s ... e .ms i , ..

,a.. c. n.4.a . ._s .. .. .... C. .i,... ..


. .. 3$ca ..a one Ccro 1 :'*in "Colast 2*.:::? ' st:11cd is the 3100?. 7cr thrco ic:y er tvs 100? ,,le..'. of-a. . ..'..c.., ' .'...*'.c',.-' ca.-* *. . .'e,p'

.. lev - c a . 49.. .._~,~.".C.-G"...'C....C'.4.c'.a..'

  • t

. p,,4 ... .....c..eb.,..,.f

. 4

. . 313 c i.

.. 3 .. -.. ;a ..

d .... . sn.d- c.. , Ch . e.s.4. .

4 .s,.

m., C3.. 3.s~.. . . ,g.-. . . ,t . .w .. . . , E , . . ,... m, , g........

. . . . , . . . a. .

g .. 3., . . g. y .. 4 c.h.. *. c3 CCr.* ;"i.... . C'..*..' d.". .' . .. ."

pl ,. ..~..... 3 do

. . . .. . L ., i."r..,' * *C..,. C.."g*.D . .a .. *3' i'.'/ .s "t .S.c.'r.

. . * . .3s. c.' Y* .... < c.'.'.#. g.....

CC:c p;*.*c 022r ',103.


. . 0 .....d c3 31.o . -. ....t.r..

. , .. c1.cC. ., C3 p3

. .. .. c.. . .. .,. .. . .....,.<.,,

fr ..


4..C3 C.4 a e.1 ,J bs.C.. .,,d. . ... . ,C 4.3 as -. 3 .a C t ,, . . .. c. . .. c .._. . a C

  • +--. _-* hr '.o '".a . .- au'.-], C

..'. .'. . , .. c ;..,... '... .c- .'.] .m_. ._s.C;,:%s-C,. .a

. , c1 C, v.' '.*.., c..... ,, co.. .' .' .' '_.' _'

.. .... . . v* C . '." d."s.,... , u:

. . .. . g_. ..,. . .

ry f2ca refus'.icr.s fcr varic.
: pl::t Cc .ditic:s is cher telcJ.

l 4',

l l


\ *

~ ..- . .

- -- . s . . . _ . . . _ _ . . _ ,


  • 'AD-:72-130 I.. wR

.a .G~.~ m o

.A.  ; n -siAr? f JP?00 3. J. 0 Voy,I'. : Oct

l. Fluid Sv:te-: and Plant 29-1:n=rf ~t (100: %?2) R. J. Davey Tc.1: p.o',cet cover: ths c=;inceris cffort rehted to F.!2 .cVer ; hat sy:te:S .:d phat c ;ir.cerin; required to :up;crt C.s; 2 c;;ratics: e. *.he Shi;pir.;;crt Ato:ic ?cver Station ::d to acco ;11:h :y : difi-C ..,C

. c. Radiesetive ':.' acte Dievoe 1 Systen W. A. hid

. T'.e er.xima: li it of vcat cas cetivity thtt es: to di::h.r ci f;cr. the %DS directed throu;h tho :tsch is 3 :c 10-7 fic/cc. 1:ohted-

of the vent C
s yster c .:not *cc direetcd t6 the stsc':, raint::::::

ca the c sections often have to be dehyed to allo.t radicactive 4:::.y cf the

. ecstained cases to the :.bove activity level. A 2ettis evalut.tica v:.: r. .;rcved v'.'.ich voeld allov vent casos frc ischted sectics: to be. discht r;cd within .

the folicving consideration::

1) The volu e of gas to be dischsr cd should be t.s s: 11 as
sible (i.e. caly that section of the syste= =ecessar/ for ::ir.te:. .ce should be opened to the atco:phere). Ce rate of discharse wher. o;; in-a scetion sho;14 te as sicv s possible. r i
2) In order to afford as =ch air dilution a: can to cbtain:d, a his capacity ticver should to din.cted c=to the ve:t while di: char:1:-

to the c.tzo;;here.

3) The : xi=c: vent cas activity, ;rior to di:che.r c to

.tso;; hen, should ba 1 x 10-) Mc/ce. Chus, cyca if caly 507, of tic

  • ticver ca; city 1: realized, dilution vill be obtt.incd to : ct i the 3 ac 10-7 Mc/cc li=it ca dicchar;cd c.ctivity.
b. D ste n Generator lenk V. A. Eudi A pri=:r/ to =ccc .dary Ic?.h of 1.2 to 1.6 callc : pe:- h ur v;:

detceted in the D stcr.r. generator (7c:ter 'Teccler, str:i$t-threus uni .)

c Au;u:t 6,1959 The unit was hept in :Orvice thrcuch S:ptc:b:: .1?O for no=:1 phat sving lo d op rstic: d 21:0 for t. test 7:ried c. . th ::::i==

150 : ! Phnt cuty :. To si; ifice.:t iniresse in lesh: e cecurred duri -

c.ny of these op:rstic:s : i the ic 1.Ste tes abcut 2 ;211c:: ;;r heur whc..

1 cop cooldova was co====ced, or. Sc;tc=hcr 27, is preparation fcr the h:.h

. rc;21r.

., Oc D unit v:.s o;ened : d c. cecondary to pri=:r/ hydre:::..ic

\* test revealed : tube leal at the lo:: tics of e. lateral su;;;rt pisto.

\' Further effor:s to detemisc the c t:c of the 0;;2re:t tute faihr :hrsus the u:0 of cidy currc:t testi - ::d, if tecc::ary, tube rc: val vill te

dc duri:s the =cxt re;crt perict.

O , .


  • f a

O g -

- - - - - - + . - - .....,s.. ..

~. 1 i


. ,,..3.

.. . . . . . ,.1 I.. . y.I I

L ~~ 7 r!Arr 7 ":TP--*7 ":  ?.. P. sur ter: 01::::::

1. 7ti *d s* -tem ead Pi mt 'aaica -f na (1000~.02) 11. Sch:::::
  • This project covers the c incerin 40:iCa ced cu? port of the -"?. l

[ flu'id cyscc=s and pl nt c=:inectin ,.


"-- a N --ae a t %---- 1. A. ..:dd l .  !'edia--*4' f-*--Q The chippingpor: Ate:ic Oor:: :::: ion h*: rehttined a co.i:i-:1-a, J =ccori of : trice ecmplitt ec uith all red ::1 ::d :::c =c: ult.: ion: invciv6 -

,'. t.dioactiv: esote discharco. *o ::v::, in ec:pli .rco uith t': .'.. : 7:13/ :o

( =inima: the 7.t;oun ef : dio : ivity dS:M:: d to th criti:c :::, :ni: .


I e :itha en ev 1u-:ioa to u.. : 43 the liruid ;;c:c-5 : ::c7. A;p:cv-1 -.:

re::ived to colle : e.pp:oprieto 01:d,:, =17:, c:4 li;;id =~ ?h: 20 *.~.: ic :

I  :::cres. :::d on. :=ple result: cud lic.uid t::::o c :c::: fice:::::, :::u I will d:velop : cour:: of.cetion to ups:: dc th C".'. :::licactiv: li; if t::-:o l proce:: cy: tem o:::: in,puo:cdurce. ::::i: uill 1:o develop ic:a, ::::s l c:::urco to rc uco liquid radiocctivity diccharged tshca 1c 0o volu.:: cf va::o ::c cencested.


b. P: cereriner rM PIM "re *alf af Svrt 9 II. A. Sudd I

g Approval seco cacived to t::dify the 0.7. p:f= .:7 Oclicf valv r:in-l ten.ncc criteric. !!::c: =clic valv : th:2 he.v: Ica:: bio.rt == .-d ::::: h 1 1:oh ed or cer.ced prior to ec:::: vill he return:d to ec:vico le::: :: ::h to

[ confir., that tha v:1vo is no: 1: chi =0 c:::c::ively. If bindi:,: 2 : :p::::d, j the valve vill bc =cto::cd. Tc ::ces eclic v:1ves, c :::c. : uill h =c-


c.uired if the ve.1ve: do not ece'c c: 1700 psi, a value se.ich 61CO' 2:1

. Iower than the former 1000 poi 11:1:.

V - .

.- 1 D S t e , t'e .e .-ter L- 't

c. *

& J. .

e T.crly in Au ,u:0 of 1950, a lech t:: d:tec cd in a tub of th: 1D I

cooles: loop ::cczs conces:or in:::11cd : the Shippingport re :::

f* Section (cco l'.".!D- i'.P-1';0) . The ::c:= ::c:::c: h:: bec: in c ::c. tion :in:c 1955 uith the cmception of no:::1 plcat chu 4: tine, refec11:3 ::d 72: 1 :pdi.

I fication (ceti=sted c: ap?ro~'--: 17 five cos:b of co:01 dc = : 5 :). :S

! Ic k us: decccted by tho ::::ing of ths dicch::co of radiocativa v ::: n:=

t th: pri=:ry to the eccond::y cid,of thd cystcu. The lechin: tub tra: co .-

i firand, by both hydro::::i: -/ cddy cur:c : testins (CT), to bc Icested M .

l on: tubo 1/2 up the tube bundio : d in th: ::cond ciech:is c,ucht.n: of th:

tuba e'.cct' loohin , f ca the inic: cad of ths ::::: or. The tebe t :c iden-k' tified to b ne=b :cd 20.'.7. The Icahina, :ca of the :=be vos lace:ca in th s first of c,leven tubo supports f c:: the inlet cad of the ::ncrs:o:.

{ ,

[ The etern ::ncr:Cor tubc which leched plus cuc other thich ::0 g insp:ction idcatified :: bein;: 4:n :;cd verc =ccoved ho ths unit for I cn::.instion: et ht:is. Tho in:pection of the ::ccm :::::::o :4 inve:ti-

[ cetion to detcrc. iso the cause of the tubo lock vill coaticua durin , the ne:::

report period.



L7.G 122 I Z:2 En E2:0D:c o

. A. re""i ?TMT rrnt?- W P. '

p. 2. Bu:hh :t,1: na er 5
1. gf d rester.s emt Plan: "ra i-w < -.. . . (103 ::p2) u, r,c'.;;gga a

' This project cover: the enc htering da.:ign and cupport of the O:3

, fluid cy:: cms and plant cucine :ia .


{ o .- 7t e.,e to: P1. ant M- coet f~ C eten U. 4. Oudd .

Difficultics been en cun:cred in r.:etine, tha luh :c::

criteria for tho : -found condition for the res: tor plan: con:01::: cir coolin cys:cm t.3-inch di:=ctc tec::: fly valve:. T.cylacc.::n: cf tha :::::

end hub se:10 is bein; under chan which vill rce.uire the re :v:1 of a ::: .

of tuo v:1vc= from ths air coolin system piping. Su:h rc:.ovel cca::itu:::

a loss 'cf nuccto 21:n: Container isto::ity which :=== ba re-este.blichd upon their reinstallation.

j A =cin:::11 : ion procedure for :ta butterfly v:1ve v = sp: red

:cin tha velva pipin; fle::ce vill be to:c.ued to the ::.== v lu: of$15t 20 ft. Ib :: p c=ently approved for raine :11: tion of rc=wed 12::h ccv::s
cm the cont:inct. A icek ec:: vill be pc fc:= d by p:ce:uri:h : :hs e ::a

, l be:v:ca the pair of valves for confi:::tica of ic h tichtes:: of tha piph, t f1:ns:: betw en the ve.1ves. The fhn:o ner.rce: the Re cto: 210 .: Cc.:: ht:

vill be icit tore,ued c.: nce:17 :: po::ibic to the condition :: t*:s fle. :;c:

' be:reen the velve . The cuccc:sful Icek to::ing of the flen::: te.:.::. tt:

velves will con::itu:a accep :::c of ed geto lesh tish::::: cn chs co:: he cide f1:nco and cliainsto the necc::ity of a Re:ctor P1:nt Centaher L::k

' E o To:t.


b. 1D Ctern ( % ernter I.v.k- L.11. h=:et t

E rly in Au::::t of 1%9, a Ic k u:: de:ceted in a tube of tha 13 coolen: loop c:ct.s sc=::: tor installed :: tho "Shippi=0por: Acc=i: revor i

S stion (:co k'A?D-:2P-130) and v : cub:ce,ucatly in:p:::od (:ce t'A 3 :2p- -


} A procrem for inspection and cpci for ths ID ::a::n sonorats:


, ws: approved :d in in procrc::. Thi: pro ::s includas:

j 1) Up to ecven addition:1 tube: cre to bc c=oved f cs the u:10 for detailed ex minstion by the Dctti: L:.boratory.


2) Sc1weted tubc: with defect: era to bo plu ::d at the inic:

and outlet tube chcots.

'3) Special instrumcatation in to bo instelled (sco Sec: ion I .I.A. 2.c. ) .

9 ,

8 .


  • . 1 4

N <

N .


I: ......,.I..

., . ..w

3. .. . . ...,.p...

. . . . . . . . . . p.. .. . .... .., .. . .. ,. . .. .. . .. . . ...

1. "" it < J
  • a.- t e- , evt *" m 5--4 na -* - i . U. Och.:::::


4 6

D.t: prajec: cov :: ':a c:.da n la* d.01 0's c:d C;*;;,r: O ths d


iluid :ystems and pl::: en,in:crin . .

c. , a.m.e.?N+a.*-t' ras.- ~~-- , U. t.. hdd

. . . , ......o ... . 21.. .. c o. . . . . c. .. .... . , c . .. i .s .. .,.. . .. ,. .2. c..s.

lver. r : a t--:..11: '..h:!.4,, G.I :. .Q.d (..o


. . 3.. , ..

.. , .. . v.)m...., .::=oved ,.fy..,,.. .. ... ..M

, r+r*-t-5.  ? , ...c. a . .. . u . . .

... .. ...s, v ...3... . . .. ..

tho :11c v.* ale les:c ,0.

>..,. ...c. .. .

. so ..... ..... . . . . ..c../

....... . , c w.. . ., ., ... ,....e. ,.,

.ii.. ..,, , , .)s.. .. . s.. . ......)

b. 13 S c.- ,C+'a ** v U. .t hdd

/. s..old., n,,, .,i . .L..,

. . .. .ec.. co . ...,. ,

. . c .c . . t .. . .i....

.. . ,1.d en w .s . .r . .r.

. I. .s.......

v.. c .p. , p,.,...,



. <. n..h, .c

. . n c%.... c.a ., . . .,;,.. ,. .c ,

. . . . . . . . .A .. .... ..1 hold c. ,ec .o ,. ..o cos..,o..,.

.. .. .. ... c

.. ..a o.e . 4

. t... .. . . . .. .. ... 1, w

. f... .e.w

.... a...%. . e.. $. ,. 0 /

  • 6.m0. e.CC .. cs.O C.... . . . . . 41.sDO.. .. ,... 4is..**A.

..... . - ..e.

end C... i..u.

. p d.J . in.,,e...u..

,....w i.

6 p ..e...C... w . . .e .. ,.5.3 . . . ,. .. , . . . .

. C / . . . ... t

c. 1*vt D' r:ia-t f oa. "".**am *J. '.*.. I' add

. . . .tt.,.,c..a

.s.c . . ,.., . b,P...r ,=.* ..... ... ..

. . . .. .i .t c . .,.. .... 4 c...,.

v ..l..a . .e e.n....)......s..

    • ~



. . . t . , c...%..

. . . . a. c ., ... . a. . L.. . .a . ,., ts o . , ...r.<

C(, d .. .. . -1t, .44. ..ha 1o . , L....,...s..

... ..g.


3. .... t...v.. e . 3 C... ........; .i..,t.,. s............,.

s O .e CsQ .. 0. S... ,,03 b. 1V,. . .


.. . ..C.s.v.. ..e. 3 ....,t...d

. . . . .. 1.. ... . . 0 1.=..... s..*..

C..... ,U.0,1. . di. ,,. ,.:. . .. . 3 C.n .*a., .

s ,0*

. A .. .s.C. b... .&W, . .a e...w.

.. .* . v, 2 . . .

C.#. A.* *. .* .#". . ." ' . ' . * . 3 l..'. iC *.. V.*.1V.* t^ .' '.'.'. #. .* * *. " * * * '

.~.~*......Ot*.**...~.7 #..'. .**



. ,.. p,p.r,,

o ,

.s . .


  • .S 3 ..* #

O * * *..#C*"..*.*,*.***.*.*.- s t..0 1. .h h} ,, .. . . 1s.3 03. a. .s . Q 4

4.... e C. L. ..% c 3 *.s..,c

. .. r. w..C .. .a.C C .g.. ...a. .

1 s .

. 8

.f .


.. . . . 1s., .


[. .

Th in pe:: ion of th: : ct:s .*.ence.. tor cM irr:3:1-.ti:n to 4.c ==

eine :N c: use of tho :dio 1c9. uil;. cea:1cae devin che . . .cp:6

ith n th: ir.. pec*io.u rna c*..a cl.x,vc a::.:d int:ar. :o procru ::c cc.32. :cd

,j the 13 =cacto coole.n: loop uill Lc ::t= cd to ec:vica.

4 a i 2. Y- . : - --t- t ' a . e m o 0.-et 6 1. ' (1C*C:72)  ::. L. Ohod::

? Thi: prote:: ccvars t h cc in:: he 40:10: c:d supp::: of the *:1 l control sy::==.


[ c. m S ' a --- & ?-fen Sn e I-1 T- :t t- o . .:fon U. C. The"as Inv.-rti;;;i.,a ineo po::itic 'cere::: fo: the lech h th 13 ::c .

3 Oce::::o hdiactes :Cdi:ict.r.1600:4:stion 1: : <;uired on c:::iro::::::.1 ccr.-

e dicion:, :ch :: th v:1, .  ;.y *::alic, vih :: ion -:::::::::. M ::i: te.:

i =c:c en'ed the in::cIle:ica c2 Opeci-1 i=== c:st tica en ths ~.:.1 13 ::::= to cht iin in cddi:ica o the 4::: p;cvided hy th: :::.1 l  :" .a :::::::o: in:::c ::::. The :p::bl in:::ve:a :: ion 2:telle:icn h-g' cled:: the = ouple: on tha ::cen gener.:o rie := d dot .:ce:r: ::.<'. ca
  • tha he:: cachse.::: chc11. In Odi:Lon, tvo acccic:c cters
  • ill he scu::cd l on the hest cachen c shc11 to provide vi~c::: ion infoce.ticas l The recc= end : ion to ia: tall the te:: ther occuple nd ::cci-

[ c c ::ces v : cyproved and a d:: iled do:cription of the in:::cca:::ics l in::allacion was forverded by 3:0 ig.


3. c'- et v AeHe eiem Col lso) - P. 3. ::o.a
c. Dir3 5.9501 - B-sin t4--6 v.. c?f *?rda This tc: u ce avces:s r:distion curvey c ding: ::= th h::ca of the purific : ion 4::12:::11::= .: as indic ion of pet: thi c: ai ~;:: .2-throu:;h end, threfora, ths ::d for =c:ia reple ::ent. L::::: ::::in:, .

cce; ein the in:tru=:n: pre::::ly in ucc with c:::b=11:: in:::.:::: ,

ch::a tht the pre:::: inst:c: . rc: alt: t-::s c::::ic vhile c:: i ::::

re: ult vare cb: ined uith :he *:be:lha in::w- . 20 u 2 curvey; vill utili:o the ::hcIlino 1 :::=:::.

Tha radiction :=vey dt.:: cico hdice. cd the follcui ::

1) tie ::te:line it::: e::n: p;cducc: hi;b: reedia : thr. ths ~

g p ccen: ir.::: cent, ,

2) the pot.k setivi:y in ths ios c::cha:c: ic nor=lly : :

pch: the is abovo the th ce points p c:catly used : tha cri:cch fc:

rc:in disch:::c. ,

t L- .

2 l

' 0


' ~ ~ ' '

' ~~


h 5


.a. w... te- m

., m,....,._.,,..a.

4. . . . . .......

I A. r.- .'-* Pt. '.7 T. SCI --" M. *

... J. D:voy, Onr.;;;;;

. 6

,' 1. - :M d 5.u.t- . n o " .- .t - c.a t i- a <- . (10CC ;?2) U 0 :. :r; .

  • D.1: project cov::= the en;intetir. denica .::d cu;;.... de sto T.*?.

j .

fluid systes:s and pisa: an;i.::cria ,.


a. to t-:a & ry T.:.rm c.-~r. e,t -% .- .

- - 't. z . .. ..* >..

3*:1ppir. pr: hac c::r :i r: cod  ; ;t tt : .rter M r:+ =r.' '.r. r : t-' r*/

1cshr.;= during 27. Core .*. optre. ice. '.t.*/:n : it ' i:: , -

  • 0 *::

I cen:r..te ha ace.2 rc: oved feca cer't'to, i': :; 0 a% ". ..s- . t T. 1 to

. :ervice. The ;,et:is it.boratory ednitted to ct.y t. .0 :M ' *r-


? this report N;ica r.: c tr.itt. ica of utm effect th u v. *!* - '. *" ::ct ler.h rate would 1 te or. cor.:inet.: 017 .: cr r':ir..:: *li? . : . .-f . r.n -

'tinued operatios stich a 10 kit.: c :n . ..::: .ro: *.::: ..v.1/ W cit 1. :";:-

i to r:diosc:ivo 5e.::e di: ptal .jc:en pr.e nn't.': ::. 911'.tiu , ct.*r 'ra:i:,a

. of the second::y plc.nt, cr.d*.1 di:sh 202 cf :!. 6 j :o" :t.0 c.'!:t..-

i cent from both :.cres.1 cnd postule:ed :.ccid:st co: .'.:.:f cu.s. -Thl c:: M.: ion j provides guidance as to t/::: r. ::cf.a 0:r.2 c t, ti!Lh 3:h.1. 7 to ':ccond:r/

leakage should be rc=oved fres cc
vice for = sin:ca:::a.

.t I

e 4 e 8


. 4 e

8 * . .


. C


h C/ g% / ~

// '.

--) .5 /~. */

t' 0

.i .

  • i . . .

I I .

t . .

i .

.I .



'E P

    • ..'.e.a.e.e. as g w e, ..e, ,

. . +- seus g.emme . .g O