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{{#Wiki_filter:Issue Date: 07/13/2016 A Safety RelatedPAGE79OF123
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    ..-                                                                                       Safety Related                  PAGE 79 OF 123
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9 QUALITY RECORDRev:001 Procedure Chanae Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC),',""*_,c" ,i"',, i v.'.'i PRGGN: 2 0 16S6 S-Procedure Number: I(),<-ot-Z3 Unit Number: I Current Revision: t{-Procedure Title: e.,"" t",..,----ITypeof[313_,_loc_
      '~Entergy                                  Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9                                                 QUALITY RECORD                                                Rev:                         001 Procedure Chanae Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC)
0 OE1 OF1 Pen&Ink Editorial OA__I D--changeinfield Change: I Describe Editorial Correction:
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CI};;e"t+;tll"A; I.t-/I r", (;PI I tilt',,,,,,,,,,, J{t<"""r" , Initiator:
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S6        S-Procedure Number:                         I() , <-ot- Z3               Unit Number:             I       Current Revision:                     t{-
Procedure Title:                                 e., ""t",..,
....".'Plant Management Staff: ":S<1Pt'Date:
Print Name
Type of Editorial            OA _ _                  [313_,_loc_ I 0 D - -                                OE1 OF1 Pen & Ink change in field Change:                                                     I                I Describe Editorial Correction:                       CI};;e"t
*Signature indicates PEe is accurate, consistent with PEetypesofPage2or3.Thisalso indicates approval for immediateuse(penandink change in field-Ff}isprovided.
NOTE:14Working dayclockstartsuponPlant Management Staff Approval.>','
                                                                        +;tll"A; fJ~/I'S.        I  .t- /I r",(;       PI       I tilt',,,,,,,,,,,   J 7~
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                                                              ~-     Signature
,'-.<--.iT::: Assigned Procedure Writer.;<.Va..,NewRevision Number: 5 I'.,."," ,i.,.',"'E<:'*""".:':i
:=-:-=,. Date:               7- /3           - /6
.".,:',..;;;'.'(i,j',//{'"r i'i">:,?",.', i':".........'Review by:
  'F " "                         '/S,ECtjQN2 . . ~~NTMANA9EIIIIElIltSTA~fAppRQ\fAl.ri,/".',',".,,.,".,,'/} . . ".'
Date: 7j;o/Jh Print Name C Note:ThepersonperformingthePlantManagementSlaffApprovalmayalsobethesameperson performing theSupervIsorReview.TheInitiatorCANNOTbeeitherofthetwo.Page1 of3 CONTROLLED COPY_
Plant Management Staff: ":S<1Pt' ~
AlA Safety RelatedPAGE80OF123 Grand Gulf Nuclear StationREFERENCEUSE 01-5-02-9QUALITYRECORD Rev: 001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Descri ption Type A.Correction of the following obvious editorial errors: 1.Punctuation, Capitalization or Misspelledwordsor obvious typographical errors 2.Redundantwordsor phrases 3.Omitted symbols 4.Misplaced decimals 5.Incorrectunitsof measure)6.Step/section/revision number discrepancies 7.Page number discrepancies 8.Cloning errors (Obvioussteporpartofastepcopied incorrectlyfroman opposite unit procedure).
                                                                            ~A;-                            Date: '7~/J,/r Print Name       X~ture
9.Equipment positions, conditionsorsettingswhen incorrect.
* Signature indicates PEe is accurate, consistent with PEe types of Page 2 or 3. This also indicates approval for immediate use (pen and ink change in field-Ff} is provided.
10.Inadvertent deletion of informationfroma previously approved versionofthe document.11.Steprefersusertoan incorrect Attachment or branchestoan incorrect step.12.Equipment locations or descriptions.
NOTE: 14 Working day clock starts upon Plant Management Staff Approval.
13.Corrections/enhancementstopage layoutsorword processing features.14.Incorrect pagination 15.Incorrect transitions 16.Digitaldata corruptionerrorscausedby software conversions.
                            '):lx~:t~'-::;- ;                                                                                                      <--.
B.Minor non-technical changes that enhance understanding:
1.Grammaticalerrorsand sentence structure.
2.Restoringoraddingsign-ofts, signaturelines,datelinesorplace keeping tools.3.Corrections to reference pages includingtheTitlePage, Summary of Revisions, and Table of Contents.4.Correction to Attachment identifiers for consistency throughout the document.5.Clarifyingoradding informationtoNotes, Warnings, Cautions,andStepswhenthey clearlydonot change the technical performance or intentofthestep.
6.Convert Initial Conditionactionstepsthatwouldbemore appropriateasthefirst steps of a procedure into procedure steps.7.Indicating or modifyingtextatthe beginningofasectionto indicate the Technical ProcedureUsageLevel.
                                                                                                                    ;(-:~,:. (~:j-~{"::-~'  , '-.
8 Changes to component' verification practicestobe consistent with EN-HU-106, ProcedureandWork InstructionUseand Adherence.
                    > ','
'Page2of3 Safety RelatedPAGE81OF123 Grand Gulf Nuclear StationREFERENCEUSE 01-5-02-9 QUALITY RECORD Rev: 001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Description Type C.Updating existing information due to organizational or internal process changes: 1.AddressesandTelephoneNumbers.
l>~ 4M(~-
Assigned Procedure Writer.                         ;<. Va..,                                 New Revision Number:                                 5 I' .,."," ,i.,.',"'E< ."'.i;~" :'*""".:':i .".,:',.               .;;;'.
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Review by:                   ~l<.,.ecl) ~                    ~V/t?A                                      Date:         7j;o/Jh Print Name             C     ~Ignature Note: The person performing the Plant Management Slaff Approval may also be the same person performing the SupervIsor Review. The Initiator CANNOT be either of the two.
Page 1 of3 CONTROLLED COPY                                                _
&CountyRegulations,NRC,EPA,OSHA,COMARCodesandStandards,ANSI,CorporateandStationpolicies,directivesand procedures.
6.CorrectingTech Spec/FSAR/FSARfTRM/ODCMreferencenumbers.
D.Minor corrections due to in already existing processes:
.*approved(05RCapproval, Technical Review)'lnanotherprocedure:
F.Pen&Ink changes performed in the field:-.1.Pen&InkchangesrequiresatleastonecriterionfromA,B,orCaboveandManagementStaffmembersignature.(Section 5.15ProcedureEditorialChange(PEC)Process).Page3of3 PLANT OPERATIONS MANUAL Volume 10 Section 01REFERENCEUSE EMERGENCYPLANPROCEDURE REENTRY SAFETY RELATED Prepared: Reviewed: Technical Approved: Manager, Emergency Planning List of Effective Pages: Pages 1-7 List of TCNs Incorporated:
10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Date: Revision o 1 002 003 004 005 TCN None None None None None None J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 RPTS FORM EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Revision: 005 Page: i REQUIRED REVIEW PERFORMED 0 00.59 E v a.1 u a t..i (I n (Check: all t hat apply)(EN-L1-100)(EN-LI-lOl
)0 72 48 Evaluation 0 SO 54 Evaluation 1'ransmi t app l, i cabl r;,;Rev i ew F'G:r:m as (EN-LI-112) a separatere co r d along with 0 PP-.D Not Required (EN-LI-1OOor..01-S-02-3i procedure to Document.Control 0 Process App l i cab i LityExc Lude ci 0 Edi t.or i a I Change 0 lSI/1ST Implement.ation 0 TeNIn corpor at.i ori ell'Auto F,:::v 0 Other Process-Number:
PADRev i ewer:/)f or FAD Not Required)S i o na t u re j Da t.';:\.Cross-Discipline review required?()Yes (Note affected Departments Below)I (X)No Preparer Initials>>>
II Department Cross-Discipline Reviews Needed Signoff (signed, electronic, telcon)Does this directive contain Tech Spec Triggers?()YES (Xl NO REQUIREMENTS CROSS-REFERENCE LIST Requirement Implemented Name Tech GGNS GGNS GGNS GGNS Spec Emer Emer Emer Emer Plan Plan Plan Plan 6.4.1a,b, c 6.3.1 6.1.2a thru c 6.2.1*Covered by directive as a whole or by various paragraphs of the directive.
NOTE The Equipment Database (ED8)Request statement is applicable only to Volume 06 and 07 maintenance directives.
EDB Change Request generated and the backup documentation available for setpoint and/or calibration data only 0 Yes 0 N/A ED8CR#J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH PU8\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Title: Reentry Current Revision Statement Revision 005: No.: 10-S-01-23 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Revision: 005 Page: ii*Correct title on top of pages i andii from Recovery to Reentry.This is an editorial change.J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry 1.0 PURPOSE AND DISCUSSIONNo.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 1 1.1 Purpose To provide general guidance for the reentry phase of an emergency.
1.2 Discussion The immediate actions in response to an emergency at GGNS are directed toward limiting the consequences of the incident in a manner that affords the maximum protection to plant personnel and the general public.2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Emerqency Director-Maintains overall responsibility for the operation and control of the plant.2.2 Operations Support Center Manager-Is responsible for using the guidelines of this procedure for the organization, control and operation of Reentry and Recovery Teams.He reports findings to Emergency Plant Manager.2.3 Radiological Coordinator
-Is assisted by the Rad Chern Coordinator in the OSC and is responsible for ensuring Reentry and Recovery Teams observe approved Health Physics procedures and radiation exposure limits.Ensures that the Emergency Director is informed of current radiological conditions.
2.4 Rad Chern Coordinator
-Is responsible for providing RP coverage for reentry Team(s).He is responsible for directing on-site monitoring, sampling and decontamination.
He provides radiological protection information for Reentry Team(s).He reported all results to the OSC Manager.2.5 Reentry Teams-Perform comprehensive radiological surveys of previously evacuated plant areas to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment.
2.6 Recovery Manager-Is responsible for Overall recovery activities and for implementing 10-S-I-23, Reentry, as necessary to support recovery operations.
2.7 Recovery Radiological Manager-Is responsible for health physics and radwaste activities in support of the recovery operations.
Any entry back into EPZ evacuated areas of site personnel is coordinated via the lead government agencies that issued any protective actions.The Recovery Radiological Manager (or Radiological Assessment Coordinator) will coordinate licensee resources return to the site via dialogue and coordination with these lead government agencies.2.8 Emergency Plant Manager-He shall direct the OSC Manager to develop those plans as appropriate and to implement the formulated plans.

Safety Related        PAGE 80 OF 123
  ~Entergy'                Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9                            QUALITY RECORD                                Rev:        001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Descri ption Type A.       Correction of the following obvious editorial errors:
: 1. Punctuation, Capitalization or Misspelled words or obvious typographical errors
: 2. Redundant words or phrases
: 3. Omitted symbols
: 4. Misplaced decimals
: 5. Incorrect units of measure
: 6. Step/section/revision number discrepancies
: 7. Page number discrepancies
: 8. Cloning errors (Obvious step or part of a step copied incorrectly from an opposite unit procedure).
: 9. Equipment positions, conditions or settings when incorrect.
: 10. Inadvertent deletion of information from a previously approved version of the document.
: 11. Step refers user to an incorrect Attachment or branches to an incorrect step.
: 12. Equipment locations or descriptions.
: 13. Corrections/enhancements to page layouts or word processing features.
: 14. Incorrect pagination
: 15. Incorrect transitions
: 16. Digital data corruption errors caused by software conversions.
B.      Minor non-technical changes that enhance understanding:
: 1. Grammatical errors and sentence structure.
: 2. Restoring or adding sign-ofts, signature lines, date lines or place keeping tools.
: 3. Corrections to reference pages including the Title Page, Summary of Revisions, and Table of Contents.
: 4. Correction to Attachment identifiers for consistency throughout the document.
: 5. Clarifying or adding information to Notes, Warnings, Cautions, and Steps when they clearly do not change the technical performance or intent of the step.
: 6. Convert Initial Condition action steps that would be more appropriate as the first steps of a procedure into procedure steps.
: 7. Indicating or modifying text at the beginning of a section to indicate the Technical Procedure Usage Level.
8    Changes to component' verification practices to be consistent with EN-HU-106, Procedure and Work Instruction Use and Adherence. '
Page 2 of 3

3.1 GGNS Emergency Plan 3.2 NUREG 0654 3.3 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-1-29, Operation Support Center Operations 3.4 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-22, Recovery J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GOLF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: ReentryNo.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 2 3.5 Administrative Procedure, 01-S-08-2, Exposure and'Contamination Control 3.6 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-20, Administration of Potassium Iodide 3.7 Radiation Protection Instruction, 08-S-02-22, Personnel Decontamination 4.0 ATTACHMENTS None5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.1 Recovery Actions-Those actions taken after the emergency to restore-the plant to pre-emergency conditions.
Safety Related      PAGE 81 OF 123
5.2ED-Emergency Director 5.3OSC-Operations Support Center 5.4EOF-Emergency Operations Facility 5.5EPP-Emergency Plan Procedure 5.6TSC-Technical Support Center 5.7 EPM-Emergency Plant Manager (TSC)5.9 RC-Radiological Coordinator (TSC)5.10 RCC-Rad Chern Coordinator (OSC)6.0 DETAILS 6.1 General Requirements 6.1.1 Once the corrective and protective actions have established an effective control over the situation, the emergency response actions shift into the recovery phase during which all actions are planned and deliberate.
~Entergy                Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9                            QUALITY RECORD                                Rev:          001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Description Type C.      Updating existing information due to organizational or internal process changes:
a.Radiation protection administrative requirements and controls should be implemented, including'normal radiation exposure limits, RWPs, ALARA reviews and radiological postings per Reference 3.5.b.Maintenance activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives, including such control as Maintenance Action Items, equipment tag-out, and review of the planner work activity by the Shift Manager.c.Operations activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives.
: 1. Addresses and Telephone Numbers.
J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0l33.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Title: Reentry 6.1.1 (continued)
: 2. References including additions, deletions or title changes.
No.: 10-S-01-23 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Revision: 005 Page: 3 NOTE 6.1.2 During initial response to an emergency a licensed Senior Reactor Operator may authorize the emergency suspension of some normal quality assurance procedures and administrative controls, license conditions, and Technical Specifications.
: 3. Equipment descriptions or locations to be consistent with approved drawings, documents, labels, or procedure content.
For plant recovery, this provision allowed per Reference 3.1, should not be authorized.
: 4. Updating organizational titles provided the title change does not result in a change in job functions or responsibilities referenced in the procedure.
Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, the recovery phase may be: a.Completed by the Emergency Organization prior to termination of the emergency classification.
: 5. Adding, deleting or correcting document reference numbers or titles, such as:
b.Establish a Recovery Organization if the recovery operations will be complicated or will extend over a relatively long period of time.c.Not necessary NOTE This procedure addresses actions to be taken after a major event.Portions of this procedure may be applied to reentry operations for any declared emergency (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency).
* Federal, State & County Regulations, NRC, EPA, OSHA, COMAR Codes and Standards, ANSI, Corporate and Station policies, directives and procedures.
: 6. Correcting Tech Spec/FSAR/FSARfTRM/ODCM reference numbers.
D.      Minor corrections due to chang~s in already existing processes:
: 1. Identifying previously incorporated text with a commitment or similar reference.
: 2. Word processing of previously approved pen and ink changes.
: 3. Provide commitment source information (for example, NRC, INPO).
E.      Identical.changes*.pre"iouslyreVieV\fedand.* approved(05RCapproval, Technical Review) 'lnanotherprocedure: . . . .                        -:  .
: 1. Different procedures performing the same activity such as procedures on the opposite unit or train.
F.      Pen &Ink changes performed in the field:        -.
: 1. Pen & Ink changes requires at least one criterion from A, B, or C above and Management Staff member signature. (Section 5.15 Procedure Editorial Change (PEC) Process).
Page 3 of 3
PLANT OPERATIONS MANUAL Volume 10                                              10-S-01-23 Section 01                                              Revision:  005 Date:
Technical Approved:
Manager, Emergency Planning List of Effective Pages:
Pages 1-7 List of TCNs Incorporated:
Revision      TCN o          None 1          None 002        None 003        None 004        None 005        None J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                                                EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                                    No.:        10-S-01-23          Revision:        005      Page:          i RPTS FORM REQUIRED REVIEW PERFORMED                            0      P~l:l.D                      0 ~) 0 . 59 E v a .1 u a t. .i (I n (Check: all t hat apply)                            (EN-L1-100)                          (EN-LI-lOl )
0 72 48 Evaluation                    0 SO 54 Evaluation 1'ransmi t app l, i cabl r;,; Re v i ew F'G:r:m as  (EN-LI-112)                          (EUS-N~~-210) a separate r e co r d along with                    0 PP-.D Not Required (EN-LI-1OO o r.. 01-S-02-3i procedure to Document. Control                                0 Process App l i cab i Lit y Ex c Lude ci 0 Edi t.or i a I Change 0 lSI/1ST Implement.ation 0 TeN I nc o r po r at .i ori ell' Auto F,:::v 0 Other Process-Number:
PAD Re v i ewe r :                                                /
                                                          \. f or
FAD Not  Required)            S i o na t u re j Da t. ';:
Cross-Discipline review required?                    (    )    Yes      (Note affected Departments Below)                    I (X)        No Preparer Initials>>>                                II Department Cross-Discipline Reviews Needed                                                  Signoff (signed, electronic, telcon)
Does this directive contain Tech Spec Triggers? ( ) YES (Xl NO REQUIREMENTS CROSS-REFERENCE LIST Requirement Implemented Name Tech Spec GGNS Emer Plan                                                                            6.4.1a, b , c GGNS Emer Plan                                                                            6.3.1 GGNS Emer Plan                                                                            6.1. 2a thru c GGNS Emer Plan                                                                            6.2.1
* Covered by directive as a whole or by various paragraphs of the directive.
NOTE The Equipment Database (ED8)                Request statement is applicable only to Volume 06 and 07 maintenance directives.
EDB Change Request generated and the backup documentation available for setpoint and/or calibration data only 0 Yes 0 N/A ED8CR #
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                    No.:  10-S-01-23  Revision:  005  Page:  ii Current Revision Statement Revision 005:
* Correct title on top of pages i andii from Recovery to Reentry. This is an editorial change.
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                    EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title:  Reentry                      No. :  10-S-01-23  Revision:  005  Page:  1 1.0    PURPOSE AND DISCUSSION 1.1  Purpose To provide general guidance for the reentry phase of an emergency.
1.2  Discussion The immediate actions in response to an emergency at GGNS are directed toward limiting the consequences of the incident in a manner that affords the maximum protection to plant personnel and the general public.
2.0    RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1  Emerqency Director - Maintains overall responsibility for the operation and control of the plant.
2.2  Operations Support Center Manager - Is responsible for using the guidelines of this procedure for the organization, control and operation of Reentry and Recovery Teams. He reports findings to Emergency Plant Manager.
2.3  Radiological Coordinator - Is assisted by the Rad Chern Coordinator in the OSC and is responsible for ensuring Reentry and Recovery Teams observe approved Health Physics procedures and radiation exposure limits. Ensures that the Emergency Director is informed of current radiological conditions.
2.4  Rad Chern Coordinator - Is responsible for providing RP coverage for reentry Team(s). He is responsible for directing on-site monitoring, sampling and decontamination. He provides radiological protection information for Reentry Team(s). He reported all results to the OSC Manager.
2.5  Reentry Teams - Perform comprehensive radiological surveys of previously evacuated plant areas to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment.
2.6  Recovery Manager - Is responsible for Overall recovery activities and for implementing 10-S-I-23, Reentry, as necessary to support recovery operations.
2.7  Recovery Radiological Manager - Is responsible for health physics and radwaste activities in support of the recovery operations. Any entry back into EPZ evacuated areas of site personnel is coordinated via the lead government agencies that issued any protective actions. The Recovery Radiological Manager (or Radiological Assessment Coordinator) will coordinate licensee resources return to the site via dialogue and coordination with these lead government agencies.
2.8  Emergency Plant Manager - He shall direct the OSC Manager to develop those plans as appropriate and to implement the formulated plans.
3.1  GGNS Emergency Plan 3.2   NUREG 0654 3.3   Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-1-29, Operation Support Center Operations 3.4   Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-22, Recovery J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC
GRAND GOLF NUCLEAR STATION                                 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title:   Reentry                      No . : 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 2 3.5 Administrative Procedure, 01-S-08-2, Exposure and 'Contamination Control 3.6 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-20, Administration of Potassium Iodide 3.7 Radiation Protection Instruction, 08-S-02-22, Personnel Decontamination 4.0 ATTACHMENTS None 5.0   DEFINITIONS 5.1 Recovery Actions - Those actions taken after the emergency to restore-the plant to pre-emergency conditions.
5.2  ED - Emergency Director 5.3  OSC - Operations Support Center 5.4  EOF - Emergency Operations Facility 5.5  EPP - Emergency Plan Procedure 5.6  TSC - Technical Support Center 5.7   EPM - Emergency Plant Manager (TSC) 5.9   RC - Radiological Coordinator (TSC) 5.10 RCC - Rad Chern Coordinator (OSC) 6.0 DETAILS 6.1   General Requirements 6.1.1   Once the corrective and protective actions have established an effective control over the situation, the emergency response actions shift into the recovery phase during which all actions are planned and deliberate.
: a. Radiation protection administrative requirements and controls should be implemented, including'normal radiation exposure limits, RWPs, ALARA reviews and radiological postings per Reference 3.5.
: b. Maintenance activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives, including such control as Maintenance Action Items, equipment tag-out, and review of the planner work activity by the Shift Manager.
: c. Operations activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives.
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                       No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page:   3 6.1.1 (continued)
NOTE During initial response to an emergency a licensed Senior Reactor Operator may authorize the emergency suspension of some normal quality assurance procedures and administrative controls, license conditions, and Technical Specifications. For plant recovery, this provision allowed per Reference 3.1, should not be authorized.
6.1. 2    Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, the recovery phase may be:
: a. Completed by the Emergency Organization prior to termination of the emergency classification.
: b. Establish a Recovery Organization if the recovery operations will be complicated or will extend over a relatively long period of time.
: c. Not necessary NOTE This procedure addresses actions to be taken after a major event. Portions of this procedure may be applied to reentry operations for any declared emergency (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency).
Personnel actions and responsibilities are dictated by procedure as each emergency facility is activated.
Personnel actions and responsibilities are dictated by procedure as each emergency facility is activated.
6.2 Reentry Assessment 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 The initial reentry into the plant areas encompasses the following goals (in order of priority): a.Determination of the initial required recovery operations (application of clearance tags, etc.)b.Visual observation of hazards or potential hazards associated with the recovery operations c.Conduct comprehensive radiation surveillance of plant facilities and define radiological problem areas d.Isolate and post areas in the plant with radiological warning signs, and rope barriers, as appropriate.
6.2 Reentry Assessment 6.2.1   The initial reentry into the plant areas encompasses the following goals (in order of priority) :
Reentry to affected areas of the plant which have been evacuated is to be planned and deliberate.
: a. Determination of the initial required recovery operations (application of clearance tags, etc.)
The reentry phase is not to be initiated until the initial corrective and protective actions have been taken to establish effective control over the emergency situation.
: b. Visual observation of hazards or potential hazards associated with the recovery operations
J:\ADM SRVS\TECH PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 4 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 The OSC Manager must obtain the approval of the Emergency Plant Manager prior to sending the initial Reentry Team into the plant.Utilize all available data including area and process monitor readings, survey data, and personnel observations to determine:
: c. Conduct comprehensive radiation surveillance of plant facilities and define radiological problem areas
a.Which plant area(s)is affected.b.The conditions in the area, such as personnel hazards, temperature, toxic environment, and equipment condition.
: d. Isolate and post areas in the plant with radiological warning signs, and rope barriers, as appropriate.
c.Whether or not there are personnel in the area(si who need assistance.
6.2.2    Reentry to affected areas of the plant which have been evacuated is to be planned and deliberate.
d.The time scheduled, based on necessity, for reentry to commence.Isolate and post areas determined to be unsafe or unnecessary to be reentered with appropriate warning signs and rope barriers.6.3 Reentry Preparation 6.3.1 The OSC Manager should assign appropriately trained personnel to each Reentry Team based upon the assigned tasks of the team: For example: a.An initial Reentry Team assigned to perform comprehensive radiological surveys of evacuated plant areas should be manned primarily by Health Physics qualified personnel.
6.2.3    The reentry phase is not to be initiated until the initial corrective and protective actions have been taken to establish effective control over the emergency situation.
This team should preplan the following activities:
(1)Areas to be surveyed (2)Anticipated radiation and contamination levels (3)Radiation survey equipment required (4)Shielding requirements and availability (5)Protective clothing and equipment required Access control procedures (7)Exposure control limits and personnel dosimetry required (8)Decontamination requirements (9)Communications J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Title: ReentryNo.: 10-S-01-23 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Revision: 005 Page: 5 6.3.1 (continued) b.A Reentry Team assigned to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment should be manned by personnel from the following sections as appropriate:
(1)Operations (2)Engineering (3)Maintenance (4)Radiological Protection c.A Reentry Team may also be assigned to perform both radiological surveillance and damage assessment functions.
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                       No.: 10-S-01-23   Revision: 005 Page: 4 6.2.4   The OSC Manager must obtain the approval of the Emergency Plant Manager prior to sending the initial Reentry Team into the plant.
6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 The team members should complete an Emergency Exposure Authorization form in accordance with 01-S-08-2, Exposure and Contamination Control, if high radiation levels are expected.For safety purposes, ensure that each reentry team is composed of at least two individuals.
6.2.5    Utilize all available data including area and process monitor readings, survey data, and personnel observations to determine:
Ensure that the OSC maintains a current status board on reentry team operations and that reentry personnel log out of the OSC prior to departing on assigned reentry activities.
: a. Which plant area(s) is affected.
6.4 Reentry into Radiological Affected Areas 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 The Rad Chern Coordinator reviews the following prior to plant reentry a.Radiation surveillance data available from plant instrumentation and OSC Response Team survey information to determine plant areas potentially affected by abnormal levels of radiation or contamination b.Radiation exposures of personnel assigned to participate in reentry operations and to determine need for additional personnel.
: b. The conditions in the area, such as personnel hazards, temperature, toxic environment, and equipment condition.
c.Adequacy of available survey instrumentation and equipment (type, range, number, calibration, etc.).d.Reentry team checklist, procedures, radiation areas, exposure limits, communication, shielding requirements and areas to be surveyed.Personnel selected for reentry teams should report to the OSC for their briefing.Administer potassium iodine, as necessary, according to20, Administration of Potassium Iodide, if high levels of radioactive iodine are encountered.
: c. Whether or not there are personnel in the area(si who need assistance.
Direct reentry personnel to monitor radiation levels and take appropriate samples along reentry route.J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-Ol-23 Revision: 005 Page: 6 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.
: d. The time scheduled, based on necessity, for reentry to commence.
Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.Debrief team member at theNotify the EPM/Recovery Manager of the status of the reentry team(s).Report the results and findings of the reentry the EPM/Recovery Manager.Determine the need for additional reentries and, if required, for the initiation of recovery operations in accordance with22, Recovery, if recovery operations are not already initiated.
6.2.6    Isolate and post areas determined to be unsafe or unnecessary to be reentered with appropriate warning signs and rope barriers.
6.5 Reentry into Environmentally or Structurally Affected Areas 6.5.1 When entering environmentally or structurally affected areas (i.e., steam leak, smoke, flooding, earthquake damage, toxic atmosphere, etc.), ensure that appropriate measures are taken for personnel safety, including the following:
6.3 Reentry Preparation 6.3.1   The OSC Manager should assign appropriately trained personnel to each Reentry Team based upon the assigned tasks of the team:
a.Reduce the potential hazards to reentry personnel, if possible, by actions such as ventilation purge or the securing of systems.b.Outfit personnel with appropriate emergency equipment, such as self-contained breathing apparatus, steam suits, flashlights, tow lines, specials tools and communication devices as required.c.Test the equipment for operability prior to reentry.d.Direct reentry personnel to withdraw to a predetermined
For example:
'safe area'if severe unanticipated or unplanned conditions are encountered, pending further evaluation of the reentry effort.e.Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with the OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.
: a. An initial Reentry Team assigned to perform comprehensive radiological surveys of evacuated plant areas should be manned primarily by Health Physics qualified personnel. This team should preplan the following activities:
f.Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.g.Perform monitoring and decontamination in accordance with reference 3.7, if required.h.Debrief team members at the OSC using OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13), or similar.If radiological hazards were present, the OSC Rad Chern Coordinator should also conduct a debriefing in accordance with OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13).J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Title: Reentry EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURENo.: 10-8-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 7 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 Notify the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager of the return of the Reentry team(s).Report the results and findings of the reentry team to the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager.Determine the need for additional reentries and for the initiation of recovery operations, if necessary.
(1) Areas to be surveyed (2) Anticipated radiation and contamination levels (3)   Radiation survey equipment required (4)   Shielding requirements and availability (5)   Protective clothing and equipment required Access control procedures (7)   Exposure control limits and personnel dosimetry required (8)   Decontamination requirements (9) Communications J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC
7.0FINALCONDITIONS 7.1 Reentry Operations have been completed and all reentry teams members have been accounted for.7.2 Debriefing of reentry teams members has been completed and documented.
7.3 Forms and paperwork generated by this procedure and emergencies are collected by the OSC Manager and forwarded to the Manager, Emergency Planning.J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH PU8\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC}}
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                        No. : 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 5 6.3.1   (continued)
: b. A Reentry Team assigned to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment should be manned by personnel from the following sections as appropriate:
(1) Operations (2) Engineering (3) Maintenance (4) Radiological Protection
: c. A Reentry Team may also be assigned to perform both radiological surveillance and damage assessment functions.
6.3.2 The team members should complete an Emergency Exposure Authorization form in accordance with 01-S-08-2, Exposure and Contamination Control, if high radiation levels are expected.
6.3.3  For safety purposes, ensure that each reentry team is composed of at least two individuals.
6.3.4  Ensure that the OSC maintains a current status board on reentry team operations and that reentry personnel log out of the OSC prior to departing on assigned reentry activities.
6.4 Reentry into Radiological Affected Areas 6.4.1   The Rad Chern Coordinator reviews the following prior to plant reentry
: a. Radiation surveillance data available from plant instrumentation and OSC Response Team survey information to determine plant areas potentially affected by abnormal levels of radiation or contamination
: b. Radiation exposures of personnel assigned to participate in reentry operations and to determine need for additional personnel.
: c. Adequacy of available survey instrumentation and equipment (type, range, number, calibration, etc.).
: d. Reentry team checklist, procedures, radiation areas, exposure limits, communication, shielding requirements and areas to be surveyed.
6.4.2    Personnel selected for reentry teams should report to the OSC for their briefing.
6.4.3    Administer potassium iodine, as necessary, according to lO-S-Ol-20, Administration of Potassium Iodide, if high levels of radioactive iodine are encountered.
6.4.4    Direct reentry personnel to monitor radiation levels and take appropriate samples along reentry route.
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                   EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry                       No.: 10-S-Ol-23   Revision: 005 Page: 6 6.4.5   Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.
6.4.6    Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.
6.4.7    Debrief team member at the OSC~ Notify the EPM/Recovery Manager of the status of the reentry team(s). Report the results and findings of the reentry ~o the EPM/Recovery Manager.
6.4.8    Determine the need for additional reentries and, if required, for the initiation of recovery operations in accordance with 10-S                    22, Recovery, if recovery operations are not already initiated.
6.5 Reentry into Environmentally or Structurally Affected Areas 6.5.1   When entering environmentally or structurally affected areas (i.e., steam leak, smoke, flooding, earthquake damage, toxic atmosphere, etc.), ensure that appropriate measures are taken for personnel safety, including the following:
: a. Reduce the potential hazards to reentry personnel, if possible, by actions such as ventilation purge or the securing of systems.
: b. Outfit personnel with appropriate emergency equipment, such as self-contained breathing apparatus, steam suits, flashlights, tow lines, specials tools and communication devices as required.
: c. Test the equipment for operability prior to reentry.
: d. Direct reentry personnel to withdraw to a predetermined
                          'safe area' if severe unanticipated or unplanned conditions are encountered, pending further evaluation of the reentry effort.
: e. Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with the OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.
: f. Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.
: g. Perform monitoring and decontamination in accordance with reference 3.7, if required.
: h. Debrief team members at the OSC using OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13), or similar. If radiological hazards were present, the OSC Rad Chern Coordinator should also conduct a debriefing in accordance with OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13) .
GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title:   Reentry                       No . : 10-8-01-23 Revision:   005 Page: 7 6.5.2     Notify the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager of the return of the Reentry team(s).
6.5.3    Report the results and findings of the reentry team to the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager.
6.5.4  Determine the need for additional reentries and for the initiation of recovery operations, if necessary.
7.0  FINAL CONDITIONS 7.1   Reentry Operations have been completed and all reentry teams members have been accounted for.
7.2   Debriefing of reentry teams members has been completed and documented.
7.3   Forms and paperwork generated by this procedure and emergencies are collected by the OSC Manager and forwarded to the Manager, Emergency Planning.

Revision as of 17:45, 30 October 2019

Emergency Plan Procedure - Reentry - Safety Related
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/2016
From: Vandenakker R
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16200A203 (13)


Issue Date: 07/13/2016 A

..- Safety Related PAGE 79 OF 123

'~Entergy Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9 QUALITY RECORD Rev: 001 Procedure Chanae Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC)

,',"" *_,c $ECTIQNi1\1~ITIAtOR'PECIDENt!FICATl6~.',"'" " v.'.

,i'i "', i PRGGN: 20 16 ~

S6 S-Procedure Number: I() , <-ot- Z3 Unit Number: I Current Revision: t{-

Procedure Title: e., ""t",..,

Type of Editorial OA _ _ [313_,_loc_ I 0 D - - OE1 OF1 Pen & Ink change in field Change: I I Describe Editorial Correction: CI};;e"t


+;tll, "A; fJ~/I'S. I .t- /I r",(; PI I tilt',,,,,,,,,,, J 7~

t<"""r" Initiator: R. 0:liV {)f,v ae<<;{Y Print Name

~- Signature

=-:-=,. Date: 7- /3 - /6

'F " " '/S,ECtjQN2 . . ~~NTMANA9EIIIIElIltSTA~fAppRQ\fAl.ri,/".',',".,,.,".,,'/} . . ".'

Plant Management Staff: ":S<1Pt' ~

~A;- Date: '7~/J,/r Print Name X~ture

  • Signature indicates PEe is accurate, consistent with PEe types of Page 2 or 3. This also indicates approval for immediate use (pen and ink change in field-Ff} is provided.

NOTE: 14 Working day clock starts upon Plant Management Staff Approval.

'):lx~:t~'-::;- ; <--.




~,:. (~:j-~{"::-~' , '-.

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l>~ 4M(~-

Assigned Procedure Writer.  ;<. Va.., New Revision Number: 5 I' .,."," ,i.,.',"'E< ."'.i;~" :'*""".:':i .".,:',. .;;;'.

......... ' '(i,j',//{'"ri'i">:,? ",.', i':"

Review by: ~l<.,.ecl) ~ ~V/t?A Date: 7j;o/Jh Print Name C ~Ignature Note: The person performing the Plant Management Slaff Approval may also be the same person performing the SupervIsor Review. The Initiator CANNOT be either of the two.




Safety Related PAGE 80 OF 123

~Entergy' Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9 QUALITY RECORD Rev: 001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Descri ption Type A. Correction of the following obvious editorial errors:

1. Punctuation, Capitalization or Misspelled words or obvious typographical errors
2. Redundant words or phrases
3. Omitted symbols
4. Misplaced decimals


5. Incorrect units of measure
6. Step/section/revision number discrepancies
7. Page number discrepancies
8. Cloning errors (Obvious step or part of a step copied incorrectly from an opposite unit procedure).
9. Equipment positions, conditions or settings when incorrect.
10. Inadvertent deletion of information from a previously approved version of the document.
11. Step refers user to an incorrect Attachment or branches to an incorrect step.
12. Equipment locations or descriptions.
13. Corrections/enhancements to page layouts or word processing features.
14. Incorrect pagination
15. Incorrect transitions
16. Digital data corruption errors caused by software conversions.

B. Minor non-technical changes that enhance understanding:

1. Grammatical errors and sentence structure.
2. Restoring or adding sign-ofts, signature lines, date lines or place keeping tools.
3. Corrections to reference pages including the Title Page, Summary of Revisions, and Table of Contents.
4. Correction to Attachment identifiers for consistency throughout the document.
5. Clarifying or adding information to Notes, Warnings, Cautions, and Steps when they clearly do not change the technical performance or intent of the step.
6. Convert Initial Condition action steps that would be more appropriate as the first steps of a procedure into procedure steps.
7. Indicating or modifying text at the beginning of a section to indicate the Technical Procedure Usage Level.

8 Changes to component' verification practices to be consistent with EN-HU-106, Procedure and Work Instruction Use and Adherence. '

Page 2 of 3

Safety Related PAGE 81 OF 123

~Entergy Grand Gulf Nuclear Station REFERENCE USE 01-5-02-9 QUALITY RECORD Rev: 001 Procedure Change Process Attachment 3, Procedure Editorial Change Traveler (PEC), Continued PEC Description Type C. Updating existing information due to organizational or internal process changes:

1. Addresses and Telephone Numbers.
2. References including additions, deletions or title changes.
3. Equipment descriptions or locations to be consistent with approved drawings, documents, labels, or procedure content.
4. Updating organizational titles provided the title change does not result in a change in job functions or responsibilities referenced in the procedure.
5. Adding, deleting or correcting document reference numbers or titles, such as:
  • Federal, State & County Regulations, NRC, EPA, OSHA, COMAR Codes and Standards, ANSI, Corporate and Station policies, directives and procedures.
6. Correcting Tech Spec/FSAR/FSARfTRM/ODCM reference numbers.

D. Minor corrections due to chang~s in already existing processes:

1. Identifying previously incorporated text with a commitment or similar reference.
2. Word processing of previously approved pen and ink changes.
3. Provide commitment source information (for example, NRC, INPO).

E. Identical.changes*.pre"iouslyreVieV\fedand.* approved(05RCapproval, Technical Review) 'lnanotherprocedure: . . . . -: .

1. Different procedures performing the same activity such as procedures on the opposite unit or train.

F. Pen &Ink changes performed in the field: -.

1. Pen & Ink changes requires at least one criterion from A, B, or C above and Management Staff member signature. (Section 5.15 Procedure Editorial Change (PEC) Process).

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PLANT OPERATIONS MANUAL Volume 10 10-S-01-23 Section 01 Revision: 005 Date:



Technical Approved:

Manager, Emergency Planning List of Effective Pages:

Pages 1-7 List of TCNs Incorporated:

Revision TCN o None 1 None 002 None 003 None 004 None 005 None J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: i RPTS FORM REQUIRED REVIEW PERFORMED 0 P~l:l.D 0 ~) 0 . 59 E v a .1 u a t. .i (I n (Check: all t hat apply) (EN-L1-100) (EN-LI-lOl )

0 72 48 Evaluation 0 SO 54 Evaluation 1'ransmi t app l, i cabl r;,; Re v i ew F'G:r:m as (EN-LI-112) (EUS-N~~-210) a separate r e co r d along with 0 PP-.D Not Required (EN-LI-1OO o r.. 01-S-02-3i procedure to Document. Control 0 Process App l i cab i Lit y Ex c Lude ci 0 Edi t.or i a I Change 0 lSI/1ST Implement.ation 0 TeN I nc o r po r at .i ori ell' Auto F,:::v 0 Other Process-Number:

PAD Re v i ewe r : /

\. f or


FAD Not Required) S i o na t u re j Da t. ';:

Cross-Discipline review required? ( ) Yes (Note affected Departments Below) I (X) No Preparer Initials>>> II Department Cross-Discipline Reviews Needed Signoff (signed, electronic, telcon)

Does this directive contain Tech Spec Triggers? ( ) YES (Xl NO REQUIREMENTS CROSS-REFERENCE LIST Requirement Implemented Name Tech Spec GGNS Emer Plan 6.4.1a, b , c GGNS Emer Plan 6.3.1 GGNS Emer Plan 6.1. 2a thru c GGNS Emer Plan 6.2.1

  • Covered by directive as a whole or by various paragraphs of the directive.

NOTE The Equipment Database (ED8) Request statement is applicable only to Volume 06 and 07 maintenance directives.

EDB Change Request generated and the backup documentation available for setpoint and/or calibration data only 0 Yes 0 N/A ED8CR #


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: ii Current Revision Statement Revision 005:

  • Correct title on top of pages i andii from Recovery to Reentry. This is an editorial change.


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No. : 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 1 1.0 PURPOSE AND DISCUSSION 1.1 Purpose To provide general guidance for the reentry phase of an emergency.

1.2 Discussion The immediate actions in response to an emergency at GGNS are directed toward limiting the consequences of the incident in a manner that affords the maximum protection to plant personnel and the general public.

2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Emerqency Director - Maintains overall responsibility for the operation and control of the plant.

2.2 Operations Support Center Manager - Is responsible for using the guidelines of this procedure for the organization, control and operation of Reentry and Recovery Teams. He reports findings to Emergency Plant Manager.

2.3 Radiological Coordinator - Is assisted by the Rad Chern Coordinator in the OSC and is responsible for ensuring Reentry and Recovery Teams observe approved Health Physics procedures and radiation exposure limits. Ensures that the Emergency Director is informed of current radiological conditions.

2.4 Rad Chern Coordinator - Is responsible for providing RP coverage for reentry Team(s). He is responsible for directing on-site monitoring, sampling and decontamination. He provides radiological protection information for Reentry Team(s). He reported all results to the OSC Manager.

2.5 Reentry Teams - Perform comprehensive radiological surveys of previously evacuated plant areas to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment.

2.6 Recovery Manager - Is responsible for Overall recovery activities and for implementing 10-S-I-23, Reentry, as necessary to support recovery operations.

2.7 Recovery Radiological Manager - Is responsible for health physics and radwaste activities in support of the recovery operations. Any entry back into EPZ evacuated areas of site personnel is coordinated via the lead government agencies that issued any protective actions. The Recovery Radiological Manager (or Radiological Assessment Coordinator) will coordinate licensee resources return to the site via dialogue and coordination with these lead government agencies.

2.8 Emergency Plant Manager - He shall direct the OSC Manager to develop those plans as appropriate and to implement the formulated plans.


3.1 GGNS Emergency Plan 3.2 NUREG 0654 3.3 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-1-29, Operation Support Center Operations 3.4 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-22, Recovery J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC

GRAND GOLF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No . : 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 2 3.5 Administrative Procedure, 01-S-08-2, Exposure and 'Contamination Control 3.6 Emergency Plan Procedure, 10-S-01-20, Administration of Potassium Iodide 3.7 Radiation Protection Instruction, 08-S-02-22, Personnel Decontamination 4.0 ATTACHMENTS None 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.1 Recovery Actions - Those actions taken after the emergency to restore-the plant to pre-emergency conditions.

5.2 ED - Emergency Director 5.3 OSC - Operations Support Center 5.4 EOF - Emergency Operations Facility 5.5 EPP - Emergency Plan Procedure 5.6 TSC - Technical Support Center 5.7 EPM - Emergency Plant Manager (TSC) 5.9 RC - Radiological Coordinator (TSC) 5.10 RCC - Rad Chern Coordinator (OSC) 6.0 DETAILS 6.1 General Requirements 6.1.1 Once the corrective and protective actions have established an effective control over the situation, the emergency response actions shift into the recovery phase during which all actions are planned and deliberate.

a. Radiation protection administrative requirements and controls should be implemented, including'normal radiation exposure limits, RWPs, ALARA reviews and radiological postings per Reference 3.5.
b. Maintenance activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives, including such control as Maintenance Action Items, equipment tag-out, and review of the planner work activity by the Shift Manager.
c. Operations activities should be performed in accordance with approved plant directives.


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 3 6.1.1 (continued)

NOTE During initial response to an emergency a licensed Senior Reactor Operator may authorize the emergency suspension of some normal quality assurance procedures and administrative controls, license conditions, and Technical Specifications. For plant recovery, this provision allowed per Reference 3.1, should not be authorized.

6.1. 2 Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, the recovery phase may be:

a. Completed by the Emergency Organization prior to termination of the emergency classification.
b. Establish a Recovery Organization if the recovery operations will be complicated or will extend over a relatively long period of time.
c. Not necessary NOTE This procedure addresses actions to be taken after a major event. Portions of this procedure may be applied to reentry operations for any declared emergency (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency).

Personnel actions and responsibilities are dictated by procedure as each emergency facility is activated.

6.2 Reentry Assessment 6.2.1 The initial reentry into the plant areas encompasses the following goals (in order of priority) :

a. Determination of the initial required recovery operations (application of clearance tags, etc.)
b. Visual observation of hazards or potential hazards associated with the recovery operations
c. Conduct comprehensive radiation surveillance of plant facilities and define radiological problem areas
d. Isolate and post areas in the plant with radiological warning signs, and rope barriers, as appropriate.

6.2.2 Reentry to affected areas of the plant which have been evacuated is to be planned and deliberate.

6.2.3 The reentry phase is not to be initiated until the initial corrective and protective actions have been taken to establish effective control over the emergency situation.


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 4 6.2.4 The OSC Manager must obtain the approval of the Emergency Plant Manager prior to sending the initial Reentry Team into the plant.

6.2.5 Utilize all available data including area and process monitor readings, survey data, and personnel observations to determine:

a. Which plant area(s) is affected.
b. The conditions in the area, such as personnel hazards, temperature, toxic environment, and equipment condition.
c. Whether or not there are personnel in the area(si who need assistance.
d. The time scheduled, based on necessity, for reentry to commence.

6.2.6 Isolate and post areas determined to be unsafe or unnecessary to be reentered with appropriate warning signs and rope barriers.

6.3 Reentry Preparation 6.3.1 The OSC Manager should assign appropriately trained personnel to each Reentry Team based upon the assigned tasks of the team:

For example:

a. An initial Reentry Team assigned to perform comprehensive radiological surveys of evacuated plant areas should be manned primarily by Health Physics qualified personnel. This team should preplan the following activities:

(1) Areas to be surveyed (2) Anticipated radiation and contamination levels (3) Radiation survey equipment required (4) Shielding requirements and availability (5) Protective clothing and equipment required Access control procedures (7) Exposure control limits and personnel dosimetry required (8) Decontamination requirements (9) Communications J:\ADM_SRVS\TECH_PUB\REVISION\10\10S0133.DOC

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No. : 10-S-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 5 6.3.1 (continued)

b. A Reentry Team assigned to perform assessments of damaged plant equipment should be manned by personnel from the following sections as appropriate:

(1) Operations (2) Engineering (3) Maintenance (4) Radiological Protection

c. A Reentry Team may also be assigned to perform both radiological surveillance and damage assessment functions.

6.3.2 The team members should complete an Emergency Exposure Authorization form in accordance with 01-S-08-2, Exposure and Contamination Control, if high radiation levels are expected.

6.3.3 For safety purposes, ensure that each reentry team is composed of at least two individuals.

6.3.4 Ensure that the OSC maintains a current status board on reentry team operations and that reentry personnel log out of the OSC prior to departing on assigned reentry activities.

6.4 Reentry into Radiological Affected Areas 6.4.1 The Rad Chern Coordinator reviews the following prior to plant reentry

a. Radiation surveillance data available from plant instrumentation and OSC Response Team survey information to determine plant areas potentially affected by abnormal levels of radiation or contamination
b. Radiation exposures of personnel assigned to participate in reentry operations and to determine need for additional personnel.
c. Adequacy of available survey instrumentation and equipment (type, range, number, calibration, etc.).
d. Reentry team checklist, procedures, radiation areas, exposure limits, communication, shielding requirements and areas to be surveyed.

6.4.2 Personnel selected for reentry teams should report to the OSC for their briefing.

6.4.3 Administer potassium iodine, as necessary, according to lO-S-Ol-20, Administration of Potassium Iodide, if high levels of radioactive iodine are encountered.

6.4.4 Direct reentry personnel to monitor radiation levels and take appropriate samples along reentry route.


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No.: 10-S-Ol-23 Revision: 005 Page: 6 6.4.5 Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.

6.4.6 Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.

6.4.7 Debrief team member at the OSC~ Notify the EPM/Recovery Manager of the status of the reentry team(s). Report the results and findings of the reentry ~o the EPM/Recovery Manager.

6.4.8 Determine the need for additional reentries and, if required, for the initiation of recovery operations in accordance with 10-S 22, Recovery, if recovery operations are not already initiated.

6.5 Reentry into Environmentally or Structurally Affected Areas 6.5.1 When entering environmentally or structurally affected areas (i.e., steam leak, smoke, flooding, earthquake damage, toxic atmosphere, etc.), ensure that appropriate measures are taken for personnel safety, including the following:

a. Reduce the potential hazards to reentry personnel, if possible, by actions such as ventilation purge or the securing of systems.
b. Outfit personnel with appropriate emergency equipment, such as self-contained breathing apparatus, steam suits, flashlights, tow lines, specials tools and communication devices as required.
c. Test the equipment for operability prior to reentry.
d. Direct reentry personnel to withdraw to a predetermined

'safe area' if severe unanticipated or unplanned conditions are encountered, pending further evaluation of the reentry effort.

e. Ensure that the reentry team leader maintains continuous communications with the OSC, if possible, or otherwise at predetermined intervals to report progress of the reentry and observed conditions.
f. Coordinate the return of the reentry team to the control point.
g. Perform monitoring and decontamination in accordance with reference 3.7, if required.
h. Debrief team members at the OSC using OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13), or similar. If radiological hazards were present, the OSC Rad Chern Coordinator should also conduct a debriefing in accordance with OSC Team Debriefing Form (EPP 29-13) .


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Title: Reentry No . : 10-8-01-23 Revision: 005 Page: 7 6.5.2 Notify the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager of the return of the Reentry team(s).

6.5.3 Report the results and findings of the reentry team to the Emergency Plant Manager/Recovery Manager.

6.5.4 Determine the need for additional reentries and for the initiation of recovery operations, if necessary.

7.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Reentry Operations have been completed and all reentry teams members have been accounted for.

7.2 Debriefing of reentry teams members has been completed and documented.

7.3 Forms and paperwork generated by this procedure and emergencies are collected by the OSC Manager and forwarded to the Manager, Emergency Planning.