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| issue date = 10/24/1994
| issue date = 10/24/1994
| title = Requests That Proprietary Rept WCAP-14118,Rev 1, Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation:Dc Cook Unit 2 Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
| title = Requests That Proprietary Rept WCAP-14118,Rev 1, Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation:Dc Cook Unit 2 Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
| author name = LIPARULO N J
| author name = Liparulo N
| addressee name = RUSSELL W
| addressee name = Russell W
| docket = 05000316
| docket = 05000316
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{{#Wiki_filter:Westinghouse ElectricCorporation EnergySystemsBox355Pittsburg Pennsylvania 152300355October&,1994CAW-94-745 PocumentControlDeskUSNuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC20555Attention:
{{#Wiki_filter:Westinghouse               Energy Systems                                      Box 355 Pittsburg Pennsylvania 15230 0355 Electric Corporation October &, 1994 CAW-94-745 Pocument Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr. William Russell APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDINGPROPRIETARY INF RMATI NFR MP BLI DIS LOS RE

"Structural Integrity Evaluation ofReactorVesselUpperHeadPenetrations toSupportContinued Operation:
    "Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation: D.C. Cook Unit 2" WCAP-14118, Revision 1 (Proprietary)
D.C.CookUnit2"WCAP-14118, Revision1(Proprietary)

==Dear Mr. Russell:==
Theproprietary information forwhichwithholding isbeingrequested isfurtheridentified inAffidavit CAW-94-745 signedbytheowneroftheproprietary information, Westinghouse ElectricCorporation.
Theaffidavit, whichaccompanies thisletter,setsforththebasisonwhichtheinformation maybewithheldfrompublicdisclosure bytheCommission andaddresses withspecificity theconsiderations listedinparagraph (b)(4)of10CFRSection2.790oftheCommission's regulations.
Accordingly, thisletterauthorizes theutilization oftheaccompanying Affidavit byAmericanElectricPowerServiceCorporation.
Correspondence withrespecttotheproprietary aspectsoftheapplication forwithholding ortheWestinghouse affidavit shouldreference thisletter,CAW-94-745, andshouldbeaddressed totheundersigned.
Verytrulyyours,RSL/bbpEnclosures N..Liparulo, ManagerNuclearSafetyRegulatory
&Licensing Activities 9411010272 941026PDRADOCK05000$16PDR 1I1 Copyright NoticeThereportstransmitted herewitheachbearaWestinghouse copyright notice.TheNRCispermitted tomakethenumberofcopiesoftheinformation contained inthesereportswhicharenecessary foritsinternaluseinconnection withgenericandplant-specific reviewsandapprovals aswellastheissuance, denial,amendment,
: transfer, renewal,modification, suspension, revocation, orviolation ofalicense,permit,order,orregulation subjecttotherequirements of10CFR2.790regarding restrictions onpublicdisclosure totheextentsuchinformation hasbeenidentified asproprietary byWestinghouse, copyright protection notwithstanding.
Withrespecttothenon-proprietary versionsofthesereports,theNRCispermitted tomakethenumberofcopiesbeyondthosenecessary foritsinternalusewhicharenecessary inordertohaveonecopyavailable forpublicviewingintheappropriate docketfilesinthepublicdocumentroominWashington, DCandinlocalpublicdocumentroomsasmayberequiredbyNRCregulations ifthe'.number..of.
copiessubmitted isinsufficient forthispurpose.CopiesmadebytheNRCmustincludethecopyright noticeinallinstances andtheproprietary noticeiftheoriginalwasidentified asproprietary.

Proprietary Information NoticeTransmitted herewithareproprietary and/ornon-proprietary versionsofdocuments furnished totheNRCinconnection withrequestsforgenericand/orplant-specific reviewandapproval.
The proprietary information for which withholding is being requested is further identified in Affidavit CAW-94-745 signed by the owner of the proprietary information, Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Inordertoconformtotherequirements of10CFR2.790oftheCommission's regulations concerning theprotection ofproprietary information sosubmitted totheNRC,theinformation whichisproprietary intheproprietary versionsiscontained withinbrackets, andwheretheproprietary information hasbeendeletedinthenon-proprietary
The affidavit, which accompanies this letter, sets forth the basis on which the information may be withheld from public disclosure by the Commission and addresses with specificity the considerations listed in paragraph (b)(4) of 10 CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations.
: versions, onlythebracketsremain(theinformation thatwascontained withinthebracketsintheproprietary versionshavingbeendeleted).
Accordingly, this letter authorizes the utilization of the accompanying Affidavitby American Electric Power Service Corporation.
Thejustification forclaimingtheinformation sodesignated asproprietary isindicated inbothversionsbymeansoflowercaseletters(a)through(f)contained withinparentheses locatedasasuperscript immediately following thebracketsenclosing eachitemofinformation:being:identified asproprietary orinthemarginoppositesuchinformation.
Correspondence with respect to the proprietary aspects of the application for withholding or the Westinghouse affidavit should reference this letter, CAW-94-745, and should be addressed to the undersigned.
Theselowercaselettersrefertothetypesofinformation Westinghouse customarily holdsinconfidence identified inSections(4)(ii)(a) through(4)(ii)(f) oftheaffidavit accompanying thistransmittal pursuantto10CFR2.790(b)(1).
Very truly yours, N.. Liparulo, Manager Nuclear Safety Regulatory  & Licensing Activities RSL/bbp Enclosures 9411010272 941026 PDR      ADOCK 05000$ 16 PDR
1 1
terBeforeme,theundersigned authority, personally appearedNicholasJ.Liparulo, who,beingbymedulyswornaccording tolaw,deposesandsaysthatheisauthorized toexecutethisAffidavit onbehalfofWestinghouse ElectricCorporation
)andthattheaverments offactsetforthinthisAffidavit aretrueandcorrecttothebestofhisknowledge, information, andbelief:Sworntoandsubscribed beforetaethis~5dayof,1994NicholasJ.Liplo,ManagerNuclearSafetyRegulatory andLicensing Activities NotaryPublic-.NodalSglLaeheM:Rpka,~~'Monroovle Bra,pg~~y~MyComets'on ExpresDoc.t4.1N5,Penm-praeaAssooaxn ot143K'rRsL Iu02494  
Copyright Notice The reports transmitted herewith each bear a Westinghouse copyright notice. The NRC is permitted to make the number of copies of the information contained in these reports which are necessary for its internal use in connection with generic and plant-specific reviews and approvals as well as the issuance, denial, amendment, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension, revocation, or violation of a license, permit, order, or regulation subject to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 regarding restrictions on public disclosure to the extent such information has been identified as proprietary by Westinghouse, copyright protection notwithstanding. With respect to the non-proprietary versions of these reports, the NRC is permitted to make the number of copies beyond those necessary for its internal use which are necessary in order to have one copy available for public viewing in the appropriate docket files in the public document room in Washington, DC and in local public document rooms as may be required by NRC regulations ifthe'.number..of. copies submitted is insufficient for this purpose. Copies made by the NRC must include the copyright notice in all instances and the proprietary notice if the original was identified as proprietary.
'E\'N1II~1''gQ~'4~d~ CAW-94-745 (1)IamManager,NuclearSafetyRegulatory andLicensing Activities, intheNuclearTechnology
: Division, oftheWestinghouse ElectricCorporation andassuch,Ihavebeenspecifically delegated thefunctionofreviewing theproprietary information soughttobewithheldfrompublicdisclosure inconnection withnuclearpowerplantlicensing andrulemaking,proceedings, andamauthorized toapplyforitswithholding onbehalfoftheWestinghouse EnergySystemsBusinessUnit.(2)IammakingthisAffidavit inconformance withtheprovisions of10CFRSection2.790oftheCommission's regulations andin,conjunction withtheWestinghouse application forwithholding accompanying thisAffidavit.
Proprietary Information Notice Transmitted herewith are proprietary and/or non-proprietary versions of documents furnished to the NRC in connection with requests for generic and/or plant-specific review and approval.
(3)Ihavepersonalknowledge ofthecriteriaandprocedures utilizedbytheWestinghouse EnergySystemsBusinessUnitindesignating information asatradesecret,privileged orasconfidential commercial orfinancial information.
In order to conform to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations concerning the protection of proprietary information so submitted to the NRC, the information which is proprietary in the proprietary versions is contained within brackets, and where the proprietary information has been deleted in the non-proprietary versions, only the brackets remain (the information that was contained within the brackets in the proprietary versions having been deleted).
(4)Pursuanttotheprovisions ofparagraph (b)(4)ofSection2.790oftheCommission's regulations, thefollowing isfurnished forconsideration bytheCommission indetermining whethertheinformation soughttobewithheldfrompublicdisclosure shouldbewithheld.
The justification for claiming the information so designated as proprietary is indicated in both versions by means of lower case letters (a) through (f) contained within parentheses located as a superscript immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information:being:identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such information. These lower case letters refer to the types of information Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence identified in Sections (4)(ii)(a) through (4)(ii)(f) of the affidavit accompanying this transmittal pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(b)(1).
(i)Theinformation soughttobewithheldfrompublicdisclosure isownedandhasbeenheldinconfidence byWestinghouse.
(ii)Theinformation isofatypecustomarily heldinconfidence byWestinghouse andnotcustomarily disclosed tothepublic,Westinghouse hasarationalbasisfordetermining thetypesofinformation customarily heldinconfidence byitand,inthatconnection, utilizesasystemtodetermine whenandwhethertoholdcertaintypesofinformation inconfidence.
Theapplication ofthatsystemandthesubstance ofthatsystemconstitutes Westinghouse policyandprovidestherationalbasisrequired.
Underthatsystem,information isheldinconfidence ifitfallsinoneormoreofseveraltypes,thereleaseofwhichmightresultinthelossofanexistingorpotential competitive advantage, asfollows:1438CRS>2:102404 CAW-94-745 (a)Theinformation revealsthedistinguishing aspectsofaprocess(orcomponent, structure, tool,method,etc.)whereprevention ofitsusebyanyofWestinghouse's competitors withoutlicensefromWestinghouse constitutes acompetitive economicadvantage overothercompanies.
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Nicholas J. Liparulo, who, being by me duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Corporation ("Westinghouse" ) and that the averments of fact set forth in this Affidavitare true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief:
(b)Itconsistsofsupporting data,including testdata,relativetoaprocess(orcomponent, structure, tool,method,etc.),theapplication ofwhichdatasecuresacompetitive economicadvantage, e.g.,byoptimization orimprovedmarketability.
Nicholas J. Lip  lo, Manager Nuclear Safety Regulatory and Licensing Activities Sworn to and subscribed before tae this      ~5            day of                                        , 1994 Notary Public
(c)Itsusebyacompetitor wouldreducehisexpenditure ofresources orimprovehiscompetitive positioninthedesign,manufacture,
            ' Monroovle Bra,
: shipment, installation, assurance ofquality,orlicensing asimilarproduct.(d)Itrevealscostorpriceinformation, production capacities, budgetlevels,orcommercial strategies ofWestinghouse, itscustomers orsuppliers.
(e)Itrevealsaspectsofpast,present,orfutureWestinghouse orcustomerfundeddevelopment plansandprogramsofpotential commercial valuetoWestinghouse.
                      -. Nodal Sgl Laehe M:Rpka, pg~~y~
(f)Itcontainspatentable ideas,forwhichpatentprotection maybedesirable.
My Comets'on Expres Doc. t4. 1N5
TherearesoundpolicyreasonsbehindtheWestinghouse systemwhichincludethefollowing:
                  ,Penm-praeaAssooaxn ot 143K'rRsL Iu02494
(a)Theuseofsuchinformation byWestinghouse givesWestinghouse acompetitive advantage overitscompetitors.
Itis,therefore, withheldfromdisclosure toprotecttheWestinghouse competitive position.
                          'E \
(b)Itisinformation whichismarketable inmanyways.Theextenttowhichsuchinformation isavailable tocompetitors diminishes theWestinghouse abilitytosellproductsandservicesinvolving theuseoftheinformation.
                  'N 1
II  ~ 1     '
              'gQ   ~ '4
~~O.CAW-94-745 (c)Usebyourcompetitor wouldputWestinghouse atacompetitive disadvantage byreducinghisexpenditure ofresources atourexpense.(d)Eachcomponent ofproprietary information pertinent toaparticular competitive advantage ispotentially asvaluableasthetotalcompetitive advantage.
  ~   d ~
Ifcompetitors acquirecomponents ofproprietary information, anyonecomponent maybethekeytotheentirepuzzle,therebydepriving Westinghouse ofacompetitive advantage.
(e)Unrestricted disclosure wouldjeopardize thepositionofprominence ofWestinghouse intheworldmarket,andtherebygiveamarketadvantage tothecompetition ofthosecountries.
CAW-94-745 (1)       I am  Manager, Nuclear Safety Regulatory and Licensing Activities, in the Nuclear Technology Division, of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and            as such, I have  been specifically delegated the function of reviewing the proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rulemaking,proceedings, and am authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit.
(f)TheWestinghouse capacitytoinvestcorporate assetsinresearchanddevelopment dependsuponthesuccessinobtaining andmaintaining acompetitive advantage.
(2)       I am  making this Affidavitin conformance with the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in, conjunction with the Westinghouse application for withholding accompanying this Affidavit.
(iii)Theinformation isbeingtransmitted totheCommission inconfidence and,undertheprovisions of10CFRSection2.790,itistobereceivedinconfidence bytheCommission.
(3)       I have  personal knowledge    of the criteria and procedures utilized by the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.
(iv)Theinformation soughttobeprotected isnotavailable inpublicsourcesoravailable information hasnotbeenpreviously employedinthesameoriginalmannerormethodtothebestofourknowledge andbelief.(v)Theproprietary information soughttobewithheldinthissubmittal isthereportentitled"Structural Integrity Evaluation ofReactorVesselUpperHeadPenetrations toSupportContinued Operation:
(4)       Pursuant to the provisions  of paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.
D.C.CookUnit2","WCAP-14118 Revision1(Proprietary),
(i)     The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse.
September, 1994,beingtransmitted bytheAmericanElectricPowerServiceCorporation letterandApplication forWithholding Proprietary Information fromPublicDisclosure, toDocumentControlDesk,Attention Mr.WilliamT.Russell.Theproprietary information assubmitted forusebyAmericanElectricPowerServiceCorporation isexpectedtobeapplicable inotherlicenseesubmittals inresponsetocertainNRCrequirements.
(ii)     The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily disclosed to the public, Westinghouse has a rational basis for determining the types  of information customarily   held in confidence by    it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The application of that system and the substance of that system constitutes Westinghouse policy and provides the rational basis required.
forjustification ofcontinued operation.
Under that system, information is held in confidence      if it falls in one  or more of several types, the release  of which might result in the  loss  of an existing or potential competitive advantage,   as follows:
1458C-RSle:l02494 CAW-94-745
1438C RS>2:102404
'Ibisinformation ispartofthatwhichwillenableWestinghouse to:(a)Providedocumentation oftheanalysesandmethodology fordetermining crackgrowthcharacterization.
(b)Establish crackgrowthcriteria.
CAW-94-745 (a)     The information reveals the distinguishing aspects of a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention      of its use by any of Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies.
(c)Establish stresslimits.Furtherthisinformation hassubstantial commercial valueasfollows:(a)Westinghouse planstoselltheuseofsimilarinformation toitscustomers forpurposesofmeetingNRCrequirements forlicensing documentation.
(b)     It consists of supporting    data, including test data, relative to a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application      of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability.
(b)Westinghouse cansellsupportanddefenseofthetechnology toitscustomers inthelicensing process.Publicdisclosure ofthisproprietary information islikelytocausesubstantial harmtothecompetitive positionofWestinghouse becauseitwouldenhancetheabilityofcompetitors toprovidesimilardocumentation andlicensing defenseservicesforcommercial powerreactorswithoutcommensurate expenses.
(c)     Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance   of quality, or licensing a similar product.
Also,publicdisclosure oftheinformation wouldenableotherstousetheinformation tomeetNRCrequirements forlicensing documentation withoutpurchasing therighttousetheinformation.
(d)     It reveals  cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies   of Westinghouse,   its customers or suppliers.
Thedevelopment ofthetechnology described inpartbytheinformation istheresultofapplyingtheresultsofmanyyearsofexperience inanintensive Westinghouse effortandtheexpenditure ofaconsiderable sumofmoney.Inorderforcompetitors ofWestinghouse toduplicate thisinformation, similartechnical programswouldhavetobeperformed andasignificant manpowereffort,havingtherequisite talentandexperience, wouldhavetobeexpendedfordeveloping analytical methods.1438C.RS&$
(e)     It reveals  aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to Westinghouse.
:102494 CAW-94-745 Furtherthedeponentsayethnot.}}
(f)     It contains  patentable ideas, for which patent protection may be desirable.
There are sound policy reasons behind the Westinghouse system which include the following:
(a)   The use of such information by Westinghouse gives Westinghouse a competitive advantage over its competitors.       It is, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect the Westinghouse competitive position.
(b)   It is information which    is marketable in many ways. The extent to which such information is available to competitors diminishes the Westinghouse ability to sell products and services involving the use of the information.
l438C-RS le: l02494
~ ~
  ~                           O.                                                                 CAW-94-745 (c)     Use by our competitor would put Westinghouse at a competitive disadvantage by reducing his expenditure of resources at our expense.
(d)     Each component    of proprietary information pertinent to a particular competitive advantage is potentially  as valuable as the total competitive advantage. If competitors acquire components  of proprietary information, any one component may be the key to the entire puzzle, thereby depriving Westinghouse   of a competitive advantage.
(e)     Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize the position of prominence    of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the competition  of those countries.
(f)     The Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate assets in research and development depends upon the success in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.
(iii)   The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, under the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790, it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.
(iv) The information sought to be protected is not available in public sources or available information has not been previously employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our  knowledge and belief.
(v) The proprietary information sought to be withheld in this submittal is the report entitled "Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation: D. C. Cook Unit 2"," WCAP-14118 Revision 1 (Proprietary), September, 1994, being transmitted by the American Electric Power Service Corporation letter and Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, to Document Control Desk, Attention Mr. William T.
Russell. The proprietary information as submitted for use by American Electric Power Service Corporation is expected to be applicable in other licensee submittals in response to certain NRC requirements. for justification of continued operation.
1458C-RS le: l02494
                    'Ibis information  is part of that which will enable  Westinghouse to:
(a)     Provide documentation of the analyses and methodology for determining crack growth characterization.
(b)     Establish crack growth criteria.
(c)     Establish stress limits.
Further this information has substantial commercial value        as follows:
(a)     Westinghouse plans to sell the use    of similar information to its customers  for purposes  of meeting NRC      requirements for licensing documentation.
(b)     Westinghouse can sell support and defense      of the technology to  its customers in the licensing process.
Public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position    of Westinghouse    because  it would  enhance the ability of competitors to provide similar documentation and licensing defense services for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses.             Also, public disclosure of the information would enable      others to use the information to meet NRC requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.
The development of the technology described in part by the information is the result of applying  the results of many years of experience in an intensive    Westinghouse effort and  the expenditure of a considerable sum of money.
In order for competitors of Westinghouse to duplicate this information, similar technical programs would have to be performed and a significant manpower effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended for developing analytical methods.
1438C.RS&$ : 102494
CAW-94-745 Further the deponent sayeth not.}}

Latest revision as of 01:24, 4 February 2020

Requests That Proprietary Rept WCAP-14118,Rev 1, Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation:Dc Cook Unit 2 Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/1994
From: Liparulo N
To: Russell W
Shared Package
ML17332A372 List:
CAW-94-745, NUDOCS 9411010272
Download: ML17332A376 (13)


Westinghouse Energy Systems Box 355 Pittsburg Pennsylvania 15230 0355 Electric Corporation October &, 1994 CAW-94-745 Pocument Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr. William Russell APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDINGPROPRIETARY INF RMATI NFR MP BLI DIS LOS RE


"Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation: D.C. Cook Unit 2" WCAP-14118, Revision 1 (Proprietary)

Dear Mr. Russell:

The proprietary information for which withholding is being requested is further identified in Affidavit CAW-94-745 signed by the owner of the proprietary information, Westinghouse Electric Corporation.

The affidavit, which accompanies this letter, sets forth the basis on which the information may be withheld from public disclosure by the Commission and addresses with specificity the considerations listed in paragraph (b)(4) of 10 CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations.

Accordingly, this letter authorizes the utilization of the accompanying Affidavitby American Electric Power Service Corporation.

Correspondence with respect to the proprietary aspects of the application for withholding or the Westinghouse affidavit should reference this letter, CAW-94-745, and should be addressed to the undersigned.

Very truly yours, N.. Liparulo, Manager Nuclear Safety Regulatory & Licensing Activities RSL/bbp Enclosures 9411010272 941026 PDR ADOCK 05000$ 16 PDR

1 1


Copyright Notice The reports transmitted herewith each bear a Westinghouse copyright notice. The NRC is permitted to make the number of copies of the information contained in these reports which are necessary for its internal use in connection with generic and plant-specific reviews and approvals as well as the issuance, denial, amendment, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension, revocation, or violation of a license, permit, order, or regulation subject to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 regarding restrictions on public disclosure to the extent such information has been identified as proprietary by Westinghouse, copyright protection notwithstanding. With respect to the non-proprietary versions of these reports, the NRC is permitted to make the number of copies beyond those necessary for its internal use which are necessary in order to have one copy available for public viewing in the appropriate docket files in the public document room in Washington, DC and in local public document rooms as may be required by NRC regulations ifthe'.number..of. copies submitted is insufficient for this purpose. Copies made by the NRC must include the copyright notice in all instances and the proprietary notice if the original was identified as proprietary.

Proprietary Information Notice Transmitted herewith are proprietary and/or non-proprietary versions of documents furnished to the NRC in connection with requests for generic and/or plant-specific review and approval.

In order to conform to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations concerning the protection of proprietary information so submitted to the NRC, the information which is proprietary in the proprietary versions is contained within brackets, and where the proprietary information has been deleted in the non-proprietary versions, only the brackets remain (the information that was contained within the brackets in the proprietary versions having been deleted).

The justification for claiming the information so designated as proprietary is indicated in both versions by means of lower case letters (a) through (f) contained within parentheses located as a superscript immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information:being:identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such information. These lower case letters refer to the types of information Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence identified in Sections (4)(ii)(a) through (4)(ii)(f) of the affidavit accompanying this transmittal pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(b)(1).



Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Nicholas J. Liparulo, who, being by me duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Corporation ("Westinghouse" ) and that the averments of fact set forth in this Affidavitare true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief:

Nicholas J. Lip lo, Manager Nuclear Safety Regulatory and Licensing Activities Sworn to and subscribed before tae this ~5 day of , 1994 Notary Public

' Monroovle Bra,


-. Nodal Sgl Laehe M:Rpka, pg~~y~

My Comets'on Expres Doc. t4. 1N5

,Penm-praeaAssooaxn ot 143K'rRsL Iu02494

'E \

'N 1

II ~ 1 '

'gQ ~ '4

~ d ~

CAW-94-745 (1) I am Manager, Nuclear Safety Regulatory and Licensing Activities, in the Nuclear Technology Division, of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and as such, I have been specifically delegated the function of reviewing the proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rulemaking,proceedings, and am authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit.

(2) I am making this Affidavitin conformance with the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in, conjunction with the Westinghouse application for withholding accompanying this Affidavit.

(3) I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.

(4) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.

(i) The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse.

(ii) The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily disclosed to the public, Westinghouse has a rational basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The application of that system and the substance of that system constitutes Westinghouse policy and provides the rational basis required.

Under that system, information is held in confidence if it falls in one or more of several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitive advantage, as follows:

1438C RS>2:102404

CAW-94-745 (a) The information reveals the distinguishing aspects of a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention of its use by any of Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies.

(b) It consists of supporting data, including test data, relative to a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability.

(c) Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing a similar product.

(d) It reveals cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies of Westinghouse, its customers or suppliers.

(e) It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to Westinghouse.

(f) It contains patentable ideas, for which patent protection may be desirable.

There are sound policy reasons behind the Westinghouse system which include the following:

(a) The use of such information by Westinghouse gives Westinghouse a competitive advantage over its competitors. It is, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect the Westinghouse competitive position.

(b) It is information which is marketable in many ways. The extent to which such information is available to competitors diminishes the Westinghouse ability to sell products and services involving the use of the information.

l438C-RS le: l02494


~ ~



~ O. CAW-94-745 (c) Use by our competitor would put Westinghouse at a competitive disadvantage by reducing his expenditure of resources at our expense.

(d) Each component of proprietary information pertinent to a particular competitive advantage is potentially as valuable as the total competitive advantage. If competitors acquire components of proprietary information, any one component may be the key to the entire puzzle, thereby depriving Westinghouse of a competitive advantage.

(e) Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize the position of prominence of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the competition of those countries.

(f) The Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate assets in research and development depends upon the success in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.

(iii) The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, under the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790, it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.

(iv) The information sought to be protected is not available in public sources or available information has not been previously employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our knowledge and belief.

(v) The proprietary information sought to be withheld in this submittal is the report entitled "Structural Integrity Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetrations to Support Continued Operation: D. C. Cook Unit 2"," WCAP-14118 Revision 1 (Proprietary), September, 1994, being transmitted by the American Electric Power Service Corporation letter and Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, to Document Control Desk, Attention Mr. William T.

Russell. The proprietary information as submitted for use by American Electric Power Service Corporation is expected to be applicable in other licensee submittals in response to certain NRC requirements. for justification of continued operation.

1458C-RS le: l02494


'Ibis information is part of that which will enable Westinghouse to:

(a) Provide documentation of the analyses and methodology for determining crack growth characterization.

(b) Establish crack growth criteria.

(c) Establish stress limits.

Further this information has substantial commercial value as follows:

(a) Westinghouse plans to sell the use of similar information to its customers for purposes of meeting NRC requirements for licensing documentation.

(b) Westinghouse can sell support and defense of the technology to its customers in the licensing process.

Public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Westinghouse because it would enhance the ability of competitors to provide similar documentation and licensing defense services for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses. Also, public disclosure of the information would enable others to use the information to meet NRC requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.

The development of the technology described in part by the information is the result of applying the results of many years of experience in an intensive Westinghouse effort and the expenditure of a considerable sum of money.

In order for competitors of Westinghouse to duplicate this information, similar technical programs would have to be performed and a significant manpower effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended for developing analytical methods.

1438C.RS&$ : 102494

CAW-94-745 Further the deponent sayeth not.