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{{#Wiki_filter:3/4-4  REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS LIMITING CONDITION  FOR OPERATION  Four reactor coolant pumps shall be in operation-APPLICABILITY: Modes  1 and 2.
Modes1and2.ACTION:Withlessthanfourreactorcoolantpumpsinoperation, beinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithin6hours.SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS 4.4.1TheFlowDependent SelectorSwitchshallbedetermined tobeinthe4pumppositionwithin15minutespriortomakingthereactorcriticalandatleastonceper12hoursthereafter.
With less than four reactor coolant pumps in operation, be in at least    HOT STANDBY within 6 hours.
b.c~1~ReactorCoolantLoop(A)andatleastoneassociated reactorcoolantpump.2.ReactorCoolantLoop(B)andatleastoneassociated reactorcoolantpump.3.ShutdownCoolingLoop(A)(Mode4only).4-ShutdownCoolingLoop(B)(Mode4only).AtleastoneoftheaboveReactorCoolantLoopsshallbeinoperation*.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS 4.4.1  The Flow Dependent Selector Switch shall be determined to be in the 4 pump  position within 15 minutes prior to making the reactor critical and at least  once per 12 hours thereafter.
Whenoperating withlessthan4reactorcoolingpumpsinMode3,theSHUTDOWNMARGINrequirement ofSpecification toandmaintained at>4.1$.wk/K.Theprovisions ofSpecifications 3.0.3and3.0.4arenotapplicable.
ST. LUCI E  - UNIT I                        3/4 4-1                  10;30'=80
'">>0S0$ 4)
MODES3and4ACTION:a.Withlessthantheaboverequiredreactorcoolantloopsoperable, restoretherequiredloopstoOPERABLEstatuswith72hoursorbeinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthenext30hours.b.Withnoreactorcoolantloopinoperation, suspendalloperations involving areduction inboronconcentration oftheReactorCoolantSystemandimmediately initiatecorrective actiontoreturntherequiredlooptooperation.
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS Atleasttheaboverequiredreactorcoolantpumps,ifnotinoperation, shallbedetermined tobeOPERABLEonceper7daysbyverifying correctbreakeralignments andindicated poweravailability.
I4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM HOT STANDBY LIMITING CONDITION  FOR OPERATION 3.4.1. 2    a. At least two of the reactor coolant loops      listed  below shall be OPERABLE. Atleastonecoolingloopshallbeverifiedtobeinoperation andcirculating reactorcoolantatleastonceper12hours.~eA1reactorcoolantpumpsmaybede-energized forupto1hourprovided(1)nooperations arepermitted thatwouldcausedilutionofthereactorcoolantsystemboronconcentration, and(2)coreoutlettemperature ismaintained atleast10'Fbelowsaturation temperature.
1 ~ Reactor Coolant Loop (A) and at least one associated reactor coolant pump.
: 2. Reactor Coolant Loop (B) and at least one associated reactor coolant pump.
: 3. Shutdown Cooling Loop (A) (Mode 4    only).
4-   Shutdown Cooling Loop (B) (Mode 4  only).
MODE5withoutRCSintegrity ACTION:a.With1essthantheaboverequiredcoolant1oopsOPERABLE, immediately initiatecorrective actiontoreturntherequriedcoolantloopstoOPERABLEstatusassoonaspossible.
: b. At least one of the above Reactor Coolant Loops shall be in operation*.
IfrequiredloopsarenotrestoredtoOPERABLEwithin8hours,immediately initiateactiontorestoreRCSintegrity.
c~  When  operating with less than 4 reactor cooling pumps in Mode 3, the SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification
b.Withnocoolantloopinoperation, suspendalloperations involving areduction inboronconcentration oftheReactorCoolantSystemandimmediately initiatecorrective actiontoreturntherequiredcoolantlooptooperation.
shall be increased to and maintained at > 4.1$ . w k/K. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
APPLICABILITY:   MODES 3  and 4 ACTION:     a. With less than the above required reactor coolant loops operable, restore the required loops to OPERABLE status with 72 hours or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours.
MODE5withRCSintegrity ACTION:Withnocoolantloopinoperation, suspendalloperations involving areduction inboronconcentration oftheReactorCoolantSystemandimmediately initiatecorrective actiontoreturntherequiredcoolantlooptooperation.
: b. With no reactor coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required loop to operation.
SURVEILLANCE REURIEMENTS Therequiredshutdowncoolingloop(s)shallbedetermined OPERABLEpertheSt.LucieUnitInservice Inspection Program,Pump,TestProgram,andValveTestProgram.KllreactorcooTantpumpsanddecayheatremovalpumpsmaybede-energized forupto1hourprovided(1)nooperations arepermitted thatwouldcausedilutionofthereactorcoolantsystemboronconcentration, and(2)coreoutlettemperature ismaintained atleast10'Fbelowsaturation temperature.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS At least the above required reactor coolant pumps, operation, shall be determined to be OPERABLE once per 7 days if verifying not in by correct breaker alignments and indicated power availability.
¹Thenormaloremergency powersourcemaybeinoperable inMODE5-ST.LUCIE-UNIT13.44-lb10,:30,-;80 II'5IIIIIaiI'llIIII'',b REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/49.8SHUTDOWNCOOLINGANDCOOLANTCIRCULATION ALLWATERLEVELSLIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION 3.98.1Atleastoneshutdowncoolingloopshallbeinoperation.   At least one cooling loop shall be  verified to    be  in operation and circulating reactor coolant at least  once per  12 hours.
~eA1  reactor coolant pumps may be de-energized for up to hour provided (1) 1 no operations are permitted that would cause dilution of the reactor coolant system boron concentration, and (2) core outlet temperature is maintained at least 10'F below saturation temperature.
MODE6ACTION:a~Withlessthanoneshutdowncoolingloopinoperation, exceptasprovidedinb.below,suspendalloperations involving anincreaseinthereactordecayheatloadorareduction inboronconcentration oftheReactorCoolantSystem.Closeallcontainment penetrations providing directaccessfromthecontainment atmosphere totheoutsideatmosphere within4hours.b.Theshutdowncoolingloopmayberemovedfromoperation forupto1hourper8hourperiodduringtheperformance ofCOREALTERATIONS inthevicinityofreactorpressurevesselhotlegs.c.Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapplicable.
ST. LUCIE - UNIT I                        3/4 4-la                        10-30-80
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS andcirculating reactorcoolantataflowrateofgreaterthanorequalto3000gpmatleastonceper4hours.ST.LUCIE-UNIT13/49-8,10-30-80;=
II t
' shutdowncoolingloopsshallbeOPERABLE.*
MODE6whenthewaterlevelabovethetopoftheirradiated fuelassemblies seatedwithinthereactorpressurevesselislessthan23feet.ACTION:a.WithlessthantherequiredshutdowncoolingloopsOPERABLE, immediately initiatecorrective actiontoreturnloopstoOPERABLEstatusassoonaspossible.
REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION      a. The two Shutdown Cooling loops      listed below shall be OPERABLE:
b.Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapplicable.
: l. Shutdown Cooling Loop (A)¹
SURVEILLANCE REUIRENENTS OPERABLEpertheSt.LucieUnit1Inservice Inspection Program,PumpTestProgram,andValveTestProgram.*Thenormaloremergency powersourcemaybeinoperable foreachshutdowncoolingloop.ST.LUCIE-UNITI3/49.8a10'-3040 4I'h4Ii'j 3/4.4.1REACTORCOOLANTLOOPSTheplantisdesignedtooperatewithbothreactorcoolantloopsandassociated reactorcoolantpumpsinoperation, andmaintainDNBRabove1.30duringallnormaloperations andanticipated transients.
: 2. Shutdown Cooling Loop (B)¹
ByoriginaldesignSTARTUPandPOWEROPERATION maybeinitiated andmayproceedwithoneortworeactorcoolantpumpsnotinoperation afterthesetpoints forthePowerLevel-High, ReactorCoolantFlow-Low, andThermalMargin/LowPressuretripshavebeenreducedtotheirspecified values.Reducingthesetripsetpoints ensuresthattheDNBRwillbemaintained above1.30duringthreepumpoperations andthatduringtwopumpoperation thecorevoidfractionwillbelimitedtoensureparallelchannelflowstability withinthecoreandthereby,preventpremature DNB.However,lessthan4pumpoperation inModes1and2iscurrently notauthorized fortheunit.Asingleshutdowncoolinglooporasinglereactorcoolantloopwith.itssteamgenerator filledabovethelowleveltripsetpointprovidessufficient heatremovalcapability forcorecoolingwhileinMODES3and4,however,,singlefailureconsiderations requireplantcooldownifcomponent repairsand/orcorrective actioncannotbemadewithintheallowable out-of-service timeifatleast2redundent loopsarenotOPERABLE.
: b. At least one of the above coolant loops shall be i n operation*.
Theadditional SHUTDOWNMARGINrequirementforMode3providesassurance ofacceptable resultsshouldtherebeaMSLBwithlessthan4RCPsoperating.
APPLICABILITY:   MODE 5    without  RCS integrity ACTION:       a. Wi th  1 ess  than the above required cool ant 1 oops OPERABLE, immediately initiate corrective action to return the requried coolant loops to OPERABLE status as soon as possible. If required loops are not restored to OPERABLE within 8 hours, immediately i nitiate action to restore RCS integrity.
ForMode5withoutRCSintegrity (i.e.SGmanwaysopen)andMode6whenthewaterlevelabovefuelassemblies seatedinthevesselislessthan23'eet,asingleshutdowncoolingloopprovidessufficient heatremovalcapability forcorecooling;however,singlefailureconsiderations requirethat2loopsbeOPERABLE.
: b. With no coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required coolant loop to operation.
ForMode5withRCSintegrity, intheeventofafailureoftheoperating shutdowncoolingloop,othermethodsofheatremova)areviableandavailable, (i.e.injection viatherequiredOPERABLEchargingorHPSIpump).Theseprovide,as'-aminimum,adequate, timetoinitiateemergency measurestocoolthecore.ST.LUCIE-UNITIB3/4.4-1f~.n,10-,,30-80 3/4.4REACTORCOOLANTSYSTEMBASES3/4.4.2and3/4.4.3SAFETYVALVESThepressurizer codesafetyvalvesoperatetopreventtheRCSfrombeingpressurized aboveitsSafet~Limitof2750psia.Eachsafetyvalveisdesignedtorelieve2X10~lbsperhourofsaturated steamatthevalvesetpoint.
APPLICABILITY: MODE    5  with  RCS integrity ACTION:           With no coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required coolant loop to operation.
Thereliefcapacityofasinglesafetyvalveisadequatetorelieveanyoverpressure condition whichcouldoccurduringshutdown.
SURVEILLANCE RE URIEMENTS   The required shutdown cooling loop(s) shall be determined OPERABLE per the  St. Lucie Unit Inservice Inspection Program, Pump, Test Program, and Valve Test Program.
IntheeventthatnosafetyvalvesareOPERABLE, anoperating shutdowncoolingloop,connected totheRCS,providesoverpressure reliefcapability andwillpreventRCSoverpressurization.
Kll reactor cooTant pumps and decay heat removal pumps may be de-energized for up to hour provided (1) no operations are permitted that would cause 1
Duringoperation, allpressurizer codesafetyvalvesmustbeOPERABLEtopreventtheRCSfrombeingpressurized aboveitssafetylimitof2750psia.Thecombinedreliefcapacityofthesevalvesissufficient tolimittheReactorCoolantSystempressuretowithinitsSafetyLimitof2750psiafollowing acompletelossofturbinegenerator loadwhileoperating atRATEDTHERMALPOWERandassumingnoreactortripuntilthefirstReactorProtective Systemtripsetpoint(Pressurizer Pressure-High) isreached(i.e..nocreditistakenforadirectreactortriponthelossofturbine)andalsoassumingnooperation ofthepressurizer poweroperatedreliefvalveorsteamdumpvalves.ST.LUGIE-UNIT1B3/4.4-1a10'-,30.-80 i'1II'II REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES3/4.9.6MANIPULATOR CRANEOPERABILITY TheOPERABILITY requirements ofthecranesusedformovementoffuelassemblies ensurethat:1)eachcranehassufficient loadcapacitytoliftafuelelement,and2)thecoreinternals andpressurevesselareprotected fromexcessive liftingforceintheeventtheyareinadvertently engagedduringliftingoperations.
dilution of the reactor coolant system boron concentration, and (2) core outlet temperature is maintained at least 10'F below saturation temperature.
3/4.9.7CRANETRAVEL-SPENTFUELSTORAGEBUILDINGTherestriction onmovementofloadsinexcessofthenominalweightofafuelasemblyandCEAoverirradiated fuelassemblies ensuresthatnomorethanthecontentsofonefuelassemblywillberupturedintheeventofafuelhandlingaccident.
  ¹The normal or emergency power source may be inoperable in          MODE 5-ST. LUCIE -UNIT      1                              3.4 4-lb                  10,:30,-;80
Thisassumption isconsistent withtheactivityreleaseassumedintheaccidentanalyses.
3/4.9.8COOLANTCIRCULATION Therequirement thatatleastoneshutdowncoolingloopbeinoperation ensuresthat(1)sufficient coolingcapacityisavailable toremovedecayheatandmaintainthewaterinthereactorpressurevesselbelow140'FasrequiredduringtheREFUELING MODE,and(2)sufficient coolantcirculation ismaintained throughthereactorcoretominimizetheeffectsofaborondilutionincidentandpreventboronstratification.
II' 5
Therequirement tohavetwoshutdowncoolingloopsOPERABLEwhenthereislessthan23feetofwaterabovethecore,ensuresthatasinglefailureoftheoperating shutdowncoolingloopwillnotresultinacompletelossofdecayheatremovalcapability.
I II II ai I
Withthereactorvesselheadremovedand23feetofwaterabovethecore,alargeheatsinkisavailable forcorecooling,thusintheeventofafailureoftheoperating shutdowncoolingloop,adequatetimeisprovidedtorinitiate'mergency,'procedures to=cool~thecore~Therequirement thatatleastoneshutdowncoolingloopbeinoperation isconsistent withtheassumptions inthesafetyanalysisoftheborondilutionaccidentandpreventslocalvariations inboronconcentrations, thusminimizing theeffectsofinadvertent borondilution.
                    'll II I
Italsoassuresthatsufficient coolingcapacityisavailable toremovedecayheatandmaintainthewaterinthereactorpressurevesselbelow140'FasrequiredduringtheREFUELING MODE.3/4.9.9CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY ofthissystemensuresthatthecontainment isolation valveswillbeautomatically isolatedupondetection ofhighradiation levelswithinthecontainment.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemisrequiredtorestrictthereleaseofradioactive materialfromthecontainment atmosphere totheenvironment.
ST.LUGIE-UNIT1B3/49-2<10-30~80) c>C REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES3/4.9.10and3/4.9.11WATERLEVEL-REACTOR VESSELANDSTORAGEPOOLWATERLEVELTherestrictions onminimumwaterlevelensurethatsufficient waterdepthisavailable toremove99Koftheassumed10$iodinegapactivityreleasedfromtheruptureofanirradiated fuelassembly.
Theminimumwaterdepthisconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalysis.
3/4.9.12FUELPOOLVENTILATION SYSTEM-FUEL STORAGEThelimitations onthefuelhandlingbuildingventilation systemensuresthatallradioactive materialreleasedfromanirradiated fuelassemblywillbefilteredthroughtheHEPAfiltersandcharcoaladsorberpriortodischarge totheatmosphere.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemandtheresulting iodineremovalcapacityareconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalyses.
a~ With less than one shutdown cooling loop in operation, except as provided in b. below, suspend all operations involving an increase in the reactor decay heat load or a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System.       Close all containment penetrations providing direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere withi n 4 hours.
3/4.9.13SPENTFUELCASKCRANEThemaximumloadwhichmaybehandledbythespentfuelcaskcraneislimitedtoaloadedsingleelementcaskwhichisequivalent toapproximately 25tons.Thisrestriction isprovidedtoensurethestructural integrity ofthespentfuelpoolintheeventofadroppedcaskaccident.
: b. The shutdown    cooling loop may be removed from operation for up to  1  hour per 8 hour period during the performance of CORE ALTERATIONS i n the vicinity of reactor pressure vessel hot legs.
Structural damagecausedbydroppingaloadinexcessofaloadedsingleelementcaskcouldcauseleakagefromthespentfuelpoolinexcessofthemaximummakeupcapability.
: c. The    provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
3/4.9.14DECAYTIME-STORAGEPOOLTheminimumrequirement fordecayoftheirradiated fuelassemblies inthethree7X7modulesandtheone7X10modulenearestthefuelcaskcompartment priortomovementofthespentfuelcaskintothefuelcaskcompartment ensuresthatsufficient timehasclaspedtoallowradioactive decayofthefissionproducts.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS    At least one shutdown cooling loop shall be      verified to be in operation and circulating reactor coolant at a flow rate of greater than or equal to 3000 gpm atleast once per 4 hours.
Thisdecaytimeisconsistent withtheassumptions usedinthecaskdropaccidentanalysis.
ST. LUCIE - UNIT      1                            3/4 9-8               ,10-30-80;=
ST.LUGIE-UNITIB3/49-31D.30-,:80 NCWf~PQ SAFETYEVALUATION RE:St.LucieUnit1DocketNo.50-335Proposed;Tech SecAmendment I.Introduction Thisevaluation supportsaproposal-to revisespecifications 3.4.1,'and toaddspecifications forOperation provideforredundancy inavailable decayheatremovalsystems.II.Discussion Theproposedrevisions toTechnical Specifications 3.4.1, Specification tocomplywithaNRCletterdatedJunell,1980.Thepurposeofthesechangesistoprovideforredundancy intheShutdownCoolingandReactorCoolantSystemstoensureadequatedecayheatremovalcapability inallmodesofreactoroperation.
III.Conclusion Wehaveconcluded, basedontheconsiderations discussedabove,that:(1)theamendment doesnotincreasetheprobability orconsequences ofaccidents previously considered anddoesnotreducethemarginofsafety,(2)thereisreasonable assurance thatthehealthandsafetyofthepublicwillnotbeendangered byoperation intheproposedmanner,and(3)suchactivities willbeconducted incompliance withtheCommission's regulations andtheissuanceofthisamendment willnotbeinimicaltothecommondefenseandsecurityortothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.10;;30.:80 tY'()IIIb}}
  '  Two  independent shutdown cooling loops shall be OPERABLE.*
APPLICABILITY:   MODE 6  when  the water level above the top of the irradiated fuel assemblies    seated within the reactor pressure vessel is less than  23  feet.
ACTION:           a. With less than the required shutdown cooling loops OPERABLE,   immediately initiate corrective action to return loops to  OPERABLE  status as soon as possible.
: b. The  provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIRENENTS The required shutdown cooling loops shall be determined OPERABLE per the St. Lucie Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Program, Pump Test Program, and Valve Test Program.
  *The normal or emergency power source      may be  inoperable for each shutdown cooling loop.
ST. LUCIE - UNIT I                                3/4 9.8    a          10'-3040
4 I
            'h 4
Ii  j
3/4.4.1  REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS The plant is designed to operate with both reactor coolant loops and associated reactor coolant pumps in operation, and maintain DNBR above 1.30 during all normal operations and anticipated transients.         By original design STARTUP and POWER OPERATION may be initiated and may proceed with one or two reactor coolant pumps not in operation after the setpoints for the Power Level-High, Reactor Coolant Flow-Low, and Thermal Margi n/Low Pressure trips have been reduced to their specified values. Reducing these trip setpoints ensures that the DNBR will be maintained above 1.30 during three pump operations and that during two pump operation the core void fraction will be limited to ensure parallel channel flow stability within the core and thereby
, prevent premature DNB. However, less than 4 pump operation in Modes 1 and 2 is currently not authorized for the unit.
A single shutdown cooling loop or a single reactor coolant loop with .its steam generator filled above the low level trip setpoint provides sufficient heat removal capability for core cooling while in MODES 3 and 4, however,
, single failure considerations require plant cooldown        if component repairs and/or corrective action cannot be made within the allowable out-of-service time  if at  least  2 redundent loops are not OPERABLE. The additional SHUTDOWN MARGIN  requi rement  for Mode 3 provides assurance of acceptable results should there  be a MSLB  with less than  4 RCPs operating.
For Mode  5  without  RCS  integrity (i.e. SG manways  open) and Mode 6 when the water level above fuel assemblies seated in the vessel is less than 23
'eet, a single shutdown cooling loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for core cooling; however, single failure considerations require that 2 loops be OPERABLE.
For Mode  5  with RCS  i ntegrity, in the event of a failure of the operating shutdown  cooling loop, other methods of heat remova) are viable and available, (i.e. injection via the requi red OPERABLE chargi ng or HPSI pump). These provide, as '-a minimum, adequate, time to initiate emergency measures to cool the core.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT I B  3/4. 4-1 f  ~. n, 10-,,30-80
3/4.4    REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES 3/4.4.2  and 3/4.4.3  SAFETY VALVES The  pressurizer  code  safety valves operate to prevent the RCS from being pressurized above    its Safet~ Limit of 2750 psia. Each safety valve is designed to relieve 2 X 10~ lbs per hour of saturated steam at the valve setpoint. The relief capacity of a single safety valve is adequate to relieve any overpressure    condition which could occur during shutdown. In the event that  no  safety valves are OPERABLE, an operating shutdown cooling loop, connected to the RCS, provides overpressure relief capability and will prevent RCS overpressurization.
During operation, all pressurizer code safety valves must be OPERABLE to prevent the RCS from being pressurized above its safety limit of 2750 psia.
The combined relief capacity of these valves is sufficient to limit the Reactor Coolant System pressure to within its Safety Limit of 2750 psi a following a complete loss of turbine generator load while operating at RATED THERMAL POWER    and assuming no reactor trip until the first Reactor Protective System trip setpoint (Pressurizer Pressure-High) is reached (i.e.. no credit is taken for a direct reactor trip on the loss of turbine) and also assuming no operation of the pressurizer power operated relief valve or steam dump valves.
ST. LUG I E  - UNIT  1                          B 3/4. 4-1 a          10'-,30.-80
i'1 II
        'I I
REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3/4.9.6  MANIPULATOR CRANE OPERABILITY The OPERABILITY requirements of the cranes used for movement of fuel assemblies ensure that: 1) each crane has sufficient load capacity to      lift fuel element, and 2) the core internals and pressure vessel are protected from a
excessive lifting force in the event they are inadvertently engaged during lifting operations.
3/4.9.7  CRANE TRAVEL - SPENT FUEL STORAGE BUILDING The restriction on movement of loads in excess of the nominal weight of a fuel asembly and CEA over irradiated fuel assemblies ensures that no more than the contents of one fuel assembly will be ruptured in the event of a fuel handling accident. This assumption is consistent with the activity release assumed in the accident analyses.
3/4.9.8  COOLANT CIRCULATION The requirement that at least  one shutdown cooling loop be in operation ensures  that (1) sufficient cooling capacity is available to remove decay heat and maintain the water in the reactor pressure vessel below 140'F as required during the REFUELING MODE, and (2) sufficient coolant circulation is maintained through the reactor core to mi nimize the effects of a boron dilution incident and prevent boron stratification.
The requirement to have two shutdown cooling loops OPERABLE when there    is less  than 23 feet of water above the core, ensures that a single failure of the operating shutdown cooling loop  will not  result in  a complete loss of decay heat removal capability. With the reactor vessel head removed and 23 feet of water above the core, a large heat sink is available for core cooling, thus in the event of a failure of the operating shutdown cooling loop, adequate time is provided torinitiate'mergency,'procedures to= cool~the core~
The requirement that at least one shutdown cooling loop be in operation is consistent with the assumptions in the safety analysis of the boron dilution accident and prevents local variations in boron concentrations, thus minimizing the effects of inadvertent boron dilution. It also assures that sufficient cooling capacity is available to remove decay heat and maintain the water in the reactor pressure vessel below 140'F as required during the REFUELING MODE.
3/4.9.9  CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of this system ensures that the containment isolation valves  will be automatically isolated upon detection of high radiation levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system is required to restrict the release of radioactive material    from the containment atmosphere to the environment.
ST. LUG IE  - UNIT  1                          B  3/4 9-2           <10-30~80)
c>C REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3/4.9. 10 and  3/4.9. 11  WATER LEVEL-REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL WATER LEVEL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99K of the assumed 10$ iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly.       The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis.
3/4.9. 12  FUEL POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM-FUEL STORAGE The limitations on the fuel handling building ventilation system ensures that all radioactive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.
3/4.9.13  SPENT FUEL CASK CRANE The maximum load which may be handled by the spent fuel cask crane is limited to a loaded single element cask which is equivalent to approximately 25 tons. This restriction is provided to ensure the structural integrity of the spent fuel pool in the event of a dropped cask accident. Structural damage caused by dropping a load in excess of a loaded single element cask could cause leakage from the spent fuel pool in excess of the maximum makeup capability.
3/4.9.14  DECAY TIME    - STORAGE POOL The minimum requirement for decay of the irradiated fuel assemblies        in the three  7X7 modules and the one 7X10 module nearest the fuel cask compartment prior to movement of the spent fuel cask into the fuel cask compartment ensures that sufficient time has clasped to allow radioactive decay of the fission products.     This decay time is consistent  with the assumptions used in the cask drop accident analysis.
ST. LUG IE  - UNIT I                              B 3/4 9-3              1D.30-,:80
N CW f~
SAFETY EVALUATION RE:       St. Lucie Unit  1 Docket No. 50-335 Proposed;Tech S ec Amendment I. Introduction This evaluation supports a proposal-to revise specifications 3.4.1, and'and to add specifications and to ensure that the Limiting Conditions for Operation provide for redundancy in available decay heat removal systems.
II. Discussion The proposed revisions to Technical Specifications 3.4.1, and and the addition of Technical Specification and are necessary to comply with a NRC letter dated June ll, 1980. The purpose of these changes is to provide for redundancy in the Shutdown Cooling and Reactor Coolant Systems to ensure adequate decay heat removal capability in all modes of reactor operation.
III. Conclusion We  have concluded,   based on the considerations di scussed above, that:(1) the  amendment    does not increase the probability or consequences of  accidents previously considered and does not reduce the margin  of safety, (2) there is reasonable assurance that the health  and  safety of the public will not be endangered    by operation in the proposed manner, and (3) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.
t Y'()

Latest revision as of 16:04, 4 February 2020

Tech Spec 3/4.4 for Reactor Coolant Sys
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1980
Shared Package
ML17209A293 List:
NUDOCS 8011030561
Download: ML17209A294 (18)




With less than four reactor coolant pumps in operation, be in at least HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS 4.4.1 The Flow Dependent Selector Switch shall be determined to be in the 4 pump position within 15 minutes prior to making the reactor critical and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter.

ST. LUCI E - UNIT I 3/4 4-1 10;30'=80

'">>0S0$ 4)

I4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM HOT STANDBY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.1. 2 a. At least two of the reactor coolant loops listed below shall be OPERABLE.

1 ~ Reactor Coolant Loop (A) and at least one associated reactor coolant pump.

2. Reactor Coolant Loop (B) and at least one associated reactor coolant pump.
3. Shutdown Cooling Loop (A) (Mode 4 only).

4- Shutdown Cooling Loop (B) (Mode 4 only).

b. At least one of the above Reactor Coolant Loops shall be in operation*.

c~ When operating with less than 4 reactor cooling pumps in Mode 3, the SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification

shall be increased to and maintained at > 4.1$ . w k/K. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 3 and 4 ACTION: a. With less than the above required reactor coolant loops operable, restore the required loops to OPERABLE status with 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

b. With no reactor coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required loop to operation.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS At least the above required reactor coolant pumps, operation, shall be determined to be OPERABLE once per 7 days if verifying not in by correct breaker alignments and indicated power availability. At least one cooling loop shall be verified to be in operation and circulating reactor coolant at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

~eA1 reactor coolant pumps may be de-energized for up to hour provided (1) 1 no operations are permitted that would cause dilution of the reactor coolant system boron concentration, and (2) core outlet temperature is maintained at least 10'F below saturation temperature.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT I 3/4 4-la 10-30-80

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l. Shutdown Cooling Loop (A)¹
2. Shutdown Cooling Loop (B)¹
b. At least one of the above coolant loops shall be i n operation*.

APPLICABILITY: MODE 5 without RCS integrity ACTION: a. Wi th 1 ess than the above required cool ant 1 oops OPERABLE, immediately initiate corrective action to return the requried coolant loops to OPERABLE status as soon as possible. If required loops are not restored to OPERABLE within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, immediately i nitiate action to restore RCS integrity.

b. With no coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required coolant loop to operation.

APPLICABILITY: MODE 5 with RCS integrity ACTION: With no coolant loop in operation, suspend all operations involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required coolant loop to operation.

SURVEILLANCE RE URIEMENTS The required shutdown cooling loop(s) shall be determined OPERABLE per the St. Lucie Unit Inservice Inspection Program, Pump, Test Program, and Valve Test Program.

Kll reactor cooTant pumps and decay heat removal pumps may be de-energized for up to hour provided (1) no operations are permitted that would cause 1

dilution of the reactor coolant system boron concentration, and (2) core outlet temperature is maintained at least 10'F below saturation temperature.

¹The normal or emergency power source may be inoperable in MODE 5-ST. LUCIE -UNIT 1 3.4 4-lb 10,:30,-;80

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a~ With less than one shutdown cooling loop in operation, except as provided in b. below, suspend all operations involving an increase in the reactor decay heat load or a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System. Close all containment penetrations providing direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere withi n 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

b. The shutdown cooling loop may be removed from operation for up to 1 hour per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> period during the performance of CORE ALTERATIONS i n the vicinity of reactor pressure vessel hot legs.
c. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS At least one shutdown cooling loop shall be verified to be in operation and circulating reactor coolant at a flow rate of greater than or equal to 3000 gpm atleast once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 3/4 9-8 ,10-30-80;=


' Two independent shutdown cooling loops shall be OPERABLE.*

APPLICABILITY: MODE 6 when the water level above the top of the irradiated fuel assemblies seated within the reactor pressure vessel is less than 23 feet.

ACTION: a. With less than the required shutdown cooling loops OPERABLE, immediately initiate corrective action to return loops to OPERABLE status as soon as possible.

b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIRENENTS The required shutdown cooling loops shall be determined OPERABLE per the St. Lucie Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Program, Pump Test Program, and Valve Test Program.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT I 3/4 9.8 a 10'-3040

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3/4.4.1 REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS The plant is designed to operate with both reactor coolant loops and associated reactor coolant pumps in operation, and maintain DNBR above 1.30 during all normal operations and anticipated transients. By original design STARTUP and POWER OPERATION may be initiated and may proceed with one or two reactor coolant pumps not in operation after the setpoints for the Power Level-High, Reactor Coolant Flow-Low, and Thermal Margi n/Low Pressure trips have been reduced to their specified values. Reducing these trip setpoints ensures that the DNBR will be maintained above 1.30 during three pump operations and that during two pump operation the core void fraction will be limited to ensure parallel channel flow stability within the core and thereby

, prevent premature DNB. However, less than 4 pump operation in Modes 1 and 2 is currently not authorized for the unit.

A single shutdown cooling loop or a single reactor coolant loop with .its steam generator filled above the low level trip setpoint provides sufficient heat removal capability for core cooling while in MODES 3 and 4, however,

, single failure considerations require plant cooldown if component repairs and/or corrective action cannot be made within the allowable out-of-service time if at least 2 redundent loops are not OPERABLE. The additional SHUTDOWN MARGIN requi rement for Mode 3 provides assurance of acceptable results should there be a MSLB with less than 4 RCPs operating.

For Mode 5 without RCS integrity (i.e. SG manways open) and Mode 6 when the water level above fuel assemblies seated in the vessel is less than 23

'eet, a single shutdown cooling loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for core cooling; however, single failure considerations require that 2 loops be OPERABLE.

For Mode 5 with RCS i ntegrity, in the event of a failure of the operating shutdown cooling loop, other methods of heat remova) are viable and available, (i.e. injection via the requi red OPERABLE chargi ng or HPSI pump). These provide, as '-a minimum, adequate, time to initiate emergency measures to cool the core.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT I B 3/4. 4-1 f ~. n, 10-,,30-80

3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES 3/4.4.2 and 3/4.4.3 SAFETY VALVES The pressurizer code safety valves operate to prevent the RCS from being pressurized above its Safet~ Limit of 2750 psia. Each safety valve is designed to relieve 2 X 10~ lbs per hour of saturated steam at the valve setpoint. The relief capacity of a single safety valve is adequate to relieve any overpressure condition which could occur during shutdown. In the event that no safety valves are OPERABLE, an operating shutdown cooling loop, connected to the RCS, provides overpressure relief capability and will prevent RCS overpressurization.

During operation, all pressurizer code safety valves must be OPERABLE to prevent the RCS from being pressurized above its safety limit of 2750 psia.

The combined relief capacity of these valves is sufficient to limit the Reactor Coolant System pressure to within its Safety Limit of 2750 psi a following a complete loss of turbine generator load while operating at RATED THERMAL POWER and assuming no reactor trip until the first Reactor Protective System trip setpoint (Pressurizer Pressure-High) is reached (i.e.. no credit is taken for a direct reactor trip on the loss of turbine) and also assuming no operation of the pressurizer power operated relief valve or steam dump valves.

ST. LUG I E - UNIT 1 B 3/4. 4-1 a 10'-,30.-80

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REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3/4.9.6 MANIPULATOR CRANE OPERABILITY The OPERABILITY requirements of the cranes used for movement of fuel assemblies ensure that: 1) each crane has sufficient load capacity to lift fuel element, and 2) the core internals and pressure vessel are protected from a

excessive lifting force in the event they are inadvertently engaged during lifting operations.

3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - SPENT FUEL STORAGE BUILDING The restriction on movement of loads in excess of the nominal weight of a fuel asembly and CEA over irradiated fuel assemblies ensures that no more than the contents of one fuel assembly will be ruptured in the event of a fuel handling accident. This assumption is consistent with the activity release assumed in the accident analyses.

3/4.9.8 COOLANT CIRCULATION The requirement that at least one shutdown cooling loop be in operation ensures that (1) sufficient cooling capacity is available to remove decay heat and maintain the water in the reactor pressure vessel below 140'F as required during the REFUELING MODE, and (2) sufficient coolant circulation is maintained through the reactor core to mi nimize the effects of a boron dilution incident and prevent boron stratification.

The requirement to have two shutdown cooling loops OPERABLE when there is less than 23 feet of water above the core, ensures that a single failure of the operating shutdown cooling loop will not result in a complete loss of decay heat removal capability. With the reactor vessel head removed and 23 feet of water above the core, a large heat sink is available for core cooling, thus in the event of a failure of the operating shutdown cooling loop, adequate time is provided torinitiate'mergency,'procedures to= cool~the core~

The requirement that at least one shutdown cooling loop be in operation is consistent with the assumptions in the safety analysis of the boron dilution accident and prevents local variations in boron concentrations, thus minimizing the effects of inadvertent boron dilution. It also assures that sufficient cooling capacity is available to remove decay heat and maintain the water in the reactor pressure vessel below 140'F as required during the REFUELING MODE.

3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of this system ensures that the containment isolation valves will be automatically isolated upon detection of high radiation levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system is required to restrict the release of radioactive material from the containment atmosphere to the environment.

ST. LUG IE - UNIT 1 B 3/4 9-2 <10-30~80)

c>C REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3/4.9. 10 and 3/4.9. 11 WATER LEVEL-REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL WATER LEVEL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99K of the assumed 10$ iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly. The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis.

3/4.9. 12 FUEL POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM-FUEL STORAGE The limitations on the fuel handling building ventilation system ensures that all radioactive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.

3/4.9.13 SPENT FUEL CASK CRANE The maximum load which may be handled by the spent fuel cask crane is limited to a loaded single element cask which is equivalent to approximately 25 tons. This restriction is provided to ensure the structural integrity of the spent fuel pool in the event of a dropped cask accident. Structural damage caused by dropping a load in excess of a loaded single element cask could cause leakage from the spent fuel pool in excess of the maximum makeup capability.

3/4.9.14 DECAY TIME - STORAGE POOL The minimum requirement for decay of the irradiated fuel assemblies in the three 7X7 modules and the one 7X10 module nearest the fuel cask compartment prior to movement of the spent fuel cask into the fuel cask compartment ensures that sufficient time has clasped to allow radioactive decay of the fission products. This decay time is consistent with the assumptions used in the cask drop accident analysis.

ST. LUG IE - UNIT I B 3/4 9-3 1D.30-,:80

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SAFETY EVALUATION RE: St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-335 Proposed;Tech S ec Amendment I. Introduction This evaluation supports a proposal-to revise specifications 3.4.1, and'and to add specifications and to ensure that the Limiting Conditions for Operation provide for redundancy in available decay heat removal systems.

II. Discussion The proposed revisions to Technical Specifications 3.4.1, and and the addition of Technical Specification and are necessary to comply with a NRC letter dated June ll, 1980. The purpose of these changes is to provide for redundancy in the Shutdown Cooling and Reactor Coolant Systems to ensure adequate decay heat removal capability in all modes of reactor operation.

III. Conclusion We have concluded, based on the considerations di scussed above, that:(1) the amendment does not increase the probability or consequences of accidents previously considered and does not reduce the margin of safety, (2) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, and (3) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.


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