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Response Opposing B Stamiris 841224 Pleading Requesting Evidentiary Hearing on Matter Raised in applicant-Dow Chemical Trial & Referral of Certain Matters to Ofc of Investigations.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/08/1985
From: Williams F
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20106D671 List:
CON-#185-524 OL, OM, NUDOCS 8502130134
Download: ML20106D663 (55)



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'85 FF6ll All:Ca In the Matter of -)



) 50-330 OM & OL (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 )

APPLICANT'S RESPONSE TO INTERVENOR STAMIRIS' PLEADING OF DECEMBER 24, 1984 I. Introduction On December 24, 1984, Intervenor Barbara Stamiris filed a pleading entitled "Intervenor Stamiris' Request for Evidentiary Hearings on Matter Raised in the CPCO-Dow Trial, and Referral of Certain Matters to the Office of Investigations" ("the Request"). The Request, inter alia, sought to expand the Board's reopening of the record related to-the litigation between Consumers Power Company (" Consumers" or

" Applicant") and Dow Chemical- Company ("Dow")l to consider (1) the circumst'ances surrounding the substitution of boring logs from elsewhere in Midland in place of the correct ones for the diesel fuel oil tank area and (2) two segments of testimony of Mr. Donald Horn. The Applicant believes that, in the present posture of this_ proceeding, a request for piecemeal review of Consumers Power Company (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) ,

LBP-84-20, 19 N.R.C. 1285 (1984)

, DR h fos 8 y PDR y )g

m a e information raised in the Dow litigation is premature, wasteful, and indeed contrary to the thrust of the relief scught in the Request itself. The Applicant therefore requests the Board to refrain from entertaining any further such requests until Consumers notifies the Board that it is contemplating the restart of construction on the Midland ,


II. Advisability of Waiting Until Reactivation As the Board is well aware, on July 16, 1984 Consumers shut down construction of the Midland plant. See Board Notification 84-148, Sept. 14, 1984. Mr. John D. Selby, in an affidavit furnished to the Board, in.dicated that Consumers had no plans to resume construction on the Plant.

Consumers Lhlter to Board, Nov. 5, 1984. Moreover, as the Boar'd noted in its Partial Initial Decision ("PID"), the Applicant has-proposed that no further hearings be held at~this time. Consumers Power Company (Midland Plant Units 1 and 2),

LBP-85-2,- slip opinion at 17- (Jan. 23, 1985).

Circumstances therefore greatly distinguish the current situation from that in which the Board found itself in LBP-84-20, supra, when it reopened the record to hear certain Dow issues. At that point, both construction of the project and the hearings were active; at present construction of the project is suspended and no hearings are scheduled. Indeed, the Board in-LBP-85-2 characterized the quality assurance and management attitude issues in the case generally as being of i


e e

" uncertain materiality, even if work on the project were ever to be resumed." LBP-85-2, supra at 4. In such circumstances it would be a waste of the resources of the Board and the parties-for the Board to entertain this, or any future, reopen the record based on the Dow litigation, absent some-indication by Consumers that it intends to revivify the project and pursue the licensing hearings.

It would in any event be unsound practice for the Board to indulge in item by item review of fragments of testimony from the Dow litigation before the entire record is available. Isolated excerpts of any record can be seriously misleading. To make decisions regarding the necessity for further hearings before this Board based on a partial record in the Dow litigation may lead at best to confusion and at worst to serious error. Intervenor Stamiris-has acknowledged as much in the Request by asking the Board'in effect to defer ruling on the Request until after the completion of the Dow trial. And, as the Board has noted, the issues in the Dow litigation of interest'in this proceeding are limited. LBP-84-20, supra at



Moreover, in LBP-84-20, the pivotal issue was whether the record reopened to encompass Dow issues at all.

Here that question is not posed. .The Board has already decided in LBP-85-2, supra at 359, to. retain ~ jurisdiction to hear further matters arising out of the Dow litigation. Thus, no prejudice to anyone, and substantial benefit,-would accrue from

4 e deferring all motions to expand litigation of Dow issues in this proceeding at least until Consumers gives notification of reactivation of the project.

The instances cited by Ms. Stamiris in the Request amply demonstrate that reviewing seriatim the material uncovered in the Dow litigation would be unwise. With respect to the information discovered regarding the boring logs B-1 to B-4 at the Diesel Fuel Oil Tank location, the Applicant issued a 10 C.F.R. S 50.55(e) report on December 21, 1984. In that report, Consumers set forth the information presently available


regarding the boring log substitution. Consumers also indicated that it would not pursue further investigation or reporting unless the Midland project is reactivated. Under these circumstances, there is essentially nothing to litigate.

The Board implicitly recognized the futility of prompt hearings on this issue in its PID. LBP-85-2, aupra at 15-16.

Ms. Stamiris also relies on a newspaper report 2/ of one segment of testimony and a brief quotation of ancther from the Dow transcript as supporting a need for expanded litigation of Dow issues in this proceeding. The chosen segments, hcwever,. constitute highly selective use of testimony to support a preconceived inference that facts relating to soils 2/ Reliance on a newspaper account, without examination of the actual transcript, is, in itself, improper and unsound.

a .

settlement issues have been withheld from this Board. As closer analysis shows, neither of these examples rises to a level of substantiality sufficient to warrant further inquiry in this licensing proceeding.

Ms. Stamiris' first example makes a reference to testimony of Donald Horn supported only by a terse and oblique reference in a newspaper article. The sketchy report is supposed to reflect nondisclosure of important information regarding soils problems to the NRC.

In the actual testimony in question Mr. Horn is testifying about the authenticity of a Quality Assurance Daily Log Sheet dated November 30, 1978 which he prepared and signed.

U4 copy of this Dow trial exhibit is attached hereto as Appendix A.) The document, inter alia, contains an agenda for a meeting with the NRC Staff regarding the Diesel Generator l Building to be held on December 4, 1978. In pertinent part, that agenda reads: " Chuck would state that borings are complete in all areas. Testing is complete for Diesel Generator Building. Also, no settlement in other areas was to be mentioned." Appendix A at p. 2.

Ms. Stamiris' implication is that this agenda excerpt, taken out of context, proves that the Applicant intended to withhold information about settlement of Category I t :_

buildings other than the Diesel Generator building from the NRC at the December 4, 1978 meeting. A look at the totality of the record both in the Dow litigation and before this Board shows just the contrary.

In fact, there should be no implication that documents of this genre were withheld from the NRC or the Board. Although this particular log dated November 30, 1978 is not an exhibit before this Board, Mr. Eugene Gallagher testified from another of Mr. Horn's QA logs dated December 21, 1978 after refreshing his recollection from a number of such logs shown him by Mr. Zamarin. Tr. 2337 (July 15, 1981).1 There is no reason to believe that the November 30 log was not part of the discovery and disclosure process preceding the 1981 hearings.

Secondly, whatever the "no settlement . . . was to be mentioned" seatence seems to mean in the isolated context of the excerpted agenda, there is no evidence that the meeting participants, especially Mr. Horn, actually withheld any information from the NRC. On the contrary, the meeting notes of the December 4 meeting with the NRC Staff (Appendix B hereto) show that the participants in the December 4 meeting were there to discuss the settlement of other Category I 1# Citations to transcript of this proceeding are given as Tr. __. Citations to the Dow litigation transcript are given as Dow Trial Tr. __.

e i

e .

structures, not just the Diesel Generator Building: "The purpose of the meeting was to inform the NRC of the status of the settlement problem of the diesel generator building and other structures at the Midland Plant." Appendix B at p. 2.

l This set of meeting notes was introduced as Stamiris Exhibit 7 in this proceeding.

One need not rely utterly on documentary evidence as ,

to the meaning of Mr. Horn's testimony paraphrased in the November 14, 1984 newspaper article. On December 20, 1984, he testified in the trial about his November 30 log and'about the December 4 meeting itself. He stated that the agenda item meant that the lack of settlement in other Category I structures was to be mentioned to the NRC as a positive item and that the meeting focused on Category I structures.4/

AI Mr. Horn testified specifically:

Q. He asked you or had you read the sentence concerning status report for Bechtel and a line that reads:

" Chuck would state that borings are complete in all areas. Testing is complete for diesel generator building.

Also, no settlement in other areas was to be mentioned."

Can you explain.what the discussion was at the November 30, 1978, meeting regarding this particular portion of your notes as reflected in your log?

A. The stat 2 ment "Also, no settlement in (Footnote Continued) s

l Mr. Horn also specifically testified (Dow Trial Tr. 3579) that the Bechtel meeting minutes of the December 4, 1978 meeting --

Stamiris Exhibit 7 -- shows that Category I structures were discussed at the December 4 meeting. Any inference from the Dow trial that the Applicant withheld information about settlement of other Category I structures from the NRC is not supportable.

The second testimony excerpt cited by Ms. Stamiris is a further example of selective use of a fragment of testimony to distort the meaning of the whole. Again, the totality of the record available supports just the reverse of what Ms. Stamiris asserts. The Request at p. 3 quotes but one question and answer from a lengthy interrogation of Mr. Horn by (Footnote Continued) other areas was to be mentioned," was to be a positive statement. It was to indicate to the NRC that we did not have excessive settlement in other areas and therefore that was to be mentioned, the fact that we did not have settlement in other areas.

Q. Now, at your meeting on December 4th with the NRC, was the focus of that meeting -- the discussion, I should say, of that meeting focused on Category 1 structures?

A. To the best of my recollection it was Category 1 structures.

Dow Trial Tr. 3573-74. (The entire transcript segment from which-this quote is excerpted is attached hereto as Appendix C.)

Mr. Goold (Dow Trial Tr. 2472) for the proposition that

" Applicant had a greater awareness of the extent of the soils settlement problems in 1977 following the Administration Building grade beam settlement, than was revealed in the OM/OL proceeding."5I In other words, the Request implies that

-5/ Ms. Stamiris cites Donald Horn's November 9, 1984 Dow trial testimony in such a manner as to suggest that Mr.

Horn-was stating his own personal knowledge. In fact, even the quoted question and answer themselves show that Mr. testifying as to what the document in question says, not to his personal knowledge of the subject matter of the document, namely the U.S. Testing compaction tests at the Administration Building.

Lest there be any. doubt'as to that conclusion, a few pages earlier in the transcript Mr. Goold had the following colloquy with Mr. Horn:

Q. Nobody advised you at the time that tests had been rerun and the results of that reexamination showed that the

" percent compaction was in all cases lower than that previously determined?"

A. I don't recall that.

Q. Nobody from -- you didn't discuss that with anyone from U.S. Testing?

A. Not that I recall.

Q. Did you discuss it with anyone from Consumers Power?

A. Not that I recall.-

Q. Did you discuss this information with anyone from Bechtel?

A. Not that I recall.

Dow Trial Tr. 2469.

Consumers withheld information on the details of the analysis of the Administration Building grade beam settlement problem from the parties and the Board. As the record shows, however, the parties and the Board had ample opportunity to inquire into the Administration Building problems in the 1981 hearings.

The subject matter of the interrogation of Mr. Horn quoted in the Request is known to the Board and to the parties to this proceeding. The document with respect to which Mr.

Horn is testifying-is the initial Bechtel Report on the Administration Grade-Beam failure, issued in December, 1977.

(A copy of this report is attached as Appendix D.) This Report, though apparently never introduced as an exhibit in this proceeding, was furnished to NRC inspectors during their investigation of soils settlement matters. See, e.g., prepared testimony of Hood, Kimball and Gallagher, July 10, 1981 following Tr.'1560; Gallagher, Tr. 2351, 2554. Ms. Stamiris

'herself,;in the course of a-lengthy examination of Consumers witness July of 1981, indicated that she had access to a draft of the document which was the subject of Mr. Horn's testimony. Tr. 2816.

More importantly, testimony was presented to this Board ~with respect-to.the facts underlying the evidence in the Dow trial to which Ms. Stamiris' Request refers. The flaws in the soil compaction test procedures.used by U.S. Testing Company in its analysis of the Administration Building grade beam settlement were addressed by Consumers witness Keeley in his prefiled direct testimony. Mr. Keeley explicitly discussed the recalculated results of the proctor tests.6/

Moreover, Chairman Bechhoefer questioned NRC witness Gallagher about the inferences which should have been drawn from the information contained in the report. Gallagher, Tr.

2572-75. Clearly, the Board and the parties had opportunity to ventilate the subject of the Administration Building proctor tests. Again, the suggestion that Consumers withheld information from this Board is insupportable.

III. Conclusion Neither of the examples from the Dow transcript gives rise to any new issues or suggests any new conclusions on any issues previously litigated before this Board. Given the


flimsiness of the basis-for the claim that these two excerpts

'6 /

Mr. Keeley's testimony reads:

In August, 1977, Consumers Power became aware of settlement of a grade beam for the Administrative Building, a non-safety related. structure. Investigation indicated that in the affected area the fill had been compacted to a value lower than that required by the specification. It was determined that the testing contractor, U.S.

Testing, had selected lower maximum laboratory dry density standards than were appropriate, which resulted in an indication that the. soils underlying the grade beam had been compacted to greater than 95% of optimum. In actuality, such soils were compacted in a range of 83.1% to 90.5% of optimum.

Keely, prepared testimony at 5, following Tr. 1163.

from the Dow transcript contain new information or suggest that Consumers withheld information from this Board, the Board should indicate that it will not consider further motions to reopen the record unless and until additional hearings are scheduled in this proceeding.

Respectfully submitted, Frederick C. Williams Isham, Lincoln & Beale 1120 Connecticut Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 833-9730 Dated: February 8, 1985 l

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CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-529fdMjs OL

) 50-330 OM'& OL (Midland Plant,-Units 1 )

and l!) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I,~ Frederick C. Williams, one of the attorneys for

-Consumers-Power Company, hereby certify that copies of the Applicant's Response to Intervenor Stamiris' Pleading of December 24, 1984 were served upon all persons shown in the attached service list-by deposit in the' United States mail, first~ class, postage prepaid, this 8th day of February, 1985.

I Frederick C. Williams A

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V Frank J. Kc11oy, E q. Steve Gadler, Esq.

A::Orney Gsneral of :ho 2120 Carter Avenue State Of Mien'gan at. Paul, Minnosc:a 55108 Carole Steinber , Esc.. .

As s :..stan: A::Orney General A :=ic Safety & Licensing e

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Mv.r n M. Cherry, Esc.. Mr. Scott W. Stucky Cherry. & F'. v. nn Chief, Occketing & Serrices Suite 3700 U.S. Nuclear Regula:Ory C rr..

Three First National Plaza Office of the Secretary Chicagc, Illinois 60602 Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Ms. Mary Sinclair 46.7.: S. Sa , Rcad . . ~,

_ _ c u ....e.a- e . .c. ... =. a.*.

Midland, Michigan 48640 Midland, Michigan 48640 Charles 3echhcefer, Esq. William D. Paton, Esq.

A0=ic Safety & Licensing Counsel for the NRC Staff Sca d. D.ane.' U . .c. . T "- ' e a - R e , _ _' _= . - - ", u".......

U.S. Nuclear Reg 11atory C =m. Washing:On, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 A - - ... _4c Sa_'e.": & ~. 4...= .a. s _' . .

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Consumers Pcwer C =pany Scard Panel 212 West Michican' Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regula:O ry ' Cern .

Jackson, Michigan 49201 Washin'gton, D. C. 20555 Lynne Bernahei, Esq.

Thomas Oevine, Esc..

Louis. Clark, Esc..

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. NC (%' h (g) w /lv m II'/ e tw g g , 7,y,q ,.3 Diesel Generator Building


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[ds 2 fed b awIv Heeting with NRC

  1. [ '

8' Date December 4, 1978 ..

". e 4 4 4 cy2, 6 '", ','4xllh - i  !?

Agenda . g' 0 Al g /,LQi!4 12. Introduction by Don Hiller or y g y, I.

.m ov e .dh. )d. CII Ke'I"Y '* * #

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4 llistory by Bechtel (Chuck McConne )

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(e.hi.' II.

,7 " a. Brief hisiory of site fill

  • #']A-*b
u. OL placement b . hYs^y b. Survey discovery p , y a

, h niJde"

- c. Other category I structures

> I ' " d. Settlement of Diesel Generator .

\ ($ w a- Building and pedestals ~'

'i ~ g\ 271.e e. Review settlement data and 3 gjp,,,,y) D f,,' gct( 6 . g j!.* ,'l drawings (SK-C-620/623)

Rates of settlement before an< m

, , , (g ,,p p f.

af ter cutting of duct bank ij' . , ,, ,1, .l ,1. . .

[ , 'p h, s g. Consultants - Name the, con-p g,g, sultants Dr.'s Peck and llendr n,


  • Dr. Wood and John Dunnicliff

\xl,ed.t v j DEFENDANT'S I 1. Soil exploration by Bechtel (Sher'f


- Afifi) EXHIBli l'. \ Y i ' - '

a. Soil borings b-d7I
b. Dutch comb penetrations -
c. I.aboratory tests
d. Possible causes Copy sent to Section llead f [ 'r ,. I, : . . . ,b Walt intrd stated he wanted on Iol -l l' N llechtel to a' ess acceptance arenamer05) Gao 4y00 U10 -- -- ---- -- ---- - -

DISCIPLINE: () hlb .$ c < .3 CCZ5UNERS Pu.cR CDHPANY ^ 8 g. ' '*

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  • llv/ts- ,

Slierif Afift stated that the f lf) fj jh m reason for using Dutcle comb [_+

ll $,,7g penetrometer was bD

1. .h s4s bv measurement of {j strength.  :-


2. Actual comparison of variations of materials IV. Consultants recommendation by
  • Dr. R. D. Peck and C. J. Dunnicilff
a. Preload
b. Instrumentation V. Status report by Bechtel (Chuck McConnel)
a. Activities completed Chuck would state that borinte are complete in all areas.

Testing is complete for Dies 51 Generator Building. Also, ni settlement in other areas wa a to be mentioned.

b. Activities in progress Soil monitoring instrumentat hon is approximately 80% complets.

11tilities have been monitore.l.

Concrete crack monitoring /

. recording is in progress.

Filling of the pond is in progress. Concrete to be poured next week in tiie slab on the second floor. Cop sent to Section llead on ) - 1) ~] K_

./ p, , . L. . . . .G .

, DISCIPLINE: b. l} b.. [Eud;p CONSUMERS Pt,c.R COMPANY y.






  • N1 o ll ' O '!? Future @

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Other structures, condensate (D tanks and transformer pada O will be covered in the dis-

  • cd cussion. O VI. Schedule by Bechtel The big holdup is the north sect on for Turbine Building modification
a. Overall Project construction 58% complete Engineering 86% complete Structural Concrete 93% comp:ete Fuel Loading 11-1-80 First Diesel Generator needes for testing 1-1-80
h. Impact on Project schedule
c. Schedule for remedial measure s

II. Responses to open items in NRC Inspector's report dated 11-17-76

a. FSAR conflicts
b. Project specifications conflicts
c. NRC question 362.2 FSAR Section
d. Structural aspects of the bulIding settlement It was stated by Ben Harguglio that the Bechtel responses were Cop sent to action Head too general and tliat specif le ,, gl.

reterence abound be to f , ' j'"I g ) each coassent t meeting woulil (b raerc mp mff Drach to disc ass -

DISCIPLINE: _hhb- bb.

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such responses. [f U u r.

r W111. Summary and conclusion of I)G by y)

O Carl Weidner ".

VIX. Closing coausents by CPCo C2 This would include asking NRC what needs the final report they have to close out.

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, , Bechtel Associates Professiona! Corporation 777 East Eisenhewer Parkway C Ann Atcor. Micnigan ,

w4.s nP.O Som 1CCO, Ann Arcor wcngan 481CS ,

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CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY BECHTEL JOB 7220-101 DATE: December 4, 1978 PLACE: Midland Jobsite


Meeting with CPCo and NRC Regarding' Settlement Problem for Diesel Generator Building and Other Structuras FILE: 0279, C-2645 Au..NDEF.S : Bechtel

( S.S. Afifi W.L. Barclay J.P. Betts A.J. Boos B. Dhar W.F. Ferris Y.K. Lin A.S. Marshall P.A. Martinez ~

B.C. McConnel G.L. Richardson M.O. Rothwell ,

N. Swanberg K. Wiedner Bechtel CPCo Consultants NRC W.R. Bird C.J. Dunnicliff R. Cook T.C. Cooke (Instrumentation) G. Gallagher D.E. Horn R.B. Peck (Soil) D. Gillin

'p C.A. Hunt L. Heller s D.B. Miller D. Hood D.E. Sibbald R.M. Wheeler STrl FI 4A 6 Ek, 7 u __

annonA4v 3

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, Meeting Notes No. 901 Pego 2

( ATIACEME:rrS: 1) Me=o to S.A. Varga, Chief, Light Water Reactors Branch No. 4 from D. Hood, ? oject Manager, Light Water Reactors Branch No. 4

2) Agenda for Meeting with NRC at Midland on 12/4/78
3) CPCo letter Serial CSC-3663 dated 12/7/78
4) List of Documents Presented in the Meeting PURPOSE: The purpose of the meeting was to inform the NRC of the status of the settlement problem of the diesel generator building and other structures at t,he Midland plant.

Attachment 1.from the NRC states their purpose for the meeting. Attachment 2 was adopted as the agenda for the meeting.

SITE VISIT: The participants from the NRC except G. Gallagher, accompanied by Bechtel and CPCo representatives, visited the diesel generator building,_ service water pumphouse, condensate tank foundations, retaining walls for cooling pond, tank farm (including borated water storage tanks area), and radvaste building at the Midland plant site on December 3, 1978.


1) History Bechtel presented a brief description of the plant arrangement and settlement monitoring program. The heavier Category I and Category II '

structures like the containment buildings and the major part of the -

auxiliary and turbine buildings, are founded.on glacial till, the natural soil. Also located on glacial till are the major part of the service water pump structure (Category I) and other Category II pump structures. The sectiement of these structures are within the predicted range and did not cause any problem.

> The rest of the plant structures, both Categories I and II, are ,

founded on plant area fill. The Category I structures-are a part of the auxiliary b'uilding, i.e., loading bay, the diesel generator building-(DG3), part of the service water pu=p ' structure, and the underground emergency diesel oil tanks. The settlement monitoring.

program indicated that the settlement of_the DGB was greater than expected. It was reported under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55e due to the magnitude of investigative casts and the required analysis of test results.

The available settlement data of the DC3 was then reviewed. It was '

noted that when the ductbanks were separated from the DG3, the east and of the building settled by approximately 2 inches, whereas there was no significant sectiement at the west end. Bechtel h attributed this difference in settlement to the absence of any deep ' vertical duct bank at the west and of the building.

Macting Notes No. 901 Page 3

2) Soil Exploration Af ter the sectlement problem of the DG3 was observad, an extensive subsurface investigation (e.g., soil boring program, dutch cone penetration tests, and various laboratory tests of soil samples) was performed to evaluate the plant fill. The results of the tests indicated soil properties which.xaried from poor to good.

Bechtel has not yet investigated the causes of the problem because

.their attention has been directed toward cofracting the situation
g. ,as quickly as possible. However,.the consultants, Dr. Pack and Dr.

Rendron, were asked this question at a meeting in Urbana on November 7, 1978. The following is a brief summary of Dr. Pack's response.

a. The fill is of very variable quality, but the records of fill placement do not support this,
b. It may be difficult, and maybe even impossible, to find out the causes for this variability.
c. It could be due to:
1. Variability of the soils in the backfill (there are both sands and clayey sands). The NRC has already mentioned

( this in one of their letters.

2. The fill may have been placed dry of optimum, and became ,,..

4 saturated as the water table rose when the cooling pond t' was filled. Had measurements of change in water table and settlement been available, it might have been possible to evaluate this.

3. This initial fill may have been satisfactory, as the
record shows, but the excavations for duct banks, piping,

. etc may not have.been so well backfilled because most of that work would have involved hand compaction.

d. Most fills are not homogeneous and this is not always found -

out. In any case, why the fill got to this state is now irrelevant to the problem of correcting the situation.

The MRC emphasi:ed that the office of inspection and enforcement believed causa determination to be =andatory to preclude repetition of a similar problem.

3) Consultants' Recommendation
a. Soil Consultant Dr. R.B. Peck stated that bearing capacity was k, not a problem but settlement is the real problem. The corrective action must limit future settlement to an acceptable degree.

Hence, preloading of the entire area was recommended as a means of consolidating the fill.

o Wasting Wotcs Ro. 901

  • Paga 4 L .

The data from the instru=entation in the soil would help to indicate when satisfactory consolidation had been achiaved. It is anticipated that a major part of settlement should occur rapidly as the area is being preloaded. The actual time required for desired consolidation would be difficult to predict at this time,

b. Instrumentation Consultant C.J. Dunnicliff described the soil instrumentation and the monitoring' program for concrete cracks.

Soil movement and variation in pore wager pressure at three different elevations ~in the fill will be measured by Borros anchors and piesometers. Width of existing cracks in the valls will be monitored at four selected locations by specially designed electrical strain gases.

4) Status Report Bechtel provided a status report of the activities for resolution of the problem.

The soil boring program has been completed, and soil samples have been sent to the 'laborator-f of Goldberg-Zoino-Dunnicliff & Associates.

The four vertical electrical duct banks entering the DGB were separated from the building foundation to allow free movement of .

the building.


( The following activities are in progress:

a. Foundation sectiement monitoring v# -
b. Construction of the DGB structure to add loads to the existing ,

foundation . , , ,. ,. , .* , .,

c. Preparation for placing surcharge in the DGB area M' The future activities planned are:
a. Place surcharge in the area as recommended by the consultant.
b. Raise the ground water table by raising the pond elevation to the highest operating level. ,


c. Monitor the selected-utility in and around the building. The NRC expressed their concern for additional loads due to surcharge ,

on existing utilities like condensate lines,

d. Verify the structure and utility integrity after surcharge operation is complete.

, e. Investigate other Category I structures on structural fill.


f. Review and modify the FSAR as required to reflect as-built ,


. v, . - .

j b f

3) Schedule

_ -(

.Bechtel presented key schedule data for the project. Cc=posite -

project completien at the end of Nove=her 1973 was approximately 58%-(engineering 86% and construction 54% complete). Unit 2 hot functional is scheduled to begin in 19 =onths (July 1, 1980). Fuel load is scheduled 4 =onths later (November 1,1980). The earliest requirement for completion of the Unit 2 diesel generators (two cells out of four) was January 1980 in order to provide backup Protection during cold hydro. The present completion requirement is March 1980 to provide backup protection co'the reactor coolant Pumps during hot functional tests. The late completion schedule requirement. consistent with the overall project schedule is under study. 'The approximate data vill be June 1980.

Assuming resolution of turbine building basement wall support requirements by December 8, 1978, placement of surcharge materials beginning on January 2, 1979, and a 5-month consolidation period, a Potential delay of 2 to 3 months to the present requirement of a March 1980 completion date is anticipated. Preliminary investigations indicate that a late requirement of June 1980 to support the fuel load schedule could be met. The NRC stated that, per the present schedule, the safety evaluation report (SER) will be issued by June 1979, based on information received 2 months prior to that date. A supplement to the SER will be issued 2 months after the original issue. It appeared that the present forecast of the

.( diesel generator building problem resolution was consistent with the SER issue dates.

6) Responses to the NRC Inspector's Report Dated November 17, 1978 The open items in the NRC inspector's report were discussed. It was agreed that conflicts identified in agenda items VII(a), (1) through (4) will be resolved by Bechtel, and FSAR changes will be incorporated as required. It will also be verified whether there is any conflict between PSAR commit =ents and the FSAR.

Questions regarding Specification 7220-C-210 (Agenda Itses VII(a),

(5) through (7)) were discussed. The NRC clarified that. in addition to a +2% tolerance in moisture content, they were concerned whether the material being tested was related to the appropriate proctor. -

Because of a wide variation in soil properties, an error in selecting a proctor curve could result in a large variation in compaccion.

It was agreed that a written response to this NRC inspector's-report would be provided by Bechtel/C?Co.

- 7) Comments from NRC The NRC indicated that this sectiement problem would likely be included in the public hearing for the operating license of the k  : Midland plant._ The NRC considered the preload program to be an experimental method. However, the licensee can proceed with the u


.e s ,' * '

Meeting Notes No. 901

  • Pega 6 preload program at its own risk. The results of the consolidation will be reviewed by the NRC before acceptance. It must be demon-strated that the original requirements of the construe:Lon ;,er=it had been met or exceeded.

, 8) Remarks from CPCo CPCo has summarised their remarks to the differe.nt agenda items in their letter to Bechtel, Serial CSC-3663 dated December 7, 1978 *

(Attachment 3).


Bechtel 1) Bechtel agreed to provide the NRC with a list of ,,-

Construction equipment which was utilized for compacting the .

fill from el 618' to el 628' in the diesel, generator building.

Bechtel 2) All of the. drawings and documents presented in the Engineering / meeting will be sent to the NRC via attachments to Construction MCAR 24 interim reports and the response to the NRC inspector's report dated November 17, 1978. Attach-ment 4 lists-all items presented.

( Bechtel/


3) A written response is to be provided to the NRC inspector's report dated November 17, 1978.

Bechtel 4) The FSAR change notices will be issued as required to resolve conflicts in the FSAR.

B. Dhar BD/js .

1/16/5 s

i 1

building cc c rccult of tho 50.55 (c) that w2a filed f

2 in Septe=her of 197C?

3 .A  : believe censtruction had been s:cpped for awhile i and then, I believe, it was decided tha: -- to con-5 tinue on with construction because i'E woulti add.gre 6 weight to the structure and would facilitate addid 7 tional settlement if additional settlement was going 8 to take place.

9 Q And during'this pericd of time, from when Consumers l

I to first became aware of the settlement of the diesel i 11 generator building, up until this December 4th meeting l 12 with the NRC, why was Consumers, if you knew, meeting 13 with the NRC during this time paried?

14 A Again, it was to inform them of what wa's going en at 15 the site, what our investigation was and what we were 16 finding and also to establish corrective actica to

. he taken. 't 17 18 0 All right. New, you indicated a =c=ent ago that you ,

19 had a meeting in- November to prepare fc.: the meeting with the NRC in December, on December 4, 1973.

20 I'd like to focus your attention on the 21 22

=eeting that you had in.McVecher of 1973, the pre-paration meeting.

3 li You indicated, and ccrrectly so, chac
4r .

y h 25 Go ld asked you about ycur leg for this November meeting 3572 Accendix C

1 and ono of your log cntrics, 10 thnt cor:Cct?

2 A Yes, he did.

3 lQ This is Page 2 of 5 cf ycur log cf Nov=-ker 30, 1978, 4 is i: not? l i

5 A November 30th, yes, it is.

6 Q Now, Mr. Goold drew your attention to one specific 7 line in your log entry, did he not?

8 A Yes, he'did. .

9 Q 3e asked you or had you read the sentence concerning to status. report for Bechtel and a line that reads:

33 " Chuck would state that borings are com-12 plate in all areas. Testing is ccmplete for -

13 diesel generator building. Also,.no settlement 14 in other areas was to be mentioned."

15 Can you explain what the discussion was -

l 16 at the November 30, 1978, meeting regarding this par- i l

37 l ticular portion of your notes as reflected in your  !

i 18 1C77 l l

gg A The statement "Also, no settlement in other areas was j

,0 to be mentioned," was to be a positive statement.

21 It was to indicate to the NRC that we did not have I

en=essive settlement in other areas and therefera that l, 42

' was to be menti 0nsd, the fae: that we did not have

.a ,

i settlement in c her areas.

i 25 Q Now, at your meeting en December 4th t/ith the NRC, was 3573

r l

l 1I tha focus of that m20 ting -- tho diccuccion, I shculd 2 , say, of tha =eeting focused en Category 1 structures? ,

3 A To the bes: Of =y recollection it was Category 1 i 4 struct.:res .

5 Q- Can you tell us what was meant or what is meant by -

6 > Category 1 structures out at liidland?

7 A They are the structures that are considered to be 8 safety-related, in other words. Also, Q, as we men-9 tiened earlier, Q soils. They were on the Q-list and to they are the safety-related structures or equipment or 11 piping or whatever it is that it pertains to.

12 Q Now, you attended the December 4, 1978, meeting with 13 the NRC, did you not?

y A Yes, I did.

15 0 All right. And ifter that meeting did you receive - l l

16 ,

copies of the notes of both the Nuclear Regulatory i i i

Commission and also 3echtel's minutes of that "aa*dag?  !

17 !

i ,


i 18 A Yes, I believe, I did. j 19 Q All right. And let me show you what has been marked g as E:chibit 412 and 413 and ask you if you can recogni:o 21 those for the record. ,

A Enhibit 412 is an NRC inspection report and it's -- ,

22 in fact, i 's really meeting minutes from the messing

.3 . ,

4 that :tas held December 4, 1972, at the site. And 25 the report was prepared by Darl *dcod, the project

1 manngc at tho tima for NRR Nuc1 car AgCncy..

'2 Q And iceking at E:hibit 412, does -- that is the inspec-3 i tien report of the N?.C meeting of December 4, 1978. ,

4 i Oces it indicate copies of these notes were sent to ,

I i 5 Consumers and the intervanors, Frank Kelly, Attorney.

6 General, and others?

. 7 A Yes. Sent to Frank Kelly, Mary Sinclair, Wanda11 Marshall, and Mr. Howell from Consumers Power Company, 9 Myron Cherry, among other individuals.

to Q And Echibit 413, can you identify those?

33 A 413 is the Bechtal meeting notes for the same meeting, 12 the meeting that was held December 4, 1978.

13 .MS. WOODS: All right. Now, your Honor, 14 I would move for the admission of both of those 15 exhibits. I would note that EvM hit 413, the 3echtel, la minutes of the December 4 meeting, are already con-1 tained in an exhibit that Mr. Gooid intreduced, CPC 37 1197, but for ease of reference we would sir. ply ask  !,

. ja l

,, that they be given a separate exhibit number here

, today.

g We would move 412 and 413.

22 MR. GCCLD: Ne cbjection as to 412, your ,

1 23 . 2cncr.

  • I i

e 3575

i 1


i-2 :3Y MR. GCOLD:

2 C As to 413, Mr. Horn, did you get a copy of DTX 413 at or about the time in was indicated?

5 fA I'm not sure what **me I received a copy of this. l, 6 Q Have you reviewed it for completeness with respect ,

7 to the summary of the meeting before today? '

I s A I revie,wed only a portion of it.

g Q Did you have any problem with the part you' reviewed?

10 A NC*

33 Q As far as ccmpleteness was concerned?

12 A No. ,

Q What portion did you review?

33 14 A The first sentence on to the history, No. 1 on Page 2 j 15 of the meeting minutes.

16 C 3eginning there, continuing to where?

17 A The two paragraphs there.

18 Q. That is all of this you looked at?

19 A Yes. I looked at some of the attachments in the 20 back.


. MR. GCOLD: Well, no objection, vour Honor.

THE COURT: Exhibits 412 and 413 mav be


ZZ 3  ! re c ei'*Sd .

I 2: (Defendant's I::hibios Nos. 412 and 25 413 vers received in evidence.) -

1 CROS S-E**.tVINATION (Continued) 2 I 3'[I'S.WCODS:

3i Q Ncw, ir. Horn, you had the nesting on 'eiova+ er 30 i e


= prepare for your Cecacher 4th neeting and you were 5 -

and you ran through what would be discussed with ,

6 the NRC.

  • 7 . In looking at the minutes of the December 8 4, 1978, meeting with the NRC, I'd first like to drau f

9 your attention to the minutes 5f the NRC, Exhibit  !

to 412.

11 On Page 1 of those minutes does it indicate 12 the structures that were discussed at the meeting?

13 A It indicates the history of the structures on the first 14 page under No. 2.

15 Q And what structures were discussed at the meeting?

16 A The containment, berated water storage tank, diesel 17 generator building and pedestals, auxiliary building, -

18 service water intake. i 19 Q And in looking at Page 2 of the NRC's minutes of the 20 December 4th meeting, was the NRC provided with any 21 information on December 4th as to the status of 22 settle 5ent at these varicus Categcry 1 structures ? i i

' i 22 j A Yes, their -- as was indica ed on the second page of Ll the notes.

24 25 Q And what was the NRC told on Decenber 4, 1973, regarding

- - - , ,---,y -,y , , - - a-. w-, ,, , - - - - - , - --,-,w -,-,---n --- - ,,n,-, ,n, -

1 those Cattgerf 1 structuras?

I 2

A Contain=ent was between a quarter cf an inch to five-

. l

.,. 4 e:.gnes c:. an :.ncn ever a year anc a ha _:.: .

. sun: _:. arf 4 i building, approximately one-eighth of an inch and 5 the central portion. Service water pump structures, a zero to one-eighth of an inch. And diesel generator 7 building, three to four inches since footing was a poured October 1977 and walls :in the spring of 1978.

9 Q 'This settlement information that was contained -- to to the NRC' in Dacember, in the December 4, 1973, meeting, it was f. hat the result of any settlement monitoring i 12 program that had been instituted out at the site?

13 A Yes, there was a settlement monitoring program that 14 had been instituted at the site.

15 0 And when did that settlement monitoring program begin?

Is A I believe it becan en some of the structures in ,


17 1_'/+  !

1a Q What began in June of 1973 as shewn in the NRC minutes ig regarding the settlement monitoring program? Do you 20

    • C*ll?

21 A Some of the other structures may have began in '.78.-

Q All right. Now, utilizing, also, to refresh your  :

22 i

3  ;

recollection, the Eech:e1 minutes of enactly the sans  !

'l 24

" nee:ing, the Oscamber 4th meeting, that is 7::hibit I

25 413, was there any discussion as to other structures 3578 ,

I l l

1 l- I and scttlem:nt p:;tential of othcr structur^c ct tho

  • t

. i, Midland site in the December 4th, 1970 meeting with 2

l  !

l 3 'i the '!RC? l

  1. And '.e: me draw ycc- attention :: Page 2 5 of the 3echtel minutes, Edibit 413. l 6 A Yes.' It talked about the Category 1 structures and 7 also Category 2 pump structures.

8 Q And what information was told to the MRC on December 9* 4, 1978, regarding the settlement of these structures? I to A Settlement of these structures are within the predicted 11 range and did not cause any problem.

12 Q And is that what you and the others discussed with  !

Bechtel during you: November 30 meeting in preparatien 13 14 for this December 4th?

15 A I believe so, yes. l 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 22 24 1 25 i

3579  !,

' Q N;w, Mr. Goeld cakOd you scme quoctienc when h3 woc -

t asking ycu about this December 4th meeting and he asked 3

you whether or not at the meeting there had been any 4 '

discussion of the chlorination building, of the 5

transformer pads, specifically.

6 Prior to the December 4th meeting', we saw a 7

moment ago in your log that you had attended a meeting 8 on October 25th, 1978 in which there had been some  !

9 discussions -- and you just told us about 'em -- of  ;

10 various structures on the site, including the  :

11 transformer pads and the chlorination building; is that 12 correct?

13 A- Yes.

14 Q Now, Mr. Gallagher, you've also told us, did not attend 15 this meeting on October 25th. Did you ever discuss with l 16 Mr. Gallagher the topics that went on during this 17 October 25th meeting?

II 18

  • A I believe I discussed the -- this parti'cular meeting ,

3.1,9 with hi en October 27th.

20 -Q

, All right'. And, in fact, your log for October 27th 21 indicates, does it not, that on that date you went 22 l through your notes that we just took a look at frem the t

3 l Cc::bar 25th. meeting. You went through them wt:h Mr.


4 Gallagher?

25 A Yes, I did. I s

9 9026 I

1 Q That wao approximatoly six wecka beforo tho DOccmbor 2 4th mes:ing; 1s that ccrrec ? -

I 3 A Yes.

4 0 Now, after the December 4th, 1978 meeting, did the NRC 5 advise you and Consumers that it was going to begin an


s investigation out at the dieAe1 -- out at the Midland 7 site? ,

8 A Yes. Mr. Gallagher.came in with a Mr. Jerry Philip from NRC and advised us that they were on an investigation 9 t to of the settlement of the diesel generator building.

11 Q And as reflected in your log for December lith, what 12 transpired with the ,NRC regarding this investigation?

13' A Well, they began interviewing many people from the site, 14 many people -- and that included field engineering, U.S.

15 Testing personnel, Bechtel CC, I believe Bechtel QA and 16 Bechtel fiel'd engineering, I believe they even t i

17 interviewed a foreman of Bechtel. .


" hey interviewed Consum -- possibly, Consumers 19 people. They did not interview myself directly, 20 although they did ask me many questions. I did not consider it to be an interview, closed-door sessions 21 22 1 like they had with the c: hor individuals.


3 i They interviewed persennel in Ann Arter.

1 1

24 There were -- I there was a: leas: cce er twc 25 trips to Ann Arbor interviewing project engineering

- --/ 4.-.

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'1 t 3ACI 3C""lC SCS app;s=1=a:aly C*.ava.d.:= .

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A: foo:d=3 2 0.4, s:andard pene: a:

y,0.4 and E 0.4. !so ing E 0.4, standard pena::a:1=-

- .s A:

and shelby tubes (57) vers taken.

l f -
ssts ve:s takaa.

'I' . k, . .

t., .

0.7 :ss:s 3e:1=gs inchd:d 'd.::a1 *::pection and descripsian . . of soils,

=sthod) and any l

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~.. .

Labora:sry for u=es=f1=ed es=pressive :ss:s. - -

I~ . ..


. S.

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} c:da: :


and adjace== :s foo:i=gs 1:

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.. ]. de per:a=: c==pse ion was in all .

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. .; :spe::ed. .

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essas 1=va:


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. i s::c=;;h of soil, the d::a of Calif == x d soils are prese::hd i= ~1;

. =ada == three its=:1 :1 s==;1 s of the :'.idi =

th:ss levels of c==pse:1m= ef fe :, wh; s

11, ne sa=ples were conpac:=d :: .

- 90517273 .


5s.. .. , ...m.. 3- - - -

= , 0n.3 :-n n 3 we ,

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.. ., .. . s.s

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a pens..a.,.

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