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Forwards Rev 12 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
Person / Time
Site: 07105908
Issue date: 03/05/1986
From: Macdonald C
To: Regan N
Shared Package
ML20137Z078 List:
NUDOCS 8603120477
Download: ML20137Z072 (2)


r 7/-590s' Distribution: w/encls Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ Regions (5)

State Health Official FCTC:CEW CEWilliams 71-5908 RH0degaarden GJackson M0 5 W NMSS R/F FCTC R/F Babcock & Wilcox Company ATTN: Mr. N. A. Regan P.O. Cox 785 e

Lynchburg, VA 24505 Gentlemen:

Enclosed is Certificate of Conpliance t'o S'108. Revision No.12, for the

?!odel flo. DOT-Of Type B shipping package. This certificate supersedes, in its entirety Certificate of Compliance Mo. 5908, P.evision No. 11, dated February 26, 1986.

Changes made to th'e enclosed certificate are indicated by vertical lines in the nargin.

Those on attached list have been registered as users of this package under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 971.12 or 49 CFR 4173.471.

This approval constitutes authority to use this package for the shiment of radioactive raterial and for the package to be shipped in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR 6173.471.


Originni stsned W p: 1. e.ACDosA2 Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Franch Division of Fuel Cycle and t'aterial Safety



Certificate of Compliance fio. 5908, Pev. 12 2.

Approval Record cc w/encls:

Fe, Wendell Carriker Pepartret of Transportation 1



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....3 rac roxu ne no-aos emcu ano OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

i f'odel f'n. r0T-6'1 Type O_ Packr.ging 18 A/990P/!i(lF fddressecs,: w/orcl Ltr dtd:

Babcock f t'ilcox Company Enolls Atonic Laboratory ATTit:

Pr. M. A. Pegan ATTN:

f'r. r. D. Uilliamson P.O. Box 725 P.O. nox 1072 Lynchburg, VA 21905 Schenectady, NY 12301 Pattelle Colunbus Laboratories Monsanto Pescarch Corporation ATTN: "r. Harley L. tov ATTi:-

"r.. lam's A. nooth 505 v.ino Avenue p.n. Goy n, Station R Colur5'is, C41 43201 Daytnn, C't 45407 Pettis Sto1ic Pmer Laboratory Nuclear fuol Services, Irc.


Pr. Lawrence L. Laude ATT":

r, A. M. !'a x in P.O. rox 79 p.0, pox ple Fest f'ifflin, PA 15122 Emin, T"

?7650 renartnent of Enerqv Muclear Sources & services Inc.

ATTt: Pr. Julio L. Torres ATTt'-

Pr. Robert n. c llagher a

09-4 P.O. rox 34042 Uashington, PC 2ngar Houston, Ty 77034 rerartnent of Fnergy n.I. Corcora tion nivision of thval Deactors gyry.

Pr. Pale !!illis ATTN:

"v. U. P. Encel P.O. Fox 20a0 Pashington, OC 20545 Collona Station, TX 77034 "cpartnent of Ener9Y t'nited fluclear Corporatio'1 ATT": "r. C.

F.. ra Mis ATT":

"r. Uilliam F. Virk P. D. Enx 100 67 !andy nesert Ooad rest "ifflin, M 151?2 Uncasville, CT M 3^'

CA Technologies, Inc.

United "iclaa r corporation ATT'!: nr. Veith F. Asmssen ATT'i -

Pr. P. A. Peiro P 0 P0X 25 W Unod River.hinction, DI 0^^04 San nieqo, CA 92131 t'estirabouse Electric Co, ecration Iowa State University ATT*l:

"r. A..l. "ardi ATT'!:

Pr. Fernard I. Soinrad p,q, pox 3rg P:oclear Eno, nent. - ?61 Sw any Pittsburch,

"*s 15231 tm s, IA 50011 sumaw >


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