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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML11257A11014 September 2011Certificate of Service for Combined Reply to NRC Staff and Entergy'S Answers in Opposition to Motion to Admit New Contention and for Reply Memorandum Regarding Timeliness and Admissibility of New Contentions
ML11257A10913 September 2011Reply Memorandum Regarding Timeliness and Admissibility of New Contentions Seeking Consideration of Environmental Implications of Fukushima Task Force Report in Individual Reactor Licensing ProceedingsFukushima Dai-Ichi
ML11257A11113 September 2011Riverkeeper, Inc. and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc.'S Combined Reply to NRC Staff and Entergy'S Answers in Opposition to Motion to Admit New Contention Regarding the Fukushima Task Force ReportFukushima Dai-Ichi
License Renewal
ML11228A03011 August 2011the State of New York and the State of Connecticut'S Joint Answer in Opposition to Entergy'S Petition for Interlocutory Review of LBP-11-17License Renewal
ML11217A06629 July 2011Applicant'S Petition for Review of LBP-11-17 Granting Summary Disposition of Consolidated Contention NYS-35/36Fire Barrier
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML11210B41926 July 2011State of New York'S Response to Applicant'S Motion for Clarification of Licensing Board Admissibility Rulings on Contentions NYS-17B and NYS-37
ML11346A30127 June 2011Declaration of Joseph R. Lynch, Lori Ann Potts, and Dr. Kevin R. O'Kula in Support of Entergy'S Answer Opposing Pilgrim Watch Request for Hearing on a New Contention Regarding Inadequacy of Environmental Report, Post-FukushimaSafe Shutdown
High winds
Time to boil
Commercial Grade Dedication
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Aging Management
Operability Determination
License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML11179A09221 June 2011Letter Regarding New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Comments on the NRC Staff'S Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement in the Matter of Indian Point, Units 2 and 3, License RenewalsEarthquake
ML11133A28829 April 2011Indian Point, Units 2 & 3, State Submittal of Letter to Bring Two Recent Documents to Attention of the Board and Parties in Connection with NYS Contention-25Nondestructive Examination
Aging Management
ML11117A14619 April 2011Emergency Petition to Suspend All Pending Reactor Licensing Decisions and Related Rulemaking Decisions Pending Investigation of Lessons Learned from Fukushima Dahchi Nuclear Power Station AccidentBoric Acid
Aging Management
Severe Accident Management Guideline
License Renewal
Hardened vent
Environmental Justice
ML11229A80222 March 2011Supplementary Certification Regarding Consultation
ML11108A10621 March 2011Combined Reply to Staff and Entergy'S Answers in Opposition to Clearwater'S Motion for Leave and Petition to Amend Contention EC-3License Renewal
Environmental Justice
ML11083078018 March 2011State of New York'S Combined Reply to Entergy and NRC Staff'S Answers to the State'S Proposed Contention 37 Concerning NRC Staff'S December 2010 Final Environmental Impact Statement and Its Deficient Analysis of Energy AlternativesLicense Renewal
ML11076018116 March 2011Indian Point - Supplement to NRC Staff'S Answer to Riverkeeper, Inc.'S Motion for Leave to File a New Contention, and New Contention EC-8 Concerning NRC Staff'S Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
ML11075038110 March 2011Entergy'S Response to New England Coalition'S Motion for Stay and Request for Further Opportunity for HearingsAging Management
ML1107000974 March 2011State of New York'S Combined Reply to the Answer of Entergy and NRC Staff to the State'S Proposed Amended Contention NYS-17BLicense Renewal
Exemption Request
ML11067038125 February 2011Combined Reply to NRC Staff and Entergy'S Answers in Opposition to Clearwater and Riverkeeper'S Joint Motion for Leave and Petition to Add New ContentionsFire Barrier
Aging Management
License Renewal
Turbine Missile
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
ML11066042523 February 2011State of New York'S Combined Reply to Entergy and Staff Cross-Motions for Summary Disposition on NYS Combined Contentions 35 and 36 Concerning the December 2009 Severe Accident Mitigation Alternative ReanalysisAging Management
License Renewal
ML11074028623 February 2011State of New York Withdrawal of Request for Enlargement of Page Limitation for the State'S Consolidated Answer to Separate Motions for Summary Disposition on Contention 35/36
ML11056058918 February 2011Applicant'S Answer to Proposed Amended Contention, New York State 17B and the Associated Request for Exemption And/Or Waiver of 10 C.F.R. Section 51.23(b)Boric Acid
Safeguards Contingency Plan
License Renewal
Exemption Request
ML11056027018 February 2011Applicant'S Answer to Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc. and Riverkeeper, Inc.'S New Contentions Concerning the Waste Confidence RuleAging Management
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
ML11046049210 February 2011State of New York Answer in Support of the Admission of Clearwater and Riverkeeper'S Proposed Waste Confidence ContentionsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Aging Management
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
ML1106802123 February 2011State of New York New Contention 12-C Concerning NRC Staff'S December 2010 Final Environmental Impact Statement and Underestimation of Decontamination & Clean Up Costs Associated with Severe Reactor Accident in New York Metropolitan AreaLicense Renewal
ML1102503531 January 2011Pilgrim Watch Reply to Entergy'S Request to Change the Hearing Date
ML11004012527 December 2010Entergy Answer Opposing Pilgrim Watch Request for Hearing on a New ContentionLicense Renewal
ML10363003023 December 2010Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to New England Coalition'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19Aging Management
ML10334032922 November 2010Entergy'S Answer Opposing New England Coalition'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19Aging Management
ML10334032622 November 2010Pilgrim Watch Reply to Order (October 26, 2010) - Questions from Board Majority Regarding the Mechanics of Computing Mean ConsequencesProbabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
ML1030810623 November 2010Response to Pilgrim Watch October 27 Letter Regarding Pilgrim Watch 6th and 7th Supplemental Disclosures
ML10300006022 October 2010State of New York'S Joint Reply to Entergy and NRC Staff'S Separate Answers to the State'S Additional Bases for Previously-Admitted Contention NYS-25Aging Management
ML10301010412 October 2010Applicant'S Answer to Amended Contention New York State 25 Concerning Aging Management of Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel InternalsBoric Acid
Nondestructive Examination
Functionality Assessment
Condition Adverse to Quality
Aging Management
Stress corrosion cracking
License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML1028711338 October 2010Pilgrim Watch Reply to Entergy'S & NRC Staff'S Briefs Regarding Timeliness of Pilgrim Watch'S Raising Averaging Practice Concerns
ML1028802974 October 2010Letter from Martin J. O'Neill Counsel for Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Emile L. Julian Attachments 8 & 13 to Entergy'S Answer to New & Amended Contention New York State 26B & Riverkeeper TC-1B
ML1029101454 October 2010Supporting Attachments to Applicants Answer to New and Amended Contention New York State 26B/Riverkeeper TC-1B (Metal Fatigue)Boric Acid
Finite Element Analysis
High Energy Line Break
Aging Management
Stress corrosion cracking
License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
Dissimilar Metal Weld
Power change
Power Uprate
Thermal fatigue
ML1029101424 October 2010Applicant'S Answer to New and Amended Contention New York State 26B/Riverkeeper TC-1B (Metal Fatigue)Finite Element Analysis
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10280024930 September 2010New England Coalition'S Answer & Opposition to Entergy'S Motion to Strike Declaration of Paul BlanchAging Management
ML10272039921 September 2010Entergy'S Response to Pilgrim Watch'S Memo Re Proposed Schedule
ML10273078821 September 2010Pilgrim Watch'S Reply to Entergy'S Response to Pilgrim Watch'S Memo Regarding Proposed Schedule
ML10273078921 September 2010Memo Regarding Proposed Schedule
ML10272040220 September 2010New England Coalition'S Reply to NRC Staff and Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Opposition to New England Coalition'S Motion to Reopen the Hearing & Reply to NRC Staff'S Answer to Proposed New ContentionAnticipated operational occurrence
Aging Management
ML10301051814 September 2010State of Ny & Riverkeeper, Inc Submittal of Counter Statement of Material Fact, Combined Response to Entergy'S Motion for Summary Disposition of Combined Contentions NYS 26/26A & Rk TC-1/TC-1A, Declaration of Janice A. Dean..Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
Aging Management
License Renewal
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML10260037714 September 2010Entergy'S Answer Opposing New England Coalition'S Motion to ReopenAnticipated operational occurrence
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Aging Management
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML10237121416 August 2010Riverkeeper Opposition to Entergy'S Motion for Summary Disposition of Riverkeeper Technical Contention 2 (Flow-Accelerated Corrosion)Boric Acid
Loop seal
Packing leak
Nondestructive Examination
Aging Management
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Feedwater Heater
License Renewal
Through-Wall Leak
Through Wall Leak
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
ML10230014613 August 2010Entergy'S Answer to Riverkeeper Inc.'S Motion to Compel Disclosure of DocumentsAging Management
ML1022405782 August 2010Applicant'S Reply to the State of New York'S & State of Connecticut'S Combined Reply to Entergy & NRC Staff Petitions for Interlocutory Review of LBP-10-13Aging Management
ML10211008626 July 2010the State of New York'S and State of Connecticut'S Combined Reply to Entergy and NRC Staff Petitions for Interlocutory Review of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Decision Admitting the State of New York'S Contentions 35 & 36 (LBP-10-Aging Management
ML10211044825 July 2010Pilgrim Watch Notice to Commission Regarding New and Significant Information Pertaining to Pilgrim Watch'S Petition for Review of LBP-06-848Anticipated operational occurrence
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10209002419 July 2010Pilgrim Watch 2.206 Petition Regarding Inadequacy of Entergy'S Management of Non-Environmentally Qualified Inaccessible Cables & Wiring at Pilgrim StationAnticipated operational occurrence
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10203005015 July 2010Applicant'S Petition for Interlocutory Review of LBP-10-13Fire Barrier
Met Tower
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10180009328 June 2010NRC Staff'S Opposition to Pilgrim Watch'S Motion Requesting Leave to File Response to Judge Paul B. Abramson Decision on Recusal Motion (June 10, 2010)