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{{#Wiki_filter:.. ...Cetober 15, 1979 UNITED STATES CF A.EEICA ED N Ca NUCI.ZAE RICUI.ATCRY CCF.533IC'i 8= =.= Cc~ =
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Cetober 15, 1979 UNITED STATES CF A.EEICA                                                               ED             N Ca NUCI.ZAE RICUI.ATCRY CCF.533IC'i                                                     8
)_. /*,.s$$,..).,..: _ , C.._..,:_ .u, c....:.v,..,). .u: u . n.
                                    = =.= Cc~ = "1". '_
a.: u...,-_e t .al . , ,_c c.< e :.ic , , v,.c,. .cc s (~hree Pdle Island Nuclear
                                    --                  n''.'C.'''.=A.=.".".'.'..'.'s       ' ".. s~
)Station, Unit No. 1) a .. es.TE v_.v..
                                                                                              .    . .2   ".='' 3 Cn' .*, D                     ' 9v"           T^,r*
..C.T. v.. -.r.'. a .i... .......Cn September 13, 1979, the Atenic Safety and :icensing 3 card anncunced precedures for filing petitions and amendnents to intervene prier to the opening of Bree F.ile Island, Unit 1.
l S D-Q C
Se final date for anendnents was
                -                                                                                                                 '
, listed on Page 2 as Cctober 22, 1979
qq0 v*.e**
(,'.~nen I criginally petitioned the Nuclear Eegulatory Ccnnissien c intervene.
I was not aware of so nany ground rules.
                                                                                                                                                              /.      g
2erefore, this is an anendnent to ny criginal inte:ventien and a specific request to alter the res;cnse frca the Atenic Safety and Licensing 3 card indicatir.g there would be "no objection" ;c ny interven .icn pursuant to 10 C.F.E. 2.713 (a) by Metre;clitan Idiscn~c.(limited appearance) .
                                                                          \                                                                   c4 -v p.O
2.e pur;cse of y petition to intervene is net emotier2.1 rhetoric but *c
                                                                          /                                                                       m In the Petter of                                                 )                                                                                     _. /
.presen before -he 3 card relevant and substantiated evidence prier to :ne rendering cf a final decisien fer recpenir- Unit 1.
S.erefore , 1. is vi ta' that.y s atus te altered frca 10 C.=.: . , ~715 (a) (linited a ;e=rancel u 10 C..=.R.2. 7 14- (a) (litira icn' D
                                                                                                                                      *,.s$$                   .
~ogggq~*r-, 179-011 0<
                                                                                                                                                .,      ,  .
.......Cetober 15. 1979 Petition to intervene pursuant to 10 0.F.?.
2.714 (a) instead of 10 0.F.F..
2.715 (a).(please note this request for charge)..equest to intervene flows frc= Section lc9 (a) of the Atenic I.nerc Act.
                  , C.._..,
: ' 2 I.i.S.C. 2239 (a) that requires the Oc: issien to ad-it as a par y "any persen whose interest nay be iffected by the ;receedins." Fursuan: tc this, I wish to in*.ervene cc behalf of nyself en the followird cententions :
              ._ .u: u . n.      . u, c....:.v,..,
1.I reside within three siles of Sree Mlle Island.
:_a.:     u.       .,                     )                                                                        -
2.Medical and Environ en'a.1 infernation indicatird -the feasibility or prudence of pursuir4 the e,peration of nuclear ;cwer at the Three Mlle Island Station.
_e t .al . ,
, a) Birds b)Ta:1 1.ninals c)Flant Life
                                                                                                      . .
.,.s.(-3 Ya.lfunctions of Unit 1 prior to the Unit 2 accident.
                                                                          ,                         _c c.< e :   .ic ,   , v,.
I will take the position that aTf resumption of nuclear power plants in the vicinity of 22ee !!ile Island will intensify the en-scir4 detrinental effects on the er.vironnent and aninals.
s      cc c,
These adverse condi-icns will increase the degenerati.4 health problens for the aninals and eventually affect the hunan populous in the sane szen.
(~hree Pdle Island Nuclear                                     )
.i/d a... .ar.c ee I ND O'''D g ap ._....s.a . , . . .
Station, Unit No. 1) a...
L, v u.a 7.a-9.*~2 4 I ? O t. r-~i 166'.  
                                                          .. es.TE.v_.v..   ..C. T. v.. .- .r.' .. . a .i.
...Ceteter 15, 1979 2.e foregoing facts are t:a and accurate to the best of my know.' edge and belief.- . . - - ~ , . .
,- : = x.a.3. -w . m..-
Cn September 13, 1979, the Atenic Safety and :icensing 3 card anncunced precedures for filing petitions and amendnents to intervene prier to the opening of Bree F.ile Island, Unit 1.                               Se final date for anendnents was
listed on Page 2 as Cctober 22, 1979                                                                           (
          '.~nen I criginally petitioned the Nuclear Eegulatory Ccnnissien c intervene.
I was not aware of so nany ground rules.                                 2erefore, this is an anendnent to ny criginal inte:ventien and a specific request to alter the res;cnse frca the Atenic Safety and Licensing 3 card indicatir.g there would be "no objection" ;c ny interven .icn pursuant to 10 C.F.E. 2.713 (a) by Metre;clitan Idiscn ~c.       (limited appearance) .
2.e pur;cse of y petition to intervene is net emotier2.1 rhetoric but *c                                                           .
presen before -he 3 card relevant and substantiated evidence prier to :ne rendering cf a final decisien fer recpenir- Unit 1.                                               S.erefore , 1. is vi ta' that     .y s atus te altered frca 10 C.=.: . , ~715 (a) (linited a ;e=rancel u 10 C..=.R. 2. 7 14- (a) (litira icn' D
                                                  ~                                                                                      ,
011               0         179
                                                                                                    .. .
Cetober 15. 1979 Petition to intervene pursuant to 10 0.F.?.           2.714 (a) instead of 10 0.F.F..
2.715 (a).       (please note this request for charge).
:            to intervene flows frc= Section lc9 (a) of the Atenic I.nerc Act.
    ' 2 I.i.S.C. 2239 (a) that requires the Oc: issien to ad-it as a par y "any persen whose interest nay be iffected by the ;receedins." Fursuan: tc this, I wish to in*.ervene cc behalf of nyself en the followird cententions :
: 1. I reside within three siles of Sree Mlle Island.
: 2. Medical and Environ en'a.1 infernation indicatird -the feasibility or prudence of pursuir4 the e,peration of nuclear ;cwer at the Three Mlle Island Station.                                     ,
a) Birds b)   Ta:1 1.ninals c)   Flant Life
                -                                                                  (
3   Ya.lfunctions of Unit 1 prior to the Unit 2 accident.
I will take the position that aTf resumption of nuclear power plants in the vicinity of 22ee !!ile Island will intensify the en-scir4 detrinental effects on the er.vironnent and aninals. These adverse condi-icns will increase the degenerati.4 health problens for the aninals and eventually affect the hunan populous in the sane szen.                    .
i d     a         /
                                                    .         .
                                                  . .ar.c       ee I
D ND             gO ap .
                                              ''               '
a . , . . .
L, v u      .                                   _....s.
4 I?O at.7.a r
9.*~2 -~
i 166
.               .                                                                                                                         .
Ceteter 15, 1979 2.e foregoing facts are t:a and accurate to the best of my know.' edge and belief.
  - . . - - ~ , . .
  ,- : = x.a.3. -w . m..-           =aa.,,,_____,,..
                                    -..      ,
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C .,,,                                                                                     INTEEVENCR
//-- 2f'O-' ' 'Dr"Er N .L ... . i -
ie,e.A "T.''-/''r' /., ,..'s e'.q q s.,~ . . .s-(.._ , . , , . , ,..-i SIONATJF E 3r.=a L. 5:x.;;.:I; ny 2.vic SI~NATJI E// ~ Jane Lee it. r et 2.v I.'. ;..
                                                                                                                    /         -
f:. u ,. Pt';y Cc. .:n::. :.1 ix; n I:: . : .;31
                                          '                                                                                                                         -
..C ':. *"a . '''' '' u* ~. C~r 2 :. '., b~ CE
Dr"Er N .L ... . i -                           ie,e                                           .A "T                   .'
^^.m I hereby certify that I have this day served copies of the attached Jane Lee Petition /Anendment to Intervene by first class U.S. Pf1, postage prepaid, tc the following:
O-            ' ' '
' . ,''\'Secretary tf the Cceniscien U.S. Nuclear Eer.:latory Ccanission
                                                                                                                                                            - 2f'
'4ashirven, E. C.
20555 ATT: Chief, "ccheting & Serivce Section Executise Legal Cirecter U.S. Nuclea.: Eerf.ater.v Con =1scien Ns p.'dashingten, D.C.
2C533 s 0)e o.-Cecrge F. Newbri4e, Espuire , "7.c-d N Shaw, ?ittnan, Fotts and Mcw':::-i4e Ncy3 #-W 18C0 M. Street, N.
.b 6 Q'Jashin6 ton, D.C.
  ~ . . .
2CC]6 yQhg , T,', #
s s-         (
j V eqh, - ,, i.,,,?;=. h-a.1 16~.-...- - -.-. ..--- - . .- ..._..,-%_..  
q._      .
.Q A :/I/Q ?!/)*A . . J. a. n. e. . L. e. e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o f. . . . . . R. D
                                            , . , , . , ,
: 3. ., . B. ox 35 21. E. t. t ers ,.... .......A..
17319....p ,.. hereby request penission of the Secretary cf the Unites States Nuclear Regulatorf Cc:=1ssien to participate in testifying at the TMI - I hearings tentatively schedu'ed for Febr;. arf 1, 1980.
                                                                                                                      /., ,..
                                                                                                                                    's e'.
SIONATJF E           3r.=a L. 5:x.;;.:I;               ny 2.vic                           SI~NATJI E// ~ Jane Lee it. r et 2.v I.'. ;..         f:     . u ,. Pt
                      ';y Cc. .:n::. :.1 ix; n I:: . : .;31
C ':. *"a . ''''
                                                                              . m'' u* ~. C~r 2 :. '., b~ CE I hereby certify that I have this day served copies of the attached Jane Lee Petition /Anendment to Intervene by first class U.S. Pf1, postage prepaid, tc the following:                                                                                                   '.,
Secretary tf the Cceniscien U.S. Nuclear Eer.:latory Ccanission
                                                '4ashirven, E. C.                     20555 ATT:       Chief, "ccheting & Serivce Section Executise Legal Cirecter U.S. Nuclea.: Eerf.ater.v Con =1scien                                                   p.       Ns
                                                'dashingten, D.C. 2C533                                                               s                     0) oe            .-
Cecrge F. Newbri4e, Espuire                                                   N
                                                                                                                                          , "7.c               -d Shaw, ?ittnan, Fotts and Mcw':::-i4e                                       -
Ncy3 # W 18C0 M. Street, N.                     .                                   b                     6         j Q'
Jashin6 ton, D.C.                     2CC]6                                 yQhg , T,', #
V             eqh, - ,,             i.,,,
                                                                                                                                              ;=. a      h-
1       16~
                                -..                 . - - -       .-. ..--                         - - . .       - ..                 .       _..,-%             _..
Q A ://                  I/Q ?!
* p A . . J. a. n. e. . L. e. e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o f. ... .. .3.. R.
                                                                              ., . B. ox 35 21. E. t. t ers ,.... .......A.. 17319....
                                                                                      ...                                     .   .
do hereby request penission of the Secretary cf the Unites States Nuclear Regulatorf Cc:=1ssien to participate in testifying at the TMI - I hearings tentatively schedu'ed for Febr;. arf 1, 1980.
My request is based on =edical and environmental infernation garnered by
My request is based on =edical and environmental infernation garnered by
=e over a three year period.
  =e over a three year period.                       Bis informatien/ reports, signed by all those invclved, encompasses fans within a five-=ile radius of TMI.                                                           ~he Veter-inarian, who services this area as well as a three-ccunty area, can con-firm these occurrences.
Bis informatien/ reports, signed by all those invclved, encompasses fans within a five-=ile radius of TMI.
~he Veter-inarian, who services this area as well as a three-ccunty area, can con-firm these occurrences.
Secause mest of these findir4s occurred prior to the accident of Unit 2, it is my thcught that perhaps nuclear power plants are emitting more than just radiation and, therefore affecting the wildlife, livestock and the
.Secause mest of these findir4s occurred prior to the accident of Unit 2, it is my thcught that perhaps nuclear power plants are emitting more than just radiation and, therefore affecting the wildlife, livestock and the i , environment itself.
,                                                                                                        i environment itself.
9 Living on a faru has taught =e how precious all life is.
9 Living on a faru has taught =e how precious all life is.                                                 Ve are all de-pendent on each other. iihen the anizals begin to weaken s.nd fall, when the birds begin to cisappear, vnen the smaller animals begin to reveal re-productive ; robles ,. this event.tlly threatens the surviaal of man.                                                           Due to r.hese and other cccurrences,1 respectfully recuest time to submit this inforsation to the NRC Panel selected for the purpose of deciding the cen-tinued operation of Unit 1 at TMI.                                       ,
Ve are all de-pendent on each other. iihen the anizals begin to weaken s.nd fall, when the birds begin to cisappear, vnen the smaller animals begin to reveal re-productive ; robles ,. this event.tlly threatens the surviaal of man.
1   168                   n    es 4
Due to r.hese and other cccurrences,1 respectfully recuest time to submit this inforsation to the NRC Panel selected for the purpose of deciding the cen-tinued operation of Unit 1 at TMI.
f                           %
, 1 168 es n f%4 W*'G h. ' .Jane Lee..a.D. 3, 3cx 3521
W*'G Jane Lee                                  h
'#i 00U"go?C'k
                                                                                                        .-                      .'.       ..
.-Q\'n glQ% f. * ;.. :,*-v W Etters, PA 17319 v N/w 938-662S.s ; i_._._  
a.D. 3, 3cx 3521                           '#i 00U"go?C'k Etters, PA 17319 Q\
./=----'-.R M F"+f:*:.j h?UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                                                                          % f. * ;..
                                                                                                                      -v     'n W :,*
glQ v
Docket No. 50-289 g-2)i++.,)C (Three Mile Island Unit No.1 E-5:===-ff !!CERTIFICATE CF SER7 ICE
                                                                                                                    /w                 N 938-662S                                                     .s ; i
=::=.I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing docu=ent(s)
_.             _             ._
:=-upon each person designated on the official service list compiled by
-the Office of the Secretary of the Co==1ssion in this proceeding in 35 .accordance with the require =ents of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2 -
E..l.Rules of Practice, of the Nuclear Regulatory Co ission's Rules and p.@-~Regulations.
                                                                                                    =                           ---
[._E"~::-E Date, at Washi:gton, D. C. this
.! ---f day oE h),$ Lb 197
          -                         '                 -                                                                 .R M F"+
?.:..._....":: ".,] j Nar..8 i..ul uw ,J mx='pf fice of the secretary of the Co==1ssion
;:3.;'. . .a..e4 m' '1 169 3::==:..b[E...* :5.e...._m 6 ee e e--p , e*  
j                                                                           h?
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                                                   !.{.
)Decket No. (s) 50-289)(Three Mile Island, Unit 1)
NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                                 g _.
))))')SERVICE LIST Ivan W. S=ith, Esq., Chair =an Ellyn Weiss, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Shedon, Earmon, Roiscan and Weiss C.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission 1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 5.06 Washington, D.C.
In the Matter of                                     }                                                               -
20555 Washington, D.C.
20006 Dr. Walter H. Jordan President's -Co==ission on the 381 West Outer Drive Accident at Three Mile Island Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37330 2100 M Street, N.W.
** *Dr. Linda W. iittle 5000 Her=itage Drive h as Guuskv Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Bureau of Radiation Protection Department of Enkironnental Resources Counsel for NRC Sta,, P.O. Box 2063 Office of the Executive Legal Director Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission v.Washington, D.C.
MZTROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY, ET AL. ]                 Docket No. 50-289                                             g-2
20555 Honorable Mark Cohen 512 E-3 Main Capital Building Metropolitan Edison Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 AT3: Mr. J.G. Earbein ice PresMent Robert L. Raupp, Esq.
    .                              ,                    )                                                               i++
2*0* 3C* N2 Assistant Solicitor Feading, Pennsylvania 19603 Knupp and Andrevs P.O. Box P George F. Trowbridge, Esq.
C (Three Mile Island Unit No.1                         )
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108 Shaw, Pite=an, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 X Street, N.W-Mr. John E. Minnich, Chair =an Washington, D.C.
20036 Dauphin County Board of Co issioners Cauphin County Courthouse Rarin i. Carter, Esq.
Front and Market Streets Assistant Attorney General Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 505 Executive House 2357 Walter W. Cohen, Esq.
CERTIFICATE CF SER7 ICE                                                               ff !!
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Consu=er Advocate Office of Consu=er Advocate Strawberry Square, 14th Floor Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17127
                                                                                                  .                        =::=
'l 170 e--%.  
I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing docu=ent(s)                                                 :=-
/..i=...,-50-289 (2)
upon each person designated on the official service list compiled by                                                 -
~.. ..n.c4rd and earties continued:
the Office of the Secretary of the Co==1ssion in this proceeding in                                                 35 .
j Ms. Jane Lee Mr. Paul Carrick R.D. #3, Box 3521 17 South 29th Street Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Mr. Marvin I. Lewis Karin P. Sheldon, Esq.
accordance with the require =ents of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2 -                                               E..l       .
6504 Bradford Terrace Sheldon, Harmon, Roissan and Weiss Philadelphia , Pennsylvania -- 19149 1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 506 Washington, D.C.
Rules of Practice, of the Nuclear Regulatory Co ission's Rules and                                                   p.@-         ~
20006 Robert Q. Pollard, Esq.
Regulations.                                                                                                         [._      ~
Chesapeake Energy Alliance Ms. Marjorie M. Aamodt 609 Montpelier Street R.D. #5 Baltinore, Maryland 21213
._Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19_320 Theodore A. Adler, Esq.
E Date, at Washi:gton, D. C. this                                   .                                                 ! ---
f           day oE   h),$ Lb 197                     .
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pf fice of the secretary of the Co==1ssion                                             ;:3.;
                                                                                                                                . . .
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In c: , Matter of                           )
METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY, ET AL.         )     Decket No. (s)     50-289
(Three Mile Island, Unit 1)                )
                                              )                     '
SERVICE LIST Ivan W. S=ith, Esq., Chair =an                   Ellyn Weiss, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board               Shedon, Earmon, Roiscan and Weiss C.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission               1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 5.06 Washington, D.C. 20555                           Washington, D.C. 20006 Dr. Walter H. Jordan President's -Co==ission on the 381 West Outer Drive                               Accident at Three Mile Island Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37330                       2100 M Street, N.W.
                                                              * *
* Dr. Linda W. iittle 5000 Her=itage Drive h as Guuskv Raleigh, North Carolina 27612                   Bureau of Radiation Protection Counsel for NRC Sta,,
Department of Enkironnental Resources Office of the Executive Legal Director P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
: v. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission Washington, D.C. 20555                           Honorable Mark Cohen 512 E-3 Main Capital Building Metropolitan Edison Company                     Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 AT3: Mr. J.G. Earbein ice PresMent                           Robert L. Raupp, Esq.
2*0* 3C* N2                                     Assistant Solicitor Feading, Pennsylvania 19603                     Knupp and Andrevs P.O. Box P George F. Trowbridge, Esq.                       Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108 Shaw, Pite=an, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 X Street, N.W-                             Mr. John E. Minnich, Chair =an Washington, D.C. 20036                       Dauphin County Board of Co issioners Cauphin County Courthouse Rarin i. Carter, Esq.                           Front and Market Streets Assistant Attorney General                       Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 505 Executive House P.O. kr 2357                                     Walter W. Cohen, Esq.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120                   Consu=er Advocate Office of Consu=er Advocate Strawberry Square, 14th Floor Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17127
l   170 e-           -%.
                                          /                             ..
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.. ..
j                      50-289 (2) n.c4rd and earties continued:
Ms. Jane Lee                             Mr. Paul Carrick R.D. #3, Box 3521                       17 South 29th Street Etters, Pennsylvania 17319               Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Mr. Marvin I. Lewis                     Karin P. Sheldon, Esq.
6504 Bradford Terrace                   Sheldon, Harmon, Roissan and Weiss Philadelphia , Pennsylvania -- 19149     1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 506 Washington, D.C. 20006 Robert Q. Pollard, Esq.
Chesapeake Energy Alliance               Ms. Marjorie M. Aamodt 609 Montpelier Street                   R.D. #5 Baltinore, Maryland 21213               ._Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19_320 Theodore A. Adler, Esq.
Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.
Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.
Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz For Parr and Cunningham and Adler, PC 2320 North Secend Street P.O. Box 1547 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 Dr. Chauncey Kepford Mr. Stephen S. Miller Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud R.D. 92 Environnental Coalition on Conestoga, Pennsylvania 17516 Nuclear Power 433 Orlando Avenue
For Parr and Cunningham                Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz and Adler, PC 2320 North Secend Street               P.O. Box 1547 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110         Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 Dr. Chauncey Kepford                     Mr. Stephen S. Miller Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud                   R.D. 92 Environnental Coalition on               Conestoga, Pennsylvania 17516 Nuclear Power 433 Orlando Avenue                                   .
.State College, Pennsylvania 16801 7 Ms. Frie'a Serryhill
State College, Pennsylvania 16801 7
)-}[Coalition for Nuclear Power Plant Postponenent 2610 Grendon Drive
Ms. Frie'a Serryhill Coalition for Nuclear Power Plant                                 [
-Ci1=ington, Delaware 19808
2610 Grendon Drive Ci1=ington, Delaware 19808                                 \
* dolly $. Keck Legislation Chai. an
* dolly $. Keck Legislation Chai. an
~A"GRY 245 West Philadelphis Street York, Pennsylvania 17404
.Mr. Steven C. Shelly 304 South Market Street Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 John A. Levin, Esq.
A"GRY 245 West Philadelphis Street York, Pennsylvania 17404
Pennsylvania Public Utility Co-*=sion P.O. Box 3265 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 D ll"D*D 7~~d 1.o.a. _ _.. .}}
Mr. Steven C. Shelly 304 South Market Street Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 John A. Levin, Esq.
Pennsylvania Public Utility Co-*=sion P.O. Box 3265 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 D ll"D       *D     7~~
d         o      1.     .a
                                                                                    . .
                                  . _ _     .}}

Revision as of 13:53, 19 October 2019

Amend to Petition to Intervene Per Aslb 790918 Order. Requests Alteration of Status from Limited Appearance to Full Party.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/1979
From: Jun Lee
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19210C381 List:
NUDOCS 7911140179
Download: ML19210C403 (5)


. . .




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(~hree Pdle Island Nuclear )

Station, Unit No. 1) a...

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Cn September 13, 1979, the Atenic Safety and :icensing 3 card anncunced precedures for filing petitions and amendnents to intervene prier to the opening of Bree F.ile Island, Unit 1. Se final date for anendnents was


listed on Page 2 as Cctober 22, 1979 (


'.~nen I criginally petitioned the Nuclear Eegulatory Ccnnissien c intervene.

I was not aware of so nany ground rules. 2erefore, this is an anendnent to ny criginal inte:ventien and a specific request to alter the res;cnse frca the Atenic Safety and Licensing 3 card indicatir.g there would be "no objection" ;c ny interven .icn pursuant to 10 C.F.E. 2.713 (a) by Metre;clitan Idiscn ~c. (limited appearance) .

2.e pur;cse of y petition to intervene is net emotier2.1 rhetoric but *c .

presen before -he 3 card relevant and substantiated evidence prier to :ne rendering cf a final decisien fer recpenir- Unit 1. S.erefore , 1. is vi ta' that .y s atus te altered frca 10 C.=.: . , ~715 (a) (linited a ;e=rancel u 10 C..=.R. 2. 7 14- (a) (litira icn' D

  • r-

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011 0 179

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Cetober 15. 1979 Petition to intervene pursuant to 10 0.F.?. 2.714 (a) instead of 10 0.F.F..

2.715 (a). (please note this request for charge).


to intervene flows frc= Section lc9 (a) of the Atenic I.nerc Act.

' 2 I.i.S.C. 2239 (a) that requires the Oc: issien to ad-it as a par y "any persen whose interest nay be iffected by the ;receedins." Fursuan: tc this, I wish to in*.ervene cc behalf of nyself en the followird cententions :

1. I reside within three siles of Sree Mlle Island.
2. Medical and Environ en'a.1 infernation indicatird -the feasibility or prudence of pursuir4 the e,peration of nuclear ;cwer at the Three Mlle Island Station. ,

a) Birds b) Ta:1 1.ninals c) Flant Life



- (

3 Ya.lfunctions of Unit 1 prior to the Unit 2 accident.

I will take the position that aTf resumption of nuclear power plants in the vicinity of 22ee !!ile Island will intensify the en-scir4 detrinental effects on the er.vironnent and aninals. These adverse condi-icns will increase the degenerati.4 health problens for the aninals and eventually affect the hunan populous in the sane szen. .

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Ceteter 15, 1979 2.e foregoing facts are t:a and accurate to the best of my know.' edge and belief.

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SIONATJF E 3r.=a L. 5:x.;;.:I; ny 2.vic SI~NATJI E// ~ Jane Lee it. r et 2.v I.'. ;.. f: . u ,. Pt

';y Cc. .:n::. :.1 ix; n I:: . : .;31




C ':. *"a . '

. m u* ~. C~r 2 :. '., b~ CE I hereby certify that I have this day served copies of the attached Jane Lee Petition /Anendment to Intervene by first class U.S. Pf1, postage prepaid, tc the following: '.,





Secretary tf the Cceniscien U.S. Nuclear Eer.:latory Ccanission

'4ashirven, E. C. 20555 ATT: Chief, "ccheting & Serivce Section Executise Legal Cirecter U.S. Nuclea.: Eerf.ater.v Con =1scien p. Ns

'dashingten, D.C. 2C533 s 0) oe .-

Cecrge F. Newbri4e, Espuire N

, "7.c -d Shaw, ?ittnan, Fotts and Mcw':::-i4e -

Ncy3 # W 18C0 M. Street, N. . b 6 j Q'

Jashin6 ton, D.C. 2CC]6 yQhg , T,', #

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., . B. ox 35 21. E. t. t ers ,.... .......A.. 17319....



... . .

do hereby request penission of the Secretary cf the Unites States Nuclear Regulatorf Cc:=1ssien to participate in testifying at the TMI - I hearings tentatively schedu'ed for Febr;. arf 1, 1980.

My request is based on =edical and environmental infernation garnered by

=e over a three year period. Bis informatien/ reports, signed by all those invclved, encompasses fans within a five-=ile radius of TMI. ~he Veter-inarian, who services this area as well as a three-ccunty area, can con-firm these occurrences.


Secause mest of these findir4s occurred prior to the accident of Unit 2, it is my thcught that perhaps nuclear power plants are emitting more than just radiation and, therefore affecting the wildlife, livestock and the

, i environment itself.

9 Living on a faru has taught =e how precious all life is. Ve are all de-pendent on each other. iihen the anizals begin to weaken s.nd fall, when the birds begin to cisappear, vnen the smaller animals begin to reveal re-productive ; robles ,. this event.tlly threatens the surviaal of man. Due to r.hese and other cccurrences,1 respectfully recuest time to submit this inforsation to the NRC Panel selected for the purpose of deciding the cen-tinued operation of Unit 1 at TMI. ,

1 168 n es 4

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W*'G Jane Lee h

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a.D. 3, 3cx 3521 '#i 00U"go?C'k Etters, PA 17319 Q\

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In the Matter of } -




. , ) i++

C (Three Mile Island Unit No.1 )




. =::=

I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing docu=ent(s)  :=-

upon each person designated on the official service list compiled by -

the Office of the Secretary of the Co==1ssion in this proceeding in 35 .

accordance with the require =ents of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2 - E..l .

Rules of Practice, of the Nuclear Regulatory Co ission's Rules and p.@- ~

Regulations. [._ ~



E Date, at Washi:gton, D. C. this .  ! ---

f day oE h),$ Lb 197 .





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pf fice of the secretary of the Co==1ssion  ;:3.;

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(Three Mile Island, Unit 1) )



) '


SERVICE LIST Ivan W. S=ith, Esq., Chair =an Ellyn Weiss, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Shedon, Earmon, Roiscan and Weiss C.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission 1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 5.06 Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20006 Dr. Walter H. Jordan President's -Co==ission on the 381 West Outer Drive Accident at Three Mile Island Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37330 2100 M Street, N.W.

  • *
  • Dr. Linda W. iittle 5000 Her=itage Drive h as Guuskv Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Bureau of Radiation Protection Counsel for NRC Sta,,

Department of Enkironnental Resources Office of the Executive Legal Director P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120


v. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission Washington, D.C. 20555 Honorable Mark Cohen 512 E-3 Main Capital Building Metropolitan Edison Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 AT3: Mr. J.G. Earbein ice PresMent Robert L. Raupp, Esq.

2*0* 3C* N2 Assistant Solicitor Feading, Pennsylvania 19603 Knupp and Andrevs P.O. Box P George F. Trowbridge, Esq. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108 Shaw, Pite=an, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 X Street, N.W- Mr. John E. Minnich, Chair =an Washington, D.C. 20036 Dauphin County Board of Co issioners Cauphin County Courthouse Rarin i. Carter, Esq. Front and Market Streets Assistant Attorney General Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 505 Executive House P.O. kr 2357 Walter W. Cohen, Esq.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Consu=er Advocate Office of Consu=er Advocate Strawberry Square, 14th Floor Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17127


l 170 e- -%.

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.. ..

j 50-289 (2) n.c4rd and earties continued:

Ms. Jane Lee Mr. Paul Carrick R.D. #3, Box 3521 17 South 29th Street Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Mr. Marvin I. Lewis Karin P. Sheldon, Esq.

6504 Bradford Terrace Sheldon, Harmon, Roissan and Weiss Philadelphia , Pennsylvania -- 19149 1725 I Street, N.W., Suite 506 Washington, D.C. 20006 Robert Q. Pollard, Esq.

Chesapeake Energy Alliance Ms. Marjorie M. Aamodt 609 Montpelier Street R.D. #5 Baltinore, Maryland 21213 ._Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19_320 Theodore A. Adler, Esq.

Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.

For Parr and Cunningham Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz and Adler, PC 2320 North Secend Street P.O. Box 1547 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 Dr. Chauncey Kepford Mr. Stephen S. Miller Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud R.D. 92 Environnental Coalition on Conestoga, Pennsylvania 17516 Nuclear Power 433 Orlando Avenue .

State College, Pennsylvania 16801 7

Ms. Frie'a Serryhill Coalition for Nuclear Power Plant [




2610 Grendon Drive Ci1=ington, Delaware 19808 \


  • dolly $. Keck Legislation Chai. an


A"GRY 245 West Philadelphis Street York, Pennsylvania 17404


Mr. Steven C. Shelly 304 South Market Street Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 John A. Levin, Esq.

Pennsylvania Public Utility Co-*=sion P.O. Box 3265 Earrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 D ll"D *D 7~~

d o 1. .a

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