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{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix D                      Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1           Event No.:     N/A              Page  1 of 20 Event
AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Thecrewwillberequiredtorespondtothefollowingorderofevents:1.TransferGSWPumps2.RaiseRecirculationflowtoraisereactorpowerto95%3."A"FWFlowInstrumentFailure4.MainSteamLineFlowTransmitterFailure(TSLCO3.3.6.1)5.D1CCHVACReturnFanTrip(TSLCO3.7.3,3.7.4)6.LossofStationAirCompressors7.SmallRecirculationLoopleakinDrywell.8.FailuretoScram(ATWS).RodsStuckandRPSTotalScramFailure.9.SLCPumpTrip10.RCICisolatesonstartatL211.CrewmanuallyinsertsControlRods12.FailureofE1150-F028A/B13.CrewinitiatesTorusCooling/TorusSprays/DrywellSprays AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:1Page3of20EventDescription:TransferGSWPumpsper23.131TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior0minSRODirectsBOPtostart#6GSWPumpandshutdown#2GSWPumpper23.131.AcknowledgesGSWPumpshiftcompleteBOPConductsshortbriefonshiftofGSWPumps.ContactsChemistrytoensureNPDESrequirementswillnotbeexceeded(typicallytelephonecall).ROLEPLAY:ChemistryconfirmsNPDErequirementswillNOTbeexceeded.ContactsOutsideRoundstowalkdownandverify#6GSWPumpreadyforstart.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout2min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWPumpReadyforStart.DirectsOutsideRoundstoplaceStrainerControllerfor#6GSWPumpinCONTINUOUS.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout1min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWPumpStrainerControllerisinCONTINUOUS.oMakesHI-COMannouncementforGSWPumpstart.CrewUpdate"Starting#6GSWPump,stopping#2GSWPump."Starts#6GSWPumpbyplacingCMCSwitchinRUN.ROLEPLAY:Afterafewseconds,OutsideRoundsreportsgoodstarton#6GSWPump.Stops#2GSWPumpbyplacingCMCSwitchinOFF-RESET.oVerifiescorrectsystempressureresponsetopumpshift.DirectsOutsideRoundstoplace#6GSWPumpStrainerControllerinINTERMITTENT.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout1min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWStrainerControllerinINTERMTTENT.
AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:9Page14of20EventDescription:FirstSLCPumpstartedtrips/SecondPumpstartsTimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior+95minMALFUNCTION-C41MF0003-TripSLCPumpAORMALFUNCTION-C41MF0004-TripSLCPumpBSRODirectsSLCstarted.AcknowledgesSLCPumptripreport.oMaydirectstandbySLCPumpstarted.AcknowledgesSLCreport.ATCStartsSLCPumpandidentifiesPumpTrip.StartsstandbySLCPump.(CRITICALTASK)#InformsSROofSLCPumpTrip.ReportsSLCinjecting,timestarted,initialSLCTanklevelandreportsisolationofRWCU.#-CriticalTaskforSLCinjectionORControlRodinsertion AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:10Page15of20EventDescription:ManualInsertionofControlRods/Scram-Reset-Scramper29.ESP.03TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior+95minSRODirectsATCtoDefeatARIusing29.ESP.10.DirectsATCtoinsertControlRodsusing29.ESP.03.Afterallrodsin,SROdirectsSLCshutdown.Afterallrodsin,SROtransitionsbackto29.100.01Sheet1.ATCContactsTaggingCenter(OperatoroutsideCR)anddirectsperformanceof29.ESP.10.ROLEPLAY:TaggingCenteracknowledgesperform29.ESP.10.ROLEPLAY:About10min.afterrequest,triggerESP10DefeatsandreporttoControlRoomthat29.ESP.10iscomplete.Using29.ESP.03,utilizesoneormoreofthefollowingtoattempttoinsertControlRods:RaiseCRDHydraulicD/P.(section2.0)ManualControlRodInsertion.(section3.0)Scram-Reset-Scram.(section4.0)Attemptstodriftrodsusingsection2.0:PlaceCRDFlowControllerinMANUAL.OpenFlowControlValveusingCRDFlowcontroller.OpenC1152-F003tomaximizecoolingwaterflow.ManuallyinsertsControlRods:(CRITICALTASK)#PlaceCRDFlowControllerinMANUAL.AdjustFlowControllerandC1152-F003tomaintainsufficientD/Pforrodmotion.PlacetheRWMinBypass.CloseC11-F034ifneededtomaintaindriveD/P.#-CriticalTaskforSLCinjectionORControlinsertion AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:10Page16of20EventDescription:ManualInsertionofControlRods/Scram-Reset-Scramper29.ESP.03TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehaviorATCInserttheCramArray.Insertrodsincheckerboardpatternspiralingoutfromcenter.Continueinsertingremainingrodsspiralingoutfromcenter.ScramResetandScramRe-initiation:Verify8BlueScramlightsareon.Mayre-openC1100-F034tore-chargeaccumulators.After29.ESP.10iscomplete,resetARI.VerifySDVventanddrainvalvesareopen.AllowtheSDVtodrain(3D94clear).Initiateamanualscrambyperformingoneorbothofthefollowing:Depressfourmanualscrampushbuttons.ArmanddepressARIpushbuttons.IfRodsmoveinward,repeat.Observesinwardrodmovement,resetsARIandwaitsfor3D94toclear.InitiatesARIandagainobservesinwardrodmovement(2ndtime).VerifiesallrodsinwithRWMandfullcoredisplay.CrewUpdate:"Allrodsin"ShutsdownrunningSLCpump.

AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:2EventNo.:NAPage1of15EventDescription:OverviewInitialConditions:Theplantiscurrentlyoperatingat~55%powerduringaplantstartup(GOP22.000.03,step4.2.14).GSWPump#6isoutofserviceformotorreplacement.Expectedreturntoserviceis4days.Plansforthecrewaretoraisereactorpowerto60%,andplacethesecondReactorFeedPump(RFP)inservice.TheManeuveringPlanhasbeenreviewedandapprovedbytheSM.NOTE:Thecrew'sPre-jobBriefingforthereactorpowerincreaseistobeconductedpriortoenteringthesimulator.(Suggestedtime30minutespriortobeginningthescenario.)Theobjectivesofthisscenarioareto:1.Recognize,respondto,andtaketherequiredactionsforinstrument/equipmentfailuresrequiringtheuseofoperatorandTechSpecactions.2.DirectandsupervisetheShiftteamduringNormal,Abnormal,andEmergencyoperations.3.RecognizeandrespondtoSeismicEvents.4.RecognizeandrespondtoControlRodDriftoutoftheCore.5.RecognizeandrespondtoSouthSealOilPumposcillatingamps.6.RecognizeandrespondtoTBCCWPumpTrip.7.RecognizeandrespondtoAPRMDownscale.8.RecognizeandrespondtoReactorRecirculationPumpSealFailure.9.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet1,RPVControl.10.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet2,PrimaryContainmentControl.11.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet3,RPVFlooding.Thecrewwillberequiredtorespondtothefollowingorderofevents:1.Raisereactorpowerto60%perGOP22.000.03andPost-LPSPpullsheets.2.PlacethesecondReactorFeedPumpinserviceperSOP23.107.3.SeismicEvent4.CR30-31DriftsoutoftheCore(TSLCO3.1.3)5.SSealPumphighamps6.NTBCCWPumpTrip7.APRM1Downscale(TSLCO3.3.1.1)8.SeismicEvent(Aftershock)9.RRPumpSealFailures10.SteamLeakinDrywell11.LossofallRPVLevelInstrumentation AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:2EventNo.:1Page2of15EventDescription:Raisereactorpowerusingcontrolrodsto60%per22.000.03NOTE:Aninstructor/evaluatorshouldbedesignatedasPeerChecker/ReactivityManagementSROfortheATCcandidateduringthepowerascension.TheinstructormayalsoactasSNEtoevaluatemaneuveringplanpredictorsbetweenpullsheets.TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior0minSRODirectsATCtoraisereactorpowerto60%usingcontrolrodsinaccordancewithPost-LPSPpullsheets.Acknowledgereportat60%power.ATCTurnsRodSelectPowerON.Foreachcontrolrodwithdrawn:Selectscontrolrodforwithdrawal.Verifiesproperindicationforselectedrod.MomentarilyplacesRodMovementControlswitchtoOUTNOTCH.Verifiesproperindicationforrodmovement.Initialspullsheetwhenrodisatproperposition.RaisesTurbineFlowLimitasrequiredtomaintain5%>reactorpower.actual.Continuesrodwithdrawalperpullsheetsuntilreactorpowerindicates~60%.Reportswhenreactorpoweris60%.
== Description:==
Overview Initial Conditions:
The plant is currently operating at 89% power at MOC following a power reduction for replacement of the #3 LPSV Unitized Actuator. B CRD Pump is out of service for pump rebuild. Expected return to service is 4 days. Center SAC is NON-PREFFERED USE due to oil leaks on the compressor. Plans for the crew are to shift GSW pumps to run #6 GSW and shutdown #2 GSW to repair leaks on the discharge strainer. The crew is to then raise power with flow to 92%, then raise power at 3% per hour to 95%, and then hold at 95% to validate power vs steam flow per GOP 22.000.03.
NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)
The objectives of this scenario are to:
: 1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for an instrument / equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
: 2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
: 3. Recognize and respond to A Feedwater Flow Instrument Failure.
: 4. Recognize and respond to Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure.
: 5. Recognize and respond to Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip - AOP 20.413.01.
: 6. Recognize and respond to Loss of Station Air - AOP 20.129.01.
: 7. Recognize and respond to High Drywell Pressure.
: 8. Execute steps of RPV Control - ATWS Sheet 1A.
: 9. Execute steps of PC Control - 29.100.01 Sheet 2.
: 10. Recognize and respond to trip of an SLC Pump.
: 11. Manually insert Control Rods per 29.ESP.03.
: 12. Recognize and respond to isolation of RCIC.
: 13. Initiate Torus Cooling, Torus Spray and Drywell Spray using the RHR System.
: 14. Recognize and respond to failure of E1150-F028A/B.
D - 38

Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                  Form ES-D-2 The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:
AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Thecrewwillberequiredtorespondtothefollowingorderofevents:1.TransferGSWPumps2.RaiseRecirculationflowtoraisereactorpowerto95%3."A"FWFlowInstrumentFailure4.MainSteamLineFlowTransmitterFailure(TSLCO3.3.6.1)5.D1CCHVACReturnFanTrip(TSLCO3.7.3,3.7.4)6.LossofStationAirCompressors7.SmallRecirculationLoopleakinDrywell.8.FailuretoScram(ATWS).RodsStuckandRPSTotalScramFailure.9.SLCPumpTrip10.RCICisolatesonstartatL211.CrewmanuallyinsertsControlRods12.FailureofE1150-F028A/B13.CrewinitiatesTorusCooling/TorusSprays/DrywellSprays AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:1Page3of20EventDescription:TransferGSWPumpsper23.131TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior0minSRODirectsBOPtostart#6GSWPumpandshutdown#2GSWPumpper23.131.AcknowledgesGSWPumpshiftcompleteBOPConductsshortbriefonshiftofGSWPumps.ContactsChemistrytoensureNPDESrequirementswillnotbeexceeded(typicallytelephonecall).ROLEPLAY:ChemistryconfirmsNPDErequirementswillNOTbeexceeded.ContactsOutsideRoundstowalkdownandverify#6GSWPumpreadyforstart.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout2min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWPumpReadyforStart.DirectsOutsideRoundstoplaceStrainerControllerfor#6GSWPumpinCONTINUOUS.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout1min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWPumpStrainerControllerisinCONTINUOUS.oMakesHI-COMannouncementforGSWPumpstart.CrewUpdate"Starting#6GSWPump,stopping#2GSWPump."Starts#6GSWPumpbyplacingCMCSwitchinRUN.ROLEPLAY:Afterafewseconds,OutsideRoundsreportsgoodstarton#6GSWPump.Stops#2GSWPumpbyplacingCMCSwitchinOFF-RESET.oVerifiescorrectsystempressureresponsetopumpshift.DirectsOutsideRoundstoplace#6GSWPumpStrainerControllerinINTERMITTENT.ROLEPLAY:Afterabout1min.,OutsideRoundsreports#6GSWStrainerControllerinINTERMTTENT.
: 1. Transfer GSW Pumps
: 2. Raise Recirculation flow to raise reactor power to 95%
: 3. A FW Flow Instrument Failure
: 4. Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure (TS LCO
: 5. D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip (TS LCO 3.7.3, 3.7.4)
: 6. Loss of Station Air Compressors
: 7. Small Recirculation Loop leak in Drywell.
: 8. Failure to Scram (ATWS). Rods Stuck and RPS Total Scram Failure.
: 9. SLC Pump Trip
: 10. RCIC isolates on start at L2
: 11. Crew manually inserts Control Rods
AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:9Page14of20EventDescription:FirstSLCPumpstartedtrips/SecondPumpstartsTimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior+95minMALFUNCTION-C41MF0003-TripSLCPumpAORMALFUNCTION-C41MF0004-TripSLCPumpBSRODirectsSLCstarted.AcknowledgesSLCPumptripreport.oMaydirectstandbySLCPumpstarted.AcknowledgesSLCreport.ATCStartsSLCPumpandidentifiesPumpTrip.StartsstandbySLCPump.(CRITICALTASK)#InformsSROofSLCPumpTrip.ReportsSLCinjecting,timestarted,initialSLCTanklevelandreportsisolationofRWCU.#-CriticalTaskforSLCinjectionORControlRodinsertion AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:10Page15of20EventDescription:ManualInsertionofControlRods/Scram-Reset-Scramper29.ESP.03TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior+95minSRODirectsATCtoDefeatARIusing29.ESP.10.DirectsATCtoinsertControlRodsusing29.ESP.03.Afterallrodsin,SROdirectsSLCshutdown.Afterallrodsin,SROtransitionsbackto29.100.01Sheet1.ATCContactsTaggingCenter(OperatoroutsideCR)anddirectsperformanceof29.ESP.10.ROLEPLAY:TaggingCenteracknowledgesperform29.ESP.10.ROLEPLAY:About10min.afterrequest,triggerESP10DefeatsandreporttoControlRoomthat29.ESP.10iscomplete.Using29.ESP.03,utilizesoneormoreofthefollowingtoattempttoinsertControlRods:RaiseCRDHydraulicD/P.(section2.0)ManualControlRodInsertion.(section3.0)Scram-Reset-Scram.(section4.0)Attemptstodriftrodsusingsection2.0:PlaceCRDFlowControllerinMANUAL.OpenFlowControlValveusingCRDFlowcontroller.OpenC1152-F003tomaximizecoolingwaterflow.ManuallyinsertsControlRods:(CRITICALTASK)#PlaceCRDFlowControllerinMANUAL.AdjustFlowControllerandC1152-F003tomaintainsufficientD/Pforrodmotion.PlacetheRWMinBypass.CloseC11-F034ifneededtomaintaindriveD/P.#-CriticalTaskforSLCinjectionORControlinsertion AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:1EventNo.:10Page16of20EventDescription:ManualInsertionofControlRods/Scram-Reset-Scramper29.ESP.03TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehaviorATCInserttheCramArray.Insertrodsincheckerboardpatternspiralingoutfromcenter.Continueinsertingremainingrodsspiralingoutfromcenter.ScramResetandScramRe-initiation:Verify8BlueScramlightsareon.Mayre-openC1100-F034tore-chargeaccumulators.After29.ESP.10iscomplete,resetARI.VerifySDVventanddrainvalvesareopen.AllowtheSDVtodrain(3D94clear).Initiateamanualscrambyperformingoneorbothofthefollowing:Depressfourmanualscrampushbuttons.ArmanddepressARIpushbuttons.IfRodsmoveinward,repeat.Observesinwardrodmovement,resetsARIandwaitsfor3D94toclear.InitiatesARIandagainobservesinwardrodmovement(2ndtime).VerifiesallrodsinwithRWMandfullcoredisplay.CrewUpdate:"Allrodsin"ShutsdownrunningSLCpump.
: 12. Failure of E1150-F028A/B
: 13. Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays D - 38

AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:2EventNo.:NAPage1of15EventDescription:OverviewInitialConditions:Theplantiscurrentlyoperatingat~55%powerduringaplantstartup(GOP22.000.03,step4.2.14).GSWPump#6isoutofserviceformotorreplacement.Expectedreturntoserviceis4days.Plansforthecrewaretoraisereactorpowerto60%,andplacethesecondReactorFeedPump(RFP)inservice.TheManeuveringPlanhasbeenreviewedandapprovedbytheSM.NOTE:Thecrew'sPre-jobBriefingforthereactorpowerincreaseistobeconductedpriortoenteringthesimulator.(Suggestedtime30minutespriortobeginningthescenario.)Theobjectivesofthisscenarioareto:1.Recognize,respondto,andtaketherequiredactionsforinstrument/equipmentfailuresrequiringtheuseofoperatorandTechSpecactions.2.DirectandsupervisetheShiftteamduringNormal,Abnormal,andEmergencyoperations.3.RecognizeandrespondtoSeismicEvents.4.RecognizeandrespondtoControlRodDriftoutoftheCore.5.RecognizeandrespondtoSouthSealOilPumposcillatingamps.6.RecognizeandrespondtoTBCCWPumpTrip.7.RecognizeandrespondtoAPRMDownscale.8.RecognizeandrespondtoReactorRecirculationPumpSealFailure.9.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet1,RPVControl.10.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet2,PrimaryContainmentControl.11.ExecutestepsofEOP29.100.01,Sheet3,RPVFlooding.Thecrewwillberequiredtorespondtothefollowingorderofevents:1.Raisereactorpowerto60%perGOP22.000.03andPost-LPSPpullsheets.2.PlacethesecondReactorFeedPumpinserviceperSOP23.107.3.SeismicEvent4.CR30-31DriftsoutoftheCore(TSLCO3.1.3)5.SSealPumphighamps6.NTBCCWPumpTrip7.APRM1Downscale(TSLCO3.3.1.1)8.SeismicEvent(Aftershock)9.RRPumpSealFailures10.SteamLeakinDrywell11.LossofallRPVLevelInstrumentation AppendixDRequiredOperatorActionsFormES-D-2D-38Op-TestNo.:2015-1ScenarioNo.:2EventNo.:1Page2of15EventDescription:Raisereactorpowerusingcontrolrodsto60%per22.000.03NOTE:Aninstructor/evaluatorshouldbedesignatedasPeerChecker/ReactivityManagementSROfortheATCcandidateduringthepowerascension.TheinstructormayalsoactasSNEtoevaluatemaneuveringplanpredictorsbetweenpullsheets.TimePositionApplicant'sActionsorBehavior0minSRODirectsATCtoraisereactorpowerto60%usingcontrolrodsinaccordancewithPost-LPSPpullsheets.Acknowledgereportat60%power.ATCTurnsRodSelectPowerON.Foreachcontrolrodwithdrawn:Selectscontrolrodforwithdrawal.Verifiesproperindicationforselectedrod.MomentarilyplacesRodMovementControlswitchtoOUTNOTCH.Verifiesproperindicationforrodmovement.Initialspullsheetwhenrodisatproperposition.RaisesTurbineFlowLimitasrequiredtomaintain5%>reactorpower.actual.Continuesrodwithdrawalperpullsheetsuntilreactorpowerindicates~60%.Reportswhenreactorpoweris60%.
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       1          Page    3 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min        SRO
* Directs BOP to start #6 GSW Pump and shutdown #2 GSW Pump per 23.131.
* Acknowledges GSW Pump shift complete BOP
* Conducts short brief on shift of GSW Pumps.
* Contacts Chemistry to ensure NPDES requirements will not be exceeded (typically telephone call).
ROLE PLAY: Chemistry confirms NPDE requirements will NOT be exceeded.
* Contacts Outside Rounds to walk down and verify #6 GSW Pump ready for start.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Ready for Start.
* Directs Outside Rounds to place Strainer Controller for #6 GSW Pump in CONTINUOUS.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller is in CONTINUOUS.
o    Makes HI-COM announcement for GSW Pump start.
* Crew Update Starting #6GSW Pump, stopping #2 GSW Pump.
* Starts #6 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in RUN.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, Outside Rounds reports good start on #6 GSW Pump.
* Stops #2 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in OFF-RESET.
o    Verifies correct system pressure response to pump shift.
* Directs Outside Rounds to place #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in INTERMITTENT.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Strainer Controller in INTERMTTENT.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                      Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:      1          Page  4 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP
* Directs Outside Rounds to place #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.
* Reports pump shift completed.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       2            Page    5 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Raise Recirculation flow to raise power to 95% per 22.000.03 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+10 min      SRO
* Conducts brief for raising power to 95%.
* Directs BOP to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
* Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
* Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Speed Load Demand  100 MWe greater than actual.
* Directs ATC to commence raising power with recirculation flow.
o  Hi-Com announcement raising reactor power to 95%.
* Crew Update, Raising reactor power with Recirc flow.
* Raises reactor power per SOP 23.138.01, Reactor Recirc System, Section 6.1, by adjusting North and South RR MG Set speeds using B31-R621A and B, N and S RR MG Set Speed Controllers. Speed will be incrementally increased on N and S RR Pumps to achieve about 95% Power o  ATC will direct RB Rounds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110&deg;F to 130&deg;F.
ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds responds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110&deg;F to 130&deg;F.
* Maintains Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
* Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
BOP o  May direct Turbine Building Rounds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
ROLE PLAY: Turbine Building Rounds responds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
D - 38
Appendix D                 Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:     3              Page  6 of 20 Event
== Description:==
A FW Flow Instrument Failure Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+30 min MALFUNCTION - C32MF0027 - A Feed Flow Transmitter Failure SRO
* Acknowledges report of alarm 3D164, FEEDWATER CONTROL DCS TROUBLE.
* Directs shift to Single Element.
* Conducts brief for failure.
* Acknowledges DCS in Single Element.
* May contact WWM for assistance and follow-up.
* Identifies A Feedwater Flow reading low at 0.
* Identifies DCS has shifted to Forced Single Element.
* Reviews 3D164 ARP.
* Recommends shifting to Single Element.
* Shifts to Single Element.
* Reports DCS in Single Element Control.
o  May Note IPCS Heat Balance Affected by Instrument Failure.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       4              Page    7 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure Time    Position                        Applicants Actions or Behavior
+50 min MALFUNCTION - B21MF0039 - Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure OVERRIDE - BABKF3BCC - B21-N087B Fuse SRO
* Acknowledges report of 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP
* Acknowledges report of Testability conditions.
* Evaluates TS, Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation (condition A.1 - channel B must be placed in tripped condition within 12 hours).
* Evaluates 23.601, Instrument Trip Sheets.
* Identifies that fuse A71B-F3B must be pulled to place the channel in a tripped condition. Directs BOP to perform required action.
* Announces alarm 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP.
* Directs an operator to investigate the failure at Testability.
* Notifies Radiation Protection of a possible leak.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 minutes, Rounds Operator reports B21-N687B indicates upscale, and the RED TRIP light is ON. All other indications are normal.
* Reports to CRS findings from the field.
* Directs an operator to pull fuses A71B-F3B at RR H11-P611 TB DD Pos. F3.
ROLE PLAY: After about 4 minutes, actuate override, then Rounds Operator reports fuse A71B-F3B pulled.
* Reports to CRS fuse A71B-F3B pulled.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:     5            Page  8 of 20 Event
== Description:==
D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+65 min MALFUNCTION - T41MF0002 - D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip SRO
* Acknowledges alarm report.
* Acknowledges Division 1 Return Fan Trip report.
* Enters AOP 20.413.01.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* Directs BOP to start Division 2 CCHVAC.
* Enters Tech Specs:
* LCO 3.7.3 (7 Days)
* LCO 3.7.4 (30 Days)
* Acknowledges Division 2 CCHVAC started.
* Announces alarms 3D5, DIV I CONTROL ROOM A/C TROUBLE, and 3D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
* Identifies Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip.
* Dispatches RB Rounds Operator to investigate Trip of Div 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
* Dispatches Operator to check Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan breaker for cause of trip.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Breaker at 72C-2A-1B.
* Informs RB Rounds starting Division 2 CCHVAC.
* Crew Update: Starting Division 2 CCHVAC
* Starts Division 2 CCHVAC using AOP 20.413.01.
* Reports Division 2 CCHVAC is running.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Reactor Building Rounds reports hot bearing on D1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Operator reports overload trip of 72C-2A-1B.
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Appendix D                 Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:       6            Page  9 of 20 Event
== Description:==
West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, Center Station Air Compressor Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+80 min MALFUNCTION - P50MF0014 - West Station Air Compressor Loader Failure MALFUNCTION - P50MF0017 - East Station Air Compressor Trip SRO
* Acknowledges alarm report.
* Acknowledges loading failure report on West Station Air Compressor.
* Acknowledges East Station Air Compressor Trip report.
* Enter AOP 20.129.01, Loss of Station and Control Air.
* Conducts AOP brief.
* Directs BOP to start East Station Air Compressor.
* Acknowledges Station Air pressure recovery.
o  Contacts WWM for assistance and follow up.
* Announces alarm 7D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
* Reports West Station Air Compressor running unloaded.
* Reports trip of East Station Air Compressor.
* Directs Turbine Building Rounds to investigate unloader failure on West Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate loading failure on West Station Air Compressor.
* Directs Radwaste Operator to investigate breaker following trip of East Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of East Station Air Compressor locally and at breaker 72N-4D.
* Informs Rounds operator Center Station Air Compressor being started.
* Crew Update: Starting Center Station Air Compressor
* Starts Center Station Air Compressor as directed.
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Appendix D                 Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:       6          Page    10 of 20 Event
== Description:==
West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, East Station Air Compressor Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
* Reports Station Air Pressure rising.
* Completes additional subsequent actions as directed.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Turbine Building Rounds reports unknown causes for loading failure on West Station Air Compressor and trip of East Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Radwaste Operator reports Ground Fault, 64 device, indicated on 72N-4D breaker.
ROLE PLAY: If asked, report normal oil level for Center Station Air Compressor and oil leak cleaned as appropriate.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       7          Page  11 of 20 Event
== Description:==
High Drywell Pressure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO
* Requests Scram Reports.
o  May direct Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN on rising High Drywell Pressure.
* Crew Update: Entering EOPs on Failure to Scram and High Drywell Pressure
* Enters EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1, RPV Control.
o  Announces Reactor Scram on Hi-Com.
* Acknowledges Scram Reports.
* Announces Reactor Scram Signal on High Drywell Pressure.
* Places Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
* Identifies/Announces Failure to Scram Condition.
* Depresses Manual Scram Pushbuttons.
* Provides Scram Report when requested.
BOP o  Identifies rising Drywell Pressure.
* Provides Scram Report when requested.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       8              Page  12 of 20 Event
== Description:==
ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0001 - ATWS - Rods Stuck MALFUNCTION - C71MF0005 - Total Scram Failure SRO
* Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1A, RPV Control - ATWS.
* Directs ATC to perform FSQ 1 thru 8.
* Directs BOP to confirm isolations and actuations for level as they occur.
* Directs BOP to Inhibit ADS.
* Directs BOP to bypass and restore drywell pneumatics and order 29.ESP.11.
* Directs BOP to maintain pressure 900 to 1050 psig. May expand lower end of band due to leak in drywell.
* SRO acknowledges FSQ-1 thru 8 complete.
* SRO acknowledges ADS inhibited.
* SRO acknowledges report on Drywell Pneumatics and 29.ESP.11.
* Conducts EOP brief.
* Performs FSQ 1 thru 8 using Hard Card:
: 1. Confirm Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
: 2. Confirm RR Flow Runback to Minimum:
* Place or verify A & B Flow Limiter 2/3 Defeat Switch to DEFEAT.
* Adjust Setpoint of B31-R621A(B) N(S) RRMG Set Speed Controllers to 30%.
: 3. Shutdown RR Pumps.
: 4. Confirm ARI - verifies auto initiation or performs manual initiation.
* Reports FSQ-1 thru 8 is complete and Reactor Power is        %.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:       8              Page  13 of 20 Event
== Description:==
ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP
* Verifies isolations and actuations for level as they occur using Hard Card.
* Reports ADS inhibited.
* Defeats Drywell Pneumatic Isolation with Keylock Switches on H11-P808 and P817.
* Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) to perform 29.ESP.11.
* Reports Drywell Pneumatics bypassed and restored and 29.ESP.11 ordered.
ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, install defeats for 29.ESP.11 and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.11 is complete.
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Appendix D                     Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1          Event No.:       9              Page  14 of 20 Event
== Description:==
First SLC Pump started trips/Second Pump starts Time      Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+95 min MALFUNCTION - C41MF0003 - Trip SLC Pump A OR MALFUNCTION - C41MF0004 - Trip SLC Pump B SRO
* Directs SLC started.
* Acknowledges SLC Pump trip report.
o  May direct standby SLC Pump started.
* Acknowledges SLC report.
* Starts SLC Pump and identifies Pump Trip.
* Starts standby SLC Pump. (CRITICAL TASK) #
* Informs SRO of SLC Pump Trip.
* Reports SLC injecting, time started, initial SLC Tank level and reports isolation of RWCU.
# - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control Rod insertion D - 38
Appendix D                   Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1            Event No.:       10              Page  15 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time      Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+95 min        SRO
* Directs ATC to Defeat ARI using 29.ESP.10.
* Directs ATC to insert Control Rods using 29.ESP.03.
* After all rods in, SRO directs SLC shutdown.
* After all rods in, SRO transitions back to 29.100.01 Sheet 1.
* Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) and directs performance of 29.ESP.10.
ROLE PLAY: Tagging Center acknowledges perform 29.ESP.10.
ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, trigger ESP10 Defeats and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.10 is complete.
* Using 29.ESP.03, utilizes one or more of the following to attempt to insert Control Rods:
Raise CRD Hydraulic D/P. (section 2.0)
Manual Control Rod Insertion. (section 3.0)
Scram-Reset-Scram. (section 4.0)
* Attempts to drift rods using section 2.0:
Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.
Open Flow Control Valve using CRD Flow controller.
Open C1152-F003 to maximize cooling water flow.
* Manually inserts Control Rods: (CRITICAL TASK) #
Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.
Adjust Flow Controller and C1152-F003 to maintain sufficient D/P for rod motion.
Place the RWM in Bypass.
Close C11-F034 if needed to maintain drive D/P.
# - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control insertion D - 38
Appendix D                 Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:     10              Page    16 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC Insert the Cram Array.
Insert rods in checkerboard pattern spiraling out from center. Continue inserting remaining rods spiraling out from center.
* Scram Reset and Scram Re-initiation:
Verify 8 Blue Scram lights are on.
May re-open C1100-F034 to re-charge accumulators.
After 29.ESP.10 is complete, reset ARI.
Verify SDV vent and drain valves are open.
Allow the SDV to drain (3D94 clear).
Initiate a manual scram by performing one or both of the following:
Depress four manual scram pushbuttons.
Arm and depress ARI pushbuttons.
If Rods move inward, repeat.
* Observes inward rod movement, resets ARI and waits for 3D94 to clear.
* Initiates ARI and again observes inward rod movement (2nd time).
* Verifies all rods in with RWM and full core display.
* Crew Update: All rods in
* Shuts down running SLC pump.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:        11            Page  17 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Terminate and Prevent/Maintain RPV Water Level Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+96 min      SRO
* Determines that Terminate and Prevent is required. Crew Update We have met the conditions to Terminate and Prevent for Level
* Directs BOP to Terminate and Prevent all injection into the RPV with the exception of Boron, CRD and RCIC.
* Directs level lowered less than 114 Wide Range. Directs BOP to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
* After all rods in, directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
* Acknowledges order to Terminate and Prevent.
* Acknowledges lower RPV level less than 114 inches. Maintain level 50 to 100 inches on Wide Range.
* Performs Terminate and Prevent (Hard Card):
: 1. CS Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
: 2. RHR Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
: 3. SBFW Pumps to OFF.
: 4. CS Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
: 5. RHR Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
: 6. HPCI Aux Oil Pump OFF if HPCI not running or Lower HPCI Setpoint to Minimum if running.
: 7. Crew Update Lowering RPV Level.
: 8. If RFP Running, lower speed on both RFP in Manual to close FW Check Valves.
: 9. When RPV Level is less than 114 inches, commence feeding with available sources. (CRITICAL TASK)
* Uses FW or SBFW to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
* After rods are all in, restores and maintains RPV level 173 to 214 inches using available systems.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:        12            Page  18 of 20 Event
== Description:==
RCIC isolates on start at L2 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - E51MF0002 - RCIC Isolation
+98 min      SRO
* Acknowledges RCIC Isolation.
o    May inquire if available sources are adequate to maintain level.
* Identifies RCIC has isolated.
* Utilizes SBFW or Feedwater to Maintain RPV Level 50 to 100 inches.
o    May direct investigation by Rounds Operator for cause of RCIC isolation at Testability Cabinets.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      13            Page  19 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - EABQFU_TR1CC - E11-F028A Failure OR MALFUNCTION - EABHFU_TR1CC - E11-F028B Failure
+100 min    SRO
* Directs BOP to place Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
* Acknowledges report on E1150-F028A(B).
* Directs BOP to place Division 2(1) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
* Directs BOP to prepare to Spray Drywell.
* Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Verifies DWSIL Curve (on IPCS).
* Directs BOP to Spray Drywell .
* Directs Torus and Drywell Spray override to BOP .
* Places Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling/Torus Spray Lineup (Hard Card.
* Reports failure of E1150-F028A(B).
o    May direct operator to check breaker at MCC position for E11-F028A(B) (72B-3A-2A / 72E-5A-2DR)
ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of E1100-F028A(B) at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., report visual inspection shows no apparent cause for valve failure at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).
* Starts Division 1(2) RHRSW (Hard Card).
* Lines up Division 1(2) RHR for Drywell Spray (Hard Card).
* Reports ready to spray Drywell.
* Sprays Drywell (Hard Card). (CRITICAL TASK)
* Monitors Torus/Drywell Pressure.
* Acknowledges Torus and Drywell Spray Override.
o    Stops Torus Sprays if required.
o    Stops Drywell Sprays if required.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:      13            Page  20 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC
* Stops all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Assists in monitoring and maintaining RPV level.
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Appendix D                      Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1      Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    NA              Page  1 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Overview Initial Conditions:
The plant is currently operating at ~55% power during a plant startup (GOP 22.000.03, step 4.2.14). GSW Pump #6 is out of service for motor replacement. Expected return to service is 4 days. Plans for the crew are to raise reactor power to 60%, and place the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service. The Maneuvering Plan has been reviewed and approved by the SM.
NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)
The objectives of this scenario are to:
: 1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for instrument/equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
: 2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
: 3. Recognize and respond to Seismic Events.
: 4. Recognize and respond to Control Rod Drift out of the Core.
: 5. Recognize and respond to South Seal Oil Pump oscillating amps.
: 6. Recognize and respond to TBCCW Pump Trip.
: 7. Recognize and respond to APRM Downscale.
: 8. Recognize and respond to Reactor Recirculation Pump Seal Failure.
: 9. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 1, RPV Control.
: 10. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 2, Primary Containment Control.
: 11. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 3, RPV Flooding.
The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:
: 1. Raise reactor power to 60% per GOP 22.000.03 and Post-LPSP pull sheets.
: 2. Place the second Reactor Feed Pump in service per SOP 23.107.
: 3. Seismic Event
: 4. CR 30-31 Drifts out of the Core (TS LCO 3.1.3)
: 5. S Seal Pump high amps
: 6. N TBCCW Pump Trip
: 7. APRM 1 Downscale (TS LCO
: 8. Seismic Event (Aftershock)
: 9. RR Pump Seal Failures
: 10. Steam Leak in Drywell
: 11. Loss of all RPV Level Instrumentation D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                              Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  1                Page    2 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Raise reactor power using control rods to 60% per 22.000.03 NOTE: An instructor/evaluator should be designated as Peer Checker/Reactivity Management SRO for the ATC candidate during the power ascension. The instructor may also act as SNE to evaluate maneuvering plan predictors between pull sheets.
Time    Position                          Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min      SRO
* Directs ATC to raise reactor power to 60% using control rods in accordance with Post-LPSP pull sheets.
* Acknowledge report at 60% power.
* Turns Rod Select Power ON.
* For each control rod withdrawn:
* Selects control rod for withdrawal.
* Verifies proper indication for selected rod.
* Momentarily places Rod Movement Control switch to OUT NOTCH.
* Verifies proper indication for rod movement.
* Initials pull sheet when rod is at proper position.
* Raises Turbine Flow Limit as required to maintain 5% > reactor power.
* Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
* Continues rod withdrawal per pull sheets until reactor power indicates ~60%.
* Reports when reactor power is 60%.
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Appendix D                    Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1      Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:      2              Page    3 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Placing the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
Time    Position                          Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+30 min      SRO
* Directs BOP to place the second RFP in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
* Acknowledge completion of placing the second RFP in service.
* Verifies prerequisites for placing the second RFP in service are met.
* Verifies S RFP Turbine vibration is <4 mils using IPCS.
* Verifies S RFP Controller is in MANUAL and RFP Turbine is rolling at 1600-1800 rpm.
* Verifies Master Feedwater Level Controller and N RFP Controller are in AUTO.
* Places S RFP Controller in AUTO.
* Slowly adjusts bias of S RFP Controller until bias is 0%.
* Adjusts bias of S RFP Controller to balance RFP flows as desired.
* Verifies required RFP Turbine drain valves are closed.
* Reports the second Reactor Feed Pump is in service.
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Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    3                Page  4 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+40 min              MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO
* Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
* Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* Enters AOP 20.000.01, Earthquake.
* SRO acknowledges seismic monitor information.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
* SRO directs BOP to perform AOP subsequent actions (AC4 thru AC6).
* Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are normal.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
* Reviews ARP 6D69.
* Directs Operator to investigate Seismic Event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.02g horizontal and 0.02g vertical.
* BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* BOP directs Reactor Building Rounds to reset CCHVAC Purge Compressors.
ROLE PLAY: Reactor Building Rounds acknowledges reset CCHVAC purge Compressors.
* BOP informs Outside Rounds that MDCT Fans will be started.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                  Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    3        Page    5 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds acknowledges starting all MDCT Fans.
* BOP start all MDCT fans ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds inspect fans as fans are started.
Reports good start on all fans.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    4                Page    6 of 15 Event
== Description:==
CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+41 min              MALFUNCTION - C11MF0561 - CR 30-31 Continuous Withdrawal (1 min delay). Clear C11MF0561 to allow CR to settle to 00.
* Acknowledges Rod Drift Alarm.
* Acknowledges CR 30-31 drifting out of the core.
* Enters AOP 20.106.07, Rod Drift.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* Directs ATC to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
* Enters Tech Spec 3.1.3 (Condition C - insert - 3 hours; disarm -
4 hours).
* Acknowledges CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
* Contacts SNE to report CR 30-31 disarmed.
ROLE PLAY: As SNE, acknowledge report that CR 30-31 is inserted and disarmed.
o  May conduct brief and exit AOP.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    4              Page    7 of 15 Event
== Description:==
CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core ATC
* Announces Rod Drift Alarm.
* Identifies CR 30-31 drifting out the core.
* Drives CR 30-31 fully in using Emergency - IN.
* Reports CR 30-31 fully inserted.
* Dispatches RB Rounds to HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Go to HCU 30-31 and stand by to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds: Standing by at HCU 30-31.
* ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: C11-F103 at HCU 30-31 is closed.
* ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: C11-F105 at HCU 30-31 is closed.
* Reports to CRS that CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    5                  Page    8 of 15 Event
== Description:==
S Seal Oil Pump high amps Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+55 min              MALFUNCTION - NIXAP804_A180NOISE - South Seal Oil Pump ROLE PLAY: TB Rounds Operator calls and reports S Seal Oil Pump is making loud noises.
* Acknowledges report of oscillating amps on S Seal Oil Pump.
* Conducts Brief.
* Directs BOP to Start N Seal Oil Pump.
* Acknowledges N Seal Oil Pump Running.
* Announces S South Oil Pump has indication of oscillating amps.
* Starts N Seal Oil Pump, and places S Seal Oil pump in OFF/RESET.
* Informs tagging center of potential issue with S Seal Oil Pump.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on North Seal Oil Pump.
* BOP reports North Seal Oil Pump running with South in OFF/RESET.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    6                  Page  9 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Trip of N TBCCW Pump Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+65 min              MALFUNCTION - P43MF0025 - North TBCCW Pump Trip SRO
* Acknowledges Trip of North TBCCW Pump
* Enters AOP 20.128.01, Loss of TBCCW
* Conducts AOP Brief
* Directs BOP to Start South TBCCW Pump
* Acknowledges South TBCCW Pump Running o    May Exit AOP BOP
* Announces Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
* Dispatches TB Rounds Operator to investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at pump.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
* Informs TB Rounds Operator that South TBCCW Pump will be started.
ROLE PLAY: Starting South TBCCW Pump.
* Starts South TBCCW Pump.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on South TBCCW Pump.
* Dispatches Operator to investigate breaker for tripped North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, TB Rounds reports No apparent cause for North TBCCW Pump trip at the pump.
* BOP reports South TBCCW Pump running.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min, Operator reports 72M-2D tripped on overload, and there is an acrid odor in the area.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  7              Page    10 of 15 Event
== Description:==
APRM 1 Downscale Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+75 min              MALFUNCTION - C51MF0001 - APRM 1 Failure SRO
* Acknowledges Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
* Directs ATC to bypass APRM 1 per SOP.
* Enters Tech Specs:
* LCO (Tracking LCO)
* LCO (Tracking LCO)
* Conducts Brief.
* Announces Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
* Identifies Failure of APRM 1 Downscale.
* Reviews ARPs.
* Identifies applicable TS to SRO.
* Dispatches Operator to Relay Room to investigate failure of APRM 1.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of APRM 1.
* Bypasses APRM 1 per SOP.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, report from Relay Room No apparent cause for failure at APRM 1, APRM 1 reading downscale.
All other APRMs reading normal.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    8                Page    11 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Aftershock - Seismic Event. at 0.04g Horizontal and Vertical Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+85 min              MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO
* Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
* Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* SRO acknowledges seismic information.
* SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
* Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
* Reviews ARP 6D69.
* Directs Operator to investigate Seismic event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.04g horizontal and 0.04g vertical.
* BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    9              Page  12 of 15 Event
== Description:==
B RR Pump Seal Failures. Rising Drywell Pressure Time    Position                    Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - B31MF0064 - B RR Pump Outer Seal Failure
+86 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0065 - B RR Pump Inner Seal Failure MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO
* Acknowledge Alarms.
o  May direct ATC to isolate B RR Pump per SOP 23.138.01.
* Acknowledges rising Drywell pressure.
* Announces Alarm 3D147.
* Reports rising pressure on inner seal on RR Pump B.
* Reviews ARP.
* Announces Alarm 3D145.
* Reports lowering pressure on both RR Pump B seals.
o  May attempt B RR Pump isolation per SOP 23.138.01.
* Announces rising Drywell pressure, Crew Update Rising Drywell Pressure.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  10              Page    13 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min      SRO
* Directs ATC to place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.
* Requests Scram Reports.
* Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Pressure and Level 3.
* Directs BOP to Verify Isolations/Actuations for Level as they occur (Hard Card).
* Directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
* Directs BOP to maintain RPV pressure 900 to 1050 psig.
o  May lower pressure band due to leak in Drywell.
* Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Temperature.
* Directs ATC to verify initiation of EECW, isolation of EECW to the drywell, and to restore cooling to CRD.
* Directs BOP to prevent injection from CS and LPCI pumps not required for ACC.
* Directs ATC to place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode.
o  May direct ATC to close E1150-F010.
* Directs ATC to verify RR Pumps are shutdown.
* Verifies within DWSIL (IPCS).
* Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Directs ATC to prepare to spray the Drywell.
* Directs ATC to spray the Drywell.
* Directs Torus and Drywell Pressure Override to ATC (0 psig).
* Places Reactor Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
* Provides Scram Report.
* Verifies initiation of EECW.
* Verifies isolation of EECW to the drywell.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  10                Page    14 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure ATC
* Restores Cooling to CRD Pumps.
* Shutdown Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode (Hard Card).
* Starts Division 1 RHRSW (Hard Card).
o  May close E1150-F010.
* Performs lineup to spray the Drywell.
* Sprays the drywell when directed by SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
* Stops Torus or Drywell Sprays if override conditions met (0 psig).
* Provides Scram Report.
* Restores and maintains RPV water level 173 to 214 inches with available systems.
* Verifies isolation and actuations for level as they occur.
* Shutdown CS and LPCI pumps not needed for RPV level. (Hard Cards).
* Maintains RPV pressure as directed.
* Reports when out of Pressure Band.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    11                Page  15 of 15 Event
== Description:==
RPV Level Instrumentation Fails. RPV Flooding Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior Malfunction - B21MF0060 - Division 1 Reference Leg Failure (12A)
+100 min Malfunction - B21MF0059 - Division 2 Reference Leg Failure (12B)
Malfunction - B21MF0073 - Floodup Level Transmitter Failure SRO
* Acknowledges Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* Crew Update: We have met the conditions for RPV Flooding.
* Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 3.
* Directs BOP to open 5 SRVs - ADS preferred.
* Directs ATC to bypass and restore Drywell Pneumatics.
* Directs BOP to Close MSIVs, Main Steam Drains, RCIC Steam Supply and HPCI Steam Supply Valves.
* Directs BOP to Flood the RPV to Main Steam Lines.
* Directs BOP to have operator monitor SRV Tailpipe temperatures.
* Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* Bypasses isolation signals with Keylock Switches and opens Drywell Pneumatics Valves if closed.
* Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* BOP opens 5 ADS SRVs.
* BOP closes MSIVs, Main Steam Drains, RCIC Steam Supply and HPCI Steam Supply Valves.
* BOP floods RPV to the Main Steam Lines with available systems as directed by the SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
* BOP directs operator to monitor SRV tailpipe temperatures.
ROLE PLAY: Monitor SRV Tailpipe Temperatures in the Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: After flooding conditions are established, report SRV tailpipe temperatures for the open SRV(s) are 265&deg;F and lowering slowly.
D - 38
Appendix D                      Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1            Event No.:      N/A              Page  1 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Overview Initial Conditions:
The plant is currently operating at 89% power at MOC following a power reduction for replacement of the #3 LPSV Unitized Actuator. B CRD Pump is out of service for pump rebuild. Expected return to service is 4 days. Center SAC is NON-PREFFERED USE due to oil leaks on the compressor. Plans for the crew are to shift GSW pumps to run #6 GSW and shutdown #2 GSW to repair leaks on the discharge strainer. The crew is to then raise power with flow to 92%, then raise power at 3% per hour to 95%, and then hold at 95% to validate power vs steam flow per GOP 22.000.03.
NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)
The objectives of this scenario are to:
: 1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for an instrument / equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
: 2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
: 3. Recognize and respond to A Feedwater Flow Instrument Failure.
: 4. Recognize and respond to Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure.
: 5. Recognize and respond to Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip - AOP 20.413.01.
: 6. Recognize and respond to Loss of Station Air - AOP 20.129.01.
: 7. Recognize and respond to High Drywell Pressure.
: 8. Execute steps of RPV Control - ATWS Sheet 1A.
: 9. Execute steps of PC Control - 29.100.01 Sheet 2.
: 10. Recognize and respond to trip of an SLC Pump.
: 11. Manually insert Control Rods per 29.ESP.03.
: 12. Recognize and respond to isolation of RCIC.
: 13. Initiate Torus Cooling, Torus Spray and Drywell Spray using the RHR System.
: 14. Recognize and respond to failure of E1150-F028A/B.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                  Form ES-D-2 The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:
: 1. Transfer GSW Pumps
: 2. Raise Recirculation flow to raise reactor power to 95%
: 3. A FW Flow Instrument Failure
: 4. Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure (TS LCO
: 5. D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip (TS LCO 3.7.3, 3.7.4)
: 6. Loss of Station Air Compressors
: 7. Small Recirculation Loop leak in Drywell.
: 8. Failure to Scram (ATWS). Rods Stuck and RPS Total Scram Failure.
: 9. SLC Pump Trip
: 10. RCIC isolates on start at L2
: 11. Crew manually inserts Control Rods
: 12. Failure of E1150-F028A/B
: 13. Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      1          Page    3 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min        SRO
* Directs BOP to start #6 GSW Pump and shutdown #2 GSW Pump per 23.131.
* Acknowledges GSW Pump shift complete BOP
* Conducts short brief on shift of GSW Pumps.
* Contacts Chemistry to ensure NPDES requirements will not be exceeded (typically telephone call).
ROLE PLAY: Chemistry confirms NPDE requirements will NOT be exceeded.
* Contacts Outside Rounds to walk down and verify #6 GSW Pump ready for start.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Ready for Start.
* Directs Outside Rounds to place Strainer Controller for #6 GSW Pump in CONTINUOUS.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller is in CONTINUOUS.
o    Makes HI-COM announcement for GSW Pump start.
* Crew Update Starting #6GSW Pump, stopping #2 GSW Pump.
* Starts #6 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in RUN.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, Outside Rounds reports good start on #6 GSW Pump.
* Stops #2 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in OFF-RESET.
o    Verifies correct system pressure response to pump shift.
* Directs Outside Rounds to place #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in INTERMITTENT.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Strainer Controller in INTERMTTENT.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                      Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:      1          Page  4 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP
* Directs Outside Rounds to place #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.
ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.
* Reports pump shift completed.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      2            Page    5 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Raise Recirculation flow to raise power to 95% per 22.000.03 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+10 min      SRO
* Conducts brief for raising power to 95%.
* Directs BOP to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
* Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
* Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Speed Load Demand  100 MWe greater than actual.
* Directs ATC to commence raising power with recirculation flow.
o  Hi-Com announcement raising reactor power to 95%.
* Crew Update, Raising reactor power with Recirc flow.
* Raises reactor power per SOP 23.138.01, Reactor Recirc System, Section 6.1, by adjusting North and South RR MG Set speeds using B31-R621A and B, N and S RR MG Set Speed Controllers. Speed will be incrementally increased on N and S RR Pumps to achieve about 95% Power o  ATC will direct RB Rounds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110&deg;F to 130&deg;F.
ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds responds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110&deg;F to 130&deg;F.
* Maintains Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
* Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
BOP o  May direct Turbine Building Rounds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
ROLE PLAY: Turbine Building Rounds responds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      3              Page  6 of 20 Event
== Description:==
A FW Flow Instrument Failure Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+30 min MALFUNCTION - C32MF0027 - A Feed Flow Transmitter Failure SRO
* Acknowledges report of alarm 3D164, FEEDWATER CONTROL DCS TROUBLE.
* Directs shift to Single Element.
* Conducts brief for failure.
* Acknowledges DCS in Single Element.
* May contact WWM for assistance and follow-up.
* Identifies A Feedwater Flow reading low at 0.
* Identifies DCS has shifted to Forced Single Element.
* Reviews 3D164 ARP.
* Recommends shifting to Single Element.
* Shifts to Single Element.
* Reports DCS in Single Element Control.
o  May Note IPCS Heat Balance Affected by Instrument Failure.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      4              Page    7 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure Time    Position                        Applicants Actions or Behavior
+50 min MALFUNCTION - B21MF0039 - Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure OVERRIDE - BABKF3BCC - B21-N087B Fuse SRO
* Acknowledges report of 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP
* Acknowledges report of Testability conditions.
* Evaluates TS, Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation (condition A.1 - channel B must be placed in tripped condition within 12 hours).
* Evaluates 23.601, Instrument Trip Sheets.
* Identifies that fuse A71B-F3B must be pulled to place the channel in a tripped condition. Directs BOP to perform required action.
* Announces alarm 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP.
* Directs an operator to investigate the failure at Testability.
* Notifies Radiation Protection of a possible leak.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 minutes, Rounds Operator reports B21-N687B indicates upscale, and the RED TRIP light is ON. All other indications are normal.
* Reports to CRS findings from the field.
* Directs an operator to pull fuses A71B-F3B at RR H11-P611 TB DD Pos. F3.
ROLE PLAY: After about 4 minutes, actuate override, then Rounds Operator reports fuse A71B-F3B pulled.
* Reports to CRS fuse A71B-F3B pulled.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      5            Page  8 of 20 Event
== Description:==
D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+65 min MALFUNCTION - T41MF0002 - D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip SRO
* Acknowledges alarm report.
* Acknowledges Division 1 Return Fan Trip report.
* Enters AOP 20.413.01.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* Directs BOP to start Division 2 CCHVAC.
* Enters Tech Specs:
* LCO 3.7.3 (7 Days)
* LCO 3.7.4 (30 Days)
* Acknowledges Division 2 CCHVAC started.
* Announces alarms 3D5, DIV I CONTROL ROOM A/C TROUBLE, and 3D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
* Identifies Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip.
* Dispatches RB Rounds Operator to investigate Trip of Div 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
* Dispatches Operator to check Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan breaker for cause of trip.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Breaker at 72C-2A-1B.
* Informs RB Rounds starting Division 2 CCHVAC.
* Crew Update: Starting Division 2 CCHVAC
* Starts Division 2 CCHVAC using AOP 20.413.01.
* Reports Division 2 CCHVAC is running.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Reactor Building Rounds reports hot bearing on D1 CCHVAC Return Fan.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Operator reports overload trip of 72C-2A-1B.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:        6            Page  9 of 20 Event
== Description:==
West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, Center Station Air Compressor Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+80 min MALFUNCTION - P50MF0014 - West Station Air Compressor Loader Failure MALFUNCTION - P50MF0017 - East Station Air Compressor Trip SRO
* Acknowledges alarm report.
* Acknowledges loading failure report on West Station Air Compressor.
* Acknowledges East Station Air Compressor Trip report.
* Enter AOP 20.129.01, Loss of Station and Control Air.
* Conducts AOP brief.
* Directs BOP to start East Station Air Compressor.
* Acknowledges Station Air pressure recovery.
o  Contacts WWM for assistance and follow up.
* Announces alarm 7D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
* Reports West Station Air Compressor running unloaded.
* Reports trip of East Station Air Compressor.
* Directs Turbine Building Rounds to investigate unloader failure on West Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate loading failure on West Station Air Compressor.
* Directs Radwaste Operator to investigate breaker following trip of East Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of East Station Air Compressor locally and at breaker 72N-4D.
* Informs Rounds operator Center Station Air Compressor being started.
* Crew Update: Starting Center Station Air Compressor
* Starts Center Station Air Compressor as directed.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:        6          Page    10 of 20 Event
== Description:==
West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, East Station Air Compressor Trip Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
* Reports Station Air Pressure rising.
* Completes additional subsequent actions as directed.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Turbine Building Rounds reports unknown causes for loading failure on West Station Air Compressor and trip of East Station Air Compressor.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Radwaste Operator reports Ground Fault, 64 device, indicated on 72N-4D breaker.
ROLE PLAY: If asked, report normal oil level for Center Station Air Compressor and oil leak cleaned as appropriate.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      7          Page  11 of 20 Event
== Description:==
High Drywell Pressure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO
* Requests Scram Reports.
o  May direct Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN on rising High Drywell Pressure.
* Crew Update: Entering EOPs on Failure to Scram and High Drywell Pressure
* Enters EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1, RPV Control.
o  Announces Reactor Scram on Hi-Com.
* Acknowledges Scram Reports.
* Announces Reactor Scram Signal on High Drywell Pressure.
* Places Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
* Identifies/Announces Failure to Scram Condition.
* Depresses Manual Scram Pushbuttons.
* Provides Scram Report when requested.
BOP o  Identifies rising Drywell Pressure.
* Provides Scram Report when requested.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      8              Page  12 of 20 Event
== Description:==
ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0001 - ATWS - Rods Stuck MALFUNCTION - C71MF0005 - Total Scram Failure SRO
* Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1A, RPV Control - ATWS.
* Directs ATC to perform FSQ 1 thru 8.
* Directs BOP to confirm isolations and actuations for level as they occur.
* Directs BOP to Inhibit ADS.
* Directs BOP to bypass and restore drywell pneumatics and order 29.ESP.11.
* Directs BOP to maintain pressure 900 to 1050 psig. May expand lower end of band due to leak in drywell.
* SRO acknowledges FSQ-1 thru 8 complete.
* SRO acknowledges ADS inhibited.
* SRO acknowledges report on Drywell Pneumatics and 29.ESP.11.
* Conducts EOP brief.
* Performs FSQ 1 thru 8 using Hard Card:
: 1. Confirm Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
: 2. Confirm RR Flow Runback to Minimum:
* Place or verify A & B Flow Limiter 2/3 Defeat Switch to DEFEAT.
* Adjust Setpoint of B31-R621A(B) N(S) RRMG Set Speed Controllers to 30%.
: 3. Shutdown RR Pumps.
: 4. Confirm ARI - verifies auto initiation or performs manual initiation.
* Reports FSQ-1 thru 8 is complete and Reactor Power is        %.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      8              Page  13 of 20 Event
== Description:==
ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP
* Verifies isolations and actuations for level as they occur using Hard Card.
* Reports ADS inhibited.
* Defeats Drywell Pneumatic Isolation with Keylock Switches on H11-P808 and P817.
* Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) to perform 29.ESP.11.
* Reports Drywell Pneumatics bypassed and restored and 29.ESP.11 ordered.
ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, install defeats for 29.ESP.11 and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.11 is complete.
D - 38
Appendix D                    Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1          Event No.:      9              Page  14 of 20 Event
== Description:==
First SLC Pump started trips/Second Pump starts Time      Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+95 min MALFUNCTION - C41MF0003 - Trip SLC Pump A OR MALFUNCTION - C41MF0004 - Trip SLC Pump B SRO
* Directs SLC started.
* Acknowledges SLC Pump trip report.
o  May direct standby SLC Pump started.
* Acknowledges SLC report.
* Starts SLC Pump and identifies Pump Trip.
* Starts standby SLC Pump. (CRITICAL TASK) #
* Informs SRO of SLC Pump Trip.
* Reports SLC injecting, time started, initial SLC Tank level and reports isolation of RWCU.
# - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control Rod insertion D - 38
Appendix D                    Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1            Event No.:      10              Page  15 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time      Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+95 min        SRO
* Directs ATC to Defeat ARI using 29.ESP.10.
* Directs ATC to insert Control Rods using 29.ESP.03.
* After all rods in, SRO directs SLC shutdown.
* After all rods in, SRO transitions back to 29.100.01 Sheet 1.
* Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) and directs performance of 29.ESP.10.
ROLE PLAY: Tagging Center acknowledges perform 29.ESP.10.
ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, trigger ESP10 Defeats and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.10 is complete.
* Using 29.ESP.03, utilizes one or more of the following to attempt to insert Control Rods:
Raise CRD Hydraulic D/P. (section 2.0)
Manual Control Rod Insertion. (section 3.0)
Scram-Reset-Scram. (section 4.0)
* Attempts to drift rods using section 2.0:
Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.
Open Flow Control Valve using CRD Flow controller.
Open C1152-F003 to maximize cooling water flow.
* Manually inserts Control Rods: (CRITICAL TASK) #
Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.
Adjust Flow Controller and C1152-F003 to maintain sufficient D/P for rod motion.
Place the RWM in Bypass.
Close C11-F034 if needed to maintain drive D/P.
# - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control insertion D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      10              Page    16 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC Insert the Cram Array.
Insert rods in checkerboard pattern spiraling out from center. Continue inserting remaining rods spiraling out from center.
* Scram Reset and Scram Re-initiation:
Verify 8 Blue Scram lights are on.
May re-open C1100-F034 to re-charge accumulators.
After 29.ESP.10 is complete, reset ARI.
Verify SDV vent and drain valves are open.
Allow the SDV to drain (3D94 clear).
Initiate a manual scram by performing one or both of the following:
Depress four manual scram pushbuttons.
Arm and depress ARI pushbuttons.
If Rods move inward, repeat.
* Observes inward rod movement, resets ARI and waits for 3D94 to clear.
* Initiates ARI and again observes inward rod movement (2nd time).
* Verifies all rods in with RWM and full core display.
* Crew Update: All rods in
* Shuts down running SLC pump.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:        11            Page  17 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Terminate and Prevent/Maintain RPV Water Level Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+96 min      SRO
* Determines that Terminate and Prevent is required. Crew Update We have met the conditions to Terminate and Prevent for Level
* Directs BOP to Terminate and Prevent all injection into the RPV with the exception of Boron, CRD and RCIC.
* Directs level lowered less than 114 Wide Range. Directs BOP to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
* After all rods in, directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
* Acknowledges order to Terminate and Prevent.
* Acknowledges lower RPV level less than 114 inches. Maintain level 50 to 100 inches on Wide Range.
* Performs Terminate and Prevent (Hard Card):
: 1. CS Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
: 2. RHR Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
: 3. SBFW Pumps to OFF.
: 4. CS Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
: 5. RHR Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
: 6. HPCI Aux Oil Pump OFF if HPCI not running or Lower HPCI Setpoint to Minimum if running.
: 7. Crew Update Lowering RPV Level.
: 8. If RFP Running, lower speed on both RFP in Manual to close FW Check Valves.
: 9. When RPV Level is less than 114 inches, commence feeding with available sources. (CRITICAL TASK)
* Uses FW or SBFW to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
* After rods are all in, restores and maintains RPV level 173 to 214 inches using available systems.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:        12            Page  18 of 20 Event
== Description:==
RCIC isolates on start at L2 Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - E51MF0002 - RCIC Isolation
+98 min      SRO
* Acknowledges RCIC Isolation.
o    May inquire if available sources are adequate to maintain level.
* Identifies RCIC has isolated.
* Utilizes SBFW or Feedwater to Maintain RPV Level 50 to 100 inches.
o    May direct investigation by Rounds Operator for cause of RCIC isolation at Testability Cabinets.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1        Event No.:      13            Page  19 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - EABQFU_TR1CC - E11-F028A Failure OR MALFUNCTION - EABHFU_TR1CC - E11-F028B Failure
+100 min    SRO
* Directs BOP to place Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
* Acknowledges report on E1150-F028A(B).
* Directs BOP to place Division 2(1) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
* Directs BOP to prepare to Spray Drywell.
* Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Verifies DWSIL Curve (on IPCS).
* Directs BOP to Spray Drywell .
* Directs Torus and Drywell Spray override to BOP .
* Places Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling/Torus Spray Lineup (Hard Card.
* Reports failure of E1150-F028A(B).
o    May direct operator to check breaker at MCC position for E11-F028A(B) (72B-3A-2A / 72E-5A-2DR)
ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of E1100-F028A(B) at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., report visual inspection shows no apparent cause for valve failure at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).
* Starts Division 1(2) RHRSW (Hard Card).
* Lines up Division 1(2) RHR for Drywell Spray (Hard Card).
* Reports ready to spray Drywell.
* Sprays Drywell (Hard Card). (CRITICAL TASK)
* Monitors Torus/Drywell Pressure.
* Acknowledges Torus and Drywell Spray Override.
o    Stops Torus Sprays if required.
o    Stops Drywell Sprays if required.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1      Event No.:      13            Page  20 of 20 Event
== Description:==
Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC
* Stops all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Assists in monitoring and maintaining RPV level.
D - 38
Appendix D                      Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1      Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    NA              Page  1 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Overview Initial Conditions:
The plant is currently operating at ~55% power during a plant startup (GOP 22.000.03, step 4.2.14). GSW Pump #6 is out of service for motor replacement. Expected return to service is 4 days. Plans for the crew are to raise reactor power to 60%, and place the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service. The Maneuvering Plan has been reviewed and approved by the SM.
NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)
The objectives of this scenario are to:
: 1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for instrument/equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
: 2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
: 3. Recognize and respond to Seismic Events.
: 4. Recognize and respond to Control Rod Drift out of the Core.
: 5. Recognize and respond to South Seal Oil Pump oscillating amps.
: 6. Recognize and respond to TBCCW Pump Trip.
: 7. Recognize and respond to APRM Downscale.
: 8. Recognize and respond to Reactor Recirculation Pump Seal Failure.
: 9. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 1, RPV Control.
: 10. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 2, Primary Containment Control.
: 11. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 3, RPV Flooding.
The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:
: 1. Raise reactor power to 60% per GOP 22.000.03 and Post-LPSP pull sheets.
: 2. Place the second Reactor Feed Pump in service per SOP 23.107.
: 3. Seismic Event
: 4. CR 30-31 Drifts out of the Core (TS LCO 3.1.3)
: 5. S Seal Pump high amps
: 6. N TBCCW Pump Trip
: 7. APRM 1 Downscale (TS LCO
: 8. Seismic Event (Aftershock)
: 9. RR Pump Seal Failures
: 10. Steam Leak in Drywell
: 11. Loss of all RPV Level Instrumentation D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                              Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  1                Page    2 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Raise reactor power using control rods to 60% per 22.000.03 NOTE: An instructor/evaluator should be designated as Peer Checker/Reactivity Management SRO for the ATC candidate during the power ascension. The instructor may also act as SNE to evaluate maneuvering plan predictors between pull sheets.
Time    Position                          Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min      SRO
* Directs ATC to raise reactor power to 60% using control rods in accordance with Post-LPSP pull sheets.
* Acknowledge report at 60% power.
* Turns Rod Select Power ON.
* For each control rod withdrawn:
* Selects control rod for withdrawal.
* Verifies proper indication for selected rod.
* Momentarily places Rod Movement Control switch to OUT NOTCH.
* Verifies proper indication for rod movement.
* Initials pull sheet when rod is at proper position.
* Raises Turbine Flow Limit as required to maintain 5% > reactor power.
* Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
* Continues rod withdrawal per pull sheets until reactor power indicates ~60%.
* Reports when reactor power is 60%.
D - 38
Appendix D                    Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1      Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:      2              Page    3 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Placing the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
Time    Position                          Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+30 min      SRO
* Directs BOP to place the second RFP in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
* Acknowledge completion of placing the second RFP in service.
* Verifies prerequisites for placing the second RFP in service are met.
* Verifies S RFP Turbine vibration is <4 mils using IPCS.
* Verifies S RFP Controller is in MANUAL and RFP Turbine is rolling at 1600-1800 rpm.
* Verifies Master Feedwater Level Controller and N RFP Controller are in AUTO.
* Places S RFP Controller in AUTO.
* Slowly adjusts bias of S RFP Controller until bias is 0%.
* Adjusts bias of S RFP Controller to balance RFP flows as desired.
* Verifies required RFP Turbine drain valves are closed.
* Reports the second Reactor Feed Pump is in service.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    3                Page  4 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+40 min              MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO
* Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
* Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* Enters AOP 20.000.01, Earthquake.
* SRO acknowledges seismic monitor information.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
* SRO directs BOP to perform AOP subsequent actions (AC4 thru AC6).
* Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are normal.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
* Reviews ARP 6D69.
* Directs Operator to investigate Seismic Event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.02g horizontal and 0.02g vertical.
* BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* BOP directs Reactor Building Rounds to reset CCHVAC Purge Compressors.
ROLE PLAY: Reactor Building Rounds acknowledges reset CCHVAC purge Compressors.
* BOP informs Outside Rounds that MDCT Fans will be started.
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Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                  Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    3        Page    5 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds acknowledges starting all MDCT Fans.
* BOP start all MDCT fans ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds inspect fans as fans are started.
Reports good start on all fans.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    4                Page    6 of 15 Event
== Description:==
CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+41 min              MALFUNCTION - C11MF0561 - CR 30-31 Continuous Withdrawal (1 min delay). Clear C11MF0561 to allow CR to settle to 00.
* Acknowledges Rod Drift Alarm.
* Acknowledges CR 30-31 drifting out of the core.
* Enters AOP 20.106.07, Rod Drift.
* Conducts AOP Brief.
* Directs ATC to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
* Enters Tech Spec 3.1.3 (Condition C - insert - 3 hours; disarm -
4 hours).
* Acknowledges CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
* Contacts SNE to report CR 30-31 disarmed.
ROLE PLAY: As SNE, acknowledge report that CR 30-31 is inserted and disarmed.
o  May conduct brief and exit AOP.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    4              Page    7 of 15 Event
== Description:==
CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core ATC
* Announces Rod Drift Alarm.
* Identifies CR 30-31 drifting out the core.
* Drives CR 30-31 fully in using Emergency - IN.
* Reports CR 30-31 fully inserted.
* Dispatches RB Rounds to HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Go to HCU 30-31 and stand by to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds: Standing by at HCU 30-31.
* ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: C11-F103 at HCU 30-31 is closed.
* ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.
ROLE PLAY: C11-F105 at HCU 30-31 is closed.
* Reports to CRS that CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    5                  Page    8 of 15 Event
== Description:==
S Seal Oil Pump high amps Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+55 min              MALFUNCTION - NIXAP804_A180NOISE - South Seal Oil Pump ROLE PLAY: TB Rounds Operator calls and reports S Seal Oil Pump is making loud noises.
* Acknowledges report of oscillating amps on S Seal Oil Pump.
* Conducts Brief.
* Directs BOP to Start N Seal Oil Pump.
* Acknowledges N Seal Oil Pump Running.
* Announces S South Oil Pump has indication of oscillating amps.
* Starts N Seal Oil Pump, and places S Seal Oil pump in OFF/RESET.
* Informs tagging center of potential issue with S Seal Oil Pump.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on North Seal Oil Pump.
* BOP reports North Seal Oil Pump running with South in OFF/RESET.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2  Event No.:    6                  Page  9 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Trip of N TBCCW Pump Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+65 min              MALFUNCTION - P43MF0025 - North TBCCW Pump Trip SRO
* Acknowledges Trip of North TBCCW Pump
* Enters AOP 20.128.01, Loss of TBCCW
* Conducts AOP Brief
* Directs BOP to Start South TBCCW Pump
* Acknowledges South TBCCW Pump Running o    May Exit AOP BOP
* Announces Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
* Dispatches TB Rounds Operator to investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at pump.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
* Informs TB Rounds Operator that South TBCCW Pump will be started.
ROLE PLAY: Starting South TBCCW Pump.
* Starts South TBCCW Pump.
ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on South TBCCW Pump.
* Dispatches Operator to investigate breaker for tripped North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, TB Rounds reports No apparent cause for North TBCCW Pump trip at the pump.
* BOP reports South TBCCW Pump running.
ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min, Operator reports 72M-2D tripped on overload, and there is an acrid odor in the area.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  7              Page    10 of 15 Event
== Description:==
APRM 1 Downscale Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+75 min              MALFUNCTION - C51MF0001 - APRM 1 Failure SRO
* Acknowledges Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
* Directs ATC to bypass APRM 1 per SOP.
* Enters Tech Specs:
* LCO (Tracking LCO)
* LCO (Tracking LCO)
* Conducts Brief.
* Announces Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
* Identifies Failure of APRM 1 Downscale.
* Reviews ARPs.
* Identifies applicable TS to SRO.
* Dispatches Operator to Relay Room to investigate failure of APRM 1.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of APRM 1.
* Bypasses APRM 1 per SOP.
ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, report from Relay Room No apparent cause for failure at APRM 1, APRM 1 reading downscale.
All other APRMs reading normal.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                          Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    8                Page    11 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Aftershock - Seismic Event. at 0.04g Horizontal and Vertical Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+85 min              MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO
* Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
* Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* SRO acknowledges seismic information.
* SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
* Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
* Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
* Reviews ARP 6D69.
* Directs Operator to investigate Seismic event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.
ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.04g horizontal and 0.04g vertical.
* BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
* Monitors parameters as directed.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                        Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:  2    Event No.:    9              Page  12 of 15 Event
== Description:==
B RR Pump Seal Failures. Rising Drywell Pressure Time    Position                    Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - B31MF0064 - B RR Pump Outer Seal Failure
+86 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0065 - B RR Pump Inner Seal Failure MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO
* Acknowledge Alarms.
o  May direct ATC to isolate B RR Pump per SOP 23.138.01.
* Acknowledges rising Drywell pressure.
* Announces Alarm 3D147.
* Reports rising pressure on inner seal on RR Pump B.
* Reviews ARP.
* Announces Alarm 3D145.
* Reports lowering pressure on both RR Pump B seals.
o  May attempt B RR Pump isolation per SOP 23.138.01.
* Announces rising Drywell pressure, Crew Update Rising Drywell Pressure.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  10              Page    13 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure Time    Position                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior
+90 min      SRO
* Directs ATC to place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.
* Requests Scram Reports.
* Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Pressure and Level 3.
* Directs BOP to Verify Isolations/Actuations for Level as they occur (Hard Card).
* Directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
* Directs BOP to maintain RPV pressure 900 to 1050 psig.
o  May lower pressure band due to leak in Drywell.
* Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Temperature.
* Directs ATC to verify initiation of EECW, isolation of EECW to the drywell, and to restore cooling to CRD.
* Directs BOP to prevent injection from CS and LPCI pumps not required for ACC.
* Directs ATC to place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode.
o  May direct ATC to close E1150-F010.
* Directs ATC to verify RR Pumps are shutdown.
* Verifies within DWSIL (IPCS).
* Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Directs ATC to prepare to spray the Drywell.
* Directs ATC to spray the Drywell.
* Directs Torus and Drywell Pressure Override to ATC (0 psig).
* Places Reactor Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
* Provides Scram Report.
* Verifies initiation of EECW.
* Verifies isolation of EECW to the drywell.
D - 38
Appendix D                Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1  Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:  10                Page    14 of 15 Event
== Description:==
Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure ATC
* Restores Cooling to CRD Pumps.
* Shutdown Drywell Cooling Fans.
* Place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode (Hard Card).
* Starts Division 1 RHRSW (Hard Card).
o  May close E1150-F010.
* Performs lineup to spray the Drywell.
* Sprays the drywell when directed by SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
* Stops Torus or Drywell Sprays if override conditions met (0 psig).
* Provides Scram Report.
* Restores and maintains RPV water level 173 to 214 inches with available systems.
* Verifies isolation and actuations for level as they occur.
* Shutdown CS and LPCI pumps not needed for RPV level. (Hard Cards).
* Maintains RPV pressure as directed.
* Reports when out of Pressure Band.
D - 38
Appendix D                  Required Operator Actions                            Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1    Scenario No.:    2    Event No.:    11                Page  15 of 15 Event
== Description:==
RPV Level Instrumentation Fails. RPV Flooding Time    Position                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior Malfunction - B21MF0060 - Division 1 Reference Leg Failure (12A)
+100 min Malfunction - B21MF0059 - Division 2 Reference Leg Failure (12B)
Malfunction - B21MF0073 - Floodup Level Transmitter Failure SRO
* Acknowledges Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* Crew Update: We have met the conditions for RPV Flooding.
* Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 3.
* Directs BOP to open 5 SRVs - ADS preferred.
* Directs ATC to bypass and restore Drywell Pneumatics.
* Directs BOP to Close MSIVs, Main Steam Drains, RCIC Steam Supply and HPCI Steam Supply Valves.
* Directs BOP to Flood the RPV to Main Steam Lines.
* Directs BOP to have operator monitor SRV Tailpipe temperatures.
* Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* Bypasses isolation signals with Keylock Switches and opens Drywell Pneumatics Valves if closed.
* Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
* BOP opens 5 ADS SRVs.
* BOP closes MSIVs, Main Steam Drains, RCIC Steam Supply and HPCI Steam Supply Valves.
* BOP floods RPV to the Main Steam Lines with available systems as directed by the SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
* BOP directs operator to monitor SRV tailpipe temperatures.
ROLE PLAY: Monitor SRV Tailpipe Temperatures in the Relay Room.
ROLE PLAY: After flooding conditions are established, report SRV tailpipe temperatures for the open SRV(s) are 265&deg;F and lowering slowly.
D - 38}}

Latest revision as of 06:44, 31 October 2019

2015 Fermi Power Plant Initial License Examination Proposed Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/2015
Division of Reactor Safety III
Detroit Edison, Co
Zoia, C D
Shared Package
ML15267A808 List:
Download: ML15287A043 (38)


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 20 Event


Overview Initial Conditions:

The plant is currently operating at 89% power at MOC following a power reduction for replacement of the #3 LPSV Unitized Actuator. B CRD Pump is out of service for pump rebuild. Expected return to service is 4 days. Center SAC is NON-PREFFERED USE due to oil leaks on the compressor. Plans for the crew are to shift GSW pumps to run #6 GSW and shutdown #2 GSW to repair leaks on the discharge strainer. The crew is to then raise power with flow to 92%, then raise power at 3% per hour to 95%, and then hold at 95% to validate power vs steam flow per GOP 22.000.03.

NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)

The objectives of this scenario are to:

1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for an instrument / equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
3. Recognize and respond to A Feedwater Flow Instrument Failure.
4. Recognize and respond to Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure.
5. Recognize and respond to Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip - AOP 20.413.01.
6. Recognize and respond to Loss of Station Air - AOP 20.129.01.
7. Recognize and respond to High Drywell Pressure.
8. Execute steps of RPV Control - ATWS Sheet 1A.
9. Execute steps of PC Control - 29.100.01 Sheet 2.
10. Recognize and respond to trip of an SLC Pump.
11. Manually insert Control Rods per 29.ESP.03.
12. Recognize and respond to isolation of RCIC.
13. Initiate Torus Cooling, Torus Spray and Drywell Spray using the RHR System.
14. Recognize and respond to failure of E1150-F028A/B.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:

1. Transfer GSW Pumps
2. Raise Recirculation flow to raise reactor power to 95%
3. A FW Flow Instrument Failure
4. Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure (TS LCO
5. D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip (TS LCO 3.7.3, 3.7.4)
6. Loss of Station Air Compressors
7. Small Recirculation Loop leak in Drywell.
8. Failure to Scram (ATWS). Rods Stuck and RPS Total Scram Failure.
9. SLC Pump Trip
10. RCIC isolates on start at L2
11. Crew manually inserts Control Rods
12. Failure of E1150-F028A/B
13. Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 20 Event


Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to start #6 GSW Pump and shutdown #2 GSW Pump per 23.131.
  • Acknowledges GSW Pump shift complete BOP
  • Conducts short brief on shift of GSW Pumps.
  • Contacts Chemistry to ensure NPDES requirements will not be exceeded (typically telephone call).

ROLE PLAY: Chemistry confirms NPDE requirements will NOT be exceeded.

  • Contacts Outside Rounds to walk down and verify #6 GSW Pump ready for start.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Ready for Start.

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place Strainer Controller for #6 GSW Pump in CONTINUOUS.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller is in CONTINUOUS.

o Makes HI-COM announcement for GSW Pump start.

  • Crew Update Starting #6GSW Pump, stopping #2 GSW Pump.
  • Starts #6 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in RUN.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, Outside Rounds reports good start on #6 GSW Pump.

  • Stops #2 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in OFF-RESET.

o Verifies correct system pressure response to pump shift.

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in INTERMITTENT.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Strainer Controller in INTERMTTENT.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 4 of 20 Event


Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.

  • Reports pump shift completed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page 5 of 20 Event


Raise Recirculation flow to raise power to 95% per 22.000.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+10 min SRO

  • Conducts brief for raising power to 95%.
  • Directs BOP to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
  • Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
  • Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
  • Directs ATC to commence raising power with recirculation flow.

o Hi-Com announcement raising reactor power to 95%.


  • Crew Update, Raising reactor power with Recirc flow.
  • Raises reactor power per SOP 23.138.01, Reactor Recirc System, Section 6.1, by adjusting North and South RR MG Set speeds using B31-R621A and B, N and S RR MG Set Speed Controllers. Speed will be incrementally increased on N and S RR Pumps to achieve about 95% Power o ATC will direct RB Rounds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110°F to 130°F.

ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds responds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110°F to 130°F.

  • Maintains Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
  • Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.

BOP o May direct Turbine Building Rounds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.

ROLE PLAY: Turbine Building Rounds responds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 6 of 20 Event


A FW Flow Instrument Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+30 min MALFUNCTION - C32MF0027 - A Feed Flow Transmitter Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges report of alarm 3D164, FEEDWATER CONTROL DCS TROUBLE.
  • Directs shift to Single Element.
  • Conducts brief for failure.
  • Acknowledges DCS in Single Element.
  • May contact WWM for assistance and follow-up.


  • Identifies A Feedwater Flow reading low at 0.
  • Identifies DCS has shifted to Forced Single Element.
  • Reviews 3D164 ARP.
  • Recommends shifting to Single Element.
  • Shifts to Single Element.
  • Reports DCS in Single Element Control.

o May Note IPCS Heat Balance Affected by Instrument Failure.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 7 of 20 Event


Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

+50 min MALFUNCTION - B21MF0039 - Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure OVERRIDE - BABKF3BCC - B21-N087B Fuse SRO

  • Acknowledges report of 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP
  • Acknowledges report of Testability conditions.
  • Evaluates TS, Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation (condition A.1 - channel B must be placed in tripped condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />).
  • Evaluates 23.601, Instrument Trip Sheets.
  • Identifies that fuse A71B-F3B must be pulled to place the channel in a tripped condition. Directs BOP to perform required action.


  • Announces alarm 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP.
  • Directs an operator to investigate the failure at Testability.
  • Notifies Radiation Protection of a possible leak.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 minutes, Rounds Operator reports B21-N687B indicates upscale, and the RED TRIP light is ON. All other indications are normal.

  • Reports to CRS findings from the field.
  • Directs an operator to pull fuses A71B-F3B at RR H11-P611 TB DD Pos. F3.

ROLE PLAY: After about 4 minutes, actuate override, then Rounds Operator reports fuse A71B-F3B pulled.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 8 of 20 Event


D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+65 min MALFUNCTION - T41MF0002 - D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges alarm report.
  • Acknowledges Division 1 Return Fan Trip report.
  • Enters AOP 20.413.01.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • Directs BOP to start Division 2 CCHVAC.
  • Enters Tech Specs:
  • Acknowledges Division 2 CCHVAC started.


  • Announces alarms 3D5, DIV I CONTROL ROOM A/C TROUBLE, and 3D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
  • Identifies Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip.
  • Dispatches RB Rounds Operator to investigate Trip of Div 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

  • Dispatches Operator to check Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan breaker for cause of trip.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Breaker at 72C-2A-1B.

  • Informs RB Rounds starting Division 2 CCHVAC.
  • Crew Update: Starting Division 2 CCHVAC
  • Starts Division 2 CCHVAC using AOP 20.413.01.
  • Reports Division 2 CCHVAC is running.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Reactor Building Rounds reports hot bearing on D1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Operator reports overload trip of 72C-2A-1B.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 9 of 20 Event


West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, Center Station Air Compressor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+80 min MALFUNCTION - P50MF0014 - West Station Air Compressor Loader Failure MALFUNCTION - P50MF0017 - East Station Air Compressor Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges alarm report.
  • Acknowledges loading failure report on West Station Air Compressor.
  • Acknowledges East Station Air Compressor Trip report.
  • Enter AOP 20.129.01, Loss of Station and Control Air.
  • Conducts AOP brief.
  • Directs BOP to start East Station Air Compressor.
  • Acknowledges Station Air pressure recovery.

o Contacts WWM for assistance and follow up.


  • Announces alarm 7D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
  • Reports West Station Air Compressor running unloaded.
  • Reports trip of East Station Air Compressor.
  • Directs Turbine Building Rounds to investigate unloader failure on West Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate loading failure on West Station Air Compressor.

  • Directs Radwaste Operator to investigate breaker following trip of East Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of East Station Air Compressor locally and at breaker 72N-4D.

  • Informs Rounds operator Center Station Air Compressor being started.
  • Crew Update: Starting Center Station Air Compressor
  • Starts Center Station Air Compressor as directed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 10 of 20 Event


West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, East Station Air Compressor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Reports Station Air Pressure rising.
  • Completes additional subsequent actions as directed.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Turbine Building Rounds reports unknown causes for loading failure on West Station Air Compressor and trip of East Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Radwaste Operator reports Ground Fault, 64 device, indicated on 72N-4D breaker.

ROLE PLAY: If asked, report normal oil level for Center Station Air Compressor and oil leak cleaned as appropriate.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 11 of 20 Event


High Drywell Pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO

o May direct Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN on rising High Drywell Pressure.

  • Enters EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1, RPV Control.

o Announces Reactor Scram on Hi-Com.

  • Acknowledges Scram Reports.


  • Announces Reactor Scram Signal on High Drywell Pressure.
  • Places Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
  • Provides Scram Report when requested.

BOP o Identifies rising Drywell Pressure.

  • Provides Scram Report when requested.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 12 of 20 Event


ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0001 - ATWS - Rods Stuck MALFUNCTION - C71MF0005 - Total Scram Failure SRO

  • Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1A, RPV Control - ATWS.
  • Directs ATC to perform FSQ 1 thru 8.
  • Directs BOP to confirm isolations and actuations for level as they occur.
  • Directs BOP to bypass and restore drywell pneumatics and order 29.ESP.11.
  • Directs BOP to maintain pressure 900 to 1050 psig. May expand lower end of band due to leak in drywell.
  • SRO acknowledges FSQ-1 thru 8 complete.
  • SRO acknowledges ADS inhibited.
  • SRO acknowledges report on Drywell Pneumatics and 29.ESP.11.
  • Conducts EOP brief.


  • Performs FSQ 1 thru 8 using Hard Card:
1. Confirm Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
2. Confirm RR Flow Runback to Minimum:
  • Place or verify A & B Flow Limiter 2/3 Defeat Switch to DEFEAT.
  • Adjust Setpoint of B31-R621A(B) N(S) RRMG Set Speed Controllers to 30%.
3. Shutdown RR Pumps.
4. Confirm ARI - verifies auto initiation or performs manual initiation.
  • Reports FSQ-1 thru 8 is complete and Reactor Power is  %.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 13 of 20 Event


ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP

  • Verifies isolations and actuations for level as they occur using Hard Card.
  • Inhibits ADS (CRITICAL TASK).
  • Reports ADS inhibited.
  • Defeats Drywell Pneumatic Isolation with Keylock Switches on H11-P808 and P817.
  • Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) to perform 29.ESP.11.
  • Reports Drywell Pneumatics bypassed and restored and 29.ESP.11 ordered.

ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, install defeats for 29.ESP.11 and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.11 is complete.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 9 Page 14 of 20 Event


First SLC Pump started trips/Second Pump starts Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+95 min MALFUNCTION - C41MF0003 - Trip SLC Pump A OR MALFUNCTION - C41MF0004 - Trip SLC Pump B SRO

  • Directs SLC started.
  • Acknowledges SLC Pump trip report.

o May direct standby SLC Pump started.

  • Acknowledges SLC report.


  • Starts SLC Pump and identifies Pump Trip.
  • Starts standby SLC Pump. (CRITICAL TASK) #
  • Reports SLC injecting, time started, initial SLC Tank level and reports isolation of RWCU.
  1. - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control Rod insertion D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 10 Page 15 of 20 Event


Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+95 min SRO

  • After all rods in, SRO directs SLC shutdown.
  • After all rods in, SRO transitions back to 29.100.01 Sheet 1.


  • Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) and directs performance of 29.ESP.10.

ROLE PLAY: Tagging Center acknowledges perform 29.ESP.10.

ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, trigger ESP10 Defeats and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.10 is complete.

Raise CRD Hydraulic D/P. (section 2.0)

Manual Control Rod Insertion. (section 3.0)

Scram-Reset-Scram. (section 4.0)

  • Attempts to drift rods using section 2.0:

Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.

Open Flow Control Valve using CRD Flow controller.

Open C1152-F003 to maximize cooling water flow.

Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.

Adjust Flow Controller and C1152-F003 to maintain sufficient D/P for rod motion.

Place the RWM in Bypass.

Close C11-F034 if needed to maintain drive D/P.

  1. - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control insertion D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 10 Page 16 of 20 Event


Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC Insert the Cram Array.

Insert rods in checkerboard pattern spiraling out from center. Continue inserting remaining rods spiraling out from center.

Verify 8 Blue Scram lights are on.

May re-open C1100-F034 to re-charge accumulators.

After 29.ESP.10 is complete, reset ARI.

Verify SDV vent and drain valves are open.

Allow the SDV to drain (3D94 clear).

Initiate a manual scram by performing one or both of the following:

Depress four manual scram pushbuttons.

Arm and depress ARI pushbuttons.

If Rods move inward, repeat.

  • Observes inward rod movement, resets ARI and waits for 3D94 to clear.
  • Initiates ARI and again observes inward rod movement (2nd time).
  • Verifies all rods in with RWM and full core display.
  • Crew Update: All rods in
  • Shuts down running SLC pump.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 11 Page 17 of 20 Event


Terminate and Prevent/Maintain RPV Water Level Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+96 min SRO

  • Determines that Terminate and Prevent is required. Crew Update We have met the conditions to Terminate and Prevent for Level
  • Directs BOP to Terminate and Prevent all injection into the RPV with the exception of Boron, CRD and RCIC.
  • Directs level lowered less than 114 Wide Range. Directs BOP to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
  • After all rods in, directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.


  • Acknowledges order to Terminate and Prevent.
  • Acknowledges lower RPV level less than 114 inches. Maintain level 50 to 100 inches on Wide Range.
  • Performs Terminate and Prevent (Hard Card):
1. CS Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
2. RHR Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
3. SBFW Pumps to OFF.
4. CS Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
5. RHR Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
6. HPCI Aux Oil Pump OFF if HPCI not running or Lower HPCI Setpoint to Minimum if running.
7. Crew Update Lowering RPV Level.
8. If RFP Running, lower speed on both RFP in Manual to close FW Check Valves.
9. When RPV Level is less than 114 inches, commence feeding with available sources. (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Uses FW or SBFW to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
  • After rods are all in, restores and maintains RPV level 173 to 214 inches using available systems.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 12 Page 18 of 20 Event


RCIC isolates on start at L2 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - E51MF0002 - RCIC Isolation

+98 min SRO

  • Acknowledges RCIC Isolation.

o May inquire if available sources are adequate to maintain level.


  • Identifies RCIC has isolated.
  • Utilizes SBFW or Feedwater to Maintain RPV Level 50 to 100 inches.

o May direct investigation by Rounds Operator for cause of RCIC isolation at Testability Cabinets.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 13 Page 19 of 20 Event


Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - EABQFU_TR1CC - E11-F028A Failure OR MALFUNCTION - EABHFU_TR1CC - E11-F028B Failure

+100 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to place Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
  • Acknowledges report on E1150-F028A(B).
  • Directs BOP to place Division 2(1) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
  • Directs BOP to prepare to Spray Drywell.
  • Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Verifies DWSIL Curve (on IPCS).
  • Directs BOP to Spray Drywell .
  • Directs Torus and Drywell Spray override to BOP .


  • Places Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling/Torus Spray Lineup (Hard Card.
  • Reports failure of E1150-F028A(B).

o May direct operator to check breaker at MCC position for E11-F028A(B) (72B-3A-2A / 72E-5A-2DR)

ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of E1100-F028A(B) at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., report visual inspection shows no apparent cause for valve failure at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).

  • Starts Division 1(2) RHRSW (Hard Card).
  • Lines up Division 1(2) RHR for Drywell Spray (Hard Card).
  • Reports ready to spray Drywell.
  • Sprays Drywell (Hard Card). (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Monitors Torus/Drywell Pressure.
  • Acknowledges Torus and Drywell Spray Override.

o Stops Torus Sprays if required.

o Stops Drywell Sprays if required.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 13 Page 20 of 20 Event


Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC

  • Stops all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Assists in monitoring and maintaining RPV level.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: NA Page 1 of 15 Event


Overview Initial Conditions:

The plant is currently operating at ~55% power during a plant startup (GOP 22.000.03, step 4.2.14). GSW Pump #6 is out of service for motor replacement. Expected return to service is 4 days. Plans for the crew are to raise reactor power to 60%, and place the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service. The Maneuvering Plan has been reviewed and approved by the SM.

NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)

The objectives of this scenario are to:

1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for instrument/equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
3. Recognize and respond to Seismic Events.
4. Recognize and respond to Control Rod Drift out of the Core.
5. Recognize and respond to South Seal Oil Pump oscillating amps.
6. Recognize and respond to TBCCW Pump Trip.
7. Recognize and respond to APRM Downscale.
8. Recognize and respond to Reactor Recirculation Pump Seal Failure.
9. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 1, RPV Control.
10. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 2, Primary Containment Control.
11. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 3, RPV Flooding.

The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:

1. Raise reactor power to 60% per GOP 22.000.03 and Post-LPSP pull sheets.
2. Place the second Reactor Feed Pump in service per SOP 23.107.
3. Seismic Event
4. CR 30-31 Drifts out of the Core (TS LCO 3.1.3)
5. S Seal Pump high amps
6. N TBCCW Pump Trip
7. APRM 1 Downscale (TS LCO
8. Seismic Event (Aftershock)
9. RR Pump Seal Failures
10. Steam Leak in Drywell
11. Loss of all RPV Level Instrumentation D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 15 Event


Raise reactor power using control rods to 60% per 22.000.03 NOTE: An instructor/evaluator should be designated as Peer Checker/Reactivity Management SRO for the ATC candidate during the power ascension. The instructor may also act as SNE to evaluate maneuvering plan predictors between pull sheets.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min SRO

  • Directs ATC to raise reactor power to 60% using control rods in accordance with Post-LPSP pull sheets.
  • Acknowledge report at 60% power.


  • Turns Rod Select Power ON.
  • Verifies proper indication for selected rod.
  • Momentarily places Rod Movement Control switch to OUT NOTCH.
  • Verifies proper indication for rod movement.
  • Initials pull sheet when rod is at proper position.
  • Raises Turbine Flow Limit as required to maintain 5% > reactor power.
  • Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
  • Continues rod withdrawal per pull sheets until reactor power indicates ~60%.
  • Reports when reactor power is 60%.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 15 Event


Placing the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service per 23.107, section 5.9.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+30 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to place the second RFP in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
  • Acknowledge completion of placing the second RFP in service.


  • Verifies prerequisites for placing the second RFP in service are met.
  • Verifies S RFP Turbine vibration is <4 mils using IPCS.
  • Verifies S RFP Controller is in MANUAL and RFP Turbine is rolling at 1600-1800 rpm.
  • Verifies Master Feedwater Level Controller and N RFP Controller are in AUTO.
  • Places S RFP Controller in AUTO.
  • Slowly adjusts bias of S RFP Controller until bias is 0%.
  • Adjusts bias of S RFP Controller to balance RFP flows as desired.
  • Verifies required RFP Turbine drain valves are closed.
  • Reports the second Reactor Feed Pump is in service.

D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 15 Event


Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+40 min MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO

  • Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
  • Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • SRO acknowledges seismic monitor information.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
  • SRO directs BOP to perform AOP subsequent actions (AC4 thru AC6).


  • Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are normal.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.


  • Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
  • Reviews ARP 6D69.
  • Directs Operator to investigate Seismic Event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.02g horizontal and 0.02g vertical.

  • BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.
  • BOP directs Reactor Building Rounds to reset CCHVAC Purge Compressors.

ROLE PLAY: Reactor Building Rounds acknowledges reset CCHVAC purge Compressors.

  • BOP informs Outside Rounds that MDCT Fans will be started.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 5 of 15 Event


Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds acknowledges starting all MDCT Fans.

  • BOP start all MDCT fans ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds inspect fans as fans are started.

Reports good start on all fans.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 6 of 15 Event


CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+41 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0561 - CR 30-31 Continuous Withdrawal (1 min delay). Clear C11MF0561 to allow CR to settle to 00.


  • Acknowledges Rod Drift Alarm.
  • Acknowledges CR 30-31 drifting out of the core.
  • Enters AOP 20.106.07, Rod Drift.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • Directs ATC to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
  • Enters Tech Spec 3.1.3 (Condition C - insert - 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />; disarm -

4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />).

  • Acknowledges CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
  • Contacts SNE to report CR 30-31 disarmed.

ROLE PLAY: As SNE, acknowledge report that CR 30-31 is inserted and disarmed.

o May conduct brief and exit AOP.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 7 of 15 Event


CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core ATC

  • Announces Rod Drift Alarm.
  • Identifies CR 30-31 drifting out the core.
  • Drives CR 30-31 fully in using Emergency - IN.
  • Reports CR 30-31 fully inserted.
  • Dispatches RB Rounds to HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Go to HCU 30-31 and stand by to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds: Standing by at HCU 30-31.

  • ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: C11-F103 at HCU 30-31 is closed.

  • ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: C11-F105 at HCU 30-31 is closed.

  • Reports to CRS that CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page 8 of 15 Event


S Seal Oil Pump high amps Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+55 min MALFUNCTION - NIXAP804_A180NOISE - South Seal Oil Pump ROLE PLAY: TB Rounds Operator calls and reports S Seal Oil Pump is making loud noises.


  • Acknowledges report of oscillating amps on S Seal Oil Pump.
  • Conducts Brief.
  • Directs BOP to Start N Seal Oil Pump.
  • Acknowledges N Seal Oil Pump Running.


  • Announces S South Oil Pump has indication of oscillating amps.
  • Starts N Seal Oil Pump, and places S Seal Oil pump in OFF/RESET.
  • Informs tagging center of potential issue with S Seal Oil Pump.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on North Seal Oil Pump.

  • BOP reports North Seal Oil Pump running with South in OFF/RESET.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 9 of 15 Event


Trip of N TBCCW Pump Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+65 min MALFUNCTION - P43MF0025 - North TBCCW Pump Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges Trip of North TBCCW Pump
  • Enters AOP 20.128.01, Loss of TBCCW
  • Conducts AOP Brief
  • Directs BOP to Start South TBCCW Pump
  • Acknowledges South TBCCW Pump Running o May Exit AOP BOP
  • Announces Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
  • Dispatches TB Rounds Operator to investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at pump.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Trip of North TBCCW Pump.

  • Informs TB Rounds Operator that South TBCCW Pump will be started.

ROLE PLAY: Starting South TBCCW Pump.

  • Starts South TBCCW Pump.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on South TBCCW Pump.

  • Dispatches Operator to investigate breaker for tripped North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, TB Rounds reports No apparent cause for North TBCCW Pump trip at the pump.

  • BOP reports South TBCCW Pump running.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min, Operator reports 72M-2D tripped on overload, and there is an acrid odor in the area.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page 10 of 15 Event


APRM 1 Downscale Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+75 min MALFUNCTION - C51MF0001 - APRM 1 Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
  • Enters Tech Specs:
  • Conducts Brief.


  • Announces Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
  • Identifies Failure of APRM 1 Downscale.
  • Identifies applicable TS to SRO.
  • Dispatches Operator to Relay Room to investigate failure of APRM 1.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of APRM 1.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, report from Relay Room No apparent cause for failure at APRM 1, APRM 1 reading downscale.

All other APRMs reading normal.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 8 Page 11 of 15 Event


Aftershock - Seismic Event. at 0.04g Horizontal and Vertical Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+85 min MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO

  • Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
  • Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • SRO acknowledges seismic information.
  • SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.


  • Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.


  • Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
  • Reviews ARP 6D69.
  • Directs Operator to investigate Seismic event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.04g horizontal and 0.04g vertical.

  • BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 9 Page 12 of 15 Event


B RR Pump Seal Failures. Rising Drywell Pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - B31MF0064 - B RR Pump Outer Seal Failure

+86 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0065 - B RR Pump Inner Seal Failure MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO

  • Acknowledge Alarms.

o May direct ATC to isolate B RR Pump per SOP 23.138.01.

  • Acknowledges rising Drywell pressure.


  • Announces Alarm 3D147.
  • Reports rising pressure on inner seal on RR Pump B.
  • Announces Alarm 3D145.
  • Reports lowering pressure on both RR Pump B seals.

o May attempt B RR Pump isolation per SOP 23.138.01.


  • Announces rising Drywell pressure, Crew Update Rising Drywell Pressure.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 10 Page 13 of 15 Event


Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min SRO

  • Directs ATC to place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.
  • Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Pressure and Level 3.
  • Directs BOP to Verify Isolations/Actuations for Level as they occur (Hard Card).
  • Directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
  • Directs BOP to maintain RPV pressure 900 to 1050 psig.

o May lower pressure band due to leak in Drywell.

  • Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Temperature.
  • Directs ATC to verify initiation of EECW, isolation of EECW to the drywell, and to restore cooling to CRD.
  • Directs BOP to prevent injection from CS and LPCI pumps not required for ACC.
  • Directs ATC to place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode.

o May direct ATC to close E1150-F010.

  • Directs ATC to verify RR Pumps are shutdown.
  • Verifies within DWSIL (IPCS).
  • Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Directs ATC to prepare to spray the Drywell.
  • Directs ATC to spray the Drywell.
  • Directs Torus and Drywell Pressure Override to ATC (0 psig).


  • Places Reactor Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
  • Verifies initiation of EECW.
  • Verifies isolation of EECW to the drywell.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 10 Page 14 of 15 Event


Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure ATC

  • Restores Cooling to CRD Pumps.
  • Shutdown Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode (Hard Card).
  • Starts Division 1 RHRSW (Hard Card).

o May close E1150-F010.

  • Performs lineup to spray the Drywell.
  • Sprays the drywell when directed by SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Stops Torus or Drywell Sprays if override conditions met (0 psig).


  • Restores and maintains RPV water level 173 to 214 inches with available systems.
  • Verifies isolation and actuations for level as they occur.
  • Shutdown CS and LPCI pumps not needed for RPV level. (Hard Cards).
  • Maintains RPV pressure as directed.
  • Reports when out of Pressure Band.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 11 Page 15 of 15 Event


RPV Level Instrumentation Fails. RPV Flooding Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Malfunction - B21MF0060 - Division 1 Reference Leg Failure (12A)

+100 min Malfunction - B21MF0059 - Division 2 Reference Leg Failure (12B)

Malfunction - B21MF0073 - Floodup Level Transmitter Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • Crew Update: We have met the conditions for RPV Flooding.
  • Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 3.
  • Directs ATC to bypass and restore Drywell Pneumatics.
  • Directs BOP to have operator monitor SRV Tailpipe temperatures.


  • Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • Bypasses isolation signals with Keylock Switches and opens Drywell Pneumatics Valves if closed.


  • Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • BOP directs operator to monitor SRV tailpipe temperatures.

ROLE PLAY: Monitor SRV Tailpipe Temperatures in the Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: After flooding conditions are established, report SRV tailpipe temperatures for the open SRV(s) are 265°F and lowering slowly.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 20 Event


Overview Initial Conditions:

The plant is currently operating at 89% power at MOC following a power reduction for replacement of the #3 LPSV Unitized Actuator. B CRD Pump is out of service for pump rebuild. Expected return to service is 4 days. Center SAC is NON-PREFFERED USE due to oil leaks on the compressor. Plans for the crew are to shift GSW pumps to run #6 GSW and shutdown #2 GSW to repair leaks on the discharge strainer. The crew is to then raise power with flow to 92%, then raise power at 3% per hour to 95%, and then hold at 95% to validate power vs steam flow per GOP 22.000.03.

NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)

The objectives of this scenario are to:

1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for an instrument / equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
3. Recognize and respond to A Feedwater Flow Instrument Failure.
4. Recognize and respond to Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure.
5. Recognize and respond to Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip - AOP 20.413.01.
6. Recognize and respond to Loss of Station Air - AOP 20.129.01.
7. Recognize and respond to High Drywell Pressure.
8. Execute steps of RPV Control - ATWS Sheet 1A.
9. Execute steps of PC Control - 29.100.01 Sheet 2.
10. Recognize and respond to trip of an SLC Pump.
11. Manually insert Control Rods per 29.ESP.03.
12. Recognize and respond to isolation of RCIC.
13. Initiate Torus Cooling, Torus Spray and Drywell Spray using the RHR System.
14. Recognize and respond to failure of E1150-F028A/B.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:

1. Transfer GSW Pumps
2. Raise Recirculation flow to raise reactor power to 95%
3. A FW Flow Instrument Failure
4. Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure (TS LCO
5. D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip (TS LCO 3.7.3, 3.7.4)
6. Loss of Station Air Compressors
7. Small Recirculation Loop leak in Drywell.
8. Failure to Scram (ATWS). Rods Stuck and RPS Total Scram Failure.
9. SLC Pump Trip
10. RCIC isolates on start at L2
11. Crew manually inserts Control Rods
12. Failure of E1150-F028A/B
13. Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 20 Event


Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to start #6 GSW Pump and shutdown #2 GSW Pump per 23.131.
  • Acknowledges GSW Pump shift complete BOP
  • Conducts short brief on shift of GSW Pumps.
  • Contacts Chemistry to ensure NPDES requirements will not be exceeded (typically telephone call).

ROLE PLAY: Chemistry confirms NPDE requirements will NOT be exceeded.

  • Contacts Outside Rounds to walk down and verify #6 GSW Pump ready for start.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Ready for Start.

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place Strainer Controller for #6 GSW Pump in CONTINUOUS.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller is in CONTINUOUS.

o Makes HI-COM announcement for GSW Pump start.

  • Crew Update Starting #6GSW Pump, stopping #2 GSW Pump.
  • Starts #6 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in RUN.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, Outside Rounds reports good start on #6 GSW Pump.

  • Stops #2 GSW Pump by placing CMC Switch in OFF-RESET.

o Verifies correct system pressure response to pump shift.

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place #6 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in INTERMITTENT.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #6 GSW Strainer Controller in INTERMTTENT.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 4 of 20 Event


Transfer GSW Pumps per 23.131 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP

  • Directs Outside Rounds to place #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.

ROLE PLAY: After about 1 min., Outside Rounds reports #2 GSW Pump Strainer Controller in OFF.

  • Reports pump shift completed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page 5 of 20 Event


Raise Recirculation flow to raise power to 95% per 22.000.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+10 min SRO

  • Conducts brief for raising power to 95%.
  • Directs BOP to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.
  • Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
  • Directs ATC to maintain Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
  • Directs ATC to commence raising power with recirculation flow.

o Hi-Com announcement raising reactor power to 95%.


  • Crew Update, Raising reactor power with Recirc flow.
  • Raises reactor power per SOP 23.138.01, Reactor Recirc System, Section 6.1, by adjusting North and South RR MG Set speeds using B31-R621A and B, N and S RR MG Set Speed Controllers. Speed will be incrementally increased on N and S RR Pumps to achieve about 95% Power o ATC will direct RB Rounds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110°F to 130°F.

ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds responds to monitor and maintain RR MG Set Lube Oil temperatures 110°F to 130°F.

  • Maintains Turbine Flow Limiter 5% > Reactor Power.
  • Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.

BOP o May direct Turbine Building Rounds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.

ROLE PLAY: Turbine Building Rounds responds to monitor and maintain Condensate Filter Demineralizer Flows >2000 GPM.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 6 of 20 Event


A FW Flow Instrument Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+30 min MALFUNCTION - C32MF0027 - A Feed Flow Transmitter Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges report of alarm 3D164, FEEDWATER CONTROL DCS TROUBLE.
  • Directs shift to Single Element.
  • Conducts brief for failure.
  • Acknowledges DCS in Single Element.
  • May contact WWM for assistance and follow-up.


  • Identifies A Feedwater Flow reading low at 0.
  • Identifies DCS has shifted to Forced Single Element.
  • Reviews 3D164 ARP.
  • Recommends shifting to Single Element.
  • Shifts to Single Element.
  • Reports DCS in Single Element Control.

o May Note IPCS Heat Balance Affected by Instrument Failure.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 7 of 20 Event


Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

+50 min MALFUNCTION - B21MF0039 - Main Steam Line Flow Transmitter Failure OVERRIDE - BABKF3BCC - B21-N087B Fuse SRO

  • Acknowledges report of 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP
  • Acknowledges report of Testability conditions.
  • Evaluates TS, Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation (condition A.1 - channel B must be placed in tripped condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />).
  • Evaluates 23.601, Instrument Trip Sheets.
  • Identifies that fuse A71B-F3B must be pulled to place the channel in a tripped condition. Directs BOP to perform required action.


  • Announces alarm 2D36, NSSSS ISOLATION CH B/D TRIP.
  • Directs an operator to investigate the failure at Testability.
  • Notifies Radiation Protection of a possible leak.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 minutes, Rounds Operator reports B21-N687B indicates upscale, and the RED TRIP light is ON. All other indications are normal.

  • Reports to CRS findings from the field.
  • Directs an operator to pull fuses A71B-F3B at RR H11-P611 TB DD Pos. F3.

ROLE PLAY: After about 4 minutes, actuate override, then Rounds Operator reports fuse A71B-F3B pulled.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 8 of 20 Event


D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+65 min MALFUNCTION - T41MF0002 - D1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges alarm report.
  • Acknowledges Division 1 Return Fan Trip report.
  • Enters AOP 20.413.01.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • Directs BOP to start Division 2 CCHVAC.
  • Enters Tech Specs:
  • Acknowledges Division 2 CCHVAC started.


  • Announces alarms 3D5, DIV I CONTROL ROOM A/C TROUBLE, and 3D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
  • Identifies Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Trip.
  • Dispatches RB Rounds Operator to investigate Trip of Div 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

  • Dispatches Operator to check Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan breaker for cause of trip.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Division 1 CCHVAC Return Fan Breaker at 72C-2A-1B.

  • Informs RB Rounds starting Division 2 CCHVAC.
  • Crew Update: Starting Division 2 CCHVAC
  • Starts Division 2 CCHVAC using AOP 20.413.01.
  • Reports Division 2 CCHVAC is running.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Reactor Building Rounds reports hot bearing on D1 CCHVAC Return Fan.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Operator reports overload trip of 72C-2A-1B.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 9 of 20 Event


West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, Center Station Air Compressor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+80 min MALFUNCTION - P50MF0014 - West Station Air Compressor Loader Failure MALFUNCTION - P50MF0017 - East Station Air Compressor Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges alarm report.
  • Acknowledges loading failure report on West Station Air Compressor.
  • Acknowledges East Station Air Compressor Trip report.
  • Enter AOP 20.129.01, Loss of Station and Control Air.
  • Conducts AOP brief.
  • Directs BOP to start East Station Air Compressor.
  • Acknowledges Station Air pressure recovery.

o Contacts WWM for assistance and follow up.


  • Announces alarm 7D72, MOTOR TRIPPED.
  • Reports West Station Air Compressor running unloaded.
  • Reports trip of East Station Air Compressor.
  • Directs Turbine Building Rounds to investigate unloader failure on West Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate loading failure on West Station Air Compressor.

  • Directs Radwaste Operator to investigate breaker following trip of East Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of East Station Air Compressor locally and at breaker 72N-4D.

  • Informs Rounds operator Center Station Air Compressor being started.
  • Crew Update: Starting Center Station Air Compressor
  • Starts Center Station Air Compressor as directed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 10 of 20 Event


West Station Air Compressor Loading Failure, East Station Air Compressor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Reports Station Air Pressure rising.
  • Completes additional subsequent actions as directed.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min., Turbine Building Rounds reports unknown causes for loading failure on West Station Air Compressor and trip of East Station Air Compressor.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., Radwaste Operator reports Ground Fault, 64 device, indicated on 72N-4D breaker.

ROLE PLAY: If asked, report normal oil level for Center Station Air Compressor and oil leak cleaned as appropriate.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 11 of 20 Event


High Drywell Pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO

o May direct Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN on rising High Drywell Pressure.

  • Enters EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1, RPV Control.

o Announces Reactor Scram on Hi-Com.

  • Acknowledges Scram Reports.


  • Announces Reactor Scram Signal on High Drywell Pressure.
  • Places Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
  • Provides Scram Report when requested.

BOP o Identifies rising Drywell Pressure.

  • Provides Scram Report when requested.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 12 of 20 Event


ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0001 - ATWS - Rods Stuck MALFUNCTION - C71MF0005 - Total Scram Failure SRO

  • Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 1A, RPV Control - ATWS.
  • Directs ATC to perform FSQ 1 thru 8.
  • Directs BOP to confirm isolations and actuations for level as they occur.
  • Directs BOP to bypass and restore drywell pneumatics and order 29.ESP.11.
  • Directs BOP to maintain pressure 900 to 1050 psig. May expand lower end of band due to leak in drywell.
  • SRO acknowledges FSQ-1 thru 8 complete.
  • SRO acknowledges ADS inhibited.
  • SRO acknowledges report on Drywell Pneumatics and 29.ESP.11.
  • Conducts EOP brief.


  • Performs FSQ 1 thru 8 using Hard Card:
1. Confirm Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
2. Confirm RR Flow Runback to Minimum:
  • Place or verify A & B Flow Limiter 2/3 Defeat Switch to DEFEAT.
  • Adjust Setpoint of B31-R621A(B) N(S) RRMG Set Speed Controllers to 30%.
3. Shutdown RR Pumps.
4. Confirm ARI - verifies auto initiation or performs manual initiation.
  • Reports FSQ-1 thru 8 is complete and Reactor Power is  %.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 13 of 20 Event


ATWS (Rods Stuck)/RPS Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP

  • Verifies isolations and actuations for level as they occur using Hard Card.
  • Inhibits ADS (CRITICAL TASK).
  • Reports ADS inhibited.
  • Defeats Drywell Pneumatic Isolation with Keylock Switches on H11-P808 and P817.
  • Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) to perform 29.ESP.11.
  • Reports Drywell Pneumatics bypassed and restored and 29.ESP.11 ordered.

ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, install defeats for 29.ESP.11 and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.11 is complete.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 9 Page 14 of 20 Event


First SLC Pump started trips/Second Pump starts Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+95 min MALFUNCTION - C41MF0003 - Trip SLC Pump A OR MALFUNCTION - C41MF0004 - Trip SLC Pump B SRO

  • Directs SLC started.
  • Acknowledges SLC Pump trip report.

o May direct standby SLC Pump started.

  • Acknowledges SLC report.


  • Starts SLC Pump and identifies Pump Trip.
  • Starts standby SLC Pump. (CRITICAL TASK) #
  • Reports SLC injecting, time started, initial SLC Tank level and reports isolation of RWCU.
  1. - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control Rod insertion D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 10 Page 15 of 20 Event


Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+95 min SRO

  • After all rods in, SRO directs SLC shutdown.
  • After all rods in, SRO transitions back to 29.100.01 Sheet 1.


  • Contacts Tagging Center (Operator outside CR) and directs performance of 29.ESP.10.

ROLE PLAY: Tagging Center acknowledges perform 29.ESP.10.

ROLE PLAY: About 10 min. after request, trigger ESP10 Defeats and report to Control Room that 29.ESP.10 is complete.

Raise CRD Hydraulic D/P. (section 2.0)

Manual Control Rod Insertion. (section 3.0)

Scram-Reset-Scram. (section 4.0)

  • Attempts to drift rods using section 2.0:

Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.

Open Flow Control Valve using CRD Flow controller.

Open C1152-F003 to maximize cooling water flow.

Place CRD Flow Controller in MANUAL.

Adjust Flow Controller and C1152-F003 to maintain sufficient D/P for rod motion.

Place the RWM in Bypass.

Close C11-F034 if needed to maintain drive D/P.

  1. - Critical Task for SLC injection OR Control insertion D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 10 Page 16 of 20 Event


Manual Insertion of Control Rods/Scram-Reset-Scram per 29.ESP.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC Insert the Cram Array.

Insert rods in checkerboard pattern spiraling out from center. Continue inserting remaining rods spiraling out from center.

Verify 8 Blue Scram lights are on.

May re-open C1100-F034 to re-charge accumulators.

After 29.ESP.10 is complete, reset ARI.

Verify SDV vent and drain valves are open.

Allow the SDV to drain (3D94 clear).

Initiate a manual scram by performing one or both of the following:

Depress four manual scram pushbuttons.

Arm and depress ARI pushbuttons.

If Rods move inward, repeat.

  • Observes inward rod movement, resets ARI and waits for 3D94 to clear.
  • Initiates ARI and again observes inward rod movement (2nd time).
  • Verifies all rods in with RWM and full core display.
  • Crew Update: All rods in
  • Shuts down running SLC pump.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 11 Page 17 of 20 Event


Terminate and Prevent/Maintain RPV Water Level Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+96 min SRO

  • Determines that Terminate and Prevent is required. Crew Update We have met the conditions to Terminate and Prevent for Level
  • Directs BOP to Terminate and Prevent all injection into the RPV with the exception of Boron, CRD and RCIC.
  • Directs level lowered less than 114 Wide Range. Directs BOP to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
  • After all rods in, directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.


  • Acknowledges order to Terminate and Prevent.
  • Acknowledges lower RPV level less than 114 inches. Maintain level 50 to 100 inches on Wide Range.
  • Performs Terminate and Prevent (Hard Card):
1. CS Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
2. RHR Division 1 Pumps to OFF.
3. SBFW Pumps to OFF.
4. CS Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
5. RHR Division 2 Pumps to OFF.
6. HPCI Aux Oil Pump OFF if HPCI not running or Lower HPCI Setpoint to Minimum if running.
7. Crew Update Lowering RPV Level.
8. If RFP Running, lower speed on both RFP in Manual to close FW Check Valves.
9. When RPV Level is less than 114 inches, commence feeding with available sources. (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Uses FW or SBFW to maintain RPV level 50 to 100 inches.
  • After rods are all in, restores and maintains RPV level 173 to 214 inches using available systems.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 12 Page 18 of 20 Event


RCIC isolates on start at L2 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - E51MF0002 - RCIC Isolation

+98 min SRO

  • Acknowledges RCIC Isolation.

o May inquire if available sources are adequate to maintain level.


  • Identifies RCIC has isolated.
  • Utilizes SBFW or Feedwater to Maintain RPV Level 50 to 100 inches.

o May direct investigation by Rounds Operator for cause of RCIC isolation at Testability Cabinets.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 13 Page 19 of 20 Event


Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - EABQFU_TR1CC - E11-F028A Failure OR MALFUNCTION - EABHFU_TR1CC - E11-F028B Failure

+100 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to place Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
  • Acknowledges report on E1150-F028A(B).
  • Directs BOP to place Division 2(1) RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Sprays.
  • Directs BOP to prepare to Spray Drywell.
  • Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Verifies DWSIL Curve (on IPCS).
  • Directs BOP to Spray Drywell .
  • Directs Torus and Drywell Spray override to BOP .


  • Places Division 1(2) RHR in Torus Cooling/Torus Spray Lineup (Hard Card.
  • Reports failure of E1150-F028A(B).

o May direct operator to check breaker at MCC position for E11-F028A(B) (72B-3A-2A / 72E-5A-2DR)

ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of E1100-F028A(B) at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min., report visual inspection shows no apparent cause for valve failure at MCC 72A-3A-2A (72E-5A-2DR).

  • Starts Division 1(2) RHRSW (Hard Card).
  • Lines up Division 1(2) RHR for Drywell Spray (Hard Card).
  • Reports ready to spray Drywell.
  • Sprays Drywell (Hard Card). (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Monitors Torus/Drywell Pressure.
  • Acknowledges Torus and Drywell Spray Override.

o Stops Torus Sprays if required.

o Stops Drywell Sprays if required.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 13 Page 20 of 20 Event


Crew initiates Torus Cooling/Torus Sprays/Drywell Sprays Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ATC

  • Stops all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Assists in monitoring and maintaining RPV level.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: NA Page 1 of 15 Event


Overview Initial Conditions:

The plant is currently operating at ~55% power during a plant startup (GOP 22.000.03, step 4.2.14). GSW Pump #6 is out of service for motor replacement. Expected return to service is 4 days. Plans for the crew are to raise reactor power to 60%, and place the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service. The Maneuvering Plan has been reviewed and approved by the SM.

NOTE: The crews Pre-job Briefing for the reactor power increase is to be conducted prior to entering the simulator. (Suggested time 30 minutes prior to beginning the scenario.)

The objectives of this scenario are to:

1. Recognize, respond to, and take the required actions for instrument/equipment failures requiring the use of operator and Tech Spec actions.
2. Direct and supervise the Shift team during Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency operations.
3. Recognize and respond to Seismic Events.
4. Recognize and respond to Control Rod Drift out of the Core.
5. Recognize and respond to South Seal Oil Pump oscillating amps.
6. Recognize and respond to TBCCW Pump Trip.
7. Recognize and respond to APRM Downscale.
8. Recognize and respond to Reactor Recirculation Pump Seal Failure.
9. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 1, RPV Control.
10. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 2, Primary Containment Control.
11. Execute steps of EOP 29.100.01, Sheet 3, RPV Flooding.

The crew will be required to respond to the following order of events:

1. Raise reactor power to 60% per GOP 22.000.03 and Post-LPSP pull sheets.
2. Place the second Reactor Feed Pump in service per SOP 23.107.
3. Seismic Event
4. CR 30-31 Drifts out of the Core (TS LCO 3.1.3)
5. S Seal Pump high amps
6. N TBCCW Pump Trip
7. APRM 1 Downscale (TS LCO
8. Seismic Event (Aftershock)
9. RR Pump Seal Failures
10. Steam Leak in Drywell
11. Loss of all RPV Level Instrumentation D - 38

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 15 Event


Raise reactor power using control rods to 60% per 22.000.03 NOTE: An instructor/evaluator should be designated as Peer Checker/Reactivity Management SRO for the ATC candidate during the power ascension. The instructor may also act as SNE to evaluate maneuvering plan predictors between pull sheets.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 min SRO

  • Directs ATC to raise reactor power to 60% using control rods in accordance with Post-LPSP pull sheets.
  • Acknowledge report at 60% power.


  • Turns Rod Select Power ON.
  • Verifies proper indication for selected rod.
  • Momentarily places Rod Movement Control switch to OUT NOTCH.
  • Verifies proper indication for rod movement.
  • Initials pull sheet when rod is at proper position.
  • Raises Turbine Flow Limit as required to maintain 5% > reactor power.
  • Maintains Turbine Speed Load Demand 100 MWe greater than actual.
  • Continues rod withdrawal per pull sheets until reactor power indicates ~60%.
  • Reports when reactor power is 60%.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 15 Event


Placing the second Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) in service per 23.107, section 5.9.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+30 min SRO

  • Directs BOP to place the second RFP in service per 23.107, section 5.9.
  • Acknowledge completion of placing the second RFP in service.


  • Verifies prerequisites for placing the second RFP in service are met.
  • Verifies S RFP Turbine vibration is <4 mils using IPCS.
  • Verifies S RFP Controller is in MANUAL and RFP Turbine is rolling at 1600-1800 rpm.
  • Verifies Master Feedwater Level Controller and N RFP Controller are in AUTO.
  • Places S RFP Controller in AUTO.
  • Slowly adjusts bias of S RFP Controller until bias is 0%.
  • Adjusts bias of S RFP Controller to balance RFP flows as desired.
  • Verifies required RFP Turbine drain valves are closed.
  • Reports the second Reactor Feed Pump is in service.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 15 Event


Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+40 min MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO

  • Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
  • Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • SRO acknowledges seismic monitor information.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.
  • SRO directs BOP to perform AOP subsequent actions (AC4 thru AC6).


  • Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are normal.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.


  • Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
  • Reviews ARP 6D69.
  • Directs Operator to investigate Seismic Event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.02g horizontal and 0.02g vertical.

  • BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.
  • BOP directs Reactor Building Rounds to reset CCHVAC Purge Compressors.

ROLE PLAY: Reactor Building Rounds acknowledges reset CCHVAC purge Compressors.

  • BOP informs Outside Rounds that MDCT Fans will be started.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 5 of 15 Event


Seismic Event at 0.02g Horizontal and Vertical ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds acknowledges starting all MDCT Fans.

  • BOP start all MDCT fans ROLE PLAY: Outside Rounds inspect fans as fans are started.

Reports good start on all fans.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 6 of 15 Event


CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+41 min MALFUNCTION - C11MF0561 - CR 30-31 Continuous Withdrawal (1 min delay). Clear C11MF0561 to allow CR to settle to 00.


  • Acknowledges Rod Drift Alarm.
  • Acknowledges CR 30-31 drifting out of the core.
  • Enters AOP 20.106.07, Rod Drift.
  • Conducts AOP Brief.
  • Directs ATC to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.
  • Enters Tech Spec 3.1.3 (Condition C - insert - 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />; disarm -

4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />).

  • Acknowledges CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.
  • Contacts SNE to report CR 30-31 disarmed.

ROLE PLAY: As SNE, acknowledge report that CR 30-31 is inserted and disarmed.

o May conduct brief and exit AOP.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 7 of 15 Event


CR 30-31 Drifts out of Core ATC

  • Announces Rod Drift Alarm.
  • Identifies CR 30-31 drifting out the core.
  • Drives CR 30-31 fully in using Emergency - IN.
  • Reports CR 30-31 fully inserted.
  • Dispatches RB Rounds to HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Go to HCU 30-31 and stand by to hydraulically disarm CR 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: RB Rounds: Standing by at HCU 30-31.

  • ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F103 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: C11-F103 at HCU 30-31 is closed.

  • ATC directs RB Rounds to close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: Close C11-F105 at HCU 30-31.

ROLE PLAY: C11-F105 at HCU 30-31 is closed.

  • Reports to CRS that CR 30-31 is hydraulically isolated.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page 8 of 15 Event


S Seal Oil Pump high amps Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+55 min MALFUNCTION - NIXAP804_A180NOISE - South Seal Oil Pump ROLE PLAY: TB Rounds Operator calls and reports S Seal Oil Pump is making loud noises.


  • Acknowledges report of oscillating amps on S Seal Oil Pump.
  • Conducts Brief.
  • Directs BOP to Start N Seal Oil Pump.
  • Acknowledges N Seal Oil Pump Running.


  • Announces S South Oil Pump has indication of oscillating amps.
  • Starts N Seal Oil Pump, and places S Seal Oil pump in OFF/RESET.
  • Informs tagging center of potential issue with S Seal Oil Pump.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on North Seal Oil Pump.

  • BOP reports North Seal Oil Pump running with South in OFF/RESET.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 9 of 15 Event


Trip of N TBCCW Pump Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+65 min MALFUNCTION - P43MF0025 - North TBCCW Pump Trip SRO

  • Acknowledges Trip of North TBCCW Pump
  • Enters AOP 20.128.01, Loss of TBCCW
  • Conducts AOP Brief
  • Directs BOP to Start South TBCCW Pump
  • Acknowledges South TBCCW Pump Running o May Exit AOP BOP
  • Announces Trip of North TBCCW Pump.
  • Dispatches TB Rounds Operator to investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at pump.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Trip of North TBCCW Pump.

  • Informs TB Rounds Operator that South TBCCW Pump will be started.

ROLE PLAY: Starting South TBCCW Pump.

  • Starts South TBCCW Pump.

ROLE PLAY: After a few seconds, TB Rounds reports Good Start on South TBCCW Pump.

  • Dispatches Operator to investigate breaker for tripped North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate trip of North TBCCW Pump at 72M-2D.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, TB Rounds reports No apparent cause for North TBCCW Pump trip at the pump.

  • BOP reports South TBCCW Pump running.

ROLE PLAY: After about 5 min, Operator reports 72M-2D tripped on overload, and there is an acrid odor in the area.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page 10 of 15 Event


APRM 1 Downscale Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+75 min MALFUNCTION - C51MF0001 - APRM 1 Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
  • Enters Tech Specs:
  • Conducts Brief.


  • Announces Alarms 3D98, 3D113.
  • Identifies Failure of APRM 1 Downscale.
  • Identifies applicable TS to SRO.
  • Dispatches Operator to Relay Room to investigate failure of APRM 1.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate failure of APRM 1.

ROLE PLAY: After about 3 min, report from Relay Room No apparent cause for failure at APRM 1, APRM 1 reading downscale.

All other APRMs reading normal.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 8 Page 11 of 15 Event


Aftershock - Seismic Event. at 0.04g Horizontal and Vertical Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+85 min MALFUNCTION - C97MF1087 - 6D69 - Seismic Event/Trouble SRO

  • Acknowledges Seismic Event/Trouble alarm.
  • Acknowledges Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • SRO acknowledges seismic information.
  • SRO directs ATC/BOP to monitor parameters.


  • Monitors plant conditions and announces Power, Pressure and Level are stable.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.


  • Announces 6D69 Seismic Event/Trouble Alarm.
  • Reviews ARP 6D69.
  • Directs Operator to investigate Seismic event using SOP 23.612 in Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: Investigate Seismic Event in Relay Room using SOP 23.612.

ROLE PLAY: After about 2 min, Operator reports seismic information: Event light is ON, ERROR light is OFF, printout shows 0.04g horizontal and 0.04g vertical.

  • BOP reports seismic information to SRO.
  • Monitors parameters as directed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 9 Page 12 of 15 Event


B RR Pump Seal Failures. Rising Drywell Pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MALFUNCTION - B31MF0064 - B RR Pump Outer Seal Failure

+86 min MALFUNCTION - B31MF0065 - B RR Pump Inner Seal Failure MALFUNCTION - B31MF0066 - A Recirc Loop Leak SRO

  • Acknowledge Alarms.

o May direct ATC to isolate B RR Pump per SOP 23.138.01.

  • Acknowledges rising Drywell pressure.


  • Announces Alarm 3D147.
  • Reports rising pressure on inner seal on RR Pump B.
  • Announces Alarm 3D145.
  • Reports lowering pressure on both RR Pump B seals.

o May attempt B RR Pump isolation per SOP 23.138.01.


  • Announces rising Drywell pressure, Crew Update Rising Drywell Pressure.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 10 Page 13 of 15 Event


Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

+90 min SRO

  • Directs ATC to place Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.
  • Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Pressure and Level 3.
  • Directs BOP to Verify Isolations/Actuations for Level as they occur (Hard Card).
  • Directs BOP to restore and maintain RPV water level 173 to 214 inches.
  • Directs BOP to maintain RPV pressure 900 to 1050 psig.

o May lower pressure band due to leak in Drywell.

  • Crew Update, Entering EOPs on High Drywell Temperature.
  • Directs ATC to verify initiation of EECW, isolation of EECW to the drywell, and to restore cooling to CRD.
  • Directs BOP to prevent injection from CS and LPCI pumps not required for ACC.
  • Directs ATC to place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode.

o May direct ATC to close E1150-F010.

  • Directs ATC to verify RR Pumps are shutdown.
  • Verifies within DWSIL (IPCS).
  • Directs ATC to shutdown all Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Directs ATC to prepare to spray the Drywell.
  • Directs ATC to spray the Drywell.
  • Directs Torus and Drywell Pressure Override to ATC (0 psig).


  • Places Reactor Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
  • Verifies initiation of EECW.
  • Verifies isolation of EECW to the drywell.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 10 Page 14 of 15 Event


Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN - Rising drywell pressure ATC

  • Restores Cooling to CRD Pumps.
  • Shutdown Drywell Cooling Fans.
  • Place Division 1 RHR in Torus Cooling and Torus Spray Mode (Hard Card).
  • Starts Division 1 RHRSW (Hard Card).

o May close E1150-F010.

  • Performs lineup to spray the Drywell.
  • Sprays the drywell when directed by SRO. (CRITICAL TASK)
  • Stops Torus or Drywell Sprays if override conditions met (0 psig).


  • Restores and maintains RPV water level 173 to 214 inches with available systems.
  • Verifies isolation and actuations for level as they occur.
  • Shutdown CS and LPCI pumps not needed for RPV level. (Hard Cards).
  • Maintains RPV pressure as directed.
  • Reports when out of Pressure Band.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 2015-1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 11 Page 15 of 15 Event


RPV Level Instrumentation Fails. RPV Flooding Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Malfunction - B21MF0060 - Division 1 Reference Leg Failure (12A)

+100 min Malfunction - B21MF0059 - Division 2 Reference Leg Failure (12B)

Malfunction - B21MF0073 - Floodup Level Transmitter Failure SRO

  • Acknowledges Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • Crew Update: We have met the conditions for RPV Flooding.
  • Transitions to EOP 29.100.01 Sheet 3.
  • Directs ATC to bypass and restore Drywell Pneumatics.
  • Directs BOP to have operator monitor SRV Tailpipe temperatures.


  • Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • Bypasses isolation signals with Keylock Switches and opens Drywell Pneumatics Valves if closed.


  • Identifies/Verifies Loss of all RPV level Indication.
  • BOP directs operator to monitor SRV tailpipe temperatures.

ROLE PLAY: Monitor SRV Tailpipe Temperatures in the Relay Room.

ROLE PLAY: After flooding conditions are established, report SRV tailpipe temperatures for the open SRV(s) are 265°F and lowering slowly.

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