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PROCEDURE NO.     A-102.14                        REV. NO.
R.E. GINNA OPERATOR REOUAL 'F CA Q. A. REVIEW                TECHNICAL REVIEW PORC      5/5/80 QC REVIEW                                                    DATE APPROVED FOR USE PM'UPERINTENDENT QA    x      NON-QA            CATEGORy 1.0 PZVIEWED BY:
THIS PROCEDURE CONTAINS    1~     PAGES 8009650    g~s     )

A-102 14:1 F
==1.0 PURPOSE==
To  establish the erator
                          ~0        Re  uglification  Pro ram as an Administrative Order.
==2.0    REFERENCES==
2.1    10 CZR 55 APPENDIX A 2.2    R. E. Ginna 0    erator  Re  uglification  Pro ram 2.3    Ietter "Qualification of      Reactor Operators" from Harold Denton dated 3/26/80 2.4    ANS  3.1  1978
3.1    Attached to this Administrative Order is the          erator Re uglification
      ~pro ram    (Atta.chment "A") Adherence to this program shall be mandatory.
3.2    The  Superintendent will be notified of each individual required to attend a specific lecture after the annual exam.
3.2. 1 All individuals shall    be  notified  as to the lectures they  will be required-to attend.
3.3    After the  Annual Exam Session      a notice signed by the Plant Super-intendent shall be forwarded to the Operations Engineer listing the licensed staff members who have not taken the annual exam and those individuals shall not be allowed to perform licensed activities until they have met the licensing requirements of passing the annual exam.
4.1    See  Section  8 of Attachment    A.
A-102.14:2 ATTACHMENT  "A" R. E. GINNA NUCLEAR      POWER PLANT OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM PURPOSE 1.1    The purpose    of this program is to ensure that the licensed opera-tors  and  senior operators at Ginna Station maintain their            profici-ency and knowledge      in all  phases    of plant operations.       This program is developed to      fulfillthe  requalification requirements set forth in  10 CFR 55  Appendix  A,'etter "Qualification        of Reactor Oper'ators" from Harold Denton dated 3/26/80 and            ANS  3.1 1978.
1.2 . The Ginna  Plant Requalification Program is scheduled to be completed and  repetitive    on a two year  basis.       The program  shall consist of classroom lectures, on-the-job        training    and  simulator training    on a  preplanned basis.
DEFINITIONS 2.1    Control Mani ulations - Prior to August 1,             1980 accepted  manipula-tions are    1 through  6 below. After August      1, 1980  all manipulation shall  be performed    during term of license with        "- items performed annually.
(1)   Reactor startup to include        a  range  that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition        is noticeable    and heatup  rate is established.
(2)   Plant shutdown.
(3)   Manual  control of  steam generator feedwater during          startup or shutdown.
(4)   Boration or dilution of reactor coolant system during power operation    > 10/.
(5)   Reactor power level changes        >   10/ by manual manipulaton of rod control system.
,l ~ ~
: 2.       DEFINITIONS   (Cont'd)
(6)   Reactor power level changes    > 10/ by turbine electro-hydraulic control.
(7)   Loss  of coolant including significant  steam generator tube leak.
(8)   I,oss of coolant inside containment.
(9)   Loss  of coolant outside containment.
(10) Large loss of coolant leak including leak rate determination.
1 (ll) Small  loss of coolant leak including leak rate determination.
(12) Loss of coolant including saturated reactor coolant response.
(13) Loss of instrument  air.
(14) Station Blackout.
A n      (15) Natural Circulation.
(16) Loss. of Condenser Vacuum.
(17) Loss of Service Water.
(18) Loss of Residual Heat Removal Cooling.
(19) Loss of Component Cooling or cooling to individual component.
(20) I,oss of Normal Feedwater.
(21) Loss of Normal and  Auxiliary Feedwater.
(22) I,oss of Instrumentation Bus.
(23) Control Rod Misalignment.
(24) Inability to Drive Control    Rods.
(25) Immediate Boration.
(26) Fuel Cladding Failure    or, High Activity in Reactor Coolant System.
(27) Turbine or Generator Trip.
(28) Malfunction of Tavg controls.
(29) Malfunction of Pessurizer Pressure    or Level Controls.
(30) Reactor Trip.
                                    - 3  "
(31) Main Steam Line Break inside or outside containment.
(32) Nuclear Instrument Failure.
2.2 Plant Evolutions Plant evolutions shall    be any event  other than routine operations occurring during steady-state,      transient or shutdown conditions and may  include the following:
(1)  Reactor startup (2)  Reactor shutdown (3)  Turbine runback (4)  Reactor  trip (5)  Plant cooldown (6)  Plant heatup (7)  Turbine power level change other than adjustment for calorimetric (8)  Periodic tests (9)  Refueling operations 2.3 Job Cross-Trainin Job  cross-training for shift personnel shall consist of      assuming the duties and performing the functions of other      shift classifications.
Each  nonshift licensed operator or    senior operator will satisfy licensing proficiency requirements by any of the following:
: a. Duty Engineer assignment
: b. Assistance to the  shift in supervising activities    covering control  room operations, testing, radioactive waste, releases,  plant maintenance.
C. Control  Room watchstanding
: d. Conduct  of drills or instruction in control  room systems and procedures.
: 2. DEFINITIONS  (Cont'd)
The  nonshift licensed operator or senior operator      will satisfy  these requirements fox at least    a total of 8  hours every  4 months.
2.4  On-Shift Discussions On-shift discussions shall include reviews of procedures, discussions of plant operations and/or other specific material assigned by the Training Coordinator or Shift Supervisor or      STA.
: 3. CLASSROOM LECTURES 3.1'The classroom lectures shall    be scheduled  and shall include the-following topics:
(1)  Reactor theory and principles of operation (2)  Radiation control and safety (3)  Power  Plant secondary systems and applicable procedures (4)  Reactor primary and engineered safety systems with applicable procedures (5)  Plant instrumentation, protection    and  control systems (6)  Electrical  systems and applicable procedures
        '(7)  Technical specifications (8)  Refueling systems, operation and applicable procedures (9)  Plant operating characteristics (10) Heat transfer,  fluid flow and thermodynamics (11) Mitigating core damage during accidents (12) Administrative, operating, emergency and other applicable procedures (13) Applicable portions of  Title 10, Code of  Federal Regulations (19, 20, 50, 55, 71,  100). Title 49 CFR    (170  - 199)
(14) System Modifications which are pertinent to the safe operation of the plant as determined by the Training Coordinator.        Individuals not attending the classroom lecture    will be  assigned to review
~ ~I A- 102  . 14 : 6 "5-  r
: 3. CLASSROOM LECTURES      (Cont'd) and acknowledge System        Modifications pertinent to the safe    .
operations of the plant.
3.2   Each    of the, listed topics shall    be presented  at least once during the two-year cycle.         The  completion of each topic shall be documented by  a  written examination, with exceptions        as noted per Sections 7.2 and    7.3.
3.3  Each    shift shall  be  available for scheduled lectures for    one four-day week out of every five'weeks with the exception of the refueling, maintenance        and summer    vacation period.
: 4. ON-THE-JOB-TRA1NING 4.1  All licensed      operators and senior operators shall participate as much as      possible'n plant'control manipulations involving reactivity changes to demonstrate their skill and familiarity with reactivity
                          'I control systems. On-the-job training shall also be participated in as much as      possible  and  include the following:
(1)   Plant evolutions (2)   Control manipulations (3)   Job  cross-training (4)   On-shift discussions 4.2  Licensed Reactor Operator Manipulations - Each Licensed Reactor Operator shall manipulate the controls as noted in 4.4 during the term of his license.
4.3  Licensed Senior Reactor Operator Manipulations - Each licensed Senior Reactor Operator shall manipulate the controls or direct
                'he activities        of operators during plant control" manipulations        as noted    in 4.4 during the    term of his license.
,,el A-102.14:7
: 4. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING    (Cont'd) 4.4  Ten  control manipulations shall        be required and  consist of  a  combina-tion of the  first    six control manipulations listed under 2.1 until August 1,  1980.'fter        August 1, 1980  all listed  manipulations shall be required during the term of his license, with - items required annually.
4.5 The normal  control manipulations (1-6) must        be performed. An  appropri-ate simulator  may be used      to satisfy the requirements for control manipulations.      Control manipulations during abnormal or emergency t
operations must be walked through with, and evaluated by            a member  of the training  staff    as a minimum.      Simulator performance is greater than minimum. These  conditions take effect August 1, 1980.
4.6  Persons  holding  NRC  licenses, but not actively    engaged  in regular plant operation for    a  period of four months, shall be refamiliarized and examined before    returning to licensed required positions.          The refamiliarization      program    shall include review of:
(1)  Procedural changes (2)  Iicense changes (3)  Plant system modifications (4)'lant    incidents The  completion of the refamiliarization program shall include written and  oral examinations to      document  that the licensee is up-to-date    and familiar with the plant.          The Training Coordinator shall document the satisfactory completion of the refamiliarization program by the licensee and the      NRC  shall  be notified of this fact.
4.7  Emergency Procedures      may be  reviewed by classroom lecture,    on-shift discussion or individual study.          These procedures  shall  be reviewed twice each year and documented on the Emergency Procedure Review acknowledge sheets.
, ~
                                            -  7-
: 4. ON-THE"JOB TRAINING    (Cont'd) 4.8  Relevant incidents which'occur at R.E. Ginna or other licensed power reactors shall be reviewed by licensed operators by on-shift discussion with STA's or Shift Supervisor or during classroom lecture.            The STA's review LER's regularly and discuss relevant incidents with          their shift or notify training to include in classroom lectures.
: 5. Sl 1ULATOR TRAINING 5.1  Simulator training    may be used    to demonstrate  skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control      systems  to meet the requirements of  10 CFR 55, Appendix A, paragraphs      3a and 3b,  if the  simulator reproduces  the general operating characteristics      of  Ginna  Station  and the arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of the simulator is similar. Under the same conditions the simulator may be used        for reactivity manipulations for      emergency or abnormal    conditions.
5.2 The procedures used during simulator training shall be R.E. Ginna Operating and Emergency Procedures      as  applicable.
5.3  Upon  return from simulator training      and prior to performing licensed duties at Ginna, the licensed operator shall        be given an  oral mini exam on  the Ginna control board to demonstrate      familiarity with    the Ginna  controls. This  exam  shall  be conducted by a licensed    individual selected by the Training Coordinator.
5.4  Th'e  accomplishment of simulator    training  and  familiarity demonstration shall  be documented.
: 6. ,OTHER TRAINING TECHNIQUES 6.1  Alternate training such      as video tapes, films and other training aids may be used    to supplement classroom lectures.      These  alternate training
: 6. OTHER TRAINING TECHNI UES      (Cont'd) 6.1  techniques shall be used as additional or supplemental training                  for licensed personnel.        Self-study using training aids shall        be documented.
Alternate training techniques shall not          be more than 50$    of the class-room  lecture time.
: 7. EVALUATION 7.1  Evaluation of licensed personnel shall include examination at the completion of each lecture topic and on an annual basis.                Evaluation shall also include written reports by supervisors and/or training personnel during actual and simulated operating conditions.
7.2  The annual exam    shall cover all topics in the requalification program and be given    at the beginning of each year.          The  questions shall be of the  NRC  type and the exam shall be divided into sections.              Satisfactory completion of the Requalification Annual          Exam  shall  be  indicated by      a minimum  overall grade of 80/      and a grade 70/    or greater in each section.
Those  not satisfactorily completing the Requalification Annual                Exam shall  be removed from the      licensed required position and assigned to retraining until they      can  satisfactorily    pass  a  requalification      exam administered by the training section.          This grade    criteria    takes    effect with the  1981 annual exam.
Anyone passing    the overall annual      exam and  receiving  a  grade    of 80/ or greater in  a  particular    area sFiall not be required to attend the next series of lectures      on  that topic or take the associated        exam.
Anyone passing    the overall annual exam, but not receiving            a  grade of 80$  or greater in    a  particular    area sh'all be required to attend the next series of lectures on that topic and take the associated                  exam.
The  lecture topic    will be  scheduled    in a  timely  manner  or additional
individual study shall      be provided    for persons not receiving        a  grade of  80% on a  particula'r topic.
0 >so
: 7. EVALUATION    (Cont'd) 7.3  Exams    given at the end of each lecture topic shall indicate that the licensee has satisfactorily completed the topic          if he  received  a grade of  80%  or greater. Those not  receiving  a  grade  of 80/ shall  be assigned additional work.      A re-examination shall then be given after the completion of the assigned work and        a  grade of 80/ or greater      shall be necessary    to indicate the satisfactory completion of the topic.
7.4  The  licensed individual(s),    who  prepare(s) and grade(s) the annual examination, need not take the annual exam.          The  licensed individual(s) who  prepare(s) and grade(s) the lecture topic associated quiz(s) need not take the quiz.
7.5  The annual exam    shall also  be used  to evaluate  and improve the requalification program.      Such  evaluation shall attempt to identify areas where additional classroom lectures or other type of            training can improve personal or group      plant operating ability.
: 8. TRAINING PERSONNEL R.E. Ginna License      training program  instructors shall    have Senior Reactor Operator Licenses or be preparing      for license examination      when  instructing subjects such as (1)    R.E. Ginna primary and safety systems (2)    R.E. Ginna integrated response      topics (3)    R.E. Ginna  transient responses 8.1  The,  instructors shall participate in      a familiarity program to      keep them    current in plant changes. This  will include:
8.1.1    Procedure changes,    review and acknowledge procedure changes in Control  Room  Acknowledge Book.
8.1.2    Current operating history - review and acknowledge monthly Operations Report. After review this will be included in Requalification Training Material.
A-102.14:11 10  "
8.1.3  Current R.E. Ginna LER's and Other Relevant LER's - review and acknowledge events provided by the Technical Assistant to the Plant Superintendent - Operations Assessment.      After review they shall  be included in Requalification Training material.
: 9. DOCUMENTATION Documentation of each licensed person',s    involvement in the requalification program  shall  be maintained by the  licensee or the Training Coordinator for the period designated below.      After this period the documentation shall    be forwarded to Central Records unless otherwise stated to be maintained        in accordance with A-1701.
9.1  Records maintained by the licensee    for  one year after which they shall be reviewed by the    Training Coordinator  and forwarded  to Central Records and  filed  under Personnel Histories of 8.12 of A-1701.
They  include:
(1)  Job Cross. Training (2)   Reactivity  Changes (3)  Plant Evolutions (4)  On-Shift Discussions 9.2  Records and documents maintained by the Training Coordinator      for one year and then submitted to Centr'al Records and    filed  under Personnel Histories 8.12 of A-1701. They  include:
(1)   Classroom Training Records (2)  Simulator Training (3)  Personnel Evaluations 9.3  Records and documents maintained by the Training Coordinator and forwarded to Central Records at    different time periods  as noted in  each case  include:
4 I'-     L
    ~ '
A-102.14:12 DOCUMENTATION  (Cont'd) 9.3  (1) Examination given (annual and session quiz) including key shall be submitted    quarterly to Central Records        and  filed  under 8.7'f A"1701.
(2) Answers to examination or quizzes given by licensee              shall be maintained by the Training Coordinator          for  two years or  until reviewed by the      NRC,  whichever comes    first. After this    the answers may be disposed        of.
(3) Completed I
Emergency Review acknowledge sheets          to document Emergency Procedures      have been reviewed,     shall  be forwarded      to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator and filed    under 8.7 of A-1701.
(4) Completed Technical      Specification acknowledge sheets to        document that Technical Specification        changes  have been read and understood for those  persons who have not attended the associated          instruction shall  be forwarded    to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator and      filed  under 8.7 of A-1701.
(5) Completed System      Modification review sheets for those persons              who have not attended      the associated    instruc'tion shall    be forwarded to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator  A and filed  under 8.7 of A-1701.
(6) Documentation of additional        training for those individuals failing the annual    exam  or lecture topic quiz, including applicable class-room  lecture attendance,     assigned individual study, and make-up examinations shall be maintained by the Training Coordinator                  for the year and then forwarded to Central Records to be            filed      under 8.12 with the exception of make-up examination answer which shall be maintained      in  accordance  with 8.3(2) above.

A-102.14:52.DEFINITIONS(Cont'd)Thenonshiftlicensedoperatororsenioroperatorwillsatisfytheserequirementsfoxatleastatotalof8hoursevery4months.2.4On-ShiftDiscussionsOn-shiftdiscussionsshallincludereviewsofprocedures,discussionsofplantoperationsand/orotherspecificmaterialassignedbytheTrainingCoordinatororShiftSupervisororSTA.3.CLASSROOMLECTURES3.1'Theclassroomlecturesshallbescheduledandshallincludethe-followingtopics:(1)Reactortheoryandprinciplesofoperation(2)Radiationcontrolandsafety(3)PowerPlantsecondarysystemsandapplicableprocedures(4)Reactorprimaryandengineeredsafetysystemswithapplicable(5)proceduresPlantinstrumentation,protectionandcontrolsystems(6)Electricalsystemsandapplicableprocedures'(7)Technicalspecifications(8)Refuelingsystems,operationandapplicableprocedures(9)Plantoperatingcharacteristics(10)Heattransfer,fluidflowandthermodynamics(11)Mitigatingcoredamageduringaccidents(12)Administrative,operating,emergencyandotherapplicableprocedures(13)ApplicableportionsofTitle10,CodeofFederalRegulations(19,20,50,55,71,100).Title49CFR(170-199)(14)SystemModificationswhicharepertinenttothesafeoperationoftheplantasdeterminedbytheTrainingCoordinator.Individualsnotattendingtheclassroomlecturewillbeassignedtoreview 1
,~lo, A-102.14:8-7-4.ON-THE"JOBTRAINING(Cont'd)4.8Relevantincidentswhich'occuratR.E.Ginnaorotherlicensedpowerreactorsshallbereviewedbylicensedoperatorsbyon-shiftdiscussionwithSTA'sorShiftSupervisororduringclassroomlecture.TheSTA'sreviewLER'sregularlyanddiscussrelevantincidentswiththeirshiftornotifytrainingtoincludeinclassroomlectures.5.Sl1ULATORTRAINING5.1Simulatortrainingmaybeusedtodemonstrateskilland/orfamiliaritywithreactivitycontrolsystemstomeettherequirementsof10CFR55,AppendixA,paragraphs3aand3b,ifthesimulatorreproducesthegeneraloperatingcharacteristicsofGinnaStationandthearrangementoftheinstrumentationandcontrolsofthesimulatorissimilar.Underthesameconditionsthesimulatormaybeusedforreactivitymanipulationsforemergencyorabnormalconditions.5.2TheproceduresusedduringsimulatortrainingshallbeR.E.GinnaOperatingandEmergencyProceduresasapplicable.5.3UponreturnfromsimulatortrainingandpriortoperforminglicenseddutiesatGinna,thelicensedoperatorshallbegivenanoralminiexamontheGinnacontrolboardtodemonstratefamiliaritywiththeGinnacontrols.ThisexamshallbeconductedbyalicensedindividualselectedbytheTrainingCoordinator.5.4Th'eaccomplishmentofsimulatortrainingandfamiliaritydemonstrationshallbedocumented.6.,OTHERTRAININGTECHNIQUES6.1Alternatetrainingsuchasvideotapes,filmsandothertrainingaidsmaybeusedtosupplementclassroomlectures.Thesealternatetraining A-102.14:96.OTHERTRAININGTECHNIUES(Cont'd)6.1techniquesshallbeusedasadditionalorsupplementaltrainingforlicensedpersonnel.Self-studyusingtrainingaidsshallbedocumented.Alternatetrainingtechniquesshallnotbemorethan50$oftheclass-roomlecturetime.7.EVALUATION7.1Evaluationoflicensedpersonnelshallincludeexaminationatthecompletionofeachlecturetopicandonanannualbasis.Evaluationshallalsoincludewrittenreportsbysupervisorsand/ortrainingpersonnelduringactualandsimulatedoperatingconditions.7.2Theannualexamshallcoveralltopicsintherequalificationprogramandbegivenatthebeginningofeachyear.ThequestionsshallbeoftheNRCtypeandtheexamshallbedividedintosections.SatisfactorycompletionoftheRequalificationAnnualExamshallbeindicatedbyaminimumoverallgradeof80/andagrade70/orgreaterineachsection.ThosenotsatisfactorilycompletingtheRequalificationAnnualExamshallberemovedfromthelicensedrequiredpositionandassignedtoretraininguntiltheycansatisfactorilypassarequalificationexamadministeredbythetrainingsection.Thisgradecriteriatakeseffectwiththe1981annualexam.Anyonepassingtheoverallannualexamandreceivingagradeof80/orgreaterinaparticularareasFiallnotberequiredtoattendthenextseriesoflecturesonthattopicortaketheassociatedexam.Anyonepassingtheoverallannualexam,butnotreceivingagradeof80$orgreaterinaparticularareash'allberequiredtoattendthenextseriesoflecturesonthattopicandtaketheassociatedexam.Thelecturetopicwillbescheduledinatimelymanneroradditional(individualstudyshallbeprovidedforpersonsnotreceivingagradeof80%onaparticula'rtopic.
0>so 7.EVALUATION(Cont'd)7.3Examsgivenattheendofeachlecturetopicshallindicatethatthelicenseehassatisfactorilycompletedthetopicifhereceivedagradeof80%orgreater.Thosenotreceivingagradeof80/shallbeassignedadditionalwork.Are-examinationshallthenbegivenafterthecompletionoftheassignedworkandagradeof80/orgreatershallbenecessarytoindicatethesatisfactorycompletionofthetopic.7.4Thelicensedindividual(s),whoprepare(s)andgrade(s)theannualexamination,neednottaketheannualexam.Thelicensedindividual(s)whoprepare(s)andgrade(s)thelecturetopicassociatedquiz(s)neednottakethequiz.7.5Theannualexamshallalsobeusedtoevaluateandimprovetherequalificationprogram.Suchevaluationshallattempttoidentifyareaswhereadditionalclassroomlecturesorothertypeoftrainingcanimprovepersonalorgroupplantoperatingability.8.TRAININGPERSONNELR.E.GinnaLicensetrainingprograminstructorsshallhaveSeniorReactorOperatorLicensesorbepreparingforlicenseexaminationwheninstructingsubjectssuchas(1)R.E.Ginnaprimaryandsafetysystems(2)R.E.Ginnaintegratedresponsetopics(3)R.E.Ginnatransientresponses8.1The,instructorsshallparticipateinafamiliarityprogramtokeepthemcurrentinplantchanges.Thiswillinclude:8.1.1Procedurechanges,reviewandacknowledgeprocedurechangesinControlRoomAcknowledgeBook.8.1.2Currentoperatinghistory-reviewandacknowledgemonthlyOperationsReport.AfterreviewthiswillbeincludedinRequalificationTrainingMaterial.

A-102.14:13 12-
9.4  Central Records shall maintain completed procedure acknowledge sheets to document that procedure changes pertinent to the operation of the plant  have been read and understood.
9.5  All documentation required  to establish  a licensee's satisfactory completion of the requalification program shall be assembled and verified  by the Training Coordinator  prior to  submission of the license renewal request to the  NRC. License application and renewal information shall be submitted to Central Records as submitted to the  NRC and filed under 8.12 of A-1701.
t tI. 'W DISTRIBUTION:        w/o enclosure:
w/enclosure:          RPurple RTedesco'Novak ACRS OI8(E  (3)            GLainas Docket No. 50-244                                  GMcCorkle            JOlshinski DCrutchfield guy  p p  ]ggow/o enclosure:        HSmith NRC PDR              SNowicki Mr- Leon D- White,    Jr-                                        TERA Vice President                                                    NSIC Rochester Gas 5 Electric Corporation DElsenhut                    J Heltemes 89 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14649
==Dear Mr. l]hite:==
                                                              'he attached enclosure supplements our letter of February 14, 1980, regarding the results of the vital area analysis previously conducted at the R. E. Ginna Station. The enclosure contains the complete list of vital areas and equip-ment resulting from the vital area analysis.
Certain areas of your physical security program may need realignment beyond the changes submitted with your letter of March 24, 1980. Accordingly, you review your existing security plan to assure that the vital areas and      'hould equipment identified in the enclosure are being protected in accordance with the requirements of Section 73.55(c)(1) and 73.55(d)(7) of 10 CFR Part ?3.55.
Please advise us of the results of this review within 60 days of receipt of this letter and describe arp proposed changes to your physical security program.
The enclosure    to this letter and the enclosure to your letter of March 24, 1980, are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR Section 2.790(d)".
Sincerely, Dennis M.      Crutchfield,      Chi Operating Reactors Branch 05 Division of Licensing

'At+-w&1!Hlh%444%li'940lA~aQ>"Agory'qyll+ral1p.I1 P~SRE00~CrWp08f+A~I0/yo~4p*y4'NITEDSTATESNUCLEARREGULATORYCOMMISSIONWASHINGTON,D.C.20555August22,1980DocketNo.50-244Mr.LeonD.White,Jr.VicePresidentRochesterGas8ElectricCorporation89EastAvenueRochester,NewYork14649

As    stated (withheld from public disclosure) cc w/o enclosure:
See next page DLi  R  g/LA    DL:0      /PM    DL:            C OFFICE)
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                                                'NITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555
    /y            o~
4p*y4                                          August 22, 1980 Docket No. 50-244 Mr. Leon D. White,        Jr.
Vice President Rochester Gas      8  Electric Corporation 89 East Avenue Rochester,    New  York    14649
==Dear Mr. White:==
The attached    enclosure supplements our letter of February 14, 1980, regarding the results of the vital area analysis previously conducted at the R. E. Ginna Station. The enclosure contains the complete list of vital areas and equip-ment resulting from the vital area analysis.
Certain areas of your physical security program may need rea)ignment beyond the changes submitted with your letter of March 24, 1980. Accordingly, you should review your existing security plan to assure that the vital areas and equipment identified in the enclosure are being protected in accordance with the requirements of Section 73.55(c)(l) and 73.55(d)(7) of 10 CFR Part 73.55.
Please advise us of the. results of this review within 60 days of receipt of this letter and describe 'any proposed changes to your physical security program.
The enclosure    to this letter  and  the enclosure to your letter of March 24, 1980, are being withheld from      public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR Section 2.790(d).
Si      erely, ennis M. Crutchfield, Chi Operating Reactors Branch  5 Division of Licensing

Asstated(withheldfrompublicdisclosure)ennisM.Crutchfield,ChiOperatingReactorsBranch5DivisionofLicensingccw/oenclosure:Seenextpage Mr.LeonD.White,Jr.August22,1980ccw/oenclosure:HarryH.Voigt,EsquireLeBoeuf,Lamb,LeibyandMacRae1333NewHampshireAvenue,N.W.Suite'1100Washington,D.C.20036Mr.MichaelSlade12TrailwoodCircleRochester,NewYork14618RochesterCommitteeforScientificInformationRobertE.Lee,Ph.D.P.0.Box5236RiverCampusStationRochester,NewYork14627JeffreyCohenNewYorkStateEnergyOfficeSwanStreetBuildingCore1,SecondFloorEmpireStatePlazaAlbany,NewYork12223Director,TechnicalDevelopmentProgramsStateofNewYorkEnergyOfficeAgencyBuilding2EmpireStatePlazaAlbany,NewYork12223RochesterPublicLibrary115SouthAvenueRochester,NewYork14604SupervisoroftheTownofOntario107RidgeRoadWestOntario,NewYork14519ResidentInspectorR.E.GinnaPlant.c/oU.S.NRC1503LakeRoadOntario,NewYork14519Director,TechnicalAssessmentDivisionOfficeofRadiationPrograms(AW-459)U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyCrystalMall42Arlington,Virginia20460U.S.EnvironmentalP,rotectionAgencyRegionIIOfficeATTN:EISCOORDINATOR26FederalPlazaNewYork,NewYork10007HerbertGrossman,Esq.,ChairmanAtomicSafetyandLicensingBoardU.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommissionWashington,D.C.20555*Dr.RichardF.ColeAtomicSafetyandLicensingBoardU.S.NuclearRegulatoryComnissionWashington,D.C.20555Dr.EmmethA.LuebkeAtomicSafetyandLicensingBoardU.S.NuclearRegulatoryComnissionWashington,D.C.20555Mr.ThomasB.CochranNaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil,Inc.1725IStreet,N.W.Suite600Washington,'D.C.20006  
As  stated (withheld from public disclosure) cc w/o enclosure:
~"gENCLOSUREGINNANUCLEARPOWERSTATIONVITALAREASANDEUIPMENT<<l.Upperlevelspentfuelarea(forupto28daysaftershutdownonarefuel)*2~*3*45.6.ReactorContainment.RelayRoom-Locatedunderneaththecontrolroom-Elevation271'".1AuxiliaryFeedwaterSystemRoom-LocatedintheIntermediateBuildingatelevation253'"northside.MotorControlCenter1-C-LocatedintheAuxiliaryBuildingatElevation271'".MotorControlCenter1-D-LocatedintheAuxiliaryBuilding.Elevation253'"northside.*7.ControlRoom8.BatteryRoomb1B.9.DieselGeneratorRoom//1.10.ScreenHouse-Elevation253'".11,AuxiliaryBuilding-Elevation253'".12.RoomadjacenttotheBatteryRoom.13.*14''"ofAuxiliaryBuilding.IntermediateBuildingSub-BasementElevation219'".DieselGeneratorRoomP2.235'"-ElevationoftheAuxiliaryBuilding'efuelingWaterStorageTank.278'"-ElevationoftheIntermediateBuilding.19.CondensateStorageTank.20.253'"-ElevationoftheTurbineBuilding.)"TYPEIVITALAREASSECURITY-BELATED1ii/ORVATION10CFR2.790(A)INFO'iNATION 4
See next page
Mr. Leon D. White,     Jr.                                   August 22, 1980 cc w/o enclosure:
Harry H. Voigt, Esquire                Director, Technical      Assessment LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby and MacRae          Division 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.       W. Office of Radiation      Programs Suite '1100                              (AW-459)
Washington, D. C.     20036          U. S. Environmental      Protection Agency Mr. Michael Slade                      Crystal Mall 42 12 Trailwood Circle                    Arli ngton,  V irgi ni a  20460 Rochester, New York      14618 Rochester Committee for                U. S. Environmental P,rotection if Sci ent i c I nf ormat i on            Agency Robert E. Lee, Ph.D.                   Region  II Office P. 0. Box 5236    River  Campus        ATTN: E I S COORDINATOR Station                              26 Federal Plaza Rochester,     New York    14627        New York, New York 10007 Jeffrey    Cohen                        Herbert Grossman, Esq., Chairman New  York State Energy Of    fi ce    Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Swan  Street Building                  U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Core 1, Second Floor                    Washington, D. C. 20555 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223                  Dr. Richard F. Cole Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Director, Techni cal    Development    U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Programs                            Washington, D. C. 20555 State of    New  York Energy  Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza                      Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Albany,  New  York  12223            Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Rochester Public Library                Washington, D. C. 20555 115 South Avenue Rochester,    New  York  14604        Mr. Thomas B. Cochran Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
Supervisor of the Town                  1725  I Street,   N. W.
of Ontario                            Suite  600 107 Ridge Road West                    Washington,'D. C.       20006 Ontario,    New  York  14519 Resident Inspector R. E. Ginna Plant
.c/o U. S. NRC 1503 Lake Road Ontario,    New  York  14519
'A s
        << l.     Upper  level spent fuel area (for      up  to                28 days  after shutdown on a refuel    )
        *2     ~ Reactor Containment.
        *3       Relay  Room  - Located underneath the control                        room  - Elevation 271'".
        *4        Auxiliary Feedwater System Room        - Located in the Intermediate Building at elevation 253'" north side.
: 5.      Motor Control Center 1-C - Located in the Auxiliary Building at Elevation  271'".
: 6.      Motor Control Center 1-D       - Located in the Auxiliary Building.
Elevation  253'"   north side.
        *7. Control        Room
: 8.     Battery  Room b1B.
: 9.     Diesel Generator    Room  //1.
: 10.       Screen House  - Elevation 253'".
11,       Auxiliary Building - Elevation 253'".
: 12.       Room  adjacent to the Battery      Room.
: 13.       Gas Decay Tanks Room.       Elevation  253'"                     of Auxiliary Building.
      *14        Intermediate Building Sub-Basement Elevation                          219'".
Diesel Generator    Room P2.
: 16.      235'" -     Elevation of the Auxiliary Building'efueling
: 17.                  Water Storage Tank.
: 18.       278'"     - Elevation of the Intermediate Building.
: 19.       Condensate  Storage Tank.
: 20.       253'" -     Elevation of the Turbine Building.
: 21. Standby Auxiliary Feedwater  Pump  Building - Elevation  271'".
: 22. Motor Control Center 1-L-Located in the  Auxiliary Building at Elevation 271'".
: 23. Standby  Auxiliary Feedwater System Room.
: 24. Motor Control Center 1-M - Located in the Auxiliary Building at Elevation 253'".
: 25. Residual Heat Removal  Pump Room  - Elevation  219'"   of Auxiliary Building.
: 26. Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger  Room  - Elevation  235'"     of Auxiliary Building.

Latest revision as of 12:38, 4 February 2020

Operator Requalification Program, Procedure A-102.14, Revision 3
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1980
Shared Package
ML17250A532 List:
NUDOCS 8009050278
Download: ML17250A533 (28)







A-102 14:1 F



To establish the erator

~0 Re uglification Pro ram as an Administrative Order.


2.1 10 CZR 55 APPENDIX A 2.2 R. E. Ginna 0 erator Re uglification Pro ram 2.3 Ietter "Qualification of Reactor Operators" from Harold Denton dated 3/26/80 2.4 ANS 3.1 1978


3.1 Attached to this Administrative Order is the erator Re uglification

~pro ram (Atta.chment "A") Adherence to this program shall be mandatory.

3.2 The Superintendent will be notified of each individual required to attend a specific lecture after the annual exam.

3.2. 1 All individuals shall be notified as to the lectures they will be required-to attend.

3.3 After the Annual Exam Session a notice signed by the Plant Super-intendent shall be forwarded to the Operations Engineer listing the licensed staff members who have not taken the annual exam and those individuals shall not be allowed to perform licensed activities until they have met the licensing requirements of passing the annual exam.


4.1 See Section 8 of Attachment A.

A-102.14:2 ATTACHMENT "A" R. E. GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this program is to ensure that the licensed opera-tors and senior operators at Ginna Station maintain their profici-ency and knowledge in all phases of plant operations. This program is developed to fulfillthe requalification requirements set forth in 10 CFR 55 Appendix A,'etter "Qualification of Reactor Oper'ators" from Harold Denton dated 3/26/80 and ANS 3.1 1978.

1.2 . The Ginna Plant Requalification Program is scheduled to be completed and repetitive on a two year basis. The program shall consist of classroom lectures, on-the-job training and simulator training on a preplanned basis.

DEFINITIONS 2.1 Control Mani ulations - Prior to August 1, 1980 accepted manipula-tions are 1 through 6 below. After August 1, 1980 all manipulation shall be performed during term of license with "- items performed annually.

(1) Reactor startup to include a range that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeable and heatup rate is established.

(2) Plant shutdown.

(3) Manual control of steam generator feedwater during startup or shutdown.

(4) Boration or dilution of reactor coolant system during power operation > 10/.

(5) Reactor power level changes > 10/ by manual manipulaton of rod control system.


,l ~ ~



(6) Reactor power level changes > 10/ by turbine electro-hydraulic control.

(7) Loss of coolant including significant steam generator tube leak.

(8) I,oss of coolant inside containment.

(9) Loss of coolant outside containment.

(10) Large loss of coolant leak including leak rate determination.

1 (ll) Small loss of coolant leak including leak rate determination.

(12) Loss of coolant including saturated reactor coolant response.

(13) Loss of instrument air.

(14) Station Blackout.

A n (15) Natural Circulation.

(16) Loss. of Condenser Vacuum.

(17) Loss of Service Water.

(18) Loss of Residual Heat Removal Cooling.

(19) Loss of Component Cooling or cooling to individual component.

(20) I,oss of Normal Feedwater.

(21) Loss of Normal and Auxiliary Feedwater.

(22) I,oss of Instrumentation Bus.

(23) Control Rod Misalignment.

(24) Inability to Drive Control Rods.

(25) Immediate Boration.

(26) Fuel Cladding Failure or, High Activity in Reactor Coolant System.

(27) Turbine or Generator Trip.


(28) Malfunction of Tavg controls.

(29) Malfunction of Pessurizer Pressure or Level Controls.

(30) Reactor Trip.


- 3 "


(31) Main Steam Line Break inside or outside containment.

(32) Nuclear Instrument Failure.

2.2 Plant Evolutions Plant evolutions shall be any event other than routine operations occurring during steady-state, transient or shutdown conditions and may include the following:

(1) Reactor startup (2) Reactor shutdown (3) Turbine runback (4) Reactor trip (5) Plant cooldown (6) Plant heatup (7) Turbine power level change other than adjustment for calorimetric (8) Periodic tests (9) Refueling operations 2.3 Job Cross-Trainin Job cross-training for shift personnel shall consist of assuming the duties and performing the functions of other shift classifications.

Each nonshift licensed operator or senior operator will satisfy licensing proficiency requirements by any of the following:

a. Duty Engineer assignment
b. Assistance to the shift in supervising activities covering control room operations, testing, radioactive waste, releases, plant maintenance.

C. Control Room watchstanding

d. Conduct of drills or instruction in control room systems and procedures.



The nonshift licensed operator or senior operator will satisfy these requirements fox at least a total of 8 hours every 4 months.

2.4 On-Shift Discussions On-shift discussions shall include reviews of procedures, discussions of plant operations and/or other specific material assigned by the Training Coordinator or Shift Supervisor or STA.

3. CLASSROOM LECTURES 3.1'The classroom lectures shall be scheduled and shall include the-following topics:

(1) Reactor theory and principles of operation (2) Radiation control and safety (3) Power Plant secondary systems and applicable procedures (4) Reactor primary and engineered safety systems with applicable procedures (5) Plant instrumentation, protection and control systems (6) Electrical systems and applicable procedures

'(7) Technical specifications (8) Refueling systems, operation and applicable procedures (9) Plant operating characteristics (10) Heat transfer, fluid flow and thermodynamics (11) Mitigating core damage during accidents (12) Administrative, operating, emergency and other applicable procedures (13) Applicable portions of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (19, 20, 50, 55, 71, 100). Title 49 CFR (170 - 199)

(14) System Modifications which are pertinent to the safe operation of the plant as determined by the Training Coordinator. Individuals not attending the classroom lecture will be assigned to review



~ ~I A- 102 . 14 : 6 "5- r

3. CLASSROOM LECTURES (Cont'd) and acknowledge System Modifications pertinent to the safe .

operations of the plant.

3.2 Each of the, listed topics shall be presented at least once during the two-year cycle. The completion of each topic shall be documented by a written examination, with exceptions as noted per Sections 7.2 and 7.3.

3.3 Each shift shall be available for scheduled lectures for one four-day week out of every five'weeks with the exception of the refueling, maintenance and summer vacation period.

4. ON-THE-JOB-TRA1NING 4.1 All licensed operators and senior operators shall participate as much as possible'n plant'control manipulations involving reactivity changes to demonstrate their skill and familiarity with reactivity

'I control systems. On-the-job training shall also be participated in as much as possible and include the following:

(1) Plant evolutions (2) Control manipulations (3) Job cross-training (4) On-shift discussions 4.2 Licensed Reactor Operator Manipulations - Each Licensed Reactor Operator shall manipulate the controls as noted in 4.4 during the term of his license.

4.3 Licensed Senior Reactor Operator Manipulations - Each licensed Senior Reactor Operator shall manipulate the controls or direct

'he activities of operators during plant control" manipulations as noted in 4.4 during the term of his license.

,,el A-102.14:7

4. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (Cont'd) 4.4 Ten control manipulations shall be required and consist of a combina-tion of the first six control manipulations listed under 2.1 until August 1, 1980.'fter August 1, 1980 all listed manipulations shall be required during the term of his license, with - items required annually.

4.5 The normal control manipulations (1-6) must be performed. An appropri-ate simulator may be used to satisfy the requirements for control manipulations. Control manipulations during abnormal or emergency t

operations must be walked through with, and evaluated by a member of the training staff as a minimum. Simulator performance is greater than minimum. These conditions take effect August 1, 1980.

4.6 Persons holding NRC licenses, but not actively engaged in regular plant operation for a period of four months, shall be refamiliarized and examined before returning to licensed required positions. The refamiliarization program shall include review of:

(1) Procedural changes (2) Iicense changes (3) Plant system modifications (4)'lant incidents The completion of the refamiliarization program shall include written and oral examinations to document that the licensee is up-to-date and familiar with the plant. The Training Coordinator shall document the satisfactory completion of the refamiliarization program by the licensee and the NRC shall be notified of this fact.

4.7 Emergency Procedures may be reviewed by classroom lecture, on-shift discussion or individual study. These procedures shall be reviewed twice each year and documented on the Emergency Procedure Review acknowledge sheets.

, ~



- 7-

4. ON-THE"JOB TRAINING (Cont'd) 4.8 Relevant incidents which'occur at R.E. Ginna or other licensed power reactors shall be reviewed by licensed operators by on-shift discussion with STA's or Shift Supervisor or during classroom lecture. The STA's review LER's regularly and discuss relevant incidents with their shift or notify training to include in classroom lectures.
5. Sl 1ULATOR TRAINING 5.1 Simulator training may be used to demonstrate skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systems to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 55, Appendix A, paragraphs 3a and 3b, if the simulator reproduces the general operating characteristics of Ginna Station and the arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of the simulator is similar. Under the same conditions the simulator may be used for reactivity manipulations for emergency or abnormal conditions.

5.2 The procedures used during simulator training shall be R.E. Ginna Operating and Emergency Procedures as applicable.

5.3 Upon return from simulator training and prior to performing licensed duties at Ginna, the licensed operator shall be given an oral mini exam on the Ginna control board to demonstrate familiarity with the Ginna controls. This exam shall be conducted by a licensed individual selected by the Training Coordinator.

5.4 Th'e accomplishment of simulator training and familiarity demonstration shall be documented.

6. ,OTHER TRAINING TECHNIQUES 6.1 Alternate training such as video tapes, films and other training aids may be used to supplement classroom lectures. These alternate training


6. OTHER TRAINING TECHNI UES (Cont'd) 6.1 techniques shall be used as additional or supplemental training for licensed personnel. Self-study using training aids shall be documented.

Alternate training techniques shall not be more than 50$ of the class-room lecture time.

7. EVALUATION 7.1 Evaluation of licensed personnel shall include examination at the completion of each lecture topic and on an annual basis. Evaluation shall also include written reports by supervisors and/or training personnel during actual and simulated operating conditions.

7.2 The annual exam shall cover all topics in the requalification program and be given at the beginning of each year. The questions shall be of the NRC type and the exam shall be divided into sections. Satisfactory completion of the Requalification Annual Exam shall be indicated by a minimum overall grade of 80/ and a grade 70/ or greater in each section.

Those not satisfactorily completing the Requalification Annual Exam shall be removed from the licensed required position and assigned to retraining until they can satisfactorily pass a requalification exam administered by the training section. This grade criteria takes effect with the 1981 annual exam.

Anyone passing the overall annual exam and receiving a grade of 80/ or greater in a particular area sFiall not be required to attend the next series of lectures on that topic or take the associated exam.

Anyone passing the overall annual exam, but not receiving a grade of 80$ or greater in a particular area sh'all be required to attend the next series of lectures on that topic and take the associated exam.

The lecture topic will be scheduled in a timely manner or additional


individual study shall be provided for persons not receiving a grade of 80% on a particula'r topic.

0 >so

7. EVALUATION (Cont'd) 7.3 Exams given at the end of each lecture topic shall indicate that the licensee has satisfactorily completed the topic if he received a grade of 80% or greater. Those not receiving a grade of 80/ shall be assigned additional work. A re-examination shall then be given after the completion of the assigned work and a grade of 80/ or greater shall be necessary to indicate the satisfactory completion of the topic.

7.4 The licensed individual(s), who prepare(s) and grade(s) the annual examination, need not take the annual exam. The licensed individual(s) who prepare(s) and grade(s) the lecture topic associated quiz(s) need not take the quiz.

7.5 The annual exam shall also be used to evaluate and improve the requalification program. Such evaluation shall attempt to identify areas where additional classroom lectures or other type of training can improve personal or group plant operating ability.

8. TRAINING PERSONNEL R.E. Ginna License training program instructors shall have Senior Reactor Operator Licenses or be preparing for license examination when instructing subjects such as (1) R.E. Ginna primary and safety systems (2) R.E. Ginna integrated response topics (3) R.E. Ginna transient responses 8.1 The, instructors shall participate in a familiarity program to keep them current in plant changes. This will include:

8.1.1 Procedure changes, review and acknowledge procedure changes in Control Room Acknowledge Book.

8.1.2 Current operating history - review and acknowledge monthly Operations Report. After review this will be included in Requalification Training Material.

A-102.14:11 10 "


8.1.3 Current R.E. Ginna LER's and Other Relevant LER's - review and acknowledge events provided by the Technical Assistant to the Plant Superintendent - Operations Assessment. After review they shall be included in Requalification Training material.

9. DOCUMENTATION Documentation of each licensed person',s involvement in the requalification program shall be maintained by the licensee or the Training Coordinator for the period designated below. After this period the documentation shall be forwarded to Central Records unless otherwise stated to be maintained in accordance with A-1701.

9.1 Records maintained by the licensee for one year after which they shall be reviewed by the Training Coordinator and forwarded to Central Records and filed under Personnel Histories of 8.12 of A-1701.

They include:

(1) Job Cross. Training (2) Reactivity Changes (3) Plant Evolutions (4) On-Shift Discussions 9.2 Records and documents maintained by the Training Coordinator for one year and then submitted to Centr'al Records and filed under Personnel Histories 8.12 of A-1701. They include:

(1) Classroom Training Records (2) Simulator Training (3) Personnel Evaluations 9.3 Records and documents maintained by the Training Coordinator and forwarded to Central Records at different time periods as noted in each case include:

4 I'- L

~ '

A-102.14:12 DOCUMENTATION (Cont'd) 9.3 (1) Examination given (annual and session quiz) including key shall be submitted quarterly to Central Records and filed under 8.7'f A"1701.

(2) Answers to examination or quizzes given by licensee shall be maintained by the Training Coordinator for two years or until reviewed by the NRC, whichever comes first. After this the answers may be disposed of.

(3) Completed I

Emergency Review acknowledge sheets to document Emergency Procedures have been reviewed, shall be forwarded to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator and filed under 8.7 of A-1701.

(4) Completed Technical Specification acknowledge sheets to document that Technical Specification changes have been read and understood for those persons who have not attended the associated instruction shall be forwarded to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator and filed under 8.7 of A-1701.

(5) Completed System Modification review sheets for those persons who have not attended the associated instruc'tion shall be forwarded to Central Records after review by the Training Coordinator A and filed under 8.7 of A-1701.

(6) Documentation of additional training for those individuals failing the annual exam or lecture topic quiz, including applicable class-room lecture attendance, assigned individual study, and make-up examinations shall be maintained by the Training Coordinator for the year and then forwarded to Central Records to be filed under 8.12 with the exception of make-up examination answer which shall be maintained in accordance with 8.3(2) above.


A-102.14:13 12-


9.4 Central Records shall maintain completed procedure acknowledge sheets to document that procedure changes pertinent to the operation of the plant have been read and understood.

9.5 All documentation required to establish a licensee's satisfactory completion of the requalification program shall be assembled and verified by the Training Coordinator prior to submission of the license renewal request to the NRC. License application and renewal information shall be submitted to Central Records as submitted to the NRC and filed under 8.12 of A-1701.

t tI. 'W DISTRIBUTION: w/o enclosure:

w/enclosure: RPurple RTedesco'Novak ACRS OI8(E (3) GLainas Docket No. 50-244 GMcCorkle JOlshinski DCrutchfield guy p p ]ggow/o enclosure: HSmith NRC PDR SNowicki Mr- Leon D- White, Jr- TERA Vice President NSIC Rochester Gas 5 Electric Corporation DElsenhut J Heltemes 89 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14649

Dear Mr. l]hite:

'he attached enclosure supplements our letter of February 14, 1980, regarding the results of the vital area analysis previously conducted at the R. E. Ginna Station. The enclosure contains the complete list of vital areas and equip-ment resulting from the vital area analysis.

Certain areas of your physical security program may need realignment beyond the changes submitted with your letter of March 24, 1980. Accordingly, you review your existing security plan to assure that the vital areas and 'hould equipment identified in the enclosure are being protected in accordance with the requirements of Section 73.55(c)(1) and 73.55(d)(7) of 10 CFR Part ?3.55.

Please advise us of the results of this review within 60 days of receipt of this letter and describe arp proposed changes to your physical security program.

The enclosure to this letter and the enclosure to your letter of March 24, 1980, are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR Section 2.790(d)".

Sincerely, Dennis M. Crutchfield, Chi Operating Reactors Branch 05 Division of Licensing


As stated (withheld from public disclosure) cc w/o enclosure:

See next page DLi R g/LA DL:0 /PM DL: C OFFICE)


" iQj

'/80"" SNowicki DCr chfie d OATE $

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4p*y4 August 22, 1980 Docket No. 50-244 Mr. Leon D. White, Jr.

Vice President Rochester Gas 8 Electric Corporation 89 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14649

Dear Mr. White:

The attached enclosure supplements our letter of February 14, 1980, regarding the results of the vital area analysis previously conducted at the R. E. Ginna Station. The enclosure contains the complete list of vital areas and equip-ment resulting from the vital area analysis.

Certain areas of your physical security program may need rea)ignment beyond the changes submitted with your letter of March 24, 1980. Accordingly, you should review your existing security plan to assure that the vital areas and equipment identified in the enclosure are being protected in accordance with the requirements of Section 73.55(c)(l) and 73.55(d)(7) of 10 CFR Part 73.55.

Please advise us of the. results of this review within 60 days of receipt of this letter and describe 'any proposed changes to your physical security program.

The enclosure to this letter and the enclosure to your letter of March 24, 1980, are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR Section 2.790(d).

Si erely, ennis M. Crutchfield, Chi Operating Reactors Branch 5 Division of Licensing


As stated (withheld from public disclosure) cc w/o enclosure:

See next page

Mr. Leon D. White, Jr. August 22, 1980 cc w/o enclosure:

Harry H. Voigt, Esquire Director, Technical Assessment LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby and MacRae Division 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N. W. Office of Radiation Programs Suite '1100 (AW-459)

Washington, D. C. 20036 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Michael Slade Crystal Mall 42 12 Trailwood Circle Arli ngton, V irgi ni a 20460 Rochester, New York 14618 Rochester Committee for U. S. Environmental P,rotection if Sci ent i c I nf ormat i on Agency Robert E. Lee, Ph.D. Region II Office P. 0. Box 5236 River Campus ATTN: E I S COORDINATOR Station 26 Federal Plaza Rochester, New York 14627 New York, New York 10007 Jeffrey Cohen Herbert Grossman, Esq., Chairman New York State Energy Of fi ce Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Swan Street Building U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Core 1, Second Floor Washington, D. C. 20555 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Dr. Richard F. Cole Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Director, Techni cal Development U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Programs Washington, D. C. 20555 State of New York Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Albany, New York 12223 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Rochester Public Library Washington, D. C. 20555 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604 Mr. Thomas B. Cochran Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

Supervisor of the Town 1725 I Street, N. W.

of Ontario Suite 600 107 Ridge Road West Washington,'D. C. 20006 Ontario, New York 14519 Resident Inspector R. E. Ginna Plant

.c/o U. S. NRC 1503 Lake Road Ontario, New York 14519

'A s



<< l. Upper level spent fuel area (for up to 28 days after shutdown on a refuel )

  • 2 ~ Reactor Containment.
  • 3 Relay Room - Located underneath the control room - Elevation 271'".


  • 4 Auxiliary Feedwater System Room - Located in the Intermediate Building at elevation 253'" north side.
5. Motor Control Center 1-C - Located in the Auxiliary Building at Elevation 271'".
6. Motor Control Center 1-D - Located in the Auxiliary Building.

Elevation 253'" north side.

  • 7. Control Room
8. Battery Room b1B.
9. Diesel Generator Room //1.
10. Screen House - Elevation 253'".

11, Auxiliary Building - Elevation 253'".

12. Room adjacent to the Battery Room.
13. Gas Decay Tanks Room. Elevation 253'" of Auxiliary Building.
  • 14 Intermediate Building Sub-Basement Elevation 219'".


Diesel Generator Room P2.

16. 235'" - Elevation of the Auxiliary Building'efueling
17. Water Storage Tank.
18. 278'" - Elevation of the Intermediate Building.
19. Condensate Storage Tank.
20. 253'" - Elevation of the Turbine Building.




21. Standby Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Building - Elevation 271'".
22. Motor Control Center 1-L-Located in the Auxiliary Building at Elevation 271'".
23. Standby Auxiliary Feedwater System Room.
24. Motor Control Center 1-M - Located in the Auxiliary Building at Elevation 253'".
25. Residual Heat Removal Pump Room - Elevation 219'" of Auxiliary Building.
26. Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Room - Elevation 235'" of Auxiliary Building.