ULNRC-04851, CFR 50.59 Summary Report, July 2001 - December 2002

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CFR 50.59 Summary Report, July 2001 - December 2002
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/2003
From: Shafer D
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML031540549 (27)


Union Electric One Ameren Plaza 1901 Chouteau Avenue PO Box 66149 St. Louis, MIO 63166-6149 314.621.3222 May 23, 2003 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Stop P1-137 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ladies and Gentlemen: ULNRC-04851 wAmeren DOCKET NIJMBER 50-483 UFE CALLAWAY PLANT UNl 1 UNION ELECTRIC CO.



REPORT In accordance with 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2), this letter transmits a report which summarizes the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations of changes, tests, and experiments approved and implemented for activities at Callaway Plant from July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002.

Very truly yours, David Shafer Acting Manager - Regulatory Affairs BFH/mlo Enclosure

' -7 a subsidiary f Ameren Corporation

ULNRC-04851 May 23, 2003 Page 2 cc: .S Nii6l6aIfR1gulatiy'-Commission (Original and 1 copy)

Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Stop P1-137 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Mr. Thomas P. Gwynn Acting Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4005 Senior Resident Inspector Callaway Resident Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8201 NRC Road Steedman, MO 65077 Mr. Jack N. Donohew (2 copies)

Licensing Project Manager, Callaway Plant Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 7E1 Washington, DC 20555-2738 Manager, Electric Department Missouri Public Service Commission PO Box 360 Jefferson City, MO 65102

DOCKET NO. 50-483



REPORT July 2001 - December 2002

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CFR 50.59




In accordance with 10 CFR50.59 (d)(2), the following report was prepared, which provides summarizes of the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations of changes, tests, and experiments approved and implemented for activities at Callaway Plant.

The report covers all 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations that were implemented from July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002. During this period there were 49 changes, tests, and experiments implemented that required a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation.

The majority of these evaluations were processed under the old 10 CFR 50.59 rules, for which it was determined that none of these evaluations involve an unreviewed safety question. The remaining evaluations conducted under the new 10 CFR 50.59 rules concluded that none of the proposed changes, tests, or experiments require a license amendment pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90.

CFR 50.59




  • CMP - Callaway Modification Package
  • RMP - Restricted Modification Package
  • EMP - Exempt Modification Package RFR -Request for Resolution CARS -Callaway Action Request System TM -Temporary Modification TSI -Technical Specification Interpretation W- Work Control Document 2

CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CN 00-044 Change FSAR to reflect current operation of Reactor Coolant Drain Tank.

This FSAR Change Notice revised Chapter 11.2 to reflect the current operating philosophy of the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank. To prevent wear and tear on the Waste Gas system components, the venting of the hydrogen gas cover gas in' the tank has been manually controlled. The tank pressure and level are monitored by Radwaste technicians to ensure the high-pressure alarm is not received. As the water level increases, the pressure also increases. A high tank level is pumped to Radwaste, as needed, which thereby reduces the tank pressure. There were no unreviewed safety question as a result of these changes.

CN 00-046 Revised FSAR section 11 for effluents to be consistent with plant design.

FSAR change notice 00-046 corrected the references for the old 10 CFR 20 to the new 10 CFR 20 requirements and updated the liquid monitor alarm description to describe the existing plant configuration. This change notice did not change the design, operation, or failure modes of any plant equipment beyond those, which have been previously evaluated.

These changes did not adversely impact the safety of the public or the plant. This change notice did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

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CN 99-033 Revise FSAR to remove comparison of relative dose from plant and outside tanks.

FSAR change notice 99-033 removed inconsistencies and provides clarification to the direct radiation dose estimate discussion contained in the FSAR. This change notice did not change the design, operation, or failure modes'of any plant equipment beyond those, which have been previously evaluated. These changes did not adversely impact the safety of the public or the plant. This change notice did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CN 99-059 Correct typographical errors and clarification of requirements in FSAR 16.11.

FSAR change notice 99-059 corrected typographical errors and provides clarification to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program description contained in the FSAR section 16.1 1. This change notice did not change the design, operation, or failure modes of any plant equipment beyond those, which have been previously evaluated. These changes did not adversely impact the safety of the public or the plant. This change notice did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

CMP 00-1008 Install new stainless steel liner plates in the Containment Normal Sumps.

During baseline inspections required by 10 CFR 50.55(a) for ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE pressure boundary components some minor corrosion and deterioration was detected on the liner plate in the Containment Normal Sumps. Since the liner plate in these sumps is frequently subjected to borated water and very difficult to access, new stainless steel liner plates were installed over the top of the original carbon steel liner plates to stop current corrosion and prevent future deterioration of this pressure boundary component. This Formal Safety Evaluation determined that installing these new stainless steel liner plates over the top of the original carbon steel plates did not result in any operability concerns and an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

CMP 00-1016 Install local in-line feedwater Dissolved Oxygen & Corrosion Products Monitor.

This modification installed a oxygen and corrosion monitor within the feedwater process sampling system. Both the process sampling system and chilled water system were modified to support the new monitor. This modification to non-safety, non-special scope, non-Technical Specification equipment was evaluated and did not constitute an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CMP 00-1018 Containment Cooler Coil Replacement.

This CMP replaced the original containment cooler coils with cleanable coils. Additional bracing was added to the cooler frame to maintain seismic qualification considering the use of heavier coils. The carbon steel supply and return header piping was replaced with stainless steel piping and the header vent valves were replaced with new valve of identical design. The coils, cooler frame and associated piping were analyzed and will fumction as required by the original design criteria. This design change restored the original

- containment cooler capacity and did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

CMP 93-1011 Replace & relocate main turbine generator bearing manual fire suppression valve.

This modification replaced the main turbine generator 3-inch manual fire suppression valve with a 4-inch manual fire suppression valve and relocated the valve away from the hazard to a 2-hour fire rated stairwell. The new valve operates in the same manner as the previous valve. The new location does not affect any safety related'components, and the new valve does not interact with any safety related equipment. This change did not represent an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CMP 97-1010 Add hard pipe test connections for the RCS Hot Leg Check Valves.

CMP 97-1010 modified four drain and test connections on the Safety Injection (SI) System injection lines and installed several 1/2" tubing test lines in containment. The 1", non-safety, threaded pipe caps on four existing drain and test connections were replaced with 1/2" tubing, fittings and a tubing cap. In addition to the modification of the drain and test connections, 1/2" non-safety tubing test lines were run from two 1" drain connections on the SI Accumulator charging lines to within 3 feet of the modified test connections on the SI System injection lines. The non-safety test lines will only be attached when performing the leak tests on the applicable RCS PIV's.

The modified test connections were rated for the RCS design conditions and did not affect the function of the existing 1" system pressure boundary or RCPB isolation valves. The modified test connections will weigh less than or equal to the existing connections, therefore, there is no change to the current ASME Code Class 1 stress and fatigue analyses.

In addition, the Reactor Coolant and Safety Injection Systems were not adversely impacted by this modification and remained capable of performing all of their safety functions. An unreviewed safety question was not created by this modification.

FCN #6 of this CMP installed an additional 1/2" vent valve, two pressure gauge rigs and seven 3/4" threaded fittings to the 1/2" test lines installed under Revision A to this CMP.

The modified test lines are still rated for the RCS design conditions and did not affect the function of the existing 1" system pressure boundary or RCPB isolation valves. In addition, the reactor coolant and safety injection systems were not adversely impacted by this modification and remained capable of performing their safety functions. This change did not result in an unreviewed safety question.


-CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CMP 98-1043 Create plant computer points for ESW pump flow loops EFF-0053 and 0054.

This modification package implemented supplemental plant computer indications of Essential Service Water (ESW) flow. This function was generated using safety related circuit cards that have isolation protection to interface with the plant'computer. FSAR Figure 9.2-2 will be updated to show this change. 'The addition of two computer points and the associated hardware did not create a challenge to any plant system important to safety or create any accident scenarios not previously analyzed in the'FSAR.- This change did not create an unreviewed safety question.

CMP 99-1012 Resize restricting orifices EFFOOOO1 and EFF00002.

This modification installed a resized orifice plates in the Essential Service Water (ESW) piping system downstream of the Component Cooling Water (CCW) heat exchangers. The new orifice plates will reduce the pressure drop across associated ESW throttle valves and subsequently reduce the potential for cavitation. The new orifice plates are designed to meet existing system design requirements. The ESW system was not adversely impacted, and remains capable of performing its design function. No unreviewed safety question was created by this change.

CMP 99-1028 WRGM RM80 CPU Board replacement and Firmware revision.

The Wide Range Gas Monitors (WRGM) radiation monitors, GTRE0021B and GTREOOlOB, had their firmware/CPU boards replaced to produce and all "GREEN" light normal status to improve human factors conditions'on the RMI I process radiation monitor panel in the control room. All other functions of the WRGM were unaffected by this change. The evaluation concluded that no unreviewed safety question exists.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY -PLANT 23-May-03 CMP 99-1034 Replacement of ESW backpressure orifices.

This modification provided for the design, fabrication and installation of new Essential Service Water backpressure orifices. This change will increase the ESW system backpressure to minimize vibration and cavitation. The FSE evaluated this modification and through this review determined that the activities preformed under this modification did not increase the consequence or probability of occurrence of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR. Nor will the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than previously evaluated in the FSAR be created. No unreviewed safety question was created by this modification.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 CMP 99-1038 Install NB Bus Voltage correction equipment Revision A of this modification installed non-safety related isolation switches on the secondary side of transformers XNBOI and XNBO2 to allow the future installation of 6 Mvar capacitor banks without the need to remove the XNB transformers from service. The isolation switches are non-safety related, non seismic, and are connected to the non-safety related transformers that power the safety related NB system. The installation of the isolation switches had no adverse impact on the XNBO and XNBO2 transformers or their connection to the NB busses. The switches were installed such that the required physical separation defined in 10CFR50 Appendix A GDC 17 was achieved.

Revision B installed two 6 MVAr non-safety related voltage correction capacitor banks on the secondary side of the non-safety related Essential Safety Features transformers. The 6 MVAr capacitor bank equipment will help assure that the minimum required NB bus voltage established by Calculation ZZ-62, Revision 6 is met for a wider variance in the switchyard grid voltage. PRAER No.00-117 documents that the installation of the capacitor bank equipment will create a net decrease in the core damage frequency when compared to the core damage frequency which could result from an increase probability of a loss of the preferred offsite source due to wider variances in the switchyard grid voltage.

Revision C to this modification package installed automatic load tap changing transformers in place of the existing Essential Safety Features Transformers. The load tap changer automatic control feature was disabled for this phase of implementation. This was required due to the determination of an unreviewed safety question existed with the automatic operation of the load tap changing transformer. The disabling is administratively controlled and will remain in place until the automatic load tap changer operation is approved by the NRC, ORC, and plant manager.

Revision D involved the enabling of the automatic load tap changers (LTCs) feature of the Engineered Safety Features (ESF) transformer XNBO1 and XNB02. The use'of the automatic load tap changer feature was approved by the NRC via Amendment 143. The LTCs works in conjunction with the capacitor banks, installed under revision B, to control the voltage on Class 1E busses NBO1 and NB02.

These modifications will help assure that the minimum required NB bus voltage established by AmerenUE calculation ZZ-62 is met for a wider variance in the switchyard grid voltage.

PRAER No.00-129 documents that the installation of the new transformers with automatic 9

CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 load tap changers coupled with the installed capacitor bank equipment created an insignificant change in the Callaway core damage frequency. This modifications reduced the possibility of a loss of the preferred offsite source due to a degraded voltage given wider variances in the switchyard grid voltage.

No unreviewed safety question was created by these changes.

EMP 98-3006 Replace HP heater high level dump valves.

This modification replaced the #6 and #7 High Pressure Feedwater Heater high level dump valves with new design valves to reduce leakage and improve reliability. The new design will replace a camflex valve with a single port globe valve. This modification did not affect or interface with any safety related components or systems and does not have any safety design basis associated with the portions of the system affected by the modification. This change did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

RMP 00-2007 Install automatic strainers on the discharge of each service water pump.

Modification Package 00-2007 installed automatic strainers in the discharge of the Service Water pumps. The strainers, pumps, and system are not safety related. This change did involve updating of the FSAR Site Addenda. The only impact on safety related equipment is to reduce the fouling of cooled components. During accident conditions, this portion of the system is isolated by the Essential Service Water System. Consequently, this modification did not adversely affect safety-related equipment. This modification did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

RMP 97-2004 Replacement of Auxiliary Boiler Feedwater pump skids RMP 97-2004 replaced the Auxiliary Boiler Feedwater pump skid with a more efficient and reliable pump skid. All components and systems involved in this replacement are non-safety related. Therefore, this change did not create an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RMP 97-2015 Remodeling of the Field Office and Work Control Area.

This modification remodels the current Field Office and Work Control Area to provide a more user friendly work environment. 'The'installation of the new furniture, telephones, gaitronics, carpet, and computer equipment in these areas did not modify any safety related system. The installation was in a non-safety related structure and was performed in accordance with approved design details to assure there'is no adverse impact on safety. This modification did not create an unreviewed safety question.

RMP 99-2011 Construction of sludge lagoon #4 and conversion of lagoon #2 to a wetlands RMP 99-2011 constructed an additional sludge lagoon used for the disposal of the sedimentation created in the plant's water treatment plant flocculators. A sludge lagoon, already full, was connected with the existing wetlands for the-sanitary sewage system and serves as an additional wetland. The wetland effluent is recycled back to the water treatment plant with the supernatant from the sludge lagoons. This change did not adversely affect the existing design or function of the structures, systems, or components important to safety. The modification did not create a nuclear safety or radiological cofncerns and did not affect any accident analyses. Therefore an unreviewed safety question did not exist for this change.

RMP 99-2016 Condensate Polisher Controls Upgrade.

Revision A of the modification implemented the changes to the piping and mechanical components of the Condensate Deminerializer System required to upgrade the deminerializer system's controls to a distributed platform. The control changes will be implemented in revision B of this modification. The affected components provide no safety functions and do not impact any equipment important to safety.

No unreviewed safety question exists nor is created by the actions/activities described in this evaluation.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 IST Program Rev. 21 Revision to Inservice Testing Program.

This evaluation was performed in regard to changes made in revision 21 to the Inservice Testing (IST) program. These changes included removal of partial open stroke testing of check valves EM8926A and B, addition of various safety/relief valves for setpoint testing, and adding relief request AL-02. No plant or system parameters were changed as a result of the changes made by revision 21 to the IST program. This revision did not create an unreviewed safety question.

A supplement evaluation was performed to include in revision 21 a new test technique to satisfy the full stroke requirements of the SI Accumulator check valves EP8956A-D. This additional change did not result in a unreviewed safety question.

RFR 03510 Update Pre-Action Sprinkler System Documentation.

Revision C to this RFR made corrections to fire protection design drawings to clarify the as built configuration. Specifically, the notes stating the condition of the emergency release valves KCXVO261V1 1 and KCXVO262V1 1 for the reactor building cable penetration area are corrected in the drawings. The evaluation deternined that these changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

This change did not create an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 17439 Operability evaluation of the "B" containment cooler motor without space heater The containment cooler motors have a space heater incorporated into them that is energized when the motor is not running. Motor heaters are provided, primarily, for use during storage or long periods of being deenergized (I.e. standby operation).- The heaters provide heat to maintain the motor above ambient conditions to prevent the formation of condensation inside the motor during sudden changes of temperature and humidity. During normal operations, the containment coolers are operated continuously, usually in fast speed, to maintain the containment temperature below 120 degrees F per the Technical

-Specifications. During an Design Basis Accident, the containment coolers are shifted to slow speed and are used in conjunction with the containment spray system to limit the temperature inside containment and thus maintain the pressure below design parameters.

The only time the containment coolers are-deenergized are during refueling outages. During that time, conditions inside containment do not change significantly that would create a condensation problem inside the motor. Therefore, the space heater in the containment cooler motors are not required and the determination of this heater did not affect the functionality or OPERABILITY of the motor. The cooler will operate per design during normal and accident conditions. No unreviewed safety question exists.

RFR 19862 Install sampling valve to the Breathing Air System.

This RFR added a capped 3/8 inch sample valve to the Breathing Air System air receiver instrument header tubing. The sample valve is being installed in the non-safety related portion of the system and will have no affect on safety related components or systems.-

There were no changes to or impact on the original accident analysis. No unreviewed safety question exists for this change.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 20193 Install permanent vent assembly on the CVCS downstream of valve BGV0609.

This RFR replaced the 3/4" 2500# blind flange downstream of vent valve BGV0609 with a modified vent assembly. The modified assembly includes a 3/4" 250011 socket welded flange, a 3/4" pipe to 3/8" tube adapter, a short section of 3/8" tubing, a 3/8" Whitey Severe Service Union Bonnet valve, and another short section of 3/8" tubing with a quick connect end connection. This modification was requested to reduce the time and dose associated with the venting of the Centrifugal Charging Pump (CCP) discharge header.

The modified vent assembly was designed to all Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) requirements and evaluated in accordance with the ASME Code. Through this evaluation, it was found the CVCS is not adversely impacted by this minor, non-safety related, modification and remains capable of performing all its safety functions. An unreviewed safety question was not created by this modification.

RFR 20207 Determine minimum ESW flow requirements for containment coolers.

Per Technical Specification Bases B 3.6.6, surveillance requirement SR, cooling water flow rate to each containment cooling train must be equal to or greater than 4000 gpm upon receipt of a Safety Injection Signal. Systems Engineering has identified a need to reduce the required Essential Service Water (ESW) flow to the containment coolers in order to enhance system flow balance capability and to improve overall system performance.

Engineering evaluation per revision B to this RFR has concluded that a reduction in post-accident ESW cooling flow and/or heat removal capacity for the containment coolers, within the limits specified, did not adversely affect the existing design basis containment pressure/temperature analysis. Reanalysis results showed that current licensing basis peak pressure and temperature remain bounding for all MSLB and LOCA cases. Slight increases in pressure and temperature for the bounding LOCA case, on either side of the curve peaks, have been evaluated by materials/EQ Engineering and found to have no impact on existing equipment qualifications. This evaluation conclude that no unreviewed safety question exists for this change.

Ref: TS BASES CN 00-026 14

CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 20255 Update chilled water valves nornal position.:

This RFR revised the chilled water valve position for the cooling coils in the containment shutdown purge and main steam enclosure HVAC units to facilitate operation consistent with the FSAR. The safety related functions of both systems remained capable of performing the-required design basis functions. The evaluation determined that no unreviewed safety question exists.

RFR 20317 Removal of bracing in the Containment Building to reduce obstructions in walkway This minor modification removed one diagonal platform brace entirely and removed a second diagonal brace and replaced it with a new diagonal brace to remove obstructions in the walkway area at the 2000' elevation of the containment.

The installation meets all seismic I/I design requirements and loading parameters for isolation restraint. The existing plant structures and components were not adversely affected by this modification. The safety evaluation concluded that an unreviewed safety question did not exist for this change.

RFR 20431 Install a new check valve on the Demineralized Water line.

This RFR installed a check valve in the Demineralized Water line upstream of the Desuperheater within the Secondary, Liquid Waste (SLW) System. The installation of the valve did not affect any safety related components and did not affect the operation of the SLW evaporator.

This RFR did not increase the consequence or probability of occurrence of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR. Nor was the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than previously evaluated in the FSAR be created. This RFR did not create an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 20499 Cover floor drain FO 18 in the Fuel Building Truck Bay.

This RFR approved the covering of floor drain F018 located on the west end of the Fuel Building truck bay (Room 6102, elev. 2000). The evaluation concluded that the flood level increase was not significant (0.001 in) with this drain covered. This change did not adversely impact any accident analysis, safety related equipment, or Technical Specifications. An unreviewed safety question did not exist for this change.

RFR 20539 Replace Aux. Re-Boiler relief valve drain line with stainless steel.

This RFR replaced the plugged carbon steel drain line from Aux. Re-Boiler relief valve FBV0958 with stainless steel. This change was made to eliminate the line corrosion which resulted in a no flow condition. The Aux. Re-Boiler is a non safety related system and the replacement of the drain line with stainless steel did not affect any system or operational parameters. This evaluation concluded that the change did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

RFR 20840 Reinsulate the top of the RWST with urethane insulation.

RFR 20840 allowed the installation of a fire resistant urethane material for insulating the roof of the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST). This change added combustible loading to the area. This modification will not prevent safe shutdown of the plant in the event of a fire in the area. This change did not create an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 20862 Revise cold shutdown EQ field for Gammametrics instruments in CEL.

RFR 20862 changed the Callaway Equipment List (CEL) database to reflect that the Gammametrics neutron monitoring system is required to maintain boration for cold shutdown per FSAR Table 5.4A-2. There were no physical changes to the plant by this RFR.' Therefore, this change had no impact on any accident or malfunction evaluated in the FSAR. It was determined that this change did not result in an unreviewed safety question.

RFR 20872 Eliminate 3 radiation monitor inputs to Blowdown and Sample Isolation Signal.

This RFR eliminated inputs to the Blowdown and Sample Process Isolation Signal (BSPIS)

'from process radiation monitor BM-RE-0025, GE-RE-0092, and SJ-RE-0002. Since BSPIS is a non-safety related, non-Technical Specification signal and is not relied upon in any accident analyses, elimination of these monitor's inputs to BSPIS will not impact any accident analyses or Technical Specification Basis. It was concluded that this change did not create an unreviewed safety question.

RFR 20903 RERP dedicated phone line replacement.

This RFR approved the replacement of Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) dedicated phone lines in the Control Room, Simulator, EOF, TSC, BOP Computer Room and added dedicated phone lines to Field Office and Aux. Shutdown Panel room. The RFR updated drawing E-24QE01 and FSAR Figure 9.5.2-1 with information related to the RERP dedicated phone lines. This change had no impact on any structures, systems, components, accident evaluations, or Technical Specifications. This change did not create an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 20955 Removal of 7B HP Feedwater Heater Level Instrument Root Valve.

This RFR removed the 7B High Pressure Feedwater Heater Level Instrument Root Valve, AFV0128. The instruments associated with this root valve were removed under modification 93-3017 but the root valve and tee connection to the instruments were left in line. Valve AFVO128 and the tee connection serve no function, and were removed and replaced with a straight section of equivalent pipe by this RFR.

The new pipe meets the original design parameters for this system. This removal did not increase the consequence or probability of occurrence of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated. Nor did the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than previously evaluated in the FSAR be created. This RFR did not create an unreviewed safety question.

RFR 20957 Adding Gaitronics to the Radwaste Ready Room.

RFR 20957 added a Radwaste Ready Room outside the Radwaste Building. Revision B evaluated the changes required to the public address system (QF) to provide an additional Gaitronics handset in the Radwaste Ready Room. The Gaitronics circuit will be provided from the Radwaste Building. Failure of this Gaitronics handset would be no different than the other handset mounted outside the various power block buildings. The failure of the Gaitronics system would not increase the probability or the consequences of any accident evaluated previously. An unreviewed safety question did not exist for these changes.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 21026 Revise documents to show several SJ system valves as normally closed.

This RFR revised the FSAR and Drawing M-22SJ04 to reflect actual valve position as closed during normal operation for valves SJHV0005, 6, 128, 129, and 133. These valves are operated in their safety position during normal operation. The design function of these valves was not changed in any way. Nor has their operation been change from previous operation. This configuration change was initiated to correctly represent plant configuration. This change was evaluated and detemnined not to adversely affect the post accident sampling system or any of it associated plant systems. No unreviewed safety question existed for these changes.

RFR 21046 Intemal Flooding Evaluation for BIT room.

This RFR performed an internal flooding evaluation for the Boron Injection Tank (BIT)

Room, Auxiliary Building Room 1126. As a result of this evaluation, it was found that the design basis flood level in Room 1126 could be lowered from 12'-2" to 4'-2.75" due to an open drain in the room.

Decreasing the flood level in Room 1126 was a conservative change, which had no adverse effect on safety related equipment in the room. As a result, there were no increases in the possibility, probability or consequences of accident or equipment malfunctions. It was determined that no unreviewed safety question exists for this change.

Ref: FSAR CN 01-016 19


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 21063 Replace plugged service water lines to startup feed pump.

This minor modification replaced the plugged service water supply and return lines that feed the start up feed pump. This modification to non-safety, non-special scope, non-Technical Specification equipment did not adversely impact the service water or feedwater systems.

This modification did not increase the consequence or probability of occurrence of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR.

The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than previously evaluated in the FSAR was not created. No unreviewed safety question was created by this minor modification.

RFR 21125 Revise FSAR safety analysis assumptions for loss of offsite power event.

This RFR revised FSAR sections 15.0.8, 15.0.13, and to make the safety analysis modeling assumptions consistent with those used in the analysis of the loss of offsite power event. Following loss of offsite power with potential for loss of instrument air, letdown and charging isolation valves may subsequently align such that letdown is isolated while charging is initiated. Credit was taken for operator action to ensure the pressurizer PORV's are unblocked following loss of offsite power, to preclude water relief through the pressurizer safety valves. It was determined that this change did not create an unreviewed safety question.

Ref: FSARCNOI-0l0 20

CFR 50.59


REPORT- FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 21144 Incorporate transient combustible limits into combustible loading info. Program This RFR revised the Fire Hazards Analysis to bound the quantities of transient combustibles allowed to be taken into the plant. This change deleted the listing of the values in the FSAR for specific combustible loading in fire areas from the Fire Hazards Analysis and replaced the information with a category of combustibles loading for an area.

The'level of review of a combustible loading change is not lessened. A change in the combustible loading of an area will receive the same level of review by the Fire Protection Engineer as it received prior to this change. This change did not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire. Therefore, this change did not create an unreviewed safety question.

Ref: FSAR CN Ol-005 RFR 21155 Connect the ESFAS and LSELS cabinet together at the cabinet tops.'

RFR 21155, revision A approved the connecting the tops of the five Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) and the three Load Shedding and Emergency Load Sequencing (LSALS) cabinets. The evaluation concluded that'the seismic performance was enhanced due to the increased stiffness of the group of eight 'cabinets and preventing cabinet side-to-side seismic interaction. The safety evaluation concluded that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

RFR 21270 Allow rigging for CCW heat exchanger to remain inplace as permanent rigging.

This RFR approved permanent installation of temporary rigging for the South head of Component Cooling Water (CCW) heat exchanger, EEGOIB. Except for a one-time load test, the rigging will be used only when the heat exchanger is out of service for maintenance. Also this RFR evaluated storage location for the temporary rigging used for the north head of CCW heat exchanger, EEGO IA. The safety evaluation concluded that no unreviewed safety question existed for these changes.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 21290 Replacement of 14" ASME Section III pipe and fittings on the Feedwater System.

Revisions A and B to this RFR evaluated the installation of SA-333 Grade 6 piping and SA-420 GR. WPL6 fittings in lieu of SA-106 Grade B piping and SA-234 GR. WPB (or WPBW) fittings at several different locations in the feedwater System in the Containment Building. The disposition showed that the materials were equivalent in form, fit, and function and that there was no adverse impact on safety. This change did not create an unreviewed safety question.

RFR 21330 Approve alternate equivalent design vent connection downstream of BBV0295.

This RFR evaluated the use of a blind flange on a non-safety related vent piping downstream of safety related pressurizer vent valve BBV0295. The use of a blind flange is a return to original plant design. The blind flange serves an equivalent function to the flanged pipe/cap assembly previously approved for the subject location. The blind flange configuration meets the system pressure and temperature requirements. Material for the blind flange is compatible with the system and there is no adverse impact on the pipe stress analysis. The associated Class 1 drawing will also be changed to reflect the use of the blind flange downstream of BBV0295. This change did not adversely impact any plant system or component and there is no impact on plant safety. The change did not result in an unreviewed safety question.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 RFR 22150 Evaluate input changes to the LONF and LOAC events reanalysis This RFR evaluated the impact of changing the assumed Steam Generator Tube Plugging from 15% to )% for the Loss of Norrmal Feedwater (LONF) and Loss of AC Power events (LOAC) and reduction in flow from the Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (MDAFW) pumps from 500 GPM to 480 GPM. These changes were required in order to support the new acceptance criteria change for MDAFW pump flow rate.

The results of the reanalysis of the LONF and LOAC analysis demonstrated that the design ;1 bases limits for fission product barriers were not exceed or altered. These changes were not considered to be changes to FSAR described methodologies.

The changes in Steam Generator tube plugging was determined to incorporate conservative assumptions with regard to pressurizer overfill concerns. In addition, the changes in MDAFW pump flow rate was determined to meet the acceptance criteria for these analyses.

The reviewed changes did not create an unreviewed safety question.

TM 01-0010 Install jumper across N.O. contacts of failed relay 83-1.

This temporary modification installed a jumper across N.O. contacts of failed relay 83-1, for XMAOIB main transformer cooler groups #1 & #3, to allow operation of all four cooler groups with both power supplies until failed relay 83-1 is replaced. Installation of this temporary modification did not change the failure modes, probabilities or consequences of the loss of the main setup transformers. There was no unreviewed safety question created by the installation of this temporary modification.


CFR 50.59


REPORT FOR CALLAWAY PLANT 23-May-03 TS BASES CN 01-001 Revise TS BASES section pertaining to ECCS for Seal Injection Flow.

This Technical Specification (TS) Bases Change Notice revised wording in TS Bases sections 3.5.5 and SR in support of Licensing Amendment OL #1219. This change eliminated the requirement for flow control valve BGFCV0121 to be fully open, while providing for the use of a centrifugal or normal charging pump to perform surveillance SR for seal injection flow rate. The ECCS system continues to function in a manner consistent with the plant design basis. No unreviewed safety question was created by this change.

Ref: OL # 1219 24