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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20058E54830 November 1993Forwards Fr Notice Re NRC 930726 Issuance of Final Rule Concerning Decommissioning Recordkeeping & Documentation for Info
ML20127A6077 January 1993Ack Receipt of 921130 Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B Package.Certificate of Compliance 5908 Terminated & Use of Package No Longer Authorized.New B&W Package Design Currently Under Review
ML20127A9417 January 1993Informs Registered User of Certificate of Compliance (Coc) 5908 That Coc 5908 for Model DOT-6M,Type Packaging Expired. Records Required by 10CFR71.91 to Be Retained for Period of Three Yrs
ML20058E0521 November 1990Notifies That Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B Packaging Expires on 910228
ML20058M5889 August 1990Ack Receipt of Re B&W Continuing Assurance to Pay for Eventual Decommissioning of NRC Licensed Facilities
ML20247K82518 September 1989Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 5908,in Response to 890828 Request
IA-89-346, Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE29 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20246G38729 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20235W9072 March 1989Notifies of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 5908,per 890210 Request
ML20206H99519 June 1986Notification of Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B, in Response to 860606 Request
ML20137Z0725 March 1986Forwards Rev 12 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20154C78226 February 1986Forwards Rev 11 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20153D16218 February 1986Notification of Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B in Response to 860204 Request
ML20137Z66227 September 1985Responds to 850905 Constituent Ltr Re B&W Plants.Latest Eia Prepared for Plants Available in Lpdr in Apollo,Pa.Response to 850729 FOIA Request Encl
ML20136J24813 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR
IA-85-537, Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR13 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR
ML20126C63823 May 1985Ltr to Licensees Informing That Safeguard Event Repts Required by 10CFR73.71,including Unaccounted for Shipments, Suspected Thefts,Unlawful Diversion & Radiological Sabotage Should Be Submitted to Tt Martin,Region I
ML20054M15929 June 1982Notification of Registration as User of Models DOT-6M Type B & NLS-RF in Response to 820521 Request
ML20141C7562 June 1980Ack Receipt of Providing Assurance That B&W Has Capital to Cover Costs of Decommissioning All Nuclear Facilities
ML20141C76425 January 1980Advises That Statement Defining Book Record as Total Plant & Individual Matl Balance Area/Item Control Area Records Should Be Incorporated in Appropriate Sections of Chapters 5 & 6 of Fundamental Matl Control Plan
ML20141C87724 May 1979Submits Info Re Amend Fee for Review of Safeguards Contingency Plan in Response to .Payment of Amend Fee RequestedSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20147J11317 October 1978Forwards Cert of Compliance 5908 Revision 4 for Model DOT-6M Type B Shipping Package.This Cert Supersedes Cert of Compliance 5908 Revision 3.Changes Made Are Noted by Vertical Lines in the Text
ML20141F6911 June 1978Confirms Discussions & Formally Requests Addl Info Re 780517 Application to Withhold App I of Decommissioning Plan (Ref 10CFR2.790).Affidavit Not in Conformity w/10CFR2.790(b)
ML20151P4771 June 1978Notifies That Approval of 780517 & 0414 Requests to Withhold Suppl to App 1 of Decommissioning Plan as Proprietary Not Possible W/O Addl Justification Re Potential Commercial Harm.Specific Responses to Identified Concerns Requested
ML20141F88929 July 1977Notifies of NRC 770823-25 Meetings W/Fuel Cycle Licensees & Transportation Agents Near Richmond,Va to Discuss Proposed Rules 42FR25744 Re Contingency Planning & 42FR34310 Re Upgrading Safeguards in Fuel Cycle Facilities
ML20141F26213 July 1977Notifies That NRC Published for Comment,Proposed Rule That Would Require Licensees Possessing Strategic Quantities of SNM to Develop & Implement Plans for Responding to Threats, Thefts & Sabotage
ML20141G1523 June 1977Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 9002 for Model U-10-CL
ML20141F9913 June 1977Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 5419 for Model UNC-2800
ML20141F9593 June 1977Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 4949 for Model UNC-1484
ML20141H52226 May 1977Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 9009 for Model Fl 10-1
ML20141G1304 May 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 6679 for Model Half Super Tiger
ML20141G01229 March 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 5442 for Model LA-36
ML20141G09029 March 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 6272 for Model Poly Panther
ML20141G10311 March 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 6294 for Model UNC-2901
ML20141G0374 March 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 5768 for Model BB-250-2
ML20141F94518 February 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 4894 for Model NPD-1-528
ML20141F93018 February 1977Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 4824 for Model HA-10
ML20141G83723 June 1976Forwards Insp Rept 70-0033/76-05 on 760505-07 & 13.No Noncompliance Noted.Insp Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20141G05627 February 1976Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20141G85012 February 1976Forwards Documents Re Matl Control Plan Per 760129 Request. Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20141G85411 February 1976Forwards Physical Security Data,Per 760129 Request.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20141C47622 October 1975Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 5442 for Model LA-36.Certificate Supersedes Amend 71-15 to License SNM-145
ML20141G8813 October 1975Discusses 750908-12 Insp of License SNM-696.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Program for Controlling & Accounting for SNM & Exams of Procedures & Records.Insp Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20141C48715 August 1975Issues Rev 1 to Amend 71-26 to License SNM-145,adding Model BB-250-3.B&W Also Registered as User of Model Under Licenses SNM-414 & SNM-1168
ML20141C49110 July 1975Informs of Registration as User of Nuclear Engineering Co Model Poly Panther
ML20141D77313 February 1975Forwards Certificate of Compliance 5908,Rev 0,for Model DOT Spec 6M.Certificate Supersedes Amend 71-16 to License SNM-414
ML20198G7976 February 1975Forwards Certificate of Compliance 6294,Rev 0,for Model UNC-2901
ML20205H59811 October 1974Forwards Interim Guidelines for Preparing Environ Info for Nuclear Facilities Already in Operation,Per Sh Smiley
ML20141C49519 September 1974Advises of Rev 3 to Amend 71-12 to License SNM-145,adding Package Identification Number for Model OR-5
ML20141C50013 September 1974Submits Rev 2 to Amends 71-12,71-13,71-14 & 71-22 to License SNM-145,adding Package Identification Numbers for Models OR-6,OR-8,OR-12 & OR-30