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{{#Wiki_filter:I I.0 NRC PCRM SSS IT.Tll CQNTACI SLCCISJ I U*NUCLKAR RKQULATCAY CQhlMISSICN LICENSE=" EVENT RCTIagy'I I I I I QI (PL~K PRINT'CA TYI'%LL RKCVIRKQ INI'CRMATICNI 0, IUC%454%COOS I4'i5 LIC1iNSS NVMSIIR 4 CQN'T~Q 7 SQUROS~XQK 0 5 IO 0 OI3 3 I IOO 40.47 CCCXST tiUMS SR 61 41 KVKNT CKSCAIPTICN ANC PRCBASLK CCNSKCUKNCKS QIO Durin refue in u on vendo no joo1J~QI Zl r.lS S I ll 2 I-'I I I I OLLA 00 SVStIT OATS I ,'K I I I Q9 IS 25 LICSi45%TY7%J0 57 CA~$4 0~a 3 see determined that the a lication of two Rosemount Nod transmitters a re ortable situation T,S.5 situation could result in the o enin of the Containment Vacuum Relief Valves with an overpressure condition in containment.
{{#Wiki_filter:I I
Assumin a failure of a check valve in each vacuum relief line.containment isolation ca a-~04 bilit af f ected.~.This is the first event of this t e.IO 7 4 9 5YSTS>CAUS%CAUS%CQMr.YALYS COOS CCQ%5V5CQOS CCMIrONSNT COOS SVSCOOS SU%COOS SHI I"'O L'JS LJS~~"''S LES LOO'7 4 9 I0 II I2 I2~IS I9 10 SSQVSNTI AL QCCVRRStICS RSPORT RSVI5IQN<<R,RQ Q~SNrY~" RSPORTNO.CQOS~TYSS~Na, 8"'-"-" I Loo I!U LJIIJ JJI L~l LQJ2J K~I LJ Ll 24 ld 27 25 JS 20 31 12 AC4cN PUTURS=rrw.SNVTocwN ATTACIIMSNT NANO&A RIM%CQMr.CQM7ONSNT TARSN AciTICV CNS p''ll'STIIOQ'OURS Q22 SU%MITT%a PCRYI>ADJS.SvtrLI R MAN4PA~RSR L'sLJs L-"s L'-Is~Loo LJS I ls~s 14 1l~.40 41 42 44 47 CAUSK Q SCRIPTICN ANQ CQARKCiIVK ACTIONS Q27 0 The transmitter de n o u t e norma under the normal range.of-5 to 0 inches of water.These transmitters actuate the vacuum relief valves at-2.25 inches of water.The licensee will replace these transmitters with a different type before'start-up.
                                                                                                                                        .       0 NRC PCRM SSS                                                                                                                                       U  *NUCLKARRKQULATCAYCQhlMISSICN IT.Tll LICENSE=" EVENT RCTIagy
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LoOIo o oiiQv~zlloi NA LOCATION ar RSLSASS QSK NA NA NA NA NAC IJSK CNl,V 4$49 (305)552-3802 S004S SQ 57~oldcavSRv OSSORIATIQN 2 Vendor Not'if ication 20
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  ~a   3           see determined                           that the               a       lication of                   two Rosemount Nod transmitters resulted. in a re ortable situation T,S.
5         situation could result in the o enin of the Containment Vacuum Relief Valves with an overpressure condition in containment. Assumin a failure of a check valve in each vacuum relief line containment isolation ca a-                                           .
    ~04 7      4 9 bilit would. be af fected. This is the first event of this t e.     ~  .
                                            " 'O COOS CAUS%           CAUS%
                                                                                                                                    '                        CQMr.           YALYS
CCQ%                                                                               SVSCOOS         SU%COOS SHI4
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I                  I 24             ld L~l 27 LQJ2J 25           JS K~I 20 LJ 31 Ll 12
                                                  =rrw.'ll AC4cN PUTURS TARSN       AciTICV                 p' SNVTocwN
                                                                    'STIIOQ                   'OURS                       ATTACIIMSNT SU%MITT%a NANO&
SvtrLI CQMr.              CQM7ONSNT MAN4PA~RSR ls CNS                                                                                                                            R Q22 L' sLJs                           L-"s L'-Is                                                                 Loo LJS                               I 14                 1l           ~
                                                                                                                    . 40     41                   42                                 44           47 CAUSK Q SCRIPTICN ANQ CQARKCiIVKACTIONS Q27 0         The     transmitter                       de             n       o                     u t   e norma under the normal range.                                       of -5 to               0     inches of water.                               These         transmitters actuate the vacuum relief valves at -2.25 inches of water. The licensee 7
1 OO LJS 4 4
1 9
will replace these transmitters with a different type before'start-up.
                              ~NT24r '
ar RSL445%
                                ~ZQSs 1~SR 5i IC          IS QT7ISR STATUS QSO
                                                            . AMQUNrQr iCTIYITVQSS NA 44 MSTIIOO Or QISCOVSRV L~JQS 45           44 Vendor Not'ification NA oldcavSRv      OSSORIATIQN LOCATION ar RSLSASS QSK 2
20 7    3    9              10              II                                                  44               4$
rSR SON N SL 47I ACSIJR% 5 vUMSSil              TY,S            04~lrnCaQ~
LoOIo          ooiiQv~zlloi                                                                                        NA 7     5                     II        IT               IS ASRSCtINSL INJUN 41 Crq
                ~o""''b               O'"             '
NA Lcs5 YSS ar cR OAMAOS 0%5CRI STION w rsc:UTY Q~
                ~Z'42                                                                                                               NA 7     4   1
              ,55USQ         045cRlrr:cv         Q                                                                                                                                   NAC IJSK CNl,V KK mN'0 7     2   1 NA 4$      49 I0'AME CP PRKPARKA                                   Schoccman                                                                       (305) 552-3802 S004S                 SQ     57~
REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE 33~-16 LIGENSEE EVENT REPORT PAGE TWO Additional Event Descri tion and Probable Conse uences On April ll, 1980, an engineering evaluation determined that the appli-cation of certain Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters resulted in a reportable situation.
REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE   33~-16 LIGENSEE EVENT REPORT PAGE TWO Additional Event Descri tion   and Probable Conse uences On April ll, 1980, an engineering evaluation determined that the appli-cation of certain Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters resulted in a reportable situation. It has been observed by the manufacturer, and reported to the licensee on March 15, 1980 that in a'imited number of transmitters an input pressure either over or under the normal operating range causes an output within the normal range of 4 to 20 milliamps. The transmitters affected are Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters with output codes "A" or "D". The manufacturer observed that due to a unique condition in the transmitter electronics, an overrange condition exceeding 140% of the upper range limit can cause a discontinuity in the trans-mitter output, resulting in an output less than 20 millamps. Due to a different unique condition in the t'iansmitter electronics, an underrange condition exceeding 100% of the calibrated span can cause an output above 4 milliamps. The overrange discontinuity was observed in 5% of a limited sample, the underrange discontiniuty being observed in 55% of the sample.
It has been observed by the manufacturer, and reported to the licensee on March 15, 1980 that in a'imited number of transmitters an input pressure either over or under the normal operating range causes an output within the normal range of 4 to 20 milliamps.
The model   transmitter in parallel with a second transmitter from a different manufacturer actuates Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-7 on one vacuum relief line. An identical control arrangement exists for Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-8 on a redundant vacuum. relief line.
The transmitters affected are Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters with output codes"A" or"D".The manufacturer observed that due to a unique condition in the transmitter electronics, an overrange condition exceeding 140%of the upper range limit can cause a discontinuity in the trans-mitter output, resulting in an output less than 20 millamps.Due to a different unique condition in the t'iansmitter electronics, an underrange condition exceeding 100%of the calibrated span can cause an output above 4 milliamps.
These valves also perform
The overrange discontinuity was observed in 5%of a limited sample, the underrange discontiniuty being observed in 55%of the sample.The model transmitter in parallel with a second transmitter from a different manufacturer actuates Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-7 on one vacuum relief line.An identical control arrangement exists for Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-8 on a redundant vacuum.relief line.These valves also perform*containmere isolation function in the event of a LOCA.Each containment vacuum relief line contains a check valve to prevent flow out from the containment.
* containmere isolation function in the event of a LOCA. Each containment vacuum relief line contains a check valve to prevent flow out from the containment.
The range of the affected.t=ansmitters is-5" H20 to 0" H20 for a 4 to 20 milliamp output.With an overpressure condition exceeding 140%of the calibrated span, equivalent to a positive pressure of 2" H 0 in containment, the Rosemount transmitters could open valves FCV-25-7 and 3CV-25-8 even though the second transmitter functions properly.Assuming a failure of the check valve(s);containment isolation capability would be affected.This model-transmitter is also used to monitor reactor coolant flow.Four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor coolant pumps and four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor core.These transmitters are"Indication Only" instruments and have no control, protective, or safety function.Corporate Power Plant Engineering has directed that the containment vacuum relief transmitters be replaced with Class 1E, Seismic Category I qualified Rosemount Model 1153 pressure transmitters.
The range   of the affected. t=ansmitters is -5" H20 to 0" H20 for a 4 to 20 milliamp output. With an overpressure condition exceeding 140% of the calibrated span, equivalent to a positive pressure of 2" H 0 in containment, the Rosemount transmitters could open valves FCV-25-7 and 3CV-25-8 even though the second transmitter functions properly. Assuming a failure of the check valve(s); containment isolation capability would be affected.
The St.Lucie Plant Maintenance Department coordinated by FP&L Power Resources Department will be responsible for the transmitter replacement.
This model- transmitter is also used to monitor reactor coolant flow. Four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor coolant pumps and four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor core. These transmitters are "Indication Only" instruments and have no control, protective, or safety function.
This action is scheduled to be completed prior to the start-up of the unit (approximately April 30, 1980).St.Lucie Unit 1 has been engaged in refueling since March 15, 1980.The Licensee has determined that its other licensed facilities are not affected by this situation, and its Engineering Department will ensure that the unit under construction, St.Lucie Unit 2, will also not be affected.C}}
Corporate Power Plant Engineering has directed that the containment vacuum I
relief transmitters be replaced with Class 1E, Seismic Category qualified Rosemount Model 1153 pressure transmitters.     The St. Lucie Plant Maintenance Department coordinated by FP&L Power Resources Department will be responsible for the transmitter replacement. This action is scheduled to be completed prior to the start-up of the unit (approximately April 30, 1980) . St. Lucie Unit 1 has been engaged in refueling since March 15, 1980.
The Licensee has determined that its other licensed facilities are not affected by this situation, and its Engineering Department   will ensure that the unit under   construction, St.
C Lucie Unit 2, will also not be affected.}}

Revision as of 17:37, 29 October 2019

LER 80-016/09T-0:on 800411,engineering Evaluation Determined That Application of Two Rosemount Model 1152 Pressure Transmitters Resulted in Reportable Situation.Caused by Design Problem.Transmitters to Be Replaced
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1980
From: Schoppmann M
Shared Package
ML17208A502 List:
LER-80-016-09T, LER-80-16-9T, NUDOCS 8004240375
Download: ML17266A192 (3)






~QI 4

Zl r.lS IUC%454% COOS S I ll0,I4 2

'i5 I-' I I LIC1iNSS NVMSIIR I I IS 0 25 LICSi45% TY7% J0 OLLA00 57 CA ~ $4 CQN'T

~Q SQUROS ~XQK 0 5 IO 0 OI3 3 I IOO I ,'K I I I Q9 7 40 . 47 CCCXST tiUMS SR 61 41 SVStIT OATS KVKNTCKSCAIPTICN ANC PRCBASLK CCNSKCUKNCKS QIO joo1J Durin refue in u on vendo no

~a 3 see determined that the a lication of two Rosemount Nod transmitters resulted. in a re ortable situation T,S.

5 situation could result in the o enin of the Containment Vacuum Relief Valves with an overpressure condition in containment. Assumin a failure of a check valve in each vacuum relief line containment isolation ca a- .

~04 7 4 9 bilit would. be af fected. This is the first event of this t e. ~ .









'7 I

9 I0 L'JS II LJS ~~"




8 "'-"-" Loo !U LJIIJJJI


~ ~

I I 24 ld L~l 27 LQJ2J 25 JS K~I 20 LJ 31 Ll 12





SvtrLI CQMr. CQM7ONSNT MAN4PA~RSR ls CNS R Q22 L' sLJs L-"s L'-Is Loo LJS I 14 1l ~

. 40 41 42 44 47 CAUSK Q SCRIPTICN ANQ CQARKCiIVKACTIONS Q27 0 The transmitter de n o u t e norma under the normal range. of -5 to 0 inches of water. These transmitters actuate the vacuum relief valves at -2.25 inches of water. The licensee 7

1 OO LJS 4 4

1 9




will replace these transmitters with a different type before'start-up.


~NT24r '

ar RSL445%



20 7 3 9 10 II 44 4$

rSR SON N SL 47I ACSIJR% 5 vUMSSil TY,S 04~lrnCaQ~

LoOIo ooiiQv~zlloi NA 7 5 II IT IS ASRSCtINSL INJUN 41 Crq

~o""b O'" '

NA Lcs5 YSS ar cR OAMAOS 0%5CRI STION w rsc:UTY Q~



~Z'42 NA 7 4 1


,55USQ 045cRlrr:cv Q NAC IJSK CNl,V KK mN'0 7 2 1 NA 4$ 49 I0'AME CP PRKPARKA Schoccman (305) 552-3802 S004S SQ 57~


REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE 33~-16 LIGENSEE EVENT REPORT PAGE TWO Additional Event Descri tion and Probable Conse uences On April ll, 1980, an engineering evaluation determined that the appli-cation of certain Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters resulted in a reportable situation. It has been observed by the manufacturer, and reported to the licensee on March 15, 1980 that in a'imited number of transmitters an input pressure either over or under the normal operating range causes an output within the normal range of 4 to 20 milliamps. The transmitters affected are Rosemount Model 1152 pressure transmitters with output codes "A" or "D". The manufacturer observed that due to a unique condition in the transmitter electronics, an overrange condition exceeding 140% of the upper range limit can cause a discontinuity in the trans-mitter output, resulting in an output less than 20 millamps. Due to a different unique condition in the t'iansmitter electronics, an underrange condition exceeding 100% of the calibrated span can cause an output above 4 milliamps. The overrange discontinuity was observed in 5% of a limited sample, the underrange discontiniuty being observed in 55% of the sample.

The model transmitter in parallel with a second transmitter from a different manufacturer actuates Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-7 on one vacuum relief line. An identical control arrangement exists for Containment Vacuum Relief Valve FCV-25-8 on a redundant vacuum. relief line.

These valves also perform

  • containmere isolation function in the event of a LOCA. Each containment vacuum relief line contains a check valve to prevent flow out from the containment.

The range of the affected. t=ansmitters is -5" H20 to 0" H20 for a 4 to 20 milliamp output. With an overpressure condition exceeding 140% of the calibrated span, equivalent to a positive pressure of 2" H 0 in containment, the Rosemount transmitters could open valves FCV-25-7 and 3CV-25-8 even though the second transmitter functions properly. Assuming a failure of the check valve(s); containment isolation capability would be affected.

This model- transmitter is also used to monitor reactor coolant flow. Four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor coolant pumps and four transmitters monitor the differential pressure across the reactor core. These transmitters are "Indication Only" instruments and have no control, protective, or safety function.

Corporate Power Plant Engineering has directed that the containment vacuum I

relief transmitters be replaced with Class 1E, Seismic Category qualified Rosemount Model 1153 pressure transmitters. The St. Lucie Plant Maintenance Department coordinated by FP&L Power Resources Department will be responsible for the transmitter replacement. This action is scheduled to be completed prior to the start-up of the unit (approximately April 30, 1980) . St. Lucie Unit 1 has been engaged in refueling since March 15, 1980.

The Licensee has determined that its other licensed facilities are not affected by this situation, and its Engineering Department will ensure that the unit under construction, St.

C Lucie Unit 2, will also not be affected.