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Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis(EPU/MELLLA)
Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1121 pages follow ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1 121 pages follow
Revision 1Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis(EPU/MELLLA)
June 2013AAREVA NP Inc. AR EVA Uontroned UocumentAREVA NP Inc.ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis(EPU/MELLLA) uontroIued UocumentAREVA NP Inc.ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1 Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Copyright
June 2013 A
© 2013AREVA NP Inc.All Rights Reserved Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
AREVA NP Inc.             AR EVA
Uontroned Uocument AREVA NP Inc.
Revision 1 Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroIued Uocument AREVA NP Inc.
Revision 1Page iNature of ChangesItem Page Description and Justification Changes in Revision 1 (as shown below) have been made to sectionswhich affect Neutronics  
Revision 1 Copyright © 2013 AREVA NP Inc.
: Richland, Thermal-Hydraulics  
All Rights Reserved
: Richland, andMechanics Richland.
Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page i Nature of Changes Item        Page     Description and Justification Changes in Revision 1 (as shown below) have been made to sections which affect Neutronics Richland, Thermal-Hydraulics Richland, and Mechanics Richland.
(Materials and Thermal-Mechanics Richland sections are unchanged.)
(Materials and Thermal-Mechanics Richland sections are unchanged.)
: 1. p. 2-4 USAR Section 3.6Added "App. A"Added sentence for additional clarity.2. p. 2-14 USAR Section 14.8Added "GE14" for added clarity.3. p. 6-2 Section 6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA).... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described inReference 26....Changed to.... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described inReference 32....4. p. 9-1 Reference 6 has been updated to reflect correct document name, date, andrevision number.Changed items are further identified by yellow highlighting.
: 1.     p. 2-4     USAR Section 3.6 Added "App. A" Added sentence for additional clarity.
: 2.     p. 2-14     USAR Section 14.8 Added "GE14" for added clarity.
: 3.     p. 6-2     Section 6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA)
                          .... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 26....
Changed to
                          .... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 32....
: 4.     p. 9-1     Reference 6 has been updated to reflect correct document name, date, and revision number.
Changed items are further identified by yellow highlighting.
Uontroited Uocument Monticello                                                                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                                                    Page ii Contents 1.0    Introduction ..................................................................................................................        1-1 2.0    Disposition of Events ....................................................................................................            2-1 3.0    Mechanical Design Analysis .........................................................................................                  3-1 4.0    Therm al-Hydraulic Design Analysis ..............................................................................                      4-1 4.1    Therm al-Hydraulic Design and Com patibility .....................................................                            4-1 4.2    Safety Lim it MCPR Analysis .............................................................................                      4-1 4.3    Core Hydrodynam ic Stability .............................................................................                    4-2 5.0    Anticipated O perational O ccurrences ...........................................................................                      5-1 5.1    System Transients ............................................................................................                5-1 5.1.1      Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB) .....................................................                              5-2 5.1.2      Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB) ..........................................................                            5-3 5.1.3      Pneumatic System Degradation - Turbine Trip With Bypass and Degraded Scram (TTW B) ................................................                                  5-3 5.1.4      Feedwater Controller Failure (FW CF) .................................................                              5-4 5.1.5      Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI) .......................................................                          5-4 5.1.6      Loss of Feedwater Heating .................................................................                        5-5 5.1.7      Control Rod W ithdrawal Error .............................................................                        5-6 5.1.8      Fast Flow Runup Analysis ...................................................................                        5-6 5.2    Slow Flow Runup Analysis ................................................................................                      5-7 5.3    Equipm ent O ut-of-Service Scenarios ................................................................                          5-8 5.3.1      Single-Loop O peration ........................................................................                    5-8 5.3.2      Pressure Regulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS) ................................                                      5-9 5.4    Licensing Power Shape ....................................................................................                    5-9 6.0    Postulated Accidents ....................................................................................................              6-1 6.1    Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LO CA) .....................................................................                        6-1 6.2    Pum p Seizure Accident .....................................................................................                  6-1 6.3    Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA) ..................................................................                            6-2 6.4    Fuel and Equipm ent Handling Accident ............................................................                            6-3 6.5    Fuel Loading Error (Infrequent Event) ...............................................................                          6-3 6.5.1      Mislocated Fuel Bundle .......................................................................                      6-3 6.5.2      Misoriented Fuel Bundle .....................................................................                      6-3 7.0    Special Analyses ..........................................................................................................            7-1 7.1    ASM E Overpressurization Analysis ...................................................................                          7-1 7.2    Anticipated Transient W ithout Scram Event Evaluation .....................................                                    7-2 7.2.1      O verpressurization Analysis ................................................................                      7-2 7.2.2      Long-Term Evaluation .........................................................................                      7-3 7.3    Reactor Core Safety Limits - Low Pressure Safety Limit, Pressure Regulator Failed O pen Event (PRFO ) ...............................................................                          7-4 7.4    Appendix R - Fire Protection Analysis ..............................................................                          7-5 7.5    Standby Liquid Control System .........................................................................                        7-5 7.6    Fuel Criticality ...................................................................................................          7-6 AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroaned Uocument Monticello                                                                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                                                          Page iii 8.0    Operating Limits and COLR Input .................................................................................                          8-1 8 .1      MC P R Lim its .....................................................................................................            8 -1 8 .2      LHG R Lim its .....................................................................................................              8 -1 8 .3      MA P LH G R Lim its ..............................................................................................              8-2 9 .0    R e fe re n ce s ...................................................................................................................        9 -1 Appendix A          Operating Limits and Results Comparisons ...............................................                                      A-1 Tables 1.1    EOD and EOOS Operating Conditions .........................................................................                                1-3 2.1    Disposition of Events Summary ....................................................................................                          2-3 2.2    Disposition of Operating Flexibility and EOOS Options on Limiting Events ................. 2-20 2.3    Methodology and Evaluation Models for Cycle-Specific Reload Analyses .................. 2-21 4.1    Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses .......................                                                4-3 4.2    Results Summary for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses ......................................................                                      4-4 4 .3    O P R M S etpo ints ...........................................................................................................            4 -5 4.4    BSP Endpoints for Monticello Cycle 28 .........................................................................                            4-6 5.1    Exposure Basis for Monticello Cycle 28 Transient Analysis ........................................                                        5-10 5.2    Scram Speed Insertion Times ....................................................................................                          5-11 5.3    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case LRNB Transient Results .......................................                                            5-12 5.4    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTNB Transient Results .......................................                                            5-13 5.5    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTWB Transient Results ......................................                                              5-14 5.6    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case FWCF Transient Results ......................................                                              5-15 5.7    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case HPCI Transient Results ........................................                                            5-16 5.8    Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case CRWE Results .....................................................                                        5-17 5.9    RBM Operability Requirements ..................................................................................                          5-18 5.10    Licensing Basis EOFP PRFDS (PROOS) Transient Results ......................................                                              5-19 5.11    Licensing Basis Core Average Axial Power Profile .....................................................                                    5-20 7.1    ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results .................................................................                                  7-7 7.2    ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results .................................................................                                  7-8 8.1    MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing B asis E O F P ..............................................................................................                  8-3 8.2    MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing B asis E O FP ..............................................................................................                    8-4 8.3    MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n ...............................................................................................................          8 -5 8.4    MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n ...............................................................................................................          8 -6 8.5    MCPRP Limits for Single-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n'. .............................................................................................................          8 -7 AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                                                        Page iv 8.6    Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel, NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS All Cycle 28 E xp o s u re s ....................................................................................................................        8 -8 8.7    ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHG R Lim its ...................................................................                                  8-9 8.8    ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO , All Cycle 28 Exposures .......................................................................                              8-10 8.9    GE14 LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and S LO , A ll C ycle 28 Exposures ......................................................................................                    8-11 8.10    ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO , PRO O S, All Cycle 28 Exposures ................................................................                                8-12 8.11    GE14 LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, A ll C ycle 2 8 E xposures ...............................................................................................                8-13 8.12    ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR Lim its, TLO ......................................................................                                  8-14 Figures 1.1    Monticello Power/Flow Map - EPU/M ELLLA .................................................................                                  1-4 5.1    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        LRNB at 100P/105F -TSSS Key Parameters ........................                                      5-21 5.2    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        LRNB at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ......................                                    5-22 5.3    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        TTNB at looP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters ........................                                    5-23 5.4    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        TTNB at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ......................                                  5-24 5.5    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters .......................                                    5-25 5.6    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures .....................                                    5-26 5.7    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        HPCI at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters .........................                                  5-27 5.8    Licensing      Basis    EOFP        HPCI at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures .......................                                  5-28 7.1    MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters ..................... 7-9 7.2    MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures ................. 7-10 7.3    MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Va lve F lo w R a te s .......................................................................................................            7 -1 1 7.4    PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters .................... 7-12 7.5    PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures .................. 7-13 7.6    PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Va lve F low R ate s .......................................................................................................              7-14 AREVA NP Inc.
UontronSed Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page v Nomenclature 2PT                  two pump trip ADS                  automatic depressurization system AOO                  anticipated operational occurrence APLHGR              average planar linear heat generation rate ARO                  all control rods out ASME                American Society of Mechanical Engineers AST                  alternate source term ATWS                anticipated transient without scram ATWS-PRFO            anticipated transient without scram pressure regulator failure open ATWS-RPT            anticipated transient without scram recirculation pump trip BOC                  beginning-of-cycle BPWS                banked position withdrawal sequence BSP                  backup stability protection BWR                  boiling water reactor BWROG                Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group CFR                  Code of Federal Regulations COLR                core operating limits report CPR                  critical power ratio CRDA                control rod drop accident CRWE                control rod withdrawal error DIVOM                delta-over-initial CPR versus oscillation magnitude DSS                  degraded scram speed ECCS                emergency core cooling system EFPH                effective full-power hour EOC                  end-of-cycle EOD                  extended operating domain EOFP                end of full power EOOS                equipment out-of-service EPU                  extended power uprate FW                  feedwater FWCF                feedwater controller failure GE                  General Electric GNF                  Global Nuclear Fuels HCOM                hot channel oscillation magnitude HFCL                high flow control line HFR                  heat flux ratio HPCI                high pressure coolant injection ICF                  increased core flow AREVA NP Inc.
uonqro~ieo uocurnenit Monticello                                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                Page vi Nomenclature (continued)
LFWH                loss of feedwater heating LHGR                linear heat generation rate LHGRFACf            flow-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers LHGRFACP            power-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers LOCA                loss-of-coolant accident LPRM                local power range monitor LRNB                generator load rejection with no bypass MAPLHGR            maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MCPR                minimum critical power ratio MCPRf              flow-dependent minimum critical power ratio MCPRP              power-dependent minimum critical power ratio MELLLA              maximum extended load line limit analysis MNGP                Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant MSIV                main steam isolation valve NCL                nominal control line NSS                nominal scram speed NRC                Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S.
OLMCPR              operating limit minimum critical power ratio OLTP                original licensed thermal power 00S                out of service OPRM                oscillation power range monitor Pbypass            power below which direct scram on TSV/TCV closure is bypassed PCT                peak cladding temperature PRFDS              pressure regulator failure down-scale PRFO                pressure regulator failure open PROOS              pressure regulator out-of-service PUSAR              Power Uprate Safety Analysis Report RBM                (control) rod block monitor RHR                residual heat removal SLC                standby liquid control SLCS                standby liquid control system SLMCPR              safety limit minimum critical power ratio SLO                single-loop operation SLPS                single-loop pump seizure SRV                safety/relief valve SRVOOS              safety/relief valve out-of-service AREVA NP Inc.
uontroneo uocurnent Monticello                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                          Page vii Nomenclature (continued)
TBV                turbine bypass valves TCV                turbine control valve TIP                traversing incore probe TIPOOS              traversing incore probe out-of-service TLO                two-loop operation TSSS                technical specifications scram speed TSV                turbine stop valve TT                  turbine trip TTNB                turbine trip with no bypass TTWB                turbine trip with bypass USAR                Updated Safety Analysis Report ACPR                change in critical power ratio AREVA NP Inc.
uontroiied uocumenit Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 1-1 1.0      Introduction The licensing analyses described herein were generated by AREVA NP to support Monticello M
T Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) operation for transitioning to ATRIUM          1OXM* fuel starting in Cycle 28. The analyses were performed using methodologies previously approved for generic application to boiling water reactors with some exceptions which are explicitly described in this transition licensing amendment request (LAR). The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) technical limitations associated with the application of the approved methodologies have been satisfied by these analyses.
Licensing analyses support a "representative" core design presented in Reference 1. The representative core design consists of a total of 484 fuel assemblies, including [      ] fresh ATRIUM 1OXM assemblies and [            ] irradiated GE14 assemblies. The analyses are prepared to be the best representation of the proposed MNGP configuration (i.e., extended power uprate (EPU) at maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)). However, the Cycle 28 core design used in this process is only a best-estimate design that is used as a representative design (because key factors such as Cycle 26 and Cycle 27 fuel depletions can only be estimated at this time). This process of using a representative core for licensing fuel transitions has precedent. The precedent recognizes that a representative core design is adequate for the purposes of the LAR, which are: (1) demonstrate that core design meets the applicability requirements of the new analysis methods, (2) demonstrate that the results can meet the proposed safety limits, and (3) demonstrate either existing Technical Specification limits do not need to be revised for the fuel transition or the needed revisions are identified. The representative core design for these analyses assures that the actual Cycle 28 core design meets all these objectives. Ultimately, the reload process will confirm the applicability of all plant inputs (including plant design changes made in the interim period) for all the appropriate safety analyses and will also perform the final confirmation that safety limits are satisfied for the actual core design that will be loaded.
These licensing analyses were performed for potentially limiting events and analyses identified in Section 2.0. Results of analyses are used to establish the Technical Specifications/COLR limits and ensure design and licensing criteria are met. Design and safety analyses are based on both operational assumptions and plant parameters provided by the utility. The results of the reload licensing analysis support operation for the power/flow map presented in Figure 1.1 and
* ATRIUM is a trademark of AREVA NP.
Uontro~ed Document Monticello                                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                Page 1-2 also support operation with the equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios presented in Table 1.1.
Uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 1-3 Table 1.1 EOD and EiOS Operating Conditions Extended Operating Domain (EOD) Conditions Increased core flow (ICF)
Maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)
Coastdown Equipment Out-of-Service (EOOS) Conditions*
Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)
Single-loop operation (SLO)
SLO may be combined with the other EOOS conditions. Base case and each EOOS condition is supported in combination with up to 1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS) or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a 1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.
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EPU/MELLLA                                                                                                                                                          C -D WA<a
uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-1 2.0      Disposition of Events The objective of this section is to identify limiting events for analysis using AREVA methods, supporting operation with GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. Events and analyses identified as potentially limiting are either evaluated generically for the introduction of AREVA methods and fuel or on a cycle-specific basis.
The first step is to identify the licensing basis of the plant. Included in the licensing basis are descriptions of the postulated events/analyses and the associated criteria. Fuel-related system design criteria must be met, ensuring regulatory compliance and safe operation. The licensing basis, related to fuel and applicable for reload analysis, is contained in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) (Reference 2), the Technical Specifications (References 3 and 4), Core Operating Limits Report (COLR), and other reload analysis reports. The licensing basis for EPU operation is obtained from Reference 5 (and supplements). Reference 6 provides the applicability of AREVA BWR methods to extended power flow operating domain at Monticello.
AREVA reviewed all fuel-related design criteria, events, and analyses identified in the licensing basis. When operating limits are established to ensure acceptable consequences of an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO) or accident, the fuel-related aspects of the system design criteria are met. All fuel-related events were reviewed and dispositioned into one of the following categories:
No further analysis required. This classification may result from one of the following:
The consequences of the event have been previously shown to be bounded by consequences of a different event and the introduction of a new fuel design does not change that conclusion.
The consequences of the event are benign, i.e., the event causes no significant change in margins to the operating limits.
The event is not affected by the introduction of a new fuel design and/or the current analysis of record remains applicable.
Address event each following reload. The consequences of the event are potentially limiting and need to be addressed each reload.
Address event for initial licensing analysis. This classification may result from one of the following:
The analysis is performed using conservative bounding assumptions and inputs such that the initial licensing analysis results will remain applicable for following reloads of the same fuel design (ATRIUM 1OXM).
(Jontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-2 Results from the initial licensing analysis will be used to quantitatively demonstrate that the results remain applicable for following reloads of the same fuel design because the consequences are benign or bounded by those of another event.
The impact of operation in the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1 was also considered.
A disposition of events summary is presented in Table 2.1. The disposition summary presents a list of the events and analyses, the corresponding USAR section, the disposition status, and any applicable comments.
The disposition for the EOOS scenarios is summarized in Table 2.2. Increased Core Flow (ICF) and MELLLA operation regions of the power/flow map are included in the disposition results presented in Table 2.1. Methodology and evaluation models used for the cycle-specific analyses are provided in Table 2.3.
uontroOnea uocument Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                            Page 2-3 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary USAR            Design                Disposition Sect.          Criteria                Status                            Comment 3.0      Reactor              See below.
3.2      Thermal and          Address each time      Analyses were performed for the introduction Hydraulic            changes in hydraulic  of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to demonstrate that this Characteristics      design occur -        fuel design is compatible with the expected Address for initial    coresident fuel (Reference 11 ).
licensing analysis. Cycle-specific analyses include SLMCPR, MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR operating limits (Sections 4.2 and 8.0).
Thermal-hydraulic stability performance is determined on a cycle-specific basis (Section 4.3).
3.3      Nuclear              Address each reload. Comparison to MAPLHGR, LHGR, and MCPR Characteristics                              limits is performed during the cycle-specific design (Reference 1) and during core monitoring.
Reactivity coefficients for void, Doppler, and power are evaluated each reload to ensure that they are negative.
Shutdown margin is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis and it is reported in Reference 1.
Standby liquid control system shutdown capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.5).
The control rod drop accident (CRDA) analysis is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 6.3).
The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will have no impact on the propensity for the reactor to undergo xenon instability transients.
3.4      Fuel Mechanical      Address for initial    The fuel assembly structural analyses are Characteristics and  licensing analysis and performed for the initial reload and remain Fuel System          for each reload, as    applicable for follow-on reloads unless Design                applicable,            changes occur. The fuel assembly analysis, with the fuel channel, includes an evaluation of postulated seismic loads (Reference 7).
The fuel rod thermal-mechanical analyses are performed on a cycle-specific basis.
3.5      Reactivity Control    Address for initial    The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Mechanical            licensing analysis. have no impact on the ability of the control rods Characteristics                              to perform their normal and scram functions (Reference 7).
Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-4 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                          Comment 3.6        Other reactor      Address for initial  Analysis performed for the initial reload to App. A      vessel internals  licensing analysis. determine the effect of the mechanical loads introduced with ATRIUM 1OXM fuel on other reactor vessel internals (Reference 38). The introduction of the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel into Monticello will not have any adverse effects on the reactor pressure vessel seismic analysis of record.
4.0        Reactor Coolant See below.
System 4.2        Reactor Vessel    No further analyses  The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will not required.            impact the neutron spectrum at the reactor vessel. The vessel fluence is primarily dependent upon the EFPH, power distribution, power level, and fuel management scheme.
There are no unique characteristics of the ATRIUM 1OXM design that would force a significant change in the power distribution or core management scheme.
4.3        Reactor            Address each reload. Analyses performed each reload to Recirculation                          demonstrate compliance with the ASME System                                  Overpressurization requirements.
Demonstration that the peak steam dome pressure remains within allowable limits also demonstrates compliance with the recirculation system pressure limits (Section 7.1).
4.4        Reactor Pressure  Address each reload. This event assures compliance with the ASME Relief System                          code (Section 7.1).
Overpressuri-zation Protection 4.5        Reactor Coolant    No further analyses  Analysis of record shows compliance with the System Vents      required.            licensing requirements. The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology does not affect the normal operation of this system.
4.6        Hydrogen Water    No further analyses  The hydrogen water chemistry is independent Chemistry          required.            of the reload fuel. MNGP provides water chemistry data to AREVA to assess the impact of crud/corrosion on licensing analyses.
4.7        Zinc Water        No further analyses  The zinc water chemistry is independent of the Chemistry          required.            reload fuel. MNGP provides water chemistry data to AREVA to assess the impact of crud/corrosion on licensing analyses.
UontronIed Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-5 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR          Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                            Comment 5.0        Containment      See below.
System 5.2        Primary          No further analyses  The primary containment characteristics Containment      required.            following a postulated LOCA are independent System                                of fuel design.
5.3        Secondary        No further analyses  The radiological impact is bounded by the main Containment      required.            steam line break accident.
System and Reactor Building 6.0        Plant            See below.
Engineered Safeguards 6.2        ECCS              Address for initial  Break spectrum analyses performed for the Performance      licensing analysis. initial licensing analysis (Reference 29).
Heatup/MAPLHGR analyses (Reference 30) performed each reload for any new nuclear fuel design.
6.3        Main Steam Line  Address for initial  AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Flow Restrictors  licensing analysis. evaluation of fuel performance in response to postulated loss-of-coolant accidents upon introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.
Addressed under the LOCA analysis.
The main steam line break outside the primary containment will be considered in the identification of the spectrum of loss-of-coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).
6.4        Control Rod      No further analysis  The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Velocity Limiters required.            have no impact on the ability of the control rods to perform their normal and scram functions.
6.5        Control Rod      No further analysis  The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Drive Housing    required.            have no impact on the ability of the control rods Supports                              to perform their normal and scram functions.
6.6        Standby Liquid    Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdown Control System                        capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (SLCS)                                (Section 7.5).
uontroiied uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-6 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR              Design            Disposition Sect.            Criteria              Status                          Comment 6.8        Main Control        Address for initial  As part of the alternative source term (AST)
Room,              licensing analysis. methodology, the nuclide inventory of Emergency                                ATRIUM 1OXM fuel must be evaluated versus Filtration Train                        the inventories in the AST analysis of record.
Building and                            As shown by radiological source term Technical                                evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Support Center                          significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14).
Habitability                            Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.
Therefore, the control room habitability system design basis is unaffected by the ATRIUM 1OXM inventories.
7.0        Plant Instru-      See below.
mentation and Control Systems 7.2        Reactor Control    See below.
Systems 7.2.1      Reactor Manual      Address each reload. Analyses to establish/validate the RBM Control                                  setpoints will be performed each reload. The CRWE event and RBM setpoint analysis are addressed below (Section 5.1.7).
7.2.2      Recirculation      Address each reload. USAR 14.0 transient analyses verify that the Flow Control                            fuel related safety design basis of the System                                  recirculation flow control system prevent a transient event sufficient to damage the fuel barrier or exceed the nuclear system pressure limits (Sections 5.1.7 and 5.1.8).
uontroiied uocument Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-7 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                            Comment 7.3        Nuclear            Address each reload. The neutron monitoring system reactor trip Instrumentation                        setpoints are reviewed and agreed upon System                                  between AREVA and Xcel Energy each reload for the AQOs described in Chapter 14.
AREVA performs cycle-specific OPRM trip setpoint calculations (Section 4.3).
Analyses to establish/validate the RBM setpoints are performed each reload. The setpoint are determined so that the MCPRP operating limit based on the CRWE will be similar to the limit supported by other transients. The CRWE event and RBM setpoint analysis are addressed in Section 5.1.7.
7.4        Reactor Vessel    No further analyses  The safety design basis for the reactor vessel Instrumentation    required.            instrumentation is independent of the fuel design.
The reload licensing analyses establish the allowable operating conditions during planned operations and abnormal and accident conditions which can be verified by the operator using the reactor vessel instrumentation.
7.5        Plant Radiation    No further analysis  The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Monitoring        required.            have no impact on the plant radiation Systems                                monitoring systems.
7.6        Plant Protection  Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses to verify System                                  that scrams initiated by the RPS adequately limit the radiological consequences of gross failure of the fuel or nuclear system process barriers (Section 5.0).
7.7        Turbine-          Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses which Generator                              include the turbine-generator system System                                  instrumentation and control features Instrumentation                        (Section 5.0).
and Control 7.8        Rod Worth          Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses to Minimizer                              evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accident System                                  will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpy greater than the control rod drop accident limit and that the number of failed rods does not exceed the limit (Section 6.3).
uonLroiied Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-8 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design              Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                          Comment 7.9        Other Systems      No further analysis All the control and instrumentation features Control and        required.          which may affect the safety analyses were Instrumentation                        already discussed above. The remaining systems are not fuel design dependent and do not need further analysis.
7.10        Seismic and        No further analysis The operation of these systems is not affected Transient          required.          by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and Performance                            AREVA methodology.
Instrumentation Systems 7.11        Reactor            No further analysis Reactor shutdown capability is not affected by Shutdown          required.          the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and Capability                            AREVA methodology.
7.12        Detailed Control  No further analysis Control room design is not affected by the Room Design        required.          introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA Review                                methodology.
7.13        Safety Parameter  No further analysis Safety parameter display system is not Display System    required.          affected by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.
8.0        PlantElectrical    See below.
Systems 8.2        Transmission      No further analysis Transmission system is not affected by the System            required.          introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.
8.3        Auxiliary Power    No further analysis In case of loss of auxiliary power event the System            required.          reactor scrams and if it is not restored the diesel generator will carry the vital loads. See disposition of Station Blackout event below.
8.4        Plant Standby      Address for initial The plant standby diesel generator system Diesel Generator  licensing analysis. features are incorporated into the LOCA break System                                spectrum analysis which is performed for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVA methodology (Reference 29).
8.5        DC Power          Address for initial The DC power supply system features are Supply Systems    licensing analysis. incorporated into the LOCA break spectrum analysis which is performed for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVA methodology (Reference 29).
8.6        Reactor            No further analysis The power supplies for reactor protection Protection        required.          system are not affected by the introduction of System Power                          ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.
Supplies AREVA NP Inc.
uontrclneo uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-9 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design              Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                            Comment 8.7        Instrumentation    No further analysis  These systems are not affected by the and Control AC      required.            introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA Power Supply                            methodology.
Systems 8.8        Electrical Design  No further analysis  Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Considerations      required.            remains valid.
8.9        Environmental      No further analysis  Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Qualification of    required.            remains valid.
Safety-Related Electrical Equipment 8.10        Adequacy of        No further analysis  Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Station Electrical  required.            remains valid.
Distribution System Voltages 8.11        Power Operated      Address each reload. Functionality of safety related valves is Valves                                  included in the safety analyses performed for each cycle (Sections 5.0, 7.1, and 7.2).
8.12        Station Blackout    No further analysis  Decay heat is the only fuel related input for required.            station blackout. AREVA dispositioned the impact of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing the decay heat for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to the decay heat used in the station blackout analysis of record. Since the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel decay heat is expected to be similar to that of the GE14 fuel the analysis of record results bound the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel at Monticello.
9.0        Radioactive        No further analyses  As shown by radiological source term Waste              required.            evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Management                              significantly different than legacy fuel.
ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.
Therefore, plant operations following the fuel transition are not expected to increase the rate that radiological waste is generated.
Uontrotled Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 2-10 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                          Comment 10.0        PlantAuxiliary    See below.
Systems 10.2        Reactor Auxiliary  No further analyses  Independent of fuel design (except see below).
Systems            required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.
10.2.1      Fuel Storage and  Address for initial  Evaluation of k-eff for normal and abnormal Fuel Handling      licensing analysis. conditions for spent fuel pool storage racks has Systems                                been performed generically for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel design (Section 6.4).
10.3        Plant Service      No further analyses  Independent of fuel design (except see below).
Systems            required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.
10.3.1      Fire Protection    Address for initial  The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will be System            licensing analysis. evaluated to demonstrate that no clad damage occurs for Appendix R (Section 7.4).
10.4        Plant Cooling      No further analyses  Independent of fuel design (except see below).
System            required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.
10.4.2      Residual Heat      Address for initial  AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Removal System    licensing analysis. evaluation of fuel performance in response to Service Water                          postulated LOCA upon introduction of the System                                  ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP (Reference 29).
The decay heat removal design basis of the RHR system is not altered by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.
Inadvertent RHR shutdown cooling operation is a benign event which does not need evaluation.
11.0        PlantPower        Address each reload. These systems are part of the safety analysis Conversion                              models and their features affect the transient Systems                                analysis results. These systems are modeled within the plant transient analyses as appropriate for the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel at MNGP (Section 5.0).
12.0        PlantStructures No further analyses    Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record and Shielding      required.            remains valid.
Uontroiled uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-11 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.            Criteria              Status                            Comment 13.0        Plant Operation    Address for initial  Organization, Responsibilities, and licensing analysis. Qualifications of staff personnel are not affected by transitioning to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.
Training in AREVA methodologies will be provided for the initial reload. The Emergency Operational Procedures (EOPs) may need to be updated to include the effects of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The overall nuclear site organization and plant functional organization are not affected by the introduction of AREVA fuel.
14.0        PlantSafety        See below.
Analysis 14.2        MCPR Safety        Address each reload. Part of the safety licensing analysis done for Limit                                  each reload with AREVA methodology (Section 4.2).
14.3        Operating Limits  Address each reload. Power- and flow-dependent MCPR and LHGR limits will be established for each reload using AREVA methodology. In addition MAPLHGR limits will be established and verified each cycle for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel designs (Section 8.0).
14.4        Transient Events  See below.
Analyzed for Core Reload 14.4.1      Generator Load    Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is a Rejection                              potentially limiting AOO. Load Rejection (LR)
Without Bypass                          with bypass operable is normally bounded by the LR with no bypass case (Section 5.1.1).
14.4.2      Loss of            Address each reload. Application of approved generic analysis was Feedwater                              evaluated. Since the generic analysis does not Heating                                apply, this event will be analyzed for the initial cycle. Since the results of this event show this is a potentially limiting event, this event will also be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.6).
14.4.3      Rod Withdrawal    No further analysis  Consequences of a RWE below the low power Error - low        required.            setpoint are bound by the RWE at power due power                                  to required strict compliance with BPWS.
14.4.3      Rod Withdrawal    Address each reload. Analysis to determine the change in MCPR Error - at power                        and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint will be performed for each reload. The analysis will cover the low, intermediate, and high power RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)
(Section 5.1.7).
Uontroiied Uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-12 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.            Criteria            Status                            Comment 14.4.4      Feedwater          Address each reload. This event is a potentially limiting AOO and will Controller Failure                      be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.4).
            - Maximum Demand 14.4.5      Turbine Trip      Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is a Without Bypass                          potentially limiting AOO. TT with bypass operable is bounded by the TT with no bypass case. TT with bypass operable and degraded scram may be a limiting event for MNGP and has been analyzed historically for each reload.
AREVA will analyze for the initial reload (Section 5.1.2) and will address each reload.
14.5        Special Events    See below.
14.5.1      Vessel Pressure    Address each reload. This event assures compliance with the ASME ASME Code                              code. The initial analysis will address MSIV, Compliance                              TCV, and TSV closures under AREVA Model - MSIV                            methodology. Since the limiting valve closure Closure                                is MSIV, only this will be run for future reloads (Section 7.1).
14.5.2      Standby Liquid    Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdown Control System                          capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis Shutdown Margin                        (Section 7.5).
14.5.3      Stuck Rod Cold    Address each reload. This event is potentially limiting and will be Shutdown Margin                        analyzed each reload (Reference 1).
14.6        Plant Stability    Address each reload. Option III will be implemented with the Analysis                                transition to AREVA methods. DIVOM and initial MCPR will be analyzed on a cycle-specific basis (Section 4.3).
The Backup Stability Protection (BSP) regions will be verified on a cycle-specific basis and adjusted if necessary based on the results of the analyses (Section 4.3).
14.7        Accident          See below.
Evaluation Methodology AREVA NP Inc.
uontroneo uocument Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-13 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                            Comment 14.7.1      Control Rod        Address each reload. Safety analyses are performed each reload to Drop Accident                          evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accident Evaluation                              will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpy greater than 280 calories per gram and to determine the number of rods exceeding the 170 calories per gram failure threshold. For Monticello, the analysis will verify that deposited enthalpy remains below 230 cal/gm.
Consequences of the CRDA are evaluated to confirm that the acceptance criteria are satisfied (Section 6.3).
14.7.2      Loss-of-Coolant    Address for initial  LOCA calculations will be performed for EPU Accident          licensing analysis. to identify the limiting fluid conditions as a function of single failure, break size, break location, core flow, and axial power shape using the NRC-approved EXEM BWR-2000 LOCA methodology. This analysis is performed for the initial introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel (Reference 29).
MAPLHGR heatup analyses are performed every time a new neutronic design is introduced in the core (Reference 30).
14.7.3      Main Steam Line    Address for initial  The main steam line break will be considered Break Accident    licensing analysis. in the identification of the spectrum of loss-of-Analysis                                coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).
14.7.4      Fuel Loading      Address each reload. The fuel loading error is analyzed on a cycle-Error Accident                          specific basis and addresses mislocated or misoriented fuel assembly (Section 6.5).
14.7.5      One                Address each reload. Two-loop pump seizure event is bounded by Recirculation                          LOCA accident analysis and does not need Pump Seizure                            further analysis.
Accident Analysis                                Single-loop pump seizure event has been historically analyzed against the more restrictive criteria for infrequent events (AOO).
Using these criteria, this is the limiting event for single-loop operation and it will have to be analyzed each reload (Section 5.3.1).
14.7.6      Refueling          Address for initial  The number of fuel rods assumed to fail during Accident          licensing analysis. a fuel handling accident for an ATRIUM 1OXM Analysis                                assembly dropping over the core has been determined and the resulting release dispositioned against the AST analyses of record (Section 6.4).
Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-14 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR            Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria              Status                            Comment 14.7.7      Accident          No further analysis  Independent of fuel design. The values of Atmospheric        required.            atmospheric dispersion coefficients in the Dispersion                              analysis of record remain valid.
Coefficients 14.7.8      Core Source        Address for initial  The source terms for ATRIUM 10XM fuel at Term Inventory    licensing analysis. EPU conditions have been provided and used to disposition offsite doses against the AST analysis of record. As shown by radiological source term evaluations, the ATRIUM 10XM fuel is not significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14).
14.8        Anticipated        Address each reload. The peak vessel pressure is calculated for Transients                              each reload. For long-term cooling after Without Scram                          ATWS, the decay heat is the only fuel-related (ATWS)                                  input. AREVA dispositioned the impact of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing the decay heat for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to the GE14 decay heat used in the ATWS long-term cooling analysis. Containment heatup was dispositioned by comparing kinetics parameters for ATRIUM 10XM fuel with those for the fuel in the analysis of record (Section 7.2).
14.9        Section deleted              NA                                  NA 14.10      Other Analyses          See below.
14.10.1    Adequate Core      No further analysis  USAR 14.10.1 identifies the loss of feedwater Cooling for        required            flow event as the worst anticipated transient, Transients with                        and loss of a high pressure inventory makeup a Single Failure                        (HPCI) or heat removal system as the worst single failure.
The analysis of record for loss of feedwater flow (PUSAR already assumed that the HPCI system fails to inject. The results of this analysis showed that the reactor core remains covered for the combination of these worst-case conditions, without operator action to manually initiate the emergency core cooling system or other inventory makeup systems, therefore no further analysis is required.
14A        Supplemental            See below. The events identified in the Supplemental Reload Licensing                        Reload Licensing Submittal are addressed Submittal                              below as part of the PUSAR (Reference 5).
Uontroiied Uocumen Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-15 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR                Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria/ Event          Status                            Comment Decreasein Reactor Coolant Temperature      Pressure Regulator    Address for initial Address for initial reload for EPU/MELLLA Failure - Open        licensing analysis. conditions.
Consequences of this event, relative to AOO thermal operating limits, are nonlimiting.
This event results in low steam dome pressure and is the most challenging event for Technical Specification (TS) (Reference 3) low steam dome pressure safety limit. This section of the TS will be updated to reduce the 785 psig limit to a lower pressure limit. The analysis of this event (for initial licensing analysis) will support this update to Technical Specifications (Section 7.3).
This event is also used for an ATWS initiator event.
Decrease in Heat Removal By the Secondary System
              / Increasein Reactor Pressure    Pressure Regulator    Address each        Consequences of this event, relative to one Failure - Closed      reload.            pressure regulator out-of-service may be limiting; therefore this EOOS event will be evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 5.3.2).    MSIV Closures        No further analysis Consequences of this event (with direct required.          scram on MSIV closure), relative to thermal operating limits, are bounded by the generator load rejection event. This event does not need further analysis.
Closure of all MSIVs with failure of the valve position scram function is the design basis overpressurization event, which is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.1).
The MSIV closure event is a potentially limiting ATWS overpressurization event, which is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.2).
uontroi~eo uocument' Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-16 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR                Design          Disposition Sect.          Criteria/ Event        Status                          Comment    Loss of Condenser      No further        Consequences of this event are bounded by Vacuum                analysis required. either the turbine trip with turbine bypass valve failure or load rejection with bypass valve failure.
2.3.5        Loss of AC Power      No further        This event is analyzed as the Station analysis required. Blackout event discussed above under USAR Section 8.12.    Loss of Feedwater      No further        The consequences of this event are only Flow                  analysis required. dependent on the fuel decay heat, since this event was analyzed as initiated at the low level (L3) scram setpoint in the analysis of record. Since the decay heat of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is similar to that of GE14 fuel the results are expected to be similar to the current analysis of record.
Decreasein Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Not          Recirculation Pump    No further        Consequences of this event are benign and evaluated    Trip                  analysis required. bounded by the turbine trip with no bypass failure event (see dispositions above).
Not          Recirculation Flow    No further        This event is bounded by recirculation pump evaluated    Controller Failure -  analysis required. trip events.
Decreasing Flow    Recirculation Pump    No further        The consequences of this accident are Shaft Break            analysis required. bounded by the effects of the recirculation pump seizure event (see above).
Uontrolied Uocument Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-17 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR                Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria/ Event        Status                          Comment Reactivity and Power Distribution Anomalies    Control Rod Mal-      No further        Consequences of this event are bounded by operation (system      analysis required. the RWE at power.
malfunction or operator error) - low power    Control Rod Mal-      Address each      Analysis to determine the change in MCPR operation (system      reload,            and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint will malfunction or                            be performed for each reload. The analysis operator error) - at                      will cover the low, intermediate, and high power                                    power RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)
(Section 5.1.7).    Abnormal Startup of    No further        For all operating modes except refueling, Idle Recirculation    analysis required. technical specifications restrictions apply to Pump                                      control thermal stresses caused by startup of an inactive recirculation pump. PUSAR identifies this event as being nonlimiting.
The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will not affect this conclusion.    Recirculation Flow    Address each      The slow runup event determines the MCPRf Control Failure With  reload,            limit and LHGRf multiplier and therefore will Increasing Flow (slow                    be analyzed each reload (Section 5.2) and fast runup                            The fast runup event, ifnot bounded by the events)                                  slow flow runup event, will be considered in setting the MCPRP limits (Section 5.1.8).
Increase in Reactor Coolant Inventory USAR          Inadvertent HPCI      Address each      This is a potentially limiting event which will 14A          Start-up              reload,            be evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 5.1.5).      Other BWR transients    No further        The limiting event for this type of events is which increase          analysis required. the inadvertent HPCI start-up which will be reactor coolant                          analyzed each reload.
inventory AREVA NP Inc.
uontromled Uocument Monticello                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-18 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR                Design            Disposition Sect.          Criteria/ Event          Status                            Comment Decreasein Reactor CoolantInventory      Inadvertent            No further        This event results in a mild depressurization and          Safety/Relief Valve  analysis required. event which is less severe than the pressure    Opening                                  regulator failure open event (see Section 7.3). Since the power level settles out at nearly the initial power level, this event is considered benign.    Feedwater Line Break  Address for initial The feedwater line break will be considered
              - Outside            licensing analysis  in the identification of the spectrum of loss-Containment                              of-coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting toss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).
Radioactive Release From Subsystems and Components 2.9.1        Gaseous Radwaste      No further        As shown by radiological source term System Leak or        analysis required. evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Failure                                  significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14). Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.
Therefore, plant operations following the fuel transition are not expected to increase the rate that radiological waste is generated.
2.9.2        Liquid Radwaste      No further          The radionuclide source terms are generic System Failure        analysis required. and are unaffected by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.
2.9.2        Postulated            No further          The radionuclide source terms are generic Radioactive Releases  analysis required. and are unaffected by the introduction of Due to Liquid                            ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.
Radwaste Tank Failure AREVA NP Inc.
uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 2-19 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR                Design          Disposition Sect.          Criteria/ Event        Status                            Comment Other Analyses      ATWS with Core        No further        The discussion presented in Reference 41 Instability            analysis required. indicates that the "Parameters which might vary between fuel designs (e.g., reactivity coefficients) are not expected to significantly change the consequences of large irregular oscillations." Therefore, the generic ATWS stability results of Reference 41 remain applicable upon the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel into MNGP.
uontroIneo uocurnent Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                          Page 2-20 Table 2.2 Disposition of Operating Flexibility and EOOS Options on Limiting Events Affected Limiting                      Comment Option              Event/Analyses Single-loop operation        LOCA                The impact of SLO on LOCA is addressed in (SLO)                                            Reference 29.
SLMCPR              The SLO SLMCPR is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis.
Pump Seizure        Historically at Monticello the pump seizure accident during SLO has been evaluated against the acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA will continue this practice. Therefore, the MCPR operating limits for SLO will be modified if necessary to assure this accident does not violate the AOO acceptance critieria.
Safety/relief valves        ASME                All transient analyses (AOOs) and the ASME out-of-service              all AOO              overpressurization event considered operation (SRVOOS)                                          with three SRVs OOS (only the safety function is credited). Therefore the base case operating limits already include this condition.
ATWS Peak            ATWS peak pressure analysis considers only one Pressure            SRVOOS.
Pressure regulator                                If one of the pressure regulators is OOS the out-of-service                                    backup pressure regulator will operate and (PROOS)                                          therefore not affect the severity of a particular event.
The pressure regulator down-scale failure event and the pressure regulator failed open event were addressed in Table 2.1.
Traversing in-core probe    SLMCPR              TIP OOS is included in the SLMCPR analysis.
(TIP) out-of-service ICF/MELLLA                  All                  All analyses considered the increased core flow operation and MELLLA core flow window.
uontroIedi uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 2-21 Table 2.3 Methodology and Evaluation Models for Cycle-Specific Reload Analyses Analysis Event            Methodology      Evaluation            Acceptance Criteria lAnalysis          Reference          Model                  and Comment Thermal and Hydraulic          12    SAFLIM3D          SLMCPR Criteria: < 0.1% fuel rods Design                          24    COTRANSA2          experience boiling transition.
No fuel melting and maximum XCOBRANofemltnadmxiu Transient Analyses              25 transient induced strain < 1 %.
26    XCOBRA-T          Power- and flow-dependent MCPR 9    RODEX4            and LHGR operating limits 28    RODEX2crtia        established to meet the fuel failure criteria.
Standby Liquid Control        27      CASMO-4            SLCS Criteria: Shutdown margin of System                                /MICROBURN-B2      at least 0.88% Ak/k.
ASME                          24      COTRANSA2          Analyses for ASME and ATWS Overpressurization                    (as supplemented  overpressurization.
Analysis                              by  considerations AnalyssbyoAnsie    ASME OverpressurizationCriteria:
of ANP-3224(P)    Maximum vessel pressure limit of Anticipated Transient                  (Reference 6,      1375 psig and maximum dome Without Scram                          App. E))          pressure limit of 1332 psig.
A TWS OverpressurizationCriteria:
Maximum vessel pressure limit of 1500 psig.
Emergency Core                34      HUXY              LOCA Criteria: 10CFR50.46.
Cooling Systems                                          EXEM BWR-2000 Methodology.
LOCA Analyses                                            Only heatup (HUXY) is analyzed for the reload specific neutronic design.
Appendix R                    34      RELAX              10CFR50 Appendix R.
Neutron Design                  18    STAIF              Long-Term Stability Solution 19    RAMONA5-FA        Option Ill Criteria: OPRM setpoints Neutron Monitoring                                        prevent exceeding OLMCPR limits.
System                        20      CASMO-4            CRWE Criteria: Power-dependent 21      /MICROBURN-B2      MCPR and LHGR operating limits 22                        established to meet the fuel failure criteria.
23                        Backup Stability Protection 27                        Criteria: Stability boundaries that do not exceed acceptable global, regional, and channel decay ratios as defined by the STAIF methodology.
Uontrolned Uocument Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 3-1 3.0      Mechanical Design Analysis The results of mechanical design analyses for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in References 7 and 8. The fuel rod analyses use the NRC-approved RODEX4 methodology described in Reference 9. The maximum exposure limits for the ATRIUM 1OXM reload fuel are:
54.0 GWd/MTU average assembly exposure 62.0 GWd/MTU rod average exposure (full-length fuel rods)
GE14 fuel assemblies have a maximum peak pellet exposure limit of    [    ] GWd/MTU (Reference 10).
The fuel cycle design analyses (Reference 1) verified all fuel assemblies remain within licensed burnup limits.
The ATRIUM 1OXM LHGR limits are presented in Section 8.0. The GE14 LHGR multipliers presented in Section 8.0 ensure that the thermal-mechanical design criteria for GE14 fuel are satisfied.
Uontroued Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 4-1 4.0      Thermal-Hydraulic Design Analysis 4.1      Thermal-HydraulicDesign and Compatibility The ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is analyzed and monitored with the ACE critical power correlation (References 15 through 17). The GE14 fuel is analyzed and monitored with the SPCB critical power correlation (Reference 13). The SPCB additive constants and additive constant uncertainty for the GE14 fuel were developed using the indirect approach described in Reference 14.
Results of thermal-hydraulic characterization and compatibility analyses are presented in Reference 11. Analysis results demonstrate the thermal-hydraulic design and compatibility criteria are satisfied for the transition core consisting of ATRIUM 1QXM and GE14 fuel.
4.2      Safety Limit MCPR Analysis The safety limit MCPR (SLMCPR) is defined as the minimum value of the critical power ratio ensuring less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition during normal operation, or an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO). The SLMCPR for all fuel was determined using the methodology described in Reference 12. Determination of the SLMCPR explicitly includes the effects of channel bow. Fuel channels cannot be used for more than one fuel bundle lifetime.
The analysis was performed with a power distribution conservatively representing expected reactor operation throughout the cycle. Fuel- and plant-related uncertainties used in the SLMCPR analysis come from valid references and/or the licensee and are presented in Table 4.1. The radial power uncertainty used in the analysis includes the effects of up to 1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS) or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a 1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.
Analyses were performed for the minimum and maximum core flow conditions associated with rated power for the Monticello power/flow map for EPU/MELLLA operation (statepoints identified as "K"and "D"in Figure 1.1).
Analysis results support two-loop operation (TLO) SLMCPR of 1.12 and single-loop operation (SLO) SLMCPR of 1.13. Analysis results including the SLMCPR and the percentage of rods expected to experience boiling transition are summarized in Table 4.2.
uonironed Uocurment Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 4-2 4.3      Core Hydrodynamic Stability Monticello has implemented BWROG Long Term Stability Solution Option III (Oscillation Power Range Monitor-OPRM). Reload validation has been performed in accordance with Reference 18. The stability based Operating Limit MCPR (OLMCPR) is provided for two conditions as a function of OPRM amplitude setpoint in Table 4.3. The two conditions evaluated are for a postulated oscillation at 45% core flow steady-state operation (SS) and following a two recirculation pump trip (2PT) from the limiting full power operation state point. The Cycle 28 power- and flow-dependent limits provide adequate protection against violation of the SLMCPR for postulated reactor instability as long as the operating limit is greater than or equal to the specified value for the selected OPRM setpoint.
AREVA has performed calculations for the relative change in CPR as a function of the calculated hot channel oscillation magnitude (HCOM). These calculations were performed with the RAMONA5-FA code in accordance with Reference 19. This code is a coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic three-dimensional transient model for the purpose of determining the relationship between the relative change in ACPR and the HCOM on a plant specific basis. The stability-based OLMCPRs are calculated using the most limiting of the calculated change in relative ACPR for a given oscillation magnitude or the generic value provided in Reference 18.
The generic value was determined to be limiting for Cycle 28.
In cases where the OPRM system is declared inoperable, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) is provided in accordance with Reference 22. BSP curves have been evaluated using STAIF (Reference 23) to determine endpoints that meet decay ratio criteria for the BSP Base Minimal Region I (scram region) and Base Minimal Region II (controlled entry region). Stability boundaries based on these endpoints are then determined using the generic shape generating function from Reference 22.
The STAIF acceptance criteria for the BSP endpoints are global decay ratios < 0.85, and regional and channel decay ratios < 0.80. Endpoints for the BSP regions provided in Table 4.4 have global decay ratios _<0.85, and regional and channel decay ratios < 0.80.
Uon:rolled Uocument Monticello                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                          Page 4-3 Table 4.1 Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses Parameter              Uncertainty Fuel-Related Uncertainties I
I Plant-Related Uncertainties Feedwater flow rate                      1.8%
Feedwater temperature                    0.8%
Core pressure                            0.8%
Total core flow rate TLO                                  2.5%
SLO                                  6.0%
I                                                                        I AREVA NP Inc.
uontroned Uocument Monticello                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                            Page 4-4 Table 4.2 Results Summary for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses Percentage of Rods in Boiling SLMCPR        Transition TLO - 1.12        0.0924 SLO - 1.13        0.0812 AREVA NP Inc.
uontroueo uocument Monticello                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                  Page 4-5 Table 4.3 OPRM Setpoints OPRM          OLMCPR      OLMCPR Setpoint          (SS)      (2PT) 1.05            1.23        1.26 1.06            1.25        1.28 1.07            1.27        1.30 1.08            1.29        1.32 1.09            1.32        1.34 1.10            1.34        1.37 1.11            1.37        1.40 1.12            1.40        1.43 1.13            1.43        1.46 1.14            1.46        1.49 1.15            1.48        1.51 Acceptance      Off-Rated Rated Power Criteria      OLMCPR    OLMCPR as at    Described in 45% Flow    Section 8.0 AREVA NP Inc.
uontroned uocument Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                Page 4-6 Table 4.4 BSP Endpoints for Monticello Cycle 28 Power    Flow Endpoint    (%)      (%)                  Definition Al        56.6    40.0    Scram region boundary, high flow control line (HFCL)
B1        42.6    33.7    Scram region boundary, nominal control line (NCL)
A2        64.5    50.0    Controlled entry region boundary, HFCL B2        28.6    31.2    Controlled entry region boundary, NCL AREVA NP Inc.
uontroIueo uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 5-1 5.0    Anticipated Operational Occurrences This section describes the analyses performed to determine the power- and flow-dependent MCPR operating limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers for base case operation (no equipment out-of-service) for Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.
COTRANSA2 (Reference 24), XCOBRA-T (Reference 25), XCOBRA (Reference 26), and CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 (Reference 27) are the major codes used in the thermal limits analyses as described in the AREVA THERMEX methodology report (Reference 26) and neutronics methodology report (Reference 32). COTRANSA2 is a system transient simulation code, which includes an axial one-dimensional neutronics model that captures the effects of axial power shifts associated with the system transients. XCOBRA-T is a transient thermal-hydraulics code used in the analysis of thermal margins for the limiting fuel assembly. XCOBRA is used in steady-state analyses.
Fuel pellet-to-cladding gap conductance values are based on RODEX2 (Reference 28) calculations for the Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.
The ACE/ATRIUM 1OXM critical power correlation (References 15 through 17) is used to evaluate the thermal margin for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The SPCB critical power correlation (Reference 13) is used in the thermal margin evaluations for the GE14 fuel. The application of the SPCB correlation to GE14 fuel follows the indirect process described in Reference 14.
5.1    System Transients The reactor plant parameters for the system transient analyses were validated engineering inputs as provided by the licensee. Analyses have been performed to determine power- and flow-dependent MCPR limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers that protect operation throughout the power/flow domain depicted in Figure 1.1.
At Monticello, direct scram on turbine stop valve (TSV) position and turbine control valve (TCV) fast closure are bypassed at power levels less than 40% of rated (Pbypass). For these powers, scram will occur when the high pressure or high neutron flux scram setpoint is reached.
Reference 3 indicates that thermal limits only need to be monitored at power levels greater than or equal to 25% of rated, which is the lowest power analyzed for this report.
The limiting exposure for rated power pressurization transients is typically at end of full power (EOFP) when the control rods are fully withdrawn. Analyses were performed at several cycle AREVA NP Inc.
uontroIned uoeurnent Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 5-2 exposures prior to EOFP to ensure that the operating limits provide the necessary protection.
The licensing basis EOFP analysis was performed at EOFP + 400 MWd/MTU (cycle exposure of 16,175 MWd/MTU). Analyses were performed to support coastdown operation to a cycle exposure of 21,175 MWd/MTU. The licensing basis exposure range used to develop the neutronics inputs to the transient analyses are presented in Table 5.1.
Pressurization transient analyses only credit the safety setpoints of the safety/relief valves (SRV). The base operating limits support operations with 3 SRVs out-of-service.
Variations in feedwater temperature of +5/-1 0&deg;F, from the nominal feedwater temperature and variation of +/-10 psi in dome pressure are considered base case operation, not an EOOS condition. Analyses were performed to determine the limiting conditions in the allowable ranges.
System pressurization transient results are sensitive to scram speed assumptions. To take advantage of average scram speeds faster than those associated with the Technical Specifications requirements, scram speed-dependent MCPRP limits are provided. The nominal scram speed (NSS) insertion times, the Technical Specifications scram speed (TSSS) insertion times, and degraded scram speed (DSS) insertion times used in the analyses are presented in Table 5.2. The NSS MCPRP limits can only be applied if the scram speed test results meet the NSS insertion times. System transient analyses were performed to establish MCPRp limits for both NSS and TSSS insertion times. Technical Specifications (Reference 3) allow for operation with up to 8 "slow" and 1 stuck control rod. One additional control rod is assumed to fail to scram. Conservative adjustments to the NSS and TSSS scram speeds were made to the analysis inputs to appropriately account for these effects on scram reactivity. For cases below 40% power, the results are relatively insensitive to scram speed, and only TSSS analyses are performed. At 40% power (Pbypass), analyses were performed, both with and without bypass of the direct scram function, resulting in an operating limits step change.
5.1.1      Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB)
Load rejection causes a fast closure of the turbine control valves. The resulting compression wave travels through the steam lines into the vessel and creates a rapid pressurization. The increase in pressure causes a decrease in core voids, which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. Fast closure of the turbine control valves also causes a reactor scram. Turbine bypass system operation, which also mitigates the consequences of the event, is not credited. The AREVA NP Inc.
uJontroi~ed uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 5-3 excursion of the core power due to the void collapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scram and revoiding of the core.
LRNB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Base case limiting LRNB transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown in Table 5.3. Responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the LRNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2.
5.1.2        Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB)
A turbine trip event can be initiated as a result of several different signals. The initiating signal causes the TSV to close in order to prevent damage to the turbine. The TSV closure creates a compression wave traveling through the steam lines into the vessel causing a rapid pressurization. The increase in pressure results in a decrease in core voids, which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. Closure of the TSV also causes a reactor scram which helps mitigate the pressurization effects. Turbine bypass system operation, which also mitigates the consequences of the event, is not credited. The excursion of the core power due to the void collapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scram and revoiding of the core. Base case limiting TTNB transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown in Table 5.4. Responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the TTNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105%
of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown in Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4.
5.1.3        Pneumatic System Deqradation - Turbine Trip With Bypass and Degraded Scram (TTWB)
This event is similar to a turbine trip event described previously. The difference is the event is analyzed with a degraded scram speed (DSS) and the turbine bypass is allowed to open to mitigate the severity of the event. The MCPRp limits for NSS and TSSS insertion times will protect this event analyzed with DSS insertion times.
TTWB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.5 presents the base case limiting TTWB transient analysis ACPR results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times.
                                ~uontroIned        uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 5-4 5.1.4      Feedwater Controller Failure (FWCF)
The increase in feedwater flow due to a failure of the feedwater control system to maximum demand results in an increase in the water level and a decrease in the coolant temperature at the core inlet. The increase in core inlet subcooling causes an increase in core power. As the feedwater flow continues at maximum demand, the water level continues to rise and eventually reaches the high water level trip setpoint. The initial water level is conservatively assumed to be at the low level normal operating range to delay the high-level trip and maximize the core inlet subcooling resulting from the FWCF. The high water level trip causes the turbine stop valves to close in order to prevent damage to the turbine from excessive liquid inventory in the steam line.
Valve closure creates a compression wave traveling back to the core, causing void collapse and subsequent rapid power excursion. The closure of the turbine stop valves also initiates a reactor scram. The turbine bypass valves are assumed operable and provide some pressure relief. The core power excursion is mitigated in part by pressure relief, but the primary mechanisms for termination of the event are reactor scram and revoiding of the core.
FWCF analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.6 presents the base case limiting FWCF transient analysis ACPR results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times. Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 show the responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the FWCF event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times.
5.1.5        Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI)
The HPCI flow is injected into the downcomer through the feedwater sparger. Injection of this subcooled water increases the subcooling at the inlet to the core and results in an increase in core power. The feedwater control system will attempt to control the water level in the reactor by reducing the feedwater flow. As long as the mass of steam leaving the reactor through the steam lines is more than the mass of HPCI water being injected, the water level will be controlled and a new steady-state condition will be established. In this case the HPCI is fairly mild as a MCPR transient (similar to a loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event). If the steam flow is less than the HPCI flow, the water level will increase until the high level setpoint (L8) is reached. This type of event is more severe for MCPR calculations (the event is similar to a feedwater controller failure (FWCF)).
uonrrooued Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 5-5 Historically the HPCI event was analyzed forcing a high level (L8) main turbine trip even in those cases where the event would develop to a new steady state adding conservatism to the results. The same approach was used in this analysis forcing the high level turbine trip at all power levels analyzed. The HPCI flow in Monticello is only injected into one of the two feedwater lines and thus through the feedwater spargers on only one side of the reactor vessel, resulting in an asymmetric flow distribution of the injected HPCI flow. The asymmetric injection of the HPCI flow is assumed to cause an asymmetric core inlet enthalpy distribution with a larger enthalpy decrease for part of the core. This was accounted for by conservatively increasing the HPCI flow (decreasing enthalpy on both sides of the core).
HPCI analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.7 presents the base case limiting HPCI transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times.
Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 show the responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the HPCI event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times.
5.1.6        Loss of Feedwater Heating The loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event analysis supports an assumed 95.3 0 F decrease in the feedwater temperature. The temperature is assumed to decrease linearly over 31 seconds.
The result is an increase in core inlet subcooling, which reduces voids, thereby increasing core power and shifting axial power distribution toward the bottom of the core. As a result of the axial power shift and increased core power, voids begin to build up in the bottom region of the core, acting as negative feedback to the increased subcooling effect. The negative feedback moderates the core power increase. Although there is a substantial increase in core thermal power during the event, the increase in steam flow is much less because a large part of the added power is used to overcome the increase in inlet subcooling. The increase in steam flow is accommodated by the pressure control system via the TCVs or the turbine bypass valves.
The limiting full-power ACPRs are 0.17 for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and 0.18 for GE14 fuel.
Results from LFWH at off-rated conditions are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multiplier figures in Appendix A.
uontroiieo uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 5-6 5.1.7        Control Rod Withdrawal Error The control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) transient is an inadvertent reactor operator initiated withdrawal of a control rod. This withdrawal increases local power and core thermal power, lowering the core CPR. The CRWE transient is typically terminated by control rod blocks initiated by the rod block monitor (RBM). The CRWE event was analyzed assuming no xenon and allowing credible instrumentation out-of-service in the rod block monitor (RBM) system in an ARTS configuration. The analysis further assumes that the plant could be operating in either an A or B sequence control rod pattern. The rated power CRWE results are shown in Table 5.8 for the analytical RBM high power setpoint values of 110% to 114%. At the intermediate and low power setpoints results from the CRWE analysis may set the MCPRP limit. Analysis results indicate standard filtered RBM setpoint reductions are supported. Analyses demonstrate that the 1% strain and centerline melt criteria are met for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. For GE14 fuel see setdown in Table 8.9. The LHGR limits and their associated multipliers are presented in Sections 8.2 and 8.3. Recommended operability requirements supporting unblocked CRWE operation are shown in Table 5.9, based on the SLMCPR values presented in Section 4.2.
5.1.8      Fast Flow Runup Analysis Several possibilities exist for causing an unplanned increase in core coolant flow resulting from a recirculation flow control system malfunction. Increasing recirculation flow results in an increase in core flow which causes an increase in power level and a shift in power towards the top of the core by reducing the void fraction in that region. If the flow increase is relatively rapid and of sufficient magnitude, the neutron flux could exceed the scram set point, and a scram would be initiated.
For BWRs, various failures can occur which can result in a speed increase of both recirculation pumps or failure of one of the motor generator set speed controllers can result in a speed increase in one recirculation pump.
The failure of recirculation flow control system, affecting both pumps, is provided with rate limits and therefore this failure is considered a slow event and is analyzed under the flow-dependent MCPR limits analysis (MCPRf).
The failure of one of the motor generator speed controllers generally results in the most rapid rate of recirculation flow increase and this event is referred to as fast flow runup.
Uontroited UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroiieo uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Page iiContents1.0 Introduction
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 5-7 The fast flow runup event was initiated at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures.
The most limiting initial conditions are on the left boundary of the power flow map. Results from fast flow runup analysis are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multipliers figures in Appendix A.
1-12.0 Disposition of Events ....................................................................................................
5.2      Slow Flow Runup Analysis Flow-dependent MCPR limits and LHGR multipliers are established to support operation at off-rated core flow conditions. Limits are based on the CPR and heat flux changes experienced by the fuel during slow flow excursions. The slow flow excursion event assumes recirculation flow control system failure such that core flow increases slowly to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment (105% of rated core flow). An uncontrolled increase in flow creates the potential for a significant increase in core power and heat flux. A conservatively steep flow runup path was used in the analysis. Analyses were performed to support operation in all the EOOS scenarios.
2-13.0 M echanical Design Analysis
MCPRf limits are determined for both ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel. XCOBRA is used to calculate the change in critical power ratio during a two-loop flow runup to the maximum flow rate. The MCPRf limit is set so an increase in core power, resulting from the maximum increase in core flow, assures the TLO safety limit MCPR is not violated. Calculations were performed over a range of initial flow rates to determine the corresponding MCPR values causing the limiting assembly to be at the safety limit MCPR for the high flow condition at the end of the flow excursion.
MCPRf limits providing the required protection are presented in Table 8.6. MCPRf limits are applicable for all exposures.
3-14.0 Therm al-Hydraulic Design Analysis
Flow runup analyses were performed with CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The analysis assumes recirculation flow increases slowly along the limiting rod line to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment. A series of flow excursion analyses were performed at several exposures throughout the cycle, starting from different initial power/flow conditions. Xenon is assumed to remain constant during the event. LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provide protection against fuel centerline melt and overstraining of the cladding during a flow runup.
LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.10. A process consistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology was used to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for GE14 fuel. GE14 LHGRFACf multipliers AREVA NP Inc.
4-14.1 Therm al-Hydraulic Design and Com patibility
uonmroOnec uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
4-14.2 Safety Lim it M CPR Analysis
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 5-8 protecting against fuel centerline melt, and clad overstrain during operation at off-rated core flow conditions, are presented in Table 8.11.
The maximum flow during a flow excursion in single-loop operation is much less than the maximum flow during two-loop operation. Therefore, the flow-dependent MCPR limits and LHGR multipliers for two-loop operation are applicable for SLO.
4-14.3 Core Hydrodynam ic Stability
5.3      Equipment Out-of-Service Scenarios The equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios supported for Monticello Cycle 28 operation are shown in Table 1.1. The EOOS scenarios supported are:
* Single-loop operation (SLO) - recirculation loop out-of-service
4-25.0 Anticipated O perational O ccurrences
* Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)
The base case thermal limits support operation with 3 SRVs out-of-service, up to 1 TIPOOS (or the equivalent number of TIP channels), up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
5-15.1 System Transients
5.3.1        Single-Loop Operation AQOs that are limiting during TLO (e.g., HPCI, FWCF, TTNB and become the basis for the power-dependent MCPR limits and the power-dependent LHGR multipliers, are not more severe when initiated during SLO. Therefore, the power-dependent LHGR multipliers established for TLO are applicable during SLO. The power-dependent MCPR operating limits for SLO are established by adding the limiting power-dependent ACPR for TLO to the SLMCPR for SLO (see Section 4.2).
LOCA is also more severe when initiated during SLO. Therefore, a reduced MAPLHGR limit is established for SLO (see Section 6.1).
5-15.1.1 Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB) .....................................................
The pump seizure accident is nonlimiting during TLO but more severe during SLO. Historically at Monticello the pump seizure accident during SLO has been evaluated against the acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA will continue this practice. Therefore, the MCPR operating limits for SLO will be modified if necessary to assure this accident does not violate the AOO acceptance criteria (see Section 6.2).
5-25.1.2 Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB) ..........................................................
The MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR limits for TLO and SLO are provided in Section 8.0.
5-35.1.3 Pneumatic System Degradation
-Turbine Trip WithBypass and Degraded Scram (TTW B) ................................................
5-35.1.4 Feedwater Controller Failure (FW CF) .................................................
5-45.1.5 Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI) .......................................................
5-45.1.6 Loss of Feedwater Heating .................................................................
5-55.1.7 Control Rod W ithdrawal Error .............................................................
5-65.1.8 Fast Flow Runup Analysis
5-65.2 Slow Flow Runup Analysis
5-75.3 Equipm ent O ut-of-Service Scenarios
5-85.3.1 Single-Loop O peration
5-85.3.2 Pressure Regulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS) ................................
5-95.4 Licensing Power Shape ....................................................................................
5-96.0 Postulated Accidents
6-16.1 Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LO CA) .....................................................................
6-16.2 Pum p Seizure Accident
6-16.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA) ..................................................................
6-26.4 Fuel and Equipm ent Handling Accident
6-36.5 Fuel Loading Error (Infrequent Event) ...............................................................
6-36.5.1 M islocated Fuel Bundle .......................................................................
6-36.5.2 M isoriented Fuel Bundle .....................................................................
6-37.0 Special Analyses
7-17.1 ASM E Overpressurization Analysis
7-17.2 Anticipated Transient W ithout Scram Event Evaluation
7-27.2.1 O verpressurization Analysis
7-27.2.2 Long-Term Evaluation
7-37.3 Reactor Core Safety Limits -Low Pressure Safety Limit, PressureRegulator Failed O pen Event (PRFO ) ...............................................................
7-47.4 Appendix R -Fire Protection Analysis
7-57.5 Standby Liquid Control System .........................................................................
7-57.6 Fuel Criticality
7-6AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroaned UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page iii8.0 Operating Limits and COLR Input .................................................................................
8-18 .1 M C P R L im its .....................................................................................................
8 -18 .2 L H G R L im its .....................................................................................................
8 -18 .3 M A P LH G R Lim its ..............................................................................................
8-29 .0 R e fe re n ce s ...................................................................................................................
9 -1Appendix A Operating Limits and Results Comparisons
A-1Tables1.1 EOD and EOOS Operating Conditions
1-32.1 Disposition of Events Summary ....................................................................................
2-32.2 Disposition of Operating Flexibility and EOOS Options on Limiting Events .................
2-202.3 Methodology and Evaluation Models for Cycle-Specific Reload Analyses
2-214.1 Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses
4-34.2 Results Summary for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses
4-44 .3 O P R M S etpo ints ...........................................................................................................
4 -54.4 BSP Endpoints for Monticello Cycle 28 .........................................................................
4-65.1 Exposure Basis for Monticello Cycle 28 Transient Analysis
5-105.2 Scram Speed Insertion Times ....................................................................................
5-115.3 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case LRNB Transient Results .......................................
5-125.4 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTNB Transient Results .......................................
5-135.5 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTWB Transient Results ......................................
5-145.6 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case FWCF Transient Results ......................................
5-155.7 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case HPCI Transient Results ........................................
5-165.8 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case CRWE Results .....................................................
5-175.9 RBM Operability Requirements
5-185.10 Licensing Basis EOFP PRFDS (PROOS) Transient Results ......................................
5-195.11 Licensing Basis Core Average Axial Power Profile .....................................................
5-207.1 ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results .................................................................
7-77.2 ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results .................................................................
7-88.1 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOCto Licensing B asis E O F P ..............................................................................................
8-38.2 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOCto Licensing B asis E O FP ..............................................................................................
8-48.3 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOCto C o a std o w n ...............................................................................................................
8 -58.4 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOCto C o a std o w n ...............................................................................................................
8 -68.5 MCPRP Limits for Single-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOCto C o a std o w n'. .............................................................................................................
8 -7AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page iv8.6 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel,NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS All Cycle 28E x p o s u re s ....................................................................................................................
8 -88.7 ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHG R Lim its ...................................................................
8-98.8 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times,TLO and SLO , All Cycle 28 Exposures
8-108.9 GE14 LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO andS LO , A ll C ycle 28 Exposures
8-118.10 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLOand SLO , PRO O S, All Cycle 28 Exposures
8-128.11 GE14 LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO,A ll C ycle 2 8 E xposures
8-138.12 ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR Lim its, TLO ......................................................................
8-14Figures1.1 Monticello Power/Flow Map -EPU/M ELLLA .................................................................
1-45.1 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 100P/105F
-TSSS Key Parameters
5-215.2 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 1OOP/1 05F -TSSS Vessel Pressures
5-225.3 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at looP/1 05F -TSSS Key Parameters
5-235.4 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1 OOP/1 05F -TSSS Vessel Pressures
5-245.5 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F -TSSS Key Parameters
5-255.6 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F -TSSS Vessel Pressures
5-265.7 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 1 OOP/1 05F -TSSS Key Parameters
5-275.8 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 1OOP/1 05F -TSSS Vessel Pressures
5-287.1 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Key Parameters
7-97.2 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Vessel Pressures
7-107.3 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Safety/Relief V a lve F lo w R a te s .......................................................................................................
7 -1 17.4 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Key Parameters
7-127.5 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Vessel Pressures
7-137.6 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F
-Safety/Relief V a lve F low R ate s .......................................................................................................
7-14AREVA NP Inc.
UontronSed UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page vNomenclature 2PTADSAOOAPLHGRAROASMEASTATWSATWS-PRFO ATWS-RPTBOCBPWSBSPBWRBWROGCFRCOLRCPRCRDACRWEDIVOMDSSECCSEFPHEOCEODEOFPEOOSEPUFWFWCFtwo pump tripautomatic depressurization systemanticipated operational occurrence average planar linear heat generation rateall control rods outAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers alternate source termanticipated transient without scramanticipated transient without scram pressure regulator failure openanticipated transient without scram recirculation pump tripbeginning-of-cycle banked position withdrawal sequencebackup stability protection boiling water reactorBoiling Water Reactor Owners GroupCode of Federal Regulations core operating limits reportcritical power ratiocontrol rod drop accidentcontrol rod withdrawal errordelta-over-initial CPR versus oscillation magnitude degraded scram speedemergency core cooling systemeffective full-power hourend-of-cycle extended operating domainend of full powerequipment out-of-service extended power upratefeedwater feedwater controller failureGEGNFGeneral ElectricGlobal Nuclear FuelsHCOMHFCLHFRHPCIhot channel oscillation magnitude high flow control lineheat flux ratiohigh pressure coolant injection ICFincreased core flowAREVA NP Inc.
uonqro~ieo uocurnenit Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page viNomenclature (continued)
LFWHLHGRLHGRFACfLHGRFACPLOCALPRMLRNBMAPLHGRMCPRMCPRfMCPRPMELLLAMNGPMSIVNCLNSSNRCOLMCPROLTP00SOPRMPbypassPCTPRFDSPRFOPROOSPUSARRBMRHRSLCSLCSSLMCPRSLOSLPSSRVSRVOOSloss of feedwater heatinglinear heat generation rateflow-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers power-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers loss-of-coolant accidentlocal power range monitorgenerator load rejection with no bypassmaximum average planar linear heat generation rateminimum critical power ratioflow-dependent minimum critical power ratiopower-dependent minimum critical power ratiomaximum extended load line limit analysisMonticello Nuclear Generating Plantmain steam isolation valvenominal control linenominal scram speedNuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S.operating limit minimum critical power ratiooriginal licensed thermal powerout of serviceoscillation power range monitorpower below which direct scram on TSV/TCV closure is bypassedpeak cladding temperature pressure regulator failure down-scale pressure regulator failure openpressure regulator out-of-service Power Uprate Safety Analysis Report(control) rod block monitorresidual heat removalstandby liquid controlstandby liquid control systemsafety limit minimum critical power ratiosingle-loop operation single-loop pump seizuresafety/relief valvesafety/relief valve out-of-service AREVA NP Inc.
uontroneo uocurnent Monticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page viiNomenclature (continued)
TBV turbine bypass valvesTCV turbine control valveTIP traversing incore probeTIPOOS traversing incore probe out-of-service TLO two-loop operation TSSS technical specifications scram speedTSV turbine stop valveTT turbine tripTTNB turbine trip with no bypassTTWB turbine trip with bypassUSAR Updated Safety Analysis ReportACPR change in critical power ratioAREVA NP Inc.
uontroiied uocumenit Monticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 1-11.0 Introduction The licensing analyses described herein were generated by AREVA NP to support Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) operation for transitioning to ATRIUMTM 1OXM* fuel startingin Cycle 28. The analyses were performed using methodologies previously approved forgeneric application to boiling water reactors with some exceptions which are explicitly described in this transition licensing amendment request (LAR). The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) technical limitations associated with the application of the approved methodologies havebeen satisfied by these analyses.
Licensing analyses support a "representative" core design presented in Reference
: 1. Therepresentative core design consists of a total of 484 fuel assemblies, including
[ ] freshATRIUM 1OXM assemblies and [ ] irradiated GE14 assemblies.
The analyses are preparedto be the best representation of the proposed MNGP configuration (i.e., extended power uprate(EPU) at maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)).
: However, the Cycle 28 coredesign used in this process is only a best-estimate design that is used as a representative design (because key factors such as Cycle 26 and Cycle 27 fuel depletions can only beestimated at this time). This process of using a representative core for licensing fuel transitions has precedent.
The precedent recognizes that a representative core design is adequate for thepurposes of the LAR, which are: (1) demonstrate that core design meets the applicability requirements of the new analysis
: methods, (2) demonstrate that the results can meet theproposed safety limits, and (3) demonstrate either existing Technical Specification limits do notneed to be revised for the fuel transition or the needed revisions are identified.
Therepresentative core design for these analyses assures that the actual Cycle 28 core designmeets all these objectives.
Ultimately, the reload process will confirm the applicability of all plantinputs (including plant design changes made in the interim period) for all the appropriate safetyanalyses and will also perform the final confirmation that safety limits are satisfied for the actualcore design that will be loaded.These licensing analyses were performed for potentially limiting events and analyses identified in Section 2.0. Results of analyses are used to establish the Technical Specifications/COLR limits and ensure design and licensing criteria are met. Design and safety analyses are basedon both operational assumptions and plant parameters provided by the utility.
The results of thereload licensing analysis support operation for the power/flow map presented in Figure 1.1 and* ATRIUM is a trademark of AREVA NP.AREVA NP Inc.
Uontro~ed DocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 1-2also support operation with the equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios presented inTable 1.1.AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 1-3Table 1.1 EOD and EiOSOperating Conditions Extended Operating Domain(EOD) Conditions Increased core flow (ICF)Maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)Coastdown Equipment Out-of-Service (EOOS) Conditions*
Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)Single-loop operation (SLO)SLO may be combined with the other EOOS conditions.
Base case and each EOOS condition issupported in combination with up to 1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS)or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.
mz-U00Core Flow (%)10 20 30 40 50 60i ........i ....i ....i ..70 80 90 100 110 1204 '%Na<nN110-10090-80-70.60.50-40.30O20.10-0i , , i , i , i I i i i I L I I I IPov'z R W ._=I I I I I I I iPow1 Flow -l00% EFU =2004 MW t ----------------
-- ------ ---- ---- --- -A- 51-8% 34.2% 100%CLTP
= 1775MWtB: 20.8% 39911 100%OLTP
= 1670MWt -A B' n i E i 200x4m,-- C: 59-r/. 43,3% -100%oC. reFlow = 57.6O lfr i .-.... ...D-833 100M9.0%/
E- : 100.0%. ,00.0/. ------, -----I1 ----.....--.. ....- ---E- ...-I _ _ L .......F: 833% 100.0% / fT1MEIu p, ,, p[m dxyi -i- .d. .--------
---0: 37.5% 1000% (22.191 + (0=89714*W)-(00011905*W 2))1.20SR 20-/. i -./ -whwre:_P=% W C reFlw ---- ------l 833% 105.0%-- 3: 111.41/ ------.--------
-------- ------4. --- -- -I ---- 4 --------
I -- -I ------ -- .-......K 100.0% 105.0% i I-7----------21----2FT-FiA inii----------1 -----r ----------T, ----', ------------ IT ---I-- --- ---....I ...I ...I ....--t. ..II I I I---"--- -- -- --__ -....., ...B .... ...--.....I ........ ........T .....I -.......--......T ------F ------I- -I I I I I -I I IIIi I i i i I i i i III I I I L I I I I II III. ...I-2000CD oCLCD> 00)m150000a-0'CI-*500005 10 15 20-.. ..................., ...., ....I ...., ....,25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65Core Flow (Mlb/hr)Figure 1.1 Monticello Power/Flow Map -EPU/MELLLA z-D CWA <a uontrolled UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 2-12.0 Disposition of EventsThe objective of this section is to identify limiting events for analysis using AREVA methods,supporting operation with GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. Events and analyses identified aspotentially limiting are either evaluated generically for the introduction of AREVA methods andfuel or on a cycle-specific basis.The first step is to identify the licensing basis of the plant. Included in the licensing basis aredescriptions of the postulated events/analyses and the associated criteria.
Fuel-related systemdesign criteria must be met, ensuring regulatory compliance and safe operation.
The licensing basis, related to fuel and applicable for reload analysis, is contained in the Updated SafetyAnalysis Report (USAR) (Reference 2), the Technical Specifications (References 3 and 4), CoreOperating Limits Report (COLR), and other reload analysis reports.
The licensing basis for EPUoperation is obtained from Reference 5 (and supplements).
Reference 6 provides theapplicability of AREVA BWR methods to extended power flow operating domain at Monticello.
AREVA reviewed all fuel-related design criteria, events, and analyses identified in the licensing basis. When operating limits are established to ensure acceptable consequences of ananticipated operational occurrence (AOO) or accident, the fuel-related aspects of the systemdesign criteria are met. All fuel-related events were reviewed and dispositioned into one of thefollowing categories:
No further analysis required.
This classification may result from one of the following:
The consequences of the event have been previously shown to be bounded byconsequences of a different event and the introduction of a new fuel design doesnot change that conclusion.
The consequences of the event are benign, i.e., the event causes no significant change in margins to the operating limits.The event is not affected by the introduction of a new fuel design and/or thecurrent analysis of record remains applicable.
Address event each following reload. The consequences of the event are potentially limiting and need to be addressed each reload.Address event for initial licensing analysis.
This classification may result from one ofthe following:
The analysis is performed using conservative bounding assumptions and inputssuch that the initial licensing analysis results will remain applicable for following reloads of the same fuel design (ATRIUM 1OXM).AREVA NP Inc.
(Jontrolled UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 2-2Results from the initial licensing analysis will be used to quantitatively demonstrate that the results remain applicable for following reloads of the samefuel design because the consequences are benign or bounded by those ofanother event.The impact of operation in the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1 was also considered.
A disposition of events summary is presented in Table 2.1. The disposition summary presents alist of the events and analyses, the corresponding USAR section, the disposition status, and anyapplicable comments.
The disposition for the EOOS scenarios is summarized in Table 2.2. Increased Core Flow (ICF)and MELLLA operation regions of the power/flow map are included in the disposition resultspresented in Table 2.1. Methodology and evaluation models used for the cycle-specific analyses are provided in Table 2.3.AREVA NP Inc.
uontroOnea uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-3Table 2.1 Disposition of Events SummaryUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment3.0 Reactor See below.3.2 Thermal and Address each time Analyses were performed for the introduction Hydraulic changes in hydraulic of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to demonstrate that thisCharacteristics design occur -fuel design is compatible with the expectedAddress for initial coresident fuel (Reference 11 ).licensing analysis.
Cycle-specific analyses include SLMCPR,MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR operating limits(Sections 4.2 and 8.0).Thermal-hydraulic stability performance isdetermined on a cycle-specific basis(Section 4.3).3.3 Nuclear Address each reload. Comparison to MAPLHGR, LHGR, and MCPRCharacteristics limits is performed during the cycle-specific design (Reference
: 1) and during coremonitoring.
Reactivity coefficients for void, Doppler, andpower are evaluated each reload to ensure thatthey are negative.
Shutdown margin is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis and it is reported in Reference 1.Standby liquid control system shutdowncapability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 7.5).The control rod drop accident (CRDA) analysisis evaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 6.3).The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willhave no impact on the propensity for thereactor to undergo xenon instability transients.
3.4 Fuel Mechanical Address for initial The fuel assembly structural analyses areCharacteristics and licensing analysis and performed for the initial reload and remainFuel System for each reload, as applicable for follow-on reloads unlessDesign applicable, changes occur. The fuel assembly
: analysis, with the fuel channel, includes an evaluation ofpostulated seismic loads (Reference 7).The fuel rod thermal-mechanical analyses areperformed on a cycle-specific basis.3.5 Reactivity Control Address for initial The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willMechanical licensing analysis.
have no impact on the ability of the control rodsCharacteristics to perform their normal and scram functions (Reference 7).AREVA NP Inc.
Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-4Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment3.6 Other reactorApp. A vessel internals Address for initiallicensing analysis.
Analysis performed for the initial reload todetermine the effect of the mechanical loadsintroduced with ATRIUM 1OXM fuel on otherreactor vessel internals (Reference 38). Theintroduction of the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel intoMonticello will not have any adverse effects onthe reactor pressure vessel seismic analysis ofrecord.4.0Reactor CoolantSystemSee below.4.2 Reactor Vessel4.3 ReactorRecirculation System4.4 Reactor PressureRelief SystemOverpressuri-zation Protection 4.5 Reactor CoolantSystem Vents4.6 Hydrogen WaterChemistry No further analysesrequired.
Address each reload.Address each reload.No further analysesrequired.
No further analysesrequired.
No further analysesrequired.
The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will notimpact the neutron spectrum at the reactorvessel. The vessel fluence is primarily dependent upon the EFPH, power distribution, power level, and fuel management scheme.There are no unique characteristics of theATRIUM 1OXM design that would force asignificant change in the power distribution orcore management scheme.Analyses performed each reload todemonstrate compliance with the ASMEOverpressurization requirements.
Demonstration that the peak steam domepressure remains within allowable limits alsodemonstrates compliance with the recirculation system pressure limits (Section 7.1).This event assures compliance with the ASMEcode (Section 7.1).Analysis of record shows compliance with thelicensing requirements.
The introduction ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology does not affect the normal operation of thissystem.The hydrogen water chemistry is independent of the reload fuel. MNGP provides waterchemistry data to AREVA to assess the impactof crud/corrosion on licensing analyses.
The zinc water chemistry is independent of thereload fuel. MNGP provides water chemistry data to AREVA to assess the impact ofcrud/corrosion on licensing analyses.
4.7Zinc WaterChemistry AREVA NP Inc.
UontronIed UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-5Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment5.0 Containment See below.System5.2 Primary No further analyses The primary containment characteristics Containment required.
following a postulated LOCA are independent System of fuel design.5.3 Secondary No further analyses The radiological impact is bounded by the mainContainment required.
steam line break accident.
System andReactor Building6.0 Plant See below.Engineered Safeguards 6.2 ECCS Address for initial Break spectrum analyses performed for thePerformance licensing analysis.
initial licensing analysis (Reference 29).Heatup/MAPLHGR analyses (Reference 30)performed each reload for any new nuclear fueldesign.6.3 Main Steam Line Address for initial AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Flow Restrictors licensing analysis.
evaluation of fuel performance in response topostulated loss-of-coolant accidents uponintroduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.Addressed under the LOCA analysis.
The main steam line break outside the primarycontainment will be considered in theidentification of the spectrum of loss-of-coolant accident events and is expected to be boundedby the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario(Reference 29).6.4 Control Rod No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willVelocity Limiters required.
have no impact on the ability of the control rodsto perform their normal and scram functions.
6.5 Control Rod No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willDrive Housing required.
have no impact on the ability of the control rodsSupports to perform their normal and scram functions.
6.6 Standby Liquid Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdownControl System capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis(SLCS) (Section 7.5).AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 2-6Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment6.8 Main Control Address for initial As part of the alternative source term (AST)Room, licensing analysis.
methodology, the nuclide inventory ofEmergency ATRIUM 1OXM fuel must be evaluated versusFiltration Train the inventories in the AST analysis of record.Building and As shown by radiological source termTechnical evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is notSupport Center significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14).Habitability
: Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed andoperated to comparable standards that wouldensure fuel cladding integrity such that fissionproducts will continue to be contained withinthe cladding.
Therefore, the control room habitability systemdesign basis is unaffected by theATRIUM 1OXM inventories.
7.0 Plant Instru- See below.mentation andControlSystems7.2 Reactor Control See below.Systems7.2.1 Reactor Manual Address each reload. Analyses to establish/validate the RBMControl setpoints will be performed each reload. TheCRWE event and RBM setpoint analysis areaddressed below (Section 5.1.7).7.2.2 Recirculation Address each reload. USAR 14.0 transient analyses verify that theFlow Control fuel related safety design basis of theSystem recirculation flow control system prevent atransient event sufficient to damage the fuelbarrier or exceed the nuclear system pressurelimits (Sections 5.1.7 and 5.1.8).AREVA NP Inc.
uontroiied uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-7Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment7.3 Nuclear Address each reload. The neutron monitoring system reactor tripInstrumentation setpoints are reviewed and agreed uponSystem between AREVA and Xcel Energy each reloadfor the AQOs described in Chapter 14.AREVA performs cycle-specific OPRM tripsetpoint calculations (Section 4.3).Analyses to establish/validate the RBMsetpoints are performed each reload. Thesetpoint are determined so that the MCPRPoperating limit based on the CRWE will besimilar to the limit supported by othertransients.
The CRWE event and RBMsetpoint analysis are addressed inSection Reactor Vessel No further analyses The safety design basis for the reactor vesselInstrumentation required.
instrumentation is independent of the fueldesign.The reload licensing analyses establish theallowable operating conditions during plannedoperations and abnormal and accidentconditions which can be verified by theoperator using the reactor vesselinstrumentation.
7.5 Plant Radiation No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willMonitoring required.
have no impact on the plant radiation Systems monitoring systems.7.6 Plant Protection Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses to verifySystem that scrams initiated by the RPS adequately limit the radiological consequences of grossfailure of the fuel or nuclear system processbarriers (Section 5.0).7.7 Turbine-Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses whichGenerator include the turbine-generator systemSystem instrumentation and control featuresInstrumentation (Section 5.0).and Control7.8 Rod Worth Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses toMinimizer evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accidentSystem will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpygreater than the control rod drop accident limitand that the number of failed rods does notexceed the limit (Section 6.3).AREVA NP Inc.
uonLroiied UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-8Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment7.9 Other Systems No further analysis All the control and instrumentation featuresControl and required.
which may affect the safety analyses wereInstrumentation already discussed above. The remaining systems are not fuel design dependent and donot need further analysis.
7.10 Seismic and No further analysis The operation of these systems is not affectedTransient required.
by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel andPerformance AREVA methodology.
Instrumentation Systems7.11 Reactor No further analysis Reactor shutdown capability is not affected byShutdown required.
the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel andCapability AREVA methodology.
7.12 Detailed Control No further analysis Control room design is not affected by theRoom Design required.
introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVAReview methodology.
7.13 Safety Parameter No further analysis Safety parameter display system is notDisplay System required.
affected by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXMfuel and AREVA methodology.
8.0 Plant Electrical See below.Systems8.2 Transmission No further analysis Transmission system is not affected by theSystem required.
introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVAmethodology.
8.3 Auxiliary Power No further analysis In case of loss of auxiliary power event theSystem required.
reactor scrams and if it is not restored thediesel generator will carry the vital loads. Seedisposition of Station Blackout event below.8.4 Plant Standby Address for initial The plant standby diesel generator systemDiesel Generator licensing analysis.
features are incorporated into the LOCA breakSystem spectrum analysis which is performed for theATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVAmethodology (Reference 29).8.5 DC Power Address for initial The DC power supply system features areSupply Systems licensing analysis.
incorporated into the LOCA break spectrumanalysis which is performed for theATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVAmethodology (Reference 29).8.6 Reactor No further analysis The power supplies for reactor protection Protection required.
system are not affected by the introduction ofSystem Power ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.
SuppliesAREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 2-9Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment8.7 Instrumentation No further analysis These systems are not affected by theand Control AC required.
introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVAPower Supply methodology.
Systems8.8 Electrical Design No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of recordConsiderations required.
remains valid.8.9 Environmental No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of recordQualification of required.
remains valid.Safety-Related Electrical Equipment 8.10 Adequacy of No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of recordStation Electrical required.
remains valid.Distribution System Voltages8.11 Power Operated Address each reload. Functionality of safety related valves isValves included in the safety analyses performed foreach cycle (Sections 5.0, 7.1, and 7.2).8.12 Station Blackout No further analysis Decay heat is the only fuel related input forrequired.
station blackout.
AREVA dispositioned theimpact of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing thedecay heat for ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel to the decayheat used in the station blackout analysis ofrecord. Since the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel decayheat is expected to be similar to that of theGE14 fuel the analysis of record results boundthe introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel atMonticello.

==9.0 Radioactive==
UontroOued Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
WasteManagement No further analysesrequired.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 5-9 5.3.2        Pressure Re-gulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS)
As shown by radiological source termevaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is notsignificantly different than legacy fuel.ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operatedto comparable standards that would ensurefuel cladding integrity such that fission productswill continue to be contained within thecladding.
The pressure regulator failure downscale event occurs when the pressure regulator fails and sends a signal to close all four turbine control valves in control mode. Normally, the backup pressure regulator would take control and maintain the setpoint pressure, resulting in a mild pressure excursion and a benign event. If one of the pressure regulators were out-of-service, there would be no backup pressure regulator and the event would be more severe. The core would pressurize resulting in void collapse and a subsequent power increase. The event would be terminated by scram when either the high-neutron flux or high-pressure setpoint is reached.
Therefore, plant operations following the fueltransition are not expected to increase the ratethat radiological waste is generated.
The PRFDS ACPR results are presented in Table 5.10. These results are used to create the operating limits supporting the pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS) conditions.
5.4      Licensing Power Shape The licensing axial power profile used by AREVA for the plant transient analyses bounds the projected end of full power axial power profile. The conservative licensing axial power profile generated at the licensing basis EOFP cycle exposure of 16,175 MWd/MTU (core average exposure of 33,231.5 MWd/MTU) is given in Table 5.11. Cycle 28 operation is considered to be in compliance when:
The integrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes from the projected EOFP solution at the state conditions provided in Table 5.11 is greater than the integrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes in the licensing basis axial power profile in Table 5.11, and the individual normalized power from the projected EOFP solution is greater than the corresponding individual normalized power from the licensing basis axial power profile in Table 5.11 for at least 6 of the 7 bottom nodes.
The projected EOFP condition occurs at a core average exposure less than or equal to licensing basis EOFP.
If the criteria cannot be fully met the licensing basis may nevertheless remain valid but further assessment will be required. The power profile comparison should be done without incorporating instrument updates to the axial profile because the updated power is not used in the core monitoring system to accumulate assembly and nodal burnups.
Uontrotled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 2-10Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                             Page 5-10 Table 5.1 Exposure Basis for Monticello Cycle 28 Transient Analysis Core Cycle          Average Exposure          Exposure (MWd/MTU)         (MWd/MTU)                   Comments 0.0            17,057      Beginning of cycle 15,775          32,832        Design basis end of full power (EOFP) 16,175          33,232        Design basis rod patterns to EOFP + 400 MWd/MTU (licensing basis EOFP) 21,175          38,232        Maximum licensing core exposure - including Coastdown AREVA NP Inc.
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment10.0 Plant Auxiliary See below.Systems10.2 Reactor Auxiliary No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).Systems required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.below).10.2.1 Fuel Storage and Address for initial Evaluation of k-eff for normal and abnormalFuel Handling licensing analysis.
conditions for spent fuel pool storage racks hasSystems been performed generically for theATRIUM 1OXM fuel design (Section 6.4).10.3 Plant Service No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).Systems required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.below).10.3.1 Fire Protection Address for initial The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will beSystem licensing analysis.
uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
evaluated to demonstrate that no clad damageoccurs for Appendix R (Section 7.4).10.4 Plant Cooling No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).System required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.below).10.4.2 Residual Heat Address for initial AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Removal System licensing analysis.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                       Page 5-11 Table 5.2 Scram Speed Insertion Times TSSS          NSS        DSS Control Rod    Analytical    Analytical Analytical Position      Time          Time      Time (notch)      (sec)          (sec)      (sec) 48 (full-out)     0.000        0.000      0.000 48                0.200        0.200      0.250 46                0.520        0.344      0.365 36                1.160        0.860      1.165 26                1.910        1.395      2.010 6                3.550        2.577      3.729 0 (full-in)      4.006        2.914      4.244 AREVA NP Inc.
evaluation of fuel performance in response toService Water postulated LOCA upon introduction of theSystem ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP (Reference 29).The decay heat removal design basis of theRHR system is not altered by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.Inadvertent RHR shutdown cooling operation isa benign event which does not needevaluation.
11.0 Plant Power Address each reload. These systems are part of the safety analysisConversion models and their features affect the transient Systems analysis results.
uontro~ieci uocurnenit Monticello                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
These systems are modeledwithin the plant transient analyses asappropriate for the introduction ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel at MNGP (Section 5.0).12.0 Plant Structures No further analyses Independent of fuel design. Analysis of recordand Shielding required.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                     Page 5-12 Table 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case LRNB Transient Results Power                ATRIUM 1OXM GE14
remains valid.AREVA NP Inc.
(% rated)                   ACPR    ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100                                    0.36  0.36 80                                  0.39  0.37 60                                  0.39  0.35 40 (above  Pbypass)                 0.38  0.33 40 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)     1.25  1.15 40 at < 50%F (below     Pbypass)      0.95  0.92 25 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)      1.51  1.43 25 at < 50%F below    (Pbypass)     1.22  1.20 NSS Insertion Times 100                                    0.29  0.29 80                                    0.34  0.34 60                                    0.32  0.31 40                                    0.30  0.26 AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 2-11Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                    Page 5-13 Table 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTNB Transient Results Power                  ATRIUM 1OXM  GE14
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment13.0 Plant Operation Address for initial Organization, Responsibilities, andlicensing analysis.
(% rated)                    ACPR  ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100                                   0.41  0.40 80                                  0.41  0.38 60                                  0.40  0.36 40 (above  Pbypass)                 0.38  0.33 40 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)     1.25  1.15 40 at 5 50%F (below    Pbypass)     0.95    0.92 25 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)      1.51  1.43 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)         1.22  1.20 NSS Insertion Times 100                                  0.37    0.37 80                                  0.36    0.36 60                                  0.32    0.32 40                                  0.30    0.26 AREVA NP Inc.
Qualifications of staff personnel are notaffected by transitioning to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.Training in AREVA methodologies will beprovided for the initial reload. The Emergency Operational Procedures (EOPs) may needto be updated to include the effects ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The overall nuclear siteorganization and plant functional organization are not affected by the introduction of AREVAfuel.14.0 Plant Safety See below.Analysis14.2 MCPR Safety Address each reload. Part of the safety licensing analysis done forLimit each reload with AREVA methodology (Section 4.2).14.3 Operating Limits Address each reload. Power- and flow-dependent MCPR and LHGRlimits will be established for each reload usingAREVA methodology.
In addition MAPLHGRlimits will be established and verified eachcycle for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel designs(Section 8.0).14.4 Transient Events See below.Analyzed forCore Reload14.4.1 Generator Load Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is aRejection potentially limiting AOO. Load Rejection (LR)Without Bypass with bypass operable is normally bounded bythe LR with no bypass case (Section 5.1.1).14.4.2 Loss of Address each reload. Application of approved generic analysis wasFeedwater evaluated.
UontcrolleO Uocurnent Monticello                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Since the generic analysis does notHeating apply, this event will be analyzed for the initialcycle. Since the results of this event show thisis a potentially limiting event, this event willalso be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.6).14.4.3 Rod Withdrawal No further analysis Consequences of a RWE below the low powerError -low required.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                   Page 5-14 Table 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTWB Transient Results Power                ATRIUM 1OXM GE14
setpoint are bound by the RWE at power duepower to required strict compliance with BPWS.14.4.3 Rod Withdrawal Address each reload. Analysis to determine the change in MCPRError -at power and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint willbe performed for each reload. The analysiswill cover the low, intermediate, and highpower RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)(Section 5.1.7).AREVA NP Inc.
(% rated)                  ACPR    ACPR DSS Insertion Times 100                                0.38    0.38 80                                0.37    0.36 60                                0.36    0.32 40 (above Pbypass)                 0.32    0.28 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)      1.08    1.03 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)       0.82    0.80 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)       1.08    1.16 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)       0.98    1.02 AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroiied UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uoncroInea ulocument Monticello                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 2-12Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                     Page 5-15 Table 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case FWCF Transient Results Power                  ATRIUM 1OXM  GE14
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment14.4.4 Feedwater Address each reload. This event is a potentially limiting AOO and willController Failure be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.4).-MaximumDemand14.4.5 Turbine Trip Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is aWithout Bypass potentially limiting AOO. TT with bypassoperable is bounded by the TT with no bypasscase. TT with bypass operable and degradedscram may be a limiting event for MNGP andhas been analyzed historically for each reload.AREVA will analyze for the initial reload(Section 5.1.2) and will address each reload.14.5 Special Events See below.14.5.1 Vessel Pressure Address each reload. This event assures compliance with the ASMEASME Code code. The initial analysis will address MSIV,Compliance TCV, and TSV closures under AREVAModel -MSIV methodology.
(% rated)                   ACPR    ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100                                    0.43  0.42 80                                  0.45    0.45 60                                  0.49    0.50 40 (above  Pbypass)                 0.62    0.65 40 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)      1.60    1.55 40 at < 50%F (below    Pbypass)     1.16    1.21 25 at > 50%F (below    Pbypass)     2.22    2.30 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)         1.92    2.06 NSS Insertion Times 100                                    0.39  0.38 80                                  0.42  0.41 60                                    0.47  0.47 40                                    0.57  0.57 AREVA NP Inc.
Since the limiting valve closureClosure is MSIV, only this will be run for future reloads(Section 7.1).14.5.2 Standby Liquid Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdownControl System capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basisShutdown Margin (Section 7.5).14.5.3 Stuck Rod Cold Address each reload. This event is potentially limiting and will beShutdown Margin analyzed each reload (Reference 1).14.6 Plant Stability Address each reload. Option III will be implemented with theAnalysis transition to AREVA methods.
DIVOM andinitial MCPR will be analyzed on acycle-specific basis (Section 4.3).The Backup Stability Protection (BSP) regionswill be verified on a cycle-specific basis andadjusted if necessary based on the results ofthe analyses (Section 4.3).14.7 Accident See below.Evaluation Methodology AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
uontroneo uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                    Page 5-16 Table 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case HPCI Transient Results Power                ATRIUM 1OXM  GE14
(% rated)                  ACPR    ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100                                  0.47    0.46 80                                0.47    0.47 60                                0.53    0.48 40 (above Pbypass)                 0.59    0.53 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)       1.31    1.28 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)        1.10    1.18 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)       1.56    1.67 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)       1.48    1.62 NSS Insertion Times 100                                  0.43    0.41 80                                0.44    0.43 60                                0.46    0.44 40                                0.54    0.53 AREVA NP Inc.
Revision 1Page 2-13Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment14.7.1 Control Rod Address each reload. Safety analyses are performed each reload toDrop Accident evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accidentEvaluation will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpygreater than 280 calories per gram and todetermine the number of rods exceeding the170 calories per gram failure threshold.
Uoni"folleO Uocurantn Monticello                                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
ForMonticello, the analysis will verify thatdeposited enthalpy remains below 230 cal/gm.Consequences of the CRDA are evaluated toconfirm that the acceptance criteria aresatisfied (Section 6.3).14.7.2 Loss-of-Coolant Address for initial LOCA calculations will be performed for EPUAccident licensing analysis.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                            Page 5-17 Table 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case CRWE Results High                        Intermediate                    Low Power Range                      Power Range                Power Range RBM Trip      Core              RBM Trip      Core        RBM Trip      Core Setpoint    Power              Setpoint    Power          Setpoint    Power
to identify the limiting fluid conditions as afunction of single failure, break size, breaklocation, core flow, and axial power shapeusing the NRC-approved EXEM BWR-2000LOCA methodology.
(%)      (% rated)   MCPR      (%)     (% rated)  MCPR    (%)      (% rated)   MCPR 110        100        1.47      115          85    1.56    120        65        1.77 85        1.49                    65    1.62                30        2.20 111        100        1.48      116          85    1.58    121        65        1.79 85        1.50                    65    1.63                30        2.24 112        100        1.50      117          85    1.60    122        65        1.80 85        1.52                    65    1.65                30        2.24 113        100        1.52      118          85    1.60    123        65        1.80 85        1.53                    65    1.77                30      2.31 114        100        1.52      119          85    1.60    124        65        1.80 85        1.54                    65    1.77                30      2.31 AREVA NP Inc.
This analysis isperformed for the initial introduction ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel (Reference 29).MAPLHGR heatup analyses are performed every time a new neutronic design isintroduced in the core (Reference 30).14.7.3 Main Steam Line Address for initial The main steam line break will be considered Break Accident licensing analysis.
in the identification of the spectrum of loss-of-Analysis coolant accident events and is expected to bebounded by the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).14.7.4 Fuel Loading Address each reload. The fuel loading error is analyzed on a cycle-Error Accident specific basis and addresses mislocated ormisoriented fuel assembly (Section 6.5).14.7.5 One Address each reload. Two-loop pump seizure event is bounded byRecirculation LOCA accident analysis and does not needPump Seizure further analysis.
uon(ronued uocument Monticello                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
AccidentAnalysis Single-loop pump seizure event has beenhistorically analyzed against the morerestrictive criteria for infrequent events (AOO).Using these criteria, this is the limiting event forsingle-loop operation and it will have to beanalyzed each reload (Section 5.3.1).14.7.6 Refueling Address for initial The number of fuel rods assumed to fail duringAccident licensing analysis.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                               Page 5-18 Table 5.9 RBM Operability Requirements Thermal                Applicable Power          ATRIUM 1OXM / GE14
a fuel handling accident for an ATRIUM 1OXMAnalysis assembly dropping over the core has beendetermined and the resulting releasedispositioned against the AST analyses ofrecord (Section 6.4).AREVA NP Inc.
(% rated)                 MCPR 2.46    TLO SLO
Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
                            >27% and < 90%            2.47 2.47    SLO
_90%                1.65    TLO AREVA NP Inc.
Revision 1Page 2-14Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment14.7.7 AccidentAtmospheric Dispersion Coefficients 14.7.8 Core SourceTerm Inventory 14.8 Anticipated Transients Without Scram(ATWS)No further analysisrequired.
Luontrwo~e uocumenz Monticello                                                           ANP-3213(NP)
Address for initiallicensing analysis.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                   Page 5-19 Table 5.10 Licensing Basis EOFP PRFDS (PROOS)
Address each reload.Independent of fuel design. The values ofatmospheric dispersion coefficients in theanalysis of record remain valid.The source terms for ATRIUM 10XM fuel atEPU conditions have been provided and usedto disposition offsite doses against the ASTanalysis of record. As shown by radiological source term evaluations, the ATRIUM 10XMfuel is not significantly different than legacy fuel(GE14).The peak vessel pressure is calculated foreach reload. For long-term cooling afterATWS, the decay heat is the only fuel-related input. AREVA dispositioned the impact ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing the decayheat for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to the GE14 decayheat used in the ATWS long-term coolinganalysis.
Transient Results Power          ATRIUM 1OXM            GE14
Containment heatup wasdispositioned by comparing kineticsparameters for ATRIUM 10XM fuel with thosefor the fuel in the analysis of record(Section 7.2).14.9Section deletedNANA14.10 Other Analyses14.10.1 Adequate CoreCooling forTransients witha Single FailureSee below.No further analysisrequiredUSAR 14.10.1 identifies the loss of feedwater flow event as the worst anticipated transient, and loss of a high pressure inventory makeup(HPCI) or heat removal system as the worstsingle failure.The analysis of record for loss of feedwater flow (PUSAR already assumed thatthe HPCI system fails to inject. The results ofthis analysis showed that the reactor coreremains covered for the combination of theseworst-case conditions, without operator actionto manually initiate the emergency core coolingsystem or other inventory makeup systems,therefore no further analysis is required.
(% rated)          ACPR              ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100                0.38              0.39 85*                0.41              0.42 851                0.77              0.70 80                0.81              0.74 60                1.00              0.91 40                1.25              1.16 25                1.51              1.43
The events identified in the Supplemental Reload Licensing Submittal are addressed below as part of the PUSAR (Reference 5).14ASupplemental Reload Licensing Submittal See below.AREVA NP Inc.
* Scram on high neutron flux.
Uontroiied UocumenMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
t  Scram on high dome pressure.
Revision 1Page 2-15Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria
/ Event Status CommentDecrease inReactor CoolantTemperature Pressure Regulator Address for initial Address for initial reload for EPU/MELLLA Failure -Open licensing analysis.
Consequences of this event, relative toAOO thermal operating limits, arenonlimiting.
This event results in low steam domepressure and is the most challenging eventfor Technical Specification (TS)
: 3) low steam dome pressuresafety limit. This section of the TS will beupdated to reduce the 785 psig limit to alower pressure limit. The analysis of thisevent (for initial licensing analysis) willsupport this update to Technical Specifications (Section 7.3).This event is also used for an ATWSinitiator event.Decrease in HeatRemoval By theSecondary System/ Increase in ReactorPressure2. Pressure Regulator Failure -Closed2. MSIV ClosuresAddress eachreload.No further analysisrequired.
Consequences of this event, relative to onepressure regulator out-of-service may belimiting; therefore this EOOS event will beevaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 5.3.2).Consequences of this event (with directscram on MSIV closure),
relative to thermaloperating limits, are bounded by thegenerator load rejection event. This eventdoes not need further analysis.
Closure of all MSIVs with failure of the valveposition scram function is the design basisoverpressurization event, which isevaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 7.1).The MSIV closure event is a potentially limiting ATWS overpressurization event,which is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 7.2).AREVA NP Inc.
uontroi~eo uocument' Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-16Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria
/ Event Status Comment2. Loss of Condenser No further Consequences of this event are bounded byVacuum analysis required.
either the turbine trip with turbine bypassvalve failure or load rejection with bypassvalve failure.2.3.5 Loss of AC Power No further This event is analyzed as the Stationanalysis required.
Blackout event discussed above underUSAR Section Loss of Feedwater No further The consequences of this event are onlyFlow analysis required.
dependent on the fuel decay heat, since thisevent was analyzed as initiated at the lowlevel (L3) scram setpoint in the analysis ofrecord. Since the decay heat ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel is similar to that of GE14fuel the results are expected to be similar tothe current analysis of record.Decrease in ReactorCoolant SystemFlow RateNot Recirculation Pump No further Consequences of this event are benign andevaluated Trip analysis required.
bounded by the turbine trip with no bypassfailure event (see dispositions above).Not Recirculation Flow No further This event is bounded by recirculation pumpevaluated Controller Failure -analysis required.
trip events.Decreasing Flow2. Recirculation Pump No further The consequences of this accident areShaft Break analysis required.
bounded by the effects of the recirculation pump seizure event (see above).AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolied UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-17Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria
/ Event Status CommentReactivity andPower Distribution Anomalies Control Rod Mal- No further Consequences of this event are bounded byoperation (system analysis required.
the RWE at power.malfunction oroperator error) -lowpower2. Control Rod Mal- Address each Analysis to determine the change in MCPRoperation (system reload, and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint willmalfunction or be performed for each reload. The analysisoperator error) -at will cover the low, intermediate, and highpower power RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)(Section 5.1.7). Abnormal Startup of No further For all operating modes except refueling, Idle Recirculation analysis required.
technical specifications restrictions apply toPump control thermal stresses caused by startup ofan inactive recirculation pump. PUSARidentifies this event as being nonlimiting.
The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel willnot affect this conclusion. Recirculation Flow Address each The slow runup event determines the MCPRfControl Failure With reload, limit and LHGRf multiplier and therefore willIncreasing Flow (slow be analyzed each reload (Section 5.2)and fast runup The fast runup event, if not bounded by theevents) slow flow runup event, will be considered insetting the MCPRP limits (Section 5.1.8).Increase in ReactorCoolant Inventory USAR Inadvertent HPCI Address each This is a potentially limiting event which will14A Start-up reload, be evaluated on a cycle-specific basis(Section 5.1.5). Other BWR transients No further The limiting event for this type of events iswhich increase analysis required.
the inadvertent HPCI start-up which will bereactor coolant analyzed each reload.inventory AREVA NP Inc.
uontromled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-18Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria
/ Event Status CommentDecrease in ReactorCoolant Inventory Inadvertent No further This event results in a mild depressurization and Safety/Relief Valve analysis required.
event which is less severe than the pressure2. Opening regulator failure open event (seeSection 7.3). Since the power level settlesout at nearly the initial power level, this eventis considered benign. Feedwater Line Break Address for initial The feedwater line break will be considered
-Outside licensing analysis in the identification of the spectrum of loss-Containment of-coolant accident events and is expected tobe bounded by the limiting toss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).Radioactive ReleaseFrom Subsystems and Components 2.9.1 Gaseous Radwaste No further As shown by radiological source termSystem Leak or analysis required.
evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is notFailure significantly different than legacy fuel(GE14). Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel isdesigned and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel claddingintegrity such that fission products willcontinue to be contained within the cladding.
Therefore, plant operations following the fueltransition are not expected to increase therate that radiological waste is generated.
2.9.2 Liquid Radwaste No further The radionuclide source terms are genericSystem Failure analysis required.
and are unaffected by the introduction ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel.2.9.2 Postulated No further The radionuclide source terms are genericRadioactive Releases analysis required.
and are unaffected by the introduction ofDue to Liquid ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.RadwasteTank FailureAREVA NP Inc.
uontrolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-19Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)
PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria
/ Event Status CommentOther Analyses2.8.3.3 ATWS with Core No further The discussion presented in Reference 41Instability analysis required.
indicates that the "Parameters which mightvary between fuel designs (e.g., reactivity coefficients) are not expected to significantly change the consequences of large irregular oscillations."
Therefore, the generic ATWSstability results of Reference 41 remainapplicable upon the introduction ofATRIUM 1OXM fuel into MNGP.AREVA NP Inc.
uontroIneo uocurnent Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-20Table 2.2 Disposition of Operating Flexibility andEOOS Options on Limiting EventsAffected Limiting CommentOption Event/Analyses Single-loop operation LOCA The impact of SLO on LOCA is addressed in(SLO) Reference 29.SLMCPR The SLO SLMCPR is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis.Pump Seizure Historically at Monticello the pump seizureaccident during SLO has been evaluated againstthe acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA willcontinue this practice.
Therefore, the MCPRoperating limits for SLO will be modified ifnecessary to assure this accident does not violatethe AOO acceptance critieria.
Safety/relief valves ASME All transient analyses (AOOs) and the ASMEout-of-service all AOO overpressurization event considered operation (SRVOOS) with three SRVs OOS (only the safety function iscredited).
Therefore the base case operating limits already include this condition.
ATWS Peak ATWS peak pressure analysis considers only onePressure SRVOOS.Pressure regulator If one of the pressure regulators is OOS theout-of-service backup pressure regulator will operate and(PROOS) therefore not affect the severity of a particular event.The pressure regulator down-scale failure eventand the pressure regulator failed open event wereaddressed in Table 2.1.Traversing in-core probe SLMCPR TIP OOS is included in the SLMCPR analysis.
(TIP) out-of-service ICF/MELLLA All All analyses considered the increased core flowoperation and MELLLA core flow window.AREVA NP Inc.
uontroIedi uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 2-21Table 2.3 Methodology and Evaluation Models forCycle-Specific Reload AnalysesAnalysisEvent Methodology Evaluation Acceptance CriterialAnalysis Reference Model and CommentThermal and Hydraulic 12 SAFLIM3D SLMCPR Criteria:
< 0.1% fuel rodsDesign 24 COTRANSA2 experience boiling transition.
No fuel melting and maximumTransient Analyses 25 XCOBRANofemltnadmxiu transient induced strain < 1 %.26 XCOBRA-T Power- and flow-dependent MCPR9 RODEX4 and LHGR operating limitsestablished to meet the fuel failure28 RODEX2crtia criteria.
Standby Liquid Control 27 CASMO-4 SLCS Criteria:
Shutdown margin ofSystem /MICROBURN-B2 at least 0.88% Ak/k.ASME 24 COTRANSA2 Analyses for ASME and ATWSOverpressurization (as supplemented overpressurization.
Analysis by considerations AnalyssbyoAnsie ASME Overpressurization Criteria:
of ANP-3224(P)
Maximum vessel pressure limit ofAnticipated Transient (Reference 6, 1375 psig and maximum domeWithout Scram App. E)) pressure limit of 1332 psig.(pressurization)
A TWS Overpressurization Criteria:
Maximum vessel pressure limit of1500 psig.Emergency Core 34 HUXY LOCA Criteria:
Cooling Systems EXEM BWR-2000 Methodology.
LOCA Analyses Only heatup (HUXY) is analyzed forthe reload specific neutronic design.Appendix R 34 RELAX 10CFR50 Appendix R.Neutron Design 18 STAIF Long-Term Stability Solution19 RAMONA5-FA Option Ill Criteria:
OPRM setpoints Neutron Monitoring prevent exceeding OLMCPR limits.System 20 CASMO-4 CRWE Criteria:
Power-dependent 21 /MICROBURN-B2 MCPR and LHGR operating limits22 established to meet the fuel failurecriteria.
23 Backup Stability Protection 27 Criteria:
Stability boundaries that donot exceed acceptable global,regional, and channel decay ratios asdefined by the STAIF methodology.
Uontrolned UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
2~VLO 7~(~
Page 3-13.0 Mechanical Design AnalysisThe results of mechanical design analyses for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented inReferences 7 and 8. The fuel rod analyses use the NRC-approved RODEX4 methodology described in Reference
Monticello                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
: 9. The maximum exposure limits for the ATRIUM 1OXM reload fuel are:54.0 GWd/MTU average assembly exposure62.0 GWd/MTU rod average exposure (full-length fuel rods)GE14 fuel assemblies have a maximum peak pellet exposure limit of [ ] GWd/MTU(Reference 10).The fuel cycle design analyses (Reference  
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                   Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                     Page 5-20 Table 5.11 Licensing Basis Core Average Axial Power Profile State Conditions for Power Shape Evaluation Power, MWt                        2,004.0 Core pressure, psia                1,024.6 Inlet subcooling, Btu/Ibm          22.68 Flow, Mlb/hr                        60.48 Control state                      ARO Core average exposure            33,231.5 (licensing basis EOFP),
: 1) verified all fuel assemblies remain within licensedburnup limits.The ATRIUM 1OXM LHGR limits are presented in Section 8.0. The GE14 LHGR multipliers presented in Section 8.0 ensure that the thermal-mechanical design criteria for GE14 fuel aresatisfied.
MWd/MTU Licensing Axial Power Profile (normalized)
Node          Power Top 24        0.325 23        0.736 22        1.194 21        1.368 20        1.476 19      1.508 18      1.502 17      1.472 16      1.407 15      1.372 14      1.397 13       1.378 12      1.317 11      1.232 10      1.137 9      1.034 8      0.909 7      0.773 6      0.650 5      0.541 4      0.455 3      0.396 2      0.321 Bottom 1        0.099 Sum of Bottom 7 Nodes      = 3.235 AREVA NP Inc.
uontroloed Uocument Monticello                                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                        Page 5-21 I~nn n Relative    Core Power Relative    Heat Flux Relative    Core Flow 400.0 -
Relative    Steam Flow Relative    Feed Flow
                                          -------                                  - -R * --------    --------
300.0 -
"0 200.0 -
              .0          2.0                4.0                      6.0                      8.0              10.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.1 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 10OPI105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroloed Uocument Monticello                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                              Page 5-22 1300.0 2
:3 in U) 4.0                6.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.2 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 10OP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
uontrolied Uocument Monticello                                                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                            Page 5-23 600.0 Relative  Core Power Relative  Heat Flux 500.0-                                                                        Relative  Core Flow Relative  Steam Flow Relative  Feed Flow 400.0 -
-O 0) 1 300.0 -
(D C,,
: 0)    200.0 -
                      \ I,, /
      --I  nn                                                    I I
                .0    1.0            2.0        3.0          4.01          5.0            6.0          7.0          8.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1OOPI105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uonwroaeed uocument Monticello                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                  Page 5-24 I 'Al  A 1300.0-1250.0-
                                  /                        "
2 V) 1200.0-              ,/.
U 1150.0-a3 1100.0-1050.0-Steam Dome Lower Plenum
    'AnnnA I
            .0      1.0      2.0        3.0      4.0      5.0 6.0 7.0      8.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1OOP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                  Page 5-25 600 0 Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux 500.0 Relative    Core Flow RelativeSteamFlow----------.-------
Relative    Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 400.0 0    300.0 C
              .0            10.0                      20.0              30.0 40.0        50.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uontroiied Uocument Monticello                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                              Page 5-26 1300.0 1200.0 2
En in  1100.0
CL 1000.0 900.0 20.0              30.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1OOP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
uontirwoDd uocument Monticello                                                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                                                 Page 5-27 bUU.U    .
Relative    Core Power Relative    Heat Flux 500.0 -            Relative    Core Flow Relative    Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 400.0 -
0    300.0 -
200.0 -
a, Ih 100.0-                            -----------
_i flnn I
              .0                10.0                20.0              30.0                40.0            50.0              60.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 10OP/105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uontroiiedj uocurnen Monticello                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                            Page 5-28
-9, U)
Figure 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 10OP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolued Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 6-1 6.0      Postulated Accidents 6.1      Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)
As discussed in Section 2.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), the LOCA models, evaluation, and results are for a full core of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The basis for applicability of PCT results from full cores of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel (based on AREVA methods) and GE14 fuel (based on GNF methods) for a mixed (transition) core is provided in Reference 6, Appendix C. Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel designs are similar as presented in Reference 11. Therefore, the core response during a LOCA will not be significantly different for a full core of GE14 fuel or a mixed core of GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. In addition, since about 95% of the reactor system volume is outside the core region, slight changes in core volume and fluid energy due to fuel design differences will produce an insignificant change in total system volume and energy. Therefore, the current GE14 LOCA analysis and resulting licensing PCT and MAPLHGR limits remain applicable for GE14 fuel in transition cores.
The results of the ATRIUM 10XM LOCA break spectrum analysis are presented in Reference 29. The MAPLHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Reference 30.
The ATRIUM 1OXM PCT is 2088&deg;F. The peak local metal-water reaction and planar average metal-water reaction were calculated to be 3.50% and 0.73%, respectively. The acceptance criteria of less than 17% local cladding oxidation thickness and less than 1% core wide metal-water reaction are met.
Analyses and results support the EOD and EOOS conditions listed in Table 1.1. As discussed in Section 7.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), a MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.70 is established for SLO since LOCA is more severe when initiated during SLO.
6.2      Pump Seizure Accident This accident is assumed to occur as a consequence of an unspecified, instantaneous stoppage of one recirculation pump shaft while the reactor is operating at full power (in two-loop operation). The pump seizure event is a very mild accident in relation to other accidents such as the LOCA. This is easily verified by consideration of the two events. In both accidents, the recirculation driving loop flow is lost extremely rapidly - in the case of the seizure, stoppage of the pump occurs; for the LOCA, the severance of the line has a similar, but more rapid and severe influence. Following a pump seizure event, flow continues, water level is maintained, the core remains submerged, and this provides a continuous core cooling mechanism.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
rJocul        en Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Page 4-14.0 Thermal-Hydraulic Design Analysis4.1 Thermal-Hydraulic Design and Compatibility The ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is analyzed and monitored with the ACE critical power correlation (References 15 through 17). The GE14 fuel is analyzed and monitored with the SPCB criticalpower correlation (Reference 13). The SPCB additive constants and additive constantuncertainty for the GE14 fuel were developed using the indirect approach described inReference 14.Results of thermal-hydraulic characterization and compatibility analyses are presented inReference
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                   Page 6-2 However, for the LOCA, complete flow stoppage occurs and the water level decreases due to loss of coolant resulting in uncovery of the reactor core and subsequent overheating of the fuel rod cladding. In addition, for the pump seizure accident, reactor pressure does not significantly decrease, whereas complete depressurization occurs for the LOCA. Clearly, the increased temperature of the cladding and reduced reactor pressure for the LOCA both combine to yield a much more severe stress and potential for cladding perforation for the LOCA than for the pump seizure. Therefore, it can be concluded that the potential effects of the hypothetical pump seizure accident are very conservatively bounded by the effects of a LOCA and specific analyses of the pump seizure accident are not required.
: 11. Analysis results demonstrate the thermal-hydraulic design and compatibility criteria are satisfied for the transition core consisting of ATRIUM 1QXM and GE14 fuel.4.2 Safety Limit MCPR AnalysisThe safety limit MCPR (SLMCPR) is defined as the minimum value of the critical power ratioensuring less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition duringnormal operation, or an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO). The SLMCPR for all fuelwas determined using the methodology described in Reference
Consistent with recent licensing analyses for Monticello, seizure of the recirculation pump in the active loop during SLO was analyzed and evaluated relative to the acceptance criteria for AOO.
: 12. Determination of theSLMCPR explicitly includes the effects of channel bow. Fuel channels cannot be used for morethan one fuel bundle lifetime.
Since single loop pump seizure (SLPS) event is more severe as power and flow increase, the event is analyzed at the maximum core power and core flow during SLO (66% core power and 52.5% core flow). Thermal limits were determined to protect against this event in single-loop operation (see Sections 5.3.1 and 8.0).
The analysis was performed with a power distribution conservatively representing expectedreactor operation throughout the cycle. Fuel- and plant-related uncertainties used in theSLMCPR analysis come from valid references and/or the licensee and are presented inTable 4.1. The radial power uncertainty used in the analysis includes the effects of up to1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS) or the equivalent number ofTIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a 1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.
6.3      Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA)
Analyses were performed for the minimum and maximum core flow conditions associated withrated power for the Monticello power/flow map for EPU/MELLLA operation (statepoints identified as "K" and "D" in Figure 1.1).Analysis results support two-loop operation (TLO) SLMCPR of 1.12 and single-loop operation (SLO) SLMCPR of 1.13. Analysis results including the SLMCPR and the percentage of rodsexpected to experience boiling transition are summarized in Table 4.2.AREVA NP Inc.
Plant startup utilizes a banked position withdrawal sequence (BPWS) including rod worth minimization strategies. CRDA evaluation was performed for both A and B sequence startups consistent with that allowed by BPWS. Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 32, which has been shown to continue to apply to ATRIUM 1OXM and GEl4 fuel modeled with the CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 code system.
uonironed Uocurment Monticello ANP-3213(NP)
Analysis results demonstrate the maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy is less than the NRC license limit of 280 cal/g and is also less than 230 cal/g; the estimated number of fuel rods that exceed the fuel damage threshold of 170 cal/g is less than the number of failed rods assumed in the USAR (850 8x8 equivalent rods).
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Maximum dropped control rod worth, mk                12.14 Core average Doppler coefficient, Ak/k/&deg;F        -10.5 x 10-6 Effective delayed neutron fraction                0.00611 Four-bundle local peaking factor                    1.475 Maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy, cal/g          227.7 Maximum number of ATRIUM 1OXM rods exceeding 170 cal/g                                  736 AREVA NP Inc.
Page 4-24.3 Core Hydrodynamic Stability Monticello has implemented BWROG Long Term Stability Solution Option III (Oscillation PowerRange Monitor-OPRM).
Reload validation has been performed in accordance withReference
uontrolied Uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
: 18. The stability based Operating Limit MCPR (OLMCPR) is provided for twoconditions as a function of OPRM amplitude setpoint in Table 4.3. The two conditions evaluated are for a postulated oscillation at 45% core flow steady-state operation (SS) and following a tworecirculation pump trip (2PT) from the limiting full power operation state point. The Cycle 28power- and flow-dependent limits provide adequate protection against violation of the SLMCPRfor postulated reactor instability as long as the operating limit is greater than or equal to thespecified value for the selected OPRM setpoint.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 6-3 6.4      Fuel and Equipment Handling Accident As discussed in Reference 40, the fuel handling accident radiological analysis of record for the alternate source term (AST) was dispositioned with consideration of ATRIUM 10XM core source terms and number of failed fuel rods. No other aspect of utilizing the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel affects the current analysis; therefore, the AST analysis remains applicable for fuel transition Cycle 28.
AREVA has performed calculations for the relative change in CPR as a function of thecalculated hot channel oscillation magnitude (HCOM). These calculations were performed withthe RAMONA5-FA code in accordance with Reference
6.5      Fuel Loading Error(Infrequent Event)
: 19. This code is a coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic three-dimensional transient model for the purpose of determining therelationship between the relative change in ACPR and the HCOM on a plant specific basis. Thestability-based OLMCPRs are calculated using the most limiting of the calculated change inrelative ACPR for a given oscillation magnitude or the generic value provided in Reference 18.The generic value was determined to be limiting for Cycle 28.In cases where the OPRM system is declared inoperable, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) isprovided in accordance with Reference
There are two types of fuel loading errors possible in a BWR: the mislocation of a fuel assembly in a core position prescribed to be loaded with another fuel assembly, and the misorientation of a fuel assembly with respect to the control blade. The fuel loading error is characterized as an infrequent event in the Reference 33 AREVA topical report and in the Monticello USAR (Reference 2). The acceptance criteria for plants with AST is that the offsite dose consequences due to the event shall not exceed a small fraction of the 10 CFR 50.67 limits.
: 22. BSP curves have been evaluated using STAIF(Reference
6.5.1        Mislocated Fuel Bundle AREVA has performed a fuel mislocation error analysis that considered the impact of a mislocated assembly against potential fuel rod failure mechanisms due to increased LHGR and reduced CPR. The results show that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1% strain limits, and the SLMCPR is not violated (mislocation analysis ACPR result of 0.20 is well below those reported for AQOs in Section 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition. Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dose criteria (a small fraction of 10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied. A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.
: 23) to determine endpoints that meet decay ratio criteria for the BSP Base MinimalRegion I (scram region) and Base Minimal Region II (controlled entry region).
6.5.2        Misoriented Fuel Bundle AREVA has performed a fuel assembly misorientation analysis assuming that the limiting assembly was loaded in the worst orientation (rotated 1800), while simultaneously producing sufficient power to be on the MCPR operating limit as if it were oriented correctly. The results show that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1% strain limits, and the SLMCPR is not violated (misorientation analysis ACPR result of 0.27 is well below those reported for AQOs in Section 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition.
Stability boundaries based on these endpoints are then determined using the generic shape generating function from Reference 22.The STAIF acceptance criteria for the BSP endpoints are global decay ratios < 0.85, andregional and channel decay ratios < 0.80. Endpoints for the BSP regions provided in Table 4.4have global decay ratios _< 0.85, and regional and channel decay ratios < 0.80.AREVA NP Inc.
Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dose criteria (a small fraction of 10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied. A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.
Uon:rolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 4-3Table 4.1 Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties forSafety Limit MCPR AnalysesParameter Uncertainty Fuel-Related Uncertainties IIPlant-Related Uncertainties Feedwater flow rate 1.8%Feedwater temperature 0.8%Core pressure 0.8%Total core flow rateTLO 2.5%SLO 6.0%IAREVA NP Inc.I uontroned UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 4-4Table 4.2 Results Summary forSafety Limit MCPR AnalysesPercentage of Rods inBoilingSLMCPR Transition TLO -1.12 0.0924SLO -1.13 0.0812AREVA NP Inc.
uontroueo uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 4-5Table 4.3 OPRM Setpoints OPRM OLMCPR OLMCPRSetpoint (SS) (2PT)1.05 1.23 1.261.06 1.25 1.281.07 1.27 1.301.08 1.29 1.321.09 1.32 1.341.10 1.34 1.371.11 1.37 1.401.12 1.40 1.431.13 1.43 1.461.14 1.46 1.491.15 1.48 1.51Acceptance Off-Rated Rated PowerCriteria OLMCPR OLMCPR asat Described in45% Flow Section 8.0AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 4-6Table 4.4 BSP Endpoints forMonticello Cycle 28Power FlowEndpoint
(%) (%) Definition Al 56.6 40.0 Scram region boundary, high flow control line (HFCL)B1 42.6 33.7 Scram region boundary, nominal control line (NCL)A2 64.5 50.0 Controlled entry region boundary, HFCLB2 28.6 31.2 Controlled entry region boundary, NCLAREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-15.0 Anticipated Operational Occurrences This section describes the analyses performed to determine the power- and flow-dependent MCPR operating limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers for base caseoperation (no equipment out-of-service) for Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.COTRANSA2 (Reference 24), XCOBRA-T (Reference 25), XCOBRA (Reference 26), andCASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 (Reference
: 27) are the major codes used in the thermal limitsanalyses as described in the AREVA THERMEX methodology report (Reference
: 26) andneutronics methodology report (Reference 32). COTRANSA2 is a system transient simulation code, which includes an axial one-dimensional neutronics model that captures the effects ofaxial power shifts associated with the system transients.
XCOBRA-T is a transient thermal-hydraulics code used in the analysis of thermal margins for the limiting fuel assembly.
XCOBRAis used in steady-state analyses.
Fuel pellet-to-cladding gap conductance values are based on RODEX2 (Reference 28)calculations for the Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.The ACE/ATRIUM 1OXM critical power correlation (References 15 through 17) is used toevaluate the thermal margin for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The SPCB critical power correlation (Reference
: 13) is used in the thermal margin evaluations for the GE14 fuel. The application ofthe SPCB correlation to GE14 fuel follows the indirect process described in Reference 14.5.1 System Transients The reactor plant parameters for the system transient analyses were validated engineering inputs as provided by the licensee.
Analyses have been performed to determine power- andflow-dependent MCPR limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers that protectoperation throughout the power/flow domain depicted in Figure 1.1.At Monticello, direct scram on turbine stop valve (TSV) position and turbine control valve (TCV)fast closure are bypassed at power levels less than 40% of rated (Pbypass).
For these powers,scram will occur when the high pressure or high neutron flux scram setpoint is reached.Reference 3 indicates that thermal limits only need to be monitored at power levels greater thanor equal to 25% of rated, which is the lowest power analyzed for this report.The limiting exposure for rated power pressurization transients is typically at end of full power(EOFP) when the control rods are fully withdrawn.
Analyses were performed at several cycleAREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-2exposures prior to EOFP to ensure that the operating limits provide the necessary protection.
The licensing basis EOFP analysis was performed at EOFP + 400 MWd/MTU (cycle exposureof 16,175 MWd/MTU).
Analyses were performed to support coastdown operation to a cycleexposure of 21,175 MWd/MTU.
The licensing basis exposure range used to develop theneutronics inputs to the transient analyses are presented in Table 5.1.Pressurization transient analyses only credit the safety setpoints of the safety/relief valves(SRV). The base operating limits support operations with 3 SRVs out-of-service.
Variations in feedwater temperature of +5/-1 0&deg;F, from the nominal feedwater temperature andvariation of +/-10 psi in dome pressure are considered base case operation, not an EOOScondition.
Analyses were performed to determine the limiting conditions in the allowable ranges.System pressurization transient results are sensitive to scram speed assumptions.
To takeadvantage of average scram speeds faster than those associated with the Technical Specifications requirements, scram speed-dependent MCPRP limits are provided.
The nominalscram speed (NSS) insertion times, the Technical Specifications scram speed (TSSS) insertion times, and degraded scram speed (DSS) insertion times used in the analyses are presented inTable 5.2. The NSS MCPRP limits can only be applied if the scram speed test results meet theNSS insertion times. System transient analyses were performed to establish MCPRp limits forboth NSS and TSSS insertion times. Technical Specifications (Reference
: 3) allow for operation with up to 8 "slow" and 1 stuck control rod. One additional control rod is assumed to fail toscram. Conservative adjustments to the NSS and TSSS scram speeds were made to theanalysis inputs to appropriately account for these effects on scram reactivity.
For cases below40% power, the results are relatively insensitive to scram speed, and only TSSS analyses areperformed.
At 40% power (Pbypass),
analyses were performed, both with and without bypass ofthe direct scram function, resulting in an operating limits step change.5.1.1 Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB)Load rejection causes a fast closure of the turbine control valves. The resulting compression wave travels through the steam lines into the vessel and creates a rapid pressurization.
Theincrease in pressure causes a decrease in core voids, which in turn causes a rapid increase inpower. Fast closure of the turbine control valves also causes a reactor scram. Turbine bypasssystem operation, which also mitigates the consequences of the event, is not credited.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-3excursion of the core power due to the void collapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scramand revoiding of the core.LRNB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation ofthe thermal limits. Base case limiting LRNB transient analysis results used to generate thelicensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown inTable 5.3. Responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the LRNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown inFigure 5.1 and Figure Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB)A turbine trip event can be initiated as a result of several different signals.
The initiating signalcauses the TSV to close in order to prevent damage to the turbine.
The TSV closure creates acompression wave traveling through the steam lines into the vessel causing a rapidpressurization.
The increase in pressure results in a decrease in core voids, which in turncauses a rapid increase in power. Closure of the TSV also causes a reactor scram which helpsmitigate the pressurization effects.
Turbine bypass system operation, which also mitigates theconsequences of the event, is not credited.
The excursion of the core power due to the voidcollapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scram and revoiding of the core. Base caselimiting TTNB transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown in Table 5.4. Responses of variousreactor and plant parameters during the TTNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105%of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown in Figure 5.3 and Figure Pneumatic System Deqradation
-Turbine Trip With Bypass and Degraded Scram(TTWB)This event is similar to a turbine trip event described previously.
The difference is the event isanalyzed with a degraded scram speed (DSS) and the turbine bypass is allowed to open tomitigate the severity of the event. The MCPRp limits for NSS and TSSS insertion times willprotect this event analyzed with DSS insertion times.TTWB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation ofthe thermal limits. Table 5.5 presents the base case limiting TTWB transient analysis ACPRresults used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSSinsertion times.AREVA NP Inc.
~uontroIned uocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-45.1.4 Feedwater Controller Failure (FWCF)The increase in feedwater flow due to a failure of the feedwater control system to maximumdemand results in an increase in the water level and a decrease in the coolant temperature atthe core inlet. The increase in core inlet subcooling causes an increase in core power. As thefeedwater flow continues at maximum demand, the water level continues to rise and eventually reaches the high water level trip setpoint.
The initial water level is conservatively assumed to beat the low level normal operating range to delay the high-level trip and maximize the core inletsubcooling resulting from the FWCF. The high water level trip causes the turbine stop valves toclose in order to prevent damage to the turbine from excessive liquid inventory in the steam line.Valve closure creates a compression wave traveling back to the core, causing void collapse andsubsequent rapid power excursion.
The closure of the turbine stop valves also initiates areactor scram. The turbine bypass valves are assumed operable and provide some pressurerelief. The core power excursion is mitigated in part by pressure relief, but the primarymechanisms for termination of the event are reactor scram and revoiding of the core.FWCF analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation ofthe thermal limits. Table 5.6 presents the base case limiting FWCF transient analysis ACPRresults used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSSinsertion times. Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 show the responses of various reactor and plantparameters during the FWCF event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated coreflow with TSSS insertion times.5.1.5 Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI)The HPCI flow is injected into the downcomer through the feedwater sparger.
Injection of thissubcooled water increases the subcooling at the inlet to the core and results in an increase incore power. The feedwater control system will attempt to control the water level in the reactorby reducing the feedwater flow. As long as the mass of steam leaving the reactor through thesteam lines is more than the mass of HPCI water being injected, the water level will becontrolled and a new steady-state condition will be established.
In this case the HPCI is fairlymild as a MCPR transient (similar to a loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event). If the steamflow is less than the HPCI flow, the water level will increase until the high level setpoint (L8) isreached.
This type of event is more severe for MCPR calculations (the event is similar to afeedwater controller failure (FWCF)).AREVA NP Inc.
uonrrooued UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-5Historically the HPCI event was analyzed forcing a high level (L8) main turbine trip even inthose cases where the event would develop to a new steady state adding conservatism to theresults.
The same approach was used in this analysis forcing the high level turbine trip at allpower levels analyzed.
The HPCI flow in Monticello is only injected into one of the twofeedwater lines and thus through the feedwater spargers on only one side of the reactor vessel,resulting in an asymmetric flow distribution of the injected HPCI flow. The asymmetric injection of the HPCI flow is assumed to cause an asymmetric core inlet enthalpy distribution with alarger enthalpy decrease for part of the core. This was accounted for by conservatively increasing the HPCI flow (decreasing enthalpy on both sides of the core).HPCI analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of thethermal limits. Table 5.7 presents the base case limiting HPCI transient analysis results used togenerate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times.Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 show the responses of various reactor and plant parameters duringthe HPCI event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSSinsertion times.5.1.6 Loss of Feedwater HeatingThe loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event analysis supports an assumed 95.30F decrease inthe feedwater temperature.
The temperature is assumed to decrease linearly over 31 seconds.The result is an increase in core inlet subcooling, which reduces voids, thereby increasing corepower and shifting axial power distribution toward the bottom of the core. As a result of the axialpower shift and increased core power, voids begin to build up in the bottom region of the core,acting as negative feedback to the increased subcooling effect. The negative feedbackmoderates the core power increase.
Although there is a substantial increase in core thermalpower during the event, the increase in steam flow is much less because a large part of theadded power is used to overcome the increase in inlet subcooling.
The increase in steam flowis accommodated by the pressure control system via the TCVs or the turbine bypass valves.The limiting full-power ACPRs are 0.17 for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and 0.18 for GE14 fuel.Results from LFWH at off-rated conditions are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multiplier figures in Appendix A.AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-65.1.7 Control Rod Withdrawal ErrorThe control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) transient is an inadvertent reactor operator initiated withdrawal of a control rod. This withdrawal increases local power and core thermal power,lowering the core CPR. The CRWE transient is typically terminated by control rod blocksinitiated by the rod block monitor (RBM). The CRWE event was analyzed assuming no xenonand allowing credible instrumentation out-of-service in the rod block monitor (RBM) system in anARTS configuration.
The analysis further assumes that the plant could be operating in either anA or B sequence control rod pattern.
The rated power CRWE results are shown in Table 5.8 forthe analytical RBM high power setpoint values of 110% to 114%. At the intermediate and lowpower setpoints results from the CRWE analysis may set the MCPRP limit. Analysis resultsindicate standard filtered RBM setpoint reductions are supported.
Analyses demonstrate thatthe 1% strain and centerline melt criteria are met for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. For GE14 fuel seesetdown in Table 8.9. The LHGR limits and their associated multipliers are presented inSections 8.2 and 8.3. Recommended operability requirements supporting unblocked CRWEoperation are shown in Table 5.9, based on the SLMCPR values presented in Section Fast Flow Runup AnalysisSeveral possibilities exist for causing an unplanned increase in core coolant flow resulting froma recirculation flow control system malfunction.
Increasing recirculation flow results in anincrease in core flow which causes an increase in power level and a shift in power towards thetop of the core by reducing the void fraction in that region. If the flow increase is relatively rapidand of sufficient magnitude, the neutron flux could exceed the scram set point, and a scramwould be initiated.
For BWRs, various failures can occur which can result in a speed increase of both recirculation pumps or failure of one of the motor generator set speed controllers can result in a speedincrease in one recirculation pump.The failure of recirculation flow control system, affecting both pumps, is provided with rate limitsand therefore this failure is considered a slow event and is analyzed under the flow-dependent MCPR limits analysis (MCPRf).The failure of one of the motor generator speed controllers generally results in the most rapidrate of recirculation flow increase and this event is referred to as fast flow runup.AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-7The fast flow runup event was initiated at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures.
The most limiting initial conditions are on the left boundary of the power flow map. Results fromfast flow runup analysis are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multipliers figures inAppendix A.5.2 Slow Flow Runup AnalysisFlow-dependent MCPR limits and LHGR multipliers are established to support operation at off-rated core flow conditions.
Limits are based on the CPR and heat flux changes experienced bythe fuel during slow flow excursions.
The slow flow excursion event assumes recirculation flowcontrol system failure such that core flow increases slowly to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment (105% of rated core flow). An uncontrolled increase in flow createsthe potential for a significant increase in core power and heat flux. A conservatively steep flowrunup path was used in the analysis.
Analyses were performed to support operation in all theEOOS scenarios.
MCPRf limits are determined for both ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel. XCOBRA is used tocalculate the change in critical power ratio during a two-loop flow runup to the maximum flowrate. The MCPRf limit is set so an increase in core power, resulting from the maximum increasein core flow, assures the TLO safety limit MCPR is not violated.
Calculations were performed over a range of initial flow rates to determine the corresponding MCPR values causing thelimiting assembly to be at the safety limit MCPR for the high flow condition at the end of the flowexcursion.
MCPRf limits providing the required protection are presented in Table 8.6. MCPRf limits areapplicable for all exposures.
Flow runup analyses were performed with CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel. The analysis assumesrecirculation flow increases slowly along the limiting rod line to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment.
A series of flow excursion analyses were performed at severalexposures throughout the cycle, starting from different initial power/flow conditions.
Xenon isassumed to remain constant during the event. LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provideprotection against fuel centerline melt and overstraining of the cladding during a flow runup.LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.10. A processconsistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology was used to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for GE14 fuel. GE14 LHGRFACf multipliers AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-8protecting against fuel centerline melt, and clad overstrain during operation at off-rated core flowconditions, are presented in Table 8.11.The maximum flow during a flow excursion in single-loop operation is much less than themaximum flow during two-loop operation.
Therefore, the flow-dependent MCPR limits andLHGR multipliers for two-loop operation are applicable for SLO.5.3 Equipment Out-of-Service Scenarios The equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios supported for Monticello Cycle 28 operation are shown in Table 1.1. The EOOS scenarios supported are:* Single-loop operation (SLO) -recirculation loop out-of-service
* Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)The base case thermal limits support operation with 3 SRVs out-of-service, up to 1 TIPOOS (orthe equivalent number of TIP channels),
up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
5.3.1 Single-Loop Operation AQOs that are limiting during TLO (e.g., HPCI, FWCF, TTNB and become the basis for thepower-dependent MCPR limits and the power-dependent LHGR multipliers, are not moresevere when initiated during SLO. Therefore, the power-dependent LHGR multipliers established for TLO are applicable during SLO. The power-dependent MCPR operating limitsfor SLO are established by adding the limiting power-dependent ACPR for TLO to the SLMCPRfor SLO (see Section 4.2).LOCA is also more severe when initiated during SLO. Therefore, a reduced MAPLHGR limit isestablished for SLO (see Section 6.1).The pump seizure accident is nonlimiting during TLO but more severe during SLO. Historically at Monticello the pump seizure accident during SLO has been evaluated against the acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA will continue this practice.
Therefore, the MCPR operating limits forSLO will be modified if necessary to assure this accident does not violate the AOO acceptance criteria (see Section 6.2).The MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR limits for TLO and SLO are provided in Section 8.0.AREVA NP Inc.
UontroOued UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 5-95.3.2 Pressure Re-gulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS)The pressure regulator failure downscale event occurs when the pressure regulator fails andsends a signal to close all four turbine control valves in control mode. Normally, the backuppressure regulator would take control and maintain the setpoint
: pressure, resulting in a mildpressure excursion and a benign event. If one of the pressure regulators were out-of-service, there would be no backup pressure regulator and the event would be more severe. The corewould pressurize resulting in void collapse and a subsequent power increase.
The event wouldbe terminated by scram when either the high-neutron flux or high-pressure setpoint is reached.The PRFDS ACPR results are presented in Table 5.10. These results are used to create theoperating limits supporting the pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS) conditions.
5.4 Licensing Power ShapeThe licensing axial power profile used by AREVA for the plant transient analyses bounds theprojected end of full power axial power profile.
The conservative licensing axial power profilegenerated at the licensing basis EOFP cycle exposure of 16,175 MWd/MTU (core averageexposure of 33,231.5 MWd/MTU) is given in Table 5.11. Cycle 28 operation is considered to bein compliance when:The integrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes from the projected EOFP solution at the state conditions provided in Table 5.11 is greater than theintegrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes in the licensing basis axialpower profile in Table 5.11, and the individual normalized power from the projected EOFP solution is greater than the corresponding individual normalized power from thelicensing basis axial power profile in Table 5.11 for at least 6 of the 7 bottom nodes.The projected EOFP condition occurs at a core average exposure less than or equal tolicensing basis EOFP.If the criteria cannot be fully met the licensing basis may nevertheless remain valid but furtherassessment will be required.
The power profile comparison should be done withoutincorporating instrument updates to the axial profile because the updated power is not used inthe core monitoring system to accumulate assembly and nodal burnups.AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-10Table 5.1 Exposure Basis forMonticello Cycle 28Transient AnalysisCoreCycle AverageExposure Exposure(MWd/MTU)
Comments0.0 17,057 Beginning of cycle15,775 32,832 Design basis end of full power(EOFP)16,175 33,232 Design basis rod patterns toEOFP + 400 MWd/MTU(licensing basis EOFP)21,175 38,232 Maximum licensing coreexposure
-including Coastdown AREVA NP Inc.
uontrolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-11Table 5.2 Scram SpeedInsertion TimesTSSS NSS DSSControl Rod Analytical Analytical Analytical Position Time Time Time(notch) (sec) (sec) (sec)48 (full-out) 0.000 0.000 0.00048 0.200 0.200 0.25046 0.520 0.344 0.36536 1.160 0.860 1.16526 1.910 1.395 2.0106 3.550 2.577 3.7290 (full-in) 4.006 2.914 4.244AREVA NP Inc.
uontro~ieci uocurnenit Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-12Table 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseLRNB Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRTSSS Insertion Times100 0.3680 0.3960 0.3940 (above Pbypass) 0.3840 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.2540 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.9525 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.5125 at < 50%F below (Pbypass) 1.22NSS Insertion Times0.360.370.350.331.150.921.431.201008060400.290.340.320.300.290.340.310.26AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-13Table 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseTTNB Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRTSSS Insertion Times100 0.4180 0.4160 0.4040 (above Pbypass) 0.3840 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.2540 at 5 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.9525 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.5125 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.22NSS Insertion Times0.400.380.360.331.150.921.431.20100800.370.360.320.300.370.360.320.266040AREVA NP Inc.
UontcrolleO Uocurnent Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-14Table 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseTTWB Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRDSS Insertion Times100806040 (above Pbypass)40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass)25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass)0.380.370.360.321.080.821.080.980.380.360.320.281.030.801.161.02AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-15Table 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseFWCF Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRTSSS Insertion Times100 0.4380 0.4560 0.4940 (above Pbypass) 0.6240 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.6040 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.1625 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 2.2225 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.92NSS Insertion Times0.420.450.500.651.551.212.302.061008060400.390.420.470.570.380.410.470.57AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-16Table 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseHPCI Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRTSSS Insertion Times100 0.4780 0.4760 0.5340 (above Pbypass) 0.5940 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.3140 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.1025 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.5625 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.48NSS Insertion Times0.460.470.480.531.281.181.671.621008060400.430.440.460.540.410.430.440.53AREVA NP Inc.
Uoni"folleO Uocurantn Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-17Table 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP Base CaseCRWE ResultsHigh Intermediate LowPower Range Power Range Power RangeRBM Trip Core RBM Trip Core RBM Trip CoreSetpoint Power Setpoint Power Setpoint Power(%) (% rated) MCPR (%) (% rated) MCPR (%) (% rated) MCPR110 100 1.47 115 85 1.56 120 65 1.7785 1.49 65 1.62 30 2.20111 100 1.48 116 85 1.58 121 65 1.7985 1.50 65 1.63 30 2.24112 100 1.50 117 85 1.60 122 65 1.8085 1.52 65 1.65 30 2.24113 100 1.52 118 85 1.60 123 65 1.8085 1.53 65 1.77 30 2.31114 100 1.52 119 85 1.60 124 65 1.8085 1.54 65 1.77 30 2.31AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-18Table 5.9 RBM Operability Requirements Thermal Applicable Power ATRIUM 1OXM / GE14(% rated) MCPR2.46 TLO> 27% and < 90% 2.47 SLO2.47 SLO_90% 1.65 TLOAREVA NP Inc.
Luontrwo~e uocumenzMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-19Table 5.10 Licensing Basis EOFPPRFDS (PROOS)Transient ResultsPower ATRIUM 1OXM GE14(% rated) ACPR ACPRTSSS Insertion Times100 0.38 0.3985* 0.41 0.42851 0.77 0.7080 0.81 0.7460 1.00 0.9140 1.25 1.1625 1.51 1.43* Scram on high neutron flux.t Scram on high dome pressure.
2~VLO 7~(~Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontrotflea uocument Monticello                                                                           ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 5-20Table 5.11 Licensing Basis Core AverageAxial Power ProfileState Conditions forPower Shape Evaluation Power, MWt 2,004.0Core pressure, psia 1,024.6Inlet subcooling, Btu/Ibm 22.68Flow, Mlb/hr 60.48Control state AROCore average exposure 33,231.5(licensing basis EOFP),MWd/MTULicensing Axial Power Profile(normalized)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 7-1 7.0     Special Analyses 7.1      ASME OverpressurizationAnalysis This analysis is performed to demonstrate the safety/relief valves have sufficient capacity and performance to satisfy the requirements established by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. For Monticello the maximum allowable reactor dome pressure is 1332 psig (1347 psia) and the maximum allowable vessel pressure is 1375 psig (1390 psia) (Reference 4).
NodePowerTop 24 0.32523 0.73622 1.19421 1.36820 1.47619 1.50818 1.50217 1.47216 1.40715 1.37214 1.39713 1.37812 1.31711 1.23210 1.1379 1.0348 0.9097 0.7736 0.6505 0.5414 0.4553 0.3962 0.321Bottom 1 0.099Sum of Bottom 7 Nodes= 3.235AREVA NP Inc.
MSIV closure, TSV closure, and TCV closure were performed with the AREVA plant simulator code COTRANSA2 (Reference 24). The maximum pressure resulting from the closure of valves in the steam lines tends to increase as the closure time of the valves decreases. The TCV and TSV close much faster than the MSIV. This suggests that the faster closure of the TCVs or TSVs would result in higher pressures than closure of the MSIVs. However, the slower closure of the MSIVs are offset by the fact that the rate of steam flow reduction is concentrated toward the end of the valve stroke and the resulting reactor pressurization must be absorbed in a smaller volume (because the MSIVs are closer to the reactor vessel than the TCVs or TSVs).
uontroloed UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
The analysis of the three valve closures showed that the MSIV valve closure is the most limiting event. The events were analyzed at 102% power and both 99% and 105% flow at the highest cycle exposure. The MSIV closure event is similar to the other steam line valve closure events in that the valve closure results in a rapid pressurization of the core. The increase in pressure causes a decrease in void which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. The following assumptions were made in the analysis:
The most critical active component (direct scram on valve position) was assumed to fail.
Revision 1Page 5-21I~nn n400.0 -300.0 -"0C:a-Relative Core PowerRelative Heat FluxRelative Core Flow------- --R --- -- --- ----- --- ---Relative Steam FlowRelative Feed Flow-------------------------------N\i200.0 -100.0*.0-- (seconds)
However, scram on high neutron flux and high dome pressure is available.
Figure 5.1 Licensing Basis EOFPLRNB at 10OPI105F
Opening of the turbine bypass valves was not credited (this would mitigate the peak pressure resulting from closure of the TSV and the TCV).
-TSSSKey Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
* Opening of the SRV at the relief setpoints was not credited (open at safety setpoint).
Uontroloed UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
* Analysis considered 3 SRVOOS.
* TSSS insertion times were used.
Revision 1Page 5-221300.02:3inU)4.0 6.0Time (seconds)
0        The initial dome pressure was set at the maximum allowed 1040.0 psia (1025.3 psig).
Figure 5.2 Licensing Basis EOFPLRNB at 10OP/105F
0        A fast MSIV closure time of 2.2 seconds was used.
-TSSSVessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
0        ATWS-RPT was not credited in this event since this event ends up in a scram (Reference 4).
uontrolied UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-23600.0500.0-400.0 -Relative Core PowerRelative Heat FluxRelative Core FlowRelative Steam FlowRelative Feed Flow-O0)(D1C,,0)0@300.0 -200.0 -/100.0,.0'------ ---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
\ I,, /--I nnI I. 4.01Time (seconds) 8.0Figure 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFPTTNB at 1OOPI105F
-TSSSKey Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uonwroaeed uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-24I 'Al A1300.0-1250.0-2V) 1200.0-U 1150.0-a3/ ",/.Steam DomeLower Plenum1100.0-1050.0-'AnnnA.0I1 .02.03.0 4.0Time (seconds) 5.0 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFPTTNB at 1OOP/105F
-TSSSVessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 5-25600 0500.0400.0300.0200.0-0Ca-)Relative Core PowerRelative Heat FluxRelative Core FlowRelativeSteamFlow----------.-------
Relative Steam FlowRelative Feed Flow......-100.0-.0 --100.0-.010.020.0 30.0Time (seconds)
Figure 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFPFWCF at 1OOP/1 05F -TSSSKey Parameters 40.050.0AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-261300.01200.02Enin)1)U)CL1100.01000.0900.020.0 30.0Time (seconds)
Figure 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFPFWCF at 1OOP/105F
-TSSSVessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-27bUU.U .500.0 -400.0 -Relative Core PowerRelative Heat FluxRelative Core FlowRelative Steam FlowRelative Feed Flow0a,300.0 -200.0 -I h100.0-.0-_i flnn-----------
I. (seconds) 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFPHPCI at 10OP/105F
-TSSSKey Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
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Revision 1Page 5-28-9,U)Q),Figure 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFPHPCI at 10OP/105F
-TSSSVessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 6-16.0 Postulated Accidents 6.1 Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)As discussed in Section 2.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), the LOCAmodels, evaluation, and results are for a full core of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The basis forapplicability of PCT results from full cores of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel (based on AREVA methods)and GE14 fuel (based on GNF methods) for a mixed (transition) core is provided inReference 6, Appendix C. Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXMfuel designs are similar as presented in Reference
: 11. Therefore, the core response during aLOCA will not be significantly different for a full core of GE14 fuel or a mixed core of GE14 andATRIUM 1OXM fuel. In addition, since about 95% of the reactor system volume is outside thecore region, slight changes in core volume and fluid energy due to fuel design differences willproduce an insignificant change in total system volume and energy. Therefore, the currentGE14 LOCA analysis and resulting licensing PCT and MAPLHGR limits remain applicable forGE14 fuel in transition cores.The results of the ATRIUM 10XM LOCA break spectrum analysis are presented inReference
: 29. The MAPLHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Reference 30.The ATRIUM 1OXM PCT is 2088&deg;F. The peak local metal-water reaction and planar averagemetal-water reaction were calculated to be 3.50% and 0.73%, respectively.
The acceptance criteria of less than 17% local cladding oxidation thickness and less than 1% core wide metal-water reaction are met.Analyses and results support the EOD and EOOS conditions listed in Table 1.1. As discussed in Section 7.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), a MAPLHGR multiplier of0.70 is established for SLO since LOCA is more severe when initiated during SLO.6.2 Pump Seizure AccidentThis accident is assumed to occur as a consequence of an unspecified, instantaneous stoppageof one recirculation pump shaft while the reactor is operating at full power (in two-loopoperation).
The pump seizure event is a very mild accident in relation to other accidents suchas the LOCA. This is easily verified by consideration of the two events. In both accidents, therecirculation driving loop flow is lost extremely rapidly -in the case of the seizure, stoppage ofthe pump occurs; for the LOCA, the severance of the line has a similar, but more rapid andsevere influence.
Following a pump seizure event, flow continues, water level is maintained, thecore remains submerged, and this provides a continuous core cooling mechanism.
rJocul enMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroIued Uocument Monticello                                                                           ANP-3213(NP)
Page 6-2However, for the LOCA, complete flow stoppage occurs and the water level decreases due toloss of coolant resulting in uncovery of the reactor core and subsequent overheating of the fuelrod cladding.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 7-2 Results of the MSIV closure overpressurization event are presented in Table 7.1. Various reactor plant parameters during the limiting MSIV closure event are presented in Figure 7.1 through Figure 7.3. The maximum pressure of 1360 psig occurs in the lower vessel.
In addition, for the pump seizure accident, reactor pressure does not significantly
The maximum steam dome pressure for the same event is 1326 psig. Results demonstrate that the lower vessel pressure limit of 1375 psig and the steam dome pressure limit of 1332 psig are protected.
: decrease, whereas complete depressurization occurs for the LOCA. Clearly, the increased temperature of the cladding and reduced reactor pressure for the LOCA both combine to yield amuch more severe stress and potential for cladding perforation for the LOCA than for the pumpseizure.
Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the potential effects of the hypothetical pumpseizure accident are very conservatively bounded by the effects of a LOCA and specificanalyses of the pump seizure accident are not required.
7.2     Anticipated Transient Without Scram Event Evaluation 7.2.1       Overpressurization Analysis This analysis is performed to demonstrate that the peak vessel pressure for the limiting anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) event is less than the ASME Service Level C limit of 120% of the design pressure (1500 psig). Overpressurization analyses were performed at 102% power at both 99% and 105% flow over the cycle exposure range for both the MSIV closure event and the pressure regulator failure open (PRFO) events. The PRFO event assumes a step decrease in pressure demand such that the pressure control system opens the turbine control and turbine bypass valves. Steam flow demand is assumed to increase to 114.5% of rated steam flow (103% of rated steam flow through the turbine control valves fully open and 11.5% of rated steam flow through the turbine bypass valves). The system pressure decreases until the low steam line pressure setpoint is reached resulting in the closure of the MSIVs. The subsequent pressurization wave collapses core voids, thereby increasing core power.
Consistent with recent licensing analyses for Monticello, seizure of the recirculation pump in theactive loop during SLO was analyzed and evaluated relative to the acceptance criteria for AOO.Since single loop pump seizure (SLPS) event is more severe as power and flow increase, theevent is analyzed at the maximum core power and core flow during SLO (66% core power and52.5% core flow). Thermal limits were determined to protect against this event in single-loop operation (see Sections 5.3.1 and 8.0).6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA)Plant startup utilizes a banked position withdrawal sequence (BPWS) including rod worthminimization strategies.
The following assumptions were made in the analyses.
CRDA evaluation was performed for both A and B sequence startupsconsistent with that allowed by BPWS. Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology isdescribed in Reference 32, which has been shown to continue to apply to ATRIUM 1OXM andGEl4 fuel modeled with the CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 code system.Analysis results demonstrate the maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy is less than the NRClicense limit of 280 cal/g and is also less than 230 cal/g; the estimated number of fuel rods thatexceed the fuel damage threshold of 170 cal/g is less than the number of failed rods assumed inthe USAR (850 8x8 equivalent rods).Maximum dropped control rod worth, mk 12.14Core average Doppler coefficient, Ak/k/&deg;F -10.5 x 10-6Effective delayed neutron fraction 0.00611Four-bundle local peaking factor 1.475Maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy, cal/g 227.7Maximum number of ATRIUM 1OXM rodsexceeding 170 cal/g 736AREVA NP Inc.
0       High-pressure recirculation pump trip (ATWS-RPT) was allowed.
uontrolied UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
* 1 SRVOOS and the remaining 7 valves open at safety mode setpoints.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
0       All scram functions were disabled.
Page 6-36.4 Fuel and Equipment Handling AccidentAs discussed in Reference 40, the fuel handling accident radiological analysis of record for thealternate source term (AST) was dispositioned with consideration of ATRIUM 10XM core sourceterms and number of failed fuel rods. No other aspect of utilizing the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel affectsthe current analysis; therefore, the AST analysis remains applicable for fuel transition Cycle 28.6.5 Fuel Loading Error (Infrequent Event)There are two types of fuel loading errors possible in a BWR: the mislocation of a fuel assemblyin a core position prescribed to be loaded with another fuel assembly, and the misorientation ofa fuel assembly with respect to the control blade. The fuel loading error is characterized as aninfrequent event in the Reference 33 AREVA topical report and in the Monticello USAR(Reference 2). The acceptance criteria for plants with AST is that the offsite doseconsequences due to the event shall not exceed a small fraction of the 10 CFR 50.67 limits.6.5.1 Mislocated Fuel BundleAREVA has performed a fuel mislocation error analysis that considered the impact of amislocated assembly against potential fuel rod failure mechanisms due to increased LHGR andreduced CPR. The results show that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1 % strainlimits, and the SLMCPR is not violated (mislocation analysis ACPR result of 0.20 is well belowthose reported for AQOs in Section 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected toexperience boiling transition.
Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dosecriteria (a small fraction of 10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied.
A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.6.5.2 Misoriented Fuel BundleAREVA has performed a fuel assembly misorientation analysis assuming that the limitingassembly was loaded in the worst orientation (rotated 1800), while simultaneously producing sufficient power to be on the MCPR operating limit as if it were oriented correctly.
The resultsshow that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1% strain limits, and the SLMCPR is notviolated (misorientation analysis ACPR result of 0.27 is well below those reported for AQOs inSection 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition.
Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dose criteria (a small fraction of10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied.
A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 7-17.0 Special Analyses7.1 ASME Overpressurization AnalysisThis analysis is performed to demonstrate the safety/relief valves have sufficient capacity andperformance to satisfy the requirements established by the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode. For Monticello the maximum allowable reactor dome pressure is 1332 psig (1347 psia)and the maximum allowable vessel pressure is 1375 psig (1390 psia) (Reference 4).MSIV closure, TSV closure, and TCV closure were performed with the AREVA plant simulator code COTRANSA2 (Reference 24). The maximum pressure resulting from the closure ofvalves in the steam lines tends to increase as the closure time of the valves decreases.
TheTCV and TSV close much faster than the MSIV. This suggests that the faster closure of theTCVs or TSVs would result in higher pressures than closure of the MSIVs. However, the slowerclosure of the MSIVs are offset by the fact that the rate of steam flow reduction is concentrated toward the end of the valve stroke and the resulting reactor pressurization must be absorbed ina smaller volume (because the MSIVs are closer to the reactor vessel than the TCVs or TSVs).The analysis of the three valve closures showed that the MSIV valve closure is the most limitingevent. The events were analyzed at 102% power and both 99% and 105% flow at the highestcycle exposure.
The MSIV closure event is similar to the other steam line valve closure eventsin that the valve closure results in a rapid pressurization of the core. The increase in pressurecauses a decrease in void which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. The following assumptions were made in the analysis:
The most critical active component (direct scram on valve position) was assumed to fail.However, scram on high neutron flux and high dome pressure is available.
Opening of the turbine bypass valves was not credited (this would mitigate the peakpressure resulting from closure of the TSV and the TCV).* Opening of the SRV at the relief setpoints was not credited (open at safety setpoint).
* Analysis considered 3 SRVOOS.* TSSS insertion times were used.0 The initial dome pressure was set at the maximum allowed 1040.0 psia (1025.3 psig).0 A fast MSIV closure time of 2.2 seconds was used.0 ATWS-RPT was not credited in this event since this event ends up in a scram(Reference 4).AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 7-2Results of the MSIV closure overpressurization event are presented in Table 7.1. Variousreactor plant parameters during the limiting MSIV closure event are presented inFigure 7.1 through Figure 7.3. The maximum pressure of 1360 psig occurs in the lower vessel.The maximum steam dome pressure for the same event is 1326 psig. Results demonstrate thatthe lower vessel pressure limit of 1375 psig and the steam dome pressure limit of 1332 psig areprotected.
Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).7.2 Anticipated Transient Without Scram Event Evaluation 7.2.1 Overpressurization AnalysisThis analysis is performed to demonstrate that the peak vessel pressure for the limitinganticipated transient without scram (ATWS) event is less than the ASME Service Level C limit of120% of the design pressure (1500 psig). Overpressurization analyses were performed at102% power at both 99% and 105% flow over the cycle exposure range for both the MSIVclosure event and the pressure regulator failure open (PRFO) events. The PRFO eventassumes a step decrease in pressure demand such that the pressure control system opens theturbine control and turbine bypass valves. Steam flow demand is assumed to increase to114.5% of rated steam flow (103% of rated steam flow through the turbine control valves fullyopen and 11.5% of rated steam flow through the turbine bypass valves).
The system pressuredecreases until the low steam line pressure setpoint is reached resulting in the closure of theMSIVs. The subsequent pressurization wave collapses core voids, thereby increasing corepower.The following assumptions were made in the analyses.
0 High-pressure recirculation pump trip (ATWS-RPT) was allowed.* 1 SRVOOS and the remaining 7 valves open at safety mode setpoints.
0 All scram functions were disabled.
* Nominal values were used for initial dome pressure and feedwater temperature
* Nominal values were used for initial dome pressure and feedwater temperature
* A nominal MSIV closure time of 4.0 seconds was used for both events.Analyses results are presented in Table 7.2. The response of various reactor plant parameters during the limiting ATWS-PRFO event are shown in Figure 7.4 through Figure 7.6. Themaximum lower vessel pressure is 1445 psig and the maximum steam dome pressure isAREVA NP Inc.
* A nominal MSIV closure time of 4.0 seconds was used for both events.
UontroIled UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Analyses results are presented in Table 7.2. The response of various reactor plant parameters during the limiting ATWS-PRFO event are shown in Figure 7.4 through Figure 7.6. The maximum lower vessel pressure is 1445 psig and the maximum steam dome pressure is AREVA NP Inc.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 7-31428 psig. The results demonstrate that the ATWS maximum vessel pressure limit of 1500 psigis not exceeded.
UontroIled Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).7.2.2 Long-Term Evaluation Fuel design differences may impact the power and pressure excursion experienced during theATWS event. This in turn may impact the amount of steam discharged to the suppression pooland containment.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 7-3 1428 psig. The results demonstrate that the ATWS maximum vessel pressure limit of 1500 psig is not exceeded.
Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).
7.2.2       Long-Term Evaluation Fuel design differences may impact the power and pressure excursion experienced during the ATWS event. This in turn may impact the amount of steam discharged to the suppression pool and containment.
Uontrolued Uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 7-4 7.3    Reactor Core Safety Limits - Low PressureSafety Limit, PressureRegulator FailedOpen Event (PRFO)
Technical Specification for Monticello, Section, Reactor Core Safety Limits (SL), requires that thermal power shall be < 25% rated when the reactor steam dome pressure is < 785 psig (800 psia) or core flow is < 10% of rated. In Reference 35, General Electric identified that for plants with the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) low-pressure isolation setpoint < 785 psig, there is a depressurization transient that will cause this safety limit to be violated. In addition, plants with an MSIV low-pressure isolation setpoint _&#x17d;785 psig may also experience an AOO that violates this safety limit (Monticello MSIV low-pressure setpoint is 809 psig).
The AOO of concern is a depressurization transient, i.e., Pressure Regulator Failure -
Maximum Demand (Open) (PRFO). This event can cause the dome pressure to drop below 785 psig (800 psia) while reactor thermal power is above 25% of rated power.
The PRFO event is initiated through a failure of the pressure controller system open (instantaneous drop of the pressure demand). This will force the turbine control valves (TCV) and turbine bypass valve (TBV) to fully open up to the maximum combined steam flow limit.
Opening the turbine valves will create a pressure decrease in the reactor system. At some point the low-pressure setpoint for main steam isolation valve (MSIV) closure will be reached and the MSIV will start to close. The initiation of the MSIV closure will trigger the reactor scram on MSIV position which will reduce further the reactor power. The longest MSIV closure time is conservative for this event. A closure time of 9.9 seconds was assumed. The system depressurization also creates a water level swell. If the water level swell reaches the high level setpoint (L8) the turbine stop valves (TSV) will close.
This event was analyzed to determine the lowest steam dome pressure occurring such that a future Technical Specification change can be established for the low-pressure value. Since the core power and heat flux drop throughout this event, followed by a direct scram, this event poses no threat to thermal limits.
The results of the analyses at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures showed that the lowest steam dome pressure that was reached before thermal power was < 25% thermal power was 665 psia (650 psig).
Uontroned uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                            Page 7-5 As part of the transition to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methods, AREVA will justify that the critical power correlations being used for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and for GE14 fuel are applicable for pressures above 600 psia.
7.4      Appendix R - Fire ProtectionAnalysis The Appendix R fire protection case matrix for Monticello safe shutdown is identified in Reference 36. The most limiting cases were analyzed using the NRC approved AREVA EXEM BWR-2000 Evaluation Model with a modified Monticello LOCA model. The analyses were performed for a full core of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel. The first two fire events were evaluated with and without a stuck open relief valve, two safety relief valves were used for depressurization when the reactor water level reached the top of the active fuel in the downcomer, and one operational core spray train. The final two events were evaluated with the two depressurization safety relief valves activated at 17 minutes into the fire event instead of the water level being at the top of the active fuel.
The conclusion of this analysis was that in each event the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in the core remains covered during the entire event with no increase in cladding temperature. Results are therefore independent of fuel type. Containment suppression pool temperatures are not fuel related and therefore were not considered.
7.5      Standby Liquid Control System In the event that the control rod scram function becomes incapable of rendering the core in a shutdown state, the standby liquid control (SLC) system is required to be capable of bringing the reactor from full power to a cold shutdown condition at any time in the core life. The Monticello SLC system is required to be able to inject 660 ppm natural boron equivalent at 70&deg;F into the reactor coolant. AREVA has performed an analysis demonstrating the SLC system meets the required shutdown capability for the cycle. The analysis was performed at a coolant temperature of 319.2 0 F, with a boron concentration equivalent to 660 ppm at 68 0 F.* The temperature of 319.2 0 F corresponds to the low-pressure permissive for the RHR shutdown cooling suction valves, and represents the maximum reactivity condition with soluble boron in the coolant. The analysis shows the core to be subcritical throughout the cycle by at least 1.34% Ak/k based on the Cycle 27 EOC short window (which is the most limiting exposure
* Monticello licensing basis documents indicate a minimum of 660 ppm boron at a temperature of 70'F.
The AREVA cold analysis basis of 68&deg;F represents a negligible difference and the results are adequate to protect the 70'F licensing basis for the plant.
Uontroiied Uocument Monticello                                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                  Page 7-6 bound by the short and long Cycle 27 exposure window) and based on conservative assumptions regarding eigenvalue biases and uncertainties in the Cycle 28 transition core.
7.6    Fuel Criticality The spent fuel pool criticality analysis for ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel is presented in Reference 37 and submitted to the NRC in Reference 40.
uontrmooe uocurnentc Monticello                                                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                              Page 7-7 Table 7.1 ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results*
Maximum Peak              Peak            Vessel          Maximum Neutron            Heat          Pressure            Dome Flux            Flux        Lower-Plenum        Pressure Event            (% rated)        (% rated)          (psig)            (psig)
MSIV closure (102P/99F)                388              132              1360              1326 Pressure limit                      ---              ---              1375              1332
* Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontroiied uocument Monticello                                                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                              Page 7-8 Table 7.2 ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results*
Maximum Peak              Peak            Vessel            Maximum Neutron            Heat          Pressure            Dome Flux              Flux        Lower-Plenum        Pressure Event            (% rated)        (% rated)          (psig)            (psig)
MSIV closure (102P/99F)                308              144              1436              1419 PRFO (102P/99F)                263              151              1445              1428 Pressure limit                      ---              ---              1500              1500
* Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontroIned uocumenii Monticello                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                        Page 7-9
  ~1) 0 0::
0 C
0) 0~
4.0              f Time (seconds)
Figure 7.1 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroiled Uocument Monticello                                                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                              Page 7-10 "1"
2.0                4.0                6.0              8.
Time (seconds)
Figure 7.2 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures*
* The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontrolned uocumenti Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 7-11 600.0 Bank  1 Bank  2 Bank  3 500.0-Bank  4                          V.,-
Bank  5
  .. 400.0-cI, Q' 300.0 n    200.0                                    K V) 100.0
            .0                                                  I                I
                .0            2.0            4.0                I:              8.0              10.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 7.3 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates*
* In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 3 SRVOOS are grouped in bank 1.
The remaining 5 operating SRVs are grouped as 1 SRV in banks 2, 3, and 4; and 2 SRVs in bank 5.
uontroloeco uocument Monticello                                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                        Page 7-12 ju.5UU-Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux Relative Core Flow Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 200.0 -
-o 0
100.0-                -,.-----*-:
:  -L .........-    -
C W,
p W,
a-                                                                      ""-
Ii      I'
            .0  -
    - I CIA (I e
1000    -1*
                  .0    5.0                  10.0      15o      20.0              25.0        30.0 Time (seconds')
Figure 7.4 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uon, ro e Uocument Monticello                                                                                    ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                              Page 7-13 0
U) 0.
L U)
U, L
Time (seconds)
Figure 7.5 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures*
* The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontroiied uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 7-14 Q1)
E 0
W-15.0 Time (seconds)
Figure 7.6 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates*
* In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 1 SRVOOS is grouped in bank 1. The remaining 7 operating SRVs are grouped as 3 SRVs in bank 2; 1 SRV in banks 3 and 4; and 2 SRVs in bank 5.
Uon:roiied uocurnen Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                    Page 8-1 8.0    Operating Limits and COLR Input 8.1    MCPR Limits The determination of MCPR limits is based on analyses of the limiting AQOs. The MCPR operating limits are established so that less than 0.1% of the fuel rods in the core are expected to experience boiling transition during an AOO initiated from rated or off-rated conditions and are based on a two-loop operation SLMCPR of 1.12 and a single-loop operation SLMCPR of 1.13. Exposure-dependent MCPR limits were established to support operation from BOC to the licensing basis EOFP and during Coastdown. MCPR limits are established to support base case operation and the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1.
Two-loop operation MCPRp limits for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel are presented in Table 8.1 through Table 8.4 for base case operation and the EOOS conditions. Limits are presented for nominal scram speed (NSS) and Technical Specification scram speed (TSSS) insertion times for the exposure ranges considered. Both of these sets (NSS and TSSS) protect the TTWB with degraded scram speed (DSS) event. MCPRP limits for single-loop operation are provided in Table 8.5.
MCPRf limits protect against fuel failures during a postulated slow flow excursion.
ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel limits are presented in Table 8.6 and are applicable for all cycle exposures and EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1.
The results from the control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) analysis are not used in establishing the MCPRP limits. Depending on the choice of RBM setpoints the CRWE analysis operating MCPR limit may be more limiting than the MCPRp limits. Therefore, Xcel Energy may need to adjust these limits to account for CRWE results.
8.2    LHGR Limits The LHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.7. The LHGR limits for GE14 fuel are presented in Reference 39. Power- and flow-dependent multipliers (LHGRFACp and LHGRFACf) are applied directly to the LHGR limits to protect against fuel melting and overstraining of the cladding during an AOO.
The LHGRFACp and LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are determined using the RODEX4 methodology (Reference 9). The LHGRFACP and LHGRFACf multipliers for GE14 fuel are developed in a manner consistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology.
uontrotoed uocument Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                  Page 8-2 LHGRFACP multipliers were established to support operation at all cycle exposures for both NSS and TSSS insertion times and for the EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1. LHGRFACp limits are presented in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.
LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provide protection against fuel centerline melt and overstraining of the cladding during a postulated slow flow excursion. LHGRFACf limits are presented in Table 8.10 and Table 8.11 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.
LHGRFACf multipliers are applicable for all cycle exposures and EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1.
8.3    MAPLHGR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR limits are discussed in Reference 30. The TLO operation limits are presented in Table 8.12. For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLO MAPLHGR limits. Power- and flow-dependent MAPLHGR multipliers are not required.
uontrouieo uocumenit Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 8-3 Table 8.1 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*
MCPRP Operating              Power          ATRIUM 1OXM          GE14 Condition          (% of rated)          Fuel            Fuel Base              100.0                      1.55            1.53 case                40.0                      1.71            1.71 operation          40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.33            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.09            3.23 PROOS              100.0                      1.59            1.58 85.0                      1.64            1.64 85.0                      1.91            1.84 40.0                      2.39            2.30 40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.48            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.24            3.23
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontroiled Uocumenf Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 8-4 Table 8.2 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*
MCPRp Operating              Power          ATRIUM 10XM          GE14 Condition          (% of rated)          Fuel            Fuel Base              100.0                      1.59            1.58 case              40.0                      1.76            1.79 operation          40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.33            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.09            3.23 PROOS            100.0                      1.59            1.58 85.0                      1.64            1.64 85.0                      1.91            1.84 40.0                      2.39            2.30 40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.48            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.24            3.23
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontrolied Uocurnenm Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                      Page 8-5 Table 8.3 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown*
MCPRP Operating              Power          ATRIUM 10XM          GE14 Condition          (% of rated)          Fuel            Fuel Base              100.0                      1.55            1.53 case                40.0                      1.74            1.71 operation          40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.33            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.09            3.23 PROOS              100.0                      1.59            1.58 85.0                      1.64            1.64 85.0                      1.91            1.84 40.0                      2.39            2.30 40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at < 50%F          2.48            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F          3.24            3.23
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
Uontrolued UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroOneo uccurenti Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Page 7-47.3 Reactor Core Safety Limits -Low Pressure Safety Limit, Pressure Regulator Failed Open Event (PRFO)Technical Specification for Monticello, Section, Reactor Core Safety Limits (SL), requiresthat thermal power shall be < 25% rated when the reactor steam dome pressure is < 785 psig(800 psia) or core flow is < 10% of rated. In Reference 35, General Electric identified that forplants with the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) low-pressure isolation setpoint
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                       Page 8-6 Table 8.4 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown*
< 785 psig,there is a depressurization transient that will cause this safety limit to be violated.
MCPRP Operating              Power          ATRIUM 10XM          GE14 Condition          (% of rated)           Fuel            Fuel Base            100.0                      1.59            1.58 case              40.0                      1.77            1.79 operation        40.0  at > 50%F          2.77            2.72 25.0  at > 50%F          3.39            3.47 40.0  at 5 50%F          2.33            2.38 < 50%F          3.09            3.23 PROOS            100.0                      1.59            1.58 85.0                      1.64            1.64 85.0                      1.91            1.84 40.0                      2.39            2.30 > 50%F           2.77            2.72 > 50%F          3.39            3.47 < 50%F           2.48            2.38 25.0  at < 50%F           3.24            3.23
In addition, plants with an MSIV low-pressure isolation setpoint
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
_ 785 psig may also experience an AOOthat violates this safety limit (Monticello MSIV low-pressure setpoint is 809 psig).The AOO of concern is a depressurization transient, i.e., Pressure Regulator Failure -Maximum Demand (Open) (PRFO). This event can cause the dome pressure to drop below785 psig (800 psia) while reactor thermal power is above 25% of rated power.The PRFO event is initiated through a failure of the pressure controller system open(instantaneous drop of the pressure demand).
This will force the turbine control valves (TCV)and turbine bypass valve (TBV) to fully open up to the maximum combined steam flow limit.Opening the turbine valves will create a pressure decrease in the reactor system. At some pointthe low-pressure setpoint for main steam isolation valve (MSIV) closure will be reached and theMSIV will start to close. The initiation of the MSIV closure will trigger the reactor scram on MSIVposition which will reduce further the reactor power. The longest MSIV closure time isconservative for this event. A closure time of 9.9 seconds was assumed.
The systemdepressurization also creates a water level swell. If the water level swell reaches the high levelsetpoint (L8) the turbine stop valves (TSV) will close.This event was analyzed to determine the lowest steam dome pressure occurring such that afuture Technical Specification change can be established for the low-pressure value. Since thecore power and heat flux drop throughout this event, followed by a direct scram, this eventposes no threat to thermal limits.The results of the analyses at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures showed thatthe lowest steam dome pressure that was reached before thermal power was < 25% thermalpower was 665 psia (650 psig).AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroned uocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 7-5As part of the transition to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methods, AREVA will justify that thecritical power correlations being used for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and for GE14 fuel are applicable for pressures above 600 psia.7.4 Appendix R -Fire Protection AnalysisThe Appendix R fire protection case matrix for Monticello safe shutdown is identified inReference
: 36. The most limiting cases were analyzed using the NRC approved AREVA EXEMBWR-2000 Evaluation Model with a modified Monticello LOCA model. The analyses wereperformed for a full core of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel. The first two fire events were evaluated withand without a stuck open relief valve, two safety relief valves were used for depressurization when the reactor water level reached the top of the active fuel in the downcomer, and oneoperational core spray train. The final two events were evaluated with the two depressurization safety relief valves activated at 17 minutes into the fire event instead of the water level being atthe top of the active fuel.The conclusion of this analysis was that in each event the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in the coreremains covered during the entire event with no increase in cladding temperature.
Results aretherefore independent of fuel type. Containment suppression pool temperatures are not fuelrelated and therefore were not considered.
7.5 Standby Liquid Control SystemIn the event that the control rod scram function becomes incapable of rendering the core in ashutdown state, the standby liquid control (SLC) system is required to be capable of bringing thereactor from full power to a cold shutdown condition at any time in the core life. The Monticello SLC system is required to be able to inject 660 ppm natural boron equivalent at 70&deg;F into thereactor coolant.
AREVA has performed an analysis demonstrating the SLC system meets therequired shutdown capability for the cycle. The analysis was performed at a coolanttemperature of 319.20F, with a boron concentration equivalent to 660 ppm at 680F.* Thetemperature of 319.20F corresponds to the low-pressure permissive for the RHR shutdowncooling suction valves, and represents the maximum reactivity condition with soluble boron inthe coolant.
The analysis shows the core to be subcritical throughout the cycle by at least1.34% Ak/k based on the Cycle 27 EOC short window (which is the most limiting exposure* Monticello licensing basis documents indicate a minimum of 660 ppm boron at a temperature of 70'F.The AREVA cold analysis basis of 68&deg;F represents a negligible difference and the results areadequate to protect the 70'F licensing basis for the plant.AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroiied UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 7-6bound by the short and long Cycle 27 exposure window) and based on conservative assumptions regarding eigenvalue biases and uncertainties in the Cycle 28 transition core.7.6 Fuel Criticality The spent fuel pool criticality analysis for ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel is presented in Reference 37 andsubmitted to the NRC in Reference 40.AREVA NP Inc.
uontrmooe uocurnentc Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 7-7Table 7.1 ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results*MaximumPeak Peak Vessel MaximumNeutron Heat Pressure DomeFlux Flux Lower-Plenum PressureEvent (% rated) (% rated) (psig) (psig)MSIV closure(102P/99F) 388 132 1360 1326Pressurelimit --- --- 1375 1332* Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Dopplervoid effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontroiied uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Uontrofled Uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 7-8Table 7.2 ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results*MaximumPeak Peak Vessel MaximumNeutron Heat Pressure DomeFlux Flux Lower-Plenum PressureEvent (% rated) (% rated) (psig) (psig)MSIV closure(102P/99F) 308 144 1436 1419PRFO(102P/99F) 263 151 1445 1428Pressurelimit --- --- 1500 1500* Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                       Page 8-7 Table 8.5 MCPRP Limits for Single-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown* t MCPRP Operating              Power          ATRIUM 10XM          GE14 Condition          (% of rated)           Fuel            Fuel Base                66.0                      2.13            2.19 case                40.0                      2.40            2.31
              /PROOS              40.0  at > 50%F          2.78            2.73 25.0  at > 50%F          3.40            3.48 40.0  at < 50%F          2.49            2.39 25.0  at < 50%F          3.25            3.24
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
t  Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.
uontroIned uocumenii Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontrouDeo uocument Monticello                                                         ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 7-9-o~1)00::0C0)UL0)0~4.0 fTime (seconds)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                   Page 8-8 Table 8.6 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow
Figure 7.1 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
(% of rated)          MCPRf 30.0                1.80 80.0                1.50 105.0                1.50 AREVA NP Inc.
-Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
Uontroiled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Uontrolied uocument Monticello                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                              Page 8-9 Table 8.7 ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHGR Limits Peak Pellet Exposure        LHGR (GWd/MTU)             (kW/ft) 0.0               14.1 18.9                14.1 74.4                7.4 AREVA NP Inc.
Revision 1Page 7-10U)()"1"a.2.0 4.0 6.0 8.Time (seconds)
Figure 7.2 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
uontcroheci uocument Monticello                                                                            ANP-3213(NP)
-Vessel Pressures*
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 8-10 Table 8.8 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, All Cycle 28 Exposures*
* The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Dopplervoid effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
LHGRFACp Operating            Power      ATRIUM 1OXM Condition        (% of rated)       Fuel 100.0                1.00 40.0                0.80 Base                40.0 at > 50%F      0.44 case                25.0 at > 50%F      0.30 operation          40.0 at < 50%F      0.56 25.0 at* 50%F      0.36 PROOS            100.0                1.00 85.0                0.95 85.0                0.92 40.0                0.66 40.0 at > 50%F      0.44 25.0 at > 50%F      0.30 40.0 at:<50%F      0.56 25.0 at* 50%F      0.36
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontrolned uocumenti Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontrolnec uocumen't-Monticello                                                                               ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 7-11600.0Bank 1Bank 2Bank 3Bank 4Bank 5500.0-U)`_"E.. 400.0-cI,Q' 300.0n 200.0V)V.,-(K100. (seconds)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                         Page 8-11 Table 8.9 GE14 LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, All Cycle 28 Exposures*
I:I I8.010.0Figure 7.3 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
LHGRFACP Operating            Power              GE14 Condition        (% of rated)           Fuel Base              100.0                   0 .9 9 t case                40.0                     0.57 operation          40.0  at > 50%F        0.42 25.0   at > 50%F        0.34 40.0  at* 50%F        0.53 25.0  at < 50%F        0.37 PROOS              100.0                    0 .9 9 t 85.0                   0.89 85.0                    0.75 40.0                    0.54 40.0   at > 50%F        0.42 25.0  at > 50%F        0.34 40.0  at < 50%F        0.51 25.0   at* 50%F        0.37
-Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates** In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 3 SRVOOS are grouped in bank 1.The remaining 5 operating SRVs are grouped as 1 SRV in banks 2, 3, and 4; and 2 SRVs in bank 5.AREVA NP Inc.
* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontroloeco uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
t    0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).
Revision 1Page 7-12ju.5UU-Relative Core Power200.0 --o0CW,pW,a-Relative Heat FluxRelative Core FlowRelative Steam FlowRelative Feed Flow""- -:-.-:..:-
--. .-------100.0-
: -L .........-
-.0 -Ii I'-I CIA (Ie 1000-1*.05.010.01 5oTime (seconds') 7.4 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
-Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.
uon, ro e UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page 7-130U)0.0)LU)U)U,L0~Time (seconds)
Figure 7.5 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
-Vessel Pressures*
* The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Dopplervoid effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.
uontroiied uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 7-14Q1)(I)E0W-15.0Time (seconds)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                 Page 8-12 Table 8.10 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS, All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow        ATRIUM 1OXM
Figure 7.6 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at102P/99F
(% of rated)         LHGRFACf 30.0                0.73 40.0                0.73 75.0                1.00 105.0                1.00 AREVA NP Inc.
-Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates** In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 1 SRVOOS is grouped in bank 1. Theremaining 7 operating SRVs are grouped as 3 SRVs in bank 2; 1 SRV in banks 3 and 4; and 2 SRVsin bank 5.AREVA NP Inc.
Uon:roiied uocurnenMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
(iontrouedi uocument1 Monticello                                                          ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                               Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                 Page 8-13 Table 8.11 GE14 LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS, All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow              GE14
Page 8-18.0 Operating Limits and COLR Input8.1 MCPR LimitsThe determination of MCPR limits is based on analyses of the limiting AQOs. The MCPRoperating limits are established so that less than 0.1% of the fuel rods in the core are expectedto experience boiling transition during an AOO initiated from rated or off-rated conditions andare based on a two-loop operation SLMCPR of 1.12 and a single-loop operation SLMCPR of1.13. Exposure-dependent MCPR limits were established to support operation from BOC to thelicensing basis EOFP and during Coastdown.
(% of rated)        LHGRFACf 30.0                0.68 40.0                0.68 75.0                  1.00 105.0                  1.00 AREVA NP Inc.
MCPR limits are established to support basecase operation and the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1.Two-loop operation MCPRp limits for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel are presented in Table 8.1through Table 8.4 for base case operation and the EOOS conditions.
Limits are presented fornominal scram speed (NSS) and Technical Specification scram speed (TSSS) insertion timesfor the exposure ranges considered.
(ontroeO~e          Uocument Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Both of these sets (NSS and TSSS) protect the TTWBwith degraded scram speed (DSS) event. MCPRP limits for single-loop operation are providedin Table 8.5.MCPRf limits protect against fuel failures during a postulated slow flow excursion.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                  Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page 8-14 Table 8.12 ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR Limits, TLO*
ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel limits are presented in Table 8.6 and are applicable for all cycleexposures and EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1.The results from the control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) analysis are not used in establishing the MCPRP limits. Depending on the choice of RBM setpoints the CRWE analysis operating MCPR limit may be more limiting than the MCPRp limits. Therefore, Xcel Energy may need toadjust these limits to account for CRWE results.8.2 LHGR LimitsThe LHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.7. The LHGR limits for GE14fuel are presented in Reference
Average Planar Exposure                  MAPLHGR (GWd/MTU)                      (kW/ft) 0.0                        12.5 20.0                        12.5 67.0                          7.6
: 39. Power- and flow-dependent multipliers (LHGRFACp andLHGRFACf) are applied directly to the LHGR limits to protect against fuel melting andoverstraining of the cladding during an AOO.The LHGRFACp and LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are determined using theRODEX4 methodology (Reference 9). The LHGRFACP and LHGRFACf multipliers for GE14fuel are developed in a manner consistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology.
* For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLO MAPLHGR limits.
uontrotoed uocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Page 8-2LHGRFACP multipliers were established to support operation at all cycle exposures for bothNSS and TSSS insertion times and for the EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1. LHGRFACplimits are presented in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                               Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                 Page 9-1 9.0    References
LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provide protection against fuel centerline melt andoverstraining of the cladding during a postulated slow flow excursion.
: 1.      ANP-3215(P) Revision 0, Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Fuel Cycle Design (EPU/
LHGRFACf limits arepresented in Table 8.10 and Table 8.11 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.
MELLLA), AREVA NP, May 2013.
LHGRFACf multipliers are applicable for all cycle exposures and EOOS conditions identified inTable MAPLHGR LimitsATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR limits are discussed in Reference
: 2.      Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision 28.
: 30. The TLO operation limits arepresented in Table 8.12. For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLOMAPLHGR limits. Power- and flow-dependent MAPLHGR multipliers are not required.
: 3.      Technical Specification Requirements for Monticello Nuclear GeneratingPlant Unit 1, Monticello, Amendment 146.
: 4.     Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Technical Specifications (Bases), Revision 16.
: 5.     NEDC-33322(P)* Revision 3, Safety Analysis Report for Monticello Constant Pressure Power Uprate, GEH, October 2008.
: 6.      ANP-3224P Revision 2, Applicability of AREVA NP BWR Methods to Monticello, AREVA NP, June 2013.
: 7.      ANP-3119(P) Revision 0, MechanicalDesign Report for Monticello A TRIUM TM IOXM Fuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, October 2012.
: 8.     ANP-3221 P Revision 0, Fuel Rod Thermal-MechanicalDesign for Monticello ATRIUM IOXM Fuel Assemblies, Cycle 28, AREVA NP, May 2013.
: 9.      BAW-1 0247PA Revision 0, Realistic Thermal-MechanicalFuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, AREVA NP, February 2008.
: 10. GNF Design Basis Document, Fuel-Rod Thermal-MechanicalPerformance Limits for GE14C, DB-001 2.03 Revision 2, September 2006 (transmitted by letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to R. Welch (AREVA), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Plant Information: GE14 Exposure Limits," July 19, 2012).
: 11. ANP-3092(P) Revision 0, Monticello Thermal-HydraulicDesign Report for ATRIUM TM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, July 2012.
: 12. AN P-10307PA Revision 0, AREVA MCPR Safety Limit Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, AREVA NP, June 2011.
: 13. EMF-2209(P)(A) Revision 3, SPCB CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, September 2009.
: 14. EMF-2245(P)(A) Revision 0, Application of Siemens Power Corporation'sCriticalPower Correlationsto Co-Resident Fuel, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.
: 15. ANP-3138(P) Revision 0, Monticello Improved K-factor Model forACE/ATRIUM IOXM CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, August 2012.
: 16. ANP-10298PA Revision 0, ACE/ATRIUM IOXM Critical Power Correlation,AREVA NP, March 2010.
* This reference should be updated to the NRC-approved revision when possible.
uontrouieo uocumenit Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 8-3Table 8.1 MCPRp Limits forTwo-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion TimesBOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*MCPRPOperating Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14Condition
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                 Page 9-2
(% of rated) Fuel FuelBase 100.0 1.55 1.53case 40.0 1.71 1.71operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.5885.0 1.64 1.6485.0 1.91 1.8440.0 2.39 2.3040.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
: 17. ANP-10298(P)(A) Revision 0 Supplement 1P Revision 0, Improved K-factor Model for ACE/ATRIUM IOXM CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, December 2011.
: 18. NEDO-32465-A, Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions Licensing Basis Methodology and Reload Applications, GE Nuclear Energy, August 1996.
: 19. BAW-1 0255PA Revision 2, Cycle-Specific DIVOM Methodology Using the RAMONA5-FA Code, AREVA NP, May 2008.
: 20. OG04-0153-260, Plant-Specific Regional Mode DIVOM Procedure Guideline, June 15, 2004.
: 21. BWROG-03047, Resolution of Reportable Condition for Stability Reload Licensing Calculations Using Generic Regional Mode DIVOM Curve, September 30, 2003.
: 22. OG02-0119-260, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) for Inoperable Option III Solution, GE Nuclear Energy, July 17, 2002.
: 23. EMF-CC-074(P)(A) Volume 4 Revision 0, BWR StabilityAnalysis - Assessment of STAIF with Input from MICROBURN-B2, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.
: 24. ANF-913(P)(A) Volume 1 Revision 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 2, 3 and 4, COTRANSA2: A Computer Program for Boiling Water Reactor TransientAnalyses, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, August 1990.
: 25. XN-NF-84-105(P)(A) Volume 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 1 and 2, XCOBRA-T: A Computer Code for BWR Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Core Analysis, Exxon Nuclear Company, February 1987.
: 26. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 3 Revision 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, THERMEX: Thermal Limits Methodology Summary Description, Exxon Nuclear Company, January 1987.
: 27. EMF-2158(P)(A) Revision 0, Siemens Power CorporationMethodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Evaluation and Validation of CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2, Siemens Power Corporation, October 1999.
: 28. XN-NF-81-58(P)(A) Revision 2 and Supplements 1 and 2, RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model, Exxon Nuclear Company, March 1984.
: 29. ANP-3211 (P) Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA Break Spectrum Analysis for ATRIUM TM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.
: 30. ANP-3212(P) Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA-ECCS Analysis MAPLHGR Limits for ATRIUM TM 1OXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.
: 31. 0000-0043-8325-SRLR Revision 1, Cycle 27 Extended Power Uprate Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, Global Nuclear Fuel, February 2013.
uontroiled UocumenfMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 8-4Table 8.2 MCPRp Limits forTwo-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion TimesBOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*MCPRpOperating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14Condition
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                 Page 9-3
(% of rated) Fuel FuelBase 100.0 1.59 1.58case 40.0 1.76 1.79operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.5885.0 1.64 1.6485.0 1.91 1.8440.0 2.39 2.3040.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
: 32. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 1 and Supplements 1 and 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors - Neutronic Methods for Design and Analysis, Exxon Nuclear Company, March 1983.
: 33. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 4 Revision 1, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Application of the ENC Methodology to BWR Reloads, Exxon Nuclear Company, June 1986.
: 34. EMF-2361(P)(A) Revision 0, EXEM BWR-2000 ECCS Evaluation Model, Framatome ANP, May 2001.
: 35. General Electric 10CFR Part 21 Communication, Potential Violation of Low Pressure Technical Specification Safety Limit, SC05-03, March 22, 2005.
: 36. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Information - MNGP Appendix R Analysis Information Obtained from GNF,"
OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2012-007, February 14, 2012.
: 37. ANP-3113(P) Revision 0, Monticello Nuclear Plant Spent Fuel Storage Pool Criticality Safety Analysis for A TRIUM TM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, August 2012.
: 38. 51-9187384-000, "Monticello Plant RPV Seismic Assessment with ATRIUM M
T 1OXM Fuel," AREVA NP, September 2012 (RJW:12:022).
: 39. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Core Follow Data," OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2011-005, November 15, 2011.
: 40. Letter, M.A. Schimmel (NSPM) to Document Control Desk (NRC), "License Amendment Request for Fuel Storage Changes," L-MT-12-076, October 30, 2012 (ADAMS accession no. ML12307A433).
: 41. NEDO-32047, A TWS Rule Issues Relative to BWR Core Thermal-Hydraulic Stability, DRF A13-00302, GE Nuclear Energy, February 1992.
uontrolied Uocurnenm Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 8-5Table 8.3 MCPRp Limits forTwo-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion TimesBOC to Coastdown*
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                   Page A-1 Appendix A      Operating Limits and Results Comparisons The figures and tables presented in this appendix show comparisons of the Monticello Cycle 28 operating limits and the transient analysis results. The thermal limits for NSS and TSSS insertion times protect the TTWB event with DSS insertion times. Comparisons are presented for the ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 MCPRP limits and LHGRFACP multipliers.
MCPRPOperating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14Condition
(% of rated) Fuel FuelBase 100.0 1.55 1.53case 40.0 1.74 1.71operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.5885.0 1.64 1.6485.0 1.91 1.8440.0 2.39 2.3040.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontroOneo uccurenti Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 8-6Two-LoopTable 8.4 MCPRp Limits forOperation (TLO), TSSS Insertion TimesBOC to Coastdown*
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                           Page A-2 MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS 16175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A10XM Fuel) 4.0                      I    I          I    I        I  I  I  I
MCPRPOperating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14Condition
(% of rated) Fuel FuelBase 100.0 1.59 1.58case 40.0 1.77 1.79operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at 5 50%F 2.33 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.5885.0 1.64 1.6485.0 1.91 1.8440.0 2.39 2.3040.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.7225.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.4740.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.3825.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
                                                                      ** LOFWH 3.5
                                                                      +  LRNB x  RUNUP
* TTNB 3.0                                                            v  TTWB
    -j Q_ 2.5 C-)                      V V
2.0 x                        [
1.5 Aa x
1.0 0    10    20    30        40    50    60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power         MCPRP
(% of rated)         Limit 100.0                 1.55 40.0                 1.71 40.0 > 50%F           2.77 25.0 > 50%F           3.39 40.0 5 50%F           2.33 25.0 < 50%F           3.09 Figure A.1 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Uontrofled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
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Revision 1Page 8-7Table 8.5 MCPRP Limits forSingle-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion TimesBOC to Coastdown*
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                         Page A-3 MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS                16175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GEl4  Fuel) 4.0 o  FWCF o  HPCI 3.5
tMCPRPOperating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14Condition
(% of rated) Fuel FuelBase 66.0 2.13 2.19case 40.0 2.40 2.31/PROOS 40.0 at > 50%F 2.78 2.7325.0 at > 50%F 3.40 3.4840.0 at < 50%F 2.49 2.3925.0 at < 50%F 3.25 3.24* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
                                                                      +  LRNB x  RUNUF
t Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.AREVA NP Inc.
* TTNB 3.0                                                         v  TTWB 0
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    -t E.
0j 2.5 a-                     +
Revision 1Page 8-8Table 8.6 Flow-Dependent MCPR LimitsATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel,NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOSAll Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow(% of rated) MCPRf30.0 1.8080.0 1.50105.0 1.50AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolied uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
2.0 x              ~          ~g        -
1.5                                          *.+        +
Revision 1Page 8-9Table 8.7 ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHGR LimitsPeakPellet Exposure LHGR(GWd/MTU)
a          A x      A x
(kW/ft)0.0 14.118.9 14.174.4 7.4AREVA NP Inc.
1.0 0    10    20    30      40      50    60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
uontcroheci uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Power           MCPRP
(% of rated)         Limit 100.0                   1.53 40.0                 1.71 40.0 > 50%F           2.72 25.0 > 50%F           3.47 40.05 50%F           2.38 25.0 < 50%F           3.23 Figure A.2 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Revision 1Page 8-10Table 8.8 ATRIUM 1OXMLHGRFACp Multipliers forNSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO,All Cycle 28 Exposures*
LHGRFACpOperating Power ATRIUM 1OXMCondition
(% of rated) Fuel100.0 1.0040.0 0.80Base 40.0 at > 50%F 0.44case 25.0 at > 50%F 0.30operation 40.0 at < 50%F 0.5625.0 at 50%F 0.36PROOS 100.0 1.0085.0 0.9585.0 0.9240.0 0.6640.0 at > 50%F 0.4425.0 at > 50%F 0.3040.0 at: <50%F 0.5625.0 at 50%F 0.36* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
uontrolnec uocumen't-Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroiied uocument, Monticello                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 8-11Table 8.9 GE14LHGRFACp Multipliers forNSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO,All Cycle 28 Exposures*
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                         Page A-4 MONT CY28        CoostNSS 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0                                       I                    I o] FWCF o  HPCI A  LOFWH 3.5
LHGRFACPOperating Power GE14Condition
                                                                      +  LRNB x  RUNUP 0 TTNB 3.0                                                         v  TTWB E
(% of rated) FuelBase 100.0 0.99tcase 40.0 0.57operation 40.0 at > 50%F 0.4225.0 at > 50%F 0.3440.0 at 50%F 0.5325.0 at < 50%F 0.37PROOS 100.0 0.99t85.0 0.8985.0 0.7540.0 0.5440.0 at > 50%F 0.4225.0 at > 50%F 0.3440.0 at < 50%F 0.5125.0 at 50%F 0.37* Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIPchannels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.
t 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).
_- 2.5 Q_
(D                        +
2.0 0
x                        0 1.5
                                          +                                +
A          A            A A      A x
1.0 0   10    20      30      40      50   60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power          MCPRP
(% of rated)        Limit 100.0                 1.55 40.0                 1.74 40.0 > 50%F         2.77 25.0 > 50%F         3.39 40.0:<50%F           2.33 25.0 5 50%F         3.09 Figure A.3 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 10XM Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
uontrovled uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontrolned Uocumenii Monticello                                                                ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page 8-12Table 8.10 ATRIUM 1OXMLHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS,All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow ATRIUM 1OXM(% of rated) LHGRFACf30.0 0.7340.0 0.7375.0 1.00105.0 1.00AREVA NP Inc.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                       Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                         Page A-5 MONT CY28        CoastNSS 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 o  FWCF o  HPCI 3.5
(iontrouedi uocument1 Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
                                                                      +  LRNB x  RUNUP o  TTNB 3.0                                                         v  TTWB 0
Revision 1Page 8-13Table 8.11 GE14LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS,All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow GE14(% of rated) LHGRFACf30.0 0.6840.0 0.6875.0 1.00105.0 1.00AREVA NP Inc.
(ontroeO~e UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
    -J o_ 2.5                  +
V a-)
Revision 1Page 8-14Table 8.12 ATRIUM 1OXMMAPLHGR Limits, TLO*Average PlanarExposure MAPLHGR(GWd/MTU)  
V 2.0 x                  I*I 1.5 A          A      A*
(kW/ft)0.0 12.520.0 12.567.0 7.6* For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLO MAPLHGR limits.AREVA NP Inc.
x x
Monticello ANP-3213(NP)
1.0 0     10    20    30      40      50    60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Power            MCPRP
Page 9-19.0 References
(% of rated)         Limit 100.0                   1.53 40.0                   1.71 40.0 > 50%F          2.72 25.0 > 50%F          3.47 40.0 < 50%F          2.38 25.0 5 50%F          3.23 Figure A.4 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
: 1. ANP-3215(P)
Revision 0, Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Fuel Cycle Design (EPU/MELLLA),
AREVA NP, May 2013.2. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision 28.3. Technical Specification Requirements for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 1,Monticello, Amendment 146.4. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Technical Specifications (Bases),
Revision 16.5. NEDC-33322(P)*
Revision 3, Safety Analysis Report for Monticello Constant PressurePower Uprate, GEH, October 2008.6. ANP-3224P Revision 2, Applicability of AREVA NP BWR Methods to Monticello, AREVA NP, June 2013.7. ANP-3119(P)
Revision 0, Mechanical Design Report for Monticello A TRIUMTM IOXMFuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, October 2012.8. ANP-3221 P Revision 0, Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Design for Monticello ATRIUM IOXM Fuel Assemblies, Cycle 28, AREVA NP, May 2013.9. BAW-1 0247PA Revision 0, Realistic Thermal-Mechanical Fuel Rod Methodology forBoiling Water Reactors, AREVA NP, February 2008.10. GNF Design Basis Document, Fuel-Rod Thermal-Mechanical Performance Limits forGE14C, DB-001 2.03 Revision 2, September 2006 (transmitted by letter, D.J. Mienke(Xcel Energy) to R. Welch (AREVA),
"Transmittal of Requested Monticello PlantInformation:
GE14 Exposure Limits,"
July 19, 2012).11. ANP-3092(P)
Revision 0, Monticello Thermal-Hydraulic Design Report forATRIUMTM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, July 2012.12. AN P-10307PA Revision 0, AREVA MCPR Safety Limit Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors, AREVA NP, June 2011.13. EMF-2209(P)(A)
Revision 3, SPCB Critical Power Correlation, AREVA NP, September 2009.14. EMF-2245(P)(A)
Revision 0, Application of Siemens Power Corporation's Critical PowerCorrelations to Co-Resident Fuel, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.15. ANP-3138(P)
Revision 0, Monticello Improved K-factor Model forACE/ATRIUM IOXMCritical Power Correlation, AREVA NP, August 2012.16. ANP-10298PA Revision 0, ACE/ATRIUM IOXM Critical Power Correlation, AREVA NP,March 2010.* This reference should be updated to the NRC-approved revision when possible.
uontroOned uocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Uontrolled Uocument Monticello                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Page 9-217. ANP-10298(P)(A)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                         Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                           Page A-6 MONT CY28        EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0 DSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0 o  FWCF o  HPCI 3.5
Revision 0 Supplement 1P Revision 0, Improved K-factor Model forACE/ATRIUM IOXM Critical Power Correlation, AREVA NP, December 2011.18. NEDO-32465-A, Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions Licensing BasisMethodology and Reload Applications, GE Nuclear Energy, August 1996.19. BAW-1 0255PA Revision 2, Cycle-Specific DIVOM Methodology Using the RAMONA5-FA Code, AREVA NP, May 2008.20. OG04-0153-260, Plant-Specific Regional Mode DIVOM Procedure Guideline, June 15, 2004.21. BWROG-03047, Resolution of Reportable Condition for Stability Reload Licensing Calculations Using Generic Regional Mode DIVOM Curve, September 30, 2003.22. OG02-0119-260, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) for Inoperable Option III Solution, GE Nuclear Energy, July 17, 2002.23. EMF-CC-074(P)(A)
Volume 4 Revision 0, BWR Stability Analysis
                                                                      +  LRNB x  RUNUP 0  TTNB 3.0                                                           V  TTWB
-Assessment of STAIFwith Input from MICROBURN-B2, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.24. ANF-913(P)(A)
    -t 2.5
Volume 1 Revision 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 2, 3 and 4,COTRANSA2:
A Computer Program for Boiling Water Reactor Transient
: Analyses, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, August 1990.25. XN-NF-84-105(P)(A)
2.0 x                  8 1.5 x
Volume 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 1 and 2, XCOBRA-T:
1.0                           IIII                      I  I  II 0    10    20    30       40    50    60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
AComputer Code for BWR Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Core Analysis, Exxon NuclearCompany, February 1987.26. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A)
Power           MCPRP
Volume 3 Revision 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors, THERMEX:
(% of rated)           Limit 100.0                  1.59 40.0                  1.76 40.0 > 50%F            2.77 25.0 > 50%F            3.39 40.05 50%F            2.33 25.0 5 50%F            3.09 Figure A.5 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Thermal Limits Methodology Summary Description, ExxonNuclear Company, January 1987.27. EMF-2158(P)(A)
Revision 0, Siemens Power Corporation Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors:
Evaluation and Validation of CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2, Siemens PowerCorporation, October 1999.28. XN-NF-81-58(P)(A)
Revision 2 and Supplements 1 and 2, RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model, Exxon Nuclear Company, March 1984.29. ANP-3211 (P) Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA Break Spectrum Analysis forATRIUMTM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.30. ANP-3212(P)
Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA-ECCS Analysis MAPLHGR Limits forATRIUMTM 1OXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.31. 0000-0043-8325-SRLR Revision 1, Cycle 27 Extended Power Uprate Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, Global Nuclear Fuel, February 2013.AREVA NP Inc.
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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page 9-332. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A)
Volume 1 and Supplements 1 and 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors
-Neutronic Methods for Design and Analysis, Exxon NuclearCompany, March 1983.33. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A)
Volume 4 Revision 1, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors:
Application of the ENC Methodology to BWR Reloads, Exxon NuclearCompany, June 1986.34. EMF-2361(P)(A)
Revision 0, EXEM BWR-2000 ECCS Evaluation Model, Framatome ANP, May 2001.35. General Electric 1OCFR Part 21 Communication, Potential Violation of Low PressureTechnical Specification Safety Limit, SC05-03, March 22, 2005.36. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Information
-MNGP Appendix R Analysis Information Obtained from GNF,"OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2012-007, February 14, 2012.37. ANP-3113(P)
Revision 0, Monticello Nuclear Plant Spent Fuel Storage Pool Criticality Safety Analysis for A TRIUMTM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, August 2012.38. 51-9187384-000, "Monticello Plant RPV Seismic Assessment with ATRIUMTM 1OXMFuel," AREVA NP, September 2012 (RJW:12:022).
: 39. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Core Follow Data," OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2011-005, November 15, 2011.40. Letter, M.A. Schimmel (NSPM) to Document Control Desk (NRC), "License Amendment Request for Fuel Storage Changes,"
L-MT-12-076, October 30, 2012 (ADAMSaccession no. ML12307A433).
: 41. NEDO-32047, A TWS Rule Issues Relative to BWR Core Thermal-Hydraulic Stability, DRF A13-00302, GE Nuclear Energy, February 1992.AREVA NP Inc.
UontrolOed UocumentMonticello ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Page A-1Appendix A Operating Limits andResults Comparisons The figures and tables presented in this appendix show comparisons of the Monticello Cycle 28operating limits and the transient analysis results.
The thermal limits for NSS and TSSSinsertion times protect the TTWB event with DSS insertion times. Comparisons are presented for the ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 MCPRP limits and LHGRFACP multipliers.
uontroiled uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-2MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS (A10XM16175.0Fuel)DSS/NSS/TSSS I I I I I I I* FWCFo HPCILOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUP* TTNBv TTWBVVx [Aax2.01.51.00 10 2030 40 50 60 70Power (% Rated)Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5540.0 1.7140.0 > 50%F 2.7725.0 > 50%F 3.3940.0 5 50%F 2.3325.0 < 50%F 3.0980 90 100 110Figure A.1 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFPPower-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 1OXM FuelNSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
uontroueo uocLum,,nt Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-3MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS (GEl416175.0Fuel)DSS/NSS/TSSS FWCFo HPCI* LOFWI+ LRNBx RUNUF* TTNBv TTWB0++x ~ ~g -+ *.+H2. 10 20 30 40 50 60Power (% Rated)70 80 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5340.0 1.7140.0 > 50%F 2.7225.0 > 50%F 3.4740.05 50%F 2.3825.0 < 50%F 3.23Figure A.2 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFPPower-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelNSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
: uocument, Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-4MONT CY28CoostNSS 21175.0(A1OXM Fuel)DSS/NSS/TSSS Io] FWCFo HPCIA LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUP0 TTNBv TTWB-tE_-Q_(D2. 0+A A AA+Ax0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Power (% Rated)80 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5540.0 1.7440.0 > 50%F 2.7725.0 > 50%F 3.3940.0: <50%F 2.3325.0 5 50%F 3.09Figure A.3 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 10XM FuelNSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
uontrolned Uocumenii Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-5MONT CY28CoastNSS 21175.0(GE14 Fuel)DSS/NSS/TSSS 2.5a-)2.01.5o FWCFo HPCI* LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUPo TTNBv TTWB00+VVx AA xx1.00 10 20 30 40 50 60Power (% Rated)7080 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5340.0 1.7140.0 > 50%F 2.7225.0 > 50%F 3.4740.0 < 50%F 2.3825.0 5 50%F 3.23Figure A.4 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelNSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
Uontrolled UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-6MONT CY28EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0(A1OXM Fuel)DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0-tC-)2.5o FWCFo HPCI* LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUP0 TTNBV TTWB+x 8xIIII I I II2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50 60Power (% Rated)70 80 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5940.0 1.7640.0 > 50%F 2.7725.0 > 50%F 3.3940.05 50%F 2.3325.0 5 50%F 3.09Figure A.5 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFPPower-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 1OXM FuelTSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
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Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Monticello                                                               ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                         Page A-7 MONT CY28 EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0 DSS/TSSS (GE 14 Fuel) 4.0 o] FWCF o  HPCI A  LOFWH 3.5
Revision 1Page A-7MONT CY28 EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0(GE 14 Fuel)DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0-ta-)2.5o] FWCFo HPCIA LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUPo TTNBv TTWB00+04o-Axx2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50 60Power (% Roted)70 80 90 100110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5840.0 1.7940.0 > 50%F 2.7225.0 > 50%F 3.4740.05 50%F 2.3825.05 50%F 3.23Figure A.6 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFPPower-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelTSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
                                                                    +  LRNB x  RUNUP o  TTNB 3.0                                                         v  TTWB 0
uotroiieo uocumenti Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
    -t                        0 2.5                  +
Revision 1Page A-8MONT CY28 CoastTSSS 21175.0(AlOXM Fuel)DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0E_JCL I IIIo FWCFo HPCIA LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUPo TTNBV TTWBxx0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Power (% Rated)80 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5940.0 1.7740.0 > 50%F 2.7725.0 > 50%F 3.3940.05 50%F 2.3325.0 5 50%F 3.09Figure A.7 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 1OXM FuelTSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.  
2.0 0
(Jontroiied uocumenit Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
1.5                                          4o-xx A 1.0 0    10     20     30     40     50   60      70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Roted)
Power          MCPRP
Revision 1Page A-9MONT CY28CoastTSSS 211(GE14 Fuel)75.0 DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0-tE~_ja)2.5III .IIIIo FWCFo HPCI* LOFWH+ LRNBx RUNUP* TTNBv TTWB00+V0 8xx2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50 60Power (% Rated)7080 90 100 110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5840.0 1.7940.0 > 50%F 2.7225.0 > 50%F 3.4740.0! <50%F 2.3825.0 5 50%F 3.23Figure A.8 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelTSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
(% of rated)         Limit 100.0                 1.58 40.0                 1.79 40.0 > 50%F         2.72 25.0 > 50%F         3.47 40.05 50%F           2.38 25.05 50%F           3.23 Figure A.6 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Uontrolled UocumenZMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Revision 1Page A-10MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0(A1OXM Fuel)DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0-ta_2.5I I I I I I Io FWCFo HPCIA LOFWH+ LRNBx PRFDS0 RUNUPD V TTNB0 TTWB+H +~+0III I I I I I I I2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Power (% Rated)110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5985.0 1.6485.0 1.9140.0 2.3940.0 > 50%F 2.7725.0 > 50%F 3.3940.0 < 50%F 2.4825.0 5 50%F 3.24Figure A.9 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 1OXM FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesPROOSTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
uotroiieo uocumenti Monticello                                                                   ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                             Page A-8 MONT CY28 CoastTSSS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (AlOXM Fuel) 4.0                          III                I          III o  FWCF o  HPCI A  LOFWH 3.5
uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
                                                                        +  LRNB x  RUNUP o  TTNB 3.0                                                            V  TTWB E
_J CL 2.5 2.0 1.5                                x x
Revision 1Page A-i 1MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0(GE14 Fuel)DSS/TSSS4.03.53.0._Ja-n_&#xa3;-_2.5o FWCFo HPCIA LOFWH+ LRNBx PRFDS0 RUNUPv TTNB0 TTWB00000 g0III I I I I I I I2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50Power (%60Rated)70 80 90 100110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit100.0 1.5885.0 1.6485.0 1.8440.0 2.3040.0 > 50%F 2.7225.0 > 50%F 3.4740.0: <50%F 2.3825.0 < 50%F 3.23Figure A.10 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelNSSITSSS Insertion TimesPROOSTwo-Loop Operation (TLO)AREVA NP Inc.
1.0 0    10     20     30       40     50   60       70 80  90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
UontroUed UocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Power        MCPRP
(% of rated)           Limit 100.0                   1.59 40.0                   1.77 40.0 > 50%F           2.77 25.0 > 50%F           3.39 40.05 50%F             2.33 25.0 5 50%F           3.09 Figure A.7 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Revision 1Page A-12MONT CY28CoostSLO 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) I I I I I I I0 FWCFo HPCI* LOFWH+ LRNBx PRFDS* RUNUP0 V TTNB* TTWB* SLPS0H+ XHX9g+/-III I I I I I I I0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Power (% Rated)110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit66.0 2.1340.0 2.4040.0 > 50%F 2.7825.0 > 50%F 3.4040.0 5 50%F 2.4925.0 < 50%F 3.25Figure A.11 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forATRIUM 1OXM FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesBase case + PROOSSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)** Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.AREVA NP Inc.
(Jontroiied uocumenit Monticello                                                                     ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                          Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                             Page A-9 MONT    CY28      CoastTSSS 211 75.0 DSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0                           III          . IIII o  FWCF o  HPCI
* LOFWH 3.5
                                                                          +  LRNB x  RUNUP
* TTNB 3.0                                                             v  TTWB 0
    -t                        0 E~
_j 2.5                  +
V 2.0 0            8 1.5                                              xx 1.0 0    10     20     30       40     50     60        70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power          MCPRP
(% of rated)             Limit 100.0                     1.58 40.0                     1.79 40.0 > 50%F             2.72 25.0 > 50%F             3.47 40.0! <50%F             2.38 25.0 5 50%F             3.23 Figure A.8 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
Uontrolled UocumenZ Monticello                                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                               Page A-10 MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0             I  I                      I     I           I   I   I o  FWCF o  HPCI A  LOFWH 3.5
                                                                          +   LRNB x  PRFDS 0  RUNUP 3.0                  D                                          V   TTNB 0  TTWB
    -t 2.5 a_                        +
H           +
2.0 1.5                                          ~+
0 III                I      I     I         I I   I     I 1.0 0    10       20   30       40     50     60       70 80 90   100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power            MCPRP
(% of rated)           Limit 100.0                     1.59 85.0                   1.64 85.0                   1.91 40.0                   2.39 40.0 > 50%F             2.77 25.0 > 50%F             3.39 40.0 < 50%F             2.48 25.0 5 50%F             3.24 Figure A.9 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
uon'lro~ied~ uocument Monticello                                                                      ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                            Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                               Page A-i 1 MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 o  FWCF o  HPCI A  LOFWH 3.5
                                                                            +  LRNB x  PRFDS 0  RUNUP 3.0                                                                 v  TTNB 0  TTWB 0
    ._J                        0 2.5 a-n_
2.0 00 1.5 0            g 0
III            I      I     I       I     I   I       I 1.0 0    10       20   30     40       50  60      70  80  90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power          MCPRP
(% of rated)         Limit 100.0                 1.58 85.0                 1.64 85.0                 1.84 40.0                 2.30 40.0 > 50%F           2.72 25.0 > 50%F           3.47 40.0:<50%F           2.38 25.0 < 50%F           3.23 Figure A.10 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSSITSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO)
UontroUed Uocument Monticello                                                                  ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                        Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                         Page A-12 MONT CY28          CoostSLO 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0             III                I        I   I       I I I   I 0  FWCF o  HPCI
* LOFWH 3.5
                                                                        + LRNB x  PRFDS
* RUNUP 0                                      V TTNB 3.0
    -t E~ 2.5
_j 0
H+                   X 2.0                                    HX g
1.5 III               I        I   I       I I I   I 1.0 0    10       20   30     40       50 60       70 80 90 100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power          MCPRP
(% of rated)       Limit 66.0                 2.13 40.0                 2.40 40.0 > 50%F         2.78 25.0 > 50%F         3.40 40.0 5 50%F         2.49 25.0 < 50%F         3.25 Figure A.11 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base case + PROOS Single-Loop Operation (SLO)*
* Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.
uontromlod uocumrent~
uontromlod uocumrent~
Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Monticello                                                                         ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                 Page A-13 MONT CY28          CoastSLO 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0                             II            I      I       I I   I   I o  FWCF o  HPCI
Revision 1Page A-13MONT CY28CoastSLO 21175.0(GE14 Fuel)DSS/NSS/TSSS I I I I I Io FWCFo HPCI* LOFWH+ LRNBx PRFDSo RUNUPv TTNB* TTWB0 X SLPS+ x0110o 80&#xa3;I I I Ii i i2.01.51.00 10 20 30 40 50Power60(% Rated)70 80 90 100110Power MCPRP(% of rated) Limit66.0 2.1940.0 2.3140.0 > 50%F 2.7325.0 > 50%F 3.4840.0 < 50%F 2.3925.0 5 50%F 3.24Figure A.12 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits forGE14 FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesBase case + PROOSSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)** Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.AREVA NP Inc.  
* LOFWH 3.5
;ontrotued VocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
                                                                              +   LRNB x  PRFDS o  RUNUP 3.0                                                                v  TTNB
* TTWB 0                                              X SLPS
Revision 1Page A-14MONT CY28 LHGRFACp Base(AT 1OXMCase COASTFuel)ALL SCRAM0-(-rY(_-_J1. t I00ALOFWHHPCIFWCFI I I I I I I I I0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Power (% Rated)Power LHGRFACP(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 1.0040.0 0.8040.0 > 50%F 0.4425.0 > 50%F 0.3040.0 < 50%F 0.5625.0 5 50%F 0.36Figure A.13 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers forATRIUM 1OXM FuelNSSITSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO) andSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)AREVA NP Inc.
    -t 0E
_j  2.5 n-
                                              +               x 2.0 011 0
o              8 1.5 0&#xa3; I I             I       Ii               i     i 1.0 0    10     20       30       40       50    60        70 80 90  100    110 Power (% Rated)
Power            MCPRP
(% of rated)               Limit 66.0                       2.19 40.0                       2.31 40.0 > 50%F               2.73 25.0 > 50%F               3.48 40.0 < 50%F               2.39 25.0 5 50%F               3.24 Figure A.12 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base case + PROOS Single-Loop Operation (SLO)*
* Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.
                                  ;ontrotued Vocument Monticello                                                                        ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                              Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                               Page A-14 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp Base Case COAST ALL SCRAM (AT 1OXM Fuel) 1.2                                              t        t    I 1.1 1.0 0
          .9                                             0 0
0-  .8
            .7 rY
          .4                                                         0    LOFWH 0    HPCI
          .3                                                         A    FWCF
          .2        I      I      I         I     I     I       I     I   I 0    10     20     30       40     50     60     70   80   90 100   110 Power (% Rated)
Power         LHGRFACP
(% of rated)       Multiplier 100.0                     1.00 40.0                 0.80 40.0 > 50%F           0.44 25.0 > 50%F           0.30 40.0 < 50%F           0.56 25.0 5 50%F           0.36 Figure A.13 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSSITSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
uontroiiecd uocumen"1.
uontroiiecd uocumen"1.
Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
Monticello                                                                             ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                     Page A-15 MONT CY28        LHGRFACp Base Case COAST                   ALL SCRAM (GE14 Fuel) 1.2 1.1 1.0
Revision 1Page A-15MONT CY28LHGRFACp Base Case COAST(GE14 Fuel)ALL SCRAM1.]FWCFHPCILOFWHRUNUPI I I I I I I I I I0 10 2030 40 50 60Power (% Rated)70 8090 100 110Power LHGRFACp(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 0.99*40.0 0.5740.0 > 50%F 0.4225.0 > 50%F 0.3440.05 50%F 0.5325.05 50%F 0.37Figure A.14 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers forGE14 FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesBase CaseTwo-Loop Operation (TLO) andSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)* 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).
            .9                                                              0 Q_    .8 C-)                                                     +
                                            -I Of-   .7
            .5 0                                        0      FWCF
            .4                                                           0+]    HPCI LOFWH
            .3                                                                   RUNUP
            .2       I    I      I       I       I       I       I         I     I   I 10     20      30      40       50     60      70    80    90  100      110 Power (% Rated)
Power            LHGRFACp
(% of rated)           Multiplier 100.0                     0.99*
40.0                     0.57 40.0 > 50%F             0.42 25.0 > 50%F             0.34 40.05 50%F               0.53 25.05 50%F               0.37 Figure A.14 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
* 0.97 setdown required ifanalytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).
uontronDed uocument Monticello                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                    Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                      Page A-16 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS COAST ALL SCRAM (AT1OXM Fuel) 1.2 1.1 1.0
          .8 0~
(_j r  .7 I
          .2 0    10    20    30      40    50  60      70 80 90 100  110 Power (% Rated)
Power        LHGRFACp
(% of rated)      Multiplier 100.0              1.00 85.0              0.95 85.0              0.92 40.0              0.66 40.0 > 50%F        0.44 25.0 > 50%F      0.30 40.0 <50%F        0.56 25.0 5 50%F      0.36 Figure A.15 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
uontronDed uocumentMonticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
uontroiied uocurnent Monticello                                                                              ANP-3213(NP)
Revision 1Page A-16MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS COAST ALL SCRAM(AT1OXM Fuel) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Power (% Rated)Power LHGRFACp(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 1.0085.0 0.9585.0 0.9240.0 0.6640.0 > 50%F 0.4425.0 > 50%F 0.3040.0 <50%F 0.5625.0 5 50%F 0.36Figure A.15 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers forATRIUM 1OXM FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesPROOSTwo-Loop Operation (TLO) andSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)AREVA NP Inc.
Fuel Transition Cycle 28                                                                      Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)                                                       Page A-17 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS COAST ALL SCRAM (GE 14 Fuel) 1.2            II 1.1 1.0
uontroiied uocurnent Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)
            .9 0-   .8 C-)
Revision 1Page A-17MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS(GE 14 Fuel)COAST ALL SCRAM1.,rY(_j. FWCFo LOFWH* PRFDS PROOSI I I I I I I I I I0 10 2070 8030 40 50 60Power (% Roted)90 100 110Power LHGRFACP(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 0.99*85.0 0.8985.0 0.7540.0 0.5440.0 > 50%F 0.4225.0 > 50%F 0.3440.0 5 50%F 0.5125.05 <50%F 0.37Figure A.16 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers forGE14 FuelNSS/TSSS Insertion TimesPROOSTwo-Loop Operation (TLO) andSingle-Loop Operation (SLO)* 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).
            .7 I,
            .5 0
            .4 o    FWCF o    LOFWH
            .2        I       I     I       I       I       I       I   I     I    I 0    10     20    30      40     50       60      70  80      90    100    110 Power (% Roted)
Power            LHGRFACP
(% of rated)         Multiplier 100.0                     0.99*
85.0                   0.89 85.0                   0.75 40.0                   0.54 40.0 > 50%F           0.42 25.0 > 50%F           0.34 40.0 5 50%F           0.51 25.05<50%F             0.37 Figure A.16 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
* 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).

Latest revision as of 04:12, 6 February 2020

ANP-3213(NP), Rev. 1, Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (Epu/Mellla).
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2013
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML13200A185 List:
L-MT-13-055 ANP-3213(NP), Rev 1
Download: ML13200A195 (122)


Enclosure 17 AREVA Report ANP-3213(NP)

Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)

Revision 1 121 pages follow


Revision 1 Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)

June 2013 A


Uontroned Uocument AREVA NP Inc.


Revision 1 Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA)

uontroIued Uocument AREVA NP Inc.


Revision 1 Copyright © 2013 AREVA NP Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page i Nature of Changes Item Page Description and Justification Changes in Revision 1 (as shown below) have been made to sections which affect Neutronics Richland, Thermal-Hydraulics Richland, and Mechanics Richland.

(Materials and Thermal-Mechanics Richland sections are unchanged.)

1. p. 2-4 USAR Section 3.6 Added "App. A" Added sentence for additional clarity.
2. p. 2-14 USAR Section 14.8 Added "GE14" for added clarity.
3. p. 6-2 Section 6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA)

.... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 26....

Changed to

.... Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 32....

4. p. 9-1 Reference 6 has been updated to reflect correct document name, date, and revision number.

Changed items are further identified by yellow highlighting.


Uontroited Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page ii Contents 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1-1 2.0 Disposition of Events .................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 Mechanical Design Analysis ......................................................................................... 3-1 4.0 Therm al-Hydraulic Design Analysis .............................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Therm al-Hydraulic Design and Com patibility ..................................................... 4-1 4.2 Safety Lim it MCPR Analysis ............................................................................. 4-1 4.3 Core Hydrodynam ic Stability ............................................................................. 4-2 5.0 Anticipated O perational O ccurrences ........................................................................... 5-1 5.1 System Transients ............................................................................................ 5-1 5.1.1 Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB) ..................................................... 5-2 5.1.2 Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB) .......................................................... 5-3 5.1.3 Pneumatic System Degradation - Turbine Trip With Bypass and Degraded Scram (TTW B) ................................................ 5-3 5.1.4 Feedwater Controller Failure (FW CF) ................................................. 5-4 5.1.5 Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI) ....................................................... 5-4 5.1.6 Loss of Feedwater Heating ................................................................. 5-5 5.1.7 Control Rod W ithdrawal Error ............................................................. 5-6 5.1.8 Fast Flow Runup Analysis ................................................................... 5-6 5.2 Slow Flow Runup Analysis ................................................................................ 5-7 5.3 Equipm ent O ut-of-Service Scenarios ................................................................ 5-8 5.3.1 Single-Loop O peration ........................................................................ 5-8 5.3.2 Pressure Regulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS) ................................ 5-9 5.4 Licensing Power Shape .................................................................................... 5-9 6.0 Postulated Accidents .................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LO CA) ..................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Pum p Seizure Accident ..................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA) .................................................................. 6-2 6.4 Fuel and Equipm ent Handling Accident ............................................................ 6-3 6.5 Fuel Loading Error (Infrequent Event) ............................................................... 6-3 6.5.1 Mislocated Fuel Bundle ....................................................................... 6-3 6.5.2 Misoriented Fuel Bundle ..................................................................... 6-3 7.0 Special Analyses .......................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 ASM E Overpressurization Analysis ................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Anticipated Transient W ithout Scram Event Evaluation ..................................... 7-2 7.2.1 O verpressurization Analysis ................................................................ 7-2 7.2.2 Long-Term Evaluation ......................................................................... 7-3 7.3 Reactor Core Safety Limits - Low Pressure Safety Limit, Pressure Regulator Failed O pen Event (PRFO ) ............................................................... 7-4 7.4 Appendix R - Fire Protection Analysis .............................................................. 7-5 7.5 Standby Liquid Control System ......................................................................... 7-5 7.6 Fuel Criticality ................................................................................................... 7-6 AREVA NP Inc.

Uontroaned Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page iii 8.0 Operating Limits and COLR Input ................................................................................. 8-1 8 .1 MC P R Lim its ..................................................................................................... 8 -1 8 .2 LHG R Lim its ..................................................................................................... 8 -1 8 .3 MA P LH G R Lim its .............................................................................................. 8-2 9 .0 R e fe re n ce s ................................................................................................................... 9 -1 Appendix A Operating Limits and Results Comparisons ............................................... A-1 Tables 1.1 EOD and EOOS Operating Conditions ......................................................................... 1-3 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary .................................................................................... 2-3 2.2 Disposition of Operating Flexibility and EOOS Options on Limiting Events ................. 2-20 2.3 Methodology and Evaluation Models for Cycle-Specific Reload Analyses .................. 2-21 4.1 Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses ....................... 4-3 4.2 Results Summary for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses ...................................................... 4-4 4 .3 O P R M S etpo ints ........................................................................................................... 4 -5 4.4 BSP Endpoints for Monticello Cycle 28 ......................................................................... 4-6 5.1 Exposure Basis for Monticello Cycle 28 Transient Analysis ........................................ 5-10 5.2 Scram Speed Insertion Times .................................................................................... 5-11 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case LRNB Transient Results ....................................... 5-12 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTNB Transient Results ....................................... 5-13 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTWB Transient Results ...................................... 5-14 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case FWCF Transient Results ...................................... 5-15 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case HPCI Transient Results ........................................ 5-16 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case CRWE Results ..................................................... 5-17 5.9 RBM Operability Requirements .................................................................................. 5-18 5.10 Licensing Basis EOFP PRFDS (PROOS) Transient Results ...................................... 5-19 5.11 Licensing Basis Core Average Axial Power Profile ..................................................... 5-20 7.1 ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results ................................................................. 7-7 7.2 ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results ................................................................. 7-8 8.1 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing B asis E O F P .............................................................................................. 8-3 8.2 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing B asis E O FP .............................................................................................. 8-4 8.3 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n ............................................................................................................... 8 -5 8.4 MCPRP Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n ............................................................................................................... 8 -6 8.5 MCPRP Limits for Single-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to C o a std o w n'. ............................................................................................................. 8 -7 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page iv 8.6 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel, NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS All Cycle 28 E xp o s u re s .................................................................................................................... 8 -8 8.7 ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHG R Lim its ................................................................... 8-9 8.8 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO , All Cycle 28 Exposures ....................................................................... 8-10 8.9 GE14 LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and S LO , A ll C ycle 28 Exposures ...................................................................................... 8-11 8.10 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO , PRO O S, All Cycle 28 Exposures ................................................................ 8-12 8.11 GE14 LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, A ll C ycle 2 8 E xposures ............................................................................................... 8-13 8.12 ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR Lim its, TLO ...................................................................... 8-14 Figures 1.1 Monticello Power/Flow Map - EPU/M ELLLA ................................................................. 1-4 5.1 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 100P/105F -TSSS Key Parameters ........................ 5-21 5.2 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ...................... 5-22 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at looP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters ........................ 5-23 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ...................... 5-24 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters ....................... 5-25 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1 OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ..................... 5-26 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters ......................... 5-27 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Vessel Pressures ....................... 5-28 7.1 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters ..................... 7-9 7.2 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures ................. 7-10 7.3 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Va lve F lo w R a te s ....................................................................................................... 7 -1 1 7.4 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters .................... 7-12 7.5 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures .................. 7-13 7.6 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Va lve F low R ate s ....................................................................................................... 7-14 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page v Nomenclature 2PT two pump trip ADS automatic depressurization system AOO anticipated operational occurrence APLHGR average planar linear heat generation rate ARO all control rods out ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers AST alternate source term ATWS anticipated transient without scram ATWS-PRFO anticipated transient without scram pressure regulator failure open ATWS-RPT anticipated transient without scram recirculation pump trip BOC beginning-of-cycle BPWS banked position withdrawal sequence BSP backup stability protection BWR boiling water reactor BWROG Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group CFR Code of Federal Regulations COLR core operating limits report CPR critical power ratio CRDA control rod drop accident CRWE control rod withdrawal error DIVOM delta-over-initial CPR versus oscillation magnitude DSS degraded scram speed ECCS emergency core cooling system EFPH effective full-power hour EOC end-of-cycle EOD extended operating domain EOFP end of full power EOOS equipment out-of-service EPU extended power uprate FW feedwater FWCF feedwater controller failure GE General Electric GNF Global Nuclear Fuels HCOM hot channel oscillation magnitude HFCL high flow control line HFR heat flux ratio HPCI high pressure coolant injection ICF increased core flow AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page vi Nomenclature (continued)

LFWH loss of feedwater heating LHGR linear heat generation rate LHGRFACf flow-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers LHGRFACP power-dependent linear heat generation rate multipliers LOCA loss-of-coolant accident LPRM local power range monitor LRNB generator load rejection with no bypass MAPLHGR maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MCPR minimum critical power ratio MCPRf flow-dependent minimum critical power ratio MCPRP power-dependent minimum critical power ratio MELLLA maximum extended load line limit analysis MNGP Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant MSIV main steam isolation valve NCL nominal control line NSS nominal scram speed NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S.

OLMCPR operating limit minimum critical power ratio OLTP original licensed thermal power 00S out of service OPRM oscillation power range monitor Pbypass power below which direct scram on TSV/TCV closure is bypassed PCT peak cladding temperature PRFDS pressure regulator failure down-scale PRFO pressure regulator failure open PROOS pressure regulator out-of-service PUSAR Power Uprate Safety Analysis Report RBM (control) rod block monitor RHR residual heat removal SLC standby liquid control SLCS standby liquid control system SLMCPR safety limit minimum critical power ratio SLO single-loop operation SLPS single-loop pump seizure SRV safety/relief valve SRVOOS safety/relief valve out-of-service AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page vii Nomenclature (continued)

TBV turbine bypass valves TCV turbine control valve TIP traversing incore probe TIPOOS traversing incore probe out-of-service TLO two-loop operation TSSS technical specifications scram speed TSV turbine stop valve TT turbine trip TTNB turbine trip with no bypass TTWB turbine trip with bypass USAR Updated Safety Analysis Report ACPR change in critical power ratio AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 1-1 1.0 Introduction The licensing analyses described herein were generated by AREVA NP to support Monticello M

T Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) operation for transitioning to ATRIUM 1OXM* fuel starting in Cycle 28. The analyses were performed using methodologies previously approved for generic application to boiling water reactors with some exceptions which are explicitly described in this transition licensing amendment request (LAR). The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) technical limitations associated with the application of the approved methodologies have been satisfied by these analyses.

Licensing analyses support a "representative" core design presented in Reference 1. The representative core design consists of a total of 484 fuel assemblies, including [ ] fresh ATRIUM 1OXM assemblies and [ ] irradiated GE14 assemblies. The analyses are prepared to be the best representation of the proposed MNGP configuration (i.e., extended power uprate (EPU) at maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)). However, the Cycle 28 core design used in this process is only a best-estimate design that is used as a representative design (because key factors such as Cycle 26 and Cycle 27 fuel depletions can only be estimated at this time). This process of using a representative core for licensing fuel transitions has precedent. The precedent recognizes that a representative core design is adequate for the purposes of the LAR, which are: (1) demonstrate that core design meets the applicability requirements of the new analysis methods, (2) demonstrate that the results can meet the proposed safety limits, and (3) demonstrate either existing Technical Specification limits do not need to be revised for the fuel transition or the needed revisions are identified. The representative core design for these analyses assures that the actual Cycle 28 core design meets all these objectives. Ultimately, the reload process will confirm the applicability of all plant inputs (including plant design changes made in the interim period) for all the appropriate safety analyses and will also perform the final confirmation that safety limits are satisfied for the actual core design that will be loaded.

These licensing analyses were performed for potentially limiting events and analyses identified in Section 2.0. Results of analyses are used to establish the Technical Specifications/COLR limits and ensure design and licensing criteria are met. Design and safety analyses are based on both operational assumptions and plant parameters provided by the utility. The results of the reload licensing analysis support operation for the power/flow map presented in Figure 1.1 and

  • ATRIUM is a trademark of AREVA NP.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 1-2 also support operation with the equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios presented in Table 1.1.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 1-3 Table 1.1 EOD and EiOS Operating Conditions Extended Operating Domain (EOD) Conditions Increased core flow (ICF)

Maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA)

Coastdown Equipment Out-of-Service (EOOS) Conditions*

Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)

Single-loop operation (SLO)

SLO may be combined with the other EOOS conditions. Base case and each EOOS condition is supported in combination with up to 1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS) or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a 1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.


m CD o z

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. . . 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Core Flow (Mlb/hr) z Figure 1.1 Monticello Power/Flow Map -


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-1 2.0 Disposition of Events The objective of this section is to identify limiting events for analysis using AREVA methods, supporting operation with GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. Events and analyses identified as potentially limiting are either evaluated generically for the introduction of AREVA methods and fuel or on a cycle-specific basis.

The first step is to identify the licensing basis of the plant. Included in the licensing basis are descriptions of the postulated events/analyses and the associated criteria. Fuel-related system design criteria must be met, ensuring regulatory compliance and safe operation. The licensing basis, related to fuel and applicable for reload analysis, is contained in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) (Reference 2), the Technical Specifications (References 3 and 4), Core Operating Limits Report (COLR), and other reload analysis reports. The licensing basis for EPU operation is obtained from Reference 5 (and supplements). Reference 6 provides the applicability of AREVA BWR methods to extended power flow operating domain at Monticello.

AREVA reviewed all fuel-related design criteria, events, and analyses identified in the licensing basis. When operating limits are established to ensure acceptable consequences of an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO) or accident, the fuel-related aspects of the system design criteria are met. All fuel-related events were reviewed and dispositioned into one of the following categories:

No further analysis required. This classification may result from one of the following:

The consequences of the event have been previously shown to be bounded by consequences of a different event and the introduction of a new fuel design does not change that conclusion.

The consequences of the event are benign, i.e., the event causes no significant change in margins to the operating limits.

The event is not affected by the introduction of a new fuel design and/or the current analysis of record remains applicable.

Address event each following reload. The consequences of the event are potentially limiting and need to be addressed each reload.

Address event for initial licensing analysis. This classification may result from one of the following:

The analysis is performed using conservative bounding assumptions and inputs such that the initial licensing analysis results will remain applicable for following reloads of the same fuel design (ATRIUM 1OXM).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-2 Results from the initial licensing analysis will be used to quantitatively demonstrate that the results remain applicable for following reloads of the same fuel design because the consequences are benign or bounded by those of another event.

The impact of operation in the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1 was also considered.

A disposition of events summary is presented in Table 2.1. The disposition summary presents a list of the events and analyses, the corresponding USAR section, the disposition status, and any applicable comments.

The disposition for the EOOS scenarios is summarized in Table 2.2. Increased Core Flow (ICF) and MELLLA operation regions of the power/flow map are included in the disposition results presented in Table 2.1. Methodology and evaluation models used for the cycle-specific analyses are provided in Table 2.3.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-3 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 3.0 Reactor See below.

3.2 Thermal and Address each time Analyses were performed for the introduction Hydraulic changes in hydraulic of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to demonstrate that this Characteristics design occur - fuel design is compatible with the expected Address for initial coresident fuel (Reference 11 ).

licensing analysis. Cycle-specific analyses include SLMCPR, MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR operating limits (Sections 4.2 and 8.0).

Thermal-hydraulic stability performance is determined on a cycle-specific basis (Section 4.3).

3.3 Nuclear Address each reload. Comparison to MAPLHGR, LHGR, and MCPR Characteristics limits is performed during the cycle-specific design (Reference 1) and during core monitoring.

Reactivity coefficients for void, Doppler, and power are evaluated each reload to ensure that they are negative.

Shutdown margin is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis and it is reported in Reference 1.

Standby liquid control system shutdown capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.5).

The control rod drop accident (CRDA) analysis is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 6.3).

The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will have no impact on the propensity for the reactor to undergo xenon instability transients.

3.4 Fuel Mechanical Address for initial The fuel assembly structural analyses are Characteristics and licensing analysis and performed for the initial reload and remain Fuel System for each reload, as applicable for follow-on reloads unless Design applicable, changes occur. The fuel assembly analysis, with the fuel channel, includes an evaluation of postulated seismic loads (Reference 7).

The fuel rod thermal-mechanical analyses are performed on a cycle-specific basis.

3.5 Reactivity Control Address for initial The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Mechanical licensing analysis. have no impact on the ability of the control rods Characteristics to perform their normal and scram functions (Reference 7).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-4 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 3.6 Other reactor Address for initial Analysis performed for the initial reload to App. A vessel internals licensing analysis. determine the effect of the mechanical loads introduced with ATRIUM 1OXM fuel on other reactor vessel internals (Reference 38). The introduction of the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel into Monticello will not have any adverse effects on the reactor pressure vessel seismic analysis of record.

4.0 Reactor Coolant See below.

System 4.2 Reactor Vessel No further analyses The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will not required. impact the neutron spectrum at the reactor vessel. The vessel fluence is primarily dependent upon the EFPH, power distribution, power level, and fuel management scheme.

There are no unique characteristics of the ATRIUM 1OXM design that would force a significant change in the power distribution or core management scheme.

4.3 Reactor Address each reload. Analyses performed each reload to Recirculation demonstrate compliance with the ASME System Overpressurization requirements.

Demonstration that the peak steam dome pressure remains within allowable limits also demonstrates compliance with the recirculation system pressure limits (Section 7.1).

4.4 Reactor Pressure Address each reload. This event assures compliance with the ASME Relief System code (Section 7.1).

Overpressuri-zation Protection 4.5 Reactor Coolant No further analyses Analysis of record shows compliance with the System Vents required. licensing requirements. The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology does not affect the normal operation of this system.

4.6 Hydrogen Water No further analyses The hydrogen water chemistry is independent Chemistry required. of the reload fuel. MNGP provides water chemistry data to AREVA to assess the impact of crud/corrosion on licensing analyses.

4.7 Zinc Water No further analyses The zinc water chemistry is independent of the Chemistry required. reload fuel. MNGP provides water chemistry data to AREVA to assess the impact of crud/corrosion on licensing analyses.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-5 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 5.0 Containment See below.

System 5.2 Primary No further analyses The primary containment characteristics Containment required. following a postulated LOCA are independent System of fuel design.

5.3 Secondary No further analyses The radiological impact is bounded by the main Containment required. steam line break accident.

System and Reactor Building 6.0 Plant See below.

Engineered Safeguards 6.2 ECCS Address for initial Break spectrum analyses performed for the Performance licensing analysis. initial licensing analysis (Reference 29).

Heatup/MAPLHGR analyses (Reference 30) performed each reload for any new nuclear fuel design.

6.3 Main Steam Line Address for initial AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Flow Restrictors licensing analysis. evaluation of fuel performance in response to postulated loss-of-coolant accidents upon introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.

Addressed under the LOCA analysis.

The main steam line break outside the primary containment will be considered in the identification of the spectrum of loss-of-coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).

6.4 Control Rod No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Velocity Limiters required. have no impact on the ability of the control rods to perform their normal and scram functions.

6.5 Control Rod No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Drive Housing required. have no impact on the ability of the control rods Supports to perform their normal and scram functions.

6.6 Standby Liquid Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdown Control System capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (SLCS) (Section 7.5).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-6 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 6.8 Main Control Address for initial As part of the alternative source term (AST)

Room, licensing analysis. methodology, the nuclide inventory of Emergency ATRIUM 1OXM fuel must be evaluated versus Filtration Train the inventories in the AST analysis of record.

Building and As shown by radiological source term Technical evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Support Center significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14).

Habitability Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.

Therefore, the control room habitability system design basis is unaffected by the ATRIUM 1OXM inventories.

7.0 Plant Instru- See below.

mentation and Control Systems 7.2 Reactor Control See below.

Systems 7.2.1 Reactor Manual Address each reload. Analyses to establish/validate the RBM Control setpoints will be performed each reload. The CRWE event and RBM setpoint analysis are addressed below (Section 5.1.7).

7.2.2 Recirculation Address each reload. USAR 14.0 transient analyses verify that the Flow Control fuel related safety design basis of the System recirculation flow control system prevent a transient event sufficient to damage the fuel barrier or exceed the nuclear system pressure limits (Sections 5.1.7 and 5.1.8).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-7 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 7.3 Nuclear Address each reload. The neutron monitoring system reactor trip Instrumentation setpoints are reviewed and agreed upon System between AREVA and Xcel Energy each reload for the AQOs described in Chapter 14.

AREVA performs cycle-specific OPRM trip setpoint calculations (Section 4.3).

Analyses to establish/validate the RBM setpoints are performed each reload. The setpoint are determined so that the MCPRP operating limit based on the CRWE will be similar to the limit supported by other transients. The CRWE event and RBM setpoint analysis are addressed in Section 5.1.7.

7.4 Reactor Vessel No further analyses The safety design basis for the reactor vessel Instrumentation required. instrumentation is independent of the fuel design.

The reload licensing analyses establish the allowable operating conditions during planned operations and abnormal and accident conditions which can be verified by the operator using the reactor vessel instrumentation.

7.5 Plant Radiation No further analysis The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will Monitoring required. have no impact on the plant radiation Systems monitoring systems.

7.6 Plant Protection Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses to verify System that scrams initiated by the RPS adequately limit the radiological consequences of gross failure of the fuel or nuclear system process barriers (Section 5.0).

7.7 Turbine- Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses which Generator include the turbine-generator system System instrumentation and control features Instrumentation (Section 5.0).

and Control 7.8 Rod Worth Address each reload. AREVA will perform safety analyses to Minimizer evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accident System will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpy greater than the control rod drop accident limit and that the number of failed rods does not exceed the limit (Section 6.3).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-8 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 7.9 Other Systems No further analysis All the control and instrumentation features Control and required. which may affect the safety analyses were Instrumentation already discussed above. The remaining systems are not fuel design dependent and do not need further analysis.

7.10 Seismic and No further analysis The operation of these systems is not affected Transient required. by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and Performance AREVA methodology.

Instrumentation Systems 7.11 Reactor No further analysis Reactor shutdown capability is not affected by Shutdown required. the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and Capability AREVA methodology.

7.12 Detailed Control No further analysis Control room design is not affected by the Room Design required. introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA Review methodology.

7.13 Safety Parameter No further analysis Safety parameter display system is not Display System required. affected by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.

8.0 PlantElectrical See below.

Systems 8.2 Transmission No further analysis Transmission system is not affected by the System required. introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.

8.3 Auxiliary Power No further analysis In case of loss of auxiliary power event the System required. reactor scrams and if it is not restored the diesel generator will carry the vital loads. See disposition of Station Blackout event below.

8.4 Plant Standby Address for initial The plant standby diesel generator system Diesel Generator licensing analysis. features are incorporated into the LOCA break System spectrum analysis which is performed for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVA methodology (Reference 29).

8.5 DC Power Address for initial The DC power supply system features are Supply Systems licensing analysis. incorporated into the LOCA break spectrum analysis which is performed for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel with the AREVA methodology (Reference 29).

8.6 Reactor No further analysis The power supplies for reactor protection Protection required. system are not affected by the introduction of System Power ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methodology.

Supplies AREVA NP Inc.

uontrclneo uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-9 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 8.7 Instrumentation No further analysis These systems are not affected by the and Control AC required. introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA Power Supply methodology.

Systems 8.8 Electrical Design No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Considerations required. remains valid.

8.9 Environmental No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Qualification of required. remains valid.

Safety-Related Electrical Equipment 8.10 Adequacy of No further analysis Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record Station Electrical required. remains valid.

Distribution System Voltages 8.11 Power Operated Address each reload. Functionality of safety related valves is Valves included in the safety analyses performed for each cycle (Sections 5.0, 7.1, and 7.2).

8.12 Station Blackout No further analysis Decay heat is the only fuel related input for required. station blackout. AREVA dispositioned the impact of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing the decay heat for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to the decay heat used in the station blackout analysis of record. Since the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel decay heat is expected to be similar to that of the GE14 fuel the analysis of record results bound the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel at Monticello.

9.0 Radioactive No further analyses As shown by radiological source term Waste required. evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Management significantly different than legacy fuel.

ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.

Therefore, plant operations following the fuel transition are not expected to increase the rate that radiological waste is generated.


Uontrotled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-10 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 10.0 PlantAuxiliary See below.

Systems 10.2 Reactor Auxiliary No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).

Systems required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.


10.2.1 Fuel Storage and Address for initial Evaluation of k-eff for normal and abnormal Fuel Handling licensing analysis. conditions for spent fuel pool storage racks has Systems been performed generically for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel design (Section 6.4).

10.3 Plant Service No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).

Systems required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.


10.3.1 Fire Protection Address for initial The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will be System licensing analysis. evaluated to demonstrate that no clad damage occurs for Appendix R (Section 7.4).

10.4 Plant Cooling No further analyses Independent of fuel design (except see below).

System required (except see Analysis of record remains valid.


10.4.2 Residual Heat Address for initial AREVA methodology requires plant-specific Removal System licensing analysis. evaluation of fuel performance in response to Service Water postulated LOCA upon introduction of the System ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP (Reference 29).

The decay heat removal design basis of the RHR system is not altered by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in MNGP.

Inadvertent RHR shutdown cooling operation is a benign event which does not need evaluation.

11.0 PlantPower Address each reload. These systems are part of the safety analysis Conversion models and their features affect the transient Systems analysis results. These systems are modeled within the plant transient analyses as appropriate for the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel at MNGP (Section 5.0).

12.0 PlantStructures No further analyses Independent of fuel design. Analysis of record and Shielding required. remains valid.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-11 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 13.0 Plant Operation Address for initial Organization, Responsibilities, and licensing analysis. Qualifications of staff personnel are not affected by transitioning to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.

Training in AREVA methodologies will be provided for the initial reload. The Emergency Operational Procedures (EOPs) may need to be updated to include the effects of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The overall nuclear site organization and plant functional organization are not affected by the introduction of AREVA fuel.

14.0 PlantSafety See below.

Analysis 14.2 MCPR Safety Address each reload. Part of the safety licensing analysis done for Limit each reload with AREVA methodology (Section 4.2).

14.3 Operating Limits Address each reload. Power- and flow-dependent MCPR and LHGR limits will be established for each reload using AREVA methodology. In addition MAPLHGR limits will be established and verified each cycle for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel designs (Section 8.0).

14.4 Transient Events See below.

Analyzed for Core Reload 14.4.1 Generator Load Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is a Rejection potentially limiting AOO. Load Rejection (LR)

Without Bypass with bypass operable is normally bounded by the LR with no bypass case (Section 5.1.1).

14.4.2 Loss of Address each reload. Application of approved generic analysis was Feedwater evaluated. Since the generic analysis does not Heating apply, this event will be analyzed for the initial cycle. Since the results of this event show this is a potentially limiting event, this event will also be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.6).

14.4.3 Rod Withdrawal No further analysis Consequences of a RWE below the low power Error - low required. setpoint are bound by the RWE at power due power to required strict compliance with BPWS.

14.4.3 Rod Withdrawal Address each reload. Analysis to determine the change in MCPR Error - at power and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint will be performed for each reload. The analysis will cover the low, intermediate, and high power RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)

(Section 5.1.7).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-12 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 14.4.4 Feedwater Address each reload. This event is a potentially limiting AOO and will Controller Failure be analyzed each reload (Section 5.1.4).

- Maximum Demand 14.4.5 Turbine Trip Address each reload. This event without bypass operable is a Without Bypass potentially limiting AOO. TT with bypass operable is bounded by the TT with no bypass case. TT with bypass operable and degraded scram may be a limiting event for MNGP and has been analyzed historically for each reload.

AREVA will analyze for the initial reload (Section 5.1.2) and will address each reload.

14.5 Special Events See below.

14.5.1 Vessel Pressure Address each reload. This event assures compliance with the ASME ASME Code code. The initial analysis will address MSIV, Compliance TCV, and TSV closures under AREVA Model - MSIV methodology. Since the limiting valve closure Closure is MSIV, only this will be run for future reloads (Section 7.1).

14.5.2 Standby Liquid Address each reload. Standby liquid control system shutdown Control System capability is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis Shutdown Margin (Section 7.5).

14.5.3 Stuck Rod Cold Address each reload. This event is potentially limiting and will be Shutdown Margin analyzed each reload (Reference 1).

14.6 Plant Stability Address each reload. Option III will be implemented with the Analysis transition to AREVA methods. DIVOM and initial MCPR will be analyzed on a cycle-specific basis (Section 4.3).

The Backup Stability Protection (BSP) regions will be verified on a cycle-specific basis and adjusted if necessary based on the results of the analyses (Section 4.3).

14.7 Accident See below.

Evaluation Methodology AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-13 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 14.7.1 Control Rod Address each reload. Safety analyses are performed each reload to Drop Accident evaluate the CRDA to verify that the accident Evaluation will not result in fuel pellet deposited enthalpy greater than 280 calories per gram and to determine the number of rods exceeding the 170 calories per gram failure threshold. For Monticello, the analysis will verify that deposited enthalpy remains below 230 cal/gm.

Consequences of the CRDA are evaluated to confirm that the acceptance criteria are satisfied (Section 6.3).

14.7.2 Loss-of-Coolant Address for initial LOCA calculations will be performed for EPU Accident licensing analysis. to identify the limiting fluid conditions as a function of single failure, break size, break location, core flow, and axial power shape using the NRC-approved EXEM BWR-2000 LOCA methodology. This analysis is performed for the initial introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel (Reference 29).

MAPLHGR heatup analyses are performed every time a new neutronic design is introduced in the core (Reference 30).

14.7.3 Main Steam Line Address for initial The main steam line break will be considered Break Accident licensing analysis. in the identification of the spectrum of loss-of-Analysis coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting loss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).

14.7.4 Fuel Loading Address each reload. The fuel loading error is analyzed on a cycle-Error Accident specific basis and addresses mislocated or misoriented fuel assembly (Section 6.5).

14.7.5 One Address each reload. Two-loop pump seizure event is bounded by Recirculation LOCA accident analysis and does not need Pump Seizure further analysis.

Accident Analysis Single-loop pump seizure event has been historically analyzed against the more restrictive criteria for infrequent events (AOO).

Using these criteria, this is the limiting event for single-loop operation and it will have to be analyzed each reload (Section 5.3.1).

14.7.6 Refueling Address for initial The number of fuel rods assumed to fail during Accident licensing analysis. a fuel handling accident for an ATRIUM 1OXM Analysis assembly dropping over the core has been determined and the resulting release dispositioned against the AST analyses of record (Section 6.4).


Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-14 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

USAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria Status Comment 14.7.7 Accident No further analysis Independent of fuel design. The values of Atmospheric required. atmospheric dispersion coefficients in the Dispersion analysis of record remain valid.

Coefficients 14.7.8 Core Source Address for initial The source terms for ATRIUM 10XM fuel at Term Inventory licensing analysis. EPU conditions have been provided and used to disposition offsite doses against the AST analysis of record. As shown by radiological source term evaluations, the ATRIUM 10XM fuel is not significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14).

14.8 Anticipated Address each reload. The peak vessel pressure is calculated for Transients each reload. For long-term cooling after Without Scram ATWS, the decay heat is the only fuel-related (ATWS) input. AREVA dispositioned the impact of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel by comparing the decay heat for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel to the GE14 decay heat used in the ATWS long-term cooling analysis. Containment heatup was dispositioned by comparing kinetics parameters for ATRIUM 10XM fuel with those for the fuel in the analysis of record (Section 7.2).

14.9 Section deleted NA NA 14.10 Other Analyses See below.

14.10.1 Adequate Core No further analysis USAR 14.10.1 identifies the loss of feedwater Cooling for required flow event as the worst anticipated transient, Transients with and loss of a high pressure inventory makeup a Single Failure (HPCI) or heat removal system as the worst single failure.

The analysis of record for loss of feedwater flow (PUSAR already assumed that the HPCI system fails to inject. The results of this analysis showed that the reactor core remains covered for the combination of these worst-case conditions, without operator action to manually initiate the emergency core cooling system or other inventory makeup systems, therefore no further analysis is required.

14A Supplemental See below. The events identified in the Supplemental Reload Licensing Reload Licensing Submittal are addressed Submittal below as part of the PUSAR (Reference 5).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-15 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria/ Event Status Comment Decreasein Reactor Coolant Temperature Pressure Regulator Address for initial Address for initial reload for EPU/MELLLA Failure - Open licensing analysis. conditions.

Consequences of this event, relative to AOO thermal operating limits, are nonlimiting.

This event results in low steam dome pressure and is the most challenging event for Technical Specification (TS) (Reference 3) low steam dome pressure safety limit. This section of the TS will be updated to reduce the 785 psig limit to a lower pressure limit. The analysis of this event (for initial licensing analysis) will support this update to Technical Specifications (Section 7.3).

This event is also used for an ATWS initiator event.

Decrease in Heat Removal By the Secondary System

/ Increasein Reactor Pressure Pressure Regulator Address each Consequences of this event, relative to one Failure - Closed reload. pressure regulator out-of-service may be limiting; therefore this EOOS event will be evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 5.3.2). MSIV Closures No further analysis Consequences of this event (with direct required. scram on MSIV closure), relative to thermal operating limits, are bounded by the generator load rejection event. This event does not need further analysis.

Closure of all MSIVs with failure of the valve position scram function is the design basis overpressurization event, which is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.1).

The MSIV closure event is a potentially limiting ATWS overpressurization event, which is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 7.2).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-16 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria/ Event Status Comment Loss of Condenser No further Consequences of this event are bounded by Vacuum analysis required. either the turbine trip with turbine bypass valve failure or load rejection with bypass valve failure.

2.3.5 Loss of AC Power No further This event is analyzed as the Station analysis required. Blackout event discussed above under USAR Section 8.12. Loss of Feedwater No further The consequences of this event are only Flow analysis required. dependent on the fuel decay heat, since this event was analyzed as initiated at the low level (L3) scram setpoint in the analysis of record. Since the decay heat of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is similar to that of GE14 fuel the results are expected to be similar to the current analysis of record.

Decreasein Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Not Recirculation Pump No further Consequences of this event are benign and evaluated Trip analysis required. bounded by the turbine trip with no bypass failure event (see dispositions above).

Not Recirculation Flow No further This event is bounded by recirculation pump evaluated Controller Failure - analysis required. trip events.

Decreasing Flow Recirculation Pump No further The consequences of this accident are Shaft Break analysis required. bounded by the effects of the recirculation pump seizure event (see above).


Uontrolied Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-17 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria/ Event Status Comment Reactivity and Power Distribution Anomalies Control Rod Mal- No further Consequences of this event are bounded by operation (system analysis required. the RWE at power.

malfunction or operator error) - low power Control Rod Mal- Address each Analysis to determine the change in MCPR operation (system reload, and LHGR as a function of RBM setpoint will malfunction or be performed for each reload. The analysis operator error) - at will cover the low, intermediate, and high power power RBM ranges (30% to 100% power)

(Section 5.1.7). Abnormal Startup of No further For all operating modes except refueling, Idle Recirculation analysis required. technical specifications restrictions apply to Pump control thermal stresses caused by startup of an inactive recirculation pump. PUSAR identifies this event as being nonlimiting.

The introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel will not affect this conclusion. Recirculation Flow Address each The slow runup event determines the MCPRf Control Failure With reload, limit and LHGRf multiplier and therefore will Increasing Flow (slow be analyzed each reload (Section 5.2) and fast runup The fast runup event, ifnot bounded by the events) slow flow runup event, will be considered in setting the MCPRP limits (Section 5.1.8).

Increase in Reactor Coolant Inventory USAR Inadvertent HPCI Address each This is a potentially limiting event which will 14A Start-up reload, be evaluated on a cycle-specific basis (Section 5.1.5). Other BWR transients No further The limiting event for this type of events is which increase analysis required. the inadvertent HPCI start-up which will be reactor coolant analyzed each reload.

inventory AREVA NP Inc.

uontromled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-18 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria/ Event Status Comment Decreasein Reactor CoolantInventory Inadvertent No further This event results in a mild depressurization and Safety/Relief Valve analysis required. event which is less severe than the pressure Opening regulator failure open event (see Section 7.3). Since the power level settles out at nearly the initial power level, this event is considered benign. Feedwater Line Break Address for initial The feedwater line break will be considered

- Outside licensing analysis in the identification of the spectrum of loss-Containment of-coolant accident events and is expected to be bounded by the limiting toss-of-coolant accident scenario (Reference 29).

Radioactive Release From Subsystems and Components 2.9.1 Gaseous Radwaste No further As shown by radiological source term System Leak or analysis required. evaluations, the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is not Failure significantly different than legacy fuel (GE14). Further, ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is designed and operated to comparable standards that would ensure fuel cladding integrity such that fission products will continue to be contained within the cladding.

Therefore, plant operations following the fuel transition are not expected to increase the rate that radiological waste is generated.

2.9.2 Liquid Radwaste No further The radionuclide source terms are generic System Failure analysis required. and are unaffected by the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.

2.9.2 Postulated No further The radionuclide source terms are generic Radioactive Releases analysis required. and are unaffected by the introduction of Due to Liquid ATRIUM 1OXM fuel.

Radwaste Tank Failure AREVA NP Inc.

uontrolled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-19 Table 2.1 Disposition of Events Summary (continued)

PUSAR Design Disposition Sect. Criteria/ Event Status Comment Other Analyses ATWS with Core No further The discussion presented in Reference 41 Instability analysis required. indicates that the "Parameters which might vary between fuel designs (e.g., reactivity coefficients) are not expected to significantly change the consequences of large irregular oscillations." Therefore, the generic ATWS stability results of Reference 41 remain applicable upon the introduction of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel into MNGP.


uontroIneo uocurnent Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-20 Table 2.2 Disposition of Operating Flexibility and EOOS Options on Limiting Events Affected Limiting Comment Option Event/Analyses Single-loop operation LOCA The impact of SLO on LOCA is addressed in (SLO) Reference 29.

SLMCPR The SLO SLMCPR is evaluated on a cycle-specific basis.

Pump Seizure Historically at Monticello the pump seizure accident during SLO has been evaluated against the acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA will continue this practice. Therefore, the MCPR operating limits for SLO will be modified if necessary to assure this accident does not violate the AOO acceptance critieria.

Safety/relief valves ASME All transient analyses (AOOs) and the ASME out-of-service all AOO overpressurization event considered operation (SRVOOS) with three SRVs OOS (only the safety function is credited). Therefore the base case operating limits already include this condition.

ATWS Peak ATWS peak pressure analysis considers only one Pressure SRVOOS.

Pressure regulator If one of the pressure regulators is OOS the out-of-service backup pressure regulator will operate and (PROOS) therefore not affect the severity of a particular event.

The pressure regulator down-scale failure event and the pressure regulator failed open event were addressed in Table 2.1.

Traversing in-core probe SLMCPR TIP OOS is included in the SLMCPR analysis.

(TIP) out-of-service ICF/MELLLA All All analyses considered the increased core flow operation and MELLLA core flow window.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 2-21 Table 2.3 Methodology and Evaluation Models for Cycle-Specific Reload Analyses Analysis Event Methodology Evaluation Acceptance Criteria lAnalysis Reference Model and Comment Thermal and Hydraulic 12 SAFLIM3D SLMCPR Criteria: < 0.1% fuel rods Design 24 COTRANSA2 experience boiling transition.

No fuel melting and maximum XCOBRANofemltnadmxiu Transient Analyses 25 transient induced strain < 1 %.

26 XCOBRA-T Power- and flow-dependent MCPR 9 RODEX4 and LHGR operating limits 28 RODEX2crtia established to meet the fuel failure criteria.

Standby Liquid Control 27 CASMO-4 SLCS Criteria: Shutdown margin of System /MICROBURN-B2 at least 0.88% Ak/k.

ASME 24 COTRANSA2 Analyses for ASME and ATWS Overpressurization (as supplemented overpressurization.

Analysis by considerations AnalyssbyoAnsie ASME OverpressurizationCriteria:

of ANP-3224(P) Maximum vessel pressure limit of Anticipated Transient (Reference 6, 1375 psig and maximum dome Without Scram App. E)) pressure limit of 1332 psig.


A TWS OverpressurizationCriteria:

Maximum vessel pressure limit of 1500 psig.

Emergency Core 34 HUXY LOCA Criteria: 10CFR50.46.

Cooling Systems EXEM BWR-2000 Methodology.

LOCA Analyses Only heatup (HUXY) is analyzed for the reload specific neutronic design.

Appendix R 34 RELAX 10CFR50 Appendix R.

Neutron Design 18 STAIF Long-Term Stability Solution 19 RAMONA5-FA Option Ill Criteria: OPRM setpoints Neutron Monitoring prevent exceeding OLMCPR limits.

System 20 CASMO-4 CRWE Criteria: Power-dependent 21 /MICROBURN-B2 MCPR and LHGR operating limits 22 established to meet the fuel failure criteria.

23 Backup Stability Protection 27 Criteria: Stability boundaries that do not exceed acceptable global, regional, and channel decay ratios as defined by the STAIF methodology.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 3-1 3.0 Mechanical Design Analysis The results of mechanical design analyses for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in References 7 and 8. The fuel rod analyses use the NRC-approved RODEX4 methodology described in Reference 9. The maximum exposure limits for the ATRIUM 1OXM reload fuel are:

54.0 GWd/MTU average assembly exposure 62.0 GWd/MTU rod average exposure (full-length fuel rods)

GE14 fuel assemblies have a maximum peak pellet exposure limit of [ ] GWd/MTU (Reference 10).

The fuel cycle design analyses (Reference 1) verified all fuel assemblies remain within licensed burnup limits.

The ATRIUM 1OXM LHGR limits are presented in Section 8.0. The GE14 LHGR multipliers presented in Section 8.0 ensure that the thermal-mechanical design criteria for GE14 fuel are satisfied.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-1 4.0 Thermal-Hydraulic Design Analysis 4.1 Thermal-HydraulicDesign and Compatibility The ATRIUM 1OXM fuel is analyzed and monitored with the ACE critical power correlation (References 15 through 17). The GE14 fuel is analyzed and monitored with the SPCB critical power correlation (Reference 13). The SPCB additive constants and additive constant uncertainty for the GE14 fuel were developed using the indirect approach described in Reference 14.

Results of thermal-hydraulic characterization and compatibility analyses are presented in Reference 11. Analysis results demonstrate the thermal-hydraulic design and compatibility criteria are satisfied for the transition core consisting of ATRIUM 1QXM and GE14 fuel.

4.2 Safety Limit MCPR Analysis The safety limit MCPR (SLMCPR) is defined as the minimum value of the critical power ratio ensuring less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition during normal operation, or an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO). The SLMCPR for all fuel was determined using the methodology described in Reference 12. Determination of the SLMCPR explicitly includes the effects of channel bow. Fuel channels cannot be used for more than one fuel bundle lifetime.

The analysis was performed with a power distribution conservatively representing expected reactor operation throughout the cycle. Fuel- and plant-related uncertainties used in the SLMCPR analysis come from valid references and/or the licensee and are presented in Table 4.1. The radial power uncertainty used in the analysis includes the effects of up to 1 traversing incore probe (TIP) machine out-of-service (TIPOOS) or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service and a 1200 effective full-power hour (EFPH) LPRM calibration interval.

Analyses were performed for the minimum and maximum core flow conditions associated with rated power for the Monticello power/flow map for EPU/MELLLA operation (statepoints identified as "K"and "D"in Figure 1.1).

Analysis results support two-loop operation (TLO) SLMCPR of 1.12 and single-loop operation (SLO) SLMCPR of 1.13. Analysis results including the SLMCPR and the percentage of rods expected to experience boiling transition are summarized in Table 4.2.


uonironed Uocurment Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-2 4.3 Core Hydrodynamic Stability Monticello has implemented BWROG Long Term Stability Solution Option III (Oscillation Power Range Monitor-OPRM). Reload validation has been performed in accordance with Reference 18. The stability based Operating Limit MCPR (OLMCPR) is provided for two conditions as a function of OPRM amplitude setpoint in Table 4.3. The two conditions evaluated are for a postulated oscillation at 45% core flow steady-state operation (SS) and following a two recirculation pump trip (2PT) from the limiting full power operation state point. The Cycle 28 power- and flow-dependent limits provide adequate protection against violation of the SLMCPR for postulated reactor instability as long as the operating limit is greater than or equal to the specified value for the selected OPRM setpoint.

AREVA has performed calculations for the relative change in CPR as a function of the calculated hot channel oscillation magnitude (HCOM). These calculations were performed with the RAMONA5-FA code in accordance with Reference 19. This code is a coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic three-dimensional transient model for the purpose of determining the relationship between the relative change in ACPR and the HCOM on a plant specific basis. The stability-based OLMCPRs are calculated using the most limiting of the calculated change in relative ACPR for a given oscillation magnitude or the generic value provided in Reference 18.

The generic value was determined to be limiting for Cycle 28.

In cases where the OPRM system is declared inoperable, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) is provided in accordance with Reference 22. BSP curves have been evaluated using STAIF (Reference 23) to determine endpoints that meet decay ratio criteria for the BSP Base Minimal Region I (scram region) and Base Minimal Region II (controlled entry region). Stability boundaries based on these endpoints are then determined using the generic shape generating function from Reference 22.

The STAIF acceptance criteria for the BSP endpoints are global decay ratios < 0.85, and regional and channel decay ratios < 0.80. Endpoints for the BSP regions provided in Table 4.4 have global decay ratios _<0.85, and regional and channel decay ratios < 0.80.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-3 Table 4.1 Fuel- and Plant-Related Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses Parameter Uncertainty Fuel-Related Uncertainties I

I Plant-Related Uncertainties Feedwater flow rate 1.8%

Feedwater temperature 0.8%

Core pressure 0.8%

Total core flow rate TLO 2.5%

SLO 6.0%


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-4 Table 4.2 Results Summary for Safety Limit MCPR Analyses Percentage of Rods in Boiling SLMCPR Transition TLO - 1.12 0.0924 SLO - 1.13 0.0812 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-5 Table 4.3 OPRM Setpoints OPRM OLMCPR OLMCPR Setpoint (SS) (2PT) 1.05 1.23 1.26 1.06 1.25 1.28 1.07 1.27 1.30 1.08 1.29 1.32 1.09 1.32 1.34 1.10 1.34 1.37 1.11 1.37 1.40 1.12 1.40 1.43 1.13 1.43 1.46 1.14 1.46 1.49 1.15 1.48 1.51 Acceptance Off-Rated Rated Power Criteria OLMCPR OLMCPR as at Described in 45% Flow Section 8.0 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 4-6 Table 4.4 BSP Endpoints for Monticello Cycle 28 Power Flow Endpoint (%) (%) Definition Al 56.6 40.0 Scram region boundary, high flow control line (HFCL)

B1 42.6 33.7 Scram region boundary, nominal control line (NCL)

A2 64.5 50.0 Controlled entry region boundary, HFCL B2 28.6 31.2 Controlled entry region boundary, NCL AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-1 5.0 Anticipated Operational Occurrences This section describes the analyses performed to determine the power- and flow-dependent MCPR operating limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers for base case operation (no equipment out-of-service) for Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.

COTRANSA2 (Reference 24), XCOBRA-T (Reference 25), XCOBRA (Reference 26), and CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 (Reference 27) are the major codes used in the thermal limits analyses as described in the AREVA THERMEX methodology report (Reference 26) and neutronics methodology report (Reference 32). COTRANSA2 is a system transient simulation code, which includes an axial one-dimensional neutronics model that captures the effects of axial power shifts associated with the system transients. XCOBRA-T is a transient thermal-hydraulics code used in the analysis of thermal margins for the limiting fuel assembly. XCOBRA is used in steady-state analyses.

Fuel pellet-to-cladding gap conductance values are based on RODEX2 (Reference 28) calculations for the Monticello Cycle 28 representative core.

The ACE/ATRIUM 1OXM critical power correlation (References 15 through 17) is used to evaluate the thermal margin for the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The SPCB critical power correlation (Reference 13) is used in the thermal margin evaluations for the GE14 fuel. The application of the SPCB correlation to GE14 fuel follows the indirect process described in Reference 14.

5.1 System Transients The reactor plant parameters for the system transient analyses were validated engineering inputs as provided by the licensee. Analyses have been performed to determine power- and flow-dependent MCPR limits and power- and flow-dependent LHGR multipliers that protect operation throughout the power/flow domain depicted in Figure 1.1.

At Monticello, direct scram on turbine stop valve (TSV) position and turbine control valve (TCV) fast closure are bypassed at power levels less than 40% of rated (Pbypass). For these powers, scram will occur when the high pressure or high neutron flux scram setpoint is reached.

Reference 3 indicates that thermal limits only need to be monitored at power levels greater than or equal to 25% of rated, which is the lowest power analyzed for this report.

The limiting exposure for rated power pressurization transients is typically at end of full power (EOFP) when the control rods are fully withdrawn. Analyses were performed at several cycle AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-2 exposures prior to EOFP to ensure that the operating limits provide the necessary protection.

The licensing basis EOFP analysis was performed at EOFP + 400 MWd/MTU (cycle exposure of 16,175 MWd/MTU). Analyses were performed to support coastdown operation to a cycle exposure of 21,175 MWd/MTU. The licensing basis exposure range used to develop the neutronics inputs to the transient analyses are presented in Table 5.1.

Pressurization transient analyses only credit the safety setpoints of the safety/relief valves (SRV). The base operating limits support operations with 3 SRVs out-of-service.

Variations in feedwater temperature of +5/-1 0°F, from the nominal feedwater temperature and variation of +/-10 psi in dome pressure are considered base case operation, not an EOOS condition. Analyses were performed to determine the limiting conditions in the allowable ranges.

System pressurization transient results are sensitive to scram speed assumptions. To take advantage of average scram speeds faster than those associated with the Technical Specifications requirements, scram speed-dependent MCPRP limits are provided. The nominal scram speed (NSS) insertion times, the Technical Specifications scram speed (TSSS) insertion times, and degraded scram speed (DSS) insertion times used in the analyses are presented in Table 5.2. The NSS MCPRP limits can only be applied if the scram speed test results meet the NSS insertion times. System transient analyses were performed to establish MCPRp limits for both NSS and TSSS insertion times. Technical Specifications (Reference 3) allow for operation with up to 8 "slow" and 1 stuck control rod. One additional control rod is assumed to fail to scram. Conservative adjustments to the NSS and TSSS scram speeds were made to the analysis inputs to appropriately account for these effects on scram reactivity. For cases below 40% power, the results are relatively insensitive to scram speed, and only TSSS analyses are performed. At 40% power (Pbypass), analyses were performed, both with and without bypass of the direct scram function, resulting in an operating limits step change.

5.1.1 Load Rejection No Bypass (LRNB)

Load rejection causes a fast closure of the turbine control valves. The resulting compression wave travels through the steam lines into the vessel and creates a rapid pressurization. The increase in pressure causes a decrease in core voids, which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. Fast closure of the turbine control valves also causes a reactor scram. Turbine bypass system operation, which also mitigates the consequences of the event, is not credited. The AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-3 excursion of the core power due to the void collapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scram and revoiding of the core.

LRNB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Base case limiting LRNB transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown in Table 5.3. Responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the LRNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2.

5.1.2 Turbine Trip No Bypass (TTNB)

A turbine trip event can be initiated as a result of several different signals. The initiating signal causes the TSV to close in order to prevent damage to the turbine. The TSV closure creates a compression wave traveling through the steam lines into the vessel causing a rapid pressurization. The increase in pressure results in a decrease in core voids, which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. Closure of the TSV also causes a reactor scram which helps mitigate the pressurization effects. Turbine bypass system operation, which also mitigates the consequences of the event, is not credited. The excursion of the core power due to the void collapse is terminated primarily by the reactor scram and revoiding of the core. Base case limiting TTNB transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits, for both TSSS and NSS insertion times, are shown in Table 5.4. Responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the TTNB event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105%

of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times are shown in Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4.

5.1.3 Pneumatic System Deqradation - Turbine Trip With Bypass and Degraded Scram (TTWB)

This event is similar to a turbine trip event described previously. The difference is the event is analyzed with a degraded scram speed (DSS) and the turbine bypass is allowed to open to mitigate the severity of the event. The MCPRp limits for NSS and TSSS insertion times will protect this event analyzed with DSS insertion times.

TTWB analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.5 presents the base case limiting TTWB transient analysis ACPR results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times.


~uontroIned uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-4 5.1.4 Feedwater Controller Failure (FWCF)

The increase in feedwater flow due to a failure of the feedwater control system to maximum demand results in an increase in the water level and a decrease in the coolant temperature at the core inlet. The increase in core inlet subcooling causes an increase in core power. As the feedwater flow continues at maximum demand, the water level continues to rise and eventually reaches the high water level trip setpoint. The initial water level is conservatively assumed to be at the low level normal operating range to delay the high-level trip and maximize the core inlet subcooling resulting from the FWCF. The high water level trip causes the turbine stop valves to close in order to prevent damage to the turbine from excessive liquid inventory in the steam line.

Valve closure creates a compression wave traveling back to the core, causing void collapse and subsequent rapid power excursion. The closure of the turbine stop valves also initiates a reactor scram. The turbine bypass valves are assumed operable and provide some pressure relief. The core power excursion is mitigated in part by pressure relief, but the primary mechanisms for termination of the event are reactor scram and revoiding of the core.

FWCF analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.6 presents the base case limiting FWCF transient analysis ACPR results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times. Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 show the responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the FWCF event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times.

5.1.5 Inadvertent HPCI Start-Up (HPCI)

The HPCI flow is injected into the downcomer through the feedwater sparger. Injection of this subcooled water increases the subcooling at the inlet to the core and results in an increase in core power. The feedwater control system will attempt to control the water level in the reactor by reducing the feedwater flow. As long as the mass of steam leaving the reactor through the steam lines is more than the mass of HPCI water being injected, the water level will be controlled and a new steady-state condition will be established. In this case the HPCI is fairly mild as a MCPR transient (similar to a loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event). If the steam flow is less than the HPCI flow, the water level will increase until the high level setpoint (L8) is reached. This type of event is more severe for MCPR calculations (the event is similar to a feedwater controller failure (FWCF)).


uonrrooued Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-5 Historically the HPCI event was analyzed forcing a high level (L8) main turbine trip even in those cases where the event would develop to a new steady state adding conservatism to the results. The same approach was used in this analysis forcing the high level turbine trip at all power levels analyzed. The HPCI flow in Monticello is only injected into one of the two feedwater lines and thus through the feedwater spargers on only one side of the reactor vessel, resulting in an asymmetric flow distribution of the injected HPCI flow. The asymmetric injection of the HPCI flow is assumed to cause an asymmetric core inlet enthalpy distribution with a larger enthalpy decrease for part of the core. This was accounted for by conservatively increasing the HPCI flow (decreasing enthalpy on both sides of the core).

HPCI analyses were performed for a range of power/flow conditions to support generation of the thermal limits. Table 5.7 presents the base case limiting HPCI transient analysis results used to generate the licensing basis EOFP operating limits for both TSSS and NSS insertion times.

Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 show the responses of various reactor and plant parameters during the HPCI event initiated at 100% of rated power and 105% of rated core flow with TSSS insertion times.

5.1.6 Loss of Feedwater Heating The loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) event analysis supports an assumed 95.3 0 F decrease in the feedwater temperature. The temperature is assumed to decrease linearly over 31 seconds.

The result is an increase in core inlet subcooling, which reduces voids, thereby increasing core power and shifting axial power distribution toward the bottom of the core. As a result of the axial power shift and increased core power, voids begin to build up in the bottom region of the core, acting as negative feedback to the increased subcooling effect. The negative feedback moderates the core power increase. Although there is a substantial increase in core thermal power during the event, the increase in steam flow is much less because a large part of the added power is used to overcome the increase in inlet subcooling. The increase in steam flow is accommodated by the pressure control system via the TCVs or the turbine bypass valves.

The limiting full-power ACPRs are 0.17 for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and 0.18 for GE14 fuel.

Results from LFWH at off-rated conditions are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multiplier figures in Appendix A.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-6 5.1.7 Control Rod Withdrawal Error The control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) transient is an inadvertent reactor operator initiated withdrawal of a control rod. This withdrawal increases local power and core thermal power, lowering the core CPR. The CRWE transient is typically terminated by control rod blocks initiated by the rod block monitor (RBM). The CRWE event was analyzed assuming no xenon and allowing credible instrumentation out-of-service in the rod block monitor (RBM) system in an ARTS configuration. The analysis further assumes that the plant could be operating in either an A or B sequence control rod pattern. The rated power CRWE results are shown in Table 5.8 for the analytical RBM high power setpoint values of 110% to 114%. At the intermediate and low power setpoints results from the CRWE analysis may set the MCPRP limit. Analysis results indicate standard filtered RBM setpoint reductions are supported. Analyses demonstrate that the 1% strain and centerline melt criteria are met for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. For GE14 fuel see setdown in Table 8.9. The LHGR limits and their associated multipliers are presented in Sections 8.2 and 8.3. Recommended operability requirements supporting unblocked CRWE operation are shown in Table 5.9, based on the SLMCPR values presented in Section 4.2.

5.1.8 Fast Flow Runup Analysis Several possibilities exist for causing an unplanned increase in core coolant flow resulting from a recirculation flow control system malfunction. Increasing recirculation flow results in an increase in core flow which causes an increase in power level and a shift in power towards the top of the core by reducing the void fraction in that region. If the flow increase is relatively rapid and of sufficient magnitude, the neutron flux could exceed the scram set point, and a scram would be initiated.

For BWRs, various failures can occur which can result in a speed increase of both recirculation pumps or failure of one of the motor generator set speed controllers can result in a speed increase in one recirculation pump.

The failure of recirculation flow control system, affecting both pumps, is provided with rate limits and therefore this failure is considered a slow event and is analyzed under the flow-dependent MCPR limits analysis (MCPRf).

The failure of one of the motor generator speed controllers generally results in the most rapid rate of recirculation flow increase and this event is referred to as fast flow runup.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-7 The fast flow runup event was initiated at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures.

The most limiting initial conditions are on the left boundary of the power flow map. Results from fast flow runup analysis are shown in the MCPRP limit and LHGRP multipliers figures in Appendix A.

5.2 Slow Flow Runup Analysis Flow-dependent MCPR limits and LHGR multipliers are established to support operation at off-rated core flow conditions. Limits are based on the CPR and heat flux changes experienced by the fuel during slow flow excursions. The slow flow excursion event assumes recirculation flow control system failure such that core flow increases slowly to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment (105% of rated core flow). An uncontrolled increase in flow creates the potential for a significant increase in core power and heat flux. A conservatively steep flow runup path was used in the analysis. Analyses were performed to support operation in all the EOOS scenarios.

MCPRf limits are determined for both ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel. XCOBRA is used to calculate the change in critical power ratio during a two-loop flow runup to the maximum flow rate. The MCPRf limit is set so an increase in core power, resulting from the maximum increase in core flow, assures the TLO safety limit MCPR is not violated. Calculations were performed over a range of initial flow rates to determine the corresponding MCPR values causing the limiting assembly to be at the safety limit MCPR for the high flow condition at the end of the flow excursion.

MCPRf limits providing the required protection are presented in Table 8.6. MCPRf limits are applicable for all exposures.

Flow runup analyses were performed with CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The analysis assumes recirculation flow increases slowly along the limiting rod line to the maximum flow physically attainable by the equipment. A series of flow excursion analyses were performed at several exposures throughout the cycle, starting from different initial power/flow conditions. Xenon is assumed to remain constant during the event. LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provide protection against fuel centerline melt and overstraining of the cladding during a flow runup.

LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.10. A process consistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology was used to determine flow-dependent LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACf) for GE14 fuel. GE14 LHGRFACf multipliers AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-8 protecting against fuel centerline melt, and clad overstrain during operation at off-rated core flow conditions, are presented in Table 8.11.

The maximum flow during a flow excursion in single-loop operation is much less than the maximum flow during two-loop operation. Therefore, the flow-dependent MCPR limits and LHGR multipliers for two-loop operation are applicable for SLO.

5.3 Equipment Out-of-Service Scenarios The equipment out-of-service (EOOS) scenarios supported for Monticello Cycle 28 operation are shown in Table 1.1. The EOOS scenarios supported are:

  • Single-loop operation (SLO) - recirculation loop out-of-service
  • Pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS)

The base case thermal limits support operation with 3 SRVs out-of-service, up to 1 TIPOOS (or the equivalent number of TIP channels), up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.

5.3.1 Single-Loop Operation AQOs that are limiting during TLO (e.g., HPCI, FWCF, TTNB and become the basis for the power-dependent MCPR limits and the power-dependent LHGR multipliers, are not more severe when initiated during SLO. Therefore, the power-dependent LHGR multipliers established for TLO are applicable during SLO. The power-dependent MCPR operating limits for SLO are established by adding the limiting power-dependent ACPR for TLO to the SLMCPR for SLO (see Section 4.2).

LOCA is also more severe when initiated during SLO. Therefore, a reduced MAPLHGR limit is established for SLO (see Section 6.1).

The pump seizure accident is nonlimiting during TLO but more severe during SLO. Historically at Monticello the pump seizure accident during SLO has been evaluated against the acceptance criteria for AOO. AREVA will continue this practice. Therefore, the MCPR operating limits for SLO will be modified if necessary to assure this accident does not violate the AOO acceptance criteria (see Section 6.2).

The MCPR, LHGR, and MAPLHGR limits for TLO and SLO are provided in Section 8.0.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-9 5.3.2 Pressure Re-gulator Failure Downscale (PRFDS)

The pressure regulator failure downscale event occurs when the pressure regulator fails and sends a signal to close all four turbine control valves in control mode. Normally, the backup pressure regulator would take control and maintain the setpoint pressure, resulting in a mild pressure excursion and a benign event. If one of the pressure regulators were out-of-service, there would be no backup pressure regulator and the event would be more severe. The core would pressurize resulting in void collapse and a subsequent power increase. The event would be terminated by scram when either the high-neutron flux or high-pressure setpoint is reached.

The PRFDS ACPR results are presented in Table 5.10. These results are used to create the operating limits supporting the pressure regulator out-of-service (PROOS) conditions.

5.4 Licensing Power Shape The licensing axial power profile used by AREVA for the plant transient analyses bounds the projected end of full power axial power profile. The conservative licensing axial power profile generated at the licensing basis EOFP cycle exposure of 16,175 MWd/MTU (core average exposure of 33,231.5 MWd/MTU) is given in Table 5.11. Cycle 28 operation is considered to be in compliance when:

The integrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes from the projected EOFP solution at the state conditions provided in Table 5.11 is greater than the integrated normalized power generated in the bottom 7 nodes in the licensing basis axial power profile in Table 5.11, and the individual normalized power from the projected EOFP solution is greater than the corresponding individual normalized power from the licensing basis axial power profile in Table 5.11 for at least 6 of the 7 bottom nodes.

The projected EOFP condition occurs at a core average exposure less than or equal to licensing basis EOFP.

If the criteria cannot be fully met the licensing basis may nevertheless remain valid but further assessment will be required. The power profile comparison should be done without incorporating instrument updates to the axial profile because the updated power is not used in the core monitoring system to accumulate assembly and nodal burnups.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-10 Table 5.1 Exposure Basis for Monticello Cycle 28 Transient Analysis Core Cycle Average Exposure Exposure (MWd/MTU) (MWd/MTU) Comments 0.0 17,057 Beginning of cycle 15,775 32,832 Design basis end of full power (EOFP) 16,175 33,232 Design basis rod patterns to EOFP + 400 MWd/MTU (licensing basis EOFP) 21,175 38,232 Maximum licensing core exposure - including Coastdown AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-11 Table 5.2 Scram Speed Insertion Times TSSS NSS DSS Control Rod Analytical Analytical Analytical Position Time Time Time (notch) (sec) (sec) (sec) 48 (full-out) 0.000 0.000 0.000 48 0.200 0.200 0.250 46 0.520 0.344 0.365 36 1.160 0.860 1.165 26 1.910 1.395 2.010 6 3.550 2.577 3.729 0 (full-in) 4.006 2.914 4.244 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-12 Table 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case LRNB Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100 0.36 0.36 80 0.39 0.37 60 0.39 0.35 40 (above Pbypass) 0.38 0.33 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.25 1.15 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.95 0.92 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.51 1.43 25 at < 50%F below (Pbypass) 1.22 1.20 NSS Insertion Times 100 0.29 0.29 80 0.34 0.34 60 0.32 0.31 40 0.30 0.26 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-13 Table 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTNB Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100 0.41 0.40 80 0.41 0.38 60 0.40 0.36 40 (above Pbypass) 0.38 0.33 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.25 1.15 40 at 5 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.95 0.92 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.51 1.43 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.22 1.20 NSS Insertion Times 100 0.37 0.37 80 0.36 0.36 60 0.32 0.32 40 0.30 0.26 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-14 Table 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case TTWB Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR DSS Insertion Times 100 0.38 0.38 80 0.37 0.36 60 0.36 0.32 40 (above Pbypass) 0.32 0.28 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.08 1.03 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.82 0.80 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.08 1.16 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 0.98 1.02 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-15 Table 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case FWCF Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100 0.43 0.42 80 0.45 0.45 60 0.49 0.50 40 (above Pbypass) 0.62 0.65 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.60 1.55 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.16 1.21 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 2.22 2.30 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.92 2.06 NSS Insertion Times 100 0.39 0.38 80 0.42 0.41 60 0.47 0.47 40 0.57 0.57 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-16 Table 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case HPCI Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100 0.47 0.46 80 0.47 0.47 60 0.53 0.48 40 (above Pbypass) 0.59 0.53 40 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.31 1.28 40 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.10 1.18 25 at > 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.56 1.67 25 at < 50%F (below Pbypass) 1.48 1.62 NSS Insertion Times 100 0.43 0.41 80 0.44 0.43 60 0.46 0.44 40 0.54 0.53 AREVA NP Inc.

Uoni"folleO Uocurantn Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-17 Table 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP Base Case CRWE Results High Intermediate Low Power Range Power Range Power Range RBM Trip Core RBM Trip Core RBM Trip Core Setpoint Power Setpoint Power Setpoint Power

(%) (% rated) MCPR (%) (% rated) MCPR (%) (% rated) MCPR 110 100 1.47 115 85 1.56 120 65 1.77 85 1.49 65 1.62 30 2.20 111 100 1.48 116 85 1.58 121 65 1.79 85 1.50 65 1.63 30 2.24 112 100 1.50 117 85 1.60 122 65 1.80 85 1.52 65 1.65 30 2.24 113 100 1.52 118 85 1.60 123 65 1.80 85 1.53 65 1.77 30 2.31 114 100 1.52 119 85 1.60 124 65 1.80 85 1.54 65 1.77 30 2.31 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-18 Table 5.9 RBM Operability Requirements Thermal Applicable Power ATRIUM 1OXM / GE14

(% rated) MCPR 2.46 TLO SLO

>27% and < 90% 2.47 2.47 SLO

_90% 1.65 TLO AREVA NP Inc.

Luontrwo~e uocumenz Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-19 Table 5.10 Licensing Basis EOFP PRFDS (PROOS)

Transient Results Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14

(% rated) ACPR ACPR TSSS Insertion Times 100 0.38 0.39 85* 0.41 0.42 851 0.77 0.70 80 0.81 0.74 60 1.00 0.91 40 1.25 1.16 25 1.51 1.43

  • Scram on high neutron flux.

t Scram on high dome pressure.


2~VLO 7~(~

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-20 Table 5.11 Licensing Basis Core Average Axial Power Profile State Conditions for Power Shape Evaluation Power, MWt 2,004.0 Core pressure, psia 1,024.6 Inlet subcooling, Btu/Ibm 22.68 Flow, Mlb/hr 60.48 Control state ARO Core average exposure 33,231.5 (licensing basis EOFP),

MWd/MTU Licensing Axial Power Profile (normalized)

Node Power Top 24 0.325 23 0.736 22 1.194 21 1.368 20 1.476 19 1.508 18 1.502 17 1.472 16 1.407 15 1.372 14 1.397 13 1.378 12 1.317 11 1.232 10 1.137 9 1.034 8 0.909 7 0.773 6 0.650 5 0.541 4 0.455 3 0.396 2 0.321 Bottom 1 0.099 Sum of Bottom 7 Nodes = 3.235 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-21 I~nn n Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux Relative Core Flow 400.0 -

Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow

- -R * -------- --------

300.0 -

"0 200.0 -






.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.1 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 10OPI105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-22 1300.0 2

3 in U) 4.0 6.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.2 Licensing Basis EOFP LRNB at 10OP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.

uontrolied Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-23 600.0 Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux 500.0- Relative Core Flow Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 400.0 -

-O 0) 1 300.0 -

(D C,,

0) 200.0 -




\ I,, /


--I nn I I

.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.01 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.3 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1OOPI105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-24 I 'Al A 1300.0-1250.0-

/ "

2 V) 1200.0- ,/.

U 1150.0-a3 1100.0-1050.0-Steam Dome Lower Plenum

'AnnnA I

.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.4 Licensing Basis EOFP TTNB at 1OOP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.

Uontrolled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-25 600 0 Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux 500.0 Relative Core Flow RelativeSteamFlow----------.-------

Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 400.0 0 300.0 C





.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.5 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1OOP/1 05F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

uontroiied Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-26 1300.0 1200.0 2

En in 1100.0



CL 1000.0 900.0 20.0 30.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.6 Licensing Basis EOFP FWCF at 1OOP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.

uontirwoDd uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-27 bUU.U .

Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux 500.0 - Relative Core Flow Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 400.0 -

0 300.0 -

200.0 -

a, Ih 100.0- -----------


_i flnn I

.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 5.7 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 10OP/105F - TSSS Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 5-28

-9, U)


Figure 5.8 Licensing Basis EOFP HPCI at 10OP/105F - TSSS Vessel Pressures AREVA NP Inc.

Uontrolued Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 6-1 6.0 Postulated Accidents 6.1 Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)

As discussed in Section 2.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), the LOCA models, evaluation, and results are for a full core of ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. The basis for applicability of PCT results from full cores of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel (based on AREVA methods) and GE14 fuel (based on GNF methods) for a mixed (transition) core is provided in Reference 6, Appendix C. Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel designs are similar as presented in Reference 11. Therefore, the core response during a LOCA will not be significantly different for a full core of GE14 fuel or a mixed core of GE14 and ATRIUM 1OXM fuel. In addition, since about 95% of the reactor system volume is outside the core region, slight changes in core volume and fluid energy due to fuel design differences will produce an insignificant change in total system volume and energy. Therefore, the current GE14 LOCA analysis and resulting licensing PCT and MAPLHGR limits remain applicable for GE14 fuel in transition cores.

The results of the ATRIUM 10XM LOCA break spectrum analysis are presented in Reference 29. The MAPLHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Reference 30.

The ATRIUM 1OXM PCT is 2088°F. The peak local metal-water reaction and planar average metal-water reaction were calculated to be 3.50% and 0.73%, respectively. The acceptance criteria of less than 17% local cladding oxidation thickness and less than 1% core wide metal-water reaction are met.

Analyses and results support the EOD and EOOS conditions listed in Table 1.1. As discussed in Section 7.0 of the LOCA break spectrum report (Reference 29), a MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.70 is established for SLO since LOCA is more severe when initiated during SLO.

6.2 Pump Seizure Accident This accident is assumed to occur as a consequence of an unspecified, instantaneous stoppage of one recirculation pump shaft while the reactor is operating at full power (in two-loop operation). The pump seizure event is a very mild accident in relation to other accidents such as the LOCA. This is easily verified by consideration of the two events. In both accidents, the recirculation driving loop flow is lost extremely rapidly - in the case of the seizure, stoppage of the pump occurs; for the LOCA, the severance of the line has a similar, but more rapid and severe influence. Following a pump seizure event, flow continues, water level is maintained, the core remains submerged, and this provides a continuous core cooling mechanism.


rJocul en Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 6-2 However, for the LOCA, complete flow stoppage occurs and the water level decreases due to loss of coolant resulting in uncovery of the reactor core and subsequent overheating of the fuel rod cladding. In addition, for the pump seizure accident, reactor pressure does not significantly decrease, whereas complete depressurization occurs for the LOCA. Clearly, the increased temperature of the cladding and reduced reactor pressure for the LOCA both combine to yield a much more severe stress and potential for cladding perforation for the LOCA than for the pump seizure. Therefore, it can be concluded that the potential effects of the hypothetical pump seizure accident are very conservatively bounded by the effects of a LOCA and specific analyses of the pump seizure accident are not required.

Consistent with recent licensing analyses for Monticello, seizure of the recirculation pump in the active loop during SLO was analyzed and evaluated relative to the acceptance criteria for AOO.

Since single loop pump seizure (SLPS) event is more severe as power and flow increase, the event is analyzed at the maximum core power and core flow during SLO (66% core power and 52.5% core flow). Thermal limits were determined to protect against this event in single-loop operation (see Sections 5.3.1 and 8.0).

6.3 Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA)

Plant startup utilizes a banked position withdrawal sequence (BPWS) including rod worth minimization strategies. CRDA evaluation was performed for both A and B sequence startups consistent with that allowed by BPWS. Approved AREVA parametric CRDA methodology is described in Reference 32, which has been shown to continue to apply to ATRIUM 1OXM and GEl4 fuel modeled with the CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2 code system.

Analysis results demonstrate the maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy is less than the NRC license limit of 280 cal/g and is also less than 230 cal/g; the estimated number of fuel rods that exceed the fuel damage threshold of 170 cal/g is less than the number of failed rods assumed in the USAR (850 8x8 equivalent rods).

Maximum dropped control rod worth, mk 12.14 Core average Doppler coefficient, Ak/k/°F -10.5 x 10-6 Effective delayed neutron fraction 0.00611 Four-bundle local peaking factor 1.475 Maximum deposited fuel rod enthalpy, cal/g 227.7 Maximum number of ATRIUM 1OXM rods exceeding 170 cal/g 736 AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 6-3 6.4 Fuel and Equipment Handling Accident As discussed in Reference 40, the fuel handling accident radiological analysis of record for the alternate source term (AST) was dispositioned with consideration of ATRIUM 10XM core source terms and number of failed fuel rods. No other aspect of utilizing the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel affects the current analysis; therefore, the AST analysis remains applicable for fuel transition Cycle 28.

6.5 Fuel Loading Error(Infrequent Event)

There are two types of fuel loading errors possible in a BWR: the mislocation of a fuel assembly in a core position prescribed to be loaded with another fuel assembly, and the misorientation of a fuel assembly with respect to the control blade. The fuel loading error is characterized as an infrequent event in the Reference 33 AREVA topical report and in the Monticello USAR (Reference 2). The acceptance criteria for plants with AST is that the offsite dose consequences due to the event shall not exceed a small fraction of the 10 CFR 50.67 limits.

6.5.1 Mislocated Fuel Bundle AREVA has performed a fuel mislocation error analysis that considered the impact of a mislocated assembly against potential fuel rod failure mechanisms due to increased LHGR and reduced CPR. The results show that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1% strain limits, and the SLMCPR is not violated (mislocation analysis ACPR result of 0.20 is well below those reported for AQOs in Section 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition. Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dose criteria (a small fraction of 10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied. A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.

6.5.2 Misoriented Fuel Bundle AREVA has performed a fuel assembly misorientation analysis assuming that the limiting assembly was loaded in the worst orientation (rotated 1800), while simultaneously producing sufficient power to be on the MCPR operating limit as if it were oriented correctly. The results show that no rod approaches the fuel centerline melt or 1% strain limits, and the SLMCPR is not violated (misorientation analysis ACPR result of 0.27 is well below those reported for AQOs in Section 5.0), i.e. less than 0.1% of the fuel rods are expected to experience boiling transition.

Therefore, no rods would be expected to fail and the offsite dose criteria (a small fraction of 10 CFR 50.67) is conservatively satisfied. A dose consequence evaluation is not necessary since no rods are predicted to fail.


uontrotflea uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-1 7.0 Special Analyses 7.1 ASME OverpressurizationAnalysis This analysis is performed to demonstrate the safety/relief valves have sufficient capacity and performance to satisfy the requirements established by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. For Monticello the maximum allowable reactor dome pressure is 1332 psig (1347 psia) and the maximum allowable vessel pressure is 1375 psig (1390 psia) (Reference 4).

MSIV closure, TSV closure, and TCV closure were performed with the AREVA plant simulator code COTRANSA2 (Reference 24). The maximum pressure resulting from the closure of valves in the steam lines tends to increase as the closure time of the valves decreases. The TCV and TSV close much faster than the MSIV. This suggests that the faster closure of the TCVs or TSVs would result in higher pressures than closure of the MSIVs. However, the slower closure of the MSIVs are offset by the fact that the rate of steam flow reduction is concentrated toward the end of the valve stroke and the resulting reactor pressurization must be absorbed in a smaller volume (because the MSIVs are closer to the reactor vessel than the TCVs or TSVs).

The analysis of the three valve closures showed that the MSIV valve closure is the most limiting event. The events were analyzed at 102% power and both 99% and 105% flow at the highest cycle exposure. The MSIV closure event is similar to the other steam line valve closure events in that the valve closure results in a rapid pressurization of the core. The increase in pressure causes a decrease in void which in turn causes a rapid increase in power. The following assumptions were made in the analysis:

The most critical active component (direct scram on valve position) was assumed to fail.

However, scram on high neutron flux and high dome pressure is available.

Opening of the turbine bypass valves was not credited (this would mitigate the peak pressure resulting from closure of the TSV and the TCV).

  • Opening of the SRV at the relief setpoints was not credited (open at safety setpoint).
  • Analysis considered 3 SRVOOS.
  • TSSS insertion times were used.

0 The initial dome pressure was set at the maximum allowed 1040.0 psia (1025.3 psig).

0 A fast MSIV closure time of 2.2 seconds was used.

0 ATWS-RPT was not credited in this event since this event ends up in a scram (Reference 4).


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-2 Results of the MSIV closure overpressurization event are presented in Table 7.1. Various reactor plant parameters during the limiting MSIV closure event are presented in Figure 7.1 through Figure 7.3. The maximum pressure of 1360 psig occurs in the lower vessel.

The maximum steam dome pressure for the same event is 1326 psig. Results demonstrate that the lower vessel pressure limit of 1375 psig and the steam dome pressure limit of 1332 psig are protected.

Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).

7.2 Anticipated Transient Without Scram Event Evaluation 7.2.1 Overpressurization Analysis This analysis is performed to demonstrate that the peak vessel pressure for the limiting anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) event is less than the ASME Service Level C limit of 120% of the design pressure (1500 psig). Overpressurization analyses were performed at 102% power at both 99% and 105% flow over the cycle exposure range for both the MSIV closure event and the pressure regulator failure open (PRFO) events. The PRFO event assumes a step decrease in pressure demand such that the pressure control system opens the turbine control and turbine bypass valves. Steam flow demand is assumed to increase to 114.5% of rated steam flow (103% of rated steam flow through the turbine control valves fully open and 11.5% of rated steam flow through the turbine bypass valves). The system pressure decreases until the low steam line pressure setpoint is reached resulting in the closure of the MSIVs. The subsequent pressurization wave collapses core voids, thereby increasing core power.

The following assumptions were made in the analyses.

0 High-pressure recirculation pump trip (ATWS-RPT) was allowed.

  • 1 SRVOOS and the remaining 7 valves open at safety mode setpoints.

0 All scram functions were disabled.

  • Nominal values were used for initial dome pressure and feedwater temperature
  • A nominal MSIV closure time of 4.0 seconds was used for both events.

Analyses results are presented in Table 7.2. The response of various reactor plant parameters during the limiting ATWS-PRFO event are shown in Figure 7.4 through Figure 7.6. The maximum lower vessel pressure is 1445 psig and the maximum steam dome pressure is AREVA NP Inc.

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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-3 1428 psig. The results demonstrate that the ATWS maximum vessel pressure limit of 1500 psig is not exceeded.

Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects and thermal conductivity degradation (Reference 6).

7.2.2 Long-Term Evaluation Fuel design differences may impact the power and pressure excursion experienced during the ATWS event. This in turn may impact the amount of steam discharged to the suppression pool and containment.


Uontrolued Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-4 7.3 Reactor Core Safety Limits - Low PressureSafety Limit, PressureRegulator FailedOpen Event (PRFO)

Technical Specification for Monticello, Section, Reactor Core Safety Limits (SL), requires that thermal power shall be < 25% rated when the reactor steam dome pressure is < 785 psig (800 psia) or core flow is < 10% of rated. In Reference 35, General Electric identified that for plants with the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) low-pressure isolation setpoint < 785 psig, there is a depressurization transient that will cause this safety limit to be violated. In addition, plants with an MSIV low-pressure isolation setpoint _Ž785 psig may also experience an AOO that violates this safety limit (Monticello MSIV low-pressure setpoint is 809 psig).

The AOO of concern is a depressurization transient, i.e., Pressure Regulator Failure -

Maximum Demand (Open) (PRFO). This event can cause the dome pressure to drop below 785 psig (800 psia) while reactor thermal power is above 25% of rated power.

The PRFO event is initiated through a failure of the pressure controller system open (instantaneous drop of the pressure demand). This will force the turbine control valves (TCV) and turbine bypass valve (TBV) to fully open up to the maximum combined steam flow limit.

Opening the turbine valves will create a pressure decrease in the reactor system. At some point the low-pressure setpoint for main steam isolation valve (MSIV) closure will be reached and the MSIV will start to close. The initiation of the MSIV closure will trigger the reactor scram on MSIV position which will reduce further the reactor power. The longest MSIV closure time is conservative for this event. A closure time of 9.9 seconds was assumed. The system depressurization also creates a water level swell. If the water level swell reaches the high level setpoint (L8) the turbine stop valves (TSV) will close.

This event was analyzed to determine the lowest steam dome pressure occurring such that a future Technical Specification change can be established for the low-pressure value. Since the core power and heat flux drop throughout this event, followed by a direct scram, this event poses no threat to thermal limits.

The results of the analyses at various power/flow statepoints and cycle exposures showed that the lowest steam dome pressure that was reached before thermal power was < 25% thermal power was 665 psia (650 psig).


Uontroned uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-5 As part of the transition to ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and AREVA methods, AREVA will justify that the critical power correlations being used for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel and for GE14 fuel are applicable for pressures above 600 psia.

7.4 Appendix R - Fire ProtectionAnalysis The Appendix R fire protection case matrix for Monticello safe shutdown is identified in Reference 36. The most limiting cases were analyzed using the NRC approved AREVA EXEM BWR-2000 Evaluation Model with a modified Monticello LOCA model. The analyses were performed for a full core of ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel. The first two fire events were evaluated with and without a stuck open relief valve, two safety relief valves were used for depressurization when the reactor water level reached the top of the active fuel in the downcomer, and one operational core spray train. The final two events were evaluated with the two depressurization safety relief valves activated at 17 minutes into the fire event instead of the water level being at the top of the active fuel.

The conclusion of this analysis was that in each event the ATRIUM 1OXM fuel in the core remains covered during the entire event with no increase in cladding temperature. Results are therefore independent of fuel type. Containment suppression pool temperatures are not fuel related and therefore were not considered.

7.5 Standby Liquid Control System In the event that the control rod scram function becomes incapable of rendering the core in a shutdown state, the standby liquid control (SLC) system is required to be capable of bringing the reactor from full power to a cold shutdown condition at any time in the core life. The Monticello SLC system is required to be able to inject 660 ppm natural boron equivalent at 70°F into the reactor coolant. AREVA has performed an analysis demonstrating the SLC system meets the required shutdown capability for the cycle. The analysis was performed at a coolant temperature of 319.2 0 F, with a boron concentration equivalent to 660 ppm at 68 0 F.* The temperature of 319.2 0 F corresponds to the low-pressure permissive for the RHR shutdown cooling suction valves, and represents the maximum reactivity condition with soluble boron in the coolant. The analysis shows the core to be subcritical throughout the cycle by at least 1.34% Ak/k based on the Cycle 27 EOC short window (which is the most limiting exposure

  • Monticello licensing basis documents indicate a minimum of 660 ppm boron at a temperature of 70'F.

The AREVA cold analysis basis of 68°F represents a negligible difference and the results are adequate to protect the 70'F licensing basis for the plant.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-6 bound by the short and long Cycle 27 exposure window) and based on conservative assumptions regarding eigenvalue biases and uncertainties in the Cycle 28 transition core.

7.6 Fuel Criticality The spent fuel pool criticality analysis for ATRIUM 1 OXM fuel is presented in Reference 37 and submitted to the NRC in Reference 40.


uontrmooe uocurnentc Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-7 Table 7.1 ASME Overpressurization Analysis Results*

Maximum Peak Peak Vessel Maximum Neutron Heat Pressure Dome Flux Flux Lower-Plenum Pressure Event (% rated) (% rated) (psig) (psig)

MSIV closure (102P/99F) 388 132 1360 1326 Pressure limit --- --- 1375 1332

  • Pressure results include various adders totaling 9 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-8 Table 7.2 ATWS Overpressurization Analysis Results*

Maximum Peak Peak Vessel Maximum Neutron Heat Pressure Dome Flux Flux Lower-Plenum Pressure Event (% rated) (% rated) (psig) (psig)

MSIV closure (102P/99F) 308 144 1436 1419 PRFO (102P/99F) 263 151 1445 1428 Pressure limit --- --- 1500 1500

  • Pressure results include various adders totaling 20 psi to account for void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-9


~1) 0 0::

0 C



0) 0~

4.0 f Time (seconds)

Figure 7.1 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

Uontroiled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-10 "1"




2.0 4.0 6.0 8.

Time (seconds)

Figure 7.2 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures*

  • The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.


uontrolned uocumenti Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-11 600.0 Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 500.0-Bank 4 V.,-



Bank 5



.. 400.0-cI, Q' 300.0 n 200.0 K V) 100.0

.0 I I

.0 2.0 4.0 I: 8.0 10.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 7.3 MSIV Closure Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates*

  • In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 3 SRVOOS are grouped in bank 1.

The remaining 5 operating SRVs are grouped as 1 SRV in banks 2, 3, and 4; and 2 SRVs in bank 5.


uontroloeco uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-12 ju.5UU-Relative Core Power Relative Heat Flux Relative Core Flow Relative Steam Flow Relative Feed Flow 200.0 -

-o 0

100.0- -,.-----*-:

-L .........- -

C W,

p W,

a- ""-

Ii I'

.0 -

- I CIA (I e

1000 -1*

.0 5.0 10.0 15o 20.0 25.0 30.0 Time (seconds')

Figure 7.4 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Key Parameters AREVA NP Inc.

uon, ro e Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-13 0

U) 0.


L U)


U, L


Time (seconds)

Figure 7.5 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Vessel Pressures*

  • The pressure results in this plot do not include the adders due to void-quality correlations, Doppler void effects, and thermal conductivity degradation.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 7-14 Q1)


E 0

W-15.0 Time (seconds)

Figure 7.6 PRFO ATWS Overpressurization Event at 102P/99F - Safety/Relief Valve Flow Rates*

  • In the COTRANSA2 code, the 8 SRVs are grouped in 5 banks. 1 SRVOOS is grouped in bank 1. The remaining 7 operating SRVs are grouped as 3 SRVs in bank 2; 1 SRV in banks 3 and 4; and 2 SRVs in bank 5.


Uon:roiied uocurnen Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-1 8.0 Operating Limits and COLR Input 8.1 MCPR Limits The determination of MCPR limits is based on analyses of the limiting AQOs. The MCPR operating limits are established so that less than 0.1% of the fuel rods in the core are expected to experience boiling transition during an AOO initiated from rated or off-rated conditions and are based on a two-loop operation SLMCPR of 1.12 and a single-loop operation SLMCPR of 1.13. Exposure-dependent MCPR limits were established to support operation from BOC to the licensing basis EOFP and during Coastdown. MCPR limits are established to support base case operation and the EOOS scenarios presented in Table 1.1.

Two-loop operation MCPRp limits for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel are presented in Table 8.1 through Table 8.4 for base case operation and the EOOS conditions. Limits are presented for nominal scram speed (NSS) and Technical Specification scram speed (TSSS) insertion times for the exposure ranges considered. Both of these sets (NSS and TSSS) protect the TTWB with degraded scram speed (DSS) event. MCPRP limits for single-loop operation are provided in Table 8.5.

MCPRf limits protect against fuel failures during a postulated slow flow excursion.

ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel limits are presented in Table 8.6 and are applicable for all cycle exposures and EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1.

The results from the control rod withdrawal error (CRWE) analysis are not used in establishing the MCPRP limits. Depending on the choice of RBM setpoints the CRWE analysis operating MCPR limit may be more limiting than the MCPRp limits. Therefore, Xcel Energy may need to adjust these limits to account for CRWE results.

8.2 LHGR Limits The LHGR limits for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are presented in Table 8.7. The LHGR limits for GE14 fuel are presented in Reference 39. Power- and flow-dependent multipliers (LHGRFACp and LHGRFACf) are applied directly to the LHGR limits to protect against fuel melting and overstraining of the cladding during an AOO.

The LHGRFACp and LHGRFACf multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel are determined using the RODEX4 methodology (Reference 9). The LHGRFACP and LHGRFACf multipliers for GE14 fuel are developed in a manner consistent with the GNF thermal-mechanical methodology.


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Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-2 LHGRFACP multipliers were established to support operation at all cycle exposures for both NSS and TSSS insertion times and for the EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1. LHGRFACp limits are presented in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.

LHGRFACf multipliers are established to provide protection against fuel centerline melt and overstraining of the cladding during a postulated slow flow excursion. LHGRFACf limits are presented in Table 8.10 and Table 8.11 for ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 fuel, respectively.

LHGRFACf multipliers are applicable for all cycle exposures and EOOS conditions identified in Table 1.1.

8.3 MAPLHGR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR limits are discussed in Reference 30. The TLO operation limits are presented in Table 8.12. For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLO MAPLHGR limits. Power- and flow-dependent MAPLHGR multipliers are not required.


uontrouieo uocumenit Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-3 Table 8.1 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*

MCPRP Operating Power ATRIUM 1OXM GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Fuel Base 100.0 1.55 1.53 case 40.0 1.71 1.71 operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23 PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.58 85.0 1.64 1.64 85.0 1.91 1.84 40.0 2.39 2.30 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.


uontroiled Uocumenf Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-4 Table 8.2 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP*

MCPRp Operating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Fuel Base 100.0 1.59 1.58 case 40.0 1.76 1.79 operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23 PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.58 85.0 1.64 1.64 85.0 1.91 1.84 40.0 2.39 2.30 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.


uontrolied Uocurnenm Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-5 Table 8.3 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), NSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown*

MCPRP Operating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Fuel Base 100.0 1.55 1.53 case 40.0 1.74 1.71 operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.33 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23 PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.58 85.0 1.64 1.64 85.0 1.91 1.84 40.0 2.39 2.30 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.


uontroOneo uccurenti Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-6 Table 8.4 MCPRp Limits for Two-Loop Operation (TLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown*

MCPRP Operating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Fuel Base 100.0 1.59 1.58 case 40.0 1.77 1.79 operation 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at 5 50%F 2.33 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.09 3.23 PROOS 100.0 1.59 1.58 85.0 1.64 1.64 85.0 1.91 1.84 40.0 2.39 2.30 40.0 at > 50%F 2.77 2.72 25.0 at > 50%F 3.39 3.47 40.0 at < 50%F 2.48 2.38 25.0 at < 50%F 3.24 3.23

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.


Uontrofled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-7 Table 8.5 MCPRP Limits for Single-Loop Operation (SLO), TSSS Insertion Times BOC to Coastdown* t MCPRP Operating Power ATRIUM 10XM GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Fuel Base 66.0 2.13 2.19 case 40.0 2.40 2.31

/PROOS 40.0 at > 50%F 2.78 2.73 25.0 at > 50%F 3.40 3.48 40.0 at < 50%F 2.49 2.39 25.0 at < 50%F 3.25 3.24

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.

t Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.


uontrouDeo uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-8 Table 8.6 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 Fuel, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow

(% of rated) MCPRf 30.0 1.80 80.0 1.50 105.0 1.50 AREVA NP Inc.

Uontrolied uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-9 Table 8.7 ATRIUM 1OXM Steady-State LHGR Limits Peak Pellet Exposure LHGR (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft) 0.0 14.1 18.9 14.1 74.4 7.4 AREVA NP Inc.

uontcroheci uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-10 Table 8.8 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, All Cycle 28 Exposures*

LHGRFACp Operating Power ATRIUM 1OXM Condition (% of rated) Fuel 100.0 1.00 40.0 0.80 Base 40.0 at > 50%F 0.44 case 25.0 at > 50%F 0.30 operation 40.0 at < 50%F 0.56 25.0 at* 50%F 0.36 PROOS 100.0 1.00 85.0 0.95 85.0 0.92 40.0 0.66 40.0 at > 50%F 0.44 25.0 at > 50%F 0.30 40.0 at:<50%F 0.56 25.0 at* 50%F 0.36

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.


uontrolnec uocumen't-Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-11 Table 8.9 GE14 LHGRFACp Multipliers for NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, All Cycle 28 Exposures*

LHGRFACP Operating Power GE14 Condition (% of rated) Fuel Base 100.0 0 .9 9 t case 40.0 0.57 operation 40.0 at > 50%F 0.42 25.0 at > 50%F 0.34 40.0 at* 50%F 0.53 25.0 at < 50%F 0.37 PROOS 100.0 0 .9 9 t 85.0 0.89 85.0 0.75 40.0 0.54 40.0 at > 50%F 0.42 25.0 at > 50%F 0.34 40.0 at < 50%F 0.51 25.0 at* 50%F 0.37

  • Limits support operation with up to 3 SRVOOS, up to 1 TIPOOS or the equivalent number of TIP channels and/or up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service, and a 1200 EFPH LPRM calibration interval.

t 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).


uontrovled uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-12 Table 8.10 ATRIUM 1OXM LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSS/TSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS, All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow ATRIUM 1OXM

(% of rated) LHGRFACf 30.0 0.73 40.0 0.73 75.0 1.00 105.0 1.00 AREVA NP Inc.

(iontrouedi uocument1 Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-13 Table 8.11 GE14 LHGRFACf Multipliers, NSSITSSS Insertion Times, TLO and SLO, PROOS, All Cycle 28 Exposures Core Flow GE14

(% of rated) LHGRFACf 30.0 0.68 40.0 0.68 75.0 1.00 105.0 1.00 AREVA NP Inc.

(ontroeO~e Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 8-14 Table 8.12 ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR Limits, TLO*

Average Planar Exposure MAPLHGR (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft) 0.0 12.5 20.0 12.5 67.0 7.6

  • For operation in SLO, a multiplier of 0.7 must be applied to the TLO MAPLHGR limits.


Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 9-1 9.0 References

1. ANP-3215(P) Revision 0, Monticello Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Fuel Cycle Design (EPU/

MELLLA), AREVA NP, May 2013.

2. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision 28.
3. Technical Specification Requirements for Monticello Nuclear GeneratingPlant Unit 1, Monticello, Amendment 146.
4. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Technical Specifications (Bases), Revision 16.
5. NEDC-33322(P)* Revision 3, Safety Analysis Report for Monticello Constant Pressure Power Uprate, GEH, October 2008.
6. ANP-3224P Revision 2, Applicability of AREVA NP BWR Methods to Monticello, AREVA NP, June 2013.
7. ANP-3119(P) Revision 0, MechanicalDesign Report for Monticello A TRIUM TM IOXM Fuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, October 2012.
8. ANP-3221 P Revision 0, Fuel Rod Thermal-MechanicalDesign for Monticello ATRIUM IOXM Fuel Assemblies, Cycle 28, AREVA NP, May 2013.
9. BAW-1 0247PA Revision 0, Realistic Thermal-MechanicalFuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, AREVA NP, February 2008.
10. GNF Design Basis Document, Fuel-Rod Thermal-MechanicalPerformance Limits for GE14C, DB-001 2.03 Revision 2, September 2006 (transmitted by letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to R. Welch (AREVA), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Plant Information: GE14 Exposure Limits," July 19, 2012).
11. ANP-3092(P) Revision 0, Monticello Thermal-HydraulicDesign Report for ATRIUM TM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies, AREVA NP, July 2012.
12. AN P-10307PA Revision 0, AREVA MCPR Safety Limit Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, AREVA NP, June 2011.
13. EMF-2209(P)(A) Revision 3, SPCB CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, September 2009.
14. EMF-2245(P)(A) Revision 0, Application of Siemens Power Corporation'sCriticalPower Correlationsto Co-Resident Fuel, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.
15. ANP-3138(P) Revision 0, Monticello Improved K-factor Model forACE/ATRIUM IOXM CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, August 2012.
16. ANP-10298PA Revision 0, ACE/ATRIUM IOXM Critical Power Correlation,AREVA NP, March 2010.
  • This reference should be updated to the NRC-approved revision when possible.


uontroOned uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 9-2

17. ANP-10298(P)(A) Revision 0 Supplement 1P Revision 0, Improved K-factor Model for ACE/ATRIUM IOXM CriticalPower Correlation,AREVA NP, December 2011.
18. NEDO-32465-A, Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions Licensing Basis Methodology and Reload Applications, GE Nuclear Energy, August 1996.
19. BAW-1 0255PA Revision 2, Cycle-Specific DIVOM Methodology Using the RAMONA5-FA Code, AREVA NP, May 2008.
20. OG04-0153-260, Plant-Specific Regional Mode DIVOM Procedure Guideline, June 15, 2004.
21. BWROG-03047, Resolution of Reportable Condition for Stability Reload Licensing Calculations Using Generic Regional Mode DIVOM Curve, September 30, 2003.
22. OG02-0119-260, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) for Inoperable Option III Solution, GE Nuclear Energy, July 17, 2002.
23. EMF-CC-074(P)(A) Volume 4 Revision 0, BWR StabilityAnalysis - Assessment of STAIF with Input from MICROBURN-B2, Siemens Power Corporation, August 2000.
24. ANF-913(P)(A) Volume 1 Revision 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 2, 3 and 4, COTRANSA2: A Computer Program for Boiling Water Reactor TransientAnalyses, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, August 1990.
25. XN-NF-84-105(P)(A) Volume 1 and Volume 1 Supplements 1 and 2, XCOBRA-T: A Computer Code for BWR Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Core Analysis, Exxon Nuclear Company, February 1987.
26. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 3 Revision 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, THERMEX: Thermal Limits Methodology Summary Description, Exxon Nuclear Company, January 1987.
27. EMF-2158(P)(A) Revision 0, Siemens Power CorporationMethodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Evaluation and Validation of CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2, Siemens Power Corporation, October 1999.
28. XN-NF-81-58(P)(A) Revision 2 and Supplements 1 and 2, RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model, Exxon Nuclear Company, March 1984.
29. ANP-3211 (P) Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA Break Spectrum Analysis for ATRIUM TM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.
30. ANP-3212(P) Revision 0, Monticello EPU LOCA-ECCS Analysis MAPLHGR Limits for ATRIUM TM 1OXM Fuel, AREVA NP, May 2013.
31. 0000-0043-8325-SRLR Revision 1, Cycle 27 Extended Power Uprate Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, Global Nuclear Fuel, February 2013.


Uontroued uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page 9-3

32. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 1 and Supplements 1 and 2, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors - Neutronic Methods for Design and Analysis, Exxon Nuclear Company, March 1983.
33. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 4 Revision 1, Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Application of the ENC Methodology to BWR Reloads, Exxon Nuclear Company, June 1986.
34. EMF-2361(P)(A) Revision 0, EXEM BWR-2000 ECCS Evaluation Model, Framatome ANP, May 2001.
35. General Electric 10CFR Part 21 Communication, Potential Violation of Low Pressure Technical Specification Safety Limit, SC05-03, March 22, 2005.
36. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Information - MNGP Appendix R Analysis Information Obtained from GNF,"

OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2012-007, February 14, 2012.

37. ANP-3113(P) Revision 0, Monticello Nuclear Plant Spent Fuel Storage Pool Criticality Safety Analysis for A TRIUM TM IOXM Fuel, AREVA NP, August 2012.
38. 51-9187384-000, "Monticello Plant RPV Seismic Assessment with ATRIUM M

T 1OXM Fuel," AREVA NP, September 2012 (RJW:12:022).

39. Letter, D.J. Mienke (Xcel Energy) to Tony Will (AREVA NP), "Transmittal of Requested Monticello Core Follow Data," OC-FAB-ARV-MN-XX-2011-005, November 15, 2011.
40. Letter, M.A. Schimmel (NSPM) to Document Control Desk (NRC), "License Amendment Request for Fuel Storage Changes," L-MT-12-076, October 30, 2012 (ADAMS accession no. ML12307A433).
41. NEDO-32047, A TWS Rule Issues Relative to BWR Core Thermal-Hydraulic Stability, DRF A13-00302, GE Nuclear Energy, February 1992.


UontrolOed Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-1 Appendix A Operating Limits and Results Comparisons The figures and tables presented in this appendix show comparisons of the Monticello Cycle 28 operating limits and the transient analysis results. The thermal limits for NSS and TSSS insertion times protect the TTWB event with DSS insertion times. Comparisons are presented for the ATRIUM 1OXM and GE14 MCPRP limits and LHGRFACP multipliers.


uontroiled uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-2 MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS 16175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A10XM Fuel) 4.0 I I I I I I I I

    • LOFWH 3.5


  • TTNB 3.0 v TTWB

-j Q_ 2.5 C-) V V

2.0 x [

1.5 Aa x

1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.55 40.0 1.71 40.0 > 50%F 2.77 25.0 > 50%F 3.39 40.0 5 50%F 2.33 25.0 < 50%F 3.09 Figure A.1 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


uontroueo uocLum,,nt Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-3 MONT CY28 EOFPLBNSS 16175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GEl4 Fuel) 4.0 o FWCF o HPCI 3.5



  • TTNB 3.0 v TTWB 0

-t E.

0j 2.5 a- +


2.0 x ~ ~g -

1.5 *.+ +

a A x A x

1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.53 40.0 1.71 40.0 > 50%F 2.72 25.0 > 50%F 3.47 40.05 50%F 2.38 25.0 < 50%F 3.23 Figure A.2 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


uontroiied uocument, Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-4 MONT CY28 CoostNSS 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0 I I o] FWCF o HPCI A LOFWH 3.5



_- 2.5 Q_

(D +


2.0 0

x 0 1.5

+ +

A A A A A x

1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.55 40.0 1.74 40.0 > 50%F 2.77 25.0 > 50%F 3.39 40.0:<50%F 2.33 25.0 5 50%F 3.09 Figure A.3 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 10XM Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


uontrolned Uocumenii Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-5 MONT CY28 CoastNSS 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 o FWCF o HPCI 3.5


+ LRNB x RUNUP o TTNB 3.0 v TTWB 0


-J o_ 2.5 +

V a-)

V 2.0 x I*I 1.5 A A A*

x x

1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.53 40.0 1.71 40.0 > 50%F 2.72 25.0 > 50%F 3.47 40.0 < 50%F 2.38 25.0 5 50%F 3.23 Figure A.4 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


Uontrolled Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-6 MONT CY28 EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0 DSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0 o FWCF o HPCI 3.5



-t 2.5



2.0 x 8 1.5 x

1.0 IIII I I II 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.59 40.0 1.76 40.0 > 50%F 2.77 25.0 > 50%F 3.39 40.05 50%F 2.33 25.0 5 50%F 3.09 Figure A.5 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


Uontrolued Uocument:

Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-7 MONT CY28 EOFPLBTSSS 16175.0 DSS/TSSS (GE 14 Fuel) 4.0 o] FWCF o HPCI A LOFWH 3.5

+ LRNB x RUNUP o TTNB 3.0 v TTWB 0

-t 0 2.5 +


2.0 0

1.5 4o-xx A 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Roted)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.58 40.0 1.79 40.0 > 50%F 2.72 25.0 > 50%F 3.47 40.05 50%F 2.38 25.05 50%F 3.23 Figure A.6 BOC to Licensing Basis EOFP Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


uotroiieo uocumenti Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-8 MONT CY28 CoastTSSS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (AlOXM Fuel) 4.0 III I III o FWCF o HPCI A LOFWH 3.5


_J CL 2.5 2.0 1.5 x x

1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.59 40.0 1.77 40.0 > 50%F 2.77 25.0 > 50%F 3.39 40.05 50%F 2.33 25.0 5 50%F 3.09 Figure A.7 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


(Jontroiied uocumenit Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-9 MONT CY28 CoastTSSS 211 75.0 DSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 III . IIII o FWCF o HPCI

  • LOFWH 3.5


  • TTNB 3.0 v TTWB 0

-t 0 E~

_j 2.5 +


V 2.0 0 8 1.5 xx 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.58 40.0 1.79 40.0 > 50%F 2.72 25.0 > 50%F 3.47 40.0! <50%F 2.38 25.0 5 50%F 3.23 Figure A.8 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


Uontrolled UocumenZ Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-10 MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0 I I I I I I I o FWCF o HPCI A LOFWH 3.5


-t 2.5 a_ +

H +

2.0 1.5 ~+

0 III I I I I I I I 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.59 85.0 1.64 85.0 1.91 40.0 2.39 40.0 > 50%F 2.77 25.0 > 50%F 3.39 40.0 < 50%F 2.48 25.0 5 50%F 3.24 Figure A.9 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


uon'lro~ied~ uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-i 1 MONT CY28 CoastPROOS 21175.0 DSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 o FWCF o HPCI A LOFWH 3.5


._J 0 2.5 a-n_


2.0 00 1.5 0 g 0

III I I I I I I I 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 100.0 1.58 85.0 1.64 85.0 1.84 40.0 2.30 40.0 > 50%F 2.72 25.0 > 50%F 3.47 40.0:<50%F 2.38 25.0 < 50%F 3.23 Figure A.10 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSSITSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO)


UontroUed Uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-12 MONT CY28 CoostSLO 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (A1OXM Fuel) 4.0 III I I I I I I I 0 FWCF o HPCI

  • LOFWH 3.5


  • RUNUP 0 V TTNB 3.0
  • TTWB
  • SLPS

-t E~ 2.5

_j 0

H+ X 2.0 HX g



1.5 III I I I I I I I 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 66.0 2.13 40.0 2.40 40.0 > 50%F 2.78 25.0 > 50%F 3.40 40.0 5 50%F 2.49 25.0 < 50%F 3.25 Figure A.11 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base case + PROOS Single-Loop Operation (SLO)*

  • Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.


uontromlod uocumrent~

Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-13 MONT CY28 CoastSLO 21175.0 DSS/NSS/TSSS (GE14 Fuel) 4.0 II I I I I I I o FWCF o HPCI

  • LOFWH 3.5



-t 0E

_j 2.5 n-

+ x 2.0 011 0

o 8 1.5 0£ I I I Ii i i 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Limit 66.0 2.19 40.0 2.31 40.0 > 50%F 2.73 25.0 > 50%F 3.48 40.0 < 50%F 2.39 25.0 5 50%F 3.24 Figure A.12 BOC to Coastdown Power-Dependent MCPR Limits for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base case + PROOS Single-Loop Operation (SLO)*

  • Operation in SLO is not allowed above 66% of rated power.


ontrotued Vocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-14 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp Base Case COAST ALL SCRAM (AT 1OXM Fuel) 1.2 t t I 1.1 1.0 0

.9 0 0

0- .8


.7 rY







.2 I I I I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 1.00 40.0 0.80 40.0 > 50%F 0.44 25.0 > 50%F 0.30 40.0 < 50%F 0.56 25.0 5 50%F 0.36 Figure A.13 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSSITSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)


uontroiiecd uocumen"1.

Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-15 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp Base Case COAST ALL SCRAM (GE14 Fuel) 1.2 1.1 1.0

.9 0 Q_ .8 C-) +

-I Of- .7


.5 0 0 FWCF



.2 I I I I I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 0.99*

40.0 0.57 40.0 > 50%F 0.42 25.0 > 50%F 0.34 40.05 50%F 0.53 25.05 50%F 0.37 Figure A.14 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times Base Case Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)

  • 0.97 setdown required ifanalytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).


uontronDed uocument Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-16 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS COAST ALL SCRAM (AT1OXM Fuel) 1.2 1.1 1.0


.8 0~

(_j r .7 I






.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)


(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 1.00 85.0 0.95 85.0 0.92 40.0 0.66 40.0 > 50%F 0.44 25.0 > 50%F 0.30 40.0 <50%F 0.56 25.0 5 50%F 0.36 Figure A.15 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)


uontroiied uocurnent Monticello ANP-3213(NP)

Fuel Transition Cycle 28 Revision 1 Reload Licensing Analysis (EPU/MELLLA) Page A-17 MONT CY28 LHGRFACp PROOS COAST ALL SCRAM (GE 14 Fuel) 1.2 II 1.1 1.0

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.2 I I I I I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Roted)


(% of rated) Multiplier 100.0 0.99*

85.0 0.89 85.0 0.75 40.0 0.54 40.0 > 50%F 0.42 25.0 > 50%F 0.34 40.0 5 50%F 0.51 25.05<50%F 0.37 Figure A.16 All Exposures Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers for GE14 Fuel NSS/TSSS Insertion Times PROOS Two-Loop Operation (TLO) and Single-Loop Operation (SLO)

  • 0.97 setdown required if analytical setpoint is greater than 114% (based on CRWE calculation).