W3F1-2020-0026, (Waterford 3): Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report - 2019
ML20118D298 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Waterford |
Issue date: | 04/27/2020 |
From: | Wood P Entergy Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
W3F1-2020-0026 | |
Download: ML20118D298 (45) | |
~ Entergy W3F 1-2020-0026 April 27, 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report - 2019 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)
Docket No. 50-382 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-38 Attached is the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of Entergy Operations, Inc.
17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-3093 Tel 504 464 3786 Paul Wood Manager - Regulatory Assu ranee Waterford 3 January 1 through December 31, 2019. This report is submitted pursuant to the Requirements of Waterford 3 Technical Specification Sections and 6.14.2.c.
This report contains no new commitments. Please contact Paul Wood, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (504) 464-3786 if you have questions regarding this information.
Respectfully, PW/llb
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report - 2019 cc: NRC Region IV Regional Administrator NRC Senior Resident Inspector-Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit NRC Project Manager Entergy Legal, General Sr Councel
Attachment to W3F 1-2020-0026 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (43 pages)
Plant: Waterford 3 Page 1 of 43 YEAR: 2019 Document Number: 50-382 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 2 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report TABLE OF CONTENTS
........................................................................................................................ 3 2.0 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................. 4 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS........................................................................................................... 14 4.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS................................................................................................................ 16 5.0 SOLID WASTE
...................................................................................................... 19 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT TO MAN.......................................................................................... 22 7.0 METEORLOGICAL DATA......................................................................................................... 25 ATTACHMENTS - Revised Offsite Dose Calculation Manual..................................................................... 33 - Revised Process Control Program................................................................................ 34 - Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs....................................................................... 35
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 3 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Waterford 3 is a single unit Combustion Engineering nuclear steam supply plant. Both liquid and gaseous effluents are released in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report is submitted as required by Waterford 3 Technical Specification It covers the period from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, where the plant had an average power level of 74.2%.
Information in this report is presented in the format outlined in Appendix B of Regulatory Guide 1.21 and in Section 5.8.1 of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (UNT-005-014).
The information contained in this report includes:
A summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid wastes released from the plant during the reporting period.
A summary of the meteorological data collected during 2019.
Assessment of radiation doses due to liquid and gaseous radioactive effluents released during 2019.
A discussion of Unplanned/Abnormal releases that occurred during the reporting period.
A submittal of changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Process Control Program during this reporting period.
A discussion of why required radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation was not returned to service within the time specified.
A discussion of any instances in which effluent samples were not collected within the required frequency.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 4 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.0 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 2.1 Regulatory Limits The ODCM (by reference) and the Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) (directly) contain the limits to which Waterford 3 must adhere. Because of the "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) philosophy at Waterford 3, actions are taken to reduce the amount of radiation released to the environment. Liquid and gaseous release data show that the dose from Waterford 3 is considerably below the ODCM/TRM limits. This data reveals that the radioactive effluents have an overall minimal dose contribution to the surrounding environment. The following are the limits required by the ODCM:
- 1.
Fission and activation gases:
- a.
Noble gases dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following:
Less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the total body Less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin
- b.
Noble gas air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following:
- 1)
Quarterly Less than or equal to 5 mrads gamma Less than or equal to 10 mrads beta
- 2)
Yearly Less than or equal to 10 mrads gamma Less than or equal to 20 mrads beta
- 2.
Iodine, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days.
- a.
The dose rate for Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following:
Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ
- b.
The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following:
- 1)
Quarterly Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ
- 2)
Yearly Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 5 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 3.
Liquid Effluents Dose
- a.
The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas shall be limited to the following:
- 1)
Quarterly Less than or equal to 1.5 mrem total body Less than or equal to 5 mrem any organ
- 2)
Yearly Less than or equal to 3 mrem total body Less than or equal to 10 mrem any organ
- 4.
Total Dose (40CFR190)
- a.
The annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to the following:
Less than or equal to 25 mrem, Total Body or any Organ except Thyroid.
Less than or equal to 75 mrem, Thyroid 2.2 Maximum Permissible Concentrations
- 1.
Fission & Activation Gases, Iodines, and Particulates with Half Lives > Eight (8) Days For gaseous effluents, maximum permissible concentrations are not directly used in release rate calculations since the applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose rate at the site boundary.
- 2.
Liquid Effluents The concentration of radioactive material released from the site to unrestricted areas shall be limited to ten times the concentration specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases.
For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the total concentration released shall be limited to 2.0E-4 microcuries/ml.
2.3 Average Energy
- 1.
This is not applicable to Waterford 3 effluent specifications. E-Bar is not required to be calculated from effluent release data. The average energy (E-Bar) for the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) is supplied as additional information in the report further below.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 6 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.4 Measurements & Approximations of Total Radioactivity
- 1.
The quantification of radioactivity in liquid and gaseous effluents was accomplished by performing the sampling and radiological analysis of effluents in accordance with the requirements of Tables 4.11-1 and 4.11-2 of the Technical Requirements Manual (TRM).
- a.
Fission & activation gases For continuous releases, a gas grab sample was analyzed at least monthly for noble gases using gamma spectroscopy. Each week a Gas Ratio (GR) was calculated according to the following equation:
GR Average Weekly Noble Gas Monitor Reading Monitor Reading During Noble Gas Sampling The monthly sample analysis and weekly Gas Ratio were then used to determine noble gases discharged continuously for the previous week. For gas decay tank and containment purge batch releases, a gas grab sample was analyzed prior to release to determine noble gas concentrations in the batch. In all cases, the total radioactivity in gaseous effluents was determined from measured concentrations of each radionuclide present and the total volume discharged
- b.
Iodines and Particulates Iodines and particulates discharged were sampled using a continuous sampler which contained a charcoal cartridge and a particulate filter. Each week the charcoal cartridge and particulate filter were analyzed for gamma emitters using gamma spectroscopy. The determined radionuclide concentrations and effluent volumes discharged were used to calculate the previous week's activity released.
The particulate samples were composited and analyzed quarterly for Sr-89 and Sr-90 by a contract laboratory (Teledyne Brown Engineering). Particulate gross alpha activity was measured weekly using gas-flow proportional counting techniques. The determined activities were used to estimate effluent concentrations in subsequent releases until the next scheduled analysis was performed.
- c.
Tritium Tritium is collected by passing a known volume of the sample stream through a bubbler. The collected samples are analyzed by liquid scintillation. Grab samples of continuous releases were analyzed at least monthly, and containment purge batch releases are analyzed prior to release. The determined concentrations were used to estimate tritium activity in subsequent releases until the next scheduled analysis was performed.
- d.
Carbon-14 Carbon-14 release rates were estimated using the annual Carbon-14 production rate obtained from the Waterford 3 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), a gaseous release fraction of 98%, a Carbon-14 carbon dioxide fraction of 30%,
and 292 days equivalent full power operation. Release of Carbon-14 was assumed to be continuous. The default Carbon-14 release from the FSAR for 80% full power days was used instead of 74.2% to impart conservatism.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 7 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- e.
Liquid Effluents For continuous releases, samples were collected weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy. The measured concentrations were used to determine radionuclide concentrations in the following weeks releases. For batch releases, gamma analysis was performed on the sample prior to release.
For both continuous and batch releases, composite samples were analyzed quarterly by a contract laboratory (Teledyne Brown Engineering) for Sr-89, Sr-90, and Fe-55. Samples were composited and analyzed monthly for tritium and gross alpha using liquid scintillation and gas flow proportional counting techniques, respectively. For radionuclides measured in the composite samples, the measured concentrations in the composite samples from the previous month or quarter were used to estimate released quantities of these isotopes in liquid effluents during the current month or quarter when the analysis results became available.
The total radioactivity in liquid effluent releases was determined from the measured and estimated concentrations of each radionuclide present and the total volume of the effluent discharged.
- f.
Estimated Total Error Present Estimates of measurement and analytical error for gaseous and liquid effluents are calculated (bound by a conservative estimate of 25%) as follows:
Where: Er = total percent error E1... En = percent error due to calibration standards, Laboratory analysis, instruments, sample flow, etc.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 8 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.5 Batch Releases:
2.5.1 Liquid
- 1.
Number of batch releases: 72
- 2.
Total time period for all batch releases: 19645 min
- 3.
Maximum time period for a batch release: 359 min
- 4.
Average time period for a batch release: 272.8 min
- 5.
Minimum time period for a batch release: 161.0 min
- 6.
Average stream flow during periods of effluent release into flowing streams: 847485 f3/s 2.5.2 Gaseous
- 1.
Number of batch releases: 10
- 2.
Total time period for all batch releases: 6453 min
- 3.
Maximum time period for a batch release: 3773 min
- 4.
Average time period for a batch release: 645.3 min
- 5.
Minimum time period for a batch release: 2 min 2.6 Abnormal Releases 2.6.1 There were no abnormal releases during the reporting period.
2.6.2 Liquid
- 1.
Number of releases: 0
- 2.
Total Activity (Ci) released: N/A 2.6.3 Gaseous
- 1.
Number of releases: 0
- 2.
Total Activity (Ci) released: N/A 2.7 Non-routine, Planned Discharges
- 1.
There were no non-routine, planned discharges for the reporting period.
2.8 Radioactive Waste Treatment System Changes
- 1.
During the reporting period, no major changes were made to any Radioactive Waste Systems. All major changes to Radioactive Waste Systems are included in Waterford 3s FSAR updates.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 9 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.9 Land Use Census Changes A land use census was last performed in 2018. The land use census performed in 2018 did not identify the need for any changes to locations being used for effluent dose calculations or radiological environmental sampling.
2.10 Effluent Monitor Instrument Inoperability Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Specifications and require reporting in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report of why designated inoperable effluent monitoring instrumentation was not restored to operability within the time specified in the Action Statement.
Gaseous Waste System (GWM) Radiation Monitor (PRMIRE0648)
Time Required by Specifications to Restore Operability: 30 Days Period of Inoperability: 11/18/2018 to 2/14/2019 (88 Days) and 7/26/2019 to present (> 269 days)
Batch releases performed with monitor out of services: (1) 1/13/2019 13:13 to 1/16/2019 12:38 (71 hours8.217593e-4 days <br />0.0197 hours <br />1.173942e-4 weeks <br />2.70155e-5 months <br />)
Cause of Inoperability: The radiation monitor was declared out of services while attempting to discharge a Gas Decay Tank on 11/14/2018 because proper sample flow (2.0 scfm) could not be established. Sample flow would rise to 1.8 scfm upon discharge, however sample pump would trip due to inadequate flow.
Reason Operability Not Restored Within Allotted Time: Following troubleshooting the radiation monitor sample pump was verified functional on 1/27/2019. However, on 1/15/2019 a scheduled electrical bus outage during Refuel 22 caused a communication loop fault which extended the time to fully restore the radiation monitor. Radiation monitor functional tests were performed satisfactorily during the period of inoperability, and ACTION requirements of TRM table 3.3-13 were implemented during release of the Gas Decay Tanks of 1/13/2019 to 1/16/2019. On 7/26/2019, the radiation monitor exhibited an Operate Failure locked in due to flow issues. No releases have occurred during this period of inoperability.
Steam Generator Blowdown Continuous Composite Sampler (BD MVAAA 30313)
Time Required by Specifications to Restore Operability: 30 Days Period of Inoperability: 1/18/2018 to 11/5/2019 (656 days)
Batch releases performed with monitor out of services: 24.85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br /> total 1/6/2019 01:09 to 1/6/2019 05:49 (280 minutes) 1/6/2019 09:59 to 1/6/2019 15:58 (359 minutes) 1/6/2019 20:56 to 1/7/2019 00:10 (194 minutes) 1/28/2019 05:24 to 1/28/2019 09:02 (218 minutes)
Cause of Inoperability: A 60 dpm leak was discovered downstream of BD MVAAA30313, Blowdown Proportional Sample Valve, and it was assumed that the valve must be leaking by its closed seat and therefore unreliable with regard to providing the required sample volume when the BD Composite Sampler is placed in service.
Reason Operability Not Restored Within Allotted Time: The reason that the sampler was not repaired was because the sample valve was obsolete and could not be replaced. However, further assessment of the sampler revealed that functional tests were satisfactory, and the monitor was still capable of delivering a proportional sample. The ACTION requirements of TRM table 3.3-12 were implemented during releases from Steam Generator Blowdown during the equipment unavailability period.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 10 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.11 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes
- 1.
There were no changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, UNT-005-014, in 2019.
2.12 Process Control Program (PCP) Changes
- 1.
There were no changes to the Process Control Program, EN-RW-105, in 2019.
2.13 NON-REMP Groundwater Monitoring Results (NEI 07-07)
- 1.
Groundwater wells were monitored at Waterford 3 during 2019 as part of the NEI Groundwater Protection Initiative; these samples are not part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Sampling of the ten installed wells was conducted on a quarterly basis. All results were less than minimum detectable activity for gamma emitters and tritium during 2019. A summary of all groundwater monitoring well sample results for 2019 is presented below:
2019 Groundwater Analysis Results (pCi/L)
Sample Date Time Well Tritium Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 I-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 3/13/2019 9:21 MW-3 564.00
< 4.04 6.91 9.59 6.18 11.81 7.02 11.02 8.99
< 7.95
< 6.67 34.08 12.08 6/6/2019 9:55 MW-3 581.00
< 5.55 5.71 11.02 6.97 9.01 4.58 8.73 10.29
< 5.65
< 5.89 26.55
< 9.36 9/12/2019 8:15 MW-3 545.00
< 8.48 7.44 16.92 7.87 18.82 8.95 13.31 11.30
< 7.28
< 8.06 35.79
< 9.97 12/12/2019 8:35 MW-3 530.00
< 5.52 6.34 12.70 5.32 14.30 5.78 9.59 9.07
< 7.13
< 6.60 19.70 12.50 3/13/2019 10:30 MW-4 563.00
< 6.20 7.58 14.85 6.22 18.39 7.97 12.76 13.64
< 7.97
< 8.28 38.55 11.02 6/6/2019 13:20 MW-4 585.00
< 6.63 7.12 13.32 7.41 16.04 7.21 12.61 10.05
< 5.07
< 7.79 32.34 11.76 9/12/2019 9:20 MW-4 550.00
< 7.49 6.10 14.83 6.73 15.85 7.43 10.94 9.61
< 6.60
< 7.88 28.35
< 9.95 12/12/2019 9:47 MW-4 528.00
< 6.14 5.81 10.20 6.77 14.30 5.59 11.90 9.82
< 6.54
< 6.53 33.90 12.30 3/12/2019 18:11 MW-5 556.00
< 7.60 7.78 18.17 9.39 19.12 7.34 7.93 12.60
< 5.98
< 6.20 29.70 11.42 6/6/2019 17:05 MW-5 583.00
< 5.89 7.04 12.30 8.77 13.87 6.94 11.30 11.86
< 7.00
< 6.47 28.51
< 9.57 9/11/2019 17:45 MW-5 544.00
< 7.50 6.43 14.83 8.67 16.51 6.96 11.01 10.70
< 7.72
< 6.93 33.33 12.55 12/12/2019 14:18 MW-5 538.00
< 7.71 6.81 11.30 7.34 19.30 8.54 12.10 13.40
< 8.04
< 8.61 37.50 12.40 12/12/2019 14:50 MW-5 Dup 535.00
< 6.90 7.12 13.00 6.95 16.20 8.28 11.20 12.50
< 7.49
< 6.23 30.30 11.70 3/13/2019 12:22 MW-6 560.00
< 6.39 6.63 18.01 6.14 13.65 6.68 12.43 12.44
< 7.55
< 4.49 32.10 11.41 6/6/2019 17:55 MW-6 586.00
< 5.27 5.34 11.69 7.64 10.69 5.84 8.70 8.29
< 7.76
< 6.31 30.18
< 6.38 9/12/2019 11:21 MW-6 543.00
< 7.42 7.75 14.10 9.16 18.72 9.25 14.28 12.03
< 8.80
< 8.50 35.40 10.72 12/11/2019 15:50 MW-6 528.00
< 5.16 6.50 8.44 5.34 10.40 6.62 10.30 8.94
< 4.70
< 5.18 25.40
< 8.57
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 11 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2019 Groundwater Analysis Results (pCi/L)
Sample Date Time Well Tritium Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 I-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 3/13/2019 11:40 MW-7 554.00
< 5.40 5.40 15.11 8.14 13.85 7.20 13.22 12.80
< 6.41
< 8.69 27.62 11.08 6/7/2019 7:45 MW-7 576.00
< 7.34 7.25 13.75 7.78 13.44 9.43 13.97 14.78
< 8.77
< 6.42 30.98 13.20 9/11/2019 13:55 MW-7 553.00
< 7.83 7.31 10.99 8.75 16.45 7.20 11.82 10.66
< 8.34
< 5.88 26.15 11.19 9/11/2019 14:30 MW-7 Dup 539.00
< 5.49 6.53 16.89 10.73 10.70 8.17 14.38 8.27
< 6.29
< 9.43 33.35 11.75 12/11/2019 14:35 MW-7 534.00
< 4.70 4.34 10.20 4.18 8.35 5.16 8.35 7.26
< 5.13
< 4.50 21.70
< 6.05 3/12/2019 14:12 MW-8 490.00
< 5.76 5.89 13.56 5.21 13.13 6.00 9.25 10.99
< 6.46
< 6.94 29.45 10.66 6/7/2019 8:45 MW-8 583.00
< 6.59 6.63 17.29 6.49 13.78 5.79 10.16 10.06
< 7.56
< 6.31 29.96 11.53 6/7/2019 9:15 MW-8 Dup 580.00
< 7.50 7.16 13.79 7.34 16.23 6.97 11.48 10.41
< 8.72
< 6.44 35.64
< 9.90 9/11/2019 16:22 MW-8 545.00
< 9.31 7.66 18.38 9.55 19.08 12.42 14.63 13.39
< 8.35
< 8.67 40.15 12.52 12/11/2019 13:41 MW-8 522.00
< 4.46 4.66 10.40 5.10 9.35 5.32 7.81 7.80
< 5.78
< 4.67 22.10
< 7.89 3/12/2019 14:55 MW-9 496.00
< 5.84 6.14 12.79 5.55 12.49 6.55 11.37 10.75
< 6.41
< 6.03 30.43 11.77 6/7/2019 10:20 MW-9 573.00
< 5.85 5.80 9.44 5.44 12.13 6.82 11.11 12.18
< 7.12
< 6.06 29.63
< 9.90 9/11/2019 15:30 MW-9 541.00
< 8.44 6.89 15.41 6.25 13.84 6.33 9.62 10.99
< 8.36
< 6.44 38.34 10.61 12/11/2019 12:50 MW-9 534.00
< 6.28 6.51 12.90 7.59 11.00 7.09 12.00 8.61
< 5.70
< 6.87 23.90 11.50 3/12/2019 15:40 MW-10 487.00
< 5.48 5.58 11.60 5.74 11.61 6.42 11.04 10.60
< 6.46
< 6.63 28.18 10.34 3/12/2019 16:00 MW-10 Dup 494.00
< 6.82 7.17 12.64 5.81 12.55 7.42 13.57 13.30
< 7.57
< 6.91 31.61 11.55 6/6/2019 14:45 MW-10 583.00
< 8.03 6.95 15.91 9.69 20.17 6.72 11.84 12.79
< 7.81
< 8.04 31.46
< 7.57 9/12/2019 10:32 MW-10 548.00
< 9.47 8.49 18.16 11.74 14.00 10.60 11.60 12.80
< 9.12
< 8.38 35.73 14.64 12/12/2019 11:10 MW-10 530.00
< 6.41 6.90 12.90 7.38 12.30 7.81 11.10 10.10
< 8.28
< 5.88 29.60
< 7.50 3/12/2019 16:40 MW-11
< 495
< 6.25 6.73 15.06 10.52 10.20 5.46 10.94 12.35
< 5.12
< 8.18 29.02 14.54 6/6/2019 15:40 MW-11
< 585
< 6.42 5.71 11.23 2.39 15.45 7.45 8.11 13.73
< 7.50
< 5.54 30.07
< 9.67 9/12/2019 12:25 MW-11
< 550
< 7.74 6.67 15.73 6.55 14.99 6.73 8.76 10.11
< 7.64
< 5.94 26.56 10.03 12/12/2019 12:35 MW-11
< 527
< 5.31 5.21 11.80 7.89 11.90 6.25 9.50 9.03
< 6.97
< 5.31
< 2.83
< 8.96 3/12/2019 13:10 MW-12 526.00
< 6.53 6.47 14.72 5.92 12.09 6.66 14.61 12.35
< 4.77
< 7.44 31.24 11.07 6/6/2019 8:35 MW-12 578.00
< 6.81 5.39 11.50 6.14 10.26 5.79 11.79 10.25
< 7.35
< 5.69 32.05
< 9.11 9/11/2019 12:00 MW-12 552.00
< 8.23 7.61 12.17 7.45 18.32 8.93 14.60 10.60
< 8.83
< 7.07 36.97
< 9.00 12/11/2019 11:42 MW-12 531.00
< 6.09 5.91 11.00 5.70 14.30 7.60 13.20 10.70
< 7.24
< 6.27 32.00 10.80
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 12 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.14 Unprotected Outside Storage Tank Radioactivity Limit
- 1.
Technical Specification 3/ specifies that the quantity of radioactivity contained in each unprotected outdoor storage tank be maintained less than or equal to 7.85E-04 Curies (excluding tritium and dissolved and entrained noble gases). At no time during the reporting period was this value exceeded.
2.15 Gaseous Storage Tank Total Radioactivity Limit
- 1.
Technical Specification 3/ specifies that the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank be maintained less than or equal to 8.5E+04 Curies noble gas (considered as Xe-133 equivalent). At no time during the reporting period was this value exceeded.
2.16 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
- 1.
It was discovered on 3/15/2020 that windspeed direction in section 7.1 was incorrect.
Windspeed direction in Tables 14-20, on the 2018 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, states NWN but should read of WNW. The affected pages in their entirety are in of this report.
- 2.
It was discovered on 4/17/2020 that information regarding radiation monitor inoperability was omitted from the 2018 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. The following should have been included in Section 2.10:
Gaseous Waste System (GWM) Radiation Monitor (PRMIRE0648)
Time Required by Specifications to Restore Operability: 30 Days Period of Inoperability: 11/18/2018 to 2/14/2019 (88 Days)
Batch releases performed with monitor out of services: (1) 12/20/2018 16:11 to 12/22/2018 16:34 (32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br />)
Cause of Inoperability: The radiation monitor was declared out of services while attempting to discharge a Gas Decay Tank on 11/14/2018 because proper sample flow (2.0 scfm) could not be established. Sample flow would rise to 1.8 scfm upon discharge, however sample pump would trip due to inadequate flow.
Reason Operability Not Restored Within Allotted Time: A radiation monitor functional check was performed on 12/8/2018 with satisfactory results. However, the ACTION requirements of TRM 3.3-13 were implemented during release of Gas Decay Tank C from 12/20/2018 to 12/22/2018.
The affected pages in their entirety are in Attachment 3 of this report.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 13 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2.17 Other Information
- 1.
Unavailability of REMP Milk Samples Due to the unavailability of three milk sampling locations within five kilometers of the plant, Broad Leaf sampling is performed in accordance with Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Table 3.12-1. Milk is collected, when available, from the control location and one identified sampling location as indicated in UNT-005-014, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Attachment 7.13.
- 2.
Activity Released Via Secondary Pathways The following secondary release paths were continuously monitored for radioactivity:
The Hot Machine Shop Exhaust (AH-35),
Decontamination Shop Exhaust (AH-34),
The RAB H&V Equipment Room Ventilation System Exhaust (E-41A and E-41B);
- and, The Switchgear/Cable Vault Area Ventilation System (AH-25).
Continuous sampling for these areas is maintained to demonstrate the operability of installed treatment systems and to verify integrity of barriers separating primary and secondary ventilation systems. Sampling for these areas was limited to continuous particulate and iodine sampling and monthly noble gas grab sampling. The activity released via these secondary pathways resulted from routine operations and remained below significant levels.
- 3.
Missed Effluent Samples Per TRM Section 4.11, continuous charcoal cartridge and particulate sample is required weekly. Samples shall be changed at least once per seven days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing or removal from sampler.
Plant Stack A and B particulate and charcoal samples were collected on 4/30/2019 (for week of 4/23/2019 - 4/30/2019), and only Plant Stack B was analyzed on 4/30/19. On 5/2/2019, it was discovered that Plant Stack B rad monitor did not have flow due to particulate pump replacement work until 4/26/2019; Plant Stack A did have flow the entire time period. The analysis for Plant Stack A (removed from sampler on 4/30/2019 at 11:21) was completed on 5/2/2019 12:38, 49.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> after being removed from the sampler vice the required 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. Both samples had no detectable activity. Minimum detectable activities were less the required LLDs per TRM.
- 4.
Reactor Coolant System Average Energy (E-Bar)
Reactor Coolant System E-Bar calculations were performed on 7/14/2019 and 12/15/2019 with values of 0.0651 and 0.0257 Mev/disintegration, respectively. Reactor Coolant System E-Bar is supplied for information only and is not used for effluent dose calculations.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 14 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3.1 Gas Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Table 1, Gaseous Effluents-Summation of All Releases - Waterford 3 A.
Fission & Activation Gases Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2
Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Est. Total Error %
- 1.
Total Release Ci 2.68E+00 2.00E-01 4.54E-02 4.74E-02 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average release rate for the period Ci/sec 3.45E-01 2.55E-02 5.71-03 5.97E-03 B.
- 1.
Total Iodine - 131 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average release rate for the period Ci/sec 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.
- 1.
Particulates with half-lives > 8 days Ci 1.34E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average release rate for the period Ci/sec 1.73E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 D.
- 1.
Total Release Ci 2.88E+01 1.15E+01 9.37E+00 1.02E+01 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average release rate for the period Ci/sec 3.71E+00 1.46E+00 1.18E+00 1.28E+00 E.
- 1.
Total Release Ci 5.41E-01 3.27E+00 3.04E+00 3.28E+00
- 2.
Average release rate for the period Ci/sec 6.95E-02 4.16E-01 3.82E-01 4.13E-01
% of limit is on the Radiological Impact on Man Table
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 15 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Table 2, Gaseous Effluents - Ground Level Release - Batch Mode - Waterford 3 Radionuclide Released Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Fission Gases Ar-41 Ci 3.85E-01 2.00E-01 0.00E+00 4.32E-02 6.28E-01 Xe-133 Ci 8.15E-02 0.00E+00 4.54E-02 4.20E-03 1.31E-01 Total for Period Ci 4.66E-01 2.00E-01 4.54E-02 4.74E-02 7.59E-01 lodines Total for Period Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Particulates Total for Period Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Tritium H-3 Ci 8.86E-01 4.15E-01 1.26E+00 1.83E-01 2.74E+00 Gross Alpha Alpha Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Table 3, Gaseous Effluents - Ground Level Release - Continuous Mode - Waterford 3 Radionuclide Released Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Fission Gases Ar-41 Ci 2.22E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E+00 Xe-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Total for Period Ci 2.22E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E+00 lodines Total for Period Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Particulates Co-58 Ci 2.83E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.83E-06 Co-60 Ci 3.35E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.35E-07 Cr-51 Ci 6.47E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.47E-06 Nb-95 Ci 2.56E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.56E-07 Os-191 Ci 2.32E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.32E-06 Ru-103 Ci 1.23E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.23E-06 Total for Period Ci 1.34E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.34E-05 Tritium H-3 Ci 2.80E+01 1.11E+01 8.10E+00 1.00E+01 5.72E+01
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 16 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 4.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 4.1 Liquid Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Table 4, Liquid Effluents-Summation of All Releases - Waterford 3 A.
Fission & Activation Products Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Est. Total Error %
- 1.
Total Release (not including tritium, gases or alpha)
Ci 7.98E-03 7.61E-03 6.40E-03 4.20E-03 2.50E+01 2
Average diluted concentration during period Ci/mL 2.65E-10 3.38E-10 1.63E-10 1.63E-10 B.
- 1.
Total Release Ci 2.19E+02 7.46E+01 5.36E+01 8.73E+01 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average diluted concentration during period.
Ci/mL 7.26E-06 3.31E-06 1.37E-06 3.4E-06 C.
Dissolved & Entrained Gases
- 1.
Total Release Ci 1.29E-03 2.21E-05 1.84E-04 2.62E-04 2.50E+01
- 2.
Average diluted concentration during period Ci/mL 4.28E-11 9.84E-13 4.69E-12 1.02E-11 D.
Gross Alpha Activity
- 1.
Total Release Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E+01 E.
Volume Of Waste Released (prior to dilution)
Liters 2.77E+07 7.24E+06 1.19E+07 8.57E+06 F.
Volume Of Dilution Water Used During Period Liters 3.02E+10 2.25E+10 3.93E+10 2.57E+10
% of limit is on the Radiological Impact on Man Table
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 17 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Table 5, Batch Mode Liquid Effluents -Waterford 3 Nuclides Released Batch Mode Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Ag-110m Ci 2.12E-05 5.03E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.62E-05 Br-82 Ci 0.00E+00 7.66E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.66E-06 Co-57 Ci 0.00E+00 8.13E-06 7.38E-06 0.00E+00 1.55E-05 Co-58 Ci 4.57E-03 2.09E-03 1.15E-03 4.24E-04 8.23E-03 Co-60 Ci 3.94E-04 1.22E-03 1.10E-03 8.65E-04 3.58E-03 Cr-51 Ci 1.09E-03 6.12E-04 0.00E+00 4.01E-05 1.74E-03 Fe-55 Ci 6.19E-04 1.02E-03 1.60E-03 2.29E-03 5.53E-03 Fe-59 Ci 2.96E-05 1.36E-04 4.32E-05 0.00E+00 2.09E-04 H-3 Ci 2.19E+02 7.45E+01 5.36E+01 8.73E+01 4.34E+02 I-131 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.54E-05 0.00E+00 4.54E-05 I-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.51E-05 0.00E+00 1.51E-05 Mn-54 Ci 7.56E-06 9.49E-05 3.95E-05 6.87E-05 2.11E-04 Nb-95 Ci 8.61E-05 8.86E-04 4.02E-04 2.64E-04 1.64E-03 Ni-56 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.67E-06 1.67E-06 Sb-124 Ci 1.59E-04 8.41E-05 7.71E-05 0.00E+00 3.20E-04 Sb-125 Ci 9.60E-04 9.48E-04 1.73E-03 1.12E-04 3.75E-03 Sn-113 Ci 0.00E+00 1.39E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.39E-05 Zn-65 Ci 0.00E+00 5.46E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.46E-05 Zr-95 Ci 2.80E-05 4.28E-04 1.91E-04 1.35E-04 7.82E-04 Total for Period Ci 2.19E+02 7.45E+01 5.36E+01 8.73E+01 4.34E+02 Xe-133 Ci 1.24E-03 2.21E-05 1.64E-04 2.62E-04 1.69E-03 Xe-135 Ci 4.76E-05 0.00E+00 2.00E-05 0.00E+00 6.76E-05 Total for Period Ci 1.29E-03 2.21E-05 1.84E-04 2.62E-04 1.76E-03
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 18 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Table 6, Continuous Mode Liquid Effluents - Waterford 3 Nuclides Released Continuous Mode Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Ag-110m Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Br-82 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Co-57 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Co-58 Ci 4.70E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.70E-06 Co-60 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cr-51 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Fe-55 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Fe-59 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 H-3 Ci 1.50E-01 1.87E-02 2.62E-02 3.07E-02 2.62E-01 I-131 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 I-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Mn-54 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Nb-95 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ni-56 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Sb-124 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Sb-125 Ci 8.85E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.85E-06 Sn-113 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Zn-65 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Zr-95 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Total for Period Ci 1.50E-01 1.87E-02 2.62E-02 3.07E-02 2.26E-01 Xe-133 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-135 Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Total for Period Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 19 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 5.0 SOLID WASTE
5.1 Solid Waste Shipped Offsite for Burial or Disposal (Not Irradiated Fuel) 5.1.1 Types of Waste Table 7, Types of Solid Waste Summary - Waterford 3 Types of Waste Total Quantity (m3 )
Total Activity (Ci)
Est. Total Error (%)
- a. Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator bottoms, etc.
7.23E+01 4.59E+02 2.50E+01 Waste Class A
6.64E+01 6.63E+00 B
5.95E+00 4.53E+02 C
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Unclassified 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
- b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equip, etc.
6.10E+02 1.29E+00 2.50E+01 Waste Class A
6.10E+02 1.29E+00 B
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Unclassified 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
- c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc.
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E+01 Waste Class A
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 B
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Unclassified 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
- d. Other - Used Oil 1.64E+01 1.12E-01 2.50E+01 Waste Class A
1.64E+01 1.12E-01 B
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Unclassified 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 20 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 5.1.2 Estimate of major nuclide composition (by waste type) only >1% [Note 1} are reported.
Table 8, Major Nuclides - Waterford 3 Major Nuclide Composition Curies
- a. Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator bottoms, etc.
Be-7 8.17 3.77E+01 Mn-54 10.49 4.83E+01 Fe-55 28.87 1.33E+02 Co-58 17.79 8.20E+01 Co-60 20.60 9.49E+01 Ni-63 8.80 4.05E+01 Zn-65 2.57 1.19E+01 Cs-137 1.39 6.42E+00
- b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equip, etc.
C-14 1.19 1.55E-02 Cr-51 9.75 1.27E-01 Fe-55 9.76 1.27E-01 Co-58 60.25 7.84E-01 Co-60 3.71 4.83E-02 Ni-63 6.08 7.91E-02 Zr-95 1.36 1.77E-02 Nb-95 2.30 2.99E-02 Cs-137 4.14 5.38E-02
- c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc.
None N/A N/A
- d. Other H-3 45.25 5.09E-02 Fe-55 6.21 6.98E-03 Co-58 3.91 4.40E-03 Co-60 4.97 5.58E-03 Ni-63 30.79 3.46E-02 Cs-137 7.27 8.17E-03
[Note 1] - Major" radionuclide is equivalent to a principle radionuclide, i.e. greater than 1 percent of total activity.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 21 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 5.1.3 Solid Waste Disposition Table 9, Solid Waste Disposition (Specify Site or Unit)
Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 24 Hittman Transport Energy Solutions, Bear Creek 5
Hittman Transport Energy Solutions, Gallaher Rd 1
Hittman Transport Energy Solutions, Memphis 1
Hittman Transport Energy Solutions LLC.
1 Hittman Transport Resin Solutions, Erwin Table 10, Irradiated Fuel Shipments Disposition (Specify Site or Unit)
Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination None N/A N/A
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 22 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT TO MAN 6.1 10CFR Part50, Appendix I Evaluation Table 11, Dose Assessment - Waterford 3 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Annual Liquid Effluent Dose Limit, Total Body 1.5 mrem 1.5 mrem 1.5 mrem 1.5 mrem 3 mrem Total Body Dose 3.50E-03 7.29E-05 4.27E-05 7.77E-05 3.69E-03
% of Limit 2.33E-01 4.86E-03 2.85E-03 5.18E-03 1.23E-01 Liquid Effluent Dose Limit, Any Organ 5 mrem 5 mrem 5 mrem 5 mrem 10 mrem Maximum Organ Dose 7.21E-03 2.07E-04 1.05E-04 1.32E-04 7.66E-03
% of Limit 1.44E-01 4.14E-03 2.10E-03 2.64E-03 7.66E-02 Gaseous Effluent Dose Limit, Gamma Air 5 mrad 5 mrad 5 mrad 5 mrad 10 mrad Gamma Air Dose 1.54E-02 1.18E-03 1.02E-05 2.56E-04 1.68E-02
% of Limit 3.08E-01 2.36E-02 2.04E-04 5.12E-03 1.68E-01 Gaseous Effluent Dose Limit, Beta Air 10 mrad 10 mrad 10 mrad 10 mrad 20 mrad Beta Air Dose 5.47E-03 4.17E-04 3.02E-05 9.27E-05 6.00E-03
% of Limit 5.47E-02 4.17E-03 3.02E-04 9.27E-04 3.00E-02 Gaseous Effluent Organ Dose Limit (Iodine, Tritium, Particulates with > 8 day half-life) 7.5 mrem 7.5 mrem 7.5 mrem 7.5 mrem 15 mrem Gaseous Effluent Organ Dose (Iodine, Tritium, Particulates with
> 8 day half-life) 2.52E-02 1.00E-02 8.18E-03 8.89E-03 5.23E-02
% of Limit 3.36E-01 1.33E-01 1.09E-01 1.19E-01 3.49E-01
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 23 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 6.2 Dose to Members of the Public Inside the Site Boundary The Member of the Public inside the site boundary expected to have the maximum exposure due to gaseous effluents would be an employee at the Waterford 1 and 2 fossil fuel plants, located in the NW sector at a distance of approximately 670 meters (0.42 miles) from the reactor building.
The doses for such an individual were determined by scaling the full-time occupancy doses due to airborne effluents by the occupancy time due to a normal working year. Based on an assumed occupancy of 25% (40-hour work week) and the fact that all employees are adults, the calculated doses were determined to be 5.85E-03 mrem to the skin 2.19 E-03 mrem to the maximum exposed organ (Lung) 6.19E-03 mrem to the Total Body All doses for receptors inside the site boundary were calculated according to the methodology described in the Waterford 3 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual considering only the inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways.
6.3 Dose to a Member of the Public due to Release of Radioactive Material in Groundwater There were no releases of radioactive material in groundwater during the reporting period; therefore, there was no additional dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC associated with off-site releases of licensed radioactive material via groundwater.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 24 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 6.4 40CFR Part 190 Evaluation for an Individual in the Unrestricted Area Table 12, EPA 40 CFR PART 190 Evaluation Whole Body Thyroid Any Other Organ Dose Limit 25 mrem 75 mrem 25 mrem Dose 5.95E-01 5.95E-01 2.61E+00
% of Limit 2.38E+00 7.93E-01 1.04E+01 Liquid dose, gaseous dose including C14, direct shine from each unit, ISFSI and any other nuclear power related facility within 5 miles of the station are considered when calculating dose compliance with 40 CFR 190 6.5 40CFR Part 190 Calculation Table 13, EPA 40 CFR Part 190 Calculation Unit Total Body Thyroid Max Organ Routine Airborne Effluents[Note 1]
WF3 5.23E-02 5.23E-02 5.23E-02 Routine Liquid Effluents WF3 3.69E-03 3.26E-03 7.65E-03 Airborne Releases of C14 WF3 5.02E-01 5.02E-01 2.51E+00 Ground Water & Storm Drain Totals WF3 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Direct Shine from areas such as dry cask storage, radwaste storage, Equipment Mausoleums WF3 3.72E-02 3.72E-02 3.72E-02 Total 40 CFR 190 Dose WF3 5.95E-01 5.95E-01 2.61E+00
[Note 1]: Routine airborne dose in this table is mrad expressed as mrem. This addition does not represent a real dose and is listed here solely to help demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR 190.
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 25 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 7.0 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 7.1 Joint Frequency Distributions
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 14, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability A Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
0 0
0 0
0 8
14 11 1
0 0
0 34 NNE 0
0 0
0 0
1 5
4 0
0 0
0 10 NE 0
0 0
0 0
18 80 3
0 0
0 0
101 ENE 0
0 0
0 0
0 10 0
0 0
0 0
10 E
0 0
0 0
0 1
2 0
0 0
0 0
3 ESE 0
0 0
0 0
1 2
0 0
0 0
0 3
SE 0
0 0
0 0
2 8
3 0
0 0
0 13 SSE 0
0 0
0 0
5 33 7
1 0
0 0
46 S
0 0
0 0
0 5
17 8
2 0
0 0
32 SSW 0
0 0
0 1
6 5
5 2
0 0
0 19 SW 0
0 0
0 1
6 7
3 0
0 0
0 17 WSW 0
0 0
0 0
2 7
0 0
0 0
0 9
W 0
0 0
0 0
4 1
0 0
0 0
0 5
0 0
0 0
0 2
6 0
0 0
0 8
NW 0
0 0
0 0
2 3
1 0
0 0
0 6
0 0
0 1
1 12 0
0 0
0 0
14 Total 0
0 0
0 3
62 208 51 6
0 0
0 330
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 26 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 15, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability B Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
0 0
0 0
2 15 12 11 0
0 0
0 40 NNE 0
0 0
0 0
6 7
3 0
0 0
0 16 NE 0
0 0
0 2
20 61 5
0 0
0 0
88 ENE 0
0 0
0 0
2 8
2 0
0 0
0 12 E
0 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
2 ESE 0
0 0
0 0
0 3
0 0
0 0
0 3
SE 0
0 0
0 1
4 23 5
0 0
0 0
33 SSE 0
0 0
0 1
10 27 16 2
0 0
0 56 S
0 0
0 0
4 11 29 9
1 0
0 0
54 SSW 0
0 0
1 2
6 8
12 5
0 0
0 34 SW 0
0 0
0 1
14 6
6 0
0 0
0 27 WSW 0
0 0
0 2
6 5
0 0
0 0
0 13 W
0 0
0 0
3 4
2 0
0 0
0 0
9 WNW 0
0 0
0 0
6 4
1 0
0 0
0 11 NW 0
0 0
0 1
2 7
1 0
0 0
0 11 NNW 0
0 0
0 0
5 8
2 0
0 0
0 15 Total 0
0 0
1 19 112 211 73 8
0 0
0 424
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 27 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 16, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability C Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
0 0
0 1
4 13 22 8
1 0
0 0
49 NNE 0
0 0
0 4
13 6
2 0
0 0
0 25 NE 0
0 0
0 4
31 44 4
0 0
0 0
83 ENE 0
0 0
0 1
3 23 3
0 0
0 0
30 E
0 0
0 0
1 3
3 1
0 0
0 0
8 ESE 0
0 0
0 0
0 8
0 0
0 0
0 8
SE 0
0 0
1 1
6 19 4
0 0
0 0
31 SSE 0
0 0
0 1
11 37 12 2
0 0
0 63 S
0 0
0 0
3 6
26 8
4 0
0 0
47 SSW 0
0 0
0 4
4 18 9
10 0
0 0
45 SW 0
0 0
1 6
10 17 5
0 0
0 0
39 WSW 0
0 0
2 6
14 6
0 0
0 0
0 28 W
0 0
0 1
3 15 3
1 0
0 0
0 23 WNW 0
0 0
0 3
12 8
0 0
0 0
0 23 NW 0
0 0
0 1
6 2
2 0
0 0
0 11 NNW 0
0 0
1 5
6 8
3 0
0 0
0 23 Total 0
0 0
7 47 153 250 62 17 0
0 0
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 28 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 17, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability D Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
0 1
0 6
25 76 128 77 15 0
0 0
328 NNE 0
1 4
8 23 68 68 43 10 0
0 0
225 NE 0
0 1
11 26 125 189 27 3
0 0
0 382 ENE 0
0 0
2 4
32 55 22 12 0
0 0
127 E
0 0
1 2
2 14 20 5
4 0
0 0
48 ESE 0
1 1
1 3
13 23 8
4 0
0 0
54 SE 0
0 1
0 9
17 65 19 7
0 0
0 118 SSE 0
0 3
6 14 61 156 51 12 1
0 0
304 S
0 0
1 7
13 57 153 52 19 2
0 0
304 SSW 0
1 0
13 13 48 70 37 18 0
0 0
200 SW 0
1 2
11 15 37 46 15 1
0 0
0 128 WSW 0
0 0
16 18 42 21 3
0 0
0 0
100 W
0 1
3 12 24 29 22 4
0 0
0 0
95 WNW 0
1 1
3 13 38 15 5
0 0
0 0
76 NW 0
1 3
8 7
24 31 10 1
0 0
0 85 NNW 0
0 1
10 14 45 69 34 11 0
0 0
184 Total 0
8 22 116 223 726 1131 412 117 3
0 0
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 29 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 1 Table 18, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability E Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
1 3
6 19 38 78 72 12 0
0 0
0 229 NNE 0
3 10 22 34 109 102 6
0 0
0 0
286 NE 0
0 2
20 37 128 147 17 0
0 0
0 351 ENE 1
0 5
13 12 26 65 26 0
0 0
0 148 E
0 1
9 15 15 34 26 7
0 0
0 0
107 ESE 0
1 4
6 8
25 49 13 0
0 0
0 106 SE 0
3 3
2 19 74 55 14 0
0 0
0 170 SSE 0
1 3
9 39 185 98 3
2 0
0 0
340 S
0 7
5 24 77 131 67 2
0 0
0 0
313 SSW 1
3 8
46 36 39 27 2
0 0
0 0
162 SW 0
8 12 41 22 18 11 1
0 0
0 0
113 WSW 0
1 21 41 23 13 4
0 0
0 0
0 103 W
1 6
20 45 19 17 7
0 0
0 0
0 115 WNW 1
7 08 27 14 5
7 0
0 0
0 0
69 NW 0
2 7
23 18 27 16 1
0 0
0 0
94 NNW 0
2 6
20 24 49 36 1
0 0
0 0
138 Total 5
48 129 373 435 958 789 105 2
0 0
0 2844
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 30 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 19, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability F Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
1 0
5 14 7
8 1
0 0
0 0
0 36 NNE 0
1 3
13 16 14 1
0 0
0 0
0 48 NE 0
0 5
6 7
31 7
0 0
0 0
0 56 ENE 0
1 7
6 6
2 6
0 0
0 0
0 28 E
1 2
1 2
1 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
9 ESE 0
0 5
0 4
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 10 SE 1
0 4
1 7
2 3
0 0
0 0
0 18 SSE 1
2 3
18 43 63 3
0 0
0 0
0 133 S
1 3
14 47 66 24 0
0 0
0 0
0 155 SSW 1
8 30 100 25 2
1 0
0 0
0 0
167 SW 0
15 36 60 11 3
0 0
0 0
0 0
125 WSW 0
28 38 54 9
3 0
0 0
0 0
0 132 W
6 20 24 45 5
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 100 WNW 0
7 15 23 3
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 48 NW 1
7 7
16 6
4 0
0 0
0 0
0 41 NNW 1
5 7
14 8
2 0
0 0
0 0
0 37 Total 14 99 204 419 224 160 23 0
0 0
0 0
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 31 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
- 1.
Period of Record: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- 2.
Elevation: 10 m
- 3.
Total period of calm hours: 0 Table 20, Hours of Each Wind Speed and Direction -Stability G Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction 0.22-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 10.1-13.0 13.1-18.0
>18.0 Total N
1 0
5 5
2 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
13 NNE 0
4 2
1 0
3 0
0 0
0 0
0 10 NE 1
2 3
2 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
0 10 ENE 0
2 0
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 3
E 2
1 3
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 6
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
SE 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
5 15 4
1 0
0 0
0 0
26 S
1 6
3 16 20 5
0 0
0 0
0 0
51 SSW 1
8 14 49 16 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
88 SW 3
14 13 31 8
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 69 WSW 6
37 34 18 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 95 W
8 35 25 36 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 105 WNW 9
19 19 15 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 63 NW 2
6 6
3 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 17 NNW 1
8 8
11 2
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 30 Total 35 144 136 192 66 14 1
0 0
0 0
0 588
Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 32 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 7.2 Stability Class Table 21, Classification of Atmospheric Stability Stability Condition Pasquill Categories Hours (Percentage)
Extremely Unstable A
3.83 Moderately Stable B
4.92 Slightly Unstable C
6.22 Neutral D
31.98 Slightly Stable E
32.98 Moderately Stable F
13.26 Extremely Stable G
Plant Name: Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 33 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 Revised Offsite Dose Calculation Manual N/A
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 34 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 1 of 1 Revised Process Control Program N/A
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 35 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 1 of 7 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 36 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 2 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 37 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 3 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 38 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 4 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 39 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 5 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 40 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 6 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 41 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 7 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 42 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 8 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs
Waterford 3 Year: 2019 Page 43 of 43 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Page 9 of 9 Errata/Corrections to Previous ARERRs