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| number = ML15062A364
| number = ML15062A364
| issue date = 03/03/2015
| issue date = 03/03/2015
| title = LaSalle Environmental Scoping Briefing for March 10th Meetings
| title = Environmental Scoping Briefing for March 10th Meetings
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR/DLR/RPB2
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR/DLR/RPB2
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{{#Wiki_filter:LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2LicenseRenewalProcessand LicenseRenewalProcessandLicense Renewal Process and License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping MeetingEnvironmental Scoping Meeting1 Meeting Details*Exelon has applied to renew the LaSalle County Station operating licenses.*The NRC:-Is reviewing that application-Will review the environmental impacts of plicense renewal and-WantsinputfromyoutofocusthereviewWants input from you to focus the review2 Meeting Agenda*NRCpresentation*NRC presentation*Questions&AnswersabouttheQuestions & Answers about the presentation materials*Public Comments3 Ground Rules*SpeakintoamicrophoneSpeak into a microphone*Identify yourself and your groupyyygp*Minimize background noise*Silence personal electronics4 PurposeofToday'sMeetingPurpose of Todays MeetingProvideoverviewoflicenserenewalProvide overview of license renewal review process-Safety reviewy-Environmental reviewReceive public input on environmental reviewee5 NRCRegulatoryOversightNRC Regulatory Oversight NRC's Governing Statutes-Atomic Energy Act-National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)NRC's MissionPttPbliHlthdSft-Protect Public Health and Safety-Promote Common Defense and SecurityPttEit-Protect Environment6 LaSalle County StationyLicense Renewal Renewal application dated 12/9/2014LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2Uit1lii4/17/22-Unit 1, license expires 4/17/22-Unit 2, license expires 12/16/237 Acceptance and Acceptance/SufficiencyreviewSufficiency of ApplicationAcceptance/Sufficiency reviewReview contents of application-Technical information -Technical Specifications-Environmental Report Conduct review8 License Renewal ProcessSafetySafetyReview ReviewIndependent IndependentReview Review Review ReviewACRSACRSNRC Renewal NRC Renewal DecisionDecisionLicense Renewal License RenewalApplication Application submitted to NRCsubmitted to NRCHearings*
{{#Wiki_filter:LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping Meeting 1
Hearings*Environmental EnvironmentalReviewReviewConsultation Consultationand Commentand Comment* If a Request for Hearing is Granted9 License RenewalSafety PrinciplesThe ongoing regulatory process is adequate to ensure the safety of all currently operating plantsThe same plant operating rules apply duringtherenewaltermduring the renewal term-NRC applies additional conditions for agingmanagementaging management10 Safety Review FocusSafetyreviewfocusisontheeffectsofagingon:Safety review focus is on the effects of aging on:-Safety--related systems, structures, and components (SSCs)NonsafetyrelatedSSCswhichiftheyfailedcould-Nonsafety-related SSCs which, if they failed, could affect safety--related SSC functions-SSCs relied upon for compliance with regulations for:Fitti*Fire protection*Environmental qualification
*Pressurized thermal shock*Anticipatedtransientswithoutscram*Anticipated transients without scram*Station blackoutSafety review is to determine if aging effects will beeffectivelymanagedbe effectively managed11 SafetyReviewSafety Review ProcessTechnical Review by NRC staff-ReviewapplicationandsupportingReview application and supporting documentation-On-site audits-Issue Safety Evaluation ReportOn-site inspections by NRC staffpyIndependent review by the Advisory CommitteeonReactorSafeguardsCommittee on Reactor Safeguards12 SafetyReviewMilestonesSafety Review Milestones(tentative)Application ReceivedDecember9, 2014Notice of Opportunity for HearingFebruary 3, 2015Hearing Opportunity ClosesApril 6, 2015 SER with Open ItemsJanuary 2016ACRSSubcommitteeMeetingMarch2016ACRS Subcommittee Meeting March 2016Final SER IssuedAugust 2016 ACRS Full Committee MeetingSeptember 2016CommissionDecision(ithothearing)Noember2016Commission Decision (without hearing)November 201613 Environmental Review National Environmental Policy Act y(NEPA)-Informs Federal decision making-Public disclosure of environmental impacts and other considerationsNRC's Environmental Regulations10 CFR Part 51Staff prepares an Environmental Impact Statement14 Purpose and Need for Proposed FederalActionFederal Action*Proposed action: Issuance of a renewed license.*The purpose and need is to provide a power generation option beyond the current license to tftttidmeet future system generating needs, as determined by energy-planning decisionmakers.*TheNRCdoesnothavearoleintheenergy*The NRC does not have a role in the energy-planning decisions of state regulators and utility officialsofficials.15 Environmental Impact StttStatementAnalyze Impacts toyp-Wildlife and Fish-Water and Air Resources-Historical or Cultural Resources-Taxes, Community Development, Environmental Justice-Human Health-Land Use-Cumulative 16 Environmental Review oetaeeScope SiPScoping ProcessGeneric (Programmatic) Environmental ItSttt(GEIS)Impact Statement (GEIS)Site-specific Supplemental Environmental ImpactStatement(SEIS)Impact Statement (SEIS) New and significant information on genericconclusionsreachedintheGEISgeneric conclusions reached in the GEIS17 Scoping and Public IltInvolvementWhat about your community should the NRC focus on in the EIS?CocusoeSWhat local environmental issues should the NRC examine?What reasonable alternatives are appropriate for the area? 18 Role of Public Comments on Environmental ReviewPublicCommentsonPublicCommentsonPublic Comments on Public Comments on Environmental ReviewEnvironmental ReviewSupplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Impact StatementSafety Safety Evaluation EvaluationAdvisory Committee Advisory Committee R RLicense License Renewal RenewalRegional RegionalEvaluation Evaluation ReportReporton Reactor on Reactor Safeguards Safeguards Independent ReviewIndependent ReviewRenewal Renewal DecisionDecisionRegional Regional InspectionsInspectionsHearing Hearing*
Meeting Details
**If a Request for Hearing is GrantedLicense Renewal License RenewalApplicationApplication19 Ongoing Regulatory OversightCurrent Safety Performanceoperating reactor performance web site: PreparenessgypSecuritySecurity20 Environmental Review Milestones (tentative)Application ReceivedDecember 9, 2014pp,Notice of Receipt and AvailabilityDecember 18, 2014Notice of Intent for ScopingFebruary 3, 2015Environmental Scoping MeetingMarch 10, 2015Scoping Comments DueApril 6, 2015Draft SEIS Issued February 2016Draft SEIS Public MeetingMarch 2016Draft SEIS Comments DueApril 2016Final SEIS IssuedAugust 2016Review schedule can be viewed at the NRC web site: Submitting Comments on the ScopeoftheEnvironmentalScope of the Environmental ReviewProvidewrittencomments:Provide written comments:By mail:Chief, Rules, Announcements and Directives BranchDivisionofAdministrativeServicesDivision of Administrative ServicesMailstop 3WFN-06A44MPU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashingtonDC20555Washington, DC 20555Website:, Docket ID NRC-2014-0268In person:11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MarylandCttbbittdbAil6Comments must be submitted by April 622 Additional InformationEnvironmental Contact: DidDk(800)3685642t6223-David Drucker, (800) 368-5642, ext. 6223-David.Drucker@nrc.govSafetyContact:Safety Contact: -Jeff Mitchell, (800) 368-5642 ext. 3019
* Exelon has applied to renew the LaSalle County Station operating licenses.
-Jeffrey.Mitchell2@nrc.govy@gDocuments located at:-Reddick, Marseilles, Seneca Public LibrariesDocuments can be viewed at the NRC site:}}
* The NRC:
  - Is reviewing that application
  - Will review the environmental impacts p    of license renewal and
  - Wants input from you to focus the review 2
Meeting Agenda
* NRC presentation
* Questions & Answers about the presentation materials
* Public Comments 3
Ground Rules
* Speak into a microphone
* Identify y yyourself and yyour g group p
* Minimize background noise
* Silence personal electronics 4
Purpose of TodayTodays s Meeting Provide overview of license renewal review process
  - Safetyy review
  - Environmental review Receive public input on environmental e e review 5
NRC Regulatory Oversight NRCs Governing Statutes
- Atomic Energy Act
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
NRCs Mission
- Protect P t t Public P bli H Health lth and dSSafety f t
- Promote Common Defense and Security
- Protect P t t Environment E i        t 6
LaSalle County       y Station License Renewal Renewal application dated 12/9/2014 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2
  - Unit U it 1 1, lilicense expires i    4/17/22
  - Unit 2, license expires 12/16/23 7
Acceptance and Sufficiency of Application Acceptance/Sufficiency review Review contents of application
- Technical information
- Technical Specifications
- Environmental Report Conduct review 8
License Renewal Process Independent Safety Review Review ACRS License Renewal NRC Renewal Application                       Hearings*
Decision submitted to NRC Environmental         Consultation Review            and Comment
* If a Request for Hearing is Granted 9
License Renewal Safety Principles The ongoing regulatory process is adequate to ensure the safety of all currently operating plants The same plant operating rules apply during the renewal term
  - NRC applies additional conditions for aging management 10
Safety Review Focus Safety review focus is on the effects of aging on:
  -   Safety--related systems, structures, and components (SSCs)
  -   Nonsafety related SSCs which Nonsafety-related             which, if they failed, failed could affect safety--related SSC functions
  -   SSCs relied upon for compliance with regulations for:
* Fire protection Fi      t ti
* Environmental qualification
* Pressurized thermal shock
* Anticipated transients without scram
* Station blackout Safety review is to determine if aging effects will be effectively managed 11
Safety Review Process Technical Review by NRC staff
  - Review application and supporting documentation
  - On-site audits
  - Issue Safety Evaluation Report On-site inspections p          byy NRC staff Independent review by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 12
Safety Review Milestones (tentative)
Application Received                    December 9, 2014 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing        February 3, 2015 Hearing Opportunity Closes              April 6, 2015 SER with Open Items                      January 2016 ACRS Subcommittee Meeting               March 2016 Final SER Issued                        August 2016 ACRS Full Committee Meeting              September 2016 Commission Decision ((without itho t hearing) No ember 2016 November 13
Environmental Review National Environmental Policy   y Act (NEPA)
  - Informs Federal decision making
  - Public disclosure of environmental impacts and other considerations NRCs Environmental Regulations 10 CFR Part 51 Staff prepares an Environmental Impact Statement 14
Purpose and Need for Proposed Federal Action
* Proposed action: Issuance of a renewed license.
* The purpose and need is to provide a power generation option beyond the current license to meett future f t  system generating ti needs,d as determined by energy-planning decisionmakers.
* The NRC does not have a role in the energy energy-planning decisions of state regulators and utility officials.
officials 15
Environmental Impact St t Statementt Analyzey Impacts p      to
- Wildlife and Fish
- Water and Air Resources
- Historical or Cultural Resources
- Taxes, Community Development, Environmental Justice
- Human Health
- Land Use
- Cumulative 16
Environmental o    e ta Review e e Scope S
Scoping i P Process Generic (Programmatic) Environmental I
Impactt Statement St t    t (GEIS)
Site-specific Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)
New and significant information on generic conclusions reached in the GEIS 17
Scoping and Public I
Involvement l    t What about your community should the NRCC focus ocus o on in thee EIS?
S What local environmental issues should the NRC examine?
What reasonable alternatives are appropriate for the area?
Role of Public Comments on Environmental Review Public Comments on Environmental Review Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Safety                                     Advisory Committee Evaluation                                         on Reactor R
Report                                            Safeguards License                Independent Review Regional              Renewal Inspections            Decision                  Hearing*
                                        *If a Request for Hearing is Granted License Renewal Application 19
Ongoing Regulatory Oversight Current Safety Performance operating reactor performance web site: Emergency  g      y Prepareness p
Security 20
Environmental Review Milestones (tentative)
Application pp        Received                          December 9,, 2014 Notice of Receipt and Availability            December 18, 2014 Notice of Intent for Scoping                  February 3, 2015 Environmental Scoping Meeting                  March 10, 2015 Scoping Comments Due                          April 6, 2015 Draft SEIS Issued                             February 2016 Draft SEIS Public Meeting                      March 2016 Draft SEIS Comments Due                        April 2016 Final SEIS Issued                              August 2016 Review schedule can be viewed at the NRC web site: 21
Submitting Comments on the Scope of the Environmental Review Provide written comments:
By mail:         Chief, Rules, Announcements and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services Mailstop 3WFN-06A44MP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 Washington, Website:, Docket ID NRC-2014-0268 In person:   11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland C
Comments  t mustt be b submitted b itt d bby April A il 6 22
Additional Information Environmental
- David D id D Drucker, k (800) 368368-5642, 5642 ext.t 6223
  - Safety
- Jeff Mitchell, (800) 368-5642 ext. 3019
  - y          @     g Documents located at:
  - Reddick, Marseilles, Seneca Public Libraries Documents can be viewed at the NRC site: wal/applications/lasalled html wal/applications/lasalled.html 23}}

Latest revision as of 02:15, 5 December 2019

Environmental Scoping Briefing for March 10th Meetings
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/2015
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
Download: ML15062A364 (23)


LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping Meeting 1

Meeting Details

  • Exelon has applied to renew the LaSalle County Station operating licenses.
  • The NRC:

- Is reviewing that application

- Will review the environmental impacts p of license renewal and

- Wants input from you to focus the review 2

Meeting Agenda

  • NRC presentation
  • Questions & Answers about the presentation materials
  • Public Comments 3

Ground Rules

  • Speak into a microphone
  • Identify y yyourself and yyour g group p
  • Minimize background noise
  • Silence personal electronics 4

Purpose of TodayTodays s Meeting Provide overview of license renewal review process

- Safetyy review

- Environmental review Receive public input on environmental e e review 5

NRC Regulatory Oversight NRCs Governing Statutes

- Atomic Energy Act

- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

NRCs Mission

- Protect P t t Public P bli H Health lth and dSSafety f t

- Promote Common Defense and Security

- Protect P t t Environment E i t 6

LaSalle County y Station License Renewal Renewal application dated 12/9/2014 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2

- Unit U it 1 1, lilicense expires i 4/17/22

- Unit 2, license expires 12/16/23 7

Acceptance and Sufficiency of Application Acceptance/Sufficiency review Review contents of application

- Technical information

- Technical Specifications

- Environmental Report Conduct review 8

License Renewal Process Independent Safety Review Review ACRS License Renewal NRC Renewal Application Hearings*

Decision submitted to NRC Environmental Consultation Review and Comment

  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted 9

License Renewal Safety Principles The ongoing regulatory process is adequate to ensure the safety of all currently operating plants The same plant operating rules apply during the renewal term

- NRC applies additional conditions for aging management 10

Safety Review Focus Safety review focus is on the effects of aging on:

- Safety--related systems, structures, and components (SSCs)

- Nonsafety related SSCs which Nonsafety-related which, if they failed, failed could affect safety--related SSC functions

- SSCs relied upon for compliance with regulations for:

  • Fire protection Fi t ti
  • Environmental qualification
  • Pressurized thermal shock
  • Station blackout Safety review is to determine if aging effects will be effectively managed 11

Safety Review Process Technical Review by NRC staff

- Review application and supporting documentation

- On-site audits

- Issue Safety Evaluation Report On-site inspections p byy NRC staff Independent review by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 12

Safety Review Milestones (tentative)

Application Received December 9, 2014 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing February 3, 2015 Hearing Opportunity Closes April 6, 2015 SER with Open Items January 2016 ACRS Subcommittee Meeting March 2016 Final SER Issued August 2016 ACRS Full Committee Meeting September 2016 Commission Decision ((without itho t hearing) No ember 2016 November 13

Environmental Review National Environmental Policy y Act (NEPA)

- Informs Federal decision making

- Public disclosure of environmental impacts and other considerations NRCs Environmental Regulations 10 CFR Part 51 Staff prepares an Environmental Impact Statement 14

Purpose and Need for Proposed Federal Action

  • Proposed action: Issuance of a renewed license.
  • The purpose and need is to provide a power generation option beyond the current license to meett future f t system t generating ti needs,d as determined by energy-planning decisionmakers.
  • The NRC does not have a role in the energy energy-planning decisions of state regulators and utility officials.

officials 15

Environmental Impact St t Statementt Analyzey Impacts p to

- Wildlife and Fish

- Water and Air Resources

- Historical or Cultural Resources

- Taxes, Community Development, Environmental Justice

- Human Health

- Land Use

- Cumulative 16

Environmental o e ta Review e e Scope S

Scoping i P Process Generic (Programmatic) Environmental I

Impactt Statement St t t (GEIS)

Site-specific Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

New and significant information on generic conclusions reached in the GEIS 17

Scoping and Public I

Involvement l t What about your community should the NRCC focus ocus o on in thee EIS?

S What local environmental issues should the NRC examine?

What reasonable alternatives are appropriate for the area?


Role of Public Comments on Environmental Review Public Comments on Environmental Review Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Safety Advisory Committee Evaluation on Reactor R

Report Safeguards License Independent Review Regional Renewal Inspections Decision Hearing*

Ongoing Regulatory Oversight Current Safety Performance operating reactor performance web site: Emergency g y Prepareness p

Security 20

Environmental Review Milestones (tentative)

Application pp Received December 9,, 2014 Notice of Receipt and Availability December 18, 2014 Notice of Intent for Scoping February 3, 2015 Environmental Scoping Meeting March 10, 2015 Scoping Comments Due April 6, 2015 Draft SEIS Issued February 2016 Draft SEIS Public Meeting March 2016 Draft SEIS Comments Due April 2016 Final SEIS Issued August 2016 Review schedule can be viewed at the NRC web site: 21

Submitting Comments on the Scope of the Environmental Review Provide written comments:

By mail: Chief, Rules, Announcements and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services Mailstop 3WFN-06A44MP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 Washington, Website:, Docket ID NRC-2014-0268 In person: 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland C

Comments t mustt be b submitted b itt d bby April A il 6 22

Additional Information Environmental


- David D id D Drucker, k (800) 368368-5642, 5642 ext.t 6223

- Safety


- Jeff Mitchell, (800) 368-5642 ext. 3019

- y @ g Documents located at:

- Reddick, Marseilles, Seneca Public Libraries Documents can be viewed at the NRC site: wal/applications/lasalled html wal/applications/lasalled.html 23