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{{#Wiki_filter:ES-401 Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Facility:
{{#Wiki_filter:ES-401                                     Written Examination Outline                               Form ES-401-1 Facility:       ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam                   Date of Exam:     05/19/14 RO KIA Category Points                               SAO-Only Points Tier       Group     K     K   K     K K K A A A                   A   G   Tota A2        G*      Total 1   2   3     4 5 6           1 2 3         4
ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Date of Exam: 05/19/14 RO KIA Category Points SAO-Only Points Tier Group K K K K K K A A A A G Tota 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
* I 1     3   3     3                   4   3             4   20         3         4         7 1.
* I A2 G* Total 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 20 3 4 7 1. Emergency 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 2 1 3 & Plant Tier Evolutions Total 4 4 5 5 4 5 27 5 5 10 s 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 26 3 2 5 2. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plant 1 2 1 1 12 0 2 1 3 Systems Tier Totals 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 38 5 3 8 3. Generic Knowledge
Emergency         2     1     1                         1   1                   7                    1 2                                         1               2                  3
& Abilities 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 10 7 Categories 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 Note 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two). 2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions.
The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total25 points. 3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.1.b of ES-401, for guidance regarding elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
Plant         Tier Evolutions     Total   4     4   5                     5   4             5     27         5         5         10 s
1     3   2   2     3   2   3     2   2   3   2   2   26         3         2         5 2.
Plant          2     1     1   1     1   1     1     1   1   2   1   1     12     0   2       1       3 Systems Tier Totals 4   3   3   4     3     4   3     3   5   3     3   38         5         3         8 1         2         3       4               1   2   3     4
: 3. Generic Knowledge & Abilities 10                             7 Categories 3         2         3       2               2   2   2     1 Note     1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two).
: 2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total25 points.
: 3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.1.b of ES-401, for guidance regarding elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
: 4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
: 4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
: 5. Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected.
: 5. Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
: 6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
: 6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
7.* The generic (G) KIAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section 0.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable KIA's 8. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#)for each system and category.
7.*   The generic (G) KIAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section 0.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable KIA's
Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. If fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams. 9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals(#)
: 8. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#)for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. If fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
on Form ES-401-3.
: 9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals(#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KIAs that are linked to 1OCFR55.43
Limit SRO selections to KIAs that are linked to 1 OCFR55.43 ES-401 2 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions-Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KJA Topic(s) AA2.02-Ability to determine and/or 295018 Partial or Total Loss of interpret the following as they apply to X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.2 1 ccw /8 COMPONENT COOLING WATER
* Coolinq water temperature EA2.02-Ability to determine and/or 295031 Reactor Low Wate1* X interpret the following as they apply to 4.2 2 Level I 2 REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL: Reactor power EA2.04-Ability to determine and/or 295030 Low Suppression Pool interpret the following as they apply to X LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER 3.7 3 Water Level .r 5 LEVEL: Drywelll suppression chamber differential pressure:
ES-401                                             2                                           Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function                                             KJA Topic(s)
Mark-1&11 295026 Suppression Pool High 2.4.41 -Emergency Procedures I Plan: X Knowledge of the emergency action 4.6 4 Water Temp. I 5 level thresholds and classifications.
AA2.02- Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295018 Partial or Total Loss of X       PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF                 3.2   1 ccw /8                                                   COMPONENT COOLING WATER
2.4.9-Emergency Procedures I Plan: 295028 High Drywell Knowledge of low power I shutdown X implications in accident (e.g., loss of 4.2 5 TemperaturE' I 5 coolant accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitioation strateoies.
* Coolinq water temperature EA2.02- Ability to determine and/or 295031 Reactor Low Wate1*                                 interpret the following as they apply to X                                                    4.2 2 Level I 2                                                 REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL:
2.4.45-Emergency Procedures I Plan: 295038 Higr, Off-site Release X Ability to prioritize and interpret the 4.3 6 Rate I 9 significance of each annunciator or I alarm. 2.2.44 -Ability to interpret control room 295021 Loss of Shutdown indications to verify the status and Cooling I 4 X operation of a system, and understand 4.4 7 how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.
Reactor power EA2.04- Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295030 Low Suppression Pool X       LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER                 3.7   3 Water Level .r 5 LEVEL: Drywelll suppression chamber differential pressure: Mark-1&11 2.4.41 -Emergency Procedures I Plan:
AK1.02-Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 700000 Generator Voltage and X they apply to GENERATOR VOLTAGE 3.3 39 Electric Grid Disturbances AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES and the following:
295026 Suppression Pool High X   Knowledge of the emergency action           4.6   4 Water Temp. I 5 level thresholds and classifications.
2.4.9- Emergency Procedures I Plan:
Knowledge of low power I shutdown 295028 High Drywell X   implications in accident (e.g., loss of     4.2   5 TemperaturE' I 5 coolant accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitioation strateoies.
2.4.45- Emergency Procedures I Plan:
295038 Higr, Off-site Release                             Ability to prioritize and interpret the X                                              4.3   6 Rate I 9                                                 significance of each annunciator or Ialarm.
2.2.44 -Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and 295021 Loss of Shutdown X   operation of a system, and understand       4.4   7 Cooling I 4 how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.
AK1.02- Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 700000 Generator Voltage and                             they apply to GENERATOR VOLTAGE X                        AND ELECTRIC GRID 3.3 39 Electric Grid Disturbances DISTURBANCES and the following:
EK1.03 *Knowledge of the operational 295031 Reactor Low Water implications of the following concepts as Level/2 X they apply to REACTOR LOW WATER 3.7 40 LEVEL: Water level effects on reactor power AK1.02 -Knowledge of the operational 600000 Plant Fire On-site I 8 X implications of the following concepts 2.9 41 as they apply to Plant Fire On Site: Fire Fighting AK2.01 *Knowledge of the 2950 16 Control Room interrelations between CONTROL X ROOM ABANDONMENT and the 4.4 42 Abandonment I 7 following:
EK1.03 *Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 295031 Reactor Low Water X                       they apply to REACTOR LOW WATER             3.7 40 Level/2 LEVEL: Water level effects on reactor power AK1.02 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts 600000 Plant Fire On-site I 8   X                                                                   2.9 41 as they apply to Plant Fire On Site: Fire Fighting AK2.01 *Knowledge of the interrelations between CONTROL 2950 16 Control Room X                    ROOM ABANDONMENT and the                   4.4 42 Abandonment I 7 following: Remote shutdown panel:
Remote shutdown panel: Plant-Specific AK2.01 -Knowledge of the 295001 Partial or Complete interrelations between PARTIAL OR Loss of Forced Core Flow X COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE 3.6 43 Circulation I 1 & 4 FLOW CIRCULATION and the following:
Plant-Specific AK2.01 -Knowledge of the 295001 Partial or Complete                               interrelations between PARTIAL OR Loss of Forced Core Flow           X                     COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE               3.6 43 Circulation I 1 & 4                                       FLOW CIRCULATION and the following: Recirculation system AK2.01 - Knowledge of the 295004 Partial or Total Loss of                         interrelations between PARTIAL OR X                    COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER 3.1 44 DC Pwr/6 and the following: Battery charger
Recirculation system AK2.01 -Knowledge of the 295004 Partial or Total Loss of X interrelations between PARTIAL OR 3.1 44 DC Pwr/6 COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER and the following:
Battery charger ES-401 2 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions-Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KJA Topic(s) AK3.02 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295023 Refueling Ace Cooling X the following responses as they apply to 3.4 45 Mode /8 REFUELING ACCIDENTS:
ES-401                                               2                                         Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function                                             KJA Topic(s)
Interlocks associated with fuel handling equipment AK3.04 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295005 Main Turbine X the following responses as they apply to 3.2 46 Generator Trip /3 MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP: Main generator trip AK3.01 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295003 Partial or Complete the following responses as they apply to Loss of AC /6 X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.3 47 A. C. POWER: Manual and auto bus transfer AA 1.03-Ability to operate and/or 295006 SCRAM I 1 X monitor the following as they apply to 3.7 48 SCRAM : Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system EA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295037 SCRAM Conditions monitor the following as they apply to Present and Reactor Power X SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND 4.6 49 Above APRM Downscale or REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM Unknown /1 DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN : Reactor Protection System EA1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295028 High Drywall X monitor the following as they apply to 3.8 50 Temperature  
AK3.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for 295023 Refueling Ace Cooling                             the following responses as they apply to X                                                          3.4   45 Mode /8                                                   REFUELING ACCIDENTS: Interlocks associated with fuel handling equipment AK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for 295005 Main Turbine                                     the following responses as they apply to X                                                          3.2   46 Generator Trip /3                                         MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP:
Main generator trip AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC /6 X                 PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF               3.3   47 A. C. POWER: Manual and auto bus transfer AA 1.03- Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to 295006 SCRAM I 1                            X                                                      3.7   48 SCRAM : Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system EA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295037 SCRAM Conditions                                 monitor the following as they apply to Present and Reactor Power                                 SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND X                                                      4.6   49 Above APRM Downscale or                                   REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM Unknown /1                                               DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN :
Drywall spray: Mark-1&11 EA2.06-Ability to determine and/or 295025 High Reactor Pressure X interpret the following as they apply to 3.7 51 13 HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE:
Reactor Protection System EA1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295028 High Drywall                                     monitor the following as they apply to X                                                      3.8   50 Temperature /5                                           HIGH DRYWELL TEMPERATURE:
Reactor water level AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or 295019 Partial or Total Loss of interpret the following as they apply to lnst. Air /8 X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.5 52 INSTRUMENT AIR: Instrument air svstem pressure EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or 295038 High Off-site Release X interpret the following as they apply to 3.3 53 Rate /9 HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE: tOft-site 2.1.23 -Conduct of Operations:
Drywall spray: Mark-1&11 EA2.06- Ability to determine and/or 295025 High Reactor Pressure                             interpret the following as they apply to X                                                  3.7   51 13                                                       HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE: Reactor water level AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295019 Partial or Total Loss of X       PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF               3.5   52 lnst. Air /8 INSTRUMENT AIR: Instrument air svstem pressure EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or 295038 High Off-site Release                             interpret the following as they apply to X                                                  3.3   53 Rate /9                                                   HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE:
Ability 295018 Part1al or Total Loss of X to perform specific system and 4.3 54 CCW/8 integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.
tOft-site 2.1.23 -Conduct of Operations: Ability 295018 Part1al or Total Loss of                         to perform specific system and X                                            4.3   54 CCW/8                                                     integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.
295026 Suppression Pool High 2.2.22 -Equipment Control: Knowledge X of limiting conditions for operations and 4.0 55 WaterTemp./5 safety limits. 295024 High Drywall Pressure I 2.2.37 -Equipment Control: Ability to X determine operability and/or availability 3.6 56 5 of safety related equipment.
2.2.22 - Equipment Control: Knowledge 295026 Suppression Pool High WaterTemp./5 X  of limiting conditions for operations and 4.0   55 safety limits.
295030 Low Suppression Pool 2.4.1 -Emergency Procedures I Plan: X Knowledge of EOP entry conditions and 4.6 57 Water Level I 5 immediate action steps. AA1.05-Ability to operate and/or 295021 Loss of Shutdown X monitor the following as they apply to 3.0 58 Cooling I 4 LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING : Reactor recirculation K/A Category Totals: 3 3 3 4 3/3 4/4 Group Point Total: I 20/7 ES-401 3 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions-Tier 1 Group 2 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KIA Topic(s) 295008 High Reactor Water 2.1.20-Conduct of Operations:
2.2.37 - Equipment Control: Ability to 295024 High Drywall Pressure I X determine operability and/or availability 3.6   56 5
Ability X to interpret and execute procedure 4.6 8 Level I 2 steps. AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295009 Low Reactor Water X interpret the following as they apply to 3.7 9 Level/2 LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL: Steam flow/feed flow mismatch EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or 295036 Secondary interpret the following as they apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH Containment High Sump/Area X SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL: 3.2 10 Water Level 1 5 Operability of components within the affected area AK1.02-Knowledge of the operational 295017 High Off-site Release implications of the following concepts as X they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE 3.8 59 Rate I 9 RELEASE RATE: Protection of the general public EK2.06 -Knowledge of the 295034 Secondary interrelations between SECONDARY Containment Ventilation High X CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH 3.9 60 Radiation I 9 RADIATION and the following:
of safety related equipment.
PCI S/NSSSS: Plant-Specific EK3.01 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295032 High Secondary the following responses as they apply to Containment Area Temperature X HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 3.5 61 /5 AREA TEMPERATURE:
2.4.1 - Emergency Procedures I Plan:
Emergency/normal depressurization AA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295010 High Drywall Pressure X monitor the following as they apply to 3.4 62 /5 HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE : Drywall ventilation/cooling AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295007 High Reactor Pressure X interpret the following as they apply to 4.1 63 /3 HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE : Reactor power 295033 Secondary 2.4.2 *Emergency Procedures/Plan:
295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level I 5 X  Knowledge of EOP entry conditions and     4.6   57 immediate action steps.
Knowledge of system set points, Containment Area Radiation X interlocks and automatic actions 4.5 64 Levels 19 associated with EOP entry conditions.
AA1.05- Ability to operate and/or 295021 Loss of Shutdown                                 monitor the following as they apply to Cooling I 4 X            LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING :
AK3.04-Knowledge of the reasons for 295002 Loss of Main X the following responses as they apply to 3.4 65 Condenser Vac I 3 LOSS OF MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM: Bypass valve closure KIA Category Totals: 1 1 2 1 1/2 1/1 Group Point Total: I 7/3 ES-401 System # I Name K K K 1 2 3 212000 RPS 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 209001 LPCS 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 261000 SGTS 212000 RPS X 215005 APRM I LPRM X 209001 LPCS X 239002 SRVs X 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 1 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM ; and (b) based on X those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
3.0    58 Reactor recirculation K/A Category Totals:             3 3   3   4 3/3   4/4               Group Point Total:
RPS motor-Qenerator set failure A2.04 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) X based on those predictions.
I 20/7
use procedures to correct, control. or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
RFP runout condition:
ES-401                                             3                                       Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 2 EAPE #I Name Safety Function                                             KIA Topic(s) 2.1.20- Conduct of Operations: Ability 295008 High Reactor Water X to interpret and execute procedure       4.6     8 Level I 2 steps.
Plant-Specific 2.4.47 -Emergency Procedures I Plan: Ability to diagnose and X recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner !utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.
AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295009 Low Reactor Water                                 interpret the following as they apply to X                                                  3.7     9 Level/2                                                   LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL:
2.2.40-Equipment Control: X Ability to apply Technical Specifications for a system. A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM; and (b) based on X those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Steam flow/feed flow mismatch EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295036 Secondary SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH Containment High Sump/Area                       X                                                 3.2    10 SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL:
A.C. electrical failure K1 .05 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following:
Water Level 1 5 Operability of components within the affected area AK1.02- Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 295017 High Off-site Release X                           they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE               3.8   59 Rate I 9 RELEASE RATE: Protection of the general public EK2.06 - Knowledge of the 295034 Secondary                                         interrelations between SECONDARY Containment Ventilation High       X                     CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH             3.9   60 Radiation I 9                                             RADIATION and the following:
Process radiation monitoring system K1 .02 *Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM and the following:
PCI S/NSSSS: Plant-Specific EK3.01 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295032 High Secondary                                   the following responses as they apply to Containment Area Temperature           X                 HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT                 3.5   61
lAM K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
/5                                                       AREA TEMPERATURE:
Pump_j)_ower K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
Emergency/normal depressurization AA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295010 High Drywall Pressure                             monitor the following as they apply to X                                                        3.4   62
SRV solenoids Imp Q# 3.9 11 3.1 12 4.2 13 4.7 14 2.8 15 3.3 1 3.7 2 3.0 3 2.8 21 ES-401 System #I Name K K K 1 2 3 215005 APRM/LPRM X 215003 IRM X 300000 Instrument Air 223002 PCIS/Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff 263000 DC Electrical Distribution 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 205000 Shutdown Cooling 264000 EDGs 211000 SLC 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 1 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 K3.05 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM will have on following:
/5                                                       HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE : Drywall ventilation/cooling AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295007 High Reactor Pressure                             interpret the following as they apply to X                                                  4.1   63
Reactor power indication K3.04-Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM will have on following:
/3                                                       HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE : Reactor power 2.4.2 *Emergency Procedures/Plan:
Reactor . power indication K4.02 -Knowledge of (INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM) X design feature(s) and or interlocks which provide for the following:
295033 Secondary Knowledge of system set points, Containment Area Radiation                             X                                             4.5  64 interlocks and automatic actions Levels 19 associated with EOP entry conditions.
Cross-over to other air systems K4.03-Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM/NUCLEAR STEAM X SUPPLY SHUT-OFF design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
AK3.04- Knowledge of the reasons for 295002 Loss of Main                                     the following responses as they apply to X                                                            3.4   65 Condenser Vac I 3                                         LOSS OF MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM: Bypass valve closure KIA Category Totals:           1   1   2   1   1/2   1/1 Group Point Total:
I 7/3
ES-401                                           4                                        Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K  K  K  K  K  K  A      A  A                                          Imp System # I Name                                A2        G                                            Q#
1  2  3 4   5  6  1      3  4 A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM ; and (b) based on those predictions, use 212000 RPS                                      X                                                3.9  11 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: RPS motor-Qenerator set failure A2.04 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) 259002 Reactor Water Level                                    based on those predictions. use Control X                                                3.1  12 procedures to correct, control. or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: RFP runout condition: Plant-Specific 2.4.47 - Emergency Procedures I Plan: Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate 209001 LPCS                                              X                                      4.2  13 and timely manner !utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.
2.2.40- Equipment Control:
262001 AC Electrical Distribution                                              X   Ability to apply Technical         4.7  14 Specifications for a system.
A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use 261000 SGTS                                    X                                                2.8  15 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: A.C.
electrical failure K1 .05 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 212000 RPS                X                                  between REACTOR                   3.3  1 PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following: Process radiation monitoring system K1 .02 *Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 215005 APRM I LPRM        X                                  between AVERAGE POWER             3.7  2 RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM and the following: lAM K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical 209001 LPCS                  X                              power supplies to the following:   3.0  3 Pump_j)_ower K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical 239002 SRVs                  X                              power supplies to the following:   2.8 21 SRV solenoids
ES-401                                        4                                      Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K  K  K  A      A A                                          Imp System #I Name                              A2        G                                            Q#
1 2 3 4  5  6  1      3 4 K3.05 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AVERAGE POWER RANGE 215005 APRM/LPRM            X                             MONITOR/LOCAL POWER                3.8 5 RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor power indication K3.04- Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the INTERMEDIATE RANGE 215003 IRM                  X                                                                3.6 6 MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor
                                                          .power indication K4.02 - Knowledge of (INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM) design feature(s) and or 300000 Instrument Air          X                                                            3.0  7 interlocks which provide for the following: Cross-over to other air systems K4.03- Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM/NUCLEAR STEAM 223002 PCIS/Nuclear                                      SUPPLY SHUT-OFF design X                                                            3.5  17 Steam Supply Shutoff                                      feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
Manual initiation capability:
Manual initiation capability:
Plant-Specific K5.01 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply X to D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION
Plant-Specific K5.01 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply 263000 DC Electrical X                     to D.C. ELECTRICAL                 2.6 9 Distribution DISTRIBUTION : Hydrogen generation during battery charging K5.02 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the 262001 AC Electrical X                     following concepts as they         2.6  10 Distribution apply to AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Breaker control K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 205000 Shutdown Cooling                X                   SHUTDOWN COOLING                   3.3 11 SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE): A.C.
: Hydrogen generation during battery charging K5.02 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the X following concepts as they apply to AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION:
electrical power K6.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 264000 EDGs                          X                   following will have on the         3.5 12 EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET) : Lube oil pumps A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the 211000 SLC                                X                                                  3.6  13 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM controls including:
Breaker control K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the X SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE): A.C. electrical power K6.03 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the X following will have on the EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET)
Tank level
: Lube oil pumps A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters X associated with operating the STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM controls including:
Tank level Imp Q# 3.8 5 3.6 6 3.0 7 3.5 17 2.6 9 2.6 10 3.3 11 3.5 12 3.6 13 ES-401 System # I Name K K K 1 2 3 259002 ReactorWater Level Control 215004 Source Range Monitor 400000 Component Cooling Water 207000 Isolation (Emergency)
ES-401                                           4                                       Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K  K K A       A A                                         Imp System # I Name                              A2        G                                           Q#
Condenser 218000 ADS 262002 UPS (AC/DC) 239002 SRVs 264000 EDGs 261000 SGTS 259002 ReactorWater X Level Control 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 1 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters X associated with operating the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM controls including:
1  2 3 4   5 6 1       3 4 A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters 259002 ReactorWater                                        associated with operating the X                                                  3.8  14 Level Control                                                REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM controls including: Reactor water level A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) SYSTEM ; and (b) based 215004 Source Range                                        on those predictions, use X                                                2.7  15 Monitor                                                      procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Power supply degraded A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the CCWS and (b) based on those 400000 Component Cooling                                    predictions, use procedures to X                                                2.8  16 Water                                                        correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal operation: High/low surge tank level A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 207000 Isolation X       ISOLATION (EMERGENCY)               3.5  8 (Emergency) Condenser CONDENSER including:
Reactor water level A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) SYSTEM ; and (b) based X on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Reactor water level: BWR-2,3 A3.09 *Ability to monitor automatic operations of the AUTOMATIC 218000 ADS                                        X                                           4.1 18 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM including: Reactor vessel water level A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 262002 UPS (AC/DC)                                    X     control room: Transfer from       2.8  19 alternative source to preferred source A4.04
Power supply degraded A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the CCWS and (b) based on those X predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal operation:
* Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 239002 SRVs                                          X                                        4.3 20 control room: Suppression pool temperature 2.2.40
High/low surge tank level A3.03 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the X ISOLATION (EMERGENCY)
* Equipment Control:
CONDENSER including:
264000 EDGs                                            X   Ability to apply technical         3.4  4 specifications for a system.
Reactor water level: BWR-2,3 A3.09 *Ability to monitor automatic operations of the X AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM including:
2.2.42- Equipment Control::
Reactor vessel water level A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the X control room: Transfer from alternative source to preferred source A4.04
Ability to recognize system 261000 SGTS                                            X   parameters that are entry-level     3.9 22 conditions for Technical Specifications.
* Ability to manually X operate and/or monitor in the control room: Suppression pool temperature 2.2.40
K1.04 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 259002 ReactorWater X                                between REACTOR WATER               3.5 23 Level Control LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM and the following: Reactor feedwater flow
* Equipment Control: X Ability to apply technical specifications for a system. 2.2.42-Equipment Control::
Ability to recognize system X parameters that are entry-level conditions for Technical Specifications.
ES-401                                             4                                     Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K  K  K  K K A       A A                                       Imp System #I Name                                  A2        G                                           Q#
K1.04 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM and the following:
1  2  3  4   5 6 1       3 4 K4.01 - Knowledge of INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM design feature(s) and or 300000 Instrument Air              X                                                            2.8    24 interlocks which provide for the following: Manual/automatic transfers of control A3.01 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the D.C.
Reactor feedwater flow Imp Q# 3.8 14 2.7 15 2.8 16 3.5 8 4.1 18 2.8 19 4.3 20 3.4 4 3.9 22 3.5 23 ES-401 System #I Name K K K 1 2 3 300000 Instrument Air 263000 DC Electrical Distribution 400000 Component Cooling Water K/A Category Totals: 3 2 2 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 1 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 K4.01 -Knowledge of INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM X design feature(s) and or interlocks which provide for the following:
263000 DC Electrical                                          ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION X                                          3.2    25 Distribution                                                  including: Meters, dials, recorders, alarms, and indicating lights K6.04- Knowledge of the effect 400000 Component Cooling                                      that a loss or malfunction of the X                                                    3.0    26 Water                                                          following will have on the CCWS: Pumps K/A Category Totals:      3  2  2  3   2 3 2 2/3   3 2 2/2         Group Point Total:
Manual/automatic transfers of control A3.01 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the D.C. X ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION including:
I   26/5
Meters, dials, recorders, alarms, and indicating lights K6.04-Knowledge of the effect X that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the CCWS: Pumps 3 2 3 2 2/3 3 2 2/2 Group Point Total: Imp Q# 2.8 24 3.2 25 3.0 26 I 26/5 ES-401 System #I Name K K K j 2 3 223001 Primary CTMT and Aux. 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism 202001 Recirculation System 256000 Reactor X Condensate 201001 CAD Hydraulic X 288000 Plant Ventilation X 245000 Main Turbine Gen. I Aux. 204000 RWCU 290003 Control Room HVAC 5 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 2 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND AUXILIARIES  
; and (b) based on those X predictions, use procedures to correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
ES-401                                         5                                         Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 2 K K K K  K  K  A     A A                                                 Q System #I Name            j A2        G                                         Imp.
High drywell pressure 2.4.11 -Emergency Procedures X I Plan: Knowledge of abnormal condition procedures.
2 3 4   5 6 1     3 4                                                 #
A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM: and (b) based on those X predictions, use procedures to correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND AUXILIARIES ;
Recirculation system leak K1.22 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR CONDENSATE SYSTEM and the following:
and (b) based on those 223001 Primary CTMT and X             predictions, use procedures to     43    16 Aux.
Offgas system K2.02 -Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:
correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: High drywell pressure 2.4.11 - Emergency Procedures 201003 Control Rod and X   I Plan: Knowledge of abnormal     4.2  17 Drive Mechanism condition procedures.
Scram valve solenoids K3.05 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the PLANT VENTILATION SYSTEMS will have on following:
A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM:
Reactor building pressure:
and (b) based on those 202001 Recirculation                                        predictions, use procedures to X                                                3.9  18 System                                                      correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Recirculation system leak K1.22 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or 256000 Reactor                                              cause- effect relationships X                                                                      2.8  27 Condensate                                                  between REACTOR CONDENSATE SYSTEM and the following: Offgas system K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical 201001 CAD Hydraulic      X                                power supplies to the following:   3.6  28 Scram valve solenoids K3.05 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the PLANT VENTILATION 288000 Plant Ventilation    X                              SYSTEMS will have on 3.1  29 following: Reactor building pressure: Plant-Specific K4.05 *Knowledge of MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND 245000 Main Turbine Gen.                                    AUXILIARY SYSTEMS design X                                                              2.9  30 I Aux.                                                      feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
Plant-Specific K4.05 *Knowledge of MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND X AUXILIARY SYSTEMS design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
Turbine protection K5.05
Turbine protection K5.05
* Knowledge of the operational implications of the X following concepts as they apply to REACTOR WATER CLEANUP SYSTEM : Flow controllers K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the X following will have on the CONTROL ROOM HVAC : Electrical power Imp. Q # 43 16 4.2 17 3.9 18 2.8 27 3.6 28 3.1 29 2.9 30 2.6 31 2.7 32 ES-401 System #I Name K K K 1 2 3 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling/Cleanup 202001 Recirculation System 271 000 Off -gas 201002 RMCS 290002 Reactor Vessel Internals 202002 Recirculation Flow Control KIA Category Totals: 1 1 1 5 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems-Tier 2 Group 2 K K K A A2 A A G 4 5 6 1 3 4 A 1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters X associated with operating the FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP controls including:
* Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply 204000 RWCU                        X                      to REACTOR WATER 2.6  31 CLEANUP SYSTEM : Flow controllers K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 290003 Control Room X                   following will have on the         2.7  32 HVAC CONTROL ROOM HVAC :
Surge tank level A2.17 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those X predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Electrical power
Loss of seal cooling water A3.05 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the X OFFGAS SYSTEM including:
System indicating lights and alarms A4.01 -Ability to manually X operate and/or monitor in the control room: Rod movement control switch 2.2.22 -Equipment Control: X Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits. A3.03 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the X RECIRCULATION FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM including:
ES-401                                            5                                        Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 2 K K K K  K  K  A      A  A                                                  Q System #I Name                                A2          G                                      Imp.
Scoop tube operation:
1 2 3 4    5  6  1      3  4                                                  #
BWR-2,3,4 1 1 1 1 1/2 2 1 1/1 Group Point Total: Imp. Q # 2.6 33 3.1 34 2.9 35 3.5 36 4.0 37 3.1 38 I 12/3 ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Facility:
A 1.01 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters 233000 Fuel Pool                                             associated with operating the X                                                    2.6    33 Cooling/Cleanup                                               FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP controls including:
ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Date: 05/19/14 Category KIA# Topic RO SRO-Only IR Q# IR Q# 2.1.20 Ability to interpret and execute procedure 4.6 19 steps. Ability to use procedures related to shift 2.1.5 staffing, such as minimum crew complement, 3.9 25 overtime limitations.
Surge tank level A2.17 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those 202001 Recirculation                                        predictions, use procedures to System X                                                3.1     34 correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of seal cooling water A3.05 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 271 000 Off -gas                                    X        OFFGAS SYSTEM including:           2.9    35 System indicating lights and alarms A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 201002 RMCS                                            X                                       3.5    36 control room: Rod movement control switch 2.2.22 - Equipment Control:
etc. 1. Conduct 2.1.1 Knowledge of conduct of operations 3.8 66 of Operations requirements.
290002 Reactor Vessel X  Knowledge of limiting conditions   4.0    37 Internals for operations and safety limits.
2.1.8 Ability to coordinate personnel activities 3.4 67 outside the control room. 2.1.19 Ability to use plant computers to evaluate 3.9 75 system or component status. Subtotal 3 2 Knowledge of pre-and post-maintenance 4.1 20 operability requirements.
A3.03 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 202002 Recirculation Flow                                    RECIRCULATION FLOW X                                          3.1    38 Control                                                      CONTROL SYSTEM including:
2.2.37 Ability to determine operability and I or 4.6 23 availability of safety related equipment.
Scoop tube operation: BWR-2,3,4 KIA Category Totals:       1 1 1  1  1  1 1 1/2   2 1 1/1          Group Point Total:
: 2. Equipment 2.2.38 Knowledge of conditions and limitations in 3.6 68 Control the facility license. 2.2.22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for 4.0 69 operations and safety limits. Subtotal 2 2 Knowledge of radiation or contamination 2.3.14 hazards that may arise during normal. 3.8 21 abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.
I  12/3
Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, 2.3.15 such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms, 3.1 24 portable survey instruments, personnel
: 3. monitorinq equipment.
ES-401                Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)              Form ES-401-3 Facility:     ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam              Date:        05/19/14 RO      SRO-Only Category    KIA#                            Topic IR    Q#    IR  Q#
etc. Radiation Control Knowledge of Radiological Safety Procedures pertaining to licensed operator 2.3.13 duties, such as response to radiation monitor 3.4 70 alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.
Ability to interpret and execute procedure 2.1.20                                                                    4.6 19 steps.
ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Knowledge of Radiological Safety Principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as 2.3.12 containment entry requirements, fuel handling 3.2 71 responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.
Ability to use procedures related to shift 2.1.5     staffing, such as minimum crew complement,                      3.9  25 overtime limitations. etc.
3.8 74 Subtotal 3 2 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the 4.3 22 siqnificance of each annunciator or alarm. 1--* 4. Emergency 2.4.17 Knowledge of EOP terms and definitions.
3.9 72 Procedures I Ability to prioritize and interpret the Plan 2.4.45 significance of each annunciator or 4.1 73 alarm. Subtotal 2 1 Tier 3 Point Total 10 7 ES-401 Record of Rejected K/A's Form ES-401-4 Tier I Group Randomly Reason for Rejection Selected KIA KIA 295038 2.4.4 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-1 I 1 SRO 295038 2.4.45 Only level due to job responsibilities.
Conduct                  Knowledge of conduct of operations 2.1.1                                                          3.8    66 of Operations            requirements.
KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
Ability to coordinate personnel activities 2.1.8                                                          3.4    67 outside the control room.
KIA 2.1.44 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.1.4 level due to job responsibilities.
Ability to use plant computers to evaluate 2.1.19                                                        3.9    75 system or component status.
KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
Subtotal                                                              3        2 Knowledge of pre- and post-maintenance
KIA 2.4.35 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.4.45 level due to job responsibilities.
:~.2.21                                                                    4.1  20 operability requirements.
KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
Ability to determine operability and I or 2.2.37                                                                    4.6  23 availability of safety related equipment.
1 I 1 RO 295023 AK3.02 KIA 295023 AK3.05 applies to a BWR-1. Oyster Creek is a BWR-2. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomlyselected.
3RO 2.2.22 KIA 2.2.3 applies to a multi-unit site. Oyster Creek is a single unit site. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
Equipment                Knowledge of conditions and limitations in 2.2.38                                                        3.6    68 Control                  the facility license.
1 I 1 RO 295028 EA 1.01 KIA 295028 EA1.02 was rejected due to overlap with RO question #62, KIA 295010 AA 1.01. A new KIA was randomly selected.
Knowledge of limiting conditions for 2.2.22                                                        4.0    69 operations and safety limits.
KIA 295022 AK3.02 was rejected due not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295002 AK3.04 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
Subtotal                                                              2        2 Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise during normal.
KIA 290001 K1.02 was rejected due not being able to develop three 212 RO 256000 K1.22 credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
2.3.14                                                                    3.8  21 abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.
KIA 295035 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms, 2.3.15                                                                    3.1 24 portable survey instruments, personnel
KIA 2.3.13 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.3.15 level due to job responsibilities.
: 3.                       monitorinq equipment. etc.
KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
Radiation Control Knowledge of Radiological Safety Procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor 2.3.13                                                        3.4    70 alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.
KIA 201003 2.4.50 supports testing at the RO level, but not the 2 I 2 SRO 2010032.4.11 SRO-Only level due to job responsibilities.
KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
ES-401                    Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)        Form ES-401-3 Knowledge of Radiological Safety Principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as 2.3.12  containment entry requirements, fuel handling    3.2  71 responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.
KIA 295003 AK3.07 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 1 RO 295003 AK3.01 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
2.3.11    Ability to control radiation releases.        3.8  74 Subtotal                                                        3         2 Ability to prioritize and interpret the 2.4.45                                                            4.3  22 siqnificance of each annunciator or alarm.
KIA 295033 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
2 I 1 RO 215005 K3.05 KIA 261000 K3.05 was rejected due to system being oversampled.
A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written. 2 I 1 RO 300000 K4.01 KIA 218000 K4.01 was rejected due to overlap with question #18. A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written .. Kl A 241 000 A4.11 was rejected due to being generic fundamentals 212 RO 201002 A4.01 knowledge.
Emergency            2.4.17  Knowledge of EOP terms and definitions.        3.9  72 Procedures I                  Ability to prioritize and interpret the Plan                2.4.45    significance of each annunciator or            4.1  73 alarm.
A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written ..
Subtotal                                                          2        1 Tier 3 Point Total                                                                10        7
ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:
Creek Date of Examination:
ES-401                         Record of Rejected K/A's                          Form ES-401-4 Randomly Tier I Group                                          Reason for Rejection Selected KIA KIA 295038 2.4.4 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-1 I 1 SRO  295038 2.4.45  Only level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
05/19/14 Examination Level: RO 1:8] SRO D Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code* Conduct of Operations M,R Determine Bulk Drywell Temperature; 2.1.20 (4.6) [RO Admin JPM 1] Conduct of Operations D,R Plot RPV Heatup Rate During a Startup; 2.1.25 (3.9) [RO Admin JPM 2] Equipment Control D,R Perform a Manual Core Heat Balance Calculation lAW 1 001.6; 2.2.12 (3. 7) [RO Admin JPM 3] Radiation Control Emergency Procedures/Plan M,R Review a Completed State/Local Notification Form; 2.4.39 (3.9) [NRC RO Admin JPM 4] NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.  
KIA 2.1.44 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO          2.1.4     level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
*Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.::_
KIA 2.4.35 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO          2.4.45     level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
3 for ROs; .::_ 4 for SROs & RO retakes) (N)ew or (M)odified from bank 1) (P)revious 2 exams (.::_ 1; randomly selected)
KIA 295023 AK3.05 applies to a BWR-1. Oyster Creek is a BWR-2.
ES 301, Page 22 of 27 ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form Facility:
1 I 1 RO  295023 AK3.02 KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomlyselected.
Creek Date of Examination:
KIA 2.2.3 applies to a multi-unit site. Oyster Creek is a single unit 3RO          2.2.22 site. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
05/19/14 Examination Level: RO D SRO Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code* ---Conduct of Operations D,R Determine Operator Qualifications Using LMS; 2.1.8 (4.1) [SRO Admin JPM 1] Conduct of Operations M,R Apply Work Hour Rules; 2.1.5 (3.9) [SRO Admin JPM 2] Review Completed Surveillance Test 619.3.016, RPS I Equipment Control N,R High Drywell Pressure Scram Test And Calibration; 2.2.12 (4.1) [SRO Admin JPM 3] Radiation Control D,R Determine Recommendation of Kl Issuance During an Emergency; 2.3.14 (3.8) [SRO Admin JPM 4] --Emergency Procedures/Plan D, R Classify an Emergency Event and Initiate a State/Local Notification Form; 2.4.41 (4.6) [SRO Admin JPM 5] NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
KIA 295028 EA1.02 was rejected due to overlap with RO question 1 I 1 RO  295028 EA 1.01
* Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.:::_
                            #62, KIA 295010 AA 1.01. A new KIA was randomly selected.
3 for ROs; .::: 4 for SROs & RO retakes) (N)ew or (M)odified from bank 1) (P)revious 2 exams (.:::_ 1; randomly selected)
KIA 295022 AK3.02 was rejected due not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO  295002 AK3.04  three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
ES 301, Page 22 of 27 ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility:
KIA 290001 K1.02 was rejected due not being able to develop three 212 RO      256000 K1.22  credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
Q:tster Creek Date of Examination:
KIA 295035 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO    295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
05/19/14 Exam Level: RO [81 SR0-1 0 SRO-U D Operating Test Number:
KIA 2.3.13 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO          2.3.15    level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
NRC Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. Shutdown the Second RWCU Pump with a high NRHX temperature M,A,S 2 alarm and isolation failure (Alternate Path); 204000 A4.01 (3.1/3.0)
KIA 201003 2.4.50 supports testing at the RO level, but not the 2 I 2 SRO  2010032.4.11  SRO-Only level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.
[NRC Sim JPM 1) b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N,A,S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7) fNRC Sim JPM 21 c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8)
KIA 295003 AK3.07 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 1 RO   295003 AK3.01  three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
[NRC Sim JPM 31 d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1)
KIA 295033 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO   295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.
[NRC Sim JPM M, EN,S 5 4] e. De-energize 1A1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1A1 to USS 181; D,S,L 6 262001 A 1.05 (3.2/3.5)
KIA 261000 K3.05 was rejected due to system being oversampled.
[NRC Sim JPM 51 f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test D,A,S 7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9)
2 I 1 RO    215005 K3.05 A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written.
[NRC Sim JPM 61 g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate N,A,S 8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9)
KIA 218000 K4.01 was rejected due to overlap with question #18. A 2 I 1 RO    300000 K4.01 new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written ..
[NRC Sim JPM 7] h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02 D,A,S 9 (2.8/2.8)
KlA 241 000 A4.11 was rejected due to being generic fundamentals 212 RO     201002 A4.01 knowledge. A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written ..
[NRC Sim JPM 8] In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0)
N, L, R, E 1 JNRC Plant JPM 11 j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D, R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA 1.06 (3.4/3.4)
ES-301                                Administrative Topics Outline                            Form ES-301-1 Facility: O~ster  Creek                                                  Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Examination Level: RO 1:8] SRO        D                                Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic              Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note)                Code*
[NRC Plant JPM 2] k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1 .02 (3.2/3.3)
Determine Bulk Drywell Temperature; 2.1.20 (4.6) [RO Conduct of Operations                  M,R Admin JPM 1]
[NRC Plant D 6 JPM3]
Plot RPV Heatup Rate During a Startup; 2.1.25 (3.9) [RO Conduct of Operations                  D,R Admin JPM 2]
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility:
Perform a Manual Core Heat Balance Calculation lAW Equipment Control                      D,R 1001.6; 2.2.12 (3. 7) [RO Admin JPM 3]
Creek Date of Examination:
Radiation Control Review a Completed State/Local Notification Form; 2.4.39 Emergency Procedures/Plan              M,R (3.9) [NRC RO Admin JPM 4]
05/19/14 Exam Level: RO 0 SR0-1 1Z1 SRO-U 0 Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N, A, S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7L[NRC Sim JPM 2] c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8)
NOTE:      All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
[NRC Sim JPM 3] d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1)
*Type Codes & Criteria:                (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.::_ 3 for ROs; .::_ 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
[NRC Sim JPM M,EN,S 5 4] e. De-energize 1 A 1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1 A 1 to USS 181; D,S,L 6 262001 A1.05 (3.2/3.5)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)
[NRC Sim JPM 5] f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test D,A,S 7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9)
(P)revious 2 exams (.::_ 1; randomly selected)
[NRC Sim JPM 6] g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate N,A,S 8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9)
ES 301, Page 22 of 27
[NRC Sim JPM 7] h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02 D,A,S 9 (2.8/2.8)
[NRC Sim JPM 8] In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO*U) i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0)
ES-301                              Administrative Topics Outline                            Form    ES-~01-1 Facility: O~ster  Creek                                                Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Examination Level: RO      D    SRO ~                                  Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic              Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note)                Code*
N, L, R, E 1 [NRC Plant JPM 1] j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D, R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.4/3.4)
[NRC Plant JPM 2] k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3)
Determine Operator Qualifications Using LMS; 2.1.8 (4.1)
[NRC Plant D 6 JPM3] @ All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301*2 Facility:
Conduct of Operations                D,R
Oyster Creek Date of Examination:
[SRO Admin JPM 1]
05/19/14 Exam Level: RO 0 SR0-1 SRO-U Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC if" Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N,A,S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7)
Conduct of Operations                M,R        Apply Work Hour Rules; 2.1.5 (3.9) [SRO Admin JPM 2]
[NRC Sim JPM 2] c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.613.8JJNRC Sim JPM 3] d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1)
Review Completed Surveillance Test 619.3.016, RPS I Equipment Control                    N,R        High Drywell Pressure Scram Test And Calibration; 2.2.12 (4.1) [SRO Admin JPM 3]
[NRC Sim JPM M, EN, S 5 4] e. f. g. h. In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D,R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.413.4)
Determine Recommendation of Kl Issuance During an Radiation Control                    D,R Emergency; 2.3.14 (3.8) [SRO Admin JPM 4]
[NRC Plant JPM 2] k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3)
[NRC Plant D 6 JPM3] @ All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room. *Type Codes I Criteria for RO I SR0-1 I SRO-U ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 1 (New) Scenario Outline Facility:
Classify an Emergency Event and Initiate a State/Local Emergency Procedures/Plan            D, R Notification Form; 2.4.41 (4.6) [SRO Admin JPM 5]
Oyster Creek Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:
NOTE:     All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
* Type Codes & Criteria:              (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.:::_ 3 for ROs; .::: 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)
(P)revious 2 exams (.:::_ 1; randomly selected)
ES 301, Page 22 of 27
ES-301                        Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline                    Form ES-301-2 Facility: Q:tster Creek                                          Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO      [81 SR0-1 0 SRO-U D                          Operating Test Number:   1~-1  NRC Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System I JPM Title                              Type Code*
: a. Shutdown the Second RWCU Pump with a high NRHX temperature                    M,A,S            2 alarm and isolation failure (Alternate Path); 204000 A4.01 (3.1/3.0) [NRC Sim JPM 1)
: b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip                N,A,S           1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7) fNRC Sim JPM 21
: c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path);                 D,A,S           4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8) [NRC Sim JPM 31
: d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM           M, EN,S           5 4]
: e. De-energize 1A1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1A1 to USS 181;               D,S,L           6 262001 A 1.05 (3.2/3.5) [NRC Sim JPM 51
: f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test                 D,A,S           7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9) [NRC Sim JPM 61
: g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate       N,A,S           8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9) [NRC Sim JPM 7]
: h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02             D,A,S           9 (2.8/2.8) [NRC Sim JPM 8]
In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
: i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0)       N, L, R, E         1 JNRC Plant JPM 11
: j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency         D, R,L, E         2 Operations; 295030 EA 1.06 (3.4/3.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
: k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1 .02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant           D             6 JPM3]
ES-301                         Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline                             Form ES-301-2 Facility: O~ster Creek                                                 Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO     0   SR0-1 1Z1 SRO-U   0                         Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System I JPM Title                                     Type Code*
Function a.
: b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip                         N, A, S             1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7L[NRC Sim JPM 2]
: c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path);                         D,A,S             4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8) [NRC Sim JPM 3]
: d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM                   M,EN,S             5 4]
: e. De-energize 1A 1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1A 1 to USS 181;                     D,S,L             6 262001 A1.05 (3.2/3.5) [NRC Sim JPM 5]
: f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test                         D,A,S               7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9) [NRC Sim JPM 6]
: g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate               N,A,S               8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9) [NRC Sim JPM 7]
: h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02                     D,A,S               9 (2.8/2.8) [NRC Sim JPM 8]
In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO*U)
: i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0)               N, L, R, E           1
[NRC Plant JPM 1]
: j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency                 D, R,L, E           2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.4/3.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
: k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant                     D               6 JPM3]
  @       All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety
ES-301                           Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline                           Form ES-301*2 Facility: Oyster Creek                         ~                        Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO       0   SR0-1 ~ SRO-U                                 Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC if" Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System I JPM Title                                       Type Code*
Function a.
: b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip                           N,A,S             1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7) [NRC Sim JPM 2]
: c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path);                           D,A,S             4 207000 A3.05 (3.613.8JJNRC Sim JPM 3]
: d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM                     M, EN, S           5 4]
In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i.
: j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency                   D,R,L, E           2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.413.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
: k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant                       D             6 JPM3]
    @       All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
                    *Type Codes                                    Criteria for RO I SR0-1 I SRO-U I
ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 1 (New)
Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek                       Scenario No.: 1                   Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:                                               Operators:
Initial Conditions:
Initial Conditions:
* 2% power with mode switch in STARTUP
* 2% power with mode switch in STARTUP
* Control rod withdrawal is in progress
* Control rod withdrawal is in progress
* Air Compressor  
* Air Compressor #3 is tagged OOS
#3 is tagged OOS
* RWM is tagged OOS
* RWM is tagged OOS
* lnerting the Primary Containment is on hold for a nitrogen delivery
* lnerting the Primary Containment is on hold for a nitrogen delivery
* Steam chest warming is in progress Turnover:
* Steam chest warming is in progress Turnover:
* Continue with rod withdrawal.
* Continue with rod withdrawal. Complete step 10 Group 3-1 starting at rod 34-39. When rod pulls are complete wait for further direction from Reactor Engineering. Timing of rod position 00-02 is not required and Continuous Rod Withdrawal is authorized per Reactor Engineering.
Complete step 10 Group 3-1 starting at rod 34-39. When rod pulls are complete wait for further direction from Reactor Engineering.
Event No.     Malt. No. Event Type*                                     Event Description 1           N/A         R       ATC     Raise reactor power with control rods lAW the ReMA MAL-2       CRD007_         c       ATC     Stuck control rod (26-23) 2623 3
Timing of rod position 00-02 is not required and Continuous Rod Withdrawal is authorized per Reactor Engineering.
ICH-       c       BOP ICS003A                       Leak in Isolation Condenser Shell B TS      SRO 4
Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N/A R ATC Raise reactor power with control rods lAW the ReMA MAL-2 CRD007_ c ATC Stuck control rod (26-23) 2623 3 ICH-c BOP ICS003A TS SRO Leak in Isolation Condenser Shell B MAL-c ATC 4 EDS004B TS BOP Loss of VMCC 1 B2 SRO 5 MAL-c BOP The in-service RBCCW pump trips RBC001A MAL-The standby RBCCW pump also trips resulting in a loss 6 RBC001B c ATC of all RBCCW flow which requires the ATC to scram the reactor; eight rods fail to insert 7 MAL-M Crew Steam leak in Drywell NSS017A 8 MAL-c Crew CRD Flow Control Valve fails closed CRD001A (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs IL T 13-1 NRC Scenario 1 Page 1 of 27 IL T 13-1 NRC Scenario 2 (New) Scenario Outline Facility:
MAL-         c       ATC Loss of VMCC 1B2 EDS004B                BOP TS SRO MAL-5        RBC001A c       BOP     The in-service RBCCW pump trips The standby RBCCW pump also trips resulting in a loss MAL-6       RBC001B c       ATC     of all RBCCW flow which requires the ATC to scram the reactor; eight rods fail to insert MAL-7                        M     Crew     Steam leak in Drywell NSS017A MAL-8        CRD001A c     Crew     CRD Flow Control Valve fails closed (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent,   (M)ajor Transient,   (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 1                                                                   Page 1 of 27
Oyster Creek Scenario Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:
ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 2 (New)
Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek                         Scenario No.:~                    Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:                                                 Operators:
Initial Conditions:
Initial Conditions:
* 97% power
* 97% power
* Main Generator voltage control is in Manual Turnover:
* Main Generator voltage control is in Manual Turnover:
* Place the AVR in automatic service lAW 336.1, section 8, starting at Step 8.2 *** If. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N/A N BOP Return the AVR to service lAW 336.1. 2 MAL-c BOP Trip of Steam Packing Exhauster
* Place the AVR in automatic service lAW 336.1, section 8, starting at Step 8.2
: 1. MSS005A MAL-NIS020F I ATC APRM 6 fails upscale with a failure of Y2 scram on 3 RLY-RPS003B, TS SRO RPS2. 0048 4 MAL-c BOP Trip of USS 1A3. EDS003C TS SRO ICH-c 5 TSI15A, R ATC Turbine high vibration requiring a manual scram. TSI014A MAL-CFW012B Feedwater line break with failure of Feedwater check SRV-6 CFW002B M Crew valves and loss of all Feedwater and Condensate SRV-Pumps. CFW003B VLV-7 CSS004, c Crew Failure of Core Spray Isolation Valves to auto open. 006,011, 012 * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 2 Page 1 of 25 ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 3 (Modified)
Scenario Outline Facility:
                *** If. No. Event Type*                                     Event Description 1             N/A         N       BOP     Return the AVR to service lAW 336.1.
Oyster Creek Scenario Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:
MAL-2        MSS005A c       BOP     Trip of Steam Packing Exhauster 1.
MAL-NIS020F I       ATC     APRM 6 fails upscale with a failure of Y2 scram on 3           RLY-RPS003B,         TS     SRO     RPS2.
0048 4
MAL-         c       BOP     Trip of USS 1A3.
EDS003C         TS     SRO 5
ICH-         c               Turbine high vibration requiring a manual scram.
TSI15A,                ATC TSI014A         R MAL-CFW012B Feedwater line break with failure of Feedwater check SRV-6       CFW002B           M     Crew     valves and loss of all Feedwater and Condensate SRV-                         Pumps.
CFW003B VLV-7         CSS004, 006,011, c     Crew     Failure of Core Spray Isolation Valves to auto open.
*         (N)ormal,     (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent,   (M)ajor Transient,   (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 2                                                                     Page 1 of 25
ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 3 (Modified)
Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek                       Scenario No.:~                      Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners:                                               Operators:
Initial Conditions:
Initial Conditions:
* 95% power
* 95%   power
* EDG-2 is OOS for maintenance
* EDG-2 is OOS for maintenance
* Surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, is in progress on EDG-1
* Surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, is in progress on EDG-1
* An operator is stationed at EDG-1 for the surveillance
* An operator is stationed at EDG-1 for the surveillance
* All EDG-1 diesel alarms are in their normal state Turnover:
* All EDG-1 diesel alarms are in their normal state Turnover:
* Complete surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, starting at step 6.7, due to a question of operability (oil sight glass was low on the last shift) Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 MAL-c BOP Trip of EDG-1 during performance of surveillance DGN004A TS SRO 636.4.003.
* Complete surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, starting at step 6.7, due to a question of operability (oil sight glass was low on the last shift)
MAL-I ATC 2 NIS019_0 TS BOP LPRM 28-25A upscale failure (input to APRM 4). 18A SRO MAL-c ATC 3 CRD005_ TS BOP Outward drifting control rod (rod 18-11). 18-11 SRO 4 MAL-R ATC Fuel failure requiring power reduction with recirc RXS001 flow 5 MAL-M Crew Fuel failure will increase requiring a reactor scram RXS001 and reactor isolation MAL-Isolation Condenser B tube leak with steam valves ICS002B M 6 VLV-c Crew failing to close leads to RPV Emergency ICS007, Depressurization 008 * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs IL T 13-1 NRC Scenario 3 Page 1 of 20}}
Event No. Malt. No.     Event Type*                                   Event Description 1
MAL-       c     BOP     Trip of EDG-1 during performance of surveillance DGN004A                       636.4.003.
TS      SRO MAL-         I     ATC 2       NIS019_0               BOP     LPRM 28-25A upscale failure (input to APRM 4).
18A       TS SRO MAL-         c     ATC 3       CRD005_               BOP     Outward drifting control rod (rod 18-11).
18-11       TS SRO 4
MAL-R             Fuel failure requiring power reduction with recirc RXS001               ATC flow 5
MAL-M             Fuel failure will increase requiring a reactor scram RXS001             Crew and reactor isolation MAL-Isolation Condenser B tube leak with steam valves ICS002B       M 6           VLV-             Crew     failing to close leads to RPV Emergency ICS007,       c              Depressurization 008
*         (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument,   (C)omponent,   (M)ajor Transient,   (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 3                                                                   Page 1 of 20}}

Revision as of 17:57, 31 October 2019

Final Outlines (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/13/2014
From: Ridosh J
Exelon Generation Co
To: Todd Fish
Operations Branch I
Shared Package
ML13333A261 List:
TAC U01893
Download: ML15016A152 (21)


ES-401 Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Facility: ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Date of Exam: 05/19/14 RO KIA Category Points SAO-Only Points Tier Group K K K K K K A A A A G Tota A2 G* Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

  • I 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 20 3 4 7 1.

Emergency 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 2 3


Plant Tier Evolutions Total 4 4 5 5 4 5 27 5 5 10 s

1 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 26 3 2 5 2.

Plant 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 12 0 2 1 3 Systems Tier Totals 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 38 5 3 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

3. Generic Knowledge & Abilities 10 7 Categories 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 Note 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two).
2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total25 points.
3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.1.b of ES-401, for guidance regarding elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
5. Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.

7.* The generic (G) KIAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section 0.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable KIA's

8. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#)for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. If fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals(#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KIAs that are linked to 1OCFR55.43

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KJA Topic(s)

AA2.02- Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295018 Partial or Total Loss of X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.2 1 ccw /8 COMPONENT COOLING WATER

  • Coolinq water temperature EA2.02- Ability to determine and/or 295031 Reactor Low Wate1* interpret the following as they apply to X 4.2 2 Level I 2 REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL:

Reactor power EA2.04- Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295030 Low Suppression Pool X LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER 3.7 3 Water Level .r 5 LEVEL: Drywelll suppression chamber differential pressure: Mark-1&11 2.4.41 -Emergency Procedures I Plan:

295026 Suppression Pool High X Knowledge of the emergency action 4.6 4 Water Temp. I 5 level thresholds and classifications.

2.4.9- Emergency Procedures I Plan:

Knowledge of low power I shutdown 295028 High Drywell X implications in accident (e.g., loss of 4.2 5 TemperaturE' I 5 coolant accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitioation strateoies.

2.4.45- Emergency Procedures I Plan:

295038 Higr, Off-site Release Ability to prioritize and interpret the X 4.3 6 Rate I 9 significance of each annunciator or Ialarm.

2.2.44 -Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and 295021 Loss of Shutdown X operation of a system, and understand 4.4 7 Cooling I 4 how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

AK1.02- Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 700000 Generator Voltage and they apply to GENERATOR VOLTAGE X AND ELECTRIC GRID 3.3 39 Electric Grid Disturbances DISTURBANCES and the following:


EK1.03 *Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 295031 Reactor Low Water X they apply to REACTOR LOW WATER 3.7 40 Level/2 LEVEL: Water level effects on reactor power AK1.02 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts 600000 Plant Fire On-site I 8 X 2.9 41 as they apply to Plant Fire On Site: Fire Fighting AK2.01 *Knowledge of the interrelations between CONTROL 2950 16 Control Room X ROOM ABANDONMENT and the 4.4 42 Abandonment I 7 following: Remote shutdown panel:

Plant-Specific AK2.01 -Knowledge of the 295001 Partial or Complete interrelations between PARTIAL OR Loss of Forced Core Flow X COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE 3.6 43 Circulation I 1 & 4 FLOW CIRCULATION and the following: Recirculation system AK2.01 - Knowledge of the 295004 Partial or Total Loss of interrelations between PARTIAL OR X COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER 3.1 44 DC Pwr/6 and the following: Battery charger

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KJA Topic(s)

AK3.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for 295023 Refueling Ace Cooling the following responses as they apply to X 3.4 45 Mode /8 REFUELING ACCIDENTS: Interlocks associated with fuel handling equipment AK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for 295005 Main Turbine the following responses as they apply to X 3.2 46 Generator Trip /3 MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP:

Main generator trip AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC /6 X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.3 47 A. C. POWER: Manual and auto bus transfer AA 1.03- Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to 295006 SCRAM I 1 X 3.7 48 SCRAM : Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system EA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295037 SCRAM Conditions monitor the following as they apply to Present and Reactor Power SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND X 4.6 49 Above APRM Downscale or REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM Unknown /1 DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN :

Reactor Protection System EA1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295028 High Drywall monitor the following as they apply to X 3.8 50 Temperature /5 HIGH DRYWELL TEMPERATURE:

Drywall spray: Mark-1&11 EA2.06- Ability to determine and/or 295025 High Reactor Pressure interpret the following as they apply to X 3.7 51 13 HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE: Reactor water level AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295019 Partial or Total Loss of X PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.5 52 lnst. Air /8 INSTRUMENT AIR: Instrument air svstem pressure EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or 295038 High Off-site Release interpret the following as they apply to X 3.3 53 Rate /9 HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE:

tOft-site 2.1.23 -Conduct of Operations: Ability 295018 Part1al or Total Loss of to perform specific system and X 4.3 54 CCW/8 integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.

2.2.22 - Equipment Control: Knowledge 295026 Suppression Pool High WaterTemp./5 X of limiting conditions for operations and 4.0 55 safety limits.

2.2.37 - Equipment Control: Ability to 295024 High Drywall Pressure I X determine operability and/or availability 3.6 56 5

of safety related equipment.

2.4.1 - Emergency Procedures I Plan:

295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level I 5 X Knowledge of EOP entry conditions and 4.6 57 immediate action steps.

AA1.05- Ability to operate and/or 295021 Loss of Shutdown monitor the following as they apply to Cooling I 4 X LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING :

3.0 58 Reactor recirculation K/A Category Totals: 3 3 3 4 3/3 4/4 Group Point Total:

I 20/7

ES-401 3 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions- Tier 1 Group 2 EAPE #I Name Safety Function KIA Topic(s) 2.1.20- Conduct of Operations: Ability 295008 High Reactor Water X to interpret and execute procedure 4.6 8 Level I 2 steps.

AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295009 Low Reactor Water interpret the following as they apply to X 3.7 9 Level/2 LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL:

Steam flow/feed flow mismatch EA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 295036 Secondary SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH Containment High Sump/Area X 3.2 10 SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL:

Water Level 1 5 Operability of components within the affected area AK1.02- Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as 295017 High Off-site Release X they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE 3.8 59 Rate I 9 RELEASE RATE: Protection of the general public EK2.06 - Knowledge of the 295034 Secondary interrelations between SECONDARY Containment Ventilation High X CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH 3.9 60 Radiation I 9 RADIATION and the following:

PCI S/NSSSS: Plant-Specific EK3.01 -Knowledge of the reasons for 295032 High Secondary the following responses as they apply to Containment Area Temperature X HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 3.5 61


Emergency/normal depressurization AA 1.01 -Ability to operate and/or 295010 High Drywall Pressure monitor the following as they apply to X 3.4 62

/5 HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE : Drywall ventilation/cooling AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or 295007 High Reactor Pressure interpret the following as they apply to X 4.1 63

/3 HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE : Reactor power 2.4.2 *Emergency Procedures/Plan:

295033 Secondary Knowledge of system set points, Containment Area Radiation X 4.5 64 interlocks and automatic actions Levels 19 associated with EOP entry conditions.

AK3.04- Knowledge of the reasons for 295002 Loss of Main the following responses as they apply to X 3.4 65 Condenser Vac I 3 LOSS OF MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM: Bypass valve closure KIA Category Totals: 1 1 2 1 1/2 1/1 Group Point Total:

I 7/3

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K K K A A A Imp System # I Name A2 G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM ; and (b) based on those predictions, use 212000 RPS X 3.9 11 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: RPS motor-Qenerator set failure A2.04 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) 259002 Reactor Water Level based on those predictions. use Control X 3.1 12 procedures to correct, control. or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: RFP runout condition: Plant-Specific 2.4.47 - Emergency Procedures I Plan: Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate 209001 LPCS X 4.2 13 and timely manner !utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.

2.2.40- Equipment Control:

262001 AC Electrical Distribution X Ability to apply Technical 4.7 14 Specifications for a system.

A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use 261000 SGTS X 2.8 15 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: A.C.

electrical failure K1 .05 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 212000 RPS X between REACTOR 3.3 1 PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following: Process radiation monitoring system K1 .02 *Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 215005 APRM I LPRM X between AVERAGE POWER 3.7 2 RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM and the following: lAM K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical 209001 LPCS X power supplies to the following: 3.0 3 Pump_j)_ower K2.01 -Knowledge of electrical 239002 SRVs X power supplies to the following: 2.8 21 SRV solenoids

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K K K A A A Imp System #I Name A2 G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 K3.05 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AVERAGE POWER RANGE 215005 APRM/LPRM X MONITOR/LOCAL POWER 3.8 5 RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor power indication K3.04- Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the INTERMEDIATE RANGE 215003 IRM X 3.6 6 MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor

.power indication K4.02 - Knowledge of (INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM) design feature(s) and or 300000 Instrument Air X 3.0 7 interlocks which provide for the following: Cross-over to other air systems K4.03- Knowledge of PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM/NUCLEAR STEAM 223002 PCIS/Nuclear SUPPLY SHUT-OFF design X 3.5 17 Steam Supply Shutoff feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:

Manual initiation capability:

Plant-Specific K5.01 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply 263000 DC Electrical X to D.C. ELECTRICAL 2.6 9 Distribution DISTRIBUTION : Hydrogen generation during battery charging K5.02 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the 262001 AC Electrical X following concepts as they 2.6 10 Distribution apply to AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Breaker control K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 205000 Shutdown Cooling X SHUTDOWN COOLING 3.3 11 SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE): A.C.

electrical power K6.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 264000 EDGs X following will have on the 3.5 12 EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET) : Lube oil pumps A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the 211000 SLC X 3.6 13 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM controls including:

Tank level

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K K K A A A Imp System # I Name A2 G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 A1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters 259002 ReactorWater associated with operating the X 3.8 14 Level Control REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM controls including: Reactor water level A2.01 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) SYSTEM ; and (b) based 215004 Source Range on those predictions, use X 2.7 15 Monitor procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Power supply degraded A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the CCWS and (b) based on those 400000 Component Cooling predictions, use procedures to X 2.8 16 Water correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal operation: High/low surge tank level A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 207000 Isolation X ISOLATION (EMERGENCY) 3.5 8 (Emergency) Condenser CONDENSER including:

Reactor water level: BWR-2,3 A3.09 *Ability to monitor automatic operations of the AUTOMATIC 218000 ADS X 4.1 18 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM including: Reactor vessel water level A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 262002 UPS (AC/DC) X control room: Transfer from 2.8 19 alternative source to preferred source A4.04

  • Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 239002 SRVs X 4.3 20 control room: Suppression pool temperature 2.2.40
  • Equipment Control:

264000 EDGs X Ability to apply technical 3.4 4 specifications for a system.

2.2.42- Equipment Control::

Ability to recognize system 261000 SGTS X parameters that are entry-level 3.9 22 conditions for Technical Specifications.

K1.04 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 259002 ReactorWater X between REACTOR WATER 3.5 23 Level Control LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM and the following: Reactor feedwater flow

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K K K A A A Imp System #I Name A2 G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 K4.01 - Knowledge of INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM design feature(s) and or 300000 Instrument Air X 2.8 24 interlocks which provide for the following: Manual/automatic transfers of control A3.01 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the D.C.

263000 DC Electrical ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION X 3.2 25 Distribution including: Meters, dials, recorders, alarms, and indicating lights K6.04- Knowledge of the effect 400000 Component Cooling that a loss or malfunction of the X 3.0 26 Water following will have on the CCWS: Pumps K/A Category Totals: 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2/3 3 2 2/2 Group Point Total:

I 26/5

ES-401 5 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 2 K K K K K K A A A Q System #I Name j A2 G Imp.

2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 #

A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND AUXILIARIES ;

and (b) based on those 223001 Primary CTMT and X predictions, use procedures to 43 16 Aux.

correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: High drywell pressure 2.4.11 - Emergency Procedures 201003 Control Rod and X I Plan: Knowledge of abnormal 4.2 17 Drive Mechanism condition procedures.

A2.02 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM:

and (b) based on those 202001 Recirculation predictions, use procedures to X 3.9 18 System correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Recirculation system leak K1.22 - Knowledge of the physical connections and/or 256000 Reactor cause- effect relationships X 2.8 27 Condensate between REACTOR CONDENSATE SYSTEM and the following: Offgas system K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical 201001 CAD Hydraulic X power supplies to the following: 3.6 28 Scram valve solenoids K3.05 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the PLANT VENTILATION 288000 Plant Ventilation X SYSTEMS will have on 3.1 29 following: Reactor building pressure: Plant-Specific K4.05 *Knowledge of MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR AND 245000 Main Turbine Gen. AUXILIARY SYSTEMS design X 2.9 30 I Aux. feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:

Turbine protection K5.05

  • Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply 204000 RWCU X to REACTOR WATER 2.6 31 CLEANUP SYSTEM : Flow controllers K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 290003 Control Room X following will have on the 2.7 32 HVAC CONTROL ROOM HVAC :

Electrical power

ES-401 5 Form ES-401-1 ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Written Examination Outline Plant Systems- Tier 2 Group 2 K K K K K K A A A Q System #I Name A2 G Imp.

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 #

A 1.01 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters 233000 Fuel Pool associated with operating the X 2.6 33 Cooling/Cleanup FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP controls including:

Surge tank level A2.17 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those 202001 Recirculation predictions, use procedures to System X 3.1 34 correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of seal cooling water A3.05 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 271 000 Off -gas X OFFGAS SYSTEM including: 2.9 35 System indicating lights and alarms A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the 201002 RMCS X 3.5 36 control room: Rod movement control switch 2.2.22 - Equipment Control:

290002 Reactor Vessel X Knowledge of limiting conditions 4.0 37 Internals for operations and safety limits.

A3.03 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 202002 Recirculation Flow RECIRCULATION FLOW X 3.1 38 Control CONTROL SYSTEM including:

Scoop tube operation: BWR-2,3,4 KIA Category Totals: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 2 1 1/1 Group Point Total:

I 12/3

ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Facility: ILT 13-1 NRC Written Exam Date: 05/19/14 RO SRO-Only Category KIA# Topic IR Q# IR Q#

Ability to interpret and execute procedure 2.1.20 4.6 19 steps.

Ability to use procedures related to shift 2.1.5 staffing, such as minimum crew complement, 3.9 25 overtime limitations. etc.


Conduct Knowledge of conduct of operations 2.1.1 3.8 66 of Operations requirements.

Ability to coordinate personnel activities 2.1.8 3.4 67 outside the control room.

Ability to use plant computers to evaluate 2.1.19 3.9 75 system or component status.

Subtotal 3 2 Knowledge of pre- and post-maintenance

~.2.21 4.1 20 operability requirements.

Ability to determine operability and I or 2.2.37 4.6 23 availability of safety related equipment.


Equipment Knowledge of conditions and limitations in 2.2.38 3.6 68 Control the facility license.

Knowledge of limiting conditions for 2.2.22 4.0 69 operations and safety limits.

Subtotal 2 2 Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise during normal.

2.3.14 3.8 21 abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.

Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms, 2.3.15 3.1 24 portable survey instruments, personnel

3. monitorinq equipment. etc.

Radiation Control Knowledge of Radiological Safety Procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor 2.3.13 3.4 70 alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.

ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Knowledge of Radiological Safety Principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as 2.3.12 containment entry requirements, fuel handling 3.2 71 responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.

2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases. 3.8 74 Subtotal 3 2 Ability to prioritize and interpret the 2.4.45 4.3 22 siqnificance of each annunciator or alarm.



Emergency 2.4.17 Knowledge of EOP terms and definitions. 3.9 72 Procedures I Ability to prioritize and interpret the Plan 2.4.45 significance of each annunciator or 4.1 73 alarm.

Subtotal 2 1 Tier 3 Point Total 10 7

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/A's Form ES-401-4 Randomly Tier I Group Reason for Rejection Selected KIA KIA 295038 2.4.4 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-1 I 1 SRO 295038 2.4.45 Only level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 2.1.44 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.1.4 level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 2.4.35 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.4.45 level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295023 AK3.05 applies to a BWR-1. Oyster Creek is a BWR-2.

1 I 1 RO 295023 AK3.02 KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomlyselected.

KIA 2.2.3 applies to a multi-unit site. Oyster Creek is a single unit 3RO 2.2.22 site. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295028 EA1.02 was rejected due to overlap with RO question 1 I 1 RO 295028 EA 1.01

  1. 62, KIA 295010 AA 1.01. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295022 AK3.02 was rejected due not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295002 AK3.04 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 290001 K1.02 was rejected due not being able to develop three 212 RO 256000 K1.22 credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295035 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 2.3.13 supports testing at the RO level, but not the SRO-Only 3SRO 2.3.15 level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 201003 2.4.50 supports testing at the RO level, but not the 2 I 2 SRO 2010032.4.11 SRO-Only level due to job responsibilities. KIA was rejected and a new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295003 AK3.07 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 1 RO 295003 AK3.01 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 295033 2.1.27 was rejected due to not being able to develop 1 I 2 RO 295033 2.4.2 three credible distractors at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected at the RO level. A new KIA was randomly selected.

KIA 261000 K3.05 was rejected due to system being oversampled.

2 I 1 RO 215005 K3.05 A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written.

KIA 218000 K4.01 was rejected due to overlap with question #18. A 2 I 1 RO 300000 K4.01 new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written ..

KlA 241 000 A4.11 was rejected due to being generic fundamentals 212 RO 201002 A4.01 knowledge. A new KIA was randomly selected and a new question written ..

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: O~ster Creek Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Examination Level: RO 1:8] SRO D Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code*

Determine Bulk Drywell Temperature; 2.1.20 (4.6) [RO Conduct of Operations M,R Admin JPM 1]

Plot RPV Heatup Rate During a Startup; 2.1.25 (3.9) [RO Conduct of Operations D,R Admin JPM 2]

Perform a Manual Core Heat Balance Calculation lAW Equipment Control D,R 1001.6; 2.2.12 (3. 7) [RO Admin JPM 3]

Radiation Control Review a Completed State/Local Notification Form; 2.4.39 Emergency Procedures/Plan M,R (3.9) [NRC RO Admin JPM 4]

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.::_ 3 for ROs; .::_ 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (.::_ 1; randomly selected)

ES 301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-~01-1 Facility: O~ster Creek Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Examination Level: RO D SRO ~ Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code*


Determine Operator Qualifications Using LMS; 2.1.8 (4.1)

Conduct of Operations D,R

[SRO Admin JPM 1]

Conduct of Operations M,R Apply Work Hour Rules; 2.1.5 (3.9) [SRO Admin JPM 2]

Review Completed Surveillance Test 619.3.016, RPS I Equipment Control N,R High Drywell Pressure Scram Test And Calibration; 2.2.12 (4.1) [SRO Admin JPM 3]

Determine Recommendation of Kl Issuance During an Radiation Control D,R Emergency; 2.3.14 (3.8) [SRO Admin JPM 4]


Classify an Emergency Event and Initiate a State/Local Emergency Procedures/Plan D, R Notification Form; 2.4.41 (4.6) [SRO Admin JPM 5]

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank(.:::_ 3 for ROs; .::: 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (.:::_ 1; randomly selected)

ES 301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Q:tster Creek Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO [81 SR0-1 0 SRO-U D Operating Test Number: 1~-1 NRC Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System I JPM Title Type Code*


a. Shutdown the Second RWCU Pump with a high NRHX temperature M,A,S 2 alarm and isolation failure (Alternate Path); 204000 A4.01 (3.1/3.0) [NRC Sim JPM 1)
b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N,A,S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7) fNRC Sim JPM 21
c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8) [NRC Sim JPM 31
d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM M, EN,S 5 4]
e. De-energize 1A1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1A1 to USS 181; D,S,L 6 262001 A 1.05 (3.2/3.5) [NRC Sim JPM 51
f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test D,A,S 7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9) [NRC Sim JPM 61
g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate N,A,S 8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9) [NRC Sim JPM 7]
h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02 D,A,S 9 (2.8/2.8) [NRC Sim JPM 8]

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0) N, L, R, E 1 JNRC Plant JPM 11
j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D, R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA 1.06 (3.4/3.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1 .02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant D 6 JPM3]

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: O~ster Creek Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO 0 SR0-1 1Z1 SRO-U 0 Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System I JPM Title Type Code*

Function a.

b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N, A, S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7L[NRC Sim JPM 2]
c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.6/3.8) [NRC Sim JPM 3]
d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM M,EN,S 5 4]
e. De-energize 1A 1 Transformer by Cross-tieing USS 1A 1 to USS 181; D,S,L 6 262001 A1.05 (3.2/3.5) [NRC Sim JPM 5]
f. Perform the Anticipatory Scram Turbine Stop Valve Closure Test D,A,S 7 (Alternate Path); 212000 A2.19 (3.8/3.9) [NRC Sim JPM 6]
g. Swap Instrument Air Compressors with a loss of Instrument Air (Alternate N,A,S 8 Path); 300000 K4.04 (2.8/2.9) [NRC Sim JPM 7]
h. Swap Control Room Ventillation Fans (Alternate Path); 290003 A4.02 D,A,S 9 (2.8/2.8) [NRC Sim JPM 8]

In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO*U)

i. Vent the Control Rod Drive Over Piston Volume; 295037 EA1.05 (3.9/4.0) N, L, R, E 1

[NRC Plant JPM 1]

j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D, R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.4/3.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant D 6 JPM3]

@ All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301*2 Facility: Oyster Creek ~ Date of Examination: 05/19/14 Exam Level: RO 0 SR0-1 ~ SRO-U Operating Test Number: 13-1 NRC if" Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SR0-1); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System I JPM Title Type Code*

Function a.

b. Secure a Reactor Recirc Pump and Respond to a Recirc Pump Trip N,A,S 1 (Alternate Path); 202001 A4.01 (3.7/3.7) [NRC Sim JPM 2]
c. Add Makeup to the Isolation Condenser System (Alternate Path); D,A,S 4 207000 A3.05 (3.613.8JJNRC Sim JPM 3]
d. Purge the Primary Containment; 223001 A4.07 (4.2/4.1) [NRC Sim JPM M, EN, S 5 4]





In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SR0-1); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i.

j. Align Core Spray System to the Condensate Storage Tank for Emergency D,R,L, E 2 Operations; 295030 EA1.06 (3.413.4) [NRC Plant JPM 2]
k. Swap Static Chargers from C1 to C2; 263000 K1.02 (3.2/3.3) [NRC Plant D 6 JPM3]

@ All RO and SR0-1 control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO I SR0-1 I SRO-U I

ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 1 (New)

Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • 2% power with mode switch in STARTUP
  • Air Compressor #3 is tagged OOS
  • Steam chest warming is in progress Turnover:
  • Continue with rod withdrawal. Complete step 10 Group 3-1 starting at rod 34-39. When rod pulls are complete wait for further direction from Reactor Engineering. Timing of rod position 00-02 is not required and Continuous Rod Withdrawal is authorized per Reactor Engineering.

Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N/A R ATC Raise reactor power with control rods lAW the ReMA MAL-2 CRD007_ c ATC Stuck control rod (26-23) 2623 3

ICH- c BOP ICS003A Leak in Isolation Condenser Shell B TS SRO 4

MAL- c ATC Loss of VMCC 1B2 EDS004B BOP TS SRO MAL-5 RBC001A c BOP The in-service RBCCW pump trips The standby RBCCW pump also trips resulting in a loss MAL-6 RBC001B c ATC of all RBCCW flow which requires the ATC to scram the reactor; eight rods fail to insert MAL-7 M Crew Steam leak in Drywell NSS017A MAL-8 CRD001A c Crew CRD Flow Control Valve fails closed (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 1 Page 1 of 27

ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 2 (New)

Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek Scenario No.:~ Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • 97% power
  • Main Generator voltage control is in Manual Turnover:
  • Place the AVR in automatic service lAW 336.1, section 8, starting at Step 8.2


      • If. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N/A N BOP Return the AVR to service lAW 336.1.

MAL-2 MSS005A c BOP Trip of Steam Packing Exhauster 1.

MAL-NIS020F I ATC APRM 6 fails upscale with a failure of Y2 scram on 3 RLY-RPS003B, TS SRO RPS2.

0048 4

MAL- c BOP Trip of USS 1A3.


ICH- c Turbine high vibration requiring a manual scram.

TSI15A, ATC TSI014A R MAL-CFW012B Feedwater line break with failure of Feedwater check SRV-6 CFW002B M Crew valves and loss of all Feedwater and Condensate SRV- Pumps.

CFW003B VLV-7 CSS004, 006,011, c Crew Failure of Core Spray Isolation Valves to auto open.


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 2 Page 1 of 25

ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 3 (Modified)

Scenario Outline Facility: Oyster Creek Scenario No.:~ Op Test No.: 13-1 NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • 95% power
  • EDG-2 is OOS for maintenance
  • Surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, is in progress on EDG-1
  • An operator is stationed at EDG-1 for the surveillance
  • All EDG-1 diesel alarms are in their normal state Turnover:
  • Complete surveillance 636.4.003, Diesel Generator Load Test, starting at step 6.7, due to a question of operability (oil sight glass was low on the last shift)

Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description 1

MAL- c BOP Trip of EDG-1 during performance of surveillance DGN004A 636.4.003.

TS SRO MAL- I ATC 2 NIS019_0 BOP LPRM 28-25A upscale failure (input to APRM 4).

18A TS SRO MAL- c ATC 3 CRD005_ BOP Outward drifting control rod (rod 18-11).

18-11 TS SRO 4

MAL-R Fuel failure requiring power reduction with recirc RXS001 ATC flow 5

MAL-M Fuel failure will increase requiring a reactor scram RXS001 Crew and reactor isolation MAL-Isolation Condenser B tube leak with steam valves ICS002B M 6 VLV- Crew failing to close leads to RPV Emergency ICS007, c Depressurization 008

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient, (TS) Tech Specs ILT 13-1 NRC Scenario 3 Page 1 of 20