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{{#Wiki_filter:Revisions to the Grand Gulf Written Exam RO QUESTION #
{{#Wiki_filter:Revisions to the Grand Gulf Written Exam RO QUESTION # 50 Revision: The answer key was changed to accepting distractors A and B.
50 Revision: The answer key was changed to accepting distractors  
Bases for Change: Distractor A for this question states the CRD A breaker will not be capable of any remote or local operation and distractor B states the breaker can be opened, closed, and reopened once manually, at the breaker. The intent of distractor A was that the term local operation would include both the electrical and manual modes of operation at the breaker cubicle. This makes this distractor incorrect since the breaker can be operated manually at the breaker cubicle. However, distractors B and C use the term manually implying this term is distinctly different than the term locally. If distractor A is defined as local electrical operation only, (i.e. does not include manually operating) than distractor A is correct since the breaker cannot be operated electrically from the control room or the breaker.
'A' and 'B'. Bases for Change
Because of the way the distractors are written, the distractors are ambiguous and therefore, distractors A and B are both accepted as being correct.
: Distractor  
SRO QUESTION # 93 Revision: The answer key was changed to distractor D being correct.
'A' for this question states the CRD  
Bases for Change: In this question, the applicant was given a set of plant conditions and was required to select the correct procedure to implement based on those conditions. The licensee recommended accepting distractor D as correct in addition to distractor A. The bases for this recommendation was that the stem states a spurious IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low signaloccurs due to a relay failure. The IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm typically results in a loss of all condensate pumps and the feedwater pumps would then trip on low suction pressure. Consequently, a reactor scram would occur due to a loss of feedwater. The original correct answer was distractor A, implement EOP EP-2, RPV Control.
'A' breaker "will not be capable of any remote or local operation
The licensee argued distractor D, implement the Alarm Response Instruction was also correct since the feedwater pumps would not be lost on the spurious actuation of a single condenser low level relay. This is because there is a two-out-of-three logic required to be met and the actuation of a single relay would not satisfy the logic.
-" and distractor  
The Chief Examiner referenced electrical drawing E-1148-001, revision 13, Condensate Pump C003A-N, and E-1148, revision 14, Condensate Auxiliary Relays, since these drawings contain the relay contacts in question and are typical of all three condensate pumps.
'B' states the breaker "can be opened, closed
A review of these drawings indicate the alarm given in the stem, IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low, is actuated by one of three relays; 63X/105, 63X/106, and 63X/107. If two of these relays actuate, then relay 63X-1/105 actuates initiating the sequence of events as described above.
, and reopened once manually, at the breaker.
However, the actuation of only one of the referenced relays would result in an IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm but no loss of condensate pumps since the two-out-of-three logic for the condensate pump trip is not satisfied.
The intent of distractor  
The review of the drawings also indicates a failure of relay 63X-1/105 would result in the loss of the condensate pumps, however the IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm would not
'A' was that the term "local operation" would include both the electrical and manual modes of operation at the breaker cubicle. This makes this distractor incorrect since the breaker can be operated manually at the breaker cubicle. However, distractors  
'B' and 'C' use the term "manually" implying this term is distinctly different than the term "locally". If distractor "A' is defined as local electrical operation only, (i.e. does not include manually operating) than distractor  
'A' is correct since the breaker cannot be operated electrically from the control room or the breaker.
Because of the way the distractors are written
, the distractors are ambiguous and therefore, distractors  
'A' and 'B' a re both accepted as being correct.
93 Revision: The answer key was changed to distractor
'D' being correct.
Bases for Change
: In this question, the applicant was given a set of plant conditions and was required to select the correct procedure to implement based on those conditions. The licensee recommended accepting distractor '
D' as correct in addition to distractor '
A'. The bases for this recommendation was that the stem states a "spurious IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low signal-occurs due to a relay failure.
The "IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low
" alarm typically results in a loss of all condensate pumps and the feedwater pumps would then trip on low suction pressure. Consequently , a reactor scram would occur due to a loss of feedwater
. The original correct answer was distractor  
'A', "implement EOP EP-2, RPV Control'. The licensee argue d distractor  
'D', "implement the Alarm Response Instruction
" was also correct since the feedwater pumps would not be lost on the spurious actuation of a single condenser low level relay. This is because there is a two
-out-of-three logic required to be met and the actuation of a single relay would not satisfy the logic
The Chief Examiner referenced electrical drawing E
-1148-001, revision 13, Condensate Pump C003A-N, and E-1148, revision 14, Condensate Auxiliary Relays, since these drawing s contain the relay contacts in question and are typical of all three condensate pumps.
A review of these drawing s indicate the alarm given in the stem , "IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low", is actuated by one of three relays; 63X/105, 63X/106, and 63X
/107. If two of these relays actuate, then relay 63X
-1/105 actuates initiating the sequence of events as described above. However, the actuation of only one of the referenced relays would result in a n "IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low
" alarm but no loss of condensate pumps since the two-out-of-three logic for the condensate pump trip is not satisfied. The review of the drawings also indicates a failure of relay 63X
-1/105 would result in the loss of the condensate pumps, however the "IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low
" alarm would not annunciate off this relay. Because the stem states the "IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low
" alarm has annunciated and there is only a single relay failure , 63X-1/105 has not actuated, the condensate pumps would not trip , the feedwater pumps would remain in service , and there would be no reactor scram.
Because there is no reactor scram, the EOP
's would not be entered making distractor
'A' incorrect. Therefore
, the Alarm Response Instruction would be the governing procedure for the SRO. Distractor
'D' is the only correct distractor.

GGNSLOT2013NRCINITIALLICENSEDOPERATORWRITTENEXAMINATIONROEXAMANSWERKEY 1A26D51B2D27B52A3B28C53C4B29B54C5B30D55A6C31D56B7B32B57A8B33D58C9C34A59D10C35D60A11A36C61C12C37D62C13B38B63B14A39C64A15A40C65B16B41A66B17D42D67B18C43A68A19A44C69D20D45C70D21B46A71D22A47C72B23C48A73B24B49D74D25D50B75D Question 1 The plant is operating at rated power.  
annunciate off this relay. Because the stem states the IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm has annunciated and there is only a single relay failure, 63X-1/105 has not actuated, the condensate pumps would not trip, the feedwater pumps would remain in service, and there would be no reactor scram. Because there is no reactor scram, the EOPs would not be entered making distractor A incorrect. Therefore, the Alarm Response Instruction would be the governing procedure for the SRO. Distractor D is the only correct distractor.

Reactor Recirc pump 'A' trips.
GGNS LOT 2013 NRC INITIAL LICENSED OPERATOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION RO EXAM ANSWER KEY 1    A             26    D          51    B 2    D              27    B          52    A 3    B              28    C          53    C 4    B              29    B          54    C 5    B              30    D          55    A 6    C              31    D          56    B 7    B              32    B          57    A 8    B              33    D          58    C 9    C              34    A          59    D 10    C              35    D          60    A 11    A              36    C          61    C 12    C              37    D          62    C 13    B              38    B          63    B 14    A              39    C          64    A 15    A              40    C          65    B 16    B              41    A          66    B 17    D              42    D          67    B 18    C              43    A          68    A 19    A              44    C          69    D 20    D              45   C          70    D 21    B              46    A          71    D 22    A              47    C          72    B 23    C              48    A           73    B 24    B              49    D          74    D 25    D              50    B          75    D
Reactor water level rises to +45" Narrow r ange and is now slowly returning to normal.
Which of the following describes the reason for the level rise?
A. The response of the DFCS results in over feeding the vessel.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level            RO 295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow Circulation K/A #          295001 AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses Rating          3.4 as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)                Rev / Date        0 AK3.01 Reactor water level response Question          1 The plant is operating at rated power.
Reactor Recirc pump A trips.
Reactor water level rises to +45 Narrow range and is now slowly returning to normal.
Which of the following describes the reason for the level rise?
A. The response of the DFCS results in over feeding the vessel.
B. Jet pump reverse flow forces water back into the downcomer.
B. Jet pump reverse flow forces water back into the downcomer.
C. A rise in vessel temperature causes water in the downcomer to thermally expand. D. A RPV pressure reduction causes level transmitters to indicate a higher level.  
C. A rise in vessel temperature causes water in the downcomer to thermally expand.
D. A RPV pressure reduction causes level transmitters to indicate a higher level.
Answer: A Explanation:
Answer: A Explanation:
Per FSAR Table 15.3-1 and Figure 15.3-1, w hen a single Recirc pump trips from rated power, the feed water flow will rise slightly for approximately 5 seconds before turning and reducing feed to the reactor. The feed water system is controlled digitally by a three element DFCS (Digital Feedwater Control System). The feed water system uses inputs from level, steam flow, and feed flow instruments to adjust feed pump speed.
Per FSAR Table 15.3-1 and Figure 15.3-1, when a single Recirc pump trips from rated power, the feed water flow will rise slightly for approximately 5 seconds before turning and reducing feed to the reactor. The feed water system is controlled digitally by a three element DFCS (Digital Feedwater Control System). The feed water system uses inputs from level, steam flow, and feed flow instruments to adjust feed pump speed.
Initially there is a corresponding rise in tu rbine steam flow according to Figure 15.3-1 which will cause the DFCS to raise feed flow in anticipation of a lower reactor water level; however, level will rise and peak after about 5 seconds (the same time feed flow turns)  
Initially there is a corresponding rise in turbine steam flow according to Figure 15.3-1 which will cause the DFCS to raise feed flow in anticipation of a lower reactor water level; however, level will rise and peak after about 5 seconds (the same time feed flow turns)
A is correct

'A' is correct Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow Circulation
B is wrong, reverse flow will conservatively begin at about 5 seconds into the transient when the level transient has reached its peak level. Since the level rise is immediate, the subsequent reverse flow condition has no effect on the level rise.
C is wrong minimal temperature change. Downcomer temperature is affected mostly by feed water temperature. It is slightly sub-cooled and not operating in saturated conditions which would make pressure a factor in temperature. The temperature in the core is affected more by pressure and thermal power.
AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
D is wrong, minimal pressure change and any pressure change is sensed by the reference and variable legs equally and therefore will not affect level indication.
AK3.01 Reactor water level response K/A # 295001 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 
'B' is wrong, reverse flow will conserva tively begin at about 5 seconds into the transient when the level transient has reached its peak level. Since the level rise is immediate, the subsequent reverse flow c ondition has no effect on the level rise.  
'C' is wrong minimal temperature change. Down comer temperature is affected mostly by feed water temperature. It is slightly sub-cooled and not operating in saturated conditions which would make pressure a factor in temperature. The temperature in the core is affected more by pressure and thermal power.  
'D' is wrong, minimal pressure change and any pressure change is sensed by the reference and variable legs equally and therefore will not affect level indication.


FSAR FSAR FSAR Table 15.3-1 FSAR Figure 15.3-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-MCD13 Obj 2 Question Source:                     Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
FSAR Table 15.3-1 FSAR Figure 15.3-1  
New                                     X Question History:                     Last NRC Exam                         No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental                     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-MCD13 Obj 2 Question Source: Bank #         (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
Question 2
The plant is operating at rated power when the following occurs:
Feeder breaker to BOP Transformer 12B trip s (breaker internal fault), no other breakers are affected.
The Loss of AC Power ONEP has been entered and Immediate Operator Actions taken.
Preceding any reactor scram that may occu r, what are at least two additional ONEPs that will have to be entered?
A. Loss of Instrument Air Turbine and Generator Trips
B. Automatic Isolations Reduction in Recirculat ion System Flow Rate C. Automatic Isolations Loss of Condenser Vacuum

D. Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reduction in Recirculat ion System Flow Rate Answer: D Explanation:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level        RO 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC K/A #      295003 2.1.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics / reactor behavior /
With BOP 12B Xfmr loss and resultant loss of bus 11HD, one Circ Pump and one Recirc pump will trip, requiring entry in to Loss of Condenser Vacuum and Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate ONEPs.
Rating      3.7 and instrument interpretation.
The Turbine does not trip, the reactor does not scram and no isolations are received.  
Rev / Date    0 Question              2 The plant is operating at rated power when the following occurs:
Feeder breaker to BOP Transformer 12B trips (breaker internal fault), no other breakers are affected.
'A' is wrong due to no loss of instrument air or turbine trip  
The Loss of AC Power ONEP has been entered and Immediate Operator Actions taken.
Preceding any reactor scram that may occur, what are at least two additional ONEPs that will have to be entered?
'B' is wrong, due to no Isol ation signal is received Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC
A. Loss of Instrument Air Turbine and Generator Trips B. Automatic Isolations Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate C. Automatic Isolations Loss of Condenser Vacuum D. Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate Answer: D Explanation:
With BOP 12B Xfmr loss and resultant loss of bus 11HD, one Circ Pump and one Recirc pump will trip, requiring entry into Loss of Condenser Vacuum and Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate ONEPs. The Turbine does not trip, the reactor does not scram and no isolations are received.
====2.1.7 Ability====
A is wrong due to no loss of instrument air or turbine trip B is wrong, due to no Isolation signal is received
to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating charac teristics / reactor behavior / and instrument interpretation.
K/A # 295003 Rating 3.7  Rev / Date  0 
'C' is wrong due to no Isolation signal is received  
'D' is correct due to explanation above.

C is wrong due to no Isolation signal is received D is correct due to explanation above.


05-1-02-III-3 05-1-02-V-8  
05-1-02-III-3 05-1-02-V-8 04-1-01-B33-1, Att III 04-1-01-N71-1, Att III E0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: E0001 Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 1 Question Source:                     Bank #                 GGNS-LORQT-06385 (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
New Question History:                     Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis        X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
04-1-01-B33-1, Att III 04-1-01-N71-1, Att III E0001  
References to be provided to applicants during exam: E0001 Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 1 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-LORQT-06385 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
Question 3 Which of the following describe the mini mum amount of time by design the 1B3 batteries can provide DC power to all requir ed emergency loads if there are no battery chargers in service?
A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 8 hours D. 12 hours
Answer: B  Explanation:
Per FSAR Batteries 1A3 and 1B 3 have sufficient stored energy to operate connected essential loads contin uously for at least 4 hours.
'A' is wrong due to this time is the design for 1C3 batteries
'B' is correct
'C' is wrong this time is for complete rest oration of 1C3 batteries by the chargers.
'D' is wrong, the A and B DC system battery chargers are designed to fully charge the batteries from minimum voltage to full within 12 hours.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level              RO 295004 Partial or Complete Loss of D.C. Power AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR K/A #            295004 COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER and the following: (CFR:    Rating            3.0 41.7 / 45.8)
Rev / Date          0 AK2.02 Batteries Question          3 Which of the following describe the minimum amount of time by design the 1B3 batteries can provide DC power to all required emergency loads if there are no battery chargers in service?
A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 8 hours D. 12 hours Answer: B Explanation:
Per FSAR Batteries 1A3 and 1B3 have sufficient stored energy to operate connected essential loads continuously for at least 4 hours.
A is wrong due to this time is the design for 1C3 batteries B is correct C is wrong this time is for complete restoration of 1C3 batteries by the chargers.
D is wrong, the A and B DC system battery chargers are designed to fully charge the batteries from minimum voltage to full within 12 hours.


FSAR Battery Capacity Considerations Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295004 Partial or Complete Loss of D.C. Power AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER and the following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)
FSAR Battery Capacity Considerations

AK2.02 Batteries K/A # 295004 Rating 3.0  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-L1100, OBJ. 2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-01645 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L1100, OBJ. 2 Question Source:                 Bank #                   GGNS-OPS-01645 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
New Question History:               Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental             X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Question 4 The plant was at rated condition s when the Main Turbine tripped.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A #      295005 apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP : (CFR: 41.7 /          Rating      2.7 45.6)
Rev / Date    0 AA1.04 Main generator controls Question           4 The plant was at rated conditions when the Main Turbine tripped.
The Turbine and Generator Trips ONEP directs actions to protect the voltage gradient capacitors in 500KV breakers.
Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP, which of the following describes the maximum allowed time to take action to ensure damage does not occur?
A. 15 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 1 hour D. 2 hours Answer: B Explanation:
Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP CAUTION prior to step 3.9. Do not allow a 500 kv breaker to remain open with voltage on it for > 30 minutes. Voltage gradient capacitors in the breaker will overheat. Step 3.9 or 3.10 should be performed within 30 minutes of T/G trip.
A is wrong does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit is the same as an EAL call.
B is correct C is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 1 hour is used in Tech Specs and reportable events.
D is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 2 hours is used in Tech Specs and reportable events

The Turbine and Generator Trip s ONEP directs actions to pr otect the voltage gradient capacitors in 500KV breakers.
Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ON EP, which of the fo llowing describes the maximum allowed time to take action to ensure damage does not occur?
A. 15 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 1 hour D. 2 hours
Answer: B  Explanation:
Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ON EP CAUTION prior to step 3.9.  "Do not allow a 500 kv breaker to remain open with voltage on it for > 30 minutes. Voltage gradient capacitors in the break er will overheat. Step 3.9 or 3.10 should be performed within 30 minutes of T/G trip.
'A' is wrong does not meet with the CAUTIO N time requirements but plausible due to the time limit is the same as an EAL call. 
'B' is correct
'C' is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 1 hour is used in Tech Specs and reportable events. 
'D' is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 2 hours is used in Tech Specs and reportable events  Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6)
AA1.04 Main generator controls K/A # 295005 Rating 2.7  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP CAUTION prior to step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 8.0 Question Source: Bank #         (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP CAUTION prior to step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 8.0 Question Source:                   Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
New                           X Question History:                   Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental             X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
Question 5 A reactor scram has occurred.
Which of the following ensures that sufficient shutdown margin is maintained and that the reactor will remain subcritical under all conditions?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level            RO 295006 SCRAM AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #          295006 following concepts as they apply to SCRAM : (CFR: 41.8 to Rating            3.4 41.10)
Rev / Date        0 AK1.02 Shutdown margin Question          5 A reactor scram has occurred.
Which of the following ensures that sufficient shutdown margin is maintained and that the reactor will remain subcritical under all conditions?
A. Two peripheral control rods are at position 48.
A. Two peripheral control rods are at position 48.
B. One center core control rod is at position 48.
B. One center core control rod is at position 48.
C. 50% of the control rods are at position 04 with the rest fully inserted.
C. 50% of the control rods are at position 04 with the rest fully inserted.
D. >50% of the control rods are at position 02 or beyond.  
D. >50% of the control rods are at position 02 or beyond.
Answer: B Explanation:
Answer: B Explanation:
Per Tech Specs definitions, SDM shall be the amount of reactivity by which the reactor is subcritical or would be subcritical assuming that: (c) All control rods are fully inserted except for the single control rod of highest reactivity worth, which is assumed to be fully withdrawn.
Per Tech Specs definitions, "SDM shall be the amount of reactivity by which the reactor is subcritical or would be subcritical assuming that: (c) All control rods are fully inserted except for the single control rod of highest reactivity worth, which is assumed to be fully withdrawn.  
After a scram the crew can determine the reactor shutdown with only one control rod not full in. If more that one is withdrawn then a calculation must be performed.
A is wrong does not meet the definition with > than one rod not inserted.
After a scram the crew can determine the re actor shutdown with only one control rod not full in. If more that one is withdrawn then a calculation must be performed.  
B is correct C is wrong, same as A D is wrong, same as A Technical  
'A' is wrong does not meet the definiti on with > than one rod not inserted.
'B' is correct  
'C' is wrong, same as A  
'D' is wrong, same as A Technical  


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295006 SCRAM AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to SCRAM : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
Tech Spec Section 1.1 Definitions References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-TS001, OBJ. 4.13 Question Source:                 Bank #
AK1.02 Shutdown margin K/A # 295006 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 Tech Spec Section 1.1 Definitions References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-TS001, OBJ. 4.13 Question Source: Bank #         (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
New                     X Question History:                 Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
Question 6 The CRS has determined to evacuate the Main Control Room due to toxic fumes.
All actions were taken prior to leaving the Control Room.
No Security threat exists.
After arriving at the Remote Shutdow n Panel you observe the following:
RHR 'A' and 'B' pumps are operating. SSW 'A' and 'B' pumps are operating. CRD pump 'A' and 'B' are not running with green light ON and CRD Aux Oil Pumps have NO indication. RCIC system is operating with the Gland Seal Compressor is not running.
Which of the following has occurred?
A. BUV on both 15AA and 16AB B. Reactor water level lowered to -75 inches C. Drywell pressure rose to 1.42 psig D. Total loss of Offsite power
Answer: C  Explanation:
The Remote Shutdown Panels do not have indication for Drywell Pressure, however, by the indications given the student can determine drywell pressure. Will both RHR pumps and both SSW pumps running this would indicate an auto start of low level or high drywell pressure. Along with the RCIC Gland Seal Comp and CRD aux oil pumps with no indication, all of these indicati ons are compatible wi th a LOCA signal.
RCIC is started upon Contro l Room abandonment. The RCIC gland seal compressor Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295016 Control Room Abandonment AA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT : (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
AA2.05 Drywell pressure K/A # 295016 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 is locked out on an LSS LOCA (1.39 psig in the DW or -150.3" RPV water level)
'A' is wrong RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would
have Green indication.
'B' is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would be running.
'C' is correct.
'D' is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would

have Green indication.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level        RO 295016 Control Room Abandonment AA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as K/A #      295016 they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT : (CFR:              Rating      3.8 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
Rev / Date    0 AA2.05 Drywell pressure Question              6 The CRS has determined to evacuate the Main Control Room due to toxic fumes.
All actions were taken prior to leaving the Control Room.
No Security threat exists.
After arriving at the Remote Shutdown Panel you observe the following:
RHR A and B pumps are operating.
SSW A and B pumps are operating.
CRD pump A and B are not running with green light ON and CRD Aux Oil Pumps have NO indication.
RCIC system is operating with the Gland Seal Compressor is not running.
Which of the following has occurred?
A. BUV on both 15AA and 16AB B. Reactor water level lowered to -75 inches C. Drywell pressure rose to 1.42 psig D. Total loss of Offsite power Answer: C Explanation:
The Remote Shutdown Panels do not have indication for Drywell Pressure, however, by the indications given the student can determine drywell pressure. Will both RHR pumps and both SSW pumps running this would indicate an auto start of low level or high drywell pressure. Along with the RCIC Gland Seal Comp and CRD aux oil pumps with no indication, all of these indications are compatible with a LOCA signal.
RCIC is started upon Control Room abandonment. The RCIC gland seal compressor

is locked out on an LSS LOCA (1.39 psig in the DW or -150.3 RPV water level)
A is wrong RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would have Green indication.
B is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would be running.
C is correct.
D is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would have Green indication.


04-1-01-R21-1 Table 1 GLP-OPS-R2100, Page 19 of 40
04-1-01-R21-1 Table 1 GLP-OPS-R2100, Page 19 of 40 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-R2100, OBJ. 11, 14, 16 Question Source:                   Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-O PS-R2100, OBJ. 11, 14, 16 Question Source: Bank #         (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                 X Question History:                 Last NRC Exam                     No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis              X 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295018 Partial or Complete Loss of Component Cooling Water
AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER : Cooling water temperature K/A # 295018 AA2.02 Rating 3.1 Revision 0 Question 7 The plant is operating at rated conditions.

CCW Temperature Control Valve (P44-F501) has failed closed.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                                  Level          RO 295018 Partial or Complete Loss of Component Cooling Water K/A #    295018 AA2.02 AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they Rating        3.1 apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER : Cooling water temperature                            Revision        0 Question            7 The plant is operating at rated conditions.
CCW Temperature Control Valve (P44-F501) has failed closed.
Which of the following will auto isolate due to the effects of this condition?  
Which of the following will auto isolate due to the effects of this condition?
A. Reactor Recirculation Pumps B. Reactor Water Cleanup System C. Fuel Pool Cleaning and Cleanup System D. Control Rod Drive Pumps Answer: B Explanation:
A. Reactor Recirculation Pumps B. Reactor Water Cleanup System C. Fuel Pool Cleaning and Cleanup System D. Control Rod Drive Pumps Answer: B Explanation:
With the Temp control valve failing close the CCW temp will rise causing RWCU temp to rise and cause the G33-F004 to auto close at 140 degrees Non regen outlet temp. Therefore, B is the correct answer.
With the Temp control valve failing close the CCW temp will rise causing RWCU temp to rise and cause the G33-F004 to auto close at 140 degrees Non regen outlet temp. Therefore, B is the correct answer.
Line 266: Line 160:

04-1-01-G33-1 Step 3.1 05-1-02-V-1, Loss of CCW ONEP Step 3.2.3 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
04-1-01-G33-1 Step 3.1 05-1-02-V-1, Loss of CCW ONEP Step 3.2.3 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source:                                       Bank #                 GGNS-OPS-09630 (note changes; attach parent)                         Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-09630 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New Question History:                                     Last NRC Exam                   No
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)

Question 8 A total loss of Instrument Air has occurred.  
Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:    55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Which of the following indicates the available Dr ywell cooling?
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level            RO 295019 Partial or Complete Loss of Instrument Air AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR K/A #          295019 COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR and the following:      Rating            2.8 (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)
Rev / Date        0 AK2.08 Plant Ventilation Question            8 A total loss of Instrument Air has occurred.
Which of the following indicates the available Drywell cooling?
A. A Drywell Coolers A Drywell Chillers B. B Drywell Coolers B Drywell Chillers C. A Drywell Coolers B Drywell Chillers D. B Drywell Coolers A Drywell Chillers Answer: B Explanation:
Per SOI 04-1-01-M51-1, P&L step 3.3, The outlet dampers for Drywell Cooler Fans 1A-6A fail closed on loss of power or air. 1B-6B fail open on loss of power or air.
Per SOI 04-1-01-P72-1, P&L step3.9, Temp Control valves on the 1A and 2A Drywell chillers fail closed on loss of power or air, 1B and 2B TCVs fail open on loss of air.
A, C, and D is wrong - see explanation above.
B is correct Technical

A. 'A' Drywell Coolers 'A' Drywell Chillers B. 'B' Drywell Coolers 'B' Drywell Chillers C. 'A' Drywell Coolers 'B' Drywell Chillers D. 'B' Drywell Coolers 'A' Drywell Chillers Answer: B  Explanation:
Per SOI 04-1-01-M51-1, P&L step 3.3, T he outlet dampers for Drywell Cooler Fans 1A-6A fail closed on loss of power or air.
1B-6B fail open on loss of power or air.

Per SOI 04-1-01-P72-1, P&L step3.9, Temp Control valves on the 1A and 2A Drywell chillers fail closed on loss of power or air, 1B and 2B TCVs fail open on loss of air.  
04-1-01-M51-1, step 3.3

A, C, and D is wrong -
04-1-01-P72-1. step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective GLP-OPS-M5100, OBJ. 9.3 Question Source:              Bank #
see explanation above.  
(note changes; attach parent)  Modified Bank #
New                        X Question History:              Last NRC Exam              No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

B is correct
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level              RO 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A #            295021 as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING : (CFR: 41.5    Rating            3.3
/ 45.6)
Rev / Date          0 AK3.01 Raising reactor water level Question          9 The plant is in Mode 4.
All RHR and ADHR heat removal capability is lost.
Which of the following describes the reason for raising reactor water level when RCS temperature cannot be maintained below 200°F when core cooling is lost?
A. Ensure Natural Circulation inside the core B. Ensure enough core coverage to verify adequate core cooling C. Provide a flowpath through the SRVs into the Suppression Pool D. Increase inlet subcooling Answer: C Explanation:
A is wrong - This is correct if there is no forced circulation (no recirc pumps running) because reactor coolant temperature indication is no longer accurate. Raising level in this case allows operators to gain accurate level indication. See step 3.4.2 of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.
B is wrong - Adequate core cooling is assured as long as reactor water level is above TAF (-167).
C is correct - Step 3.4.3.f(3) of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP directs operators to raise reactor water level to between +101 and +125 to establish flow through open SRVs back to the Suppression Pool if adequate cooling cannot be reestablished prior to reaching 200F.
D is wrong - this is not a reason given in the Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP; however, it is plausible because increasing sub-cooling suggests gaining margin to fuel damage.

Line 289: Line 197:

04-1-01-M51-1, step 3.3 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295019 Partial or Complete Loss of Instrument Air AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR and the following:
05-1-02-III-1, Inadequate Decay Heat Removal References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 11.0 Question Source:                 Bank #
(CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)  
(note changes; attach parent)    Modified Bank #
New                      X Question History:                Last NRC Exam            No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

AK2.08 Plant Ventilation K/A # 295019 Rating 2.Rev / Date 0 04-1-01-P72-1. step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 295023 Refueling Accidents AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A #     295023 apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6)            Rating       3.4 AA1.04 Radiation monitoring equipment                        Rev / Date   0 Question          10 Core Alterations are in progress when a dropped fuel bundle results in the following P601 alarms:
GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective    GLP-OPS-M5100, OBJ. 9.3 Question Source: Bank #  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
CTMT CLG EXH DIV 1, 4 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
CTMT CLG EXH DIV 2, 3 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)
Where can control room operators check the status of the associated radiation monitors?
A. Only Trip Units on two Upper Control Room panels and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel B. Only Trip Units on a Main Control Room backpanel and a 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel C. Trip Units on two Upper Control Room panels, Trip Units on two Main Control Room backpanels, and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel D. Trip Units on one Upper Control Room panel, Trip Units on one Main Control Room backpanel, and 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel Answer: C Explanation:
See ARIs P601-18A-D5 (for Divs 1 and 4) and D6 (for Divs 2 and 3).
Per step 3.2 of the D5 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609A (Div 1) at Upper Control Room panel P669, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609D (Div 4) at Main Control Room backpanel P672.
Per step 3.2 of the D6 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609B (Div 2) at Main Control Room backpanel P670, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609C (Div 3) at Upper Control Room panel P671.

Question 9 The plant is in Mode 4.
All RHR and ADHR heat re moval capability is lost.
Which of the following describes the reason for raising reactor water level when RCS temperature cannot be maintained below 200°F when core cooling is lost?
A. Ensure Natural Circulation inside the core B. Ensure enough core coverage to verify adequate core cooling C. Provide a flowpath through the SRVs into the Suppression Pool D. Increase inlet subcooling
Answer: C  Explanation:
A is wrong - This is correct if there is no forced circulation (no recirc pumps running) because reactor coolant temperature indication is no longer accurate. Raising level in this case allows operators to gain accurate level indication. See step 3.4.2 of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.
B is wrong - Adequate core cooling is assured as long as reactor water level is above TAF (-167").
C is correct - Step 3.4.3.f(3) of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP directs operators to raise reactor water level to between +101 and +125" to establish flow through open SRVs back to the Suppression Pool if adequate cooling cannot be reestablished prior to reaching 200F.
D is wrong - this is not a reason giv en in the Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP; however, it is plausible because increasing sub-cooling suggests gaining margin to fuel damage. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
AK3.01 Raising reactor water level K/A # 295021 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 Technical
05-1-02-III-1, Inadequate Decay Heat Removal References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 11.0 Question Source: Bank #  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)
Question 10 Core Alterations are in progress when a dr opped fuel bundle result s in the following P601 alarms:
CTMT CLG EXH DIV 1, 4 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)  CTMT CLG EXH DIV 2, 3 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)
Where can control room operators check the status of the associated radiation monitors?
A. Only Trip Units on two Upper Control R oom panels and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel B. Only Trip Units on a Main Control Room backpanel and a 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel C. Trip Units on two Upper Control Room panels, Trip Units on two Main Control Room backpanels, and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel D. Trip Units on one Upper Control Room panel, Trip Units on one Main Control Room backpanel, and 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel
Answer: C  Explanation:
See ARIs P601-18A-D5 (for Divs 1 and 4) and D6 (for Divs 2 and 3).
Per step 3.2 of the D5 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609A (Div 1) at Upper Control Room panel P669, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609D (Div 4) at Main Control Room backpanel P672.
Per step 3.2 of the D6 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609B (Div 2) at Main Cont rol Room backpanel P670, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609C (Div
: 3) at Upper Control Room panel P671.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295023 Refueling Accidents AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6)
AA1.04 Radiation monitoring equipment K/A # 295023 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


ARI P601-18A-D5 and D6 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
ARI P601-18A-D5 and D6 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-D1721 Obj 13 Question Source:               Bank # NRC Exam Bank       X 15 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-D1721 Obj 13 Question Source:
New Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental         X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
Bank # NRC Exam Bank 15 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 11 Which of the following is a potential consequence of exceeding an internal drywell pressure of 30 psig during a LOCA?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level                RO 295024 High Drywell Pressure EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #              295024 following concepts as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL      Rating              3.9 PRESSURE : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
Rev / Date            0 EK1.02 Containment building integrity: Mark-III Question          11 Which of the following is a potential consequence of exceeding an internal drywell pressure of 30 psig during a LOCA?
A. A loss of the pressure suppression function of Primary Containment.
A. A loss of the pressure suppression function of Primary Containment.
B. Lowered efficiency of the charcoal filt er train which may be used to vent the containment via 6" vent lines.
B. Lowered efficiency of the charcoal filter train which may be used to vent the containment via 6 vent lines.
C. Failure of Primary Containment due to exceeding the Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit.
C. Failure of Primary Containment due to exceeding the Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit.
D. Re-pressurization of the RPV from decay heat due to the inability of SRVs to remain open.  
D. Re-pressurization of the RPV from decay heat due to the inability of SRVs to remain open.
Answer: A Explanation:
Answer: A Explanation:
Exceeding 30 psig drywell internal pressure can result in a loss of drywell integrity, allowing the LOCA blowdown to bypass the horizontal vents and hence the suppression pool (which otherwise provides the pressure suppression function); i.e.,
Exceeding 30 psig drywell internal pressure c an result in a loss of drywell integrity, allowing the LOCA blowdown to bypass the horizontal vents and hence the suppression pool (which otherwise provides the pressure suppression function); i.e., drywell discharges would be directly to the Primary Containm ent air atmosphere.
drywell discharges would be directly to the Primary Containment air atmosphere.
B is wrong. The 6" vent valves are no l onger available with drywell pressure above 1.23 psig. Additionally, pressure is not cons idered a factor in plant procedures for the efficiency of the charcoal filter train.
B is wrong. The 6 vent valves are no longer available with drywell pressure above 1.23 psig. Additionally, pressure is not considered a factor in plant procedures for the efficiency of the charcoal filter train.
C is wrong. The Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit of 3 psid is anything but challenged when the drywell breaches due to high internal pressure.
The drywell breach having bypassed the suppression pool will raise Primary Containment internal pressure, rather than lower it. Plausible to the Applicant who has not grasped the relationships between drywell versus Primary Containment internal pressure.

C is wrong. The Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit of 3 psid is anything but challenged when the drywell breaches due to high internal pressure. The drywell breach having bypassed the suppression pool will raise Primary Containment internal pressure, rather than lower it. Plausible to the Applicant who has not grasped the relationships between drywell versus Primary Containment internal pressure.
D is wrong. The SRVs have no limitation on the maximum drywell pressure against which they are able to remain open. Plausible to the weak Applicant, generally.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295024 High Drywell Pressure EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
EK1.02 Containment building integrity: Mark-III K/A # 295024 Rating 3.9  Rev / Date  0 D is wrong. The SRVs have no limitation on the maximum drywell pressure against which they are able to remain open. Plausible to the weak Applicant, generally.


UFSAR, Section 6.2, Containment Systems References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
UFSAR, Section 6.2, Containment Systems References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M4101 Obj 4.5 Question Source:                 Bank # NRC Exam Bank                   X 110 (note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-M4101 Obj 4.5 Question Source:
New Question History:                 Last NRC Exam 2012                   Yes Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental                     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
Bank # NRC Exam Bank 110 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam     2012 Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  

Question 12 The plant is operating at rated conditions.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level          RO 295025 High Reactor Pressure 2.4.50 Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate K/A #        295025 controls identified in the alarm response manual. (CFR: 41.10 / Rating        4.2 43.5 / 45.3)
Rev / Date      0 Question               12 The plant is operating at rated conditions.
A transient occurs causing the following alarms.
RX PRESS HI                                          P680-5A-B2 RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO                          P680-3A-A2 ATWS RPT INIT                                        P680-2A-C15 RX PRESS HI                                          P680-2A-E4 (1) Which of the following describes the peak pressure that was achieved and (2) what are the immediate actions required?
A. (1) 1064.7 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly B. (1) 1095 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly C. (1) 1126 psig (2) Place Reactor mode switch to SHUTDOWN D. (1) 1225 psig (2) Notify NRC that a Safety limit has been exceeded Answer: C Explanation:
Setpoints are as follows

A transient occurs causing the following alarms.
RX PRESS HI                               P680-5A-B2             1064.7 psig RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO               P680-3A-A2             1125 psig ATWS RPT INIT                             P680-2A-C15             1126 psig RX PRESS HI                               P680-2A-E4             1095 psig The peak pressure achieved was at least 1126 psig, the ARI states to Carry out action of Scram ONEP which is Place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.
A is wrong peak pressure reached at least 1126 and action is wrong B is wrong same as A C is correct D is wrong; the safety limit is 1325 psig. The value of 1225 psig is plausible to a candidate who does not recall the actual limit since it is significantly higher than all the other answer choices.
RX PRESS HI   P680-5A-B2 RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2  ATWS RPT INIT    P680-2A-C15  RX PRESS HI    P680-2A-E4 (1) Which of the following descr ibes the peak pressure that was achieved and (2) what are the immediate actions required?
A. (1) 1064.7 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly 
B. (1) 1095 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly
C. (1) 1126 psig (2) Place Reactor mode switch to SHUTDOWN
D. (1) 1225 psig (2) Notify NRC that a Safety limit has been exceeded 
Answer: C  Explanation:
Setpoints are as follows Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295025 High Reactor Pressure 2.4.50 Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate controls identified in the alarm response manual. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3)
K/A # 295025 Rating 4.2  Rev / Date  0 RX PRESS HI    P680-5A-B2  1064.7 psig  RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2 1125 psig ATWS RPT INIT   P680-2A-C15 1126 psig RX PRESS HI   P680-2A-E4 1095 psig The peak pressure achieved was at least 11 26 psig, the ARI states to "Carry out action of Scram ONEP" which is Place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.  
A is wrong peak pressure reached at least 1126 and action is wrong  
B is wrong same as A  
C is correct  
D is wrong; the safety limit is 1325 psig. The value of 1225 psig is plausible to a  
candidate who does not recall the actual limit since it is significantly higher than all the other answer choices.


ARIs RX PRESS HI   P680-5A-B2   RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2 ATWS RPT INIT   P680-2A-C15 RX PRESS HI   P680-2A-E4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
ARIs RX PRESS HI                               P680-5A-B2 RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO               P680-3A-A2 ATWS RPT INIT                             P680-2A-C15 RX PRESS HI                               P680-2A-E4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C71 Obj 4.5, C11A Obj, ONEP Obj.
GLP-OPS-C71 Obj 4.5, C11A Obj, ONEP Obj.
Question Source:                     Bank #
Question Source: Bank #   (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam     No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent)       Modified Bank #
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
New                                       X Question History:                   Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                   X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
Question 13 A SRV has stuck open at rated power.
If operators are unable to close the SRV the reactor will be scrammed.
What is the purpose for this action?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level          RO 295026 Suppression Pool High Water Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A #        295026 as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER              Rating        3.9 TEMPERATURE: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
Rev / Date      0 EK3.05 Reactor SCRAM Question          13 A SRV has stuck open at rated power.
If operators are unable to close the SRV the reactor will be scrammed.
What is the purpose for this action?
A. Protect Suppression Pool level instrumentation.
A. Protect Suppression Pool level instrumentation.
B. Reduce heat input into the suppression pool to prevent exceeding design limits.
B. Reduce heat input into the suppression pool to prevent exceeding design limits.
C. Required immediate action when entry condition of EP-3 is met.
C. Required immediate action when entry condition of EP-3 is met.
D. Minimize the rise in Containment Temperature.
D. Minimize the rise in Containment Temperature.
Answer: B Explanation:
Answer: B Explanation:
Per EP-3, a suppression pool temp of 110°F would require placing the mode switch to shutdown. Per Tech Specs this is done to reduce the rate of energy production  
Per EP-3, a suppression pool temp of 110°F would require placing the mode switch to shutdown. Per Tech Specs this is done to reduce the rate of energy production and thus the heat input to the suppression pool failure to do so would heat the suppression pool beyond design limits by the steam generated if the reactor is not shut down.
A is wrong, suppression pool level instrumentation is not the reason.
and thus the heat input to the suppression pool failure to do so would heat the suppression pool beyond design limits by the steam generated if the reactor is not shut down.
B is correct.
A is wrong, suppression pool level in strumentation is not the reason.  
C is wrong, 95°F is only a EP 3 entry not a plant shutdown.
D is wrong, suppression pool level instrumentation is not the reason.
B is correct.  
C is wrong, 95°F is only a EP 3 entry not a plant shutdown.  
D is wrong, suppression pool level in strumentation is not the reason.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295026 Suppression Pool High Water Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
EK3.05 Reactor SCRAM K/A # 295026 Rating 3.9  Rev / Date  0 Tech Specs EP-3 02-S-01-40 Att VI page 7 of 34

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
Tech Specs EP-3 02-S-01-40 Att VI page 7 of 34 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source:               Bank #
GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank #   (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
New                       X Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental         X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Question 14 Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, which of the following is a basis for Emergency Depressurizing the RPV before CTMT temperature reaches 185°F?  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level          RO 295027 High Containment Temperature (Mark III Containment Only)
K/A #        295027 EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the    Rating        3.8 following concepts as they apply to HIGH CONTAINMENT TEMPERATURE (MARK III CONTAINMENT ONLY) : (CFR:          Rev / Date      0 41.8 to 41.10)
A. Ensure the RPV is depressurized befor e CTMT temperature gets high enough to damage the CTMT.
EK1.03 Containment integrity: Mark-III Question         14 Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, which of the following is a basis for Emergency Depressurizing the RPV before CTMT temperature reaches 185°F?
A. Ensure the RPV is depressurized before CTMT temperature gets high enough to damage the CTMT.
B. Ensure the RPV is depressurized while the SRVs are still functional.
B. Ensure the RPV is depressurized while the SRVs are still functional.
C. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to keep from exceeding the CTMT temperature LCO limit.
C. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to keep from exceeding the CTMT temperature LCO limit.
D. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to preserve the pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool.  
D. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to preserve the pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool.
Answer: A Explanation:
Answer: A Explanation:
See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 17 of 34, bottom-most paragraph.
See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 17 of 34, bottom-most paragraph.  
B is wrong. It suggests the basis for ED before exceeding a DW temperature of 330°F (see Attachment VI, page 12 of 34).
C is wrong. The Tech Spec LCO limit for CTMT temperature is 95°F (see Attachment VI, page 13 of 34).
B is wrong. It suggests the basis for ED before exceeding a DW temperature of 330°F (see Attachment VI, page 12 of 34).  
D is wrong. There is no need to preserve the pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool post ED (See HCTL curve/bases). Additionally, the release of energy to the containment has nothing to do with rather or not the pressure suppression capacity is maintained because this is a function of reactor pressure, suppression pool level, and suppression pool temperature (See HCTL curve).
C is wrong. The Tech Spec LCO limit for CTMT temperature is 95°F (see Attachment VI, page 13 of 34).  
D is wrong. There is no need to "preserve th e pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool" post ED (See HCTL curve/
bases). Additionally, the release of energy to the containment has nothing to do with rather or not the pressure suppression capacity is maintained because this is a function of reactor pressure, suppression pool level, and suppression pool temperature (See HCTL curve).


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295027 High Containment Temperature (Mark III Containment Only)
02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source:               Bank # 2010 NRC bank       X
EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to HIGH CONTAINMENT TEMPERATURE (MARK III CONTAINMENT ONLY) : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
                              #425 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
EK1.03 Containment integrity: Mark-III K/A # 295027 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
New Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental         X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source: Bank # 2010 NRC bank  
#425 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 15 EP-3 (Containment Control) di rects operators to emergen cy depressurize if drywell temperature cannot be maintained below 330°F.
This specific temperature is the drywell des ign temperature; howeve r, a temperature of 340°F would challenge the ability of certain components within the dryw ell to operate as designed.
Per the EP Technical Bases, what are those components?

A. SRVs B. MSIVs C. Drywell Purge Supply/Initial Vacuum Relief Valves D. Post-LOCA Vacuum Valves
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                Level              RO 295028 High Drywell Temperature EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH K/A #            295028 DRYWELL TEMPERATURE and the following: (CFR: 41.7 / Rating              3.2 45.8)
Rev / Date          0 EK2.02 Components internal to the drywell Question        15 EP-3 (Containment Control) directs operators to emergency depressurize if drywell temperature cannot be maintained below 330°F.
Answer: A Explanation:
This specific temperature is the drywell design temperature; however, a temperature of 340°F would challenge the ability of certain components within the drywell to operate as designed.
Per the EP Technical Bases, what are those components?
A. SRVs B. MSIVs C. Drywell Purge Supply/Initial Vacuum Relief Valves D. Post-LOCA Vacuum Valves Answer: A Explanation:
See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 12 of 34, for EP-3, Step DWT-5.
See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 12 of 34, for EP-3, Step DWT-5.
All Distracters are plausible because eac h of these components is either in, or interface with the drywell.
All Distracters are plausible because each of these components is either in, or interface with the drywell.


02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3 Obj 7
GLP-OPS-EP3 Obj 7 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295028 High Drywell Temperature EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH DRYWELL TEMPERATURE and the following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)
EK2.02 Components internal to the drywell K/A # 295028 Rating 3.2  Rev / Date  0 Question Source: Bank # 2012 NRC Exam NRC Exam Bank 100 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  New  Question History: Last NRC Exam Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)
Question 16 Step SPL-9 of the Suppression Pool Level leg of EP-3 (Cont ainment Control) directs operators to perform an Emergency Depressuri zation (E.D.) if suppression pool level cannot be maintained above 14.5 feet.

(1) What is the operational concer n associated with this particular step?
Question Source:              Bank # 2012 NRC Exam    X NRC Exam Bank 100 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
(2) What action is required if s uppression pool level is 12.0 feet before this step is actually implemented?
New Question History:            Last NRC Exam          Yes Question Cognitive Level:    Memory/Fundamental      X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level          RO 295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level EA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as K/A #      295030 they apply to LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL :            Rating        3.7 (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
Rev / Date      0 EA2.03 Reactor pressure Question            16 Step SPL-9 of the Suppression Pool Level leg of EP-3 (Containment Control) directs operators to perform an Emergency Depressurization (E.D.) if suppression pool level cannot be maintained above 14.5 feet.
(1) What is the operational concern associated with this particular step?
(2) What action is required if suppression pool level is 12.0 feet before this step is actually implemented?
A. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.
A. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.
(2) Emergency Depressurization using SR Vs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.  
(2) Emergency Depressurization using SRVs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.
B. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.
B. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.
(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.  
(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.
C. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.
C. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.
(2) Emergency Depressurization using SR Vs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.
(2) Emergency Depressurization using SRVs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.
D. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.
D. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.
(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.  
(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.
Answer: B
Answer:   B Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level EA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL :
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
EA2.03 Reactor pressure K/A # 295030 Rating 3.7  Rev / Date  0 Explanation:
EP bases for SPL-9 states that the concern for 14.5' is horizontal vent coverage. Per EP-2, ED is allowed as long as Suppressi on Pool level remains above 10.5'. Below 10.5' alternate depressurization means must be used per table 3 of EP-2. The STPLL (SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit) is based on potential damage to the SRV tailpipes if an SRV is opened with SP level too high.

EP bases for SPL-9 states that the concern for 14.5 is horizontal vent coverage. Per EP-2, ED is allowed as long as Suppression Pool level remains above 10.5. Below 10.5 alternate depressurization means must be used per table 3 of EP-2. The STPLL (SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit) is based on potential damage to the SRV tailpipes if an SRV is opened with SP level too high.


02-S-01-40 EP Bases EP-2 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
02-S-01-40 EP Bases EP-2 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source:                 Bank #
GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
New                                     X Question History:                 Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                   X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
Question 17 The reactor was operating at rated power wh en the reactor scrammed due to instrument failures.
Which of the following indications confirm that reactor water level is below +11.4 inches and above -41.6 inches?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 2.1.31 Ability to locate control room switches, controls, and K/A #      295031 indications, and to determine that they correctly reflect the Rating        4.6 desired plant lineup. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12)
Rev / Date    0 Question            17 The reactor was operating at rated power when the reactor scrammed due to instrument failures.
Which of the following indications confirm that reactor water level is below +11.4 inches and above -41.6 inches?
A. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF.
A. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF.
On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.  
On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.
B. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF.
B. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF. On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.
On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.
C. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed. On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.
C. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed.
On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.
D. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed.
D. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed.
On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.
On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.
Answer:   D Explanation:
Answer: D Explanation:
On P601 panel the ADS confirmatory level is
On P601 panel the ADS confirmatory level is <+11.4 reactor water level. Recirc pumps will also shift to slow speed at this level on cavitation interlocks. At -41.6, the Recirc pumps will trip off due to ATWS/ARI initiation. This means that in order to confirm level between11.4 and -41.6 Recirc pumps must be in slow speed and the ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator must be in alarm.
<+11.4" reactor water level. Recirc pumps will also shift to slow speed at this level on cavitation interlocks. At -41.6", the Recirc pumps will trip off due to ATWS/ARI initiation. This means that in order to confirm level between11.4" and -41.6" Reci rc pumps must be in slow speed and the ADS Confirmatory Level annuncia tor must be in alarm.  
ADS timers will initiate when only when an ECCS/LSS LOCA signal is received (1.39 psig in DW or -150.3 reactor level 1).
ADS timers will initiate when only when an ECCS/LSS LOCA signal is received (1.39 psig in DW or -150.3" reactor level 1).  


04-1-02-1H13-P680-2A-C15 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 2.1.31 Ability to locate control room switches, controls, and indications, and to determine that they correctly reflect the desired plant lineup. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12)
K/A # 295031 Rating 4.6  Rev / Date  0 04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-A2 04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-C2

References to be provided to applicants during exam: none  
04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-A2 04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-C2 References to be provided to applicants during exam: none Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 15.0 Question Source:               Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
Learning Objective:
New                       X Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental         X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 15.0 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
Question 18 Which of the following is a reason for the automatic isolation feature of normal Secondary Containment Ventilation?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level              RO 295038 High Off-Site Release Rate EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A #            295038 as they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE: (CFR: 41.5  Rating            3.9
/ 45.6)
Rev / Date          0 EK3.02 System isolations Question          18 Which of the following is a reason for the automatic isolation feature of normal Secondary Containment Ventilation?
A. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained negative.
A. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained negative.
B. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained positive.
B. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained positive.
C. Prevent untreated airbor ne radioactivity from being released to the outside.
C. Prevent untreated airborne radioactivity from being released to the outside.
D. Prevent the release of airborne radioactivity beyond OD CM limits from within the Turbine Building.  
D. Prevent the release of airborne radioactivity beyond ODCM limits from within the Turbine Building.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer:   C Explanation:  
Normal Secondary Containment ventilation is actually the combined Aux Bldg Ventilation (T41) and Fuel Handling Area Ventilation (T42) systems. These auto-isolate (and SGTS auto-initiates) on the associated vent exhaust high-high radiation conditions. In doing so, this isolation feature prevents untreated airborne radioactivity from being released to the outside environment. This implies that although T41/T42 releases are untreated, SGTS is treated before its release.
"Normal" Secondary Containment ventilati on is actually the combined Aux Bldg Ventilation (T41) and Fuel Handling Area Ventilation (T42) systems. These auto-isolate (and SGTS auto-initiates) on the associated vent exhaust high-high radiation conditions. In doing so, this isolati on feature "prevents untreated airborne radioactivity from being released to the outside environment." This implies that although T41/T42 releases are untreated, SGTS is trea ted before its release.
Answers A & B are wrong mainly because they do not speak directly to the fundamental reason for the automatic isolation described in the stem. They provide sufficient plausibility based on the fact that both the normal ventilation systems and SGTS also serve to maintain a negative building d/p.
Answers A & B are wrong mainly because they do not speak directly to the fundamental "reason for the autom atic isolation" described in the stem. They provide sufficient plausibility based on the fact that both the "no rmal" ventilation systems and SGTS also serve to maintain a negative building d/p.  
Answer D is wrong because the Turbine Building is not part of the Secondary CTMT boundary.
Answer 'D' is wrong because the Turbine Buil ding is not part of the Secondary CTMT boundary.  


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295038 High Off-Site Release Rate EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
GLP-OPS-T4100 GLP-OPS-T4200 GLP-OPS-T4800 EP-2; EP-4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-T4200, OBJ. 4A Question Source:              Bank # NRC Exam Bank      X 413 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
EK3.02 System isolations K/A # 295038 Rating 3.9  Rev / Date  0 GLP-OPS-T4100 GLP-OPS-T4200
New Question History:              Last NRC Exam              No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental        X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                           Level       RO 600000 Plant Fire On Site AK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PLANT FIRE ON SITE: Actions contained in the K/A #      600000 abnormal procedure for plant fire on site                     Rating       2.8 Revision     0 Question           19 Control Room A/C unit B compressor is on fire.
Which of the following describes (1) the actions to be taken and (2) the reason for this action?
EP-2; EP-4
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-T4200, OBJ. 4A Question Source:
Bank #  NRC Exam Bank 413 X  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10)  55.43(b)
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 600000 Plant Fire On Site AK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PLANT FIRE ON SITE: Actions contained in the abnormal procedure for plant fire on site K/A # 600000 Rating 2.8 Revision 0 Question 19 Control Room A/C unit 'B' compressor is on fire.  
Which of the following describes (1) the acti ons to be taken and (2) the reason for this action?
A. (1) Secure the Control Building Fan Coil Unit.
A. (1) Secure the Control Building Fan Coil Unit.
(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fi re origin to non-affected rooms.
(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.
B. (1) Secure the Cont rol Building Purge Fan.
B. (1) Secure the Control Building Purge Fan.
(2) Prevent feeding the fire with fresh air.  
(2) Prevent feeding the fire with fresh air.
C. (1) Start the Control Room Standby Fresh Air A System in isolate mode.
C. (1) Start the Control Room Standby Fr esh Air 'A' System in isolate mode.
(2) Prevent smoke from entering the Control Room.
(2) Prevent smoke from ent ering the Control Room.
D. (1) Secure the Access Control Area Fan Coil Unit.
D. (1) Secure the Access Control Area Fan Coil Unit.
(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fi re origin to non-affected rooms.
(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.
Answer:   A Explanation:
Answer: A Explanation:
Per 10-S-03-2, Response to fires, step, 6.3.2 j, "If a fire should develop in one of the following rooms, secure the control buildin g fan coil unit (Z17-B002). This action prevents moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms."
Per 10-S-03-2, Response to fires, step, 6.3.2 j, If a fire should develop in one of the following rooms, secure the control building fan coil unit (Z17-B002). This action prevents moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.
OC303 HVAC Equipment Room (Unit 2 side)
OC303 HVAC Equipment Room (Unit 2 side)
First the student must recognize that room OC is in the control building and that the 303 is on the ground elevation with t he Control Room AC Units.  
First the student must recognize that room OC is in the control building and that the 303 is on the ground elevation with the Control Room AC Units.
'A' is correct. step 6.3.2 j  
A is correct. step 6.3.2 j B is wrong. The control building purge fan can be started for smoke removal within the control building not secured, also, 10-s-02-3 does not mention the control building purge fan.
C is wrong. No procedures require the Control Room Standby Fresh Air system to be started.
'B' is wrong. The control building purge fan can be started for smoke removal within the control building not secured, also, 10-s-02-3 does not mention the control building purge fan.  
'C' is wrong. No procedures require the Control Room Standby Fresh Air system to be started
'D' is wrong.. Access control area FCU does not service this area, also the 10-s 3 does not mention this FCU.  

D is wrong.. Access control area FCU does not service this area, also the 10-s 3 does not mention this FCU.


10-S-03-2, 6.2.3.j
10-S-03-2, 6.2.3.j CR-GGN- 2013-3589 Standing Order 13-0008 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 58.2, 58.3 Question Source:                 Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
CR-GGN- 2013-3589  
New                                     X Question History:                 Last NRC Exam                         No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                 X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
Standing Order 13-0008  
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 58.2, 58.3 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
Question 20 The plant is operating at rated power with the generator carrying +50 MVAR.
Grid voltage lowers from 500KV to 490KV.
(1) P680 Gen Volt Meter (N41-R605) will- 
(2) P680 Gen MVAR Meter (N41-JR-R608) will-
A. (1) read the same  (2) read lower
B. (1) read the same  (2) read higher

C. (1) read lower (2) read lower D. (1) read lower (2) read higher  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level              RO 700000 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between GENERATOR K/A #            700000 VOLTAGE AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES and the          Rating            3.0 following: (CFR: 41.4, 41.5, 41.7, 41.10 / 45.8)
Rev / Date          0 AK2.03 Sensors, detectors, indicators Question          20 The plant is operating at rated power with the generator carrying +50 MVAR.
Grid voltage lowers from 500KV to 490KV.
(1) P680 Gen Volt Meter (N41-R605) will (2) P680 Gen MVAR Meter (N41-JR-R608) will A. (1) read the same (2) read lower B. (1) read the same (2) read higher C. (1) read lower (2) read lower D. (1) read lower (2) read higher Answer: D Explanation:
According to the SOI, you raise VAR by raising the VR output (that is raising generator no-load voltage relative to grid voltage). When tied to grid, generator voltage and frequency are set by the grid. This is the reason there is no concern in the SOI for generator voltage output when tied to the grid (it is only concerned with generator VARs). Thus, when grid voltage lowers this is equivalent to raising on the TVR regulator and therefore generator VARs increase. Since grid voltage lowered, the generator output voltage will also lower in kind.
This is also validated using the simulator and generic fundamentals for operating AC

Answer:  D Explanation:
sources in parallel.
According to the SOI, you raise VAR by raising the VR output (that is raising generator no-load voltage relative to grid voltage). When tied to grid, generator voltage and frequency are set by the grid. This is the reas on there is no concern in the SOI for generator voltage output when tied to the grid (it is only concerned with generator VARs). Thus, when grid voltage lowers this is equivalent to raising on the TVR regulator and therefore generator VARs increase. Since grid voltage lowered, the generator output voltage wi ll also lower in kind.
This is also validated using the simula tor and generic fundamentals for operating AC Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 700000 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES and the following: (CFR: 41.4, 41.5, 41.7, 41.10 / 45.8)
AK2.03 Sensors, detectors, indicators K/A # 700000 Rating 3.0  Rev / Date  0 sources in parallel.


04-1-01-N40-1 section 4.4  
04-1-01-N40-1 section 4.4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N4151, Objective 8, 13.1, 15, 16 Question Source:               Bank # NRC Exam Bank         2012 Audit Exam 19 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:             Last NRC Exam                       No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis               X 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-N4151, Objective 8, 13.1, 15, 16 Question Source:
Bank # NRC Exam Bank 19 2012 Audit Exam (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
Question 21 The plant is scrammed due to a trip of both reactor recirculation pumps.
Reactor water level is being maintained at 85" on Shutdown Range.
Which of the following will be the effect on natu ral circulation flow rate if reactor water level is lowered below the steam separators?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level                  RO 295009 Low Reactor Water Level AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #              295009 following concepts as they apply to LOW REACTOR WATER Rating                3.3 LEVEL : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
Rev / Date              0 AK1.05 Natural circulation Question            21 The plant is scrammed due to a trip of both reactor recirculation pumps.
Reactor water level is being maintained at 85" on Shutdown Range.
Which of the following will be the effect on natural circulation flow rate if reactor water level is lowered below the steam separators?
A. Flow rate will decrease initially and then increase to a new thermal equilibrium value slightly less than the original flow rate.
A. Flow rate will decrease initially and then increase to a new thermal equilibrium value slightly less than the original flow rate.
B. Flow rate will significantly decrease due to the loss of communication between the core and the annulus.
B. Flow rate will significantly decrease due to the loss of communication between the core and the annulus.
C. Flow rate will increase to a new stable va lue as the temperatur e of the water in the core increases to a new stable value.
C. Flow rate will increase to a new stable value as the temperature of the water in the core increases to a new stable value.
D. Flow rate will not be significantly a ffected because the thermal driving head is primarily dependent on the differential temperature between the core and the annulus.
D. Flow rate will not be significantly affected because the thermal driving head is primarily dependent on the differential temperature between the core and the annulus.
Answer: B Explanation:
Per FSAR, the natural circulation achieved a lower vessel levels "are minimums, it should be noted that the flow rates would be the lowest flow achieved."
Therefore, as water level is lowered the natural circulation flow rate will also lower and not return to the original value. This is especially true once reactor water level is below the steam separators at a level of 82". This is also the reason for actions in the SCRAM ONEP to raise reactor water level above 82" to allow for maximum natural circulation.
This question is a modification of NRC Generic Fundamentals question B891.

Answer:  B Explanation:
Per FSAR, the natural circulation achieved a lower vessel levels "are minimums, it should be noted that the flow rates would be the lowest flow achieved." Therefore, as water level is lowered the natural circulation flow rate will also lower and not return to the original value. This is especially true once reactor water level is below the steam separators at a level of 82". This is also the reason for actions in the SCRAM ONEP to raise reactor water level above 82" to allow for maximum natural circulation.
This question is a modification of NRC Generic Fundamentals question B891.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295009 Low Reactor Water Level AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
AK1.05 Natural circulation K/A # 295009 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


FSAR 05-1-02-I-1 Reactor Scram ONEP  
FSAR 05-1-02-I-1 Reactor Scram ONEP References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-MCD01 Obj 3.2 Question Source:               Bank # GGNS-OPS-04003     X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis     X 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(5) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-MCD01 Obj 3.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-04003 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(5) 55.43(b)  
Question 22 A LOCA is in progress
Drywell Temperature is 150&deg;F and rising.
CRS directs to maximize Drywell cooling per EPs.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 295012 High Drywell Temperature 2.2.44 Ability to interpret control room indications to verify K/A #      295012 the status and l operation of a system, and understand how    Rating      4.2 operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions. (CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.12)                        Rev / Date    0 Question            22 A LOCA is in progress Drywell Temperature is 150&deg;F and rising.
CRS directs to maximize Drywell cooling per EPs.
The Operator notices the following indications:
The Operator notices the following indications:
Drywell Chilled water pump A running, pump B has no indication. Drywell Chillers A skid not running wit h green light ON, B skid has no indication ALL Drywell Coolers have no indication.  
Drywell Chilled water pump A running, pump B has no indication.
Drywell Chillers A skid not running with green light ON, B skid has no indication ALL Drywell Coolers have no indication.
Which of the following indicates t he cause for the given indication?
Which of the following indicates the cause for the given indication?
A. Drywell pressure 1.42 psig B. Reactor water level -50 inches C. Loss of power on 16AB D. Loss of Instrument Air  
A. Drywell pressure 1.42 psig B. Reactor water level -50 inches C. Loss of power on 16AB D. Loss of Instrument Air Answer: A Explanation:
To achieve the given indication a LOCA signal of >1.39psig or < -150.3 has to occur.
Answer:   A Explanation:
the B Drywell Chilled Water system is powered from 16AB but during a LOCA sequence this load is locked out and not powered. The A skid is not running due to no chilled water flow from the CTMT isolation valves being closed on hi drywell pressure. The Drywell coolers are powered from 15B42 and 16B42 MCC which are shed and not sequenced back, but, can be manually re-energized. Therefore the only signal that could all of the indications is a LOCA signal of -150.3 RPV level or
To achieve the given indication a LOCA signal of >1.39psig or < -150.3" has to occur. the B Drywell Chilled Water system is powered from 16AB but during a LOCA sequence this load is locked out and not power ed. The A skid is not running due to no chilled water flow from the CTMT isol ation valves being closed on hi drywell pressure. The Drywell coolers are pow ered from 15B42 and 16B42 MCC which are shed and not sequenced back, but, can be manually re-energized. Therefore the only signal that could all of the indications is a LOCA si gnal of -150.3" RPV level or  
>1.39 psig Drywell pressure.
>1.39 psig Drywell pressure. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295012 High Drywell Temperature 2.2.44 Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and l operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions. (CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.12)
K/A # 295012 Rating 4.2  Rev / Date  0 
'A' is correct. 
'B' is wrong. Level 2 would cause the CT MT isolation valves to close and cause the indications on the A skid chillers but not t he loss of power to t he other components.
'C' is wrong. This would cause the indication on the B skid with no power, but, would not cause a loss of chilled water flow, the A skid will still be running normal.
'D' is wrong. This would cause the chilled water cooling water control valve to fail open on one skid and close on the other but would not affect the indication of any component.  

A is correct.
B is wrong. Level 2 would cause the CTMT isolation valves to close and cause the indications on the A skid chillers but not the loss of power to the other components.
C is wrong. This would cause the indication on the B skid with no power, but, would not cause a loss of chilled water flow, the A skid will still be running normal.
D is wrong. This would cause the chilled water cooling water control valve to fail open on one skid and close on the other but would not affect the indication of any component.


04-1-01-P72-1, step 3.9  
04-1-01-P72-1, step 3.9 05-1-02-III-5, page 12 GLP-OPS-M5100, pages 14 & 15 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M51, Objective 9.2 Question Source:                    Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)      Modified Bank #
New                                        X Question History:                  Last NRC Exam                            No Question Cognitive Level:          Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:              55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

05-1-02-III-5, page 12
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level          RO 295013 High Suppression Pool Temperature AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A #        295013 apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL TEMPERATURE : (CFR:          Rating        3.9 41.7 / 45.6)
Rev / Date      0 AA1.02 Systems that add heat to the suppression pool.
Question          23 The plant is at rated conditions.
RCIC is operating CST to CST for surveillance.
Which of the following indicates the maximum Suppression pool temperature for continued RCIC operation?
A. 90&deg;F B. 95&deg;F C. 105&deg;F D. 110&deg;F Answer: C Explanation:
Per Tech Specs Suppression pool average temperature shall be
          <95&deg;F at >1% power and no testing
          <105&deg;F at >1% power and testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed.
          <110&deg;F at <1% power A is wrong, This is the alarm setpoint that tells the operator to start suppression pool cooling.
B is wrong, This is an EP entry condition that requires all supp pool cooling to be started C is correct.
D is wrong. This is a required Reactor Scram

GLP-OPS-M5100, pages 14 & 15
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-M51, Objective 9.2 Question Source: Bank #    (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10)  55.43(b)
Question 23 The plant is at rated conditions.
RCIC is operating CST to CST for surveillance.
Which of the following indicates the ma ximum Suppression pool temperature for continued RCIC operation?
A. 90&deg;F  B. 95&deg;F  C. 105&deg;F  D. 110&deg;F  Answer:  C Explanation:
Per Tech Specs "Suppression pool average temperature shall be  <95&deg;F at >1% power and no testing
<105&deg;F at >1% power and testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is  being performed.
<110&deg;F at <1% power
A is wrong, This is the alarm setpoint that tells the operator to start suppression pool cooling.
'B' is wrong, This is an EP entry condition that requires all supp pool cooling to be started
'C' is  correct. 
'D' is wrong. This is a required Reactor Scram 
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295013 High Suppression Pool Temperature AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL TEMPERATURE : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6)
AA1.02 Systems that add heat to the suppression pool.
K/A # 295013 Rating 3.9  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


Tech Specs  
Tech Specs
06-OP-1M24-V-0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-TS001, Objective 39 Question Source:               Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New                       X Question History:             Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental         X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-TS001, Objective 39 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
Question 24 The plant is operating at rated power.
A Turbine Trip occurs and all control rods did not insert due to hydraulic block.
Reactor power is 12%.
Which of the following is preventing normal rod insertion using RC&IS?

A. Rod Withdrawal Limiter B. Rod Pattern Controller C. Failure of Scram air header to vent D. Mode Switch position Answer: B Explanation:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 295015 Incomplete SCRAM AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between INCOMPLETE K/A #      295015 SCRAM and the following: Rod control and information system: Rating      3.2 Plant-Specific Rev / Date Question          24 The plant is operating at rated power.
A Turbine Trip occurs and all control rods did not insert due to hydraulic block.
Reactor power is 12%.
Which of the following is preventing normal rod insertion using RC&IS?
A. Rod Withdrawal Limiter B. Rod Pattern Controller C. Failure of Scram air header to vent D. Mode Switch position Answer: B Explanation:
With a hydraulic block ATWS the Control Rod Pattern will be out of alignment.
With a hydraulic block ATWS the Control Rod Pattern will be out of alignment.
therefore, RC&IC will in sert an Insert Block due to "Out of Pattern".  
therefore, RC&IC will insert an Insert Block due to Out of Pattern.
A is wrong The RWL is bypassed less than the Low Power Setpoint which is approximately 30% power C is wrong the RPS scram logic has nothing to do with the RC&IS system D is wrong mode switch position would cause a withdrawal block not an insert block by RC&IS.
A is wrong The RWL is bypassed less t han the Low Power Setpoint which is approximately 30% power  
C is wrong the RPS scram logic has nothing to do with the RC&IS system
D is wrong mode switch position would cause a withdraw al block not an insert block by RC&IS.


GLP-OPS-C1102, PAGE 16of 55 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295015 Incomplete SCRAM AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between INCOMPLETE SCRAM and the following: Rod control and information system:
GLP-OPS-C1102, PAGE 16of 55
Plant-Specific K/A # 295015 Rating 3.2  Rev / Date References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-C1102 OBJ. 5 Question Source: Bank #      (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41  55.43 Question 25 The reactor is operating at rated power. There is a steam leak in the RCIC room. E51-F063, RCIC steam supply inboard is olation valve, failed to isolate. E51-F064, RCIC steam supply outboard isolation valve, isolated as required. 5 minutes later RCIC room temperatur e has now stabilized near the max safe value and is 2&deg;F below its peak temperature.
EP-4 steps 8 and 9 direct entry into EP-2 bef ore any area temperature reaches its max safe value.
(1) Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, what is the reason for entering EP-2?

(2) Is a reactor scram required for the conditions above?
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C1102 OBJ. 5 Question Source:                Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New                      X Question History:              Last NRC Exam            No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level          RO 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A #        295032 as they apply to HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA          Rating          3.6 TEMPERATURE : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
Rev / Date      0 EK3.02 Reactor SCRAM Question          25 The reactor is operating at rated power.
There is a steam leak in the RCIC room.
E51-F063, RCIC steam supply inboard isolation valve, failed to isolate.
E51-F064, RCIC steam supply outboard isolation valve, isolated as required.
5 minutes later RCIC room temperature has now stabilized near the max safe value and is 2&deg;F below its peak temperature.
EP-4 steps 8 and 9 direct entry into EP-2 before any area temperature reaches its max safe value.
(1) Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, what is the reason for entering EP-2?
(2) Is a reactor scram required for the conditions above?
A. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.
A. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.
(2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.  
(2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.
B. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.
B. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.
(2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.  
(2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.
C. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room.
(2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.
D. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room.
(2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.
Answer: D

C. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room. (2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.
EP-4 bases states the bases for entering EP-2 in steps 8 and 9 is to scram the reactor to reduce heat input, radioactivity release, and rate of the leak into the affected room. The bases for a normal reactor shutdown in step 7 is because 2 max safe values exist and is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.
D. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room. (2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.
Step 6 of EP-4 is an override such that if the system cannot be isolated from the RPV a scram is directed before any max safe value is exceeded.
Answer:  D  Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to HIGH SECONDARY  CONTAINMENT AREA TEMPERATURE : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
For the conditions in the stem, it is apparent that the steam leak was isolated as indicated by RCIC room temperature stabilizing and lowering. In this case, a normal reactor shutdown is directed only if 2 or more max safe values are exceeded.
The applicant must evaluate plant conditions and based on the EP-4 bases recall that a scram is not required.
EK3.02 Reactor SCRAM K/A # 295032 Rating 3.6  Rev / Date  0 Explanation:
EP-4 bases states the bases for entering EP-2 in steps 8 and 9 is to scram the reactor to reduce heat input, radioactivity release, and rate of the leak into the affected room. The bases for a normal reactor shutdown in step 7 is because 2 max safe values exist and is indicative of a wide-spread pr oblem and threatens safe operation of the plant.  
Step 6 of EP-4 is an override such that if the system cannot be isolated from the RPV a scram is directed before any max safe value is exceeded.  
For the conditions in the stem, it is appar ent that the steam leak was isolated as indicated by RCIC room temperature stabilizing and lowering. In this case, a normal reactor shutdown is directed only if 2 or more max safe values are exceeded.  
The applicant must evaluate plant condi tions and based on the EP-4 bases recall that a scram is not required.


02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam:
02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP4 obj. 7 Question Source:                       Bank #
None   Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)       Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-EP4 obj. 7 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                 X Question History:                     Last NRC Exam                       No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis               X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(10) 55.43
55.41(b)(10) 55.43 Question 26 The plant is in Mode 5.

A fuel handling accident occurs on the Fuel Handling Platform causing Standby Gas Treatment to automatically initiate.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level            RO 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between SECONDARY K/A #          295034 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION and the          Rating            3.8 following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)
Rev / Date        0 EK2.02 Area radiation monitoring system Question            26 The plant is in Mode 5.
A fuel handling accident occurs on the Fuel Handling Platform causing Standby Gas Treatment to automatically initiate.
Which of the following describes the Area Radiation monitors that should be in alarm?
A. Dryer/Separator Storage Area B. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Area C. Containment Ventilation Filter Train Area D. Spent Fuel Handling Area Answer: D Explanation:
First the student must recognize that a accident occurred on the Fuel handling platform which is in the Aux building. This is also verified by an auto start of SBGT, therefore the ARMs that will be in alarm will be the Spent Fuel Handling Area. The setpoint for the ARMs in this area is 2.5 MR/HR, the auto start of SBGT is 3.5 mr/hr Sweep or 35 mr/hr exhaust.
Answer A is inside the containment and would not be in alarm Answer B is on elevation 185 and should not be in alarm at this time Answer C is also inside containment and would not be in alarm.
D is correct

Which of the following describes the Area Radi ation monitors that should be in alarm?
A. Dryer/Separat or Storage Area B. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Area C. Containment Ventilati on Filter Train Area D. Spent Fuel Handling Area
Answer:  D  Explanation:
First the student must recognize that a accident occurred on the Fuel handling platform which is in the Aux building. Th is is also verified by an auto start of SBGT, therefore the ARMs that will be in alarm will be the Spent Fuel Handling Area. The setpoint for the ARMs in this area is 2.5 MR/HR, the auto start of SBGT is 3.5 mr/hr Sweep or 35 mr/hr exhaust.
Answer A is inside the containment and would not be in alarm
Answer B is on elevation 185' and s hould not be in alarm at this time
Answer C is also inside containment and would not be in alarm.
D is correct Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION and the following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)
EK2.02 Area radiation monitoring system K/A # 295034 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


04-1-02-1H13-P844-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP04 OBJ. 1 & 2 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
04-1-02-1H13-P844-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP04 OBJ. 1 & 2 Question Source:               Bank #
55.41 55.43 Question 27 A radioactivity release from an Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump is detected before being processed in the Rad Waste Building by __________(1)___________. 
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New                       X Question History:               Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis   X 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41 55.43
A significant release would re sult in ______________(2)_______________.
A. (1) radiation detectors in t he Fuel Handling Ventilation System    (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Au x Building Equipment Drain Sump B. (1) radiation detectors in t he Fuel Handling Ventilation System  (2) a SGTS system initiation
C. (1) the Process Liquid R adiation Monitoring System  (2) a SGTS system initiation
D. (1) the Process Liquid R adiation Monitoring System  (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Au x Building Equipment Drain Sump Answer:  B  Explanation:
Using the Floor & Equipment Drain P&ID, M-1094A, a vent pipe is routed to the Fuel Handling Ventilation S ystem which will alarm and initiate the SGTS (ARI P870-2A-A3) in the event of a radioactivity release.
The inputs fed to the Aux Blding Equipm ent Drain Sumps are gravity fed drains with no automatic isolation capability.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level                RO 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area Water Level EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #              295036 following concepts as they apply to SECONDARY          Rating                2.9 CONTAINMENT HIGH SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL : (CFR:
41.8 to 41.10)                                          Rev / Date            0 EK1.01 Radiation releases Question          27 A radioactivity release from an Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump is detected before being processed in the Rad Waste Building by __________(1)___________.
A significant release would result in ______________(2)_______________.
A. (1) radiation detectors in the Fuel Handling Ventilation System (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump B. (1) radiation detectors in the Fuel Handling Ventilation System (2) a SGTS system initiation C. (1) the Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System (2) a SGTS system initiation D. (1) the Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump Answer: B Explanation:
Using the Floor & Equipment Drain P&ID, M-1094A, a vent pipe is routed to the Fuel Handling Ventilation System which will alarm and initiate the SGTS (ARI P870-2A-A3) in the event of a radioactivity release.
The inputs fed to the Aux Blding Equipment Drain Sumps are gravity fed drains with no automatic isolation capability.
The Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System monitors PSW, SSW, CCW, and Radwaste discharges.
The Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System monitors PSW, SSW, CCW, and Radwaste discharges.
Line 841: Line 564:

04-1-02-1H13-P870-2A-A3 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area Water Level EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)
EK1.01 Radiation releases K/A # 295036 Rating 2.9  Rev / Date  0 M-1094A  References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-P4500 Obj 3 Question Source: Bank #      (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41b(8)  55.43 Question 28 A LOCA is in progress.

Only RHR Pump 'C' is available.
M-1094A References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P4500 Obj 3 Question Source:                Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
It is operating in LPCI mode to maintain reactor water level when SSW Pump 'B' trips and cannot be re-started.  
New                      X Question History:              Last NRC Exam            No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41b(8) 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 203000 RHR/LPCI: Injection Mode (Plant Specific)
K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #      203000 following will have on the RHR/LPCI: INJECTION MODE          Rating      3.0 (PLANT SPECIFIC) : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
Rev / Date    0 K6.10 Component cooling water systems Question            28 A LOCA is in progress.
Only RHR Pump C is available.
It is operating in LPCI mode to maintain reactor water level when SSW Pump B trips and cannot be re-started.
Consider the following:
Consider the following:
: 1. LPCI loop 'C' injection water temperature 2. RHR Pump 'C' seal temperature 3. RHR Pump 'C' Room temperature  
: 1. LPCI loop C injection water temperature
: 2. RHR Pump C seal temperature
: 3. RHR Pump C Room temperature Which of the above will be directly impacted by the loss of SSW B?
A. 1 and 2, only B. 1 and 3, only C. 2 and 3, only D. 1, 2, and 3 Answer: C Explanation:
See SSW P&IDs M-1061B and D. Unlike RHR loops A and B, (which have heat exchangers cooled by the respective SSW subsystem) RHR loop C has no heat exchanger. Therefore LPCI loop C injection water temperature is unaffected by a loss of SSW B. However, both the RHR Pump C seal cooler and the RHR Pump C Room cooler is supplied by SSW B.

Which of the above will be directly impacted by the loss of SSW 'B'?
A. 1 and 2, only B. 1 and 3, only C. 2 and 3, only D. 1, 2, and 3
Answer:  C  Explanation:
See SSW P&IDs M-1061B and D. Unlike RHR loops 'A' and 'B', (which have heat exchangers cooled by the respective SSW subsystem) RHR loop 'C' has no heat exchanger. Therefore LPCI loop 'C' injection water temperature is unaffected by a loss of SSW 'B'. However, both the RHR Pump 'C' seal cooler
and the RHR Pump 'C' Room cool er is supplied by SSW 'B'.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 203000 RHR/LPCI: Injection Mode (Plant Specific)
K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the RHR/LPCI: INJECTION MODE (PLANT SPECIFIC) : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
K6.10 Component cooling water systems K/A # 203000 Rating 3.0  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


P&IDs M-1061B and D, SSW System  
P&IDs M-1061B and D, SSW System References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 13.3 Question Source:               Bank # NRC Exam Bank       X 124 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:               Last NRC Exam             Yes Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis     X 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41 55.43
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 13.3 Question Source:
Bank # NRC Exam Bank 124 X    (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41 55.43  
Question 29 The plant is in Mode 4. RHR 'A' is in Shut down Cooling Mode. RHR 'B' E12-F004B Suppression Pool Suct ion valve is closed with it's breaker open. 14BE1 is out of service due to an ov er current trip on the feeder breaker.
Consider the E12-F428A Pressure Lock Isolation for E12-F024A Test Return to the Suppression Pool.
(1) What is the operational implication having E12-F428A open for this plant condition?
(2) What action is required if E12-F428A is discovered to be stuck in the open position?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)
K/A #      205000 A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the Rating      2.9 SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE) ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures    Rev / Date    0 to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
A2.10 Valve Operation: Plant-Specific Question            29 The plant is in Mode 4.
RHR 'A' is in Shutdown Cooling Mode.
RHR 'B' E12-F004B Suppression Pool Suction valve is closed with it's breaker open.
14BE1 is out of service due to an over current trip on the feeder breaker.
Consider the E12-F428A Pressure Lock Isolation for E12-F024A Test Return to the Suppression Pool.
(1) What is the operational implication having E12-F428A open for this plant condition?
(2) What action is required if E12-F428A is discovered to be stuck in the open position?
A. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.
A. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.
(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.  
(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.
B. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.
B. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.
(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.  
(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.
C. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.
C. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.  
(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.
(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.
D. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.  
D. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.
(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.
Answer: B Explanation:

(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.
04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.12 states that when in shutdown cooling mode with RHR, E12-F428A should be closed to prevent possible loss of reactor coolant to suppression pool due to disc flexing of E12-F024A.
Both ADHR pumps are powered from 14BE1. ADHR cannot, therefore, be used for decay heat removal. ADHR is plausible for the applicant who cannot recall the power supply for ADHR pumps.
Answer:  B  Explanation:
RHR 'B' shutdown cooling is not affected by the status of E12-F004B; however, this offers additional plausibility for the use of ADHR for the applicant who is unsure of how the interlocks associated with RHR suction valves work.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)
The Inadequate Decay Heat ONEP refers to situations that render indicated reactor core temperature inaccurate. This distracter is plausible based on the applicant not remembering what those situations are; however, for this situation the temperature indications are still representative of actual core temperature.
A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE) ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
A2.10 Valve Operation: Plant-Specific K/A # 205000 Rating 2.9  Rev / Date  0 04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.12 stat es that when in shutdow n cooling mode with RHR, E12-F428A should be closed to prevent possible loss of reactor coolant to suppression pool due to disc flexing of E12-F024A.  
Both ADHR pumps are powered from 14BE1. ADHR cannot, therefore, be used for decay heat removal. ADHR is plausible for the applicant who cannot recall the power supply for ADHR pumps.  
RHR 'B' shutdown cooling is not affected by the status of E12-F004B; however, this offers additional plausibility for the use of ADHR for the applicant who is unsure of how the interlocks associ ated with RHR suction valves work.  
The Inadequate Decay Heat ONEP refers to situations that render indicated reactor core temperature inaccurate. This distracter is plausible based on the applicant not remembering what those situat ions are; however, for this situation the temperature indications are still representative of actual core temperature.


04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.
04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.12 Shutdown Cooling and ADHR Operation References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 14 Question Source:                         Bank #
12 Shutdown Cooling and ADHR Operation  
(note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
New                               X Question History:                       Last NRC Exam                     No Question Cognitive Level:               Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis             X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                   55.41(b)(10) 55.43
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 14 Question Source: Bank #       (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(10) 55.43 Question 30 The plant is in Mode 4 with RHR A in shutdown cooling.
Division 1 Diesel Gener ator is tagged out due to an air leak.
ST-21 transformer trips on sudden pressure.
Which of the following describes the affect on shutdown cooling?
A. 'A' RHR pump trips, but, can be re started after 15AA is re-energized.
B. 'A' RHR pump trips, 'B' RHR must be started to maintain cooling.
C. 'A' RHR pump continues to operate, but, 'B' RHR must be started to maintain cooling. D. 'A' RHR pump continues to operate, no other action required.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)
K/A #      205000 K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following: Rating      3.1 (CFR: 41.7)
Rev / Date    0 K2.01 Pump motors .
Question          30 The plant is in Mode 4 with RHR A in shutdown cooling.
Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out due to an air leak.
ST-21 transformer trips on sudden pressure.
Which of the following describes the affect on shutdown cooling?
A. A RHR pump trips, but, can be restarted after 15AA is re-energized.
B. A RHR pump trips, B RHR must be started to maintain cooling.
C. A RHR pump continues to operate, but, B RHR must be started to maintain cooling.
D. A RHR pump continues to operate, no other action required.
Answer: D Explanation:
Answer: D Explanation:
With an ST-21 trip power is lost on 16AB bus. This will not affect the RHR A system.  
With an ST-21 trip power is lost on 16AB bus. This will not affect the RHR A system.
For the above reasons, only choice D is correct.
For the above reasons, only choice 'D' is correct.
A is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip 15AA does not de-energize.
A is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip 15AA does not de-energize.  
B is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip C is wrong, RHR A will continue to operate normally. There is no reason to start RHR B Technical  
B is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip
C is wrong, RHR A will conti nue to operate normally. There is no reason to start RHR B  


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)
04-1-01-R21-15, step 3.3 04-1-01-R21-16, step 3.3 E0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200, Objective 7.1 Question Source:                 Bank #
K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
(CFR: 41.7)
New                     X Question History:               Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
K2.01 Pump motors .
K/A # 205000 Rating 3.1  Rev / Date  0 04-1-01-R21-15, step 3.3 04-1-01-R21-16, step 3.3 E0001  
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E1200, Objective 7.1 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)
Question 31 A loss of offsite power with a LOCA has occurred.
Which of the following describes the effect of a LPCS pump trip on Division 1 Diesel Generator?
A. Trip on Overspeed B. Load will stabilize at the previous level C. Voltage will rise and stabilize by approximately 400 volts D. Load will lower by approximately 1200 kw 
Answer: D Explanation:
First the student must recognize that a Loss of Offsite power causes the Div 1 DG to start and carry the 15AA bus alone. 
Component listing shows LPCS pump to be Approx. 1200 kw with RHR A at 803 and SSW A at 997. CRD is lower than any listed load.
Also 05-1-01-I-4 Loss of AC power ONEP, states that during a Station Blackout and cross tie Div 3 D/G with 15 or 16 bus CAUTION prior to step 3.2.10 j states Do not attempt to start LPCS with Div 3 diesel generator cross c onnected to Div 1 bus. This is due to the heavy load and the minimum amount that can be used.
Anytime a component is stopped or secured the load on the DG will lower.
'A' is wrong  Even though LPCS is the largest load on the 15AA bus its not enough to
cause an overspeed of the DG is the pump is lost.
'B' is wrong  The DG is carrying the 15AA bus alone, if it were paralleled then load would stabilize at the previous level
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM will have on following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)  

K3.03 Emergency generators K/A # 209001 Rating 2.9   Rev / Date 0
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #     209001 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM will have on                  Rating       2.9 following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)
'C' is wrong  With the DG solely carrying the 15AA bus the Voltage regulator is in control set at 4160 v. Voltage will change with the LP CS pump trip but will adjust and return to normal.  
Rev / Date   0 K3.03 Emergency generators Question          31 A loss of offsite power with a LOCA has occurred.
Which of the following describes the effect of a LPCS pump trip on Division 1 Diesel Generator?
A. Trip on Overspeed B. Load will stabilize at the previous level C. Voltage will rise and stabilize by approximately 400 volts D. Load will lower by approximately 1200 kw Answer: D Explanation:
First the student must recognize that a Loss of Offsite power causes the Div 1 DG to start and carry the 15AA bus alone.
Component listing shows LPCS pump to be Approx. 1200 kw with RHR A at 803 and SSW A at 997. CRD is lower than any listed load.
Also 05-1-01-I-4 Loss of AC power ONEP, states that during a Station Blackout and cross tie Div 3 D/G with 15 or 16 bus CAUTION prior to step 3.2.10 j states Do not attempt to start LPCS with Div 3 diesel generator cross connected to Div 1 bus. This is due to the heavy load and the minimum amount that can be used.
Anytime a component is stopped or secured the load on the DG will lower.
A is wrong Even though LPCS is the largest load on the 15AA bus its not enough to cause an overspeed of the DG is the pump is lost.
B is wrong The DG is carrying the 15AA bus alone, if it were paralleled then load would stabilize at the previous level

'D' is correct.
C is wrong With the DG solely carrying the 15AA bus the Voltage regulator is in control set at 4160 v. Voltage will change with the LPCS pump trip but will adjust and return to normal.
D is correct.


05-1-01-I-4 3.2.10 j  
05-1-01-I-4 3.2.10 j References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 9-12 Question Source:                   Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
New                                     X Question History:                   Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 9-12 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 32 The plant has experienced an ATWS.
All Low pressure ECCS systems have been overridden.

An Emergency Depressurization is in progress with 8 ADS/SRVs open.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System A1 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters K/A #      209001 associated with operating the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY        Rating      3.4 SYSTEM controls including:
Rev / Date    0 A1.01Core spray flow Question              32 The plant has experienced an ATWS.
All Low pressure ECCS systems have been overridden.
An Emergency Depressurization is in progress with 8 ADS/SRVs open.
The CRS has directed injection with Feedwater at 2 mlbm/hr.
Then, bus 15AA has a loss of power but is restored by Div 1 Diesel Generator.
Which of the following describes the flow indication for the LPCS system?
A. Indicates 0 gpm B. Indicates > 7000 to the RPV C. Indicates < half of rated flow D. Indicates minimum flow only Answer: B Explanation:
LPCS overrides will be lost when 15AA is deenegized. As soon as the bus is restored the LPCS pump will auto start and inject. With the CRS just calling for feedwater flow injection at 2 mil reactor pressure has just went below 206 psig per EP-2A.
Tech Specs 3.5.1 SR states that LPCS is required to deliver >7115 gpm at 290 psid. Therefore LPCS should be indicating >7000 gpm A is wrong because LPCS will restart and inject B is correct

The CRS has directed injection with Feedwater at 2 mlbm/hr.
C is wrong, it should indicate full flow due to the ability of the pump to deliver 7115 at 290 psid.
D is incorrect due to is will inject at full flow and not be on min flow Technical  
Then, bus 15AA has a loss of power but is restored by Div 1 Diesel Generator.
Which of the following describes the flow indication for the LPCS system?
A. Indicates 0 gpm B. Indicates > 7000 to the RPV C. Indicates < half of rated flow D. Indicates minimum flow only
Answer: B Explanation:
LPCS overrides will be lost when 15AA is deenegized. As soon as t he bus is restored the LPCS pump will auto start and inject. With the CRS just calling for feedwater flow injection at 2 mil reactor pressure has just went below 206 psig per EP-2A. 
Tech Specs 3.5.1 SR states that LPCS is required to deliver >7115 gpm at 290 psid. Therefore LPCS shoul d be indicating >7000 gpm 
A is wrong because LPCS will restart and inject
B is correct
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System A1 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM controls including: 
A1.01Core spray flow K/A # 209001 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 C is wrong, it should indicate full flow due to the ability of the pump to deliver 7115 at 290 psid.  
D is incorrect due to is will inject at full flow and not be on min flow  


Tech Specs 3.5.1 GLP-OPS-E2100 Page 16 of 39  
Tech Specs 3.5.1 GLP-OPS-E2100 Page 16 of 39 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E21, Objective 9.7 Question Source:                         Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)           Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
New                                     X Question History:                         Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:                 Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                   55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E21, Objective 9.7 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 33 The HPCS system is overridden OFF during an ATWS to minimize the
______(1)_______  inside the core shr oud and may be used _______(2)_______.
A. (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Hot Boron Weight has been injected B. (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Cold Boron Weight has been injected C. (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot ma intain RPV water level before an Emergency Depressurization D. (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot mainta in RPV water level after an Emergency Depressurization
Answer: D Explanation:
Per EP Bases, HPCS can only be used if the preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level within the desired band and onl y after emergency RPV depressurization has been performed. This makes 'D' correct and 'B' wrong.
The bases discussion for EP-2A states that in jection systems are sele cted and operated so as to minimize the risk of Boron dilution and co ld water injection; however, no mention of weighting for Hot/Cold Shutdown Boron Weight is made. This makes answer choices 'A' & 'C' plausible but wrong.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 209002 High Pressure Core Spray System (HPCS) 2.4.18 Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs. (CFR: 41.10 K/A #      209002
/ 43.1 / 45.13)                                              Rating      3.3 Rev / Date    0 Question          33 The HPCS system is overridden OFF during an ATWS to minimize the
______(1)_______ inside the core shroud and may be used _______(2)_______.
A.      (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Hot Boron Weight has been injected B.      (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Cold Boron Weight has been injected C.      (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level before an Emergency Depressurization D.      (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level after an Emergency Depressurization Answer: D Explanation:
Per EP Bases, HPCS can only be used if the preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level within the desired band and only after emergency RPV depressurization has been performed. This makes D correct and B wrong.
The bases discussion for EP-2A states that injection systems are selected and operated so as to minimize the risk of Boron dilution and cold water injection; however, no mention of weighting for Hot/Cold Shutdown Boron Weight is made. This makes answer choices A &
C plausible but wrong.


02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment V Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209002 High Pressure Core Spray System (HPCS) 2.4.18 Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.1 / 45.13)
02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment V
K/A # 209002 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None  Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP02A Obj 7 Question Source: Bank #      (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(10)  55.43(b)
Question 34 The plant has experienced an ATWS.
The CRS directs you to initiate Standby Liquid Control system.
Which of the following describes the indications that the SLC Squib Valves have fired?
A. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm
Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON
B. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear
Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON
C. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm
Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF D. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear
Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF Answer: A Explanation: Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 211000 Standby Liquid Control System K4. Knowledge of STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7) 
K4.04 Indication of fault in ex plosive valve fi ring circuits K/A # 211000 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 04-1-01-C41-1 Attachment VI, Verification of SLC Injection, step 1.Verfiy system initiation by Observing the following; a. F004A and F004B SQUIB VALVES FIRED:  White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF  Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC  Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON

A is correct
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP02A Obj 7 Question Source:                Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)  Modified Bank #
New                      X Question History:                Last NRC Exam            No Question Cognitive Level:        Memory/Fundamental      X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41(b)(10) 55.43(b)

B is wrong,  Ready light would be OFF and Annunciator would be on
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                                  Level        RO 211000 Standby Liquid Control System K4. Knowledge of STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM K/A #      211000 design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Rating      3.8 (CFR: 41.7)
Rev / Date    0 K4.04 Indication of fault in explosive valve firing circuits Question            34 The plant has experienced an ATWS.
The CRS directs you to initiate Standby Liquid Control system.
Which of the following describes the indications that the SLC Squib Valves have fired?
A. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON B. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON C. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF D. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF Answer: A Explanation:

C is wrong, Status light would be ON  
04-1-01-C41-1 Attachment VI, Verification of SLC Injection, step 1.Verfiy system initiation by Observing the following; a. F004A and F004B SQUIB VALVES FIRED:
White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON A is correct B is wrong, Ready light would be OFF and Annunciator would be on C is wrong, Status light would be ON D is wrong, This shows system in normal standby not squibs fired.
D is wrong, This shows system in normal standby not squibs fired.


04-1-01-C41-1, Attachment VI  
04-1-01-C41-1, Attachment VI References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C41, Objective 9.3, 10.4 Question Source:                   Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
New                                       X Question History:                   Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental                       X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-C41, Objective 9.3, 10.4 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 212000 Reactor Protection System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following: A.C. electrical distribution K/A # 212000 K1 Rating 3.4 Rev / Date 0 Question 35 The plant is operating at rated power.
ST-11 transformer trips and a lockout occurs.
All 4160kv and 480v electrical buses have been restored per Loss of AC Power ONEP.
No other operator actions have been taken.
What is the status of the 'A' RPS Bus Power?
A. RPS A Energized from normal source, the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631. 
B. RPS A De-energized, the normal source light is de-energized and the alternate source light is energized on P631.
C. RPS A Energized from alternate source, both the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631.

D. RPS A De-energized, neit her the normal or alternate lights is energized on P631.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 212000 Reactor Protection System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect K/A #      212000 K1 relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following: A.C. electrical distribution                  Rating        3.4 Rev / Date    0 Question            35 The plant is operating at rated power.
ST-11 transformer trips and a lockout occurs.
All 4160kv and 480v electrical buses have been restored per Loss of AC Power ONEP.
No other operator actions have been taken.
What is the status of the A RPS Bus Power?
A. RPS A Energized from normal source, the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631.
B. RPS A De-energized, the normal source light is de-energized and the alternate source light is energized on P631.
C. RPS A Energized from alternate source, both the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631.
D. RPS A De-energized, neither the normal or alternate lights is energized on P631.
Answer: D Explanation:
Answer: D Explanation:
With an ST-11 lockout comes a loss BOP bus es 12HE, 13AD and 15AA. RPS 'A' normal source (M/G set) is powered from 13AD and Alternate source is from 15AA. Even though the Div 1 DG has re-powered Bus 15AA, and wit h it MCC 15B42 (i.e., Div 1 LSS has re-sequenced the MCC back on), that Alternate Feed light is nonetheless OFF.
With an ST-11 lockout comes a loss BOP buses 12HE, 13AD and 15AA. RPS A normal source (M/G set) is powered from 13AD and Alternate source is from 15AA. Even though the Div 1 DG has re-powered Bus 15AA, and with it MCC 15B42 (i.e., Div 1 LSS has re-sequenced the MCC back on), that Alternate Feed light is nonetheless OFF. The reason is that the Alternate Source RPS A EPA Breakers both tripped open on Undervoltage/Underfrequency on the initial power loss. Thus, the power is still not available to the A RPS Bus until an operator is dispatched to manually reset the EPA relays in the MG Set Room. Therefore, RPS A is de-energized and neither source is
The reason is that the Alternate Source RPS 'A' EPA Breakers both tripped open on Undervoltage/Underfrequency on t he initial power loss. T hus, the power is still not available to the 'A' RPS Bu s until an operator is dispatc hed to manually reset the EPA relays in the MG Set Room.
Therefore, RPS A is de-energi zed and neither source is available from the control room.
For the above reasons, only choice 'D' is correct.

'A', 'B', 'C' are wrong for reasons described above. They are plausible based on the Applicant's need to recall and comprehend the power distribution relationship with RPS and the effect that a loss of that power has on the EPA trip relay status.
available from the control room.
For the above reasons, only choice D is correct.
A, B, C are wrong for reasons described above. They are plausible based on the Applicants need to recall and comprehend the power distribution relationship with RPS and the effect that a loss of that power has on the EPA trip relay status.


04-1-01-C71-1, Attachment III E-0001, Main One Line (electrical distribution)  
04-1-01-C71-1, Attachment III E-0001, Main One Line (electrical distribution)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C7100, Objective 11 Question Source:                       Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
(note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New                                   X Question History:                     Last 2 NRC Exam                     No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-C7100, Objective 11 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 36 A plant startup is in progress with reactor power indicating on the IRMs.
IRM 'D' is indicating 45 on Range 4 when it is inadvertently placed on Range 6.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level            RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A #          215003 effect relationships between INTERMEDIATE RANGE        Rating            3.3 MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)                                  Rev / Date        0 K1.05 Display control system: Plant-Specific Question            36 A plant startup is in progress with reactor power indicating on the IRMs.
IRM D is indicating 45 on Range 4 when it is inadvertently placed on Range 6.
Which of the following will result from this action?
Which of the following will result from this action?
A. Half-Scram RPS 'A' B. Half-Scram RPS 'B' C. Rod withdrawal block D. Down pushbutton illuminates, only  
A. Half-Scram RPS A B. Half-Scram RPS B C. Rod withdrawal block D. Down pushbutton illuminates, only Answer: C Explanation:
With IRM D indicating 45 on range 4 going to range 5 would indicate 4.5, but on the 0 to 40 scale which would be 11% of scale. Continuing to range 6 would indicate on the 0 to 125 scale and would be 3.6 % of scale which is <5 % of scale that is the Control Rod Withdrawal block, therefore C is the only correct answer.
Answer: C Explanation:  
A and B are incorrect due to no scram setpoint is exceeded, but plausible if the student is confused on ranging down instead of up.
C is correct D is wrong, a Rod block will occur along with the down pushbutton.
With IRM D indicating 45 on range 4 going to range 5 would indicate 4.5, but on the 0 to 40 scale which would be 11% of scale. Continuing to range 6 would indicate on the 0 to 125 scale and would be 3.6 % of scale which is  
<5 % of scale that is the Control Rod Withdrawal block, therefore C is the only correct answer.  
A and B are incorrect due to no scram setpoint is exceeded, but plausible if the student is confused on ranging down instead of up.  
C is correct
D is wrong, a Rod block will occur along with the down pushbutton.


Tech Spec TR Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause effect relationships between INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)
Tech Spec TR

K1.05 Display control system: Plant-Specific K/A # 215003 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5102, Objective 7.2 Question Source:                 Bank #                   GGNS-OPS-09489a (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New Question History:               Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis        X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-C5102, Objective 7.2 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-09489a   (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  

Question 37 A plant startup is in progress, with the following conditions:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #      215003 following will have on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR        Rating      3.6 (IRM) SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
Reactor power 8% Mode switch position RUN IRM 'A' is BYPASSED The High Voltage Power Supply unit for IRM Drawer 'B' fails and output voltage drops to zero.  
Rev / Date    0 K6.02 24/48 volt D.C. power: Plant-Specific Question           37 A plant startup is in progress, with the following conditions:
Reactor power 8%
Mode switch position RUN IRM A is BYPASSED The High Voltage Power Supply unit for IRM Drawer B fails and output voltage drops to zero.
Which of the following describes the status of the plant?
A. Full Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block B. Half Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. No RPS scram signal, Control Rod Withdrawal Block D. No RPS scram signal, No Control Rod Withdrawal Block Answer: D Explanation:
A loss of the High Voltage power supply unit which the output is 20 VDC, will cause a loss of DC power to the detector. The IRM INOP trip will actuate with a loss of High voltage power. IRM B will receive an INOP signal. However, with the plant Mode Switch in RUN all trips and rod blocks are bypassed.
A and B are wrong due to no scram signal is received due to IRMs are bypassed.
C is wrong, Rod block signal is bypassed D is correct.

Which of the following describes the status of the plant?
A. Full Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block B. Half Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. No RPS scram signal, Control Rod Withdrawal Block D. No RPS scram signal, No Control Rod Withdrawal Block
Answer: D Explanation:
A loss of the High Voltage power supply unit which the output is 20 VDC, will cause a loss of DC power to the detector.
The IRM INOP trip will actuate with a loss of High voltage power. IRM 'B' will receive an INOP signal. However, with the plant Mode Switch in RUN all trips and rod blocks are bypassed.
A and B are wrong due to no scram signal is received due to IRMs are bypassed.
C is wrong, Rod block signal is bypassed 
D is correct.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
K6.02 24/48 volt D.C. power: Plant-Specific K/A # 215003 Rating 3.6  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


E1171     References to be provided to applicants during exam:
E1171 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5102, Objective 6.3, 7.4, 8.1 Question Source:                 Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-C5102, Object ive 6.3, 7.4, 8.1 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                       X Question History:               Last NRC Exam             No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  

Question 38 A normal reactor startup is in progre ss with the reactor subcritical.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level        RO 215004 Source Range Monitor (SRM) System A1. Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters K/A #      215004 associated with operating the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR          Rating      3.6 (SRM) SYSTEM controls including: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.5)
Rev / Date    0 A1.05 SCRAM, rod block, and period alarm trip setpoints Question           38 A normal reactor startup is in progress with the reactor subcritical.
Control rods are being withdrawn to achieve critically.
SRM E spikes to 2 x 105 cps.
Which of the following describes the plant response?
A. SRM Upscale alarm only B. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block Half scram D. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block Full scram Answer: B Explanation:
A spike of any SRM during startup (IRM < range 8) of 2 x 105 is above the setpoint of 1 x 105 Control rod block.
A is wrong, yes you would receive the upscale alarm however a rod block would also be received.
B is correct C is wrong, a half scram would not occur.
D is wrong, a full scram would not occur.

Control rods are being withdrawn to achieve critically.
SRM 'E' spikes to 2 x 10 5 cps. 
Which of the following descr ibes the plant response?
A. SRM Upscale alarm only B. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block
C. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block 
Half scram D. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block 
Full scram Answer: B Explanation:
A spike of any SRM during star tup (IRM < range
: 8) of 2 x 10 5 is above the setpoint of 1 x 10 5 Control rod block.
A is wrong, yes you would receive the upscale alarm however a rod block would also be
B is correct 
C is wrong, a half scram would not occur.
D is wrong, a full scram would not occur. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215004 Source Range Monitor (SRM) System A1. Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) SYSTEM controls including: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.5)
A1.05 SCRAM, rod block, and period alarm trip setpoints K/A # 215004 Rating 3.6  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


Tech Spec TR References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Tech Spec TR References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5101, Objective 8.2 Question Source:                 Bank #                   GGNS-OPS-06835 (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New Question History:               Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental             X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-C5101, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-06835 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 39 The plant is operating at 8% power in Mode 2.
The following alarms were received:
Which of the following will c ause the given indication?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level        RO 215005 Average Power Range Monitor/Local Power Range Monitor System K/A #      215005 A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the AVERAGE Rating      3.2 POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)              Rev / Date    0 A3.04 Annunciator and alarm signals Question            39 The plant is operating at 8% power in Mode 2.
The following alarms were received:
CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCK APRM CH 1 UPSC TRIP/ OPRM TRIP/INOP Which of the following will cause the given indication?
A. Reactor Mode Switch was taken to RUN B. APRM Channel 1 indicates <5%
A. Reactor Mode Switch was taken to RUN B. APRM Channel 1 indicates <5%
C. APRM Channel 1 indicates >18%
C. APRM Channel 1 indicates >18%
D. Only 3 valid LPRM detectors per level are feeding Channel 1  
D. Only 3 valid LPRM detectors per level are feeding Channel 1 Answer: C Explanation:
At 8% power the given alarms can only be generated by an Upscale signal A is wrong, If the mode switch was taken to run no alarms would be received B is wrong, <5% power is an downscale rod block not an upscale trip.
C is correct, D is wrong, 3 LPRMs per level is the minimum required but no inop signal is generated no alarms would be received.

Answer: C Explanation:
At 8% power the given alarms can only be generated by an Upscale signal
A is wrong, If the mode switch was tak en to run no alarms would be received 
B is wrong, <5% power is an downscale rod block not an upscale trip. 
C is correct,
D is wrong, 3 LPRMs per level is the minimu m required but no inop signal is generated no alarms would be received.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215005 Average Power Range Monitor/Local Power Range Monitor System
A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
A3.04 Annunciator and alarm signals K/A # 215005 Rating 3.2  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


GLP-OPS-C5104 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
GLP-OPS-C5104 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5104, Objective 7.1 Question Source:                 Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-C5104, Objective 7.1 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                     X Question History:               Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  

Question 40 A reactor scram has occurred due to a 'B' ma in steam line break in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 217000 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC)
A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the K/A #      217000 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC) ;                Rating      3.8 and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those        Rev / Date    0 abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
A2.15 Steam line break Question             40 A reactor scram has occurred due to a 'B' main steam line break in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.
The Control Room Operators are implementing the actions of EP-2.
The MSIV's automatically closed on a NSSSS Group 1 Isolation.
(1) What is the impact of the above conditions on RCIC and (2) What actions will allow continued RCIC operation, if any?
A. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.
(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohibited, use the Automatic Isolations ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur.
B. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.
(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations and non-mechanical turbine trips.
C. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 minutes after the MSIV's closed assuming MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.
(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations and non-mechanical turbine trips.
D. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 minutes after the MSIV's closed assuming MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.
(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohibited; use the Automatic Isolations ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur.

The Control Room Oper ators are implementing the actions of EP-2.
Answer: C Explanation:
RCIC taps off the 'A' MSL (P&ID M-1077A).
The MSIV's automatically closed on a NSSSS Group 1 Isolation.
RCIC will isolate after a 30 minute time delay when the Aux Building main steam tunnel temperature exceeds 185F (Automatic Isolations ONEP).
EP-2 (via bases discussion and allowance for Att 3 on EP-2 Table 1) specifically allows the use of Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations. There is no administrative prohibition for using RCIC in this case.
(1) What is the impact of the above conditions on RCIC and (2) What actions will allow c ontinued RCIC operat ion, if any?
For the above reasons, only the answer C is correct. All distracters are wrong but plausible based on the applicant knowing which steam line supplies RCIC and knowing that EP-2 allows for defeating automatic isolations for the given conditions.
A. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC  steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.
(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohi bited, use the Automatic Isolations  ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur.
B. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC  steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.
(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCI C isolations and non-mechanical turbine  trips.
C.  (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 minutes after the MSIV's closed assuming  MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.
(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCI C isolations and non-mechanical turbine  trips. D. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 mi nutes after the MSIV's closed assuming  MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.
(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohi bited; use the Automatic Isolations  ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 217000 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC)
A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC) ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
A2.15 Steam line break K/A # 217000 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 Answer: C Explanation:
RCIC taps off the 'A' MSL (P&ID M-1077A).
RCIC will isolate after a 30 minute time del ay when the Aux Building main steam tunnel temperature exceeds 185F (Automatic Isolations ONEP).  
EP-2 (via bases discussion and allowance for Att 3 on EP-2 Table 1) specifically allows the use of Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations. There is no administrative prohibition for using RCIC in this case.  
For the above reasons, only the answer C is correct. All distracters are wrong but plausible based on the applicant knowi ng which steam line supplies RCIC and knowing that EP-2 allows for defeating automat ic isolations for the given conditions.


02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment IV  
02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment IV 05-1-02-III-5 Automatic Isolations ONEP P&ID M-1077A References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP-4, Objective 19 Question Source:                     Bank #                               X (note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
New Question History:                     Last 2 NRC Exams                     No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis               X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(11) 55.43(b)
05-1-02-III-5 Automatic Isolations ONEP  
P&ID M-1077A
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None   Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-EP-4, Objective 19 Question Source: Bank #   X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(11) 55.43(b)  
Question 41 A LOCA is in progress. 
HPCS and RCIC are unavailable. Drywell pressure reaches 1.39 psig and continues to rise. Then, the MSIVs automatically close on low reactor water level.
When will the ADS Valves automatically open?
A. 105 seconds after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal B. 9.2 minutes after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal C. 9.2 minutes after drywel l pressure reached 1.39 psig D. 105 seconds after drywell pressure reached 1.39 psig
Answer: A Explanation:
If an ECCS pump is running (assumed by stem conditions), ADS will auto-initiate 105
seconds after the presence of ALL 3 of the following signals:
a -150.3" signal, a confirmatory +11.4" signal, and a 1.39 psig dryw ell pressure signal. T he need for the 1.39 psig DW pressure signal is auto-bypassed if level stays below -150.3" for at least 9.2 minutes;however, ADS still requires a running ECCS pump and the 105 second time delay. Since the stem conditions indicate DW pre ssure has reached 1.39 psig, the 9.2 minute bypass is irrelevant;therefore, distracters B & C are wrong. Distracter D is wrong because the start of the 105 second timer always needs the coincident -150.3" level.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level                RO 218000 Automatic Depressurization System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #              218000 following concepts as they apply to AUTOMATIC        Rating              3.8 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
Rev / Date            0 K5.01 ADS logic operation Question          41 A LOCA is in progress.
HPCS and RCIC are unavailable.
Drywell pressure reaches 1.39 psig and continues to rise.
Then, the MSIVs automatically close on low reactor water level.
When will the ADS Valves automatically open?
A. 105 seconds after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal B. 9.2 minutes after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal C. 9.2 minutes after drywell pressure reached 1.39 psig D. 105 seconds after drywell pressure reached 1.39 psig Answer: A Explanation:
If an ECCS pump is running (assumed by stem conditions), ADS will auto-initiate 105 seconds after the presence of ALL 3 of the following signals: a -150.3" signal, a confirmatory +11.4" signal, and a 1.39 psig drywell pressure signal. The need for the 1.39 psig DW pressure signal is auto-bypassed if level stays below -150.3" for at least 9.2 minutes;however, ADS still requires a running ECCS pump and the 105 second time delay.
Since the stem conditions indicate DW pressure has reached 1.39 psig, the 9.2 minute bypass is irrelevant;therefore, distracters B & C are wrong. Distracter D is wrong because the start of the 105 second timer always needs the coincident -150.3" level.


Loop locic 17-S-06-5 M1077B Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 218000 Automatic Depressurization System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
Loop locic 17-S-06-5 M1077B
K5.01 ADS logic operation K/A # 218000 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None  Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 12.2 Question Source: Bank #      (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #  GGNS-OPS-09496  New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)
Question 42 The plant is preparing a hot startup following a plant transient.
The MSIVs are currently closed.
The mechanical vacuum pumps are maintaini ng main condenser vacuum at 7" Hg Vac.
Reactor water level is +35" Narrow Range
Reactor pressure is 550 psig
What actions (if any) are r equired to OPEN the MSIVs?

A. The MSIVs cannot be opened with current plant conditions.  
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 12.2 Question Source:                Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)  Modified Bank #          GGNS-OPS-09496 New Question History:                Last NRC Exam                No Question Cognitive Level:        Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis        X 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 223002 Primary Containment Isolation System/Nuclear Steam Supply Shut-Off K/A #      223002 A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control Rating      3.6 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)
Rev / Date    0 A4.03 Reset system isolations Question          42 The plant is preparing a hot startup following a plant transient.
The MSIVs are currently closed.
The mechanical vacuum pumps are maintaining main condenser vacuum at 7 Hg Vac.
Reactor water level is +35 Narrow Range Reactor pressure is 550 psig What actions (if any) are required to OPEN the MSIVs?
A. The MSIVs cannot be opened with current plant conditions.
B. Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.
B. Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.
All eight MSIVs will automatically open.  
All eight MSIVs will automatically open.
C. Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.
C. Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.
Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.
Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN.
Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN.  
D. Place the NSSS DIV 1, 2, 3, and 4 CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches in BYP.
D. Place the NSSS DIV 1, 2, 3, and 4 CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches in BYP.
Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.
Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.
Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 223002 Primary Containment Isolation System/Nuclear Steam Supply Shut-Off
A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)
A4.03 Reset system isolations K/A # 223002 Rating 3.6  Rev / Date  0 Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN Answer: D Explanation:
To reopen the MSIVs after a Group 1 signal t he handswitches for each MSIV (8) must be taken to the CLOSE position then NSSSS must be reset (INBD and OTBD). Only the OTBD valves can be opened due to the DP across the INBD valves is >100 psig the steam
lines must be equalized. Also with Main Co ndenser vacuum being 7" Hg Vac a group 1 signal is still present theref ore the Condenser Lo Vac bypass switches must be placed in bypass before NSSSS can be reset.  'D' is correct.
'A' is wrong, The MSIVs can be reopened, plausib le due to the student may think that 7"Hg Vac would prevent an opening.
'B' is wrong, Vacuum must be bypassed and the handswitches must be placed in closed.
Also the MSIVs will not auto open. Plausible due to the MSIVs will reopen on loss of air or loss of solenoid power then restored.
'C' is wrong, Condenser vac must be bypassed.  

Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN Answer: D Explanation:
To reopen the MSIVs after a Group 1 signal the handswitches for each MSIV (8) must be taken to the CLOSE position then NSSSS must be reset (INBD and OTBD). Only the OTBD valves can be opened due to the DP across the INBD valves is >100 psig the steam lines must be equalized. Also with Main Condenser vacuum being 7 Hg Vac a group 1 signal is still present therefore the Condenser Lo Vac bypass switches must be placed in bypass before NSSSS can be reset. D is correct.
A is wrong, The MSIVs can be reopened, plausible due to the student may think that 7Hg Vac would prevent an opening.
B is wrong, Vacuum must be bypassed and the handswitches must be placed in closed.
Also the MSIVs will not auto open. Plausible due to the MSIVs will reopen on loss of air or loss of solenoid power then restored.
C is wrong, Condenser vac must be bypassed.


04-1-01-B21-1 Section 4.3 04-1-01-M71-1 Section 5.4  
04-1-01-B21-1 Section 4.3 04-1-01-M71-1 Section 5.4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M7101, Objective 7.1 & 9.0 Question Source:                       Bank #                     GGNS-OPS-08812a (note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
New Question History:                       Last NRC Exam                       No Question Cognitive Level:               Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis              X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-M7101, Obje ctive 7.1 & 9.0 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-08812a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 43 What are the power supplies to 'A' and 'B' solenoids of the Safety Relief Valves (SRVs)?
A. 11DA & 11DB B. 11DD & 11DE C. 11DE & 11DK D. 11DA & 11DC
Answer: A Explanation:
SRV solenoids are powered from ESF DC buses 11DA and 11DB.
'A' is correct
'B' is wrong, plausible due to these are 125 vdc busses also but used for BOP,
'C' is wrong, plausible due to these supply power to the ATWS/ARI solenoids.

'D' is wrong, 11DA is correct but 11DC is wrong, plausible due to 11DC is also an ESF DC  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 239002 Relief/Safety Valves K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
K/A #      239002 (CFR: 41.7)                                                  Rating        2.8 K2.01 SRV solenoids                                          Rev / Date    0 Question          43 What are the power supplies to A and B solenoids of the Safety Relief Valves (SRVs)?
A. 11DA & 11DB B. 11DD & 11DE C. 11DE & 11DK D. 11DA & 11DC Answer: A Explanation:
SRV solenoids are powered from ESF DC buses 11DA and 11DB.
A is correct B is wrong, plausible due to these are 125 vdc busses also but used for BOP, C is wrong, plausible due to these supply power to the ATWS/ARI solenoids.
D is wrong, 11DA is correct but 11DC is wrong, plausible due to 11DC is also an ESF DC bus.


04-1-01-B21-1 E1161 SH 4 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
04-1-01-B21-1 E1161 SH 4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 9.1 Question Source:                                   Bank #               GGNS-OPS-09948
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 9.1 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-09948 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 239002 Relief/Safety Valves K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
(CFR: 41.7)
K2.01 SRV solenoids K/A # 239002 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)
Question 44 Only the 'A' Reactor Feed Pump is operating.
Considering only the Feedwater System Operating Instruction P&Ls, which of the following describes the limitations on the operating feed water pump?

Speed is-
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:              Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental    X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

A. administratively restricted only.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 259002 Reactor Water Level Control System A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the REACTOR K/A #      259002 WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 /          Rating      3.0 45.7)
Rev / Date    0 A3.01 Runout flow control: Plant-Specific Question            44 Only the A Reactor Feed Pump is operating.
Considering only the Feedwater System Operating Instruction P&Ls, which of the following describes the limitations on the operating feed water pump?
Speed is A. administratively restricted only.
B. clamped at 5850 rpm in FW Auto only.
B. clamped at 5850 rpm in FW Auto only.
C. clamped at 5850 rpm in Speed Auto and FW Auto only.
C. clamped at 5850 rpm in Speed Auto and FW Auto only.
D. clamped at 5850 rpm in Emergency Manual, Speed Auto and FW Auto.  
D. clamped at 5850 rpm in Emergency Manual, Speed Auto and FW Auto.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer: C Explanation:  
Per 04-1-01-N21-1 step 3.15. In SPEED AUTO AND FW AUTO, RFPT speed is clamped at 5800 rpm for dual feed pump operation and 5850 for single feed pump operation. Step 3.3 states that there is no speed restriction in emergency manual operation.
Per 04-1-01-N21-1 step 3.15. "In SPEED AUTO AND FW AUTO, RFPT speed is clamped at 5800 rpm for dual feed pump operation and 5850 for single feed pump operation. Step  
===3.3 states===
that there is no speed restriction in emergency manual operation.  


04-1-01-N21-1, P&Ls 3.3 and 3.15 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
04-1-01-N21-1, P&Ls 3.3 and 3.15 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 19.0, 29.0 Question Source:                                   Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)                     Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 19.0, 29.0 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 259002 Reactor Water Level Control System A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
New                       X
A3.01 Runout flow control: Plant-Specific K/A # 259002 Rating 3.0  Rev / Date  0 Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)
Question 45 Which of the following will cause a Standby Gas Treatment system 'B' initiation?
A. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor 'A' indicating 4.2 mrem/hr Fuel handling area exhaust rad moni tor 'C' mode switch in STANDBY
B. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad m onitor 'B' indicating 7.9 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor 'C' indicating 8.1 mrem/hr
C. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor 'B' indicating 5.3 mrem/hr Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor 'C' INOP trip
D. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor 'B' indicating 31 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor 'D' INOP trip
Answer: C Explanation:
For SBGT to initiate on process rad monitor system the 'A' systems must see A and D monitors and 'B' must see B and C monitors, for Fuel handling area > 3.6 mrem/hr or INOP OR  Fuel pool sweep >30 mrem/hr or INOP.

'A' is wrong, due to A and C monito rs will not initiate either system 
Question History:        Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental    X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:    55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

'B' is wrong, due to B and C monitors di d not reach their set point of 30 mrem/hr.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A #      261000 effect relationships between STANDBY GAS TREATMENT          Rating      2.8 SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)
Rev / Date    0 K1.08 Process radiation monitoring system .
Question            45 Which of the following will cause a Standby Gas Treatment system B initiation?
A. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor A indicating 4.2 mrem/hr Fuel handling area exhaust rad monitor C mode switch in STANDBY B. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor B indicating 7.9 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor C indicating 8.1 mrem/hr C. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor B indicating 5.3 mrem/hr Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor C INOP trip D. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor B indicating 31 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor D INOP trip Answer: C Explanation:
For SBGT to initiate on process rad monitor system the A systems must see A and D monitors and B must see B and C monitors, for Fuel handling area > 3.6 mrem/hr or INOP OR Fuel pool sweep >30 mrem/hr or INOP.
A is wrong, due to A and C monitors will not initiate either system B is wrong, due to B and C monitors did not reach their setpoint of 30 mrem/hr.
C is correct, see explanation above.

'C' is correct, see explanation above.
D is wrong, due to B and D monitors will not initiate either system Technical  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause effect relationships between STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)
K1.08 Process radiation monitoring system .
K/A # 261000 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 
'D' is wrong, due to B and D monitors will not initiate either system Technical  


04-1-01-T48-1 E1257 SH01  
04-1-01-T48-1 E1257 SH01 E1177 SH 32 & 33 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-T4801, Objective 8.7 Question Source:                   Bank #                           GGNS-OPS-00141a (note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
New Question History:                   Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental                     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
E1177 SH 32 & 33  
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-T4801, Objective 8.7 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-00141a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 46 A loss of ST-11 has occurred (1) Which of the following describes t he BOP buses that were de-energized?
(2) What is required to re-energize the lo st busses and restart ma jor loads after the bus is re-energized from an alternate source?
A. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.
B. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.
C. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset
D. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset Answer: A  Explanation:
Per 05-1-02-I-4

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution K4. Knowledge of A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION design K/A #      262001 feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Rating      2.8 (CFR: 41.7)
Rev / Date    0 K4.04 Protective relaying Question            46 A loss of ST-11 has occurred (1) Which of the following describes the BOP buses that were de-energized?
(2) What is required to re-energize the lost busses and restart major loads after the bus is re-energized from an alternate source?
A. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.
B. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.
C. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset D. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset Answer: A Explanation:
Per 05-1-02-I-4 Technical  


05-1-02-I-4, step 2.0 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution K4. Knowledge of A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
05-1-02-I-4, step 2.0
(CFR: 41.7)

K4.04 Protective relaying K/A # 262001 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 14.0 Question Source:                 Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 14.0 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                     X Question History:               Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 47 The division 2 Diesel Generator is running.
Preparations are being made to load the Diesel Generator para llel with the grid.
All control switches are in the normal handswitch lineup.
Which of the following would allow the Diesel Generator output breaker to close?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A #      262001 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)                              Rating      3.6 A4.04 Synchronizing and paralleling of different A.C. supplies Rev / Date    0 Question          47 The division 2 Diesel Generator is running.
Preparations are being made to load the Diesel Generator parallel with the grid.
All control switches are in the normal handswitch lineup.
Which of the following would allow the Diesel Generator output breaker to close?
A. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the SLOW direction.
A. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the SLOW direction.
B. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the FAST direction.
B. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the FAST direction.
C. Sync Scope at approximately 12 o'clock position.
C. Sync Scope at approximately 12 oclock position.
D. Sync Scope at approxim ately 6 o'clock position.
D. Sync Scope at approximately 6 oclock position.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer: C Explanation:
During parallel operations with a DG and t he grid the output breaker will not close unless the sync check relay is satisfied which is between 5 till and 5 after the 12 o'clock position.  
During parallel operations with a DG and the grid the output breaker will not close unless the sync check relay is satisfied which is between 5 till and 5 after the 12 oclock position.
A is wrong the procedure states to adjust the DG speed to make the sync scope rotate slowly in the FAST direction not SLOW.
B is wrong same as A but also, just because the sync scope is rotating does not ensure the DG and the Grid is Synchronized the sync check relay ensures this.
C is correct.
D is wrong This would place the DG on the grid 180 degrees out of phase also the sync check relay would not allow this to happen.

'A' is wrong  the procedure states to adjust the DG speed to make the sync scope rotate slowly in the FAST direction not SLOW.
'B' is wrong  same as 'A' but also, just because the sync scope is rotating does not ensure the DG and the Grid is Synchroni zed the sync check relay ensures this.
'C' is correct.
'D' is wrong  This would place the DG on the grid 180 degrees out of phase also the
sync check relay would not allow this to happen.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)
A4.04 Synchronizing and paralleling of different A.C. supplies K/A # 262001 Rating 3.6  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


04-1-01-P81-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P8100, Objective 17 Question Source:                 Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
New                     X Question History:               Last 2 NRC Exams         No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental       X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-P8100, Objective 17 Question Source: Bank #       (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 48 The following annunciator was received and sealed in:
A local operator reports t hat 1Y97 indicates Alternate Source Supplying Load.
Which of the following describes w hen this annunciator should clear?
After Normal source is restored and -.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 262002 Uninterruptable Power Supply (A.C./D.C.)
A4 - Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A #      262002 room:                                                          Rating      2.8 A4.01 Transfer from alternative source to preferred source    Rev / Date    0 Question            48 The following annunciator was received and sealed in:
STATIC INVRTR 1Y97 TROUBLE A local operator reports that 1Y97 indicates Alternate Source Supplying Load.
Which of the following describes when this annunciator should clear?
After Normal source is restored and .
A. static transfer switch auto transfers to Normal source.
A. static transfer switch auto transfers to Normal source.
B. manual transfer switch is transferred to Normal source to load.
B. manual transfer switch is transferred to Normal source to load.
C. manually depress the Inverter to load pushbutton.
C. manually depress the Inverter to load pushbutton.
D. local alarm acknowledge pushbutton is depressed.  
D. local alarm acknowledge pushbutton is depressed.
Answer: A Explanation:
Answer: A Explanation:
1Y97 is a BOP inverter therefore when loss of normal supply the alarm is received.
1Y97 is a BOP inverter ther efore when loss of normal suppl y the alarm is received. After normal supply is restored the BOP inverters will auto transfer back to the normal supply which will then clear the alarm.  
After normal supply is restored the BOP inverters will auto transfer back to the normal supply which will then clear the alarm.
A is correct Technical  
'A' is correct  


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262002 Uninterruptable Power Supply (A.C./D.C.)
A4 - Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control

room:  A4.01 Transfer from alternative source to preferred source K/A # 262002 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L6200, Objective 17 Question Source:                 Bank #
GLP-OPS-L6200, Objective 17 Question Source: Bank #       (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
New                     X Question History:               Last 2 NRC Exams         No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
Question 49 A LOCA has occurred wit h a Station Blackout.
DC electrical bus 11DA has tripped. 
Which of the following procedures can be used to operate the RCIC system for EOP mitigation?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level        RO 263000 D.C. Electrical Distribution 2.4.6 Knowledge of EOP mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 /
K/A #      263000 43.5 / 45.13)                                              Rating      3.7 Rev / Date    0 Question          49 A LOCA has occurred with a Station Blackout.
DC electrical bus 11DA has tripped.
Which of the following procedures can be used to operate the RCIC system for EOP mitigation?
A. RCIC System Operating Instructions (SOI)
A. RCIC System Operating Instructions (SOI)
B. 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power ONEP C. 05-1-02-II-1, Shutdown From t he Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP D. 05-S-01-STRATEGY, Alternate Strategy  
B. 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power ONEP C. 05-1-02-II-1, Shutdown From the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP D. 05-S-01-STRATEGY, Alternate Strategy Answer: D Explanation:
Alternate Strategy procedure provides pre-established strategies for dealing with significant events well outside design bases and current procedures. This guidance is focused on operation of starting RCIC from outside the control room.
Answer: D Explanation:
A is wrong, the system SOI does not go outside the design B is wrong, the ONEP does not cover loss of DC.
Alternate Strategy procedure provides pre-established st rategies for dealing with significant events well outside design bases and current procedures. This guidance is focused on operation of starting RCI C from outside t he control room.  
C is wrong, Remote shutdown panel does not cover loss of DC D is correct, Technical  
'A' is wrong, the system SOI does not go outside the design  
'B' is wrong, the ONEP does not cover loss of DC.  
'C' is wrong, Remote shutdown panel does not cover loss of DC  
'D' is correct,


Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 263000 D.C. Electrical Distribution
05-S-01-STRATEGY References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B5B00, OBJ. 2 Question Source:                 Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
====2.4.6 Knowledge====
New                     X Question History:               Last 2 NRC Exams         No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental       X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
of EOP mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
K/A # 263000 Rating 3.7  Rev / Date  0 05-S-01-STRATEGY References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B5B00, OBJ. 2 Question Source: Bank #       (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  

Question   50 Bus 15AA is energized.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level        RO 263000 DC Electrical Distribution K3.02 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #      262001 D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on the following:          Rating    3.3/3.6 Components using D.C. control power (i.e. breakers)
Rev / Date    0 Question         50 Bus 15AA is energized.
CRD pump 'A' is operating.  
CRD pump A is operating.
Battery bus 11DA is subsequently de-energized.
Battery bus 11DA is subsequently de-energized.  
Circuit breaker 152-1505 for CRD pump A:
A. will not be capable of any remote or local operation until bus 11DA is restored.
Circuit breaker 152-1505 for CRD pump 'A':  
A. will not be capable of any remote or local operation un til bus 11DA is restored.
B. can be opened, closed and reopened once, manually, at the breaker.
B. can be opened, closed and reopened once, manually, at the breaker.
C. can be opened remotely but must be closed manually, at the breaker.
C. can be opened remotely but must be closed manually, at the breaker.
D. will still have automatic trip capability.  
D. will still have automatic trip capability.
Answer: B Explanation:
Answer: B     Explanation:
A is wrong;       the breaker will not operate remotely without DC power B is correct: Any 4160 breaker that is already closed when the loss of DC occurs can be opened due to the opening springs are compressed by the closing of the breaker, the closing springs are also compressed when the breaker is closed C is wrong; the breaker will not operate remotely without DC power D is wrong; trip coil is DC powered Technical  
A is wrong; the breaker will not op erate remotely without DC power  
B is correct: Any 4160 breaker that is already closed when the loss of DC occurs can be opened due to the opening springs are compress ed by the closing of the breaker, the closing springs are also compre ssed when the breaker is closed
C is wrong; the breaker will not op erate remotely without DC power  
D is wrong; trip coil is DC powered  


04-1-01-L11-1 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 263000 DC Electrical Distribution K3.02 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on the following: Components using D.C. control power (i.e. breakers)
K/A # 262001 Rating 3.3/3.6  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE

Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-L1100. OBJ 10.1     Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-02739a   (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L1100. OBJ 10.1 Question Source:                 Bank #                 GGNS-OPS-02739a (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
New Question History:               Last 2 NRC Exams             No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis        X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Question 51 A Station Blackout has occurred.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level              RO 264000 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet)
K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #            264000 following concepts as they apply to EMERGENCY        Rating              3.4 GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET) : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
Reactor water level is -172 inches and slowly lowering.  
Rev / Date          0 K5.06 Load sequencing Question         51 A Station Blackout has occurred.
Reactor water level is -172 inches and slowly lowering.
Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig and slowly rising.  
Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig and slowly rising.
Operators are restoring 16AB from Div 3 Diesel Generator.
Operators are restor ing 16AB from Div 3 Diesel Generator.  
Which of the following describes the order components are restored after 16AB is energized?
A. RHR B relay logic is restored and allow LSS to perform a LOCA sequence.
Which of the following describes the order components are restored after 16AB is energized?  
B. SSW B pump is manually started then RHR B logic is restored.
C. RHR B relay logic is restored causing SSW B to auto start.
A. RHR 'B' relay logic is restored and allow LSS to perform a LOCA sequence.
D. RHR B is manually started causing SSW B to auto start.
B. SSW 'B' pump is manually started then RHR 'B' logic is restored.
Answer: B Explanation:
C. RHR 'B' relay logic is restored causing SSW 'B' to auto start.
Per 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, 3.2.10 , LSS is shutdown prior to energizing the 16AB bus and remains shutdown to protect the Div 3 D/G from overloading and prevent surge loading from simultaneous start of large pumps.
D. RHR 'B' is manually started c ausing SSW 'B' to auto start.  
After the power is restored in step 3.2.10 I Starts SSW pump B manually prior to energizing the RHR logic power.
A is wrong; SSW is manually started prior to restoring relay logic and LSS is shutdown and will not perform its function.
Answer: B Explanation:
B is correct:
Per 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, 3.2.10 , LSS is shut down prior to energizing the 16AB bus and remains shutdown to protect the Div 3 D/G from overloading and prevent surge loading from si multaneous start of large pumps.  
After the power is restored in step 3.2.10 I Starts SSW pump 'B
' manually prior to energizing the RHR logic power.
A is wrong; SSW is manually started prio r to restoring relay logic and LSS is shutdown and will not perform its function.  
B is correct:   Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 264000 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet)
K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET) : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
K5.06 Load sequencing K/A # 264000 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 C is wrong; SSW is manually started prior to restoring relay logic to prevent a simultaneous start of large components

D is wrong; Same as C  
C is wrong; SSW is manually started prior to restoring relay logic to prevent a simultaneous start of large components D is wrong; Same as C Technical  


05-1-02-I-4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-ONEP. OBJ 13.0 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
05-1-02-I-4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP. OBJ 13.0 Question Source:                   Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
(note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
New                                     X Question History:                 Last 2 NRC Exams                       No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)
Question 52 Which of the following will caus e a Plant Air Compressor trip?
A. Compressor Cabinet Temperature failing HIGH B. Compressor Cooling Wate r Temperature failing HIGH C. Compressor Oil Filter DP failing LOW D. Compressor Oil Temperature failing LOW
Answer: A  Explanation:
Per 04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4, 
A is Correct
B is wrong: The compressors do not have a cooling water temp trip
C is wrong; Low oil filter D/
P does nothing, but high filter D/P would cause a trouble alarm.

D is wrong; Oil temp high or pres sure low will trip compressor Technical  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level          RO 300000 Instrument Air System (IAS)
K6 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #        300000 following will have on the INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM: (CFR:      Rating        2.7 41.7 / 45.7)
Rev / Date      0 K6.03 Temperature indicators Question            52 Which of the following will cause a Plant Air Compressor trip?
A. Compressor Cabinet Temperature failing HIGH B. Compressor Cooling Water Temperature failing HIGH C. Compressor Oil Filter DP failing LOW D. Compressor Oil Temperature failing LOW Answer: A Explanation:
Per 04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4, A is Correct B is wrong:        The compressors do not have a cooling water temp trip C is wrong; Low oil filter D/P does nothing, but high filter D/P would cause a trouble alarm.
D is wrong; Oil temp high or pressure low will trip compressor Technical  


04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GL P-OPS-P5100. OBJ 15.0 Question Source: Bank #   Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 300000 Instrument Air System (IAS)
04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P5100. OBJ 15.0 Question Source:                                   Bank #
K6 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)

K6.03 Temperature indicators K/A # 300000 Rating 2.7  Rev / Date  0 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)  
New                     X Question History:             Last 2 NRC Exams       No Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Question 53 A LOCA has occurred.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level        RO 400000 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)
A4. Ability to manually operate and / or monitor in the control K/A #      400000 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)                                Rating      3.1 A4.01 CCW indications and control                              Rev / Date    0 Question           53 A LOCA has occurred.
Reactor water level dropped to -50 Wide Range and is currently -30 and rising.
Drywell pressure is 1.29 psig and slowly rising.
You are verifying initiations and isolations per EP-2.
Which of the following describes the status of the SSW systems?
A. SSW A is running with flow going to all components SSW B is in Standby SSW C is supplying all of its associated components B. SSW A is in Standby SSW B is running supplying flow to all components SSW C is in Standby C. SSW A is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler SSW B is in Standby SSW C is supplying all of its associated components D. SSW A is in Standby SSW B is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler SSW C is supplying all of its associated components

Reactor water level dropped to -50" Wide Range and is currently -30" and rising.
Answer: C Explanation:
With level reaching <-41.6 a RCIC auto initiation occurred, SSW A starts when the E51-F045 is not full closed but will only supply flow to the ECCS room coolers only. Also HPCS auto initiated and SSW C will supply all its associated loads.
Drywell pressure is 1.29 psig and slowly rising.
A is wrong, due to only the RCIC room cooler (along with all ECCS room coolers) is receiving flow from SSW A.
B is wrong, due to SSW B does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler and SSW C will be running due to HPCS initiation C is correct, see explanation above.
You are verifying initiations and isolations per EP-2.
D is wrong, due to due to SSW B does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler.
Which of the following describes the status of the SSW systems?
A. SSW 'A' is running with flow going to all components SSW 'B' is in Standby
SSW 'C' is supplying all of its associated components
B. SSW 'A' is in Standby SSW 'B' is running supplyi ng flow to all components
SSW 'C' is in Standby
C. SSW 'A' is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler SSW 'B' is in Standby
SSW 'C' is supplying all of its associated components
D. SSW 'A' is in Standby SSW 'B' is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler
SSW 'C' is supplying all of its associated components Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 400000 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)
A4. Ability to manually operate and / or monitor in the control room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)
A4.01 CCW indications and control K/A # 400000 Rating 3.1  Rev / Date  0 Answer: C Explanation:  
With level reaching <-41.6" a RCIC auto initiation occurred, SSW 'A' starts when the E51-F045 is not full closed but will only supply flow to the ECCS room coolers only. Also HPCS auto initiated and SSW 'C' will supply all its associated loads.  
'A' is wrong, due to only the RCIC room cool er (along with all ECCS room coolers) is receiving flow from SSW 'A'.
'B' is wrong, due to SSW 'B' does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler and SSW 'C' will be running due to HPCS initiation  
'C' is correct, see explanation above.  
'D' is wrong, due to due to SSW 'B' does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler.


04-1-01-E51-1 04-1-01-P41-1  
04-1-01-E51-1 04-1-01-P41-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P41, Objective 10.1 & 10.2 Question Source:                        Bank #                      GGNS-OPS-00778 (note changes; attach parent)          Modified Bank #
New Question History:                      Last NRC Exam                        No Question Cognitive Level:              Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                  55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level            RO 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A #          201003 effect relationships between CONTROL ROD AND DRIVE        Rating          3.1 MECHANISM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)                                                     Rev / Date        0 K1.03 RPIS Question           54 Which of the following is the reason for CONT ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator?
None  Learning Objective:
A. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by an independent reed switch closing past the 00 indication.
GLP-OPS-P41, Objective 10.1 & 10.2 Question Source: Bank #    GGNS-OPS-00778  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)
Question 54 Which of the following is the reason for CONT ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator?  
A. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by an i ndependent reed switch closing past the 00 indication.
B. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by the reed switch for 00 indication no longer being closed.
B. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by the reed switch for 00 indication no longer being closed.
C. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected an independent reed switch closing past the 48 indication.
C. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected an independent reed switch closing past the 48 indication.
D. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected by the reed switch for 48 indication no longer being closed.  
D. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected by the reed switch for 48 indication no longer being closed.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer: C Explanation:  
If the coupling spud becomes uncoupled from the control rod the drive piston will withdraw a small additional distance to reach its lover mechanical end stop. In this overtravel position, the attached ring magnet actuates the overtravel reed switch in the indicator probe, thus providing an indication of control rod and drive separation.
A and B are wrong, due to this is inserted which cant be overtravel or uncoupled.
If the coupling spud becomes uncoupled from t he control rod the driv e piston will withdraw a small additional distance to reach its lover mechanical end stop. In this "overtravel" position, the attached ring magne t actuates the "overtravel" reed switch in the indicator probe, thus providing an indication of control rod and drive separation.  
C is correct, see explanation above.
D is wrong, due to an independent reed switch exist called the Overtravel reed switch past the 48 position.
'A' and 'B' are wrong, due to this is inserted which can't be overtravel or uncoupled.
'C' is correct, see explanation above.  
'D' is wrong, due to an independent reed switch exist called the Overtravel reed switch past the 48 position.  


GLP-OPS-C111B, Page 14 of 51 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
GLP-OPS-C111B, Page 14 of 51 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None
None Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause effect relationships between CONTROL ROD AND DRIVE MECHANISM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)
K1.03 RPIS K/A # 201003 Rating 3.1  Rev / Date  0 Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-C111B, Objective 5.2, 7.2 Question Source: Bank #      (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New X  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)

Question 55 A plant startup is in progr ess with all IRMs on Range 8.  
Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C111B, Objective 5.2, 7.2 Question Source:              Bank #
(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
Which of the following must be met in order to satisfy assumptions for providing core cooling in the first few seconds of a DBA LOCA in a Recirc Loop?
New                    X Question History:              Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental    X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level        RO 202001 Recirculation System 2.4.9 Knowledge of low power/shutdown implications in K/A #      202001 accident (e.g., loss of coolant accident or loss of residual    Rating      3.8 heat removal) mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
Rev / Date    0 Question            55 A plant startup is in progress with all IRMs on Range 8.
Which of the following must be met in order to satisfy assumptions for providing core cooling in the first few seconds of a DBA LOCA in a Recirc Loop?
A. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 10% of rated core flow.
A. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 10% of rated core flow.
B. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 5% of rated core flow.
B. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 5% of rated core flow.
C. ESF Diesel Generators come up to rated speed and voltage within 10 seconds.
C. ESF Diesel Generators come up to rated speed and voltage within 10 seconds.
D. HPCS or LPCS inject to the core at > 7000 gpm within 15 seconds.  
D. HPCS or LPCS inject to the core at > 7000 gpm within 15 seconds.
Answer: A Explanation:
FSAR section states that jet pump flows are closely matched for a DBA LOCA to ensure the design bases peak cladding temperatures are not exceeded during the first few seconds of the event. (This is also explained in the TS bases for TS 3.4.1)
TS 3.4.1 (applicable in Modes 1 & 2) requires loop jet pump flows be matched within 10%
when operating at < 70% rated core flow. In reactor Mode 2, Recirc Pumps are in slow speed and core flow is below 70% rated. If core flow were above 70% rated, TS 3.4.1 SR would require loop flow to be within 5%. The plant conditions in the stem make the answer correct and distracter 1 wrong.
Distracter 2 is plausible because ESF Diesel Generators are required to be at rated speed and voltage within 10 seconds per SR
Distracter 3 is plausible because one method of adequate core cooling is for HPCS or LPCS to inject > 7000 gpm; however, for the DBA it is assumed that 3 ECCS systems are operable in order to re-flood the core.

Answer: A Explanation:
FSAR section states that jet pump flows are closely matched for a DBA LOCA to ensure the design bases peak cladding temperat ures are not exceeded during the first few seconds of the event. (This is also expl ained in the TS bases for TS 3.4.1)
TS 3.4.1 (applicable in Modes 1 & 2) requi res loop jet pump flows be matched within 10% when operating at < 70% rated core flow. In reactor Mode 2, Recirc Pumps are in slow speed and core flow is below 70% rated. If co re flow were above 70% rated, TS 3.4.1 SR would require loop flow to be within 5%. The plant condi tions in the stem make the answer correct and distracter 1 wrong.
Distracter 2 is plausible because ESF Diesel Generators are required to be at rated speed and voltage within 10 sec onds per SR
Distracter 3 is plausible because one method of adequate core cooling is for HPCS or LPCS to inject > 7000 gpm; however, for the DBA it is assu med that 3 ECCS systems are operable in order to re-flood the core.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 202001 Recirculation System
====2.4.9 Knowledge====
of low power/shutdown implications in accident (e.g., loss of coolant accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
K/A # 202001 Rating 3.8  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


FSAR section TS 3.4.1 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
FSAR section TS 3.4.1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B3300 Obj 2 Question Source:                 Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-B3300 Obj 2 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                     X Question History:               Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(10) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(10)   55.43(b)  
Question 56 The plant is in Mode 4.
Reactor water level is being maintained by RWCU blowdown.

G33-F033 is 15% open.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level          RO 204000 Reactor Water Cleanup System K4. Knowledge of REACTOR WATER CLEANUP SYSTEM K/A #        204000 design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the Rating          3.3 following: (CFR: 41.7)
Rev / Date      0 K4.08 Reducing reactor pressure upstream of low pressure piping: LP-RWCU Question          56 The plant is in Mode 4.
Reactor water level is being maintained by RWCU blowdown.
G33-F033 is 15% open.
The Operator at the controls notices reactor water level rising due to the G33-F033 automatically closing.
Which of the following describes the reason for the G33-F033 automatic action?
A. Reactor Water level reached +53.5 Narrow Range B. Line pressure downsteam of the G33-F033 is >140 psig C. Filter Demin Inlet Temperature >140&deg;F D. Any Group 8 RWCU isolation signal is received Answer: B Explanation:
The G33-F033 will auto close upon receipt of either low pressure upsteam or high pressure downstream of the F033. IF F033 is > 5% open.
A is wrong. No auto actions for RWCU at this level B is correct, C is wrong, This will cause the F004 to auto close and cause a pump trip.

The Operator at the contro ls notices reactor water level rising due to the G33-F033 automatically closing.
D is wrong, Group 8 isolation does not affect the F033.
Which of the following describes the r eason for the G33-F033 automatic action?
A. Reactor Water level reached +53.5" Narrow Range B. Line pressure downsteam of the G33-F033 is >140 psig C. Filter Demin Inlet Temperature >140&deg;F D. Any Group 8 RWCU isolation signal is received
Answer: B Explanation:
The G33-F033 will auto close upon receipt of either low pressure upsteam or high pressure downstream of the F033.
IF F033 is > 5% open.
'A' is wrong. No auto actions for RWCU at this level
'B' is correct, 
'C' is wrong, This will cause the F004 to auto close and cause a pump trip.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 204000 Reactor Water Cleanup System K4. Knowledge of REACTOR WATER CLEANUP SYSTEM design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7)
K4.08 Reducing reactor pressure upstream of low pressure piping: LP-RWCU K/A # 204000 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 
'D' is wrong, Group 8 isolation does not affect the F033.


GLP-OPS-G3336, page 26 of 43 04-1-02-1H13-P680-11A-C5  
GLP-OPS-G3336, page 26 of 43 04-1-02-1H13-P680-11A-C5 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.6 Question Source:                     Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)       Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
New                   X Question History:                   Last NRC Exam         No Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.6 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 57 A significant leak has occurred from the is olation valve on the Reference leg of the transmitter that supplies 'C' Narrow Range reactor water level detector.
Which of the following describes the expected response of the 'C' Narrow Range level indication?
The 'C' Narrow Range indicated level will-
A. be higher than either 'A' or 'B' indicated levels.
B. be lower than either 'A' or 'B' indicated levels.
C. be the same as 'A' or 'B' indicated levels.
D. oscillate higher and lower than 'A' or 'B' indicated levels.
Answer: A Explanation:
With a leak on the reference leg of a level transmitter the DP will reduce causing indicated level to rise.
'A' is correct. 
'B' is wrong, due to the reason A is co rrect the indicated level will rise
'C' is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.

'D' is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level                  RO 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #                216000 following concepts as they apply to NUCLEAR BOILER  Rating                  3.5 INSTRUMENTATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
Rev / Date              0 K5.13 Reference leg flashing: Design-Specific Question          57 A significant leak has occurred from the isolation valve on the Reference leg of the transmitter that supplies C Narrow Range reactor water level detector.
Which of the following describes the expected response of the C Narrow Range level indication?
The C Narrow Range indicated level will A. be higher than either A or B indicated levels.
B. be lower than either A or B indicated levels.
C. be the same as A or B indicated levels.
D. oscillate higher and lower than A or B indicated levels.
Answer: A Explanation:
With a leak on the reference leg of a level transmitter the DP will reduce causing indicated level to rise.
A is correct.
B is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise C is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.
D is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.


04-1-01-B21-1 GLPL-OPS-COM07 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
04-1-01-B21-1 GLPL-OPS-COM07
K5.13 Reference leg flashing: Design-Specific K/A # 216000 Rating 3.5  Rev / Date  0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None  Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2  GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source: Bank #    GGNS-OPS-00372  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)

Question 58 Which of the following conditions will the Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves (E61-F007 & E61-F020) OPEN?
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2 GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source:                Bank #                  GGNS-OPS-00372 (note changes; attach parent)  Modified Bank #
New Question History:                Last NRC Exam                No Question Cognitive Level:        Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis        X 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                        Level        RO 223001 Primary Containment System and Auxiliaries K4. Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND K/A #      223001 AUXILIARIES design feature(s) and/or interlocks which      Rating      3.1 provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7)
Rev / Date    0 K4.06 Maintains proper containment/secondary containment to drywell differential pressure Question              58 Which of the following conditions will the Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves (E61-F007 & E61-F020) OPEN?
A. Upon receipt of a LOCA.
A. Upon receipt of a LOCA.
B. 30 seconds after the receipt of a LOCA.
B. 30 seconds after the receipt of a LOCA.
C. When Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure and no LOCA signal present.
C. When Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure and no LOCA signal present.
D. When a LOCA signal is present and Dryw ell pressure is 0.88 psig greater than Containment pressure.  
D. When a LOCA signal is present and Drywell pressure is 0.88 psig greater than Containment pressure.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer: C Explanation:  
The Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves will auto open when NO LOCA signal is present and Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure.
A is wrong, The E61 CTMT and Drywell H2 Analyzers will auto upon receipt of a LOCA B is wrong, the 30 second time delay is in the E61 Drywell purge compressor and Post LOCA Vacuum Relief valves (E61 F003A & B) start/open logic C is correct.
The Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves will auto open when NO LOCA signal is present and Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure.  
D is wrong, These signals is associated with the Post LOCA Drywell Vacuum relief valve.
'A' is wrong, The E61 CTMT and Drywell H2 Analyzers will auto upon receipt of a LOCA  
'B' is wrong, the 30 second time delay is in the E61 Drywell purge compressor and Post LOCA Vacuum Relief valves (E61 F003A & B) start/open logic  
'C' is correct.  
'D' is wrong, These signals is associated with the Post LOCA Drywell Vacuum relief valve.


04-1-01-E61-1 GLP-OPS-E6100  
04-1-01-E61-1 GLP-OPS-E6100

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 223001 Primary Containment System and Auxiliaries K4. Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND AUXILIARIES design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7)  
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2 GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source:                Bank #                  GGNS-OPS-00339 (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
New Question History:                Last NRC Exam                No Question Cognitive Level:        Memory/Fundamental            X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

K4.06 Maintains proper containment/secondary containment to drywell differential pressure K/A # 223001 Rating 3.Rev / Date 0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                                Level        RO 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-up A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FUEL K/A #     233000 POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP ; and (b) based on those                  Rating       2.7 predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR:      Rev / Date   0 41.5 / 45.6)
None  Learning Objective:
A2.09 - A.C. electrical power failures Question              59 The plant is operating at rated conditions.
GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2 GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source: Bank #    GGNS-OPS-00339  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup is operating with both pumps and both filters in service.
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Both Filter Bypass Valves are closed.
Incoming feeder breaker for 15AA bus trips.
15AA power is restored by its Diesel Generator.
Which of the following describes:
(1)        the status of the Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup system?
(2)        the procedure(s) being used to mitigate the transient?
A. (1) Both pumps running (2) Loss of AC Power ONEP B. (1) A pump running, B pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs C. (1) B pump running, A pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs D. (1) Both pumps are tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs

Question 59 The plant is operating at rated conditions.
Answer: D Explanation:
A loss of either 15AA or 16AB will cause one pump to trip due to loss of power, but, the Air operated Filter Demin inlet valves F019 and F045 are powered from the 15 and 16 bus also and are in series. Therefore on a loss of either bus one pump will trip and cause the closure of one filter inlet valve causing a trip of the other pump on low flow.
Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup is operating wit h both pumps and both filters in service.
A is wrong, Both pumps will trip and Decay heat removal ONEP will be entered B is wrong, Both pumps will trip C is wrong, Both pumps will trip D is correct, Technical  
Both Filter Bypass Valves are closed.
Incoming feeder breaker for 15AA bus trips.
15AA power is restored by its Diesel Generator.
Which of the following describes:
(1) the status of the Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup system?
(2) the procedure(s) being us ed to mitigate the transient?
A. (1) Both pumps running (2) Loss of AC Power ONEP
B. (1) 'A' pump running, 'B' pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs
C. (1) 'B' pump running, 'A' pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs
D. (1) Both pumps are tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-up A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)
A2.09 - A.C. electrical power failures K/A # 233000 Rating 2.7  Rev / Date  0 Answer: D Explanation:  
A loss of either 15AA or 16AB will cause one pump to trip due to loss of power, but, the Air operated Filter Demin inlet valves F019 and F 045 are powered from the 15 and 16 bus also and are in series. Therefore on a loss of ei ther bus one pump will trip and cause the closure of one filter inlet valve causing a trip of the other pump on low flow.  
'A' is wrong, Both pumps will trip and Decay heat removal ONEP will be entered  
'B' is wrong, Both pumps will trip
'C' is wrong, Both pumps will trip  
'D' is correct, Technical  


04-1-01-G41-1, At t III page 1 of 3 05-1-02-III-1, 4.1  
04-1-01-G41-1, Att III page 1 of 3 05-1-02-III-1, 4.1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G4146, Objective 7.6 Question Source:                       Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
New                                     X Question History:                       Last NRC Exam                           No Question Cognitive Level:               Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-G4146, Objective 7.6 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 60 The plant is experiencing a loss of condenser vacuum.
Which of the following identifie s the order in which automatic actions occur in response to the degrading vacuum?
A. 1) Main Turbine Trip 2) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 3) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 4) MSIV closure
B. 1) Main Turbine Trip 2) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 3) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 4) MSIV closure
C. 1) Feed Pump Turbine Trip  2) Main Turbine Trip
: 3) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 4) MSIV closure
D. 1) MSIV closure  2) Turbine Bypass Valve closure  3) Feed Pump Turbine Trip  4) Main Turbine Trip Answer: A Explanation:
With degrading vacuum the auto tr ip setpoints are as follows:
21" Main Turbine Trip 16" Feedpump Turbine Trip Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM SYSTEM: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
K6.08 Main condenser vacuum K/A # 239001 Rating 3.3  Rev / Date  0 12" Bypass valve closure  9" MSIV closure
'A' is correct, 
'B' is wrong, the feedpump will trip before bypass valve closure

'C' is wrong, Main turbine will trip before the feedpump turbine
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #      239001 following will have on the MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM              Rating      3.3 SYSTEM: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
Rev / Date    0 K6.08 Main condenser vacuum Question            60 The plant is experiencing a loss of condenser vacuum.
Which of the following identifies the order in which automatic actions occur in response to the degrading vacuum?
A. 1)          Main Turbine Trip
: 2)        Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 3)        Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 4)        MSIV closure B. 1)          Main Turbine Trip
: 2)        Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 3)        Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 4)        MSIV closure C. 1)          Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 2)        Main Turbine Trip
: 3)        Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 4)        MSIV closure D. 1)          MSIV closure
: 2)        Turbine Bypass Valve closure
: 3)        Feed Pump Turbine Trip
: 4)        Main Turbine Trip Answer: A Explanation:
With degrading vacuum the auto trip setpoints are as follows:
21 Main Turbine Trip 16 Feedpump Turbine Trip

'D' is wrong, These are in the opposite order.
12 Bypass valve closure 9 MSIV closure A is correct, B is wrong, the feedpump will trip before bypass valve closure C is wrong, Main turbine will trip before the feedpump turbine D is wrong, These are in the opposite order.


04-1-01-N62-1 05-1-02-V-8, section 5.0 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
04-1-01-N62-1 05-1-02-V-8, section 5.0 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N6200, Objective 14 GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 39.0 Question Source:                       Bank #                   GGNS-OPS-01990 (note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New Question History:                       Last NRC Exam                 No Question Cognitive Level:               Memory/Fundamental             X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-N6200, Objective 14 GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 39.0 Question Source: Bank #   GGNS-OPS-01990 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 61 The plant is operating at rated power. 
At P680, the CF TK LVL LO alarm is received and seals-in.
Local operators report that EHC tank level is lowering and they've found a large EHC leak.
Control room operators perform the following:
Place the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN  Trip Main Turbine  Trip the EHC pumps.
An ATWS occurs and EP-2A is entered. 
Operators will use
______(1)_______ for pressure control and maintain reactor pressure within a band of ______(2)______.
A. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig B. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 450 psig to 600 psig
C. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig
D. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 450 psig to 600 psig Answer: C  Explanation:
Per ARI P680-10A-B4, "If a large leak is found, remove the turbine generator from service and shutdown the control fluid pumps to repair leakage."  With the EHC Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 245000 Main Turbine Generator and Auxiliary Systems K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS will have on following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)
K3.08 Reactor/turbine pressure control system: Plant-Specific K/A # 245000 Rating 3.7  Rev / Date  0 pumps shutdown the bypass valves would fail closed, therefore pressure control would be from SRVs with a band of 800 psig to 1060 psig.   
'A' is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure.
'B' is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater is unaffected.

'C' is correct. See explanation above.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level        RO 245000 Main Turbine Generator and Auxiliary Systems K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A #      245000 MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS will            Rating      3.7 have on following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)
Rev / Date    0 K3.08 Reactor/turbine pressure control system: Plant-Specific Question            61 The plant is operating at rated power.
'D' is wrong. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater
At P680, the CF TK LVL LO alarm is received and seals-in.
Local operators report that EHC tank level is lowering and theyve found a large EHC leak.
is unaffected.  
Control room operators perform the following:
Place the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN Trip Main Turbine Trip the EHC pumps.
An ATWS occurs and EP-2A is entered.
Operators will use ______(1)_______ for pressure control and maintain reactor pressure within a band of ______(2)______.
A. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig B. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 450 psig to 600 psig C. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig D. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 450 psig to 600 psig Answer: C Explanation:
Per ARI P680-10A-B4, If a large leak is found, remove the turbine generator from service and shutdown the control fluid pumps to repair leakage. With the EHC

pumps shutdown the bypass valves would fail closed, therefore pressure control would be from SRVs with a band of 800 psig to 1060 psig.
A is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure.
B is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater is unaffected.
C is correct. See explanation above.
D is wrong. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater is unaffected.


04-1-01-N32-1, 3.10 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N3200, Objective 18.1 Question Source:                     Bank # 240                           X (note changes; attach parent)         Modified Bank #
04-1-01-N32-1, 3.10  
New Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis              X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-N3200, Objective 18.1 Question Source: Bank # 240 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
Question 62 The plant is operating at rated pow er when the Main Turbine trips.
The operator at the controls aligns for startup level control using Reactor Feed Pump 'A'.
10 minutes after the Scram the transient is complete; all plant parameters are stable again. 
Which of the following describes the Governor Control Valve position for RFPT 'A'?

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level                RO 259001 Reactor Feedwater System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A #              259001 following concepts as they apply to REACTOR FEEDWATER Rating              2.8 SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
Rev / Date            0 K5.03 Turbine operation: TDRFP's-Only Question          62 The plant is operating at rated power when the Main Turbine trips.
The operator at the controls aligns for startup level control using Reactor Feed Pump A.
10 minutes after the Scram the transient is complete; all plant parameters are stable again.
Which of the following describes the Governor Control Valve position for RFPT A?
A. Slightly higher than original indication due to more load on the feed pump turbine.
A. Slightly higher than original indication due to more load on the feed pump turbine.
B. Slightly lower than original indication due to the Scram.
B. Slightly lower than original indication due to the Scram.
C. More than double the original indication due to a swap to its high pressure steam source.
C. More than double the original indication due to a swap to its high pressure steam source.
D. One-half the original in dication due to the Scram.
D. One-half the original indication due to the Scram.
Answer: C Explanation:
Answer: C Explanation:
Rated position for the governor valve is 20% after a scram the governor will slowly move to high pressure steam and governor valve will be 60%.
Rated position for the governor valve is 20% after a scram the governor will slowly move to high pressure steam and governor valve will be 60%.
  'A' is wrong. See explanation above  
A is wrong. See explanation above B is wrong. See explanation above C is correct. See explanation above D is wrong. See explanation above

'B' is wrong. See explanation above
'C' is correct. See explanation above 
'D' is wrong. See explanation above
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 259001 Reactor Feedwater System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)
K5.03 Turbine operation: TDRFP's-Only K/A # 259001 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


04-1-01-N21-1, Feedwater SOI References to be provided to applicants during exam:
04-1-01-N21-1, Feedwater SOI References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 17, 18 Question Source:               Bank # 2012 Audit 1       X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New Question Cognitive Level:     Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis     X 10CFR Part 55 Content:         55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 17, 18 Question Source: Bank # 2012 Audit 1 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 63 The plant is operating at 25% power.
The N64-F060, Offgas System Discharge to Radwaste Ventilation Valve, has automatically closed on Post Treatment Hi Hi Hi radiation. 
Which of the following describes ho w Offgas flow is re-established?
Verify Post Treatment radiation indication is below the trip setpoint and:
A. Depress the NSSSS Reset Pushbuttons B. Verify N64-F060 auto reopens C. Place handswitch for N64-F060 to CLOSE and back to AUTO/OPEN D. Place Brass Key lock switch for N64-F045, Adsorber Train Bypass Valve, to BYPASS and back to TREAT
Answer: B  Explanation:
Once the F060 closes on a Post Treat rad sig nal it will auto reset once the signal is cleared. 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-C8 step 3.7, "If the radiation levels drop below the Hi Hi Hi trip, ensure N64-F060 opens and indicates open on panel P845."
  'A' is wrong. This is required for and NSS SS isolation valve, N 64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.
'B' is correct. See explanation above

'C' is wrong. This is required for opening an MSIV after auto closure. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 271000 Offgas System A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                           Level       RO 271000 Offgas System A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A #      271000 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)                             Rating      2.8 A4.01 Reset system isolations                                 Rev / Date   0 Question          63 The plant is operating at 25% power.
A4.01 Reset system isolations K/A # 271000 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date 0
The N64-F060, Offgas System Discharge to Radwaste Ventilation Valve, has automatically closed on Post Treatment Hi Hi Hi radiation.
'D' is wrong. This will only open the F045 and close the F060 when taken to
Which of the following describes how Offgas flow is re-established?
Verify Post Treatment radiation indication is below the trip setpoint and:
A. Depress the NSSSS Reset Pushbuttons B. Verify N64-F060 auto reopens C. Place handswitch for N64-F060 to CLOSE and back to AUTO/OPEN D. Place Brass Key lock switch for N64-F045, Adsorber Train Bypass Valve, to BYPASS and back to TREAT Answer: B Explanation:
Once the F060 closes on a Post Treat rad signal it will auto reset once the signal is cleared. 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-C8 step 3.7, If the radiation levels drop below the Hi Hi Hi trip, ensure N64-F060 opens and indicates open on panel P845.
A is wrong. This is required for and NSSSS isolation valve, N64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.
B is correct. See explanation above C is wrong. This is required for opening an MSIV after auto closure.

BYPASS Technical  
D is wrong. This will only open the F045 and close the F060 when taken to BYPASS Technical  


04-1-02-1H13-P601-19 A-C8 step 3.7 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-C8 step 3.7 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N6465, Objective 11.9, 13.0 Question Source:                   Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-N6465, Objective 11.9, 13.0 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                 X Question Cognitive Level:           Memory/Fundamental                 X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 64 The deluge system for ESF Transforme r 12 inadvertently initiates.
Fire Water system header pressure drops to 102 psig for 15 seconds.
Operators isolate the delug e and fire water header pre ssure rises to 150 psig.
Which of the following describe the status of the Fire Water Pumps 10 minutes after the deluge was isolated?
A. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running
Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured
Jockey pump secured
B. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running Motor Driven Fire Water pump running
Jockey pump secured
C. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured
Motor Driven Fire Water pump running
Jockey pump secured

D. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level          RO 286000 Fire Protection System A3 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the FIRE K/A #        286000 PROTECTION SYSTEM including:                            Rating        3.4 A3.01 Fire water pump start                              Rev / Date      0 Question              64 The deluge system for ESF Transformer 12 inadvertently initiates.
Fire Water system header pressure drops to 102 psig for 15 seconds.
Operators isolate the deluge and fire water header pressure rises to 150 psig.
Which of the following describe the status of the Fire Water Pumps 10 minutes after the deluge was isolated?
A. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured Jockey pump secured B. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running Motor Driven Fire Water pump running Jockey pump secured C. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured Motor Driven Fire Water pump running Jockey pump secured D. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured Jockey pump running

Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured
Answer: A Explanation:
Jockey pump will auto start on 135 psig and auto stop at 147 psig. Motor driven pump will auto start at 129 psig and auto stop at 141 psig, after 7 minutes. Diesel driven pump A auto starts at 123 psig + 5 seconds and B auto starts at 117 psig + 5 seconds. With pressure at 102 psig for at least 15 seconds all pumps should have initially started. 10 minutes after pressure has stabilized at 150 psig the jockey pump and motor driven pumps should have auto stopped. The diesel driven do not have an auto stop feature they must be manually shutdown.
Jockey pump running Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 286000 Fire Protection System A3 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM including:
A is correct. This is required for and NSSSS isolation valve, N64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.
A3.01 Fire water pump start K/A # 286000 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 Answer: A Explanation:
B is wrong. Motor driven would not be running C is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running.
Jockey pump will auto start on 135 psig and auto stop at 147 psig. Motor driven pump will auto start at 129 psig and auto stop at 141 psig, after 7 minutes. Diesel driven pump A auto starts at 123 psig + 5 seconds and B auto starts at 117 psig + 5 seconds. With pressure at 102 psig for at least 15 seconds all pumps should have initially started. 10 minutes after pressure has stabilized at 150 psig the jockey pump and motor driven pumps should have auto stopped. The diesel driven do not have an auto stop feature they mu st be manually shutdown.
D is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running Technical  
  'A' is correct. This is required for and NSSSS isolation valve, N64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.  
'B' is wrong. Motor dr iven would not be running  
'C' is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running.  
'D' is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running


GLP-OPS-P6400, page 13 and 15 of 73 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
GLP-OPS-P6400, page 13 and 15 of 73 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P6400, Objective 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 Question Source:                     Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)       Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-P6400, Object ive 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                     X Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                 X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)  
Question 65 The plant is operating at 100% po wer when the following occurs:
At time - 0 minutes All 4 Control Room Vent Radiation Monitors are indicating 6 mRem/hr.
At time - 5 minutes A LOCA occurs.
At time - 10 minutes Reactor water le vel reaches -51" Wide Range, HPCS  and RCIC auto initiate and re store level to normal band.
Which of the following describes the operatio n of the Fresh Air Inlet valves, Z51-F007 and Z51-F016, for the Control Room Standby Fresh Air Ventilation system?
A. Receives isolation si gnal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.
B. Receives isolation si gnal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 10 minutes.
C. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                            Level                    RO 290003 Control Room HVAC K4. Knowledge of CONTROL ROOM HVAC design feature(s)
K/A #                  290003 and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7) Rating                    3.1 K4.01 System initiations/reconfiguration: Plant-Specific      Rev / Date                0 Question            65 The plant is operating at 100% power when the following occurs:
At time - 0 minutes                All 4 Control Room Vent Radiation Monitors are indicating 6 mRem/hr.
At time - 5 minutes                A LOCA occurs.
At time - 10 minutes                Reactor water level reaches -51 Wide Range, HPCS and RCIC auto initiate and restore level to normal band.
Which of the following describes the operation of the Fresh Air Inlet valves, Z51-F007 and Z51-F016, for the Control Room Standby Fresh Air Ventilation system?
A. Receives isolation signal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.
B. Receives isolation signal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 10 minutes.
C. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.
D. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 20 minutes.
D. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 20 minutes.
Answer: B Explanation:  
Answer: B Explanation:
On the receipt of a control room isolation signal of -41.6 RPV level or 1.23 psig D/W pressure or >5 mrem/hr on Control Room vent rad monitor, the SBFA unit will auto start in the Recirc mode. Fresh air inlet valves F007 and F016 will auto close and be interlocked closed for 10 minutes. Any subsequent initiation signal during the 10 min time delay has
On the receipt of a control room isolation signal of -41.6" RPV level or 1.23 psig D/W pressure or >5 mrem/hr on Cont rol Room vent rad monitor, t he SBFA unit will auto start in the Recirc mode. Fresh air inlet valves F007 and F016 will auto close and be interlocked  
closed for 10 minutes. Any subsequent initiation signal during the 10 min time delay has Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 290003 Control Room HVAC K4. Knowledge of CONTROL ROOM HVAC design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7)
K4.01 System initiations/reconfiguration: Plant-Specific K/A # 290003 Rating 3.1  Rev / Date  0 no effect. 
The 30 second time delay to reopen valves is based on the Containment Isolation bypass timer. There is no such 30 second by pass on Control Room Ventilation.
'A' is wrong, The valves can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.
'B' is correct 

'C' is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.  
no effect.
The 30 second time delay to reopen valves is based on the Containment Isolation bypass timer. There is no such 30 second bypass on Control Room Ventilation.
'D' is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.
A is wrong, The valves can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.
B is correct C is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.
D is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.


04-1-01-Z51-1 E-0131 SH 3  
04-1-01-Z51-1 E-0131 SH 3 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-Z5100, Objective 9, 11 Question Source:                      Bank #                        GGNS-OPS-09533 (note changes; attach parent)        Modified Bank #
New Question History:                      Last NRC Exam                          No Question Cognitive Level:              Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                  X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                    Level              RO 2.1.21 Ability to verify the controlled procedure copy.
None  Learning Objective:
(CFR: 41.10 / 45.10 / 45.13)                            K/A #            2.1.21 Rating            3.5 Rev / Date          0 Question          66 When performing SOI actions to operate a plant system in the Control Room, operators must A. verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) except in an emergency.
GLP-OPS-Z5100, Objective 9, 11 Question Source: Bank #    GGNS-OPS-09533  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
B. use a Control Room controlled copy or verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS).
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
C. use only a Control Room controlled copy, other copies are not allowed to be used in the Control Room.
D. verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) in all cases.
Answer: B Explanation:
EN-HU-106 requires all personel to verify prior to use the correct revision of the procedure and refers to EN-AD-103 for verification practices. EN-AD-103 states that revisions are verified in EDMS only, but that Control Room controlled copies may be used without verifying the current revision in EDMS (it is assumed that they are always the most recent revision).
A is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies.
B is correct C is wrong, procedure copies are allowed as long as current rev is checked.
D is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies

Question 66 When performing SOI actions to operate a plant system in the Control Room, operators must-
A. verify the copy used is the curr ent revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) except in an emergency.
B. use a Control Room controlled copy or verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Da ta Management System (EDMS).
C. use only a Control Room cont rolled copy, other copies are not allowed to be used in the Control Room.
D. verify the copy used is the curr ent revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) in all cases.
Answer: B Explanation:
EN-HU-106 requires all personel to verify prior to use the correct revision of the procedure and refers to EN-AD-103 for verification practices. EN-AD-103 states that revisions are verified in EDMS only, but that Control Room controlled copies may be used without verifying the current revision in EDMS (it is assumed that t hey are always the most recent revision).
'A' is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies.
'B' is correct 
'C' is wrong, procedure copies are allowed as long as current rev is checked.
'D' is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.21 Ability to verify the controlled procedure copy. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.10 / 45.13)
K/A # 2.1.21 Rating 3.5  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


EN-AD-103 EN-HU-106  
EN-AD-103 EN-HU-106 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 12.3 Question Source:                 Bank # 552               X (note changes; attach parent)   Modified Bank #
New Question History:               Last NRC Exam           No Question Cognitive Level:       Memory/Fundamental       X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:           55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 12.3 Question Source: Bank #   552 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  
Question 67 Operators are in EP-2A and have just begun to re-inject to the RPV at 4000 gpm with RHR 'A'.
Per 02-S-01-27, Operations Philosophy, the ra te of injection is to be raised (if necessary) in increments of-
A. 500 gpm B. 1000 gpm C. 2000 gpm D. 2500 gpm
Answer: B Explanation:

02-S-01-27, Section 6.2.11 states, "If reactor le vel does not begin to indicate an upward trend, then raise injection rate in approx imately 0.5 Mlbm/hr (1000 gpm) increments-"
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level      RO 2.1.20 Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps. (CFR:
41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)
'B' is correct
K/A #      2.1.20 Rating      4.6 Rev / Date  0 Question              67 Operators are in EP-2A and have just begun to re-inject to the RPV at 4000 gpm with RHR A.
Per 02-S-01-27, Operations Philosophy, the rate of injection is to be raised (if necessary) in increments of A. 500 gpm B. 1000 gpm C. 2000 gpm D. 2500 gpm Answer: B Explanation:
02-S-01-27, Section 6.2.11 states, If reactor level does not begin to indicate an upward trend, then raise injection rate in approximately 0.5 Mlbm/hr (1000 gpm) increments B is correct Technical  


02-S-01-27 step 6.2.11 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
02-S-01-27 step 6.2.11 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 57.8 Question Source:                                       Bank # LORQT-06501a       X (note changes; attach parent)                         Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 57.8 Question Source: Bank # LORQT-06501a X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.20 Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)
K/A # 2.1.20 Rating 4.6  Rev / Date  0 Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7)  55.43(b)

Question 68 Which of the following is a Tech Spec requirement for MINIMUM shift manning?
Question History:        Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental    X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:    55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

A. One RO and one SRO present in the control r oom during MODE 1, 2, or 3.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                                Level      RO 2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staffing, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc.
B. One RO and one SRO present in the cont rol room when in MODE 5.
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)
K/A #      2.1.5 Rating      2.9 Rev / Date  0 Question              68 Which of the following is a Tech Spec requirement for MINIMUM shift manning?
A. One RO and one SRO present in the control room during MODE 1, 2, or 3.
B. One RO and one SRO present in the control room when in MODE 5.
C. Two non-licensed operators present on the site when fuel is in reactor.
C. Two non-licensed operators present on the site when fuel is in reactor.
D. Two ROs and one SRO in the control room during MODE 1, 2, or 3.  
D. Two ROs and one SRO in the control room during MODE 1, 2, or 3.
Answer: A Explanation:
The several sources are: Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1, Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 7.0 (including Table 7.2.2-1), and Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-TQ-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.
Per Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1and the Conduct of Operation Att. 9.3 combination of step 5 and 5a states that MODE 1, 2, or 3, there need be only one RO and one SRO in the control room.
B is wrong. Fuel is in the reactor (prospectively) even in MODE 5. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 step 5a (allowing just an RO to be in the control room in, for example, MODE 5) is consistent with The TRM Table 7.2.2-1 (allowing just an RO to be present in the control room in MODE 5). Therefore, this choices claim that the MINIMUM is having one RO and one SRO in the control room when fuel is in the reactor is wrong.
C is wrong. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 reference speaks to the requirements for non-licensed operators on site when fuel is in the reactor. There the MINIMUM only one non-licensed (not two). This is consistent with the TRM Table 7.2.2-1 (allowing just one non-licensed operator on site in MODE 4, or 5)
C is wrong. TRM Table 7.2.2-1 requires there to be at least 2 ROs and one SRO for minimum crew manning and does not specify the location (1 RO may rove).

Answer: A Explanation:
The several sources are: Tech Spec Administ rative Controls Section 5.2.1, Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 7.0 (i ncluding Table 7.2.2-1), and Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-TQ-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.
Per Tech Spec Administrative Controls Se ction 5.2.1and the Conduct of Operation Att. 9.3 combination of step 5 and 5a states that MODE 1, 2, or 3, there need be only one RO and one SRO in the control room. 
'B' is wrong. "Fuel is in the reactor" (prospectively) even in MODE 5. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 step 5a (allo wing just an RO to be in the control room in, for example, MODE 5) is consistent with The TRM Table 7.
2.2-1 (allowing just an RO to be present in the control room in MODE 5).
Therefore, this choice's claim that the MINIMUM is having one RO and one SRO in the control room when fuel is in the reactor is wrong.   
'C' is wrong. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 reference speaks to the requirements for non-licensed operators on site when fuel is in the reactor. There the MINIMUM only one non-licensed (not two). This is consistent with the TRM Table 7.2.2-1 (allowing just one non-licensed operator on site in MODE 4, or 5)
'C' is wrong. TRM Table 7.2.2-1 requires there to be at least 2 ROs and one SRO for minimum crew manning and does not specif y the location (1 RO may rove). Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.5 Ability to use procedures rela ted to shift staffing, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc.  (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)
K/A # 2.1.5 Rating 2.9  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Se ction 7.0 (includi ng Table 7.2.2-1)
Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 7.0 (including Table 7.2.2-1)
Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-O P-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.
Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-OP-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 1.12, GLP-OPS-CFR01 Obj. 17 Question Source:                   Bank #
None Learning Objective:
(note changes; attach parent)     Modified Bank #
GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 1.12, GLP-OPS-CFR01 Obj. 17 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                   X Question History:                 Last NRC Exam                         No Question Cognitive Level:         Memory/Fundamental                     X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:             55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(7)   55.43(b)  

Question 69 Which of the following describes when continuous communication must be maintained between the Control Room and Refueling Platform
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level      RO 2.1.40 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements. (CFR:
41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)                                            K/A #      2.1.40 Rating      2.8 Rev / Date  0 Question             69 Which of the following describes when continuous communication must be maintained between the Control Room and Refueling Platform?
A. Moving SRM detector from full out position to full in position.
A. Moving SRM detector from full out position to full in position.
B. Moving Control Rod 32-33 from full in to full out position with an empty cell.
B. Moving Control Rod 32-33 from full in to full out position with an empty cell.
C. Removing the CRD Mechanism from Control Rod 48-33.
C. Removing the CRD Mechanism from Control Rod 48-33.
D. Moving a Control Rod to perform O ne-Rod-Out interlock checks during Core Verification.
D. Moving a Control Rod to perform One-Rod-Out interlock checks during Core Verification.
Answer:   D Explanation:  
Answer: D Explanation:
'A' is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition movement of source range monitors are not considered to be core alterations.  
A is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition movement of source range monitors are not considered to be core alterations.
B is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition, Control Rod movement provided there are no fuel assemblies in the associated core cell.
'B' is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition, Control Rod movement provided there are no fuel assemblies in the associated core cell.  
C is wrong. Per 03-1-01-5, IOI, 2.15, Continuous communication is required with the Control room and Refuel Floor when changing CRD mechanisms.
D is correct. Per Tech Spec Definition, Movement of any fuel, sources, or reactivity control components within the reactor vessel with the head removed.
'C' is wrong. Per 03-1-01-5, IOI, 2.15, Continuous communication is required with the Control room and Refuel Floor when changing CRD mechanisms.
'D' is correct. Per Tech Spec Definition, Move ment of any fuel, sources, or reactivity control components within the reac tor vessel with the head removed.


Tech Specs, Definiti ons, Core Alteration 03-1-01-5, 2.6 References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Tech Specs, Definitions, Core Alteration 03-1-01-5, 2.6 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-IOI05, Objective 2.3
None Learning Objective:
GLP-OPS-IOI05, Objective 2.3 Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.40 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
K/A # 2.1.40 Rating 2.8  Rev / Date  0 Question Source: Bank #  252 X  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(7) & (10)  55.43(b)

Question 70
Question Source:              Bank # 252            X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:              Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Use your provided references to answer this question.
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                      Level      RO 2.2.41 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12 /            K/A #      2.2.41 45.13)                                                    Rating      3.5 Rev / Date  0 Question          70 Use your provided references to answer this question.
The reactor is operating at rated power.
The reactor is operating at rated power.
RPS Bus A is powered from its ESF source RPS Bus B is powered from its BOP source An electrical transient causes fuse F1B to blow (open circuit).
RPS Bus 'A' is powered from its ESF source RPS Bus 'B' is powered from its BOP source An electrical transient causes fuse F1B to blow (open circuit).  
At the same time C71-CB8A breaker trips open.
Which of the following RPS Scram Solenoid Channels lose power directly as a result of this transient?
At the same time C71-CB8A breaker trips open.  
A. Channel A only B. Channel C only C. Channels B and D only D. Channels B, C and D Answer: D Explanation:
Refer to electrical drawing E-1174.
Which of the following RPS Scram So lenoid Channels lose power directly as a result of this transient?  
Answer A is wrong - Channels B and D are de-energized when F1B fuse is blown.
Answer B is wrong - Channel C is de-energized when CB2A is opened Answer C is correct -
A. Channel A only B. Channel C only C. Channels B and D only D. Channels B, C and D  
Answer:   D Explanation:
Refer to electrical drawing E-1174.
Answer 'A' is wrong - Channels B and D are de-energized when F1B fuse is blown.  
Answer 'B' is wrong - Channel C is de-energized when CB2A is opened  
Answer 'C' is correct - Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.2.41 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12 /
45.13)  K/A # 2.2.41 Rating 3.5  Rev / Date  0 Answer 'D' is wrong - Channel C will remain with power.

Answer D is wrong - Channel C will remain with power.

Line 2,312: Line 1,431:

E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM References to be provided to applicants during exam:
E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM References to be provided to applicants during exam:
E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM Learning Objective:
E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C7100 Objectives 5, 20, 21 Question Source:                     Bank #
GLP-OPS-C7100 Objectives 5, 20, 21 Question Source: Bank #     (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/AnalysisX 10CFR Part 55 Content:
(note changes; attach parent)       Modified Bank #
55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)  
New                   X Question History:                     Last NRC Exam         No Question Cognitive Level:             Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:               55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)
Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.2.43 Knowledge of the process used to track inoperable alarms.
K/A #  2.2.43 Rating 3.0/3.3 Revision 0 Question 71 Leak detection computer point E31N16A1 for B21-F022A, Stem Le akoff Temperature, has failed and is causi ng a nuisance alarm. 
This signal to LDS TROUBLE annunciator has been bypassed.
How should the associated annunciator be identified?
A. No identification is r equired for the alarm window B. Place a length of red tape di agonally across the alarm window C. Place two lengths of red tape diagonally across the alarm window to form an 'X' D. Place two vertical lengths of red tape on the alarm window Answer:  D Explanation:
First thing the student must recognize is t hat the leak detection stem leakoff temp feed into a multiple point alarm.
If an alarm has multiple inputs then 
Per 02-S-01-25, 6.3.5, If an annunciator in put is bypassed, the Annunciator window is marked as follows:
Two vertical lengths of red tape are applied to distinguish an annunciator with a bypassed input.
'A' is wrong. See explanation above
'B' is wrong. See explanation above 

'C' is wrong. See explanation above
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                              Level      RO 2.2.43 Knowledge of the process used to track inoperable alarms.
'D' is correct. See explanation above  
K/A #    2.2.43 Rating  3.0/3.3 Revision    0 Question          71 Leak detection computer point E31N16A1 for B21-F022A, Stem Leakoff Temperature, has failed and is causing a nuisance alarm.
This signal to LDS TROUBLE annunciator has been bypassed.
How should the associated annunciator be identified?
A. No identification is required for the alarm window B. Place a length of red tape diagonally across the alarm window C. Place two lengths of red tape diagonally across the alarm window to form an X D. Place two vertical lengths of red tape on the alarm window Answer: D Explanation:
First thing the student must recognize is that the leak detection stem leakoff temp feed into a multiple point alarm.
If an alarm has multiple inputs then Per 02-S-01-25, 6.3.5, If an annunciator input is bypassed, the Annunciator window is marked as follows:
Two vertical lengths of red tape are applied to distinguish an annunciator with a bypassed input.
A is wrong. See explanation above B is wrong. See explanation above C is wrong. See explanation above D is correct. See explanation above

Line 2,342: Line 1,449:

02-S-01-25, 6.3.5  
02-S-01-25, 6.3.5 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 33.4 Question Source:              Bank # 612                X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #
New Question History:              Last 2 NRC Exams          No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis    X 10CFR Part 55 Content:        55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                          Level      RO 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.
GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 33.4 Question Source: Bank #  612 X  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New  Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
K/A #     2.3.4 Rating      3.2 Rev / Date  0 Question           72 Which of the following is required for a worker to receive 20 Rem TEDE during an emergency?
55.41(b)(7) & (10)  55.43(b)
: 1. Authorization by the Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manger
: 2. Life Saving
Question 72 Which of the following is required for a wo rker to receive 20 Rem TEDE during an emergency?
: 1. Authorization by the Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manger 2. Life Saving
: 3. Protecting Valuable Property
: 3. Protecting Valuable Property
: 4. Only Voluntary  
: 4. Only Voluntary A. 1, 2, 3, and 4 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2, and 3 only D. 1 and 3 only Answer: B Explanation:
A is wrong. Only >25 Rem is voluntary B is correct. 10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table.
A. 1, 2, 3, and 4 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2, and 3 only D. 1 and 3 only Answer: B Explanation:  
C is wrong. Protecting property is limited to 10 Rem.
'A' is wrong. Only >25 Rem is voluntary
D is wrong. Protecting property is limited to 10 Rem.
'B' is correct. 10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table.  
'C' is wrong. Protecting pr operty is limited to 10 Rem.  
'D' is wrong. Protecting pr operty is limited to 10 Rem.


10CFR20 10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table References to be provided to applicants during exam: None

10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table
Learning Objective: ENS Generic RadWorker Training, Objective 4.1 Question Source:                Bank # 613                        X (note changes; attach parent)  Modified Bank #
New Question History:              Last NRC Exam                    No Question Cognitive Level:      Memory/Fundamental                X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:          55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Examination Outline Cross-Reference                                 Level       RO 2.3.13 Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensedl operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry requirements, K/A #     2.3.13 fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-              Rating     3.4 radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.l (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9 /
None  Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.
45.10)                                                               Rev / Date  0 Question           73 Per EN-RP-105, Radiological Work Permits (RWP), a radiation worker must participate in an RWP Pre-Job Brief prior to entering A. the RHR C Pump Room.
K/A # 2.3.4 Rating 3.2  Rev / Date  0 Learning Objective: ENS Generic RadWorker Training, Objective 4.1 Question Source: Bank #  613 X  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New  Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(12)  55.43(b)
Question 73 Per EN-RP-105, Radiological Wo rk Permits (RWP), a radiatio n worker must participate in an RWP Pre-Job Brief prior to entering-
A. the RHR 'C' Pump Room.
B. the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.
B. the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.
C. the LPCS Pump Room.
C. the LPCS Pump Room.
D. the El. 119' Piping Penetration Room.
D. the El. 119 Piping Penetration Room.
Answer: B Explanation:
Answer: B Explanation:
See EN-RP-105, section 5.3[8], 4 th bullet-VHRA or LHRA entry requires the RWP Pre-Job Brief.
See EN-RP-105, section 5.3[8], 4th bulletVHRA or LHRA entry requires the RWP Pre-Job Brief.
Of the 4 areas among the answer choices, only t he Aux Bldg Steam Tunnel (choice 'B') is a Locked HRA. The other 3 areas are only Radiation Areas, fo r which the RWPs require no pre-job briefs.
Of the 4 areas among the answer choices, only the Aux Bldg Steam Tunnel (choice B) is a Locked HRA. The other 3 areas are only Radiation Areas, for which the RWPs require no pre-job briefs.


EN-RP-105, Radiological Work Permits References to be provided to applicants during exam:
EN-RP-105, Radiological Work Permits References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 50.3 Question Source:                                           Bank # 79                   X (note changes; attach parent)                             Modified Bank #
None Learning Objective:
New Question History:                                         Last NRC Exam               No Question Cognitive Level:                                 Memory/Fundamental         X
GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 50.3 Question Source: Bank # 79 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New   Question History:
Last NRC Exam No     Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.3.13 Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensed l operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms,  containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.l (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9 / 45.10)  K/A # 2.3.13 Rating 3.4  Rev / Date  0 Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(12)  55.43(b)

Question 74 A Reactor Scram has occurred.  
Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

The CRS has implemented transient alarm response.  
Examination Outline Cross-Reference              Level                    RO 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance of each annunciator or alarm. (CFR: K/A #                  2.4.45 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.12)                    Rating                  4.1 Rev / Date                0 Question          74 A Reactor Scram has occurred.
The CRS has implemented transient alarm response.
Which of the following valid alarms should be immediately reported to the CRS?
A. P680-11A-D7, CRD WTR DIS. O2 HI B. P870-9A-A4, CTMT-DRWL ISOL DIV 2 OPER C. P807-3A-G3, STATIC INVRTR 1Y98 TROUBLE D. P870-10A-G2, RHR C PMP RM FLOODED Answer: D Explanation:
Per EN-OP-115-08, Annunciator Response, section 9, The announcement of transient alarms during Abnormal/ONEP and EOP is not required. In such cases, the operators are expected to announce those alarms that are of significance to the implementation of the applicable Abnormal/ONEP and EOP.
Per 04-1-01-C82-1, 4.2.2 a (1), Glowing cerise - a color bordering the annunciators encompassing those alarms associated with EP-4 entry conditions.
A is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.
B is wrong - This alarm will come in when an isolation is complete, but, not required to be announced.
C is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.
D is correct - This alarm indicates an entry into EP-4 and should be announced to the CRS.

Which of the following valid alarms shoul d be immediately reported to the CRS?


EN-OP-115-08 04-1-01-C82-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GSMS-RO-IN002, Objective B 10 Question Source:                  Bank #
(note changes; attach parent)      Modified Bank #
New                    X Question History:                  Last NRC Exam          No Question Cognitive Level:          Memory/Fundamental    X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:            55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference                  Level          RO 2.4.47 Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate  K/A #        2.4.47 control room reference material. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / Rating        4.2 45.12)
Rev / Date      0 Question          75 Refer to the next sheet that shows part of Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control.
Operators have entered EP-4.
There is an unisolable steam leak in the RCIC room.
Which of the following situations requires that an Emergency Depressurization be performed?
A. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI with RCIC EQUIP AREA TEMP at 250&deg;F B. RCIC ROOM at 9 x 104 mr/hr with SBGT Filter Train at 80 mr/hr C. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI with P870-2A-A1 annuciator, RCIC PMP RM FLOODED D. RCIC Room at 8.5 x 104 mr/hr with Main Steam Line Rad Monitor readings of 1 x 105 mr/hr

Answer: D Explanation:
Answer: D Explanation:
Per EN-OP-115-08, Annunciator Response, sect ion 9, The announcement of transient alarms during Abnormal/ONEP and EOP is not requi red. In such cases, the operators are expected to announce those alarms that are of significance to the implementation of the applicable Abnormal/ONEP and EOP.
Per EP-4, step 10, an ED is required only when 2 or max safe values are reached for a

Per 04-1-01-C82-1, 4.2.2 a (1
single given parameter (i.e., 2 temps, or 2 water levels, or 2 rad levelsnot combinations among these parameters).
), Glowing cerise -  a color bordering the annunciators encompassing those alarms associ ated with EP-4 entry conditions.  
D is correct because both of these rad levels are above their max safe values.
B is wrong RCIC rad levels are above the Max safe, however the SBGT rad levels are well below the Max safe limit by a factor of 10.
'A' is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.  
A and C are wrong because RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI is not a max safe value Technical  
'B' is wrong - This alarm will come in when an isolation is complete, but, not required to be announced.  
'C' is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.
'D' is correct - This alarm indicates an entry into EP-4 and should be announced to the CRS. Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance of each annunciator or alarm. (CFR:
41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.12)
K/A # 2.4.45 Rating 4.1  Rev / Date  0 Technical  


EP-4, Aux Building Control References to be provided to applicants during exam:
References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective:
GSMS-RO-IN002, Objective B 10 Question Source: Bank #  (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #    New X  Question History:
Last NRC Exam No    Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content:
55.41(b)(12)  55.43(b)
Question 75 
Refer to the next sheet that shows part of Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control. Operators have entered EP-4.
There is an unisolable steam leak in the RCIC room.
Which of the following situations require s that an Emergency Depressurization be performed?
A. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-H I with RCIC EQUIP AREA TEMP at 250&deg;F B. RCIC ROOM at 9 x 10 4 mr/hr with SBGT Filter Train at 80 mr/hr C. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI with P870-2A-A1 annuciator, RCIC PMP RM FLOODED D. RCIC Room at 8.5 x 10 4 mr/hr with Main Steam Line Rad Monitor readings of  1 x 10 5 mr/hr  Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.4.47 Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate control room reference material. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 /
45.12)  K/A # 2.4.47 Rating 4.2  Rev / Date  0 Answer: D Explanation:
Per EP-4, step 10, an ED is r equired only when 2 or "max sa fe values" are reached for a single given parameter (i.e., 2 temps, or 2 water levels, or 2 rad levels-not combinations among these parameters).
'D' is correct because both of these rad levels are above their "max safe values". 
'B' is wrong RCIC rad levels are above the Ma x safe, however the SBGT rad levels are well below the Max safe limit by a factor of 10.
'A' and 'C' are wrong because RC IC RM SMP LVL HI-HI is not a max safe value Technical
EP-4, Aux Building Control  
References to be provided to applicants during exam:
Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control.
Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control.
Learning Objective:
Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP4, Objective 3 Question Source:                       Bank #
GLP-OPS-EP4, Objective 3 Question Source: Bank #   (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #   New X Question History:
(note changes; attach parent)           Modified Bank #
Last NRC Exam No     Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content:
New                                     X Question History:                       Last NRC Exam                         No Question Cognitive Level:               Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis                 X 10CFR Part 55 Content:                 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)
55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)  

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Filename:           Final RO NRC exam.docx Directory:           C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents Template:           C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm


Author: Administrator  
Author:             Administrator Keywords:
Creation Date: 9/25/2013 8:00:00 AM Change Number: 29 Last Saved On: 10/8/2013 11:57:00 AM Last Saved By: Administrator Total Editing Time: 924 Minutes Last Printed On: 10/8/2013 2:15:00 PM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 152 Number of Words: 21,178 (approx.)
Creation Date:       9/25/2013 8:00:00 AM Change Number:       29 Last Saved On:       10/8/2013 11:57:00 AM Last Saved By:       Administrator Total Editing Time: 924 Minutes Last Printed On:     10/8/2013 2:15:00 PM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 152 Number of Words:         21,178 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 120,715 (approx.)}}
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Latest revision as of 10:21, 5 December 2019

2013-11-FINAL Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2013
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Download: ML13330A453 (155)


Revisions to the Grand Gulf Written Exam RO QUESTION # 50 Revision: The answer key was changed to accepting distractors A and B.

Bases for Change: Distractor A for this question states the CRD A breaker will not be capable of any remote or local operation and distractor B states the breaker can be opened, closed, and reopened once manually, at the breaker. The intent of distractor A was that the term local operation would include both the electrical and manual modes of operation at the breaker cubicle. This makes this distractor incorrect since the breaker can be operated manually at the breaker cubicle. However, distractors B and C use the term manually implying this term is distinctly different than the term locally. If distractor A is defined as local electrical operation only, (i.e. does not include manually operating) than distractor A is correct since the breaker cannot be operated electrically from the control room or the breaker.

Because of the way the distractors are written, the distractors are ambiguous and therefore, distractors A and B are both accepted as being correct.

SRO QUESTION # 93 Revision: The answer key was changed to distractor D being correct.

Bases for Change: In this question, the applicant was given a set of plant conditions and was required to select the correct procedure to implement based on those conditions. The licensee recommended accepting distractor D as correct in addition to distractor A. The bases for this recommendation was that the stem states a spurious IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low signaloccurs due to a relay failure. The IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm typically results in a loss of all condensate pumps and the feedwater pumps would then trip on low suction pressure. Consequently, a reactor scram would occur due to a loss of feedwater. The original correct answer was distractor A, implement EOP EP-2, RPV Control.

The licensee argued distractor D, implement the Alarm Response Instruction was also correct since the feedwater pumps would not be lost on the spurious actuation of a single condenser low level relay. This is because there is a two-out-of-three logic required to be met and the actuation of a single relay would not satisfy the logic.

The Chief Examiner referenced electrical drawing E-1148-001, revision 13, Condensate Pump C003A-N, and E-1148, revision 14, Condensate Auxiliary Relays, since these drawings contain the relay contacts in question and are typical of all three condensate pumps.

A review of these drawings indicate the alarm given in the stem, IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low, is actuated by one of three relays; 63X/105, 63X/106, and 63X/107. If two of these relays actuate, then relay 63X-1/105 actuates initiating the sequence of events as described above.

However, the actuation of only one of the referenced relays would result in an IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm but no loss of condensate pumps since the two-out-of-three logic for the condensate pump trip is not satisfied.

The review of the drawings also indicates a failure of relay 63X-1/105 would result in the loss of the condensate pumps, however the IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm would not

annunciate off this relay. Because the stem states the IP Condenser Hotwell Level Low alarm has annunciated and there is only a single relay failure, 63X-1/105 has not actuated, the condensate pumps would not trip, the feedwater pumps would remain in service, and there would be no reactor scram. Because there is no reactor scram, the EOPs would not be entered making distractor A incorrect. Therefore, the Alarm Response Instruction would be the governing procedure for the SRO. Distractor D is the only correct distractor.

GGNS LOT 2013 NRC INITIAL LICENSED OPERATOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION RO EXAM ANSWER KEY 1 A 26 D 51 B 2 D 27 B 52 A 3 B 28 C 53 C 4 B 29 B 54 C 5 B 30 D 55 A 6 C 31 D 56 B 7 B 32 B 57 A 8 B 33 D 58 C 9 C 34 A 59 D 10 C 35 D 60 A 11 A 36 C 61 C 12 C 37 D 62 C 13 B 38 B 63 B 14 A 39 C 64 A 15 A 40 C 65 B 16 B 41 A 66 B 17 D 42 D 67 B 18 C 43 A 68 A 19 A 44 C 69 D 20 D 45 C 70 D 21 B 46 A 71 D 22 A 47 C 72 B 23 C 48 A 73 B 24 B 49 D 74 D 25 D 50 B 75 D

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow Circulation K/A # 295001 AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses Rating 3.4 as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6) Rev / Date 0 AK3.01 Reactor water level response Question 1 The plant is operating at rated power.

Reactor Recirc pump A trips.

Reactor water level rises to +45 Narrow range and is now slowly returning to normal.

Which of the following describes the reason for the level rise?

A. The response of the DFCS results in over feeding the vessel.

B. Jet pump reverse flow forces water back into the downcomer.

C. A rise in vessel temperature causes water in the downcomer to thermally expand.

D. A RPV pressure reduction causes level transmitters to indicate a higher level.

Answer: A Explanation:

Per FSAR Table 15.3-1 and Figure 15.3-1, when a single Recirc pump trips from rated power, the feed water flow will rise slightly for approximately 5 seconds before turning and reducing feed to the reactor. The feed water system is controlled digitally by a three element DFCS (Digital Feedwater Control System). The feed water system uses inputs from level, steam flow, and feed flow instruments to adjust feed pump speed.

Initially there is a corresponding rise in turbine steam flow according to Figure 15.3-1 which will cause the DFCS to raise feed flow in anticipation of a lower reactor water level; however, level will rise and peak after about 5 seconds (the same time feed flow turns)

A is correct

B is wrong, reverse flow will conservatively begin at about 5 seconds into the transient when the level transient has reached its peak level. Since the level rise is immediate, the subsequent reverse flow condition has no effect on the level rise.

C is wrong minimal temperature change. Downcomer temperature is affected mostly by feed water temperature. It is slightly sub-cooled and not operating in saturated conditions which would make pressure a factor in temperature. The temperature in the core is affected more by pressure and thermal power.

D is wrong, minimal pressure change and any pressure change is sensed by the reference and variable legs equally and therefore will not affect level indication.



FSAR FSAR FSAR Table 15.3-1 FSAR Figure 15.3-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-MCD13 Obj 2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC K/A # 295003 2.1.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics / reactor behavior /

Rating 3.7 and instrument interpretation.

Rev / Date 0 Question 2 The plant is operating at rated power when the following occurs:

Feeder breaker to BOP Transformer 12B trips (breaker internal fault), no other breakers are affected.

The Loss of AC Power ONEP has been entered and Immediate Operator Actions taken.

Preceding any reactor scram that may occur, what are at least two additional ONEPs that will have to be entered?

A. Loss of Instrument Air Turbine and Generator Trips B. Automatic Isolations Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate C. Automatic Isolations Loss of Condenser Vacuum D. Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate Answer: D Explanation:

With BOP 12B Xfmr loss and resultant loss of bus 11HD, one Circ Pump and one Recirc pump will trip, requiring entry into Loss of Condenser Vacuum and Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate ONEPs. The Turbine does not trip, the reactor does not scram and no isolations are received.

A is wrong due to no loss of instrument air or turbine trip B is wrong, due to no Isolation signal is received

C is wrong due to no Isolation signal is received D is correct due to explanation above.



05-1-02-III-3 05-1-02-V-8 04-1-01-B33-1, Att III 04-1-01-N71-1, Att III E0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: E0001 Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 1 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-LORQT-06385 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295004 Partial or Complete Loss of D.C. Power AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR K/A # 295004 COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER and the following: (CFR: Rating 3.0 41.7 / 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 AK2.02 Batteries Question 3 Which of the following describe the minimum amount of time by design the 1B3 batteries can provide DC power to all required emergency loads if there are no battery chargers in service?

A. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> B. 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> C. 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> D. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Answer: B Explanation:

Per FSAR Batteries 1A3 and 1B3 have sufficient stored energy to operate connected essential loads continuously for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

A is wrong due to this time is the design for 1C3 batteries B is correct C is wrong this time is for complete restoration of 1C3 batteries by the chargers.

D is wrong, the A and B DC system battery chargers are designed to fully charge the batteries from minimum voltage to full within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.



FSAR Battery Capacity Considerations

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L1100, OBJ. 2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-01645 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A # 295005 apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP : (CFR: 41.7 / Rating 2.7 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 AA1.04 Main generator controls Question 4 The plant was at rated conditions when the Main Turbine tripped.

The Turbine and Generator Trips ONEP directs actions to protect the voltage gradient capacitors in 500KV breakers.

Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP, which of the following describes the maximum allowed time to take action to ensure damage does not occur?

A. 15 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> D. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Answer: B Explanation:

Per 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP CAUTION prior to step 3.9. Do not allow a 500 kv breaker to remain open with voltage on it for > 30 minutes. Voltage gradient capacitors in the breaker will overheat. Step 3.9 or 3.10 should be performed within 30 minutes of T/G trip.

A is wrong does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit is the same as an EAL call.

B is correct C is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> is used in Tech Specs and reportable events.

D is wrong, does not meet with the CAUTION time requirements but plausible due to the time limit of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> is used in Tech Specs and reportable events



05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trip ONEP CAUTION prior to step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, OBJ. 8.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295006 SCRAM AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 295006 following concepts as they apply to SCRAM : (CFR: 41.8 to Rating 3.4 41.10)

Rev / Date 0 AK1.02 Shutdown margin Question 5 A reactor scram has occurred.

Which of the following ensures that sufficient shutdown margin is maintained and that the reactor will remain subcritical under all conditions?

A. Two peripheral control rods are at position 48.

B. One center core control rod is at position 48.

C. 50% of the control rods are at position 04 with the rest fully inserted.

D. >50% of the control rods are at position 02 or beyond.

Answer: B Explanation:

Per Tech Specs definitions, SDM shall be the amount of reactivity by which the reactor is subcritical or would be subcritical assuming that: (c) All control rods are fully inserted except for the single control rod of highest reactivity worth, which is assumed to be fully withdrawn.

After a scram the crew can determine the reactor shutdown with only one control rod not full in. If more that one is withdrawn then a calculation must be performed.

A is wrong does not meet the definition with > than one rod not inserted.

B is correct C is wrong, same as A D is wrong, same as A Technical


Tech Spec Section 1.1 Definitions References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-TS001, OBJ. 4.13 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295016 Control Room Abandonment AA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as K/A # 295016 they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT : (CFR: Rating 3.8 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)

Rev / Date 0 AA2.05 Drywell pressure Question 6 The CRS has determined to evacuate the Main Control Room due to toxic fumes.

All actions were taken prior to leaving the Control Room.

No Security threat exists.

After arriving at the Remote Shutdown Panel you observe the following:

RHR A and B pumps are operating.

SSW A and B pumps are operating.

CRD pump A and B are not running with green light ON and CRD Aux Oil Pumps have NO indication.

RCIC system is operating with the Gland Seal Compressor is not running.

Which of the following has occurred?

A. BUV on both 15AA and 16AB B. Reactor water level lowered to -75 inches C. Drywell pressure rose to 1.42 psig D. Total loss of Offsite power Answer: C Explanation:

The Remote Shutdown Panels do not have indication for Drywell Pressure, however, by the indications given the student can determine drywell pressure. Will both RHR pumps and both SSW pumps running this would indicate an auto start of low level or high drywell pressure. Along with the RCIC Gland Seal Comp and CRD aux oil pumps with no indication, all of these indications are compatible with a LOCA signal.

RCIC is started upon Control Room abandonment. The RCIC gland seal compressor

is locked out on an LSS LOCA (1.39 psig in the DW or -150.3 RPV water level)

A is wrong RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would have Green indication.

B is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would be running.

C is correct.

D is wrong, RCIC Gland Seal comp. would be running and CRD aux oil pump would have Green indication.



04-1-01-R21-1 Table 1 GLP-OPS-R2100, Page 19 of 40 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-R2100, OBJ. 11, 14, 16 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295018 Partial or Complete Loss of Component Cooling Water K/A # 295018 AA2.02 AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they Rating 3.1 apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER : Cooling water temperature Revision 0 Question 7 The plant is operating at rated conditions.

CCW Temperature Control Valve (P44-F501) has failed closed.

Which of the following will auto isolate due to the effects of this condition?

A. Reactor Recirculation Pumps B. Reactor Water Cleanup System C. Fuel Pool Cleaning and Cleanup System D. Control Rod Drive Pumps Answer: B Explanation:

With the Temp control valve failing close the CCW temp will rise causing RWCU temp to rise and cause the G33-F004 to auto close at 140 degrees Non regen outlet temp. Therefore, B is the correct answer.



04-1-01-G33-1 Step 3.1 05-1-02-V-1, Loss of CCW ONEP Step 3.2.3 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-09630 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No

Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295019 Partial or Complete Loss of Instrument Air AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR K/A # 295019 COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR and the following: Rating 2.8 (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 AK2.08 Plant Ventilation Question 8 A total loss of Instrument Air has occurred.

Which of the following indicates the available Drywell cooling?

A. A Drywell Coolers A Drywell Chillers B. B Drywell Coolers B Drywell Chillers C. A Drywell Coolers B Drywell Chillers D. B Drywell Coolers A Drywell Chillers Answer: B Explanation:

Per SOI 04-1-01-M51-1, P&L step 3.3, The outlet dampers for Drywell Cooler Fans 1A-6A fail closed on loss of power or air. 1B-6B fail open on loss of power or air.

Per SOI 04-1-01-P72-1, P&L step3.9, Temp Control valves on the 1A and 2A Drywell chillers fail closed on loss of power or air, 1B and 2B TCVs fail open on loss of air.

A, C, and D is wrong - see explanation above.

B is correct Technical


04-1-01-M51-1, step 3.3

04-1-01-P72-1. step 3.9 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective GLP-OPS-M5100, OBJ. 9.3 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A # 295021 as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING : (CFR: 41.5 Rating 3.3

/ 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 AK3.01 Raising reactor water level Question 9 The plant is in Mode 4.

All RHR and ADHR heat removal capability is lost.

Which of the following describes the reason for raising reactor water level when RCS temperature cannot be maintained below 200°F when core cooling is lost?

A. Ensure Natural Circulation inside the core B. Ensure enough core coverage to verify adequate core cooling C. Provide a flowpath through the SRVs into the Suppression Pool D. Increase inlet subcooling Answer: C Explanation:

A is wrong - This is correct if there is no forced circulation (no recirc pumps running) because reactor coolant temperature indication is no longer accurate. Raising level in this case allows operators to gain accurate level indication. See step 3.4.2 of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.

B is wrong - Adequate core cooling is assured as long as reactor water level is above TAF (-167).

C is correct - Step 3.4.3.f(3) of Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP directs operators to raise reactor water level to between +101 and +125 to establish flow through open SRVs back to the Suppression Pool if adequate cooling cannot be reestablished prior to reaching 200F.

D is wrong - this is not a reason given in the Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP; however, it is plausible because increasing sub-cooling suggests gaining margin to fuel damage.



05-1-02-III-1, Inadequate Decay Heat Removal References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 11.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295023 Refueling Accidents AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A # 295023 apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6) Rating 3.4 AA1.04 Radiation monitoring equipment Rev / Date 0 Question 10 Core Alterations are in progress when a dropped fuel bundle results in the following P601 alarms:

CTMT CLG EXH DIV 1, 4 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)

CTMT CLG EXH DIV 2, 3 RAD HI-HI/INOP (sealed-in)

Where can control room operators check the status of the associated radiation monitors?

A. Only Trip Units on two Upper Control Room panels and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel B. Only Trip Units on a Main Control Room backpanel and a 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel C. Trip Units on two Upper Control Room panels, Trip Units on two Main Control Room backpanels, and a 4-channel recorder on a Main Control Room backpanel D. Trip Units on one Upper Control Room panel, Trip Units on one Main Control Room backpanel, and 4-channel recorder on an Upper Control Room panel Answer: C Explanation:

See ARIs P601-18A-D5 (for Divs 1 and 4) and D6 (for Divs 2 and 3).

Per step 3.2 of the D5 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609A (Div 1) at Upper Control Room panel P669, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609D (Div 4) at Main Control Room backpanel P672.

Per step 3.2 of the D6 ARI, operators can check an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor D17K609B (Div 2) at Main Control Room backpanel P670, and an indicating Trip Unit for rad monitor K609C (Div 3) at Upper Control Room panel P671.



ARI P601-18A-D5 and D6 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-D1721 Obj 13 Question Source: Bank # NRC Exam Bank X 15 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295024 High Drywell Pressure EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 295024 following concepts as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL Rating 3.9 PRESSURE : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)

Rev / Date 0 EK1.02 Containment building integrity: Mark-III Question 11 Which of the following is a potential consequence of exceeding an internal drywell pressure of 30 psig during a LOCA?

A. A loss of the pressure suppression function of Primary Containment.

B. Lowered efficiency of the charcoal filter train which may be used to vent the containment via 6 vent lines.

C. Failure of Primary Containment due to exceeding the Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit.

D. Re-pressurization of the RPV from decay heat due to the inability of SRVs to remain open.

Answer: A Explanation:

Exceeding 30 psig drywell internal pressure can result in a loss of drywell integrity, allowing the LOCA blowdown to bypass the horizontal vents and hence the suppression pool (which otherwise provides the pressure suppression function); i.e.,

drywell discharges would be directly to the Primary Containment air atmosphere.

B is wrong. The 6 vent valves are no longer available with drywell pressure above 1.23 psig. Additionally, pressure is not considered a factor in plant procedures for the efficiency of the charcoal filter train.

C is wrong. The Primary Containment maximum external-to-internal d/p limit of 3 psid is anything but challenged when the drywell breaches due to high internal pressure.

The drywell breach having bypassed the suppression pool will raise Primary Containment internal pressure, rather than lower it. Plausible to the Applicant who has not grasped the relationships between drywell versus Primary Containment internal pressure.

D is wrong. The SRVs have no limitation on the maximum drywell pressure against which they are able to remain open. Plausible to the weak Applicant, generally.



UFSAR, Section 6.2, Containment Systems References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M4101 Obj 4.5 Question Source: Bank # NRC Exam Bank X 110 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam 2012 Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295025 High Reactor Pressure 2.4.50 Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate K/A # 295025 controls identified in the alarm response manual. (CFR: 41.10 / Rating 4.2 43.5 / 45.3)

Rev / Date 0 Question 12 The plant is operating at rated conditions.

A transient occurs causing the following alarms.

RX PRESS HI P680-5A-B2 RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2 ATWS RPT INIT P680-2A-C15 RX PRESS HI P680-2A-E4 (1) Which of the following describes the peak pressure that was achieved and (2) what are the immediate actions required?

A. (1) 1064.7 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly B. (1) 1095 psig (2) Verify pressure control system is operating properly C. (1) 1126 psig (2) Place Reactor mode switch to SHUTDOWN D. (1) 1225 psig (2) Notify NRC that a Safety limit has been exceeded Answer: C Explanation:

Setpoints are as follows

RX PRESS HI P680-5A-B2 1064.7 psig RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2 1125 psig ATWS RPT INIT P680-2A-C15 1126 psig RX PRESS HI P680-2A-E4 1095 psig The peak pressure achieved was at least 1126 psig, the ARI states to Carry out action of Scram ONEP which is Place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.

A is wrong peak pressure reached at least 1126 and action is wrong B is wrong same as A C is correct D is wrong; the safety limit is 1325 psig. The value of 1225 psig is plausible to a candidate who does not recall the actual limit since it is significantly higher than all the other answer choices.



ARIs RX PRESS HI P680-5A-B2 RX PRESS HI DR LINE TEMP LO P680-3A-A2 ATWS RPT INIT P680-2A-C15 RX PRESS HI P680-2A-E4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C71 Obj 4.5, C11A Obj, ONEP Obj.

Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295026 Suppression Pool High Water Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A # 295026 as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER Rating 3.9 TEMPERATURE: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 EK3.05 Reactor SCRAM Question 13 A SRV has stuck open at rated power.

If operators are unable to close the SRV the reactor will be scrammed.

What is the purpose for this action?

A. Protect Suppression Pool level instrumentation.

B. Reduce heat input into the suppression pool to prevent exceeding design limits.

C. Required immediate action when entry condition of EP-3 is met.

D. Minimize the rise in Containment Temperature.

Answer: B Explanation:

Per EP-3, a suppression pool temp of 110°F would require placing the mode switch to shutdown. Per Tech Specs this is done to reduce the rate of energy production and thus the heat input to the suppression pool failure to do so would heat the suppression pool beyond design limits by the steam generated if the reactor is not shut down.

A is wrong, suppression pool level instrumentation is not the reason.

B is correct.

C is wrong, 95°F is only a EP 3 entry not a plant shutdown.

D is wrong, suppression pool level instrumentation is not the reason.



Tech Specs EP-3 02-S-01-40 Att VI page 7 of 34 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295027 High Containment Temperature (Mark III Containment Only)

K/A # 295027 EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the Rating 3.8 following concepts as they apply to HIGH CONTAINMENT TEMPERATURE (MARK III CONTAINMENT ONLY) : (CFR: Rev / Date 0 41.8 to 41.10)

EK1.03 Containment integrity: Mark-III Question 14 Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, which of the following is a basis for Emergency Depressurizing the RPV before CTMT temperature reaches 185°F?

A. Ensure the RPV is depressurized before CTMT temperature gets high enough to damage the CTMT.

B. Ensure the RPV is depressurized while the SRVs are still functional.

C. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to keep from exceeding the CTMT temperature LCO limit.

D. Limit the release of energy into CTMT in order to preserve the pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool.

Answer: A Explanation:

See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 17 of 34, bottom-most paragraph.

B is wrong. It suggests the basis for ED before exceeding a DW temperature of 330°F (see Attachment VI, page 12 of 34).

C is wrong. The Tech Spec LCO limit for CTMT temperature is 95°F (see Attachment VI, page 13 of 34).

D is wrong. There is no need to preserve the pressure suppression capacity of the suppression pool post ED (See HCTL curve/bases). Additionally, the release of energy to the containment has nothing to do with rather or not the pressure suppression capacity is maintained because this is a function of reactor pressure, suppression pool level, and suppression pool temperature (See HCTL curve).



02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source: Bank # 2010 NRC bank X

  1. 425 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295028 High Drywell Temperature EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH K/A # 295028 DRYWELL TEMPERATURE and the following: (CFR: 41.7 / Rating 3.2 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 EK2.02 Components internal to the drywell Question 15 EP-3 (Containment Control) directs operators to emergency depressurize if drywell temperature cannot be maintained below 330°F.

This specific temperature is the drywell design temperature; however, a temperature of 340°F would challenge the ability of certain components within the drywell to operate as designed.

Per the EP Technical Bases, what are those components?

A. SRVs B. MSIVs C. Drywell Purge Supply/Initial Vacuum Relief Valves D. Post-LOCA Vacuum Valves Answer: A Explanation:

See EP Tech Bases, Attachment VI, page 12 of 34, for EP-3, Step DWT-5.

All Distracters are plausible because each of these components is either in, or interface with the drywell.



02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3 Obj 7

Question Source: Bank # 2012 NRC Exam X NRC Exam Bank 100 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level EA2. Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as K/A # 295030 they apply to LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL : Rating 3.7 (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)

Rev / Date 0 EA2.03 Reactor pressure Question 16 Step SPL-9 of the Suppression Pool Level leg of EP-3 (Containment Control) directs operators to perform an Emergency Depressurization (E.D.) if suppression pool level cannot be maintained above 14.5 feet.

(1) What is the operational concern associated with this particular step?

(2) What action is required if suppression pool level is 12.0 feet before this step is actually implemented?

A. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.

(2) Emergency Depressurization using SRVs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.

B. (1) Suppression Pool coverage of the horizontal vents.

(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.

C. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.

(2) Emergency Depressurization using SRVs is prohibited; operators must use an alternate method to lower reactor pressure.

D. (1) Suppression Pool level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.

(2) Emergency Depressurize using 8 ADS/SRVs to lower reactor pressure.

Answer: B


EP bases for SPL-9 states that the concern for 14.5 is horizontal vent coverage. Per EP-2, ED is allowed as long as Suppression Pool level remains above 10.5. Below 10.5 alternate depressurization means must be used per table 3 of EP-2. The STPLL (SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit) is based on potential damage to the SRV tailpipes if an SRV is opened with SP level too high.



02-S-01-40 EP Bases EP-2 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP3, Objective 7 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 2.1.31 Ability to locate control room switches, controls, and K/A # 295031 indications, and to determine that they correctly reflect the Rating 4.6 desired plant lineup. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12)

Rev / Date 0 Question 17 The reactor was operating at rated power when the reactor scrammed due to instrument failures.

Which of the following indications confirm that reactor water level is below +11.4 inches and above -41.6 inches?

A. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF.

On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.

B. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B tripped to OFF.

On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.

C. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed.

On P601 panel - ADS Timers have initiated.

D. On P680 panel - Reactor Recirc pumps A and B running in slow speed.

On P601 panel - ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator.

Answer: D Explanation:

On P601 panel the ADS confirmatory level is <+11.4 reactor water level. Recirc pumps will also shift to slow speed at this level on cavitation interlocks. At -41.6, the Recirc pumps will trip off due to ATWS/ARI initiation. This means that in order to confirm level between11.4 and -41.6 Recirc pumps must be in slow speed and the ADS Confirmatory Level annunciator must be in alarm.

ADS timers will initiate when only when an ECCS/LSS LOCA signal is received (1.39 psig in DW or -150.3 reactor level 1).




04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-A2 04-1-02-1H13-P601-18A-C2 References to be provided to applicants during exam: none Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 15.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295038 High Off-Site Release Rate EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A # 295038 as they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE: (CFR: 41.5 Rating 3.9

/ 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 EK3.02 System isolations Question 18 Which of the following is a reason for the automatic isolation feature of normal Secondary Containment Ventilation?

A. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained negative.

B. Ensure Auxiliary Building d/p is maintained positive.

C. Prevent untreated airborne radioactivity from being released to the outside.

D. Prevent the release of airborne radioactivity beyond ODCM limits from within the Turbine Building.

Answer: C Explanation:

Normal Secondary Containment ventilation is actually the combined Aux Bldg Ventilation (T41) and Fuel Handling Area Ventilation (T42) systems. These auto-isolate (and SGTS auto-initiates) on the associated vent exhaust high-high radiation conditions. In doing so, this isolation feature prevents untreated airborne radioactivity from being released to the outside environment. This implies that although T41/T42 releases are untreated, SGTS is treated before its release.

Answers A & B are wrong mainly because they do not speak directly to the fundamental reason for the automatic isolation described in the stem. They provide sufficient plausibility based on the fact that both the normal ventilation systems and SGTS also serve to maintain a negative building d/p.

Answer D is wrong because the Turbine Building is not part of the Secondary CTMT boundary.



GLP-OPS-T4100 GLP-OPS-T4200 GLP-OPS-T4800 EP-2; EP-4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-T4200, OBJ. 4A Question Source: Bank # NRC Exam Bank X 413 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 600000 Plant Fire On Site AK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PLANT FIRE ON SITE: Actions contained in the K/A # 600000 abnormal procedure for plant fire on site Rating 2.8 Revision 0 Question 19 Control Room A/C unit B compressor is on fire.

Which of the following describes (1) the actions to be taken and (2) the reason for this action?

A. (1) Secure the Control Building Fan Coil Unit.

(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.

B. (1) Secure the Control Building Purge Fan.

(2) Prevent feeding the fire with fresh air.

C. (1) Start the Control Room Standby Fresh Air A System in isolate mode.

(2) Prevent smoke from entering the Control Room.

D. (1) Secure the Access Control Area Fan Coil Unit.

(2) Prevent moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.

Answer: A Explanation:

Per 10-S-03-2, Response to fires, step, 6.3.2 j, If a fire should develop in one of the following rooms, secure the control building fan coil unit (Z17-B002). This action prevents moving smoke from the fire origin to non-affected rooms.

OC303 HVAC Equipment Room (Unit 2 side)

First the student must recognize that room OC is in the control building and that the 303 is on the ground elevation with the Control Room AC Units.

A is correct. step 6.3.2 j B is wrong. The control building purge fan can be started for smoke removal within the control building not secured, also, 10-s-02-3 does not mention the control building purge fan.

C is wrong. No procedures require the Control Room Standby Fresh Air system to be started.

D is wrong.. Access control area FCU does not service this area, also the 10-s 3 does not mention this FCU.



10-S-03-2, 6.2.3.j CR-GGN- 2013-3589 Standing Order 13-0008 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 58.2, 58.3 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 700000 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between GENERATOR K/A # 700000 VOLTAGE AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES and the Rating 3.0 following: (CFR: 41.4, 41.5, 41.7, 41.10 / 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 AK2.03 Sensors, detectors, indicators Question 20 The plant is operating at rated power with the generator carrying +50 MVAR.

Grid voltage lowers from 500KV to 490KV.

(1) P680 Gen Volt Meter (N41-R605) will (2) P680 Gen MVAR Meter (N41-JR-R608) will A. (1) read the same (2) read lower B. (1) read the same (2) read higher C. (1) read lower (2) read lower D. (1) read lower (2) read higher Answer: D Explanation:

According to the SOI, you raise VAR by raising the VR output (that is raising generator no-load voltage relative to grid voltage). When tied to grid, generator voltage and frequency are set by the grid. This is the reason there is no concern in the SOI for generator voltage output when tied to the grid (it is only concerned with generator VARs). Thus, when grid voltage lowers this is equivalent to raising on the TVR regulator and therefore generator VARs increase. Since grid voltage lowered, the generator output voltage will also lower in kind.

This is also validated using the simulator and generic fundamentals for operating AC

sources in parallel.



04-1-01-N40-1 section 4.4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N4151, Objective 8, 13.1, 15, 16 Question Source: Bank # NRC Exam Bank 2012 Audit Exam 19 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295009 Low Reactor Water Level AK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 295009 following concepts as they apply to LOW REACTOR WATER Rating 3.3 LEVEL : (CFR: 41.8 to 41.10)

Rev / Date 0 AK1.05 Natural circulation Question 21 The plant is scrammed due to a trip of both reactor recirculation pumps.

Reactor water level is being maintained at 85" on Shutdown Range.

Which of the following will be the effect on natural circulation flow rate if reactor water level is lowered below the steam separators?

A. Flow rate will decrease initially and then increase to a new thermal equilibrium value slightly less than the original flow rate.

B. Flow rate will significantly decrease due to the loss of communication between the core and the annulus.

C. Flow rate will increase to a new stable value as the temperature of the water in the core increases to a new stable value.

D. Flow rate will not be significantly affected because the thermal driving head is primarily dependent on the differential temperature between the core and the annulus.

Answer: B Explanation:

Per FSAR, the natural circulation achieved a lower vessel levels "are minimums, it should be noted that the flow rates would be the lowest flow achieved."

Therefore, as water level is lowered the natural circulation flow rate will also lower and not return to the original value. This is especially true once reactor water level is below the steam separators at a level of 82". This is also the reason for actions in the SCRAM ONEP to raise reactor water level above 82" to allow for maximum natural circulation.

This question is a modification of NRC Generic Fundamentals question B891.



FSAR 05-1-02-I-1 Reactor Scram ONEP References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-MCD01 Obj 3.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-04003 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(5) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295012 High Drywell Temperature 2.2.44 Ability to interpret control room indications to verify K/A # 295012 the status and l operation of a system, and understand how Rating 4.2 operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions. (CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.12) Rev / Date 0 Question 22 A LOCA is in progress Drywell Temperature is 150°F and rising.

CRS directs to maximize Drywell cooling per EPs.

The Operator notices the following indications:

Drywell Chilled water pump A running, pump B has no indication.

Drywell Chillers A skid not running with green light ON, B skid has no indication ALL Drywell Coolers have no indication.

Which of the following indicates the cause for the given indication?

A. Drywell pressure 1.42 psig B. Reactor water level -50 inches C. Loss of power on 16AB D. Loss of Instrument Air Answer: A Explanation:

To achieve the given indication a LOCA signal of >1.39psig or < -150.3 has to occur.

the B Drywell Chilled Water system is powered from 16AB but during a LOCA sequence this load is locked out and not powered. The A skid is not running due to no chilled water flow from the CTMT isolation valves being closed on hi drywell pressure. The Drywell coolers are powered from 15B42 and 16B42 MCC which are shed and not sequenced back, but, can be manually re-energized. Therefore the only signal that could all of the indications is a LOCA signal of -150.3 RPV level or

>1.39 psig Drywell pressure.

A is correct.

B is wrong. Level 2 would cause the CTMT isolation valves to close and cause the indications on the A skid chillers but not the loss of power to the other components.

C is wrong. This would cause the indication on the B skid with no power, but, would not cause a loss of chilled water flow, the A skid will still be running normal.

D is wrong. This would cause the chilled water cooling water control valve to fail open on one skid and close on the other but would not affect the indication of any component.



04-1-01-P72-1, step 3.9 05-1-02-III-5, page 12 GLP-OPS-M5100, pages 14 & 15 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M51, Objective 9.2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295013 High Suppression Pool Temperature AA1. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they K/A # 295013 apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL TEMPERATURE : (CFR: Rating 3.9 41.7 / 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 AA1.02 Systems that add heat to the suppression pool.

Question 23 The plant is at rated conditions.

RCIC is operating CST to CST for surveillance.

Which of the following indicates the maximum Suppression pool temperature for continued RCIC operation?

A. 90°F B. 95°F C. 105°F D. 110°F Answer: C Explanation:

Per Tech Specs Suppression pool average temperature shall be

<95°F at >1% power and no testing

<105°F at >1% power and testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed.

<110°F at <1% power A is wrong, This is the alarm setpoint that tells the operator to start suppression pool cooling.

B is wrong, This is an EP entry condition that requires all supp pool cooling to be started C is correct.

D is wrong. This is a required Reactor Scram



Tech Specs

06-OP-1M24-V-0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-TS001, Objective 39 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295015 Incomplete SCRAM AK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between INCOMPLETE K/A # 295015 SCRAM and the following: Rod control and information system: Rating 3.2 Plant-Specific Rev / Date Question 24 The plant is operating at rated power.

A Turbine Trip occurs and all control rods did not insert due to hydraulic block.

Reactor power is 12%.

Which of the following is preventing normal rod insertion using RC&IS?

A. Rod Withdrawal Limiter B. Rod Pattern Controller C. Failure of Scram air header to vent D. Mode Switch position Answer: B Explanation:

With a hydraulic block ATWS the Control Rod Pattern will be out of alignment.

therefore, RC&IC will insert an Insert Block due to Out of Pattern.

A is wrong The RWL is bypassed less than the Low Power Setpoint which is approximately 30% power C is wrong the RPS scram logic has nothing to do with the RC&IS system D is wrong mode switch position would cause a withdrawal block not an insert block by RC&IS.



GLP-OPS-C1102, PAGE 16of 55

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C1102 OBJ. 5 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature EK3. Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses K/A # 295032 as they apply to HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA Rating 3.6 TEMPERATURE : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)

Rev / Date 0 EK3.02 Reactor SCRAM Question 25 The reactor is operating at rated power.

There is a steam leak in the RCIC room.

E51-F063, RCIC steam supply inboard isolation valve, failed to isolate.

E51-F064, RCIC steam supply outboard isolation valve, isolated as required.

5 minutes later RCIC room temperature has now stabilized near the max safe value and is 2°F below its peak temperature.

EP-4 steps 8 and 9 direct entry into EP-2 before any area temperature reaches its max safe value.

(1) Per 02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases, what is the reason for entering EP-2?

(2) Is a reactor scram required for the conditions above?

A. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.

(2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.

B. (1) This condition is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.

(2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.

C. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room.

(2) A reactor scram is required because the steam leak may not be isolated.

D. (1) EP-2 requires a reactor scram which will reduce the heat input into the RCIC room.

(2) A reactor scram is not required because the steam leak was isolated.

Answer: D


EP-4 bases states the bases for entering EP-2 in steps 8 and 9 is to scram the reactor to reduce heat input, radioactivity release, and rate of the leak into the affected room. The bases for a normal reactor shutdown in step 7 is because 2 max safe values exist and is indicative of a wide-spread problem and threatens safe operation of the plant.

Step 6 of EP-4 is an override such that if the system cannot be isolated from the RPV a scram is directed before any max safe value is exceeded.

For the conditions in the stem, it is apparent that the steam leak was isolated as indicated by RCIC room temperature stabilizing and lowering. In this case, a normal reactor shutdown is directed only if 2 or more max safe values are exceeded.

The applicant must evaluate plant conditions and based on the EP-4 bases recall that a scram is not required.



02-S-01-40, EP Technical Bases References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP4 obj. 7 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(10) 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation EK2. Knowledge of the interrelations between SECONDARY K/A # 295034 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION and the Rating 3.8 following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 EK2.02 Area radiation monitoring system Question 26 The plant is in Mode 5.

A fuel handling accident occurs on the Fuel Handling Platform causing Standby Gas Treatment to automatically initiate.

Which of the following describes the Area Radiation monitors that should be in alarm?

A. Dryer/Separator Storage Area B. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Area C. Containment Ventilation Filter Train Area D. Spent Fuel Handling Area Answer: D Explanation:

First the student must recognize that a accident occurred on the Fuel handling platform which is in the Aux building. This is also verified by an auto start of SBGT, therefore the ARMs that will be in alarm will be the Spent Fuel Handling Area. The setpoint for the ARMs in this area is 2.5 MR/HR, the auto start of SBGT is 3.5 mr/hr Sweep or 35 mr/hr exhaust.

Answer A is inside the containment and would not be in alarm Answer B is on elevation 185 and should not be in alarm at this time Answer C is also inside containment and would not be in alarm.

D is correct



04-1-02-1H13-P844-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP04 OBJ. 1 & 2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area Water Level EK1. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 295036 following concepts as they apply to SECONDARY Rating 2.9 CONTAINMENT HIGH SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL : (CFR:

41.8 to 41.10) Rev / Date 0 EK1.01 Radiation releases Question 27 A radioactivity release from an Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump is detected before being processed in the Rad Waste Building by __________(1)___________.

A significant release would result in ______________(2)_______________.

A. (1) radiation detectors in the Fuel Handling Ventilation System (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump B. (1) radiation detectors in the Fuel Handling Ventilation System (2) a SGTS system initiation C. (1) the Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System (2) a SGTS system initiation D. (1) the Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System (2) automatic isolation of all inputs to the associated Aux Building Equipment Drain Sump Answer: B Explanation:

Using the Floor & Equipment Drain P&ID, M-1094A, a vent pipe is routed to the Fuel Handling Ventilation System which will alarm and initiate the SGTS (ARI P870-2A-A3) in the event of a radioactivity release.

The inputs fed to the Aux Blding Equipment Drain Sumps are gravity fed drains with no automatic isolation capability.

The Process Liquid Radiation Monitoring System monitors PSW, SSW, CCW, and Radwaste discharges.




M-1094A References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P4500 Obj 3 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41b(8) 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 203000 RHR/LPCI: Injection Mode (Plant Specific)

K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 203000 following will have on the RHR/LPCI: INJECTION MODE Rating 3.0 (PLANT SPECIFIC) : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)

Rev / Date 0 K6.10 Component cooling water systems Question 28 A LOCA is in progress.

Only RHR Pump C is available.

It is operating in LPCI mode to maintain reactor water level when SSW Pump B trips and cannot be re-started.

Consider the following:

1. LPCI loop C injection water temperature
2. RHR Pump C seal temperature
3. RHR Pump C Room temperature Which of the above will be directly impacted by the loss of SSW B?

A. 1 and 2, only B. 1 and 3, only C. 2 and 3, only D. 1, 2, and 3 Answer: C Explanation:

See SSW P&IDs M-1061B and D. Unlike RHR loops A and B, (which have heat exchangers cooled by the respective SSW subsystem) RHR loop C has no heat exchanger. Therefore LPCI loop C injection water temperature is unaffected by a loss of SSW B. However, both the RHR Pump C seal cooler and the RHR Pump C Room cooler is supplied by SSW B.



P&IDs M-1061B and D, SSW System References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 13.3 Question Source: Bank # NRC Exam Bank X 124 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Yes Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)

K/A # 205000 A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the Rating 2.9 SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE) ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures Rev / Date 0 to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)

A2.10 Valve Operation: Plant-Specific Question 29 The plant is in Mode 4.

RHR 'A' is in Shutdown Cooling Mode.

RHR 'B' E12-F004B Suppression Pool Suction valve is closed with it's breaker open.

14BE1 is out of service due to an over current trip on the feeder breaker.

Consider the E12-F428A Pressure Lock Isolation for E12-F024A Test Return to the Suppression Pool.

(1) What is the operational implication having E12-F428A open for this plant condition?

(2) What action is required if E12-F428A is discovered to be stuck in the open position?

A. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.

(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.

B. (1) A potential loss of Reactor Coolant to the Suppression Pool.

(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.

C. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.

(2) Place ADHR in RPV Cooling Mode.

D. (1) RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet temperature indication will not represent actual core temperature.

(2) Place RHR 'B' in Shutdown Cooling Mode.

Answer: B Explanation:

04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.12 states that when in shutdown cooling mode with RHR, E12-F428A should be closed to prevent possible loss of reactor coolant to suppression pool due to disc flexing of E12-F024A.

Both ADHR pumps are powered from 14BE1. ADHR cannot, therefore, be used for decay heat removal. ADHR is plausible for the applicant who cannot recall the power supply for ADHR pumps.

RHR 'B' shutdown cooling is not affected by the status of E12-F004B; however, this offers additional plausibility for the use of ADHR for the applicant who is unsure of how the interlocks associated with RHR suction valves work.

The Inadequate Decay Heat ONEP refers to situations that render indicated reactor core temperature inaccurate. This distracter is plausible based on the applicant not remembering what those situations are; however, for this situation the temperature indications are still representative of actual core temperature.



04-1-01-E12-2 P&L 3.8.12 Shutdown Cooling and ADHR Operation References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200 Obj 14 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(10) 55.43

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 205000 Shutdown Cooling System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode)

K/A # 205000 K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following: Rating 3.1 (CFR: 41.7)

Rev / Date 0 K2.01 Pump motors .

Question 30 The plant is in Mode 4 with RHR A in shutdown cooling.

Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out due to an air leak.

ST-21 transformer trips on sudden pressure.

Which of the following describes the affect on shutdown cooling?

A. A RHR pump trips, but, can be restarted after 15AA is re-energized.

B. A RHR pump trips, B RHR must be started to maintain cooling.

C. A RHR pump continues to operate, but, B RHR must be started to maintain cooling.

D. A RHR pump continues to operate, no other action required.

Answer: D Explanation:

With an ST-21 trip power is lost on 16AB bus. This will not affect the RHR A system.

For the above reasons, only choice D is correct.

A is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip 15AA does not de-energize.

B is wrong, RHR A pump will not trip C is wrong, RHR A will continue to operate normally. There is no reason to start RHR B Technical


04-1-01-R21-15, step 3.3 04-1-01-R21-16, step 3.3 E0001 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E1200, Objective 7.1 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 209001 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM will have on Rating 2.9 following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)

Rev / Date 0 K3.03 Emergency generators Question 31 A loss of offsite power with a LOCA has occurred.

Which of the following describes the effect of a LPCS pump trip on Division 1 Diesel Generator?

A. Trip on Overspeed B. Load will stabilize at the previous level C. Voltage will rise and stabilize by approximately 400 volts D. Load will lower by approximately 1200 kw Answer: D Explanation:

First the student must recognize that a Loss of Offsite power causes the Div 1 DG to start and carry the 15AA bus alone.

Component listing shows LPCS pump to be Approx. 1200 kw with RHR A at 803 and SSW A at 997. CRD is lower than any listed load.

Also 05-1-01-I-4 Loss of AC power ONEP, states that during a Station Blackout and cross tie Div 3 D/G with 15 or 16 bus CAUTION prior to step 3.2.10 j states Do not attempt to start LPCS with Div 3 diesel generator cross connected to Div 1 bus. This is due to the heavy load and the minimum amount that can be used.

Anytime a component is stopped or secured the load on the DG will lower.

A is wrong Even though LPCS is the largest load on the 15AA bus its not enough to cause an overspeed of the DG is the pump is lost.

B is wrong The DG is carrying the 15AA bus alone, if it were paralleled then load would stabilize at the previous level

C is wrong With the DG solely carrying the 15AA bus the Voltage regulator is in control set at 4160 v. Voltage will change with the LPCS pump trip but will adjust and return to normal.

D is correct.



05-1-01-I-4 3.2.10 j References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 9-12 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System A1 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters K/A # 209001 associated with operating the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY Rating 3.4 SYSTEM controls including:

Rev / Date 0 A1.01Core spray flow Question 32 The plant has experienced an ATWS.

All Low pressure ECCS systems have been overridden.

An Emergency Depressurization is in progress with 8 ADS/SRVs open.

The CRS has directed injection with Feedwater at 2 mlbm/hr.

Then, bus 15AA has a loss of power but is restored by Div 1 Diesel Generator.

Which of the following describes the flow indication for the LPCS system?

A. Indicates 0 gpm B. Indicates > 7000 to the RPV C. Indicates < half of rated flow D. Indicates minimum flow only Answer: B Explanation:

LPCS overrides will be lost when 15AA is deenegized. As soon as the bus is restored the LPCS pump will auto start and inject. With the CRS just calling for feedwater flow injection at 2 mil reactor pressure has just went below 206 psig per EP-2A.

Tech Specs 3.5.1 SR states that LPCS is required to deliver >7115 gpm at 290 psid. Therefore LPCS should be indicating >7000 gpm A is wrong because LPCS will restart and inject B is correct

C is wrong, it should indicate full flow due to the ability of the pump to deliver 7115 at 290 psid.

D is incorrect due to is will inject at full flow and not be on min flow Technical


Tech Specs 3.5.1 GLP-OPS-E2100 Page 16 of 39 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E21, Objective 9.7 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 209002 High Pressure Core Spray System (HPCS) 2.4.18 Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs. (CFR: 41.10 K/A # 209002

/ 43.1 / 45.13) Rating 3.3 Rev / Date 0 Question 33 The HPCS system is overridden OFF during an ATWS to minimize the

______(1)_______ inside the core shroud and may be used _______(2)_______.

A. (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Hot Boron Weight has been injected B. (1) dilution of Boron (2) only after Cold Boron Weight has been injected C. (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level before an Emergency Depressurization D. (1) injection of cold water (2) when preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level after an Emergency Depressurization Answer: D Explanation:

Per EP Bases, HPCS can only be used if the preferred systems cannot maintain RPV water level within the desired band and only after emergency RPV depressurization has been performed. This makes D correct and B wrong.

The bases discussion for EP-2A states that injection systems are selected and operated so as to minimize the risk of Boron dilution and cold water injection; however, no mention of weighting for Hot/Cold Shutdown Boron Weight is made. This makes answer choices A &

C plausible but wrong.



02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment V

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP02A Obj 7 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 211000 Standby Liquid Control System K4. Knowledge of STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM K/A # 211000 design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Rating 3.8 (CFR: 41.7)

Rev / Date 0 K4.04 Indication of fault in explosive valve firing circuits Question 34 The plant has experienced an ATWS.

The CRS directs you to initiate Standby Liquid Control system.

Which of the following describes the indications that the SLC Squib Valves have fired?

A. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON B. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON C. White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC in alarm Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF D. White SQUIB VALVE READY light ON Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC is clear Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is OFF Answer: A Explanation:

04-1-01-C41-1 Attachment VI, Verification of SLC Injection, step 1.Verfiy system initiation by Observing the following; a. F004A and F004B SQUIB VALVES FIRED:

White SQUIB VALVE READY light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A and B OOSVC Amber status light SQUIB A and B LOSCNT OR PWRLOSS is ON A is correct B is wrong, Ready light would be OFF and Annunciator would be on C is wrong, Status light would be ON D is wrong, This shows system in normal standby not squibs fired.



04-1-01-C41-1, Attachment VI References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C41, Objective 9.3, 10.4 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 212000 Reactor Protection System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect K/A # 212000 K1 relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following: A.C. electrical distribution Rating 3.4 Rev / Date 0 Question 35 The plant is operating at rated power.

ST-11 transformer trips and a lockout occurs.

All 4160kv and 480v electrical buses have been restored per Loss of AC Power ONEP.

No other operator actions have been taken.

What is the status of the A RPS Bus Power?

A. RPS A Energized from normal source, the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631.

B. RPS A De-energized, the normal source light is de-energized and the alternate source light is energized on P631.

C. RPS A Energized from alternate source, both the normal and alternate source lights are energized on P631.

D. RPS A De-energized, neither the normal or alternate lights is energized on P631.

Answer: D Explanation:

With an ST-11 lockout comes a loss BOP buses 12HE, 13AD and 15AA. RPS A normal source (M/G set) is powered from 13AD and Alternate source is from 15AA. Even though the Div 1 DG has re-powered Bus 15AA, and with it MCC 15B42 (i.e., Div 1 LSS has re-sequenced the MCC back on), that Alternate Feed light is nonetheless OFF. The reason is that the Alternate Source RPS A EPA Breakers both tripped open on Undervoltage/Underfrequency on the initial power loss. Thus, the power is still not available to the A RPS Bus until an operator is dispatched to manually reset the EPA relays in the MG Set Room. Therefore, RPS A is de-energized and neither source is

available from the control room.

For the above reasons, only choice D is correct.

A, B, C are wrong for reasons described above. They are plausible based on the Applicants need to recall and comprehend the power distribution relationship with RPS and the effect that a loss of that power has on the EPA trip relay status.



04-1-01-C71-1, Attachment III E-0001, Main One Line (electrical distribution)

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C7100, Objective 11 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A # 215003 effect relationships between INTERMEDIATE RANGE Rating 3.3 MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8) Rev / Date 0 K1.05 Display control system: Plant-Specific Question 36 A plant startup is in progress with reactor power indicating on the IRMs.

IRM D is indicating 45 on Range 4 when it is inadvertently placed on Range 6.

Which of the following will result from this action?

A. Half-Scram RPS A B. Half-Scram RPS B C. Rod withdrawal block D. Down pushbutton illuminates, only Answer: C Explanation:

With IRM D indicating 45 on range 4 going to range 5 would indicate 4.5, but on the 0 to 40 scale which would be 11% of scale. Continuing to range 6 would indicate on the 0 to 125 scale and would be 3.6 % of scale which is <5 % of scale that is the Control Rod Withdrawal block, therefore C is the only correct answer.

A and B are incorrect due to no scram setpoint is exceeded, but plausible if the student is confused on ranging down instead of up.

C is correct D is wrong, a Rod block will occur along with the down pushbutton.



Tech Spec TR

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5102, Objective 7.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-09489a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215003 Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 215003 following will have on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR Rating 3.6 (IRM) SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)

Rev / Date 0 K6.02 24/48 volt D.C. power: Plant-Specific Question 37 A plant startup is in progress, with the following conditions:

Reactor power 8%

Mode switch position RUN IRM A is BYPASSED The High Voltage Power Supply unit for IRM Drawer B fails and output voltage drops to zero.

Which of the following describes the status of the plant?

A. Full Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block B. Half Reactor Scram, Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. No RPS scram signal, Control Rod Withdrawal Block D. No RPS scram signal, No Control Rod Withdrawal Block Answer: D Explanation:

A loss of the High Voltage power supply unit which the output is 20 VDC, will cause a loss of DC power to the detector. The IRM INOP trip will actuate with a loss of High voltage power. IRM B will receive an INOP signal. However, with the plant Mode Switch in RUN all trips and rod blocks are bypassed.

A and B are wrong due to no scram signal is received due to IRMs are bypassed.

C is wrong, Rod block signal is bypassed D is correct.



E1171 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5102, Objective 6.3, 7.4, 8.1 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215004 Source Range Monitor (SRM) System A1. Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters K/A # 215004 associated with operating the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR Rating 3.6 (SRM) SYSTEM controls including: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.5)

Rev / Date 0 A1.05 SCRAM, rod block, and period alarm trip setpoints Question 38 A normal reactor startup is in progress with the reactor subcritical.

Control rods are being withdrawn to achieve critically.

SRM E spikes to 2 x 105 cps.

Which of the following describes the plant response?

A. SRM Upscale alarm only B. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block Half scram D. SRM Upscale alarm Control Rod Withdrawal Block Full scram Answer: B Explanation:

A spike of any SRM during startup (IRM < range 8) of 2 x 105 is above the setpoint of 1 x 105 Control rod block.

A is wrong, yes you would receive the upscale alarm however a rod block would also be received.

B is correct C is wrong, a half scram would not occur.

D is wrong, a full scram would not occur.



Tech Spec TR References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5101, Objective 8.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-06835 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 215005 Average Power Range Monitor/Local Power Range Monitor System K/A # 215005 A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the AVERAGE Rating 3.2 POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7) Rev / Date 0 A3.04 Annunciator and alarm signals Question 39 The plant is operating at 8% power in Mode 2.

The following alarms were received:

CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCK APRM CH 1 UPSC TRIP/ OPRM TRIP/INOP Which of the following will cause the given indication?

A. Reactor Mode Switch was taken to RUN B. APRM Channel 1 indicates <5%

C. APRM Channel 1 indicates >18%

D. Only 3 valid LPRM detectors per level are feeding Channel 1 Answer: C Explanation:

At 8% power the given alarms can only be generated by an Upscale signal A is wrong, If the mode switch was taken to run no alarms would be received B is wrong, <5% power is an downscale rod block not an upscale trip.

C is correct, D is wrong, 3 LPRMs per level is the minimum required but no inop signal is generated no alarms would be received.



GLP-OPS-C5104 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C5104, Objective 7.1 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 217000 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC)

A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the K/A # 217000 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC) ; Rating 3.8 and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those Rev / Date 0 abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: 41.5 / 45.6)

A2.15 Steam line break Question 40 A reactor scram has occurred due to a 'B' main steam line break in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.

The Control Room Operators are implementing the actions of EP-2.

The MSIV's automatically closed on a NSSSS Group 1 Isolation.

(1) What is the impact of the above conditions on RCIC and (2) What actions will allow continued RCIC operation, if any?

A. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.

(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohibited, use the Automatic Isolations ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur.

B. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate immediately due to low steam flow since RCIC steam flow comes from the 'B' MSL.

(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations and non-mechanical turbine trips.

C. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 minutes after the MSIV's closed assuming MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.

(2) Install EP Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations and non-mechanical turbine trips.

D. (1) RCIC will automatically isolate 30 minutes after the MSIV's closed assuming MSL tunnel temperatures remain high.

(2) RCIC operation is administratively prohibited; use the Automatic Isolations ONEP to ensure automatic isolations occur.

Answer: C Explanation:

RCIC taps off the 'A' MSL (P&ID M-1077A).

RCIC will isolate after a 30 minute time delay when the Aux Building main steam tunnel temperature exceeds 185F (Automatic Isolations ONEP).

EP-2 (via bases discussion and allowance for Att 3 on EP-2 Table 1) specifically allows the use of Attachment 3 to defeat RCIC isolations. There is no administrative prohibition for using RCIC in this case.

For the above reasons, only the answer C is correct. All distracters are wrong but plausible based on the applicant knowing which steam line supplies RCIC and knowing that EP-2 allows for defeating automatic isolations for the given conditions.



02-S-01-40 EP Bases Attachment IV 05-1-02-III-5 Automatic Isolations ONEP P&ID M-1077A References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP-4, Objective 19 Question Source: Bank # X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(11) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 218000 Automatic Depressurization System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 218000 following concepts as they apply to AUTOMATIC Rating 3.8 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)

Rev / Date 0 K5.01 ADS logic operation Question 41 A LOCA is in progress.

HPCS and RCIC are unavailable.

Drywell pressure reaches 1.39 psig and continues to rise.

Then, the MSIVs automatically close on low reactor water level.

When will the ADS Valves automatically open?

A. 105 seconds after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal B. 9.2 minutes after the MSIVs get their automatic close signal C. 9.2 minutes after drywell pressure reached 1.39 psig D. 105 seconds after drywell pressure reached 1.39 psig Answer: A Explanation:

If an ECCS pump is running (assumed by stem conditions), ADS will auto-initiate 105 seconds after the presence of ALL 3 of the following signals: a -150.3" signal, a confirmatory +11.4" signal, and a 1.39 psig drywell pressure signal. The need for the 1.39 psig DW pressure signal is auto-bypassed if level stays below -150.3" for at least 9.2 minutes;however, ADS still requires a running ECCS pump and the 105 second time delay.

Since the stem conditions indicate DW pressure has reached 1.39 psig, the 9.2 minute bypass is irrelevant;therefore, distracters B & C are wrong. Distracter D is wrong because the start of the 105 second timer always needs the coincident -150.3" level.



Loop locic 17-S-06-5 M1077B

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 12.2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank # GGNS-OPS-09496 New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 223002 Primary Containment Isolation System/Nuclear Steam Supply Shut-Off K/A # 223002 A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control Rating 3.6 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 A4.03 Reset system isolations Question 42 The plant is preparing a hot startup following a plant transient.

The MSIVs are currently closed.

The mechanical vacuum pumps are maintaining main condenser vacuum at 7 Hg Vac.

Reactor water level is +35 Narrow Range Reactor pressure is 550 psig What actions (if any) are required to OPEN the MSIVs?

A. The MSIVs cannot be opened with current plant conditions.

B. Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.

All eight MSIVs will automatically open.

C. Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.

Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.

Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN.

D. Place the NSSS DIV 1, 2, 3, and 4 CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches in BYP.

Place all eight MSIV handswitches to CLOSE.

Depress the NSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.

Place all four OTBD MSIV handswitches to OPEN Answer: D Explanation:

To reopen the MSIVs after a Group 1 signal the handswitches for each MSIV (8) must be taken to the CLOSE position then NSSSS must be reset (INBD and OTBD). Only the OTBD valves can be opened due to the DP across the INBD valves is >100 psig the steam lines must be equalized. Also with Main Condenser vacuum being 7 Hg Vac a group 1 signal is still present therefore the Condenser Lo Vac bypass switches must be placed in bypass before NSSSS can be reset. D is correct.

A is wrong, The MSIVs can be reopened, plausible due to the student may think that 7Hg Vac would prevent an opening.

B is wrong, Vacuum must be bypassed and the handswitches must be placed in closed.

Also the MSIVs will not auto open. Plausible due to the MSIVs will reopen on loss of air or loss of solenoid power then restored.

C is wrong, Condenser vac must be bypassed.



04-1-01-B21-1 Section 4.3 04-1-01-M71-1 Section 5.4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-M7101, Objective 7.1 & 9.0 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-08812a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 239002 Relief/Safety Valves K2. Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:

K/A # 239002 (CFR: 41.7) Rating 2.8 K2.01 SRV solenoids Rev / Date 0 Question 43 What are the power supplies to A and B solenoids of the Safety Relief Valves (SRVs)?

A. 11DA & 11DB B. 11DD & 11DE C. 11DE & 11DK D. 11DA & 11DC Answer: A Explanation:

SRV solenoids are powered from ESF DC buses 11DA and 11DB.

A is correct B is wrong, plausible due to these are 125 vdc busses also but used for BOP, C is wrong, plausible due to these supply power to the ATWS/ARI solenoids.

D is wrong, 11DA is correct but 11DC is wrong, plausible due to 11DC is also an ESF DC bus.



04-1-01-B21-1 E1161 SH 4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-E2202, Objective 9.1 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-09948

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 259002 Reactor Water Level Control System A3. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the REACTOR K/A # 259002 WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM including: (CFR: 41.7 / Rating 3.0 45.7)

Rev / Date 0 A3.01 Runout flow control: Plant-Specific Question 44 Only the A Reactor Feed Pump is operating.

Considering only the Feedwater System Operating Instruction P&Ls, which of the following describes the limitations on the operating feed water pump?

Speed is A. administratively restricted only.

B. clamped at 5850 rpm in FW Auto only.

C. clamped at 5850 rpm in Speed Auto and FW Auto only.

D. clamped at 5850 rpm in Emergency Manual, Speed Auto and FW Auto.

Answer: C Explanation:

Per 04-1-01-N21-1 step 3.15. In SPEED AUTO AND FW AUTO, RFPT speed is clamped at 5800 rpm for dual feed pump operation and 5850 for single feed pump operation. Step 3.3 states that there is no speed restriction in emergency manual operation.



04-1-01-N21-1, P&Ls 3.3 and 3.15 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 19.0, 29.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X

Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A # 261000 effect relationships between STANDBY GAS TREATMENT Rating 2.8 SYSTEM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8)

Rev / Date 0 K1.08 Process radiation monitoring system .

Question 45 Which of the following will cause a Standby Gas Treatment system B initiation?

A. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor A indicating 4.2 mrem/hr Fuel handling area exhaust rad monitor C mode switch in STANDBY B. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor B indicating 7.9 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor C indicating 8.1 mrem/hr C. Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor B indicating 5.3 mrem/hr Fuel Handling Area exhaust rad monitor C INOP trip D. Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor B indicating 31 mrem/hr Fuel Pool Sweep exhaust rad monitor D INOP trip Answer: C Explanation:

For SBGT to initiate on process rad monitor system the A systems must see A and D monitors and B must see B and C monitors, for Fuel handling area > 3.6 mrem/hr or INOP OR Fuel pool sweep >30 mrem/hr or INOP.

A is wrong, due to A and C monitors will not initiate either system B is wrong, due to B and C monitors did not reach their setpoint of 30 mrem/hr.

C is correct, see explanation above.

D is wrong, due to B and D monitors will not initiate either system Technical


04-1-01-T48-1 E1257 SH01 E1177 SH 32 & 33 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-T4801, Objective 8.7 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-00141a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution K4. Knowledge of A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION design K/A # 262001 feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Rating 2.8 (CFR: 41.7)

Rev / Date 0 K4.04 Protective relaying Question 46 A loss of ST-11 has occurred (1) Which of the following describes the BOP buses that were de-energized?

(2) What is required to re-energize the lost busses and restart major loads after the bus is re-energized from an alternate source?

A. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.

B. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Locally reset Bus Undervoltage relays.

C. (1) 12HE and 13AD (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset D. (1) 11HD and 12AE (2) Bus Undervoltage relays will auto reset Answer: A Explanation:

Per 05-1-02-I-4 Technical


05-1-02-I-4, step 2.0

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 14.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A # 262001 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8) Rating 3.6 A4.04 Synchronizing and paralleling of different A.C. supplies Rev / Date 0 Question 47 The division 2 Diesel Generator is running.

Preparations are being made to load the Diesel Generator parallel with the grid.

All control switches are in the normal handswitch lineup.

Which of the following would allow the Diesel Generator output breaker to close?

A. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the SLOW direction.

B. Sync Scope rotating slowly in the FAST direction.

C. Sync Scope at approximately 12 oclock position.

D. Sync Scope at approximately 6 oclock position.

Answer: C Explanation:

During parallel operations with a DG and the grid the output breaker will not close unless the sync check relay is satisfied which is between 5 till and 5 after the 12 oclock position.

A is wrong the procedure states to adjust the DG speed to make the sync scope rotate slowly in the FAST direction not SLOW.

B is wrong same as A but also, just because the sync scope is rotating does not ensure the DG and the Grid is Synchronized the sync check relay ensures this.

C is correct.

D is wrong This would place the DG on the grid 180 degrees out of phase also the sync check relay would not allow this to happen.



04-1-01-P81-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P8100, Objective 17 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 262002 Uninterruptable Power Supply (A.C./D.C.)

A4 - Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A # 262002 room: Rating 2.8 A4.01 Transfer from alternative source to preferred source Rev / Date 0 Question 48 The following annunciator was received and sealed in:

STATIC INVRTR 1Y97 TROUBLE A local operator reports that 1Y97 indicates Alternate Source Supplying Load.

Which of the following describes when this annunciator should clear?

After Normal source is restored and .

A. static transfer switch auto transfers to Normal source.

B. manual transfer switch is transferred to Normal source to load.

C. manually depress the Inverter to load pushbutton.

D. local alarm acknowledge pushbutton is depressed.

Answer: A Explanation:

1Y97 is a BOP inverter therefore when loss of normal supply the alarm is received.

After normal supply is restored the BOP inverters will auto transfer back to the normal supply which will then clear the alarm.

A is correct Technical



References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L6200, Objective 17 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 263000 D.C. Electrical Distribution 2.4.6 Knowledge of EOP mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 /

K/A # 263000 43.5 / 45.13) Rating 3.7 Rev / Date 0 Question 49 A LOCA has occurred with a Station Blackout.

DC electrical bus 11DA has tripped.

Which of the following procedures can be used to operate the RCIC system for EOP mitigation?

A. RCIC System Operating Instructions (SOI)

B. 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power ONEP C. 05-1-02-II-1, Shutdown From the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP D. 05-S-01-STRATEGY, Alternate Strategy Answer: D Explanation:

Alternate Strategy procedure provides pre-established strategies for dealing with significant events well outside design bases and current procedures. This guidance is focused on operation of starting RCIC from outside the control room.

A is wrong, the system SOI does not go outside the design B is wrong, the ONEP does not cover loss of DC.

C is wrong, Remote shutdown panel does not cover loss of DC D is correct, Technical


05-S-01-STRATEGY References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B5B00, OBJ. 2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 263000 DC Electrical Distribution K3.02 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 262001 D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on the following: Rating 3.3/3.6 Components using D.C. control power (i.e. breakers)

Rev / Date 0 Question 50 Bus 15AA is energized.

CRD pump A is operating.

Battery bus 11DA is subsequently de-energized.

Circuit breaker 152-1505 for CRD pump A:

A. will not be capable of any remote or local operation until bus 11DA is restored.

B. can be opened, closed and reopened once, manually, at the breaker.

C. can be opened remotely but must be closed manually, at the breaker.

D. will still have automatic trip capability.

Answer: B Explanation:

A is wrong; the breaker will not operate remotely without DC power B is correct: Any 4160 breaker that is already closed when the loss of DC occurs can be opened due to the opening springs are compressed by the closing of the breaker, the closing springs are also compressed when the breaker is closed C is wrong; the breaker will not operate remotely without DC power D is wrong; trip coil is DC powered Technical



References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-L1100. OBJ 10.1 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-02739a (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 264000 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet)

K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 264000 following concepts as they apply to EMERGENCY Rating 3.4 GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET) : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)

Rev / Date 0 K5.06 Load sequencing Question 51 A Station Blackout has occurred.

Reactor water level is -172 inches and slowly lowering.

Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig and slowly rising.

Operators are restoring 16AB from Div 3 Diesel Generator.

Which of the following describes the order components are restored after 16AB is energized?

A. RHR B relay logic is restored and allow LSS to perform a LOCA sequence.

B. SSW B pump is manually started then RHR B logic is restored.

C. RHR B relay logic is restored causing SSW B to auto start.

D. RHR B is manually started causing SSW B to auto start.

Answer: B Explanation:

Per 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, 3.2.10 , LSS is shutdown prior to energizing the 16AB bus and remains shutdown to protect the Div 3 D/G from overloading and prevent surge loading from simultaneous start of large pumps.

After the power is restored in step 3.2.10 I Starts SSW pump B manually prior to energizing the RHR logic power.

A is wrong; SSW is manually started prior to restoring relay logic and LSS is shutdown and will not perform its function.

B is correct:

C is wrong; SSW is manually started prior to restoring relay logic to prevent a simultaneous start of large components D is wrong; Same as C Technical


05-1-02-I-4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-ONEP. OBJ 13.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 300000 Instrument Air System (IAS)

K6 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 300000 following will have on the INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM: (CFR: Rating 2.7 41.7 / 45.7)

Rev / Date 0 K6.03 Temperature indicators Question 52 Which of the following will cause a Plant Air Compressor trip?

A. Compressor Cabinet Temperature failing HIGH B. Compressor Cooling Water Temperature failing HIGH C. Compressor Oil Filter DP failing LOW D. Compressor Oil Temperature failing LOW Answer: A Explanation:

Per 04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4, A is Correct B is wrong: The compressors do not have a cooling water temp trip C is wrong; Low oil filter D/P does nothing, but high filter D/P would cause a trouble alarm.

D is wrong; Oil temp high or pressure low will trip compressor Technical


04-S-02-SH13-P854-1A-A4 References to be provided to applicants during exam: NONE Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P5100. OBJ 15.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b) 55.43(b)(2)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 400000 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)

A4. Ability to manually operate and / or monitor in the control K/A # 400000 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8) Rating 3.1 A4.01 CCW indications and control Rev / Date 0 Question 53 A LOCA has occurred.

Reactor water level dropped to -50 Wide Range and is currently -30 and rising.

Drywell pressure is 1.29 psig and slowly rising.

You are verifying initiations and isolations per EP-2.

Which of the following describes the status of the SSW systems?

A. SSW A is running with flow going to all components SSW B is in Standby SSW C is supplying all of its associated components B. SSW A is in Standby SSW B is running supplying flow to all components SSW C is in Standby C. SSW A is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler SSW B is in Standby SSW C is supplying all of its associated components D. SSW A is in Standby SSW B is running supplying flow to the RCIC room cooler SSW C is supplying all of its associated components

Answer: C Explanation:

With level reaching <-41.6 a RCIC auto initiation occurred, SSW A starts when the E51-F045 is not full closed but will only supply flow to the ECCS room coolers only. Also HPCS auto initiated and SSW C will supply all its associated loads.

A is wrong, due to only the RCIC room cooler (along with all ECCS room coolers) is receiving flow from SSW A.

B is wrong, due to SSW B does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler and SSW C will be running due to HPCS initiation C is correct, see explanation above.

D is wrong, due to due to SSW B does not provide flow for RCIC room cooler.



04-1-01-E51-1 04-1-01-P41-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P41, Objective 10.1 & 10.2 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-00778 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism K1. Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause K/A # 201003 effect relationships between CONTROL ROD AND DRIVE Rating 3.1 MECHANISM and the following: (CFR: 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8) Rev / Date 0 K1.03 RPIS Question 54 Which of the following is the reason for CONT ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator?

A. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by an independent reed switch closing past the 00 indication.

B. The control rod has inserted too far as detected by the reed switch for 00 indication no longer being closed.

C. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected an independent reed switch closing past the 48 indication.

D. The control rod has become uncoupled as detected by the reed switch for 48 indication no longer being closed.

Answer: C Explanation:

If the coupling spud becomes uncoupled from the control rod the drive piston will withdraw a small additional distance to reach its lover mechanical end stop. In this overtravel position, the attached ring magnet actuates the overtravel reed switch in the indicator probe, thus providing an indication of control rod and drive separation.

A and B are wrong, due to this is inserted which cant be overtravel or uncoupled.

C is correct, see explanation above.

D is wrong, due to an independent reed switch exist called the Overtravel reed switch past the 48 position.



GLP-OPS-C111B, Page 14 of 51 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None

Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C111B, Objective 5.2, 7.2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 202001 Recirculation System 2.4.9 Knowledge of low power/shutdown implications in K/A # 202001 accident (e.g., loss of coolant accident or loss of residual Rating 3.8 heat removal) mitigation strategies. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)

Rev / Date 0 Question 55 A plant startup is in progress with all IRMs on Range 8.

Which of the following must be met in order to satisfy assumptions for providing core cooling in the first few seconds of a DBA LOCA in a Recirc Loop?

A. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 10% of rated core flow.

B. Recirc loop flows are matched to within 5% of rated core flow.

C. ESF Diesel Generators come up to rated speed and voltage within 10 seconds.

D. HPCS or LPCS inject to the core at > 7000 gpm within 15 seconds.

Answer: A Explanation:

FSAR section states that jet pump flows are closely matched for a DBA LOCA to ensure the design bases peak cladding temperatures are not exceeded during the first few seconds of the event. (This is also explained in the TS bases for TS 3.4.1)

TS 3.4.1 (applicable in Modes 1 & 2) requires loop jet pump flows be matched within 10%

when operating at < 70% rated core flow. In reactor Mode 2, Recirc Pumps are in slow speed and core flow is below 70% rated. If core flow were above 70% rated, TS 3.4.1 SR would require loop flow to be within 5%. The plant conditions in the stem make the answer correct and distracter 1 wrong.

Distracter 2 is plausible because ESF Diesel Generators are required to be at rated speed and voltage within 10 seconds per SR

Distracter 3 is plausible because one method of adequate core cooling is for HPCS or LPCS to inject > 7000 gpm; however, for the DBA it is assumed that 3 ECCS systems are operable in order to re-flood the core.



FSAR section TS 3.4.1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B3300 Obj 2 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 204000 Reactor Water Cleanup System K4. Knowledge of REACTOR WATER CLEANUP SYSTEM K/A # 204000 design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the Rating 3.3 following: (CFR: 41.7)

Rev / Date 0 K4.08 Reducing reactor pressure upstream of low pressure piping: LP-RWCU Question 56 The plant is in Mode 4.

Reactor water level is being maintained by RWCU blowdown.

G33-F033 is 15% open.

The Operator at the controls notices reactor water level rising due to the G33-F033 automatically closing.

Which of the following describes the reason for the G33-F033 automatic action?

A. Reactor Water level reached +53.5 Narrow Range B. Line pressure downsteam of the G33-F033 is >140 psig C. Filter Demin Inlet Temperature >140°F D. Any Group 8 RWCU isolation signal is received Answer: B Explanation:

The G33-F033 will auto close upon receipt of either low pressure upsteam or high pressure downstream of the F033. IF F033 is > 5% open.

A is wrong. No auto actions for RWCU at this level B is correct, C is wrong, This will cause the F004 to auto close and cause a pump trip.

D is wrong, Group 8 isolation does not affect the F033.



GLP-OPS-G3336, page 26 of 43 04-1-02-1H13-P680-11A-C5 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G3336, Objective 8.6 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 216000 following concepts as they apply to NUCLEAR BOILER Rating 3.5 INSTRUMENTATION : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)

Rev / Date 0 K5.13 Reference leg flashing: Design-Specific Question 57 A significant leak has occurred from the isolation valve on the Reference leg of the transmitter that supplies C Narrow Range reactor water level detector.

Which of the following describes the expected response of the C Narrow Range level indication?

The C Narrow Range indicated level will A. be higher than either A or B indicated levels.

B. be lower than either A or B indicated levels.

C. be the same as A or B indicated levels.

D. oscillate higher and lower than A or B indicated levels.

Answer: A Explanation:

With a leak on the reference leg of a level transmitter the DP will reduce causing indicated level to rise.

A is correct.

B is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise C is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.

D is wrong, due to the reason A is correct the indicated level will rise.



04-1-01-B21-1 GLPL-OPS-COM07

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2 GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-00372 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 223001 Primary Containment System and Auxiliaries K4. Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND K/A # 223001 AUXILIARIES design feature(s) and/or interlocks which Rating 3.1 provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7)

Rev / Date 0 K4.06 Maintains proper containment/secondary containment to drywell differential pressure Question 58 Which of the following conditions will the Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves (E61-F007 & E61-F020) OPEN?

A. Upon receipt of a LOCA.

B. 30 seconds after the receipt of a LOCA.

C. When Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure and no LOCA signal present.

D. When a LOCA signal is present and Drywell pressure is 0.88 psig greater than Containment pressure.

Answer: C Explanation:

The Normal Drywell Vacuum Relief valves will auto open when NO LOCA signal is present and Drywell pressure is 0.186 psig less than Containment pressure.

A is wrong, The E61 CTMT and Drywell H2 Analyzers will auto upon receipt of a LOCA B is wrong, the 30 second time delay is in the E61 Drywell purge compressor and Post LOCA Vacuum Relief valves (E61 F003A & B) start/open logic C is correct.

D is wrong, These signals is associated with the Post LOCA Drywell Vacuum relief valve.



04-1-01-E61-1 GLP-OPS-E6100

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-B2101, Objective 12.2 GLP-OPS-COM07, Objective 10a Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-00339 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-up A2. Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FUEL K/A # 233000 POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP ; and (b) based on those Rating 2.7 predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR: Rev / Date 0 41.5 / 45.6)

A2.09 - A.C. electrical power failures Question 59 The plant is operating at rated conditions.

Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup is operating with both pumps and both filters in service.

Both Filter Bypass Valves are closed.

Incoming feeder breaker for 15AA bus trips.

15AA power is restored by its Diesel Generator.

Which of the following describes:

(1) the status of the Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup system?

(2) the procedure(s) being used to mitigate the transient?

A. (1) Both pumps running (2) Loss of AC Power ONEP B. (1) A pump running, B pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs C. (1) B pump running, A pump tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs D. (1) Both pumps are tripped (2) Loss of AC Power and Inadequate Decay heat Removal ONEPs

Answer: D Explanation:

A loss of either 15AA or 16AB will cause one pump to trip due to loss of power, but, the Air operated Filter Demin inlet valves F019 and F045 are powered from the 15 and 16 bus also and are in series. Therefore on a loss of either bus one pump will trip and cause the closure of one filter inlet valve causing a trip of the other pump on low flow.

A is wrong, Both pumps will trip and Decay heat removal ONEP will be entered B is wrong, Both pumps will trip C is wrong, Both pumps will trip D is correct, Technical


04-1-01-G41-1, Att III page 1 of 3 05-1-02-III-1, 4.1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-G4146, Objective 7.6 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System K6. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 239001 following will have on the MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM Rating 3.3 SYSTEM: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)

Rev / Date 0 K6.08 Main condenser vacuum Question 60 The plant is experiencing a loss of condenser vacuum.

Which of the following identifies the order in which automatic actions occur in response to the degrading vacuum?

A. 1) Main Turbine Trip

2) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
3) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
4) MSIV closure B. 1) Main Turbine Trip
2) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
3) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
4) MSIV closure C. 1) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
2) Main Turbine Trip
3) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
4) MSIV closure D. 1) MSIV closure
2) Turbine Bypass Valve closure
3) Feed Pump Turbine Trip
4) Main Turbine Trip Answer: A Explanation:

With degrading vacuum the auto trip setpoints are as follows:

21 Main Turbine Trip 16 Feedpump Turbine Trip

12 Bypass valve closure 9 MSIV closure A is correct, B is wrong, the feedpump will trip before bypass valve closure C is wrong, Main turbine will trip before the feedpump turbine D is wrong, These are in the opposite order.



04-1-01-N62-1 05-1-02-V-8, section 5.0 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N6200, Objective 14 GLP-OPS-ONEP, Objective 39.0 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-01990 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 245000 Main Turbine Generator and Auxiliary Systems K3. Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K/A # 245000 MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS will Rating 3.7 have on following: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.4)

Rev / Date 0 K3.08 Reactor/turbine pressure control system: Plant-Specific Question 61 The plant is operating at rated power.

At P680, the CF TK LVL LO alarm is received and seals-in.

Local operators report that EHC tank level is lowering and theyve found a large EHC leak.

Control room operators perform the following:

Place the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN Trip Main Turbine Trip the EHC pumps.

An ATWS occurs and EP-2A is entered.

Operators will use ______(1)_______ for pressure control and maintain reactor pressure within a band of ______(2)______.

A. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig B. (1) Bypass Control Valves (2) 450 psig to 600 psig C. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 800 psig to 1060 psig D. (1) SRVs / MSL Drains (2) 450 psig to 600 psig Answer: C Explanation:

Per ARI P680-10A-B4, If a large leak is found, remove the turbine generator from service and shutdown the control fluid pumps to repair leakage. With the EHC

pumps shutdown the bypass valves would fail closed, therefore pressure control would be from SRVs with a band of 800 psig to 1060 psig.

A is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure.

B is wrong. The bypass control valves will fail closed due to low EHC pressure. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater is unaffected.

C is correct. See explanation above.

D is wrong. The lower band is incorrect due to MSIVs are still open and Feedwater is unaffected.




04-1-01-N32-1, 3.10 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N3200, Objective 18.1 Question Source: Bank # 240 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 259001 Reactor Feedwater System K5. Knowledge of the operational implications of the K/A # 259001 following concepts as they apply to REACTOR FEEDWATER Rating 2.8 SYSTEM : (CFR: 41.5 / 45.3)

Rev / Date 0 K5.03 Turbine operation: TDRFP's-Only Question 62 The plant is operating at rated power when the Main Turbine trips.

The operator at the controls aligns for startup level control using Reactor Feed Pump A.

10 minutes after the Scram the transient is complete; all plant parameters are stable again.

Which of the following describes the Governor Control Valve position for RFPT A?

A. Slightly higher than original indication due to more load on the feed pump turbine.

B. Slightly lower than original indication due to the Scram.

C. More than double the original indication due to a swap to its high pressure steam source.

D. One-half the original indication due to the Scram.

Answer: C Explanation:

Rated position for the governor valve is 20% after a scram the governor will slowly move to high pressure steam and governor valve will be 60%.

A is wrong. See explanation above B is wrong. See explanation above C is correct. See explanation above D is wrong. See explanation above



04-1-01-N21-1, Feedwater SOI References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N2100, Objective 17, 18 Question Source: Bank # 2012 Audit 1 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 271000 Offgas System A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control K/A # 271000 room: (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8) Rating 2.8 A4.01 Reset system isolations Rev / Date 0 Question 63 The plant is operating at 25% power.

The N64-F060, Offgas System Discharge to Radwaste Ventilation Valve, has automatically closed on Post Treatment Hi Hi Hi radiation.

Which of the following describes how Offgas flow is re-established?

Verify Post Treatment radiation indication is below the trip setpoint and:

A. Depress the NSSSS Reset Pushbuttons B. Verify N64-F060 auto reopens C. Place handswitch for N64-F060 to CLOSE and back to AUTO/OPEN D. Place Brass Key lock switch for N64-F045, Adsorber Train Bypass Valve, to BYPASS and back to TREAT Answer: B Explanation:

Once the F060 closes on a Post Treat rad signal it will auto reset once the signal is cleared. 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-C8 step 3.7, If the radiation levels drop below the Hi Hi Hi trip, ensure N64-F060 opens and indicates open on panel P845.

A is wrong. This is required for and NSSSS isolation valve, N64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.

B is correct. See explanation above C is wrong. This is required for opening an MSIV after auto closure.

D is wrong. This will only open the F045 and close the F060 when taken to BYPASS Technical


04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-C8 step 3.7 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-N6465, Objective 11.9, 13.0 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 286000 Fire Protection System A3 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the FIRE K/A # 286000 PROTECTION SYSTEM including: Rating 3.4 A3.01 Fire water pump start Rev / Date 0 Question 64 The deluge system for ESF Transformer 12 inadvertently initiates.

Fire Water system header pressure drops to 102 psig for 15 seconds.

Operators isolate the deluge and fire water header pressure rises to 150 psig.

Which of the following describe the status of the Fire Water Pumps 10 minutes after the deluge was isolated?

A. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured Jockey pump secured B. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps running Motor Driven Fire Water pump running Jockey pump secured C. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured Motor Driven Fire Water pump running Jockey pump secured D. A and B Diesel Driven Fire Water pumps secured Motor Driven Fire Water pump secured Jockey pump running

Answer: A Explanation:

Jockey pump will auto start on 135 psig and auto stop at 147 psig. Motor driven pump will auto start at 129 psig and auto stop at 141 psig, after 7 minutes. Diesel driven pump A auto starts at 123 psig + 5 seconds and B auto starts at 117 psig + 5 seconds. With pressure at 102 psig for at least 15 seconds all pumps should have initially started. 10 minutes after pressure has stabilized at 150 psig the jockey pump and motor driven pumps should have auto stopped. The diesel driven do not have an auto stop feature they must be manually shutdown.

A is correct. This is required for and NSSSS isolation valve, N64-F060 is not part of NSSSS.

B is wrong. Motor driven would not be running C is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running.

D is wrong. Diesel Driven would be running Technical


GLP-OPS-P6400, page 13 and 15 of 73 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-P6400, Objective 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 290003 Control Room HVAC K4. Knowledge of CONTROL ROOM HVAC design feature(s)

K/A # 290003 and/or interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR: 41.7) Rating 3.1 K4.01 System initiations/reconfiguration: Plant-Specific Rev / Date 0 Question 65 The plant is operating at 100% power when the following occurs:

At time - 0 minutes All 4 Control Room Vent Radiation Monitors are indicating 6 mRem/hr.

At time - 5 minutes A LOCA occurs.

At time - 10 minutes Reactor water level reaches -51 Wide Range, HPCS and RCIC auto initiate and restore level to normal band.

Which of the following describes the operation of the Fresh Air Inlet valves, Z51-F007 and Z51-F016, for the Control Room Standby Fresh Air Ventilation system?

A. Receives isolation signal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.

B. Receives isolation signal at time 0 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 10 minutes.

C. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened 30 seconds after isolation.

D. Receives isolation signal at time 10 minutes, Can be manually opened at time 20 minutes.

Answer: B Explanation:

On the receipt of a control room isolation signal of -41.6 RPV level or 1.23 psig D/W pressure or >5 mrem/hr on Control Room vent rad monitor, the SBFA unit will auto start in the Recirc mode. Fresh air inlet valves F007 and F016 will auto close and be interlocked closed for 10 minutes. Any subsequent initiation signal during the 10 min time delay has

no effect.

The 30 second time delay to reopen valves is based on the Containment Isolation bypass timer. There is no such 30 second bypass on Control Room Ventilation.

A is wrong, The valves can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.

B is correct C is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.

D is wrong, the Valves will auto close at time 0 and can be re-opened after 10 min time delay.



04-1-01-Z51-1 E-0131 SH 3 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-Z5100, Objective 9, 11 Question Source: Bank # GGNS-OPS-09533 (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.21 Ability to verify the controlled procedure copy.

(CFR: 41.10 / 45.10 / 45.13) K/A # 2.1.21 Rating 3.5 Rev / Date 0 Question 66 When performing SOI actions to operate a plant system in the Control Room, operators must A. verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) except in an emergency.

B. use a Control Room controlled copy or verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS).

C. use only a Control Room controlled copy, other copies are not allowed to be used in the Control Room.

D. verify the copy used is the current revision using the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) in all cases.

Answer: B Explanation:

EN-HU-106 requires all personel to verify prior to use the correct revision of the procedure and refers to EN-AD-103 for verification practices. EN-AD-103 states that revisions are verified in EDMS only, but that Control Room controlled copies may be used without verifying the current revision in EDMS (it is assumed that they are always the most recent revision).

A is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies.

B is correct C is wrong, procedure copies are allowed as long as current rev is checked.

D is wrong, procedure allows use of controlled copies



EN-AD-103 EN-HU-106 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 12.3 Question Source: Bank # 552 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.20 Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps. (CFR:

41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)

K/A # 2.1.20 Rating 4.6 Rev / Date 0 Question 67 Operators are in EP-2A and have just begun to re-inject to the RPV at 4000 gpm with RHR A.

Per 02-S-01-27, Operations Philosophy, the rate of injection is to be raised (if necessary) in increments of A. 500 gpm B. 1000 gpm C. 2000 gpm D. 2500 gpm Answer: B Explanation:

02-S-01-27, Section 6.2.11 states, If reactor level does not begin to indicate an upward trend, then raise injection rate in approximately 0.5 Mlbm/hr (1000 gpm) increments B is correct Technical


02-S-01-27 step 6.2.11 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 57.8 Question Source: Bank # LORQT-06501a X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #


Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staffing, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc.

(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)

K/A # 2.1.5 Rating 2.9 Rev / Date 0 Question 68 Which of the following is a Tech Spec requirement for MINIMUM shift manning?

A. One RO and one SRO present in the control room during MODE 1, 2, or 3.

B. One RO and one SRO present in the control room when in MODE 5.

C. Two non-licensed operators present on the site when fuel is in reactor.

D. Two ROs and one SRO in the control room during MODE 1, 2, or 3.

Answer: A Explanation:

The several sources are: Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1, Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 7.0 (including Table 7.2.2-1), and Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-TQ-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.

Per Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1and the Conduct of Operation Att. 9.3 combination of step 5 and 5a states that MODE 1, 2, or 3, there need be only one RO and one SRO in the control room.

B is wrong. Fuel is in the reactor (prospectively) even in MODE 5. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 step 5a (allowing just an RO to be in the control room in, for example, MODE 5) is consistent with The TRM Table 7.2.2-1 (allowing just an RO to be present in the control room in MODE 5). Therefore, this choices claim that the MINIMUM is having one RO and one SRO in the control room when fuel is in the reactor is wrong.

C is wrong. The Conduct of Operations Att. 9.3 reference speaks to the requirements for non-licensed operators on site when fuel is in the reactor. There the MINIMUM only one non-licensed (not two). This is consistent with the TRM Table 7.2.2-1 (allowing just one non-licensed operator on site in MODE 4, or 5)

C is wrong. TRM Table 7.2.2-1 requires there to be at least 2 ROs and one SRO for minimum crew manning and does not specify the location (1 RO may rove).



Tech Spec Administrative Controls Section 5.2.1 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 7.0 (including Table 7.2.2-1)

Conduct of Operations procedure, EN-OP-115, Attachment 9.3, Section 1.

References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC Obj. 1.12, GLP-OPS-CFR01 Obj. 17 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.1.40 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements. (CFR:

41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13) K/A # 2.1.40 Rating 2.8 Rev / Date 0 Question 69 Which of the following describes when continuous communication must be maintained between the Control Room and Refueling Platform?

A. Moving SRM detector from full out position to full in position.

B. Moving Control Rod 32-33 from full in to full out position with an empty cell.

C. Removing the CRD Mechanism from Control Rod 48-33.

D. Moving a Control Rod to perform One-Rod-Out interlock checks during Core Verification.

Answer: D Explanation:

A is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition movement of source range monitors are not considered to be core alterations.

B is wrong. Per Tech Spec Definition, Control Rod movement provided there are no fuel assemblies in the associated core cell.

C is wrong. Per 03-1-01-5, IOI, 2.15, Continuous communication is required with the Control room and Refuel Floor when changing CRD mechanisms.

D is correct. Per Tech Spec Definition, Movement of any fuel, sources, or reactivity control components within the reactor vessel with the head removed.



Tech Specs, Definitions, Core Alteration 03-1-01-5, 2.6 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-IOI05, Objective 2.3

Question Source: Bank # 252 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.2.41 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12 / K/A # 2.2.41 45.13) Rating 3.5 Rev / Date 0 Question 70 Use your provided references to answer this question.

The reactor is operating at rated power.

RPS Bus A is powered from its ESF source RPS Bus B is powered from its BOP source An electrical transient causes fuse F1B to blow (open circuit).

At the same time C71-CB8A breaker trips open.

Which of the following RPS Scram Solenoid Channels lose power directly as a result of this transient?

A. Channel A only B. Channel C only C. Channels B and D only D. Channels B, C and D Answer: D Explanation:

Refer to electrical drawing E-1174.

Answer A is wrong - Channels B and D are de-energized when F1B fuse is blown.

Answer B is wrong - Channel C is de-energized when CB2A is opened Answer C is correct -

Answer D is wrong - Channel C will remain with power.



E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM References to be provided to applicants during exam:

E-1174, C71 RPS MG SET CONTROL SYSTEM Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-C7100 Objectives 5, 20, 21 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.2.43 Knowledge of the process used to track inoperable alarms.

K/A # 2.2.43 Rating 3.0/3.3 Revision 0 Question 71 Leak detection computer point E31N16A1 for B21-F022A, Stem Leakoff Temperature, has failed and is causing a nuisance alarm.

This signal to LDS TROUBLE annunciator has been bypassed.

How should the associated annunciator be identified?

A. No identification is required for the alarm window B. Place a length of red tape diagonally across the alarm window C. Place two lengths of red tape diagonally across the alarm window to form an X D. Place two vertical lengths of red tape on the alarm window Answer: D Explanation:

First thing the student must recognize is that the leak detection stem leakoff temp feed into a multiple point alarm.

If an alarm has multiple inputs then Per 02-S-01-25, 6.3.5, If an annunciator input is bypassed, the Annunciator window is marked as follows:

Two vertical lengths of red tape are applied to distinguish an annunciator with a bypassed input.

A is wrong. See explanation above B is wrong. See explanation above C is wrong. See explanation above D is correct. See explanation above



02-S-01-25, 6.3.5 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 33.4 Question Source: Bank # 612 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last 2 NRC Exams No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(7) & (10) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

K/A # 2.3.4 Rating 3.2 Rev / Date 0 Question 72 Which of the following is required for a worker to receive 20 Rem TEDE during an emergency?

1. Authorization by the Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manger
2. Life Saving
3. Protecting Valuable Property
4. Only Voluntary A. 1, 2, 3, and 4 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2, and 3 only D. 1 and 3 only Answer: B Explanation:

A is wrong. Only >25 Rem is voluntary B is correct. 10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table.

C is wrong. Protecting property is limited to 10 Rem.

D is wrong. Protecting property is limited to 10 Rem.



10CFR20 10-S-01-17, 6.1 Table References to be provided to applicants during exam: None

Learning Objective: ENS Generic RadWorker Training, Objective 4.1 Question Source: Bank # 613 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.3.13 Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensedl operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry requirements, K/A # 2.3.13 fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high- Rating 3.4 radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.l (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9 /

45.10) Rev / Date 0 Question 73 Per EN-RP-105, Radiological Work Permits (RWP), a radiation worker must participate in an RWP Pre-Job Brief prior to entering A. the RHR C Pump Room.

B. the Aux Building Steam Tunnel.

C. the LPCS Pump Room.

D. the El. 119 Piping Penetration Room.

Answer: B Explanation:

See EN-RP-105, section 5.3[8], 4th bulletVHRA or LHRA entry requires the RWP Pre-Job Brief.

Of the 4 areas among the answer choices, only the Aux Bldg Steam Tunnel (choice B) is a Locked HRA. The other 3 areas are only Radiation Areas, for which the RWPs require no pre-job briefs.



EN-RP-105, Radiological Work Permits References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-PROC, Objective 50.3 Question Source: Bank # 79 X (note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X

Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance of each annunciator or alarm. (CFR: K/A # 2.4.45 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.12) Rating 4.1 Rev / Date 0 Question 74 A Reactor Scram has occurred.

The CRS has implemented transient alarm response.

Which of the following valid alarms should be immediately reported to the CRS?

A. P680-11A-D7, CRD WTR DIS. O2 HI B. P870-9A-A4, CTMT-DRWL ISOL DIV 2 OPER C. P807-3A-G3, STATIC INVRTR 1Y98 TROUBLE D. P870-10A-G2, RHR C PMP RM FLOODED Answer: D Explanation:

Per EN-OP-115-08, Annunciator Response, section 9, The announcement of transient alarms during Abnormal/ONEP and EOP is not required. In such cases, the operators are expected to announce those alarms that are of significance to the implementation of the applicable Abnormal/ONEP and EOP.

Per 04-1-01-C82-1, 4.2.2 a (1), Glowing cerise - a color bordering the annunciators encompassing those alarms associated with EP-4 entry conditions.

A is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.

B is wrong - This alarm will come in when an isolation is complete, but, not required to be announced.

C is wrong - This alarm is not of significance to the implementation of ONEPs or EPs.

D is correct - This alarm indicates an entry into EP-4 and should be announced to the CRS.



EN-OP-115-08 04-1-01-C82-1 References to be provided to applicants during exam: None Learning Objective: GSMS-RO-IN002, Objective B 10 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental X Comprehensive/Analysis 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

Examination Outline Cross-Reference Level RO 2.4.47 Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate K/A # 2.4.47 control room reference material. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / Rating 4.2 45.12)

Rev / Date 0 Question 75 Refer to the next sheet that shows part of Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control.

Operators have entered EP-4.

There is an unisolable steam leak in the RCIC room.

Which of the following situations requires that an Emergency Depressurization be performed?

A. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI with RCIC EQUIP AREA TEMP at 250°F B. RCIC ROOM at 9 x 104 mr/hr with SBGT Filter Train at 80 mr/hr C. P680-8A1-C4 annuciator, RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI with P870-2A-A1 annuciator, RCIC PMP RM FLOODED D. RCIC Room at 8.5 x 104 mr/hr with Main Steam Line Rad Monitor readings of 1 x 105 mr/hr

Answer: D Explanation:

Per EP-4, step 10, an ED is required only when 2 or max safe values are reached for a

single given parameter (i.e., 2 temps, or 2 water levels, or 2 rad levelsnot combinations among these parameters).

D is correct because both of these rad levels are above their max safe values.

B is wrong RCIC rad levels are above the Max safe, however the SBGT rad levels are well below the Max safe limit by a factor of 10.

A and C are wrong because RCIC RM SMP LVL HI-HI is not a max safe value Technical


EP-4, Aux Building Control References to be provided to applicants during exam:

Table 10 of EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control.

Learning Objective: GLP-OPS-EP4, Objective 3 Question Source: Bank #

(note changes; attach parent) Modified Bank #

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam No Question Cognitive Level: Memory/Fundamental Comprehensive/Analysis X 10CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41(b)(12) 55.43(b)

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