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{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure 3
{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure 3 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Stretch Power Uprate STXU     Power May 23, 2007
Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Stretch Power Uprate STXU Power May 23, 2007 TXU Power Participants 4 TXU Power Tim Hope* Regulatory Performance Manager James Boatwright
* Engineering Services Manager, Westinghouse-Dallas Jimmy Seawright* Consulting Regulatory Affairs Engineer 5/22/2007 Aft TXU Power-Familiarize NRC reviewers with TXU Power's plans to replace curren t accident analysis methodologies with standard Westinghouse, NRC-approved, safety analysis methodologies
5/22/2007 TXU Power Participants                                           4   TXU Power Tim Hope
*Answer questions to facilitate the review process as much as possible 2 5/22/2007 CPSES Uprate History UNIT 1-Fall 2002-1.4% Thermal Uprate -3411 to 3458 MWt Oft TXU Power UNIT 2" Fall 1999-1% Thermal Uprate -3411 to 3445 MWt" Fall 2001-0.4% Thermal Uprate -3445 to 3458 MWt Comanche Peak Uprate Team e TXU ArPower* Project team-TXU Power-Shaw Stone & Webster-Westinghouse-Siemens BOP analyses -Shaw Stone & Webster* NSSS analyses -Westinghouse
* Regulatory Performance Manager James Boatwright
* Turbine I generator analyses & hardware -Siemens 3 5/22/2007 Methodology Transition Project Overview AtTXUPower-Scope of Changes: " Core design, plant startup, core follow-CASMO/SIMULATE  
* Engineering Services Manager, Westinghouse-Dallas Jimmy Seawright
-* Phoenix/ANC" Peaking factor measurement and related functions-DETECTOR --* BEACON-TSM" Core subchannel evaluations
* Consulting Regulatory Affairs Engineer Aft TXU Power
-EPRI VIPRE-01 -- W-VIPRE-Same fuel-type dependent DNB correlations" Fuel Rod Design -no changes Methodology Transition Project Overview ATXU Power" Non-LOCA transients and accidents-EPRI RETRAN-02  
-Familiarize NRC reviewers with TXU Power's plans to replace curren t accident analysis methodologies with standard Westinghouse, NRC-approved, safety analysis methodologies
--* W-RETRAN-02
*Answer questions to facilitate the review process as much as possible 2
-Supplemented by 1-D kinetics for selected events" Small Break LOCA-ANF-RELAP  
-- NOTRUMP* Large Break LOCA-Siemens' App. K EXEM -, ASTRUM* Containment analysis-Standard W LOCA and steam line break mass & energy releases-CONTEMPT-LT  
5/22/2007 CPSES Uprate History                                 Oft TXU Power UNIT 1
--- GOTHIC* Reactor Protection System Uncertainty Calculations
- Fall 2002
-Adopted only if revision required-Differences in Allowable Value Philosophies 4
    - 1.4% Thermal Uprate -3411 to 3458 MWt UNIT 2
5/22/2007 Project Overview TXU' Power" CPSES SPU is similar to other recent SPUs" Maintain plant operations consistent with current practice" Same fuel design* Design and operating margin will be protected to assure continued safe and reliable plant operation* Take advantage of Unit I new steam generators NSSS Analyses TXU Power Key NSSS Analysis Input Parameter Changes Licensed core 3458 MWt 3612 MWt thermal power_________
" Fall 1999
T-avg 574.2 to 589.2*F Nominal full power U1 584.2 0 F U1 585.4 0 F values U2 589.2*F U2 589.2 0 F Feedwater 390°F to 450.3°F temperature
    - 1% Thermal Uprate - 3411 to 3445 MWt
-445*F Ul 450.3 OF Nominal full power values U2 445.8 0 F SGTube Ul 0-10% 0% to 10%plugging range U2 0 -5%5 5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes -enabling 4V@ TXU SPower changes-Standard Westinghouse NRC-approved methodologies: " WCAP-14882-P-A, "RETRAN-02 Modeling and Qualification for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Safety Analysis," April 1999." WCAP-1 0054-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code," August 1985." WCAP-10054-P-A, Addendum 2, Revision 1, "Addendum to the Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code: Safety Injection into the Broken Loop and COSI Condensation Model," July 1997." WCAP-10079-P-A, "NOTRUMP, A Nodal Transient Small Break and General Network Code," August 1985..* WCAP-16009-P-A, "Realistic Large-Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using the Automated Statistical Treatment of Uncertainty Method (ASTRUM)," January 2005.Required Tech Spec Changes -conforming A, TXU changes Power*TS 3.2, "Power Distribution Limits"* Adopt standard Westinghouse Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC)methodology
" Fall 2001
    - 0.4% Thermal Uprate - 3445 to 3458 MWt Comanche Peak Uprate Team                               TXU e ArPower
* Project team
      -TXU Power
      -Shaw Stone & Webster
      -Siemens BOP analyses - Shaw Stone & Webster
* NSSS analyses - Westinghouse
* Turbine I generator analyses & hardware - Siemens 3
5/22/2007 Methodology Transition Project Overview                     AtTXU
* Power
-Scope of Changes:
" Core design, plant startup, core follow
    - CASMO/SIMULATE -* Phoenix/ANC
" Peaking factor measurement and related functions
" Core subchannel evaluations
    - EPRI VIPRE-01 -- W-VIPRE
    - Same fuel-type dependent DNB correlations
" Fuel Rod Design - no changes Methodology Transition Project Overview                     ATXU Power
" Non-LOCA transients and accidents
    - EPRI RETRAN-02 --* W-RETRAN-02
    - Supplemented by 1-D kinetics for selected events
" Small Break LOCA
* Large Break LOCA
    - Siemens' App. K EXEM     -, ASTRUM
* Containment analysis
    - Standard W LOCA and steam line break mass & energy releases
* Reactor Protection System Uncertainty Calculations
    - Adopted only if revision required
    - Differences in Allowable Value Philosophies 4
5/22/2007 Project Overview                                         '  TXU Power
" CPSES SPU is similar to other recent SPUs
" Maintain plant operations consistent with current practice
" Same fuel design
* Design and operating margin will be protected to assure continued safe and reliable plant operation
* Take advantage of Unit I new steam generators NSSS Analyses                                         4-* TXU Power Key NSSS Analysis Input Parameter Changes Licensed core       3458 MWt           3612 MWt thermal power_________
T-avg                               574.2 to 589.2*F 0
Nominal full power U1 584.2 F         U1 585.40 F values U2 589.2*F         U2 589.20 F Feedwater                           390°F to 450.3°F temperature
                      - 445*F         Ul 450.3 OF Nominal full power values                               U2 445.80 F SGTube             Ul 0-10%           0% to 10%
plugging range     U2 0 - 5%
5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes - enabling                           4V@SPower TXU changes
-Standard Westinghouse NRC-approved methodologies:
" WCAP-14882-P-A, "RETRAN-02 Modeling and Qualification for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Safety Analysis,"
April 1999.
" WCAP-1 0054-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code," August 1985.
" WCAP-10054-P-A, Addendum 2, Revision 1, "Addendum to the Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code: Safety Injection into the Broken Loop and COSI Condensation Model," July 1997.
" WCAP-10079-P-A, "NOTRUMP, A Nodal Transient Small Break and General Network Code," August 1985..
* WCAP-16009-P-A, "Realistic Large-Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using the Automated Statistical Treatment of Uncertainty Method (ASTRUM)," January 2005.
Required Tech Spec Changes - conforming                         A, TXU Power changes
*TS 3.2, "Power Distribution Limits"
* Adopt standard Westinghouse Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC) methodology
* Consistent with WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control FQ Surveillance Technical Specification
* Consistent with WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control FQ Surveillance Technical Specification
-Already in TS 5.6.5b* Adopt Improved Standard Tech Spec 3.2.1B and 3.2.3B-modified for CPSES' N-16 (vs. AT) overpower function 6 5/22/2007 Balance Of Plant (BOP),Analyses  
    - Already in TS 5.6.5b
% TXU Power-Component Evaluations
* Adopt Improved Standard Tech Spec 3.2.1B and 3.2.3B
-System Evaluations
    - modified for CPSES' N-16 (vs. AT) overpower function 6
-BOP analyses include:-High Energy Line Break Outside Containment
5/22/2007 Balance Of Plant (BOP),Analyses                           % TXU Power
-Ultimate heat sink-Program reviews-Electrical systems BOP Uprate Modifications h TXU Power* Turbine / Generator (T/G)-New HP turbine-New hydrogen cooler for Main Generator-TIG digital control & voltage regulator setpoint changes* Electrical
  - Component Evaluations
-Upgrade isophase bus duct cooling" Feedwater I Heater Drains-Upgrade Heater Drain pump capacity* Turbine Plant Cooling Water (TPCW)-Upgrade exciter air cooling capacity* Instrumentation (I&C)-BOP setpoints  
  - System Evaluations
& scaling changes-Plant Computer changes 7 5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes -cycle-specific Ih TXU applications
  - BOP analyses include:
*.TS 3.3.1 & TS 3.3.2, RTS Instrumentation  
      - High Energy Line Break Outside Containment
& ESFAS Instrumentation" Power Range Neutron Flux -High & -Low-Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)" Overtemperature  
      - Subcompartments
/ Overpower N-16-Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)" Steam Generator Water Level -Low-low & -High-High-Allowable Value (Tech Specs)*TS 3.4.10* Revise pressurizer safety valve set pressure and as-found tolerance from 2485 psig +/-1% to 2460 psig +1%, -3%-As found tolerance change also implements corrective action identified in LER 2-05-003 Other Related Licensing Actions fATXU Power oLOCA Evaluation Models" To be submitted for NRC review per 10CFR50.46 and SER requirements" ASTRUM Large Break Evaluation Model* NOTRUMP Small Break Evaluation Model 8 5/22/2007 Anticipated License Amendment Requests h TXU Power Operating license* Rated Thermal Power Technical Specifications
      - Ultimate heat sink
* Rated Thermal Power definition (TS 1.1)* COLR (TS 5.6.5b administrative changes)Other cycle specific changes addressed through Methodology Transition Active and Planned Licensing Activities TXUPower Uprate LAR assumes prior implementation of the following LARs: " Transition methodology  
      - Program reviews
& associated cycle specific changes (TXX-07063)
      - Electrical systems BOP Uprate Modifications                                   hTXU Power
* Turbine / Generator (T/G)
    - New HP turbine
    - New hydrogen cooler for Main Generator
    - TIG digital control & voltage regulator setpoint changes
* Electrical
    - Upgrade isophase bus duct cooling
" Feedwater I Heater Drains
    - Upgrade Heater Drain pump capacity
* Turbine Plant Cooling Water (TPCW)
    - Upgrade exciter air cooling capacity
* Instrumentation (I&C)
    - BOP setpoints & scaling changes
    - Plant Computer changes 7
5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes - cycle-specific                       Ih TXU applications
*.TS 3.3.1 & TS 3.3.2, RTS Instrumentation & ESFAS Instrumentation
  " Power Range Neutron Flux - High & - Low
    - Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)
  " Overtemperature / Overpower N-16
    - Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)
  " Steam Generator Water Level - Low-low & - High-High
    - Allowable Value (Tech Specs)
*TS 3.4.10
* Revise pressurizer safety valve set pressure and as-found tolerance from 2485 psig +/-1% to 2460 psig +1%, -3%
    - As found tolerance change also implements corrective action identified in LER 2-05-003 Other Related Licensing Actions                                   fATXU Power oLOCA Evaluation Models
  " To be submitted for NRC review per 10CFR50.46 and SER requirements
  " ASTRUM Large Break Evaluation Model
* NOTRUMP Small Break Evaluation Model 8
5/22/2007 Anticipated License Amendment Requests                       h TXU Power Operating license
* Rated Thermal Power Technical Specifications
* Rated Thermal Power definition (TS 1.1)
* COLR (TS 5.6.5b administrative changes)
Other cycle specific changes addressed through Methodology Transition Active and Planned Licensing Activities                 "* TXU Power Uprate LAR assumes prior implementation of the following LARs:
      " Transition methodology & associated cycle specific changes (TXX-07063)
* Turbine valve testing interval (TXX-07081)
* Turbine valve testing interval (TXX-07081)
Is 9 5/22/2007 Summary TXU Power TXU Power will adopt standard Westinghouse safety analysis methodologies beginning with Unit 2 Cycle 11 in the spring of 2008 followed closely by Unit 1 Cycle 14 in the fall of 2008 All methodologies have been previbusly approved by the NRC for application at the Comanche Peak class of plants All methodologies are being applied in accordance with the NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports on the methodologies Summary TXU Power Enabling Tech Spec changes were submitted for NRC review in April 2007 Conforming Tech Spec changes for BEACON and RAOC were submitted in April 2007 SBLOCA and ASTRUM Evaluation Models to be submitted in July 2007 First application of cycle-specific analyses are on-going; expected to bound future cycles Cycle-specific Tech Spec changes to be submitted no later than September 2007 20 10}}
Is 9
5/22/2007 Summary                                                                 TXU Power TXU Power will adopt standard Westinghouse safety analysis methodologies beginning with Unit 2 Cycle 11 in the spring of 2008 followed closely by Unit 1 Cycle 14 in the fall of 2008 All methodologies have been previbusly approved by the NRC for application at the Comanche Peak class of plants All methodologies are being applied in accordance with the NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports on the methodologies Summary                                                                 TXU Power Enabling Tech Spec changes were submitted for NRC review in April 2007 Conforming Tech Spec changes for BEACON and RAOC were submitted in April 2007 SBLOCA and ASTRUM Evaluation Models to be submitted in July 2007 First application of cycle-specific analyses are on-going; expected to bound future cycles Cycle-specific Tech Spec changes to be submitted no later than September 2007 20 10}}

Latest revision as of 05:28, 23 November 2019

Enclosure 3 - 5/23/07 P.M. Meeting Slides - Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 - Summary of Meeting Held on 5/23/07 with Txu Generation Company LP to Discuss the Plans for Methodology Transition and Power Uprate
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/2007
TXU Generation Co, LP
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Thadani, M C, NRR/DORL/LP4, 415-1476
Shared Package
ML072050495 List:
Download: ML072010170 (11)


Enclosure 3 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Stretch Power Uprate STXU Power May 23, 2007

5/22/2007 TXU Power Participants 4 TXU Power Tim Hope

  • Regulatory Performance Manager James Boatwright
  • Engineering Services Manager, Westinghouse-Dallas Jimmy Seawright
  • Consulting Regulatory Affairs Engineer Aft TXU Power

-Familiarize NRC reviewers with TXU Power's plans to replace curren t accident analysis methodologies with standard Westinghouse, NRC-approved, safety analysis methodologies

  • Answer questions to facilitate the review process as much as possible 2

5/22/2007 CPSES Uprate History Oft TXU Power UNIT 1

- Fall 2002

- 1.4% Thermal Uprate -3411 to 3458 MWt UNIT 2

" Fall 1999

- 1% Thermal Uprate - 3411 to 3445 MWt

" Fall 2001

- 0.4% Thermal Uprate - 3445 to 3458 MWt Comanche Peak Uprate Team TXU e ArPower

  • Project team

-TXU Power

-Shaw Stone & Webster


-Siemens BOP analyses - Shaw Stone & Webster

  • NSSS analyses - Westinghouse
  • Turbine I generator analyses & hardware - Siemens 3

5/22/2007 Methodology Transition Project Overview AtTXU

  • Power

-Scope of Changes:

" Core design, plant startup, core follow


" Peaking factor measurement and related functions


" Core subchannel evaluations


- Same fuel-type dependent DNB correlations

" Fuel Rod Design - no changes Methodology Transition Project Overview ATXU Power

" Non-LOCA transients and accidents


- Supplemented by 1-D kinetics for selected events

" Small Break LOCA


- Siemens' App. K EXEM -, ASTRUM

  • Containment analysis

- Standard W LOCA and steam line break mass & energy releases


- Adopted only if revision required

- Differences in Allowable Value Philosophies 4

5/22/2007 Project Overview ' TXU Power

" CPSES SPU is similar to other recent SPUs

" Maintain plant operations consistent with current practice

" Same fuel design

  • Design and operating margin will be protected to assure continued safe and reliable plant operation
  • Take advantage of Unit I new steam generators NSSS Analyses 4-* TXU Power Key NSSS Analysis Input Parameter Changes Licensed core 3458 MWt 3612 MWt thermal power_________

T-avg 574.2 to 589.2*F 0

Nominal full power U1 584.2 F U1 585.40 F values U2 589.2*F U2 589.20 F Feedwater 390°F to 450.3°F temperature

- 445*F Ul 450.3 OF Nominal full power values U2 445.80 F SGTube Ul 0-10% 0% to 10%

plugging range U2 0 - 5%


5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes - enabling 4V@SPower TXU changes

-Standard Westinghouse NRC-approved methodologies:

" WCAP-14882-P-A, "RETRAN-02 Modeling and Qualification for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Safety Analysis,"

April 1999.

" WCAP-1 0054-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code," August 1985.

" WCAP-10054-P-A, Addendum 2, Revision 1, "Addendum to the Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code: Safety Injection into the Broken Loop and COSI Condensation Model," July 1997.

" WCAP-10079-P-A, "NOTRUMP, A Nodal Transient Small Break and General Network Code," August 1985..

  • WCAP-16009-P-A, "Realistic Large-Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using the Automated Statistical Treatment of Uncertainty Method (ASTRUM)," January 2005.

Required Tech Spec Changes - conforming A, TXU Power changes

  • TS 3.2, "Power Distribution Limits"
  • Adopt standard Westinghouse Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC) methodology
  • Consistent with WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control FQ Surveillance Technical Specification

- Already in TS 5.6.5b

- modified for CPSES' N-16 (vs. AT) overpower function 6

5/22/2007 Balance Of Plant (BOP),Analyses  % TXU Power

- Component Evaluations

- System Evaluations

- BOP analyses include:

- High Energy Line Break Outside Containment

- Subcompartments

- Ultimate heat sink

- Program reviews

- Electrical systems BOP Uprate Modifications hTXU Power

  • Turbine / Generator (T/G)

- New HP turbine

- New hydrogen cooler for Main Generator

- TIG digital control & voltage regulator setpoint changes

  • Electrical

- Upgrade isophase bus duct cooling

" Feedwater I Heater Drains

- Upgrade Heater Drain pump capacity

  • Turbine Plant Cooling Water (TPCW)

- Upgrade exciter air cooling capacity

  • Instrumentation (I&C)

- BOP setpoints & scaling changes

- Plant Computer changes 7

5/22/2007 Required Tech Spec Changes - cycle-specific Ih TXU applications

" Power Range Neutron Flux - High & - Low

- Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)

" Overtemperature / Overpower N-16

- Allowable Value (Tech Specs) & Nominal Trip Setpoint (TS Bases)

" Steam Generator Water Level - Low-low & - High-High

- Allowable Value (Tech Specs)

  • TS 3.4.10
  • Revise pressurizer safety valve set pressure and as-found tolerance from 2485 psig +/-1% to 2460 psig +1%, -3%

- As found tolerance change also implements corrective action identified in LER 2-05-003 Other Related Licensing Actions fATXU Power oLOCA Evaluation Models

" To be submitted for NRC review per 10CFR50.46 and SER requirements

" ASTRUM Large Break Evaluation Model

  • NOTRUMP Small Break Evaluation Model 8

5/22/2007 Anticipated License Amendment Requests h TXU Power Operating license

  • Rated Thermal Power Technical Specifications
  • Rated Thermal Power definition (TS 1.1)

Other cycle specific changes addressed through Methodology Transition Active and Planned Licensing Activities "* TXU Power Uprate LAR assumes prior implementation of the following LARs:

" Transition methodology & associated cycle specific changes (TXX-07063)

Is 9

5/22/2007 Summary TXU Power TXU Power will adopt standard Westinghouse safety analysis methodologies beginning with Unit 2 Cycle 11 in the spring of 2008 followed closely by Unit 1 Cycle 14 in the fall of 2008 All methodologies have been previbusly approved by the NRC for application at the Comanche Peak class of plants All methodologies are being applied in accordance with the NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports on the methodologies Summary TXU Power Enabling Tech Spec changes were submitted for NRC review in April 2007 Conforming Tech Spec changes for BEACON and RAOC were submitted in April 2007 SBLOCA and ASTRUM Evaluation Models to be submitted in July 2007 First application of cycle-specific analyses are on-going; expected to bound future cycles Cycle-specific Tech Spec changes to be submitted no later than September 2007 20 10